By J. S. WADE, Entomologist Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Agricultural Research Administration United States Department of Agriculture FOREWORD

The International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists is deeply indebted to the U. S. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quaran­ tine for essential cooperation in making possible the preparation by Mr. Joseph S. Wade of the present Bibliography. The late Dr. P. N. Annand, former Chief of Bureau, and his successor, Mr. A. S. Hoyt, generously permitted Mr. Wade to devote a por­ tion of his official time to this work. This also had the full ap­ proval of Mr. C. M. Packard, former leader of the Division of Cereal and Forage Investigations, with which Mr. Wade was associated as Entomologist. Mr. C. F. W. Muesebeck, leader of the Division of Insect Identification, and his staff of specialists, spent much time in checking the synonymy of the many cards submitted by Mr. Wade at various times. The Society also is highly appreciative of the assistance and support given to the project in many ways by Dr. E. W. Brandes, Head Pathologist, in charge of the Division of Sugar Plant Investigations, U. S. Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and Agricultural Engineering.

No praise can be too high for the long, patient and laborious toil devoted to this undertaking by Mr. Wade. His services and those of the other Bureau members were entirely gratuitous. It becomes an invaluable reference book long needed by ento­ mologists concerned with sugar cane insects in many parts of the world.

C. E. PEMBERTON, Chairman, Committee on Insect Pests of Sugar Cane, International Society of Sugar Cane Tech­ nologists.

Honolulu, Hawaii. January 22, 1951. A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE INSECTS OF THE WORLD ASSOCIATED WITH SUGAR CANE, THEIR PREDATORS AND PARASITES* By J. S. WADE, Entomologist * * Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Agricultural Research Administration United States Department of Agriculture

INTRODUCTION This is a selected bibliography of insects in different parts of the world associated with the sugar cane plant ( officinarum L.). It lists 1,277 , of which 315 are predators or parasites, and has been se­ lected and condensed from a more comprehensive, annotated bibliog­ raphy of 2,366 species, including 495 predators or parasites, comprising several thousand references on the same subject in course of prepara­ tion by the compiler. The preparation of this bibliography was recom­ mended in 1939 at the New Orleans meeting of the Entomological Sec­ tion of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, for in­ clusion in a comprehensive manual of the sugar tane insects of the world to be issued under the auspices of that organization. This condensation of the larger unpublished work is here presented to render more quickly available to research workers and others at least part of the information contained therein, since date of publication of the latter as well as the manual are at present indefinite. The countries of the world leading in sugar cane production are , , Hawaii, India, Java, Mauritius, Philippines, , and the United States. Although there are available a few brief bibliographies that deal with limited geographical or political areas, none of them in­ clude all portions of the world where sugar cane is grown. The refer­ ences included herein have been based on world distribution, and special effort has been made to include selections that would enable the student to trace from year to year such features as historic background and de­ velopment of investigations of a given , as well as life history, habits, and latest work on control. The greater number of the citations were published within the decades of 1919 to 1939, inclusive, though a few are of earlier or later dates. It is noteworthy that little was issued on the subject during the war years. It is hoped that the information here assembled will be of value not only in giving references relating to known species and their distribution, but also in providing, through cross-references, their accepted names as distinguished from their syn­ onyms, and, as indicated by cross-numbering, their predators and para­ sites. The arrangement of and parasite in one alphabetical sequence has been solely for convenience of reference, and the locality designa­ tions under the various species refer only to records associated with the sugar plant, since no attempt has been made to include any other host plant records. Space limitations in this publication render necessary the omission of

•Manuscript submitted to U.S.D.A., May 27, 1949. Approved for pub­ lication, Feb. 9, 1950. Date of publication, May 1, 1951. ** Retired July 31, 1950. Collaborator Jan. 11, 1951. 2

a number of desirable features, notably annotations and detailed dis­ tribution data. For the same reason no attempt is made to designate major and minor pests, since to do so would necessitate labored space- consuming explanations of population variations in different countries over different years. A serious pest in one area is often of slight im­ portance in a given year in some other country. The and nomenclature of some of the species, notably Diaprepes spp., et al., are in somewhat confused status, as various authors have arrived at widely different conclusions concerning relationships. A number of the species are in need of revisional study. In all such doubtful instances, and they are numerous, no attempt has been made to do other than make appro­ priate cross-reference. Grateful acknowledgement is gladly made of aid rendered by the spe­ cialists of the Division of Insect Identification, of the U. S. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, whose assistance in these compila­ tions has proved invaluable particularly in designating synonymy. Also to personnel of the Library of Congress whose help and sympathetic interest are most keenly appreciated.

SYMBOLS USED: The capital letter L, for locality, followed by a number, designates in­ sect distribution by countries or other localities as follows: 1, AFRICA. 2, Egypt. 3, French West Africa. 4, Gold Coast. 5, Khartoum. 6, Mada­ gascar. 7, Madeira. 8. Mauritius. 9, Natal. 10, South Africa. 11, ASIA. 12, India. 13, Andamans. 14, Assam. 15, Burma. 16, Ceylon. 17, China. 18, Formosa. 19, Hong Kong. 20, Japan. 21, Korea. 22, Loochoo Islands (Nansei Islands, Japan). 23, Mascarine Islands (Bourbon, Reunion, Rodriguez). 24. CENTRAL AMERICA. 25, . 26, EAST INDIES (Malay Arch.). 27, Dutch (Netherlands) Indies. 28, Java. 29, Sumatra. 30, EUROPE. 31, Spain. 32, NORTH AMERICA. 33, . 34, United States. 35, OCEANIA (North and South Pacific). 36, Australia. 37, Fiji. 38, Guam. 39, Hawaii. 40, New Zealand. 41, Philippines. 42, Queensland. 43, SOUTH AMERICA. 44, Argentine. 45, Brazil. 46, British Guiana. 47, Chile. 48, . 49, Dutch Guiana. 50, . 52, . 53, . 54, WEST INDIES. 55, Antigua. 56, Bahama. 57, Barba- does. 58, Costa Rica. 59, Cuba. 60, Guadeloupe. 61, Haiti. 62, . 63, Leeward Islands. 64, Puerto Rico. 65, St. Lucia. 66, Santo Domingo. 67, Tobago. 68, Trinidad. The capital letters H or P followed by numbers serve to connect host and predator or parasite. An asterisk (*) indicates that the insect is either a predator or parasite of some other insect or insects. 3 SPECIES LIST 4

9 10

16 17 18 19 20 21

Wille, 1932b:25-29. L 52. 1934a: 454-466. L18. 1935b: 1934a:185-198; 233-252. L 52. 1-5. Van Der Goot, 1928a: Wolcott, 1915a:l-6. 1921a: 1-85. L27. 21-37. 1922a:34. 1922b:21-31. 393. Diatraea zeocolella Dyar 1929b:62-64. 1933a:166-192. (Lep.) Ainslie, 1919a:l-12. L 54. 1933b:l-3. 1933c:l-2. Comstock, 1881a:243-245. 1936a :472-475. L 64, 65. Dyar, 1927a:19-20. Hollo- 1937a:577-579. L 64. 1943a: way, 1916a:621-626. 1930d: 460-464. 829-831. L 34. Phillips, 1921a: Diatraea striaialis Snell. 1-30. Van Dine, 1929a :253. (Lep.) P1078. Clausen, 394. Diatraea spp. (Lep.) P120. 1931a:44, 53-55. L 20. Hazel- Box, 1928b:53-61. L44. hoff, 1928b:l-20. L 28. Hol- 1931a:l-50. Cleare, 1928b:31- loway, 1930d:829-831. L 8, 38. L46. 1929a:20-29. L 46. 12, 16, 18, 23, 28. Husian, 1926a :70-82. L12. Diatraea sticticraspis Hmps. Kunhi, 1927a:ll-17. L12. (Lep.) Pruthi, 1936a:141-152. 1929a:65-67. L 12. Lai, 1937a: L12. 1937a:123-137. Sub- 2-3. Myers, 1929a:310-312. L ramaniam, 1937a:149-155. L 68. 1932a:257-271. Wadley, 12. 1937a:103-114. L64. Wood- Diatraea sticticraspis Hmps. worth, 1921a:30. L41. (Lep.) See Argyria sticti­ 395. Diatraeophaga striatalis craspis Hmps. Towns. (Dip.)* Ishida, Diatrea iumidicostalis Hmps. 1927a:78-79. L 18, 28, H 388. (Lep.) Chosh, 1924a :77-86. Van Dine, 1929a:263. - L 12, 15, Sharangapani, 396. Dicranoiropis fumosa Mais. 1929a:36-37. (Horn.) Clausen, 1931a:45, Diatraea venosaia (Wlk.) 53-55. L20. (Lep.) P 940. Clausen, 1931a: 397. Dicranoiropis saccharicida 54. L 12, 20. Edwards, 1926a: Kirk. (Horn.) Woodworth, 1-4. L8. Emmerez, 1929c: 1921a:31. L41. 6-8. L8. Fletcher, 1932a: 398. Diciyophora pallida Donov. 87-92. L12. Frappa, 1931a: 186-192. L 6. Hadden, 1928a: (Horn.) Stebbing, 1903a:86- 13-14. L18. Hart, 1932b:48- 87. L12. 51. L28. Hazelhoff, 1928a: 399. Diciyophora pairuelis Sial. 1-15. L28. 1929e:l-8. L28. (Horn.) Clausen, 1931a:45, Holloway, 1930d:829-831. L 53-55. L20. 41. Isaac, 1931a:72-79. 1933b: 400. Diciyophora sinica Wlk. 315-324. L12. 1936a:168-174. (Horn.) Clausen, 1931a:45, Ishida, 1927a:78-79. L 18, 28. 53-55. L20. 1936a:129-170. Jepson, 1939a: Dielis dorsaia (F.) (Hym.) 377-382. L 8. Moutia, 1932a: See Campsomeris dorsata 9-12. L8. 1932b:7-10. L8. (F.) 1933a:43-51. L 8. 1934a:33- 45. 1935a :25-26. L 8,18. 401. Digonochaela seiipennis Fin. 1937a:30-33. L 8. Narayanan, (Dip.) Williams, 1931a:76. 1933a:459-464. L 12. Pruthi, L39. 1936a:141-152. L 12. 1937a: 402. Dimorphochilus pascoei Macl. 123-137. L 12. Subramanian, (Col.) McDougall, 1932a:57. 1935b:130-136. Takano, L36. 22

404. Diomus floralis F. var rosei- Draeculacephala sagittifera collis Muls. (Col.)* Wolcott, (Uhl.) (Horn.) See Carneo- 1936a:227. L 64, H 136. cephala sagittifera (Uhl.) 405. Dionoderus minufus F. (Col.) Drona carnosus (Westw.) Williams, 1931a:203. L 39. See Diostrombus carnosus 406. Diostrombus carnosus Westw. (Westw.) (Horn.) Pruthi, 1937a:123- 417. Dryinus pyrillae (Kieff) 137. L12. (Hym.)* Chopra, 1928a :43- 407. Diostrombus p o 1 i t u s Uhl. 69. L12, H1033. Francis, (Horn.) Clausen, 1931a:45, 1933a:510-514. L 12. Husian, 1929a:55-79. L12. 1931a:l- 53-55. L20. 46. L12, H1033. Isaac, 408. Diplopiera dytiscoides (Ser.) 1936a:168-174. L12. Pruthi, (Orth.) WiUiams, 1931a:54- 1937a:123-137. L 12, H 1033. 55. L39. 418. Dyscinatus barbatus F. (Col.) 409. Disonycha laevigata Jacoby P 1134, 1220, 1221. Ballou, (Col.) Wolcott, 1936a:276. L 1913d:186. L 54. 1916c:42- 64. 43. L54. Smyth, 1919a:140. 410. Donacivola saccharella Busck L64. Wolcott, 1933a:126-127. (Lep.) Busck, 1933a:151-202. L54. L59. Dyscinetus barbatus F. (Col.) 411. Doru albipes F. (Orth.) Wol­ See Parachalepus barbatus cott, 1936a :24. L64. F. 412. Dorylus orientalis Westw. 419. Dyscinetus bideniatus Burm. (Hym.) Shraff, 1920a :354. L (Col.) Ballou, 1919a:346-347. 15. Stebbing, 1903a:77-79. L L46. Bodkin, 1913a:31. L 12. 46. 1915a:l-ll. L 46. Cleare, 413. Draeculacephala mollipes 1930a:16-17. L46. 1933a:l- (Say) (Horn.) PI, 104, 105, 28. L46. Dash, 1933-34a:29- 106, 107, 108, 286, 287, 531, 30; 25-26. L46. Holloway, 532, 554, 623, 904, 1253, 1254. 1931d:445-448. L 46. Brandes, 1920a:131-138. Hol- 420. Dyscinetus geminatus F. loway, 1919a:449. 1936a:60- (Col.) Ballou, 1919a:346-347. 61. L32,59. Ingram, 1937c: L46. Cleare, 1930a:16-17. L 4-7. 1938f:128-129. L 46. 1933a:l-28. L46. 34. 1939c:483-495. L 34. Mar­ 421. Dyscinetus picipes Burm. tin, 1942a :39. Van Dine, (Col.) Barreto, 1923a:2-3. L 1926a:5. 1932a:l. Van Zwalu- 59. Stahl, 1929a: 15-19. L 59. wenburg, 1926a:669. Wil­ 1929b:l-19. L 59. Van Dine, liams, 1931a: 127. L39. 1926a:10. 1932a:3. L 59. Wol­ 414. Draeculacephala portola Ball. cott, 1933a:126-127. L 54. (Horn.) Abbott, 1942a:99- 422. Dyscinetus trachypygus Burm. 100. L34. (Col.) Box, 1925b :291-356. L 415. Draeculacephala reticulata i 64. Holloway, 1919a:449. L Sign. (Horn.) Van Dine, 34. Smyth, 1919a:140. L64. 1932:1. L59. 423. Dysdercus ruficoUis L. (Hem.) 416. Draeculacephala sagittifera Wolcott, 1928d:l-15. L 52. Uhler (Horn.) Van Dine, 424. Dystalica makayensis Cart. 1932a:l. L59. Wolcott, (Col.) McDougall, 1932a:57. 1921a:28-29. L59. L36. 23

