Questions-Answers Book Addendum: 2017

SE NNEGC “ENERGOATOM” Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants of Ukraine SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.2

The present document, “The Questions–Answers Book regarding the Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of the Operated Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants and CCSUP Environmental Assessment. Addendum to the Questions–Answers Book: 2017» developed by SE NNEGC “Energoatom” to perform the CCSUP Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) and the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP).

The document is the third addendum to the initial Questions–Answers Book published in 2011. The initial Questions–Answers Book and two addendums to it are kept available by the links ecological_assessment_report_main_report/ , dopovnennya_do_knigi_zapitanvdpovdeyi_/ , questionsanswers_book_addendum_/ .

Similar to the initial Questions–Answers Book and the previous addendums, this document provides personified questions, proposals and comments in the original language received in written or oral form with a reference to the summarized questions and professional answers systemized by topical areas and set out in the Ukrainian and English languages (in the Ukrainian and English versions of the document, accordingly).

The document was prepared with the expert support of the PMU Consultant - a Consortium of companies AJC Developpement and EDF (France) and “AESCAR” Company (Ukraine).

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.3

CONTENT 1. List of acronyms ...... 4 2. List of incoming correspondence / measures ...... 5 3. Personalized questions, suggestions and comments ...... 6 4. List of thematic areas ...... 15 5. Generalized questions, suggestions, comments and answers to them...... 16 (1) EA organization ...... 16 (2) PC process organization ...... 16 (3) Legislative issues of the project, feasibility study and CCSUP EA expertise ...... 16 (4) Completeness of the EA materials ...... 16 (5) Goals of ССSUP ...... 16 (6) Completeness of ССSUP...... 17 (7) ZNPP operation ...... 18 (8) RNPP operation ...... 18 (9) KhNPP operation ...... 18 (10) SUNPP operation ...... 18 (11) Investigations, experiments and equipment testing, planned prophylactic and capital repairs...... 18 (12) Rad-wastes management ...... 18 (13) Spent management ...... 18 (14) Nuclear safety ...... 19 (15) Radiation safety ...... 19 (16) Fire protection safety ...... 20 (17) General industrial safety ...... 20 (18) Physical protection ...... 20 (19) Emergency readiness ...... 20 (20) General issues on environmental impact assessment ...... 21 (21) Geological conditions and seismic impacts ...... 21 (22) Assessment of impacts on social environment ...... 21 (23) Assessment of impacts on atmospheric environment ...... 23 (24) Assessment of impacts on aquatic environment ...... 23 (25) Assessment of impacts on flora and fauna ...... 24 (26) Assessment of mutual impacts of power units and technogenic environment ...... 24 (27) Issues of NPPs impacts in transboundary context ...... 24 (28) Human resources coverage ...... 24 (29) Work with public, informing the population ...... 25 (30) Social-economic risk compensation ...... 25 (31) Financial-economic aspects of CCSUP implementation ...... 27 (32) Technical aspects and progress of CCSUP implementation ...... 27 (33) Other social-economic issues ...... 28 (34) Other nuclear energy issues ...... 30 (35) Other issues not connected to the CCSUP elaboration and implementation ...... 33 6. List of references ...... 34

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.4

1. List of acronyms

NPP Nuclear power plant; CP Cooling pond; SP Set capacity; SNF Spent nuclear fuel; PH Public hearings; SINRSU State Inspectorate for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Ukraine; EA Ecological Assessment; SAR Safety analysis report; ZNPP Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant; DC Decommissioning; MZ Monitoring Zone; MM Mass-media; CF Capacity factor; PC Public consultations; CCSUP Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants of Ukraine; NCRE National Committee for regulating energy market; NGO Non-governmental organizations; ESAP Environmental and Social Action Plan of CCSUP PPR Planned-prophylactic repair; RAW Radioactive wastes; RNPP Rivne nuclear power plant; RP Reactor plant; SSNF Storage for spent nuclear fuel; FS Feasibility Study; TPP Thermal power plant; KhNPP Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant; SUNPP South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.5

2. List of incoming correspondence / measures

No Organization / Address / Received (date) Respondent request Measure Holding place 34 01.06.2017 Public discussiono of the Netishyn town, Lisova draft "Report on the st., 6, SS KhNPP environmental assessment information center of the Complex Safety Upgrade Program of power units of NPPs in Ukraine for the period 2012-2016", t.Netishyn 35 02.06.2017 Public discussiono of the Varash town, Maydan draft "Report on the Nezalezhnosti, 5, SS environmental assessment RNPP information of the Complex Safety center «Polissya» Upgrade Program of power units of NPPs in Ukraine for the period 2012-2016", t.Varash 36 07.06.2017 Public discussiono of the Energodar town, draft "Report on the Tsentralna str, 6, SS environmental assessment ZNPP cultural and of the Complex Safety business center Upgrade Program of power units of NPPs in Ukraine for the period 2012-2016", t.Energodar 37 19.06.2017 Samopomich Energodar V.I. Biletskiy energodar- [email protected] 38 26.10.2017 Briefing on CCSUP and its Kiev, Gaydara str., 6 ESAP “SE NNEGC “Energoatom” 39 20.11.2017 Public meeting on CCSUP Energodar town, and ESAP realization Tsentralna str, 6, SS issues, t. Energodar ZNPP cultural and business center 40 21.11.2017 Public meeting on CCSUP town, and ESAP realization Shevchenko ave., 8а, S issues, t. Yuzhnoukrainsk SUNPP information center «Impuls» 41 23.11.2017 Public meeting on CCSUP Varash town, Maydan and ESAP realization Nezalezhnosti, 5, SS issues, t.Varash RNPP information center «Polissya» 42 24.11.2017 Public meeting on CCSUP Netishyn town, Lisova and ESAP realization st., 6, SS KhNPP issues, t. Netishyn information center

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.6

3. Personalized questions, suggestions and comments

No General. No Personalized questions, suggestions and comments request No 379 34 По тексту попереднього звіту «Про екологічну оцінку...» замінити 20.8 «робітники» на «працівники» 380 35 Зауваження на важке матеріальне становище більшості ветеранів РАЕС. 33.7 Першопрохідці які мають значний стаж робота в атомній енергетиці. Пропозиція відновити доплати непрацюючим пенсіонерам-атомннкам 381 35 Вкрай необхідно підняти питання щодо введення в експлуатацію 33.15 новозбудованного скидного колектора в с. Бабка, оскільки якість води у водопроводі та колодязях - страшна, оранжевого кольору 382 36 Доповідач вжив термін «проекті аварії». Я знайомий з роботами, в яких 14.2 для реакторів ВВЕР проектами вже передбачені «катастрофи». Вн це мали на увазі? 383 37 В звіті написано: «В той же час КзПБ знизить ризики аварії, а тому і 20.9 ризики забруднення навколишнього середовища» - про яке саме забруднення йдеться? 384 37 В звіті написано: «В той же час КзПБ знизить ризики аварії, а тому і 15.5 ризики забруднення навколишнього середовища» -- за логікою, на сьогодні ризики забруднення великі (наскільки?) 385 37 Там же: «метою заходів охорони праці є попередження ризиків аварії та 22.5 надмірного радіоактивного опромінення»: якщо можна детальніше? 386 37 Там же: «рекомендується перейняти найкращі серед АЕС зразки подібної 22.6 практики»: наведіть список цих АЕС 387 37 Там же: «як наслідок передбачається, що реалізація КзПБ матиме 22.7 позитивний психологічний та економічний вплив на населення, що мешкає поблизу АЕС»: за рахунок чого очікується такий вплив? 388 37 Чому в пропонованих посиланнях щодо матеріалів громадського 4.9 слухання відсутні звіти за 2012-2016р.? 389 37 Там же: «реалізація КзПБ удосконалить управління аварійними 15.6 ситуаціями на АЕС, наслідком чого буде зменшення обсягів аварійних випадів до атмосфери»: -які обсяги викидів на сьогодні? - до якого рівня планується їх зменшення? 390 37 Там же: «глини перешкоджають проникненню важких металів, 24.12 радіонуклідів, що поступають в ґрунтові води з виробничих площадок ЗАЕС та ЗТЕС»: - зрозуміло, йдеться про горизонти 60 і більше метрів, а як бути з горизонтом 20 м, воду з якого п’є населення всього Кам’янсько- Дніпровського району? 391 37 Які дії з боку розташованого підприємства – ЗАЕС вживається для 19.13 зменшення критичного дефіциту інформації для мешканців прилеглих до ЗАЕС населених пунктів стосовно сигналів та повідомлень раннього попередження, а також щодо дій, які населенню слід вживати в разі надходження такого сигналу? 392 37 Чи впроваджена система смс-повідомлень про надзвичайні події? 19.14 393 38 Расскажите упрощенно для обывателя, какие основные мероприятия по 5.8 повышению безопасности реализуются в рамках КСПБ? 394 38 Существуют ли числовые показатели безопасности? Как они улучшились 5.9 в результате реализации мероприятий КСПБ?

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.7

No General. No Personalized questions, suggestions and comments request No 395 38 Можно ли сказать, что при текущем уровне безопасности авария на АЭС 5.10 не может произойти никогда? 396 39 Вы сказали «социальные программы», а о социальных программах 2.36 ничего не сказали… 397 39 Вы можете сказать, сколько было обращений жителей Энергодара? 33.16 398 39 Я хотел бы такой вопрос задать: Все мы прекрасно знаем, что во всех 33.2 городах-спутниках население как бы живет в зоне риска. Все мы прекрасно знаем, что нас в случае аварии вывозят в определенные населенные пункты. А что потом? Почему нет страхового фонда на случаи аварий? Почему? Люди должны знать все, они потеряют все, что потом? 399 39 Предусмотрено ли в вашей Программе КзПБ или другой программе ДП 33.17 «НАЭК «Энергоатом» достройка жилищного фонда, согласно проектам? Можно ли довести бесплатное строительство до сдачи для своих работников? 400 39 Как говорил Верещагин в «Белом солнце пустыни»: «Я мзду не беру, но 28.3 за державу обидно». Вот мне за державу обидно и, особенно, за г. Энергодар, который везде рекламируют: первый в Европе, если разобраться - после «Фукусимы» он первый в мире, но заботы о персонале у нас нет. У нас человеческий фактор почему-то забывается. Я думал, что в социальных вопросах здесь всё это дело прояснится, но я здесь ответа не услышал. А в чём же заключается человеческий фактор? 401 39 Значит, ДП НАЭК «Энергоатом» не выполняется: 33.17 - Договор о сотрудничестве № Д26 от 11 декабря 1997 года, согласно которому, НАЭК «Энергоатом» взял обязательство о строительстве жилья в Энергодаре. С ежегодным вводом не менее 30000 квадратных метров до полного выполнения программы, предусмотренной в Приложениях 3,4 – тут указывается Постановление Кабинета Министров № 881 от 28.12.1994 г. и Постановление № 261 от 25.03.1997 г.; - пункт 2.2 договора о сотрудничестве НАЭК с исполнительным комитетом. Это он взял обязательство финансировать строительство, соцкульбыта предусмотренного этим же Приложением. 402 39 У нас уже разваливаются дома, есть 91/2 кирпичный, в который - я уже 33.18 со строителями разговаривал, - деньги туда “вгрохали”, там работали представители киевских строительных организаций, всё. А воз и ныне там. 58 квартир мы могли бы предоставить нашим лучшим специалистам, дела нет. Я скажу, что вся стройка идёт за счёт НАЭК, потому что станция у нас не юридическое лицо и везде во всех документах идет ДП НАЭК «Энергоатом». Я обращался к нашим губернаторам по этому поводу, но губернаторы меняются как перчатки. Понимаете, получаю только ответы, – новый губернатор заступил. Сейчас обращаюсь к нему, неизвестно, сколько времени сейчас у нас просидит “генерал”. У нас монолитный дом, который был в социальном жилье, его перевели в платное жилье (тоже я там участвовал, когда было выбивание денег – 64 миллиона). Достроили его сейчас, не могут заселить, потому что они не могут разобраться, не могут цены сложить с квартирами. Какая квартира, сколько будет стоить? Я просто обращаюсь к представителям НАЭК, – это же всё на вашем балансе висит, понимаете? Всё строительство г. Энергодар на вашем балансе. Был бы статус юридического лица атомной станции, мы б этой проблемы не имели. Я уже выступал и предлагал нашим мэрам, которые меняются как перчатки, давайте мы всё-таки на себя возьмем строительство этого жилья. Жилье этого возьмем 50 на 50. 50% – НАЭК финансирует, 50% – наш город финансирует. Наш город очень богатый, у нас городской бюджет миллиард. Здесь как ничего не делалось, так и

