3 M arianas CVM e ty g Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972

( Vol. 19 N0.86 , MP 96950 l ©1991 January 18.1991 Serving CNMI for 19 Years G ov't to bail out CUC debt, $6M

by Ronel B. Concepcion Guerrero is responding to a Taitano’s letter provides that Company General Manager general public...’’especially letter sent by the CUC Board they need a helping hand to sat­ John Kailey directly brought up those people that can not afford Governor Larry Guerrero ex­ Chairman Jose Taitano, asking isfy the needed account, it added to his attention the C UC ’s situa­ to pay their electric bills." pressed Thursday that his ad­ support from the Governor re­ that they can not sacrifice dis­ tion, having owed the oil com­ He said that they at the gov­ ministration is willing to bail garding “ the seriousness of the continuing important major pany around $6 million. ernment is “ some sort” of subsi­ outthe Commonwealth Utilities utilities corporation’s account projects because of the Gulf Cri­ The Executive Branch already dizing already by way of ab­ Corporation from its $6 million with Shell...the overdue amount sis. haveiton its drawing board, that sorbing the cost of increases of debt with Shell Oil Company. is increasing.” The letter said that the CUC after identifying the area of pos- o il prices...’’which is 1.5 m illion anticipates that the Mideast cri­ sibly getting additional from the time the crisis arised in sis would affect the price of oil, resources...” we are going to in­ August 2 until December 31.” but they do not want to impose clude that CUC account in our Ports asked to use “ sudden rates in power con­ supplemental request to the On the other hand, CUC Ex­ sumption because there are ad­ Legislature.” ecutive Director Ray Guerrero verse consequences...” According to him, they w ill earlier said that they paid security measures According to the communica­ ask the Legislature for their $522,000 to Sh ell more than a tion, CUC right now is doing cooperation and understanding week ago, an amount which they by Ronel B. Concepcion requested that the C PA imple­ good but still needs the assis­ that the CUC “ is in no way out, accumulated from since the in­ ment stricter measures at its tance jn clearing their account if we do not assist them with the stitution of the disconnect- Commonwealth Ports Au­ airports...,” said Tudela in his from Shell, which w ill “ provide additional funding that they re­ deliquents policy. thority Executive Director memo. | the CUC a new direction in its quire to bail them out from their Roman T. Tudela issued According to the document, quest for self-sufficiency.” debt.” CUC’s Guerrero also men­ Wednesday a memorandum the CPA has been asked to Gov. Guerrero said that be­ Guerrero said that his admin­ tioned earlier that whatever col­ addressed to all airport airlines, implementthe ‘approvedairport fore he received the letter from istration w ill be on an all out lection the CUC is generating, tenants and its personnel to contingency plans at Level II/ the CUC... “We have already effort in trying to protect the Shell becomes their first prior­ implement security measures II A,” in the Saipan International been alerted of the situation.” uneccesary burden of the in­ ity when it comes to paying ob­ due to the Gulf Crisis. Airport, International According to him, Shell Oil crease in the price of oil to the ligations. “ Due to escalating conditions Airport, and at the West in the Middle East, the Federal Airport. Aviation Administration has Continued on page 26

Court orders tomorrow Ent. to pay its workers wages

by Teri M. Fibres Thecompany has notonly been sued by its workers TheU.S. DistrictCourthas but, the current management ordered Tomorrow Enter­ has also failed to pay the prise to pay a total of former owner of the com­ $198,904.91 to 32 pany. Bangladesh nationals who On Jan. 10, Superior have been working as sew­ Court Presiding Judge ing machine operators, sew­ Robert Hefner has granted a ers and cuuers in the gar­ writ of execution which al­ ment factory. lows the government to sell U.S. Federal Court Judge the company’s assets that Alex Munson has also w ill satisfy the judgement granted an award to an em­ being asked by Park Hark More than 600 students of W.S. Reyes Elementary School marched across to Hopwood Junior High ployee who claimed that he Yong. Through his counsel School demonstrating against the use of drugs. The students were accompanied by teachers and two had been as-saulted by one police vehicles o f the managers of the com­ Michael A. White, Yong pany. The order also grants filed a lawsuit which the factory workers an claimed that the people who amount which is equivalent brought the factory from House refers budget to the double the amount o f him, paid an amount of salary that has not been given $65,000 in check. The to them. checks bounced. On January 7, Yong was back to committee When asked if she thinks the company still has enough awarded by the Superior by Ronel B. Concepcion should immediately get together with that of rhe assets to satisfy the court’s Court judgement which Senate,.,"so that we can have the 1991 budget,” judgement, the group’s amounts to $76,167.40. Fiscal year 1991 budget was rejected by the ' Guerrero also announced that Cong, Attao win counsel LeciaEason said that Commerce and Labor House of Representatives Wednesday, House b ill now head the committee that will meet with the based on the inventory, the Chief Jack Torres lid that 7-172 goes back again to the conference committee Senate conference committee headed Sen. Patti for deliberation. company has enough money although the Bangladesh Mangipna. to pay the workers. workers have already been The biU, House draft 4, committee draft 1 and Earlier, members«* the Senate said that what they "R ig h t now, I am sitting awarded a judge-ment, most Senatcdraftl, was approved by the members of the hurriedly passed was the Governor's version, con­ on pins and needles because o f them do not have a job at Senateon December 19... ’Is notconsistcnt with the sidering that they are stiil in the process of kmring' · House version,” stressed Cong. Jesus T. Atlao, we still have to wait for 10 the moment. the defects of the 1991 budget. more days before we could Torres said that it is still Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means. Meanwhile, Governor L m y Guerrero have afc Attao then filed & motion to reject the measure, tech-nically enforce the the responsibility o f the De- ready signed into law the 1S#1 fiscal yearfunding other members followed by voting for it. judgement," Eason said. Contlnued on page 26 for the LegislattYe, Judicial branches of the govern­ House Speaker Pedro Guerrero then urged that ment and the Washington Representative’s the conference committee members of the House amounting to about,$?$ miilioa* , , ;j,,; *, * fiEWbV/V/fc i i J X o S T A C K S FRIDAY, JANUARY 18,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANUARY 18.1991 A I I AM A Meeting Place For Our Gov· warns retailers not to increase prices ■ |% V IT ! Opinions. . And Yours “ W e asked our fuel company by Ronel B. Concepcion people of the Commonwealth do not conserve energy, suppliers and gas retailers to use "Please do not restraint...please do not take ad­ CNMI Governor Larry I. everyboby will be faced with the possibility of “ higher utility vantage of this Mideast crisis to Guerrero, in response to the out take advan­ raise your prices unnecessarily,” break of war in the Persian Gulf, rates, reduction in government services, andpower brownouts.” Guerrero mentioned. Ir's Agenda stressed the need for oil and tage of this Guerrero likewise cautioned energy conservation. Presently,CNMI’spowerbill e d it o r ia l by John DelRosario, Jr. is around $1.2 m illion a month, people doing business, that the “ With the war in the Middle which could possibly increase Mideast crisis CNM I has a statute known as East, the Northern Marianas Is­ the Consumer Protection Act that The entire world community Something’s got to give in of this commodity which is by over $2 million a month...”as lands’ o il situation could become prohibits sudden price increase W a r has already broken out in the Middle East has prayed for the peaceful favor of peace. An iota of peace passed on down to consumers. the Mid East crisis to raise yotir even a worse problem for us...” in situations like what is hap­ and the repurcussions will definitely be felt world­ resolution of the Persian Gulf is worth more than a ton of de­ It goes to show that we are continues...which have sur­ Guerrero stressed. prices unnec­ pening now. wide. Crisis. It seems, however, that structive warheads. Let us totally reliant upon fossil fuel prised our budget planning The Governor said he do not He said that people from the Not only will there be a definite increase in oil this alternative has become a thin continue praying for peace. for our basic necessities from process,” he said. anticipate that the CNMI will essarily. AG’s office will be closely prices around the world but, prices of basic thread of hope ready to snap lose transportation to illumination. I experience again the 1973 oil According to Guerrero, 4rafcj#ca(c4c3(ca#ca(ca#rafea#r4v monitoring “ unnecessary price as we watch time tick away by strongly suggest to the private records showed that 60 per cent commodities will also sky-rocket as a result of the crisis, adding that there is a suf­ Gov. Guerrero increases...and there is a penalty the seconds into inferno. A global conflict, especially sector to explore the Japanese of the electrical energy is being increase. ficient supply of oil for the next should anybody take advantage Saddam Hussein’s intransi­ those originating in the Arab market so to procure, i.e., energy few months, “even with a consumed by commercial users, Early this week, Shell and Mobil representatives gence to listen to western of the situation that we are in World, usually turns the word efficient appliances, etc. Japan war...concerned about the in­ like the hotels, stores, garment have assured CNMI officials that they do not solutions to an Arab Problem “ up” into a working vocabulary individual...” to reduce budget today.” is the only nation in the world creasing cost of fuel.” factories, and many other busi­ lishments, such as large hotels, forsee any disruption in the crude oil supply of the has elevated him as an Arab Hero. of every living mortal walking crisis and lessen consumption of He explained that if the Mid­ that has done well preparing for Hepointed out that a fuel price ness establishments. should increase the usage o f their But he also has placed the lives the face of this earth. east crisis becomes more criti­ CNMI. the worst. In its painful days of increase w ill cause a “budget He added that 30 per cent imported o il.” own power generators and de­ of the multitude on the line of a The price o f fuel goes “ up” . * Commercial and government cal, prices of oil w ill definitely Both representatives say that since Shell and reconstruction following the crisis” in the electrical energy goes to resi­ pend less on the government destructive war which is the Ships and airplanes run on fossil power users should reduce the rise...”although our oil supplies Mobil belong to a world-wide company, the CNMI devastation of World War Ü, it govemment...”totally depend dential consumers and the utility during the term of the western solution readily em­ fuel and so when the price of jet use of air-conditioners and water remains constant, we may not be is assured that alternative sources of petroleum included in its agenda the de­ upon imported fuel oil to run our government is spending about Persian Gulf conflicL braced by Arab Countries who fuel goes”up” , airfare too must able to afford the cost of that supplies can be obtained from other parts of the velopment of technology that is power generators, if the cost of 10 per cent. heaters. Guerrero warned that if these have aligned themselves with a go “ up” in order for airlines to * Commercial and government o il.” subsequently translated to energy power plant fuel rises, as it is Guerrerro, after citing the measures are not followed and world. powerful western coalition. stay solvent It’s difficult keep­ power users should minimize the He then asked again for the efficient appliances, air condi­ now doing, we are going to have distribution of power consump­ implemented successfully...”we Although the CNMI has been assured that no As remote as we may be from ing your pockets full when this use of indoor and outdoor light­ cooperation of every individual, tioners, light bulbs, etc. Has to find a lot of additional public tion on the C N M I, summed up may have to resort to other mea­ disruption in services are emminent, energy the Persian Gulf Conflict, our phenomenon, to which we have and also to pray for those taking anybody done this? Not quite! money to keep the lights on.” the followingrecommendations ing. sures to meet the increasing cost interest lies in the participation no control over, becomes the * M ajor commercial estab- part in the war. officials have mapped out ways by which the And for our purposes, I sug­ Guerrero reiterated that if the that needs to be taken by every o f fuel.” public, can help the government in terms of of our children in the front lines order of business. gest that the Northern Marianas conserving energy. of what’s known today as Desert Here at home, we are affected College takes the lead in ex­ The Governor has also come out with a state­ Shield. The parents of these by way of our utility bills in that ploring geo-thermal energy. brave young men and women C U C is no exception to this world After all, most of our islands are ment encouraging everybody to participate in are glued to the tube watching phenomenon. Thus, increase Labor to monitor garments payroll volcanic.. Le t us explore har­ conserving the current supply of energy. every event that unfolds. It is would be temporary. CUC has nessing heat from underground procedure as to how the workers been asked to provide the Com­ have to determine the problem The Labor Chief said that there It will not hurt if we started to heed the call of indeed a mind numbing experi­ no choice in this matter. So let us to operate our power plants. We by Teri M. Flores w ill get their pay. merce and Labor their pay-roll factories first so they could get are also plans to monitor payroll the leaders to start conserving our resources. ence to go through and we share share the burden together. have lots of it and perhaps we Factory officials have also records for the past three months. supervision first. I just hope that disbursements to con-struction our prayers with them in these Commercial gas pumps have won’t need as much fuel after Executive Director for Com­ Perhaps it is also about time that the mass W ith the data on hand, Torres not more than six factories w ill companies and hotels, if the difficult days. also increased gasoline prices. this is established and running merce and Labor Jack Torres transit system be utilized as well as start organiz­ said not only w ill an interview schedule their pay at the same budget permits iL As tensed as the whole world They too have no control over smoothly. A good institution to has issued a memorandum dated ing car pools. be consucted but, there are plans time,” Torres said. He said that he is considering may be, let us not give up hope fossil fuel prices at the world visit that is fueled entirety by January 10 that for the time be­ to test run the payroll with that Torres said that there is a pos­ such measures so as to keep tab Not only will it be an opprtunity to meet friends for a peaceful resolution to the market. This increase forces geo-thermal energy is theOregon ing,· Lab o r o ffic ia ls w ill be and relatives whom we seldom see but, it will also supervising the payrolls in gar­ o f the govem-ment system so as sibility that other garment of companies which are violat­ Persian Gulf Crisis. another increase at the retail end Institute of Technology. ing CNM I Labor sta-tutes. help renew acquaintances and we may also find ment factories in the CNM I. to ascertain whether the data that factories w ill also be investiga­ ted in the next couple of months, Torres said that alien workers ourselves developing new friendships. The memorandum came in has been provided by the com­ light of the recent events which pany is the same as the number regardless of the fact that labor need not be afraid to file a com­ Shutting off the air conditioner will not mean o f hours employees have been cases have been filed against plaint at the Labor Depart-ment that anyone will have to suffer unbearable heat. involved the employees of gar­ ment factories who have asked to work. them. since all information are treated W hat’s a little discomfort. Every drop of oil CX*> Letters to the Editor “ Although investigations have confidential. claim-ed that they are not being Torres said that since there “ W e can help them solve their counts. paid their salaries. are only six labor investiga-tors, already been made by CNMI W e must also start learning how to minimize A letter to the Editor: ence itself. In December, it was society wish to hand on to the Torres has directed garment there is a need to prioritize pay­ and U.S. labor officials, it does problems if they come here and the use of lighting the homes. Lighting should only extremely considerate of C JPA youth, a set of moral values which factories to submit the data re­ ro ll disburse-ments. not mean that we w ill not be tell us their grie-vances. They be used for security and safety purposes. The youth of the CNMI re­ to offer sponsorship for this include honesty, integrity, and garding their payroll, when the “ If factories are going to issue looking into them again. In light are assured that we w ill not dis­ o f the problems we have, we are close any information to To start thinking that turning off uneccessary ceive, on a daily basis, many bad Youth Conference. However, justice? That is for society to last payroll was given. *' date their payroll, and we have more influences and misleading mes­ Mr. James Phillips attempted to decide. However, we the youth than six at one time, we w ill considering it,” Torres said. anybody,” Tor-res said. lights will not only mean a low electric bills but, it sages from society as a whole. alter all the previous planning of are certain that righteous ideals will also be extending a big help to the CUC who But when these influences and the youth committee by insisting should be put forth and not signs needs every drop of oil to run the power plant. messages reach a derogatory that the Youth Conference top­ of manipulative duplicity. Bear in mind that there are other things that level, they become intollerable ics reflect a youth survey taken Although CJPA may have can be done to help our government save energy and cannot be ignored. Such has in February 1990. At first, we pulled out its sponsorship, we Supreme Court rejects Mendiola’s quest not only reduce the budget crisis, but we may also been the case with Mr. James the students, feeling intimidated, are grateful for the perseverance end up with money to pay for the escalating fuel Phillips of the Criminal Justice compromised and agreed to in­ and dedication of the Depart­ by Teri M. Flores Thejudges however found that suppress the confessions before during the interrogation sessions derline mental retardate who was the trial, a waiver has already was not a violation of any consti­ prices so as to assure that the CNMI will not have Planning Agency who seem­ clude some of C JPA ’s suggested ment of Youth Services and the trial court should not have incarcerated for an unrelated ingly attempted to manipulate topics. But when we decided Catholic Social Services in their The CNMI Supreme Court allowed to admit the “bloody been made. tutional provision. homicide charge. disruptions in fuel service. and extort a band of fine young later to stick to our original list commitment to sponsor this rejected Mariano Mendiola’sbid and foulsm elling’’ clothes o f the “ His failure to object to the The judges also ruled that the In a telephone interview, Let us ease the burden for everyone. Conserve students from Mount Carmel of topics, Phillip and C JPA de­ Youth Conference. From the for a new trial by affirming the victim as evidence because “al­ admission of the confessions voluntariness of the confessions •Eason said that she is planning energy. It may mean the difference. School and Marianas High cided to withdraw their beginning, both associations have double murder conviction though irrelevant, they would during the trial is also a waiver were already up to the discretion to appeal the case to the Ninth School. sponsorship of the conference. continued to assist yet not control handed down by the Superior have inflamed the passion o f the by him,” the opinion stated. of the jury. This was stipulated Circuit Court of Appeals. Several months ago, students We, the youth, interpret Mr. and dictate the youth planning Court. ju ry.” The judges stated despite the since several discrepancies re­ ‘Two different decisions from from MCHS and MHS were Philipps’s actions as signs of committe. It is this kind of sup­ In an opinion penned by Chief In her arguments, Mendiola’s fact that one’s inability to read garding Mendiola’s disclosures two trial courts is troubling. c9Marianas cVariety'cHP* called together to form a plan­ manipulation, extortion, and port and guidance that may teach Justice Jose Dela Cruz, Associ­ counsel Lecia Eason contended and one’s reduced mental ca­ have been noted. Among the issues that I w ill try to raise in my appeal is whether Serving the Commonwealth for 19 years ning comm ittee for the 1990-1991 immaturity. the youth how to become mature, ate Justice Jesus C. Borja and that Mendiola’s confessions pacity may have a bearing on a “ They (the jury) have the duty and responsibility to decide or not my client received a fair Published Tuesday and Friday By Younis Art Studio, Inc. Youth Conference. For about Does society wish to give responsible adults. Special Judge Larry Hillblom, i t should not have been admitted person’s susceptibility to coer­ three months, these students the youth examples o f manipu­ was ruled that the trial court did because he was a borderline cion, no violation have been whom to believe. They decided trial,” Eason said. Publishers; lation and extortion? Does mental retardate and that he did made since records show that not to believe the experts,” the The U.S. District Court’s ap­ Abed and Pea Younts struggled hard in taking surveys not err in admitting Mendiola’s of what topics should be dis­ society wish to misguide the /s/Galvin Guerrero confessions despite the fact that not know how to read. there was no police activity in opinion stated. pellate, division has granted a Abed Vounls...... Editor Member of cussed at the Youth Conference youth toward a road of corrup­ Youth Conference Planning no voluntariness hearing has Eason also contended that obtaining the confessions. Mendiola is currently serving new trial on April 30,1990. Terl M. Flores...... Reporter and in coordinating the confer­ tion and deception? OR, Does Committee Member been held prior to accepting his Mendiola’s rights have been Since Mendiola was serving a life sentence for the October In separate hearings, the Su­ Uly O. Ramos...... Reporter The violated since he had no legal time for another crime and that 27, 1987 deaths of Mack and preme Court as w ell as the Ninth Ronel B. Concepcion .Reporter Associated Press disclosures. Letters to the editor are welcome on any subject so long as they hand-signed (no- photocopied The judges also mled that the counsel with him at the time the no formal charges have been Conley who were found at the Circuit decided that the District P.O. Box 231. Saipan MP 96950-0231 ^ .. , ^ signatures, please.) Letters addressed to other publication or to third parties are discourage. trial court did not abuse its dis­ confessions were made. filed against Mendiola in con­ Obyan Beach. Court’s ruling did not count Tel. (670) 234-6341 /7578/9797 M° rl° nas Va[|ety Faxed letters are allowed, so long as there is a voice telephone number for verification. Letters cretion toadmitthephotographs The judges disagreed to nection with the deaths of Mack Expert testimonies from a The case was decided on May Fax; (670) 234-9271 AI1 Rl0hts Reserved endorsing particular political candidates are not encouraged and all letters are subject to editing for psychiatrist and a psychologist 2,1989 by the appellate division length and content. All letters remain the property of the Variety. wherein which Mendiola reen­ Easons’ arguments saying that and Conley, the judges ruled that acts the crime, as evidence. since Mendiola failed to move to the absence of a legal counsel reveal that Mendiola is a bor­ o f the federal court FRIDAY, JANUARY 18,1991--MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS- 5 4-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANUARY 18,1991 Gov't, com m ittee considers Oil suppliers forsee ( Y JÌ) Y.M. BIVI CORPORATIOm no disruption in TEL 234-1115 / 235-5078 w ays to conserve energy FAX: 235-5079 by Teri M. Flores the Committee said that the bers of the committee that their petroleum supply As hostilities continue to group w ill schedule an edu­ companies that there w ill be no # Romantic atmosphere, irresistible menu We Specialize in: escalate in the Persian Gulf, cational campaign designed to uninterrupted supply of oil for by Teri M. Flores definitely increase since cur­ members of the Governor's increase the people's awareness the next 90 days. There is enough supply of rently, the CNMI is already Energy Planning Committee with regard to energy con­ Both B ill Hartman of Shell oil in the CNMI and that there experiencing higher gas prices \\ Savor the moment. are busy mapping out plans by servation. and Leo Campos of Mobil also w ill be no fuel shortage even if at the pumps and for the fuel 4 « è Set the mood. Stir the memories, * Vinyl Flooring for House & Office which the CNM I can conserve "The key word is to assured the committee that in war has already been declared in necessary to generate power. energy. conserve. Everyone must con­ case there is a disruption in ■ss¿: at the Middle East, this was the When asked if a Price e Rool Channel (Beautiful Roof) David Sablan, Chairman of serve power and fuel because if their service, the Governor and assurance given by represen­ Stabilization Council should AQUA RESORT CLUB a Insulation (Energy Saving) the CUC w ill immediately be tatives of the two major be created, Hartman said that he Saipan notified. petroleum distributors in the cannot forsee an added control Sablan said that since the CNMI. to a system that is already a Sun Blind (Vertical, Roll Screen) prices of fuel w ill also affect B ill Hartman, terminal man­ internally and externally the prices of the basic ager of Shell Marianas said that controlled. * various kinds of Flower Pots commodities, oil retailers as he does not forsee any Valentines Day February 14th well as commercial establish­ disruption in the supply of ments w ill be closely moni­ petroleum products in the Join us for a LO VER'S COCKTAIL, * REAL ESTATE BROKER tored to assure that there w ill CNMI. and a memorable DINNER at RARAINA be no price gouging. Hartman said that the CNM I, ★ "Prices of commodities w ill much like Guam, also gets Gooseliver and Aiquilettes of Duckbreast on definitely be affected but, I majority of its crude oil hope that our consumers w ill a Bed of Crisp Greens in Truffle Vinaigrette supplies in Singapore. He said * ★ ★ exercise restraint," Sablan said. that there is no cause for alarm At the moment, Sablan said A Bisque of Silver Salmon with Fresh Dil since Singapore's supply is not that there are no plans to set up ★ ★ ★ only dependent upon Middle a Price Stabilization Council Champagne Sherbet Shell's tanker was recently in the CNMI to off-load several thousand Eastern oil but, that "Singa­ that w ill monitor and set a * Ar ★ barrels of oil assuring the government no disruption of supplies within pore uses a blend of many standard of prices for basic the next 90 days. crude oil products from Chateaubriand of Beef commodities. different parts of the world." (Carved at the Table) we don't do it, it is the CNMI He said that the Consumer's "I am positive in my own with Sauce "Fleurie", Sauteed Mushrooms, government that is going to Protection Division of the Bill Hartman, Terminal Manager mind that Singapore is busily Young Vegetables and "Jackson" Potatoes suffer," Sablan said. Attorney General's Office will of Shell Marianas procuring other sources and * * * In addition, the committee make sure that the rights of the supplies for the amount of "Shell has been in tuned has asked that Governor Larry consumers w ill be protected. Mocca Parfait crude oil that is coming out of with the local government as I. Deleon Guerrero deliver a The commitee was created on with Mango and Strawberries the Middle East, so I actually well as its needs. Shell, retailers ★ * * message encouraging everyone October to examine the po­ THE NORTHERN MARIANAS do not forsee any crisis in have not increased the price of to participate in the govern­ Coffee, Tea or Espresso Mignardises tential impacts to the CNM I of terms of our oil supply" Hart­ oil a cent more than what is ment's efforts to save on the Mid-East crisis, according man said. absolutely necessary. The MUSIC SOCIETY energy. to a press release issued by the Hartman said that the worst prices we have now is as stable with the help of the Consortium for Pacific Arts and During Monday's meeting, Commonweath Energy office. scenario he forsees is that there as can be," Hartman said. $35 per person the committee discussed mea­ The group has also since met Culture and the Commonwealth Council of Arts and Culture w ill be a temporary short-term Much like what the $60 per couple sures by which the CNMI as to discuss about the strategies slowdown particularly in the government is advocating, Presents well as the Commonwealth which the CNMI w ill adopt in logistical recepit of crude oil. Hartman said that there is a Utilities Corporation can be dealing with the problems that He said that in the event a need to conserve energy here in fo r IRpervatiotis, Cad322-1234 , CHORALE REHEARSAL ensured of a continued supply might arise as a result of the shut-down occurs, the CNMI the C N M I. fare. 322-1220 of petroleum products. Mid-East crisis. w ill still get its supply since Mobil's Assistant Manager and Representatives from the two The committee members there is an on-going negotia­ for Inventory Fernando Lerma major petroleum suppliers in include representatives from the tion throughout the Shell also gave his assurance that AUDITION FOR the CNM I said that there is no CEO, Emergency Operations system to provide the there w ill be no disruption of reason for the CNM I to expect Center, the Governor’s Council Commonwealth its supply at oil supply from Mobil since any shortages of oil supply in for Economic Advisors, the the ratio and volume necessary based on their current invent­ the Commonwealth. CNM I's major petroleum sup­ to operate facilities here. ory, they have a three month Shell and Mobil represen­ pliers, the Saipan Chamber of A t present, Hartman said that supply o f oil on-hand. tatives have assured the mem- Commerce and the legislature. for the next 90 days, the CNM I He said that he also does not is assured that there w ill be a forsee any problems with G O T T Where Ideas Take Shape regards to the CNMI's oil sup­ TRIAL BY JURY steady supply of oil. As of f The Rubbermaid-80-Quart Ue Chest' NMI beauty pageant in ply since Mobil's supply is not n SPÍEIIM a Gilbert and Sullivan one-act Musical Thursday morning, Shell has A BIG COOLER just off-loaded several thousand only dependent on Middle East REG. $128.95 search for candidates FOR A LOT OF COOL barrels of oil and is also ex­ oil but that the company also SfiWE: $51.95 The Northern Marianas understanding of people from pecting another oil shipment has alternative sources of PUT YOUR PICNIC UNDER ICE. T d o ' g ) beauty pageant association diverse cultures and ethnic within the next 30 days. petroleum products. SET SAIL WITH THIS COOLER 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. AUDITION announces its search for the backgrounds as well as an "W ith regards to the prices of "I cannot give you a 1991 Miss Northern Marianas opportunity to manifest the oil, I cannot guarantee as to prediction if prices w ill in­ 9:30 -11:00 a.m. CHORALE REHEARSAL Universe/International. wafffith and friendliness of our how much, how quickly and to crease or not. O il proces w ill According to a news release Commonwealth people. what extent oil prices w ill definitely be dependent on the SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1991 from the association, winners The winher will receive increase. It is now dependent situation in the Middle East," of this pageant w ill compete at valuable cash awards, gifts, and on the events in the Persian Lerma said. the Miss Universe and Miss a cash scholarship to the H a n d le recess In Gulf," Hartman said. Lerma said that the creation the ltd prevents lingers CNMI CONVENTION CENTER (rom geiting caught International pageants. college of your choice, the He said that unlike other fuel of Price Stabilization Council If you are 18 to 24 years old, release said. crises, the problem this time w ill be uncalled for since the unmarried, residing in the A ll interested women should w ill be the actual cost. He said price of fuel in the CNMI is To ALL members of the CHORALE, come out for the CNMI, a US or CNMI citizen, contact Florence Bocago at that prices in the CNMI will stable enough. then you are eligible. . 234-5897 or any Northern January 19th rehearsal. Bring any new friends who Here's an opporutnity for Marianas beauty pageant may be interested in joining our Saipan Chorale. you to broaden your association member.

