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4. Mar 2010 AQUARIAN THEOSOPHIST V3 TThhee AAqquuaarriiaann TThheeoossoopphhiisstt Volume X #4, March 17 2010 Blog: http://aquariantheosophist.com Free by email from the Editors : [email protected] Archive: http://www.teosofia.com/AT.html Justice to JudgeJustice to Judge Letters to Adyar - the Fifth Year For the fifth time since April 2006, independent students from various countries will be sending on 13 April 2010 a number of open letters to Ms. Radha Burnier, President of the Adyar Theosophical Society. They will be asking Ms. Burnier to think of stopping a century old, on-going injustice by re-examining the Adyar “Case” against Mr. William Q. Judge. Such a decision would be a demonstration that the Adyar Society actually cares about Ethics and Truth. It would give a large portion of the theosophical movement a better chance to benefit from the practical example of Judge’s altruistic life, and from the theosophical wisdom present in his books. Cont’d on p2../ The open letters campaign has no expectations of great short term results. Karma may take time, although it always produces Contents results - often by invisible ways. As any social institution, the Adyar T.S. is accountable for Justice to Judge ........................................................ 1 what it does or doesn’t do. Just like the Documents that would clear WQJ’s name .................. 3 executive officers of any private corporation or government officers around the world, Adyar How Enemies Become Friends ..................................... 4 leaders must be willing to accept the truth and The Politics of Happiness ............................................. 4 to admit the mistakes of their organization in a THE GITA: Chapter 12 ............................................... 4 public way, especially if such mistakes create a public, long term illusion. Strobic Circles by Prof. Thompson ................................ 6 CORRESPONDENCE ................................................. 7 The 19 th century process of persecution against Judge within the Adyar Theosophical News from Haiti ................................................................. 7 Society is extensively documented in the book ................................................. 8 The Judge Case, by Ernest Pelletier (published Jacmel: a Preliminary Report by the Edmonton Theosophical Society, An Expensive Tolle? ...................................................... 8 Canada, in June 2004) and in other books. 1 WISDOM IN ACTION ............................................ 9 1 Two of them are: 1) The Theosophical Movement, Cunningham Press, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 1951, 351 1875-1925, written by associates of the United pp.) [In an unconnected action we hear that a Lodge of Theosophists (E.P. Dutton & Co., N.Y., USA, generous student has recently sent ‘The Judge 1925, 705 pp.) ; and 2) The Theosophical Movement, Case’ to Mrs Burnier in India as a gift. AQ Eds.] 1875-1950 , also by U.L.T. associates (The The Aquaria n Theo so phis t Volume X # 4, March 17 2010 2 The accusations were based on a Envelopes must be addressed to campaign of rumours. They seem to have been used as a tool by those who aimed at attaining Mrs. Radha Burnier, President, The Theosophical political power within the organization. No Society, Adyar, Chennai 600 020, India . actual, valid proofs were ever presented against Judge. The Judicial Committee Whenever possible, signed copies of the appointed to examine the matter declared it letters to Adyar should be sent to the air mail could not decide on the issue (on the basis that address indicated below. Mrs. Radha Burnier - there was little evidence against WQJ, AQ Eds). the president of the Adyar Society since 1980 - Yet Judge was never declared innocent by has sent kind answers to some of the letters, Annie Besant’s Society. It is felt by some that and the correspondence to Adyar has been the 21 st century may be a nice occasion for discussed in previous editions of “The Aquarian truth to be restored. Theosophist” and other theosophical magazines. Although 2010 is only the fifth year since the yearly letters began, organizers say that More information on the subject - there has been growing sympathy for the cause including the first reactions from Mrs. Burnier to among members of the Adyar Theosophical the Letters - will be found at Society, in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. www.esoteric-philosophy.com According to the organizers, it is easy to see that the Adyar Society has only to gain from Those interested in taking part of the chain of accepting the truth, in this and in other matters letters may also write to [email protected] as well. ... or by air mail to: Every letter in defence of William Q. C.C.Aveline, Caixa Postal 5111, Ag. Brazlândia, Judge has been and should be open. It should CEP 72.701-970, Brasília, DF, Brazil also be as widely circulated as possible among one’s friends and