General Index
13_773336 bindex.qxp 2/24/06 7:04 PM Page 266 GENERAL INDEX Accommodations, 22–52. See also Big Ben, 109, 123, 138 Accommodations Index Blakes, 42 Agent Provocateur, 179, 195 Bloomsbury, 24, 104 A. Gold, 183, 188, 195 Bluebird, 187, 196 Airports, 255–256 Boating, 166 AKA, 219, 223, 226 Bodywise, 129, 138 A la Mode, 178–179, 195 Books for Cooks, 186, 196 Albany Fitness Centre, 169 Bookstores, 174, 175, 185–186 Albert Memorial, 124 Boroughs, 17 Aldwych, 246 Boxwood Cafe, 86 All Bar One, 217, 226 Brick Lane Market, 184, 197 Almeida, 239, 240, 246 The Bricklayers Arms, 220, 227 ...& Firkin, 218, 228 British Airways London Eye, 114–115, Annabel’s, 222, 226 123, 138 Antiquarius, 184, 195 British Antique Dealers’ Association Antique Clothing Shop, 180, 195 (BADA) Fair, 184, 197 Antiques, 174, 175, 184 British Library, 15, 115, 138 Any Amount of Books, 186, 195 British Museum, 111, 113, 126, 138 Apsley House, 121, 137 Brixton, 106, 129 Arsenal Football Club, 243, 246 Brixton Academy, 221, 227 Arts Theatre, 246 Brompton Cross, 175 Asprey, 185, 196 Brompton’s, 219, 227 Astons, 220, 226 Brown’s, 178, 180, 197 Astoria, 221, 226 Brown’s Hotel, 42 Athenaeum, 41 Buckingham Palace, 109, 110, 114, 118, 139 Babushka, 220, 226 Bull’s Head, 223, 227 Babysitters, 256 Burberry’s Factory Shop, 180, 197 Bank of England Museum, 111, 137 Burgh House, 241, 246 Bankside, 106 Buses, 256 Banqueting House, 119, 121, 137 Bush, 246 Barbican Arts Centre, 120, 137, 241, Business hours, 260–261 246 Butler & Wilson, 181, 182, 197 Barcelona, 221, 226 Butler’s Wharf, 106 Bar
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