H4418 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2017 funding is needed to avert the desta- and unprecedented changes to anti- United States Virgin Islands. As a bilization of entire regions and to sup- poverty programs. Member, I am committed to ensuring port refugees fleeing into neighboring As for Medicaid, the State Federal Virgin Islands veterans have full and countries. programs that provide healthcare to equal access to health, housing, edu- Earlier this year, a bipartisan group low-income Americans, Trump’s draco- cation, and employment benefits they of Members proposed that the U.S. al- nian budget plan would follow through have rightfully earned. Our constitu- locate $1 billion in emergency funding on a bill passed by House Republicans ents have deployed to Afghanistan and for famine response. Thanks to those to cut more than $800 billion over 10 Iraq more than 30,000 times since Sep- efforts, Congress pledged to provide years. tember 11, and about 120,000 military $990 million in emergency funding in The Congressional Budget Office has veterans live in the territories, yet fiscal year appropriations. estimated that this would cut off Med- none are allowed to cast a ballot to Foreign aid is an investment. It icaid benefits for 10 million people over choose their Commander in Chief. makes our country, and those overseas the next decade. That is unacceptable. We need to remember that nearly 4 fighting for us, dramatically safer. The dysfunctional relationship be- million Americans call Puerto Rico, With leadership comes responsibility. tween Congress and the Trump admin- Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Northern Providing aid is a moral imperative. istration has helped to bog down and Mariana Islands, and American Samoa f complicate the fiscal 2017 budget proc- home, a combined population greater ess and has stymied the work of this than 22 States. We represent those WHAT DO WE HAVE TO LOSE: Congress when it comes to passing leg- Americans in the U.S. House who can- NATIONAL SECURITY islation that will help our constitu- not vote for their interests on the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under ents. House floor. Our constituents are de- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- A recent survey found that 48 percent nied representation in the U.S. Senate uary 3, 2017, the gentlewoman from the of Americans now prefer increased gov- and are barred from the general elec- Virgin Islands (Ms. PLASKETT) is recog- ernment spending in areas like tion for President and Vice President. nized for 60 minutes as the designee of healthcare, veterans care, education, When the Presidential vote was tab- the minority leader. and infrastructure—things that the ulated in 2016, it was as if 4 million GENERAL LEAVE people of my district, the Virgin Is- Americans we represent do not exist. Ms. PLASKETT. Madam Speaker, I lands, desperately need, with a 15 per- There is a time, however, when our ask unanimous consent that all Mem- cent unemployment rate and 33 percent people are counted—when the country bers may have 5 legislative days to re- of our children living in poverty. goes to war. vise and extend their remarks and in- I have introduced H. Res. 91, which b 1930 clude extraneous material on the sub- proposes an amendment to the Con- ject of my Special Order. It is time for Congress to get back to stitution of the United States regard- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there work for the people that have put us ing Presidential elections, voting objection to the request of the gentle- here. rights for residents of all United States woman from the Virgin Islands? I want to highlight three pieces of territories and commonwealths. There was no objection. legislation that I have introduced that Education: We have to fix the edu- Ms. PLASKETT. Madam Speaker, it will help my constituents in the Virgin cation system. We have to give our is with great honor that I rise today to Islands in various ways. young people better choices. We need anchor this CBC Special Order. For the With a special counsel now having to allow our children to be able to be next 60 minutes, we have a chance to been appointed to look into the dis- educated in a place that is hospitable speak directly to the American people tractions the White House has created, to learning. That does not occur right on issues of great importance to the it is time that Congress focus on our now in many places in the United Congressional Black Caucus, Congress, job and proceed to hold hearings on States. The President’s budget cut the constituents we represent, and all these bills followed by a vote on the would remove support to schools for in- Americans. House floor, and, hopefully, these com- frastructure, for afterschool programs, Tonight, we will highlight the Presi- monsense bills will be signed into law and for summer reading programs. dent’s action to undermine our na- by the President. We cannot continue with this if we tional security, including, but not lim- Healthcare: President Trump and the want to have national security. Na- ited to, abruptly firing FBI Director Republican Congress are planning to tional security is the security of our Comey in order to ease pressure on the cut more than $800 billion out of Med- young people to be educated and to Russian investigation just 1 day before icaid funding over 10 years while con- grow safely. That is not happening in sharing classified information with a verting the program to a cap block the Virgin Islands or anyplace in the Russian official. grant to the States and territories and United States at this time. Madam Speaker, many in this coun- eliminating