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iirrE E ir MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1961 iia n rh P B tfr lEtr^nittB lig r a t ^ ^ Average Dfctly Net Pres# Run The-, Weather For the Week Ended ForetiMt of D. 8. Weather Bireae November 35, IM l Hie. board of directors of the gpn^change requeaU preiented at A b i^ tT b w n Community Child Ouldaiice Clinic CDC Will Attend a previous meeting. Some cloudlneM, vriady, cold to­ wdli meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at The three requests W’hlch could 1 3 ,4 9 6 night and Wedneeday, chaaee of the clinic office, 60 Haymes St. Briefing Session come up for decisions include those «nmv fhirrieo. Matw tonight 18 to Hathedist Men of South Meth- filed q.v the Southern New Eng­ Member of the Audit Church wilJ meet tonight «t Come Barean of dreolatlon 28. High Wedneeday about 85. Airman 3.. C. Lloyd C. Ses.sions. ^ On Master Plan land Telephone Co., from residence 7:iM at Suaannah Wesley Hall. A. .son'of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. 1 to business zone for property c. t Manchester’-^A CAty of Village Charm Raymond Roaei*, principal of Sessions. 164 Havj"thome St., has > IdanchMter Hijrh School, vrill be Ford St... Joseph P. Mott of Mott's de^'arted for his home base at I Members of the Connecticut Supermarkets and Herman Klas- guMt apeaker. Members of the Donald.son Air Force Base ini IJievelopemnt Commission will af- man, frbm residence to busi­ VOL. LXXXI, NO. 49 (SIXTE EN PA(^ES^) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1961 (Claoelfied Advertising on Page., 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS WBCS of the church have been in­ South Carolina, after his partloi-i ness zone for the Kiasman For vited. Refreshments will be pation in the U.S. Air Force's tend a briefing ae.s.sion tonight .on the progress made .so far in devel­ farm and American Telephone served. "Operation; beep Freieze" at the and Telegraph repeater .sta­ South Pole and other Antarctic' oping Manchester's flr.st mas­ tion off E. Middle Tpke.; and TV’U- SU Margaret s Orcle, Daughters j outpost.s. Se.sSions. an aircraft! ter, or comnrehenslVe. plan. West Split in UN Bowles Takes of Isabella, will hold a social to-1 Ilam Peck Lumber Co., from res­ maintenance .specialist, is a grad-! The briefing, to be held In the idence to Induatrial for property Christmas morrow at 8 p.ni. at the K of C i uate of East Hartford High School. 1 Mnniclna' Bulldin«r at 8 o’clock off N. Main St. and Stock PI. Home for members and friends. < and was employed by Pratt and , also will be attenijcd by memb S p e c ia l Post Members are reminded, to bring i Wliitney Aircraft before entering of the Town Planning Commis­ playing cards- Refreshments will i service. ! sion and planning and Renewal be served. ! A.s.sociate.s of Cambridge. Ma.s.s. | U.S. Vote Hits As U^S. Envoy Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Odell and I Aluminum T o sons.’’ Fred. Da\id and Elmer' Planning and Renewal A-ssoct- ; Odell Jr., 512 E- Center St., at-' ate.s ha,s been retained by the town l Windows $11.95 Washington, Nov. 28 (A*)— tended the one-man art .show of to help plot the development o f : Chester Bowles, replaced as MARI-OWS and other fine Manchester through the next 20 i Mrs. Odell's cousin. John Rom- ?! the No. 2 man in the State Main St. stores open 6 days: bola of New 'York City, at the years. Doors $29.95 A t Colonalism also OPEN M O .V D A V. D'Arcy Galleries in New York. Guest Speaker Contract deadline for the ptan’s | Department, has accepted ai THVRSDAY and ITIID.tV The artist exhibited his modem' completion is 5farch 1. The por-I diplomatic post especially tai-1 Red Push Sparks Disputes art in water colors and ink draw­ Rabbi Aaron Gewirtz from Hillel tion relating to future land devel- ' NIGHTS ■^nx 9:00. House. I’niveraity of Connecticut, ! Jal. Doors $59.95 United Nations, N. Y., Nov.^tho' Elienhonvr admlnlztratlon lored for him. ings. • opment is expected to reach its than Ih office. will moderate a panel discussion' Plus Installation. 28, (/P)— The United States He becomes President Kennedy's final stages toward the end o f , The new office, resolution, car­ special representative, and adviser Fredonck \V. Perry Jr., avia­ on "Has the Synagogue Fnile1 Hirtfn'rl Rd . ijs chair­ year the asaembly refused lo let riguez Echava’-rla, armed force.' Moscow, Nov. 28 (A*)— The man of the for Mamhrator .PICTURE FRAMING (all types) the Soviet Union take the leader­ Local Traffic Accident secretary, isued slinrtly before the area. Tho«e who wi.«h to ordo’’ ship away from the newly inde­ hour set for the walkout. He urged Soviet news agency Tass, re* oecap,*. mav ca'l Mr«. Smith nr W INDOW and PLATE GLASS pendent roiinlries of Asia and Af­ the people lo disregard "false porting President Kennedy’s Mr«. R'^per OUott. 40:% \v. Ccnl^'r rica In their drive against colonial­ prophets ' interview with Izvestia, said Notice! "The onlv rea on they are in­ COXTRACTORS: WE HAVE IN STOCK ism. i t ^ a y the President “ tried lo TONIGHT till Last year the United States ab­ Court Upsets Judge viting you to strike la to produce ; take cover behind the old SHOE AdverlL.«emenl MEDICINE CA&INETS and SHOWER DOORS stained on an Asian-African re­ a clash betwen U.S. armed forces solution urging a speedy end to and the Dominican people,” s;tid blind of an imaginary ‘Com* Rpoord5 at a aavmp $1 00 off OPE.N .SATI KDAVS—OPEN THl RSDAY EVENINGS — and — colonialism. Some members of the the communique of Rodriguez miinist menace’ ’’ in discus* Fehavarria. He thwarted plana for SHINES on and up roi orda Potter- ESTIMATES GLADI.V GIVEN U.S. delegation made It plain at On Directed Verdict sing East*West relations. ton'a • 130 Center St, Lnrpe 5tock a roup 10 days ago by two brothers the time they personally opposed The agency said the Presi* }«‘ereo and monaural. the abstention—cast on orders of ______. of the late dictator Rafael Tnijillo, Daily From .■? P.M...... _ __ . . . U.S. warships have been cruising ident “ choQ!i«s” to blame the EVERY NIGHT .jii CHRISTAUS - Hartford. Nov. 28 (/P)— The State Supreme Court of hrroj's off the Dominican republic’s .«hore.' Thur.*'da> Nights I Soviet Union for \j hat he call* C struck down three lower court ruling.s in decisions announced -ainre the coup was threatened jed “ the area of mounting and -MI Day Satuida.t. m n ic o ii :r^eeii todav. One of the cases grew out of an accident in Manches The communique had the effect , crisis” in Berlin and Ger* You'll get a thrill, too. when ...MONDAY ihrough FRIDAY... of throwing army might behind i vou see the heels, without nail.', ter.' ♦’------—'------i many. Come in for lhe,he.«t In one. the liihunal debated the Balaguer and against demands that put on with New Al'TO- Possibility in he accept immediately the forma­ SOLER Renew yoiii; heels TO­ authority of a trial judge to re­ shoe .shine in lawn! ject a jury verdict. By a 3-2 mar­ tion of a provisional government . Washington, Nov/. 28 (/P)— DAY We u.se only quality ma- State News that would hand the presidency to i Pre.sident Kennedy told the tenals. gin. the court overniled the judge. Senator R a c e In the other ca.ses the court the opposition National Civic 'Soviet people through their Union. • «'E GIA E GREE.N STA.MPS • and ordered a new trial in a damage Roundup j own government newspaper "Shoe Repairing — Second to Nonel” TONIGHT Hartford, Nov. 28 (TPi-National suit growing out of a 3-tnick ac­ Tlie streets were thronged with ' today that the root of East* and State Democratic Chairman cident and re.scinded the State 1 people as the armed forces issued John M. Bailey said last night that I.iqiiO" Control Commission's re­ I the communique, but there were R;. West troubles is the Russian MONDAY ~ TUESDAY FRIDAY If Welfare Secretary Abraham A. vocation of the restaurant beer almost no vehicles. effort to “communize . . . the HOUSE k HALE SALE TUESDAY! Ribicoff decides to run for the peiTiiit of a Windham man. Oclhiiii Convicted Precisely at 8 a.m. business , entire world.” In a majority opinion, written came to a halt in the capital, in j SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Thursda.t s— 9 A..M. to 8 P.M. Senate "he would have groat sup­ Semvon K. Tsarapkin. center, of the Soviet Union, shakes hands with Charles Stelle, right, In an Interview with Alexei port in the .state." by as.sociate justice John Hamil­ Of Tax Evasion Santiago and other large cities. No > of the 'United States, In Palace of .Nations In Geneva today before delegate.^ of three na­ Adzhubei, editor of Izvestia and rSE OCR OAK STREET ENTRANCFA: -MI 8-412S stores were open in .Santo Domin- ' Wednesday— 9 A.M. to 12 Noon Bailey, In an interview published ton King, the Supreme Court said tions sat down at conference table lo re.stime nuclear lest ban talks. Joseph Godber. son-in-law of Premier Khnurtichev, in the Hartford Courant, added, the instances are indeed rare when go's downtown area, j head of Britain's delegation and chairman at today s meeting is at left front. Sir'Michael the U.S. executive laid heavy a presiding judge is jii.stifled in di- New Haven, Nov. 28 l.'Pi — A however that he has "no lnforma- Hartford attorney has been con- Vlriato Fiallo, president of the ' Wright of Britain is directly behind Tsarapkin. (AP Photofax via radio from Geneva!. stress on the aim of freedom of 1800 PAIRS tion on the intentions of . Ribi­ on . nford 'dieted"bv TfVdTral jurv oV fadtag i .Civic Union, called the ------t ------choice for peoples — and he said o/ncA.e4^^, -Cl coff.” The comment was dOn a Hanford ■ situation "very grave. ' the peoples of Eastern Europe do ( I RRENT ANM AL Ribicoff, who wa.s elected gov­ Superior Uoiirl case stemming ^ * - Acordlhg t6 reports, the oppoai not have it. DIVIDEND ernor of Connecticut two times, from a traffic accident in Man- '-'®f, • , „ _ , I tion plan ' would make ' Fiallo presl- W est-2 Cancels Stnlemnte on First Day Kennedy dealt with the Berlin SAVINGS now heads the U.S. Department of Chester April 8, 19.'.V, in which two ' ^ ■'ank R. Odium. 5.. former as I dent. conflict as the focus of East-West Health. Rdneation and Welfare. perie.slrians were struck and in- ' distant state attorney general, 1' Under the proposal. Balaguer heard the verdict in U.S. district tensions, overshadowing issues AT OUR NEW BRANCH STORE L O A N He was one of President Ken­ , jiired by a car. would appoint Fiallo secretary of L O eiich as trade and disarmament. and Seamless N Y L O N S court early this morning. A S S O C I A T I O N nedy's earliest and most loyal sup­ I The jury returned a verdict in stale fOr the armed forces. . tem­ An agreement on Berlin could lead porters. favor of the defendants. Donald F. The government had charged porarily replacing Gen. Rodriguez U.S. Raps Red Plan to "peace in this century in Cen* SpsudaL Speculation ha.s been growing Anderson, driver of the car. and him with skipping his returns in Fehavarria, who would become air N-Tests ill Skv tral Europe,” Kennedy said. PINANCtAL INfTITUTIOM among political ob.servers in the Henry C. Anderson, his father and ! But he firmly turned thumbs atate that Ribicoff may resign to owner of the car, both of Manches- ' Those were years, a psychiatrist , (Continued on Page Right) down again on a settlement that /007 rA€ai^ S£\eet, FIRST QUALITY, OF COURSE!' make a try in 1962 for the Senate jg,, „ land doctor te.stified during the H- I.ondon, Nov. 28 (jPi^A Foreign ONE LADY'S PLAIN SKIRT Office spokesman said today an For Ban on N-Tests BRANCH OFFICF,, ROl’TK 31, C0VF:XTRY seat now held by Sen. Prescott (The younger Anderson, who ifisi' that Odium waa treated (Continaed on Page Eight) Bu.sh. a Republican. was 16 at the time of the accident. mental illness and alcoholism offer on Sept 3 by President Ken-1 Cleaned and Pressed Bailey made his comments had struck Mrs, Lillian Labbee of 'va-s also a time, as Odium CD Promises nedy and Prime Minister Mac-' Geneva, Nov. 28 i.Ti - The United*’ Dean, Tasarapkin and British shortly after he and National Com­ Hartford and Miss Loui.se Pallier, | himself said on the witness stand, mlllan for a moratorium on at­ mitteeman John M. Golden of New 14 W. .Middle Tpke.. .Manchester, i that he suffered heavy financial Stales today described the new Minister of State Joseph Goldber mospheric nuclear te.sts Is no long­ BUY BY'THE ^ Haven urged member.s of the state as they were cro.ssing W. Middle | losses and other difficulties. In- N e w S pecific Sfwjet plan for an uninspected nu sat down at the .same large mahog­ er open. clear test ban as a "transparent any table m the Palace of Nations Bulletins central committee to refrain from Tpke..’near Main St. Anderson had ' eluding a broken neck, He told newsmen 50 test ex- FREE early endor.semenls of candidates made a left turn off Main St. onto ' Odium s defense was his claim piopaga^nda put foward in | where the talks began more than To Introduce Weyerhaeuser CRAFTWALL plo.sions set off by the Soviet Un- a vain hope. .. to mislead_i_, —J and deceiveJ .... months ago Culled from AP Wires when brought in with another full garment to for the state ticket, particularly W. Middle Tpke., after the light ' that he thouglit he had filed his i Shelter P I a n s ion .sim e tliat time radically al- world public opinion.” he cleaned and prea'ed at our regular price. the U.S. Senate nomination. had turned green, according lo a I returns. | The conterence collapsed Sept. Golden several week.s ago an- report by Manchester police. | An important witness for the I U.S. Delegate Arthur Dean told 9 after the Soviet Union’s resump­ Wood Paneling The W. G. Glenpey Co. p/^IR Hartford. Nov. 28 W' - - Con- The spopesmon s comment came session of the resumed 3- TALK ON ARMS PARLEY a ONLY 0.\E SPFA'I.AI. TO E.AC H ( I STO.MER box noimced hLs support for Mayor I Both Mrs. Labbee and Miss i prosecution was Frederick Scali.se. i tion of atomic wcapoms tests broke necticut'.s Civil Defense director on the heel.s of the new Soviet nation talks that the Soviet plan United Nations, N. Tn Nov. a OFFER GOOD O.VLV AT BRANf H STORE Richard C. I.^ of New Haven a.s j Pallier were taken to Manche.ster I an Internal Revenue Sen'lce agent, a 3-power moratorium. promi.ses that a new set of fallout plan for ending nuclear weapon does not provide a basis (or agree 2 g (IP) — The United States and FOR ONE WEEK O M A —MOMIAV, NOV. 2* the party’s Senate ehotce. Lee ha.s , Memorial Hospital following the He said that he once had a .shelter constniction standard.s pre­ bla.sts. One western official called the ITIRr SATI’RDAV, DFX’. 2 Offers This Special... This Week Only! mem resumption of negotiations "a pure the Soviet Unlap began private ------I ------! conference with Odium in which pared by the state will be readyj The Sept. 3 offer bv Kennedv Soviet Delegate Semyon )<■ (Continued on Pago Two) I (Continued on Page Three) : the lawyer said his practice was propaganda exercise." discussions today in an effort to • Regular $1.00 • Mesh and Plain for distribution within the next I Tsarapkin formally submitted the break the deadlock on resomtaig on the fiscal shoals and he was three weeks. | (Continued on Page Eleven) new plan at a two hour and 20 min­ High western sources said East and West were farther away from dlsamiainenr nevo^tlons. ll-S. NEW SYSTEM • Best Winter Shades of Beige Tone, Taupe Tone thinking of closing his office. The promi.se from William L. ute se.ssion. He also demanded that Ambassador Adlal' E. Stevenson Scalise recalled Odium saying Schatzman came after Attilio J. F'ranre the world's fourth nucleari ® treaty for a controlled ban on Starts Sad Trip Home nuclear testing than at any time and Soviet Deputy Foreign Min­ Laundry and Dry Cleaners • Sizes 8'/: to 1 I * Reinforced he did not know he had to file a Fraaainillt told a State Legislative ■ j power, bp invited to Join the ne- ister Valerian A. Zorin met In return. Scalise also quoted Odium Council Commijitee yesterday that j gotialions. since thc,v first began negotiating CORNER EAST MIDDLE TPKE. and VERNON ST. on Oct. 31, 1958, Zorin's U.N. office In what a U.S. (Aeroas From Cook’' f'rarage)—FREE PARKING as saying he "was like a big cor­ right now he has no guide as to News Tidbits j Dean asked Tsarapkin if he wa.s spokesman described as the first ho.iiery— Heel 'n Toe what is "false, safe or adequate " ,l prepared to negotiate on the basis The talks were resumed in re­ * poration. making millions of dol­ of a series of meetings. The two main floor lars writing it off in expenses " a.s far as fallout shelters are con­ from (he AP Wires of an old we.steni plan for a ron- sponse to the demand of an over­ displomats were trying to reach Rockefeller Drops whelming majority of the U.N. The governnyenl attorney. Rob­ cerned, . trolled ban on testing agreement on the composition of ert C. Zampano, also attempted Frassinelli. whose job it Ls to Tsarapkin replied with a flat no. General Assembly. They had iceen the bod}' w'hicli would carry on to weaken anv benefit the defense 1 protect the citizens from .sales ex- ' Another 1.200 men In three Air He told newsmen later broken off by Riissla's abrupt re- the arms negotiations. might make out of the teslimonv ploitation,' .said a set of specific National Guard fighter squadrons "We have given up the idea of .suniption of nuclear testing last Hunt for Lost Son on Odium's alleged alcoholism oy standards siiould he prepared soon sent to Eiiro|>e to bolster .Xnierl- international control because it is September. ‘RIDE’ JUROR ARRESTED presenting two acquaintances of before fallout shelters become ran tactical .air power there in iinpossihle in the present interna­ On the eve of the new session, Rirmlngtiam, Ala., Nov. 28 (P) the lawyers who .said the.v never "duscoimt house items.” light of the Beilin situation'. tional ten.sion and in view of the the Soviets-published a new treaty Federal officials announced to­ recalled .seeing him under the in­ "Right now, without a specific Bernard L. Boutin, 38-yeai-old for- militar.v. preparations, of the west draft which, in the view of western day the arrest of one of the Hollandia, Dutch New Guinea,S'Dutch companion. Dr. R. S. Wa.s- fluence of liquor. guide lo adequacy of specific shel­ nier mayor of Laconia. N. H., ern bloc to set up an international ; officials, sounded the death knell jurors ln'tl)e recent “ Freedom Nov. 28 (/Fi—New York’s Gov. Net sing, said he was 90 per cent cer­ ters.” the cornmissioner said. "I sworn in al White House as head control system." | to any hopes for a treaty al this .^Rlder” bus burning trial on a rSPECrALll Unbelievable! aon A. Rockefeller today aban­ tain the recovered can was Mi­ can't act to protect the people in of the General Services .Adminis­ The re.siimed negotiations thus ! time, rharge of perjury. U.S. .Attorney doned his fruitleas personal search chael’s. But Dutch officials said Caught at Gunpoint this matter." tration. appeared to have reached a vir- 1 The Russians in ^fect ruled out its finding was not proof that New Haven, Nov, 28 ,;p,—New Young man claiming to be lead .'Macon Weaver idedtlAed him aa for his youngest .“on Michael in the Other speakers included Dr. tually hopelc.'S stalemate on their ] ------I.eivis Martin Parker, 58, of treacherous New Guinea jungle and Michael had drowned, that he Haven police raptured a paroled Herbert A. Sawyer, a University of ing male dancer of the Bucharest,' first dav.- (Contlnuptvx tofes a n mnew a i i * high Vt 1 rrVi in ^TA ^ ....,.,.. 1, c ' _ > . Special For from the State Prison at Wethers­ cut's new parental driving instruc­ $3.70 a week or almost 5 per cent. Kiev,. Soviet Union,' Nov. 28 (It swamp.v jungled souUi coast area ers and the governor planned to claim by explaining that the fall­ October, b'.it .spendable earnings Because the price index iias gone Mop., Tues,. Wed. Craftwa’ I is real wood. The rich venecr.s making up'Craftwall faces and he trioeppart- the buying power of factory work- | blng u-ife pleaded guilty here to­ lb Dutch companion stayed with the Wednesday. 249 to 243 ment announced today. er.s' paychecks has gained 4 per i day to cluraes of spying for the emphasizing the brilliant natural grain characteri.stic.s of fine do­ overturned raft and was rescued Mary was to leave thei plane al (Continued on Page Seven) obtain needed state certificates Hartford, Nov. 28 i/F) — The to teach their offspring to drive. The index of consumer prices cent over the year. , I United StatM. Adolf Werner, 51, mestic and imiwrted cabinet wood.s. the next day. Manila to spend the rest of the Stale Motor Vehicle Department's advanced by one-tenth of one per Karlsruhe, West Germany, stood Although Rockefeller left for the w^ek with her husband, Lt. Wil­ West,Germany extends by three The October earnings increase daily record of automobile fatali­ months the term of servlee for cent to 128,4 per cent of the 1947- waa attributed both to a rise in stiffly erect a« he pleaded b ^ r o United States, the hunt for his liam Strawbridge. who is , with ties as of last midnight and the +9 average. Higher prices for new a three-man district military son-will continue. Australian heli­ Debulaiile to Wed draftees and volunteer noncom­ average hourly pay and a lengthen­ There are twelve woods in either V-grooved or V-grooved cross scored the U.S. Pacific Fleet aboard the totals on the same date last year: missioned officers of the armed cars and consumer services were court. .Although he acknowledged copters planned another da,v of troop carrier Noble. ing of the work week which had antjl pegged. Glenney's men will help you .select the ones .that will be-'t I960' ‘ l961 Himalayan Prince services due for discharge Dec. 31, largely re.sponsible for the in­ been reduced in September by his guilt, he said he had actually crls.s-crossing the 1,000-square- Michael had come to New Killed ...... 24? 243 ____ affecting about ■35,700 men . . . crease. I done almost nothing for the ntile search area, and ground par­ strikes in the automobile indus­ fit your decor. Guinea lest spring with a Har­ U. S. military jeaders have been The rise was "so small it can try. .Americans. He attempted to por­ ties of Papuan natives and Dutch vard University expedition and rt n ^ . i New York, Nov. 28 (/Fi -Hope seared by “ the (uzzy-iiilnded lib- tray the Americans as Ute villatns HAM offiejals will comb the jiingl? Tor be called almost no change." Com­ The 0.9 per cent increa.se in the stayed on to collect relics for the of the whole affair, “ The Ameri­ V rr^is“and advVserrrf’’thrKe^ missioner ’ Ewan Clague of the over-all living costs was the small­ Put it up yourself . . . Glenney’s men will show you how and rent .you at least another month, checking Museum of Primitive Art in New ’c AdminUtAtion,'' Sen. J. Strom cana,'* he told the court., "are self tie belt Isolated native’ villages in the old Kent school roommates are the I will become the bride of the M a-1 jj.g q teHg Stanford Bureau of Labor Statistics told est October-to-October rise since power tools.'Or, hire it done . . . Glenney’s men will recommend good York, which his father founded reporters. T he usual September- too cowardly to carry out sncfi a chanCe that the youth lies hurt or object of a 13-stale alarm today. ' haraj Kumar, Palden 'Thondup unlversitv’ gathering. ■195^t deed themselves.” and of which he was a Xrustee. lo-October rise is greater. Price changes from September 974 carpenters who charge reasonable price.s. elasticized waist ill in one of them. "If I had to do it over again. 1 The boys, one of them the son of Namgyal. of the Himalayan nioun- ^ high' school senior of I.a.s Tlie search for yoimg Rockefel­ a wealthy Indianapolis, Ind.. Indus- j tain principality of ^kkim . Ouces N.M.. described by a About 930.000 workers will re­ to October included a dip of 0.2 per CHLMP ORBITS SL.ATBD would still permit Michael lo make ceive paycheck increases, mostly cent in food prices because of sea­ MAIN bateau neckline ler was the bigges.t ever made in the expedition, ” the stern-faced trialisl, slipped av.ay from the pi i-i The engagement OT the pretty physician as mentallv. ill, smight Cape CanaveraL Fla., Nor. 38 New Guinea, enli.sting. between 6,- vate preparatory school Friday ‘ Western socialite and the Oriental inJay in the slayliig of three of one cent an hour, .under wage sonal declines for fresh fruits. iTPi — Sometime after dawn to­ governor told newsmen. ■ contracts with cost-of-lviing 000 and 7,000 P ersia n s on the I widower wlio is known as the women, including hi.s crippled 84-' • But several important items rose morrow , a young chimpanzee, ST. Va length sleeve "One can't do anything in life ” For-' escalator clause.'. All major auto and more than offset the drop in B^uicbeater ground, ships of the Dutch Navy without some risk. State Police said the two, Peter I Prince of Sik'kirii was announced, year-old grandmother plucked from the foresta of A f­ at sea and Dutch, Australian and p . Mallory, and Robert V. Carr III. : last night by Miss' Cooke's uncle,' mer California Gov. Goodwin J. ] fai"m equipment firms are in- grocery bills. The transportation rica, Will enter n mighty rocket sizes 10 to I 8 private planes. "He was never happier than then apparently hitchhiked to the 1 former ambassador Selden (IHiapin' Knight's doctor say.s he’s 90 per i ‘'*“ ‘**'* index went up 0.6 per cent,,mostly wljea he was in West New Guinea. because of a 3.2 per cent increase ifor a whirlwind ride ttu m ^ sport.8.wear— The only clue found was a red home of Carr’s parents in Torring-I erf Seal Harbor. Maine, and Mrs.'ceht .sure the 64-yearyear-old ■ Republi-'~ spendable earnings, or take apace — three timee around the BUILDING MATERIALS colors: black, beige, gasoline ran found from aij out­ "He is creative and has a love ton and took Mrs. Carr's small ; Chapin. has hepatitis and will need|*'°oi® pay. of the avei'age factory in the dealers’ selling prices for AMPLE world. If all geea well, 4» VJL. green, red and blue street floor board motor, fished from the sea of people, and the experience had English car. - Th^y ^ said Miss Cooke is now in ■ at least four weeks, to recover. worker rose by about $1.80 over new cars. Prices of used cars in­ FREE LUMBER FUEL 120 miles south of the New Guinea human, esthetic and anthropologic­ the month to $84.12 p .week for/a creased again, but. gasoline prices aatronant wU ride anoOmr At­ 'State Police said they have re­ Sikkini-^a tiny country of 150,000 Syria's new government ,ap- las rockets late speee 16* ,|Hi* coast. I al value)" ceived a report that Malliry had belween Nepal and _Bhutai^ just points careelr diplomat Omar Abu worker with three dependents and dropped by ,1.3 per cent. PARKING other 4V| hour 336 NORTH MAIN STREET— PHONE MI 9-5253 Listen to Kathy Godfrey, WINF, Monday thru Friday at 1 rlO; Saturday 11:10 Michael had used two such cans The governor seem-ed to make a sent a message to his mother from | south of Communist China. 'She Is Rlsheh, one of the most famous to $76.50 for a worker without de­ Housing costs fiitoYed up 0-1 per I as an Improvised life buoy when poets in ths Arab world, as am- pendents. I gteVe periMHie after'(C|Mp|W > ha startM for tha shore, and his (Oonttnned on Page Four) (ContfBued on Page Eight) beissador to/lhe United States . Compared with a year ago (Continued on Page Kleven) ' perhaps aftsv New TagNb'”’' ' ; ■ (Cootinoed On Page flaveu)

,\ 4 - ■ / ‘ \ :