425. Echinocnemus squameus Billb. 438. E1 i m a e a punclifera Wlk. (Col.) Clausen, 1931a :45, 53- (Orth.) Holloway, 1933b: 55. L20. 216-219. L 39. Williams, 426. Echmepteryx costalis Banks 1931a:64. L39. (Corr.) Williams, 1931a:88. 439. Elis airiveniris Gahan L39. (Hym.)* Wolcott, 1933a:114. 427. Eciecephala iripunclata Aid. L54. (Dip.) Aldrich, 1932a:22-23. 440. Elis caracasana Rohw. (Hym.) L58. Moutia, 1932b:7-10. L 8, H 428. Eclhrodelphax fairchildi Per­ 971. kins (Hym,)* Williams, 441. Elis ephippium F. (Hym.)* 1931a:118-119; 247. L 59, H Jepson, 1936b: 1-66. L 8, H 927. 971. Tucker, 1934b:16-19. 429. Ectopsocus fullawayi Endl. 442. Elis fulviceps Cam. (Hym.)* (Corr.) Williams, 1931a:88. Williams, 1936a:17-25. L 39, L39. H102. 430. Eiphosoma annul at a Cress. Elis grandidieri (S a u s s.) (Hym.) Wolcott, 1936a:517. (Hym.) See Campsomeris L64. thoracica (F.) 431. Elachisia sp. (Lep.) P 284. 443. Elis haemorroidalis F. Van Dine, 1932a:2. L59. (Hym.)* Box, 1925b:291-356. L64, H967. Jepson, 1936b: 432. chalcedonia (Hbn.) 1-66. Tucker, 1934b:16^19. (Lep.) Ingram, 1938c:89-98. L57, H967. Wolcott, 1933a: 1939a :89-98. L 34. 127. L54. 1936a:558. L 8, 433. Elaphria nucicolora (Guen.) 64, H971. (Lep.) Ingram, 1939a:89-98. 444. Elis nodosa (Guer.) (Hym.)* L34. Jepson, 1936a:l-19. L 8, H 434. Elasmocelis platypoda Kirby 971. (Horn.) Shraff, 1929a:354. L Elis nodosa (Guer.) (Hym.) 15. See Mesa nodosa (Guer.) 435. Elasmopalpus lignosellus Zell. 445. Elis ornaticeps Cam. (Hym.)* (Lep.) Ballou, 1919a:346-347. Williams, 1936a:17-25. L 39, L46. Box, 1929d:212. L44. H103. Holloway, 1930d:829-831. L 34, 43, 54, 56. Ingram, 1938c: 446. Elis pulchrina Cam. (Hym.)* 89-98. L34. 1939a:89-98. L Williams, 1936a:17-25. L 39, 34. H102. Elasmopalpus lignosellus 447. Ellipes minula Scudd. (Orth.) (Zell.) (Lep.) Ingram, 1943a: Wolcott, 1921a:12. L64. 68-70. L34. Plank, 1928a: 1936a:41. L 64. 413-417. L59. Van Dine, 1929a:252. 1932a:3. L 59. 448. Emmalocera depressella Wolcott, 1933a:194-195. L 54. Swinh. (Lep.) Fletcher, 1932a:87-92. L12. Husian, 436. Elasmus zehnxneri Ferriere 1926a:70-82. L12. 1929a: (Hym.)* Hart, 1933e:731-801. 55-79. L12. Isaac, 1931a: L28. Lopez, 1931a:227-273. 72-79. 1933b:315-324. L12. L 41, H 1098. 1936a:168-174. Pruthi, 1936a: 437. Eldana saccharina Wlk. (Lep.) 141-152. L12. 1937a:123-137. Dick, 1942a:186. L 3, 4. L12. 449. Emmalocera sp. (Lep.) Chop­ 460. Ephysteris chersaea Meyr ra, 1928a:43-69. L 12. (Lep.) Jarvis, 1926b:284-286. 450. Empoasca mall LeB. (Horn.) L36. 1927e:l-94. L 36. 1927h: Wolcott, 1921a:33. 1936a:90- 556-558. L36. 91. L64. 461. Epitrix cucumeris Harris 451. Encarsia flavoscuiellum Zehnt. (Col.) Wolcott, 1921a:45. (Hym.)* Hart, 1936a:415- L64. 1936a:279-280. L64. 423. L27, H875. Hazelhoff, 462. Epitrix parvula F. (Col.) Wol­ 1927a:599-602. L 28, H 875. cott, 1921a:45. L64. 1936a: 1927b:1109-1112. L 28, H 875. 280-281. L64. 1927c:543-556. L 28, H 875. 463. Epilrilus wheeler i Dani. 1928a:l-15. L 28, H 875. (Hym.) Williams, 1931a:224. 1929b:55-61. L28, H 875. L39. 1929e:l-8. L28. 1929g:96- 464. Epyris exlraneus Bridwell 111. L28, H875. 1930c:113- (Hym.)* Williams, 1931a: 134. L28, H875. Holloway, 246. L39, H539. 1936b:99-100. H 875. Ishida, 1927a:78-79. L 28, H 875. 465. Erax interruptus Macq. 1929a:l-138. L28. H 875. (Hym.)* Osterberger, 1930a: Uichanco, 1928a:l-16. L 28, 709-711. L34, H967. 41, H 875. 466. Eremotylus flavofuscus 452. Enicospilius guyanensis Cam. (Brul.)* Townsend, 1928a: (Hym.)* Bodkin, 1913a:30. 1-29. L 52, H 388. L46, H665. 467. Ereuneiis flavisiriaia Wlsm. 453. Enicospilus purgalus Say. (Lep.) P 743, 744, 766, 1125. (Hym.)* Cook, 1907a:l-16. Holloway, 1930a:566-567. H665. Ingram, 1938c:89-98. L34. 1932c:354-356. Swezey, H 45. 1939a:89-98. L 34, H 45. 1909a:l-40. L 39. Williams, Van Dine, 1932a:2. L 59, 1931a:33,153-154. L 39. H665. 468. Ereuntis minuscula Wlsm. 454. Ensina humilis L. W. (Dip.) (Lep.) Swezey, 1909a:12-13. Wolcott, 1921a :42. L 39. WiUiams, 1931a:156. L39. 455. Eniogonia coffeaphila Dozier 469. Ereuneiis muiriella Swezey (Horn.) Wolcott, 1936a :77. (Lep.) Swezey, 1909a: 15. L64. L46. Eniogonia coffeaphila Dozier See Sibovia coffeaphila (Do­ 470. Ereuneiis penicillala Swezey zier) (Lep.) Swezey, 1909a:13. L39. 456. Eniomobrya cubensis Folsom 471. Ereuneiis pilosata Swezey (Coll.) Van Dine, 1932a:2. (Lep.) Swezey, 1909a:15. L59. L46. 457. Enoblatia notulata (Star) 472. Ereuneiis simulans (But.) (Orth.) Williams, 1931a:50. (Lep.) Swezey, 1909a:13-15. L39. L39. 458. Eomymar muiri Perk. 473. Ereunitis spp. (Lep.) Pierce, (Hym.)* Perkins, 1912a:27. 1928a:l-12. L 41. Smyth, L28. 1919a:144. L 64. 459. Ephialtes hawaiiensis (Cam.) 474. Erisoma lanigerum Hsm. (Hym.)* Williams, 1931a: (Horn.) Clausen, 1939a :421- 265. L39, H846. 426. 25

475. Eripternimorpha dammermani son, 1939a:377-382. L 8. Roh. (Hym.)* Lopez, 1931a: Lopez, 1931a:277-273. L41. 227-273. L41, H 1099. Moutia, 1934a:33-45. L 8. 476. Eripternimorpha javensis Roh. Pierce, 1930a:99-104. L41. (Hym.) Hart, 1933e:731-801. Takona, 1934a:454-466. L 18. L28. 1935b:l-5. Yashiro, 1939a: 14-19. L22. 477. Erythroneura circumscripta Eucosma schistaceana Sn. Mats. (Horn.) Clausen, (Lep.) See Olethretus schis­ 1931a:45, 53-55. L 20. taceana Sn. 478. Erythroneura comes Say 489. Euetheola rugiceps Lee. (Col.) (Horn.) Dozier, 1927a :259- 265. L64. Wolcott, 1921a:31. P 212, 771. Holloway, 1929a: 6. L34. 1930a:566-567. L 34. 479. Erythroneura maculifrons 1931d:445-448. L 34. 1933f: Moisch. (Horn.) Clausen, 3-4. L 34. 1938a:125-126. 1931a:45, 53-55. L 20. L34. Ingram, 1932a:844-849. 480. Erythroneura subrufa L34. 1932b:4-6. 1932c:l-3. (Motsch.) (Horn.) Clausen, 1932d:7. 1933a:4. L34. 1935a: 1931a:55. L 20. Matsuda, 3-4. L34. 1935b:4-5. L 34. 1928a:l-36. L 18. 1938d:96-97. L 34. 1938e: 481. Euacanthus semiglauca Leth. 37-38. 1939b:478-482. L 34. (Horn.) Clausen, 1931a:45, 1940a:4-6. 1940b:31-33. L 34. 53-55. L20. 1943a:68-70. L 34. Lyle, 482. Euraesta melanogastra L. W. 1933a:973. L 34. Osterberger, (Dip.) Wolcott, 1921a:42. 1931a:870-872. L 34. L64. 490. Eugnaihodus guajanae DeL. 483. Euborellia annulipes (Lucas.) (Horn.) P 59. Holloway, (Derm.) Williams, 1931a:74. 1934a:60-61. L 59,64. Van L39. Dine, 1926a:5. L 59. 1932a:l. 484. Euborellia pallipes Shir. Wolcott, 1933a:223. L64. (Derm.) Yanagihara, 1936a: 491. Eumetopina flavipes Muir 341-424. L18. (Horn.) Uichanco, 1928a: 1-16. L 41. Woodworth, 485. Encelaioria armigera Dip. 1921a:31. L41. (Coq.)* Pemberton, 1948a: 181-200. H663. 492. Eumycterus saccharidis Bar­ ber (Col.) Barber, 1927a: 486. Eucelatoria comosa (V. D. W.) 151-158. L 52. Boving, 1927a: (Dip.)* Ingram, 1938c:89-98. 151-158. L 52. Holloway, H45. 1939a:89-98. L 34, H45. 1931c:302-304. Townsend, 487. Eucoilidea micromorpha P. 1928a:l-29. L 52. (Hym.)* Williams, 1931a: Eumycterus saccharidis Bar­ 250. L 39, H 155. ber (Col.) See Anacentrinus 488. Eucosma schistaceana (Snell.) saccharidis (Barber) (Lep.) P 92, 261, 1175, 1241, 493. Eumyrmococcus smilhi Silv. 1272. Clausen, 1931a:54. (Horn.) Takahashi, 1934a: L 18, 20. Edwards, 1926a:l-4. 1-38. L 18. L 8. Hadden, 1928a:13-14. 494. Euplectrus plathypenae How. Hazelhoff, 1929g:96-lll. (Hym.)* Muir, 1926a: 12-23. L 28. Ijima, 1934a:74-83. L 39, H 305. 1927a:16-29. L18. 1935a:l-4. 1935b:l-9. L 39, H 305. Pemberton, Ishida, 1936a:129-170. Jep- 1948a:181-200. H 665. Scara- 26

