V V-/Tv*V>.^ A ) , iirrE E ir MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1961 iia n rh P B tfr lEtr^nittB lig r a t ^ ^ Average Dfctly Net Pres# Run The-, Weather For the Week Ended ForetiMt of D. 8. Weather Bireae November 35, IM l Hie. board of directors of the gpn^change requeaU preiented at A b i^ tT b w n Community Child Ouldaiice Clinic CDC Will Attend a previous meeting. Some cloudlneM, vriady, cold to­ wdli meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at The three requests W’hlch could 1 3 ,4 9 6 night and Wedneeday, chaaee of the clinic office, 60 Haymes St. Briefing Session come up for decisions include those «nmv fhirrieo. Matw tonight 18 to Hathedist Men of South Meth- filed q.v the Southern New Eng­ Member of the Audit Church wilJ meet tonight «t Come Barean of dreolatlon 28. High Wedneeday about 85. Airman 3.. C. Lloyd C. Ses.sions. ^ On Master Plan land Telephone Co., from residence 7:iM at Suaannah Wesley Hall. A. .son'of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. 1 to business zone for property c. t Manchester’-^A CAty of Village Charm Raymond Roaei*, principal of Sessions. 164 Havj"thome St., has > IdanchMter Hijrh School, vrill be Ford St... Joseph P. Mott of Mott's de^'arted for his home base at I Members of the Connecticut Supermarkets and Herman Klas- guMt apeaker. Members of the Donald.son Air Force Base ini IJievelopemnt Commission will af- man, frbm residence to busi­ VOL. LXXXI, NO. 49 (SIXTE EN PA(^ES^) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1961 (Claoelfied Advertising on Page., 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS WBCS of the church have been in­ South Carolina, after his partloi-i ness zone for the Kiasman For vited. Refreshments will be pation in the U.S. Air Force's tend a briefing ae.s.sion tonight .on the progress made .so far in devel­ farm and American Telephone served. "Operation; beep Freieze" at the and Telegraph repeater .sta­ South Pole and other Antarctic' oping Manchester's flr.st mas­ tion off E. Middle Tpke.; and TV’U- SU Margaret s Orcle, Daughters j outpost.s. Se.sSions. an aircraft! ter, or comnrehenslVe. plan. West Split in UN Bowles Takes of Isabella, will hold a social to-1 Ilam Peck Lumber Co., from res­ maintenance .specialist, is a grad-! The briefing, to be held In the idence to Induatrial for property Christmas morrow at 8 p.ni. at the K of C i uate of East Hartford High School. 1 Mnniclna' Bulldin«r at 8 o’clock off N. Main St. and Stock PI. Home for members and friends. < and was employed by Pratt and , also will be attenijcd by memb S p e c ia l Post Members are reminded, to bring i Wliitney Aircraft before entering of the Town Planning Commis­ playing cards- Refreshments will i service. ! sion and planning and Renewal be served. ! A.s.sociate.s of Cambridge. Ma.s.s. | U.S. Vote Hits As U^S. Envoy Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Odell and I Aluminum T o sons.’’ Fred. Da\id and Elmer' Planning and Renewal A-ssoct- ; Odell Jr., 512 E- Center St., at-' ate.s ha,s been retained by the town l Windows $11.95 Washington, Nov. 28 (A*)— tended the one-man art .show of to help plot the development o f : Chester Bowles, replaced as MARI-OWS and other fine Manchester through the next 20 i Mrs. Odell's cousin. John Rom- ?! the No. 2 man in the State Main St. stores open 6 days: bola of New 'York City, at the years. Doors $29.95 A t Colonalism also OPEN M O .V D A V. D'Arcy Galleries in New York. Guest Speaker Contract deadline for the ptan’s | Department, has accepted ai THVRSDAY and ITIID.tV The artist exhibited his modem' completion is 5farch 1. The por-I diplomatic post especially tai-1 Red Push Sparks Disputes art in water colors and ink draw­ Rabbi Aaron Gewirtz from Hillel tion relating to future land devel- ' NIGHTS ■^nx 9:00. House. I’niveraity of Connecticut, ! Jal. Doors $59.95 United Nations, N. Y., Nov.^tho' Elienhonvr admlnlztratlon lored for him. ings. • opment is expected to reach its than Ih office. will moderate a panel discussion' Plus Installation. 28, (/P)— The United States He becomes President Kennedy's final stages toward the end o f , The new office, resolution, car­ special representative, and adviser Fredonck \V. Perry Jr., avia­ on "Has the Synagogue Fnile<f Jew- \ December, it was reported. | split with its major western ish Youth"" at a meeting of Ben ' MANCHESTER rying la.st year'a action a step for­ on African, Asian and Latin | tion ordnanceman aimian appren- . Ezra Chapter of B'nai B'rilh to-' The .commission's .session to-1 Allies last night and joined 96 ward, called on assembly Presi­ American affairs, with special : tlce I'SN, .son of Mr. and Mrs. ] morrow at 8:30 p.m. at Temple' night may be exclusively devoted ■ AW NING CO. other U.N. members, in over­ dent Mongi Slim to name the 17- emphasis on the problems of new ‘ Walkouts Interview Frederick \V Perry. 