"unify the curriculum and give Having aafveff for two year* pre­ \ Local Traffic Accident ' Hebron Talcottville OETTINO M AXKOSDf greateC exposure” to a subject, if it Coventry Rockville-Vernon viously in the National Guard, Wil­ Rogers Tells Plans it taught by a verackerjack teach­ son enters the Marines with the HALL FOR RENT er," Rogers said. “ It is better to Sheinwold on Bridge Spaulding Named Church Report rank of private first class. .For wedding reeepitou, ikow-' have large groups exposed to great­ Lutheran Church Organizes^ Home on Leave ers, parties, meetings, ate. ness than to have a small group ex­ r ^ I— I RHAM Principal On Needs Slated Raymond Spicer of 23 Main St., Complete kitchen fa^tlaa. For Changes at MHS posed to mediocrity,'’ he said. Court Upsets Judge District to Contract returned home lost night from Large enclosed pwrUag let. L DOITT BELIEVE < Sooth daakr Great Lakes, 111. Naval TVainlng Educational television “will have Sets Christmas Eve Service Both akks valMnU* AJden Spaulding has been ap- Talcottville Congregational New dance floor. Catering serv­ an impact" 'on the high schoofs ALL YOU HEAR Station for a two-week leave after ice. NfHriH olnted principal of the Regional Church members will hear a de­ completing his boot training. ' Large group lectures, seven full-time guidance copnselors future, although he would prefer a By Alfred Sheliiwold * 10 9 Ugh School. Aram Damarjian, eration tailed report from . Its planning Inquire Lithuanian Hail film before TV, he said. The auto­ Lutherans in Coventry w1U holdfto Edward Adolph Gottsponer of -Spicer entered the Navy late In and a lowered pupil-teacher ratio in the English department I-’ If you want anybody to listen f 5 2 On Directed Verdict gwho resigned to become regional committee at 8 o’clock tonight on A u^st. 24 GOLWAY STREET mated tutor, or teaching machines, their first service on Christmas Vlnlta, OkJa., by Lawrrence C. La­ to your bridge stories you have to O A Q 10 supervisor of schools. projected physical needs of the MI 8-6104—Ml 8-8490 are expected at Manchester High School by the principal. "will tend to enhance the roll of timer, justice of the peace. . Old Fashioned Supper Eve at 7:30 p.m., their pastor, the praise the other fellow when he 4b A Q ) 10 6 This makes the fourth principal The Vernon Fire District Com-^slght of no dwelling in the entire church determined In a study that An old fashioned baked bettn and Principal A. Raymond Rogers Jr. also foresees the intro­ the teacher as the book does,” he About Totvn (Oontinaed from Pnge One) area. Rev. Roger W. Aeini of Saw Green tells you about the brilliant play WOT BAST 28, 1960. It is often frequented by for the school in Its five years or missioners propose to contract took over two years to complete. ham supper will be served In the duction of many "creative" aum-^------said. He also would like to "make The deacons and deaconesses of A I 7 « 5 A432 ^ so of existence. The first principal With a private firm for operation "In listing the advantages of the Rd„ reports. The church expects Second Congregational Church will he made In a game the other night. college students. Everett Castetter, planning com­ llining room of the Talcottville m«r tcltool courtea and Improved that tield, only 15 seniors are en­ full use bf the library” because Still, you’re allowed to wond-ei* V 4 3 Sp 9 7 * acddenl. Mrs. Labbee was treat­ was - Christopher Heisler; Carlton of a trash disposal site—if district site,” he continued, "the consult­ mittee chairman, will present the elorieal. home economics and dis­ “ the heart of any school is its li­ to announce where the •er'ilce will meet at 8 p.m. Friday at the The young men, all over 21, had Congregational Church at 5 p.m. ltlllMMi(IIMIW(WW* rolled in the course now. he said. what really happened. 00542 OKJ9S ed for scrapes and bruises and Seybolt, second; and Aram .Damar­ voters approve purchase of the ing engineers who studied the area report based on the recommenda­ Saturday by the Ladies Missionary tributive education programs, he The home esconomlcs class has a brary." he said. be held soon. * church. The choir will rehearse at obtained beer In pitchers at a jian. site tonight. along with the Barlow site (pro­ , The story goes that this hand • K9t *7 42 s discharged and Miss Pallier was service counter, together with tions made by 13 study groups Society. told member* of the Methodist poor response from piipll.s. too, he Many of the expected facilities A meeting of the new parish 7:30 p.m. tomorrow! SOUTH Spaulding’s salary will be $8,500. Donald B. Loverin, commission posed Nov. 1 by the town govern­ which Investigated all possible Order Now men and WSCS of South Meth­ said. was attended by 58 people Sun­ The Board of Health will meet w*s played in Amsterdam about admitted with ankle and back in­ soft drinks for the girls, and car­ ment, but rejected by voters) com­ Tickets may be obtained from at MaiVchester High will "attempt 26 years ago. West opened the 4 A K Q J He cornea from Vermont, where he chairman, said it is nqt the in­ avenues of church needs. any member of the Society. odist Church last night. No Remedial Reading day evening at Nathan Hale Com­ at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Town juries.) ried the' beverages to ^ e tables. was principal of Derby Academy mented on its complete seclusion {« to create a school environment deuce\Of diamonds, declarer put <7 A K Q J 10 tention of the commissioners to The regular monthly council Homemade apple pies will be These goals he has .«et for the Ropers said Manchc.slei High within the town and within the munity Center. Five commitleea Hall Annex with Thomas Small, 0 S 7 After Windham County Com­ for six years, and hpfore that time, operate the refuse area, but rather from existing development.” PERSONALIZED up the ace from the dummy, and ■\5ucoming" when the Friday school August Klein, George Rowland, lin to Thomas G. Welles, property dummy’s ten of diamonds. a jump to three clubs. The bidding allowed to stand, "the constitution­ tion which the liquor commission tor’s degree at the University of He said a conical burner. If FOR YOU! troops with ultra-conservative po­ Raisch. Mason and Anderson are complete sanitary landfill method. aelora would provide "individual- [day. which ends at 1:30 p.ni., .will litical philosophy will apeak in on Old Hartford-IProvidence turn­ Down one. And the story Is still shown in the diagram Is a trlf- al guaranty of trial by jury would enjoys" to .sustain stich a con­ Connecticut. properly operated, "will not be a the usher staff: Mrs. Nyack and Endorse Holbrook A limited use of the landfill meth­ Ixed" counseling at a 1-300 or 350 ; be e-\tended. and when the"arti- Pallas Dec. 12. pike. being told. 25 years later. fle too enthusiastic. have little force,” King added. clusion, MurjAy said. od would be required to dispose nuisance to any area." BUUjgWill Slip Cover counselor-pupil ratio. Rogers said, j ficial device ’ of rank and class Tlie "major speech" wag an­ Mrs. Anderson, the flower com­ Laurier F. DeMara to Richard What Really Happened For Sheinwold's 36-page booklet, In a dissenting opimon, written The revocation was ordered re­ The Democratic Town Commit­ The commissioners, he said, are HOIL1 tee, Howard E. Porter, chairman, of the debris remaining after burn­ because the counselors would bet- ] headed by a valedictorian and ea­ nounced last night by H. G. (Bud) mittee. M. and Mildred M. Hawley, prop- Maybe it really happened that “ A Pocket Guide to Bridge," send by Chief Justice Raymond E. Bald­ scinded. ing," he said. asking for an objective view by ter know the pupils. lutatorian will be eliminated. St. .Mark's Lutheran Church of perty in Cornwall Acres; Theodore way. If so, we have give East 50c to Bridge Book. The Maitches- win, Alcorn's directed verdict was has strongly endorsed Warren residents. 2 Wilson, president of the Ken-vdlle Your Living Room Furniture He.expects Improvement in. the. Some of the "creative" summer Glastonbury has given the new H. and Nora-Addy Drake to Louise defejj^ded. Holbrook of. the Amston section of He emphasized, that even with Christmas Party Set Junior Chamber of Commerce. credit. ter Evening Herald. Box 3318, the purchase of the property, "no marketing skilla classes, particu-, school programs he expects in- church group a set of candelabra H. Vezina, property in Oak Grove; Maybe East played a normal Grand Central Sta., N. Y. 17, N. Y. "A judge sitting with a jury Is Hebron, as rural mall carrier for Rafca chapter of the New Eng­ larly in the distributive education elude creative writing and science Walker will apeak at a state­ and tables for Sunday School class­ Nathan Hale Inc. to Ernest Jay Amston. He would take the place use could be made of the land un­ land Family Campers As.sociation A t Low Mill Prices! wide meeting arranged by the nine of diamonds at the first (Copyright 1961, General Fea­ not a mere umpire in a forensic en­ Hospital Notes til a proposal waa presented to the program, which he called "w eak" cla.sses with' field trips "for the es. Starkel, property in Nathan Hale trick. Later, while ' South was tures Corp.). counter," Baldwin wrote. of Albert W. Hllding, who has i will hold its (Jhrlstmas party Dec. 'Texas Welcome Home Gen. Ed­ Heights; Howard D. Phelon to District voters for their considera­ Includes: Fabric, Is s lly CO** Although "about 20 per cent" of sheer fun of learning. " he said, Mrs. Heinz, wife of the pastor, scoring up the grand slam and "He Is there to try the case with served In that capacity for a long ;3 at 2:30 p.m. at the Lottie Fi.sk vsrisa frosa the pupils will eventually work in ' Large group lectures will tend to win A. IValker Committee." John L. and Mary S. Orcutt. prop­ / M l Visiting hours O'Te 3 to 8 p.m. term of years and who plans to tion.” : Memorial Building in Henry Park. CHAIR Welting 'n Zipper. Complete - \ 1 will be church organist. rubber, East observed that he the jury and to see that justice is A special district meeting at 8 $25 , fsoi-wheet tn A schedule of regular worship erty in HlUcrest; Pine Lake Shores done. He sees and hears the wit­ for all aress, except maternity, resign soon after the new year. Children will receive gifts from ftont-whetl Inc. to Frank and Jennie Sera of should have played the king. where they are 2 to 4:80 end 6:80 o’clock tonight at Vernon Elemen­ Santa Claus and there will be a | services will be planned after the Naturall.v, everybody would ad­ Bishop Backs nesses and senses the atmosphere Holbrook has been assistant at tary School will place a request be­ LOOK—FREE! NO 0BIJ0.4TI0N! Our decorator will come opening service. Those who at­ Hartford, in Pine Lake Shores. e W. N«i Tua BmW TiSMt hi. of the trial as we cannot on the to 8 p.m.; and private rooms wh8re th'c Amston post office for several grab bag for adults. I to your home with samples of fine fabrics, either day or night. Michael Jr. and Andrew Regetts mire the idea even though it was they are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Vlsltora fore district voters for authority Movies and a carol sing are The Bank that gives you PACKAGED SAVINGS tended the organizational meeting just an afterthought. And by the Aid for Jagan cold record. years, and is well qualified to take to purchase the 24-acre Chessey Phone MI 9-8322 now! Or come In and pick out your own to Julia C. Ca.se of Manchester, "He exercises a broad legal dis­ are requested not to smoke In pa­ over the post which he is seeking. planned. The tree will be trimmed Sunday, and those who attend the time the story was told for the property off Rt. 30 for $8,.500, with decorations made by the chil­ fabrics. Order early for Christmas delivery! ^ S72.00 Christmas service, will be listed property in Camp Coay; Louise W. cretion, and his action should not tients rooms. No more than two Spencer to Ernest, N. and Ann tenth time, a week later, It would Dallas. Tex., Nov. 28 (Ah—Unlted visitors at one ttn>e per patient. In commenting on the district dren. in data to be placed in the corner­ States aid could keep British Gui­ be disturbed. There was no abuse Manchester Evening Herald He­ Includes; Fabric, Jean Pomerleau of New Britain, Ribicoff Seen dewlop that East really had play­ of discretion in the case." proposal, Loverin said the site it­ Schedule Starts Dec. 10. stone of the church the group ed the king of diamonds. Hurrah ana and Its leftist premier, CheddI bron correspondent.. Miss Susan self has been misrepresented in a SOFA Welting ‘n Zlp|>er. Complete $49 property In Waterfront Manor and Associate Justice Vine R. Parme- Patients Today: 198 B. Pendleton, telephone ACademy The Vernon Oimmunlty Bas­ will build In town. for feast! Jagan. from coming under Soviet letter circulated in the district last ketball League will begin il.s reg­ Fits over averen toilet The Rev. Mr. Heinz may be Thomas E. and Mona A. Wilkie to lee joined Baldwin in the dissent. ADMITTED YESTESIDAY: 8-8454. Don’t Let Christmas Bills Put You on the Spot! Jeanette Gustamachio of Wapplng, Possibility in While you’re cheering, don’t domination, says the Roman Catho­ Associate Justices William J. week and that the tra.sh disposal ular schedule Dec. 10 with a round All Work Guaranteed! Open Dally to 9—Sat. 10 to 6 bowL llnrdily coo- contacted at his home by Luther­ forget about West. He didn’t blink lic bishop of the American coun­ John Keane, 164 Maple St.; Peter problem In Vernon could become property on West Shore Dr. Shea and James E. Murphy con­ Sartor, 37 Perkins St.; Mrs. Val­ of three games at the Vernon Ele- ttrstled. Easily deaacd ans desiring pastoral services. when his partner dropped the king try. Printing Museum "catastrophic" at any moment. 1 mentary School gymqasium. Enter Our SEWmanship CONTEST! First Church News Senator Race The Rt. Rev. R. L. Guilly- said curred in the majority opinion, erie Starkel, 40 Cambridge St.; Manchester Evening Herald of diamonds. Any ordinary mortal which directed a judgment In be­ "The central area proposed 1 Willard G. KuhnIy will be the $51.00 The pastor's council of First yesterday in an interview that de­ Raymond Ruddell, 160 Oak St.; would be about one half mile east | official referee for the league's Coventry correspondent, F. Paul­ would state At South in aatonish- half of the Andersons. HJrs. Grace Coons, 1000 Main St.; Mainz, Germany, birthplace Oongregatlonal Church will meet mient and ask, "What are you do­ nial of American funds "would be of Rt. 30 In the direction of Rt. 15. games. Assl.stant referees are at 8 p.m. today at Kingsbury ine Little, telephone Pilgrim (Continueil from Page One) Alcorn, who became a member Walter Cookson, 49 Benton St.; Johann Gutenberg, Inventor Cheney Hall, Hartford Rood 2-6331. ing with all those diamonds?" And one of the surest ways of insuring movable type, expecte to open a At no point does the property bor-1 Ronald Gilmore and Steve Wake- PILGRIM M ILLS WELDON DRUG GO. House. Dr. Jagan would turn to Russia' of the High Court Oct. 7, did not Desmond Bclske, South ’Windsor; der Rt, SO or Rt. 15. It Is about a field, students at Rockville High Authorised Dealer The Ladies’ Association of the not said whether he will be a can­ then the cat would be out of the participat’d in the case. world museum of printing during and perhaps become dependent on Mrs. Janet Ghagan, Hartford; Miss ^62. mile from Mile Hill Rd. and In School. i 861 MAIN 8T.—MI S -«fl church will meet for a work ses­ didate. bag. the Communists" In a unanimous decision, the Irene Jacobs, 14 Williams St.: Mrs. sion from 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. The Courant .said the action of What luck to have a partner The bishop added that the Unit­ court held that Judge Raimond Mary Ulrich, Andover; Percy Water Line with a good poker face just when tomorrow in the vestry. Bailey and Golden tonight might ed Slates would be justified "in de­ J. Devlin's instructions to the Thornhill, 157 Lenox St.; Darlene The final churrh membership you’re going to make a play that manding that any money be prop- jury were confusing in the trial Tourigny, Willimantic; Mrs. Jean class will be held at 8 p in. to­ be taken two waj's: would knock any ordinary partner erl.v spent on worthwhile projects of the 3-truck accident case In Gaulding, Ellington; Charles morrow at Kingsbury House. The Affecting Mill First, it could be Intended to right off his chair! fluch as highways. ” Fairfield County Superior Court. Leonard, Tolland Stage Rt„ Rock­ Rev. James R MacArthur. pastor, slow, up the Senate candidacy of Dally Qumtion Bishop Guilly is In Dallas for The tribunal said Devlin failed ville; Merton Little. 10 Cross St.; is In charge. Rep-at-Large Frank Kowalski who Partner opens with one heart, the Inter-American Congress of the The board of trustees will meet to make clear to the jury differ­ Mrs. Florence McGoldrlck, 169 Before Board has already announced he seeks and the next player passes. You Confraternity of Christian Doc­ ences between Interstate Com­ Croft Dr.; Elaine Quennevllle, at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Kingsbury the senatorial nomination. hold: Spades — 10 9; Hearts — trine. House. merce Commission regulations and East Hartford; Raymond Hale, Low pressure In the sprinkler Second, at least on Bailey’s the state statute governing the East Hampton;. Mrs. Ebba Glen- 1i Rotary Talk Set part, it could be interpreted as a i "The National Parks" will be .system at Case Bros, Paper Manu­ placement of warning signals by ney, 448 W, Middle Tpke. move to keep the Senate situation truck drivers after their vehicles ADMITTED TODAY: George discussed by Stanley Bates of the facturing Co. i.o one of the rea­ fluid for as long as possible, at r'' I State Department of Parks and sons the board of directors will stop or become disabled on high­ Leduc, 61 Edmund St. least until Ribicoff makes up his ways. BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A i Forests at a dinner meeting of Hie consider a proposed enlargement mind on running. THE IRfPORTAHGE OF BEING EARNEST % Rotary Club at 6:45 p.m. tomor­ During the early mornlr^g hours daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Gerard ■ , of the 3-inch water main in Spring B.niley told the State Commit­ by Lamoureux. High Manor Park, row at First Congregational tee members. "Don't get into a OSC.AB WILDE of Feb. 1, 1966, a truck owned by Church. S.vlvester J, Ploufe Is in St. tonight at 8 o’clock In the Bruneau’s Truck Service Inc.. Rockville; a daughter to Mr. and • V ^ I firm, immovable position where S-Act Comedy Mrs. Richard Morrison, Ansonia; charge of the program. Municipal Building. you can’t work out problems." Orange, struck two parked tnicks N a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wes­ Recently, First Selectman Wells Dennison, president of Golden said "We must select a Presented By and their drivers on Route 15 in Charles E. Nyack explained to the Union. ley Vancour, 172 Highland St.; a Case Bros., said his firm asked the tioket that can win. We can’t do son to Mr. and Mrs. George club his program of government town three months ago to consider It by endorsing people this early SO CK and BUSKIN DRAMA SOCIETY The jury awarded dama.ges to and general policies through the enlarging the pipe from the High­ John Gurry. , owner of one Bensche, 202 Woodbrldge St. in the game. Let’s not nish into BIRTHS TODAY: A daughter courtesy of Alvin R. Goodin. land Park Reservoir to the Inter­ endorsements. . .of course. I’d wel­ PfUDAY, DBC. 1.1961— 8:00 P.M. of the trucks, and Ralph Bailey, Enters Air Force section of Spring St. and Glen Rd. Boston, and Arthur Albertelli, to Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Lathrop, come endorsements for Dick Lee. Coventry; a son to Mr. and Mr*. John S. Kederowicz. son of Mr. His company, on Glen Rd . would but I suggest we withhold en­ M. H. S. BAILEY AUDITORIUM Somerville, Maas., the Injured and Mrs. Chester Federowicz of be willing to pay for installing a drivers. John Zenulk, 59 Ward St., Rock­ dorsements for the time being." ADMISSION 75c ville; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Thom- School St., left today for training water main in Glen Rd. as far as Bailey went on to attack former Bruneau’s truck service and the at Lackland Air Force Base in the factory, he said. co-defendant. Dolan Steel Com­ as’ McNally, 22 Waddell Rd. 0 Republican Stale Chairman Ed­ Texas. The town’s installation of a win H. Ma.v Jr. who recently said pany, Bridgeport, appealed to the DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Gottsponer — Mehlhom water main to replace the 3-lnch Supreme Court citing the judge’s John Lawler Jr., 81 Alton St.; Mrs. J Mias Doris Evelyn Mehlhorn, he was a candidate for the <50P main from the reservoir to Glen nomination for governor. .MI 8-7832 charge to the jury, his failure to Catherine Gerevini. 15 Overland daughter of Mrs. Reta Gregory, SI.; Glenna Crockett, Wapplng; Rd, would fit in with the town's "Mr. May now thinks that a Ends Tonight: "Town Without Pity” at 5:10 and 8:50 Instruct the jury a.': requested and i was married Saturdav afternoon program to provide water mains his rejection of a defense motion | Miss Bernice Clechowskl, 106 Ver- brief Interlude of making policy Also "The Minotaur" on Spring St. east of Gardner St. for the Republican party in the to set aside the jury verdict a s ; '’ ” 0 Ave., Rockville; John Pachol ■ A 10-inch line would be laid to excessive. ski, Willimantic; Winston Breck, last legislature qualifies him as an 18 Valley View Lane. Vernon; Mrs. the Lookout Mountain housing de­ expert in government. Neither driver had placed warn­ V velopment being built by Andrew ing flares after stopping. And the Ida Lindberg and daughter, 63 Erie "As a candidate he now repudi­ St.; Mrs. Jean O’Coin and daugh­ FREE DELIVERY Ansaldl. said Dennison. ates the same tax program to defense contended this was a con­ The line would increase water STATE tributory cause of the accident. ter, 91 Prospect St., Rockville; Mrs. We Will Deliver Anything! which he, as Republican stale Jet.>mooO ride « fiwil fender M denkiH. rich aew interiorff ^ Ooe-Stop Shopping Center pressure in the development. If RECOMMENDED ONLY FOR MATURE ADULTS In a decision written by Aesocl- Rosa Menco and daughter, 18 Alice chairman, and his party, in the Dr. .A RTH U R’S the line weren’t enlarged, a pump­ slate legislature, gave their un­ ete Justice Shea, the court noted ing station would have to be built, that the ICC regulations Impose a DISCHARGED 'TODAY: Robin dee|>-wdl tniik, «. i. th, firii ntw mtenors,«. 1. One of the in S-1505 qualified stamp of approval in the 2 PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 5:00 and 8:30 Grinnalds, Glastonbury: Mrs. Vir­ Jet-anooth ride, n. 1. The eloud-9 eporty new Corrair which said Dennison. last session. much greater "affirmative obliga­ warehouse built into the reer of a principal reasons why people step tion" on the driver to place warn­ ginia Durand, 182 Broad St.; Ger­ feeling of comfort that people in *4taui* th* rear-engine traction The Spring St.-Gardner St. area "Now he labels as unfair the Into the 1962 Chevroleta and ing signals than the state law. ald Muisener, 506 Woodbrldge St. iChevTOleta enjoy wherever they 1962 Chevrolet. 2. A trunk that ■nd nimble steering that made it is one of the fastest growing in same program lha£ had his en­ Mrs, Mildred and Suzanne Brodeur. loads at the bumper level and h u promptly feel luxurious all over. dorsement and that was necessary But, the opinion added, the U . 2. A aupple Full Coil ^ n n g • mlly star and adds many new town, according to a report by the T h e judge referred Interchangeably to East Hartford: Mrs. Jenie Rydle- 2 , A n arreeting combination of Planning and Renewal Associates to finance the same budget which ^ x in g at each wheel of a Chev­ a capacity of 29.7 cubic feet. It i* touches to please people with the ICC regulations and the Con­ wicz, 46 Server St.; Lisa Marie Pel­ l o v ^ long-lived materisla ueed of Cambridge, Mass,, a firm now was written by the Republican- MOST rolet to absorb road shock. T h ^ built with an extra-deep recemion fever and a budget to necticut statute. letier, Thompsonville; George Szv- in anelegant way to decorate the doing a study of Manchester's fu­ controlled House of Representa­ TALKED nal, 20 High St., Rockville: Mrs. are teamed with over 700 n^oiae in it* floor so that it can easily snawer to. And the Corvette, An SBM Christmas Club Account "Manifestly, the jury waa con­ new Clihyrolet’a pasMnger com­ ture growth patterns. tives." fused-by the court's instructions," Rose Ann Allen, Thompsonville; and vibration filters throughout accept odd-shaped outsize objects. which offers new refinements, The length of water main in Feb. 17 was set by the commit­ ABOUT- partment And tickle the fancy of the opinion said. “The charge on Miss Alta Loomis, 21 Chestnut St.: the automobile ao that the tota n*w V8 power. 3. Where '62 which the Case Bros, firm is most tee as the date for the $100-a-plate MOST this crucial feature of the case was Mrs. O. Vanda Carlton; Lynn Dr.. it* .occupailta. 3. A harmonizing Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner here effect is a ride of supreme quiet comfort-high seats, n. 1. Thought values are interested is some 1.700 feet from Inadequate for the guidance of the Vernon: Joseph Bigos, ^ u th Wind­ bknd of the^unctional—such as the reservoir to the Spnng St. and to raise the party's treasury. SHOCKED and smoothness. 3. The reawn by many to be the most comfort­ way up but Jury,” sor; Mias Delia Gallagher, 13 Lilac the clcan-cuuL neatly ordered Solves Money Problems Glen Rd. intersection. New members were named to fill ABOUT New trial was ordered. St.: Walter Cookson, 49 Benton St.: why ao many Chevrolet-ownmg able things to happen to the prices are the committee vacancies. They were instrument ,panel —with the The present 3-inch line does not The court was also unanimous Mrs. Viola Edge and son, 33 Ward families leave home ever ao hap- bottom aide of the human lap ■ t n • — o r serve Case Bro.s., since there is Mrs. Marie Dworak who was elect­ PICTURE St., Rockville. tasteful and the t^esh, 1111 — o n ed in the 3rd District (Hartford); In its decision in reversing the pUy. 4. A habit-forming pleanre since dad's overstuffed armchair. no connection from the Ifhe to OF OUR action of the State Liquor Control com parably When you have an S.B.M. Christmas Club account, you High Sheriff Patrick Hogan. for which no cure i* known, 2. Seats thst are high enough to Ons-SUp Sheppinf^Mlw,». i. the plant. Commission in revoking the beer W orld’ s Jets • qu ip p ed rCirfftnOUTi Case Bros.’ sprinkler system Bristol, in the 5th District; Mrs. YEARSI wanted or sought. support and relax the thighs and are assured that you'll have enough money to buy gifts permit of John Koval, a Windham $Y)iare people go to gh( the most modela. 4. A and drinking water is supplied by Katherine Courcey, 10th District weight-bearing muaclea of the tor everyone on your list. An S.B.M. Christmas Clubber (New Haven); Mrs. Frances restaurant man. It is estimatad that 620 jet air­ new V8 skedaddle, a. !• The ear for their money\and get Chevrolet a 6-inch line from a pond in High­ The license waa revoked after craft will be In operation by air­ body (better for sitting, better is on SANTA'S list to receive a most welcome check just land Park, said Dennison. This is Roach, Old Lyme. 20th District; result of touching an accelerator exactly the kind of ear thW want. 4«alera place o ( bueineaa, which and John J. O’Connell, Torrington, State Police found four teenage line* of the world by the end of adequate to maintain the sprink­ that's linked to one of Chevrolet i for seeing). By providing resilient, 2. A concentration point fw the includes a ahowroom manned by in time for Christmas buying. Join our new 1962 Christ­ 30th district. girls drinking beer with their boy 1961, Or about four time* the jet Oven cooking ler system pressure "from an in­ friends In his establishment April fleet of 1959. ■ new V8 engines (also known a* deep-padded support through­ 98 ears Chevrolet offers for 1962. friendly and knowledgeable aales- mas Club now and have enough money for Christmas surance standpoint," he said. The resignations of two commit­ These eoiHe in three lines: tee members who have taken fed­ "fix-akedaddle” when engine i* out the backrest and seat itaelf *nen; a large, carefully stocked is easy today... The water used by the firm in elegant new Jet-smooth Chevro^ 1962. manufacturing is supplied by a 10- eral jobs were accepted. They are Chevrolet’a trusty 135-hp. Six). they bring on a remarkable feel­ parts department; a modern inch line from the reservoir owned Mrs. Marita Merrick of Columbia, 2. The moving power of Chev­ ing of comfort and well-being. which gives you just about every-^ service center where factory- Thereof a Christmas Club Account to Suit Every Budget! by Case Bros. Two hundred and 3.5th Di.strict. and LeRoy Downs of rolet’! 1962 V8 wigines. There thing you could hope to find in an tramed mechanica ply their skill; fifty thousand gallons ‘a day are Norwalk, 26th District. "The Sir Laurence Olivier are five of them, ranging from a front fender underskirts, n. l.,An expmive ear—srithout the ex­ '‘••t-buy OK used ear*. S. Save .50c w eek ly and receive S 25 used in the process. OTa S t ?SUNDAY "FRANCIS OF ASSISI" and “MISTY” C05UNG WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6th “ DEVIL AT 4 O’clock” sUndard 170-hp. version up to advance that's'eausing people to ponas. The new-size Chevy II ^ e place where you enter a new Save ,S 1.00 weekly and receive $ 50 While the item was included on U! that brings you sensibility at its a published agenda for the di­ an optional-at:«xtra-co8t 409-hp. say things like " W )« t won't those world of worth in automobiles. 2.00 weekly Deaths Last Night Of The Pulpit' Save $ and receive ?100 rectors’ meeting tonight. Acting powerhouee. C h e V - Save ? 11.00 w eek ly and receive SI 50 General Manager Arthur J. Le- rolet en­ Save S 5.00 weekly and receive .5250 Claire Jr. .said that an explana­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 'Body by Fisher ortfinienship, a. gineers New York—William E. Vickery, Save SIO.OO weekly tion of the item would be delayed 1. The cloeeet that a body manu­ and receive S500 until the meeting, rather than be 52, national director of program at the RUSSELL GARY come up Ticket.s now at given to the press In advance of development for schools and col­ facturer has w i t h the meeting a.s is customary. leges of the National Conference BUSHNELL Box Office come to the next!'* LeClaire said it would be "dis­ of Christian and Jews, died Mon­ infinite care 2.Sturdy Poinsettia Corsage courteous” to the directors to re­ day, apparently of a heart attack. and skill of FREE... veal the information befqre the di­ steel linings that are under the He was born in Jacksonville, 111. An outstandingly beautiful Kodaehrome motion picture the jewelry Or Christmas Calendar Bank so's home heating rectors received it. Palm Beach, Fla.—John Cole­ HEIKKILA front fenders of 1962 Chevroleta An explanation of the item was man, 71, former ne.wspaper- maker. 2. (ON NATIONAL SPEAKING TOUR) The art and science of designing to a^d extra protection against GIVEN FREE our yyqy! sent to the directors Friday. man, author and radio broadcaster, flying stones, mud, slush, road The meeting was arranged by died Sunday. He at one time work­ and forming metal into the strong, TO EVERYONE OPENING “MANY MOODS OF SKIING” sa)t and that old^ bugaboo, cor­ You get premium qttality the directors at the request of ed for the .old Chicago Evening solid body structure of the 1962 Mobilheat with RT-98 . . . the Republican Director Thomas Bai­ Post and the Chicago Herald and Chevrolet.. 3. Something you rosion. 3. One of many ways the Sunday best via nine nuMlels, 6. Whero most Anttricans go for A 1962 CHRISTMAS most completely effective fuel ley to consider a plan for assessing was in the brokerage and invest­ "Many Moods of Skiing” is an action-packed, 90-minute, full- SPEAKS won't 6nd in any other car in 1962 Chevrolet is built to stay including a hardtop, sedans, a a pleasant, instant cure the mo­ town residents who benefit from ment buslnes in Chicago for many oil additive in use today. And color film with full musical score. It takes you avalanche bust­ Cbevrolet'a field. besutifuL convertible and station wagons. ment the now-car bug bites them. CLUB ACCOUNT you get premium service. Au­ water aqd sewer main installa­ vears. He was bom in Louisville, ing with the French S.ki Patrol, powder snow skiing in Chamo­ tions. Ky. tomatic'deliveries . . . a bal­ The present assessment plan is Los Angeles—William Best. //5, nix with Perillat and Bonlier. as well as including just plain TOMORROW NIGHT anced payment plan and many based on the cost of individual manager of the Los Angeles Bureau skiers enjoying their chosen sport. For the first time anywhere, other extras designed to main - projects. Property owmers pay on of United Press from 1952 to 1957, you will see skiers jumping more than 450 feet at Obersdorf. New Increased Annual Dividend Rale home heating renilv ow*. the basis of the project cost. died Monday of internal cancer. Warren Miller w'ill offer his own humorous and interesting nar­ Bailey wants to set up an as­ Best, who started his newspaper ration. wHti career with the Minneapolis Star, 7:30 P.M. Mobilheat •T.ft sessment plan baaed on a flat 4 % front-foot basis. was on leave from his post as as­ The id-ea has been suggested be­ sistant director of information "One of the finest religious interpretive actors of our day" fore by town officials. services for Radio Station KNX. He . . . "master of elocution” . . . ore conunenta of critics. waa bom in Minneapolis. WARRIN MILLER A speaker designed for today's audlenMS. Member of Federal Deposit REV. MYRON V.'MILLER Nationally known Skier, Photographer and LMturer. ■ / Insurance Cbrp. W E GIVE Stamford, Nov. 28 OP) — The Hie young cleric who played the role of “Jesus of Nazareth” In See the '62 Chevrolet at your local c^uthorized Chevrolet dealer's One-Stop Shopping Center GREEN STAMPS pastor of St. Ceellja’s Catholic T^sssikiits “Breakfast Tluany” “The Greatest Story Ever Told." Church, the Rev. Myron V. Miller, I' lllOlls "PARIS BLUES” BUSHHEIL MEMORIAL i . died last night In St.'Joseph’s Hos­ I * .1 rv I M I • . tJ . f . N r ' pital following an Illness of over * FRIDAY. DEC. 1 at 8:15 P M . MORIARTY a year. A native of Waterbury ( Ul, . .'It . f ^ rM f L) Public. Invited General Admission flJiO and a graduate of Holy Cross Col­ ENDS TONIGHT lege, father Miller was ordained BROTHERS 'May 9, .1929. His first pastorate ALL IN COLOR Tickets available at local Sport Shops, COVENANT was at Sacred Heart Church in Jerry Lewis "Voyage To f Bushinell Bos Office and local Ski Clubs. "LADIES The Bottom 30^315 Centtr St. Georgetown. In November 1951 Beiserved Seats 92.26 (at Boshnell Box Office only) congregational he was transferred to St. Ceclla’s. MAN" or Tile Sea” C H U H C H CARTER CHEVROLET COMPANY, Inc. M l 3 -5 1 3 5 Funeral arrangements are incom- SilO 6.-20-9:55 Sponsored by the Hartford Ski Club c SPRUCE ST.— NiBAR El CENTER pleta. 1229 MAIN STMET MAMCHGSnaU CONN. M l f h l l S t ■ f ' t