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.8

No General. No Personalized questions, suggestions and comments request No не делается. Хочу всё-таки, чтобы прониклись вы этим, довели до тех специалистов, до тех ответственных лиц, которые должны отвечать за это дело. Вот это по жилищной программе. 403 39 Значит, следующее: хочу остановиться на СХОЯТ. Нам красиво 33.19 обещали, что СХОЯТ – всё ребята давайте, голосуйте; были первые слушания здесь в 2002 году, выпустили первую очередь, много, много было обещаний. А воз и ныне здесь. Вот здесь, хорошая такая (брошюра), на предыдущих совещаниях я взял, так вот, красиво здесь написано. Здесь написано про Запорожскую атомную станцию. Я просто здесь кратенько скажу что (написано): на данный момент эксплуатация СХОЯТ уже позволила Запорожской АЭС сэкономить миллиарды гривен... А я спрашиваю, – а “гроші де?” 404 39 Теперь, вопрос следующий по ЦХОЯТ: есть ли у нас необходимость в 13.6 создании ЦХОЯТ – центрального хранилища отработанного ядерного топлива? Значит одна из них – это экономическая. Например, оказание услуг по вывозу и хранению в Российскую Федерацию - отработанное ядерное топливо обходится Украине в сумму около 200 млн. миллионов долларов ежегодно. Я был в прошлом году на совещании, как раз по Чернобыльской АЭС, как раз объект «Укрытие», зона отчуждения. Я задал вопрос: а хорошо, вот сейчас, например, Россия принимает, но Россию уже объявили агрессором, она просто-напросто может перекрыть нам кислород в этом плане и куда будут 3 атомных станции вывозить, тем более на площадке Чернобыльской АЭС должны создать Центральное хранилище отработанного ядерного топлива (ЦХОЯТ), всех радиоактивных отходов? Мне сказали ответ: “Ну, где? У вас же в Энергодаре строится СХОЯТ? Строится”. Но это не ответ ваш, понимаете. 405 39 Так вот, что у нас, получается, по г. Энергодар? Мы продлеваем ресурсы 7.4 блоков до 2030 года, у нас закончится 6 блок и в 2030 году будет у нас 308 контейнеров, т.е. полностью атомная станция выработает свои ресурсы. Не знаю, будут ли еще продлевать после этого? 406 39 Поэтому вот я к вам обращаюсь с просьбой всё-таки: давайте мы 33.20 подумаем о наших жителях городов-спутников и всё-таки, как-то окажем помощь, потому что такая экономия на СХОЯТ. Я сейчас зачитаю, какие должны были объекты у нас строиться. Это было всё-таки утверждено еще решением сессии городского совета №13 от 30.10.2008 года: − достройка детского сада в микрорайоне №5, там он идет под грифом 3К; − строительство дома-интерната для взрослых инвалидов; − строительство детского лагеря на 350 мест; − строительство диагностического центра нашей медсанчасти −... - расширение ул. Молодежной, с учетом необходимой пропускной способности проезжей части; − достройка проспекта Строителей по ул. Казацкой до ул. Казахской; − строительство проточного канала с перекидным мостом и берегоукреплением; − создание городского инновационно-молодежного центра; − ... − у нас строительство отеля на 200 мест; − строительство морга; морг у нас, конечно, в таком состоянии...; − строительство спортивно-оздоровительного комплекса с ледовым катком.

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No General. No Personalized questions, suggestions and comments request No 407 39 Строительство второго выезда в сторону села Днепровки. Вы знаете, 19.15 случись - вот здесь вопрос задавали по аварийной ситуации, - у нас - мы не готовы вывести своих жителей. У нас, во-первых, дороги, если туда идти на Каменку, мы вообще должны переселиться в Рогачевский район, там Рогачевский. И второго выезда у нас нет. Тоже об этом надо думать, надо просчитывать все. Дай Бог, что говорится, не было таких аварийных ситуаций, но надо быть готовым. 408 39 Возьмите: жители города не имеют противогазов, как должно быть. Я 19.16 знаю еще, когда работал на станции, в приказ № 1 забивали приобретение, приобретение, приобретение, не знаю сейчас, у нас и на станции не хватало противогазов. 409 39 Не выполняется пункт 1 Постановления Кабинета Министров № 282 от 30.14 13 марта 2002 года «Об обеспечении окончания строительства и принятия в эксплуатацию Запорожской АЭС в целом. О строительстве объектов социальной инфраструктуры г. Энергодар». А именно: дом городского отделения милиции – не достроен... У нас нет ни специализированной милиции, у нас здесь они разбросаны по всем общежитиям бывшим. У нас медсанчасть тоже сейчас в “завале”. 410 39 ...всё-таки надо повернуться лицом и к человеческому фактору. Потому 33.21 что молодёжи у нас много уезжает за границу. И не хотелось бы, чтобы у нас был “мертвый” город. 411 40 На каком этапе сейчас находится корпоратизация, что уже сделано? 34.18 Какой следующий будет шаг? И как персонал АЭС будет существовать? 412 40 Скажите, пожалуйста, существует ли такая вещь как микроинфаркты у 22.8 персонала, есть ли факты болезней персонала? 413 40 Известно ли, что в этом году ВУЗы, которые готовят атомных 28.4 специалистов, не были на высоком уровне по поступлению, небольшое количество людей желало поступить? Планируется ли какая-то поддержка Компанией профильных ВУЗов и профильных факультетов в ВУЗах? 414 40 Понятно, что КзПБ реализует комплексный подход и, соответственно, 6.14 каждое мероприятие вносит свой вклад в повышение безопасности и, тем не менее,.. какое из мероприятий вносит наибольший вклад в улучшение целевых критериев безопасности, вот одно мероприятие сделали и сразу повысили? 415 40 Одним із пунктів програми, якщо я не помиляюся, є позитивний вплив - 22.9 психологічний і економічний вплив на населення, яке проживає на територіях атомних станцій. Яким чином реалізується цей пункт і як досягається позитив? 416 41 Это ваши «громадські» слушания происходят не первый год, составляете 29.19 протоколы, наши замечания отмечаете. Скажите, пожалуйста, а что по тем замечаниям, предложениям выполнено на сегодняшний день и что выполняется? 417 41 Значит, еще в 2015 г. поднимался вопрос по поводу закона об 33.22 организации вот по этой помощи. Насколько я помню, – некто Данило Лавренов, – обещал лично заняться этим вопросом, – даже оставил мне визитную карточку, – и пообещал, что будет работать та редакция, которая работала до 2015 г. Так ли это или нет? 418 41 По поводу тех социальных проблем, которые эти «чайники» собирались 30.10 в этом плане достроить. Обещали достроить: в частности, детскую поликлинику. Что в этом направлении делается или не делается?

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No General. No Personalized questions, suggestions and comments request No 419 41 Согласно закону об изменении медицинской помощи (п.5), вы обязаны 33.23 оздоравливать пенсионеров - предприятие, а не профком. Сейчас это делает профком, а предприятие? 420 41 Тем не менее, закон есть, а он не выполняется. В этом году мы потеряли 33.23 Белое озеро, ни одной путевочки мы не получили, пенсионеры. И не только в этом проблема. Что касается задолженности энергорынка - то это не наша проблема. Если нужно выйти на улицы, – мы выйдем, вы только скажите, мы выйдем без проблем. Но, все-таки, выбивать эти задолженности – это ваша проблема, это - первое. 421 41 И второе, в этом плане: вы заговорили о деньгах. Нас тарифы тоже дико 34.19 волнуют. Тариф на генерацию, насколько я помню – 0,48. А продает государство населению – 1,68. Разница куда девается? Тепловая электроэнергия: генерация –2,09. Куда разница девается? 422 41 По поводу корпоратизации... Мы сначала построили атомные станции, 34.7 объединили в «Энергоатом», – нет, чтобы идти дальше. Делать как во Франции, делать как в России – создавать холдинг, т.е. объединять все предприятия в одно целое. Причем, руководство должно быть независимо ни от Президента, ни от Кабинета Министров - этого холдинга. А мы к чему идем? Распродаем станции в частную собственность? 423 41 Уважаемые товарищи! Она (корпоратизація) уже приносит громадный 33.5 вред. У людей падает настроение нормально работать, с инициативой. Если постоянно думать: тебя уволят - или не уволят. Вот, какой разговор о корпоратизации. 424 41 Видите ли, молодой человек, что такое иностранное управление мы уже 34.20 знаем. У нас и в Украине было и в России. С России уголовный розыск ищет Браудера несчастного, который обворовал всю Россию, а теперь такой же специалист... Чтобы обворовали еще и Украину? 425 41 Скажите, можно ли считать предприятие эффективным, если 13 млрд. 34.21 грн. не возвращается, не могут скачать? – Не может быть эффективным предприятие, заранее кроется... целенаправленно… 426 41 Мы все научились читать между строк и понимать молчание некоторых 31.27 руководителей. Но мне бы хотелось узнать: кто же согласен вкладывать в нашу модернизацию, участники финансирования модернизации? Это первое. 427 41 И второе, какова доля социальных вопросов во всей модернизации? Или 5.11 в объектах, скажем так, или в экономическом плане. 428 41 Т.е. вопрос социального характера будет, опять каким-то образом 33.24 решаться, чтобы уйти от этого? 429 41 Почему я этот вопрос задаю? Здесь сидят – первая команда, которая 33.24 закладывала первый куб бетона в первый блок реактора. И если есть Программа, то есть и оболочка социальных вопросов, которые должны сопровождать это строительство. Любая реконструкция, модернизация - она за собой тянет и реконструкцию, и модернизацию социальных вопросов. И если бы вот в этой модернизации, реконструкции были вопросы наполнения санатория-профилактория передовыми технологиями лечебными, оборудованием… Было бы неплохо, конечно. 430 41 В свете изменения - медицинской реформы в стране: насколько НАЭК 33.2 «Энергоатом» готов, как говорится, к тем изменениям, предложено будет страховать своих работников медицинским страхованием? Этот вопрос уже обговаривался в верхах?

