Title Formation of the Ice Core Isotopic Composition Author(s) Ekaykin, Alexey A.; Lipenkov, Vladimir Ya. 低温科学, 68(Supplement), 299-314 Citation Physics of Ice Core Records II : Papers collected after the 2nd International Workshop on Physics of Ice Core Records, held in Sapporo, Japan, 2-6 February 2007. Edited by Takeo Hondoh Issue Date 2009-12 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45456 Type bulletin (article) Note IV. Chemical properties and isotopes File Information LTS68suppl_022.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP Formation of the Ice Core Isotopic Composition Alcxcy A. Ekaykin·· •• , Vladimir Va. Lipcnkov" '" Hokkaido Ulliversily, Sapporo, Japan, ekaykill@aari,lIl1'.ru •• Arctic and All/arctic Research Instilule, SI. Petersburg. Russia.
[email protected] Abstract: Main processes of the ice core isotopic In this work we overview the processes leading to the composition formation are overviewed. Theory of formation of the vertical profile of isotopic composition isotope-temperature relationship is discussed and of an ice core. using the extensive data set obtained at confirmed by a number of experimental data. The the Russian Vostok Station, central Antarctica. At first , factors related to wind-driven spatial snow we present the theoretical background of the redistribution and post-depositional isotopic changes relationship between the stable water isotope content in that may aller or weaken this relationship, are also precipitation and air temperature (Section 2). In Section considered. For high-resolution isotopic time-series 3 we consider the limitations of isotopic method due to obtatned at sites wilh low accumulation of snow, Ihe the fonnation of non-climatic noise as a result of signal-to-noise ratio is shown to be as low as 0.25, depositional and post-depositional processes in the which means that noise accounts for about 80 % of the upper snow thickness.