ACA’s Medicaid expansion. I recently introduced the United try believe Congress continues to have These provisions are in the American States Virgin Islands College Access trouble accomplishing the basic re- Health Care Act, the House GOP’s Act of 2017, which will allow college quirements of its job. Up until a few ObamaCare repeal bill. students who are residents of the Vir- weeks ago, we were still scrambling yet As a Member representing the Virgin gin Islands to receive more reasonable again to complete spending legislation Islands, I believe we need to get back tuition rates at participating 4-year in- to prevent a government shutdown. to doing the work of the people, and stitutions of higher education. If the only measure of national secu- that is working to pass laws that bet- It is time for Congress to stop doing rity success during the President’s first ter the lives of our constituents. business as usual. With budget deci- 100 days were avoiding catastrophe, I introduced improving the treat- sions impacting everything from na- okay, President Trump has succeeded: ment of the U.S. territories under the tional security to infrastructure in- no attacks on the U.S., no new wars, no Federal healthcare program, which vestment, Congress needs to focus on nuclear Armageddon. would eliminate existing inequities the doing its job and doing it with more These are good things, and in the mo- territories face under Medicaid and than the next few months or current ment we can breathe a sigh of relief. Medicare. There are numerous bills fiscal year in mind. Moving forward, we However, these outcomes, arguably, that my other colleagues have intro- as Members of Congress need to make owe more to the national security ma- duced to assist their constituents and sure that we deal with our legislative chine built by the President’s prede- all Americans in areas of healthcare. and budgetary responsibilities with cessors than any decision of the 45th We need to bring those bills to the more thoughtfulness and foresight. President. floor and vote them up or vote them Congressman DWIGHT EVANS rep- President Trump’s first major budget down. resents the wonderful city of Philadel- proposal will be released tomorrow. It Veterans: There are few places in the phia and the people of Pennsylvania. is reported to include massive cuts to United States with higher per capita He is a legislator of many years. Al- Medicaid and will call for drastically rates of military service than the though he comes here as a freshman,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 May 23, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K22MY7.049 H22MYPT1 May 22, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4419 none of us consider him as a freshman They want answers, and they want to viduals who were, in fact, if the facts having served in the legislature in get to the bottom line of this. prove to be so, in collusion with the Pennsylvania for more than 20 years. I I want to, but what I want to do is to Russians, it cannot do anything to the would ask him to speak on the topic raise the dialogue on the issues that President except bring a report to this that the Congressional Black Caucus’ really matter here, the issues that we Congress for this Congress to act on. Special Order hour has introduced: really have a lot to lose on. For exam- This Congress needs to remember What Do We Have to Lose: National Se- ple, last week, I hosted a briefing on that we are a separate branch of gov- curity. middle neighborhoods. Middle neigh- ernment than the White House. This Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- borhoods are neighborhoods caught be- Congress seems to be acting as if it is tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. tween bust and boom. They are com- part of the White House, an extension EVANS). munities doing just well enough that of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when, in Mr. EVANS. Madam Speaker, I would our cities aren’t focusing our resources fact, this Congress stands alone. like to thank my colleague from the or attention on them. We have a separate set of rules, a sep- great Virgin Islands, and I really ap- Of course, we need to get to the bot- arate power, and a separate responsi- preciate her leadership. tom line of collusion between Russia bility than the President of the United I would like to thank my colleagues and the President. I want to, and we States. As such, Madam Speaker, it is for bringing forward such an important will get to the bottom line of this as important that we demonstrate to the topic for tonight’s Special Order hour. the American people deserve the facts. American people that we are acting National security is an issue of utmost At the same time, I want to make sure that way. A special counsel within the importance to all of us. we are fighting for dialogue on the Trump-controlled Justice Department The bottom line is this: If the Presi- ways we can make a difference and cannot replace a truly independent, dent thinks it is okay to share classi- make an impact on our communities in outside commission, because it is the fied information with our adversaries, need. commission which would then be able we have a big problem. I will be reem- We need to find ways to tackle food to make a decision about our Presi- phasizing that point: If the President insecurity, help our public schools, and dent. of the United States of America shared expand access to capital and credit on I say it is our President because we classified information with our en- every corner to build stronger neigh- all respect the Office of the President, emies, then the lives of the American