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No General. No Personalized questions, suggestions and comments request No 431 41 ...есть некоторые факторы, которые нужно совершенно четко понять: 34.22 Первое: что ресурс блока определяется ресурсом и надежностью незаменяемых его частей. Незаменяемой частью является реакторная установка. Вот, в каком состоянии находятся корпусная сталь, сварные соединения? Достаточен ли запас для того, чтобы его продлить на 20 лет? Наверное, (испытания) образцов-свидетелей производились, об этом надо было коротко сказать, потому что это - ключевой вопрос. Можно говорить сколько угодно по тем мероприятиям, которые выполнили. Но никто не поймет того, что действительно продлился у нас достаточно ресурс на нашем реакторе или нет. 432 41 Второй вопрос, который очень важен – это надежность охлаждения 32.9 реактора во всех режимах работы. Мы убедились в том, что это проектное исполнение вполне достаточно - мы сами на себе испытали, что при каких-то нестандартных отключениях проектное исполнение систем охлаждения работает вполне нормально. Но есть еще «постфукусимские» (мероприятия), которые надо выполнить. Вот надо было четко, коротко проинформировать, о том, что есть независимое электроснабжение, есть водоснабжение. 433 41 Третий вопрос, который касается сугубо нашего региона. Это карстовые 21.3 мероприятия. Вот тоже из всего этого объема информации надо сказать, что положено: доведен постоянный мониторинг, те мероприятия, которые мы делали по цементации. Они привели к тому, что осадки зданий, сооружений, промплощадки, находятся в допустимых уровнях. Тогда всем будет понятно, четко и ясно. 434 41 И еще, о чем бы я хотел сказать сегодня, – я понимаю, что это не 34.23 прерогатива Компании, – но без этого жить, вообще-то, нормально предприятия ядерной технологии, существовать не могут. Напомним, что правительством Яценюка А. отменена нормативная база по ионизационному облучению. Я знаю, что положено - Компания взяла на себя и оставила старые нормативы Советского Союза, которые, в общем, нисколько ни хуже не стали. Но, это (теперь) - ведомственные, и они не имеют никакого значения. Поэтому, – какие мероприятия со стороны Компании сделаны с тем, чтобы принудить Министерство здравоохранения, правительственные органы, с этой проблемой разобраться и решить? 435 41 Ну, и наконец, – правильно этот вопрос поднимается, – по 33.5 корпоратизации... Но единственное, что я хочу сказать, – слово-то неправильное выбрали. Что такое корпоратизация? Это латинское слово –корпоратио, – это увеличение, увеличение объема и прочее. Ну, давайте, наверное, скажем прямо, – что увеличения Компании не предвидится после нашей, так называемой, корпоратизации. А будет отделение части... – это не корпоратизация… Это что такое? – это уменьшение, надо было так и сказать, – это уменьшение Компании, и будет всем понятно. Идет уменьшение и не надо какую-то розовую пелену ставить. 436 41 Я всегда выступал за то, что корпоратизация – это только, когда будут 34.24 проекты, завод-изготовитель, шахты, станции, захоронения, – вот это будет корпоратизация. 437 41 Кто разрабатывает? По национальности, он кто? Компания какой 34.25 страны? 438 41 ...что присоединяется к Компании в результате корпоратизации? Потому 34.24 что корпоратизация – это увеличение… Вы понимаете, мы - старое поколение, - понимаем, что корпоратизация – это локомотив, который должен вытащить государство... Т.е. если сюда в корпоратизацию войдут

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No General. No Personalized questions, suggestions and comments request No шахты, химобработка, т.е. выработка топлива, захоронение, проектная (часть), «Турбоатом»… А то, что сейчас мы видим – это оптимизация. 439 41 Кто разрабатывает? По национальности, он кто? Компания какой 34.25 страны? 440 41 И еще нужно поднять пару слов по поводу пенсионной реформы. 28.5 Конечно, вы вряд ли повлияете, ничего не сделаете. Коэффициент – 1,5 отменили, некий коэффициент – 1, - внесли, особо вредного стажа нет на станции… 441 41 Будьте добры, скажите, пожалуйста, – а какая текучесть кадров 28.6 Компании на сегодняшний день с учетом того, что не поднимают уровень оплаты труда на атомных станциях? Сколько ушло персонала? 442 41 А по поводу генерации, – не подняли тариф на генерацию? 34.19

443 41 Все фактично з цього випливає, що саме населення Заболоття 33.25 (Володимирецький район, Рівненська область) буде утримувати за свій кошт вкладений тариф з води, (підвищений) з п’яти гривень до 15, і водовідведення - з 5 гривень практично до 30 гривень. Тобто, збільшиться тариф для населення села Заболоття, яке проживає у 3- кілометровій зоні від атомної станції, в рази ...Такого різкого підняття тарифу немає ніде в Україні і не було за всю історію незалежності... 444 41 Я вас інформую, що протягом 2015-2016 років жодної копійки з зони 30.8 спостереження у бюджет села Заболоття (Володимирецький район, Рівненська область) не поступило, жодної. Тому не можемо ми говорити про те, що з цих коштів вкладали в розвиток соціальної інфраструктури. 445 41 Нам факт подачі документації для проведення якихось робіт - чи то 30.15 дороги, чи реконструкція вуличного освітлення, чи реконструкції будь яких навчальних освітніх закладів, - нам перший етап – це треба зробити за свій кошт проектно-кошторисну документацію, щоб подати її до адміністрації. Але сформувати цю необхідну документацію - на це потрібні кошти. Для того щоб, наприклад, – один такий приклад наведу, – змінити покрівлю дошкільного навчального закладу, мені для проекту проектно-кошторисної документації потрібно порядку 70 тисяч гривень, коли в бюджеті не вистачає коштів для утримання п’яти чоловік штату... Але я кажу, що треба якийсь спільний механізм напрацювати і достукатися в цьому плані кудись вище. 446 41 Питання щодо... проведення тепла і водопостачання. Розкажу коротку 30.16 передісторію. Ця історія в нас тягнеться вже з 1990-х років (с.Старорафаїлівка Володимирецького району Рівненської обл.). Був розроблений проект, переписка та все інше до 2007 року, зроблені були техніко-економічні обґрунтування. І на тому все це зупинилося. Були певні приписки з районної, обласної ради і так далі, і верхівки. До цього часу нічого так і не отримано. Живучи, – так як і наші сусіди з Заболоття, – в 3-х, 4-х кілометровій зоні, ми не маємо навіть того, що має Заболоття. Це тепло і водопостачання взагалі... Чи можливий, – це з вашої сторони, – якийсь вплив, поштовх, посприяти в цьому питанні? 447 41 Ну і друге питання. Колеги, громада, – щодо цих коштів, які виділяються 30.16 на зони спостереження, – останні 7 років як виділили 100 тис. грн. на перекриття будинку культури - і все. Зараз на даний час у нас є проблеми в селі – це садочок, школа і все інше. Вибачте, коли на садочок не можна вибити певних тих 50–100 тис. грн… Ну, 50 – 100 тис. грн. для району, області – це нічого. Вибачте, просто ходити по громадах, по підприємцях з протягнутою рукою, просити: дайте перекрити цей садочок. Який приріст у нас є, просто у нас дітей дошкільного більше, ніж іншого віку, а всього в садочку в нас 20 дітей, а 60 дітей по домівках сидять. Треба розбудовуватися, щось міняти. Для цього в нас немає нічого. Живучи в першому колі ризику

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.13

No General. No Personalized questions, suggestions and comments request No від станції, об’єктів і всієї інфраструктури міста - очисних споруд, води, - цього всього ми просто нічого не маємо, голі, босі. 448 42 Ви розкажіть, будь ласка, таке питання, – проблеми з водою на атомних 24.13 станціях. Тому що на сьогоднішній день річка Горинь стала “ручейком”, а блоки атомної станції повинні охолоджуватися, – яка в цьому є проблема і що робиться з цим? 449 42 Фінансове питання. Я хотів би таке питання задати: вот продажа за 33.25 кордон…, стоимость в Нетішині...Чому в 30-километровій зоні для населения Славутского району, м. Славута «з громадян зняті пільги»? І коли вони будут востановлені? 450 42 Стосовно гарантій держави про надання пільг саме населенню, яке 30.3 проживає в 30-кілометровій зоні. Стосовно - це в першу чергу! – відновлення 50% відшкодування, компенсації електроенергії, яке надається населенню. Тому що у 1996 році, коли був Прем’єр міністром Марчук Є.П., були розроблені пропозиції стосовно того, що на кожного жителя 30-кілометрової зони 50% електроенергії забезпечується безоплатно, а решта – 50% (оплачується). 451 42 Тому питання – страхування майна, вартості, щоб не було як в 33.2 Чорнобилі, де б ти не знаходився – є страховий поліс. І людина в будь якому місці може отримати кошти за відшкодування шкоди, яка була нанесена. Щоб вона не ходила з протягнутою рукою, а зі страховим полісом була. Майно, власність і здоров’я, ну, це - в першу чергу: здоров’я людей. Це сьогодні питання, які є. 452 42 Ввносили питання і в виробничій сфері, маю на увазі пільгове 30.17 постачання електроенергії для виробничої сфери і пільгове постачання для комунальної сфери. Тому що, якщо буде у нас страхування і пільгове постачання електроенергії, зрозуміло, що сюди прийдуть інвестиції і вони самі вже будуть забезпечувати розвиток інфраструктури 30-кілометрової зони. Це основна умова для того, щоб кредитор прийшов в данні екологічно і техногенно потенційно небезпечні райони. 453 42 Питання в тому,.. щоб ми створили... механізм співпраці в питаннях 30.18 внесення пропозицій до законодавства стосовно гарантій держави про надання пільг саме населенню, яке проживає в 30-кілометровій зоні... Тому тут я... готовий з рядом організацій співпрацювати в цих питаннях з вами, стосовно того, щоб ми могли сьогодні внести зміни до «Закону про радіаційну безпеку» і інші нормативні документи, які сьогодні діють в межах України...для спільних дій в питаннях свого захисту і захисту людей. 454 42 Щодо вирішення (проблеми) водних ресурсів, яка обговорювалася, я хочу 24.14 сказати, що це - основа основ життя людства на Землі. Тому ігнорувати те, що дещо буде використане – водні ресурси не є відновлювані. 455 42 Щодо питання того, що треба будувати атомну енергетику… Але ніхто не 5.10 забезпечений від тих негараздів, від тих ризиків, які можуть бути незпрогнозовані, так як з ЧАЕС… Ми знаємо, як у Америці «Три-Майл- Айленд» вибухав... «Фукусіма» – ви вже знаєте... Скажіть, будь ласка, як це вирішити, як убезпечити? 456 42 І в мене тут ще запитання: будь ласка, скажіть наскільки ви можете 34.26 гарантувати безпеку оцих блоків, які добудовані і вистояли чверть століття - і конструкція, і все інше більше 30 років?.. Чому вважаєте, що ХАЕС набагато безпечніше, чим ЧАЕС і все? 457 42 Тепер технічний (аспект). Хмельницька АЕС живилася російським 34.9 паливом. Питання стоїть про «Westinghouse», Америка. Сьогодні застосовується воно і як воно себе показало? Чи адаптоване воно і взагалі питання безпеки?