muzza, 1930a:110-115. L 59, 507. Exophthalmus esuriens Gyll. H665. Uichanco, 1928a:l-16. (Col.) Ballou, 1913f:334-337. L41, H1146. Van Dine, L54. 1913b:202-203. L54. 1932a :2. L59, H 302. Wil­ 1913d:186. L 54. 1914a:5, 41, liams, 1931a :257. L 39, 21-23,41. L 46, 54,63. 1914d: H 1145. 198-220. L54. 1915a:121-147. Euscelis obscurimervis Sial. L54. (Horn.) See Exitianus ob­ 508. Exophthalmus familicus scurimervis (Stal.) (Oliv.) (Col.) Ballou, 1914a: 495. Eutermes cosiaricensis Holm. 45. L 54. (Isop.) Bodkin, 1914b :187. 509. Exophthalmus spengeri Linn. L46. 1915a:l-ll. L46. Hol- (Col.) Barrett, 1904a:429- loway, 1932c:354-356. L 46. 450. L 64. 1905a:387-399. 496. Eutermes haitiensis Holong. L64. (Isop.) Ballau, 1914a:5,24, 510. Feltia annexa (Treit.) (Lep.) 31,41. L54. Ingram, 1938c :89-98. 1939a: 497. Eulermes morio Lath. (Isop.) 89-98. L 34. Smyth, 1919a :138. L64. 511. Feltia dislocata Wlk. (Lep.) 498. Eutermes ripperti Ramb. Holloway, 1933b:216-219. (Isop.) Edwards, 1933a:16- L 39. Swezey, 1909b:16-17. 18. L62. Gowdey, 1923a:23. L 39. Williams, 1931a:141. L62. 1927a:16-17. L 62. L39. 1928a:20-21. L 62. Wolcott, 512. Feltia inierjectionis Guen. 1933a:165. L54. (Lep.) Pierce, 1917a:208. 499. Euxhyrrhapha pacifica (Coq.) L28. (Orth.) Williams, 1931a:55. 513. Ferrisiana virgaia Ckll. L39. (Horn.) P1095. Swezey, 500. Euirizoides jonesi Wall. 1931a:945-947. L 39. (Dip.)* Box, 1925b:291-356. 514. Formicomus sp. (Col.) Pruthi, L64, H967. Wolcott, 1933a: 1936a>141-152. L 12. 117-118. 515. Frankliniella williamsi Hood 501. Eutrixopholis irrorata Chev. (Thysan.) Wolcott, 1921a:13. (Dip.)* Lopez, 1931d:129. 1933a:242-243. L 54. 1936a: L41. H692. 67. L64. 502. Eufrixopsis javana Ths. 516. Frankliniella sp. (Thysan.) (Dip.)* Lopez, 1931c:145- Smyth, 1919a:138. L 64. 172. L41, H967. 517. Frontina archippivora (Wills) 503. Eutrombidium trigonus (Her­ (Dip.)* Pemberton, 1948a: man) (Acarina) Williams, 181-200. H 663. Swezey, 1931a:63. L 39. 1909b :25. L39, H 305. Wil­ 504. Euxesla Ihomae L. W. (Dip.) liams, 1931a:138, 292. L 34, Wolcott, 1921a:42. 39. H305. 505. Exeristes roboralor (F.) 518. Frontina armigera Coq. (Hym.)* Holloway, 1939a: (Dip.)* Bruner, 1928a:27-32. 258-263. H 388. Ingram, L59, H1045. Van Dine, 1941a:l-17. L 34. H 388. 1932a:2. L 59, H665. 506. Exiiianus obscurinervis Stal. 519. Fulvius peregrinaior Kirk. (Horn.) Wolcott, 1936a :84. (Hem.) Williams, 1931a:103. L64. L39. 27

520. Gambrus rufithorax Uchida 535. Gonia iexensis Reinch. (Dip.)* Takano, 1934a:434-466. L 18. Scaramuzza, 1930a:110-115. 521. Gasirimargus musicus F. L59, H665. Van Dine, (Orth.) Weddell, 1937a:246- 1932a:2. L59. H 665. 259; 354-365; 451-462. L 36. 536. Gonocephalum acuiangulum 522. Geisha disiinciissima Wlk. Fairm. (Col.) Woodworth, (Horn.) Clausen, 1931a :45, 1921a:30. L41. 53-53. L20. 537. Gonocephalum carpeniariae 523. Geoica Iucifuga Zhni. (Horn.) Blackb. (Col.) Burns, 1929b: Mordvilko, 1928a :525-528. 579-581. L42. Jarvis, 1926b: L 18, 28, 30. Muntgomery, 284-286. L 36. 1927e:l-94. 1930a:47-48. L 36. L36. 524. Geoica spaiulala Theo. (Horn.) 538. Gonocephalum hoffmannseggi Fletcher, 1928a :56-67. L 12. Siev. (Col.) Kunhi, 1927a: Isaac, 1931a:72-79. 11-17. L12. 525. Geosargus sp. (Dip.)* Van 539. Gonocephalum sp. (Col.) Dine, 1929a:262. H 388. P464. Jarvis, 1926b :284-286. 526. Geotomus pygmaeus Dallas L36. (Hem.) Williams, 1931a:97. 540. Grallopoda lasciva F. (Dip.) L39. Wolcott, 1936a :381. L 64. 527. Giionides perspicax Knab. 541. Grapholiiha schisiaceana Sn. (Dip.) Williams, 1931a :117, (Lep.) Emmerez, 1917a:18- 307. L 39. 20. L 8, 28. Hazelhoff, 1928b: 528. Glyciphagus domesticus Deg. 1-20. L28. (Acarina) Banks, 1906a:12. Grapholiiha schisiaceana Sn. L34. (Lep.) See Olethreutes Gnathodus mbila (Naude.) schistaceana Sn. (Horn.) See Cicadulina 542. Gryllodes sigillalus (Wlk.) mbila (Naude.) (Orth.) P 666. Williams, 529. Golofa aegon F. (Col.) Hollo- 1931a:71. L 39. way, 1931d:445-448. L 52. 543. Grylloialpa africana P. de B. 530. Gonaiocerus juvaior Perk. (Orth.) Clausen, 1931 a :46; (Hym.)* Perkins, 1912a:23- 53-55. L 20. Holloway, 24. L33. 1931d:445-448. L41. Takano, 1935a:840-845. L18. Ui- 531. Gonaiocerus koebelei Perkins chanco, 1928a:l-16. L41. (Hym.)* Holloway, 1919a: Williams, 1931a:70. L1,17, 449. L34, H413. Perkins, 39, 41. 1912a:22-23. L 33, H413. 544. Grylloialpa formosana Shir. 532. Gonaiocerus mexicanus Perk. (Orth.) Yanagihara, 1936a: (Hym.)* Parkins, 1912a:21- 341-424. L 18. 22. L33, H413. Grylloialpa vicinus Scud. 533. Gonaiocerus r i v a 1 i s Gir. (Orth.) See Scyllina gre- (Hym.)* Parkins, 1912a:21. garia (Sauss) L33, H413. 545. Gryllus oceanicus LeG. 534. Gonaiopus sp. (Hym.)* In­ (Orth.) P 830. Holloway, gram, 1938c:89-98. L34, 1932c:354-356. L 37. H1071. 1939a:89-98. L 34, 546. Gryllus assimilis F. (Orth.) H 1071. Wolcott, 1922a:23. L64. 28

547. Gryllus conspersus Schaum. Heliophila latiuscula (H-S.) (Orth.) Williams, 1931a:72. (Lep.) See Leucania lati­ L39. uscula (H-S.) 548. Gryllus milraius Hag. (Orth.) 563. Heliophila subpunctata Har. Kondo, 1935a:l-29. L 18. (Lep.) Wolcott, 1922a :34. L 549. Gryllus oceanicus LeG. 66. (Orth.) Williams, 1931a:71. 564. Heliophila unipuncia Haw. L 20, 35, 39. (Lep.) Cook, 1907a:l-16. L 550. Gryllus iestaceus Wlk. (Orth.) 59. Uichanco, 1928a:l-16. L41. 565. Heliolhrips bruneri Morgan 551. Habrobracon brevicornis (Thysan.) Van Dine, 1932a: (Wesm.) (Hym.)* Holloway, 2. L59. 1927a:67-68. H711. Van 566. Heliolhrips femoralis Reu. Dine, 1929a:254. H 388. (Thysan.) Wolcott, 1936a: 552. Haliica occidentalis Suff. 65. L64. (Col.) Wolcott, 1936a :278. 567. Hemipsocus roseus H a g e n L64. (Corr.) Williams, 1931a:86. 553. Hanseniella unguiculaia (Han­ L 16, 25, 39, 41. sen) (Chilo.) Holloway, 568. Hemipiilola insularia Guen. 1932b:64-66. Ingram, 1931a: (Lep.) Wolcott, 1936a :454. L 866-869. L34. 1932c:l-3. 64. 554. Haplogonatopus vitiensis 569. Henicospilus antancarus Perk. (Hym.)* Williams, 1931a:247-248. L 37, 39, Sauss. (Hym.)* Emmerez, 1917a:13. L 8, H1123. H413. Moutia, 1937a:30-33. L8, H 555. Haplosonyx elongatus Baly. 388. (Col.) Stebbing, 1903a:81-82. L12. 570. Henicospilus maurilli Sauss. (Hym.)* Emmerez, 1917a:13. 556. Haplothrips femoralis Reut. L8, H1123. (Thysan.) Wolcott, 1923a: 239. L64. 571. Henicospilus sakaguchii Mats 557. Haploihrips halophilus Hood & Uchida. (Hym.)* Takano, (Thysan.) Holloway, 1929a: 1934a:434-466. L 18, H 1123. 28. 572. Henicospilus sp. (Hym.) Mont­ 558. Haplothrips lucasseni Kruger gomery, 1933a:67-70. L 36. (Thysan.) Montgomery, Henicospilus Maurili Sauss. 1932a:55-57. L 36. (Hym.)* See Enicospilus 559. Haplothrips tibialis Hood mauriti Sauss. (Thysan.) Smyth, 1919a:138. 573. Hepialus pharus Druce. (Lep.) L 64. Wolcott, 1921a:13. Williams, 1935a :292-297. L 1936a:69. L 64. 39. 560. Hapioncus luteolus Erich. 574. Heplasmicra curvilineata (Col.) Wolcott, 1936a :219. Cameron. (Hym.)* Bodkin, L64. 1913a:29. L 46. 1915a:l-ll. 561. Helegonatopus pseudophanes L46, H388. Van Dine, Perk. (Hym.)* Williams, 1929a:264. H 388. 1931a:255. L39, H1020. 575. Hercothrips femoralis Reut. 562. Heliothis obsoleta F. (Lep.) (Thysan.) pemberton, 1937a: Wolcott, 1936a:418-419. L 64. 20-27. L39. 29

576. Herse cingulata F. (Lep.) Wil­ 591. Hispa modesta We. (Col.) liams, 1931a:160. L39. Maxwell-Lefroy, 1909a :365. 577. Heierodera radicola Greet. L12. (Nema.) Holloway, 1932b: Hispa modesta We. (Col.) 64-66. L39. Muir, 1926a:12- See Phidodonta modesta We. 23. L39. 1927a:16-29. L 39. 592. Hispa similis Uhm. (Col.) Williams, 1931a:33, 358. L 39. Fukuda, 1937a:l-24. 578. Heteroderes albicans Cand. 593. Holanaria picescens Fairm. (Col.) Miwa, 1929a:275-289. (Col.) Holloway, 1932c :234- L18. 236. L28. 579. Heteroderes carinatus Blkb. Holanaria picescens Fairm. (Col.) McDougall, 1933a :66- (Col.) See Eutochia picescens 67. L36. 1934a:43-70. L 36. Fairm. 580. Heteroderes cairnsensis Blkb. 594. Holochlora japonica Brunn. (Col.) McDougall, 1933a:66- (Orth.) P1261. Holloway, 67. L36. 1933b:216-219. L 39. Wil­ 581. Heteroderes lateralis Schwarz liams, 1931a:64-65. L 39. (Col.) McDougaU, 1933a:66- 595. Hololepia quadridentata F. 67. L36. (Col.) Wolcott, 1922a:36. L 582. Heteroderes laurentii (Guer.) 66. (Col.) Ingram, 1938c:89-98. L 596. Holotrichia vidua Sharp (Col.) 34. 1939a :89-98. L 34. Scara- Barrett, 1911a:70-74. L 41. muzza, 1940a: 107. Woodworth, 1921a:30. L41. 583. Heteronychus licas (Klg.) 597. Homophoeia cyanipennis F. (Col.) Dick, 1942a:186. LI. (Col.) Wolcott, 1936a :275- 584. Heteronychus plebeius Klug. 276. L64. (Col.) Anderson, 1930a:94- 598. Hyalopterus arundinis (F.) 101. L6. Frappa, 1928a:110- Ingram, 1937c :4-7. 113. L6. 1928b:194-197. L6. 585. Hieroglyphus banian F. 599. Hylephila phylaeus Dru. Hay- (Orth.) Anstead, 1924a:l-16. ward, 1943c:ll-18. L12. Fletcher, 1930a:57-77. 600. Hyperaspis apicalis Wiese. L12. Ramakrishna Ayyar, (Col.)* Van Dine, 1932a:l. L 1933a:421-433. L 12. 59, H134. Wolcott, 1936a: 586. Hindsiana cocois Watson 226. L 64, H 1130. (Thysan.) Wolcott, 1936a:68. 601. Hyperaspis connectens Thunb. L64. (Col.)* Wolcott, 1936a:226. 587. Hindsiana weigeli Watson L 64, H 134. (Thysan.) Wolcott, 1936a :68. 602. Hyperaspis trilineata Muls. L64. (Col.)* Tucker, 1936d:398- 588. Hippelates flavipes Loew 404. L 57, H 1010. WiUiams, (Dip.) Wolcott, 1922a:36. L 1931a:117. L39. 66. 603. Hypomeces squamosus F. 589. Hippelates pusio Loew (Dip.) (Col.) Clausen, 1931a :45, 53- Wolcott, 1921a :42. 55. L20. 590. Hippelates t e x a n u s MaL. 604. Hypomeces unicolor F. (Col.) (Dip.) Wolcott, 1921a:42. Holloway, 1931c :302-304. L 1936a:386. L64. 28. 30