borhoods block by block. This will not and we want the world to know that we people are at risk. be easy. We need to work together. It is respect and hold in reverence the indi- Regardless of political party, if, in in our collective interest to ensure na- vidual who holds that and hold him ac- fact, President Trump did willingly tional security is not a partisan issue. countable for that position that he share classified information with Rus- It should be a bipartisan issue. holds. An independent, outside com- sia, then this further proves that the So I stand here in the well of this mission, as special counsel, Director President does not understand the con- House, Madam Speaker, to indicate Muller’s actions will still be subject to sequences of his actions. It proves that that I want to ensure that national se- review and approval by the President he doesn’t understand how much we curity is important. I hope, Madam Trump-appointed leadership of the Jus- stand to lose as a result of these ac- Speaker, that the President also under- tice Department. tions. stands that it is important. Congress must act to create an inde- The bigger question now that people Ms. PLASKETT. Madam Speaker, I pendent, outside commission that is are asking is: Do you think the Presi- thank the Congressman so much for his completely free of the Trump adminis- dent is in so much trouble? comments. tration’s meddling. A special counsel It is clear from the news that the I think it was very interesting that cannot be used as a pretext for Repub- Russian investigation is the gift that the gentleman was saying that the licans to shut down investigations by keeps giving. But I want to be really, American people and people that he Congress or hide the facts of the Presi- really clear with you. I did not vote for spoke with over the weekend want the dent’s wrongdoing from the American President Trump. I did not support him truth. I think that is what we all here people. when he was running, and I fought hard in Congress want. We want the facts. Now, I have heard the Justice De- to stop President Trump from becom- We want to hear specifically what has partment and others talk about this ing elected. happened so that the people of the being a criminal investigation, that If you want to know, I think the United States can make a decision the special counsel is using it as a spe- President is in trouble. I will tell you about what happens next. cial criminal investigation. As a law- this. President Trump and his adminis- I am not here to ask for impeach- yer, as someone who has been a pros- tration are not ready for prime time. ment or ask for any rash decision, but ecutor, I understand that the burden of The campaign is over. The President I am asking that the American people proof for criminal charges are much needs to focus on governing, and we be able to see a transparent Congress different than this Congress would hold have not seen him do that yet. He and a transparent process that allows for a President if it were to ask for im- needs to learn how to govern. them to then speak to us as Members peachment. We know that the Comey firing has of Congress as to what they would like. So this Congress must not abdicate sent a potential signal of the Presi- Several months ago, almost 2 months its responsibility because the work dent’s collusion with Russia. For this now, several colleagues of mine and I needs to be done. Jobs need to be cre- reason, I called for the special pros- wrote a letter to the Department of ated and infrastructure needs to be put ecutor and the independent commis- Justice, to the Acting Attorney Gen- in place so that commerce can be done sion so that the American people truly eral, requesting that he institute a spe- in this country. Healthcare needs to be can know the Trump-Russia connec- cial counsel, a special prosecutor, in put in place for Americans. We cannot tion. this matter. We are grateful that that lose more Americans’ healthcare. We I am glad to see former FBI Director has happened. But a special counsel need to gain more Americans having Bob Mueller named as special counsel cannot replace an independent, outside healthcare. We need to settle the issues to oversee the investigation, but we commission and vigorous congressional of immigration. still need to make sure that Congress investigation. Madam Speaker, never mind criminal is able to conduct an independent in- The appointment of a special counsel justice reform. It seems that this Con- vestigation into the Trump administra- speaks to the urgency of investigating gress has completely forgotten that, in tion’s ties to Russia and interference in the Trump connection to Russia’s in- the last Congress, we agreed, both Re- the 2016 election. The American people terference in our election and the grav- publicans and Democrats, to reform deserve to know the facts. The Amer- ity of the President’s abuse of power in criminal justice. We are seeing our ican people deserve to know the facts. trying to shut down the FBI Director; young people die not from the Justice I was in my district over the weekend but the American people need to under- Department and not just from what is in Lower Merion, and all anyone asked stand that, while a special counsel happening on the streets, and never to talk about was Comey and Russia. could bring charges against those indi- mind what is happening in our criminal