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.14

No General. No Personalized questions, suggestions and comments request No 458 42 І соціальне питання. Починали будівництво теплотраси в м. Нетішині, м. 33.26 Славута. Яка його доля взагалі, чи буде його хтось згадувати, чи ні? 459 42 Не в 30-кілометровій зоні, а навіть в 100-кілометровій зоні, деякі країни є, 33.27 де безкоштовно тепло іде в теплиці. В тій же Франції і не тільки. Теплиці для населення, опалення житла і так далі, і так далі. 460 42 І третє питання – корпоратизація, яку очікує атомна енергетика. Що буде 33.5 для персоналу конкретно Хмельницької АЕС? І знову-таки у зв’язку з безпекою, тому що людський фактор знову-таки. 461 42 А нас цікавить на ХАЕС? (щодо використання палива виробництва 34.27 "Westinghouse") 462 42 Скажіть, будь ласка, ми говоримо за безпеку. Ми знаємо, що реактор вже 34.22 відпрацював свій термін і термін його експлуатації нібито продовжений. Як це вплине на безпеку поясніть? 463 42 Я вибачаюсь, але Чорнобиль був тільки в Україні. Ви повинні серйозно 34.22 відноситися до цього. Відпрацював - значить його потрібно замінити. Це ж безпека? 464 42 Я так розумію, цей агрегат запроектували на 30 років - чи на скільки? Він 34.22 відпрацював той термін і ви тепер говорите, що він і слідуючі 20 років може працювати. 465 42 Але ж механізми – вони не можуть працювати більше встановлених 34.22 термінів? Так само і…Ну, турбина, скажем? Я вам скажу, як люди думають – хотілося би, щоб це було дійсно так, але коли переносяться терміни експлуатації не тільки у нас, в будь якому іншому місці, виникає питання… 466 42 Що стосується добудови цих двох блоків (енергоблоки №3,4 ХАЕС). Я 30.10 думаю, (люди) будуть категорично проти до тих пір, поки соціальний пакет до початку добудови цих блоків не буде виконаний. Я думаю, так думає і вся громада. 467 42 В серпні цього року (2017 р.) прийнята енергетична стратегія - нова, до 35.15 2035 року, якщо я не помиляюся. Що вона передбачає в плані соціального захисту населення та екології? Ось на вашу думку - наскільки вона відповідає нашим тривогам і запитам ця енергетична стратегія?

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.15

4. List of thematic areas

No of area Name of area 1 EA organization 2 PC process organization 3 Legislative issues of the project, feasibility study and CCSUP EA expertise 4 Completeness of the EA materials 5 Goals of ССSUP 6 Completeness of ССSUP 7 ZNPP operation 8 RNPP operation 9 KhNPP operation 10 SUNPP operation 11 Investigations, experiments and equipment testing, planned prophylactic and capital repairs 12 Rad-wastes management 13 Spent nuclear fuel management 14 Nuclear safety 15 Radiation safety 16 Fire protection safety 17 General industrial safety 18 Physical protection 19 Emergency readiness 20 General issues on environmental impact assessment 21 Geological conditions and seismic impacts 22 Assessment of impacts on social environment 23 Assessment of impacts on atmospheric environment 24 Assessment of impacts on aquatic environment 25 Assessment of impacts on flora and fauna 26 Assessment of mutual impacts of power units and technogenic environment 27 Issues of NPPs impacts in transboundary context 28 Human resources coverage 29 Work with public, informing the population 30 Social-economic risk compensation 31 Financial-economic aspects of CCSUP implementation 32 Technical aspects and progress of CCSUP implementation 33 Other social-economic issues 34 Other nuclear energy issues 35 Other issues not connected to the CCSUP elaboration and implementation

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.16

5. Generalized questions, suggestions, comments and answers to them (1) EA organization

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(2) PC process organization

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 2.36 At 20.11.2017 Energodar The O. Kunitskaya report at 20.11.2017 Energodar meeting when giving the meeting was devoted exclusively to the environmental floor to O. Kunitskaya to aspects of ESAP implementation. The state of ESAP present her report the implementation on other aspects and, in particular, social moderator mentioned aspects, was presented in subsequent reports Environmental and Social Actions Plan, but the report did not contain information on social actions.

(3) Legislative issues of the project, feasibility study and CCSUP EA expertise

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(4) Completeness of the EA materials

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 4.9 The List of references and Indeed, such references are not included in the draft literature in the draft CCSUP CCSUP EA Report and in the final Report [91]. EA report has no references Information on discussions with the public of issues to public discussion reports related to CCSUP implementation and other on CCSUP implementation environmental and social issues is the subject of a non- in period 2012-2016. technical summary on implementation of CCSUP, ESAP and SEP, which are made annually [93-95], are publicly available and remain available on the official web-site of SE NNEGC “Energoatom”.

(5) Goals of ССSUP

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 5.8 Describe safety Unfortunately, it's not too easy to do this. In general, the enhancements implemented CCSUP consists of about 1300 unit-measures to within the CCSUP in simple enhance safety of operating power units of Ukrainian terms for public. NPPs, including replacement, modernization or supplementation of equipment and hardware of power units, improvement of organizational and technical

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.17

approaches, improvement or enlargement of methodological support and implementation of relevant justifications and analysis. All measures are divided into 10 generalized groups (directions): 0 - General; 1- Reactor core and fuel handling; 2 - Integrity of components; 3 - Systems; 4 - Automated control systems for technological processes (ACS); 5 - Electricity supply; 6 - Containment and building constructions; 7 - Internal danger; 8 - External danger; 9 - Analysis of accidents. 5.9 Are there quantitative safety According to ZPBU [18], the integral quantitative safety criteria for a nuclear power criteria are the following: plant? How have the - Not exceeding the estimated value of the frequency of relevant indicators changed severe damage to the core (10 ** (- 4) per reactor per as a result of CCSUP year). It is necessary to seek that the estimated value of implementation? the frequency of such damage does not exceed 10 ** (- 5) per reactor per year; - Non-exceeding the value of the frequency of extreme accidental release of radioactive substances in the environment for a working NPP (10 ** (-5) per reactor per year). It is necessary to strive to ensure that the value of this indicator does not exceed 10 ** (- 6) per reactor per year. Prior to CCSUP implementation, these indicators were close or slightly higher than the normative values of 10 ** (- 4) and 10 ** (- 5) per reactor per year, respectively. Currently, for all power units of operating NPPs, normative values are not exceeded. For power units, where many CCSUP measures are already implemented, these indicators are respectively (0.6-1.8) * 10 ** (-5) and (1.5- 7.5) * 10 ** (-6) per reactor per year. 5.10 Can it be argued that the No. It is impossible to prevent completely an accident at CCSUP implementation will any industrial facility, including nuclear power plants. The make an accident at a probability of accidents can be reduced, but will always be Ukrainian NPP impossible? non-zero. According to today's worldviews, the risks at the level of 10 ** (- 5) per year are socially acceptable and at the level of 10 ** (- 7) per year are neglected. 5.11 Are there any costs for any No. CCSUP measures are of a purely technical nature. In social and economic this case, loan funds are used exclusively to purchase measures within the CCSUP equipment. cost?

(6) Completeness of ССSUP

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 6.14 Is it possible to define any No, a single measure could not stand out. CCSUP CCSUP individual measure, measures are prioritized by their safety level impact. Some which makes the largest

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.18

contribution to NPP safety measures of the first priority have a very significant impact improvement? compared in order of magnitude

(7) ZNPP operation

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 7.4 What are the periods of At the end of 2017, the following operating periods at operation of ZNPP power power levels were confirmed for ZNPP power units: unit units at the power levels 1 - 23.12.2025; unit 2 - 19.02.2026; unit 3 - 05.03.2027; and the expected deadlines unit 4 – 04.04.2018; unit 5 – 27.05.2020; unit 6 - for their final shutdown? 21.10.2026. Planned deadlines for their final stop is 23.12.2035; 19.02.2036; 05.03.2037; 04.04.2038; 27.05.2040 and 21.10.2046, respectively.

(8) RNPP operation

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(9) KhNPP operation

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(10) SUNPP operation

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(11) Investigations, experiments and equipment testing, planned prophylactic and capital repairs

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(12) Rad-wastes management

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(13) Spent nuclear fuel management

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.19

13.6 Is it planned to use SNFSF No. The ZNPP SNFSF project is for storing spent nuclear for storing spent nuclear fuel fuel of ZNPP only. of other Ukrainian NPPs in the event of an unexpected termination of its transportation to the Russian Federation? (14) Nuclear safety

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 14.2 What does "design According to a definition: "Design accident is an accident accident" mean? Does it for which the design identified initial events and include severe accident with endpoints and provides for safety systems that ensure ... (catastrophic) limiting its consequences within the established limits" consequences? [18]. This means that the technological and organizational-technical solutions provided by the design do not allow this accident to escalate into a severe accident. In this case, a severe accident means an accident with severe damage to the core (nuclear accident). Severe accidents are also considered by the design, but are categorized as beyond design basis accidents [18]. In particular, the CCSUP includes some measures to manage and overcome the consequences of beyond design basis accidents.

(15) Radiation safety

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 15.5 What are the risks of A key factor in the environmental impact of accidents at environmental pollution in the NPPs is radiation exposure. According to ZPBU [18], event of accidents now and one of the integral safety criteria is the following: "Non- how they will change after exceeding the value of the frequency of extreme CCSUP implementation? accidental release of radioactive substances in the environment for a working NPP (10 ** (-5) per reactor per year). It is necessary to strive to ensure that the value of this indicator does not exceed 10 ** (- 6) per reactor per year". For all power units of operating NPPs this figure does not exceed 10 ** (-5) per reactor per year. For the power units where most CCSUP measures are already implemented, this figure is (1.5-7.5) * 10 ** (- 6) per reactor per year. 15.6 Document [71] published by During the entire reporting period of 2012-2016 and to SE NNEGC Energoatom in date, there were no accident emissions into the 2012 says: "CCSUP atmosphere from the operating NPPs in Ukraine. For all implementation will improve power units of the operating NPPs of Ukraine, the NPP accident management, estimated frequency of accident maximum emissions the expected result of which does not exceed 10 ** (-5) per reactor per year, which will be less amount of complies with the requirements of ZPBU [18]. For the accident releases into the power units where most CCSUP measures are already atmosphere." What are the implemented, this figure is (1.5-7.5) * 10 ** (- 6) per volumes of releases now reactor per year. and which less level is planned to be achieved?

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.20

(16) Fire protection safety

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(17) General industrial safety

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(18) Physical protection

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests (19) Emergency readiness

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 19.13 What measures are taken by Notification of the population in the event of a radiation SE NNEGC Energoatom to accident and its notification of rescue or preventive improve early warning of the measures in this regard is not within the competence of population of the NPP SE NNEGC Energoatom (except for notification of the monitoring zone regarding population of the NPP neighboring city in the event of an accidents and informing them accident at the NPP). The legislation of Ukraine clearly about the actions to be taken determines the liability for notifying the population. In in case of such a warning? particular, Article 10 of the Law of Ukraine "On Human Protection Against Ionizing Radiation" [9] says: "The local authorities shall: ... – notify population in the event of radiation accident and inform of rescue and preventive measures in this regard. " In this case, according to the legislation, SE NNEGC Energoatom shall, in particular, assess the NPP accident, shall forecast its development and the radiation situation, timely inform local executive authorities regarding the emergencies and radiation accidents, violations of technological regulations that pose a threat to human safety and shall provide its recommendations about population protection. 19.14 Has a system of SMS No. ESAP Par.3.2 [96] provides for the following: messages to the population "Energoatom will support and provide assistance in about NPP emergencies setting up an early warning system (for example, SMS been implemented? text messages) for residents of cities and settlements in a 30-km zone of an NPP". The option of SMS messages to population was considered and rejected due to vulnerability against unauthorized use. Instead, it was recommended that the local executive authorities (local governments) responsible for notifying the population should expand the operational coverage of the population by providing free mobile FM-receivers to vulnerable groups (disabled, pensioners, etc.) (using the funds for socio-economical compensation risk).

