JMttribotioa «ld through tomorrwr.it Bank Area f both days In low Us, tew f Copyrlgfat-Ttw Re* Bu* Regfeter, Inc., IMS. h add Ms. Thursday, DIAL 741-0010 temperature change. MONMOUTH COUIVTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS 'VOL. 88, NO. 151 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1S66 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Opens Urgent Viet Session By MAX HARRELSON Both the U.S. request for the but there WH no word on the stated position, the official New believed the gamble was worth Some UN diplomats believed cords of 1954 and 1962 and the tion Include the possible use of UNITED NATIONS (AP)—The council meeting and the U.S. U.S. attitude toward a bid to China News Agency said the taking. They also were prepared the switch was motivated by a establishment of a durable peace arbitrators or mediators by the UN Security Council was called resolution caught UN- diplomats the Viet Cong. The British gov- United Nations "has no right to to face strong criticism for re- desire to neutralize the expected in Southeast Asia." council to assist in the negotia- into urgent session today to be- by surprise. The corridors buzzed ernment disclosed Monday night meddle with the Viet Nam -inies- suming the bombing of North criticism in Congress over the This seemed to point to a new tions and a role by UN Secre- gin debate on a V.S. proposal with speculation on possible So- that North Vietnamese President tton." Viet Nam. end of the bombing lull. It also conference of the 14 countries tary-General U Thant. In the lor preparatory talks to set up viet • moves. One , unanswered Ho Chi Minh, in a message to Th«r first private reaction of Switch In Policy may have been sparked parity which took part in the two Ge- event a conference is agreed a Viet Nam peace conference. question was whether the Rus- Queen Elizabeth H last week, set UN diplomats to the U.S. pro- The U.S. decision to bring the by the weekend peace appeal of neva meetings. These included upon, the resolution recommends US. Ambassador Arthur J. sians would *eek to have the as a new condition for peace posal was one of doubt that the Viet Nam Issue to the United Pope Paul VI, who suggested UN both North Viet Nam and Red that the first order of business Goldberg put the war in Viet government of North Viet Nam talks U.S. recognition of the Viet council debate would be useful. Nations represented a switch in arbitration to end the war. China. The use of the word be to arrange a cease fire under Nam before the 15-member coun- invited to take part in the coun- Cong as "the sole genuine repre- Some feared it would force the policy, and no immediate expla- The main provision of the U.S. "govarnments," on the other effective supervision. cil late Monday In t resolution cil debate. Another was whether sentative of the people of South Soviet Union into taking a hard nation was forthcoming from resolution provides that the coun- hand, could have the effect of The Soviet Union and Red Chi- which asked that a place and the Russians would: veto the U.S. Viet Nam." line and destroy any possibility responsible officials. Only last cil call for preparatory talks excluding the Viet Cong, which na continued to blast the United date be fixed for immediate and resolution. China Rejects Move of private Soviet pressure onweek Goldberg went to consld "among the appropriate inter- is not recognized by the United States for resuming the air raids unconditional discussions of ar- The U.S. delegation was not Red China again rejected UN Hanoi for peace. enable pains to explain to aested governments to arrange States as a government. on North Viet Nam. rangements for the proposed expected to object if the council intervention in) the Viet Nam U.S. officials, however, were group of congressmen that coun- a conference looking toward the Other Provisions The Soviet Communist party peace conference. favored inviting North Viet Nam, war. Repeating Peking's often- aware of this risk and apparently cil action was not feasible. application of the Geneva ac- Other provisions of the resolu- (See VIET NAM, Page 3) LBJ Plans Curb On Controversial Hughes 'Bills Escalation GivenCommittee Approval WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi TRENTON (AP) — Controver- dent Johnson has told admini- mmer-occupied family houses. some Democratic leaders that a An aide to the governor con- ;ial administration bills ranging stration officials he intends to Blocked by GOP public hearing might be called on ceded that a public hearing from fair housing to proposed keep a tight rein on any expan- identical bill had the tax measure. Hughes said might be held although he doubts lew curbs on air pollution from An been sion of the Vietnamese war. He