Japanese (KYUDO & ) Kyudo – The Way of The Bow Kyujutsu – Bow Technique Is thought of as one of as the purest of all Martial ways. Was used for hunting, war, court ceremonies, games & contests of skill. Modern Kyudo A method of spiritual, physical and moral development. Said to be synonymous with the pursuit of truth, goodness & beauty. TRUTH

Is manifested in that is pure and right-minded, where the three elements of attitude, movement, and technique unite in a state of perfect harmony.

A true shot in Kyudo is not just one that hits the center of the target, but one where the can be said to exist in the target before its release. GOODNESS

Encompasses qualities as courtesy, compassion, morality, and non-aggression.

It is shown by displaying proper attitude and behaviour in all situations. A good Kyudo archer is a person who maintains his or her composure and grace even in times of great stress or conflict. BEAUTY

Enhances life and stimulates the spirit. Truth and goodness, themselves, are considered beautiful.

Beauty can also be found in the exquisite grace and artistry of the Japanese bow and the elegance of the traditional archer's attire. It is also present in the refined etiquette that surrounds the Kyudo ceremony. Etiquette, which is simply common courtesy and respect for others, is an essential element of Kyudo practice. THE BOW

Usually made of laminated and , and the arrow is a bamboo shaft with three feathers and an .

The shooting range is from 28 meters to over 60 meters, with a different sized target for each range.


It is the traditional art of shooting from horseback. Its performance is held during festivals of many shrines. Here, the archer tries to shoot as many wooden targets as possible (set up along a course in the shrine precincts ) while riding a galloping horse.


Short Distance : 28m Range. Target Diameter is 36cm. Mostly held indoors.

Long Distance: 60m Range. Target Diameter is 100cm. Mainly held outdoors.