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.21

19.15 Why is the exit road from The temporary solution to this problem has been Energodar to .Dniprovka not implemented. The final separation of possible evacuation built? This road is needed for routes is at the stage of implementation. a prompt evacuation of the population. 19.16 What is the situation with the In the event of an accident, NPP personnel are provided gas masks for the NPP with personal protective equipment, in particular, gas personnel and the masks, in full, as required by the regulatory documents. population of their satellite Provision of PPE for the population of the NPP cities in the event of an monitoring zone, including the NPP-satellite towns, are accident? the responsibility of local authorities and local self- government bodies. Such support should be funded through the socio-economic compensation for the risk, paid fully and regularly by the SE NNEGC Energoatom to the State Budget. Monitoring of the provision of the PPE for compliance with regulatory requirements is beyond the competence of SE NNEGC Energoatom.

(20) General issues on environmental impact assessment

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 20.8 In the text of the draft Agreed CCSUP EA Report, replace the word "employees" with "workers" 20.9 What kind of contamination These are the risks of emissions and discharges of is meant in the conclusions radioactive and non-radioactive contaminants to the of the draft CCSUP EA environment. It should be noted that the key factor in the Report, which reads: environmental impact of accidents at NPPs is radiation "CCSUP reduces the risks exposure. of emergencies and accidents at nuclear power plants, and accordingly, the risk of environmental contamination"?

(21) Geological conditions and seismic impacts

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 21.3 What is the state of Relevant stabilization measures were implemented implementation of anti-karst before the CCSUP implementation. Monitoring of the measures at the RNPP condition of the structures and processes of karst site? formation is ongoing; its summary is presented in the EA Reports [71,91}. This issue goes beyond CCSUP and CCSUP ESAP.

(22) Assessment of impacts on social environment

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.22

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 22.5 Detail the statement in the The general objective of occupational safety is to conclusions of the draft preserve the life, health and efficiency of a person in the CCSUP EA Report, which process of labor activity, including protection of workers reads: "According to the against radiation exposure. Occupational safety issues legislation of Ukraine, go beyond the scope of CCSUP, but appropriate occupational safety measures are foreseen in the ESAP [60]. In particular, to measures apply to all implement the ESAP, SE NNEGC Energoatom workers (internal, external, implemented in 2016 the measures to bring Energoatom permanent and temporary) activities in line with the requirements of the international involved in the activities at standard OHSAS 18000, "System of professional safety the NPP site. The purpose of and health management". Such a system provides a such measures is to prevent number of benefits: accidents and excessive - control of hazardous industrial risks; radiation exposure. " - prevention of emergencies and accidents; - reduction of direct and indirect negative costs, losses from non-sanction activities; - increase of overall labor productivity; - possibility of integration with other management systems. 22.6 Document [92] published by As of today, the system of management of labor SE NNEGC Energoatom in protection at all NPPs is unified and brought into 2011 says the following: "The conformity with the requirements of international purpose of the labor standard OHSAS 18000, "System of management of protection measures is to occupational safety and health". During its improvement prevent the risks of accidents the best experience of Zaporizhzhya, Rivne, and excessive radioactive Khmelnytsky and South Ukrainian NPPs was used as exposure. It is recommended well as the best international experience, in particular the that the best examples of French NPP. such practices be taken among the NPPs." List such NPPs. 22.7 Year 2011 document [92] by The same document [92] mentions the following reasons: SE NNEGC Energoatom "Upon CCSUP completion, NPP safety level will says the following: "It is enhance. Reducing the risk of accidents means reducing expected that CCSUP the psychological load associated with work or living near implementation will have an NPP. It will positively affect the psychological state of positive psychological and the workers and the surrounding population. In order to economic impact on the make this impact effective, the population needs to be population living near an aware of the CCSUP and to understand the implications NPP." Due to what such an of its risk reduction. The CCSUP implementation at an impact is expected? NPP will require the involvement of 100 to 500 external staff for 6 years of the program. Although specific competences might be sought from remote regions of the NPP, it is estimated that the population around an NPP shall positively impacted in terms of revenues from the CCSUP implementation through direct and indirect employment opportunities. " As of today, these forecasts are fully justified.

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22.8 Are there statistics on NPP Yes, there are such statistics. The incidence of NPP staff diseases by quantitative workers is lower than that for other specialties as a result and qualitative indicators? of the stringent requirements for the health of newly Are there deviations from recruited staff for work in potentially harmful working average indicators for conditions, as well as through regular mandatory medical workers of other specialties? examinations of personnel and appropriate prevention.

22.9 How is the positive The detailed assessment results for CCSUP psychological and economic implementation impact on social environment, in particular impact on the population on the population of NPP towns, were reported in the living in the vicinity near the CCSUP EA Report [71,91]. It should be noted separately NPP from CCSUP that nuclear installations safety improving programs implementation achieved? implementation is one of the licensing conditions for all NPPs in Ukraine. Failure to comply with this condition would lead to the termination of their operation. Thus, it can be argued that the CCSUP implementation has directly affected the population living near thane NPP, by preserving the jobs of the main city-forming enterprise and the corresponding social benefits for the population of these towns.

(23) Assessment of impacts on atmospheric environment General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(24) Assessment of impacts on aquatic environment General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 24.12 SE NNEGC Energoatom A list and description of the natural protection of the document [71] of year 2012 aquifers in the Zaporizhzhya NPP location region is says: "The aquifer complex given in the same document []. During the lays under the water-proof entire reporting period of 2012-2016 and up to date, no clay of the Paleogene groundwater pollution caused by the ZNPP operation formations. Clays impede has been observed and is not predicted for the future the penetration of heavy under the conditions of normal operation and design metals, radionuclides accidents. At the same time, the CCSUP is aimed at coming into groundwater reducing the risk of serious accidents which potentially from the production areas of can lead to radioactive contamination of groundwater. the Zaporizhzhya TPP and NPPs and, then, into the aquifer complex of the Paleogene deposits. " It's clear that the horizons are 60 or more meters, what about the horizon of 20 m, the drinking water of which the population of the entire

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.24

Kamensk-Dniprovsky district uses? 24.13 Is there enough water for Yes, it's enough water. In particular, the water resources safe operation of operating and hydropower facilities available on the KhNPP site NPPs in Ukraine, in are sufficient for the operation of 4 power units. Detailed particular, KhNPP? information is provided in the CCSUP EA reports [71,91], published and available at the SE NNEG" Energoatom official website. 24.14 Are the water resources Usually, the category of non-renewable natural used by NPPs included in resources means natural resources that, after their use, the category of non- are not restored either naturally or artificially, or their renewable natural recovery is carried out at a rate much lower than use. In resources? view of this, the water resources that are irrevocably consumed by the NPP through their evaporation into the atmosphere, are recoverable due to water circulation in nature. (25) Assessment of impacts on flora and fauna

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(26) Assessment of mutual impacts of power units and technogenic environment

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(27) Issues of NPPs impacts in transboundary context

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments No requests

(28) Human resources coverage

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 28.3 Is the human factor Yes. In the narrow sense, in relation to the initial events considered by the CCSUP caused by the negative influence of the human factor ESAP measures? (personnel errors), a number of measures aimed at their prevention or mitigation are included directly in the CCSUP. In a wider context, regarding the creation of safe working conditions for staff and favorable conditions for its well-being, a number of requirements and relevant measures are included in the CCSUP. The CCSUP implementation status is published quarterly, and CCSUP ESAP one is published annually. The actual state of their implementation was presented in the report rogram/53171- netehnchne_rezyume_realzatc_kzpb_planu_ekologchnih _ta_sotcalnih_zahodv_kzpb_ta_planu_zaluchennya_zatc kavlenih_storn_schodo_kzpb_stanom_na_/

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28.4 Proceeding from the The prestige of the "atomic" profession in recent years number of students who has not diminished; on the contrary, entry contests are want to study at the slowly increasing. SE NNEGC Energoatom provides specialized departments of both a general support for profile departments and universities, can we talk faculties of universities and individual support of about reducing the prestige prospective students. of the "atomic" profession? Does SE NNEGC Energoatom "support the profile departments and faculties of universities? 28.5 How does the pension The need for pension reform is dictated by a significant reform affect SE NNEGC long-term shortage of pension funds and other financial Energoatom, activities, in and socio-economic problems of the national scale. particular, I view of staffing? Personnel issues are, of course, sensitive to the level of future retirement provision for workers, but today this factor is less important than the level of their payment, working conditions, and livelihoods. A more detailed analysis of these issues goes well beyond the competence of SE NNEGC Energoatom, as well as beyond CCSUP and CCSUP ESAP. 28.6 What is the turnover of SE As of the end of 2017, the total number of SE NNEGC NNEGC Energoatom Energoatom employees was 34 610. In 2017 1 748 staff? people were dismissed, including 756 in connection with retirement. Thus, the staff 2017 turnover was 2,8%.

(29) Work with public, informing the population

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 29.19 What remarks, comments, If necessary, taking into account the questions (remarks, and recommendations comments or recommendations) received during public among those obtained consultations, the state of implementation of the relevant during SAP implementation activity or measures is reflected directly in the answer. In have been implemented or particular, such activities include improving information are being implemented for the population. At the same time, the issue of now? increasing the pension provision or additional financing of the social infrastructure of the NPP towns, not stipulated by the current legislation, goes beyond the CCSUP and CCSUP ESAP.