Anyone interested in auditioning for our Musical Production in March, Please come out at 9:00 a.m. for auditions! CALL:234-7272(EAnS' Callers who wish to give information to NMI Crime Stoppers are not WHEN YOU NEED SOMEONE TO USTEN, WEfRE THERE... required to give their name or identity, they can leave a code name of their own choice, but it they choose to give identity or describe them MILTON CROTTS.. . Musical Director selves and their whereabouts, in either way they are guaranteed 2 3 4 -5 1 0 0 /■»nnfiHontialifi/ 6 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY -JANUAR Y18,1991 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -7 Or. Kaipat dies, buried in state funeral 12th Grade at Tinian (CNS)—Dr. Benusto "While Dr. Benusto K. graduated from F iji Central R.Kaipat, a long-time Medical Kaipat is now beyond the joy Medical School in 1952, but he High School dedicated Officer and one of the most and pain of moral man, we began his government career on prominent member of the have his good works to March 1, 1947 as a Nurse Twelfth grade at Tinian High Saipan or other places to Carolinian community on remember him by," Gov. Apprentice, and eventually School was officially dedicated complete their high school AQUA MS0PJ CLUB Saipan, was buried last week Guerrero said. became the Assistant District last Wednesday morning. education. Saipan Saturday (Jan. 12) in a State In his letter to then Director Director of Public Health on On hand for the dedication "We faced hardship in the past Funeral at of Department of Public Health March 4, 1966. He also were Governor Lorenzo I. when the school did not have a Cemetery. Dr. Kaipat died on and Environmental Services, attended numerous medical Deleon Guerrero, Tinian Mayor I2th grade," Mayor Mendiola Friday (Jan. 11) after a long Dr. Jose. T. Villagomez on traning off-island, was a WHO James M. Mendiola, Board of said, adding that when he was illness. June 3, 1988, Dr. Kaipat Fellow in Rotorua, New Education Chairman Juan L. in high school in Saipan, he The 61 year-old doctor was stated: "There w ill be a lot of Zealand in 1973, and six Babauta, and Commissioner of had to travel to Tinian every honored in a ceremony held at things that I w ill miss when I months of Psychiatry training Education Elizabeth D. weekend to be with his family the Carolinian Utt building in retire from the Commonwealth at the University of Hawaii Rcchcbci. and returned to Saipan every led by Gov. Larry I. Health Center. I know I w ill Medical School in 1980. Others present at the Sunday for school. dedication, held at the school's Education Commisioncr De Leon Guerrero who said miss the daily visits with my Dr. Kaipat was also one of cafctorium, included Tinian Rechcbei congratulated that Kaipat is a- "distinguised patients, the nurses, the most the four founding fathers of the PORTABLE CONCRETE MIXER Senators Frank M. Borja and and respected and leader of the qualified medical staff, the Saipan Progressive Party, now everyone involved in making Henry San Nicolas, Board of 1-1 1/2 BAGGER, 9 CU. FT* Carolinian Community" in the administration personnel, and the the Commonwealth the I2th grade possible, and Education member Florinc CNMI. Dr. Kaipat the opportunity to continue Republican party, and one of noted that the high school will accumulated over 41 years of working undo- your leadership. ‘he pioneers of the movement Hofschneidcr of Tinian, Tinian be relocated to a new campus at public service, from the Naval "The thirty-six years of for direct annexation of the Municipal Council Chairman Magpo area in two years, the Administration in the late 40s serving the people of the with the Ignacio A. Cabrera, PSS PSS news release said. to medical practice in 1988 are United States. Liasion Officer in Tinian Henry Hofschneidcr, who when he retired. marked with great memories Henry Hofschneidcr, Tinian served as the master of * He also served as a Delegate 2,995 As one of the first residents which are both good and bad, High School Principal Jack ceremonies at the dedication, to the Second CNMI of the CNMI to become a and happy and sad. I will Angcllo, Tinian Elementary said that for many years after P.O BOX 531 Medical Officer, Dr. Kaipat" Constitutional Convention ;in SAJPAN. Uf> »6950 cherish them all, and I know School Principal Helen H. World W ar II the school had set a standard of excellence in 1985 and served one term, from TEL (670} 704-6609 they w ill always be treasured Abayare, Resident Directors, only grades up to 8. 204-7666 1957 to 1959, at the Saipan 204-8776 his proffesion" which, and glow both in my heart and Rev. Father Maucl Corcucra, FAX (67C) 204-8770 The first 9th grade was added according to the Governor, is mind." He stated the reasons Municipal Council. students and staff of Tinian to the school in School Year LfidlQ.tffWUis renowned fo r many things: "a standard which we should all for retiring as illness. Dr. Kaipat is survived by his High, and parents. 1965-66, and he said he was strive to emulate." The late Dr. Kaipat was wife Maria, and four children. In his brief rem arks at the It's impeccable sendee, it 'sfine cuisine and it's casually elegant atmosphere. among the first 9th grade dedication. Governor Guerrero graduates in that school year. To enhance your dining pleasure, we are proud to present “TLRfdFL" on Annual Beach and Reef Sweep planned said the addition of I2th grade paved the way for possible Tenth grade was added to the the piano. 9{gw enjoy live classical and mellow music, while you dine by The CNMI's first annual for a host of problems inclu­ In the CNMI alone, tons of accreditation of the school by school in 1983, and 11th grade C e l e b r a t e candlelight on the island's finest grilled meat, seafood and superb continental Beach and Reef Sweep, an all­ ding the deaths of thousands of trash wash up our beaches the Western Association of became part of the school in volunteer event designed to marine animals, according to every year which creates many Schools and Colleges, School Year 1987-88, cuisine. the Center for Marine Con­ (Triday (ЩдЬь raise the public's awareness of problems for beachgoers, boat­ according to PSS news release. Hofschneidcr said. 99 9 the marine debris problem, w ill servation, organizers of the ers and our precious marine The Governor added that Tinian High the release said, yearly international beach Seafood tDinner be launched on February 2 anim als. the addition of I2th grade also is presently located at the same Ify Our (douse Speciaities clean-up. from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. enabled the Tinian High campus that accomodates The event is also designed to Not only do we lose For those who want to • Live Maine Lobster at School students the Tinian Elementary School. It stir the awareness of our millions of tourism dollars as a participate in the clean-up and opportunity to complete high now has grades 9 through 12, • (Roast Trime (Rib Ά φ ια (Rgsort C lub citizens to actively participate result of polluted beaches and help in the battle against school on their own island. with a total enrollm ent of 91 in helping clean-up and protect waters but, countless damages marine debris, contact Larry • Chef's (Recommendations For Reservation In the past, the PSS release students, 14 of whom are the CNMI's beaches and to boats and other ocean re­ Lee or Susan Snow at the said, I2th grade students at seniors, the PSS Liaison Call 322-1234 nearshore waters. creation users have also been CRM . Telephone numbers are 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Tinian High had to travel to Officer in Tinian said. 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. Marine debris is responsible attributed to marine debris. 234-6623/7320. (Semi-Rormal) Fax: 322-1220


Φ SUZUKI GENERATORS THE NORTHERN MARIANAS MÜSIC SOCIETY With the assistance of The consortium of Pacific Arts and Culture Special After- and Holiday The Commonwealth Council for Arts and culture

Price JackAngello, Principal of Tinian High, addresses the dedication of 12th grade at Tinian High January 16. h . w * is sponsoring their First Annual Art Exhibit! I n d u d e s t e n s iv e S e d a d (B a r

Date: February 14, 1991 to March 1,1991 Place: Convention Center, Capitol Hill Theme: "Art Straight from the Heart," Valentine theme SV 1400L Please pick up an entry blank at the Arts Council or Tropical Color Photography Nobody Guarantees Lower Prices Than and join other island artists in this unique opportunity. Art will be accepted from fo r (Reservations, Catt322-1234 the past calendar year, lim it of 3 pieces. There is an entry fee of $5.00 per piece, in cash. Work must be delivered February 11th (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the (F a ® 3 2 2 -1 2 2 0 E$PN Motors im. Be There! Convention Center), work will be hung on February 12th, judging on February 13th, Opening Reception on February 14th. For more information contact the Ш Tel: 2 3 4 -3 3 3 2 /7 3 4 3 · Open: 9am to 6pm · Mon-Sat · For your convenience m Cobr guards march in at the liman High 12th grade dedication. 8-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VŒWS--FRIDAY-JANUARY 18,1991 FRIDAY. JANUARY 18.1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS- 9 InterftacHic Senate cancels session, as war begins in Gulf by Ronel B. Concepcion Senate President Joseph Inos Inos added that because o f the be discussed by the House, Another calendared subject Fellow s The Senate Session which announced at the Senate major world event, or the among many others, include matter is Senate joint was scheduled Thursday at 10 chamber, even though there is bombing of Bagdhad, he is the approval of Senate bill 7- resolution 7-9, authorizing the deadline in the morning was cancelled a quorum, that he is cancelling rescheduling the session for 34, which will establish a CNMI government to assume due to the reported bombing of the scheduled session as Monday. procedure for accountability of contingent liability in near Irag's capital by the United requested by the majority Members of the Senate and gifts and donations made to the financing the $20.9 million States. members of the Senate. their staff remained at a officials of the CNM I. power plant by the CUC. Another opportunity that standstill while listening to the could help change your career radio report that the US fighter or even your life is about to Please support House commends bombers made the first move, pass by. your local chapter in response to Iraq President February 1 is the cutoff date Somewhere Saddam Hussein's failure to for applications for NMI soldiers in Gulf Nations in their stand to restore heed in leaving Kuwait before the InterPacific Fellowships by Ronel B. Concepcion somebody needs stability and security to the the January 15th deadline set ♦ program which could bring you Honor, support and Middle East by respecting by the United Nations help. American up to $10,000 to pursue your appreciation was expressed by national borders." resolution. goals, according to news Red Cross all 15 members of the House It further provides that the Scheduled measures that w ill release from PIC . to individuals from the House of Representatives is InterPacific Fellowships Commonwealth serving the praying for peace and hoping totalling $30,000 were recently for 'reconciliation and awarded to eight applicants US Armed Forces in Operation restoration of the freedom of who are now pursuing a variety Desert Shield by introducing of educational and training resolution 7-29. K uw ait. activities leading to career and HR 7-29, prefiled House Speaker Pedro life changes and improvement Wednesday, citing the Guerrero, on the other hand, CNMI residents who have dedicationship of the volunteers sent a letter to all these CNM I definite plans to improve their from the Northern Marianas, soldiers saying that the House lives through further education said they represent the "highest "highly commend your are eligible for the degree of loyalty, bravery, and determination to defeat this Fellowships, which are courage one can have for one's current threat to freedom..." underwritten by the San country...in times of crisis." He said in the letter that Fransisco-based InterPacific The resolution further "although we can not Group and co-sponsored by provides that the people of the physically be with you in your Continental A ir Micronesia. CNMI supports the US justice driven task, our prayers The Fellowships, the news "against Iraq's aggression and of support are carried by the domin :ation over Kuwait...and release said, which total up to wind to sorround you with the in agreement with the United $200,000 annually, are also shield of our spirit." offered on Guam and Hawaii. InterPacific is a $200 million investment and management company which operates a Western Grill Night major retail store in Hawaii. Marianas Public Land Corporation InterPacific owns and operates SATURDAYS a major retail store in Hawaii. Fresh seafood & steaks cooked to your InterPacific owns and operates taste on an open grill, accompanied Pacific Islands Club-Saipan and by a complete buffet. PUBLIC NOTICE manages its sister-resort on Guam, the PIC release said. SIS Adults, $9 Children Pursuant to the provisions of 2 CMC Sigon g¡ probension siha gí 2 CMC 414 Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC Applications for the 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC PURPOSE et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE LAND EX- 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSELAND Fellowships, including a CHANGE ACT OF 1987, sino i tulaikan EXCHANGE AUTHORIZATION ACT OF financial statement, are LAND EXCHANGE AUTHORIZATION available through InterPacific ACT OF 1987, notice is hereby given taño para propositon pupbliku na akton 1987, nge Marianas Public Land Cor­ Fellows, C/O Pacific Islands 1987, nutisia manana i ginen este put i Saipan Mayor Jesus Guerrero (center) presents 5 TV sets to PSS of Marianas Public Land poration e arongarr towlap, igha e Club, P.O.Box 2370, Saipan, as these students and staff from Garapan, Oleai, and San Antonio Seafood Fantaseas intension-na i Marianas Public Land M P 96950 or from members of Corporation’s intention to enter into mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw iye e and Commissioner Elizabeth Rechebei (far left) looks on. Corporation humalom gi kontratan the CNM I Advisory Board. y WEDNESDAYS an exchange agreement involving the toolong faluw kka faal. Aramasye e A great value in an all-you-can-cat atulaikan taño ni ha afefekta i pidason tipali nge emmwel ebwe tingor ebwe buffet for seafood lovers. parcels of land described below. tani siha ni manmadeskribi gi sampapa. yoor hearing reel inaamwo lliiwelil SIS Adults, S9 Children Concerned persons may request a Todu petsona siha ni maninteresante faluw fa. Ebwe yoor hearings reel W om en's BANK OF SAIPAN hearing on any proposed exchange. sina manmansolisita inekungok gi put mwoghutughutul lliiwel kkaal wool e Hearings on the transactions listed maseha manu na inatulaikan taño Febrero 8,1991, otol ye 9:00 lessor C o u n cil below will be scheduled on February mapropoponi. Inekungok put i llol MPLC Conference Room. 8,1991 at 9:00 a.m. in the Confer­ mapropoponi na tulaikan taño yan to m eet Notice Of manmalista siha na pidason taño gi The second annual general ence Room of MPLC. AMMWELEER TOWLAP - Road sampapa para u makondukta gi Febrero membership meeting of the Shareholder's Meeting 8,1991 gi oran alas nuebe gi egaan gi ways Northern Marianas National PUBLIC PURPOSE - Roadways halom i kuatton gi ufisinan i MPLC. Council of Women w ill be on To: All Bank of Saipan Shareholders FALAWAL ARAMAS - Saipan Lot/ January 24, 1991 at the Casa de Felipe in Garapan. The Best of Italy PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - Roadways Tract No. The meeting w ill kick-off at Please be informed that the Annual FRIDAYS PRIVATE LAND- Saipan Lot/ 1 5 4 9 -R /W 6:30 p.m. and discussions w ill Shareholder’s Meeting of the Bank of Saipan An Italian-style buffet featuring Llapal nge center around issues and Tract TAÑO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru will be held on January 18,1991 at 5:30PM in over 30 authentic dishes. N0.1549-R/W 1549-R/Wgiya 1,707 concerns which are of interest to the group. the Taga Room at the Aqua Resort Club of Si6 Adults, SS Children Saipan yan ha square Containing an While the specific agenda of Saipan. area of 1,707 konsisistel ,707 meters. discussion w ill be disseminated metro kuadrao na square meters during the meeting, members Cash dividends will be distributed during the area. FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan Lot/ are encouraged to present an meeting, or you may pick up your dividends Tract No. overview of their PUBLIC LAND- Saipan Lot/ accom plishm ents fo r 1990 as check at the Bank of Saipan office in Hafa TAÑO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru 029 029 L 11 Tract No. 029 well as their plans for 1991. Adai Shopping Center in Garapan, Saipan. L11 giya Saipan . Llapal This will be a no-host L 11 containing yan ha konsisiste nge 4,200 meeting. For further All proxy’s must be registered with the Secre­ an area of 4,200 4,200 kuadrao na square information regarding the tary before the start of the meeting. i Hyatt Regency/Saipan. meeting, contact Felicidad square meters area. meters. Ogumoro at 234-6247 or Paz Younis at 322-9457. BANK OF SAIPAN -M A RIA N A S V A R IE T Y N EW S AND V IE W S - F R ID A Y- JA N U A R Y 18.1991 mssssssm. FRIDAY. JANUARY 18,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS- 11 Power subsidy to eligible consumers considered COMMONWEALTH by Ronel B. Concepcion persons staying in government UTILITIES CORPORATION House bill 7-208 or the housing w ill not be given LOWER EASE · P.O. BOX 1220 · SAIPAN, MP 96950 Electrical Power Subsidy Act subsidy and that all leased or TELEPHONE 322-4033 OR 3225088 (SAIPAN) of 1991, introduced by Cong. rent living accomodation, W illiam Ada, once passed into excluding hotels and motels, One Side Carved Decorative law, w ill provide government "shall be charged a residential subsidy to residential rate." jtj Exterior Door, 36" X 1 3/4 X 80" consumers of electrical power. It further stipulates that PUBLIC NOTICE The bill w ill also require senior citizens from 55 years and older, earning less than •3T5% Legislative approval before any new electricity rate goes into $15, 000 a year w ill get a 100 Æ Ê Æ ф ® effect per cent subsidy from the The purpose of this notice is to Inform you that CUC will disconnect < ч с / . : According to the proposed government. (. your electric service if you do not bring your account up-to-date * measure, residential consumers Rate increase due to energy of electrical power w ill be crisis, such as the Mideast within (15) calendar days o f the date of this notice. given government subsidy that crisis "shall be subsidized by w ill be based on their income the government, both for level. residential and commercial You have a right to contest the accuracy of the bill. You also have a The bill cited that the Gulf users...," it said. Crisis w ill result to an increase The Commonwealth right to seek resolution through a conference with the CUC billing Reg. $72.95 in the prices of liquid fuel and Utilities Corporation was office. If settlement cannot be reached, you have the right to a 10 designs to other goods being brought to named by the measure to draw the CNMI, adding that the the rules and regulations formal hearing under the Administrative Procedure A ct However, in choose from present energy crisis "has regarding the implementation order to exerdse these rights, you must state your daim before the increased" the cost of per of the subsidy law, once it kilowatt electricity rate becomes a law. end of (15) calendar days either in person, or through your consumtion. Meanwhile, House bill 210, representative, at the CUC business office at Lower Base or in introduced by Cong. Diego The measure provides that Benavente, would provide writing, address to the CUC Manager, Utility Service Division at Lower SLIDING WINDOWS, SINGH GLAZED the situation "compounds the HOLLOW CORE DOORS; stiffer penalties for persons Base. SCREEN economic hardship already engaged in poaching activities. experienced by the average The purpose of the proposed Credit & Collection-Utility Service Division income earner...," whose 1 3/8" THICK 80" HEIGHT stature w ill address the income remains the same. increasing number of organized It is necessary to regulate poaching of the plants and utility rate increases "requiring w ildlife in the Commonwealth. Legislative approval to protect 24" REG. $23.35 H B 7-211 or the W ild life residential consumers from Sanctuary Act of 1990, also unreasonable changes." 2X 2 RES.$28.95 introduced by Cong. m 30" BIG. $28.15 The proposed subsidy rate by Benavente, on the other hand, the government is outlined as w ill provide areas for the REG. follow s: 32" MO. $30.90 |{ 2 X 3 $39.95 Sill In11 J l permanent protection of plants For those earning less than and wildlife. ¡¡3X3 REG.$49.35 1IJI $10,000 per year w ill receive a It said that availability of 34" BEO. $32.95 Sill $.05 subsidy per kilowatt I · these areas will only be consumed; less than $15,000 REG. possible by transferring 36 BEG. $35.95______3X4 $58.95 SHE 17 Jl w ill get $.04 per kilowatt; less freehold interest and than $20,000 w ill get $.03; accompanying management 4X4 REG. $69.25 less than $25,000 w ill receive rights in certain public lands to SMI$54,95 $.025. the Department of Natural According to the measure, Resources. Problems with English? No problem! Marianas Baptist SOLID CORE DOORS 5X4 REG. $80.25 IS•J Çhv (Я 44QysJ I SHE<3>p Academy is introducing ESL (English as Second Lan­ 1 3/4 THICK, 80" HEIGHT 6 X 4 REG. $91.25 1 $ Ш М jO BiiH iH H taki··········] SUDING GLASS DOORS, WITH INSECT SCREEN 1 guage), a quick and easy way of learning English. It will I have three levels of learning: BEGINNERS, INTERME­ 20" REC. $38.90 SMI S3£ 1 5 9 I DIATE, AND ADVANCED CLASSES. The classes will 30" BEO. $40.70 Sftil & l4 J i I I begin in the spring of 1991 and will be held 2 or 3 evenings. I 32" BEG. $43.95 111 131 „35 P.0" X G'.8" I If you have any questions or would simply like to get more RES. $ 3 8 7 .9 5 1 34" REG. $46.35 SMI 1 1 1 J l S % ¿ £ information, please call us at 234-6508, or stop by the I ■-V 1 ri ( S } f ^ F33 9 Between now and February 15, I < щ s ЧДЛ, © s , school in Dan Dan during the working hours. 36” REG. $52.90 s ·.· '<-'У "1- I'i П V-.· V 1 ¿ Ü Í ^ l j / S E T j 1991. You will receive (1) Free j

?ia!2ÎKiS7^522jTi'.:3 I Cow Town Movie Pass with any g P.0 BOX 331 J purchase of $20.00 or more at ! SAIPAN, MP 96950 g Royal Taga Beach Club, Act Now g