605. Hyposoter exiguae Vier. I 614. Ipobracon puberulus (Sze.) (Hym.)* Muir, 1927a:16-29. (Hym.)* Van Dine, 1929a: L39, H305. Pemberton, 255. H 388. 1948a:181-200. H663. Wil- 615. Ipobracon rimac Wolc. liams, 1931a:138, 268-269. L (Hym.)* Dohanian, 1937b: 34, 39, H 305. 237-241. L 52, H 388. Hollo- 606. Hypolhenemus eruditus way> 1932a:68-71. Ingram, Westw. (Col.) Blanford, 1938c :89-98. L 34, H 388. 1894a:260-265. 1939a:89-98. L 34, H 388. 607. Hysteroneura setariae (Thos.) 1941a:l-17. L 34, H 388. (Horn.) Cleare, 1926a :65-68. Jaynes, 1932a :64-68. L 52, H L 46, 59, 64. Ingram, 1936a: 388. 1933a:l-26. L 52, H 388. 89-98. L 34. 1937c:4-7. 1938b: 1938a:93-95. L 34, 52, H 388. 537-540. 1938c:89-98. L 34. Scaramuzza, 1932a:87-93. L 1938f:128-129. 1939a:89-98. 44( 52, H 388. 1942a:642-645. 1939c:483-495. Strong, 1936a: L 34s H 388. Wille, 1932b: 1-121. Tate, 1938a:l-3. 1939a: 25-29. L 52. 1934a:185-198; 73-79. L 34. Van Dine, 1926a: 233-252. L52, H 388. 1935a: 4. 1932a:l. L 34. Wadley, 1_23. L 52, H 388.

1937a:103-114. L 64. Wol- 616 Ipobracon saccharalis Turner cott, 1922c:l-ll. 1933a:233- (H )Jfc Van Di 1929a: 234. L54. 1936a:117. L 64. 263 H 388 608. Ichneumon koebelei Swezey _.__.' ' _ (Hym.)* Swezey, 1909b:30- 617' Ip^rac°n ^"^^ J"'^!1 31. L 34, 39, H 305. &%"£ ^ox, 1928b:53-61 609. lesta .p. (Lep.) Box 1931a:l- ^44. Brethes 1927a:205-207. 50 L44, H388. Jaynes, 1933a: 610. Iphiaulax medianus Cameron j^ 1.44, HS88. Van Dine, (Hym.)* Bodkin, 1913a:29. 19^9a.^59. a 388. L46, H388. 1915a:l-ll. L 618- Ipobracon sp. (Hym.) Jaynes, 46, H388. Box, 1927a:76-78. 1932a:64-68. L44,52, H 388. H388. Townsend, 1928a:l-29. L 52, Iphiaulax tucumanus H 388. (Brethes.) (Hym.)* See Ipo- 619. Ischnodemus saccharivorus bracon tucumanus (Brethes.) Okaj. (Hem.) Matsumoto, 611. Iphiaulax sp. (Hym.)* Bod- 1936a:291-303. L18. 1939a: kin, 1913a:29. L 46, H388. 303-313. L18. Sakai, 1936a: Van Dine, 1929a:255. H388. 153-156. L 20. Takano, 1935a: 612. Ipobracon amabilis Brethes 840-845. L18. Yanagihara, (Hym.)* Ingram, 1941a:l-17. 1936a:341-424. L 18.

L 34, H 388. 62u. I s h i d a e 11 a albomarginata 613. Ipobracon grenadensis Ashm. (Sign.) (Horn.) Clausen, (Hym.)* Box, 1927a:76-78. 1931a:55. L 20. H388. 1927c:l-24. L 64, H M1 - . . ,_ „ x w.. 388. 1928d:365-370. L 54. 62h ^^/^ ™ F" Cleare, 1929b:21-24. L46, liams, 1931a:33, 348. L 39. H388. Skeete, 1929a:20-21. 622, Japyx sp. (Thysan.) Hollo- L57, H388. Tucker, 1930c: wa^ 1932b:64-66. Ingram, 79-84. L57, H 388. 1936e:l- 1932c:l-3. 22. L57. Van Dine, 1929a: 623. Jassidopthora prima Perkins 254-256. H388. Wolcott, (Hym.)* Perkins, 1912a:18- 1933a:180. I 19. L 32, H415. 31

24. Kaloiermes immigrans Sny. 639. Lachnosterna apicalis Blanch. (Isopt.) Williams, 1931a:78- (Col.) Box, 1925b:291-356. 79. L39. L64. 25. Kaloiermes schwarzi Banks Lachnosterna apicalis Blanch. (Isopt.) Van Dine, 1932a:3. (Col.) See Phytalis apicalis L59. Blanch. 26. Kamendaka saccharivora 640. Lachnosterna burmeisteri Mats. (Horn.) Clausen, (Lee.) (Col.) H o 11 o w a y, 1931a:45, 53-55. L 20. 1919a:449. L 34. 27. Kenlronothrips hawaiiensis 641. Lachnosterna citri Smyth. (Col.) Jepson, 1936b: 1-66. L Moul. (Thysan.) Williams, 8. 1931a:93. L 39. 642. Lachnosterna congrua (Lee.) 28. Kirbyana pagana Mel. (Horn.) (Col.) Holloway, 1919a:449. Clausen, 1931a:45, 53-55. L L34. 20. 643. Lachnosterna crassissima 29. Kolla albomarginata Sign. Blanch. (Col.) Holloway, (Horn.) Clausen, 1931a:45, 1919a:449. L 34. 53-55. L20. 644. Lachnosterna crenaticollis Kolla albomarginata Sign. Blanch. (Col.) Stahl, 1929b: See Ishidaella albomarginata 1-19. L59. (Sign.) 645. Lachnosterna guanicana 30. Kolla fasciata Wlk. (Horn.) Smyth. (Col.) Box, 1925b: Wolcott, 1936a:80. L 64. 291-356. L64. 31. Kolla fuscolineella Fowl. (Horn.) Wolcott, 1921a :21- 646. Lachnosterna helleri Brenske 28. (Col.) Hazelhoff, 1930c: 113- 32. Kolla similis Wlk. (Horn.) 134. L28. Smyth, 1919a:145. L 64. Wol­ 647. Lachnosterna hogardi Blanch. cott, 1921a:22-28. 1922a:33. (Col.) Wolcott, 1928c :21-29. 1933a:222-223. L61. Kolla similis Wlk. (Horn.) See 648. Lachnosterna jamaicensis Ar­ Hortensia similis (Wlk.) row (Col.) Gowdey, 1923a: )3. Labia curvicauda Moisch. 16-17. L62. (Orth.) Wolcott, 1921a:13. L 649. Lachnosterna patruelis Chev. 64. 1936a:24. L 64. (Col.) Ballou, 1913a:334. L 14. Labia dubronyi H e b a r d. 54. 1913b:202-203. L54. (Orth.) Williams, 1931a:76. 1913d:186. L54. 1914a:5, L39. 18-21, 41, 43. L46, 54. 1915a: 15. Labidura riparia (Pallas.) 121-147. L54. 1916b:l-30. (Derm.) Williams, 1931a:74. L 54. 1916c:42-43. L 54. L39. 650. Lachnosterna porioricensis 6. Lachnopus hispidus Gyll. Smyth. (Col.) Box, 1925b: (Col.) Van Dine, 1926a: 10. 291-356. L64. Dozier, 1926a: 1932a:3. L 59. 115-124. L64. Jepson, 7. Lachnosterna antennata (L.) 1936b:l-66. Wolcott, 1936b: (Col.) HoUoway, 1919a:449. 445-456. L8,64. L34. 651. Lachnosterna vandinei Smyth. 8. Lachnosterna antiguae Arrow (Col.) Box, 1925b:291-356. L (Col.) Ballou, 1921a:l-17. L 64. Wolcott, 1936b :445-456. 54. L64. 32

652. Lachnosterna vidua Sharp 59. Cleare, 1929b:21-24. L (Col.) Lopez, 1931c:145-172. 46. Cook, 1907a:l-16. L 59. L41. Gowdey, 1923a:18-20. 1927a: 653. Lachnosterna sp. (Col.) Ar­ 16-17. L62. 1928a:20-21. L row, 1921a:189-193. L 54. 62. Holloway, 1919a:450. L Barrows, 1924a:22-26. Van 34, 64, 66. 1930a:566-567. L Dine, 1913a:199. L64. 34. 1932e:461-470. Ingram, Lachnosterna spp. (Col.) See 1938c:89-98. L 34. 1939a:89- Phyllophaga. 98. L34. 1943a:68-70. L 34. Scaramuzza, 1930a:110-115. 654. Lacon assus Cand. (Col.) Mc- L59. Smyth, 1919a:143. L DougaU, 1933a:66-67. L 36. 64,68. Urich, 1915a:158. 655. Lacon formosanus Bates. Van Dine, 1913a:202. 1926a: (Col.) Miwa, 1929a:275-289. 13. L46. 1932a:2. Williams, L18. 1929a:80-84. L 60. Wolcott, 656. Lacon humilis Er. (Col.) Mc- 1921a:38. 1922a:34. 1933a: DougaU, 1933a:66-67. L 36. 208-213. 1936a:423-424. L 64. 657. Lacon musculus Cand. (Col.) 666. Larra luzonensis Roh. (Hym.)* Takano, 1935a:840-845. L 18. Williams, 1931a:70. L 39, H 658. Lacon variabilis Cand. (Col.) 542. Bell, 1936a:19-23. L 36. Mc- 667. Lasiochilus divisus Champ. Dougall, 1933a: 11, 66-67. L (Hem.) Wolcott, 1921a:14. 36. 1934a:43-70. L 36. 1922a:33. 1933a:220-221. 659. Lacon sp. (Col.) McDougall, 1936a:156. L 64. 1932a:57. L 36. 668. Laspeyresia schistaceana Sn. 660. Laelia subrufa Sn. (Lep.) (Lep.) P1245. Holloway, Uichanco, 1928a:l. L41. 1930d:829-831. L 8, 28, 41. 661. Lamenia inflata Ball. (Horn.) Uichanco, 1928a:l-16. L41. Wolcott, 1922a:33. Laspeyresia schistaceana Sn. 662. Lamenia uhleri Ball. (Horn.) (Lep.) See Olethreutes schis­ Van Dine, 1926a:5. taceana Sn. 663. Laphygma exempta Wlk. 670. Lathromeris sp. * (Lep.) P121, 122, 139, 205, Pickles, 1930b:150-157. H 12, 263, 264, 485, 517, 605, 995, 34. 1007, 1244. Bell, 1936a:19- 23. L36. Bianchi, 1944a: 671. Lema fomosana Kuw. (Col.) 203-212. Dick, 1942a:186. L Kuwayama, 1932a:l-132. L 10. Holloway, 1933b:216-219. 18. L36. Jarvis, 1927e:l-94. L 672. LepidocyTtus nigrosetosus Fol- 36. 1927m:275-276. L 36. som. (Coll.) Wolcott, 1933a: Pemberton, 1948a:181-200. 242. L54. 1936a:21. L 64. Pierce, 1934a:l-4. L41. 673. Lepidocyrtus violentus Fol- 664. Laphygma exigua Hbn. (Lep.) som. (Coll.) Holloway, Chopra, 1928a:43-69. L 12. 1932b:64-66. Ingram, 1932c: 665. Laphygma frugiperda S & A. 1-3. Spencer, 1929a :641-648. (Lep.) P140, 260, 263, 453, L34. 494, 518, 535, 736, 985, 1177, 674. Lepidiota consobrina Gir. 1281. Bodkin, 1912a:29. L (Col.) Jarvis, 1927e:l-94. 46. 1913a:30. 1914a:171-177. L36. 1931b:6-9. 1932d:18. L 46. Bruner, 1928a:27-32. L L36. 33