(30) Social-economic risk compensation

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General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 30.3 Given the constant growth of This issue goes beyond the SE NNEGC Energoatom the electricity tariff for the competence and will be redirected to local government population, it is proposed to bodies in the" Questions and Answers Book ". increase its preferential discounts for the 30- kilometer area around the NPP from today's 30% to 50%. 30.8 The administrative-territorial NNEGC Energoatom pays in full the statutory fee for units located within the NPP socio-economic compensation for the population in the monitoring areas have, in amount of 1% of the volume of sales of nuclear power recent years, systematically generated by NPPs. The allocation of these funds, their lost the funding provided by timely direction and control of their intended use goes the legislation for social- beyond the scope of Energoatom competence and its economic compensation of public administration body - the Ministry of Energy and the risk to the population. Coal of Ukraine. Requests to the central authorities on compliance with the order, timing and amounts of such financing are to be made by local authorities and local self-government bodies. 30.10 SE NNEGC Energoatom has Indeed, the construction of some social infrastructure not fully fulfilled its projects provided for by the K2 / R4 completion project obligations to finance social remains underfunded. Uncompleted non-industrial infrastructure objects construction obligations stipulated by these projects provided for by the designs remain relevant. These obligations will be retained for the of KhNPP 2 and RNPP 4 successor in case of any Energoatom reorganization, in completion. Are the SE particular its corporatization. Energoatom regularly NNEGC Energoatom includes the corresponding funds into its requests to set outstanding obligations Energoatom electricity tariff. However, the tariff set by the remain relevant? Will these NCRE in recent years has taken into account only minimal commitments be retained in expenses for non-industrial construction. Mainly they are the event of corporatization for housing construction that is extremely limited. The real of the Company? When is improvement of the situation is expected after transition their implementation from the rigid state regulation by NCRE to a new market expected? model of tariff setting. 30.14 SE NNEGC Energoatom did Indeed, the construction of some social infrastructure not completely fulfill objects provided for by CMU Resolution 828 dated obligations to finance social 13.03.2002 remains inadequate. Uncompleted obligations infrastructure objects remain relevant. These obligations will be retained for the according to CMU Resolution successor in case of any reorganization of Energoatom, in # 82 dated 13.03.2002 "On particular its corporatization. Energoatom regularly ensuring completion of includes the corresponding funds into its requests to set construction and Energoatom electricity tariff. However, the tariff set by the commissioning of NCRE in recent years has taken into account only minimal Zaporizhzhya NPP as a expenses for non-industrial construction. Mainly they are whole". Are the SE NNEGC for housing construction that is extremely limited. The real Energoatom outstanding improvement of the situation is expected after transition obligations relevant? Will from the rigid state regulation by NCRE to a new market these obligations be kept in model of tariff setting. case of Energoatom corporatization? When is their implementation expected?

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.27

30.15 The legislative consolidation The proposal is entirely appropriate and will be submitted of the funds use mechanism to the executive authorities as part of the "Questions and for socio-economic Answers Book". SE NNEGC Energoatom has supported compensation of the risk to and will support this initiative. design estimates development for social infrastructure objects is proposed. 30.16 Is it possible for Energoatom This issue goes beyond CCSUP and CCSUP ESAP and to facilitate heat and water will be redirected to local self-government bodies as part supply and creation / of the "Questions and Answers Book". Today, 1% of the improvement of other social volume (value) of electricity sold at the NPP is allocated infrastructure in the village of for social-economic compensation to the population for the Starorafayilivka, risks stipulated by the legislation [6], to develop the social Volodymyrets district of infrastructure of 30-kilometer zones around each NPP. Rivne region, using social These funds are distributed among the administrative and economic compensation units of the area in the manner prescribed by law. The list of risks? of objects of social infrastructure requiring investment is determined by the local self-government bodies, which are the administrators of the relevant funds. 30.17 It is proposed to introduce This issue goes beyond the SE NNEGC Energoatom preferential discounts on competence and will be redirected to local self- electricity tariffs for industrial government bodies in the" Questions and Answers Book " consumers within the 30- kilometer monitoring area around an NPP in order to improve the investment attractiveness of the regions. 30.18 It is proposed to create a SE NNEGC Energoatom is open to cooperation in order to mechanism for cooperation initiate justified amendments to the legislation, in between the SE NNEGC particular, on issues of granting benefits to the population. Energoatom and local self- One of the existing mechanisms of such cooperation is the government bodies and work with citizens' appeals. It should be noted that SE NGOs in order to initiate NNEGC Energoatom is not a subject having the right of amendments to the legislative initiative. legislation regarding the provision of privileges to the population living within the 30-kilometer monitoring area around an NPP.

(31) Financial-economic aspects of CCSUP implementation

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 31.27 What funds are used to ССSUP is implemented with SE NNEG Energoatom own implement CCSUP? funds and the Loans by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom).

(32) Technical aspects and progress of CCSUP implementation

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 32.9 What is the situation with Make-up of SG, CP, BT under the conditions of prolonged implementation of "post- complete blackout of a power unit is planned by measures

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.28

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments Fukushima" measures to for power units of different series, in particular, for the provide emergency water series V-320 in the frameworks of measures # 11305, and power supply? 13303, 13307, 13511, 15103 and others. The list of measures completed at each power unit is updated quarterly and is made public on the SE NNEG Energoatom official web-site rogram/ (33) Other social-economic issues

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 33.2 Does SE NNEGC Yes. The funds accumulation procedure for future "Energoatom" fulfill the decommissioning and disposal of is legislative requirements for determined by legislation [53,54]. Energoatom pays timely the creation of insurance and in full. The procedure for compensation for nuclear funds? damage is determined by the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage and its Financial Provision" [52]. This law regulates relations regarding civil liability for nuclear damage caused by a nuclear incident and the financial provision of such liability. In particular, it determines the operator's liability for causing death, damage to health or property. In order to guarantee financial liability for a nuclear damage, a respective insurance contract has been concluded between SE NNEGC Energoatom and a pool of financial institutions (so-called Nuclear Pool). Besides the mandatory insurance of civil liability for nuclear damage (in part not covered by other types of financial provision) for the operator [52], the law also gives citizens the right to conclude a voluntary insurance contract against the risk of radiation exposure for a person and property [9]. However, SE NNEGC Energoatom is not a financial institution and is not related to realization of this right. 33.5 Does the planned SE NNEGC Energoatom continuously optimizes its corporatization of personnel. However, this optimization does not Energoatom provide for necessarily involve reduction in the number of employees. laying off personnel? Are Ongoing personnel optimization is a process that is NPP personnel laying off independent of corporatization. Corporatization is only lists being prepared? planned for future. As of today, there are no NPP staff laying off lists. No such lists are planned or being prepared. 33.7 We propose to increase Unfortunately, due to the limited financial capabilities of financial support for non- the operator under the existing strict limitation of the NPP working pensioners - NPP tariff by NCRE, the increase in the financial support of non- former workers by SE working pensioners - NPP former employees at the NNEGC Energoatom. expense of SE NNEGC Energoatom - is not possible. Such increase is not possible not only because of no extra funds. The financial assistance to persons who are not Energoatom employees is considered as charity. SE NNEGC Energoatom as a state enterprise does not have the right to charitable activity. The Law of Ukraine "On charitable activities and charitable organizations" [72] provides such a right for legal entities of private law only.

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General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments This is another reason that makes it impossible in the near future to increase the financial support of unemployed retirees - former workers of nuclear power plants. 33.15 Varash new sewage This question goes beyond CCSUP and ESAP. The collector needs an construction of this waste collector was completed in immediate commissioning in 2014. To operate the collector it is required to be Babka village, the transferred from RNPP to the communal property of the Volodymyrets district, Rivne city of Varash. Despite repeated RNPP requests, such a region. decision has not been agreed upon by the local authorities of Varash as of 31.12.2017. 33.16 Among the ESAP measures, Summary information on appeals is regularly posted at SE it was mentioned the NNEGC Energoatom official web-site at: publication of the general results of the processing of In particular, during the 3rd quarter of 2017 264 appeals, appeals and complaints. mainly on personnel issues, were received and reviewed How many appeals have by the ZNPP. been received at ZNPP recently? 33.17 In the framework of which Collective agreement [97] reads as follows: "The scope of programs SE NNEGC construction and commissioning of housing in the context Energoatom "plans and of NPP-satellite towns shall be based on real sources of finances housing financing, taking into account the funds in the tariff for construction in NPP towns, electric and thermal energy for the planned year, in and, in particular, consultation with the trade union committee of SE NNEGC completion of already Energoatom. So, SE NNEGC Energoatom draft started construction? investment annual programs, submitted to NCRE for approval, provide for construction of housing. However, in recent years, the NCRE has systematically ignored such requests. 33.18 What is the status of This issue goes beyond CCSUP and CCSUP ESAP. The transfer of residential process is ongoing. As of today most of the residential objects from SE objects have already been transferred from SE Energoatom to the satellite Energoatom to satellite towns. towns? 33.19 Is there a connection Such a connection, albeit indirect, certainly exists, between spared funds for because the amount of SE Energoatom and its spent fuel management counterparties tax payments to the state and local budgets because of ZNPP SNF is directly related to the economic efficiency of storage facilities and the Energoatom activities. However to precisely determine the funds allocated for the quantitative characteristics of such a connection is rather development of the social a complicated task that goes beyond the CCSUP, CCSUP infrastructure in the town of ER, as well as CCSUP ESAP. Energodar? 33.20 Is it possible to allocate part No. The spent fuel management funds are within the SE of spared funds for spent Energoatom electricity tariff in the amount of planned fuel management because expenditures. However there is definitely an indirect link of ZNPP SNF storage between the cost savings and the funds allocated for the facilities for development of development of the social infrastructure in the city of the social infrastructure in Energodar because the amount of Energoatom and its the town of Energodar? counterparties tax payments to the state and local budgets are directly related to the economic efficiency of the Energoatom activities. 33.21 What measures are SE NNEGC "Energoatom" actively supports the young implemented by SE NNEGC people - the future NPP staffing resource - studying in

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General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments Energoatom "to reduce the secondary and secondary specialized educational outflow of youth from NPP institutions of NPP-satellite towns. In particular, it satellite towns? concerns sports, scientific, educational and cultural events. The relevant information is regularly updated on SE NNEGC Energoatom official web site and NPP web sites. 33.22 Is work ongoing to amend This issue goes beyond CCSUP and CCSUP ESAP. the Law of Ukraine "On Today, SE NNEGC Energoatom, as a state-owned Charitable Activities and enterprise, is not entitled to charitable activities as of the Charitable Organizations" to Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable increase the financial Organizations" [72] for privately owned legal entities only. support of unemployed Relevant attempts to amend this law were initiated and retirees - NPP former continue to be initiated, but still had no legislative workers by SE NNEGC consequences. Energoatom? 33.23 SE NNEGC Energoatom This statement is not true. Material assistance to those does not fulfill its statutory people who are not Energoatom employees is considered responsibilities for as a charity. However SE NNEGC Energoatom, as a rehabilitation of unemployed state-owned enterprise, has no right to charitable activities retirees - NPP former provided for by the Law of Ukraine "On charitable activities employees at Energoatom and charitable organizations" [72] for privately owned legal own expense. entities only. 33.24 Which funds will be used to The CCSUP ESAP measures will be financed from finance the measures of the Energoatom's own funds. Other measures will be financed CCSUP Environmental and through state programs from the state budget and special Social Action Plan, which is funds managed by state bodies and the institutions an integral part of the loan responsible for their implementation. agreements with EBRD and Euratom? 33.25 Can SE NNEGC No. The tariffs for the population, including the reduced Energoatom influence the rates for the population living within NPP monitoring area, planned increase of tariffs are set by NCRE. The establishment of tariffs for for water, heat and electricity transportation and supply of heat energy, for centralized for the population living water supply and drainage is the authority of local self- within the 30-kilometer government bodies. monitoring area around an NPP? 33.26 Is it planned to expand the No, today, the heat from the two KhNPP power units is not heat supply system in enough to solve these problems. Neteshin and to supply KhNPP heat to the town of Slavuta? 33.27 Is it planned to use low- SE NNEGC Energoatom does not plan such activity, but temperature heat from NPP is ready to support the relevant initiative of local self- for greenhouses? government bodies in case of development and substantiation of their respective projects. This issue goes beyond CCSUP and CCSUP ESAP and will be redirected to local self-government bodies in the "Questions and Answers Book".