1 Only 300 Passes Available. Offer I I T E L (670) 234-6609 Marianas Baptist Church 234-7666 2 Expires March 1,1991 j 234-8778 № S i l l f J i San Vicente И й ш т Ш в & I For More Information Contact: I FAX (670) 234-8720 9 Royal Taga Beach Club 9 9 at 234-5704/5645 9 Shell Gas Station v ...... ^-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANUARY 18,1991 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-13 Mayor donates TV sets to schools Petition to designate Samoan Housing area to park sought were at the Mayor's office in The TV sets and VCR's were C. Lazaro, manager of TV sets and VCR’s were given Saipan Mayor Jesus D1 A petition asking the Gover­ will be held on Tuesday at the Garapan which is one of the for local handi-crafts, produce and Chalan Kanoa to receive a TV given to the Mayor's office by MicroPac; Margaret Dela Cruz, to the three schools because of H.B. No 7-6 which requests the Guerrero last Monday donated nor, the Marianas Public Land Carolinian Uttin Garapan, Con­ villages that has been affected fish. set and VCR each. the MicroPac Inc., located in PSS Assistant Deput the cleanliness of their school MPLC Board to designate the area as five sets of Toshiba TV and Corporation and the members of gressmen Stan-ley Torres and by the rapid pace of develop­ Local producecan also becooked The Mayor also presented two . Commi sioner of campuses, and encouraged the a public park, the Senate has yet to VCR's to the Public School the Legislature to immediately Jesus Attao said. ment in the Commonwealth, on the spot which would later be System, according to news TV sets and two VCR's to the Among the dignitaries Administration; Patrick Tellei, other schools to keep up with adopt the resolution. designate the Sa-moan Housing According to the petition Torres and Attao said. then sold to tourists. release fi;om PSS. PSS Vocational Education witnessing the brief PSS Vocational Education the beauty of their campuses so area in G arapan as a public park, sponsored by Torres and Attao, The petition recommends that The Samoan Housing Area com­ Several students and staff Program, and one set of TV presentation ceremony were Coordinator, the PSS release they can get the same donation Both Congressmen from precint will be cir-culatcd on Saipan access points to the Saipan La­ in addition to providing a neces­ prises 1.2 hectares of pub-Iic land, from San Antonio, Oleai, and and VCR to the Public Safety, Commissioner of Education said. in the future. three said that it is “extermcly urgent T uesday. goon are increasingly rare for sary pubic park for the people of Torres and Attao said. Garapan Elementary schools said the PSS release. Elizabeth D. Rcchcbei; Manny Mayor Guerrero said that the that the Governor and the MPLC The public is invited to attend the people o f Saipan Garapan, the Samoan Housing Despite the fact that the House of im-mediatcly designate the Sa-moan tanuntoeaitlj of tfc J?ortfjem JHarfana Xsfonte the kick-off cere-monics which It is particularly the people of Area should also contain booths representatives has already adopted Housing area as a public park.” Coastal H tn u n ts JHanatftmeitt REVISED PUBUC NOTICE (This notice supercedes the pi vlously published notice) Governor signs three bills into laws The Coastal Resources Manageme t program (CRMP) hereby notifies the general public and relev. it Federal Agencies that the (CNS) — A bill to exempt the “In addition, this measuredoes right of the government to ap­ of the government to rest the accorded most jurisdiction,” Public Law 7-3 1990 amends the Coa. al Resources Management personnel and staff of the not affect the appl ication of other peal in criminal cases, Guerrero correctness of the lower court’s Guerrero said in a letter to House Act of 1983, and changes to CRMP Emulations and Rules were Mayor’s offices from the Civil existing laws covering certain said the current statute limit the ruling provides a system of leaders. The bill becomes Public adopted In Volume 12 No. 7 of the Commonwealth Register. These Service System (SB 7-60) was procedures in hiring employees, government’s righ to appeal in checks and balances in our gov- Law 7-16. are being submitted as Routine Program Implementation to the signed into law by Gov. Larry such as salary ceilings, approval certain types of criminal cases. crnmcnt. It is a healthy All bills signed are passed by n t l r a v e l iv is io n o f . G uerrero on Saturday. Two other of appropriations prior to hiring, deliberation of justice, which is I . T D Office of Coastal Resources Management (OCRM) pursuant to 15 “1 stronalv feel that the ritzht the Seventh Legislature. CFR 923.80-923.84. bills, one that would provide a approval from Planning and Tctsi Tours & Transportation. IflC. mandatory jail sentence for Budgeting on the availability of CRMP is requesting OCRM's concurrence that P.L. 7-3 and the anyone convicted of sexually positions, and certification from TO ALL CNMI RESIDENTS changes to the CRMP regulations and rules constitute routine abusing a child or SB 7-14 and to the Director of Finance on the program implementation and are not an amendment. Copies of the expand the right of the govern­ availability of funds," Guerrero legislation and regulations are available at the CRM Office, 6th ment to an appeal in criminal said in his letter. MTC ANNOUNCES TWO NEW TELEPHONE Intl. Travel Division of TASI Tour & Transporta­ Floor, Nauru Building, Susupe, MP 96950. caases or HB 70-129, were also He said that in the light of NUMBER PREFIXES ON THE ISLAND Public comments must be received by the address below within signed into law over the week­ assurance that he stated, he ap­ tion, Inc. Has an immediate job opening for three weeks from the date of this notice. end. proved the bill into Public Law Pacific Region Tn signing what has been 7-17. “1 hope this action will THE CNMI IS GROWING AND SO IS MTC! Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management dubbed as “the M ayor’s bill” into create an atmosphere of contin­ N0AA law, the Governor stated in his ued cooperation and letter to the Presiding Officers of understanding amng the three WE HAVE TWO NEW PREFIXES ON SAIPAN, One (1) Travel Agent Sales Person. 1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. the Seventh Legislature that the branches of the government, Washington, D.C. 20235 absence of a committee report agencies, the mayor’s offices, presented a difficult review pro­ adn especially the Legislators,” 233 in a re a and Experience is preferred but will train. Salary /s/ JOAQUIN P. VILLAGOMEZ cess, bun he relied his decision Guerrero declared. Administrator hcavilvnn Sen. Paul Manglona’s Turning toabill formandatory depend on qualification. Apply in person or call Coastal Resources Management Office letter of Dec. 12 assuring him jail sentence for anyone con­ 235 in SUSUPE AREA. that the bill was specifically victed of sexually abusing a for more information. Telephone 234-7121 or drafted to affect the personnel child, Guerrero said that he read, w iihina M ayor’s im m ediate staff almost on a daily basis, reports 234-9372 ask for Richard Macaranas. only. about sexual abuse of children Manglona further stated that it all over the world as well as in Northern Marianas Catholic Social Services is not the desire of the Legisla­ the C N M I. P. O. Box 745, Saipan C L IP FA S T ture to usurp any of the Civil “We can not afford to just Commonwealth Mananas 96950 Service Commission’s constitu­ read; we must continue to seek tional authority nor the workings REMOVABLE ways and steps to protect our PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FOLLOW ALL TH of the resident departments. children, and toensure that those TYPHOON SHUTTERS The Governor noted that the who are found guilty of this hei­ signing of the Mayor’s bill does nous crime are punished,: he ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT THE RISING INCIDENCE OF FAMILY VIOLENCE? not affect the application of ar­ said. ARE YOU A VICTIM OF FAM ILY VIOLENCE? ticle 20 of the CNMI The bill becomes Public Law Constitution, as it applies to the 7-15. WHAT IS FAMILY VIOLENCE? M ay o r’s offices. Regarding a bill to expand the

FAMILY VIOLENCE IS THE MALTREATMENT OF ONE FAMILY MEMBER BY NFL 2+2 project nears completion ANOTHER. FAM ILY VIOLENCE INCLUDES: PHYSICAL MISTREATMENT CHAMPIONSHIP that is slapping, hitting, burning, etc. BE PREPARED!!! DONT BE THE N E G L E C T GAME is the inadequate physical or emotional care NEXT TYPHOON VICTIM SEXUAL ABUSE NEW YORK GIANTS They are easy to handle this includes rape and incest 7nd easy to store. It's VS. lightweight, but rugged VERBAL ABUSE galvanized steel or em­ are threats, insults, and harassments bossed aluminum. SAN FRANCISCO 4 9 ’ ebs EMOTIONAL ABUSE MONDAY JAN. 21, 7:00A.M. call now for withholding of love, sympathy, or understanding The joint N.M.C./M.H.S. 2 + working with the students all se­ LIVE VIA DIRECT SATELLITE LINK % 2 Fall Semester Project is near­ mester as part of his classes, FAM ILY VIOLENCE IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM IN SAIPAN. F r e e ing completion at Marianas High Introduction to Construction and E s t i m a t e s School. This particular under­ Carpentry. taking involves the building of a Eig h t o f the ten students par­ IF YOU ARE A VICTIM OF FAMILY RELATED VIOLENCE OR ARE A VICTIM OF a n d porch over the entrance to the ticipating in the project are ANY OTHER CRIME, HELP IS AVAILABLE!! Radion Familia Made possible in part by: cÇoIdon installation vocational education building. enrolled at Northern Marianas The ten students involved in thé College. The College also pro­ FOR ASSISTANCE CALL VICTIM ADVOCACY SERVICES AT CATHOLIC SOCIAL Athlete's ^ gobstor project are being taught the prin­ vides the funding and materials S E R V IC E S , T E L # 234-6981/7869 Fool CARPETING INC. ciples of concrete forming and for the project which is estimated (Restaurant basic carpentry skills. Instructor d i t e OVERSEAS. MC. BEACH ROAD, GAJUPAN T .l. 234-1153 ■ Faxi 234-6996 at $500. VICTIM ADVOCACY SERVICES IS FUNDED BY CJPA AND THE CNMI LEGISLATURE. Frank Pangelinian has been 14-marianas VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANUARY 18,1991 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS- 1 5 PSS teacher recruitment hampered by budgetary constraint We the family of the Public School System school principals and program school year. initially planned to start its managers, is optimistic that "Last year, we began the late recruitment for next school the budget w ill be passed recruitment process in early year's teachers last month, but before the team commences January, but we did not get all Estefania kept on postponing the travel. of our teachers until almost the recruitment due to budgetary Commissioner Rechebei has beginning of school year in Reyes Sablan constraints, according to instructed the team to begin the late August, "the Education {Jesus Nia) Commissioner of Educaction recruitment here in the CNM I Commissioner said. Elizabeth D. Rechebei. first. PSS recruited sixty teachers invite all Relatives and Friends for the First Anni­ PSS sent its Fiscal Year "We will hire in the CNMI from Hawaii and the mainland orld fa m o u s 1991 budget to the Governor's W versary of our Loved One. before we go abroad," she said. and 34 from the Philippines office for submittal to the If not enough teachers are hired last year, she said. Legislature on March 23 of last Nightly Rosary w ill be said beginning Wednes­ in the CNM I, the recruitment But this year, PSS cannot year, but to date the budget has team w ill travel abroad, she hire teachers from the day, January 23, 1991 at 8:00 p.m. at her resi­ not been passed by the said. Philippines and other third CHICKEN HOUSE dence at Fina Sisu. Legislature, according to press She said the team will to country nations because of the release from PSS. Guam, Hawaii, the U.S. restrictions placed on hiring of On the Final day, Thursday, January 31, 1991, Rechebei said PSS may send mainland, the Micronesian alien teachers by Public Law 7- Rosary w ill be said at noon at Fina Sisu, 12.00 its recruitment team abroad to Islands, and American Samoa, 4, which states in part that followed by Mass at 5:00 p.m. in San Vicente. recruit teachers by the first said the PSS release. there w ill be no more alien week of March if the budget is The people going on the teachers teaching in PSS by Dinner w ill be served at the residence of Mr. passed by the Legislature. recruitment trip this time w ill September 1992, according to Je s u s a . Sablan at Fina Sisu. "There is no money for be "thoroughly knowledgeable PSS news release. recruitment, "PSS Fiscal and about PSS personnel rules and There are over 590 teachers in Please Join Us Budget Officer Hermina M. regulations, Board of Education PSS, the Education Fusco told this year's policies, and about the CNM I, Commissioner said. Of this T h e F a m ily recruitment team in a meeting "Rechebei said. figure, 110 are non-citizens or last Monday, the PSS news She said PSS must begin the alien teachers. Of the non­ release said. recruitment process now or citizens, 103 are from the However, the recruitment otherwise the needed teachers Philippines, 4 from Japan, 2 team, consisting of PSS may not be here in the CNMI from India, and one from a MESSAGE OF APPRECIATION officials including several by the beginning of next Latin American country. LIHEAP grant seen as great help CHICKEN RESTAURANT If there is anything to be Design to assist low income Director, Department o elated about in this new 1991, families in the CNMI, as Community and Cultura the recent receipt of defined by both Federal and A ffairs. “Saipan Branch” information about the approval local regulations, the LIH EA P Pangelinan said the pres: o f and subsequent awarding o f a will use the funds for its release, also encourage al r - grant in the amount of $23,944 operational costs for the current those CNMI residents whc is now open for to the ¿NM I for the Low fisca l year 1991 in assisting could qualify for the progratr Income Home Energy the more than 200 recipients of to visit the Office of CCA B u s in e s s W e, the fam ily of the late Assistance Program is one the LIHEAP with their Director at Lower Base for ar good reason, according to news electrical utility costs, application form or call DAVID LARAOL NEKAIFES release from CCA office. according to Jess Pangelinan, telephone number 322-9556 w ould like to extend our m ost profound Come one, Come gratitude and sincere appreciation to All, and enjoy the our relatives and friends for their Message of Appreciation delicious world prayers, for their m any expressions of sym pathy, for th eir personal help, lovely famous Pelicana flowers and contributions, and m ost of Style B-B-Q chicken all, for th eir p articip atio n in the cerem o­ nies during the passing of our beloved as well as our secret m o t h e r . recipe Fried Chicken

O ur special thanks also go to H is Excel­ W e, the Fam ily of the late lency Bishop Thom as Cam acho, Father GREGORIO IGIBARA CASTRO Roque for their very solem n cerem ony. Free Promotional Gifts will Beter known as "Goro Kan" Your care and concern gave us strength be given to customers and courage during our moments of Would like to extend our most profound upon purchase. bereavem ent. gratitude and sincere appreciation to all our (While supplies last) relatives, friends and neighbors and to all The nine day rosary w ill end on Jan u ary those individuals who offered prayers, m m m m We are located at As 18, 1991 and M ass of Special Intention sympathies, sent lovely flowers, assistance Perdido road, directly be­ w ill be on the sam e day at 5:00 p.m . at and support during our time of bereavement hind Island Snack bar, in the San Jose Church. Relatives and and sorrow. No words can express our friends are invited. heartfelt gratitude for all your kindness Tel. 234-2871______Again, UN DANGKULU NA SI YUUS and generosities. M AASE to all of you. Open Daily UN DANGKULU NA SI YUUS MAASE 11:0 0 am - 10pm Please join us. From the Family From the Fam ily > 16-MARIÄNAS VARIETY N EW S AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANUARY 18,1991 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18.1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-17 Parents, friends offer silent prayers for love ones Measure require mandatory vehicle insurance passed As their loved ones were offer their thoughts that the There was hope that some­ maker and a peace-bcarcr. He Persian Gulf. by Ronel B. Concepcion vehicle operators..."many Coverage, which w ill "protect $2,000 for those who w ill not busy preparing for war in the Mid-East crisis may eventually one w ill answer the prayers. said peace can be achieved if "We are proud of you. You underwater diying The House of victins of motor vehicle motorists from drivers without obey the measure once it Middle East; CNM I residents be resolved peacefully. we, as a people, act as a are there to fight freedom and industry...but to "utilize the Representatives passed HB 7- accidents can not claim due insurance...." becomes a law. offered their silent prayers and Wives prayed for their In his homily during reconciler for people with democracy in the world," Gov. minimum safety and 182 or the Mandatory Vehicle compensation from those Under the uninsured Another proposed measure hopes that peace may event­ husbands, parents prayed for Tuesday's mass for peace dedi­ different opinions. Larry I. Guerrero said in a certification requirements" cated for our soldiers in the Insurance Act of 1990 during parties responsible for the coverage, the bill requires was passed, HB 7-149, ually reign amidst the conflict their sons and daughters and prepared statement. established by certain national Persian Gulf, P'shop Tomas "A s C hrist’s peace makers, its session Wednesday. The accident." coverage for bodily injury of amending 4 CMC Section Young and old, men, women friends hoped that their pals The mass, which was offered and international underwater Camacho exhorted the people we can encourage people to proposed measure requires It further provides that all $50,000 per person and 1503 (d ) and adding chapter 6 and children all joined hands to may be spared from the worst. by Congressman Stanley Tor­ diving associations. that as Christians, we must listen to each other, this means mandatory liability insurance owners o f vehicles, required to $100,000 per accident to 3 CMC Division 5 to res and his fam ily, was attended It said that the bill will become bearer's of peace not that we ourselves w ill have to for motor vehicles in the be registered in the CNMI, This kind of policy, which is provide safer underwater by Gov. Guerrero and his ensure safe underwater diving EFNEP graduates 10 at NMC/Land Grant only in our lives but also to learn to listen," Camacho said. Commonwealth. It w ill now should provide proof to the optional, w ill be required by driving. family as well as several mem­ for the resident and the visitors the rest of the world. go to the Senate for Chief of Motor Vehicles "at the measure to be offered by According to the committee of the CNMI. At present, the CNMJ. has bers of the legislature and other consideration. the time of registration," insurance companies in the report on Judiciary and Camacho said that it is only about 37 U.S. military men The bill now goes to the government officials. Relatives Introduced by Cong. Manny having covered by the Commonwealth. Governmental Operation, the in becoming more Christ-like Senate for further deliberation. and women, who are part of of the 37 military personnel Sablan and Stanley Torres, the following type of insurance: The committee also made bill also known as the Safe that we can become a pcace- Operation Desert Shield in the also attended Tuesday's mass. bill would guarantee "adequate third party bodily injury, which some amendments including Diving Act of 1990, will - ~ protection to victims of motor is $50,000 per person and the exemption of government require certain "minimum Keep Saipan vehicle accidents involving $100,000 per accident; and the vehicles, since the government safety standards to be adhered Judge Castro ordered Tasi Tours to pay motor vehicles." property damage which is "acts as an insurance carriers by persons involved in both Beautiful.; According to the committee $20,000. for its employees." commercial and recreational by Teri M. Flores The court document stated Tiks Auto Shop allegedly Don't be aK; report, due to lack of insurance According to the report, the The proposed b ill also offers d iving." Superior Court Judge Alex that although Hocog was under maintained scrap metal, aban­ coverage or inadequate bill also provides for a a punishment of six months It said that the proposed law Castro has ordered Tasi Tours orders to wash and park the bus doned metal objects and unused Litterbugf insurance policy holders among mandatory Uninsured Motorist imprisonment and a fine of "does not seek to regulate" the Co. to pay $172,000 in da­ at the terminal, he continually and inoperable vehicles in their mages to the parents of a child brought home the bus and places of business. who died after he was run-over parked it in a residential area Charges have been filed by the bus owned by the which was against company against them because they have company. regulations. failed to move the scrap metals NISSAN Alice S. John, Teresita P. Terry and Saterina Saimon (left to right) According to court docu­ *Thrce owners of auto repair within 90 days as stipulated in proudly display their Certificate of Completion at Land Grant's EFNEP ments, Vicente Aldan was shops have been charged with the notice given by the graduation accidentally killed after he was maintaining a nuisance in Department of Public Safety. runned-over by the right rear violation of the Common­ If found guilty of the The Expanded Food and Nu­ Perry. tire of the bus which was wealth Scrap Metal Control charges, the owners may face a trition Education Program E.F.N .E.P. is a free extension operated by Antonio Hocog. Law . six month imprisonment and (E.F.N.E.P.) held it’s first service of Land Grant Home A jury decided early this The owners of Jen Marz w ill also be asked to pay not graduation of the year Friday, economists and nutritionists are week that Hocog was negligent EnL, Agbanlog Auto Shop and more than $1,000 in fine. January 11th. The graduates are sent out to teach homemakers, in the operation of the bus Lolita Arriola, Jessica P. in their own homes, things such thereby causing the death of Camacho, Alice S. John, as how to plan good meals on a one-year old Aldan. Encamación A. Maminta, Rosa limited budget, proper nutrition Aldan died on January 31, Get More from Life... L. Norita, Victoria Peter, Maria for the family (especially chil­ 1986 after sustaining severe Rangamar, Delia R. Sabían, dren), the value o f breast-feeding multiple injuries as a result of Buckle Up! Saterina Saimón andTeresitaP. and proper, safe food storage. the accident. Aft-New Q et A zvayfor the (Day Nissan Sentra a t S aipan's (hfew est ¡R esort Nissan Sentra 4-door sedan

Savor Chef ¡Hubert ¡friedfe 's § our met Champagne ‘Brunch, Features: 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. — 1.6 liter D O H C 16 valve 4 cylinder engine Complete zoitfi BlacfAngus ¡Prime ‘Rib — 3 or 4-speed automatic cut to taste and an irresistabie selection o f pastries and transmission/5 -speed manual breads, including Austrian Apple Strudel and cream. transmission — Power steering ¡Baskin the Ambiance o f the Club's — AM/FM radio with cassette stereo system Oceanside ¡Pools. — Air-conditioning — Full carpeting \ Only $ 17.SO, Children beCozv 12 - (Half (Price — Tilt steering column ‘IoiueCs provided — Passive front shoulder belt/ 3 point rear seat/ shoulder belt in outboard position system — Child safety rear door locks

T h e main force in Nissan’s new g e n e r a t io n o f c a r s Visit us and test drive a Sentra today AQUArRBOBJ CLUB Saipan Available now at ¡P.O. ¡Bac9 Joeten Motors n flthugao. Saipan, ¡M¡P96950 AUTOMOTIVE SALES » PARTS * SERVICE TtUphont (670)322-1234 P. 0. Box 680. Saipan, MP 96950 Tel. 234-5562/5563/.5564/5565 (670)322-1220 “ Built for the Human Race” Business Hours: 8:00.AM to 5:00 PM Monday to Saturday “ First on Saipan” llrivo with cure and (Suckle Up 18--MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS--FRIDAY--JANDARY 18,1991 FRIDAY. JANUARY 18. 1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS- 19