co-students, or in publications in one’s local language, so that the vindication _________________________________________ of Judge takes place at the grass-roots level, as long as the international leaders of the Adyar Society are unable or unwilling to act. These letters are also a way of celebrating Mr. Judge’s life and work for the cause of humanity. They stimulate the movement’s ability to learn from its own mistakes. They help people realize not only that the Founders deserve Respect, but also that it is a duty and a privilege for anyone to actively defend them every time they are unjustly attacked, whether from within or from without the theosophical movement. William Quan Judge Each in his or her own way, style and co-founder of the words, students will suggest for the fifth time next Theosophical Society 1875 April 13 th that Adyar should publicly admit that Judge was innocent of any wrongdoing – or else open the Adyar Archives and show any _________________________________________ existing proofs of his mistakes. The letter-effort is also a celebration: April 13 th has been chosen for it is Judge’s birthday. We make a living by what we get. E-mail messages and phone calls to Adyar are good ideas as additional means of We make a life by what we give. expression; but it is felt that the efficiency of an air mail letter is greater. - quoted by Winston Churchill The Aquaria n Theo so phis t Volume X # 4, March 17 2010 3 Documents that would clear Some of the important historical documents that should be in the Archives at WQJ’s name Adyar include: 1. Exhibit "A", which H.S. Olcott, Annie Besant, from “The Judge Case” 2 Judge Khandalavala, Walter R. Old, W.Q. Judge and Dr. Buck, and others have seen. Certain issues need to be addressed 2. The "Register" in which Judge kept a record today regarding the failure by those who have of all the witnesses who viewed the Shrine controlled the information, namely the and the Occult Room at Adyar. Presidents of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, to make public important documents relating to 3. The Visitors Book kept during the time Judge the "Judge Case". Olcott charged Judge of was at Adyar. All persons coming and alleged misuse of Mahatmas' names and going had to sign in and out. handwritings, which was immediately followed 4. According to Josephine Ransom in A Short by Besant's "brief" of six so-called charges. Since History of the Theosophical Society , Annie then most theosophical historians have ignored Besant kept a Diary of events when she this controversial case. Adyar has maintained traveled during the years 1893, 1894 and that Judge was guilty, and historical records 1895 in which she recorded details of have been kept in check to reflect this. important incidents involving her. Because Adyar had control over most of Blavatsky's papers, Olcott's papers, Judge's 5. The letters from W.Q. Judge to H.S. Olcott letters to H.P.B., Olcott and others, it has been which were not published in The Theosophist . relatively easy to maintain the status quo. Most The letters published were the ones where people who came to the Society after this we find Judge struggling during his years of whole affair were sincere students who blindly probation, before he went to India where he followed their leaders (who were hoping that it was initiated by Master "M". would just be ignored). But, to quote Judge, 6. All the documentation mentioned in Annie "sincerity does not confer of itself knowledge, Besant's The Case Against W.Q. Judge , much less wisdom". which was never supplied with her Accurate history is important and its study document. by any would-be theosophist should be 7. Before leaving India in 1884 Judge left encouraged. It should not be distorted to letters behind to Olcott and to H.P.B. protect a Society's image. Responsibility to "explaining" and "assuring" them of his protect and defend historical archives from continued affection and friendship. corruption falls upon officials entrusted with this obligation. One is left with the impression that 8. "Documents, Records, and Private Letters in the powers controlling Adyar policy may not connection with the Coulomb, Judge, want certain truths exposed. Leadbeater and other Cases, and with many other incidents; all in the Archives of History is never totally forgotten and can the Theosophical Society" according to sometimes rise from the ashes, Phoenix-like, to Josephine Ransom in A Short History of the punish those who have ignored it. Theosophical Theosophical Society , p.563. organizations have a responsibility to release historical documents to its membership so they In 1889 Richard Harte wrote "Applied may be made aware of the karmic ties they are Theosophy" in which he equated Adyar to the associating themselves with. It is incumbent "Rome" of Theosophists. This statement was and upon the membership to request that these is still accepted and promoted by Adyar as their documents be released.
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