126 Washing­ Beth Sholom. to the reports on the ma.ster plan. ■ PHONE Ml 9-S091 whelming endorsement of an nation committee. It will report and developing nations. ton St . was graduated recently Rabbi Gewirtz is a graduate of despite pending actions on three ' back to the 1962 assembly 'vith i from the ba-sic .Aviation Ordnance- Asian - African resolution The announcement late yester- : the College of the City of New York. ' ... , Its suggestions and recommends- i day from the White House that Threat to LECLERC man i'rhool at the Naval .Air Tech­ and hold.-s a master s degree from , creating a 1 (-member com-| , Bowles had accepted tht new j Printed in nical Training 1'n.it. Jacksonville. Yesliiva I’ niversity He served in mittee to make recommenda-j dutle.s came after Kennedy called FUNERAL HOME Fla Perry attended Manchester OF .M.ANCHKSTKR Rival A.sian-African resolutions • I the C S. .Air Fores during the •^iJ-TCHER CLASS CO. tions for speeding an end to on another iasue_of colonialism — him in for a talk. It stilled reports ■ High .School befom entering the Korean conflict and is a captain in ______ Mitchell that Bowles would quit after being i Balaguer Navy in January 1961. lA colonialism. the Diitch-Indnnesian dispute over FlNERAl the Air Force Reserves He is a TI-7879 replaced a.« undersecretary of alale : 188 WEST .Minni.E TVRNPIKE 1 . -J.. There were no opposing voles. control of Dutch-controlled West ‘Iz v e stia ’ former member of the board of Britain, France. Spain and South New Guinea- failed to get the two- i in a weekend shakeup of foreign The Ceda reties will meet at directors of the Brooklyn As.socla- CHHINER Dl'RAXT ST. Santo Domingo. Dominican SERVICE Center Cong-egational Church to­ Africa abstained. Hondura.s was thirds majorities necessary for as- policy cominand. tion (or Mental Health, and a mem­ absent and Portugal a chief; *^fihlv adoption. Both got only White House pre.ss secretary Repuhlic, Nov. 28 (cP)—^Do­ 1 Washington, N ot. 28 (/P)— w a i t e r .n . night ,at 7i.lO. Refreshments will, ber of the n.ibbinical Council of Main St„ Manchester — Ample Free Parking rear of store target of the resolution was simple favorable majorities, Pierre Salinger said Bowles will minicans hy the thou.sands I President Kennedy said today LECLERC be served Americ a LARGER QUARTERS TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS! Director Students fiom Hillc] wijl partici­ PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING listed as not participating. i A 13-nation resolution, sponsored report directly to Kennedy and lo went on strikes today, heed-, he considered the publication SI Elizabeth .« Mothers Circle pate m the discussion The assembly Ejected a Soviet i chiefly by the former French coIo-! Secretary of Stale Dean Rusk on ing the call of oppo.«ition lead-' in the Soviet Union of his in* mil meet Wedne.-^dav at * p m. at proposal to liave 'the assembly ; nies In Africa, received a 53-41 vote | long-range planning and policy Call Ml 9-5869 The piihlie is invited AUTO GLASS INSTALLED ors for a general walkout to |terview with a Soviet editor 23 Main Street. Manchester the home of Mr.* John Schelben- declare 1962 "the year of the eli- with nine abstentions. A 6-nation ; and "on the Improvement of our pflilg. 2S1 School St. T3ie Va'sar Club of Hartford i.« minatihn of colonlall.am." The vote j _ 1 . ' ' force President Joaquin Rala- i “a marked step forward in «pAnBorir.£: \\s annuR] holiday GLASS FURNITURE TOPS was 19 in favor. 46 opposed and | (Continued on Page Eight) ( ( ontinned on Page Eleven) gner out of office. ’ .4merican-Soviet understand- for the benp'flt of » 36 abstentions. j , _______________________________________ ________________ _— Tlic strikers disregaixled an anti- insr. OPEN strike appeal by Gen. Pedro Rod­ 9cholar^‘'.:n 'und ATr«. Robert H, MIRRORS-(Fireplace and Door) Thus for the second straigni' Sni’.th ®1P>1 Hirtfn'rl Rd . ijs chair­ year the asaembly refused lo let riguez Echava’-rla, armed force.' Moscow, Nov. 28 (A*)— The man of the for Mamhrator .PICTURE FRAMING (all types) the Soviet Union take the leader­ Local Traffic Accident secretary, isued slinrtly before the area. Tho«e who wi.«h to ordo’’ ship away from the newly inde­ hour set for the walkout.
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