Thank You for shopping at Joeten Shopping Center, The HafaAdai Shopping Centerjhe Chalan Kanoa Market .The San Vicente Food Mart and The Susupe Mart. Visit us for quality and variety. We reserve the right to limit quantities. We gladly accept NAP food coupons. No sales to dealers. Cash purchase only! I! We are not responsible for typographical error!!! 2 0 -m a r ia n a s v a r ie ty NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANU ARY 18,1991 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS- 21 MICROL CORPORATION Bills passed, Federal Attention Commonwealth Residents Highway grant assured by Ronel B. Concepcion "until the expiration of no less USED GARS The House of than 30 days nor more than six Representatives passed a months after the date of 1988 SUBARU WGN AAD-461 $4495r $3495. measure Wednesday that would revocation.'' WE WANT TO HELP assure the Commonwealth of With the passage of such a 1988 MAZDA RX7 AAF-353 8995; 7995. the Northern Mariana Islands to measure by the members of the 1988 MAZDA P/U AAB-289 24957 1995. continuously receive its annual House, which w ill soon ,be Federal Highway grant from acted upon by the Senate, the 1988 FORD BRONCO AAH-468 9 5 № . CHANGE YOUR 8500. the U nited States. H B 7-212, Northern Marianas is rest 1990 CHEV CAMARO AAP-806 207000-. 17,500. introduced by Cong. Manny assured to receive the 1991 US Sablan, w ill now go to the Department's appropriation of 1985 MITSUBISHI P/U AAG-735 7957 595. Senate for action. $93,315 in Federal Highway LIFE!!! The stature provides that any funds for road improvement. 1987 CRESSIDA AAC-309 78957 6995. person found to be driving Another bill passed the 1990 HI-LUX 1T0N AAR-427 9995. under the influence of House, requiring any person "controlled substance", w ill with "first hand" knowledge of 1984 FIAT AAM-154 195. have his license suspended child abuse to immediately until a given period of time. report the information to the 1983 MAZDA 626 AAB-316 2 995. 2495. If you've ever thought that your career could be The bill is in compliance police or the Divison of Youth 1990 COROLLA COUPE AAD-184 85987 7995. with a recently approved federal Services. more than it is now, the InterPacific Fellowship law, requiring "all states and H B 7-205, also known as the To Apply Should: 1987 HI-LUX AAE-452 2 509. 1995. non-state areas receiving federal Child Abuse Amendments Act Program may be able to help. 1988 CRESSIDA AAX-932 79957 6995. monies, to suspend the driver's of 1991, was introduced by licenses of convicted drug Cong. Stanley Torres. 1. Be a resident of the Commonwealth of 1988 SUPRA AAG-321 43r995-. 12,995. offenders." According to the bill, child the Northern Mariana Islands. This was learned from an neglect is a "serious problem 1990 COROLLA WGN AAS-033 98097 8500. earlier communication with that too often is hidden and Could more training, professional education or 1989 COROLLA SDN AAM-806 7995. 6995. Washington Representative unreported." 2. Be at least 18 years of age. Juan N. Babauta which The bill describes it as "a FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE help you reach your goals? 1987 VWJETTA AAD-28Q 58007 4500. informed the Legislature of this violation of the sanctity of a requirement of the new federal human being, causing a 1987 NISSAN MAXIMA AAS-766 49957 3995. 3. Have been employed full-time. la w , under the 1991 U S psychological scar that can 1987 SUBARU WGN AAL-111 34957 2995. Department of Transportation destroy a child's trust of others appropriation. and damage human potential That's what we offered to InterPacific Fellows - 4. Be able to show past accomplishment and 1990 MITSUBISHI AAM-144 89957 7995. According from Babauta's longing after the crime was AAB-070 74957 6995. correspondence, the new federal committed." adults in our CNMI community WHO WANT TO WIN, potential for the future. 1987 CRESSIDA law provides that all states It said that witholding 1989 COROLLA AAL-288 89957 7995. receiving the grant should information regarding child but can't afford to leave their present jobs to require the suspension of abuse is not a compassion for prepare - and translates to up to $10,000 in 5. Be able to demonstrate how assistance 1988 VW WGN AAE-942 88887 7500. license by October 1,1993. the victim, but more to the will help your career objectives. 1985 NISSAN 200SX AAC-756 39957 3195. It said that if the Legislature abuser. assistance per InterPacific Fellow yearly. АППС fails to act before that date, Individual doing so, is 1985 MAZDA 626 AAK-065 ■ПУЖЛ 3995. "the CNM I w ill lose 5 per cent helping perpetuate the of its annual appropriation." problem, "which is often a THERE’S A DEADLINE! 1989 HI-LUX EX-CAB 407800-. 9995. Your age doesn’t matter. Your sex doesn’t matter. It further said that according family matter," the bill said. Applications must be received by 1989 COROLLA AAK-415 89957 7995. to the new federal law, a The bill stipulates that "any penalty of 10 per cent per year person with first-hand February 1,1991 will be applied, if still no knowledge of child abuse, Your career motivation and goals do matter! action is taken by October 1, either through directly seeing 1995. or hearing the offense The correspondence further committed, shall report such ( w o w relates that the US Congress inform ation w ith in t 24 hours TO APPLY: requires at least a six month of knowledge of the offense." suspension of the drivers' It further provides that those license of anybody, including individuals, who willfully juveniles, convicted of any failed to make a report, upon Applications are violation of the controlled conviction, w ill be fined not available from the substances Act. more than $1,000 or HB 7-212 stated that the imprisonment of not more than Personnel Office, license can not be renewed 90 days or both. Pacific Islands Club-Saipan, Weekly drinking water report San Antonio COW TOWN The Division of Chlorine residual was detected Environmental Quality from all sampling locations. or write to Box collected and analyzed Saipan's The maintenance o f an adequate 2370, Saipan, RESORT Public Water Supply this chlorine residual ensures proper week. No Coliform bacteria disinfection against possible MP 96950 was observed and adequate baterial contamination. 234-7976 & Restaurant Co-Sponsored by: $ave is now open Energy φ CONTINENTAL Seven Days A Week Don’t let the gas station ^ continentale :: 5:00 attendant “ top-off" your tank P.M. to 10:60 P.M. by filling it to the brim after A service of this publica­ AIR MICRONESIA the nozzle's automatic shutoff tion and the Commonwealth Northern Morionos College President Agnes McPhetres with the family of Dora Pongelinon Borja during the InterPacific Fellows awards stops the flow. This often Energy Office. For more dinner at Pacific Islands Club-Solpan. results In overflow and a waste OUR SHOWTIME IS energy saving tips call 322- of gasoline. Also, in warmer weather some space should be 9236 or visit the Energy 8:00 p.m. 7 days a week left in the tank for expansion. Office on Capitol Hill. w/ΛνΑΛ/Λ· . Ave ·. -χ, w Λ,ν,νΛνΧ V.-,v< e. *v. wm-.viiL 22-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANUARY 18,1991 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS- 23 ASSO.INSURANCE UNDER VS. ATKINS KROLL INC. VS BERNIE CONSTRUCTION CO. BARBINO REKEMEL OBERHIEM CIGI VS ANELLA B.BOAZ Court Calendar j COURT CALENDAR GUAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL VS KWEKS ENT. VS ANELLA B. BOAZ SAIPAN INDUSTRIAL CO. IN VS VICENTE SALAS SABLAN CNMI VS MASARO SAIMON MICKEY S. COX UNIVERSAL RENTAL VS MIGUEL JUDGE ROBERT A. HEFNER AMERICA VS SYLVERIO M. Continued from page 22 COMMON.INDUSTRIAL GAS SAMBHWANI'S CORP. VS GUTIERREZ CORP VS TOWER WILLIAM T. THOMAS Jan. 21 METTAO ET.AL. 9:00 AM. JAN. 24 FAISAO, CONSOLACION K. IN RE NORBERT B. CAMACHO VS SABLAN ENT. INC. VS ENRIQUE 9:00 AM ESTATE OF HERMINA F. FAISAO S. SANTOS ET. AL. AG & INO VS VAN MAURICE TRAN BERMUDES, CLEMENT J. ETAL. UNIVERSAL RENTAL VS ROSALIA SABLAN ENT. ICN. VS ENRIQUE C.K. PACIFIC, INC. VS TAI SU IN RE GUARDIANSHIP C. DUEÑAS Transpac Business Center - Saipan S. SANTOS ET.AL UNG ET. AL JAN. 25 SUNNY MARKET VS RAMONA S. 2:00 PM 8:30 AM SCHARDT PELLEY ENT. INC. VS DAVID JUDGE ALEX C. CASTRO CNMI VS SABLAN, OSCAR KWEKS ENT. VS RAMONA S. Just come in and you’re in business! EVANGELISTA ETAL. JAN. 21 DEBRUM SCHARDT FKaraohe & Ulesiaurant JAN. 22 9:00 AM CNMI VS DELA CRUZ, MANUEL M. GUAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL VS CNMI VS SATOS, RICK I. (Formerly Club Atis) 9:00 AM CNMI VS FRANSISCO KAIPAT MONIQUE R. MARIUR JESUS R. A. SONODA VS MARIA CNMI VS MATIN T.TAKAI TRIPLE J. SAIPAN VS JOSE Fully furnished offices 100 -180 sq. ft. available for rent A. VILLAGOMEZ ET. AL. CNMI VS ANTONIO C. CEPEDA JUDGE MARTY K. TAYLOR BABAUTA JAN. 23 JAN. 22 LUCKY STAR CORP. VS MARTIN 9:00 AM 9:00 AM JAN. 21 M. SABLAN Ideal for: BENIGNO SABLAN VS WON DON CNMI VS NOEL S. IGNACIO 1:30 PM J&G CO. INC. VS HERMAN C. Professionals CHONG ET. AL. CABRERA, MARIA SN. IN RE THE MATILDE QUITUGUA NEKAI VS SANTOS MARIANAS TUG AND BARGE INC. ESTATE OF NICOLAS MAREHAM NEKAI ORIENTAL CO. LTD. VS Start-up businesses VS ASIAN TUG & SALVAGE INC. CNMI VS SIMEON YAOCH 2:00-3:00 PM JOSEPHINE TENORIO ETAL. CNMI VS IGNACIO ILO WABOL JUVENILE BASIC CONSTR. SUPPLY VS Off-island vendors to maintain local contacts PACIFIC TRADING CO. VS JJ 1:30 P.M. JAN. 22 ANTONIO C. CRISOSTOMO Executive offices away from general offices TRADING CORP. BENAVENTE, JUAN S. IN RE THE 9:00 AM PASQUANA PATSY ISAAC VS BANK OF SAIPAN VS FUAMOLI U. ESTATE OF CASTRO, JOAQUIN V. AND ANA JOVITA F. CASTRO Workplaces to conduct investment feasibility studies SANTOS CELEPEO, JOSE T. IN RE ESTATE JAN. 23 EDWIN W. BENJAMIN VS PING JC TENORIO ENT. VS SAI PHIL CF 9:00 AM PEILIN BUILDERS & SER.INC. PANGELINAN, JUAN I. IN RE CNMI VS JUAN MASGA DELEON CONSTN. & MATERIAL SUPPLY Services include use of: CONSTN. & MATERIAL SUPPLY ESTATE OF GUERRERO VS EVELYN MUNGMITIM VS RAY L. BICAS ARRIOLA, JOAQUIN CABRERA IN CNMI VS DEBRA WEGER CMS VS MERIAN. T. LIZAMA PATRICIO F. TUDELA VS HWANG RE ESTATE OF JAN. 23 CMS VS YONG, HOYOO Private telephone extension, computer network, facsimile & BYUNG KIL SANTOS.ERLINSE CABRERA IN 1:30 PM CMS VS LIM PORKMAN PACIFIC INTL MARIANAS VS LEE RE ESTATE OF MARTINA DELA CRUZ VS CMS VS HANGSU copying machines. Tokyo Tower KYUNG HWA JAN. 23 RICHARD N. BORJA CONSTRUCTION Reception, message center, conference room & centralized postal box ■Oto. PACIFIC INTL MARIANAS VS 9:00 AM KATHLEEN M. ALDAN VS ALDAN, GERALD F. SMITH ET. AL VS KaraÄte ? ^teurant RORY C. TARKONG CNMI VS OMISONG, RICARDO LORENZO DLG. KEOKI SABLAN ET. AL. VAL S. SANTOS VS LUIS C. CNMI VS YOON SOOK KIM CONNIE C. MANGLONA VS. LINO CHAIN G. SAMBHWANI VS Other services available: Business Hours·. BENAVENTE 1:30 PM SABLAN TENORIO WILLIAM T. THOMAS JC TENORIO ENT. VS CHARLEY AG & INO VS RAMOS, EFREN L PALACIOS, RITA HELAINE VS TRANSAMERICA CORP. VS Notary, secretarial, accounting & management services Club Disco/Karaoke: 8:00PM-2:00AM Beach Road, Chalan Kanoa KENTY AG & INO VS WANG, HANG LI PALACIOS REX INDALECIO TOWER CORP. EMILIO P. QUITACHON VS AG & INO VS EDWIN P. CAMACHO FERMINA MENDIOLA CARMEN SAFEWAY VS Restaurant: 10:00AM-10:00PM ENRIQUE S. SANTOS PANGELINAN VS LUIS S. CAMACHO CONDRADO C. FABROS E'SPN E'SPN For information, please visit or call us at Transpacenter, Tel. 235-5157/234-5181 J&G CO. INC. VS SKIL SYSTEMS JAN .24 PALACIOS, LETICIA VS ORIENTAL CO. LTD. VS ANELLA Motors Motors INTL ;NC. 9:00 AM CABRERA, MICHAEL R. B. BOAZ Guaio Rai, Saipan TRIPEL J SAIPAN VS VICENTE T. CNMI VS MALUS, JESUS JAN. 24 UNIVERSAL RENTAL VS TEREGEYO ET.AL CNMI VS WILLIAM C. QUITANO 1:30 PM THEODORE T. ADOLPH UNION BANK VS JHON B. CNMI VS ACOSTA, ANTHONY ADOPTION UNIVERSAL RENTAL VS Tel: (670) 235-3355 JOYNER ET. AL MICHAEL GUARDIANSHIP PHILIPUS ALLEN TRIPLE J SAIPAN VS POSEIDON CNMI VS KASITO, SACHOU JAN. 25 SUNNY MARKET VS ENNABYEK Fax: (670) 234-1801 MARINE SERV. LTD 1:30 PM 9:00 AM B. RUBAYA INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH Continued on page 23 F R E E F R E E F R E E F R E E