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 May 23, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K22MY7.051 H22MYPT1 H4420 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2017 justice system. I understand that a bill friction given the personal disdain for failure on the ground and the faulty de- is going to be coming on the floor ask- these people during the campaign and cision process that put the SEALS ing for minimum mandatory sen- afterwards. there. Disconnects between the White tencing for a slew of charges which will The personnel failures have worsened House, Department of Defense, and the again increase the school-to-prison, the second category of the failures, U.S. Pacific Command resulted in a cradle-to-death pipeline of prisons in those of process. If there was per- confusing saga regarding the move- this country. sonnel, we also have process failures ments of a U.S. aircraft carrier, result- So these are the things that we as going on right now. ing in the dilution of any deterrent Congress need to be concerned with. The NSC was codified in 1947, along value that President Trump’s words The national security issues that our with the modern Defense Department, might hold in Moscow or Beijing. President has are things that we need CIA, and Joint Chiefs of Staff to cor- The personnel and process failures to continue to look at. rect perceived process failures during contribute to policy failures across the There is an old Washington cliche: World War II. The big idea behind the national security chessboard. The most personnel is policy. The same reflects National Security Act was to create a obvious Trump foreign policy failure is the wisdom that any President’s agen- process that could withstand poor per- that there is no policy, no doctrine at da depends on his political appointees sonnel by ensuring the institution of this time. We deserve better in the to refine and implement that vision. the presidency was well served by its Middle East, in Afghanistan, in China, Trump’s White House has failed first national security agencies and could, in North Korea, but most importantly, and most spectacularly in this require- therefore, make better informed deci- here on the home front. We as Ameri- ment. That failure may not even be the sions. cans deserve a coherent, comprehen- President’s failure at this time but the Despite its aspirations to run the sive process oriented as well as per- people he has put in place by both White House like a fine-tuned machine, sonnel driven with career intelligence building a dysfunctional White House the administration has uniformly individuals at the helm and within the and National Security Council and by failed to implement processes to serve ranks of each one of these agencies be- failing to staff his national security its agenda. Indeed, at times—an exam- cause we have a lot to lose. agencies with the appointees necessary ple being the 63-hour rush to strike We have our young people to lose if to oversee and direct foreign policy. Syria with cruise missiles or its an- we go into wars that have not been For now, the failures of Trump’s po- nouncement of a tax plan before the de- thought out and have not been process litical favorites with his new establish- tails were ironed out—the White House driven. Our young people deserve bet- ment professionals likely mean inco- seems at war with the very idea of ter. Our world deserves better because herence on the national security front process, as if budgets, planning, and co- the world is looking to America to still for some time, with the White House ordination were toxic features of the be the ones—although we seem to be lurching from one crisis to the next, its Washington swamp, to be rejected at abdicating our responsibility, whether actions and words disconnected from all costs. it be in war or in the other forms of di- any broader doctrine. The biggest process failures have plomacy that we engage in—to keep Bad personnel decisions have also been those that affected the entire gov- this a safe place. Famines that are dogged the Trump administration dur- ernment. Trump’s failure to develop going on in Sudan, in Yemen, and in ing its first 100 days. Michael Flynn detailed budgets, let alone to agree other places, it is the American might, and K.T. McFarland hardly did well in with Congress on the funding levels the might of our aid and our support to leading the NSC during their brief so- and priorities, nearly led the country them, that keeps democracy alive, not journs there. Low-level hires have also to the brink of a government shut- just on the ground and in fact, but in continued poor performance. down. All indications point to the im- the hearts and minds of those who passe being settled, but the outcome yearn for it in other places. b 1945 will likely be a continuing resolution That is the national security that The most obvious foreign policy fail- once again that punts all the major this America needs to be engaged in, ures are that there is no policy, no doc- budget decisions and keeps agencies in and it is that kind of national security trine, no strategy that knits together limbo on major programs, including, if that this Congress needs to be con- Trump’s desired ends with the govern- we are talking about national security, cerned with. We need to get back. We ment’s ways and means. That should be major weapons systems, acquisitions, have a week of bills that are dysfunc- of concern to my Republican col- spending on important training and ex- tional in themselves that do not serve leagues who want this Republican ercises, and outlays for servicemem- the best interests of the American peo- President to succeed. If you want him bers and military families. This is ple. This Congress needs to stop scut- to succeed, you need to help him. The something that is going to cause all tling legislation, scuttling bills that help needs to come in terms of the per- Americans to suffer, spectacularly