675. Lepidiota frenchi Blackb. L36. 1926b:283. L 36. 1926d: (Col.) P 896, 897. Easterby, 24-26. L36. 1927a:104-106; 1931a:543-588. L 36. Hollo- 220-221; 337-338. L 36. way, 1931d:445-448. L 36. 1927f :394-395. L 36. 1936a: Jarvis, 1927a:108-110; 211- 456-464. L36. 1936b: 454- 212; 339-341. L 36. 1927g: 469. 554-555. L36. 1928b:107-113. 681. Lepidosaphes sp. (Horn.) L36. 1932d:18. L36. 1933a: Pruthi, 1936a:141-152. L 12. 62-66. L 36. Muntgomery, 682. Leptispa pygmaea Baly. (Col.) 1926d:24-26. L 36. 1927c: Stebbing, 1903a:79-81. L12. 83-84. L 36. 1930b:47-48. 683. Leptocorisa acuta Thunb. L36. 1932a:55-57. L 36. (Hem.) Woodworth, 1921a: B76. Lepidiota grata Blackb. (Col.) 30. L41. Jarvis, 1926b:284-286. L 36. 1927e:l-94. L 36. Muntgom­ 684. Leptocorisa caricornis F. ery, 1927a:272-273. L 36. (Hem.) Clausen, 1931a:45, 53-55. L20. 77. Lepidiota pruinosa Wied. (Col.) P232. Lopez, 1931a: 685. Lepiodictya bambusae Drake 227-273. L41. 1931b:759-761. (Hem.) Holloway, 1936c: L41. 1931c:145-172. L 41. 216-217. L 59. Van Dine, 1932a:2. L 59. 78. Lepidiota trichoslerna Lea. 688. Leptodictya i a b i d a Sch. (Col.) Easterby, 1931a:543- (Hem.) Holloway, 1936c: 588. L 36. Jarvis, 1927e:l-94. L 36. Muntgomery, 1927d: 216-217. L33. Van Zwal- 272-273. L36. 1930b:47-48. wenburg, 1926a :664. L36. 687. Lererma accius Abb. (Lep.) 79. Lepidiota sp. (Col.) Otanes, Bodkin, 1915a:l-ll. L 46. 1931a:129-161. L41. 688. Lerodea eufala Edw. Hay- 80. Lepidoderma albohirlum Wa- ward, 1943c:ll-18. terh. (Col.) P 209, 249,1074, 689. Leskiomima jaynesi Aid. 1104. Aldrich, 1922a:l-5. (Dip.)* Jaynes, 1933a:l-26. L 36. Bell, 1935a:48-53. L 36. L 44, 52, H 388. 1936a:19-23. L 36. HoUoway, 690. Leskiomima sp. (Dip.)* Jay­ 1931d:445-448. L 36. Jarvis, nes, 1932a:64-68. L 44, H 388. 1926a:217-221. L42. 1926b: 691. Leskiopalpus diadema (Wied.) 284-286. L36. 1926d:478-481. (Dip.)* Dohanian, 1937b: L36. 1927a:108-lll; 211-212; 237-241. L64. H 388. Myers, 339-341. L36. 1927b:110-113. 1934a:191-195. L 45. H 388. L36. 1927j:179-182. L 36. 692. Leucopholis irrorata Chev. 1927k: 182-183. L 36. 19271: (Col.) P 209,501. Camus, 270-271. L 36. 1927o:7-8. 1935a:l-103. L 41. Jarvis, L 36. 1928a:97-107. L 36. 1931a: 42-45. L41. Jepson, 1928b:107-113. L 36. 1929a: 1936a:l-19. L41. Lopez, 383. L36. 1930a:42-46. L 36. 1930a:307-308. L41. 1931a: 1931a:42-45. L 36. 1932c:472- 227-273. L41. 1931b:759-761. 475. L36. 1932d:18. L 36. L41. 1931c:145-172. L41. 1932e:92-93. L36. 1933a:62- 1931d:129. L 41. Otanes, 66. L36. 1933b:60-63. L 36. 1931a:129-161. L41. Ui- 1933c:242-244. L 36. Mc- chanco, 1928a:l-16. L41. Dougall, 1932a :57. L36. 1930a:133-135. L41. 1931a: Muntgomery, 1926a:213-215. 501-505. L41. 742. Melanoius sp. (Col.) Ander­ L46. 1914b:187. L 46. 1915a: son, 1924a:602-603. Hollo- 1-11. L46. Box, 1932b:9-12. way, 1932c:354-356. L 34. L68. Holloway, 1931c:302- 743. Meliitobia hawaiiansis Perk. 304. L46, 54. Pickel, 1930c: (Hym.)* Swezey 1909a:28- 47-48. L45. Smyth, 1919a: 30. L 39, H 467. 142. L64. Townsend, 1927a: 744. Meliitobiopsis ereunetiphila 1-8. L52. Urich, 1912a:389. 1915a:159. L 68. Van Dine, Timb. (Hym.)* Williams, 1913a:201. Wille, 1935a:l-23. 1931a:153-154. L 39, H 467. L 52. Wolcott, 1921a:46. 745. Menida hisirio F. (Hem.) L 64. 1933a:197-200. 1936a: Clausen, 1931a:45,53-55. 312-313. L64. L20. 754. Metamasius sericeus Ol. 746. Meropleon cosmion Dyar (Col.) Ballou, 1916b:l-30. (Lep.) Bynum, 1924a:469- L54. Edwards, 1935a :24-28. 472. Van Dine, 1929a:253. L62. Gowdey, 1923a:17. 747. Mesogramma subannulaia Lw. L62, 66. Holloway, 1931c: (Dip.)* Van Dine, 1932a:l. 302-304. L 33. Tucker, 1931a: L59, H915. 80-97. L57. Van Dine, 1926a: 748. Mesostenoideus sp. (Hym.)* 9. L54. 1932a:3. L 59. Wol­ Bodkin, 1913a :29. L 46, cott, 1922a:36. 1933a:197- H388. 1915a:l-ll. L 46. 200. 749. Mesostenus longicornis 755. Metanastes vulgivagus OI. Ishida (Hym.)* Takano, (Col.) Gurney, 1934a :452- 1934a:434-466. L 18. 454. L10, 36. 750. Mestolobes minuscula Bull. 756. Meteorus laphygmae Vier (Lep.) Williams, 1931a: 150. (Hym.) Bianchi, 1944a :203- L39. 212. Pemberton, 1948a:181- 751. Metagonistylum minense 200. Thn. (Dip.)* Bartlett, 1938a: 757. Metoponia rubriceps Macq. 1-4. L46,64, H388. 1940a: (Dip.) Jarvis, 1927e:l-94. 335-338. L45, H 388. 1941a: L 36. Muntgomery, 1932a: 12-15. L64, H388. 1941b: 55-57. L36. 1-20. Cleare, 1934a:13-21. 758. Microborus sp. (Col.) Town- L46. Dohanian, 1937b:237- send, 1928a:l-29. L 52. 241. L46, H388. Holloway, 759. Microbracon brevicornis 1938a:125-126. H 388. 1940a: (Wesm.) (Hym.)* Ingram, 738-742. H 388. Ingram, 1941a:l-17. L 34, H 388. 1940a:4-6. H 388. 1941a:l-17. H388. Monte, 1933a:559-563. 760. Microbracon omiodivorum L45, H388. Myers, 1934a: Terry (Hym.)* Williams, 191-195. L45, H388. 1936a: 1931a:272. L 39, H 846. 381-385. L43, 46, 65, H 388. 761. Microceromasia sphenophori Scaramuzza, 1942a:642-645. Vil. (Dip.)* Van Dine, 1929a: L34, H388. 253. H1049. 752. Metamasius a n c e p s Gyll. 762. Microcerotermes sp. (Isopt.) (Col.) Holloway, 1931c:l. Jarvis, 1927e:l-94. L 36. L52. Townsend, 1928a:l-29. 763. Microcentrum iriangulaium L 52. Wille, 1935a:l-23. L 52. Brunn. (Orth.) Smyth, 753. Metamasius hemiplerus L. 1919a: 137. L64. Wolcott, (Col.) Bodkin, 1913a:31. 1936a:37. L 64. 37

764. Microdus crossi Brethes 773. Microtermes nigriius Silv. (Hym.)* Box, 1928b :53-61. (Isopt.) Bodkin, 1914b:187. L44. Brethes, 1927a:205-207. L46. 1915a:l-ll. L 46. L 44, H 388. Van Dine, 774. Microthrix inconspiouella 1929a:259-263. H 388. Reg. (Lep.) Maxwell-Lefroy, 765. Microdus diatraeae Turner 1909a:514. L 12. (Hym.)* Box, 1928d:365-370. 775. Mnemosyne c u b a n a Stal. L54. 1928e:l-6. L 64, H 388. (Horn.) Van Dine, 1932a:3. Cleare, 1929b:21-24. L 46, L59. H388. Van Dine, 1929a:252. 776. frugalis F. (Lep.) Hol­ H388. loway, 1933b:216-219. L 36. 766. Microdus hawaiicola Ashm. 777. Mocis repanda F. (Lep.) (Hym.)* Swezey, 1909a:30- Bruner, 1928a:27-32. L 59. 31. L39. Williams, 1931a: Gowdey, 1923a :20-21. Leiby, 272. L39, H467. 1920a:l-85. Scaramuzza, Microdus sacchari (Myers)* 1930a:110-115. L 59. Smyth, See Bassus sacchari (Myers) 1919a:144. L 64. Urich, 767. Microdus stigmaterus Cress. 1912a:391. Van Dine, 1926a: (Hym.)* Box, 1932b:9-12. 13. Wolcott, 1921a:38. 1933a: L68, H388. 1933b:l-10. L 65, 208-212. 1936a:431-432. L 64. H 711. Holloway, 1932a:68-71. 778. Mogannia hebes Wlk. (Horn.) H388. Jaynes, 1932a:64-68. Clausen, 1931a:45,53-55. L52, H388. Myers, 1934a: L20. 191-195. L45, H388. Scara- muzza, 1932a:87-93. L 59, 779. Monecphora flavifascia M. & H388. Tucker, 1936e:l-22. B. (Horn.) Van Dine, 1926a: Van Dine, 1929a :252, 263. 6. 1932a:l. L 59. L57, H388. Wolcott, 1933a: 780. Monochirus callicanthus 180. Bates (Col.) Clausen, 1931a: 45, 53-55. L 20. Uichanco, 768. Microdus sp. (Hym.)* Box, 1928a:l-16. L41. 1926a:49-52. L 59, H 388. 1928a:l-3. L 44, H 388. 781. Monocrepidius biforcatus Pal Skeete, 1929a:20-21. L 57, de B. (Col.) Holloway, H388. Tucker, 1930c :79-84. 1932c :354-356. L 39. L57, H388. 782. Monocrepidius bifoveaius Beauv. (Col.) Scaramuzza, 769. Microgaster harnedi Muese. 1940a: 107. L 59. Stahl, (Hym.)* Van Dine, 1929a: 1929a:9-14. L 59. 1929b:l-19. 254. H388. L59. Van Dine, 1926a:ll. 770. Micromus vinaceus Gersi. 1932a :3. L 59. Wolcott, (Neurop.) Williams, 1931a: 1933a:159-161. 128. L 36, 39. 783. Monocrepidius exsul Sharp 771. Microphthalma disjuncta (Col.) WiUiams, 1931a:170, W i e d. (Dip.) * Ingram, 216. L39. 1932a :844-849. L 34, H 489. 784. Monocrepidius lividus DeG. 772. Microphthalma michiganensis (Col.) Holloway, 1929a:6. Towns. (Dip.)* Easterby, L34. 1931a:543-588. L36, H1019. 785. Monodes agrotina Goen. Muntgomery, 1933a :67-70. (Lep.) Bodkin, 1913a:30. L36, H1019. L46. 1915a:l-ll. L46. 38