(34) Other nuclear energy issues

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General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 34.7 Does the planned No. The Energoatom-proposed corporatization model corporatization of SE provides for establishing a joint-stock company on the NNEGC Energoatom imply base of SE NNEGC Energoatom, 100% of which shall Energoatom privatization? belong to the state. 34.9 What problems arose with During SUNPP power unit 3 trial operation earlier the experimental operation Westinghouse fuel assemblies FA-W revealed design of Westinghouse nuclear flaws (lack of rigidity of the frame, which prevented them fuel at South-Ukrainian from loading into the core with JSC TVEL nuclear fuel). NPP? Does it prevent it from The design of the fuel assembly was revised to increase being implemented at NPPs its rigidity. The new modification was tested by the in Ukraine? developer to demonstrate its improved characteristics. Test results and computational studies were the basis for preparation of appropriate substantiation of safe operation of modified fuel assemblies FA-WR. Today these assemblies are successfully operated at Zaporizhzhya NPP and SUNPP. 34.18 What has been Today, the SE NNEGC Energoatom corporatization action accomplished and what will plan is under development. At the beginning a consortium be the next steps for SE of Deloitte & Touche LLC and IMEPOWER (Ukraine) was NNEGC Energoatom involved as a consultant, providing the relevant corporatization? How will it recommendations, using EBRD technical cooperation affect the NPP personnel? funds. In particular, as corporatization will engage in a number of interconnected issues, it was recommended to develop a special law that took into account all the peculiarities of Energoatom operation. This issue goes beyond CCSUP and CCSUP ESAP. 34.19 NPPs electricity tariff is The current model of tariff formation involves setting tariffs much lower than the tariff for for electricity consumers regardless of the source of the population for electricity generation. Total revenues from electricity sales are use. Where does the distributed according to the established mechanism difference come to? between generating capacities and transmission and distribution networks at different tariffs for each enterprise, in particular, for different types of generation. Unfortunately, in recent years, the NERC has indeed observed a strict tariff constraint for SE NNEGC Energoatom with the minimum needs above the cost of operating an NPP. A real improvement of the situation for nuclear electricity generation is expected after the transition from the strict state regulation by NERC to a new market model of tariff setting. 34.20 Will state-owned NNEGC There is no definitive answer to this question. The practice "Energoatom" of attracting foreign specialists to the supervisory boards corporatization envisage the of large joint-stock companies is currently widespread in possibility of attracting the world and is not contrary to current national legislation. foreign specialists to the However, SE NNEGC Energoatom corporatization respective Supervisory involves a number of interconnected issues and will most Board? likely require a special law that takes into account all the peculiarities of the operation of this nuclear power company. This issue goes beyond CCSUP and CCSUP ESAP. 34.21 Is it possible to consider as No, the impossibility of returning a significant debt for the effective the activity of an generated electricity is one of many for initiating SE enterprise like SE NNEGC NNEGC Energoatom corporatization. Energoatom, which for many

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General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments years can not get debts for its products? 34.22 Is the extended operation of Yes. The justification for extended operation of each the power units of the power unit covers all elements, systems and structures, operating NPPs of Ukraine including those that are not subject to replacement. In justified in terms of the particular, this concerns the remaining service life of the service life of their elements, reactor vessel and the welds. In full, this activity goes systems and structures that beyond the CCSUP, although some measures are are not subject to included into CCSUP, in particular measures 12301, replacement, in particular, 22301, 32301. Detailed information for each power unit for the service life of the reactor which a decision has been made to extend its operation is vessel and welds? available at the official sites of SE NNEGC Energoatom and of NPPs. 34.23 What is the state of Currently, the SP AS-88 is not a valid document. The need development of new sanitary for development and possible content of a new document rules for nuclear facilities? is discussed between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and SNRIU. Within the scope of its competence, for a provisional regulation of setting the sanitary and protection area SE NNEGC Energoatom has developed, coordinated with the regulatory authorities and put into effect SOU NAEK 023: 2014 [98] standard. This issue goes beyond the scope of CCSUP. 34.24 What does the No. This is just changing the form of enterprise corporatization of SE management, rather than the expansion of enterprise NNEGC Energoatom mean activities. As Energoatom corporatization entails a number ? Does it foresee the of connected issues, such a change will most likely require creation of other facilities of a special law that takes into account all the peculiarities of the full nuclear fuel cycle Energoatom operation. This issue goes beyond CCSUP (extraction, fuel fabrication, and CCSUP ESAP. spent fuel and radioactive waste management, etc.) in Energoatom? 34.25 Which company is SE A consortium of Deloitte & Touche LLC and IMEPOWER NNEGC Energoatom (Ukraine) is the consultant. The consortium services are corporatization consultant? funded through EBRD technical cooperation funds. 34.26 The uncompleted KhNPP This question goes beyond the CCSUP. As for the power units 3 and 4 are in a frequency of severe damage to the core and the frequency preserved state for a quarter of extreme accidental release of radioactive substances of a century. Based on what into the environment, KhNPP VVER power units 3 and 4 it is said that these units will will be on orders of magnitude safer than ChNPP RBMK- be more secure than the 1000 power units. Appropriate safety justification, in ChNPP power units? particular for constructions and buildings, is contained in informational materials dedicated to KhNPP power units 3 and 4 completion, published on official web-sites of SE NNEGC Energoatom and KhNPP. 34.27 Is it planned to use nuclear No, today the nuclear fuel manufactured by Westinghouse fuel manufactured by is being used and planned for further use at the South Westinghouse at KhNPP? Ukrainian Power Plant and the ZNPP. The purpose of its implementation, as an alternative to the fuel produced by the company "Tvel" (Russian Federation), is to increase the country's energy safety through diversification of producers (avoiding monopoly foreign producer). The diversified approach does not imply and does not involve

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General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments replacing one monopoly foreign manufacturer with another.

(35) Other issues not connected to the CCSUP elaboration and implementation

General. Generalized questions, Answers No suggestions, comments 35.15 Does the "Energy Strategy No. "Energy strategy of Ukraine up to year 2035" Safety, of Ukraine up to year 2035" Energy Efficiency, Competitiveness" [100] contains mainly detail environmental and strategic tasks of a technical nature. Environmental and social issues connected with social issues associated with the development of nuclear the development of nuclear energy are mentioned in the Program only in general energy? terms. This issue goes beyond CCSUP and CCSUP ESAP.

Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian NPP – Questions- Answers Book on CCSUP and EA of CCSUP Questions- Answers Book Addendum: 2017 SE NNEGC “Energoatom” - Date 18.06.2017 Page.34

6. List of references

1 The Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, ratified by the Law of Ukraine No 1688-III of 20.04.2000 2 Nuclear Safety Convention, ratified by the Law of Ukraine No 736/97-ВР of 17.12.1997; 3 Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention), ratified by the Law of Ukraine N 832-XIV of 06.07.1999 4 Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention), ratified by the Law of Ukraine No 534-XIV of 19.04.1999 5 The Law of Ukraine "On Environment Protection", No 1264-XII of 25.06.1991 6 The Law of Ukraine "On the Use of Nuclear Power and Radiation Safety", No39/ 95-ВР of 08.02.1995вр 7 The Law of Ukraine "On Radioactive Waste Management", No 255/ 95-ВР of 30.06.1995вр 8 The Law of Ukraine "On Licensed Activity in the Field of Nuclear Power Use" No1370-XIV of 11.01.2000 9 The Law of Ukraine "On Protection of a Person From the Impact of Ionizing Radiation", No15/ 98-ВР of 14.01.1998вр 10 The Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Expert Assessment", No45/ 95-ВР of 09.02.1995вр 11 The Law of Ukraine "On procedure of Decision-Making on Location, Design, Construction of Nuclear Installations and Radioactive Waste Management Facilities of National Significance", No 2861-IV of 08.09.2005 12 ДГН 6.6.1.-6.5.001-98 Radiation Safety Norms of Ukraine (НРБУ-97), approved by the decree of Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine No 62 of 01.12.1997 13 ДСП 6.177-2005-09-02 Basic sanitary rules to ensure radiation safety of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No54 of 02.02.2005 14 ДГН 6.6.1.-6.5.061-2000 Radiating Safety Norms of Ukraine. Amendments: Radiation protection from the sources of a potential exposure (НРБУ-97/Д-2000), approved by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine No 116 of 12.07 .2000 15 SCN (DBN) А.2.2-3-2004 The composition, development, coordination and approval of project documentation for construction. State Construction Service of Ukraine, 2004 16 ДБН А.2.2-1-2003 Composition and the content of materials of Environmental Impact Assessment (IAE) during design and construction of enterprises, buildings and facilities, approved by the Order of Derzhbud of Ukraine (State Construction Agency) No 214 of 15.12.2003 17 СПАС-88, ПНАЕ Health regulations for design and operation of nuclear power plants 18 НП 306.2.141-2008 General provisions of nuclear power plants safety, approved by the SNRIU Order No162 of 19.11.2007 19 НП 306.2.144-2008 The requirements of security when choosing a placement site of power plant. SNRCU 2008. 20 IAEA document №50 -C -S. Safety Manual. Safety of nuclear power plants - Siting Nuclear Power Plant. 21 CoM Order "On Approval of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the Period Up To 2030 No 1071- р of 24.07.2013р

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22 Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Concerning the preparatory measures to build new power units of KhNPP"№ 281-р dd 21.07.2005. 23 Order of Ministry of Energy “Concerning the preparatory measures for the construction of power units № 3and 4 of KhNPP” № 425 dd 22.08.2005. 24 Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Concerning the approval of a plan for 2006-2010 for implementation of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2030” № 436-р dd 27.07.2006. 25 Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Concerning the priority measures for the construction of power units No 3 and No 4 of Khmelnitsky NPP” № 118 dd 18.02.2009. 26 IAEA document No 50-SG-S1. Safety Manual. Incorporation of earthquakes and the phenomenon resulting from it while siting the nuclear power plants, Vienna. IAEA, 1994. 27 SNIP 2.04.02-84 Water supply. External networks and constructions. 28 Order of board of Ministry of fuel and energy of Ukraine “Approval of decision on the choosing the type of reactor facility for construction of power units No 3 and No 4 of Khmelnitsky NPP” №4.1 dd 13.10.2008. 29 НП 306.5.02/3.017-99. Requirements to the quality provision program at all phases of lifecycle of nuclear facilities. 30 НП 306.5.02/2.069-2003. Safety requirements and conditions (licensing conditions) while designing the nuclear facility or storage of radioactive wastes. 31 ДСТУ ISO 10005:2007. Quality management systems. Quality systems management. 32 Law of Ukraine “Concerning the fire protection” № 3745 dd 17.12.1993. (lost the validity lost the validity on the basis Code N0 5403-VI ( 5403-17 ) of 02.10.2012) 33 The Law of Ukraine "On Labour Protection", No 2694-XII of 14.10.1992 34 The Law of Ukraine "On Physical Protection of Nuclear Facilities, Nuclear Materials, Radioactive Waste, Other Sources of Ionizing Radiation", No2064-III of 19.10.2000 35 The Law of Ukraine "On Regulation of Issues Related to Nuclear Safety", No 1868-IV of 24.06.2004 36 НД 306.2.02/1.004-98. General clauses of safety provision while decommissioning NPPs and investigative nuclear facilities. Ministry of ecology and safety, 1998. 37 The concept of nuclear power plants decommissioning, approved by the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine on 12.05.2004 38 0.ПРО.5797.ПН-08 Decommissioning concept for power units VVER-1000 of “Khmelnitsky NPP”, Kiev “Energoatom”, 2008. 39 ГН Permissible levels of radionucledes 137Cs and 90Sr in the food and drinking water. Hygienic standard. 40 СОУ НАЕК 004:2011 Ecological assessment of nuclear power units. General requirements to the composition and content of assessment materials, SE NNEGC Energoatom, , 2011 41 Consolidated safety upgrade measures for operating power units with reactors of VVER and RMBK types.СМ-88 and СM-90 42 Safety upgrade program for NPPs with nuclear facilities VVER-1000, 440, 1994. 43 Priority safety upgrade works program for NPPs with nuclear facilities VVER-1000, VVER-440, 1994. 44 Safety upgrade measures consolidation for operating power units of NPPs of Ukraine with reactors of VVER-1000 (320) type, 1999. 45 Priority safety upgrade measures program for power units of NPPs of Ukraine, 1999. 46 Complex program for modernization and safety upgrade for power units of nuclear power plants, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dd 29.08.2002. №504-р.