1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANChESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1961 PAGE HVK r u n ro im MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCKS8TER, COHN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER lA 1961 i Andover \ tickets sold at the door. Mrs. wamtd ropoatodly againat takiag Court Orders Henry Psrklngton Is taking reser­ South Windsor Rec Radio Club Starts Sad Trip Heme tho twin-hulled oatauanau into vations. the opOR aea but he aald ho did Mansfield Gifts The vestry of St. Peter’s will ZBA Sets Heiiruig ' Meets Thursday not tMnk bta bob htid aotod fool- Mental Exam hold a special meet tomorrow at TV-Rad^o Tonight Uhly In leaving the protootion of BUY Asked by Dec. 15 8 p.m. On Four Requests The recreation department la the alugflah Bilandea River off ZJlZlkZl. iyioUND On Thursday there will be a whleh' he capaiaed. For Duffy church school teachers’ meeting planhliiK to organise a radio build­ "Moot poo^o In tha Jungla have The Women’s Fellowship of An­ at the home . of Mr. and Mrs. A public hearing at tha Zoning ers club fo rb o y i 12 through 16 BRAND NEW 1962 MODEL dover Congregatlcihal ’ Church is Philip Denoncourt on Bear Swamp Board of Appeals has been sdied- Television been making atmilAr tnpo suid ; for an examination by Rd. at 7:30 p.m^. who are - Interested in building Michael had made the aaino voyago two court appointed psychiatriita preparing for its annual gift pres­ uled-'Dec. 7 at 8 pjn. at Wapping $ :0 a > TM«t«r (ta pratrtM) Buga BUnny 40. 13 their own radio, transmitter, sepd- Hunt for Lost Son a number of tlmog," Aoekefollor entation to the Mansfield State Manchester Evening Herald An­ Elementary School to consider ■ ~ raw Moaraw • :00 Djck Van Dvk* Show 3 to determine the mental etatiia of Strly Blxnlow tta prograw) Bichtlorhtlor ratbtrrai 40. 63 ing and receiving seta. A radio said. "I don’t think ha actM in a Training School and Hospital. dover correspondent, Margery tour applications. tmt _B«n CaMv _ 12 wrong, way." 8-PASS. Daniel J. Duffy, 24, of Wlleon, Personal gifts not of a sharp or Montandon, telephone FRgrlm Lloyd G. Hansen of RL 5, re­ rllabui I;t0 Dobir g“llltiMii S kit will be used, for which a nom­ (CoBtliiUAd trgni PafA OaA$ charged in a robbery attempt was dangerous nature will be gladly ac­ 2-8012. quests a variance to allow oonstruc- M)(^wa>'wa>' Patrol Alfred HttcOcoCk P re iin U 10. 33. inal fee will be charged. Each boy rijtht. But In long conv6rsationi, SEDAN ga. 3. Go!! 30 har fathtr v/aa able to make her granted yesterday by Judge cepted. They should not be wrap­ tion of a permanent new home in • '.U Induati? un Paiadt N«w Breed *. 40. 53 will lake home hla set at the com­ conscious effort to us8 thi preiint ward Hamlll in Circuit Court 12. ped but wrappings and stickers a general commercial none and m Now*. Speru Si Woathrr t:00 Rod Skelton Show 3 13 pletion of the course. undoratahd And aOcept her may be placed with the gift. variance in the frontage required. • :3b Waaiher. Newa A Bporta Dl^ Powell Show lU. 33 30 tense when speaking of his ton. brother's death. ImnMdIot* The Circuit Court office here re­ Third Han & IK This club will be under the Sm MN for Alumliram ported that the examination would q’here is a special box for collec­ Meeting Planned The property Is bounded on the • ;30 Channel ( Newa But occasionally th« pA8t tense Another aad task for the gov­ DdlvRiy Rotlle Jacoht Club Monaa t:IU Streele ol Dancer supervision of Tony D o u g e 1 a. be given some time today with tion of the gifts in the vestibule of north by Civltello, south by B ro^- Rescue 6 Ichabod and Me slipped out — And local Jungle ernor was the sorting and dr^ng the Congregational Church, or they ett, east by American Oil Co. and- Your'e for a Son* 6. 4«. 63 electrical engineer, and will be held of his aon’a papers and notebooks • STORM WINDOWS findings to be presented to the By Library Board Tna But Picture Dick Van Dyke ^ ow 13 at the East Side Recreation Cen­ experts bulieve the past '^tenae ii court on or before Friday, aa re­ may be left at the home of Mrs. west by Momm ■with a SO* right of Royal Canadian Police 10:00 Caln'a Hundred 33. 30 the correct one for Michael. recovered from the native cata­ • STORM DOORl^v quested by Judge Hamlll. George Nelson on Long Hill Rd. It The library board will meet way to RL 5. 1:46 Huntlee-Bnnkley 10. 13. Naked City 10 ter, 22 School St., each Thursday maran. Ha apent one morning go­ Dooclaa iSdwarda A evening beginning Nov. 30 at 6:30. The governor again expressed The request for a peychiatrlc Is asked that the gift items be Hartman Tobacco Co. of Hart­ Brenlnk Report Alcoa Premiere I. 40. 53 ing through the boxes and spread­ • JALOUSIES ^ tomorrow at 7:46 p.m. at Mary ford, requests an extension of an Million Dollar Movie IK Boys interested and planning to his appreciation for the help of the exam of Duffy was made before the turned in within the next two T:0U Million Dollar Merit Garry Moore Show 3 12 Dutch and Australian governments. ing their contents on the lawn of • AWNINGS BOLAND MOTORS bench by Atty, Ronald Jacobs dur­ weeks so they may be delivered to Cheney Library to organize the existing permit for a girls’ boarding News. Sports A Weather 10:*n Close-Up 401 register for this class may do so West New Guinea’s Gov. P. J. Pia- the Meraukd Government House - V V H*. % ’ ^ ^ , 4, ' ’ the hospital by Dee. 15. board and make plans for use of house on Smith St. directly north To Tell the Truth 11:00 Newa Sports A Whither 3. 8 by attending the meeting -Thurs- Boot < ^ t y —LoWMt Prleeo 869 CENTER STREET—Mf S-4079 ing yesterday’s plea session here Mackensle's Raiaera. I teel, Catholic and Proteatant mis­ where he stayed during the search, in lianchester. Jacobs, who repre­ Alsop to Speak the building while final work on of 140 Smith St. The Phil Silrera Show Fig N e», 331 day and bringing a ^parent with sionaries and the Papuan popula­ ftockefeller took the papers with Free eotittiateo a IC-Z Tomui vPVER 26 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION Raymond Negro of Bolton, re­ the addition is being done. Michael Modugno of 1060 Elling­ Focirt On America Barry Barents I him. Participants must also be sents Duffy, told Judge Hamlll that Highway Patrol 11:16 Screen Gems Thesier tion. him to turn them over to the mu­ YOVR ttUALITY LARK DEALER Duffy has had a long history of cently named chairman of the Leo F. Diana, a Republican, will ton Rd., asks a variance to con­ 3(1 1 recreation department memoers. Malcolm Robinson Knox of Hartford Is the architect for this Co- News A Weather ' .lack Paar Show tC) 10 In what appeared to be a con­ seum of Primitive Art in New headache complaints. Bolton lonlsJ-^ype franie structure Bolton Congregational Church has Citizens for Action of the 35th be starting a three-year term as struct an addition 'at the rear of T:15 Film 11:30 Frontier Theater 12 I or plan to become members. scious boost for the Indonesian-as­ Tork. BIU TUNSKY Senatorial District, has announced a board member. Hfe replaces Mrs. .the above address ’7%’ from ths Sports Camera Feature 40 MI 9-8096 Duffy was presented In court voted to build. It will contain a fellowship hall to accommodate Blanche Stone, a Democrat. existing building line. Zone re­ Kveninr Report ll'.SO Jack Paar Show (C) sailed Dutch administration of Rockefeller told a neweman he along with Arthur Dugas, 26, of ' 350 people, eight classrooms of about 200 sq. ft., a nursery, kin­ that John Alsop will speak at Pi­ T:30 What in ths World Movie 8 Drama l„\BOR RETRAINING West New Guinea, he aald the co­ understood Michael had been Hartford, both charged with as­ dergarten and kitchen, as well as several storage areas. The ano’s Restaurant in Bolton on Dec. William Buckley, chairman, said quirements call for a lO* side yard. Matt Dillon 13:.S0 .News A Weather Washington, Nov. 28 lAh—A la­ operation of the Papuan natlvaa sault with intent to rob. Judge church already has funds or pledges to cover more than half the II. Alsop, a candidate for the Re­ the meeting will be held in the Hartwood, Inc., in care of 8. J. The Good Ship Hops 10. 31 1:00 Late News bor retraining program for An- was only possible "because of their Church Votes $95,000 publican gubernatorial nomination, main workroom in the basement. Ross Jr., Moore’s Inc. of Nutmeg Hamlll appointed Atty. David M. cost of its total building program which in-ludes land acquisition Rd., requests permission to er^t a SEE SATniDAr'S TV WEKM FOR C061PLETB LlSTUiG sonia. Conn., labor market area was deep affection and confidence," in Barry to represent Dugas and con­ and moving the parsonage. Construction cost of this building will answer questions after his He said the board will make ar­ given the approval yesterday of Ar­ Plateel and local Dutch officials. talk. This meeting will start at 8 rangements for the closing of the sign 32 feet wide and 12 feet high tinued the cimipanlon casea until is estimated at about $75,000. library probably right after on their property north ot the Un­ thur J. Goldberg, secretary of la­ The Indoneslon government, which Monday. Hie Judge also ordered Expansion Program p.m. All Interested persons are in­ bor. The program is part of the claims West New^Gulnea as Indo­ vited to attend. Christmas, while partitions in the derwood warehouse on Rt. 5. thss appointment of Dr. Harold recreational use now. The PBC include Robert Bosworth, Daisy existing building are being torn Radio Federal Area Redevelopment Plan. nesian territory. Antendi that the First In 27 Years Bancroft and Dr. Louis Gold, both St. Peter’s Fair Upcoming Funds totaling $57,000 will be made Papuans hate the Dutch and want Bolton Congregational Church9meetlng tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the felt the former Rogers property of Dlmock, Leonora Fava, Donna Final preparations are being out. Manchester Evening Herald (Tiilg UatlBg laelndMfMly Umim b b w i broAdoBata 10 er IS-mlnnta of Hartford, to make the examina­ about two acres, would have to Griffin, Stephen Maher, Pearl South Windsor correspondent, Lau­ available to assist in the training to throw them out., tion of Duffy. voted last night to proceed with church. The dance will end at 10. made for the Christmas Fair at laagth. Soma atAttbaia mrry eth a r abort nawteAata.) One aad duty that RockSfallar Request Preoiature be cleared eventually and that it Olmsted, Margaret Pesce, Joanne St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Sat­ RITES FOR MSOR. REILLY ra Katz, telephone Mltehell 4-1758. of 100 metal machinery workers WEBSTER’S THIRO Duffy and Dugas were arrested its $95,000 building program. Ma­ Rose, Judith Rose, John Rothwell, A 8.16 Showcar* aad Newa and 100 sewing machine operators. fulfilled during his trip wSa con­ by Manchester police, with help The Public Building Commission could be used for recreation until urday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The Norwich, Nov. 28 (A*) — Funeral WDBC—ItM W i jor part of the program is con­ some other use was made of it. Claire Southerlin, Cynthia Steele women of the parish will meet serv'ices were held yesterday for ? :UU News 8:46 Lowell Thomas The classes will be drawn from vincing his daughter Mary of the PUtklBoti, from auxiliary police, on Nov. 12, (PBC) decided last night It could and Sandra Williams. - :0* j - Today ‘ oo Wall StreM 8:66 Sporta the unemployed in the Ansonia possibility that her twin had died struction of a new educational not make a recommendation de­ Bolton Honor Students every day this week in the An­ the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Reilly, <:1U Sport Nsws 7:10 Richard Hayes and Cai"l Burnfti after an attempted theft of s Almost twenty per cent of the nex to complete projects for the vicar general of the Roman Catho­ 8:16 Art Johnson Show 7:30 CBS—News Analysis Igbor market which is made up of while trying to reach shore. NEW $500.50 bank deposit from John G. building. signating part of the town-owned Advertisement; FOR RENT 8:06 RSynor Shines 8:00 Ths World Tonight Ansonia, Derby, Oxford and Sey­ The girl had steadfastly insisted Ashton, 27, an employe of the Co­ property on Brandy St. for recrea­ pupils who graduated from the fair. lic diocese of Norwich. The ponti­ 8 and 16 mm. Movie Projectors 1:00 News A Sign OR. g:lS Showcass and Nsws that Michael was alive and all Construction, to begin early In Mlton Elementary School in June Christmas Shopping. High School The fair will be held in the fical Mass of requiem was cele­ 13:11 Sign OR mour. operative Oil Co. at 315 Broad St. the spring, will be on the land tional use since they do not yet Sitter Available, Bolton. MI 9-6624. —sound or silent, also 85 mm. WHAT—»'• Duffy was reported to have as­ know where a school might tro lo­ received honors for the work dur­ church annex. There will also be brated by Bishop Vincent J. Hines slide projectors. 8:00 Paul Harvey INTERNATIONAL now occupied b ^ the church par­ ing the' first quarter at Barnard a fried-chicken supper at Phelps of Norwich. Burial was in St. S:30 Sound Stags sailed Ashton In the robbery at­ cated there. The PBC went over Junior High School in Manchester, Hall, in two sittings, at 6 and at : » N ight n ig h t tempt, Police said, and Duffy said sonage. The house will be moved aerial maps of town with Park Manchester Evening Herald, Lawrence Cemetery, New Haven. WELDON DRUG CO. 10:00 Nsws across the street on land the according to school officials. Bol­ Bolton correspondent, Grace Mc­ 6:30 p.m. Reservations must be Msgr. Reilly died Thanksgiving 901 Main S t TeL Ml S-SS21 13:03 Sign Off Dug:as was with him. Both men and Recreation Commissioner ton pupils listed on the honor roll Dermott, telephone Mitchell S-6566. made in advance. There will be no Day in New Haven. WTIC—ItM LIFETIME OF PROUD POSSESSION were apprehended shortly after the church recently voted to buy. This Fred Gaal but could see no area 8:UU Nsws, Wtathsr A tperta DICTIONARY crime. phase of the program is Included they could set aside for a play area 8:X Strictly Sports in the total cost. 8:30 Album of ths Day Bonds of $3,000 each were or­ at this time. It was voted to refer dered for Duffy and Dugas by With the exception of one item, 8:46 Thres Star Extra. the meeting of 69 parishioners vot­ the matter hack to the select­ 7:06 Conrarsatloa Pteos Judge Seorlee Dearington on Nov. men. 7:80 News of ths World An entirely new presentation of our English language 18 at Manchester’s Circuit Court ed imEmlmously to get the project 7:45 Governmental Service imder way. There were three dis­ After a discussion on the possi­ »:00 Pops Concert as it is written and spoken today—more useful and au­ 12 plea session. Neither of the two bility of buying property next to 9:00 Hartford Inter-High Choir men have been able to post the senting votes on the motion to ap­ 10:00 Nlghtbeat thoritative than any previous dictionary. A masterpieca prove preliminary plans and au­ the town library for future town 10:30 All About Dogs bond and have been In custody at use, it was voted to request the 11:00 News the Hartford County Jail since that thorize construction. 11:15 Sports n n a l of precise defining with the advantage of quotations Milton Jensen of Rt. 86, chair­ selectmen to look into the matter 11:30 Starlight Seranada time. of buying the land from the pre­ 1:30 Sign Off from well known writers to demonstrate word usage man of the building committee, WPOP—14U explained the program and an­ sent owner, Eldward B. McGurk. 8.00 Today In Hartford and to make meanings clearly understandable. swered questions at last night’s Gaal had recommended this land 8:16 ConnecUcut Ballroom Rockville-V ern on meeting. as an area where some of the town 7:UU Bob Scott '9:00 Ray Soman 2,720 PAGES—MAGNIFICENT COLOR PLATES The church proposes to complete recreation program could be lo­ 11:00 News the shell of the new educational cated. 11:10 Ray Somara Prison Chaplain 1:00 Del Rgycae Show 450,000 ENTRIES building by June. It will launch a The PBC will send letters to WINF—U38 new pledge drive at that time to the board of education and to the 8:00 World Newa To Address Men provide a basis for temporary bor­ selectmen recommending that the 8:10 Wall Straat C. J. MORRISON rowing to complete construction former Rogers property next to The Rev. Rusell E. Camp, chap­ by September. the school, which was purchased PAINT and WAUPAPER COMPANY lain at Wethersfield State Prison, DEWEY-RICHMAN will be guest speaker at the Ad­ Julius Strong was moderator of by the town some years ago, be 709* fflP* ^^P» fflPV vent corporate communion Satur­ last night’s meeting, and Mrs. cleared for a play area. This pos­ 767 MAIN STREET WE GIVE if-NT GREEN STAMF.S Robert Mortensen, clerk. sibility for more land for recrea­ 885 CENTER STREET—TEL. Ml 9-9718 day for men and boys of St. John's HAVE THAT Episcopal Church. CYO to Dance tion needs was brought out after FLORENTINE’FINISH 14K GOLD WATCHES Holy Communion will be cele­ CYO members of St. Maurice the PBC failed to designate space brated at 8 a.m. The Rev. Mr. Church will dance after their on the Brandy St. property for CHfilSTMAS PHOTO Camp will speak at the commu­ kA o w .. . the old world charm of Florentine-finish nion breakfast which will be N gold in a modem timepiece. We Invite you served after the worship service. TAKEN NOW! Men and boys of St Gearge’s to tee our selectimj of Omega Classics designed A TIME OF RENEWAL Episcopal Church in Bolton will . . . For ChristmaB cards or for the most discerning woman. All have high-precision also attend the special Advent event. PRESCRIPTIONS sift photos. In your home jeweled movements and hour markers of 18K gold. Broadcast House, new four-story home of WTIC TV -AM-FM is the first unit to be completed and or at our studio. HEADS PABOLE BOARD ■ MO occupied in Constitution Plaza, an area of urban renewal which boldly foretells of Hartford’s bright Hartford, Nov. 28 (/P) — John W. SALEM NASSIFF future. The challengtng opportunity to serve the vigorous, enterprising mind and spirit of the people of Paton, Middletown, a member of Jewelers-Silversmiths the State Board of Parole since 9-9814 N a Camera and Photo Shop 966 Main St-. Manchester Southern New En^aad has been ours for 37 years. Jfuiuary, 1960, is its new chair­ WE DELIVER esi Main S t^B D S-78W Phone Ml 8-2741 rtegaxi.Txx man. Paton, director of public rela­ INCLUhlO tions at Wesleyan University, was elevated to the chairmanship yes­ Antherlui Omefg Ageecy ,. .the Wauh for « Lifetime of Proud Pomiiioit terday by Gov. John N. Dempsey. PINE PHARMACY WEATHER He succeeds Atty. Charles W. 664 CENTER STREEIV-OORNER OF ADAMS Notice A TIME OF REDEDICATION Pettenglll of Greenwich. With a deep awareness of our history-filled past, we now dedicate ourselves anew to the fulfillment of W O R R IE G * ^ WE HAVE DAILY that greater service which Broadcast House and its facilities make possible. DaiVERY TO THE with BOLTON AREA President WTIC • TV3 - AM-FM LENOX Inudcait Hoiuc 3 Giiutitution PIiu PHARMACY V Hirtford, Oinnecticut 299 E. CENTER ST. 1962 Rambler Amertean Deluxe 2-Door Sedan TEL Ml 9 4 8 9 6 Did you '^forgot'* Do you know? You can buy this beautiful pa||i of your *THB SUN AUWAYS SHINES IN AN ELECTRIC last business RAMBLER SEDAN insurance claim? With Automatic-Clutcll Transmission- 5'ou know you claimed everything "TH£ 8»0Jt)C«7Ol’* new E-Stick no‘dutch-pedal driving, stick- that you're entitled to if you iniuitd J h orifiaal Srone by franea through an independent IniurailtB ‘k'ljmortk, w«f cMDtilsfionfJ for shift economy, Agent. Here't why: •6* lobby of treadcatt, Oloust and .An independent insurance agent tymboUtts tba aet of broadcasUaf lebleb checks all the details of your daiai aovt tbi reads of service. and Doubie-Safety Brake System and helps you fill out the nectssgry "ybe teaadcasler Suite," an orljlnal musital with separate front and rear systems—if one iorms. He uses his professional train­ Mrk by Xabtrl Jdaxwtll, was comarissiOHad ing to make sure you've included for Iba dadicaiion of troadeast Mouat. I is damaged, the other works, eserything you should get paid for. Its jkmicr* gfr/Armmcc under tba More important, he plans your in­ baton of tba composer took place • surance protection, in edvattee to and Ceramic-Armored Muffier and Taiipipe tn N«0Ciii6(r 37, lili, following Raining? Who cares! You have no weather provide broad coverage against the Ike unveiling of Ik* kron** by Either will be replaced free for original owner, unusual and unexpected. Qooenar John N. Demfisey worries with an electric dryer. Buy an electric Window Shades No insurance company can give in case of rust out, by a Rambler dealer, col­ of COnsiaclicul. dryer , . . try it for 3 0 days. If you don’t love it, Mod* to Orckr you such service—because no ont lision damage excepted, company offers es-ery type of busi­ HsrlfOFcl K lsctrlc g u a ra n te e s your dealer will take it back at no cost to you! ALSO ness insurance, And be sure to ask yolTr dealer about the special VENETIAN ILINDS ^ and big, longer lasting 15-inch tires : : : and a two-year battery Bring your old rollers in THE^^DIFFSRENfX ; ; ; and Deep-Dip rustproofing . , , and counter-balanced hood $ 1 0 new-Wlring allowance. ■ ^ ' and save SSc per shade in insurance is the continuing, per­ r Yes, gone is the lifting and lugging of heavy sonal attention of your independent insurance agent. Look for this segl. for jess than the lowest priced Falcon or ,, baskets of damp clothes. Gone is the washday - before you buy insurance. Only tft struggle^with icy clothes and line. A flick of the indtpendttat tnsuranoe agent a a Corvair with none of these!’ display iL switch and your electric dryer brings warm, sunny w eather to your wash. Easily, conveniently, ‘ Price comparlsoni bated on manufacturart* your laundry comes out soft, dry, sweet-smelling. America’s Lowest Price jiw e tta d factory-daftvarad prices for lowest Even With Optionai E-Stick JiVad two-door M dant. You’ll wonder how you ever managed without it. *41.64 MONTH MmtMf ptrmMb bmd m mmifictiirtr'i u ti« M d*. Ihiarad prict i l r*cloiy($I6W p in 169.50 for E-Stich) wttk H dow i p oynw it 96-mo Crockett Agency, -Inr. Charles W. LaUirop tmnpicbHoa, h w n m , ititi Md locil lu n . If my, ertrx W orld Standard of H A R T F O R D CecU W. England Agency, Inc. Compact Car Bxoellenoe LIVB BBTTER ELECTRICALLY .Claraaoe H. Anderaon Edward J. HoU Fred Baker .Herbert McKinney ELECTRIC LIGHT Jarvis Agency, Inc. Kenneth M. Ostiinsky ___ p’ ■ L A JOHNSON Aim G. Bartlett John L. Jenney Aldo Pegani Sherweed Beechler Engeae N. Kelly. Leonard,D. Rivard DeCOMMERl MOTOft SAiES^ INC., 285 Irood Straot. CCM PANY. and participating dealers RIehard 8. Oarpantor LaBoane-SHversteln Earle 8. Rohan ■ M INT CO. Edgar H. Cla^M* Aaaoclataa, Iiw. Frank P Sheldon 728 MAIN ST. Mantee P. .^Jerreatl John H. Lappeii, Inc. Robert H. BmlU A good man to do businaaa WKh tor your now oar or m S ^ 'UMd ear PHONE MI 9^501 The above advertisement hee been paid for by the member Agents listed.

S * A Jl - f ‘ V- - M, tUlflffiSTEB ETENTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAT,. NOVEMBER 28. 1961 t K S S I l MWCBESTB)* e v e n i n g HEEALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, rCESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1961 PAGE SEVEN road Will end at the Wilbur Cross JIUmrliiEatrr comes clear in afterma^ to the that May was rs.Aivtn( B salary. dataa tn tha recant oontaat be tak­ Debutante to Wed Parkway. For soma ysars, bafors Mm , his en to cover only the interim serv­ m eetii^. 'What remains unclear is A ThoaKht for Todtir . J Plans, for Rt. 84, which uses the the question of whether or not Connecticut pradacassor, Cappy Baldwin, had ice between now and the next.atate Oy tha You S h o u ld K n o w . . . Push for Rt. 6 Job, Wilbur Cross Highway as It goes AMERICAN LEGION £ontiti0 IfrraUi Man recaiving s aslary, and no­ convention, and that tha next for­ Himalayan Prince through Manchester, are to wid­ Washington'got what .lt wanted- OmunO at Uhs Mitchell 3-2151 BY nut body aver rsmarkad upon that fact mal election of a atata chSlman ^ ? » ■ en it from four to six lanes, and UQ c a . w c. What Washlngtoh wanted was Yankee or critldsad U. Tho dilfsraneo was t o t a full term be accompanied by (Oontlinied from P i^ Om ) in some sections to eight lanes, his full approval for and coopera­ that tho amount of Baldwin’s sal- the formal Mttlng and'announce­ Now that wa ara tha Leo F. Diana f Kramer said. ’ ia atidst Call tfala number fo r guide, courtooua studying toe Tlbeto-Burman lan­ Kramer Tells Town tion In a meeting of the Council of Ry A. H. O. ai7 was known, and was rolativo- ment of a salary generous enough of to* holiday aaaaea, tlma will In other comments on Rt. 6, ly small, whUs the amount of to gufuantea that the state chair- tttention to jrout invostmont ttSOdi. ■ Tomorrow, a 27-yu.r-old ’math­ guage in toe capital city of Gang Kramer said the location and Us the Organization of American May’s salary was; and, in tha pass quickly. TK* day* Shd Wt*ks ematics aQd sciiqice teacher who tok and familiarizing herself with Interchanges will serve the com­ It was interesting to note that maf would not need other Income. toe Buddhist religion. Manchester should push for both Rts. 6 and 291 durinj; the States which Oolumbis is seeking both candidktea for the post of minds of many psirty msmhsrs, Since we advocate auch a ays- will fly by and Uf* win s**m v*ry *’wi|nted to do something for the munity well. The royte traverses PubUaMd IBrarj ^rcaisnii Ylxeepi to have convened for Jan. 10. Co­ still remsinS a mystery, szoept tam on the ground that It would brief. FOr ChrUtlans, howevtr, There was no indication whether next state highway construction program, but if both cannot an area which could accommo­ •ad HidMajra Kat«rM at lh« Republican state chairman, both Opin Thmdjt^ tam ing 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. town” will begin a three-year she plans to convert from her be built, then Rt. 6 should be given top priority, according to date an additional 12,000 people B NGO for.their asaumptkm that it was constitute something of an atmos­ 8 O'CLOCK— lEOION HOME, LEONARD St. ~ M ltandM«t«r Ooaa. •• lumbia's stated purpose for the former House minority leader A. not all la over when life ceeees term on the library board. Episcopalian faith to the Buddhist and will open southern portions of 9 lUU ItMtar. meeting is to seek a showdown Searle Pinney and West Hartford large. Had MSy’S salary, whatever phere of purity, we do not wish to and one is placed in a tomb. Fbr CUMd Saturday t planning consultants for Manchester. it was been publicly announced be pressed as to where the party He is Leo F. Diana, 69-Cainton religion^ Her uncle said she had Preference for Rt. 6 relocation^’ Manc'aester which have not seen BUBBCRtPnUM RATUi with Castro's Cuba on the ques­ Town Chairman James W. Bent, all that am in Christ death ia not written In a recent letter that she the growth of other,town sections. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT nirabl* la Advaac* made it part of their campaign from the bSgi^ng, there might would find the money with which St., a Republican whose recent because of Its importance to future seems unlikely the state would lo­ Oarrlar tion of,whether or not Cuba wants toe end. Each Christian know* felt close’’ to the Eastern re­ plans for the downtown buhineas In connection' with state high­ T«ar ...... M.SC pitch to pledge that, if elected havs been criticism of the amount, to pay toe salary. too Savior is present in tola life appointment swung the board’s ligion and philosophy. cate the new route through the cen­ way plans. Kramer al.so advised S33UU to .stay within that organization but certainly not So much party district, was given in the latest HobUm • ••»•••••••• 7TK nuu they would serve in the party post and looks forward to eternal life. -80-60 political balance to a 4-2 Re­ The Maharaj, 38, has three chil­ ter, Kramer said. designation of a TPC member to M HoiiUW • 4|***B**** S«9u without salary. speculation and gbasip of a kind PtJTNAM & c a report on the master plan by Plan­ Possible location of the roadway OQA^iloatb X-3 and behave as a member of it.. As Christ said, "Re that beueveto publican majority. dren by his previous marriage. He ning and Renewal Associates of act as liaison man with the state w««My BO But three big and Important That. privilege has gone to Pin­ which ended up by maUng it seem Anderson Heads on me, though he die, y*t shall he Mtiitbtrt Now York Stock ixchtingo through or near the center might highway department. a. virtue to Messrs. - FiimSy end Diana, who teaches at Barnard virtually riiles his small country Cambridge, Mass. hemisphere countries, Mexico, ney, and we have no doubt he can live.” (John 5:28) Junior High School, is familiar and its nomadic population while arise if the state was encouraged ■U31BBR Of afford it. He la a prosperous look­ Bent to promise not to take any Nutmeg Forest Tt lAtT ONTII IT. • MANCHMTIft Prepared under the direction of through pro'vlsion by the town of TBB ASaouiATkO) PRIUSS Brazil, and Arge.itina, have been Submitted by with the reading needs of young his father, the Maharaja, oc­ a consultant Harold Kramer, the Th« Aaaodatcd Prca* is excluilvaly ing gentleman. salary at all. LeMoyne C. Boleman people. This year, Barnard cupies himself 'with religious af­ a right of way acceptable to the cntUM te tbt UM of rapublloatloD lneh pletura to Interfere in the “Intemal af' « *• •Travel anywhere on The New Haven-25 miles or beyonci- fairs” of the country, in search of on any train and 55

