1 PCA’s Club Racing Newsletter Volume 03.3 Sponsored by Porsche Cars North America 2 Official Publication of Club Racing of the Porsche Club of America. Editor Andrew Jones P.O. Box 990447 Redding, California 96099-0447 530Official-241 -Publication3808 of Club Racing
[email protected] the Porsche Club of America. Volume 03.3 May/June 2003 CRNEditor Advertising Coordinator RalphAndy JonesWoodard 16904P.O. Box O Circle990447 Inside Omaha,Redding, Nebraska California 68135 96099 -0447 402Phone:-255 -5303805-241 -3808 4 Rules, Insurance and Mentors
[email protected] Classified Advertising CRN Advertising Coordinator Classified ads are free to Club Racing members. TherePlease is direct a 60- allword advertising limit per inquiries ad. Ads to may the be subject toProgra editingm Coordinator, and abbreviation Susan per Shire. the requirements of 6 Quick and Painless “Black Flag” Stops available space. No pictures are being accepted at this time.Susan ShireClassifi ed ads are to be sent directly to the Phone:editor. 847.272.7764 Fax: 847.272.7785 Email:Commercial
[email protected] Advertising 6 Racing by the Rules InquiriesClassified regarding Advertising commercial advertising should be dire cted to the CRN Advertising Coordinator, Ralph Woodard.Classified ads are free to Club Racing members. There is a 60-word limit per ad. Ads may be subject toPCA editing Club andRacing abbre Newsviation is theper official the requirements publication of 8 The Art of Qualifying Clubavailable Racing space. of the No Porsche pictures Club are beingof America, accepted c/o at PCA this time.Executive Classified Secretary, ads POare Box to be30100, sent Alexandria,directly to VAthe 22310,editor.