in their colleagues are trying to put for- sonnel that he has put in place, in some cases. ward. Vote them up or vote them down. terms of the transparency, and as they One of the President’s biggest cam- Let the American people know where said, cleaning the swamp, getting rid of paign promises, the pledge to build a you stand on every issue. We need to the swamp, so that there can be those wall on America’s border with Mexico, stop the voice votes that are going on professionals and those above reproach has stalled for lack of funding, and pro- in committees that allow Members to in the White House carrying out the posals will likely remain stuck in the hide behind what their positions are mission of this President. government contracts process for with their constituents. I know it is At the agency level, the Trump’s months, if not years. not easy, but that is why we are all White House political appointments His immigration orders have been adults here. We want to put on our big machine has been incredibly dysfunc- held unconstitutional because of errors girl pants and be the kind of people tional, reportedly because of fights be- that his Justice Department or Depart- who can stand for what we believe. tween the White House factions over ment of Homeland Security lawyers So let’s bring those bills forward. personnel picks. would have caught and corrected had Let’s support the infrastructure jobs This has starved the Pentagon, State they been there or had a chance. activity, as well as national security Department, Justice Department, and In some cases, the process failures and support for the world abroad. That other agencies of under secretaries, as- have had deadlier consequences. Presi- is what we have to lose if we do not sistant secretaries, deputy assistant dent Trump ordered a risky special op- hold this President, this White House, secretaries, special assistants who ac- erations raid on Yemen over a dinner and all of his agencies and his Cabinet tually are carrying out the President’s meeting with his senior staff with accountable for the work that they are agenda. scant process or coordination. The raid doing. In the absence of an entire team, the went badly, as military operations Madam Speaker, it appears that I do uniformed military leadership and ca- sometimes do. Instead of taking re- not have additional Members who reer civil servants of these agencies sponsibility, the White House blamed would like to speak in this Special have carried on, but with significant the military, both for the substantive Order hour.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 May 23, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K22MY7.053 H22MYPT1 May 22, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4421 Madam Speaker, how much time do I that all Members may have 5 legisla- man sharpens another in times of stress. In have remaining? tive days within which to revise and times when we are under great duress, that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- extend their remarks and include ex- ability to sharpen not each other’s bodies tlewoman has 35 minutes remaining. traneous materials on the topic of my but each other’s souls carries us on. Ms. PLASKETT. Madam Speaker, I Special Order. We remember on Memorial Day those yield back the balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there who have made that effort. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- objection to the request of the gen- In the Marine Corps, we believe a lot bers are reminded to refrain from en- tleman from Michigan? of things, but three words encompass gaging in personalities toward the There was no objection. them all: honor, courage, and commit- President. Mr. BERGMAN. The topic of today’s ment. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Special Order is to recognize the im- Tonight we honor those who fought Mr. Speaker, protecting our national security portance of Armed Forces Day and Me- for our country, who made the ulti- should be among one of the top concerns of morial Day. mate sacrifice and gave their lives in any administration—Republican or Democrat. I am not going to give a history les- the service of our country, and those Yet, President Trump has demonstrated an son here tonight, but, rather, a series who have passed on since their service. alarming disregard for the national security in- of personal remembrances that started It is our job to make sure that their terests of the United States. when I was about 5 or 6 years old in the sacrifice wasn’t in vain. There have been a number of incidents that early 1950s. Courage: there is moral courage and I believe warrant additional scrutiny by Con- My father, a World War II veteran, there is physical courage. You never gress and the American people. Just last and some of his fellow veterans orga- know until the time comes whether week, it was reported that President Trump re- nized the local VFW in Minnesota you have the physical courage, but you vealed highly classified information to the Rus- where I was born. We would spend Me- do find out. It is the moral courage sian foreign minister and ambassador during a morial Day in the morning visiting that we know from the beginning, and White House meeting. In direct contravention three cemeteries in our local town. it is set by our predecessors that sets At each cemetery, the color guard of standing diplomatic agreements with our our attitude and our mindset in stone would post the colors, the rifles would closest allies, President Trump also reportedly that we know that we have that. And give their report, and taps would play. divulged the source of that highly classified in- when it