” i t*. -I 5 ,■

9 0 B m u s n ICANCHESTE^ e v e n in g mcttATJX HANCHESlEtt, OC>NN« TUESDAY. NOVEMBER S8, 1961 7 UANCHESTES e v e n in g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN,, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1961 PAQUaMI vide orderly disarmament, it seems the r a ^ g tt Front Stnet •hiins to to me you have to inspect not only the raising of the new walls. Stalemate on F i ^ Day those weapons which have been O b itu a ry State News Gov. John N, Dempaej), who un­ Izvestia Publishes destroyed, but also these weapons veiled a ,' bronze statue "ITie that remain." Broadcaster,” the figure of a man (The Soviet Union has repeat­ Mra. Lillian M. HlgglM sowing the seed of the future, said edly branded similar western pro­ Coventry—Mrs. Lillian . Moore that service was the keynote of U.S. Raps Red Plan Kennedy Interview posals as an attempt at spying.) Higgins, 69, 'widow of Dr. William wnc. PIN€ ST. and HARTFORD RD. Returning again to the German L. Higgins, died suddenly at her (Coottnued trsia Page One) He cited the station’s quick problem, Kennedy told the Rus-. School St. home late yesterday af­ work in sending its helping voice FORMER CHENEY MILLS. . . ternoon. wooM five tiM B u t OenMo pup- there would be nothing that would slan editor that the 1955 Gene'va Buffalo, N. Y„ aaylnisaying hhe would be to Putnam, while he waa mayor of For Ban on N-Tests agreement between Big Four on Bom Jan. 14, 1892^ in Ware, the city, and throughout the state pat TCftna oofitrol o n r W«at Bar- dlsturt) the relatione between the Mass., Mrs. Higgins was a daugh­ home today, Nothing wae said the reunification of Germany "rep­ about Carr. during the 1955 floods. Ua «r ita aacMa routas. Soviet Union and the United resents the soundest policy.” ter of Frederick and Addel Hutch­ Paul W. Morencyl president of (Osaltaraed Fags Om ) Ob axi^ar major point of Bait- SUtes." inson Moore. Mallory le the eon of O. Bar­ "To divide a country, to divide a ron Mallory, president of P. R. the wnc networks, oalled the Waat ooBflici, KaniMdy toM Uie To Kennedy's comment on the city, to put up a wall in a city, "we Suryjvors include her mother, night “a time of renewal, a time of A b o u t T o w n any raalisUo proipaet tt an latar* Rnaalan «Utor: Soviet’s attempt to spread its who lived with Mrs. Hlndne; two Mallory and Co., which manufac­ Ample Free Parking believe, only Increases tensions turers electronic components. The thanksgiving and a time of rededi- national control and inapoction ayi. "If w are able to achieve an system around the world, Adzhu- brothers. Frank C. Moore of catlon.” Ho pledged "to'^ preserve Anderson Shea, VFW AuxlUery, tern to prevent Mcret TioIaUeoa. rather than diminishes them,” Wethersfield and J. Henry Moore firm has 26 plants in the United apreemrat on ceeaatien of nuclear bel replied, "I cannot agreie with Kennedy declared. and defend for future generation* will meet tonight at 7::80 at the Without auch a ayatun, the West teata, that would brtag oQter agree- you in that part of your answr-er of Mansfield; and a sister, Mrs. States and^eight in Canada and podt home. says, any nuclear teat ban ia un­ He said he recognizes that the Lena Lawrence of Hammonton, Euroiipe. of broadcasters, listeners and Open Daily 10 to 10 nenta on dlaarmament” vdiere you sire saying that we are Soviet Union does not intend to 'Viewers ths right to freedom of acceptable becauae thera can be no Kennedy granted the exclusive trybig to ‘communlze* the world.” N. J. Robert'sibei parents are Mr. and Final arrangements for the aaaurance againat cheating. permit reunification and the ques­ Funeral services will be held Mrs. Robert V. Carr. speech.” Interview last Batarday In Hyannls Adzhubel said the Communist The night - also saw the world Chrlatmaa Bazaar of St. Bridget's The Soviet draft alao aought to Port, Maas., and It was published party congress last month de­ tion now is whether the Soviets will Thursday at 1 p.m. at the' Pot­ Carr's father said last night he go ahead and sign a treaty with ter Funeral Home, 456 Jackson thought the boys apparently premiere of a musical composition Rosary Society to be held Friday prevent the United Statea from All First Quality In Moscow today. The White House clared "that we are against any and the unveiling of the statue, and Saturday will be completed at continuing underground nuclear SELF-SERVICE DEPT. STORE thereupon released a transcript. exDort of the revolution, but we the East Germans. St., Wtllimantic. The Rev. James thought up the idea of running on Kennedy restated in this con­ R. MacArthur pastor of First Con­ the spur of the moment. both beating the same title In a nieetlng of the Bazaar commit­ teeta, launched after the atart of The Interview took up 10 solid are also against any export of nection what he said earlier—that gregational Church, will officiate. Robert spent Thanksgiving Day tribute to Broadcast House—"The tee tonight at 8 in St Bridget'e the recent Soviet aerlea—-Or of columns In ItvasUa, • fact the counter-revolution.” the Soviet Union can sign such a Broadcaster.” camrch haU. " matching Soviet advances la nu­ He told Kennedy that from the Burial will be In Nathan Hale at home and was driven back that TakesNewPost White House took as an Indication treaty—but he cautioned that such Cemetery. night to the school by his par­ clear weapona with ita own teata Edwin C. Tjynn tt Dallas, Tex., It had been carried in full despite Soviet viewpoint, the United a treaty could be dangerous if It Friends may call at the funeral ents. Peter was the guest of an­ Rev. Wi P. Murphy Jr. Richard Seorao made the Grade in the atmosphere. The United formeriy of Mtinchester, has taken Its presentation of a point of . view States is Interfering in the affairs SUtes and Britain were considered denies the rights of the Allies in home tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m.- other schoolmate in Guilford for New Haven, Nov. 28 (>P)—Fun- 9 honor ToU at East OathoUe High a poaition with the Great Books never before given publicity in the of many other countries. West Berlin. School. His name was omitted cerUln to reject auch an obvious Hundreds of Famous Brands the holiday. rsral services will be held Thursday Foundation as Southwest Area di­ Soviet Union. , In response to Adzhubel's re­ Such a treaty, "Does not bring Mrs. William A. Townsend Peter’s father came to Connecti­ from the list of Arst quarter honor trick intended primarily as a prop- rector. Tbe Great Books Foun­ The White House said it had re marks. Kennedy said he did not peace, it only increases the dan­ Mrs. Josephine Reginl Town- Yor the Rev. William P. Murphy roll students announced by the agranda gesture to fallout-fearful calved a prdlminaiy report that cut on Sunday but left for the West Jr., pastor of the (Javalry Baptist dation is a non-profit organiza­ want to get into a debate. But ne ger," if it undertakes to give the •send, 45. of 150 White Rock Dr., Coast alter one day. His firm's school last week. nations In Asia and Africa. tion which provides adult liberal the first pages of the text asserted that the United States East Germans Jurisdiction over (Jhurch, who di-ed In Grace - New Despite the lack of prospeoU for given out here were reproduced in Wilson, a suster of Carl Regini of public relations director, Robert education through group discus­ wants every nation to have the West Berlin or its lines of com­ Wapping, died yesterday morn­ Currie, stayed behind, however. Haven Community Hospital yes­ Volunteera are needed from progress, both Soviet and western sion of g;reat books. the Moscow printing. It was con' right to m t^e a free choice as to munication. terday after an illness of several repreaenUtlves apparently were tlnuing a check on the remainder. ing at her home. He said the boys may have head­ each member church of the Man­ Lynn, the son of Mr. and Mrs. its government. Kennedy said he is "hopeful" Mrs. Townsend was bom May ed for Montreid. months. chester Council of Church Wom­ prepared to go on talking indefi­ Charles Lynn, 47 Green Rd., was The first secticn checked includ The President noted that in the that the Soviet Union In future The Rev. Mr. Murphy had long nitely—^liere or In some other for­ ed the reference to an effort to 23. 191.5. in Hartford, the daugh­ Peter, State Police said, is 5 en to donate one afternoon, from an honor graduate, class of 1953, beginning the great majority of negotiations "will permit us to ter of Frank Regini of Wilson, and feet, 6 Inches tall and weighs about been active in Baptist affairs in 2 to 6 p.m. to gift wrap packages um—rather tharf be accused of re­ of Manchester High School. He communUe the world. continue to' exercise the rights Connecticut and Massachusetts. Partial List of Famous Brands Throughout the 8.000 words the Chibans supported the revolution the late Lucia Lauretti Regini. 140. He has brown hair and hazel at the House and Hale Depart­ fusing to negotiate. also grraduated, cum laude, from led by Fidel Castro, but he said which we now have In West Bcr- Funeral services will ^ held at eyes and was wearing a blue nylon In Massachusetts, he was presi­ ment store, suiy day of the week. The western powers believe that Syracuse University with a bach­ exchanges read more like a debate illn." Proceeds will be given to the • Ideal • Remco • Gong Bell than a question-and-answer dis­ Castro has failed to keep his com­ the Laraia and Sagarino Funeral ski Jacket, slacks and loafers. dent of the Christian Endeavor once the test ban issue is absorbed elor of architecture degree. mitments on free elections and ' The United States, he said, Home, 247 Washington St., Hart­ Union, a statewide organization of Manchester Association for the into this endless eWeken-or-the- He first became, interested in cussion siich as an American news­ wants to stay in West Berlin only Robert is 6 feet, 6 inches and Help of Retarded Oilldrcn. Wom­ • Horseman • Structo • Hubley man would have with Kennedy. At progress. ford, Thursday at 8:30 a.m. fol­ weighs about 135. He has blue Protestant youth, and chaplain of ogg priority argument, many other , the Great Books program In 1958 .UntifcaCastro permits free and I as long as the people ask for this lowed by a solemn high Mass of the (Jhristlan Endeavor Union In­ en wishing to volunteer may call as a participant in a Manchester • Tiny Tears • Tinker Toys • Ty-LInt times Adshubel sharply disagreed ; country to stay. eyes afid black hair and was wear­ Mrs. John Kenneally, 21 Willard countries may be encouraged to with Kennedy and told him so. honest elections, Kemiedy said, his requiem at St. Gertrude's Church, ing a red and black checked wool­ stitute at Northfield, Maas. enter the nuclear arms race. The group. His wife, the former Miss • Lionel • Buddy L •Radio Steel regime cannot claim to represent I Then Kennedy repeated that !( Wilson, at 9. Burial will be in Mt. He also served on the'' board of Rd., chairman of the gift ivrap- Marjorie Grimm of Manchester, Once he said the Soviets would be I the two big powera can reach an en ahlrt, khaki trousers and loaf­ plng project. danger of nuclear war would be • Parker Bros • Ameco • Tonka happy if Kennedy would admit the majority. St. Benedict's Cemetery, Bloom­ ers. directors of Gordon College and immensely increesed. Is also active in thf program os a With reference to Cheddi Jagan. ' agreement on West Berlin and on field. Divinity School In Boston. participant. that U.S. "interference'' in Cuban I "a peaceful settlement In the cen­ Members of Daughters of Lib­ This Is what the new Soviet • Daisy • Louis Marx • Transogram affaire was a mistake. Leftist leader of British Guiana. Friends may call at the funeral In Connecticut, he was on the treaty draft proposed and what The Lynns, with their son. ter of Europe" then relations be­ Barnes for May board of managers of the State erty No. 125 will meet at the Bruce, reside at 5326 Martel Ave., • Lincoln Lege • Fisher Price • Mattel Kennedy apparently attached Kennedy said; tween the tM-o countries will home tonight from 7 to 9. and to­ Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main •western offleiaLs feel about it: great importance to his meeting "Mr. Jagan. on the other hand, morrow from 3 to 5, and 7 to 9 Bristol, Nov. 28 (iPi—Eklwin H. Baptist Convention and a former 1. All testing in the atmosphere, Dallas. • Childhood Interest • Bradley • Eldon who was recently elected prime greatly improve p.m. May Jr., candidate for the Repub­ president of the Yale Hope Mission St., tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. to pay with Adzhubel as a way of get­ Adzhubei objected that Kennedy lican gubernatorial nomination, re­ respects to the late Mra. William in Outer Space and underwater • Revere • Revell • Emenee ting his vi«frs across to the Soviet minister in British Guiana is a and City Mlsisionary Board of New Brennan. Mrs. William Turklni should be banned Indefinitely. No Marxist, but the United States used the term " Blast German au­ ceived support yesterday from Haven. Columbia • A. C. Gilbert • Ptayekool • Archer BMple. Hemade these points of thorities'' and suggested instead State Sen. Wallace Barnes of Bris­ ton, a sister of Mra. Brennan fs international detection system U.S. policy mainly in response to doesn't object—because that choice He also worked with several a member of the lodge. would be allowed on oommuniet was made by an honest election, the use of "German Democratic tol. youth groups and was a trustee of questions raised by Adzhubei, but Republic.” 'This, he said,, would Walkouts Barnes represents the Fifth Sen­ territory, since, according to the Enumeration Goes sometimes in seeking to refute Ad- which he won." the Pierce Memorial Baptist Home The Golden Age Club will meet And Many, Meaty More! be "a good and rcali-stlc" ap­ atorial District, which includes In Brooklyn, Conn., a home for re­ Russians, enough countries now ahubel's own contentions. Giving a general view, Kennedy proach. at the East Side ReC building have systems a^^uste to detect at King’s Low, Low Prices! Avon, the hometown of John Alsop, tired persons. To 838 Children 1. The Soviet effort to expand said: Then, continuing his question. Thursday at 2 p.m. Members are all nuclear explosions. the Communist system to "country "If the people of any country Adzhubei again spelled out the Threat to another announced candidate for He leaves his widow, Mrs. Rea- requested to bring articles for a after ’ country" represents "the choose to follow a Communist sys­ well known Soviet position, say­ the nomination. Barnes Is the only thea May Ried Murphy; two sons, penny auction. Western sources maintain that The school enumeration. Just Republican senator from Hartford the Rev. Robert A. Murphy, Hay­ the detection of imderwater ex­ completed tor Columbia by Mrs. great threat to peace.” If the So­ tem In a free election, after a fair ing his country does not intend county. viets would drop this drive to rule opportunity for a number of views to turn West Berlin over to East ward. Calif., and Alan H. Murphy, Reservations for the Christmas plosions is extremely dllBoult. Lucius W. Robinson Jr., shows The Fascinating^oy Seen on TV! the world "I think there would be to be presented, the United States Germany and that the freedom of Balaguer New Haven; a daughter, Mrs. Alan party to be given by the Army They say not all atmospheric teets there are 838 children between Famous nothing that would disturb the re­ would accept that. What we find to West Berlin could be guaranteed Says Food Poisoned Farley, Saugus, Mass.; a brother, and Navy Club auxiliary Dec. 6 can be detected, even though the birth and age 18. This Is as of J. Harold Murphy, Milford; a sister. western detection network spot­ lations between the Soviet Union be objectionable and a threat to the by adding Ru.s.sian troops to the (Continned from Page One) Hartford, Nov. 28 OP) — Some 21 at 6:30 p m., will close tomorrow. Sept. 1. The number is 37 more and the United States." people, la when a system is Im­ forces of the three we.stem po\V- cases of food poisoning from a re­ May H. Murphy, Buffalo, N. Y., Members are reminded to bring ted a great part of the recant than the previous year when there and five grandchildren. Famous Make Make 2. Russia and the United States posed by a small militant group by era. force chief of staff. Baiaguer would cent church supper in Bridgeport secret pal and grab bag gifts. Soviet tests. were 801 reported. Ideal have a "basic disagreement" over subversion, infiltration, and all the then resign and Fiallo, next in line were reported yesterday by the Services will be in (Jalvary Bap­ After a dinner at Cavey's res Western scientists also claim By ages there are: Under one disarmament where Issues of rest.” of succession, would assume the State H i^th Department. tist Church. Burial will be In West taurant, members will go to the that nuclear blasts in Outer Space year, 38; one year old, 38; two "adequate inspection" are con- Kennedy added that the United presidency. Rodriquez Echavarria, Franklin M. Foote, State Health Peabody, Mass. club to exchange gifts. Reserva­ may be effectively muffled by pro­ years old, 63; three years, 47; four “FLEXIBLE FLYER” eerned. There must be "an ef States hopes the Soviet Union will Illing School then would be named armed forces Commissioner, urged in the depart­ tions may be made with Mrs. viding the atomic 'warheads of .years, 61; five years, 55; six years, feetlve inq>ection system” if there also accept and recognize the right ment's weekly disease report that John Glenney, 70 Bigelow St.; space rockets with leaden wings 82; seven years, 44; eight year.s, ALL chief again. Mrs. David Mc(Jann, 156 Eldridge MISTER la to be the "gener^ and complete of free choice by other peoples. food, even in private homes be kept that would absorb practically all 55: nine years, 48; ten years. 47; A 7-man Junta, including a mili­ St.; Mrs. John 'Vince, 227 McKee disarmament" which the Soviets "If we could get that on both Honor Pupils tary member, then would assume cold, or hot, enough to control the Public Records the radiation from a blast. eleven years, 46; twelve years, 42; growth of bacteria. St.; and Mrs. Charles Yurkshot STAR say they want sides,” Kennedy said, "I believe the executive end legislative functions. 59 Russell St. 2. A moratorium on all under­ thirteen years, 33; fourteen years, 8. K«uiedy believes an agree­ Soviet Union and the United Congrees would be dissolved and He also noted 11 new cases of Warrantee Deeds ground nuclear tests shall be in ef­ 54; fifteen years, 43; sixteen years. ment on prohibiting nuclear weap­ States, which have so much to Number 125 the junta would remain in power tuberculosi.s, among others, in the Roland H. Boisvert and Edgar fect until East and West conclude 38 and seventeen years, 34. SLEDS state last week. E. Theriault to Aaron and Helen Manchester Jaycee Wives will MACHINE ELECTRIC ons tests under international in­ gain from peace, could live in until general elections were called. an accord on complete and general C>f the total there are 514 chil­ spection wotild constitute a “first Flallo in a nationwide broadcast G. Weintraub, property at 139 attend a meeting of the Connec­ disarmament. dren In public school or receiving peace.” A total of 125 pupils at Illing Grandview St. ticut Jaycee Wives at the West step” toward more general dis­ At one point, as Adzhubel con­ Junior High School made the first last night said that Balaguer had Keeps Court Date The West maintains there is no special Instruction. There are 59 in The Modern Robot Toy armament measures. But the agreed Sunday to opposition de­ Ernest R. Richardson to Rob­ Haven Community House tomor­ non-public schools; one in sm in­ tinued to comment on his state­ quarter honor roll, it wa.s an Danielson, Nov. 28 (JFi — Rich­ ert O. and Doris E. Marchand, reliable long-distsjice method of President was sharply disappoint­ ments, Kenned.v remarked that nounced by the school today. mands for a provisional Junta to row at 8:30 p.m. detecting underground nuclear stitution; and 258 who are not at­ with a Real Personality 41” - ard E. Blystone, 17, Corapolis, Pa. ed, he said, by the inability of the hold executive and legislative property at 196 Lake St. "You are a newspaperman and a The figure Includes 61 eighth kept a date in Circuit Court the Green Manor (JonstrucUon Co. blaata. Therefore the United tending school or receiving special FOOTBALL GAME western powers to negotiate with politician.” graders and 74 seventh graders. powers until general elections su'e A Little Theater of Manchester States and Britain will not accept instruction. Russia a nuclear test ban. held. The opposition leader de­ hard way yesterday. Inc. to William E. Jr. and Patricia one-act play production. "Filmed Kennedy told Adzhubei, for the Eighth grade pupils on the hon­ While working In the Danielson L. Dow, property at 138 Cushman a moratorium on such tests until OEA Council Meets . 4. I t would be "helpful If NATO Russian people to read, that If or roll were: manded that the president an Oak” by Noel Coward and directed and unless agrreement can be The Tolland County CoUncil of PLAYERS RUN, PASS and KICK! and the (Soviet bloc) Warsaw Pact nounce the government shift at area about a month ago. Blystone Dr. by Judy Thom,as, was presented progress could be made on the John Andreoli, Jane Barrera. was arrested by a state trooper ()iiltrlaim Deeart of U.S. and Soviet tiw ps in Mass., where he arrived shortly swinging his arms, Also: Tudor’s Basketball, Fast Ball, Sport Car and Car Geneva in a resumption of nuclear Kenney, Jessica Kllniko, Mary general strike called in the Do­ parcel of land on south side of repeatedly that FVance must have meeting. ringing his bell, opens the heart of Europe—which the Kulesa, Carol Lawrence, Prudence after 11 a.m. yesterday. Then he of \V. Middle Tpke. her own nuclear arsenal and that OOP Women Slate Meeting All With Safety Runners! Race at this low price! Sovleta have long advocated, is out test ban talks which collapsed minican republic since the late Benefils from Film and closes his mouth, when the Russians began testing LeGeyt. dictator Trujillo took control more hitched a ride to Danielson after E.veciitor's Deed a huclear test ban Is worthless TTie Women's Republican Club makes siren sounds. of the question under present con­ telling the court prosecutor by until all nations destroy their will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. In ditions. Kennedy said bluntly "We in the atmosphere last September. Also, Alan MacDonald, Pamela than three decades ago. Howard G. Brown, executor un­ Ticket.‘< for benefit performances Kennedy said Berlin is a critical Mason, Kathleen McMahon, Pa­ The strike was called by the telephone be was on hta way. der the will of the late Minnie C. of the film, "St. Francis of As stockpiles of nuclear weapons and Yeomans Hall. New members will cannot now wiuidraw our troops area of great concern to both East tricia Morse, David Moseley. Ju­ lawyers’ association to back the Blystone pleaded guilty to the Brown, to Ann Brown, property the rockets to deliver them. Brit­ be welcomed and plan.s for the from, Europe, way back across the sisi, " to be shown at the Slate January meeting, the annual meet­ Atlantic Ocean, when you merely and West. dith Naschke, Janie.s Newton, opposition demand. More and charge when he reached court and at 33-35 Edgerton St., $8,500. Theatre, are being sold by mem ish and U.S. delegates contend "If we can solve the problem of Deborah Pond, Kevin Ponton. more groups, including the im­ Judge Stanley Yesuktewicz fined Optional Agreement that the teat ban talks are diffi­ ing, will be made .when a nomina­ withdiaw your troops to the Soviet portant sugar workers, announced bers of Gibbons Assembly, Cath Union which is only a few hundred Germaiy and Berlin, I believe we Also, Ann Pratson, Kathy Prit­ him $21 with $12 remitted. Leonardo A. and Theresa M. Par- olic Ladies of Columbus. Only cult enough without brlng^lnf ting committee will be appointed. can find our relations substantially chard, Pamela Rines, Walter Sim­ their support dqrlng the night. Blystone paid the fine and then la, first option on property at 33-35 France into them. There will be no meeting In Decem­ miles away.” Apparently the sudden demand tickets purchased from commit' ®. Ute ^ v ie t pcdicy of keeping improved," Kennedy said. mers, Curtis Smith, Jane Spaeth, with $8, in hla pocket, headed for Edgerton St. Each party owns one- tee members will benefit the or ber. Famous Name Famous Make Spear D eclari^ that both countries had Guy Tangarone, Judith Teets. for a quick decision by Balaguer a restaurant for hta first real meal half interest in property. ganization. Joins Navy Germany divided, pointed up by was triggered by a renewed pro­ John A. Soracchl, son of Mr. Ideal the East German actiem is walling suffered heavy losses in World War Also. Linda Trombly, Shirley In more than 24 hours. Then it Lease The benefit performances will II, and that he personally had lost posal for a coalition government John F. and Patricia G. Tuite to Include showings continuous from Two Shifts Asked and Mrs. Alfred Soracchl of Rt. off East Berlin, "only increaaes Turner, Nancy Weibust, Beverly made to the Civic Union by a was back to the highway to hitch 6A, has enlisted In the U.S. Na\^y tensions rather than diminish a brother and a brother-in-law in Werstler, Susan Wilkie, Jane Wil­ some more rides home. Hallmark Pharmacy Inc., transfer 2 p.m. on Sunday. Dec. 8; from them.” that war, Kennedy said: "We want son. group of government officials. of lease dated Oct. 16, 1961. be­ 6 p.m. on Monday; Dec. 4; and To Business Zone and will report for duty Thursday. Electronic 4-Speed to prevent another war arising out The officials insisted they were tween Tultes and Jarvis Realty from 3:30 p.m. bn Tuesday, Dec Saturday night about 50 friends 7. A decline in trade between the Seventh graders on the honor roll acting in a private capacity and and relatives gave him a farewell United States and Russia in recent of.Germany.” were: Wendy' Alvord. John An- fTTIC Dedication Co., store at 277 W. Middle Tpke. 5. A .special show at 3:30 p.m. on Two zone change requests, from ROBOT COMMANDO This country's aim, Kennedy not representing the president, blit Hartford, Nov. 28 (>P)—Broad­ Marriage license party and presented him with a months has been due to "the dif­ dreini, Pamela Bampton, Stephen it wa.s clear the Civic Union sus­ Tuesday for children will Include residential to business u.scs, will gift, of money. ficulty which we have experienced ■aid, is to work out a solution Banas, Michael Barton, Beverly cast House, the coperstone of Joseph Michael Mitchell, South an added attraction, "Misty.” come up for public hearings be­ He Does Vlfhat You Tell Him! through negotiation which will pected Balaguer was retreating Hartford redevelopment, was dedi Windsor, and Mary Ann Jone Mill­ Members of the ticket commit Sid Orlando opened his garage In Germany and Berlin." Kennedy Bergaminl, Jeanne Bessette, Eliza­ from his previous agreement to a fore the Town Planning Commis­ at (Columbia Service Station and RECORD PLAYER keM peace in (lientral Europe. cated last night during a half-hour er. Wapping. Dec. 2, St. James’ tee include Mrs. Frank Ruff, expreased hope trade can be ex­ beth Blase, Janet Blazinskl. junta. sion at 8 p.m., Monday, in ths turned it into a recreation room panded and said he thinks that Kennedy said East-West trade Also, Bonnie Bletzcr. Jacqueline of musical and verbal tributes to Church. chairman; Mrs. Leroy Parker, Municipal Building. would expand when a peaceful and W nc-A M -FM and TV. Building Permita where a buffet supper, dancing would come about immediately If Boucher, George Bradlau, Pamela Mrs. John Siemienski, Mrs. Leo Applying are Mary and Felix and games were enjoyed. Mr. and 19” Wide there was a peaceful, satisfactory satisfactory solution to the Berlin Broderick, Martha Buder, Nancy Walter Johnson, WTIC’s ' first University Sign Co. for Beneficial Kwa.sh, Mrs. John Tierney, Mrs, Gremmo and William Prentice, crisis is achieved. announcer and now 'vice president Finance Co., erection of sign at 806 'Mrs. Orlando and (iiarlcs Pick- S(4utian to the problems of (31ct- Chandler. Eieborah Clarke, Elaine U.S. Vote Hits Rudolph Rlccio, Miss Irene Sul 8.6 acres on the north side of Mid­ ney were hosts for the affair. Monster many and Berlin. Throughout the interview —not Cole, Steven Con . Donna COro, and general manager of the stS' Main St.. *1.000. livan, Mrs. James Tani, Mra. dle Tpke East, zone AA residence one in the U.S. tradition—Adzhubei tIon, narrated a film that showed William J. Meldrum, addition of Henry Wlttke. Mrs. Anne Camp­ John was graduated from Wind­ 17.97 8. llie United States has been Also, Timothy Cunningham, and rural residence; and % Stanley ham High' School In 1958 and has 15.97 "reluctant to recognise Blast Ger­ persistenUy made little speeches to Deborah Czamota, James Dieterle, At Colonialism the early days of broadcasting, and lean-to shed to garage at 611 Cen­ bell, and Mrs. Salvatore FillO' Bray, 3 acres off the south side lay the Soviet line against what the birth of Broadcast House from ter St, $200. ramo. of Green Rd., Residence 2k>ne A. since been attending Pratt and Goes forward, turns right or left, fires rocket*. Perfect for teen-agers. Plays all type records. many as a sovereign power” be­ Kennedy said. Dennis Dillon, Anng Marie Du- Whitney's training school. cause the United States does not Baldo, Elizabeth Emmerlin, Can- (Continued froqi Page One) Press button, speaks into mike. His eyes roll and Elquipped with a permanent-type needle. Has He coiitended that "Social he makes beep-beep sound. High impact plastic. A.C. motor. Size 13"xll>i”x5’8”. Wide range “recognize the division of Ger- changes” which have occurred In dance Farnell, Judith Franzoso. Manchester Evening Herald Co­ maftK,” Kennedy said the German Also, John Gabbey, Marion Gar­ resolution supported by India, Bo­ lumbia correspondent, Mrs. Don­ 4 rubber tires. Battery operated. ' volume control. Sturdy, easy-to-clean case in the world have been voluntary in­ livia and the United Arab Republic colors. people want to be tmited and he stead of the result of instigation rison, Elinor Gibson, Cathy Glo- ald R. Tuttle, telephone Academy thinks unity could be achieved wacki, Sharon Goodstine, Sandra among others r eived a 41-40 vote from Moscow. with 21 abstentions. 8-3435. without any threat to the Interests "What We object to," Kennedy Guadano, Susa,n Guadano, Loma of the Soviet Union. But he said Haberem. Both resolutions proposed the MAN DIES AT 108 said, "is the attempt to Impose two countries negoti^e their dif­ he realizes that Russia considers It communism by force, or a situa­ Also, Stephen Halsted, Patricia LAST DAYS Hartford, Nov. 28 {/P) — Ellcum "more in their interest to keep Harris, Luamie Heck, Mary Hlcr J, ferences over the Pacific Island ter­ tion where once a people may have ritory that The Netherlands now Moses Levin of New York, a 103- Germany divided." fallen under the communism, the key, William Hllinskl, David Hoeh- year-old retired uniform salesman. Genei^ly, Kennedy couched his berg, Jill Horton, Jeanne Jeray, holds and Indonesia claims. Co'mmunists do not give them a In the face of certain defeat, The Is dead. Funeral services were comments in soft words because fair Importunity to make another Michael Johns, Karen Johnson. held today In Bronx, N. Y. He Eldon Remco I one obvious purpose of his remarks choice.” Also, Kathleen Johnson, Anita Netherlands withdrew its proposal died Sunday at St. Francis Hos­ was to put across to the Soviets Kennedy assarted that peoples Karp, Frances Laraia, Michael to put the territory under interna­ pital here. Lindsay. Stephen Lloyd, Thomas tional trusteeship while the island's the idea that the United States of Eastern Europe — behind the primitive Papuan population is wants a peaceful solution of the Iron Curtain — lack the privilege Lombardo. Stanley Lucas, Nancy Berlin crisis and is not deliberately of free choice. Lynch, Theodore Mather. readied for a self-determination looking for trouble. Also, Michael Mclnerney, Cher.vl plebiscite. ■•'Adzhubei countered by saying McNamara, Barry Midwood, Phyl­ Meanwhile, the Security (Council But he made no bones about the the Communists do not consider was expected to put the lid today U.S. view of basic Soviet policy certain elections to be free In the lis Molava, John Ostrout, Daniel and action: Platz, Mary Popple, Joel Radding, on its debate on (Juba’s charge that western world. Ha asserted that Belinda Ramizi, Barbara Rayburn. the United States threatens to In­ Front End “If the Soviet Union were mere­ “for a long period of time you vade th^ Dominican Republic. ly seeking to protect Its own na­ considered that Trujillo (the as­ Also, Randall Smith, Ekiward tional interests, to protect its own Sweeney, Edward Szymanoski, Delegates said Cuba would have SAVE TO 70% Special sassinated dictator of the Domin troiible keeping the issue before nations! security and would per­ lean Republic) was elected In a Janice Totten, Robert Walden, Sandra Weeal, James Welch. Pat­ the Council any longer since Its R««. $I2.S0 mit ooontries to live as they wish way. You have been saying the only support 'has corrie from the ON • TOWELS • SHEETS (» PILLOWS • LINENS 1 —to live in peace—then I believe same about the regimu of the ricia Welch, Rachel Wichman, Soviet Union and even that has (1) ALIGN FRONT END that the problems which now cause Shah of Iran as well." Carol Zelser. Remco K much tensioa .would fade away.” been perfunctory. (8) BALANCE FRONT Authentic U5. Army Model Kennedy seid Americans want Then Adzhubel asked sibout the Cuban Ambassador Mario Gar- BLANKETS • CURTAINS • DRAPES • SPREADS, Etc. WHEELS—REG. $4.00 the Soviet ptople as well as them- Soviet proposal for an agreement cia-Inchaustegul urged the coun­ (3) CHECK FRONT WHEEL Mlves to be able to live in peace. on what the Russians call general Jobless Payments cil to brand the United States as Unbreakable Heavy Duty Flying Fox and conipleto disarmament. He an aggressor and order it to pull BBABINOS ‘Tt la thie effort to push out­ (4) CHECK BRAKE SYSTEM ward the Communist system, on asked what Kennedy's views are Total *174,242 back ship.s and planes it stationed Just Received— Fine Seleetitn Of to country after country, that rep­ as' to the prospects of such a pact. off the Dominican coast when two BULLDOG TANK brothers of the late GeneralLs- ALL FOUR ONLY resents I fhttki the great threat Kennedy reminded the Russian that the United States and. the So- A total of $174,242 in unemploy­ Bjmo Rafael Trujillo threatened a to pcaos" K en i^ said. ment benefits was paid in October JET PROP AIRLINE coup. But Cuba, which is nol on CEMENT MIXER ■viet Union in their Joint declara­ "ft t ta Soviet Qkiion looked only by the Manchester office of the the council, was unable to get any <0 its —tyjinsl intsvest ^ to pro- tion last September 'agreed on the GIFTS FOR THE HOME principle of general disarmament. (Connecticut Labor Department, ac­ member of the 11-nation body to 17*' Long Dives, Climbs 2 2 W U n f 9 * VUHhg B bstter life for lbs people cording to John J. Lioomis, man­ sponsor a resolution containing Its e m ^ oondltioaB of peace, 1 think But, the President added, there ager. PERFECT TO OWN • PERFECT TO GIVE is a "basic disagreement” in this demand. High and Bankel ^ ^ ^ % area Unemployment checks disbursed Cuba managed to get it chaiWM Rugged Army model advances, retreats and climbs compensated for 5,153 weeks, with aired in two council sessions, but 3.87 obstacles. Fires automatically and ejects empty The Soviet Union, Kennedy re­ SERVICE ON ALL Sturdy polyethylene truck with mixer drum that Four motorized jet-prop engines, individually con­ the average weekly check amount­ they lost momentum when the CONVENTIONAL MAKES shells. Unbreakable polyethelene with steel sup­ Personal Notices minded, would p'ermit only inspeC'r. ing to $33.8J. Dominican Republic declared it revplvea-automatically as truck is pushed. Drum trolled for speed. Dual controls, blinking landing tion of weapons which are de< ■ The ratio of those filing to those welcomed the presenca of the U il. platform tilt3J ^ u g h awii^rs from aide to side. ^ lights, retractable landing gear. Battery operated. ports. Uses four "D” batteries. ■troyed and would not allow in- covered by the law was 13 percent, warships as a bulwark against any MOIIMITY iqiectlon of weapons wUCh re­ compared to 4.6 percent for the attempt a t' invasion by Cuba "or main. state. other Communist countries.” "One aide could destroy 100 Last month there were 9,899 em­ Most delegates believ^ the'coun­ bombers but still hsvs 1,(HX> or 2,- PARIS CORTAM SHOP BROTHERS ployee in the Manchaater area in­ cil would take no action on the 000 bombers left," Kennedy saiil sured by the Unemployment Com­ Cuban complaint and would mars- 829 BfAIN STREET MI 9-2747 M1-8U CENTER « r . LAYAWAY TOYS NOW AT KING’S LOW PRICES ~Bd added: pensation law, with monthly ly take note of Ilia varfoua atata- TEL. l o s - a i u tkitokilto funflr. '"U you ara m U y ffoiiic to pn-^ wages totaling 13,796,405. manta made.

