Dick Winters, Cole C Kingseed | 304 pages | 25 Jul 2011 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780425213759 | English | New York, United States Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters

Adam Makos and Marcus Brotherton. Enlarge cover. If You Survive. I am willing to grant, I guess, that Winters was a remarkable leader, but in this ghost-written autobiography he comes across as a sanctimonious prig. I always found Major Winters to be particularly fascinating and I was curious about how he was able to be so comforting to his men when they needed it and yet so completely unwavering in the face of death. Though it was an interesting read, it is not a book that I would reread or recommend unless you are very interested in Band of Brothers. Induring the , Winters was recalled to the Army from the inactive list and briefly served as a regimental planning and training on staff at Fort Dix, . It is not simply a re-hashing of what's already been said. Available from:. See all books by Cole C. I really enjoyed reading the story of Easy Company through Major Winter's eyes. From there you build character You can tell how damn proud he was to serve with these men, even when he's not flat out telling you. Excellent book! Small wonder that Webster was disappointed in what remained. Before Webster reached the wine cellar, Nixon had already absconded with his personal booty and supervised the distribution of five truckloads for the troops. This, of course, takes nothing away from Richard Winters and his many accomplishments; however, I wish that the book either focused more inward on decision-making or more outward on Company E as the author's voice never felt very comfortable talking about himself. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. You can't do a good job if you don't have a chance to use your imagination or your Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Time Memoirs of Major Dick Winters. It finishes just as briefly, rounding out his post-war career and retirement, with a coda comprising some of the leadership topics he lectured upon for audiences towards the end of his life. You know the saying: There's no Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Time Memoirs of Major Dick Winters like the present A must read for all WWII history buffs. Now eighty- six years old, Winters is popular on the lecture circuit and has found the peace and quiet he promised himself as he lay down to catch some sleep on June 6, D-Day. So was Nixon, who prided himself on being a Yale man. Look Inside. Ghost Soldiers. He was a true leader put into an impossible situation. Character also allows you to make decisions quickly and correctly. Remain humble. He taught at West Point, where he served as chief of military history for four years. Band of Brothers. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Naval War College and his Ph. Kingseed to complete the memoir. Next, I refused to dishonor my parents. After briefly serving during the Korean War, Winters was a highly successful businessman. Apr 03, Fred Shaw rated it really liked it. A great book, if it has any shortcomings it would be its inability to stand on its own. He earned his M. The writing and narrative are marvelous in this first person account of what it was like to serve in the proud unit. After briefly serving during the Korean War, Winters was a highly successful businessman. I think this relates back to the first point. I goofed. You show up every day and work hard, and go from there, or you are no where. For those of us who served in Easy Company, and for those who served their country in other theaters, we came back as better men and women as a result of being in combat, and most would do it again if called upon. Ready, Begin! And Major Richard Winters is a microcosm of the type of leaders Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Time Memoirs of Major Dick Winters emerged from the millions of citizen soldiers that comprised the American war effort. One of the initial officers assigned to Easy Company of the st Airborne, Winters jumped into France on D-Day and commanded the unit now known as the Band of Brothers. Beyond Band of Brothers