is tested, we are ready. formation. Not only did this blatant disregard Everyone who attended—and when I for protocol damage our credibility among the say everyone who attended, that was b 2000 international community, but President Trump really the whole town—came out in a Commitment: Our commitment is al- may have very well also exposed extremely long train of automobiles to go to ways to the mission and to one an- sensitive information about U.S. and allied in- these three cemeteries to honor the other. We never leave anyone behind. telligence operations abroad. veterans who were no longer of this Never. No one is more invested in peace Earlier this month, President Trump also Earth. than our men and women in uniform. I remember the solemnness of that took a bold step in firing former FBI Director They take the risks. They make the day. I remember the tears for family James Comey in the midst of an investigation sacrifices, and they bear the cost of the members and friends who had passed into his administration and alleged ties to Rus- battle in full force. Those rows of white on, those who had worn the cloth of our sian officials. Shortly after Director Comey was headstones across the bridge in Arling- Nation both in peace and in war. Those fired, an unnamed White House source re- ton remind us of their commitment kinds of memories, as I stand here and vealed that President Trump told Russian offi- every day, and for that we owe them talk tonight, are very vivid in my cials during the same meeting that he did so more than gratitude. We owe them mind. in order to ease some of the pressure from every effort to keep our world at peace. Some years later, in the mid-1960s, the Russia investigation. This is deeply alarm- On Memorial Day in 1982, President ing, if not simply just ironic. we were involved in Vietnam, and I was Reagan said: During the Presidential election, House a sophomore in college. Because of the ‘‘War will not come again, other Speaker PAUL RYAN criticized Hillary Clinton fact that my parents had both stepped young men will not have to die, if we over her mishandling of classified emails on a up during World War II, I felt—and will speak honestly of the dangers that private email server. He stated, ‘‘individuals with their support—it was the right confront us and remain strong enough who are ‘extremely careless’ with classified in- thing to stand up and take the oath to meet those dangers. formation should be denied further access to that sent me into the Marine Corps to ‘‘It’s not just strength or courage such info.’’ Today, I have yet to hear Speaker serve our country. that we need, but understanding and a RYAN—or other key House Republicans— When you go into harm’s way, you speak out against this blatant mishandling of don’t know what the outcome is going measure of wisdom as well.’’ classified information. It is hypocrisy in its to be, but you do know that those you We owe it to our men and women who purest form. serve with are going to give it their all have fought and died for our country to Mr. Speaker, we cannot afford the unauthor- and you are going to remember them take a stand, to prepare for peace not ized divulging of classified information and na- and honor them for as long as we walk by ignoring the dangers we face and tional security secrets, especially to hostile na- this Earth. placating the enemies of freedom but tions such as Russia. I find it deeply troubling I was very fortunate to have abso- by facing them head on. that a sitting president would display such a lutely spectacular commanding officers Madam Speaker, I am honored to blatant disregard for the safeguarding of U.S. along the way that taught me what it yield to my fellow Members who will national security interests. I continue to join was like to be a young leader and what be presenting and speaking tonight. I my colleagues in calling for an independent it meant to take care of your ma- yield to the distinguished gentleman commission to investigate any possible collu- rines—most notably my commanding from Minnesota (Mr. LEWIS). sion between the Trump Campaign and the officer in Vietnam, who, thankfully, is Mr. LEWIS of Minnesota. Madam Kremlin. still with us. He was the kind of indi- Speaker, I, too, am honored to join my f vidual that made the tough calls be- colleagues here tonight to recognize cause he understood the sacrifices the bravery and the sacrifice of those ARMED FORCES DAY AND who serve in our military. I also want MEMORIAL DAY needed and the outcomes that were re- quired. to thank General Bergman for his The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under One by one, we all pass. Memorial years of dedicated service and for his the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Day is our opportunity to remember, leadership tonight. uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Michi- share stories, share tears, share laugh- While May is Military Appreciation gan (Mr. BERGMAN) is recognized for 60 ter for those who have now gone on Month, it is important that every minutes as the designee of the major- into God’s hands. The past and the month we continue to recognize those ity leader. present set the tone for the future. who are fighting and still putting their GENERAL LEAVE As David French said: lives on the line each and every day. Mr. BERGMAN. Madam Speaker, be- Sacrifice sustains our Nation far beyond Since the founding of our country, fore I begin, I ask unanimous consent the battlefield. As iron sharpens iron, so one there have always been brave men and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 May 23, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K22MY7.055 H22MYPT1