■ ' f \ 1 ' \ .( • , , . f- u -

A -k • \ r ' /

' /,

PAOB 7VN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OONN« TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1961 aiANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1961 PAGE ELBVBN [•i> BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOO^LE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Rockville’Yetnon announced but Salinger Said it would be "commensurate with the Rockville-V ernon BoWles Takes importance of his post post.". It West-2 Cancels was reported that the 60-year-old G O P Talk Slated Living^Cost, Earnings, UM-M/— ABItOP ror Special Post Bowles would receive an Increase OmMr CACSAR EMBaXDeff/CXO THIS iNCIOehlrT over his $22,500 pay aa undarsecre- On Tax Increases Offer to Curb tary. MonsTRoiiB s e a p t r a iu n g ' MI6HT COHYIHC&IHE BOAROEHS U;S. Official Buying Power Higher MBTHRO TMr WOODS/-— OP MV sTAToee as a woods- Yaskulka Club As U.S. Envoy m a m heh h b h The speaker of, the Connecti­ N-Tests in Skv 0LP. ministration kept the tax rate at Heat HAIR DRYER SMOKING,' Ploszaj of Salem becomes the new 15 mills without revaluation, but U.S. MArshal for Connecticut to­ “everyone knows what happened day. A Democrat, Ploszaj succeeds luiSeain to taxes under two years of Demo­ Donald Fraser, a Republican who VU-BET HEBUS1H) cratic mismanagement. All you has held the $10,500 post for eight t e l WHV.HE UUGHE9 ATV^ASTlHREERlBS. have to do is look at your tax bill. years. Ploszaj resigned as state v s e ... /hi't'c Lorriy So lAARD ME FEU- Most horne owners’ tax bills rose representative yesterday. ^OFFm IHRONl' AVAILABLB ^ A L L N E W ( ' o l o r s IN HIOHKST QUALITY TURQUOISE 4 B I Z B S p e t a l p i n k imikjMfc —"TJI. «h*. U.«. rit OB. //-;za CONTROLLED EVEN HEAT >,• 0.1. hlOSa ■ix=* AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC RIVIERA R'l* MtUmcAi Iw ‘You’re right. Mom! Jimmy doesn't know how to dress. AUTOMATIC BLUE JU D D SA X O N BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDKIELO Last night he left his gasoline money in his other trousers!" ■ o oO I'M SORRy, BUT AS OPl*l- FRYPAN PRESIDENT OF THIS STANDARD BLENDER UNIVERSITY 1 MUST ACT IN THE I Controlled BEST INTERESTS LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON • THE school- Even Heat ' fkVY RAiHS--- JL.. PLoodS.. Dial in THE FASTEST MOST COMFORTABLE it Handle MEDIUM uu- HAIR DRYER MADE / Honda are Free to knit, reod or write COP(. mi lY CINII/U HATUtil COtf TM.WO«lD IICHTS nSKVID 0-29 1

B. C. BY JOHNNY HART V Haa Fry-Guida on UROE bu zz SAWYER BY ROY CRANE THErSAiD THET SA IO MAW CexlLX> N E V E R W IT H N E W handla and aaay- piUT -me gate is EFfECnVELV BLOCKEP. MR.'lAMASAKI AHP TVIE JAmNESE RfiNmiRIEf. CDUuoMr; How MANY PAYS AG»Of to-aaa and act con­ l i ’imQ ARE TO K HONOREP AT A LUNCHEON, ARE UNABLE TO ENTER THE STATION. Ha r n e s s THe d i n o s a u r B u r EASY BASTING trol dial with aignal CdNej I FC50UED1WEM— ID iD IT i If you have any problemi er queatioat conceniing light. Watar aealad If MOT TMT YOUR fON H IM •lamant for eaay o LCADinO THE OCMOHfTRATORS, hearing aids or hearing aid service, you are cordially T IL T L E G washing. . MR .YAMASAKI! fiO ^ invited to take advantage of our complete facUitim for Mrving tboaa in i^ d of bettar bianog. ^ CONTROLLED SUPER HEAT DELUXE • •• • • I Hallmark Pharmacy"! I WEST MIDDLE TPKE. and BtlOAD ST.—MI 9-2861 I HAIR c m PfiiMNStRAnON BEFORE TNE U.&NAWL “. «ARST)(nONATIVUOSDGI,JAmN,ISORPERLY. t •Sl’S.’t'K.LrTL- I NEX-f TO “ STOP and SHOP” I 1W CROW MAKES NO A T T E m TO 6ET NSIPE, # j OPEN DAtt,Y mnd SUNDAY 7:80 AJ«. to 10 PJ«. j DRYER I MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALL • The blades make MICKEY EINN BY LANK LEONARD (SSuSeain AU-NEIv the difference, give H ip e o u ^ ... T l l N e v a ? w b a r t h i s RAOIANT CONTML oat/xT Portable • Easy Sliding door opens to P" peRFecTL-V r THINK BVBR/^INOLe D R » « I D ‘GCHOOL AGAIN / exclusive four level REGULAR ENOUGH/ NOW-AH-HEPHOf/ED f HEAAAV/ DO YOU TH IN K ] WELL, I KNOW HE LIKES TOASTER blending action. t o C a r r y store cap and hose A GOOD GOLFER, A M BS GATESBY/ / t h EYGGAROUND | HE'S IN LOVE HER VERY MUCH,AND— HiDaou^/ BOy'IN/W/CL/W^KADA Th# only complataly i F00TBALL5TARWHEN DOES HE DO i7 WITH THE SAME WITH HER? OH, OH! HERE H£ PBAGHOOTBZ. I KNOW automatic taaatar. HE WAS IN COLLEGE/ THAT OFTEN? / CROWD-PLAYGOLFI COM ES N O W / 'ONE THING... r Whatever the type of a Extra powerful 2>apeed bread — RADIANT motor. CONTROL ghm you uniform toaat— every time. a Lightweight, portable- easy to clean. end •aUNBCAM > GlVte