And thirdly, because I was an officer in the US Army. I don't know, never having been one. Why not? Winters, as company commander, led his Band of Brothers through Normandy, the and on to capture Berchtesgaden, Hitler's Bavarian retreat at the end of the war. I'm really unsure if this is two or three stars for me. Readers with an interest in reading about leadership would also find this memoir appealing. I think this relates back to the first point. More filters. It has been said that only if there are great challenges and crises, can presidents become truly great. Never did, and had no intention of doing so in the future. Ready, Begin! Cole C. John C. Ben Macintyre. I am willing to grant, I guess, that Winters was a remarkable leader, but in this ghost-written autobiography he comes across as a sanctimonious prig. Larry Alexander. I think that was why he Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Time Memoirs of Major Dick Winters obliged to always say that he "never thought of himself" as hero. He led his men through the Battle of the Bulge and captured Berchtesgaden, Hitler's Bavarian retreat. While I also find this insensitive I believe it comes from being uneducated. On this occasion the Yale man pulled rank on the Harvard boy. Another interesting and somewhat shocking revelation was how much Winters soured on the military once the war ended. Related titles. Some other reflections on decision making as a military leader and on being a leader in sprinkled throughout the book were also of Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Time Memoirs of Major Dick Winters. A must read for all WWII history buffs. However, stylisticaly the book is a little boring as both a war memior and autobiography. Sign up to our newsletter using your email. Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Time Memoirs of Major Dick Winters Roberts. Gregory Boyington. It is a great work in and of itself. Character provides a leader with a moral compass that focuses his efforts on the values we cherish; courage, honesty, selflessness, and respect for our fellow man. Lead from the front, Lead by example, Never ask your troops to do something you're unwilling to do yourself. While the general theme of events may be the same, the individual perspectives of such events are always different and Winters carries on that tradition by providing his own "take" on events. Anticipate problems and prepare to overcome obstacles. I have never read Band of Brothers, but am a big fan of the movie. Praised as an exemplar of leadership, [Winters] shows here what he did to earn that praise, and how he did it. I've watched the miniseries a number of times. Also by Cole C. Jul 24, Courtney Umlauf rated it really liked it Shelves: historymemoirs-and-bios. Winters just isn't as good a writer as Murphy, either. I believe that Easy Company serves as a microcosm of a generation of Americans that selflessly responded to their country's need at a crucial, desperate time. How do you explain that kind of dedication? The Gulag Archipelago.

He passed away in Ghost Soldiers. I don't get the feeling as one reviewer wrote that he was a "sanctimonious" prig, but rather his time in Paris seemed to be purposeless, given what he had been through. In civilian life Schmitz had been a boxer of some distinction. View all 10 comments. His account is very interesting, and valuable, but it reads as if he dictated it all on a recorder and then a secretary wrote it from the recording. By accustoming himself to life with the Barnes family Winters was able to create for himself a sense of normalcy not unlike his true home—he attended church, exercised, attended to his official duties, read widely in both military tactics and leadership, and maintained close social contacts with members of the community in . I thought this was an excellent memoir. It was a bit of a let down for three basic reasons. Dick Winters' memoir tells a compelling story of a junior officer who spent his entire military career with 2nd Battalion of the th Parachute Infantry Regiment PIR of the st Airborne. Look at yourself in the mirror every night and ask yourself if you did your best. I always like to read books by or about great leaders, and this book is one of them. And although Winters writes from the vantage of a man leading other men into battle on the frontlines of Europe, the book reads more as a set of case studies for a military history course than a compelling narrati I read this for a Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Time Memoirs of Major Dick Winters club focused on leadership and am inclined to review it in that light. I think any of us can learn lessons from Major Winters. As other reviews have said, Winters is not a writer by training; anyone who has seen Band of Brothers remember the typing the scene as he is trying to do after action reports. Sign up Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Time Memoirs of Major Dick Winters our newsletter using your email. I've read a few books about this company. I suspect that might be true of many war heroes as well. Jun 14, Nic rated it it was ok. You might not have that view of him for long. It's a fulfilling read and one that I'll definitely read again as well as encourage everyone else to read. The Dead and Those About to Die. Hampton Sides. Stay in Touch Sign up. He did them ju As other reviews have said, Winters is not a writer by training; anyone who has seen Band of Brothers remember the typing the scene as he is trying to do after action reports. Jeremy Dronfield and Lee Trimble. This, of course, takes nothing away from Richard Winters and his many accomplishments; however, I wish that the book either focused more inward on decision-making or more outward on Company E as the author's voice never felt very comfortable talking about himself. Only Winters was present from the activation of Easy Company until the war's end. Apr 03, Fred Shaw rated it really liked it. It seems like once the shooting stopped, the Army pretty much fell apart into a sea of incompetence and Winters wanted no part of it. There Is Nothing Easy. Readers also enjoyed. Looking for More Great Reads? The book held some interesting content particularly the first three chapters before the invasion and the last few chapters detailing life after the war. And I thought some of my work days were tough. Band of Brothers. While the general theme of events may be the same, the individual perspectives of such events are always different and Winters carries on that tradition by providing his own Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Time Memoirs of Major Dick Winters on events.