Œ> Pairere No.l TOYOTA Pairere No.l TOYOTA

MEET ALL FMVSS SPECIFICATIONS IN ROTA SEE V.M. CALVO ENTERPRISES MEET ALL FMVSS SPECIFICATIONS IN ROTA SEE V.M. CALVO ENTERPRISES MICROL CORPORATION MICROL CORPORATION P.O. BOX'267 SAN JOSE, SAIPAN MP 96950 PHONE 234-5911,2,3,4,6,7,8 P.O. BOX 267 SAN JOSE, SAIPAN MP 96950 PHONE 234-5911,2,3,4,6,7,8 24-MAR1ANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-] AND ARY 18,1991 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS- 25 Jo h a n e s Japan NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE donates NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE adm its em ergency UNDER POWER OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF TRUST IN DEED OF TRUST stabbing fund for evacuees IN DEED OF TRUST IN DEED OF TRUST J uan P. Delos Reyes and Lerna F . Delos Reyes, on or about incident The Government of Japan February 25,1985, gave and delivered to the Mariana Islands MariaDO C. Deleon Guerrero and Maria A. Deleon by Teri M. Flores Antonia B. Aguon and Joaquin M . Aguon, on or about has already provided over $22 Ignacio T. Ada and Theodara C. Ada, on or about May 3, Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the Fanners Home Guerrero, on or about September 12,1984, gave and delivered A man, who later admitted to August 12, 1981, gave and delivered to the Mariana Islands million, out of the $38 1984, gave and delivered to the Mariana Islands Housing Administration, United States of America, a Deed of Trust to the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the police that he was responsible million, in emergency aid to Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the Fanners Home Ad­ Authority, acting on behalf of the Farmers Home Administra­ upon certain real property hereinafter described, which Deed of Fanners Home Administration, United States of America, a for the stabbing of Faustino the international organizations ministration, United States of America, a Deed of Trust upon tion, United States of America, a deed of Trust upon certain Trust was recorded on February 25,1985, under Document No. Deed of Trust upon certain real property hereinafter described, Takeshi at the Mom's Round real property hereinafter described, which Deed of Trust was and governments for the relief certain real property hereinafter described, which Deed of Trust 85-0453 to secure payment of a Promissory Note of the said which Deed of Trust was recorded on September 12,1984, under Two establishment in Garapan, of evacuees resulting from the was recorded on August 14,1981, under Document N o. 12725 to recorded on M ay 3, 1984, under Document No. 84-684 to Trustor to the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, acting on Document No. 84-1921 to secure payment of a Promissory Note was released to the custody of Gulf Crisis. secure payment of a Promissory Note of the said Trustor to the secure payment ofaProm issory Note of the said Trustor to the of the said Trustor to the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, his sister after he posted a Mariana Islands Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the behalf of the Fanners Hoffie Administration, United States of With the deadline set by Mariana Islands Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the Am erica acting on behalf of the Farmers Home Administration, United $20,000 bail. Fanners Home Administration, United States of America. 1 United Nations Security Fanners Home Administration, United States of America. States of America. Joseph Jo e Johanes has been The Deed of Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the The Deed o f Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property Council Resolution 678, the The Deed of Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property The Deed o f Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property charged with aggravated assault property hereafter described: hereafter described: implementation of the series o f hereafter described: hereafter described: and battery in the 5uperior LO T NUM BER 005 1 546, CONTAINING AN AREA LOT NUM BER 0051 519, CONTAINING AN AREA relevant UN resolutions LOT 001 F 27, (FORM ERLY BLOCK 9, LOT 3) AS OF 743 SQUARE M ETERS, M ORE OR LESS, AS SHOWN LO T NUM BER 005 1 543, CONTAINING AN AREA OF Court. OF 816 SQUARE METERS, MORE OR LESS, AS According to information including the one demanding SHOWN ON THE DIVISION OF LANDS AND SURVEYS ON THE DIVISION OF LANDS AND SURVEY’S OFFI- 8 844 SQUARE METERS, MORE OR LESS, AS SHOWN SHOWN ON THE DIVISION OF LANDS AND Iraq’s immediate unconditional OFFICIAL CADASTRAL PLATNUM BER 001F 00 DATED CIAL CADASTRAL PLAT NUMBER 2084/82, THE | ON THE DIVISION OF LANDS AND SURVEY’S O FFI­ filed at the Superior Court, SURVEY’S O FFICIAL CADASTRAL PLAT NUMBER withdrawal from Kuwait, FEBRUARY 17,1991, AND CONTAINING AN AREA OF ORIGINAL OF WHICH WAS REGISTERED W ITH THE CIAL CADASTRAL PLAT NUMBER 2084/82, THE Takeshi sustained a 3 inch deep 2084/82, THE ORIGINAL OF WHICH WAS REGIS­ evacuees are moving into and L A N D R E G IS T R Y A S D O C U M E N T N U M B E R 14232 O R IG IN A L O F W H IC H W A S R E G IS T E R E D W IT H T H E puncture wound on his left 807 S Q U A R E M E T E R S . TERED WITH THE LAND REGISTRY AS DOCUMENT staying in the area near the DATED MAY 14,1982, THE DESCRIPTION THEREIN LAND REGISTRY AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 14232 shoulder blade after he was The Trustor has defaulted on payment of the Note secured by N U M B E R 14232 D A T E D M A Y 14, 1982, T H E D E ­ border between Iraq and BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. DATED MAY 14,1982, THE DESCRIPTION THEREIN allegedly stabbed on Dec. the Deed of Trust, and by reason of said default the Mariana SCRIPTION THEREIN BEING INCORPORATED 1,1990 in front by Johanes. neighboring states, while some The Trustor has defaulted on payment of the Note secured BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. Islands Housing Authority issued its Notice of Default on Novem­ HEREIN BY REFERENCE. have already entered Jordan. by the Deed of Trust, and by reason of said default the Mariana The Trustor has defaulted on payment of the Note secured by Johanes was arrested on Jan. ber 27, 1990. The Trustor had defaulted on payment of the Note secured 8 at the Naum Building admit­ According to the news Islands Housing Authority issued its Notice of Default on the Deed of Trust, and by reason of said default the Mariana NOTICE IS H ER EBY G IVEN that the Mariana Islands Hous­ by the Deed of Trust, and by reason of said default the Mariana release, the UNDRO, December 3,1990. Islands Housing Authority issued its Notice of Default on ted to stabbing Takeshi, the ing Authority w ill, on February 8,1991,atl0:00 a.m., at the office Islands Housing Authority issued its Notice of Default on representing related NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mariana Islands November 26,1990. information stated. of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, Garapan, P.O. Box November 26,1990. international organizations, Housing Authority w ill, on February 8,1991, at 10:00 am ., at NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mariana Islands A hearing has been set for 514, Saipan, M P 96950, under power of sale contained in the Deed NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN that the Mariana Islands estimated that $175 million the office of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, Garapan, Housing Authority w ill, on February 8,1991, at 10:00 a.m., at the third week of January. of Trust, sell the above described parcel of real property at public Housing Authority w ill, on February 08,1991, at 10:00 a.m., In other court news: w ill be needed for the re lie f and P.O.Box 514, Saipan, M P96950, underpowerof sale contained the office of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, Garapan, auction to the highest bidder, to satisfy the obligations secured by at the office of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, Garapan, * A San Antonio man who repatriation of the projected in the Deed of Trust, sell the above described parcel of real P.O.Box 514, Saipan, M P 96950, under power of sale contained P.O.Box 514, Saipan M P96950, underpowerof salecontained 400,000 evacuees expected to said Deed of Trust. The minimum bid offer shall not less than property at public auction to the highest bidder, to satisfy the in the Deed of Trust, sell the above described parcel of real is accused of stealing more in the Deed of Trust, sell athe above described parcel of real arrive in the neighboring states $75,000.00, total amount due to FmHA loan and M IH A ’s ex­ obligations secured by said Deed of Trust. The minimu bid property at public auction to the highest bidder, to satisfy the than $4,000 from Korean property at public auction to the highest qualified bidder, to o f Iraq. penses. offer shall be not less than 568,000.00, total amount due to obligations secured by said Deed of Trust. The minimum bid tourists by posing as an satify the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust The The UNDRO then, appealed The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest to FmHA loan and M IH A’s expenses. offer shall be not less than $69,000.00, total amount due to Immigration Official appeared minimum bid offer shall be not less than $62,000.00, total in Superior Court Monday to the international community be conveyed or as to the property of the Deed of Trust, other than The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest FmHA loan and M IH A’s expenses. amount due to FmHA loan and M IH A ’s expenses. morning to set up a date for his for a contribution of $38 that the Mariana Island Housing Authority is the lawful holder of to be conveyed or as to the property of the Deed of Trust, other The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest to The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest arraigment. million required to meet the such Deed of Trust. The purchase price shall be payable by cash, than that the Mariana Islands Housing Authority is the holder be conveyed or as to the property of the Deed of Trust, other than to be conveyed or as to the property of the Deed of Trust other start-up costs. certified check or cashier’s check and shall be paid within 72 of such Deed of Trust. The purchase price shall be payable by that the Mariana Islands Housing Authority is the lawful holder Glen Villanueva's hearing than that the Mariana Islands Housing Authority is the lawful The release said that the hours from time of sale. cash, certified check or cashier’s check and shall be paid within of such Deed of Trust. The purchase price shall be payable by had to be postponed since this holder of such Deed of Trust The purchase price shall be Government of Japan, in order The Mariana Islands Housing Authority reserves the right to 72 hours from time of sale. cash, certified check or cashier’s check and shall be paid within is the second time he has payable by cash, certified check or cashier’s check and shall to fulfill the international reject any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time and The Mariana Islands Housing Authority reserves the right 72 hours from time of sale. appeared in court without a be paid within 72 hours from time of sale. responsibility and to provide place for sale of such property. Any prospective buyer must be a to reject any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time The Mariana Islands Housing Authority reserves the right to counsel. The Mariana Islands Housing Authority reserves the right 25-year old Villanueva was humanitarian assistance to person authorized by the Constitution and laws of the Common­ and place for sale of such property. Any prospective buyer must reject any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time and to reject any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time arrested January 7 after he these evacuees, has decided to be a person authorized by the Constitution and laws of the place for sale of such property. Any prospective buyer must be wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to hold title to real and place for sale of such property. Any prospective buyer allegedly entered the apartment provide an emergency Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to hold title to a person authorized by the Constitution and laws of the Com­ property in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. myust be a person authorized by the Constitution and law s of of Korean tourists from whom contribution of $38 million to real property in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to hold title to real The further right is reserved, in the absence of satisfactory bids the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to hold property in the Commonwealth of theNorthem Mariana Islands. he allegedly stole the money. the U N D RO . Islands. for the outright sale of said parcel of real property to a qualified title to real property in the Commonwealth of the Northern The further right is reserved, in the absence of satisfactory Villanueva, who, together It further said that Japan even The further right is reserved, in the absence of satisfactory buyer, to offer such property at the same time and place, or at a Mariana Islands. bids for the outright sale of said parcel of real property to a with 31-year old Juan S. announced its intention to bids for the outright sale of said parcel of real property to a later time, for long-term lease to any person on the usual terms and The further right is reserved, in the absence of satisfactory qualified buyer, to offer sauch property at the same time and Cabrera were arrested at the donate 6,000 blankets to the qualified buyer, to offer such property at the same time and conditions for long term leases of real property offered by the bids for the outright sale of said parcel of real property to a place, or at a later time, for long-term lease to any person on the Casa De Roma Restaurant in UNDRO in case the influx of place, or at a later time, for long term leases of real property Mariana Islands Housing Authority to the highest bidder for such qualified buyer, to offer such property at the same time and Chalan Piao several hours after evacuees into the neighboring offered by the Mariana Islands Housing Authority to the usual terms and conditions for long term leases of real property lease. The minimum bid amount of $75,000.00 shall also apply place, or at a late· time, for long-term lease to any person on offered by the Mariana Islands Housing Authority to the highest the incident was reported. states o f Iraq increases. highest bidder for such lease. The minimum bid amount of with lum sum payment for the term of the lease. the usual terms and conditions for long term leases of real bidder for such lease. The minimum bid amount of $69,000.00 Villanueva is out on a $68,000.00 shall also apply w ith lum sum payment for the term Dated this 7th day o f January, 1991. property offered by the Mariana Island Housing Authority to o f the lease. shall also apply with lum sum payment for the term of the lease. $5,000 bail. the highest bidder for such lease. The minimum bid amount Dated this 7th day o f January, 1991. Dated this 7th day January, 1991. By: Juan M. Sablan of $62,000.00 shall also apply with lum sum payment for the Executive Director term o f the lease. By: Juan M. Sablan By: Juan M . Sablan Mariana Island Housing Authority Dated this 7th day o f January, 1991. Executive Director Executive Director Mariana Islands Housing Authority M ariana Islands Housing Authority Commonwealth o f the Norhthem ) By: Juan M. Sablan Executive Director Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) RIGHT Mariana Islands ) Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) Saipan MP )ss. Marianas Island Housing Authority Saipan, MP )ss. Saipan MP )ss Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) CAN On this 7th day o f January, 1991, before me, a Notary Public On this 7th day of January, 1991, before me, a Notary On this 7 th day of January, 1991, before me, a Notary Public Saipan, MP 96950 ) ss in and for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Public in and for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana in and for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, personally appeared JU A N M. SA BLA N , duly authorized repre­ Islands, personally appeared JUAN. M. SABLAN, duly au­ personally appeared JUAN M. SA BLA N , duly authorized rep­ On this 7th day of January, 1991, before me, a Notary resentative forthe Mariana Islands Housing Authority, known to sentative for the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, known to thorized representative for the Mariana Islands Housing Au­ Public in and for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana me as the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing me as the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing thority, known to me as the person whose name is subscribed Islan()s, personally appeared Juan M . Sablan, duly authorized NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF to the foregoing NOTICE OF SA LE IN DEED O FTRUST, and representative for the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, TRUST, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same he acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of TR U ST , and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same on known to me as the person whose name is subscribed to the on behalf of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority. behalf of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority. the Mariana Islands Housing Authority. foregoing NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE IN W ITN ESS W HEREO F, I have set my hand and affixed IN W ITNESS W HEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed THE IN W ITN ESS W H EREO F, I have set my hand and affixed my IN DEED OF TRUST, and he acknowledged to me that he my official seal the day and year first written above. my official seal the day and year first written above. official seal the day and year first written above. executed the same on behalf of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority. Is/ Nieves S. Tomokane Is/ Nieves S. Tomokane RISK Pfappy Anniversary /s/ Nieves S. Tomokane IN W ITN ESS W H EREO F, I have set my hand and affixed Notary Public Notary Public to Notary Public my official seal the day and year first written above. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 9dr. & Mrs. ‘Bernard Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands OF /s/Nieves S. Tomokae iKofschneider Notary Pu b lic Love from the fam ily Commonwealth o f the Northern M ariana Islands 26-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANUARY 18.1991 Ports asked... Continued from page 1 The following strict measures NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE are to be followed immediately- * A ll gates, except the south UNDER POWER OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE gate leading to the LSG IN DEED OF TRUST Lufthansa, w ill be closed. CPA IN DEED OF TRUST security personnel w ill be posted Call Tel. 234-6341/7578/9797 Fax: 234-9271 at the gate and all vehicles and Manuel J. Castro and Joaquina B. Castro, on or about Francisco V. Cabrera, on or about June 4,1985, gave and their passengers w ill be inspected ACCOUNTANTS MECHANICS 8 CARPENTER 10 DANCER ENGINEERS 10 PLUMBER 1 DISCO JOCKEY December 23,1981, gave and delivered to the Mariana Islands delivered to the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, acting on prior to being admitted to re­ 1 ACCOUNTANT-College grad. 2 yrs. 2 AUTO/DIESEL MECHANIC 1 MECHANICAL ENGINEER -College 5 SHEET METAL WORKER 10 WAITRESS stricted areas. experience. Salary: $700.00 per month. Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the Farmers Home Ad­ behalf of the Farmers Home Administration, United States of H.E. OPERATOR -High school grad. 2 grad. 2 yra, experience. Salary: $7.00 - 6 MASON -High school equivalent 2 yrs. 1 BARTENDER -High school equivalent. America, a Deed of Trust upon certain real property hereinafter * CPA will be increasing its Contact; HERMAN B. CABRERA dba yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 -3.00 per 8.0tf per hour. experience. Salary: $1.75 per hour. 2 yrs, experience. Salary: $2.15 - 5.00 per ministration, United States of America, a Deed of Trust was Herman B. Cabrera & Associates, P.O. security force. hour. ' 1 CIVIL ENGINEER-College grad. 2 yrs. 3 CONST. SUPERVISOR - High school hour. registered on Decem ber24,1981, under Document NO . 13483 to described, which Deed of Trust was recorded on June 4 ,1985, Box 1421 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25JF. Contact: TRANSAMERICA CORP., P.O. 2 SUPERVISOR-HIgh school grad.2yra. * Locks for access doors w ill experience. Salary: $5.50-6 .0 0 per hour.1 grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.50 per secure payment of a Promissory Note of the said Trustor to the under DocumentNo. 85-1051 to securepaym entofaProm issory Box 1579 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. 1 LATHE MACHINE OPERATOR hour. experience. Salary: $2.15 - 8.00 per hour. be changed and only authorized 1 ACCOUNTANT -College grad. 2 yrs. 5 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER - High Note of the said Trustor to the Mariana Islands Housing Author­ 2 H.E. OPERATOR -High school C ntact: RODICO G. VIDAL dba R.V. Mariana Islands Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the personnel w ill be provided with experience. Salary: $900. per month. I AUTOMOTIVE BODY REPAIRER-High equivalent 2yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 Enterprises, P.O. Box 194, CHRB Saipan, school equivalent 2 yrs. experience Farmers Home Administration, United States of America. ity, acting on behalf of the Fanners Home Administration, Contact: SNMCORPORATKDN.INC.PiO. school equiv.2 yrs. experience. - 2.50 per hour. MP 96950 (1/18)F. Salary: 2.15 - 4.00 per hour. the keys. Box 2625 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. Salary:$4.50-6.05 per hour. Contact: GREEN PARK ENT., INC., P.O. The Deed of Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property United States of America. ContactWESTERN EQUIPMENT, INC., * CPA security personnel w ill ContactrMICROL CORPORATION P.O. Box 1402 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. 1 CARPENTER-High schogi grad. 2 yra. Box 2689 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25JF. hereafter described: The Deed of Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property 1 ACCOUNTANT -College grad. 2 yrs. P.O.Box 267, Saipan, MP 969501/25(F) experience. Salary: $1.75 per hour. strictly implement its rules and experience. Salary: $900. per month. A .H . N U M B E R 152-5, C O N T A IN IN G A N A R E A O F 929 hereafter described: regulations, for example, secu­ 3 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN-College Contact: ARVELI CARRREON & 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad. 2 yrs. 1 MECHANIC -High school grad. 2 yrs. LOT NUMBER 0051056, CONTAINING AN AREA OF grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salaiy: $4.00 per DOLORES CARREON dba A.D.C. SQUARE METERS, MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED rity badges w ill be inspected eSperienoe. Salary: $600 per month. experience. Salary: $2.15 - 4.70 per hour. hour. CONST. CO., P.O. Box 2779 Saipan, MP Contact: CARMEN SAFEWAY- O N D R A W IN G / C A D A S T R A L P L A T N U M B E R 2005/82, 979 SQUARE M ETERS, M ORE OR LESS, AS SHOWN ON frequently. Contact: CREATOR ENTRPRISES, INC. Contact EFRAIN F.CAMACHOdbaEfraln 96950 (1/25)F. 2 HOUSECLEANER-High school grad, 2 MEITETSU SHOPPING CTR., INC.. P.O. THE DIVISION OF LANDS AND SURVEY’S O FFICIAL Tudela said in his memo that , P.O. Box 3052 PR 618, Saipan, MP F. Camacho, Cons. Engineer, P.O. Box yra. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. THE ORIGINAL OF WHICH WAS REGISTERED WITH Box 38 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/2S)F. 96950 (1/18)F. these measures w ill be enforce­ 2415 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. 1 CARPENTER-High school equivalent Contact: NICOLAST. SABLAN dbaTala's THE LAND REGISTRY AS DOCUMENT 13347, ON THE CADASTRAL PLAT NUMBER 005101, THE ORIGINAL 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Recruiting Agent & Domestic Services, 1 ACCOUNTANT able “ until you receive a written Contact: C & J BUILDERS, P.O. Box 1(.27 25TH D A Y O F N O V E M B E R , 1981. OF WHICH WAS REGISTERED WITH THE LAND REG­ 1 MECHANIC (Maintenance)-High school Caller Box PPP400 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/ notice telling otherwise.” Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. 18)F. The Trustor has defaulted on payment o f the Note secured by IS T R Y A S D O C U M E N T N U M B E R 16706, D A T ED M A R C H grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2,50 per MAINTENANCE CONSTRUCTION Copies of the letter were also hour. the Deed of Trust, and by reason of said default the Mariana 11,1983, THE DESCRIPTION THEREIN BEING INCOR­ 5 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER 1 SALES REPRESENTATIVE -High 1 LANDSURVEYOR-Collegegrad.2yrs. WORKERS sent to the CNM I Governor, D i­ 5 HOUSEKEEPER school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: Islands Housing Authority issued its Notice of Default on No­ PORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. experience. Salary: $600. per month. ENTERTAINERS rector of the Department of Civil 2 PAINTER (BUILDING) I DRAFTER-High school graduate. 2 yrs. $2.15 per hour. Contact: OCK CONST. LTD., P.O. Box vember 27,1990. The Tnistor has defaulted on payment of the Note secured by 1 ELECTRICIAN-High school equivalent. experience. Sa!ary:$700-750 per month. 3 DANCER Contact SILVERIO D. ANTONIO dba Defense, the Emergency Opera­ 1120 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mariana Islands the Deed of Trust, and by reason of said default the Mariana 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour Contact:ELEPHANT CORPORATION 3 BARTENDER Chiquita Avon Co., P.O. Box 790 Saipan, tions Center and the FAA in 2 ACCOUNTANT -College grad. 2 yra. dba TOP CONSTRUCTION. P.O.BOX 4 ELECTRICIAN MP 96950 (1/18)F. Housing Authority w ill, on February 8,1991, at 10:00 a.m., at the Islands Housing Authority issued its Notice of Default on No­ Honolulu.______1 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT-College experience. Salaiy:$500.-900.per month. 673. SAIPAN, MP 96950 1/25(F) 3 DISHWASHER grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $875. per Contact JOAQUIN F. TORRES dba JVR 2 COOK office of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, Garapan, P.O. vember 26,1990. month. 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - Torres Recruiting Agency & Maint. 8 31 CARPENTER 4 GARDENER -High school grad. 2 yrs. High school equivalent. 2 yra. experience. 1 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT-College Box 514, Saipan,. M P 96950, underpowerof sale contained in the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mariana Islands Court order... Manpower Services. P.O. Box 2972 CK, 18 MASON experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Salary: $2.35 per hour. grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $840. per Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. -High school equiv. 2yrs. experience. Contact: PHIL. GOODS CONSTRUC­ Deed of Trust, sell the above described real property at public Housing Authority w ill, on February 8,1991, at 10:00 a.m., at the Continued from page 1 month. Contact MICRO PACIFIC, INC. dba Home Sala/y8l .85 per hour. TION, INC., P.O.Box 165 Saipan, MP Improvement Center, Caller Box PPP 521 auction to the highest qualified bidder, to satisfy the obligations office of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, Garapan, part-ment to grant temporary 1 AUTO BOOY REPAIRER-High school ContactE.C.GOZUM & CO.,INC. dba 1 MAINTENANCE WORKER-Highschool 96950 (1/25)F. Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. secured by said Deed of Trust. The minimum bid offer shall be not P.O.Box 514, Saipan, M P 96950,under power of sale contained work-ing permits to the factory grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.50 per grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.40 per TSK-ECG/Emilio Gozum Manpower hour. Services. P.O.Box 2310, Saipan, MP workers who have been dis­ hour. 1 ENTERTAINER (MUSICIAN) -High less than $71,000.00, a total amount due to FmHA loan and in the Deed of Trust, sell the above described parcel of real Contact: PACIFIC INTL. MARIANAS, 2 WAITRESS- High school grad. 2 yrs. 96950.1/25(F) I FRONT CLERK SUPERVISOR- school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: Salary:$3.40 per hour M IH A ’s expenses. property at public auction to the highest qualified bidder, to placed in light of the recent INC., P.O.Box 887 saipan, MP 96950 (1/ experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. $530 per month. 1 ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN - 1 GENERAL CASHIER-Salary:$3.50 per events. 2S)F. Contact: SAIPAN DIAMONDHOTEL CO., 1 FRONT DESK CLERK The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest to satisfy the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust. The College grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: hour LTD. dba Saipan diamond Hotel, P.O. Box 1 GARDENER -High school grad. 2 yra. He said that much as he wants $600 per month. 2 COOK ll-Salary:$3.15 per hour be conveyed or as to the property of the Deed of Trust, other than minimum bid offer shall be not less than $65,000.00, total I ACCOUNTANT 66 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. experience. Salary: $2.35 per hour. to help them, Torres said that he 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Contact: DATA BOND CORP., Caller Box 2 COOK l-Sa!ary:$2.65 per hour that the Mariana Islands Housing Authority is the lawful holder of amount due to FmHa loan and M IH A ’s expenses. -High school grad.2 yrs. experience. PPP328 Saipan. MP 96950 (1/25)F. 1 WAITRESS SUPERVISOR-High school 3 JAPANESE COOK-Salary:$2.65 per just could not transfer them to 5 BUILDING MAINT. REPAIRER-High grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $800, per The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest Salary :$2.50 per hour hour such Deed of Trust. The purchase price shall be payable by cash, other factories since this w ill school equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. month. -High school graduate. 2 yrs. experience. Contact:OXFORD CORPORATION 3 MASON eertified check or cashier’s check and shall be paid within 72 to be conveyed or as to the property of the Deed of Trust, other Salary: $2.15 per hour. 1 COCKTAIL WAITRESS-High school ContactHCTEL NIKKO SAIPAN INC. have a great effect on their alien Caller Box PPP642, Saipan, MP 2 CARPENTER - High school equivalent. hours from time of sale. than that the Mariana Islands Housing Authority is the lawful 96950.1/25(F) Contact: LORENZO I. RANGAMAR dba grad. 2 yra, experience. Salary: 2.68 per P.O. Box I52 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950 quotas. M A L Enterprises, Caller Box PPP 563 2 yra. experience. Salary: $1.85 per hour. hour. 1/25(F) The Mariana Islands Housing Authority reserves the right to holder of such Deed of Trust. The purchase price shall be payable “ If the displaced workers are Saipan, MP 96950 (1/2S)F. Contact DESCO INC., Caller Box PPP373 Contact MICRO PACIFIC DEVELOP­ 2 ACCOUNTANT-College graduate. 2 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. reject any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time and by cash, certifie check or cashier’s check and shall be paid within made to work in other garment yrs. experience. Salary:$l,000-1,100 MENT, INC. dba Saipan Grand Hotel, I HOUSEKEEPER-High school equiv.2 P.O. Box 369 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. place for sale of such property. Any prospective buyer must be a 72 hours from time of sale. factories on the island, most of permonth. 