STRAW UW B Leumtitri Ships Seek Crash Victims
- -* 4 , '■ r MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1986 Avwage Net Pieaa Rub The WdaHidr PAGE SIXTEEN For tiie Week Baded FawcMt of U. S. WanllM iianrh^Bter lEopttUtg !l|fral& VMwnnrj %, itW Inerenehig XI Oamma Obapter of Beta Members of the Junior Cen ProvidMioa. DsMBroto want on 14,139 night, low In 8do; Sigma Fhl will meet tomorrow tury Club, Inc., of Manchester GOP Lincoln Dinner Guest bsoopae, 10M, th* only oth Bimalwr of the Audit lEumtitri ta rain, developing anritf About Town at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. are reminded that Wednesday er RepubUoan goveroor a t row, Mgh se^sa. Jamee Riohmond, S47 Sum is the last day to purchase Rhode Briaad M the past 23 Uprena of Clronlatlaii Mm. OwMire Bcalb«rt of M mit K ttokets for Sauturday’s square yeara, only to be awapt oMt of Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm FMUr a t, cMUnmn of n*tk>nal dance. Chafee Won Handily offloe In 1360. a n a om TUtVB, w il attwtd a Mandisstsr Chapter of the Bom In Rhode leiand ih 1338, Wlil vnkA iw<nttr oonferenoe of the Disabled American Veterans Daughters of Liberty, No. 125, Chafee came from a family de VOL. LXXXIV, NO. lie (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1965 (daaaifled Advwrtlalng on Pago Id) PRIC^ SEVEN CENTi LaatM AMiHary of the YFW will meet tomorrow at 8 pm. at LOU, will meet tomorrow at scended from two former gov S«HlB|r through Tueaday in the American togion Home. 7:80 p.m.
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