786.—Monolepta signala Ol. (Col.) 801. Navanga aenescens Moore Pruthi, 1936a :141-152. L 12. (Lep.) Clausen, 1931a :44, 787. Monomorium carbonarium F. 53-55. L20. Smith. (Hym.) Subspecies 802. Neanura muscorum Fols. ebenium Forel. Wolcott, (Coll.) Spencer, 1929a:641- 1936a:541. L 64. 1937a:577- 648. L34. 579. L64. 803. Neoconocephalus cinereus 788. Monomorium floricola Jordon Thunb. (Orth.) Smyth, (Hym.)* Van Dine, 1932a:2. 1919a:136. L 64. L 59, H 1015. Wolcott, 1936a: 804. Neoconocephalus fuscostriaius 542. L64, H288. Redt. (Orth.) Wolcott, 1922a: 789. Mycalesis mineus L. (Lep.> 33. L66. 1936a:38. L 64. Uichanco, 1928a:l-16. L41. 805. Neoconocephalus guliatus 790. Myllocerus blaudus Fst. (Col.) Beauv. (Orth.) Urich, 1912a: Maxwell-Lefroy, 1909a:385. 391. L54. 1915a:160. L 68. L12. Pruthi, 1936a:141-152. 806. Neoconocephalus macropter- L12. mes Redt. (Orth.) Wolcott, 791. Myllocerus discolor Boh. (Col.) 1921a:12-13. L 64. Maxwell-Lefroy, 1909a:385. 807. Neoconocephalus maxillosus L12. F. (Orth.) Gowdey, 1923a:23. 792. Myllocerus uncecimpusiulalus L54. Holloway, 1933b:216- Fst. (Col.) Pruthi, 1936a: 141- 219. L62. 152. L 12. 808. Neoconocephalus mexicanus 793. Myndus crudus VanD. (Horn.) Sauss. (Orth.) Smyth, 1919a: Van Dine, 1926a:5. L 59. 136. L64. 1932a:l. 809. Neoconocephalus iriops Linn. 794. Myochrous a r m a t u s Baly. var. macropierus Redt. (Col.) Bodkin, 1915a:l-ll. (Orth.) Wolcott, 1922a:33. L46. Urich, 1915a:159. L 68. L 64. 1936a:38. L 64. 795. Myochrous dubius F. (Col.) 810. Neoconocephalus iriops fuse- Bruner, 1928a :27-32. L 59. costriaius Redt. (Orth.) Van Dine, 1932a:2. L 59. Wolcott, 1922a:33. L 64. 796. Myrxnelachisia rogeri Andre 811. Neomaskellia bergi Sign. (Hym.)* Van Dine, 1932a:3. (Horn.) Fletcher, 1930a:57- L 59, H 1065. 77. L12. 1932a:87-92. L12. 797. Nacoleia accepta (Bull.) (Lep.) Hopkins, 1927a:23-32. L 35. Muir, 1927a:16-29. L 39. Laing, 1927a :34-45. Lopez, Nacoleia accepta (Bull.) (Lep.) 1931a:227-273. L41. Mc- See Omiodes accepta (Butl.) Dougall, 1933a:66-67. L 36. Ramakrishna Ayyar, 1933a: 798. Nasuiilermes aequalis Sny. 421-430. L12. (Isopt.) Van Dine, 1932a:3. L59. 812. Neomaskellia sp. (Horn.) Muntgomery, 1930b :47-48. 799. Nasuiilermes morio Lat. L36. (Isopt.) Van Dine, 1926a: 12. Neophysopus flavicincrus Wolcott, 1921a:ll. L 64. Karny (Thysan.) See Ana- 1933a:202-204. phothrips flavicinctus Karny. 800. Nasuiilermes pallidiceps 813. Neoiermes connexus Sny. Banks (Isopt.) Wolcott, (Isopt.) Williams, 1931a:78. 1933a:164-165. L61. L39. 39

814. Neoprislomerus appliachianus 828. Nonagria uniformis Ddgn. Vier (Hym.) Bianchi, 1944a: (Lep.) Maxwell - Lefroy, 203-212. 1909a:448. L 12. 815. Neotetrasiichus mlmus Perk. 829. Notogonidea ignipennis (Hym.) Perkins, 1912a:14. Smith. (Hym.) Wolcott, L17. 1936a:558. L 64. 816. Nephoiettix apicalis Motsch. 830. Notogonidea subtessellala (Horn.) Clausen, 1931a:45, (Sm.)* WiUiams, 1931a :72. 53-55. L20. L39. H545. 831. Nysius delectus White (Hem.) 817. Nephus bipunctaius (Kugel.) (Col.)* Williams, 1931a:185. Williams, 1931a:100. L 39. L39, H1018. 832. Obtusiiermes aequalis Sny. (Isopt.) Van Dine, 1926a: 12. 818. Nesomicromus vagus Perkins Ochrosidia immaculata Ol. (Neurop.) Williams, 1931a: 128. L39. (Col.) See Cyclocephala im­ maculata Ol. 819. Nesomimesa hawaiiensis Per­ kins (Hym.) Williams, 1931a: 833. Ocyptamus dimidiata F. 236. L39. (Dip.)* Van Dine, 1932a:l. L59, H134. 820. Nesopimpla naranyae Ashm. Ocyptamus latiuscula Loew. (Hym.)* Williams, 1931a: (Dip.)* See Bacca latiuscula 266. L39, H846. Loew. 821. Nezara viridula L. (Hem.) 834. Ocyptamus scutellatus Lw. Clausen, 1931a:45,53-55. (Dip.)* Van Dine, 1932a:l. L20. HoUoway, 1936c:217- L59, H134. 218. L 34. Woodworth, 1921a:30. L 41. 835. Odonaspis secreta sacchari­ caulis Zehnt. (Horn.) Pierce, 822. Nicoleiia sp. (Thysan.) Wol- 1928a:l-12. L41. cott, 1936a:20. L 64. 836. Odonaspis saccharicaulis 823. Nilaparvaia wolcoiii M. & G. Zehn. (Horn.) Van Dine, (Horn.) Wolcott, 1936a:lll. 1932a:2. L 59. L64. 837. Odonaspis sp. (Horn.) Ballou, 824. Nirvana pallida Mel. (Horn.) 1926a:31-47. L 59. Van Dine, Clausen, 1931a:45,53-55. 1926a:7. L20. Woodworth, 1921a:31. 838. Odontomachus haematada in- L41. sularis Wheeler (Hym.)* 825. Nirvana suluralis Mel. (Horn.) Van Dine, 1932a:3. L 59, H Clausen, 1931a:45,53-55. 1065. L20. 839. Odonioponera transversa F. 826. Nisia atrovenosa Leih. (Horn.) Smith. (Hym.) Holloway, Clausen, 1931a :45, 53-55. 1932c:354-356. L 41. L20. 840. Odynerus nigripennis (Holm.) 827. Nomadacris septemfasciata (Hym.)* Williams, 1931a: Serv. (Orth.) Dick, 1942a: 245. L 39, H 846. 186. L 10. Jepson, 1939a:377- Oedionychis cyanxpennis (F.) 382. L8. Lea, 1935a:46-62. See Homophoeta cyanipen- L10. Moutia, 1935a:25-26. nis (F.) L 8. Vrijdagh, 1932a: 147- 841. Oliarus franciscanus Stal. 165. L 1. I (Horn.) Sein, 1934a :l-6. L 40

64. Van Dine, 1932a:l. Wol- 857. Ootelraslichus muiri Perk. cott, 1921a:18-19. 1932a:228. (Hym.) Perkins, 1912a:10- 1936a:95. L 59, 64. 11. L17. 842. Oliarus oryzae Mats. (Horn.) 858. Ootetrastichus pallidipes Perk. Clausen, 1931a :45, 53-55. L (Hym.)* Perkins, 1912a:12- 20. 13. L 28, H 932. 843. Oliarus sp. (Horn.) Smyth, 859. Oolelraslichus larsalis Perk. 1919a:147. L 64. (Hym.)* Perkins, 1912a :9- 844. Oligonychus viridis (?) Banks 10. H932. (Acarina) Smyth, 1919a:135. 860. Opalrum aculangulum Fairm. 845. Oligosita Giraulii Crawford (Col.) Williams, 1931a:180. (Hym.)* Holloway, 1936a: L28. 60-61. L68, H1234. 861. Opalrum depressum Fabr. 846. Omiodes accepla Builer (Lep.) (Col.) Williams, 1931a :180. P 459, 760, 820, 840, 972, 974. L28. Holloway, 1933b:216-219. L 862. Opalrum sp. (Col.) Jarvis, 39. Williams, 1931a:144. L 1926b:284-286. L 36. 39. 863. Ophion (Heniscopilus) anian- 847. Oncomelopia lateralis F. karus Sauss. (Hym.)* Em- (Horn.) Holloway, 1929a:32. merez, 1917a:25-26. L 8, H 848. Onychiurus armaius Tull. 1123. Van Dine, 1929a:259. (Coll.) Holloway, 1932b:64- H388. 66. Ingram, 1932c:l-3. Spen­ 864. Opion Slauropdoclonus Mau- cer, 1929a:641-648. L 34. rili (Sauss.) (Hym.)* Van 849. Ooencyrtus pyrillae Cwfd. Dine, 1929a:262. H 388. Pruthi, 1937a:123-127. L 12. Opion mauriii Sauss. (Hym.) 850. Ootetrastichus basalis Perk. See Enicospilus mauriti (Hym.) Perkins, 1912a:ll. Sauss. L28. 865. Ophiusa melicerte D r u r y 851. Ootelraslichus beaius Perk. (Lep.) Stebbing, 1903a:82- (Hym.)* Montgomery, 1933a: 83. L12. 28. L36, H927. Williams, 866. Opogona apicalis Swezey 1931a:256. L 39, H 927. (Lep.) Swezey, 1909a:17-18. 852. Ootelraslichus disiinguendus L39. Perk. (Hym.)* Perkins, 867. Opogona aurisquamosa (Bull.) 1912a:12. H 927. (Lep.) P 126. Swezey, 1909a: 853. Ootelraslichus formosanus 16-17. L39. Williams, Timb. (Hym.)* Williams, 1931a:156. L 39. 1931a:125, 257. L 39, H 927. 868. Opogona dimidialella Zell. 854. Ootelraslichus holochlorus (Lep.) Pierce, 1928a:l-12. L Perk. (Hym.)* Perkins, 41. 1912a:8-9. L 28, H 927. 869. Opogona fumiceps Feld. 855. Ootelraslichus homochromus (Lep.) Swezey, 1909a :19. L Perk. (Hym.)* Perkins, 46. 1912a:12. H 930. 870. Opogona glycyphaga Meyr 856. Ootetrastichus melallicus (Lep.) Holloway, 1932c:354- Perk. (Hym.) * Perkins, 356. L 36. Muntgomery, 1912a:13. L28, H 932. 1926a:213-215. L 36. 41

871. Opogona omoscopa (Meyr) 881. Orthezia insignis Douglas (Lep.) Williams, 1931a:156- (Horn.) Bodkin, 1913a:31. L 157. L39. 46. 1915a:l-ll. L 46. 872. Opogona purpuriella Swezey 882. Orthopagus helios Mel. (Lep.) Williams, 1931a:157. (Horn.) Clausen, 1931a:45, L39. 53-55. L20. 873. Opogona saccharella Swezey 883. Orihosleihus infuscatus (Lep.) Swezey, 1909a:19. L (Germ.) (Col.) Ingram, 46. 1938c:89-98. L 34. 1939a:89- 98. L34. 874. Opogona sp. (Lep.) Wolcott, 884. Oryctes monoceros (Ol.) (Col.) 1921a:37. L 64. Aders, 1913a:84-93. LI. 875. Oregma lanigera Zenl. (Horn.) 885. Oryctes rhinocerus L. (Col.) P372, 378, 451. Barrett, Clausen, 1931a:44, 53-55. L 1911a:70-74. L41. Clausen, 20. Holloway, 1931d:445-448. 1931a:54. L20. Gahan, L28. Kunhi, 1931b:3-4. L 12. 1932a:736-737. L 41. Hadden, 1928a:13-14. L18. Hazel- 886. Oryctes tarandus Ol. (Col.) hoff, 1927a:599-602. L 28. Moutia, 1935a:25-26. L 8. 1927b:1109-1112. L 28. 1927c: 887. Oxya chinensis Thun. (Orth.) 543-556. L28. 1928a:l-15. L Holloway, 1933b:216-219. L 28. 1929b:55-61. L 28. 1929c: 39. Williams, 1931a:33, 62. 1-19. L28. 1929e:l-8. L 28. L39. 1929g:96-lll. L 28. Hollo- 888. Oxya intricata Stal. (Horn.) way, 1936b:99-100. L 18, 28, Woodworth, 1921a:31. L 41. 41. Ishida, 1927a:78-79. L 889. Oxya velox F. (Orth.) P 1085, 18. 1929a:l-138. L 18. Lopez, 1086, 1087. Clausen, 1931a: 1931a:227-273. L 41. 1931c: 46, 53-55. L20. Muir, 1927a: 145-172. L41. Takahashl, 16-29. L 39. Pemberton, 1927b :238-239. L 18. Takono, 1932c:47-49. L 39. 1933d:7- 1934b:481-528. L18. 1935a: 9. L39. 1933f:18-22. L 39. 840-845. L18. Uichanco, Swezey, 1931a:l. L 39. 1928a:l-16. L 41. Wood- 1931c:23-30. L 39. Wood- worth, 1921a:31. L 41. Vama- worth, 1921a:31. L 41. zaki, 1937a:93-99. L 20. 890. Oxysarcadexia peliaia Aid. 876. Ormenis infuscala Stal. (Dip.)* Van Dine, 1929a:259, (Horn.) Wolcott, 1923a:271. 263. H388. 1936a:102. L 64. 891. Pachnephorus bretinghami 877. Ormenis quadripunciaia F. Jac. (Col.) Maxwell-Lefroy, (Horn.) Wolcott, 1936a: 103. 1909a:359. L 12. L64. 892. Pachnephorus impressus Ros. (Col.) Maxwell-Lefroy, 878. Ormenis sp. (Horn.) Van 1909a:359. L 12. Dine, 1913a:203. L 64. Smyth, Pachytylus migratoria L. 1919a:147. L64. (Orth.) See Locusta migra­ 879. Orocharis vaginalis Sauss. toria L. (Orth.) Smyth, 1919a :137. L Padraona augias (L.) (Lep.) 64. Wolcott, 1936a:43. L 64. See Telicota augias L. 880. Orihomecyna mesochasma 894. Padraona hypomeloma Lower. Meyr (Lep.) Williams, 1931a: (Lep.) Jarvis, 1926d:478- 150. L39. 481. L36. 42

