H4418 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 22, 2017 funding is needed to avert the desta- and unprecedented changes to anti- United States Virgin Islands. As a bilization of entire regions and to sup- poverty programs. Member, I am committed to ensuring port refugees fleeing into neighboring As for Medicaid, the State Federal Virgin Islands veterans have full and countries. programs that provide healthcare to equal access to health, housing, edu- Earlier this year, a bipartisan group low-income Americans, Trump’s draco- cation, and employment benefits they of Members proposed that the U.S. al- nian budget plan would follow through have rightfully earned. Our constitu- locate $1 billion in emergency funding on a bill passed by House Republicans ents have deployed to Afghanistan and for famine response. Thanks to those to cut more than $800 billion over 10 Iraq more than 30,000 times since Sep- efforts, Congress pledged to provide years. tember 11, and about 120,000 military $990 million in emergency funding in The Congressional Budget Office has veterans live in the territories, yet fiscal year appropriations. estimated that this would cut off Med- none are allowed to cast a ballot to Foreign aid is an investment. It icaid benefits for 10 million people over choose their Commander in Chief. makes our country, and those overseas the next decade. That is unacceptable. We need to remember that nearly 4 fighting for us, dramatically safer. The dysfunctional relationship be- million Americans call Puerto Rico, With leadership comes responsibility. tween Congress and the Trump admin- Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Northern Providing aid is a moral imperative. istration has helped to bog down and Mariana Islands, and American Samoa f complicate the fiscal 2017 budget proc- home, a combined population greater ess and has stymied the work of this than 22 States. We represent those WHAT DO WE HAVE TO LOSE: Congress when it comes to passing leg- Americans in the U.S. House who can- NATIONAL SECURITY islation that will help our constitu- not vote for their interests on the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under ents. House floor. Our constituents are de- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- A recent survey found that 48 percent nied representation in the U.S. Senate uary 3, 2017, the gentlewoman from the of Americans now prefer increased gov- and are barred from the general elec- Virgin Islands (Ms. PLASKETT) is recog- ernment spending in areas like tion for President and Vice President. nized for 60 minutes as the designee of healthcare, veterans care, education, When the Presidential vote was tab- the minority leader. and infrastructure—things that the ulated in 2016, it was as if 4 million GENERAL LEAVE people of my district, the Virgin Is- Americans we represent do not exist. Ms. PLASKETT. Madam Speaker, I lands, desperately need, with a 15 per- There is a time, however, when our ask unanimous consent that all Mem- cent unemployment rate and 33 percent people are counted—when the country bers may have 5 legislative days to re- of our children living in poverty. goes to war. vise and extend their remarks and in- I have introduced H. Res. 91, which b 1930 clude extraneous material on the sub- proposes an amendment to the Con- ject of my Special Order. It is time for Congress to get back to stitution of the United States regard- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there work for the people that have put us ing Presidential elections, voting objection to the request of the gentle- here. rights for residents of all United States woman from the Virgin Islands? I want to highlight three pieces of territories and commonwealths. There was no objection. legislation that I have introduced that Education: We have to fix the edu- Ms. PLASKETT. Madam Speaker, it will help my constituents in the Virgin cation system. We have to give our is with great honor that I rise today to Islands in various ways. young people better choices. We need anchor this CBC Special Order. For the With a special counsel now having to allow our children to be able to be next 60 minutes, we have a chance to been appointed to look into the dis- educated in a place that is hospitable speak directly to the American people tractions the White House has created, to learning. That does not occur right on issues of great importance to the it is time that Congress focus on our now in many places in the United Congressional Black Caucus, Congress, job and proceed to hold hearings on States. The President’s budget cut the constituents we represent, and all these bills followed by a vote on the would remove support to schools for in- Americans. House floor, and, hopefully, these com- frastructure, for afterschool programs, Tonight, we will highlight the Presi- monsense bills will be signed into law and for summer reading programs. dent’s action to undermine our na- by the President. We cannot continue with this if we tional security, including, but not lim- Healthcare: President Trump and the want to have national security. Na- ited to, abruptly firing FBI Director Republican Congress are planning to tional security is the security of our Comey in order to ease pressure on the cut more than $800 billion out of Med- young people to be educated and to Russian investigation just 1 day before icaid funding over 10 years while con- grow safely. That is not happening in sharing classified information with a verting the program to a cap block the Virgin Islands or anyplace in the Russian official. grant to the States and territories and United States at this time. Madam Speaker, many in this coun- eliminating ACA’s Medicaid expansion. I recently introduced the United try believe Congress continues to have These provisions are in the American States Virgin Islands College Access trouble accomplishing the basic re- Health Care Act, the House GOP’s Act of 2017, which will allow college quirements of its job. Up until a few ObamaCare repeal bill. students who are residents of the Vir- weeks ago, we were still scrambling yet As a Member representing the Virgin gin Islands to receive more reasonable again to complete spending legislation Islands, I believe we need to get back tuition rates at participating 4-year in- to prevent a government shutdown. to doing the work of the people, and stitutions of higher education. If the only measure of national secu- that is working to pass laws that bet- It is time for Congress to stop doing rity success during the President’s first ter the lives of our constituents. business as usual. With budget deci- 100 days were avoiding catastrophe, I introduced improving the treat- sions impacting everything from na- okay, President Trump has succeeded: ment of the U.S. territories under the tional security to infrastructure in- no attacks on the U.S., no new wars, no Federal healthcare program, which vestment, Congress needs to focus on nuclear Armageddon. would eliminate existing inequities the doing its job and doing it with more These are good things, and in the mo- territories face under Medicaid and than the next few months or current ment we can breathe a sigh of relief. Medicare. There are numerous bills fiscal year in mind. Moving forward, we However, these outcomes, arguably, that my other colleagues have intro- as Members of Congress need to make owe more to the national security ma- duced to assist their constituents and sure that we deal with our legislative chine built by the President’s prede- all Americans in areas of healthcare. and budgetary responsibilities with cessors than any decision of the 45th We need to bring those bills to the more thoughtfulness and foresight. President. floor and vote them up or vote them Congressman DWIGHT EVANS rep- President Trump’s first major budget down. resents the wonderful city of Philadel- proposal will be released tomorrow. It Veterans: There are few places in the phia and the people of Pennsylvania. is reported to include massive cuts to United States with higher per capita He is a legislator of many years. Al- Medicaid and will call for drastically rates of military service than the though he comes here as a freshman, VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:00 May 23, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K22MY7.049 H22MYPT1 May 22, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4419 none of us consider him as a freshman They want answers, and they want to viduals who were, in fact, if the facts having served in the legislature in get to the bottom line of this. prove to be so, in collusion with the Pennsylvania for more than 20 years. I I want to, but what I want to do is to Russians, it cannot do anything to the would ask him to speak on the topic raise the dialogue on the issues that President except bring a report to this that the Congressional Black Caucus’ really matter here, the issues that we Congress for this Congress to act on. Special Order hour has introduced: really have a lot to lose on. For exam- This Congress needs to remember What Do We Have to Lose: National Se- ple, last week, I hosted a briefing on that we are a separate branch of gov- curity. middle neighborhoods. Middle neigh- ernment than the White House. This Madam Speaker, I yield to the gen- borhoods are neighborhoods caught be- Congress seems to be acting as if it is tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr.
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