1 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC- 3 MASON -High school equivalent 2 yra. yra. experience. Salary:$2.l5 per hour Contact:KPMG PEAT MARWICK person authorized by the Constitution and laws of the Common­ The Mariana Islands Housing Authority reserves the right to the factories w ill exceed in their Salary:$2.15-2.50 per hour experience. Salary: $2.50 per hour. Contact-.YOSHIDA INC. dba Noa-Noa MICRONESIA. Caller Box PPP 543, 1TAILOR/DRESSMAKER 1 BARTENDER-High school equivalent. P.O. Box 2345, Saipan, MP Contact: H.A.F. DISTRIBUTING & wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. reject any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time and quota,” Torres said. Saipan, MP 969501725(F) 2 WAREHOUSEMAN WORKER 2 yra. experience. Salary: $2.25 per hour 96950.1/25(F) WHOLESALING dba Young's Distribution The further right is reserved, in the absence of satisfactory bids place for sale of such property. Any prospective buyer must be 2 CARPENTER Contact: O 8 S ENTERPRISES, INC. dba 4ACCCWNTANi^Ma^:$5W9^pef 1 MASON & Wholesaling, P.O. Box 213 Saipan, MP Urn's Burger/Loteria, P.O. Box503CHRB, I GOLDSMITH-. Salary:$l000 per month for the outright sale of the said parcel of real property to a qualified a person authorized by the Constitution and laws of the Com­ month 1 TRUCK DRIVER 96950 (1/18)F. Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. I GOLDSMITH-Salary:$2.30 per hour Girl Scouting I ELECTRIC IAN-Salary :$500 per month buyer, to offer such property at the same time and place, or at a monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. 2 JANITOR 1 GOLDSMITH HELPER-Salary:$2.30 -High school grad. 2 yrs. experience. -High school graduate. 2 yrs. 1 CARPENTER -High school equivalent. 5 WAITRESS/BAR -High school equiva­ per hour later time, for long term lease to any person on the usual terms and The further right is reserved, in the absence of satisfactory now on Rota ConactHAKUBOTAN SAIPAN INC. P.O. experience. Salary:$2.15 per hour. 2 yra. experience. Salary: $2.30 per hour. lent 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $400. pei -High school graduate. 2 yrs. Box 127,Saipan, MP 969501/25(F) conditions for long term leases of real property offered by the bids for the outright sale of said parcel of real property to a ContactJESUS B. YUMUL dba YCO 1 HEAVY EQUIP. OPRATOR - High school month. experience. The President and Vice- CORPORATION P.O.Box 932, Saipan, eaquivalent 2 yra. experience. Salary: ContactMIKE's MFG. INC. dba Mikes i ACCOUNTANT-College ’gr’ad^ Contact: MARIANAS SUNRISE ENT., INC. Mariana Islands Housing Authority to the highest bidder for such qualified buyer, to offer such property at the same time and place, president of the Northern MP 96950 1/25(F). $2.85 per hour dba Remington Club Restaurant, P.O. Box Jewelry P.O.Box 977, Saipan, MP 96950 yrs.experience. Salary:$800 per month. Contact BUCK MICRO CORP., P.O. Box 1/25(F) lease. Theminimubid amount of $71,000.00 shall also apply with or at a later time, for long-term lease to any person on the usual Marianas Girl Scouts 1 QUARRY SUPERINTENDENT-CoDege 1719 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. 3 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER- 545 CK.Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. lum sum payment for the term of the lease. terms and conditions for long term leases of real property offered Association, Connie B. grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary:$1,300 Salary:$2.l5-3.00 per hour permonti. 3 GUIDANCE COUNSELOR- 1 ELECTRICIAN by the Mariana Islands Housing Authority to the highest bidder Coward and Kim Jongman, Contact: BLACK MICRO Salary:$600 per month 1 CARPENTER-High school equivalent Dated th is 7th day o f Ja n u a ry , 1991. for such lease. The minimum bid amount of $65,000.00 shall Together with Remi Sablan of CORPORATION P.O.Box 545, CK, 2 ACCOUNTANT-Salary:$600 per Saipan MP 96950 1725(F) 2 yra. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. JOB POSITION OPEN By: Juan M. Sablan also apply with lum sum payment for the term of the lease. the Catholic Social Services, month 1 ASSISTANT MANAGER-High school -High school graduate 2 yrs. grad. 2 yrs, experience. Salary: $1,000 (NEW HIRE) Executive Director Dated this 7th day o f Ja n u a ry , 1991. traveled to Rota on December experience. 13,1990 and met with parents, MANAGERS permonth. M ariana Islands Housing Authority By: Juan M . Sablan Contacr.VICTORINO S. CEPEDA dba Contact: HANA INC. , P.O. Box 1219 interested individuals and the 1 MARKETING MANAGER-CoDegegred. MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL P.O.Box 6, Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. Executive Director Saipan, MP 669501//25(F). PRESSMEN/PRINTERS mayor's staff to organize and 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $ 4 80 per hour. Contact: SUWASO CORP. dba Coral Must have at least 2 years experience in operating printing Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) Mariana Islands Housing Authority 2 CONSTRUCTION SUPE RVISOR -High form girl scout troops in Rota, Ocean Point Resort Oub, P.O. Box 1160 5 MAINTENANCE ENGINEER -High school equivalent 2 yrs, experience. presses. Must be quality conscious in offset printing. Monthly Saipan, MP )ss. according to a news release Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. school grad. 2 yra. experience. Salary: Salary: $2.50 per hour. salary of $400 to $500. Commonwealth of the Nothem Mariana Islands) from movement's office. $500. -900. per month. I GENERAL MANAGER-College I CIVIL ENGINEER-College grad. 2 yra. On this 7th day of January, 1991, before me, a Notary Public Saipan MP )ss 5 AUTO MECHANIC "The Association would like graduate. 2 yrs. experience. 30 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER experience. Salary:$450.-600. per month. 4 MASON in and for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, to give thanks to Angel Hocog Salary:$2,846.78 per month. 3 AIRCON MECHANIC GRAPHIC ARTISTS 6 CARPENTER On this 7 th day o f January, 1991, before me, a Notary Public of Rota's CSS and Remi ContactPACIFIC DEVELOPMENT INC. 5 ELECTRICIAN personally appeared JU A N M. SA BLA N , duly authorized repre­ dba DIAMOND TOURS P.O.Box 502, I I PLUMBER Must be a graduate of art school or equivalent. A t least 2 Sablan for their efforts in 8 COOK sentative for the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, known to in and for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Saipan, MP 989501/2S(F). 5 BARTENDER 5 SHEET METAL WORKER-High school years working experience In graphic design, advertising Ivalent 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $ 1.75 personally appeared JU A N M. SA BLA N , duly authorized repre­ coordinating the meeting and 20 WAITRESS me as the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing I MANAGER-College graduate. 3 yrs. per hour. and general layout of art work. Salary: $5.00 to $700 per for their support of the Girl 3 DISC JOCKEY NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF sentative for the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, known to experience. Salary:$2.15-8.00 per hour Contact: DR. GIDEON A. QUERIMIT dba month. Scouting movement. 1 MASON-Salary:$2.15-280 per hour 15 HOUSEKEEPER TRU ST, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same on me as the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing 7 FRONT DESK CLERK Q & P Enterprises, Caller Box PPP239 The release said that the 2 SINGER- Salary:$2.15 per hour Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. behalf of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF 2 WATTER-Salary:$2.15 per hour 10 WAfTER visitors from Saipan were very 5 STOCK CONTROL CLERK REPORTERS/WRITERS TRUST, and the acknowledged to me that he executed the same 10 WArTRESS-Salary:$2.15 per hour IN W ITN ESS W HEREO F, I have setmy hand and affixed my impressed with the result of the 1 BA RTENDER/BARTENDFtESS-Salary 3 ACCOUNTANT -High school grad, or 5 MASON equivalent 2 yra. experience. Salary: $2.15 5 CARPENTER Minimum 2 years of working experience as reporter for official seal the day and year first written above. on behalf of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority. meeting. In addition to her role $2.15 per hour IN W ITNESS W HEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed 1 ELECTRICIAN-Salary:$1.75 per hour -3.00 per hour. 1 SECRETARY-High school grad. 2 yrs. newspapers with know ¡edge of photography. Monthly salary as Brownie troop leader, Lydia 1 CARPENTER-Salary:$l .75 per hour 1 ACCOUNTANT-Collage grad. 2 yra. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. from $600.00 to $700.00 and up. Send resume and clippings /s/ Nieves S. Tomokane my official seal the day and year first written above. Calvo, the Women's affair 3 MASON-Salary:$1.75 per hour experience. Salary 82.15 - 3.00 per hour. 10 DRAFTSMAN -College grad. 2 yra. Contact:DANIEL M. & BERTHA T. i0 DISHWASHER -High school equiva­ experience. Salary: $3.00 per hour. of previous written reports. Notary Public representative in Rota, she RAMOS dba RAMS COMPANY P.O.Box lent 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per Contact: AMERICAN PACIFIC, INC., P.O. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Is/ Nieves S. Tomokane volunteered to chair the Rota 2769, Saipan, MP 969501725(F). hour. Box 915 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/251F. Notary Public Girl Scourt Committe. Contact KANPACIFIC SAIPAN CO., LTD. Please apply In person or send resume tot 1 ASST. MANAGER-High school P.O. Box 527 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. 1 CARPENTER-High school equivalent Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Other troop leaders who gradual·. 2 yra. axparianca. joined in include Ann Mesngon Salary:$1,000-1800 per month. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $1.75 per hour. Contact: MARGARITA R.TENORIO dba Y0UNIS ART STUDIO, INC. and Diana Quitugua. Contact:TOYO AIRCONDITIONING DON'T JUST SIT THERE, SERVICE, INC. P.O.Box 645, Saipan. Saipan Office Supply, P.O. Box 114 -Ψ P.O. BOX 231, Saipan, MP 96950 MP 96950.1/2S(F) GET UP AND EXERCISE! Saipan. MP 96950 (1/25)F. 28-MARIANAS v a r ie t y NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANUARY18,1991 : MISCELLANEOUS : 4 DISPATCHER-READY MIX PLANT- REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 1 BEAUTICIAN -High school grad. 2 yrs. JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT WANTED TO RENT Salary:$2.15 per hour. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. COUPLE SEEKING 2-4 BEDROOM 2 COMMERCIAL ARTSIT-Salary:$2.15- THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS RETIREMENT Contact: RET ENTERPRISES, INC. dba 3.50 per hour FUND is soliciting proposals from interested firms for one Le Marj Beauty Salon, P.O. Box 979 HOUSE OR APARTMENT FOR 2 DRAFTSMAN-Salary: $450-1,900 per Saipan950 (1/25JF. 1 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER month. new computer described as follows: OCCUPANCY IN JANUARY UR EARLY 4 MACHINIST- Salary:$2.15-3.00 per COMPANY 486/25 MHz CACHE I LEASING AGENT-High school equiv. 2 College graduate, minimum of two years experience hour. yrs.experience. Salary:$2.25-2.50 per in shipping. FEBRUARY. 20 PAINTER- Salary:$l.75-3.50 per hour. INTEL 80486-25 Mhz CPU hour: 4 WELDER- Salary:$1.75-3.50 per hour. 4 MB RAM Upgradable to 16 MB Contact:NESTOR R. ABLOG dba $4.00 - 6.00 per hour. 4 WINDOW & DOOR FABRICATOR- Cow Town Resort General Fashion Center P.O.Box I447, P L E A S E CALL: 234-7520 322-0799 Salaiy :$2.15-3.50 per hour. Prferably a Built-in *KB 4 WAY Saipan, MP 96950 1/25(F) 4 AUTO-BODY REPAIRER- Set Associative Cache Ram Contact: SAIPAN SHIPPING COMPANY 234-5147 234-5505 Salary:$2.15-3.50 per hour 1.2 MB 5.25" Floppy Drive 3 JEWELER-Salary:$3.00 per hour P.O. Box 8 Saipan, MP 96950 6 Has space available in a 1 ASSISTANT MANAGER-Salary:$4.50 ARCHITECT/BLDG.CONSTN.ENGINEE 1.4 MB 3.5" Floppy Drive per hour R- Salary:$450-I,900 permonth. -High school equivalent. 2 yrs. 4 BATCHING PLANT/CRUSHER unique Indian style Teepee 105 MB Hard Drive/32K Cache experience. VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT OPERATOR- Salaiy:$2.l5-3S0 per hour. 16 Bit VGA Card W/512K RAM 4 ACCOUNTANT-Salary:$450-1,900 per Contact:CHI-LIANG TANG dba Wan (LOCAL HIRE) 14" 1024x768 Super VGA Monitor Yuan Jewelry P.O.Box 1231, Saipan, MP JOB OPENING month. setting. 95950.1/18(F) 4 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRER- 101 Keys Enhanced Keyboard The COMMONWEALTH UTILITIES Salary:$l.75-3.50 per hour. ** 2 CUTTER-High school equivalent. 2yrs. 10 H.E. OPERATOR-Salary:$2.15-3.50 For more information and Voltage regulator/protector experience. Salary:$2.15-3.50perhour. CORPORATION per hour. All proposals must be received by the Fund no later than Contact: UNO MODA CORP., P.O. Box 4 MAINTENANCE WORKER(BLDG. & 1847 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/ 18JF. has an immediate opening for an w + BARRACKS)-Salary:$1.75-3.50 per details, please contact Alex 5:00 p.m. January 25, 1991. The Fund has the right to hour. reject any and all proposals submitted, if it deems to be in 1 EXECUTIVE CHEF - High school grad. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 4 TINSMITH- Salary:$l.75-3.50 per hour. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2,500. - 5,700. HOTEL NIKKO SAIPAN, INC. 2 COOK- Salary:$2.l5-3.50 per hour. Verdusco at 322-1114. its best interest. Selection will be made within 30 working per month. Qualifications: HAS JOB OPENINGS FOR IMMEDIATE HIRING 2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER- days. Direct all proposals to: Salary:$450-1,900 per month. Contact: HOTEL NIKKO SAIPAN, INC. 1. Must have at least a five year secretarial and clerical experience. TOMAS B. ALDAN dba Hotel Nikko Saipan, P.O. Box 152 FRONT OFFICE CLERK (2) 8 MECHANIC(AUTO)- Salary:$2.15- , CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. 2.Must know short hand and a typing speed o f 75 to 80 words per 3.50 per hour. Adminisrator minute. RESERVATIONS CLERK (2) 6 HOLLOW BLOCKS MAKER- 3 COOK -High school equivalent. 2 yrs. Salary32.15-3.30 per hour T i l e NMI Retirement Fund/ Workers' experience. Salary: $2.15 - 4.00 per hour. 3.Should possess any combination equivalent to graduation from F & B OFFICE SECRETARY (1 ) 2 CIVIL ENGINEER-Salary:$450-I,900 Compensation Commission 4 WAITER/WAITRESS -High school per month a recognized college or university with a degree in Business, 6 ELECTRIC 1AN-Salary:$1.75-3.50 per J1%$T P.O. Box 1247, Saipan, MP 96950 equivalent2yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 Applicant must be a high school graduate. Public Administration or related field. hour Phone No. (670) 234-7228 - 2.50 per hour. Competetive starting salary. Will train. 2 MECHANICAL ENGINEER- Contact: CNMIBEUING RESTAURANT, 4.Should have a knowledge in personal computer operation on Interested persons may apply at the Personnel Office located Salary:$450-1,900 per month FAX No. (670) 234-9624 INC., P.O. Box 666 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/ software such as Word Perfect and Lotus 123. on the second floor. Monday through Friday 9:00a.m. to 4:00 60 MASON-Salary:$1.75-3.50 per hour 18)F. 60 CARPENTER-Salary:$1.75-3.50 per T i P ' W L 5.Should be able to attend to full dictation instructions. p.m. hour Shop 6 BAKER-High school equivalent. 2 yrs. 6. Should be able to transcribe minutes of meetings. Benefits: 20 SI EELMAN-Salary:$1.75-3.50 experience. Salary: $450 per month. Duty Meal, Paid Vacation Leave, Sick Leave, Paid Holidays, perhour 1 STORE SUPERVISOR - High school 7.ShouId be able to assist the Executive Director on other admin­ 10 PLUMBER-Salary:$1.75-3.50 per INVITATION TO BID equivalent. 2yrs.experience.Salary:$550. istrative matters. Medical Insurance, Group Life Insurance and many more. hour WANTED DPW91-ITB-00167 For more information, please contact Tel. No. 322-3311, Ext. 4 DISPATCHER,READY-MIX PLANT- per month. The Department of Public Works is soliciting sealed bids for the Contact: HERMAN'S MODERN BAKERY, 2020/2021/2022. Salary:$2.15 per hour TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION WORKBtS INC., P.O. Box 2 Saipan, MP 96950(1/ SALARY WELL DEPEND ON QUALIFICATIONS -High school equivalent. 2 Construction of As Perdido Road, Saipan, M P, Commonwealth of 18)F. yrs.experience. INCLUDING HOUSING BENEFIT. Contact:SABLAN CORPORATION dba the Northern Mariana Islands. Bids in duplicate w ill be accepted SABLAN CONSTN CO. LTD./ROCK 2 MASON 3 H.E. OPERATOR-High school grad. 2 in the Office of the chief of Procurement and Supply at Lower QUARRY yrs. experience. Salary: $2.25 per hour. Applicant must send a copy of Police Clearance, Diploma and PUBLIC NOTICE P.O.Box I430,Saipan, MP 96950.1/25(F) Base, Saipan until 2:00 p.m, local time, February 08, 1991, at 4 H.E. MECHANIC -High school grad. 2 other certificates or credentials. Send resume to the attention of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF 1 ROUGH CARPENTER which time and place the bids w ill be publicly opened and read yrs. experience, salary: $2.15 - 2.75 per 5 COOK-Salary:$2.50 per hour hour. Beverly Camacho, Administrative Officer, Commonwealth THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS 5 WA(TER-Salary:$2.25 per hour aloud. Any bids received after the above time w ill jot be accepted Contact: COMMONWEALTH MARITIME Utilities Corporation, P.O.Box 1220, Saipan, M P96950. Inquiries' C IV IL ACTION NO. 90-593 -High school equivalent. 2 yrs 1 FINISHING CARPENTER under any circumstances. CO., P.O. Box 803 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/ experience. 18)F. from off island applicants can be made at (670)322-4033 collect Contact.SHOWBOAT, INC. P.O. Box Must have minimum 5 years experience o f fax number (670)322-4323. BANK OF SAIPAN, Plaintiff I808, Saipan, MP 96950.1/25(F) Contract time is 210 Calendar Days. A ll bids must be accompanied 1 CLEANER -High school grad. 2 yrs. -v- Must be able to work with little or no supervision experience. Salary: $2.50 per hour. by a bidder's bond in the amount of not less than 15% of the total VICENTE M. SABLAN AND NATIVE)AD P. SABLAN, Must have own tools Contact: STS INCORPORATED, P.O. Box CLASSIFIED ADS bid price. Bid security may be bid bond, certified check, cashier's 542 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. Defendants No phone calls please JOB OPENING (NEW) check or other form acceptable to the Government made payable 2 DRESSMAKER -High school equiva­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday, January 30,1990, at to the Treasurer, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands lent 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per 10 MASON with notation on the face o f the check: "C redit Account No. 1453" hour. The COMMONWEALTH UTILITIES the hour of 10:30 ajn. of the said day, at the Police Station in Susupe, 3 PLUMBER Contact: ALITA A. SOLANGON dba Llta's CORPORATION Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, I will sell, at public auction, the 20 CARPENTER The payment of $300.00 is required for every set of plans, Enterprises. P.O. Box 2729 Saipan, MP current lawful money of the United States of America, all of the right, 1 ELECTRICIAN-High school equivalent. specifications and other bidding instruction which can be secured 96950 (1/25)F. has an immediate opening for a 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $1.75 per hour. tide, and interest of Defendants Vicente M. Sablan and Natividad P. a c i f i c 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - Col­ P L & from the Technical Services Division, Department of Public 1 TINSMITH -High school equivalent 2 CORPORATE COMPTROLLER Sablan in and to the following tracts or parcels of real property situated lege grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 Works, Saipan, M P, on or after January 18,1991. A receipt for the yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Marian Islands: per hour. Qualifications: I s l a n d s payment should be obtained from the CNM I, Treasurer, Depart Contact: ROOICO G. VIDAL dba R.V. Lot No. 016 H 16, Chalan Kanoa Village, containing an area of 582 1 ACCOUNTANT -College grad. 2 yrs, Enterprises, P.O. Box 194 CHRB Saipan, experience. Salary: $500. per month. l.Must have at least a ten (10) years experience in utility and square meters, more or less, as more particularly described on Drawing/ ment of Finance in Capitol H ill, before applying for the bidding MP 96950 (1/25JF. 1 ARCHITECT C l u b s a i p a n documents. financial accounting with emphasis on the generally accepted Cadastral Plat No. 016 H 00, the original of which was registered with the 1 CIVIL ENGINEER -College grad. 2 yrs. 1 FINANCIAL ANALYST-College accountingprinciples and practices forpublic utilities as follows: Land Registry as Document No. 707, on the 1st day of March, 1971; and experience. Salary: $600. per month. Pacific Islands Club is seeking energetic career- graduate. 2 yrs.experience. Salary:$3.75 Contact: NORTHWEST PACIFIC EN­ minded people to fill the following job vacancies: The Department of Public Works hereby notifies all bidders that it per hour. a. The uniform system ofaccounts prescribed for utility companies Lot No. 016 H 14, Chalan Kanoa Village, containing an area of 480 TERPRISES, P.O. Box 2309 Saipan, MP Contact:MICRONESIAN SALES under Rural Electrification Administration (REA ). square meters, more or less, as described on Drawing/Cadastral Plat No. 96950 (2/1)F.______ACCOUNTANT w ill affirm atively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant COMPANY (SAIPAN). NC. P.O.Box 239 016 H 00, the original of which was registered with the Land Registry as CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950.1/25(F) b. Accounting and Reporting Practices of Public Utilities; 1 COMPUTEROPERATOR-Highschool to this advertisement, minority business enterprises w ill be afforded c.Accounting Principles for Regulated Industries; and Document No. 707, on the 1st day of March, 1971; and grad. 2 yrs. exprience. Salary: $430. per 2 SECURITY GUARDS full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and 1 COOK -High school grad. 2 yrs. expe­ Lot No. 055 H 13 (formerly Block 733, Lot 44-10), Chalan Kanoa month. rience. Salary: $400. per month. d.Public U tility Accounting and Management Information Sys­ Contact: JOETEN MOTORS CO., INC., w ill not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, and V illage, as shown in the Division of Lands and Surveys Official Cadastral Contact: REYNALDO T. DE DIOS dba tems. P.O. Box 680 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. 2 FRONT OFFICE CLERKS national origin in consideration for an award. Universal Developers, Inc., P.O. Box2136 Plat No. 0055 H 00 dated February 17,1971, and containing an area of Saipan, MP 96950 (1/2S)F. 2.Should possess any combination equivalent to graduation 828 square meters, subject, however, to the estate liens, charges, and 1 ICE PLANT MANAGER -College or from a recognized college or university with a Bachelor’s degree encumbrances which appear of record; and High school grad. 4 yrs. experience. Sal­ BAR BACK In addition bidders are hereby notified that all bids may be rejected in Business, major in Accounting. With Master’s degree ary: $600. per month. if the lowest responsive bid received exceed tHe Government’ Lot No. 016 H 23, Chalan Kanoa Village, containing an area of 500 Contact: JOHN T & GLORIA G. SABLAN WAITER prcferrable. square meters, more or less, as more particulary described on Drawing/ dba JG Sablan Ice 8 Water Co., P.O. Box estimate by more than 7% percent and it is determined that an 3.Shouid be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Cadastral Plat No. 016 H 00, the original of which was registered with the 2119 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. STEWARD award of contract would cause excessive inflationary impact. In 4.Should have a knowledge in personal computer operation on Land Registry as DocumentNo. 707,onthelst dayofMarch,1971;and the cventall bids are rejected for this reason, this contract proposal Please apply at the Personnel Dept., Monday - Friday software dealing with spreadsheets and word processing. Lot No. 016 H 01, Chalan Kanoa Village, containing an area of 557 w ill be modified and may be deferred to re-advertising for bids from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Japanese speaking not 5.Should be fam iliar with an integrated computerized environ­ square meters, more or less, as more particulary described on Drawing/ r a c D m s s until a more competitive situation exists. Cadastral PlatNo. 016 H 00, the original of which was registeredd with required. Wage commensurate with experience. ment using an IB M mid-range computer. the Land Registry as Document No. 707, on the 1st day of March, 1971; BENEFITS INCLUDE: A pre-bid conference for prospective bidders w ill be held at 2:00 and MISA Medical Insurance SALARY WELL DEPEND ON QUALIFICATIONS p.m., local time. Friday, January 25, 1991, at the Technical Lot No. TR21990-6, San Vicente Village, containing an area of 1,392 ENTERPRISES, INC. Duty Meal INCLUDING HOUSING AND TRANSPORTATION Services Division, Department of Public Works. Questions con­ square meters, moreor less, as more particularly describeddon Drawing/ Paid Vacation BENEFITS. Cadastral PlatNo. 2025/86, the original of which was registered with the Invites local participation cerning the plans and specifications of the Special Provisions Sick Leave Land Registry as DocumentNo. TR21990 (H-625), on the July 9,1982. in the ownership of the should be submitted prior to the conference. Birthday Applicants must send a copy of Police Clearance, Diploma and Said real property will be sold without any warranties whatsoever, company other certificates of credentials. Send resume to the attention of express or implied, including warranties of title and/or possession. The The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to right is reserved to reject any or all bids, for any reason. In all other W e comply with federal law by verifying the identity and Beverly Camacho, Administrative Officer, Commonwealth Contact the Investment waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in the interest of the respects, the sale shall be conducted as set forth in 2 CMC S4537. work eleigibility of all hires on a non-discriminatory Utilities Corporation, P.O. Box 1220, Saipan, MP96950. Inquiries Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Dated this 27th day of December, 1990. Manager at 234-9475 basis. from o ff island applicants can be made at (670)-322-4033 /s/ ELIZABETH H. SALAS-BALAJADIA Is/ S gt Justo R. Cruz (or Fax: 234-8463) AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER collect or fax number (670)322-4323. Department of Public Safety Acting Director of Public Works 30-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANUARY 18,1991 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS- 31 CLASSIHED ADS CLASSIFIED ADS JTG ENTERTAINMENT & PROMOTION INVITATION FOR BIDS (NEW) JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT (NEW) SAIPAN BEACH 1 OPERATIONS ASST. -College grad. 3 CPA-fl #91-1 1 CARPENTER-High school equivalent. P.O. Box 1029 Sxipxn. MP 96950 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15-2.75 per Tel: 234-6412/ 6413/ 6414 FAX 234-7064 yrs. experience. Salary: $4.00 -10.00 per SAIPAN BOWLING CENTER hour. hour. INSURANCE MANAGER SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF JETWAY CORRIDOR AT 1 MASON-High school equivalent. 2 yrs. 1 DOCUMENTATION CLERK -High SAIPAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. SAIPAN. MARIANA ISLANDS. AIP D UTIES; Inspect and rate properties for insurance, evaluating school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: experience. Salary: $1.75-2.50 per hour. VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT IMMEDIATE OPENING PROJECT NO. 3-69-0002-12 will be received at the office of the Contact: PEDRO C. SAN NICOLAS dba risks and applying underwriting principles to establish covers $3.00 - 5.00 per hour. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. COMMONWEALTH PORTS AUTHORITY. (LOCAL HIRE) Contact: SAIPANSHIPPINGCO.·, P.O.Box (LOCAL HIRE ONLY) PAB Const. Co., P.O. Box 1102 Saipan, adequate to protect clients needs. Prepare and issue policies 8 Saipan. MP 96950 (1/25)F. Saipan International Airport, P.O. Box 1055, Saipan, Mariana Islands MP 96950 (2/1 )F. 96950, until 2:00 p.m., January 31,1991, at which time and place the within authority limits and guidelines provided by principals. 1 JAPANESE KITCHEN CHEF -College CASHIER sealed bids will be publicly opened and read. 1 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER -High Evaluate and settle or otherwise dispose of claims presented by DAI-ICHI HOTEL SAIPAN BEACH school grad. 2 yrs. exprience. Salary: $2.15 grad. 4 yrs. experience. Salary: $2,200. - insured clients and/or third parties. has a job opening for immediate hiring 4,200. per month. SALARY; $3.50 PER HOUR The project. In general, consists of the construction of a twp- per hour. Contact: HOTEL NIKKO SAIPAN, INC. level concrete apronslde canopy, parking apron blast wall and site Contact: SANTOS ACRES, P.O. Box 815 CASHIER CALL TEL. 234-7931 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. dba Hotel Nikko Saipan, P.O. Box 152 related work; and performing other miscellaneous work, all in Keep and update all necessary policy and statistical records (1 female) CHRB Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. CONTACT FRANCES CAMACHO accordance with the plans and specifications. 1 GENERAL MAINTENANCE WORKEP needed to provide regular reports to principals. Prepare and FRONT DESK CLERK -High school grad. 2 yrs. experience. submit regularly required financial and activity reports to princi­ 5 HOUSE WOKER -High school equiva­ The project Is being financed by funds from the Salary: $2.15 per hour. lent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per (2 female/male) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Commonwealth Ports Authority and from the U.S. Federal Aviation Contact: JUANC.AGUONdbaAB'sHotlse pals. Allocate duties and monitor activity of clerical staff to hour. Administration. Rental, Box AAA1048 Saipan, MP 96950 ensure proper completion of assigned tasks. SECURITY GUARDS Contact: JOAQUIN TORRES dbaUVR R F P NO. 91-0014 (2/1)F. Torres Recruiting Agency S Maintenance The bidder’s attention Is Invited to the fact that the proposed (3 MALE) 6 Manpower Services, P.O. Box 2972 CK, January 3,1991 contract shall be urider and subject to the equal opportunity clause 1 A/C REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN - Please pick up application at: Saipan, MP 96950 (1/18)F. ACCOUNTING CLERK The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) is solicit­ as set forth In Part III, Section 302(b) of Executive Order 11246, as High school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Sal­ 1 ELECTRONIC ELECTRICIAN -High ing competitive sealed proposals for the repair of two amended by Executive Order 11375 dated October 13,1977, and ary: $3.50-7.00 per hour. MICROL CORPORATION (1 female/male) school equivalent. 2 yrs. experience, sal­ 14,000 bbl bolted fuel storage tanks (Tank 101 and 102) at Section 60-1.4(b) of the regulations of the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR Contact: ISLAND FIESTA FOODS CO., San Jose Village, P.O. Box 267, Saipan, M P 96950 60-1) as Implemented by Section 152.61 of the Federal Aviation INC.. P.O. Box 2247 Saipan. MP 96950 ary: $2.15 - 2.25 per hour. Tel. 234-5911-8 Contact: ALEXANDER A. NAVARETTE the Saipan Power Plant, Lower base. Regulations, to the contract and labor provisions as set forth In (2/1)F. BENEFITS: dba St. Joseph Taxi 4 Manpower Ser­ Section 152.55 and Appendix H, Part 152. of the Federal Aviation and submit resume/work history. Medical Benefits 2 DRESSMAKER (Tailor)-High school vices, P.O. Box 1433, Saipan, MP 96950 Proposals shall detail the method of evaluating and repairing Regulations, and to the applicable provisions of Title VI of the Civil Paid Vacation/Sick Leaves (1/25JF. Rights A ct of 1964 (78 Stat. 252) implemented by Part 21 of the grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per the tanks, including but not limited to necessary cleaning, hour. Free Meals & Uniforms Regulations of the Office of the Secretary of Transportation. Also, Contact: PAM PACIFIC ENTERPRISES 1 (WOOD) LAMINATER sanding, sealing, painting and pressure testing in accor­ the proposed contract will be subject to the Contractor's CORP., Box PPP 502 Saipan, MP 96950 1 STRIPPER -High school equivalent. 2 INVITATION FOR BIDS dance to API standards. The integrity testing must be Certification of nonsegregated facilities. (2/1)F. Interested persons may apply in person at the Person­ yrs. experience. Salary: $2.50 per hour. The Chief, Procurement and Supply Division, is soliciting Contact: MARIANAS PRINTING SER­ conducted by a certified tester in accordance with industry nel Office, 2nd Floor, Dai-lchi Hotel Saipan Beach The apparent low bidder and any known first tier subcontractor 1 ACCOUTANT -College grad. 2 yrs. VICES, INC., P.O. Box 438 Saipan, MP competitive sealed bids for the procurement of the following standards and provide certification of non-leakage to the will be subject to a preaward, equal opportunity compliance experience. Salary: $600.