blocked by Republicans when he was not aware of any request it would serve any great pur- lutomobiles carried committee is understood to have ruled out they'had legislative control. The from legislators for a public pose. The governor's contention eals o* approval today, clearing any bombing of. Hanoi or Hai Democrats have control of both hearing. He contended that early is that the needs of the state ie way for possible, floor votes phong for the immediate future. houses how for the first time in introduction of the income tax have been fully documented, i the Legislature n*xt Monday: 92 years. bill would serve to acquaint the Hughes said his income tax Officials said today the Presi- Bogged by bipartisan' bicker dent is determined at this time, While the tempo of committee lawmakers with specifics on how bill would be printed as a book- ig and a creaky start over pro- th& money will be spent. let to make it more convenient having resumed the bombing in ,r „ w**«*»ictivitj iiabivutfvUy increasedf *J\M uiu, vilis>o diurd the di- the north, to stick to a middle- cedure, committees in 9°* alogue > on the governor's pro- Ths income tax bill will be to read. The assembly adopted course policy. They said he in- houses shifted into high gear posed state income tax, drawn to help finance spending a resolution Monday authorizing londay, giving -clearance to programs in the budget, which the booklet rather than the more tends to avoid any show of a Hughes announced his income measures endorsed by Democrat- is expected to run in the neigh- cumbersome style of stapled lack of determination, on the one tax bill will be unveiled to the : Gov. Richard J. Hughes. pages. • hand, and any unnecessary esca lawmakers Monday,- a 'week be- borhood of $900 million. Utlon on the other. The Senate is ready t» act on fore he submits his budget. The The income tax proposed by Hughes, said he still - hasn't the pattern of attacks In the measures to establish an inspec- Legislature will then recess from Hughes would provide about $230 taken a count to see whether the new phase of the war following tion system for auto pollution Feb. 14 to March 7 while the million for the fiscal year start- tax would be passed by both the peace offensive is expected control devices *nd a. J2.3 mil- Appropriations Committee works ing July 1. The rest of the bud- houses, He wants a vote by mid- to be consistent with a pattern lion expansion in state add for on the budget. get would be balanced without March. followed before the pause began. ocal health services. the possibility was raised by new or increased taxes, (See BILLS, Page 3) Bombing was suspended be- TWELVE APARTMENTS DESTROYED — Fire raged out of control for four hours last The Assembly-meanwhile, is fore Christmas and resumed yes- night in Eatontown as fireman yelled desperately for mora water. Because of low getting ready for a floor vote terday after-a 37-day lull. John- a longstanding administra- pressure, water had to be pumped from nearby Wampum Pond. Only four apart- son in a public statement said ion measure that would ban dis- "It is our clear duty to do what menti of the Lake-view Club and Apartmentj, Union Ave., war* occupied. All were crimination in all housing sales Lincroft Officer Killed we can" to limit the cost in lives evacuated. Aerial ladder of Shrewsbury Fire Company here is employed to direct and rentals of rooms except one of allied soldiers fighting Red family houses and apartments ID forces in the south. ThS major water on blaxe from above. • ' . stated aim of the bombing is to curtail the movement of arms On Viet 'Copter Flight and soldiers from north to south RegionalSchool in Viet Nam. -.- • Eatontown Election Today By WILUAM RICHARDS, Id "Flying down narrow valleys their son "was, killed by Mall At the same time Johnson said UNGROFT - CapUln William will subject us to fire from all arms:fire:"/. V •• ••-.;.•; .. , Voter* go io the,polls,to this "pursuit of peace" would go R. H*rdin^»on «f,Mr*. Snd Mrs. aides, above, and below." The flyer, "sent to "Viet Nam •even regional school districts on primarily through the United William R. Hardin, 265 River- The telegram received by Mr. in September, predicted he would today to decide school budgets Nations. brook Ave., here, died Saturday, and Mrs Hardin informed them "rotate" home in June. In his Leaves 4 Families Homeless and fill board of education Jan. 29, while fighting the Viet letter, he noted, "A return trip •eats. ••••.•'"• ; to viet Nam ls a cettainty) W[th EATONTOWN - Four firemen Cong In the vicinity of Que Nhon, Fire hoses went limp as the apartment resident; Alex Komon- Districts In which residents were hurt and four families left South Viet Nam.
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