. L

VAOITWBLVB / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1961 -MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1961 PAGE TUlStBEN THE FledfjUnp' National Trophy FoothaU, Sponsors Dedded to Throw in Sponge Herald Angle Minoso Joins Musial in « y Once-Blurred Bowl Picture in Sharp EARL YOST Sports Editor Ne'W York(fl*)— A once-blur-^vp chase when H. C. Van Ars-^^the natlop's top ranked team, and$> Dec. 16 «■ Arkansas (8-2) vn. Alabama («-0 f bohnet people If Rice failg to win red bowl picture was in sharp dale, executive director, told Mem one that will also give its final Uberty Bowl, at Philadelphia With one game remaining). on Saturday. Chisox Pleased to Get m in Deal Honeymoon Not over for Giants Yet phis State that scheduling prob­ okay to a spot in the Sugar B6WI Syracuse (7-3) vs. Miami (Fla) Kansas lost thres games and focus today following a rush lems were too much for the spon­ tied one by a margin of five points, Honeymoon isn’t over yet for the New York Giants despite agatnst Arkansas after the game. (6-3 with one game to play). Cotton Bowl, at D allas—Texas of acceptances but not before sors. The Memphis school had Kansas' opponent will be Rice if (9-1) vs. MiaKissippl (8-1 with one but is a colorful team with 'versa- Tampa, Fla. — Minnie*’ “Minnie will p^ay leftfleld and^ “ Cunningham not only Is a good^ting average, his lowest In 12t fo r an additional $200,000 or soaPhillles. Among the lesser known . W t ' i BIS tsrill 4 r* VtA htf4Ass** A1 Sia A swbabbI a a b * ••el4V< 4,%to YswlBBa-bring 4the Vt A 4total r k 4 a l Aexpenditure V n ! 1 11 F A I . . . ! . . . . . — at..,. four great offensive performances the past mon|;h against it claimed the fledgling Na­ hoped to get a s^t in the game the Owls beat Baylor on Saturday. Bluebonnet Bowl, at Houeton— game remaining). tils performers John Haf^l and Minoso, one of basebaH’s top Musial will switch to right," he an­ hitter,” said Al, “ But he gives us American League eeasont with selectees, the best buys appeared Washington, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Com­ tional Trophy Bowl, in Wash­ that had been scheduled for Dec. 'With Mondaj^s developments, Kansas (6-3-1) definite, Rice (6-3) Curtis McCllnton. A fter aN^ow nounced. “ Stan IS equally at home maneuverability because he can Cleveland and Chicago. He awns a close to the $900,000 mark. to b« third baseman George Bknks, 30. flight parformers for the past In rightfleld as he is in left. play first base as well as the out­ lifetime mark of .306. ing up the next two Sundays are rugged road testa in Green ington, D. c. here is the way the bowl picture invited if tt beats Baylor on Satur­ 1^80 Bowl, at Pasadena, Calif. start, the Jayhawks won six Minnesota, Cleveland and the by Minnesota: Pitcher Don Ru­ Van Arsdale said the sponsors looks today: 12 years, joined super-star field." day. —UCLA (7-3) vs. Ohio State (8- row before losing to Missouri 10-7 "The addition of Minoso not Cunningham also owns a better- Los Angeles Angels selected four dolph by Cleveland, and pitcher Bay (actually. County Stadium in Milwaukee) and Philadel­ Only two spots In .nine other would try again next year, much in Stan Musial in the St. Louis only gives us more experience in Dec. 9 Dec. 28 0-1). last Saturday. The acquisition of Cunningham, than-,300 lifetime batting average players apiece while Baltimore, John Anderson hy St. Louis. phia before the finale at Yankee Stadium against the Browns. bowls remained to be filled, and the same fashion as the Gotham the outfield but it adds punch mixed ^fho batted .286 with seven home one of those, in New York's Gotham GoUiam Bowl, at New York — Tangerine Bowl, at Orlando, Fla. Miami, making its first post­ Cardinal outfield today fol­ after six years in the major Kansas City, Washington and the Banks, a Yankee farmhand, batted Allan Webb, the one-time Man-*" committee was forced to last year season appearance since the 1052 in with Ken Boyer, Bill White and runs and 40 RBI in 113 gam^s last Bowl, is expected to be decided on Utah State (9-0-1) definite. Au­ —Middle Tennessee (7-3) vs. Misaiseippl and Ohio State have lowing his trade by the Chicago leagues, ail with the Cardinals. A White Sox drafted three each. The .296 and slammed 80 home runs at Chester semi-pro halfback, dia when its inaugural never got off Musial. Also, it will enable us to year, paves the way for further the basketball Hall of Fame Fund. later tpday when Auburn will indi­ burn (6-3) with one game to play) Lamar Tech (6-2-1). not Indicated they will play in Gator Bowl, still has Florida oh White Sox for outfielder-first lefthand^ hitter, the 30-year-old Senators had first pick and drew Binghamton; Rudolph had an tinguished himself well as ^a de the ground because of scheduling invited. tap this weekend. The Hurricanes, baseman Joe Cunningham. bring along our two promising trade possibilities. 'Hie White Sox Cunningham finished runner-up ♦ * e cate whether it will play Utah problems. ' Dec. 30 Dallas, and Pasadena, respective­ Ken Hamlin, a weak-hitting short­ 18-9 record at Indianapolis and fens(ve back with the Giants the which have won four in a row, The even swap, consummated young outfielders, Charley Jame.s reportedly are willing to swap Roy to Henry Aaron of Milwaukee for State Dec. 9 at the Polo Grounds. He said that he had been work­ Gator Bowl, at Jaaksonville, Fla. ly. But neither have' denied that stop who only a year ago had Anderson was 14-9 at Rochester. i l past two weeks and has earned the Hero 'll There Aviation Bowl, at Dayton, Ohio have 20 Pennsylvanians on their last night after hours of negotia­ and Carl Warwick, the way we Sievers, their slugging first base- the National League batting title been acquired by the Angels in the plaudits of the coaching staff. Two The other spot is in Houston's ing on prospects since Sept. 26 but -—Georgia Tech (6-3) vs. Penn bids have been offered and that f: —New Mexico (6-4) vs. Western roster. tions, was the second inter-league want to. They’ll spell Musial and man, for either a starting pitcher, in 1959, hitting .345. He has bat­ special American League draft for The New York Meta and Hous­ ’ ;c- other rookies who have made the Springfield and Hershey are the Bluebonnet Bowi. opposite Kansas, the confused bowl picture of the State (7-3). they are favopbly inclined. Michigan (5-3-1). Penn State, which won the first deal made at the annual baseball Minoso when they show signs of or a third baseman like Frank Mal- ted over .300 in three of his last ton Colts, newest members in big jump into starter status with only members of the Eastern which along with Utah State, past week made the staging of the The <3otham appearance 'will be $75,000. This time, Hamlin cost f i two Liberty Bowl games in 1859 convention yesterday. In a deal of needing a rest.” zone of Boston. Sievers, 35, slam­ five seasons. the 10-team expanded National the Eastern Conference leaders are Hockey League which do not have Miami (Fla.) and Penn State ac­ game "all but imp>ossible." Sun Bowl, at EH Paso, Tex.— the Aggies second post-season $25,000, the standard mtnor league Camella Bowl, at Sacramento. and 1960, has lost to Miami, less magnitude, Cleveland sent med 27 home runs and drove i(f-M l>eagiie. were permitted two ' linemen Mickey Walker and Greg any players who were with Jival cepted post-season bids yesterday. The same fate could still befall Villanova (7-2k vs. Wichita (8-2). game in as many years. They lost Curt Flood, who flni.shed strong Raid on Fsnn Systems draft price. The selections includ­ l-'Vi Calif.— Pittsburgh (Kan.) (9-0) Maryland and Arm y this year. righthanded pitcher Bobby Locke last year, batting .322 in 132 runs on a .295 batting average last choices apiece at the expiration of Larson, both with the offensive club.s last year. The India.ns are Miami will face Syracuse in Phila­ the Gotham committee, which is Jan. 1 to New Mexico State In the Sun It Was a busy day for the talent- ed 15 first year players at $12,000 delphia's Liberty Bowi on Dec. 16 vs. Llnfleld, Ore. (9-0). The Nlttany Lions had been in­ (4-4) to the Chicago Cubs for in­ game.s, will patrol centerfield. He season. the regiilar draft. The Mets, drew unit, again .setting a hot pacg in the banking on a favorable reply from Orange Bowl, at Miami—Col­ Bowl last year. hungry major leaguers who pur­ each. Eastern DivLsion. Eddie‘<3hore, who and Penn State, will face Georgia vited to the Gotham Bowl along fielder Jerry KIndall (.242). is 23 to Muslal’s 41 and Mlnoso’s Minoso, despite his age. is still pitchers Bob Moorhead (5-6 at ♦ ♦ ♦ Auburn, a team that had also been orado (8-1) vs. Louisiana State However, If the Gotham people chased 35 minor league players Some of the better known names owns the Springfield franchise and Tech in the Gator Bowl on Dec. 30. wooed by the National Trophy Orange Blossom Classic, at Mi­ with Kansas, and as late as yes­ Johnny Keane, manager of the listed 39. Some insist Minnie is at one of the fastest men in baseball Indianapolis) and Aubrey Gate- .MINOSO (9-1). don’t snag Auburn, they may try for a record outlay'of $680,000 in to be grafted were outfielder Glno Off the Cuff the Eastern States Coliseum where The National Trophy Bowi, trying Bowl. Auburn winds up its regular ami -- Florida A&M (9-0) vs. for Duke or Tennessee. This same terday, were running second best Cardinals, was almost as pleased least 4*2. and swings one of the biggest bats. wood (3-5 at Des Moines) while<' their annual raid of their rivals’ Cimoll by Kansas City, pitcher the Colts selected pitcher Dean Best wishes for a speedy re­ the club plays its home games, for its first game thlg year, gave season this week against Alabama, Jackson (Miss) State (9-1). Sugar Bowl, at New Orleans — trio Is up for grabs by the Blue- to get the Gator Bowl bid. by the acqui.sition of Minoso as he A1 Lopez, manager of the White The colorful Cuban led the White was when his daughter presented farm systems. In addition, the Moe Drabowsky by (Cincinnati, Stone (12-8 at Charleston) and covery are extended to Bill Sko- celebrated his 59th birthday last Sox. was just as pleased with (Tun- Sox in runs scored with 91. stole JOE CUNNINGHAM him with his second grandchild nine bases, hit 14 home runs and higher minors plucked another 19 pitcher Billy Short by Baltimore, outfielder John Weekly (.287 at Mc»llu‘r - Daughter neski, former Midget Football Saturday n ight.. .Golfers eligible nlngham as Keane was with Mino­ f'last week. so. drove in 82 runs despite a .280 bat- players from their lower brethern and Inflelder Billy Consolo by the ■Victoria). League commissioner who did for a trip to Scotland in the Old Bowlintj Saturday most of the leg work in getting j Smuggler Hole-in-One Sweep- stakes include Bob Bonadies and Pony League football in Manches- ' Auburn Stands in Way The annual Mother and Daugh­ 2 ter. Bill's a patient at Manchester Sked Homans. The former per­ Cross Star Threat $864,83 Realized ter Bowling Toui-nament .spon- Memorial Hospital. . . Basketball formed the feat twice during the Minnerly Indicted as Co-Conspirator past season at the Manchester Kroll Makes Quarterback Play ."cored by the Recreation Depart­ schoolboy assignments triis season From Road Race Country Club...John Golden, a ment and held at the Community for members of the Central Con­ Of Perfect ’Bama Slate Y will be staged Friday and Sat­ freshman at MIT, has been award­ necticut Board of Approval Of­ To Leading Scorer largest total In history— Rutgers^ Major Scoring Threat urday. ed his freshman numerals in cross ficials will come from a committee $854.88— was collected before' Basketball Hoop Case Tliis tournament will be tha country. The former Manchester Birmingham, Ala. (/P)—^Alabama goes against traditional and during the Five Mile Road of commissioners headed by Walt PARKADE MONDAY HOUSE fir.st of several at the Y lanes. In High runner placed eighth in the rival Auburn here Saturday as the nation’s No. 1 college Rare Thanksgiving morning New York — (NEA) — All-con-1 Akerly of Middletown. Charlie Boston (i'P)— Pat McCarthy, Holy Cross classy junior-quar­ querlng Rutgers was leading Standings order to get them all in this recent ECAC freshman champion­ by members of Nutmeg For­ tournament and the Father and Horvath of Hartford and Ed ship run. football team— but only by a narrow margin. > terback, wasn’t among the top 30 scorers in New England hopped-up ciolgale by no more j W. L. Pc Johnson of New Britain. ., The Crimson Tide, unbeaten^ est, No. 116, Tall Cedars of Will Start Tomorrow Son must be run before Jan. 1 ♦ • * Lebanon. Wilbert Hadden, than 7-6 in the third quarter when! Mitchell Electric ...30 17 .6! Chuckle over the holiday: jta- and untied in nine games, sat out two weeks ago. But he now stands an outside chance of burst­ the Scarlet's All-America center Wood'a I » c k e r ...... 28 19 ..5! This year. It will be strictly dog overturn a fayored foe in this general race chairman, an­ mother and daughter entries. Four tion at the bottom of the Man­ Ice Sho'w Opens an open date last weekend and ing past the leaders to win the 1961 crown with one football New York (j^P)— Gambler Aaron Wagman, already convict­ candidate, Alex Kroll, waa Green Pharmacy ...26 21 ..V lost considerable ground in the series. nounced today' that the entire shifts will be run with one Friday chester Hlgh-Windham High foot­ Ice Capades of 1962 opened last Alabam.i Coach Paul Bryant afternoon left. ^ knocked out with a broken nose. Police Dept...... 26 21 ..'ii Associated Press poll to Ohio McCarthy scored all of the Cru­ amount will be turned over to ed of trying to fix a football game, goes on trial tomorrow night starting at 6:.in. Three shifts ball game ad which read-Come and night at the West Springfield whose team has yielded only three Dave Ward of Harvard and John the Muscular Dystrophy Fund, Kroll and tackle Tom Tappen Railway Express ...25 22 will be run Saturday with the State's Buckeyes, who walloped saders’ 14 points In their victory charged with 37 counts of bribery in the 1960-61 college bas­ See Our New Electric Scoreboard. Coliseuni with sellout crowds. touchdowns through nine games, Bamberry of Massachusetts each Two of tho collector*—father hit the Raiders’ quarterback, Dan­ Flnast F i v e ...... 24 23 .5 first at 2 o’clock. A 4:.30 shift and Michigan, 50-20. over Connecticut Saturday and ketball point-shaving scandals. Vernon Esso ...... 2 2 25 .4i What's wrong with coming out to Tickets are still available for per- figures Auburn should give his have 28 points in second place. and son— Fulton and Frank ny Keating, from opposite sides. a 7 o clock shift will round out The semi-final poll showed Ala­ shot into sixth place in the scoring Wagman, convicted on charges*------see the team 1. .. Requests are now formancea tonight through Thurs­ vaunted defense a stem test. Keleher of West HartfnnI, ■The space bar on Tappen's hel­ Sullivan & Co...... 22 2 .468 the bowling. bama slipping from 39 first-place derby. Leading Scorer. of attempting to fix the Florida- met did the damage to the All- WaLsh'a Esso ...... 18 2 .383 being received for Gold Key Din­ day, Jack Butterfield, the excel­ "We think, " he said, "that Au­ TD P A T T L turned In $58.36 and $68.32 Florida State football game in 1'^ " c apin.st Rutgers, Army. Penn Girls between 10 and 12 year* ner ticket reservations. The an­ votes last week to only 26 this burn will be the most dangerous of­ However, Pat still trails leader Player, School America center's probo.scis. Keat­ Gamnions-Hoaglund 14 2 .292 old will bowl In the Midget com­ lent publicist at Springfield, sends week among the 49 sports writers Ferrissl, So. Conn. .. .11 2 68 from their respective boxes. 1960, had his case here put off|*” “ Colgate, nual dinner, sponsored by the Con­ fensive team we’ve faced " Ralph Ferrisi of Southern (Con­ ing went out, too with an Injured petition. Girls between 13 and 15 w'ord that the Ice Capades are al­ and sportscasters on the AP panel. Deveaux, T u ft s ...... 9 8 62 Manhattan College of New yesterday after his attorney said Three Others Named necticut Sports Writers' Alliance, ways looking for newcomers and Not Conceding Anything necticut by 26 points. Fullback York, which enter^ a team, ankle Keglera with the best pinfall will bowl in the Junior class and Leete, Springfield ... . 9 0 54 he wa.s awaiting a bill of par-j Three others were indicted along Kroll was on the bench being will be held Monday, Jan. 22, at auditions will be held Friday af­ The Buckeyes from the Big Ten, Auburn Coach Ralph Jordan, who Ferrlal, who has completed his contributed $7, a dollar for each were Al Wipple 575, Ed Ko.sak 216- i if enough entries arc received an Van Nort, Amherst . . 8 1 49 ticulars from the district attor-1 with Green as co-conspirators with taped and otherwise repaired ternoon at 4 and again Friday finishing an 8-0-1 season in streng has seen his team lose three games season, has 68 points to McCarthy's of Its representatives, for the 573. Stan Banavige 203-562, Don j Intermediate division of girls 18 the Westport Country Club. Malizia, Cen. Conn. . . 8 0 48 ney. Wagman. They were Bill Minner when Rutgers had the ball on the fashion, increased their first-place by a grand total of four points, 42. .Muscular Dystrophy Fund. Sylve.ster 223, Ernie Steben 214, to 18 will compete. * * « night at 10:30. Young men must draw from six last week to 21 this At the same time, Wagman's ly, Connecticut football captain in one-yard line. says Alabama "is a wonderful foot­ The 218-pound Ferrisi, a block­ McCarthy, Of the total collection, there, 1960, and Jerry Vogel and Dan John Koepig 213, Bob Arendt 208, Girls wishing to enter with their be between 18-24 years of age and week. Holy (Jross—X . . . . . 6 6 42 associate, Joseph Green, pleaded "Better pul me in, coach,” he Bracken Named between 5-8 and 6-2 in height to ball team. " but he adds: "We're busting runner from Weymouth, wore 240 dollar bills, two $5's guilty in General Sessions Ctoiirt Quindazzl. former Alabama bas­ Clem Watson 206 Ed Fontana 203. mothers are asked lo sign up with Louisiana State is third. 'Cexas Mass., has a six-point lead over Cloutier, M a in e ...... 7 0 42 Guest Speaker •said to Dr. John Bateman. "You INTER-CHURCH TENPIN Flo Kloter or Norm Vittner at qualify. Young women must be 16- not conceding anything. We've got and one $10 bill. to charges of bribing Columbia ketball players. Hogan described know that won't work without Jimmy Bracken has been hon­ fourth, Mississippi fifth and Ckilo- a chance to win." Ron Deveaux of Tufts. Springfield's Deaett, Amherst . .. . 7 0 42 the Y alleys as soon as possible. 22 and between five feet and 5-5 rado six, each moving up one University basketball player Fred them as contact men for Wag­ me." ored by his teammates to captain In the poli, Alabama ran up a Dave Leete is in third place with Santonelli, Amherst . .4 11 38 man. Norm Daniels, football Standing* in height. .First golfing event of rung. Portnoy to shave points in games Having nothing nearly as good next fall's Manchester High cross total of 459 points on the basis of 54 points. Steve Van Nort of Am ­ Planchon, Bates .... . 6 2 38 W. U Pet. Uie year will be the annual New Minnesota, third la.st week, during the 1960-61 sea.son. Hogan said when the indict- and baseball coach at in mind. Dr. Bateman reacted im­ country team. The election took herst has 49 for fourth and Tony Snyder, Second Congo No. 2 59 37 .615 Year's Day Open at the Manches­ dropped to seventh after losing 23- 10 fot- a first-place vote, nine for a Sentencing was set for Jan. 3 ment.s were returned that Wag­ Wesle.van University, mediately to the suggested strat­ Haynes Out Front place at the recent .annual banquet second-place vote, etc. Ohio State Malizia of Central Connecticut la Holy Cross—x ...... 6 2 38 with Green, 37, facing a term of So. Meth. No. 1 ___ 58 38 .604 attended by 16 fathers of the 25 ter Country Club—weather per­ 21 to Wisconsin. 2 38 Local Sport man allegedly paid bribes total­ will be the guest speaker egy. Behind the 6-2, 228-pound was only seven behind with 452. fifth with 48. Lussier, UMass...... 6 from one lo 10 years and a fine of ing $14,250 to various college play­ St. James' No. 1 ...55 41 ..573 boys on Uie squad. ' Coach Paul mitting. Last year's Open, Jan. 1, Michigan State is eighth, Ar­ . 5 8 38 Kroll, tall quarterback Sam In contrast. Alabama had a 469- Of the first 20 scorers, only Mc­ Farland, Boston U. > up to $10,000 on each of two ers in attempt.s to fix the point at the football banquet Mudie wound up four yards Into St. James' No. 2 ...52 44 .542 As Rushing Leader PlUnney rc^wrted it was the best was canceled due to inclement kansas is ninth, and Missouri, the King, Dartmouth . .. . 6 2 38 only newcomer to th> rankings, is 408 lead over the Buckeyes last Carthy and halfbacks A1 Snyder Chatter counts to which he pleaded guil­ spread on games. for Manchester High’s the end zone, and the heat was Baptist No. 1 ...... 50 46 ..521 turnout yet of fathers at the an­ weather...Dutch Fogarty and his Ratey, Coast Guard . . 6 0 36 lOlh. Missouri's Tigers displaced week. and Tom Hennessey of Holy Cross ty. His case was the first called Three other cases—tho.se of team tonight at the Im­ off Rutgers. Emanuel Liith. No. 1 .50 46 .521 Dallas, Tex. (4b — Abner Hayes, nual fete which was held at Pa- wife and Val Fiano will leave Feb. Taylor, Harvard . . . •. 6 0 36 16 for a three-weok Alpine skiing Kansas, which- they beat 10-7 last The top 10. with first place votes have not ended their seasons. Sny­ in the basketball scandals in Quindazzl and Vogel, and Lou Great For Sneak Temple Beth Sholom 50 46 .521 talk of the gani's Rosemount, Lloyd Duff, and season records: Krumme, Dartmouth . 5 2 32 ANNUAL B.ANQUET for Man­ which 37 players from 22 colleges perial Steak House. .500 vacation in Austria. week. der. with 38 points, actually has a Brown, former basketball player “ Kroll made the quarterback St. Bridget’s ...... 48 48 League last year, has come back uConn track and cross country 1. .4.1abama (26) (9-0) 459. slightly better chance than Mc­ Waldman, Colby .... . 5 2/ 32 chester's Midget and Pony League were named. at the University of North Caro­ Daniels was the Cards’ Wapping No. 2 ....48 48 ..500 coach, was the speaker. The lat­ * * ♦ Alabama, counting heavily on sneak a major scoring threat for to prominence this season. He did its o'wm defense, is a strong fa­ 2. Ohio Stale (21) (8-0-1) 452. Carthy to catch Ferrisi since the Hennessey, football teams will be held Satur­ District Attorney Frank Hogan line—alsowere adjourned until line coach when Tony Rutgers," says Dr. Bateman. "I Second Congo No. 1 46 50 .479 ter also sensed as assistant r a ^ 3. Louisiana State (1) (9-1) 366 Crusaders most likely will pass a Ho!v Cross—X ...... 5. 2 32 ■said al the time of Green's in­ Wedne.sday. The case of Joseph Second Congo No. 3 46 50 .479 it with his one-man show against director for the Five Mile Road End of the Line vorite to dump Auburn and wrap day night at the Garden Grove Alibrio, the Indians’ head have never seen a team re.sort to Oakland Sunday as the Dallas up its first undefeated and untied 4. Texas (9-1) 354. great deal against Boston (jollege Ciarleglio, So. Conn.. ■. 5 2 32 dictment la.st summer that Port­ Hacken, named on 17 counts of Wapping No. 2 ....44 62 .4.58 Race here Thanksgiving morn­ Guest speaker at the C-ehtral n starting at 5. All players should coach, was* a player for the sneak aa often and effective­ star ran for 158 yards and took season in 16 years, and then head 5. Mississippi (1) (8-1) 272. Saturday. Leading Kickers noy, a 19-year-old forward for the bribery, was deferred to await ly. The opposition knows it's com­ Emanuel Luth. No. 2 44 52 .458 ing.. Harold Ogden, veteran Hart­ Connecticut Association of Foot­ turn in their equipment tonight at Llon.s, had agreed to shave points Wesleyan. (Herald Pho­ over the rushing lead of the AFL. Into the Sugar Bowl. 6. Colorado (8-1) 169. Top Men to Return FG PAT TL the outcome of a defense motion ing. yet can do little about it. Second Congo No. 4 43 53 .448 ford Times sportswriter, will be ball Officials annual banquet 7. Minnesota (7-2) 168. the East Side Rec betwen 7 and 9. in four games and allegedly re­ to inspect the Grand Jury min­ So. Meth. No. 2 ;...3 9 57 .406 Haynes furnished the only change The oddsmakers figure that Ala­ In any event, the 1962 scoring Wellstead, Dartrhouth1 3 20 29 Team pictures and banquet tickets to.) Mudie has scored four touchdowns the past week, surging past Paul the guest of honor at a testimonial Thursday night ih Berlin will be bama Is two touchdowns better 8. Michigan State (7-2) 139. ceived $1,140. The games involved utes. Baptist No. 2 ...... 36 60 .375 race should be a honey. Five of the Ward, Harvard ...... 3 19 28 may be picked up when equipment and Bill Speranza two behind Lowe of San Diego, who was idle. dinner Monday night at the Statler Bob Ingalls of UConn. Bob's com­ than thrice-beaten Auburn. 9. Arkan.sas (8-2) 131. first six scorers this season are Bamberry, tlMass. . . 3 13 28 is returned. Alex's powerful blocks. Haynee has run for 689 yards. .. .Basketball fans will have an ments should be interesting as And, despite the traditional fe­ 10. Missouri (7-2-1) 31. " I could show you movies of ALEX KROLL Hottest keglers ware Stan Hllin- juniors and will be back next year X-One Game Left. Lowe has 669 and In third place, opportunity to get a preview of several times during the past sea­ rocity of this cross-state rivalry Other teams receiving votes: Kroll taking a couple of defend­ ski 212-581, A rt Johnson 201-580, for another go. making it a three-man fight for the UConn hoopsters tonight at S son he openly criticized the work dating back to 1892, it would be Penn State, Rutg-rs, Wisconsin, SENIOR BASKETBALL League ers five yards into the end zone lo get in tune with the opposing Harry Basklnd 311-578, Ray Hol­ Two weeks ago McCarthy had the championship, ia Billy Mathis o'clock at Storrs. Coach Hugh of the men with the whistles.. a mistake to say the odds go out UCLA, Utah State. Arizona, Pur­ met last night at the Community End from Maryland Said Tops on sneaks Once Mudie scored offensive quarterback. When op­ comb 211-569, Harry Eich 207-554, Greer will split his players into Yale-Harvard football games in scored only 26 points in seven Y with four teams signifying their ponents are running outside, Kroll of New York, who has 628 yards. the Window- due, Rice, Georgia Tech, Michigan, games, though the 6-1, 195-pound Reds Get Sisler from the 11-yard line on a sneak- Elliott Newcomb 225, Ed Macauley two squads. A small fee will be New Haven have averaged over Intentions to enter. Defending has called a game which .takes George Blanda of Houston con­ Only twice in recent years — in Duke, Iowa, Syracuse, Wyoming Bradford, Mass., junior had passed when Alex took out two defend­ 213, Joe Stamler 210, Bob Camp­ charged with all proceeds entering 60.000. 1949 and in 1959—did a true under­ chsjnplon Morlarty Bros, and run­ By Professional Talent Scouts away the outside. 'When oppo­ tinued to lead the passers with 131 Kansas. for another 50. Then, against Penn From Washington ers.” bell 204, Ernie Scott 204, Tom ner-up Headquarters Co. from last HOLIDAY WOMEN’S LEAGUE Dr, Bateman will talk all day nents are bucking, Alex has »om# completions in 265 throws for 2342 State, Pat passed for two touch­ Atamlan 203. year’s loop will be back along with about Kroll, the finest captain he internal deal on which makes that yards with Al Dorow of New York downs and a two-point conversion Tampa, Fla. (/P) ,— The Cin­ Nmv York -- (N E A ) — This is Standings West Sides under the sponsorship the oh! and shl seazon in college W. L. Pet. ever expects to coach. tough. second with 163 connections for and ran a two-pointer. Last Satur­ cinnati Reds today announced the 2118 yards. Dorow eurged up of McIntosh Boat. Tom Conran al­ fooball. Beacon Light ...... 21 9 .700 "Alex ia without doubt the most Warren Schniakel, the Rutgers Higdon Yale Leader day against the Huskies, he scored purchase of pitcher Dave Sisler valuable member of a team which from fifth place. so has a team still without a spon­ The superior seniors are closing Ojrrentl Ins...... 20 10 .667 line coach, who has coached 14 twice on runs of 19 'an(l one yard from the Washington Senators for sor while league officials are still has won 11 straight games through out their careers. All-America se­ Dunphy School ...... 17 13 .5*7 years, including three at Nebraska, New Haven (/p — Henry Hig­ and rushed for two more points. $75,000. seeking two more entries for a six McCiarthy Enter...... 15 15 .500 two sedsons for the longest string lectors are easier than a subway seconds Dr. Bateman. don, a 20-year-old junior from In the pasing department, Col­ Sisler, 30, had a 2-8 record with club loop. Play starts Dec. 12 with Kloter’s Togs ...... 10 20 .333 in the country,’’ testifies Dr. Bate­ conductor in the rush hour. They Intense Student Greenwich, has been elected cap­ by’s Big Ken Bee and Dartmouth’s the Senators in 45 games, all in practice at the Y slated tonight While Glass ...... 7 23 .233 man, the old (Columbia guard and MAKE ALLING'S YOUR find that everybody ia the greatest. "I've never seen Alex's equal, tain of Yale's 1962 football team. clever Billy King are tied by ac­ relief. The righthander had a and Thursday and next Tuesday as8i.stent drill master. "We could GIFT HEADQU.^RTERB counting fo r 64 points each on aeri­ 4.20 earned run average. He is All backs are touchdowns about physically or mentally,” he asserts. Higdon, a 160-pounder who stands FORTTHE SPORTSMAN! and Wednesday. Any new teams Shooting new high team single afford to lose the first and even No One Can Overpower This Guy als. Bee, 206-pound senior, and the son of Hall of Famer George to happen. Quarterbacks are em­ "He is an Intense student of foot­ 5-foot-9, was elected by his team­ wishing to enter should contact of 621, Dunphy's School of Danc­ the second stringers at several King,' 180-pound junior, both have Sisler and a brother o l Dick Sisler, bryonic Einsteins. Ends catch positions without much-adverse ball who spends many frte hours mates last night, succeeding Paul Wally Fortin at the East Side Rec. ing took two out ^of three point* in the film room, trying to improve Bursiek of Des Plains, III., a sen­ $100 thrown 10 TD passes and have con­ Cincinnati coach. during the day or DoniCowles at footbalLa like Willie Maya catches from front running Beacon Light effect on the team, but without nected on two conversion passes. Washington drafted Sisler for a baseball and they run like Alex I am convinced we would himself by watching his move­ ior. Higdon Was the regular left Katkavage Little (240) Guy the Y in the evenings. k Supply. Second place (Jorrenti's ments in games and studying films halfback this season. McCarthy has nine scoring pass­ $75,000 last year from Detroit in thieves. Tackles eat people. Guards Insurance swept all three points collapse. 4 Golf es and four conversion passes to the expansion draft. run over guys like Patton tank*. Great All Around of future opponents to familiarize from Kloter's Bowling Togs to himself with their habits.” Who Beats Rivals to Punch trail by two points and has an ex­ Washington's deoision to sell FINAL TRYOUTS for the West Centers are one-man gangs. close within one game of the . "Alex is the finest offensive cen­ Woods cellent chance of passing both in Sisler to the Reds probably was Ride Midget League are scheduled Gary Oollina of Maryland, who league lead. ter I have ever seen. He has two Tip to the professionals: Alex Harvard Names Diehl Kroll, a candidate for Phi Bela the Boston College game. an aftermath of the Senators' pur­ tonight. Teams will be formed af­ went comparatively unnoticed, Leading pinners were Lucille jobs to do to everyone else'a one. Cambridge, Mass. iJP — R'ich- New York — (NEA) — The big Jim also learned to vary his King tied Bee by tossing a 13- chase of Claude Osteen, a young ter the tryout and uniforms will be will do as a striking example in Halfpenny 142-351, Olive Rossetto His snaps are perfect, eapectally Kappa as well as All’-Amerlca, is ard (Dick) Diehl, 210-pound taeju* .stiff.s who abound in professional charge. When‘*he linbs up against yard scoring pass to halfback John lefthander, from the Reds last isued Thursday. The league will the rave department. Professional 117-126- 351, Kay Perelto 125-344, on punts, and we ask him to make considering working his way from Pittsburgh, Pa„ will captain *59.99 football don't worry Jim Katcav- Mike McCormack 6t the Cleveland Krumme in the Indians’ victory at fall. play Tuesday and Thursday nights scouts go into ecstasies about this Edie Correnti 139-343, Marylyn blocks which are- ,nigh-on to im- through law school by playing the 1962 Harvard football team. age. It's the little guy with the Browns Sunday,'the first time he Princeton Saturday. General Manager Bill Dewitt of w'ith first games booked Dec. 5. All 6-foot-3 , 206-pound two way end. Bu.s.solinl 126-341, Edith Robinson poHsIble, but he uaitaliy gets his football for money. Diehl, son of a former Ohio State Ailing Rubbsr Co. quick moves who give.s him trou­ might bust straight in, on Mike and King’s teammate. Dartmouth end the Reds also announced the sale boys wishing to play must sign up " I f I had my way,” says a rep­ 139-340, Jane Smith 140-336, Mae man. I have never seen, anyone quarterback, was named by Crim­ ble, like Frank Varrichione. try to power through. The next Bill Wellstead, leads the placement of righthanded pitcher Orlando tonight and be present for the try­ resentative of the American Jenack 122-116, Fran Crandall 121- better at calling defensive aihgles’ son lettermen yesterday, succeed­ 977 Main St.— MI S-686S Now "little■' is a relative thing, and he Is a top-fllght llnebacK'ec, PA R T TIME time he;n hit and slide to the in­ kickers with three field goals and Pena to Toronto of the Interna­ out League's Buffalo Bills, "I'd hand 340, Liz Juul 116-116. Shirley Vltt- ing end Pete Hart. Diehl was one Open Mon.-Thurs.-Frl. (HI t Varrichione weighs 230 pounds, "Alex tackles surely, ia alwayis side. Pb hit and then ride around 20 points-after for 29 points. Well- tional League, Pena had a 12-8 rec­ this boy a blank check and let ner 131, Doris Prentice 127, Amy !^ tro lt — (N E A )—Three mem­ of 16 eligible juniors in balloting which make him big in Lilliput. in the right place, and I* second ber* 4?f the Detroit Lions footbsll him.'Anything to. keep the enemy stead had a 37-yard field goal and ord with Jersey City and JToronto him fill it in.” Plrkey 126. Maude Carpenter 126, bv 33 lettermen. Or even in your living room. But guessing. three points-after Saturday. Vi Chapman 117, Doris Grlsel 117, on the squad In number df tackles, team are^insurance salesmen dur­ in pro football, where tackles run last season. Top ftholce / H e learned these nuances of line Booth Benefit Tilt Marge (!hishlng 117, Dot Valler- only Joe Kowalski, ona of the cor­ ing the off season. Thye are offen­ to 270 and more, he knows hoyv’ play from Robustelli. "M y top choice would be Col­ and 116. ner linebackers, being ahead of sive tackle Ollle Spencer, halfback Willie Hartack feels. ’ "In college,’’ says Jim, who Realized $140,588 lins,” assorts Bucko Kllroy of the him." Jim Steffen and Katcavage, who plays deferfsive made the Lithuanian All-America Philadelphia Eagles, "H e’s a big Kroll Is uncanny in hia ability Gil Mains. end for the New -York ,4iiants Pete Pihos.” at Dayton. " I used to watch the New Haven (/P) — This year's Fri»oh Goofpd alongside 260-pound DLek Mod- ball and go with the snap. My first End of the Line for Hoople "He reminds me of Baltimore’s zelewiski and 300-pojind Rosey eight games a.s a Giant, I watched Alble Booth Memorial football Raymond Berry,” aaya Jim Lee V Pittsburgh (/P—Frankie F'riach Grier, isn't mountainous, either. the ball and the offensive tackle game resulted in a net return o f Howell of the New York Giants. He goes a modest^34. t)eat me on the first step every As College Eoothall Slate Ends $140,588.51, the Memorial Fund "He Blands head and shoulders telLs this story on himself: “ Wben ’ What does O "But he’s strong," .says Andy play. Committee announced yesterday. over any other college end,” says I had a television iports program,” Robu.stelli, whit's on the opposite "Then Andy told me, 'He knows Tim Timerio, of the Washington terminal ip/^robably the toughest Uie "Old Flash" related, "I was the count and you don't. He’s mov­ By MAJOR AMOS B. HOOPLE Albert Gesler of New Haven, Redskins, "and he was developed GARY (X>UANS four-man /defensive line football ing with the snap.’ Ad'vlser to Knut« Rookne the treasurer, said a check for a.sked lo pick an all-time, All- has ev^r seen. right here in our backyard." "The slightest movement by him, © > $140,000 has been turned over to "He makes catches like Crazy the Terps an easy jivenue to pass j Major League Club! “ After nam- /Vm oil(umm The W .^ Glenney Co. ■ Egad, friends, once again it’s , Junior Member tho New Haven ®oys’ Club. The and I react.” time for your humble correspon­ Legs Hirsch, only he does it grace­ to the other end and the backs. j ing the Wagners, Cobbs, Mathew- “J really haven't found any­ exhibi­ dent to bid you adieu. fully,” testifies Pappy Waldorf of Such defensive strategy also has son.s, Alexanders, Ruths and all the body who can overpower me,” tion game between the New York aided Maryland's funning game. other greats. 1 sal back in my IrM Flrtaim C U S TO M M b t Ic II ail fariNKt admits Katcavage, who is the jun­ After etruggling with three- San Ftancisco. Giants and the Baltimore Colts Opposing coaches concentrate on VVhen the pressure is on, however, chair and said: " ’Ah! How I would offer you besides ” ior member of the unit at 26. dimensional flgnres alt fall, I con­ was played in Yale Bowl Sept. lO. the College Park quarterback love to manage a team like that! with Initaat da ta flana. Uaaqaaia^ far claaa "The minimum weight for a de­ fess I ’m happy that the end la in stopping Collins, yet the Williama- Gealer said the remaining throws to the clutch man, Collins, I'd fire up a big, fat cigar and juat fensive end is 220. Lower than sight. My loyal assistants. Dr. I. town. Pa.. 21-year-old has estab­ ca«fart, law faal bills awl traabWiraa fwrfanwiica $668.51 will be held by the com­ and he makes the big play. watch 'em with pleasure. "I had no that, you -losfe efficiency. Then M. Inorblt, and Hannjba'l Wotta- lished Atlan,tic Coast Cbnference mittee as "working funds” for fu­ Gary Collins is handsome enough sooner said this than three ad­ they can double team and you San Francisco—Charley (Tomb­ burp, have requested that' I ask records. SUNOCO HEATING OIL ture projects. to be in pictures. His picture adorns vertising agency men blew their can't hold your ground” stone) Smith, 1S7, outpointed Dave you to overlook any slight misoal- Coach Tom Nugent of the Terra­ C*mf*rt Kat is not the larded kind of" a n ie total realized was $5,000 pins cites Collins' hara.ssment of the cover of Maryland’s brochure. gaskets. I couldn’t blame them. I With the Iron Fireman CHJSTOM Brown, lS9'/j, Los Angeles, 10. culationa on their part which may See what I mean—this is college pro lineman that's the fixed more than from the first memorial Roman Gabriel, the fine North forgot I had a cigaret company lul M*rk II furnace you uie a luper- Providence, R.I.—Don Prout, have been damaging to your football’s oh! and ah! season. my sponsor!" image in the.-mind of a college I93|2, Providence stopped AttUio pooketbooks. game between the Giants and the Carolina State passer. •eniitive thermoetat wh(ch operate* Besides offering heating oil (the coach. From the top of his brist­ Detroit Lions last year in the bow-1. Nugent dalls Collins the crowded the furnace with tha iligbteat varia-' Tondo, 195, Suffern, N.Y.t S. Df. Inorbit, who is enroute back ly blond crew cut to his 11 Chicago—Willie Westbrook, 148, end because he seems to catch the tion of room. taaape'rature. Thii beat, SUNOCO), we offer you com­ Trlple-E low-cuts, hels a fit ath­ Chicago stopped George Meaux, to his permanent base at Cape ball better I with a crowd around tivei you remarkably uniform lete who is Interested primarily in 150, Omaha, 7. Canaveral, hastens to explain that Exceptions in Line him. Indoor lemperature. No matter fort—the comfortable feeling of an beating the other guy to the Manchester, England — Dave the vagariej.of the wind, a broken Collins does this crowd trick beat how often the furnace start* there punch. Quick reaction makes him Charnley, 136, En^and knocked shoelace or a fraternity brother Bowling In important engagements, as evi­ (a no smoke, no soot, no fouled easy-pay budget plan . . . automatic^ a great defensive player, just be­ romancing the girl of a star half­ Sprinslield, Mass. (A9 — Guard combustion chamber, no wasted oil out -Lan„ston Morgan, 1S6>^, Tony Morino and end Jack Sala- denced by his winning catches in ginning to gain appreciation after Youngstown, Ohio, 3. back can upset even the most eci- AUTOMOTIVE the Clemson, Syracus*. Penn State weather-controlled deliveries...expert playing five years as an unknown. mon are exceptions in the line at Scotts. New York—Jackie Kelly, 187, entifle forecast — hak-kaff! But Standings and North Carolina State games. PIMRT IN CAWHt A couple of weeks ago, he American international (Tollege. Cl*anlln*it burner service . . ; PLUS the friendly New York outpointed Bennie Gor­ back to the business at hand—hak- Wyman’s ...... 12 3 .777 They're playing their regular posi­ His catch of the two-point winning With the instant clean flame there Ptynumdi aamided styling citation wa.sn’t satisfied with his line don, 136, New York; 8- kaff! charge. DeCormler’s ...... 11 4 .733 tions. The other five starters are conversion against Syracuse w88 a at* no flecks of soot blowing from service of people you’ll like to do Tokyo—Takeo Sugimori, Japan, The close-out boasts a schedule Alcar ...... 10 4 .666 thing of beauty. “ He was guarded "It's like a baseball player in a all transplants. AIC Coach Gay )^UT ehimiMy or taeaping into your outpointed Winnie Rebolado, Phil­ of 16 top^ated contests. My blue Man. Radiators ...... 6 9 .400 closer than F'ort Knox.” slump," explains Jim. "You don't ippines, 10. (Lightweights). Salvuc^l can equal his best record 'hoBM. Hundr^i of tests made with , i ^ um, dwi- business with. Remember, for more by National Society o f Interior Designers ribbon specials are Navy to scut­ Man. Auto Parts ; ...... 5 lo .333 with a victory over Southern Con­ Collins is a tremendous asset as smoke-detecting instruments show • «« uotms mr. ru k« M*kM quitev know what’s wrong. So I tle Army, 17-9; Miami of (Joral worked on my speed.” Bob’s Atlantic ...... i, i4 .066 necticut Saturday. "ITie Aces, now a decoy. He has been double and a flsme thst’s ibsolutely cictn from "••aUMt » Jamaitls 126, Bunny loan you. W. G. GLENNEY dm keynote, w i^ rich new fabrics, tasteful in color and I ’m suspicious and cover to the in­ Virginia 21, No. OaroUna 18 SEE FOGARTY BROS^ Ine. side to guard against th# trap. C w k e r 124, Nell Salmond 122, iftign. durable in aerrice. Pro Basketball OUiahotna 20, Oklahoma St. 0 L(5rl Sinicrope 115. ' COMPANY " I f I'm double-teamed (a two- ABL Bice 21, Baylor 8 ' JOHN $4 WOLCOTT 319 BROAD ST.— MI 9-4539 Tfiera ia also a ihird dimeiuion to Plymoudi’s beauty man block) by an end and tackle, XeoMaMO 24. VanteMlt t 836 N. MAIN ST. m m vH m om Xoa Angeles 97, Ran Franetoco . HoUdajr Men’s Leaguo — Fran 180 MAIN STREET r C K L on ., RANGE OO., OONNEOTIOUT CX)KE —feeliiy. It cornea aliva aa aomething you can touch. QUAUTT-ENCIMEEIED BT CHRTSLEB CORPORATION ru hit into the end. I dem't try to 76 Tec. Ohrto.1T, So. Bletli. 12 v, CLARKE MOTOR SALES beat them both. The end to gener­ Plttsbuifh U l, WashfaigtOH 163. OreRoa St. 27, Honst on IS f*ft*aM* *’*'*‘* BonftoUo 301 BROAD STREET— MI 9'2012 “AT THE SCOTTS SIGN” JEDO HIGHLAND OOAL ally weaker." Hawaii 106, Ghleago 6t. Tnaa XMh 22, W. Tozao S t ■I 7 ( "A \ . \ ,-J } I. I . \ f - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, TtTESDAT, NOVEMBER fS, M fl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1961 PAGE FIFTEBN > HonaclioM Goedi 51 Bnsiness Serrtoes Ofteral lit THERE OUGHT A BE A LAW BY PAG ALY and SHORTEN Articled For Sale 45 Houaehold Gohdt 51 Apartments— Flatfe— Houses for Sale 72 HqulMes for Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 8CREENIN08 and drainage atone, HOTPOINT refrigera to.r, 6 ONE YORK gun type pii burner Tenententa 63 12th Circuit SHARPENING Service — Sawa, MANCHESTER—A half block off CARE AND detail have been lav- TWO-FAMILY, 4-4, plus atory $1 per yard at screisnlng luant, An­ months (rid, Uka new, list over .everything included, c6ntrola, ‘ ' / PUC Orders Water Co. knivea, axes, shears, skates, FOUR ROOMS, bath, attic, cellar, Main Street, 7 room Colonial, 1% iahe)} on (his cuatom 2 bedroom building, cm lot 100^200,i*r centrally dover, Route . 8. call George H. 1300, will sell for 8100. MI 84029. tank, etc. Gall MI 8-8398. CLASSIFIED rotary blades. Quick service. Cwl- porch, first floor, good lotatioh, baths. 4 room down, 3 bedrooms ch, 100x180 high, dry and wood- located. Steam heat gag furnace. tol Equipment Cct.,. 88 Main St., Orlfflng, PI 2-7888. reasonable. AD 9-3685, up. Modem kitchen, 3 porches, lot, attached gaioge, enclosed For information call MI 9-1919 be­ Court Cases WHSN CRINSety LBFT ^Three Rooms of Furniture ' Manchester, Hours tjally 7-5,, WEBCXJR TAP^ recorder, stereo­ PRICED FOR" quick sola— Used "Well shaded lot, 2-car garage, r12x12 patio, exhaust fan, disposal,tween 5-7 p.m.- Rieduce Rate Hike Bid •nOCdldLUfe fOA VM9M( FOUR ROOM heated apartment $16,9<». Phllbrick Agency. MI and double sink in 17 foot kitchen. Thursday 7-9, Saturdfay'7 4 . MI phonic. Matchlng.^stero speaker G.E. dryer. OaU MI 8-806I. MANCHESTBit SESSION TWI RAIN O O U 05 NARY A FROM MODEL HOME With stove, refrigerator and ga­ 9-8464. Glass'enclosed bath, fully storm­ TWO-FAMILY house 4-4, gas heat, V 8-7958. ' ' and remote contr^i. MI 8-4521, ' (Monday) ADVERTISING VfgRB CASKBR TUAN CUXJD IN. IP] rage for middle aged couple. First ed. Owner anxious. Robert Wolver- good condition, close to school and The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has ordered from fv i viom.D Nswar NORGE electric stove for sale, 838. Cost Over ^700 floor, $100. MI 3-7894 MANCHESTER—4 bedroom home, ton Agency, Ml 3-1914. bus.'’'CaIi owner. Ml 9-4105. Forfeiture of a $550 bond in the CHILDREN’S used gsmez and case of Richard Cadorette, 31, of the Manchester Water Company a revised rate schedule cal­ Hoasehold Servieea O il MI 8-3457 between 0-S only. excellent cliaet and storage apace, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS toys, good condition, some new. NEVER BEEN USED SMALL 4 ROOM apartment suit­ large encloteij porch, 3-car ga­ HILLIARD STREET (321)— Four SIX ROOM house, particularly con­ Southington, charged with operat­ it will WMM M RiACHffD TM ClT/» HOBOW f I A LOOK PX -me -SUN9HIN6 tOAIhl{ MI 9-2348. culated to yield revenues totaling $57,800 and indicated 8AJM.to5P.M. Offered 18-A Sale Price $388 able for two people. Heat,' elec- rage, $19,700 Philbrick Agency, MI room house, closed in porch, storm venient location for family with ing a motor vehicle without a li­ cense and driving while under the approve such a schedule. ^------—— WEBC30R LARK 4-speed stero TAPE RE(X)RDER8 for rent, Mar­ trlQlty, hot water, stove and re­ 9-8464. • windows, oil heat, garage, outside children all grade levela. Call MI WASHER REFRIGERATOR ro- 3-6891. Influence of liquor or drugs, was 'Hie action follows a twm-session, „se(j ij, ^ proportion of about 14 n i K J C l phonograph with diamond stylus, low’s, U7 Main. CJall Ml 8-8821. Pay Only $4 Week frigerator furnished. Private en­ patio, many extras, $12,900, Ex­ lalra. P rom p t ecanomlcal, eicpert, MANCHESTER — Bowers School ordered ye.sterday by Judge Ed­ PUC Manchester Water Co. hear-| cent. A t lower demand parlodi, COPY O A»lN G TIMB FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. $22. MI 9-4110. ' trance. Parking. $80 monthly. MI clusive E. G. Presta Realty. 188 guaranteed; Phone Ml 9-4887, PM- 80" KELVINATOR electric stove, Sacrificing complete bedroom, 9-2428, section, 6 ,room ranch, extra large UNUSUAL BUY —Ownej-’s loss, ward Hamlll when the defendant ing iri which the water firm re- - the figure would be below the 14 MOIIDAT fk n imiDAT ItiM *JI^-«ATCBOAl’ • AJL terton's, 180 Center St. Jefferson St.’ Hartford JA 2-9075, ODDS A END SHOPPE—21 Maple clean, like new. Two mahogany complete living room and kitchen kitchen, 'fireplace, ceramic bath, (W.-6-2255. your galtj__5i^oom ranch. Your failed to appear in court to an­ quested an Increase in rates and | pg„t, it was reported, . full cellar, nice yard, $16,800. Call chance t6owirj(our own home As. charges which would provide ad-; __ FLAT FINISH Holland window St. Has some antiques Early leather top tables. Three ladles’ decorator furniture from model dis­ FOUR ROOM heated duplex on swer the charge.s. coats, size 14-16. Four men’s coats, West Side. Available Dec 1 Call Peg Cieszynski. Broker, 9-4291. DIANE DRIVE —Vacant. 3 bed­ sums large mo?teage. Save on A stay of forfeiture was also or­ dltional revenues of about $63,4001 The waier company officials have PLEASE READ YOUR AD shades made measure. All American Ehiglish knobware play home. We will give you free constituting an over-all reported that no further major size 86-44. Can be seen at 41 Prds- MI 9-2411, room ranch, built-in range, oven closing costs. $1,100 down. Ton- dered by the Judge until Thurs­ annually, •r u* takaa cmr tte piMM« m a ooa- metal Venetian blinds at a new dishes, sliver and pewter, some delivery and free storage up to one capital expenses will be required pect St. or call after 6. MI 9-9088. YWO-FAMILY ranch, 6-4, enclosed and disposal. Small cash assumes gren Agency, MI 8-6321. day pending- action by the ixmds- increase of about 39 per cent. VMieMK. fiM aim tfcw akaaM taad hla ak tha FIRST DAT IT low price. Keys made while you furniture, hand made things, year. ,in the foreseeable future upon com­ MANCHESTER—2-room unfurnish­ breezeway, garage, two furnaces, mortgage! Florida owner moat man in the case. After studying the request, the APPBARS n A RSPORT BBBOBB la tHaa far tba aazt toaar- wait Marlow’a small braided rug, old lamps, SO. W I^ S O R —$15,600. 7 room re­ pletion of the expansion program ALBERT'S HISTORIC 52nd NORMAN’S ed apartment. Newly redecorated. aluminum aiding, fireplace, 246' anxious quick sAle. Belfiore Agen­ Bond forfeitures were also or­ PUC contends that the rates ba.sed Hoa. Xha HaraM la laapaaaMa for oaly ONE latarreet of omlttoA complete set of ^gllsh Ohelsey ANNIVERSARY SALE stored brick Colonial, 4 bedlams, this year. AN UNUSUAL bargain! Reuphol­ 443 HARTFORD ROAD Stove and refrigerator included. frontage, trees, greenhouse, excel­ cy, MI 3-5121. Evenings Mr. An­ dered in the following cases when on a $57,800 increase would pro­ taMertlea for aay adooHtaaaMat aad Um o oaly to tfeo ezteat of a ware. Come In and brotyse around. oil hot water heat, copper NOW ON MI 3-1524 $60 monthly. Call Mr. Werbner, lent condition. Only $19,5,00. Carl derson. JA 8-0139 the defendents ahso failed to ap­ vide adequate revenues for the ■■Baafeo laaA* laaorttaa. B n o n arfeM So aot taaoaa tto rahie of ster 8 piece living room set; sofa Hpurs 10-5. Jarvig Realty Co., MI 3*4112, ton W. Hutchins, Ml 9-5i’32. plumbing, modem bath. large lot, YOU—YES! Y-O-U TAKE Before you buy furniture any­ pear in court. firm's operation. t wiB aot feo catfoetoA fey ■‘laaka gaoA” taoMlloa. and 3 chairs. $146. Choose from Dutch oven. West Side Realty MI up o f fine fabrics. Work done 20% OFF ON ANYTHING where—shop at Norman’s. BEAUTIFUL CAPE Harold Calvin Jr.. 22, of New The $63,400 per year additional Mayor Criticized THREE LARGE rooms, heat, hot MANCHESTER and vicinity - 9-5315 York City, forfeiture of a $75 expert craftsmen on our prem­ CXiMPLETB fish aquarium. Call With Exception of a few Nationally revenues request was found to be MAYTAG DUTCH oven gas stove, water, stove, and refrigerator $85 beautiful S bedroom split, excel We have Just listed one of the bond on charges of speeding and rises. All work fully guaranteed MI 3-0211. fair traded Items, monthly. Call MI 3-8507. lent condition, built-lns. garage MANCHESTER—30 Westfield St. 8 more than Just and reasonable in j On Garbage Pickup Mill' Fabric Salesroom, 175 Pine Westinghouse refrigerator. West nicest and cleanest homes that we passing on the right; (jharle.s Bap­ DIol Ml 3-2711 AND LOOK WHAT WJD recreation room, pver one ac-e have' ever seen. If is a four- room room stone front Cape, 4 finished, the coniiiiission's findings. St., exclusive Oieney Fabric COINS AND coin supplies. Give an THROW IN AS A GIFT Inghouse washer, Frigidaire dry tist, 24. of Bennington, N.H . a land, full price $16,900; nice 3 bM- expandable cape in the Rolling fireplace, aluminum combina­ "Upon filing said revised sched­ Democratic Director William salesroom. In Manchester. Ml investment with a profit oppor­ $52 FREE GROCEIRIES er, Morton mangle, and miscel­ SIX ROOMS and garage close to tions, oil hot water heat, all utili­ $20 bond on the charge of failure room ranch, minutes from Hart­ Park area. Upstairs is unfinished, ule of ralc.s and charges in accord Collins today took Republican 8-7822. Budget terms arranged. tunity. (3ome In and browse $52 FREE CLOTHING laneous Items. MI 9-1692 after 4. bus line, $85, MI 3-8418. ties, modern. West Side Realty, to drive in a proper lane; and MgiM.j.HVA'n; ford. full basement, garage, patio, but does have a shed dormer. ance with this order and ronsislcnt j Mayor Harold A. Tlirkington to around. Connecticut Coin A Stamp $52 FREE JEWELRY MI 9-5315, MI 9-2915. Jean C. Peltier, 20, of 124 Maple COtVIL'SON ST- GOVERNOR Wlnthrop ^desk, ma large lot, many extras, full price St , a $3 bond on charge of fail­ with the findings hereof, the Com-1 task for what he called the SAM’S UPROIJ7TERT - Retired BTNA. BA. located at the Manchester Pet $62 FREE GASOLINE THREE ROOM apartment 54 Birch from the shop. Catj take care of Center, 995 Main St. MI 3-6498. hogany, $45. Platform rocking $14,900. Many more $4,900 up. Call The lot is nice and level, amesite ure to carry a license. mission, upon its approval of said, ma.vor'.s "refiLsal to expre.s.s a firm Take Your Choice with purchase St. Stove, refrigeratorr automatic BE AN OPPORTUNIST all your upholstering needs at 8 ^ ^ g r p i m r chair, like new, aqua, $20 MI the Ellsworth Mitten Agency, drive. Very sensibly priced at only A warrant for the arrest of revised schedule, will issue a sup-’ policy" on the garbage collection FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE of any 3 room outfit during our hot water, $60 month. MI 9-8590, Realtors, Ml 3-6930 or MI 9-5524 great savings. Call ( S 8-3878. l E M 3-8278. MI 3-2487 $13,700. Immediate occupancy if de Leonard Angell. 2.3, of Pomfret, plemental order authorizing the j program in Manchester. Great 62nd Anniversary Sale. You sired. IJke new 5*4 room ranch now on the market for first time. 17x18 foot charged with failure to carry a Company to place into effect - The directors at their lazt meet- RADIO-TV REPAIRS all makes. Building Materials 47 get your merchandiee at the store RCA WHIRLPOOL washer, four COOPER STREET—Older 6 room A 24-HOUR WANT AD ANSWERINfi CENTRALLY located, first floor, 5 house with rec room in basement, living room with fireplace, raised license, was ordered by Judge a revised schedule and closing wls j Nov. 7 voted to extend th# Cara, phonograplia changers. Help Wanted— Male 36 of your choice. Yes! Take your years old. Good condition $50 MI room flat, garage, ideal for small Hamill who al.so ordered a $25 Bonds— Stocks MortRages S]i Help Wanted—Pemsle 35 YOUR BEST BUY IS AT choice of $62 Free Groceries, Qoth- 3-6847. tip-top condition throughout, new T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor hearth, 3 bedrooms, ceramic bath, . proceeding. Commissioners K')'j three-month trial period with the Hmieatjeconomlcal. Guaranteed 90 family. Box V. Herald full basement. One and one-half txtud gene S. lynighhn and Henr.v B p- j Haverty Co to the end of days. Famous for service for 80 ing, Jewelry or Gasoline. We pay oak floors, hot water heat, copper SERVICE FREE TO HERALD READERS SECOND MORTGAGE money — SEWING MACCHINE operators ELECTTRKCIAN—experienced help­ NATIONAL plumbing, aluminum storm win acre shaded lot. $14,900 Evenings In the case against George strong quoted in their findings and February-, to buy an additional years. Phan# Ml 9-4587. Potter^ full-time 8 a.m.U;80 p.m. Also, ful or trade graduate. Call MI Special 2x4 Studs 50c Ea. the store. MANCHESTER—84 Congress St. Whllehouse. 17, of Hebron, ReaaonabI« rates. Confidential, dows, modern bath, large 2-car MI 3-1577 Bill Boles. MI 9-9858. , ! packer ti-uck Imrnediately for the fTant tatonnatlaa oa oae of oar filoaoia*iil adoertteoaMBtaT Mo ton's. fast service. Mercury, CH 7-8919. part-time shift for mothers with 4-0109, after 6 p.m. Knotty Pine Paneling—all 8 ft. $10 DOWN DELIVERS Musi(»l Instruments 53 Immediate occupancy 4 rooms charged with larceny and shop­ with gas furnace. Facilities for garage, amesite driveway, lot ,The.” 'PUC. in its findings and | establushment of a fifth collection aoawer at ttie teiephone Hatedt Simply eall tfeo small children going to school, 9 18c Sq. Ft. 3 (Complete 70x191, Buy it for $14,900. Move SPLIT LEVEL—For those accus WARREN E. HOWLAND lifting, the court referred the ca.se order for a revised rate schedule. ; route, but also to sign a contract WEAVING of Bums, motb holes BURIED m BILLS? A good mort­ Cedar Closet Lining 20c Sq. Ft. ROOMS OF BRAND PIANO TUNING $5. Repairs guar­ automatic hot water, kitchen tomed to the finer things all one to the family relations office for a.m.-S p.m. Ehnierlence preferred. anteed. Free estimates given on right in. Call owner MI 3-1912. concluded that the company would . specifying that Haverty must tell and tom clothing, hosiery runs, gage to consolidate debts will Im­ Apply Kaklar 'Toy Co., 60 Hilliard Help Wanted— Ping Pong Table $12.95 Ea. NEW FURNITURE wired for electric stove or piped could demand has been included in Realtor , , i „ inve.stigation and possible refer- MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE handbags repaired tipper r» request. Call MI ,3-1365, Kenneth only need revcnue.s of $.57,800 to , rhe town what it coats to operate prove your credit situation and re­ St., Manchester. Male or Female 37 Birch Paneling—Prefinished AND APPLIANCES for gas range. One car parking 105 OXFORD ST.-3 bedroom this lovely 8 'j room home. ’ITie 575 Main St. tVli .1-1 lOb ral to Juvenile authorities. The placements, umbrellas repaired, Robinson. permissable. $70 per month. Will maintain its financial stability, j gve collection routes. > Ml 9^500 quires payments of only $22.25 25c Sq. Ft. The "Economy” home, oil heat, 2-rar garage, plus style is condusive to those who en­ case i.s continued to Dec. 28 and men's shirt collars reversed and per month lor each $1000 you bor­ be on premises, Wednesday 3-4 This need is based on the firmsej so far, the additional truck has CLERK BUILD YOUR future, grow with Window Blinds $4.75 Ea. Free $52 Merchandise 35 UPRIGHTS and Grands. Don’t extra lot, $16,900. J, D. Realtv Cki., joy split level living at its best. the defendent l.s free in $100 bond. replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend­ row, Prank Burke at Connecticut p.m. or call JA 3-4.309. 1961 experience, the commission ; been purchased, and the fifth route and loare yoar meaaago. Y oall hear from oar adfortlaar ta Jig Mott’s. Help us buUd anl open 8 Celling Tile 9c Sq. Ft. 8 ROOMS ...... 8188 come here first—look around — MI 3-5129. On beautifully landscaped spa A B A R G A IN The prosecutor nolled ca.ses in­ noted time trlthnat apendlog all rrealiig at tfeo Metdiono. ing Shop. Moi^age Investment Exchange, Interesting position for woman Combination Doors from $16.95 Ea. clous lot, 2-car garage, 4 bath­ started,- but no contract hai b««n new super markets In one year. The "Honeymoon” compare what you get—then see FOUR ROOMS North End, $85 a Here is you chance to buy a small volving Donald lying. 20. of 247 The additional revemics a.s rec­ 16 Lewis Street. Hartford, CH with aptitude for figure work. Experienced and above average No. 1 Oak Flooring 19i4c Sq. Ft. OFF OF OAK Street — 6 room room s., Priced in the high 50s. Autumn St . rhargert with impro­ signed. HAROLD A SONS. Rubbish remov­ Free $52 Merchandise pianos at Meyers Plano 91 (Center month, with heat and hot water. house reasonably and decorats it ommended would afford the water 8-8897 days, JA 9-5553 evenings. men and women will advance Mahogany Plywood 17c 6q, Ff. home in good condition located on Philbrick Agency, Ml 9-8464, per harking; Clarence D. Milc.s. 3.5, The present trial period expires al. cellars, and attics cleaned. 8 ROOMS ...... 8289 St., Manchester, Open' 4-9 p.m. J. D Realtv. MI 3-5129. the way you want it. This four firm an operating income of $40.- Friday. COMPTOMETER rapidly. Openings available in all CASH 'N CARRY approx, two acres of woodland. of Gla-stonbury, charged with fol­ A ^ es, papers all rubbish. Harold SECOND MORTGAGE money—We The "(Tharm House" weekdays. All day Saturdays. room bungalow on Autumn St. is 000. after provisions for all ex­ Collins said the board of directors Lust and Found Automobiles for Sale 4 Hoar. MI 9r4034. departments. Apply Mott’s Super SEE OUR DISPLAY ON EXOTIC FYee $52 Merchandise Have yotir piano tuned electron­ SIX ROOM apartment on Center Terrific location, private, dead­ lowing too closelv: Carole ,\. Sul- can supply any amount of money OPERATOR end street. Only $15,200, Soon ROCKVILLE — 5 room ranch, selling far below bank apprai.sal penses. including taxes and de­ should have voted to meet with Markets, 587 Middle Tpke., East, WALL PANELING. 8 ROOMS ...... $394 ically (no guessing—no mistakes.) St, with heat and hot water. Oiil- for only $9,400. hffr.ski of Agawam- also charged 1955 THUNDERBIRD, standard for mortgages Terpw to fit your vacant. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, $12,900. $400 down. MI 9-7319, preciation, and result in a rate Haverty and work out a contract NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Manchester. CALL ON US FOR KITCTHEN The ‘‘Hollywood’’ dren accepted. $115 a month J. D. with following too clo.«ely; Thomas of return of 5.5 per cent. Earn­ -shift, green, very nice condition; needs. Construction mortgages Opening for skilled comptometer CABINETS, WALL PANELS AND THOMAS AND Gulbransen Organs. An 3-1577. "Tlie mayor should have inquired Pass Book No. W 1179, issued by RooflDg— Sfdinc IS Free $52 Merchandiee Realty, MI 3-5129 WEST SIDE—American Colonial, N'ee. 2L of 122 Green Rd.. charged ings would meet capital costa, pay 1955 Ford station wagon. V-8, also available. J. D. Realty, 470 operator doing interesting work. WANTED—(Couple to do general TRUSSES into this personally," said CoUins. The Sa\nng* Bank of Manchester 8 ROOMS ...... $488 Janssen and Lester Betsy Ross 13x23 living room, center hail, pine JA R V IS with faNjire to drive a rea.sonable a 6 per Cent dividend on stock out­ standard shift, 4-door; 1959 Chev­ A. A. DION m e . Roofing, siding, Main St.. Ml 8-5129. Company offers good wages, excel­ motel work, apartment furnished. Nobody, But Nobody, Undersells spinet pianos, band instniments, SIX ROOM ranch, 8 yeara oid. rather than let the acting general hss been lost and application has lent benefit program, and modem The ’’Boulevard" recreation room, immaeulate con­ distaneeXapart; John Bibber of standing and also provide a $5.- been made to said bank for pay­ rolet Impala convertible, V-8, painting. Carpentry. Alterations Needed immediately (Call MI National guitars, bongos, harmonicas, sheet THREE ROOMS at the Center. Bowers School, ail rooms better manager and the deputy director of office. Apply Free $52 Merchandise than average in size entire base­ dition, Only $17,900. Carlton W. Morrill. Maine, charged with fol­ 800 balance to be carried to sur­ ment of the amount of deposit. automatic, low mileage, very and additions. Ceill^s. Workman­ 3-2577 between 9-5. NATIONAL LUMBER. INC. music, repairing, tuning, lessons. Rem $40, Phone MI 9,3973 R E A L T Y CO. lowing too close: Donald Bouchard, public works work out the contract Business Opportunities 32 8 ROOMS ...... $597 ment finished off into large family Hutchins. MI 9-5132. plus. The directors at their Nov. 7 clean. Kieman Motor Sales. 16 ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. 381 STATE STREET The "Aristocrat’.’ Eastern Connecticut’s oldestK .30, of 46 Whitney Rd., charged Bralnard PlaM, MI 9-4100. MI S-4860. largest and only complete music room 4'i% mortgage, priced for Realtors Appraisers In the water company's request meeting said such a meeting was First National Stores, Inc. NORTH HAVEN, CONN. Free $62 Merchandise quick sale, . • $16,900. Phllbrick MANCHESTER—Our loss, your with breach of the peace and in­ for $63,400 apnual income from the Pcraonalt Situations Wanted— store. Ward Music Co., 99 Sum­ P'umished Apartments 63-A' gain. Asking $16,300, Must be sold MI 3-4112 MI 9-2519 toxication. unnecessary, because the contnet BIDWELL HOME Improvement Park and Oakland Ave. CHestnut 8-2147 3 Rooms ...... $879 Agency, Ml 9-8464. proposed rale hike, a company wit­ 1956 MERCURY 2-door hardtop. BE YOUR OWN BOSS Female 38 mer. Open evenings till 9 p.m. today. Make your offer Vacant—3 Ca.ses continued: would merely put into writing the Does not burn oil, in good condi­ Company—all types of siding and East Hartford, Conn. The price Includes free delivery, COVENTRY—Three I'ooms, heat MODERN, immaculate 3 bedioom ness In the September-October terms of the pre.sent oral contract ELECTROLUX Sales and Service, Free parking. BOLTON—6 room ranch, artistic bedrooms, not development, only Until Dec. 4. Ficddie A Haig- tion, $500. MI 8-5848. rooflnv. Aluminum clapboards a High Income Sunoco Service Sta­ RELIABLE woman wants baby sit. free set up. free service and free hot water, bath, parking. $75 ranch. 2 blocks from Bowers hearing stated that earnings at under which the town is operating. bonded representative, Alfred tion for lease In growing Rockville. paneling, 2-rar attarhed garage, 8 years old, I^arge ranch, fuil wood. 31. of Talcoltvillc, charged Amell, 208 Henry St. Tel. Ml specialty Unexce'Jed workman- ting at home by the week, occa­ Diamonds— M'atehea— storage till needed. monthly, (iall after 4 p.m. PI basement, plastered walls, hot School, full basement, fireplace, that level would permit the firm The only difference said the direc­ 1951 DESOTO. 4--door sedan. De­ Small investment and a desire to Help Wanted— Male 36 2-6975 beautiful view, large lot onlv large family size kitchen. Belfiore with carrying a weapon In a motor 8-0450. ^ p . Ml 9-8495. sional nights. References. MI Jewelry 48 SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT Wanted— To Buy 58 water oil heat, fireplace, ceramic to pay an annual dividend of 6 per tors, would be that the Haverty Co. pendable transportation. Good make above average income is all $14..500. Carlton W Hutchins Ml Agency, MI 3-5121, vehicle, breaking and entering and cent for par on its outstanding 3-4921. Phone Samuel Albert, (TH 7-0358 9-5132. bath, disposal, aluminum com ­ would have, to Inform the town .PERMANENT removal of unwant­ condition, MI 3-8554 after 4 p.m. that is needed to become your own AUTO BODY man, paid holidays, FRANK IS buying and selling good ROCKVILLE—4 rooms, private en­ theft and held nnder a bond of $3,- slook and have about $8,400 re­ LEONARD W. YOST, Jewelers - for an-Albert Courtesy Auto. We binations, amesite drive, good | BOI^TON Low ta-xes. A 6 room 000: James Alexander, 23. of Hart­ what It cost to operate the routes. ed hair. Miss Blanche Mason. 540 Roofinn and Chimnera 16-A boss. vacation, hospitalization and life will call for you at your home, used furniture and antiques start­ trance, private bath, newlv reno­ maining for surplus. "One way or another we’ve got Repairs, adjusts watches eimert- vated, $17 weekly. MX 3-0094 after VERNON—Practically new split— housekeeping. Will consider rent and a separate 4 room ranch on ford. charged with operating a Vernon St., Manchester, Conn. By insurance. See Ed Wardwell at REFINED LADY—(Companion and bring you back home again. Posi­ ing Sept. 9 at 420 Lake S| Call and The company's present capital­ to know w'hat we're buying,” eaid RENAULT DAUPHINE, 1958, very ROOFmO — Specialising repairing ly. Reasonable prices. Open ’Tues­ $3300 and you can assume VA ing. Escott. owner. Ml 9-7683. two high acres. Six room ranch motor vehicle' without light.s. appointment. Phone MI 9-9020. Call BU 9-0291 ■ at Woodland Auto Painting, 1208 light housekeeping. MI 9-1349. tively No Obligation op use your see what we’ve got. Open Sun­ 4:30. Inquire Apartment A 105 ization includes 44.2 per cent debt Collins. "We've got to have some good condition, $475. MI 3-8278. roofa of all kinds, new roofs, gut- day through Saturday, Thursday days. MI 9-6580. , High St. mortgage. Real nice, garage, fire-, has 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, 2 double Until Dec. 21. Stephen Filip. 18, Burnside Avenue, East Hartford. evenings. 129 Spruce St. MI 9-4387. own auto and we will give you 5 place carpeting, combination win-; OXFORD ST.—6 room Colonial | and 56.8 per cent common stock control on the price.” WANTED—Ride to Travelers from tpr work, chimneys cleaned, re­ After 6— JA 8-8295 closeU in each of the 3 large bed­ of South Windsor, xharged with ^ u ity and surplus, it has 2,500 1955 PONTIAC 2-door hardtop, paired. Aluminum aiding. 30 (CLERK FOR poultry and delicates­ gallons gas free even if no purchase WE BUY, SELL or' trade entique SUMMIT ST.—6 room duplex, com ­ dows included. Also have clean I excellent condition, all oak ) rooms. formal dining room: base­ Improper passing. The garbage collection contract W Middle Turnpike, hours 9-4:30. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 is msde. ranch. 3 bedrooms, all the e.xtras j floors, oil heat, rec room. 2-rar shares of common slock outstand­ is supposed to be a preliminary to automatic transmission, radio and years' exxierlence. Free estimates. SMALL RESTAURANT, centrally sen store, some experience de­ and used furniture, china glass, pletely furnished. $150 monthly. ment has deluxe rec room with Until Dec. 28. William F. Lord. Call MI 9-1892 after 5. heater, low mileage, $475. MI including carpeting. T. J. Crockett Rnragc, nice lot. $15,300. J. D. ing with par value o f $100. the negotiation of a contract for CaU Howley. MI 8-5881. MI 8-0783. located In Manchester, low over­ sirable but not necessary. Refer­ COCKER PUPPIES, AKC regis­ silver, picture frames and old J. D. Realtv. MI 3-5129. fireplaof, kitchenette, and bar. 18, of Vernon, charged with fail­ 3-8292. Garden— Farm— Dairy E—R—T—S Realtor, Mi 3-1577. 'l Realty Co . Ml 3-5129, Ernest Morse, vice president of combined collection of garbage and WANTED—Ride from 202 Porter head, reasonablv p ric^ . Injury ences required. See Mr. Jackson, tered, red and buff male, excel­ coins, old dolls and gurts,, hobby I^arge 2-car garage, 2 separate ure to grant the right of way:'ajid Products 50 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD BEAUTIFUIJjY furnished over-siz­ the water company, and Norman rubbish. street to Pratt A Whitney, East forces sale. Call MI 9-8278. Lynn Poultry, Shopping Parkade, lent temperament, championship collections, attic contents or whole driveways. Four room ranch has John W. Ha.ves. 46. of no certain Open Nights Till 8. Sat. 6 p.m. ed room, suitable for 2 adults, tile WEST SIDF-Priced for quirk sale! j HOLUSTER ST.—5’ 4 room home i Hampton, the firm's consulting en­ "W e now pay $11,000 a month Hartford, second shift. MI 3-6494. 1955 FORD convertible, new top. Heating and Plombing 17 Manchester, bloodline, $35, MI 4-1310, BALDWIN, MACS, Cortland, De­ estates. Furniture Repair Service Familv Cape 6 rooms plaster' on a professionally landscaped built-ins and basement garage. address, ( barged with operating j Talcottvllle, Conn Tel MI 3-7449. bath, garage, heat and utilities in­ Present rental $115 per month. gine!', recently told directors of the for garbage collection alone when Cal! MI 3-0714. licious apples at the farm. 529 RUGS, NEVER used. 9x12 gold cluded, kitchen facilities, $85 walls, hot water heat] garage, j 100x150 lot, 2-rar garage, concrete a motor vehicle while his liccruse PLUMBING AND heating — re­ Help Wanted— Female 35 ROUTE DRTVER-salesman for NOW IS THE time to get that pet Onlv $25,600, I..awi'ence F. Fiano, was under siuspension. Eighth I'tilities District, that af­ we paid $8,000 last year," s^ d West Center St. MI 3-8116, Oriental, $30; 9x15 tweed, $35. monthly. J, D. Rcaitv MI 3-5129. handv Incatinn Belfiore Agency drive, enclosed porrh. formal din- Collins. Automobnea ror Sale 4 1953 PONTIAC 4-door sedan, white- modeling installations, repairs. diaper service, married, salary. you’ve wanted. We have some Realtor. .MI 3-2766, Ed Crawford, ter Dec. 1, about 86 per cent of the MI MI 3-2014. Electrolux vacuum, $35. BU 9-6955. WANTED Small standard upright m 3-5121 Evenings Mr AndeV-' '"P room, living room with fir^ water being supplied by the water "It seems we're wedded to Mr. wall tires, good condition, $185. All work guaranteed, 25 years ex­ EXPERIENCED beautiful buff cockers, AKC regis­ HAND PICKED MACS $1.25- a son, JA 8-0139, I place, spacious kitchen, lull cel- MI 9-4410 perience. 24-hour service. Call piano.' MI 8-1719. FOUR ROOM furnished apart­ firm to its sbme 3,000 customers, Haverty for better or worse for ANGLIA 1959, tan. 2-door, standard Evenings MI 9-8456. SEWING MACHINE tered. A small deposit will hold basket. Bring your own container. MAPLE DOUBLE bed, spring and ------I lar. Immaculate throughout and Japan Crarkx Records Earl VanCamp. Ml 9-4749. ment. working or retired person the rest of the year,” he said, add­ shut, good condition. 37 Andover BAKERS WANTED (2) any one until Christmas.. We will Hours 3 till dark. Botti's, 260 Bush mattress, $15, New double head- MANCHESTER — Bowers Street’ fairly priced. Inspection invited, Lots For Sale would be well water. OPERATORS preferred. Available Dec 1. MI 7.1 ing that he understood the Haver­ St., Hartford. CH 2-2458, 1955 FORD station wagon, V-8 also board your dog while you are Hill Rd. board, never used, $6. MI 3-6452. 3-0420 after 5 area. 6 room Ranch full re cre a -R o b e rt WolVerton Agency, MI Tokyo - On a customs-clearance Earlier reports w'ere that the sys­ standard shift, excellent condition. All around man and good bench away on a trip, MI 3-5427, Har­ WANTED —Used piano in good con­ basis. Japan's exports sol a post­ tem would supply all . well water, ty Co. was giting much better Apply dition. reasonable. Call MI 3-1686. tion room, compact, well dc.signed. 3-1914. ONE B ZONE lot 80x115, citv NEED A CAR and hi d your credit Call PI 2-7577. Radio-TV Repair mony Hill Kennels, Hebron Road, TURNIPS, pick yourself, $1 per SEVERAL PAIRS of lined drapes, SIX ROOM duplex, completely fur­ ea.sy to care for. Stone.s throw to water. Union Street $2,200 Cail war record of $4,0.5.5,000.000 In but Bampton said that such an op­ service than the previous contrac­ hand, good hours and salary plus bushel. 122 New Marker Rd., off tor, the Connecticut Carting Co., turned down? Short on down pay­ Services 18 Manchester Modes, Inc. Bolton. 65" long, excellent condition. Pair EXTRA SPENDING money for nished, center of town, $1.50 every convenience. Nicest neigh­ $13,900 (D.MPACrr 6 room Co­ MI 9-6495, 1960. an )ncrea.sc of nearly $600,- eration would be loo costly. Spe­ ment? Bankrupt? Repossession? Dart Hill Rd., Vernon-South Wind­ living room lamps. Reasonable. Christmas by selling your part or monthly. Available for immediate borhood in town. Lived in and lonial, near Bowers School. Own­ 000,000, or 17 per rent, over 1959. cial storage tanks would have to did. 1958 CHEVROLET Impala. $1,000. benefits, 6 day week. GUARANTEED singing canaries Don't give up! See Honest Doug­ TV SERVICE—All makes. Honest. Pine Street sor line. MI 4-0304. MI 3-5825, full collections of coins to Con­ occupanev. J, D Realtv MI loved. Much more than you expect er tran.sferred, makes quick sale Imports also were the highest ever. be constructed for such an opera­ MI 3-4026. Manchester for a cheerful Christmas. Also Resort Propertv Fur Sale 74 las, get the lowdown on the lowest Economical. High quality parts. Write Box “ U” Herald necticut Coin A Stamp, 995 Main 3-5129. and onlv $18,990 Call Art Foraker, neresaarv. Belfiore Agency, MI $4,401,000,000, np $900,000,000, or tion, the water company spokesman The nation's Interstate highway down and smallest payments any­ Guaranteed 90 days Famous foi parakeets, puppies, hamsters. MI 9-7748. MI 9-5306.' Barrow., & 3-5121. 25 per cent. said. program has created an unpar­ FOR SALE—Fhili your own turnips St., Ml 3-6498. Bring your‘coins in ' BOLTON—First lake —waterfront where. Not a small loan or finance service since 1981. Phone MI PART-TIME man, experienced, Cages and all accessories in stock. for appraisal. MIDL.AND APARTMENTS Wallace Co., 55 E. Center St.. Man­ 5-room cottage which can be nkw2 thi Reservoir water would still be alleled demand for slag. Trailers— Mobile Homes 6-A 9-4537. Potterton's. 180 Center St. R.N. PART-TIME or full-time. Call Have a living picture at home with 50c a half bushel. 612 Keeney St MANCHESTER and vicinity buy­ company plan Douglas Motors. MI 9-2358. married and responsible for sen'- HEIJ* WANTED! chester, easily winterized Marion E. Rob­ 883 Main S t ice station work. Apply State Serv­ an aquarium filled with beautiful 3 ROOMS FURNISHED ers—houses, houses, houses, we ertson, broker, MI 3-5953 INVESTIGATE the smsul modem (XINNIE’S TV and Radio Service, tropical fish. Lay awav orders Ihvo ladles with cars to deliver WAITRESSES WANTED days. Ap­ ice Station, 770 Main St. - - Rooms Without Hoard 59 Heat, hot water, gas for rooking, HOLLISTER ST.—7>3 room Dutch have many available homes so OLDER CARS mechanics spe­ and economical way of relaxed available al] hours. Satisfaction being accept el riow. M^auchester call this office first. Alice Clampet, ply in person, Howard Johnson’s Fertilizera 50-A envelopes. Must know Rock­ refrigerator and range. Colonial, 1'4 baths, beautiful mod­ cials, fixit yourself cars, always living. New and used three and guaranteed. (MU MI 9-1815. Pet Center, 995 Main St. Realtor, MI 9-4543, MI 3-7357. Wanted— Rea! Estate 77 Restaurant, Tolland Turnpike, off PERMANENT POSm ON — Men ville area. No selling. Paid em kitchen, excellent clo.set space, a good selecUim. Look behind our four room available. Low down GOOD (X)W MANURE $5 and $10 ROOMS TO rent, all utilities, Scran­ TELEnnSION antennas snd rotor Route 15, Manchester. See Mr. and women (4), Experience in col­ E.W.A, INC. large lot with trees. Phllbrick WISH SOMEONE to handle your "SMARTLY AHEAD THE COMPACT CROWD" offica. Dmglas Motors. 833 Main. payment. Bank financing. Vernon loads. Delivered, Excellent for dally. Call TR 5-8434. 5 Weat ton Motel. Call Ml 9-0826 after 5. Agency, Ml 9-8464, BILYUE ROAD—Economical but Mobile Home Court and Sales. MI systems mstaUed and repaired. Ford. lections. route work, or direct Call 5-7 p m. al Ml 9-7737 real estate? Call me at Mi 9-0370 sales necessary. No canvassing. Articles For Sale 45 shrubs, lawms. etc. MI 8-7804, MI Main St., Rockville. Room 11. Or TR 5-5917 nice 4 rooms, tiled kitchen, tiled for prompt and courteous service 4-8120. Serving Manchester and sur­ 9-8731. LARGE FURNISHED 1’4 rooms, OAKWOOD RD —5'4-room ran^h. bath, basement, sewers, bus line. rounding areas. Modem TV Serv­ WANTED—Telephone solicitors In Those selected will attend com­ Joseph Barth. Broker. FORD 1954, black 2-door. $165. MI SNOW TIRES, buy 2 new tires — light housekeeping, one minute excellent condition, large living Small down payment. Full price ice, 405 Center St., Ml 8-2205. Rockville area. TRemont ex pany training school and be ap­ 9-8315. get 2 new wheels free. No down walk from Main St, MI 9-7959. Business I orations room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, $11,900, Belfiore Agency, MI ASK US about our cash offer for Auto Drtvlne School 7-A change only. Work from your pointed as telephone sales and RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make, home. Set up appointments for field verification managers. $75 payment. Oile's Discount Station, plastered walls, forced hot water 3-5121. Evenings Mr. Anderson JA your property. No red tape, Hon 1939 FORD COUPE with 1953 Mer­ 436 Center St. For Renf 64 free pickup and delivery on smaU oUr representatives. No exper­ a week during training, $150 or • SEPTIC TANKS heat, one car garage. Bowers 8-0139, est value. H. J. Bradley, Nil 3-7379 cury full house motor. No reason­ MORTLOCK'S Driving School—Of­ FURNISHED room near bath for School district, $18,900. Philbrick radios, phonographa.' Hours 8-10 ience necessary. (Commission better after training. Car neces­ SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED snd INSTALLED STORE near Main 8t. at 26 Birch able offer refused. Call TR 5-9698. fice, 443 Main St. Manchester. HOME MADE ravioli, fresh or gentleman, parking. 54 High St. Agency, Ml 9-8464, CASH WATTING for property own Learaliu correctly “May Save p.m. H A S M d io and TV. Ml basis. Contact Mrs. Annie, Rock­ sary. See Mr. Spillane, 179 Allyn AND St. 2.000 sq ft., parking. Apply MANCHESTER—Home with a set­ froze' , 30c doz. H. Pasqualinl 248 ting on a hill-lovely terraced gar- ers. Please call us before you buy , k'gisBa- 1958 BUICK 4-door sedan, rare Your Life." Dnver . education 9-6582, Ml 8-1479. ville TR 6-8715. St., Room 602, Hartford, 9-1 p.m.. A ver/ Street. Wapplng • SEWERS ATTRACrrrVE sleeping room, gen­ Marlow’s, 867 Main. $12,600 - ROCKVILLE 5 room 4:30-7:30 p.m, Monday. Tuesday. den.s. Chistom built oversize rooms Or sell. Speedy service. J. D. ' standard shift, good condition. Ml clEisses. Member. Connecticut Pro­ PLUGGED SEWERS MACHINE CLEANED tleman, parking. Apply 195 Sprure ranch, large living room, cabinet Really Mi 1-5139. | 9-1145. fessional Driving School Assn. Ml WOMAN TO clean apartment, half TORO SNOW blower at new low St, ly I - featuiing 30 ft. living room, fire­ Millinery I^essmaking 19 day each week. Call MI 3-1243 WE NOW HAVE an opening for a ness or office, apartment includ­ kitchen, beautifully landscaped place. large cheery kitchen, mas­ 9-7398. price, $189.95, power handle Maehine Gleaned lot, shown by appointment. HELP 1 DUE to many recent sales, I 1954 FORD custom 8. 2-door, auto- after 5 p.m. man to be trained as a sales rep­ model. Marlow’s, 867 Main St. • INSTALLATION ROOM FOR One or two working ed 478 Main St. Ml 9-5229 9-5 sive bedrooms. Screened in 30 ft. matic transmission, radio, heater, resentative, excellent starting Septic Tanks, Dty Wells, Sewer Marlon E. Robertson, Broker Ml porch. Don't miss seeing this one our listings are low. Buyers are ; LARSON’S Connecticut’s first li­ SPECIALIST girls, board optional, few steps 3-,5913. good condition, $250. Call. MI LET ME be your couturier. Call PART OR full-time to sell cos­ salary with commission and SNOW BLOWERS - From $79.95 Lines fnstallMl—kleUar Water­ from Post Office. Ml 3-6745. STORE Central. East Hartford, for les.s than $20,000, Call Art waiting for all types of property, j censed driving school trained — If sellina buying or trading, call 9-8489. ’ Ml 3-1264. metics. High commission, (^oose bohus after training period. All and up. Parts and service Capi­ proofing Done. 1132 Main St., unheated, suitable Foraker, .MI 9-7748 Barrows & Certified and approved is now of­ BOLTON ■ Immaculate split-level at on ce.E jee inspections upon re- , fering classroom and behind own hours. (Call Mrs. Leclerc, ^ employee benefits such as vaca­ tol Equipment Co., 38 Main St. FURNISHED room suitable for restaurant, offices, retail. Key Wallace, 55 E. Center St., Man­ SEWING TO be done? Dressmak­ 3-1892 Of MI 3-6096 any time^^ ' Town and Country next door, $100. On lovely high lot with abundance quest. Call the Ellsworth Mitten "^RM AN MOTOR SALES wheel instruction tor teenagers. tion with pay, Insurance, etc. Ex­ Hours 7-5 daily, 7-9 Thursday. 7-4 nurse, teacher or busine.as wom­ of shade trees, garage, full base­ chester. Ml 9-5306, ing and alterations,, reasonable. cellent opportunity for advance­ Saturday. MeKINNEY BROS. an. MI 9-3319. Agency. Realtors. Member of MLS Ml 9-8075, Ml 3-8688. ment, plastered walls, fireplace. service, MI 3-6930. INC. AVON’S 1961 gift catalog Here 1* ment. For interview, apply Singer DRAINAGE CO. EXPERT TAILORING on ladiea’ a Shopper’s Paradisie of Gifts for Seweroge DIsposol Co. Houses For Rent 6!i Priced at $15,900 for immeliate 461 Main Street PREPARE FOR driver’s test Sewing (Center, 832 Main St. OIL IN YOUR 2 gallon can. $1.13 ROOM FOR young lady, all the and gentlemen’s clothing. 189 everyone on ..the (Christmas Gift : so-1.32 Pearl S t —Ml 8-5308 Ml 9-4143 sale. Belfiore Agcnc.v, MI 3-5121. Exclusive Listings Manchester MI 9-6301 Ages 16' to 60. Dri'ving and class full price. Always low prices at comforts of home, a few feet from L«Ra! Notice Woodland St. Call anytime. A. list. Selljng Avon is the ideal everything. MI 9-3329, SEVEN ROOM house for rent, hot room. Three Instructors No wait­ Coronet Gasoline, 588 Center St. air heat. Also building lot for sale. $13,900—4 BEDROOM Colonial, ' There is a big advantage for you ing. Manchester Driving Acade­ lovlne. part;Ume earning opportunity for Di s h w a s h e r . Apply in person. RT 0 1 ' PROBATK held at houiewlveg who have only a few Call MI 3-8342. wall-wall carpet, knotty pine Top Quality Homes ewnm''®!' ithin and (or the District when you buy a used car from my PI 2-7249. Center Restaurant. FOR SALE — Flat wallstone, ve­ . on tJio 27th dft\ o f N ovrin- hours spare time dally. Call BU Apartments— Flats— kitchen cabinets, formica count­ Gorman Motor Sales Inc. We have neer and fireplace stone, Bolton FOitR ROOM ranch for rent in j ers, aluminum storms. - central. h o r .'1061 Movlnp— Trucking— ^ - 9-4922. Notch Quarry, MI 9-0817, Prp.s#‘ ni Ikin. KJnioro Turkineton. four buyers with a total of 70 years WANTED for textile engraving Tenements' 6$ Bolton, all knotty pine, built-in Carlton W Hutchins. Ml 9-5132. Mol orcycles— Bicycles 11 Storage 20 Excellent Values JudB-’ ^ . 1962 MERCURY COMET automobile buying experience. All WOMAN FOR cleaning rooms, shop pantograph setter and trac­ oven and stove. SlI 3-2322. Estalo of Kalliprlne K Horrigart laic GENERAL RENTAL agency, J. D. of ('oventry. In said Di.strici d#'c»*a»Ad! cars hand picked with you In mind. part-time, must have own trans­ er. Apply at Stafford Printers, Your Own Business? BOI TON—Large seven room co­ MANCHESTER AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- Center and West Street, Stafford Realty, 470 Main Street. MI FOR RENT—7 room house, Ver- lonial with an attached two-car Tho Administrator having ••.\hibltpd GIRL'S 24" bicycle, excellent con­ moving. packing, storage. Low portation. Manchester Motel, MI Cl 1 administration acciiunf with .*«aid $195 DOWN IMMBDIATI^ DELIVERY 1961 T Bird, one owner, with power Springs, Conn. Requirements: 3-5129. non-So. Windsor line elders onlv. garage. Beautiful lot. Owners 45i woodland St. -GaiTlbolatl built for aihtwano it is* dition, $25. Ml 9-9901. rate on long distance moves to 4-1504. . . WAPPfN^ brakes, power steering, power win­ 1. Decision to work for j’ourself. MI 4-0304 Ipoved, priced sensiblv T. J. | 3 bedroom ranch with attached ga- ORDERED; That the 11th day of 36 MONTHS TO PAY dows. power seats, white side walls. 48 states. Personalized service. Ml SELL PARTY HATS, noisemakers Crockett, Realtor, Ml 3 1577. j rage, all oak floors, all alu m in um 1 1961. »t i0:(in o'clock fnrr- ON MOST MODELS 3-5187. (TH 7-1428 ROUTE WORK—Part-time. We In A\'ery 'Heights, a neighbor­ 2. Small investment capital. FOUR ROOMS heated, central lo- i . n.1 0000. St th(> ProbiU" OWico lo lh(' .Mll- Previous owners name furnished. will train five people for route for holiday.-! to clubs, restaurants. ROCKVILLE 5 room single, im­ , storms, built-in o\en and range, nicipal Biiillinfi in paid Coventry be Business Services Offered 13 hood of engineers, Insurance catipn, adults. MI 3-8470 after 6. mediate occupancy $115 Tel MI We are very proud of this one MAN(?HESTER Packsige Delivery. sales in the Rockville-Vemon Commission. Lewtan, Hartford, 3. Desire to learn and practice sound business WARM AND cozy 2 bedroom 'Cape j 22~'f'ooi living ’room witir fireplace’ and the .*ame la apsigned for a hearing executives, teachers. 9-7319. on (he allowance of paid admlnl!CHESTER, Norwich Rd., Route 4!'4r4i4 ,new on Homestead SI. T. Iiorch. Must be seen to be appreci­ bate Office on the 4th day of Decem­ Jintice Is hereby given that the MI 9-7850 ated. $16,500, one. 51,696 008M A APPLIANCE Service—Re-, Board of Directors, Town of Man­ 2, two i'A room brand new apart­ J. Crockett, Realtor. MI 3-1577. ber 1961, at 10:(ki o'clock In the fore­ O EXTERIOR and interior painting. ments, $80 monthly. Available for noon: and that notice thereof be eiveti. pairs all medees refrigerators, Paperhanging. Wallpaper books. chester, Connecticut, will hold a Automobile Mechanic RO(;iKVILLEI—One 3'4 room apart­ ■hv publishing a copy of this order in 1960 FORD ' 1959 Lark, 8 cyl., automatic, radio, immediate occupancy. J. D. CUSTOM BUn,T 8 room Ranch, Exclusive neighborhood for the pro­ 1960 VOLKSWAGEN 1960 CHRYSLER freezers, washing mschlnea, dry­ Wallpaper Temoved. OUlngs. Public Hearing In the Municipal Man Wanted ment on Reed St., stove and refrig­ fessional. 8 rooms. To try and de­ tlie Manchester Evening Herald a rjews- heater, white walls, black in color, Realty, MI 3-5129 naner having a clrcnl'atlfyi In said Dis­ ers ranges, oil end gee burners. Floors. Good clean workmanship. Building Hearing Room, 41 Center erator. ample parking. Adults large living room with fireplace, 2-Door. Blue. Radio, pink in condition. $895 scribe this beautiful ^English Co­ trict. and by posting a copy thereof on Karman Ghia. Tan and wliile. Imperial 4-Door. Medium gree'n. MI 9-0055. All work guaranteed. Fully Insured. Reasonable rates. Street, Manchester, Connecticut, only. One 3>i room furnished formal dining room, family size the public plgn-post In the Town of standard transmission. kitchen 2 bedrooms, l',i baths, lonial would be futile. Must ^ Radio and heater. C A X / C f Radio, heater, 1959 Ford Galaxie 2-Dr. Hardtop. Leo PeUetier. MI 9-8828 or - Ml Tuesday, December 5, 1961 at 8:00 ....' ...... ' I apartmenf, Lewis St. adults only. Hdu.wes For Sale 72 seen to be appreciated. Replace­ Coyentrv fn said District st least five A real SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired Wanted MI 9-4824, TR 5-1166 recreation room with fireplace, davs before said day of hearing, and Exceptionally nice. 3 VC. full power. V-8. automatic,' pbwer steering, 9-6082. P.M. on proposed additional appro­ ment value in excess of $50,000. that' return be made to this Court. economy can $1545 from the shop. Can take Care of priations as 'follows: enclosed breezeway, attached ga­ Attest. radio, heater, white tires. Black all your upholstering needs at A t Once For Steady $11,900—3 BEDROOM ranch, flra- Can be bought in the low 80s. PAINTING, papering, Hoor sand To Health Department $1,000 place, aluminum storm windows, rage, landscaped yard 91x194. EI.MORE TTRKINOTON. Judge. car. red and black Interior. Smit- great savings. (MU CH 2-2378. ty's pride $1,595 ing, remodeling. Call Mr. CJharlea, to be financed from increased W e have an opening and opportunity for a quali­ TO RENT- -3 room tenement. MI large lot, cellar. (?orlt(m W. Marion E. Robertson, Broker MI COVENTRY Ml 9-0726. 9-2478. 3-5953. 1956 CHEVROLET 1956 CADILLAC M A M RUBBISH Removal Serv­ fees of the Health Depart­ Hutchins, Ml 9-S1S2. 1959 PLYMOUTH 1959 Simea 4-Dr., green, 4 cyl. Work In Our New Garage fied automobile mechanic to work in our new 7 room custom built umi.suai home, ice-com m ercial. residential, in­ CEILINGS, wallpapering, reflnizh- ment. , . MANCHESTER—(Jharmlng 6 room Refifistratioii Open 2-Door Black. Radio, ■heater, Convertible Coupe. Light blue. 4-Door Sedan. Blue Radio, heater, very clean and as dustrial. Attics, cellars, incinera­ To the General Fund Budget BRICK HOME—0 large nx>ms, 3 200 foot iakefront. 'Dila home is for neat a« a pin. $895 ing floors. (Clean workmanship. garage under the best working conditions. MODERN 5 room apartmfejit. first full baths. 2-car garage, excellent Cape, 4 finished, large private lot, standard transmis- Radio, heater, Radio heater, auto­ tors. Leaves raked. Brush re­ Free estimates. No Job too small. 1961-62, Public Works, Side­ Duties will include greasingr cars and changing floor, $105 per month.nth. MO-6495. detached garage, oil hot water those who enjoy the better thlngi In Condition. Between one and two life. Priced in the low SOs. For Camera Club ision. Try it today! $ 5 9 5 full power.- H 1 9 5 matic tranamlsaton. $ 9 9 5 moved. Metal, cardboard drums. John VertaUle, MI 9-6760. walks and Curbs Division, for oil, cleaning cars and in general being the fore­ heat, finished rec room, aluminum . Transportation Specials the construction of sidewalks Wages open, subject to experience. Please apply FIVE LARGE heated rooms, resi­ acres of land. Fruit trees. High MI 9-9757. storms and screens, convenient, 3 bedroom ranch with detached ga­ and curbs on VERNON man’s man Friday. A driver’s license is required. dential area, hot water, garage. elevation. Six miles from Man­ A camera club, for boys or girls . 1964 Plymouth auto. $195 immaculate, ’ $15,500. Robert rage, acre lot, 7 years.old. excel­ PLANO TUNING |5. Repairs guar­ Electrical Services 22 STREET, west ■ side from Please apply in person to in person to MI 8-7287 after 5:30 p.m. chester. Phllbrick Agency MI ten years of age and over, is being 9-8464 Wolverton Agency, Ml 8-1914. lent value appraised for $15,900. 196B Chevrolet 6, Stand. $195 anteed. Free estimates given oo BUCKLEY SCHOOL to LY- organized under the sponsorship FREE ESTIMATES—Prompt serv­ For quick sale $13,900, ' UBS Olds, 4-Dr., auto. 1125 request. Call MI 8-1885. Kenneth DALL STREET ...... $3,000 BUSINESS ZONE]—8 room home In SEVEN ROOM split, I'.a baths, of-the Town Recreation iJept. Her­ ice Oh all types of electrical wir­ JOHM MAIORCA, Service Manager JOHN MAIORCA, Service Manager ' WEST CENTER ST.— 4 rooms, man ;Wlerzbicki, professional RoMnson. - to be financed from increased excellent condition off East Center built-lns, fireplace, recreation Excellent financing available on a, GORMAN MOTOR SALES ing, Licensed and insured. Bfllson misoellaneous revenues; first fl(X)r, rear. $55. MI 9-5229. 9-5. photographer, will supervise the FLOORS WASHED and waxed, Street. Good location for doctor, room, cellar garage, city utilities, any of these exclusive homes. BROTHERS Electrical Co. Manchester, BD Robert W, Gordon, sacrifice price reduced. Carlton activities of the club. CJhildren will INC. windows cleaned, painting, papei'- 9-4817, Glastonbury, ME 8-7876.' hairdresser, etc. $25,000 For tut* Secretary De Cormier Motor Sales, Inc. FOUR ROOM tenement. 132 B(s- ther Information call the Philbrick W ..Hutchins, Ml 9-5132, be taught to take pictures, and M l Main at. M I fe-5801 ing, walls washed, odd Jobs. Handy De Cormier Motor Sales, Inc. ]. D. R EA tTY CO. to develope them. NUn Service. Phone MI 8-8946. Board of Directors sell, $60. MI 9-5229, 9-5. Agency. Ml 9-8484. •• Manchester, . 285 BROAD STREET, MANCHESTER CAMBRIDGE ST.—2-family house i 470 Main St. MI 3-5129 Registratiqns will be accepted ' convertlUe, tur- Private Instructions 28 2A5 b r o a d s t r e e t , MANCHESTER Lincoln Continental — Mercury — Cornet — • English Ford WUys 1, 4-epeed SAVE A BUCK at Manchester Ckmnecticut .THREE ROOM apartment, nice WALKER STREiET—0 room dape, 8-5 room flats, new boilers, c o p p e r ------■ tonight at 6:30 at the West Side s i n a w i ^m... plue many Wakliiii; Service, Ml 9-1868, Ml SPANISH LESSONS by lady from Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ ard. cellar. Available December •Creened porch, fireplace, 1-cor plumbing. 2-car garage, handy lo- MANC3IESTER—Headquartera for Recreation Ontier. IParticipanta 301-315 CENTCA ST.. MANCHCSUR— Ml 3-513S 4.0D6 BsUas, ia.698. 6-8762. Hava it welded, rapalnd, So. i^ e r lc a . CaU after 7 p.ni', MI cut this 24th day of November Older couple preferred, MI garage, shaded lot, 816.000. PbU* cation. $21,900. Phllbrick Agency, 2...... familiesi.''' We. ' hav« them. West mlist be, or plan to become, mem­ 1 9 6 1 ...... r9-0009. brick Ageooy, Ml fe-Mdi. M I 9 % 4 , ' Side Realty. MI 9-8315. bers oC the recreation department. tSluf. i^luipwad. Onurantaed. ’’ 1 ■ ■ ; ' 8 ' I l I - - - I - - 'r i ./ ' j r ■* '• '4^