895. Padraona marnas Feld. (Lep.) L44, H383. Holloway, Jarvis, 1926d:478-481. L 36. 1931c:302-304. H 23. 1932a: 1927c:114-115. L 36. 68-71. L34, 44, 52, H 388. 896. Palposloma desvoidyi Aid. Ingram, 1939a:89-98. L 34, H (Dip.)* Aldrich, 1922a:l-24. 388. Jaynes, 1930a:676-680. L36, H675. L34, 44, 52. 1931a:554-560. L 44, 52, H 23, 388. 1931c:63- 897. Palposloma testacea R. D. 66. L44, H388. 1932a :64- (Dip.)* Aldrich, 1922a:4. H 68. L 44, 52, H 388. 1933a:l- 675. Bell, 1936a:19-23. L 35, 26. L 34, 44, 52, H 388. Myers, H675. 1931a:l-172. L 54, H 388. 898. Paraphilia sp. (Lep.) Bodkin, 1934a:191-195. L 45, H 388. 1913a:30. L46. 1915a:l-ll. Tucker, 1934a :59-80. L18. L46. Wille, 1932b:25-29. L 52. 899. Paniscus ocellatus Vier. 1934a:185-198; 233-252. L 52, (Hym.)* Ingram, 1936a:89- H388. 1935a:l-23. L 52, H 98. L34, H45. 1938c:89-98. 388. H45. 909. Paratheresia signifera Towns. 900. Panoquina ocola Edw. (Lep.) (Dip.)* Aldrich, 1929a:32-36. Bell, 1942a:455-468. H 388. Box, 1929b:319-322. 901. Pantomorus godxnani H 388. Townsend, 1928a:l- (Crotch.) (Col.) Williams, 29. L52, H388. Van Dine, 1931a:205. L 34, 39. 1929a:259. H 388. 902. Parachalepus tarbatus F. 910. Parisoschoenus obesulus Csy. (Col.) Wolcott, 1936a :252- (Col.) Bondar, 1943a :337-388. 253. L64. .911. Parnara maihias F. (Lep.) 903. Paranagrus optabilis Perk. Chopra, 1928a:43-69. L 12. (Hym.) * Muntgomery, Jarvis, 1926d:478-481. L 36. 1927a:104-106; 220-221; 337- Shroff, 1920a:354. L 15. 338. L 36, H 927. 1933a:l-28. 912. Pelmatosilpha coriacea Rehn. L36, H927. Swezey, 1936a: (Orth.) Wolcott, 1936a:29. L 57-101. L39. Williams, 64. 1931a:262. L 39. 913. Pentarthron fasciatum Perk. 904. Paranagrus perforator P. (Hym.)* Parkins, 1912a:19. (Hym.)* Williams, 1931a: L33, H388. Van Dine, 261-262. L29, H 413. 1929a:262. H 388. 905. Paraietranychus indicus Hirst Pentarthron fasciatum. (Per­ (Acarina) Cherian, , 1934a: kins) (Hym.)* See Tricho- 285. gramma evanescens Westw. 906. Paraietranychus sacchari Mc­ 914. Penlodon ausiralis Blackb. Gregor (Acarina) McGregor, (Col.) Bates, 1927a:446-448. 1942a:91-94. L 64. L36. McDougaU, 1931a:47- 907. Paraietranychus viridis Banks 48. L36. 1933a:66-67. L 36. (Acarina) Holloway, 1936c: Muntgomery, 1926c :481-482. 216-217. L 34, 59. Smyth, L36. 1927c :83-84. L 36. 1919a:135. L 34, 59, 64. Van Penlodon australis Blackb. Dine, 1926a:7. 1932a:2. L59. (Col.) See Metanastes vul- Wolcott, 1921a:9. L64. givagus Ol. 908. Paraiheresia claripalpis Wulp. 915. Peregrinus maidis Ashm. (Dip.)* Box, 1930a: 307-308. (Hom.) P 747. G o w d e y, 43 1923a :22. Kunkel, 1927a :41. Holloway, 1932e:461-470. L39. Muir, 1926a:12-13. L Matsumura, 1930a :139-142. 39. Ogilvie, 1928a:2-3. L 54. L18. McDougall, 1933a :66- Storey, 1927a:212-213. L 10. 70. L36. Muir, 1910a:5. L Van Dine, 1926a:4. 1932a:l. 37. 1926a:12-13. L 39. 1927a: L59. 16-19. L. 39. Muntgomery, 916. Perfordix sacchari Sein. 1927a:104-106; 220-221; 337- (Lep.) Holloway, 1931d:445- 338. L36. 1933a:l-28. L 36. 448. L66. Sein, 1930a:167- Pemberton, 1936a:118-120. L 191. L64. Wolcott, 1933a: 36. Swezey, 1928a:669-673. 156-157. L54. 1936a:469. L L39. 1931b:680-681. L 39. 64. 1931c:23-30. L39. 1936a:57- 917. Perichares corydon F. (Lep.) 101. L39. Williams, 1931a: Bruner, 1928a:27-32. L 59. 33, 118-124. L39. Wolcott, Scaramuzza, 1930a:110-115. 1933a:218-219, 224. L59. Van Dine, 1932a:2. L 928. Perkinsiella sinensis Kirk. 59. Wolcott, 1921a:40. L 64, (Hom.) Muir, 1910a:6. 66. 1922a:35. 929. Perkinsiella variegata Muir 918. Perkinsiella amboinensis Muir (Hom.) Muir, 1910a:8. L 46. (Hom.) Muir, 1910a:10-ll. 919. Perkinsiella bicoloris Muir 930. Perkinsiella vasxalrix (Bred.) (Hom.) Muir, 1910a:7. L 46. (Hom.) P 855. Leefmans, 1927a:l-60. L 28. Muir, 920. Perkinsiella fucifrons Muir 1910a:9. L.46. Ocfemia, (Hom.) Muir, 1910a:ll. 1934a: 133-140. L 37. Pem­ 921. Perkinsiella graminicida Kirk. berton, 1936a:118-120. L41. (Hom.) Muir, 1910a:6. L 39. Uichanco, 1928a:l-16. L41. 922. Perkinsiella lalokensis Muir Urbino, 1927a:397-432. L41. (Hom.) Muir, 1910a:9-10. L Woodworth, 1921a:31. L41. 46. 931. Perkinsiella viiiensis Kirk. 923. Perkinsiella lineata Muir (Hom.) Muir, 1910a :5-6. L (Hom.) Woodworth, 1921a: 39. Muntgomery, 1933a :1- 31. L41. 28. L37. Pemberton, 1936a: 924. Perkinsiella pallidula Muir 118-120. L37. (Hom.) Muir, 1910a:6-7. L 932. Perkinsiella sp. (Hom.) P 308, 46. 856, 858, 859. Smyth, 1919a: 925. Perkinsiella papuensis Muir 148. L64. (Hom.) Muir, 1910a:9. L 46. 933. Perisierula sp. (Hym.) Bianchi, 926. Perkinsiella rattlei Muir 1944a:203-212. (Hom.) Muir, 1910a:6. L46. 934. Phaciocephalus cubanus 927. Perkinsiella saccharicida Kirk. Myers (Hom.) Van Dine, (Hom.) P77, 350, 428, 851- 1932a:l. L 59. 854, 1020. Agee, 1917a:6-25. L 39. 1919a:153-216. L 39. 935. Phaealasfer pseudomaidis 1919b:7-49. L 39. 1920a:7- Kirk. (Hom.) Muir, 1910a: 40. L39. 1927a:72-74. L59. 11. L39. Ballou, 1913b:202-203. L 54. 936. Phaenacanxha australica Kirk. Bates, 1927a .446-448. L 36. (Hem.) Burns, 1929b :579- Clausen, 1931a:45, 53-55. L 581. L 42. Muntgomery, 20, 39. Dick, 1942a:186. L 10. 1926d:24-26. L36. 44

937. Phaenacantha saccharicida P h e n i c e moesta (Westw.) Karsch. (Hem.) Bolle, 1929a: (Hom.) See Proutista moesta 459-504. L28. (Westw.) 938. Phaenobremia maridionalis 946. Phenolepsis longicornis Latr. Fell. (Dip.)* Barnes, 1937a: (Hym.)* Van Dine, 1932a: 61-66. L39, H135. Williams, 1. L 59, H 134. 1931a:274. L 39, H 135. 947. Phidodonta modesta Wse. Phalera combusia Wlk. (Lep.) (Col.) Ramakrishna Ayyar, See Dinara combusta (Wlk.) 1933a:421-430. L 12. 940. Phanurus beneficiens Zehnt. 948. Phileurus bajulus Perty (Col.) (Hym.)* Hart, 1932b:48-51. Bodkin, 1913a:31. L 46. L 28, H 1099. 1933e:731-801. 1915a:l-ll. L 46. L28. 1936a:415-423. L 29, H 949. Philisora catullus Fab. (Lep.) 1099. Hazelhoff, 1928a:l-15. Bodkin, 1913a:30. L 46. L28, H392. 1931a:361-363. L 28, H 1099. Ishida, 1927a: 950. Phloeoihrips publicornis Mais. 78-79. L 28, H 372. Lopez, (Thysan.) Clausen, 1931a: 1931a:227-273. L41, H 265. 46, 53-55. L20. Matsumura, 1930a:139-142. 951. Photinus vittatus G. A. Ol. L 18, H 392. Subramaniam, (Col.) Wolcott, 1936a:203- 1934a:57-62. L 12, H 143. Ta- 204. L64. kano, 1934a:454-466. L 18, H 952. Phragmatiphila truncaia Wlk. 265. Uichanco, 1928a: 1-16. (Lep.) P 121 Bates, 1927a: L41, H392. van Dillewijn, 446-448. L36. 1927b:397. L 1932a:l-9. L 52. 1933a:l-21. 36. Buzacott, 1928a:114. L Van Zwaluwenburg, 1928a: 36. Jarvis, 1931c:141-144. L 79-82. L39, H 268. 42. McDougall, 1933a:66-67. Phanurus beneficiens (Zehnt.) L 36. Muntgomery, 1926a: (Hym.) * See Telenomus 213-215. L36. 1926b:283. L beneficiens (Zehnt.) 36. 942. Pheidole fallax jelskii Mayr 953. Phycitinae sp. (Lep.) Van (Hym.)* Wolcott, 1936a:546. Dine, 1926a:9. L 64, H 1083. 954. Phyllophaga analis Burm. 943. Pheidole megacephala F. (Col.) Stahl, 1929a:15-19. L (Hym.)* Jarvis, 19271:203- 59. 205. L68. Emmerez, 1917a: 955. Phyllophaga bifoveatus Jacq. 27. L 8. Van Dine, 1932a :2. (Col.) Stahl, 1929a:15-19. L L 59, H 1015. Van Zwalu- 59. wenburg, 1928a:79-82. L 39, 956. Phyllophaga citri Smyth H268. Williams, 1931a:216, (Col.) Smyth, 1919a:140. L 221. L 39, H 1049. 64. 944. Pheidole p r o x i m a Mayr 957. Phyllophaga clypeta (Horn.) (Hym.) Muntgomery, 1927b: (Col.) Ingram, 1936a:89-98. 564-565. L36. L34. 1938c:89-98. 1939a:89- 945. P h e n i c e moesta Westw. 98. L34. (Hom.) Barrett, 1911a:70-74. 958. Phyllophaga crenaticollis L41. Clausen, 1931a:45, 53- Blanch. (Col.) Stahl, 1929a: 55. L20. Fletcher, 1928a: 15-19. L59. 56-67. L12. Maxwell-Le- 959. Phyllophaga dissimilis Chev. froy, 1909a:726. L 12. Shraff, (Col.) Stahl, 1929a:15-19. L 1920a:354. L 12. 59. Van Dine, 1932a :3. L 59. 45