-900. per month. Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 96950 (1/18)F. type vehicle: US Environmental Protection Agency in compliance with review by representatives of the Office of Federal Contract 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST.-High school Compliance Programs, U.S. Department of Labor, before the award grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15- One (1) Unit AII-Trac Seven (7) Passenger Van, 2 SALES REPRESENTATIVE (Auto Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) of the contract for the purpose of determining whether the bidder 6:00 per hour. Rental) -High school grad. 2 yrs. experi­ Automatic Transmission, Power Steering, AM/FM Regulations. Proposals must also indicate the number of and/or his subcontractors are able to comply with the provisions of Contact: DOSA SUBSEA CO.. LTD., P.O. ence. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Box 2183, Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Radio with quick removable rear seats, with identi Contact: LOMAR CNMI dba Hertz Rent A days each tank must be rendered empty such that one tank the equal opportunity clause. JOB AMIMOUMCEMEIVIT Car, P.O. Box 1989 Saipan. MP 96950 (1/ cal spare tire and flat tire removal tools. remains operational. If the bidder has participated in a previous contract subject to 1 COOK -High school equivalent. 2 yrs. 18)F. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. the equal opportunity clause and has not submitted compliance Contact:JOONCO.CORP.,P.O. Box693 Must be C IF M ARPANDS, Saipan; must have a maintenance/ 1 ELECTRICIAN -High school grad. 2 yrs. Company representatives wishing to inspect the tanks are reports as required by applicable Instructions, the bidder shall Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Saipan Cable T.V. submit, prior to award of contract, a compliance report covering warranty agreement, rustproofed/undercoatcd, registered/safety experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. requested to contact the Power Generation Manager , Contact: SAIPAN ADBOT ENT., INC. dba the delinquent report or such other period specified by the FAA or 1 COOK HELPER inspected prior to delivery at M ARPANDS with registration fee has an opening in their Pedro Castro, at 322-9243, to schedule a tour of the Saipan Cultural Centre, Caller Box PPP the Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance, U.S. 3 BARTENDER payable at the CNM I Treasury. 416 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25JF. bermed area. Department of Labor. 4 WAITRESS 2 CCOK -High school equivalent. 2 yrs. 3 HOUSEKEEPER A bidder or prospective prime contractor or proposed exprienoe. Salary: $2.50 per hour. Bid submissions are to be in a sealed envelope Marked IFB91- ADVERTISING DEPT. 1 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER - High Proposals must be submitted in duplicate to the CUC subcontractor shall be required to submit such Information as the Contact: VALORYE K. TROMBETIA dba Mom's Round Two, P.O. Box3159 Saipan, 0031 and submitted in Duplicate to the Chief, Procurement & • High school diploma required school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: Procurement and Supply Manager, Lower base, P.O. Box FAA or the Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance, request $2.15 per hour. prior to the award of a contract or subcontract. When a MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Supply, Saipan, no later than 2:00 p.m., January 28,1991, at 1220, Saipan, MP 96950, no later than January 31,1991, • Many excellent company benefits Contact: TAPA BAR INC., P.O. Box 920 determination has been made to award the contract or which time and place all bids received w ill be publicly opened Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. at 3:00 p.m. The CUC reserves the right to reject any or all subcontract to a specified contractor, such contractor shall be 1 PHOTOLABDEVELOPER-High school • Right applicant could make over grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $1,000. and read. Bids received late w ill not be considered. The CNM I proposals for any reason and to waive any defect in said required, prior to award, or after the award, or both to furnish such 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT -High other Information as the FAA or the Director requests. per month. Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to $2,000. per month. school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: proposals, if in its sole opinion to do so is in the best interest Contact: NEW WORLD ENTERPRISE, Box PPP 198 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. waive any defects if in its sole opinion to do so would be in its best $2.15 per hour. of the CUC. All proposals shall become the property of Contract documents. Including plans and specifications, may Contact: EURO PACIFIC CORP. dba The interest. Lighthouse, P.O. Box 50 CHRB Saipan, CUC. be examined at the Office of the Executive Director. 2 COOK -High school grad. 2 yrs. expe­ Contact: RON HATHAWAY at 234-6362 1 7350 /s/ DAVID M. APATANG MP 96950 (U18)F. /S/RAMON S. G U ER R ER O Commonwealth Ports Authority, or can be obtained from this office rience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. upon the* payment of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($350.00) for Contact: MEI'S KITCHENETTE, P.O. Box 2 PHOTO DEVELOPER -High school Executive Director each set of plan documents. This· amount Is nonrefundable. 336 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 Payment shall be made by check payable to the Commonwealth per hour. Ports Authority. 2 DENTAL TECHNICIAN -High school VACANCY ANNOUNCEM ENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Contact: LEE'S INC., P.O. Box 1691 rad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation is soliciting competi­ Saipan, MP 96950 (1/ 18JF. POSITION VACANCY Copies qf the aforementioned contract documents may also hour. (LOCAL HIRE) be examined or obtained at the following offices of Geo- tive sealed proposal for One (l) Unit "PRODUCTION DIGGER" POSITION; CLERK 1 LOCATION: SAIPAN Contact: SHAMROCK, INC., P.O. Box Englneerlng & Testing and Efraln F. Camacho, Consulting Engineers: 169 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. I COOK-High school graduate. 2 yra. NATURE OF WORK: with the following specifications and attachment: experience. SaJary:$2.15 per hour 1. EN G IN E - Detroit Diesel (Front and Rear) Contact:MICHAEL SZE PRODUCTS Under the general supervision of the Administrative Officer, the Geo-Englneerlng & Testing 1 QUALnY CONTROL CHECKER MC. dba HONG KONG CHINESE REST. incumbent in this position performs a wide variety of clerical work P.O. Box 3597 2 SEWER (Sewing Machine Oprator) - 2. PLATFORM - Swing Mount with Fore and Aft P.O.Box 596, Saipan, MP 96950 1/25(F) such as typing, and filing of records and documents within the NMI Agana, Guam High school equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. 3. TURNTABLE - 240 Degree Rotation Fore and Aft Phone Number (671) 646-7710 Salary: $2.50 per hour. 1 HOUSEWORKER-High school equiv. 2 Retirement Fund. Will be responsible for all the members and 2 SEWER (Sewing Machine Oprator) - Saipan DIAMOND HOTEL 4. DIGGING DEPTH -15 F l and 16 -inches in Diameter yrs. experience. Salary:$2.15 per hour. retirees files. Efraln F. Camacho, Consulting Engineers High school equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. 5. POLE SETTING PACKAGES -Telescopic Winch set ContaccCRIS MAGLALANG dba Salary: $2.15 per hour. Flame Tree Terrace Has a job opening for immediate hiring: Hydraulically at 8,000 lbs. TAURUS ENTERPRISES P.O.Box 2260. P.O. Box 2415 Contact: COMMONWEALTH GARMENT Saipan, MP 96950.1/25(F) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: MFG., INC., P.O. Box 741 Saipan. MP CASHIER 6. OUTRIGGERS - Front "A" Frame File all documents and records for all activities in the NMI Saipan, MP 96950 96950 (2/1)F. Phone Number: (670) 322-7814/7815 Rear "A" Frame I DRESSMAKER-High school equiv. 2 Retirement Fund/Workers' Compensation Commission in ap­ (2 Female) yrs. experience. Salary;$2.15 per hour. 2 COOK -High school equivalent. 2 yrs. 7. D RIV E LIN E - Four Speed Transmission with 13 inches Contact:GAUDENC IO C. MACALINAO propriate manner. A pre-bid conference will be held at the office of the Executive experience. Salary: $2.35-3.00 per hour. FRONT DESK CLERK Torque Converter 4 x 4. 102 inches CA Tandem Axle dba UNRY TRADE SERVICE INC. P.O. Deliver mails and packages to the Board members and other Director. Commonwealth Ports Authority, Saipan International 2 HOUSEKEEPER-High school grad. 2 (1 Male / 1 Female) Box 703, Saipan, MP 96950 1/25(F) agencies. Airport, at 10:00 a.m. on January 4, 1991 to explain and clarify any yrs. experience. Salary: $2.35-3.00 per Truck with 38,000 lbs G VW Rating. ' Type letters as necessary. questions regarding this project. Questions should be submitted to hour. SECURITY GUARDS Kelly Bar 3,0" Class 39,000 Ft. Lbs of Torque 1 EXECUTIVE CHEF-High school grad. EFRAIN F. CAMACHO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS In writing, at least five' 1 COOK HELPER 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2,100. - 2,500. Other related duties as assigned. (5) days In advance for answers at this pre-bid conference, with a 1 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN -High (2 Males) 8. U T ILIT IES - Hydraulic Top circuit, Micro Parking Brake, per month. copy of same mailed simultaneously to the Executive Director. school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $ BELLE0Y Tunnel Storage, Hydraulic Front Winch, Water Tank, 2 STEWARD QUALIFICATIONS: Commonwealth Ports Authority. 2.35 per hour. 1 HOUSEKEEPER -High school grad. 2 1 WAITER -High school grad. 2 yrs. (1 Male) Pole Carrier, Pintle Hook and Outboard Leveling yrs. experience.Salary: $2.15 - 3.25 per High school graduate, with ability to follow instruction. Must be Each prospective bidder shall file with the Commonwealth exprience. Salary: $3.13 per hour. Cylinder. hour. able to communicate well. 3 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER TELEPHONE OPERATOR 1 RESERVATION CLERK Ports Authority, at the above Saipan address, a notice of his 2 STEWARD - High school grad. 2 yrs. 9. AU G ER - Step Type Ripper Teeth Double tooth Rock Auger. .3 SECURrTY GUARD Intention to bid not less than six (6) calendar days prior to the date experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. STAFF DINING COOK HELPER 10. SAFETY FEATURES - Safety Load Valves on all Load SALARY: hereinabove designated for opening of bids. 1 CASHIER. FRONT OFFICE Contact: PACIFIC GARDENIA HOTEL. Bearing Cylinders. 1 ACCOUNTING CLERK -High school Beginning salary will be $6,299 per annum-Pay Level 5, Step 1. P.O. Box 144 Saipan. MP 96950 (2/1 )F. grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 - . Each bid shall be on a form furnished by the Commonwealth BENEFITS: 11. TYPE OF SO IL CONDITIONS - Coral (compacted), Rock 3.00 per hour. APPLICATIONS: Ports Authority. A bid bond In the amount of ten percent shall be 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST.-High school Sand and Native Soil. 1 ELECTRICIAN-Hlghschoolgrad.2yrs. required. grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $550. per MEDICAL BENEFITS Application forms may be obtained at the NMI Retirement Fund A ll interested parties mustsubmit their proposals to Procurement experience. Salary: $2.15-2.75 per hour. month. PAID VACATION/SICK LEAVES 1 BARTENDER Office on the Ground floor of the Nauru Building or at the regional The Commonwealth Ports Authority reserves the right to reject Contact: SAIPAN PHOTOLAB., INC., P.O. and Supply (CUC) Lower Base, attention Mr. Pete W . Torres, 1 GARDENER Box 1808 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. FREE MEALS & UNIFORMS offices on Rota and Tinian. Completed application forms for this any or all bids for any reason and to waive any defects In said bids, ProcurementManager,CUC no later thari2:00p.m.,February 13, 4 RESTAURANT WAITRESS position must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., January 25, or any of them. If In Its sole opinion to do so would be In Its Interest. 2 FRONT DESK CLERK -High school 1 MASON-High school equivalent 2 yrs. 1991. Proposal received late w ill not be considered. 1991. Late applications will not be considered. grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per /s/ J.M . Guerrero exprience. Salary: $2.75 per hour. Interested person may apply in person at the Personm The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation reserves the right to hour. Contracting Officer for CPA Contact: MICRO PACIFIC. INC. dba Office, ground floor, Saipan Diamond Hotel, Contact: PACIFIC MICRONESIA CORP. The NMI Retirement Fund is an equal opportunity eremployer. ______12/12/90 ______HOme Improvement Center, Box PPP 521 reject any or all proposals if in its sole opinion to do so would be dba Dai-lchi Hotel Saipan Beach, P.O. Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. Monday to Friday, 9 am - 5 pm. in the best interest of the Corporation, CUC. Box 1029 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/25)F. 3 2 - m arianas variety new s AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANUARY18,1991 ri'ab.ni.jAjNUAKY 18,1991--MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS- 33 1 CARPENTER -High school equivalent. 1 H.E. OPERATOR CLASSIFIED ADS 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. 1 ELECTRICIAN -High school grad.2yrs. Contact: GOLDEN ENTERPRISES, P.O. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. PROPERTIES FOR LONG TERM LEASE (NEW) Box 2372 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Contact: UNITED MATERIALS SUPPLY, BY OWNER Classified Ads i 5 COOK -High school equivalent. 2 yrs. INC., P.O. Box 1668 Saipan, MP 96950 ШШ1Ш 8 CARPENTER exprience. Salary: $2.50 per hour. (2/1 )F. - This property has 3 units concrete Building 1 SUPERVISOR-High school grad. 2 yrs. 2 LANDSCAPER -High school equiva­ 1 GENERAL MANAGER -High school 1 COOK -High school grad. 2 yrs. expe­ 2 MASON-High school equivalent. 2 yrs. 1 PAINTER Contact:SAIPAN ICE dbaNINOSPIZZA, experience. Salary: $800 per month. lent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.1 5 per equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: rience. Salary: $500. per month. experience. Salary: $1.75 per hour. 1 ELECTRICIAN-High schoolequivalent. Apartment and three bedroom house on a 1,389 square 3 ELECTRICIAN P.O. Box 1808 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. 1 BEAUTICIAN -High school equivalent. • hour. $2.50-5.00 per hour. Contact: SJ CORPORATION dba SJ Auto 1 ASST CIVIL ENGINEER-College grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $1.60 per hour. meters lot. Water, power, and sewer (connected to city 1 STEELMAN (Sheet metal Worker) 2yrs. experience. Salary: $500. permonth. Contact: ROY E. ALEXANDER fba Contact: CNMI BEUING RESTAURANT. repair Shop, P.O. Box 1962 Saipan, MP 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $3.00 per hour. Contact: 3K CORPORATION dba Han 2 PLUMBER 1 GENERAL MANAGER-College grad. 2 sewer line) are presently available. Ocean view location. Contact: KH CORPORATION, P.O. Box Alexander ReaJEstateCo., P.O. Box 1969 INC., Box AAA 188 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/ 96950 (2/1)F. Contact: TAURUS ENTERPRISES, P.O. Yang Construction, P.O. Box 1489 Saipan, 3 CARPENTER yrs. experience. Salary:$2,200. per month. 30.19 Saipan, MP 96950 (1/2SJF. - Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)(. 1)F.______1 MANAGER-College grad. 2 yrs. expe­ Box 2260 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Contact 234-7158 3 MASON -High school equivalent 2 yrs. 2 AUTO BODY REPAIRER experience. Salary: $1.75 per hour. rience. Salary: $700. per month. 1 LAY-OUT ARTIST -High school grad. 2 1 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN -High 1 GENERAL MANAGER -High school 2 MECHANIC Contact: NEW BUILDERS, P.O. Box 2490 6 RECEPTIONIST (Counter) 1 STEELMAN 2 BARBER -High school grad. 2 yrs. yrs. experience. Salary: $400. per month. school grad. 2 yrs, experience. Salary: equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: 1 CAR PAINTER-High schoolgrad.2yrs. Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. 8 CARPENTER experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. 1 REPORTER (Journalist) -College grad. 2 BELLHOP $2.15 per hour. $3.00-4.50 per hour. experience. Salary: $500. per month. 13 MASON Contact:GENEROSO D. HUERTAS, SR. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $550. permonth. 5 HOUSEKEEPER -High school grad. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Contact: SOLID GOLD ENTERPRISES Contact: NAN TAI CO.. INC., Box AAA Contact: PONY CORPORATION, P.O. 9 PAINTER -High school equivalent. 2 fba Gene's Barber Shop & Beauty Salon, 1 ACCOUNTANT -College grad. 2 yrs. 2yrs. exprience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. dba Video King, P.O. Box 2724 Saipan, 666 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. Box 2433 saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. yrs. experience. Salary: $1.75-2.15 per P.O. Box 132 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. The Chief, Procurement and Supply is soliciting competitive experience. Salary: $500. per month. Contact: SRC MICRONESIA. LTD.. Box MP 96950 (2/1)F. PPP 236 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. hour. sealed proposals for any interested CNM I licensed business Contact:TRINITY VENTURES, INC.,'P.O. PUBLIC NOTICE 1 H.E. OPERATOR -High school 3 AUTO RENTAL CLERK -High school Box 2167 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. equivalent. 2yrs. exprience. Salary: $2.15 grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per establishment to provide .'POLICE VEH ICLE FLEET LEA S­ 1 BODY(Fender) AUTO REPAIRER In the Superior //court of the 5 WAITER-High school equivalent. 2yrs. 1 H.E. MECHANIC-High school grad. 2 PUBLIC NOTICE experience. Salary: $2.25 per hour. *» per hour. hour. ING" of fifteen (15) with option to increase to twenty (20) 1 PLUMBER PUBLIC NOTICE Commonwealth of the Contact: BRIAN P. REYES dba BPR Contact: LOMAR, CNMI, INC. dba Hertz- yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. 2 CARPENTER In the Superior Court of the In the Superior Court of the Contact: SHOWBOAT, INC., P.O. BOX vehicles at anytime during the lease period, specifications must Contact: NITTO-SAIPAN, P.O. Box 25JJ Northern Mariana Islands 1808 SAIPAN, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Professional Services, P.O. Box 2368 Rent-A-Car, P.O. Box 1989 Saipan, MP 1 ELECTRICIAN -High school grad. 2 yrs. Commonwealth of the Commonwealth of the Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. 96950 (2/1 )F. be pijked up atProcurementandSupply,Lower Base, from 7:30 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Experience. Salary: $150. per month. 3 MASON Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands CIVIL ACTION N0.91-47 1 COOK -High school grad. 2 yrs. expe­ a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 1 (Photo) DEVELOPER -High school rience. Salary: $400. per month 1 STEELMAN (Sheet Metal Worker) - Notice of Hearing and grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per High school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Sal­ CIVIL ACTION NO. 90-1061 Contact: REYNALDO T. DE LEMOS dba hour. CIVIL ACTION Notice to Creditors Universal Developers, Inc., P.O. Box 2136 ary: $1.75 per hour. INVITATION FOR BID Proposals w ill be evaluated base on the following criteria: Contact: RAMON PALACIOS. P.O. Box NOTICE TO FILE CLAIMS NO. 89-390(P) Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. Contact:LARS PALACIOSdbaR&LEnt., The Chief, Procurement & Supply is soliciting Invitation For Bids 1. Meet Specifications 261 Saipan, MP 96950(2/1)F. P.O. Box 2578 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. In the Matter of the Estate of: In the Matter of the Estate of In the Estate ot: 4 HOUSE WORKER (Domestic) -High for the procurement of One (1) UN IT 300 K W GENERATO R. 2. Cost GREGORIO R. SABLAN, Isabel T. Limes, school equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. Sal­ JOAQUIN CRUZ LIZAMA, Deceased. Deceased. ary: $2.15 per hour. Specifications may be picked up at the CNM I Procurement & These proposals must be in a sealed envelope, M arked RFP91- PUBLIC NOTICE Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING AND Contact: EVANGELINE A. JAVIER dba JJ Supply from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 0030 and submitted in D uplicate to the chief, Procurement and PUBLIC NOTICE Dress shop 8 Domestic Helper Services, In the Superior court of the In the Superior Court of the TO: Creditors of the estate of NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO: ALL PERSONS AND p.m. from Monday to Friday. Supply, Lower Base, Saipan, no later than 4:00 p.m., Febru­ P.O. Box 2063 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Commonwealth of the Joaquin Cruz Lizama, late NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN to ary 11,1991. A ll proposals received late w ill not be considered. Commonwealth of tbe CREDITORS having any in­ Northern Mariana Islands of Saipan all persons interested in the terest or claims against the The CNM I Government reserves the right to reject any or all Northern Mariana Islands PUBLIC NOTICE Must be C IF Director of Finance Office, Capitol H ill, Saipan, M P You are hereby notified that Estate of gregorio R. Sablan, Estate of Isabel T. Limes. proposals for any reason and to waive any defects in said In the Superior Court of the 96950. Installation and test run is provided by contractor. CIVIL ACTION NO. 90-1054 CIVIL ACTION NO. 91-40 Francisca S. Pangelinan, of deceased, that January 29, Commonwealth of the proposals, if in its sole opinion to do so would be in its best Saipan, has been appointed 1991 at 1:30 PM at the court­ YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI­ Northern Mariana Islands Bid submissions are to be in a sealed envelope Marked IFB91- interest. In the Matter of the Appoint­ In the Matter of the Estate and qualified as administratrix house of the Superior Court at FIED that Dolores T. Limes, of of the estate of Joaquin Cruz 0033 and submitted in Duplicate to the Chief, Procurement & /s/ D A V ID M . A P A T A N G ment of a General guardian of: Susupe, Saipan, is hereby set Saipan, has filed a petition in for Lizama. The administratrix's CIVIL ACTION NO. 90-591 Supply, Saipan, no later than 2:30 p.mr, January 28,1991, at MARIA ITAO, as the time of hearing by such the Superior court seeking to REBECCA MAGOFNA attorney of record is Reynaldo court of the petition of Jesus be appointed the which time and place all bids received w ill be opened and read. Deceased. BANK OF SAIPAN, CAMACHO, BONAFACIO NOTICE OF HEARING O. Yana of P.O. Box 52, Sablan and Jesus Sablan Administratrix of the estate of B ids received late w ill not be considered. The CN M I Government Plaintiff, MAGOFNA CAMACHO, and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Susupe Village, Saipan, Taitano for letters of adminis­ Isabel T. Limes, deceased. reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects -V- MICHAEL MAGOFNA to all persons interested in the Commonwealth of the North­ tration in the above-entitled Petitioner's attorney of record JOSE C. LEON GUERRERO if in its sole opinion to do so would be in its best interest. CAMACHO, Estate of Maria Itao, de­ ern Mariana Islands. All per­ case. is Antonio M. Atalig, Attorney sons having claim against the and ALICIA DLG. LEON /s! DAVID M. APATANG minor children. ceased,thatJanuary29, 1991 Any person interested may at Law, P.O. Box 1638, Saipan, deceased are hereby required GUERRERO, at 1:30 p.m. at the courthouse contest such petition by filing MP 96950. The hearing on Defendants. NOTICE of the Superior Court at to serve them duly certified on written opposition to the petition said petition for letters of ad­ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that Susupe, Saipan, is hereby set the said administratrix or her or appearing in court for such ministration has been set for' attorney of record at the ad­ NOTICE OF SALE PROPERTIES FOR LEASE ' Shop Francisco A. Camacho has a as the time of hearing by such purpose. January 29,1991, at 1:30 p.m. dresses specified above, and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Petition, asking that Petitioner court of the petition of Dolores Notice is also given that any All interested parties should 1. GARAPAN, SAIPAN (One block east to file them with the clerk of pursuant to an Order of this be appointed as the General Saralu Rasiang for letters of creditor who has any claim appear at the hearing. WANTED Commonwealth Superior Court dated November 27, of Dai-lchi Hotel) -1,319 sm., 55 year lease. guardian of Rebecca magof na administration in the above­ against the estate of Gregorio Persons having any claims Court, together with proof of 1990, that on Friday, January Camacho, Bonafacio Magotna entitled case. R. Sablan must file his claim against the estate of said de­ such service, within 60 days of 25, 1991, at the hour of 8:30 SALES SUPERVISOR Camacho, and Michael Any person Interested may with the Clerk of court of the cedent are hereby notified that 2. CAPITOL HILL, SAIPAN - East side Magotna Camacho, minor the date of the first publication any and all claims against the a.m. of the said day, at the - 2 years experience contest such petition by filing above-named court within 60 Police Station in Susupe, 3,085 sm. 55 year lease, asking $150. sm. children; and that the said written opposition to the peti­ of this .notice, or the claim will days from the date hereof. estate must be filed with the be barred. Saipan, Northern Mariana Is­ - Must be able to take charge and delegate petition will be heard by the tion or appearing in court for Failure to do so may bar his Clerk of court within sixty (60) lands, twill sell, to the highest - Salary commensurate with experience Court on Thursday, January such purpose. Dated this 15th day of Janu­ claim. days of this publication, or the bidder (provided, however that 3. SADOG TASE, SAIPAN -10,000 sm., 31, 1991, at the hour of 1:30 Dated this 15th day of January, ary, 1991. Dated this day of January, claim will be barred, p.m. of the said day. /s/ REYNALDO O. YANA no bids shall be accepted 55 year lease, asking $200. sm. Apply in person. No phone calls please. 1991. 1991. /s/ Charlene C. Teregeyo which are below the balance Dated this 16th day of January, /s/ Deputy Clerk of Court Attorney for Administratrix /s/ Deputy Clerk of court Deputy Clerk of Court due upon the judgement In 1991 this matter, inclusive of inter­ CALL: 322-7769 (JACK TUDELA) Charlene C. Teregeyo PUBLIC NOTICE est to the date of sale), for Deputy clerk of Court PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE In the Superior Court of the current lawful money of the CAREER OPPORTUNITIES In the Superior Court of the In the Superior Court of the In the Superior Court of the Commonwealth of the Commonwealth of the Commonwealth of the United States of America, all PUBLIC NOTICE Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands of the right, title, and interest Come to the Professionals to JOETEN ENTERPRISES, INC. In the Superior Cout of the Northern Mariana Islands of Defendants Jose C. Leon Commonwealth of the is seeking four (4) Certified Public Accountants for CIVIL ACTION N0.91-42 CIVIL ACTION N0.91-43 CIVIL ACTION NO. 91-44 Guerrero and Alicia Dig, Leon LEASE - SELL - OR BUY Northern Mariana Islands accounting and finance positions in: CIVIL ACTION N0.91-41 In the Matter of the Estate In the Matter of the Estate In the Matter of the Estate Guerrero in and to that certain Notice of Hearing of: of: of: tract or parcel of real property $ $ $ ADOPTION CASE JUAN CANISIO M. LIMES, ANTONIO I. LIMES, CAMILA LIMES PUA, situated in Saipan, Northern NO. 91-003 CNMI PROPERTIES INTERNAL AUDIT (1 ) In the Matter of the Estate of: Deceased. Deceased. Deceased. Mariana Islands, more par­ NOTICE OF HEARING SILVESTRE TEREGEYO ticularly described as Lot 1734 (670) 235-7MPR/7600 BUDGETS (1 ) ROGOLOFOI, NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING NEW-1 (formerly part of Lot 234-7447 In the Matter of the Adoption Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1735 'B', part of original T.D. of: iarianas Pacific SsaAy FINANCIAL/COMPLIANCE REPORTING (2 ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons interested in the to all persons interested in the to all persons-interested in the 661), containing an area of JAYLENE ABAY BETTER OPTIONS to all persons interested in the Estate of Juan Canisio M. Estate of Antonio I. Limes, de­ Estate of Camila Limes Pua, 925 square meters, more or EVANGELISTA, Estate of Silvestre Teregeyo Limes, deceased, that Janu­ P A BOX 569 BEACH ROAD, CHALAN KANOA SAIPAN, MP 96950 Graduation from a recognized university and licensure as ceased, that January 29,1991 deceased, that January less, as more particularly de­ minor, Rogolofoi, deceased, that (Licensed and Locally Owned) BIC; A. Alvarez_____ ary 29,1991 at 1:30 PM at the at 1:30 PM at the Courthouse 29,1991 at 1:30 PM at the scribed on Drawing/Cadastral a Certified Public Accountant required. Two years minimum BY: AREOPAJITA ABAY January 29,1991, at 1:30 p.m. Courthouse of the Superior of the Superior Court at Courthouse of the Superior public accounting and industry experience in the areas of EVANGELISTA, Plat No. 2047/79, the original at the Courthouse of the Su­ Court at Susupe, Saipan, is Susupe, Saipan, is hereby set Court at Susupe, Saipan, is of which was recorded on responsibilities required. Candidates must be ambitious, Petitioner. perior Court at Susupe, Saipan, hereby set as the time of hear­ as the time of hearing by such hereby set as the time of hear­ Notice is hereby given that on September 2,1982, as Docu­ assertive, hardworking, and possess strong written and is hereby set as the time of ing by such court of the petition court of the petition of Dolores ing by such court of the peti­ ment No. 15324 at the Land HAWAII REAL ESTATE oral communicative skills. January 24th, 1991 at 1:30 hearing by such court of the of Luis M. Limes for letters of Maria T. Limes for letters of tion of Maria P. Nakamura for Registry, Saipan;together with p.m. in the Commonwealth petition of Janet S. Rasiang for administration in the above­ administration in the above­ letters of administration in the the improvements, appurte- Courthouse at Susupe, Looking for real estate investment(s) in paradise? Competitive compensation package ($800 minimum), letters of administration in the entitled case. entitled case. above-entitled case. nances, and easements used Saipan, Commonwealth of the above-entitled case. Any person interested may Any person interested may Any person interested may Let us help you find one ! commensurate with experience. Northern Mariana Islands, the in connection therewith, and Any person interested may contest such petition by filing contest such petition by filing contest such petition by filing Petitioner will petition the Court the rents, issues, and profits contest such petition by filing written opposition to the peti­ written opposition to the peti­ written opposition to the peti­ No telephone calls please. Submit resume and application to adopt the above-named thereof. - CLAUDE HE0N REALTOR writtenoppositiontothe petition tion or appearing in court for tion or appearing in court for tion or appearing in court for in person, or mail to: minor child. Dated, this 14th day of D e­ 465 Kapahulu Ave., Suite 102 or appearing in court for such such purpose. such purpose. such purpose. PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Datedthis 15th day of January, cember, 1990: _ purpose. Dated this 15th day of Janu­ Dated this 15th day of Janu­ Dated this 15th day ot Janu­ Honolulu, HI 96815 1991. Isl Sgt. JU STO R. CRUZ Joeten Enterprises, Inc., Datedthis 15thday of January, ary, 1991. ary, 1991. ary, 1991. Tel. 808-734-7966 /S/REYNALDO O. YANA Director of Public safety P.O. Box 137, Saipan, MP 96950 1991 Isl Charlene C. Teregeyo Isl Charlene C. Teregeyo Isl Charlene C. Teregeyo Fax: 808-734-7967 Attorney for Petitioner By: Sgt Justo R. Cruz Is/ Deputy Clerk of Court Deputy Clerk of Court Deputy Clerk of Court Deputy Clerk of Court 34-MARIANAS v a r ie t y NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JANUARY 18,1991 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-35