■ ' 4

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1981 PAO I 81X11SEN Averajce Daily Net Press Ran jianrbratpr burning H^ralb For the Week Ended The Weather , November 35. 1961 Poreeaat at C. 8. Weather B ye— Loyal Orange Is>dge No. 117 and Royal Black Perceptory, Star -of Partly eloody, «oM toniidit liow About Town G>ncert Set Listen to Kathy Godfrey, WINF, Monday thTu Friday^^lO^— Sati^day^^^ll^^ 13,496 the East, No. IS, will hol'd a joint Member of the Andit 18 to as ^toirreeeL Partly eloiidy, installation of officers Friday at Bureau of Cimilation not qtrite eo eold Thursday. High ftlduurd U. Fiak, son of Mr. and 8 p.m. at Orange Hall. The public For Tomorrow around 40. K n . G. Fiik, 232 Woodland is invited. A dinner, for members Manchester— City of Village Charm- Bt.; haa been advanced from aea- only will be served at 7 p.m. in The Manchester Civic Orchestra • xnaLH to petty officer third class in the basement of the hall, Come For Christmas held Us Anal rehearsal last night, | the U.8. Navy.’ He la stationed (THIRTY-SIX PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CpNN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1961 (OUMlfled Adverttslng oa Page-84) aboard the U.S.S. WUliam V. Pratt Bryan Kratise, 87 Walnut St., is previous to its concert tomorrow PRICE FIVE CENTS out of t^ladelph la Pa. A i960 a hand member at Wentworth In- evening. ' paduate of Manchester H 1 r h .stltute, Boston, Mass., where he A highlight of the program will H School, he entered'the Nayy^ after is studying aircraft maintenance be the 3rd Horn Concerto by Mo- Bridgeport Trag;edy graduation. technology. xart, featuring Barry Benjamin as HAL State News soioist. Presently a member of the ; The kaffee Klatsche Group of Meinchester Looge of Masons Hartford Symphony, Benjamin was ; Moln Str««t, MandiBstBr^-CoriMr of Ook M f 3 ^ 1 2 3 the YWCA will mieot tomorrow will meet tonight at 7:30 at the formerly first horn with the East- i .Roundup at 9:30 am. at the Community Y. Masonic Temple. After a business man Wind Ensemble, and the Buf- j meeting, there will be a social hour falo Philharmonic. He has been fe a -: PLAYTEX WILL PAY YOU Five Children Because of rainy weather when and refreshments.' tured soloist with the Eastman | Free Easy Parking <3u1atmiia Seals weiy mailed, Rochester Orchestra, and is a mem­ many of the eeals in the tS.OOO Ghimp’s Orbits Cut The Polish Women's Alliance, ber of the faculty of the Hartford $ Crash Kills letters sent out recently by the group 246. will meet tomorrow at Comervatory of Music. on Main St. or at the rear of our store. 1.00 Connecticut Tuberculosis and 7:30 p m. at the clubhouse. John Gruber, who conducts the to trv any Health Association were damaged, orchestra, is well knou-n to read- ; Usf our new parking lot'entrance , , . Die in Flames Milford Girl the association said today. Any­ PLAYTEX LIVING!R) BRA ^ ’ Story Circle. WSCS, of South era of The Herald, by virtue of his one who received damaRcd seals now made with Methodist Church, will meet to­ column, "The Way I Heard It.” and maj' write, to the a-v»orlation. 17 by reason of his many reviews of ! Bridgepor/, Nov. 29 (/P)— <®^alr-packs brought out the bodie* of Milford, Nov. 29 (/P)— A morrow at' 10:30 a m. in Wesley STRETCH-EVER ELASTIC Woodland St.. Hartford 6. for re­ concerts in the Greater Hartford . a Spandex elastic made without rubber Five children died la.st night all five of his children. ride home from a party ended Last Global hall of the church to work on of Three Canceled placements. area. when the living room in which They were Cat la May, 7; Priscil­ in death last night for a 17- braided rugs. The program will open with the , HERE'S HOAV TO GET YOUR $1.00 la, 6; Carlton Jr., 4; Daryl, 3; and Mrs. R. Eldred tioyle, a Hollister Bach Brandenbui'g Concerto No. 2, ' 1. Buy any Playlcx Living Bra and get a dated they were sleeping was sud­ Salma. 2. year-old high school cheer­ St. School teacher on a year's John Haberern Jr., 230 McKee ! which will feature five ''first-desk " OPEN .sales .slip before November 30Ui, 1961. denly filled with flames. v The blaze did severe damage to leader. leave of absence, siiffcied a fall in St . has been elected secretary' of j members of the orcheslra in solo | 2. Cut out label from bra. Fire officials said the blaze must the Muses’ 4-room apartment, but Police said a car carrjing five State Plans the school .where she is teachinp the newly formed accounting so- i passages. They are Jeannie Ben- 1 3. Mail sales slip ond label to have been caused somehow by an relatively little to the rest of the girls crashed into a tree on 'VA’e.'t Enos Safe and is In Rogera Hoepital. necatur. riety at the University of Hart- ; jamin, Wolin: Patricia -Marsh, PLAA'TEX, DEPT. 109 oil burner in the room with the 3-story stnicture. Rutland Rd. Tex., with a fractured pel\ns. She ford. A junior, he is a member of j oboe: N.ancy Turetzki, flute: Kathie PLAYTEX PARK a DOVER, DELAWARE Bleeping youngsters. There were About 25 persons from other Paula J^easom. a cheerleader at I Ep.'ilon ,41pha Zela. honorary ; Hagen, piano: and John Parker, is formerly of Summit St. 4. We y ill send you $1.00. three girls and two boys, none old-1 apartments had to leave the build Jonathan Law High School, was On Schools I hueineaa fraternity. j clarinet. TONITE i killed. The other four girls were er than seven. | ing. some in their night clothes. On Landing The Wapping PT.\ will sponsor This charming work for small or­ IMPORTANT! "T was sleeping in the back room Outside, the temperature was low admitted to Milford Ho.spital. chestra is seldom heard, but is s Be sure to euclo.se your sales slip and label. All Their condition was termed fair. 2 a bingo party tomorrow at S p.m. Miss Susan Buckley, daughter with my wife,” said their father. enough that an ice slick formed at the Wapping Community of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Buckley. delightful little work in three 'Envelopes mnsl be postmarked on or before N o­ Carlton Muse, "when I woke up where water from life hoses col­ Under Fire House Tickets will be available at 41 Cone St., is co-chaiCman of a movement.s. The second movement vember 30th. 19^1. and saw the living room blazing. lected on the pavement. « Kilied by Train In Atlantic is scored for only .six instruments, "I wanted to get In the room to the door. disiu.asion on "School Ejections" The alarm was turned In at ll:34 Hartford, Nov. 29 iJP — An eld­ Hartford, Xov. 29 (IP)— and the others only utilize about save my children, but the heavy to be given Saturday at the first p.m. by Ralph Loschiavo, 298 Ben­ erly man who refused help In re- Cape Canaveral, Flia., N or. I twenty. flames—I couldnlt. get Ihrougli," State Education Commission­ Advertisement— I student leadership training coft, ham Ave., a tenant of a nearby mciving his car from the tracks i Schubert's "Unfinished" Sym- Muse took his wife and they fled er William .1. Sanders’ pro­ 29 iTP)— Space cKimp Enos, ; fcrence of Central Connecticut building. was killed last night by a passen­ Records at a saving SI On off ' I pbnnv. Saint-Saens Prelude to 'I,e their apartment in the 6-family his intended 3*6rbit trip cut to State CoDege. New Britain. Loschiavo saw the flames in the ger train. posal to extend state stand­ on 13.98 and up record,' Potter- I Dejuge " and Tsi haikowsky'., stir­ house at' 384 Benham Ave. Muses' flat and, remembering that ring ".Marche Slave," complete the The train smashed Into the car ards for piililic schools two because of trouble with ton's — 130 Center St. Large stock ' St. Mary s Epiacopal Guild will After leaving his wife with several children lived there, made of Matthew J. Sugar, 76, East capsule systems, parachuted program. Tickets are aynilahlc And Every” Nile friends, Muse came back and was brought some unfavorable re­ 9 of stereo and monaural. meet Thursday at 11 a in. in the an unsuccessful attempt at reach­ from any member of the orrhestra, Hartford, even a-s the man who action toda.v. safely into the Atlantic 500 Guild room at the church. .Mem­ at Rav Beller's Music, Shop, and a helpless spectator as firemen with ing them. had tried to help him wa-s tele­ Dr. Sander.s formally announced miles southeast o f Bermuda bers are to bring sandwiches: des­ will be on sale at the door. phoning police from a nearby "a concerted effort to adopt stand­ today. sert and beverages will be pro­ M on . thru phone booth. vided by Mrs. James Burdick Open House Marks Auniversnry Albert J. Rubacha, Bloomfield, ards and to use them in accredita­ Two destroyers, the TUNE TEASERS Mrs. Eva Dexter and Mrs. Marie If Cong^ress Approves told police that when he saw Su­ tion’ at the .State Education De­ Mr.' and Mrs. James W. Le-.vi.-;.' partment'.' .snmial conference in Stormes and the Compton, McCann. menihers of Temple diapler. OES. gar's car on the tracks he stopped 112 Woodland St . celebrated their New Haven Tue.'day. steamed toward the landing 2.Mh weilding anniversaiv at an Mrs. Lewis is a past worUiy ma- Aluminum Fri. Till and offered assistance. Sugar’s The Manchester Area Mental repl.v. he .said, was "mind your He expressed the hope and belief area as several aircraft took open house for 100 giie.sts a! their Uon. and the [uesent .secret.irv of that tlie.se will be voluntary. But Health Association will sponsor a own business.” up the search for the capsule. home S u n d a ,r'. Mr, ami Mrs. tlie chaptei. Sh” is employed .-it Windows S11.95 he .said that if a town doe.s not seminar on mental hygiene for .Seat'.' Flochuck. (Herald piioto b.v U,S, May Discard Laiirem e Lane, son-in-law and| Christmas make the effort of which it jg ca­ The capsule landed at 1:28 clergymen of the area tomorrow daugViter of the couple, and their Ofiara.I Die* of Injuries pable over a period of time, the p.m. (E S T ), three hours, 21 at 1 p.m. at the Community Child son. William Lewis, were liosts and Doors $29.95 Danburj'. Nov. 29 (2Pi — John .7, State Board of Education can minutes after it rode an A t­ Guidance Clinic, 60 Haynes St. hn.stess for the occasion. Hart, 79, Jeremian Rd., Sand.v withhold state aid. Mrs. Lo'-vis. the former Virginia las rocket into the sky from Silver Certificates Hook, died in Danbury hospital Hei-e are some of the immediate Cape Canaveral at 10:07 a.m. Si.xteen members of the Percii- V. Loomis, and .Mr. Lewis, both of Jal. Doors $59.95 vesterda.v of injuries suffered Sat­ reaitions to his proposal and to jiial Planters group last night at­ Manchester, '.verc married Xnv. 26, rills Installation. urday when his car overturned on .specific standards .suggested by The National Aeronautics tended and participated in a de- 1936. at the Spruce St. par'sonage FREE DELIVERY Washington, Nov, 29 iVPi — The^decades. In effect, the President Church Hill Rd.. in Newtown. At members of his department: and Space Administration re­ DIAL ( monstralion of the making of plas­ of the South Methodist Church by, At The PARKADE first it seemed he was uninjured, Dr. Howard J. Wet.stone of ported radio signals from the tic flowers at House of Flowci-s in the Rev. Earl F. Stor.v. MANCHESTER sliver certificate, a familiar item wanl.s to end silver's status as an 1230 of currency since 1878. will disap­ important monetary metal and but he later was taken to the Bloomfield, president of the Con­ capsule indicated the chimp West Hartford. After the demon­ Mr. la’WLs. a gauge assembler at LIGGEn DRUG AWNING CO. hospital. necticut A.s.sociation of Board.s of 6 A.M. to 10 A.M. stration of making poinseltias and Pratt and Whitney, division of PHONE MI 9-3091 pear from circulation if Congress make it a freely-traded commodi­ was in good condition when approves President Kennedy’s new ty, like copper or soybeans. Education "It would be a catas­ rhododendron leaves and wood United Aircraft Corp. for 25 years, Cold Weekend trophe if our school boards were he landed. fibre flowers, members met at the is a past grand tall cedar of Nut­ silver polic.v. The program, drafted at the All $1 and $ 2 bills are silver .so hamstrung by a set of rules and A P.'iM search aircraft home of Mrs. Raymond Halsted. meg Forest, past master of Adoni- Trea-sury, also would end the re­ Windsor Ivoeka, Nov 29 iJP — regulations they were no longer certificates, as are some $5 and sighted the capsule as it 212 Greenwood Dr for a business ram Uouncil. Rockville, a past high current and often bitter political The extended Connecticut foreca.st making policy." WINF priest of Delta Chapter. R.\5t. and as seen on TV $10 bills. All of these would be battles over silver. The metal for Thursday, Nov. 30 through Map shows the path Enos, the chimpanzee, took on orbital flight in capsule today. The first orbit parachuted toward the water meeting. Mrs. Carl Higgins served a member of the Manche.ster Lodge dlscard-ad during the next 26 or would have no more political ap­ Monday, Dec. 4: Mrs. William Goodman of Dan­ paased over Bermuda, the second several hundred miles south of Bermuda. The third was and seven minutes after the refreshments. Only 2 more days, The outlook calls for tempera­ bury, Connecticut Citizens for Pub­ canceled. The touchdown was scheduled to take place in the vicinity of Turks Island some 1 000 of Masons. Holiday Special 30 years, to be replaced by Fed­ peal, under the new plan, than any capsule hit, the plane report­ eral Reserve notes which are other mining product. tures to average 3 to 8 degrees lic Schools board member and di­ miles southeast of Cape Canaveral, Information supplied by the National Aeronautica and Space Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are both Administration. (A P Photofax Map). Siisonnah Wesley Hall— Thursday, Nov. 30 Tonigh'I, Wednesday- backed by gold. Kennedy’s decision stemmed below normal. Some moderation rector of the League of Women ed that it was floating up­ 6:.S0 to 9:30 P.M. While Congress would have to from a steady decline In the Treas­ Thursday and Friday then turn­ Voters Educational Finance Proj­ right. and Thursday . . . approve this part of the Kennedy ury's supply of "free silver" not ing quite cold over the weekend ect— 'We have a good school sys­ The two ships were about plan, the president yesterday needed for currency backing. This becoming milder Monday. tem in Connecticut. We don't Kennedy News Conference want to destroy what has made it 30 miles from the floating SALE ( Onipletoly eolorfast: Even if you wash tliem ordered sin 'immediate end to supply dropped from 123.5 million Th-e normal mean temperature Kennedy Talks together willi while, Playtex Living Bras are oimcea on Jan. 1 to 22 million in the Hartford area during this a good school system." capsule and steaming toward CEMENT HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Treasury sales of silver at arti- Dr. EMmund H. Thome, super­ guaranteed not to run or bleed. Only Playtex flcally low prices. ounces as of Monday night. period is 33 degrees ranging from it. They expected to arrive CENTER AND DECORATIONS Living Bras use ela.stic like this to stretch in The stockpile of free silver has 43 to 23. In New Haven, the range intendent of West Hartford Of Soviet Trip, about 2:40 p.m. (E S T ). W H F.NGLA.VD This will lead at once to an in­ School— "I can see how standards H O M EM A D E CA KE and COFFEE 25c every direction your body moves . . . yet al- crease In the market price of sil­ declined because of purchase.' by is 43 to 29 and In Bridgeport 45 Callups Release Due to 30, can be useful to those bflow «IKm, t.U.MBLR CO. SPON SOR KD BV \A . S. C. S. wa.vs stay in place: ver, which perhaps will rise from silver users at the Treasury's Motor Sales, Inc. sales price of 91.5 cents an ounce Precipitation may total about but there should be home safe­ Autobahn Plan Cape Canaveral, Fla., Nov. SOUTH METHODIST ( IH RCH th'S old pegged rate of 91.5 cents guards for those above them so • Open 411 Dav^atiirday • Bia.s-ciit .side panels move with you , . . and biecause of silver withdrawn one tenth of an inch melted oc­ 29 (/ih— Because of suspected hieathe with you. am ounce to $1 or more. As a side for use in coins. that they wouldn't result in level­ "YOUR AUTO-UNION result, manufacturers are likely curring as scattered snow flur­ ing." By JOHN M. HHHrTOAA-ER tr()uble with the spacecraft, ".At the Green” —MI 9-.320I Kennedy directed the Treasury In Less Than Year Ci'i.ss-cro.ss front lets you reach and stretch ries or showers about Friday, scat­ ■Washington, N' will begin at once the Kent School at Kent, Conn., PTA is an instrument for getting the meantime, he said they provide istratidn of the autobahn land muda in the Atlantic. luaus and .smoothest biwt to hjpline ever. .Sizes .'>2A to clerical help in schools and doing terday of an interview with him. to withdraw $5 and $10 silver cer­ last Friday are safe and sound the strength to spare the United route to Berlin. But he noted he has not been in- An amtouncement from the .Na­ Shoes In Good 44C. Black .S6.95. White .S6.9S. "D ' sizes $1.00 Opponents Get tificates In order to tap reserves here. away with teacher-principals States a choice "between humilia­ The President covered a wide tional Aeronautics and Space Ad­ 1958 FORD jnore. length .$3.9.'). (some of the suggestions made by X’lted to visit Rusaia. V bras Bar Miivahs needed for coinage. Before it could The youths, Peter Mallory. 16, tion knd a holocau.st." range of queati()ns in the news Kennedy also said that at tte ministration at 1;10 p.m. (EST) \ and Robert V. Carr III, also 16, of department staff members.) said that “ As the spacecraft trav­ C.ALI. T S— ME DELIVER. mam L(.tjj|ir Note; AI.so av.iilabic in blai k. withdraw $1 and $2 certificates,. Somewhat heatedly, Kennedy conference. In the midst of the moment there are Important prob­ "300" Custom V8 Repair! Balagiier Plan Congress would have to.authorize Tomngton. Conn., arrlwd at Ernest E. Weeks, principal, took'note at a news conference of half-hour session with 372 news­ eled across the Pacific Ocean near Windham Center School - "Eval­ lems that muat be solved before 4-door .sedan. radio, WEST SIDE Federal Reserve notes in thse de- Mallory’s home yesterday. newspaper alories reporting dis­ men and onlookers he announced the end of Its second orbit, sta­ uation would provide guidance m such a visit would be a matter of tions detected increased inverter heater, power steering, nomlnaUons. Kennedy said he will Mallory’s mother said the bo.\’s comforts and possible shortcomings that the space-riding chimpanzee For Earlv Vote curriculum development, but be­ practical consideration— problems temperature and an attitude con­ automatic, tutone pink PACKAGE STORE • WE REr.MR lU HBERS and AfU TK S ask 'Congress to do this earlj’ next made the trip in a sport c a r in equipment and training pro­ had taken off at 10:08 a.m.-from of Berlin and Southeast Asia. session. fore accrediting a school, you have grams for ReservLsts and National trol action other than nominal.” .36.3 CENTER STREET PL«VTEX owned by Carr’s father. The to consider intangible qualitie.s." Cape Canaveral, Fla. On the Berlin dispute. Kennedy • LADIES' HAM) HAiiS REPAIRED Santo Domingo, Dominican Re­ The Prevsident also announced youths spent the weekend in Buf­ Guardsmen .summoned to .service The announcement .said a sig­ Phone MI 9-0166 "H e reports that everything it said that an international control nal was sent to reset the satellite • SKATES SHARPENED public. Nov. 29 (JP)—A dusk-to- he will a.sk for repeal of slh’er falo, N. Y. In his announcement. Dr. Sand­ as a result Of the East-West crisis ^rfect and working well," Ken­ ers had anticipated some of the ob­ system for the highway between clock in the cockpit so that it over Berlin. nedy said a.s his audience roared • ICE (JRIPPERS ATTAUHED dawn curfew quieted this strike­ jections raised. On the question of West Germany might be eet up (Continued on Page Eleven) ' (Goattniied on Page Twenty-four) He .said his admini.stratlon—con­ with laughter. Press aecretary L I V I N O ^ R A S bound Caribbean capital last night leveling, he .said that the very na­ under'“'either 4-power control or (Continued on Page SlztMn) • SHOES .MADE I.ONtiERand WIDER trary to some speculation— never Pierre Salinger had handed him a as President Joaquin Balaguer ne­ ture of standards siigge.«*ted would through United Nations opera­ CHRISTMAS intended to hold men cslled up for note with the report on the chim­ lead to "a fresh and vigorioiis pro­ tions. gotiated with opposition groups more than a year. panzee space effort. bewitching in b la ck gram of experimentation." He alsn , The hope, he said. l.s to let them In his InterWiBw Saturday with STORE HOURS; For QE'.ALITY niateriiila and exiM-rt WORRM.A.NSHIP you can't demanding that he step down in Crouched on Car Floor Kennedy, in reply to questions noted that the standards proposed i out before the end of the 12 month Izvestia Editor Alexei Adzhubei, bent the "Old M aster." favor of a provisional Junta. about the show of U.S. force off Kennedy proposed to internation­ Informed sources said Balaguer are graded so that If thev cannot j period for which the.v were origin- the Dominican Republic last week, al regime for the atttpbahn. By BiiUetins 1955^ DODGE ROYAL LANCER OPEN had handed the three opposition he met Immediately, they can be : allv ordered to .service. said the United States would "he this he obviously meant control of groups a new proposal offering Dodd Escapes Attdck met in time and that they require Kennedy also ob.served that Con­ Culled from A P Wires 2-door hardtop, V-8. Radio, to hold elections within six weeks "fluidity and diversity." gress approved the callup which M O N ) n ig h t s (Continiied on Page Twenty-two) (OonUnned on Page Sixteen) beater, automatic, power SAM YULYES Instead of next May provided he ■ With the present situation, the the administration Initiated last steering, tutone. "Shoe Repairing of the Better Kind for a Half Cenliiry." was allowed to continue In office commissioner said that there Is summer. * 4 9 5 23 O AK STREET—S.AME SIDE AS WATKINS GLENN PICKED FOR ORBIT ) TILL S as. head of an Interim coalition "an unevenness" in education from Kenned.v, In a clear attempt to (.Inst .A Few Steps From .Main Street) By Katangan Troops ..^Norfolk, V a, Nov. 38 (/P)— igovemment. . town to town and within towns bol.ster the morale ofv/'the Re­ May Go Even Higher Mkrine Lt. CoL John H. Glenn 1957 H.YMOUTH 1957 CHRYSLER The chief opposition group, the that denies some children an op­ servist.' and Guardsmen whose Jr. has been eelected for Ameri­ reach lor another BELVEDERE V8 WINDSOR National Civic Union, was study-' By ADRIAN PORTER ^Urquhart and I —when 20 Katan­ portunity to develop according to lives were disturbed hv the mus­ ca’s first manned orbital flight, 4-door sedan, power steer­ DONT blanket, reacli for ing the proposal but there was no I their capaclt.v. ter of additional strength, said the the Norfolk Ledger-Star aald it the sivilcli on vonc (lE.NER.-VL Eli.sabiethvllle, Katanga. Nov. 29 gan paratroopers .spotted our U.N. 2-door sedan, radio, healer, ing. radio, heater, automat­ Indication when its answer might' (iPi -U.S. Sen. Thomas 0italixation. policy and appealed anew to South drawn disapproving remarits from he has guided the newspaper anil figure in some cases. in all thraa colors. . . buy thorn, for gifts! They're a super v-a-l-u-al livery before the Cktuncll on World the automn’n coldest weather ap­ $895 since the abortive Trujillo Smith gave this account to news­ Africa to change it. New Jersey chiropractors who say its many public servlcea projects Countini' 166,000 Guardsmen Affairs, Jolmson said he was not peared headed Into the north cea- men : A U.N. inquiry group asserted moderation should be used be­ such as the Christmas Carol sing, and Reservists summoned to ac­ tral region. More colder sir niso 1938 Rambler Super 4-Doiir m a r l o w !s • padded soft sole ,• worm fleecy lining threat. aware that the Kennedy adminis­ Open 6 Days • Free, Parking’ Opposition sources claimed the "W e were going to a dinner last night that Portugal has failed cause casualties are occurring and soap box derby and home show. tive duty this fall, army atrength tration or any . precedliag admin­ xvas indicated tonight In eastern Sedaa, 6 cylinder, automatic, * comfy wedge heel • brilliantly beaded "Our 501h Year!” ■rai;.’.— - general strikes, the first since the party' on the outskirts of Ellsa- to carry out recommended re­ .because the potentially dangerous He has also beep active In many haa now reached about 1,060,000. .'. istration has beto committed to and southern orsss. Th* snosr fb»4 Baach Wagoa. radio, heater, tu-tone, bethville at the home of an Amer­ Main Bt., Maneiiester start of the TniJUlo era 31 years forms in Angola and declared the torque movements ' Cause some phases of the effort to make the I f approved by Oongreas, crea­ defeat. He added: liover in sections of New York $ 1 3 9 5 uhlte ago, showed‘ that a vast majo.rlty ican busineiusman, Sheridan Smith, situation in that African territory strains . President Kennedy city and state better placet in tion of two more regniiu divisions “If the adhwents of this ‘new State, Vermont, New Hompshtf^ MI 9-5221 Shoes and Slippers, Main F16or-— rear near e x it . . . of Dominicans were opposed to after a reception at the American is worsening. vialU Centi^^telligence Agency which to lix’o and work. would mean a mlllion-mto army policy* mean we ahould declare and Msina avsroged four to fiva « coilsulate in honor of Sen, Dodd. to pay resptirts to Allen W. Dulles, for som* time^ to eeme. . inches. Brisk northerly w M g "W a approached hi* bouaa— r e tlr i^ director. (Oeattaned ms P m * TircRtF'tSM) Normally, the Army ftlla tts (OtoW ea m P a g* Xwop swept tlw MMur Mt,!