Basketball Team, Guests of Honor at Alumni Affair
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Democrats Have Contests For FAMED SCIENTIST PROCLAMATION WOMAN'S CLUB Goldstein Junk Beginning at 12:01 Sun- Mayor and Councilmanic Seats TO TALK AT YMCA day morning, April 26th, RE-ELECTS MBS B. Carried To State SupremefCau> Seldom has this city witnessed a 1936, the State of New The Goldstein junk yard spectacle to parallel that of last OFFICERS OF MOOSE Jersey and other sections ASEMDLYiMAN DEVOE which has been dragging along tot J 'rht as candi *: tos staged a WILL BE_ INSTALLED FATHER-SON AFFAIR of the Metropolitan Area*; DBBERT, PRESIDENT WILL TALK TO ROTARY .-everal months now, since the Ifo*™, will begin the observance' of Health first attempted to have .ninute rush on City Hall to file At the regular meeting of the So. Harry C. White to Give De- of Daylight Saving Time Annual Election Took Place at Assemblyman Fred DeVoe will be .heir names before the deadline at Amboy Moose to be held in Wihelm's monsitratlons of Electrical Meeting Tuesday Afternoon the guest speaker at the Tuesday the junk yard conducted by Alex and all clocks will be ad- Goldstein on John street moved, nMJT midnight. Hall Tuesday evening,.. the, installa- Phenomena. _ vanced one hour. noon meeting of the South Amboy When the last name was in, it tion of officers will take place. Re- At the elections held in conjunc- Rotary Club to take place ire Wil- 'ind its way into the Supreme Court Because of the large attendance Therefore, I, Charles T. tion with the bi-monthly meeting of uf the state. Such action 1» being was plainly eviden- that ths city freshments will be served. the South Amboy Woman's Club, on helm's Hall. is to witness one of the most inter- anticipated, arrangements have been Mason, Mayor of the City considered by Alex F. Reid. local !o hold the community Father and of South Amboy, official- Tuesday afternoon at the Parish attorney, representing Goldstein. esting primary fights in years with House, Miss Bertha Diebert was re- the Democrats furnishing ths most ton banquet under the sponsorship ly declare that the official LYONS TO BE SWORN Saturday evening, Francis P. Co- CITY DISPENSES of the YMCA here on the evening time of the city shall be elected president. o-.eitement. Other officers elected were, Mrs. mi, City Solicitor, who is acting u of May 28th at the Masonic Temple, Daylight Saving Time, af- tho attorney of the Board of HmiA On the Democratic ticket are lw> RELIEF OPERATING instead of the YMCA as planned or- ter the above last men- James Dawson, first vice president, IN AS UNDER SHERIFF candidates for Mayor, former police tioned date and all city Mrs. H. Bergen, second vice presi- the case, prepared arid prawnteA Chief Thomas Gleason and Assem- iginally. The change of locale to dent, Mrs. Burrows Lambcrtson, cor- to John Leonard, president of the TEMPORARY PLAN the Masonic Temple was decided business and city meetings responding secretary, Mrs. T. Edge- OF COUNTY TODAY board and Nicholas Howlejr, 1U in- ] blyman Andrew Kurtz. Likewise upon in order to provide greater shall be conducted in ac- • there are two aspirants for the "of- cordance therewith. comlb, recording secretary; Sirs. C. .pector, the necessarjr papered MI fice of Councilman-at-Large, John Mason Favora~f*ood Orders and seating capacity and kitchen acco- !•. Cotzens, federation secretary, Appointment of Popular Lo- additional action to brine Goldstete No Cash If City Takes As- mmodations. The dinner will be ser- Charles T. Mason, Mrs. 'Eugene Forman, treasurer, cal Democrat Announced by into local police court for faUnre.M Zdanewicz . and Joseph' McKeon, Mayor. who sprung a surprise by jumping signment Over Permanently ved at 6:30 P. M. • Mrs. H. Dillon auditor, Mrs. Jean , Leaders Yesterday. comply with the mandate Of ' 'tfw'' ' into the race at the last minute. The banquet will feature the first Fe'nzel, ••' ipreBs correaftwndent, and health authorities to When, the state relinquished the public appearance of Harry C. four directors for a three year term Although rumors of his appoint- The famous "Fighting Third responsibility of furnishing relief ment had been heard about town for unk stored on the John White, philosopher, scientist and Mrs. A. Furman, Mrs. George Sulli- perty. Ward", lived up to tradition and funds this week, the task was taken lecturer in the East since a recent BASKETBALL TEAM, van, Mrs. Irvin House and Mrs. Nel- several days, it was Hot until yes- here three candidates,'Frank Stan- iver by the city under a temporary son Deats. terday that a definite announcement Tuesday evening when the two at- trip through the west cca/ering over came from leaders