3 ACCOUNTANT -College grad. 2 yrs. 1 GENERAL MANAGER -College grad. 2 /' ' ' " , ' ' ' '/ t f '/ ' 'ÿ mm experience. Salary: $3.50 per hour. yrs. experience. Salary: $3.10-4.25 per PHILIPPINE AMATEUR BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION ; CLASSIFIED ADS 12 DIESEL MECHANIC -High school hour. SAVA selects Tony Rogolofoi its head equivalent.2yrs.experience.Salary:$3.50 Contact: ECHO CORORATION, Box AAA TEAM STANDING 1 ACOOUNTANT - College grad. 2 yrs. per hour. 666 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. experience. Salary: $550.-900. per month. 8 WELDER -High school equivalent. 2 sland Real Estate JANUARY 17» 1991 yrs. experience. Salary: $3.25 per hour. coach for CNMI mens volleyball team Contact CRESENC1A D. CASTILLON dba 1 GENERAL MANAGER -High school Real Estate Brokerage KrizzkaEnterprises, P.O. Box 779 Saipan, 10 CARPENTER equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: 4 COOK ; H. K. Pangelinan Building, Middle Road TEAM MP 96950 (2/1)F. $3.00-4.25 per hour. The Saipan Amateur Vol­ participated in the Shell spon­ Sunday January 20 from 9 till 11 WIN LOSS 6 HOUSEKEEPER -High school grad, or Contact: ASIA ART CENTER, INC., Box ./ Caller Box PPP 510, Saipan, MP 96950 RB ELECTRICAL 4 0 equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 Tel: (670) 234-9386 Fax: (670) 234-8384 leyball Association, in its sored “Oceania Volleyball in the morning at the gym, the 1 ASST. MANAGER -High school grad. AAA 666 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. JAYFERINTL per hour. monthly meeting held at the gym Championship” in Suva, Fiji, news release said. 3 1 2yrs. experience. Salary: $3.00 pr hour. Thomas J. Camacho, Sales Manager 1 SPORTS INSTRUCTOR, MARTIAL Contact: SYNERGY INTL., INC.,Box PPP 1 WAREHOUSE PERSON -High school SABLAN CONSTRUCTION 3 1 Raymond B. Quitugua, Sales Associate on last Wednesday, selected the SA VA press release said Interested players are asked ARTS -High school gra. 2 yrs. experience. 180 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: DOLLAR UP 2 1 $2.15-3.15 per hour. Darla M. KIntol, Sales Associate (P/T) Tony Rogolofoi to be the head Although the CNMI lost in to come prepared in gym attires. Salary: $3.50 per hour. NORPAC-MERCURY 2 1 Contact: CORAL DEVELOPMENT 4 DELIVERY TRUCK DRIVER Contact: MS CORPORATION, Box AAA Jess I. Talsague, Sales Agent (P/T Rota) coach for the CNM I mens vol­ the Oceana Games, Rogolifoi is If you want to inquire more about CORP., Box AAA 108 Saipan, MP 96950 6 WASH CLOTHES PRESSER 123 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. leyb all team for the South Pa­ confident that CNMI will do the practice-tryout, call МРЖОМЕ IMPROV. ¡¡iliiil 3 8 DRY CLEANERS MACH. OPERATOR (2/1 )F. cific Games scheduled far Sep­ much better in the South Pacific Rogolifoi at the gym at phone SABLAN ENTERPRISES X 3 2 FRONT DESK CLERK 1 PASSENGER/TRAFFIC MANAGER - PROPERTIES FOR LEASE/SALE MICRONESIAN CONSTRUCTION 0 4 1 SEAMSTRESS -High school grad. 2 6 DRY CLEANER College grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: tember of this year in Papua Games with absence of power­ numbers 234-1001-2. yrs. experience. Salary: $2.50 per hour. 2 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC -High $1,964. per month. New Guinea, according to news CANDELARIA-ZAMB. 0 4 CHALAN KANOA, SAIPAN - BEACH PROPERTY/road frontage houses Autstralia and New Likewise, SAVA would like Contact: HOLIDAY SHOP (Vivian K. school equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. 1 MAINTENANCE, ASST. MANAGER - release from SAVA. Zealand which are not members to inform all interested Pangelinan, P.O. Box 434 CHRB Saipan, Salary: $2.15-2.50 pr hour. High school grad. 2 yrs. exprience. Sal­ located in the heart of Chalan Kanoa Commercial area. This property has a MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Contact: MARIANAS CLEANERS, ary: $2,129. per month. 3BD 2BA concrete house on a 1,587 sq. meter lot. A must for small type Rogolofoi was the coach for of the South Pacific Games. volleyballers that the 1991 Gar­ Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)1. Contact: JAPAN AIR LINES (S. development. Water, power & sewer are readily available. Asking price the CNM I’s team which cap­ He said that the CNMI ment Industries Association Co- 1 PROJECT MANAGER -High school Nakamura), P.O. Box 469 Saipan, MP $2,300,000. One of the few beachfront property still available. tured second place during the teams, both men and women did Ed league is tentatively sched­ JANUARY 13,1991 grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $450,- 1 ELECTRICIAN 96950 (2/1 )F. SAN ROQUE, SAIPAN - 8,000 sq. m located in commercialize area 1 CARPENTER-High school equivalent. Micronesian games in July of pretty well and showed a lot of uled to start right after the bas­ 1,000. per month. close to beach and major hotel and condominiums. 100 ft from main SABLAN CONSTN VS JAYFERINTMDEFAULT) Contact: CWC BUILDERS, INC. (Saipan) 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. 10 MASON -high school equivalent. 2yrs. highway with pwr, swr & wtr nearby, excellent for condominium or shopping last year and also headed the improvement against the ketball season which is expected , P.O. Box 1760 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Contact: HANA, INC., P.O. Box 1219 ecperience. Salary: $2.00 per hour. center, walking distance to propose major shopping development project men’snationalteam thatrecently other South Pacific nations such to end sometime in mid April, MICRONESIAN CONSTN.(DEFAULT) VS М И HOME (DEFAULT) saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Contact: SHELMA LYNN CONST., INC., asking $400.00 per sq. m. New Caledonia, Western Sa­ the SAVA release said. DOLLAR UP1 POSTPONE) VS NORPAC MERCURY(POSTPONE) 5 MASON P.O. Box 585 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. , ROTA - 49,998 sq. m. perfect for major shopping center, 5 CARPENTER 1 ASST. MANAGER-High school grad. 2 hotel, condominium dose to airport and propose mega resort development moa, Papau New Guinea and The association has set the 2 PLUMBER yrs. exprience. Salary: $1,000. per month. 20 SECURITY GUARD-High school grad. sites, asking $50 per sq. m. Meeting called host F iji, said the SA V A release. entry fee for this year at $500.00. SUNDAY 3 ELECTRICIAN Contact: NICK’S & MICHAEL’S CORP., 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. AS LITO/FINA SISU, SAIPAN - OCEAN & LAKE VIEW/1.7 Hectares, He added that if the C N M I is Each team entering this league JANUARY 20,1991 3 STEELWORKER, Structural -High P.O. Box 1219 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Contact: COMMONWEALTH SECURITY school equivalent. 2 yrs. experience located just south of Susupe Lake. Perfect for condominium type for Little League to be competitive, practice must have a maximum roster of SERVICE, P.O. Box 585 Saipan, MP development. Asking price $85 per sq. m. Salary: $1.50-1.75 per hour. 1 OPERATION MANAGER-College grad. 96950 (2/1 )F. should start immediately to 6 male and 6 female players and Contact: YONG JIN CORP., P.O. Box 606 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $1,300. per LAU LAU, SAIPAN - OCEAN VIEW EAST/there are 15 properties Baseball SABUN ENTERPRISES VS DOLLAR UP available and are situated in one subdivision. These lots contain an area of prepare the team early fo r the should be submitted to the sports Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. month. 1 GENERAL MANAGER-College grad. 2 CANDELARtA-ZAMB VS SABLAN CONSTN Contact: PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT INC., 830 sq. m. - 1,028 sq m located next to and above the proposed Lau Lau Games. He said that he w ill be staff at the gym during working yrs. experience. Salary: $2,000. per month. Association RB ELECTRICAL VS MICRONESIAN CONSTN 1 CONSULTANT -College grad. 2 yrs. P.O. Box 502 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. Contact TOP ENTERPRISE LIMITEDdba Mgga_ResorL Asking price @ is $150.00 per square meter. holding an open try-out for all hours. Further information con­ experience. Salary: $3,000. per month. Regent Tours Express, Caller Box PPP Jess Pangelinan, President of eligible players starting this tact thegym at234-1001 or 1002. 2 SUPERVISOR (Purchasing) -High 1 AUTO MECHANIC-High school grad. 2 260 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 - 2.25 per theCNMILittleLeagueBaseball $500.-900. per month. hour. 1 FASHION CONSULTANT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE/LEASE Association is reminding all Contact: KAN PACIFIC SAIPAN CO., Contact: ELIZABETH LG. FABROS dba 1 PURCHASING OFFICER members of the Little League LTD., P.O. Box 527 Saipan, MP 96950 [21 MicroBell Auto Shop, P.O. Box 568 Saipan, 1 SALES SUPERVISOR -High school Baseball Association, coaches, 1)F. MP 96950 (2/1)F. grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $800. per SAN VICENTE: 8,138 sm lot w/3BD 1BA house, shoreline view, month. ocean side asking $175/sm. managers and trainers of little 1 BEAUTICIAN -High school grad. 2 yrs. 1 ACCOUNTANT -College grad. 2 yrs. Contact: SSP COMPANY dba Sea Shell SAN VICENTE: 5BD 2BA 2,400 sf house w/1,117 sm lot. Ocean league, senior league, and big experience. Salary: $500. per month. exprerience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Pink, P.O. Box 2786 Saipan, MP 96950 (2/ view LauLau Bay, loaded w/furniture & appliances asking $395,000. league baseball teams that there Contact: F & J CASTRO CORP., P.O. Box Contact: BOCAGO ENTERPRISES dba 1)F.______282 saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. La Marqueza, P.O. Box 744 Saipan, MP MIDDLE ROAD (Puerto Rico): 26,543 sm coml. lot across frm port w ill be an important meeting on 96950 (2/1 )F. 1 MECHANICAL ENGINEER -College REDUCED TO SELL-CALL US. January 21,1991,at 4:00p.m. at О 1 MASON-High school equivalent 2 yrs. grad. 2 yrs. expeirence. Salary: $850. per 1 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER -High ROTA: 9,087 sm neartga stone quarry asking $45/sm. the Gilbert C. Ada Gymnasium experience. Salary: $2.50 per hour. month. RUGBY school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: ROTA: 50,001 sm adjoining north boundary of airport asking $55/ in Susupe. Important matters, 1 CARPENTER-High school equivalent. Contact: RODICO G. VIDAL dba R.V. о 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $ 2.35 per hour. $2.15 per hour. sm. such as the 1991 baseball season Contact NICANOR BOCAGO dba Bocago Enterprises, P.O. Box 194 CHRB, Sapan, Contact: MIGUEL R. FITIAL dba FICO MP 96950 (2/1 )F. ROTA: 24,997 sm tot south of airport asking $40/sm. w ill be discussed. The presence Enterprises, P.O. Box 1356 Saipan, MP Enterprises, P.O. Box 744 Saipan, MP of everyone is kindly requested. со 96950 (2/1 )F. 96950 (2/1 )F. ROTA: 50,000 sm tot south east end of the Island asking $25/sm. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT -Col­ ROTA: 19,617 sm tot south east end of the island asking $25/sm. 1 TUTOR -High school grad. 2 yrs. ex­ 2 ELECTRICIAN-High school grad.2yrs. lege grad. 2 yrs. exprience. Salary: $2.15 SAIPAN perience. Salary: $600.-800 per month. ROTA: 16,905 sm tot tatachog area ocean view north asking $20/ experience. Salary: $1.75-2.15 per hour. per hour. Contact: TA BUN KUY, P.O. Box 1328 SUICIDE IS NO SOLUTION Contact: ANTONIA V. TAITANO dba Contact: MARP CO., LTD, P.O. Box 532 sm. ö ) Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. There are alternatives to your MAAC Enterprises, P.O. Box 705 Saipan, CHRB Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1)F. . ROTA: 49,952 sm lot ocean view near cliff line & airport asking $40/ (RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB) MP 96950 (2/1)F. sm. present situation, and they 1 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER SUGAR KING: 40,000 sm tot excaUeyt view top of hill asking $50/ don't have to include destroy­ 1 ELECTRICIAN -High school equiva­ KEEP SAIPAN BEAUTIFUL sm. or $35/sm parttoipaticMgjfiroVeiopment. ing yourself. Give life another lent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per CAPITOL HILL: east side, 4,541 sm tot nice east ocean view, quiet chance... Call the Hot Line... hour. area - CALL US. Contact: R & K, INC., P.O. Box 1328 DON'T BE A LITTERBUG! Saipan, MP 96950 (2/1 )F. NAVY HILL: 20,934 sm tot In front of the "Lighthouse" on Navy Hill excellent view.REDUCED TO $300./sm. : 3BD 1BA hse on a 979 sm lot with city water, PUBLIC NOTICE JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT sewer, paved street, why can own asking $100,000. In the Superior Court of the SAN ROQUE: 929 f lat topo/excellent com'l opportunity in developing Commonwealth of the т ш ш т т ш Northern Mariana Islands 1 GENERAL MANAGER area asking $150/sm. GARAPAN: 929 sm tot behind Duty free w/hotel/condo project $2.15-$8.00 per hour JAPAN (Seijo University) approved - Call us. WHENYOU NEED SOME­ CIVIL ACTION NO. 91-0048 College graduate required NOTICE OF HEARING PAP AGO: 29,080 sm tot w/ocean view wtr, pwr nearby asking $60/ ONE TO LISTEN, WE'RE In the Matter of the Guardian­ Contact: TU'S CONSTRUCTION CO. sm. w/terms over 20 yrs. - CALL US. THERE... Saturday, February 9th ship of the Estate of: P.O. Box 2117, Saipan, MP 96950 LAULAU: 12,544 sm ocean/mt view over looking NEW approved Shimizu LauLau project -CALL US. JESSICA S. RASIANG, Tel. 234-6483 234-5100 minor, SAN VICENTE: 5,851 sm tot over looks LauLau bay good slope for com'l/income producing or cgoctaf$i6hore/ocean view good rd BY: DOLORES S. RASIANG, access $150,000 dwn & $3$ooper month thereafter (FIRM). Petitioner. KOBLERVILLE: 3BD 1 BA hse on 990 sm tot on the cliff over looking Yon were Ше Notice is hereby given that on F O R S A L E AUSTRALIA (Brother's Colt) Coral Ocean oint golf course -Call jjow . life of the party. January 29,1991 at 1:30 PM in FORD GRANADA SUZUKI CAR ANAKS CONDO: 2BD 1BA tennis court, security, pool. Only 2 the courthouse of the Superior available asking $197,000 & $198,000 why rent when you can own? Sunday, February 17th Court of the Commonwealth of 1981 MODEL 1984 MODEL KOBLERVILLE: 3BD 1BA hse on 743 sm lot city water, sewer, the Northern Mariana Islands $2,000.00 $1,800.00 paved street, don't miss this one asking $100,000. ¡n Susupe, Saipan, the peti- RENTAL: condo 3BD 1 1/2 BA fuly furnished w/pool, 24 hr ioner will petition the court to LOCATION: HOPWOOD JR. HIGH DRINKABLE WATER & POWER, asking $2,300/month je appointed Guardian of the Contact: Pilar at Tel. 234-1874 TIME: '2:00 P.M. astate of JessicaS. Rasiang.a OPEN minor. MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00 TO 5:00 / SATURDAY 9:00 TO 1:00 PRICE: FREE ADMISSION Any person who has a legiti­ mate objection to such petition SELLING BALUSTERS may appear and present his AT LOW, LOW PRICE O n lU D iy . Now the WATCH AND CHEER ON THE SAIPAN SIDE AND ENJOY abjection orfile his objection in 14 DIFFERENT DESIGNS -e O tTZL party’s over. THE EXCITEMENT OF THIS FULL CONTACT SPORT writing in the Office of the Clerk ISLAND BROKERS О of the Superior Court. 6th fir. Nauru Bldg. - ph. 234-2100 - fax 234-8799 Dated this 15th day of January, NORTHWEST PACIFIC ENTERPRISES, INC. . John Mlckelson - Owner/Broker 1991. Sales Associates Don’t D rin k Thanks to: /s/ REYNALDO O. YANA Dist. 1 Chalan Kanoa (near Cemetery Rd.) Peggy Gebhardt-Lynn Prop*t-Don Smith-Juatln Manglona (Rota) О and D rive PACIFIC ISLANDS CLUB, HOPWOOD JR. HIGH, INTERTEX Attorney for Petitioner Tel. 234-1874 "each office is independently owned & operated’ MEN'S ISLANPWIPE BASKETBALL LEAGUE OF Ikes outplay Brothers in overtime game 92-85 vance to the championship for By: «lames Ada Sanchez added in with 10 points. MEN'S 1SLANDW1DE BASKETBALL LEAGUE . the second straight year but lost WEDNESDAY NIGHTS FRIDAY NIGHTS GAMES it to the Sonics whom they did GAMES RESULTS: TEAM STANDINGS lllig lllllll RESULTS not come up with a team this The run and gun dynamic llS lllllillilli AS OF JAN. 161991 season. andsensationalmachineOl’Aces Inos Yamada’s Clutch Arren Aguas also added in 16 blasted the Athletes Foot 122— TEAM WIN LOSS ' n shooting free throw in 2 seconds points for the Sixers. The 85 in a fast and running fame U.I.C. HEAT liliilliillllilli 0 , * : Peacemakers was led by Youth OL’ACES iiilliiiiiililii 1 v ; left to play in the second half tie behind Jerry “The Glyde” IKE’S MARKET SIXERS 5 the score at 81-81 sending the StarW insorPeterw ith 33 points Ayuyu, who plucked in a season 1 , and second in the League in TOYOTA WHEELS lllllliiilllliill t , ' pace running ball club 01’ Aces high of 30 oints including 18 MAR-PAC PEACEMAKERS 3 2 into overtime against the Broth­ scoring and Poland Yamada points in the first half. added in 29 points before foul­ NMÇ-SNE FAKPI illllllliiiililiiiil 3 ers. The Aces used their man to DPS FLYERS liiliiillllllliil 4 It is the first overtime in the ing out. man and half court presses as it CHC EMERGENCY lllililiiliiliii 5 . -i league. HowevertheAcespulled caused its opponent numerous BROTHERS ¡illilie iliilli 5 out real strong in the 5 minutes MONDAY NIGHT GAMES turnovers for the natural victory. ATHLETES FOOT 5 extra time as they went on to RESULTS It was the 01’Aces third con­ outplay the Brothers in a seesaw secutive victory after winning battle game by a score of 92 to Arther Moses, John Santos the first three in the early season LEADING SCORES AS OP JAN. 16 85. and Robert Quitugua, combined and drop their only loss to the It would have not been for a total of 52 points as the Sixers. NAME TEAM AVERAGE overtime if Yamada made the Toyota Wheels out ran the DPS Peter Camacho, Inos Yamda LLOYD HARTMAN HEAT 27 2 other shot in some how it ended Flyers in a smooth action game and Jeff Olopai contributed in WJNS0N PETER PEACEMAKERS 26-4 up real short as it hit the edge of by a score o f 95-75. It is the with 16,14, and 12 points for the WARREN VILLEGAS ATHLETES FOOT 24,6 i the rim. Jerry Ayuyu who was Wheels 5th victory against one 6-1 01’Aces and second int. SCOn DEBATES EMERGENCY 24.5 dominant all night defensively loss. The Flyers who are now 1- league in team standings. The PETERCAMACH0 OL’ACES 20.6 with his high glyding leaping 4 in team records in the league Athletes Foot got 30 points from FRANK JGLECIAS IKES SIXERS 20.6 ability paced the winners with was led by John Salas and Tony Warren-Villegas, who came in BRIAN PEARSON IKES SIXERS 20.4 26pointsincludingl0forl5 from Rangamar both with 16 points late to ' the JERRY AYUYU OL’ACES ММЁШШШ the free throw line. each and A lvin Pua added in 12 gam more that halfway in the ROBERT QUITUGUA WHEELS 19.00 SWiNGLYAGUON Peter Camacho and Elias points. first half and moves up from PEACEMAKERS l i l l l l i i l l Rangamar contributed in with 15 SECOND GAME: number four spot in the scoring After sluggish start in the and 11 points for the winners. department to number three. TEAM DEFENSE The Brothers was led by Jack first half by a score of 33 to 27, Nester Manansala and Lee Diaz with 26 points including 2 the League leading U .I.C . Heat Cabrera chop in both with 13 TEAM AVERAGE crucial 3 pointers. TomTudela head coach Dan “The Man” points a piece. UICHEAT 73.5 also added in with 23 points. Cabrera sees something in dis­ SECOND GAME: TOYOTA WHEELS 77,1 SECOND GAME:, belief and wondered what is re­ Winsor “The Miracle” Peter IKES SIXERS 77.1 In a battle between one of the ally happening with his guys. poured in 26 points as the BROTHERS 79.1 top two teams in the league, the So the second half was a real big Peacemakers went past the OL’ACES 80.7 San Antonio Sixers and the story. Brothers in a close match 92 to CHC EMERGENCY 82.3 Peacemakers. The Sixers behind The heat rolled on with four 85. Teh Peacemakers got most PEACEMAKERS 86.6 Brian Pearsons 24 points and unanswered basket as they used of their points in a foul trouble NMC-SNE FAKPI 87.5 Frank Iglesias 23 points rolled their taller guys againstthe much situation from the Brothers. Rick DPS FLYERS 96.6 on to their 5th victory against a smaller NMC-SNE FA KPI and Northern had 17 points and Daniel ATHLETES FOOT 100.8 single loss as they outgunned the went on blasting them by a score Tangadik added in 12 points for high scoring machine Peace­ o f 102 to 56. the winners. The Brothers 1-5 TEAM OFFENSE: i i l i i l l makers edging them 102 to 99. The heat are composed of was led by John Diaz with 19 It was the Sixers sixth victory mostly veteran stars was led by points James Diaz with 17 and TEAM AVERAGE <■ against the Peacemakers dated Lloyd Hartman with 25 points Jack Diaz with 16. It is the UICHEAT 103.5 back since1988 season to present. Phil Palacios added in with 20 PEACEMAKERS 97.6 Brothers 3rd consecutive loss. \ ' They battle in the 88 champion­ poin ts and Tony Luzama coasted OL'ACES 95.7 IKES SIXERS 89.6 Λ ship at the time the Sixers won in 17 points. They are 4-0 record Games Tonight-Jan. 18 perfect in the league. TOYOTAWHEEtS 85,6 the Pennat and the Champion­ The Brothers 1-5 takes on the ATHLETES FOOT 84.6 * ship, they split their game in the The FA K PI falls to 1-3 was 1-4 Flyers at 7:00p.m. Atsecond led by Dave Demapan with 23 BROTHERS 73.00 89-90 season, then they elim i­ the Athletes Foot with a record CHC EMERGENCY 70.6 nated the Peacemakers the same points Ray Basa added in 15 with of 0-5 takes on the 3-2 Peace­ FLYERS 70.00 season in the play-offs, and ad­ a pair of three pointers, and Ric makers. NMC-SNE FAKPI 67.2 7th Rocball tournament underway TEAM FREE THROW TEAM The seventh annual world ~ AVERAGE lands Club’s most valuable 15. There were 19 aces, 6 xunks, UICHEAT 68% rocball toumamentofficially got player’s award went to Herby and 2 goals scored. In a closer PEACEMAKERS 58% underway January 3rd. The Arken of the Chuukese Nails. game, Ch Hammer was able to DPS FLYERS 55% ; tournament’s opener was played Herby lead his team’s offense outlast Cold Surf 25 to 14 in two TOVOTAWHEELS 55% between the Gettos and with five aces and four xunks. sets. And, in the final game of OL'ACES 51% Boys. The Gettos won the first The Nails defeated and juiced., the first round of competition ' EMERGENCY 50% game of the ’91 season in a low the ‘91 Posse in four sets 46 to 1 .« the Chuukese Crobar defeated I.· IKES SIXERS 50% scoring defensive gamell to6in In other rocball action, the·' Kanaka 39 to 5 in four sets. ATHLETES FOOT 48% two sets. Hard K ore 7 juiced Just-for-Fun- The first rounds Pacific Is­ in the highest scoring game 54 to i-sra^cnsr о н я т - ¿Marianas ^ariety^ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 P.O. Box 23) Saipan MP96950 · Tot. (670) 234-6341 · 7578 · 9797 Fox: (670) 234-927) '