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47 Safety upgrade concept for operating power units of nuclear power plants, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dd 13.12.2005. № 515-р. 48 Program for modernization and safety upgrade of NPPs with nuclear facilities VVER -1000 (В- 320), part 2 (KhNPP-2) and part 3 (RNPP-4) for 2004-2009. 49 ПМ-Д.0.05.174-08. Program for radioactive wastes treatment. “Energoatom”, Kiev. SE NNEGC “Energoatom”, 2008. 50 The Law of Ukraine "On National Target Ecological Program of Radioactive Waste Management", No 516-VI of 17.09.2008 51 Environmental and Social Policy, EBRD, 2008 52 The Law of Ukraine "On Civil Responsibility for Nuclear Damage and Its Financial Security" No 2893-III of 13.12.2001 53 CoM Resolution "Issues of creation, accumulation and use of financial reserves for nuclear facilities decommissioning" No 594 of 27.04.2006 2006-п 54 Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Concerning the approval of Order of setting the normative of fine for the natural environmental pollution and collection of this fine” №303 dd 01.03.1999. 55 Order of № 585/2011 “Concerning the decision of the National Security and Defence Council dd 8th April 2011 ”Concerning the safety upgrade of the operating nuclear power plants of Ukraine” 56 The CoM Resolution "On Approval of the Procedure to Hold Public Hearings in Nuclear Power Use and Radiation Safety", No1122 of 18.07.1998 98-п 57 CoM Resolution "On Approval of the Procedure to Involve the Public into Discussion of the Issues Regarding Decision-Making, Which May Have Impact on the Environment", No 771 of 29.06.2011п 58 SCN (DBN) В.1.2-4-2006 “Engineering-technical measures of civil protection (civil defence)”, 2006. 59 Non-technical Summary of Environmental and Social Action Plan, SE NNEGC "Energoatom", Kyiv, 2015 netehnchne_rezyume_planu_ekologchnih_ta_sotcalnih_zahodv/ 60 Environmental and Social Action Plan. Complex Consolidated Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants of Ukraine plan_ekologchnih_ta_sotcalnih_zahodv_kompleksna_zvedena_programa_pdvischennya_bezp eki_energoblokv_atomnih_elektrostantcyi_ukrani/ 61 CoM Order “On Approval of Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants” No 1270 of 07.12.2011 (with changes, the last one was approved by CoM Order No 356 of 21.08.2014) 2011-п 62 CoM of Ukraine Resolution "On Amendments to Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants of Ukraine " No 776 of 30.09.2015.п 63 The Law of Ukraine “On ratification of Guarantee agreement (Ukraine: Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants) between Ukraine and European Bank For Reconstruction And Development” No1267-VII of 15.05.2014 64 The Law of Ukraine “On ratification of Guarantee agreement Between Ukraine as Guarantor and the European Atomic Energy Community as Lender in relation to the EUR 300,000,000 (three hundred million Euros) loan facility agreement dated 7 August 2013 between the State Enterprise National Nuclear Energy Generating Company "Energoatom" and the European Atomic Energy Community for the implementation of the Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of

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Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants” No1268-VII of 15.05.2014 65 CoM Order "On Approval of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the Period Up To 2030 No 1071- р of 24.07.2013р 66 The Law of Ukraine "On Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine" No 794-VII of 27.02.2014. 67 CoM of Ukraine resolution "On regulations approval for Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine" No 950 of 18.07.2007.п 68 Branch agreement between Ministry of energy and coal industry of Ukraine and Trade-union of nuclear energy and industry workers for 2015-2016, of 30.01.2012. (with changes and additions of 25.11.2014.) 69 The Law of Ukraine “On Spent Nuclear Fuel Management about Siting, Design, And Construction of Centralized Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel of VVER Type Reactors of National Nuclear Power Plants” No 4384-VI of 09.02.2012 р. 70 Minenergovugillya of Ukraine Order “On Functions of Nuclear Facility Operator Assignment about Centralized Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel of VVER Type Reactors of National Nuclear Power Plants” No 284 of 04.04.2014. ekspluatuyuchoyi-organizaciyi-jadern-doc190168.html 71 Environmental Assessment (EA) Report. Main report. Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants: Environmental Assessment, SE Energoatom, Kyiv, 2012 72 The Law of Ukraine "On charitable activity and charitable organizations" No 5073-VI of 05.07.2012. 73 Collective agreement of SE NNEGC Energoatom for 2015, approved by the resolution of the labour group conference of 12.03.2015 74 Information and analytical survey of the materials “Khmelnystka NPP. Feasibility study of power units 3, 4 construction”, Kyiv, SE "NNEGC "Energoatom", 2011. nformatcyinoanaltichniyi_oglyad_materalv_hmelnitcka_aes_tehnkoekonomchne_obgruntuvann ya_sporudjennya_energoblokv___/ 75 The Law of Ukraine “On siting, design and construction of power units No 3 and 4 of Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant” No 5217-VI of 06.09.2012 76 Scoping of next Environmental Assessment of the “Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of power units of Nuclear Power Plants of Ukraine” viznachennya_obsyagv_chergovo_ekologchno_otcnki_kompleksno_zvedeno_programi_pdvisc hennya_rvnya_bezpeki_energoblokv_atomnih_elektrostantcyi_ukrani/ 77 Loan agreement (Ukraine: Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants) between SE NNEGC «Energoatom» and EBRD of 25.03.2013 78 Loan Facility Agreement in connection to the Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants between SE NNEGC «Energoatom» and Euratom of 07.08.2013 79 Non-technical summary: Implementation of Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants and CCSUP Environmental and Social Action Plan netehnchne_rezyume_realzatc_kompleksno_zvedeno_programi_pdvischennya_bezpeki_energ oblokv_atomnih_elektrostantcyi_ta_planu_ekologchnih_ta_sotcalnih_zahodv_kzpb/ 80 Stakeholder Engagement Plan, SE NNEGC "Energoatom", Kyiv, 2015 plan_zaluchennya_zatckavlenih_storn/ 81 Public Discussion of CCSUP Implementation was Held at Ukrainian NPPs na_ukranskih_aes_vdbulis_publchn_obgovorennya_pitan_realzatc_kzpb/

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82 Corrected investment program of SE NNEGC “Energoatom” on 2016 (agreed by NKREKP) skorigovana_nvestitcyina_programa_naek_energoatom_na__rk_shvalena_nkrekp/ 83 Medium-term investment program of SE NNEGC “Energoatom” on 2016 – 2020. serednostrokova_nvestitcyina_programa_naek_energoatom_na__rr/ 84 The Law of Ukraine "On Electricity", No 575/97-ВР of 16.10.1997вр 85 NERCP Resolution "Methodology for the Formation, Calculation and Setting of Tariffs for Electric and Heat Generated at Nuclear Power Plants" No. 990 of 01.08.2017 (before - NKRE Resolution “Concerning the approval of the Order of tariff calculation for electricity and heat energy which produced at HP, TPP and NPP”, No 896 of 12.10.2005, expired on 01.08.2017 ) 86 NKRE Resolution “Concerning the approval of the Procedure of revision and approval the tariff for licensees on electricity and heat energy production” No 898 of 12.10.2005 (expired on 01.08.2017) 87 SE NNEGC "Energoatom" has held a briefing on public consultations concerning the scope of the next CCSUP Environmental Assessment energoatom_provv_brifng_schodo_konsultatcyi_z_gromadskstyu_stosovno_obsyagv_chergov o_ekologchno_otcnki_kzpb/ 88 Implementation of the Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants during the IІ Quarter, 2016 89 SE NNEGC "Energoatom" has held a briefing on public consultations concerning the scope of the next CCSUP Environmental Assessment energoatom_provv_brifng_schodo_konsultatcyi_z_gromadskstyu_stosovno_obsyagv_chergov o_ekologchno_otcnki_kzpb/ 90 ПМ-Д.0.18.606-14 Program of works with spent nuclear fuel after reaching of final term of storage in the SFDSF of Zaporizhzhya NPP, Kyiv, SE NNEGC “Enegoatom”, 2014. 91 Report of ecological assessment of Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants during 2012–2016 (final), SE "NNEGC "Energoatom", 2017, 92 Complex (Consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants-Report summary for a wide audience, Kiev, SE "NNEGC "Energoatom", 2011, proekt_zvtu_pro_ekologchnu_otcnku_rezyume_zvtu__rozrahovane_na_shiroku_auditoryu/ 93 Non-technical summary: Implementation of Complex (consolidated) Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants and CCSUP Environmental and Social Action Plan, Kiev, SE "NNEGC "Energoatom", 2015 netehnchne_rezyume_realzatc_kompleksno_zvedeno_programi_pdvischennya_bezpeki_energ oblokv_atomnih_elektrostantcyi_ta_planu_ekologchnih_ta_sotcalnih_zahodv_kzpb/ 94 Non-technical summary: Implementation of CCSUP Environmental and Social Action Plan (as of end of 2016), Kiev, SE "NNEGC "Energoatom", 2017, netehnchne_rezyume_vikonannya_planu_ekologchnih_ta_sotcalnih_zahodv_kzpb_stanom_na _knetc__r/ 95 Non-technical summary: Implementation of CCSUP, CCSUP Environmental and Social Action Plan and CCSUO Stakeholders Engagement Plan (as of 31.09.2017), Kiev, SE "NNEGC "Energoatom", 2017 netehnchne_rezyume_realzatc_kzpb_planu_ekologchnih_ta_sotcalnih_zahodv_kzpb_ta_planu _zaluchennya_zatckavlenih_storn_schodo_kzpb_stanom_na_/

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96 Environmental and Social Action Plan. Complex Consolidated Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants of Ukraine plan_ekologchnih_ta_sotcalnih_zahodv_kompleksna_zvedena_programa_pdvischennya_bezp eki_energoblokv_atomnih_elektrostantcyi_ukrani/ 97 Collective agreement of SE NNEGC Energoatom for 2015, approved by the resolution of the labour group conference of 12.03.2015 98 СОУ НАЕК 023:2014 Radiation Safety Assurance. Procedure to set the sizes of sanitary protection zone of NPPs, SE NNEGC Energoatom, Kyiv, 2014 99 Order of President of Ukraine "On corporatization of enterprises" No 210/93 of 15.05.1993 10 CoM of Ukraine Resolution “On Approval of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the Period till 0 2035 “Safety, Energy Efficiency, Competitive Ability” No 605-р of 18.08.201,р

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