thalt Thomas Ly- umeys appeared In local police ton, present encumbent, James Ma- Mi-anjement with funds from the 40,000 miles when he lectured at GUESTS OF HONOR A demonstration of the prepara- niori, former representative from {f account heine used to tide ons, one of the most popular Demo- nurt, Reid asked for an adjourn* some of the leading western uni- tion and serving of salads was given crats of the city had been appointed went and was concured in the re- that ward and Michael J. Fenlon over the needy until the legislature versities. by Miss Chandler representing one filed their petitions. Despite . ru- ariived at a decision. AT ALUMNI AFFAIR undersheriff. He will be sworn in quest by City Solicitor Coan. The lecture to be delivered here of the leading firms in the east dis- this morning at nine o'clodc at mors that there would be several The sum of approximately $6,000 pensing canned goods. The delicious Both lawyers declared it waa In-. by Mr. White pertains to the lives the County Court House in New convenierJt for them to preMat their candidates in the Second Ward, it is which the city had on hand prepara- nnd accomplishments of the men of Former Students of Hoffman dishes were served to the members Brunswick by Judge Lyons. Uie only one in which there is not tory to turning it over to the state High Assembled at Hotel present. olde of the case nt that time. A ihe scientific world. The appointment ot Mr. Lyons difference of opinion WM enmaa- a contest, Eugnee Kress was the as it's contribution to the cost . of Mr. White uses in this lecture pa- Pines Wednesday Evening. Miss Bertha Diebert, Mrs. F. Hol- will without doubt do- much to in- only candidate to file for Council- relief under the state setup will, man; Mrs. J. Tice and Mrs. Burrows eit between the lawyers and PoUcO raphernalia valued at many thous- Wednesday evening at' the Hotel crease the strength of' the Democra- Kecorder Bloom, whereupon Solici- man here on the Democratic ticket. the city officials believe take care Lambertson, who represented the lo- tic party here and silence the protes- ands of dollars, and represents a Pines, near Metuehcn, the Alumni cal club at the recent Third District tor iCoan produced a copy of City ..r.^jtions filed on the Republican of the load for some time. Funds complete resarch laboratory. ts that have been made repeatedly JB:3« showed little change in the pic- Association of the Hoffman Sigh Conference at Asbury Park submit- Ordinance No. 2. paned in lMt, v/len this has been exhausted will During his lecture here, Mr. Sohool, held the second annual ban- that the city was not being given the ure from what it has been for the likely come from the poor account, ted a report on the session* and a consideration from county leaders, v.'hich provides for the trial «f. yo». White will demonstrate the artifi- quet with a large attendance of the further. report from these delegates lice court cases in the morning. past several weeks. Patrick Grim- provided for in the 1936 budget. cial Larynx, the electric eye as well alumni and present pupil* of the In- it's loyalty to the party merited. ley is the unopposed candidate for ' Following the meeting ._ofS\ the on the, American Home Forum at Long a leader in local polities Mr. This ordinance produced by the as the Cathautograph or Radio Pen stitution. Matawan on April 9th was received. City Solicitor, ii entitled "An Ordt*. Mayor. Lester Stratton and John council-on April 15th, "the' Mayor which has rarely if ever been pre- Lyons is popular with all members Ryan, Jr. are the Cquncilman-at- di.-cussed the • situation with mem- Following remains by Fred Re«M Announcement was made of ths of local Democracy and has for years nance to Establish a PoUes Ooart in sented before any audience except chairman of the committee Harry S. Garden Forum on April 80th at 10:- been in the , forefront in itt eam- ne City.of South Aaboy", Large candidates. Ralph Stuart i> bers of the council, but no definite those made up of scientific men. 30 A. M. it the chJb house of the Uie Second Ward candidate and Roy u'an was arrived at. Mayor Mason MedindU, City Attorney of Perth palgn«r His popularity throughout .Wtion 3. "That said Cour* .shall be With this instrument, Mr. White Amboy and an alumnus of the school Boro • Improvement League of Me- the county paraliela that In this opened every day except Soudan at •lennett -will carry the banner in has advocated .the appointment of writes in letters of fire on a far a- took over the duties of toaatmaater. tuchen. Miss B. Distort was elected the Third Ward. a local relief supervisor to take city where he has been a lifslonfe the hour of nine o'clock in the fore- way screen.