960. Phyllophaga guanicana Smyth 1913b:202-203. L 54. 1913d: (Col.) Box, 1925a:291-356. L 186. L 54. 1914b:307-308. 64. Smyth, 1919a:140. L 64. L54. 1916c:42-43. L 54. 961. Phyllophaga latiforns (Lec.) 1914a:13-18, 43. L 8, 54, 57. (Col.) Ingram, 1936a:89-98. 1921a:l-17. Bradley, 1936a: L34. 1938c:89-98. 1939a:89- 12-17. L54. Delord, 1930a: 98. L34. 1-7. L8. 1931a:l-8. L 8. 962. Phyllophaga patruelis Chev. 1932a:l-9. L 8. 1933a:l-6. (Col.) Stahl, 1929a:15-19. L Edwards, 1928a:l-7. L 8. 59. Emmerez, 1927a:ll-12. L 8. 1928a:12-13. L 8. 1929a:164- 963. Phyllophaga portoricensis 165. L 8. 1929b:l-13, 1-10, 1-6. Smyth (Col.) Box, 1925a: L8. 1931a:83-87. L 8. Hollo- 291-356. L64. Smyth, 1919a: way, 1931d:445-448. L 8, 57. 139. L64. Wolcott, 1933a: 1932e:361-470. Jepson, 1934a: 128. L54. 79-84. L8. 1936a:l-19. L8. 964. Phyllophaga puberula Jacq. 1936b:l-66. 1939a:377-382. (Col.) Stahl, 1929a:15-19. Moutia, 1932a:9-12. L8. L59. 1932b:7-10. L8. 1933a:43-51. 965. Phyllophaga suturalis Chev. L8. 1935a:25-26. L 8. 1936b: (Col.) Van Dine, 1932a:3. 445-456. Stahl, 1929a:15-19. L59. L57. Tucker, 1932a:l(l):18- 966. Phyllophaga vandinei Smyth 23. L57. Williams, 1931a: (Col.) Box, 1925a:291-356. 186. L8, 57. Wolcott, 1933a: L64. Holloway, 1931d:445- 108-110. 448. L64. Smyth, 1919a:139. 972. Pipunculus hawaiiensis Perk. L64. Wolcott, 1933a:128. (Dip.)* Williams, 1931a:284. L54. 1936a:247-249. L 54. L39, H846. 967. Phyllophaga sp. (Col.) P 207, 973. Pipunculus juvator Perk. 209, 210, 217, 219, 224, 227, (Dip.)* Williams, 1931a:284. 229, 230, 239, 443, 464, 500, L39, H846. 502, 698, 1076, 1105, 1106, 974. Pipunculus oahuensis Perk. 1264. Van Dine, 1926a:10. (Dip.)* Williams, 1931a:284. Phyllophaga smithi Ar. (Col.) L39, H846. See Phytalus smithi Ar. 975. Plecoptera rhabdota Rehn & 968. Physopleurella mundulus Heb. (Orth.) Wolcott, 1936a: (White) (Hem.)* Williams, 34. L64. 1931a:102. L 39. H 134. 976. Plectrotettix gregarius Wlk. 969. Phytalis apicalis Blanch. (Orth.) Smyth, 1919a :136. (Col.) Box, 1925a:291-356. L64. L64. Wolcott, 1933a:127-128. Plectrotettix gregaria Sauss, L54. (Orth.) See Scyllina gre- garia Sauss. 970. Phytalus insularis Blanch. (Col.) Box, 1925a :291-356. Plectrotettix vicinus Scud. L 64. Smyth, 1919a:140. L 64. See Scyllina gregaria Sauss. 971. Phytalus smithi Ar. (Col.) 977. Podischus agenor Burm. P 206, 211, 213, 214, 215, 218, (Col.) Bianchi, 1935b:191- 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 197. 231, 235, 440, 441, 443, 444, 978. Podothrips lucasseni Krug 1001, 1220. Ballou, 1913a: (Thysan.) Bianchi, 1939a: 138-139; 154-155. L 54. 375-376. L39. 46

979. Podothrips semiflavus Hood 993. Prenes ocola Edw. (Lep.) (Thysan.) Smyth, 1919a:138. Wolcott, 1936a:412. L 14. L64. Wolcott, 1923a :240. 994. Preolepis fulva Mayr (Hym.)* L64. 1936a:69. L 64. Wolcott, 1936a:553. H1015. 980. Poecilocera hieroglyphica 995. Pristomerus applachianus Klug (Orth.) Stebbing, Vier (Hym.)* Pemberton, 1903a:90-91. L 12. 1948a:181-200. H 663. 981. Polistes fuscaius var. aurifer 996. Proceras sacchariphagus (Sauss.) (Hym.)* Pember- (Boyer) (Lep.) P 124. Em- ton, 1948a:181-200. H 663. merez, 1917a:13-17. L 8, 12, Williams, 1931a :243-244. 16. L 39, H 305. 997. Proceras sticticraspis Hmps. 982. Polistes hebraeus F. (Hym.)* (Lep.) Cherian, 1934a: 107- Van Zwaluwenburg, 1928a: 111. 79-82. L 39, H 268. Proceras sticticraspis Hmps. 983. Polisles macaensis (F.) See Argyria sticticraspis (Hym.)* WiUiams, 1931a: Hmps. 243. L39, H305. 998. Prodenia latifascia Wlk. 984. Polistes olivaceus (Deg.) (Lep.) Bodkin, 1913a:30. (Hym.)* Williams, 1931a: 243. L39, H305. L46. 1915a:l-ll. L 46. 999. Prodenia litura F. (Lep.) 985. Polybia nigriceps (Hym.)* Holloway, 1933b:216-219. Bodkin, 1913a:30. L 46, L41. H665. 1000. Proisotoma minuta Tull. 986. Polymerias cuneatus Dist. (Coll.) Spencer, 1929a :641- (Hem.) Wolcott, 1936a:155. 648. L34. L64. 987. Polynema reduviola Perk. 1001. Promachus doddi Ric. (Dip.)* (Hym.)* Williams, 1931a: Jarvis, 1927n:398-399. L 36, 102. L39, H1040. H971. 988. Poophilus costalis (Wlk.) 1002. Prophanurus alecto Cwfd. (Hom.) Clausen, 1931a:55. (Hym.)* Bodkin, 1915a:l-ll. L20. L46, H388. Box, 1927b:5-8. 989. Porthesia xanthorhoea Koll. L44, H388. 1928b:53-61. (Lep.) Maxwell - Lefroy, L44. Cleare, 1928b:31-38. 1909a:460. L 12. L46, H388. 1931a:40-42. 990. Pranara mathias (F.) (Lep.) H388. Tucker, 1930a:292- Uichanco, 1928a:l-16. L41. 295. L57, H388. Van Dine, 1929a:255. L 54, H 388. Wol- 991. Prenes area Feld. (Lep.) cott, 1933a:176-177. 1936a: P123. Smyth, 1919a: L43, 538. L64, H388. 64. Wolcott, 1921a:38-39. L64, 66. 1922a:34. 1933a:205- 1003. Prophanurus sp. (Hym.)* 207. 1936a:410. L64. Box, 1930a:307-308. L 44, H383. 992. Prenes nero F. (Lep.) Hollo- way, 1933b:216-219. L 64. 1004. Prospaltella tristis Zehnt. Smyth, 1919a:143. L 64. Van (Hym.) Lopez, 1931a:227- Dine, 1913a:203. L 64,66. 273. L41. Wolcott, 1921a:38-39. 1922a: 1005. Protalebra braziliensis Baker 34. 1933a:205-207. 1936a:411. (Hom.) Wolcott, 1936a:89- L64. 90. L64. 47

1006. Proutisla moesta Westw. hashi, 1932a:41-48. L18. (Hom.) Holloway, 1936a:60- Van Dine, 1926a:6. 1932a:2. 61. L41. Pruthi, 1936a:141- L 59. Van Zwaluwenburg, 152. L12. 1937a:123-137. 1926a:669. Warner, 1937a: L 12. Sundararaman, 1928a: 6-7. L34. Wolcott, 1922a:34. 5-13. Uichanco, 1928a:l-16. 1933a:236-237. L 54. 1936a: L41. Woodworth, 1921a:31. 124-125. L64. L41. Pseudococcus boninsis Kuw. 1007. Pseudamblyteles Koebelei (Hom.) See Pseudococcus (Swezey)* Pemberton, calceolariae Mask. 1948a:181-200. H 663. 1011. Pseudococcus brevipes Ckll. 1008. Pseudaphycus sp. * (Hom.) Muntgomery, 1932a: Wolcott, 1934a:92-103. L 64, 55-57. L 36. Pemberton, H 1251. 1933a:14-19. L 39. Pickel, 1927a:184-185. L 45. Swezey, 1009. Pseudococcobius terryi Fulla- 1931a:945-947. L 39. Wil- way (Hym.)* Bynum, 1938a: liams, 1931a:110, 114-115. 27-29. L34, H1010. Hollo- L 39. Wolcott, 1936a:123. way, 1938a:125-126. L 33, L64. H1010. 1939a:258-263. L 39, 1012. Pseudococcus bromeliae H 388. Ingram, 1935a:3-4. 1938c:89-98. H1010. 1939a: (Bouche) (Hom.) Ballou, 89-98. L 35, 39. Pemberton, 1922a:74. L 54. 1933b:14-19. L 39, H1010. 1013. Pseudococcus calceolariae Swezey, 1928a:669-673. L 39, Mask. (Hom.) Alder, 1924a: H1010. 1931a:945-947. L39, 16-17. Ballou, 1914a:4. H1010. 1914d:198-220. L 54. 1915a: 1010. Pseudococcus boninsis Kuw. 121-147. L 54. Barber, 1910a: (Hom.) P 137, 602, 1009, 1269. 420-425. L 34. 1923a:l-16. Ballou, 1926a:31-47. L 59. L34. Barreto, 1920a:371-374. Bates, 1927a :446-448. L 35. L59. 1923b :20-23. L 59. Bod- Brandes, 1920a:131-138. kin, 1913a :31. L 46. Gowdey, da Costa, 1928a:l-27. L 45. 1923a:22. HoUoway, 1913a: Gowdey, 1923a:22. Gray, 416-417. L34. Muntgomery, 1930a:12-13. L 34. Hamble- 1932a :55-57. L 44. Smyth, ton, 1935a:105-120. L 39, 45. 1919a:149. L 46, 54, 64, 68. Holloway, 1926a:330-331. Urich, 1912a:391. 1915a:160. L34. 1930a:566-567. L 34. Wolcott, 1922a:34. 1932f:1107. 1936b:99-100. 1014. Pseudococcus citri Risso Ingram, 1937a:l-3. L34. (Hom.) P 1234. Bodkin, 1938c:89-98. L 34. 1939a:89- 1913a:32. L 46. 1915a:l-ll. 98. L34. 1943a:68-70. L34. L46. Lakon, 1934a:89-95. L 39. 1015. Pseudococcus sacchari Ckll. Loftin, 1931a:52-58. Munt- (Hom.) P 338, 784, 994. Bal- gomery, 1932a:55-57. L 36. lou, 1913b :202-203. L54. Pemberton, 1933a:14-19. 1914a:4, 42. 1926a:31-47. L 38. 1933b:14-19. Pickel, L 59. Barreto, 1920a:371-374. 1927a:184-185. L 45. Putte- L 59. 1923b:20-23. Bodkin, mans, 1926a :350-355. L45. 1913a:31. 1915a:l-ll. L 46. Scaramuzza, 1940a:106. L59. Bodenheimer, 1924a :83-84. Swezey, 1928a:669-673. L39. L2. Dick, 1942a:186. L10. 1931a:945-947. L 39. Taka- Gowdey, 1923a :22. Smyth, 48

1919a:149. L 57, 64, 68. Stahl, 1027. Pulvinaria i c e r y i Guer. 1921a:7-8. Urich, 1915a:160. (Hom.) P 89, 257, 310, 903. Van Dine, 1913a:201. 1926a: Dozier, 1926a:115-124. L 64. 6. 1932a:2. L 59,64. Wood- Holloway, 1929a:38. Moutia, worth, 1921a:31. L41. 1931a:4-6. L 8. Smyth, 1016. Pseudococcus saccharifolii 1919a:149-150. L 64. Van Green (Hom.) Isaac, 1933b: Dine, 1932a:l. L 59. Wil- 315-324. L12. liams, 1931a:118. L 39, Wol- Pseudococcus virgaia (Ckll.) cott, 1921a:35. 1933a:240. (Hom.) See Ferrisiana vir- L64. 1936a:128. L 64. gata (Ckll.) 1028. Pulvinaria sp. (Hom.) Bod- kin, 1913a:31. L 46. 1915a: 1018. Pseudococcus sp. (Hom.) 1-11. L46. P817. Fletcher, 1928a:56-67. L 12. Tate, 1938a:l-3. Wol- 1029. Pycnoscalus surinamensis (L.) cott, 1921a:37. 1922a:34. (Orth.) Williams, 1931a:53- 54. L39. 1019. Pseudoholophylla furfuracea 1030. aberrans Kirby Burm. (Col.) P 772. East- (Horm.) P 345. Chopra, erly, 1931a:543-588. L 36. 1928a:43-69. L 12. Fletcher, Jarvis, 1927e:l-94. L 36. 1932a:87-92. L 12. Hussian, Muntgomery, 1926b :283. 1931a:l-46. L 12. Isaac, L 36. 1926d:24-26. L 36. 1933b:315-324. L12. Max- 1927e:278-279. L 36. 1928a: well-Lefroy, 1909a :727. L 12. 115-116. L 36. 1930b:47-48. Pruthi, 1937a:123-137. L12. L36. 1931a:45-47. L 36. 1933a:67-70. L 36. Smith, 1031. Pyrilla perpusilla Wlk. 1936a:467. L 36. (Hom.) Chopra, 1928a :43-69. L 12. Fletcher, 1932a:87-92. 1020. Pseudogonatopus hospes L12. Husian, 1929a :55-79. Perk. (Hym.)* Williams, L 12. 1931a:l-46. L12. 1931a:126, 247. L 39, H 927. Pruthi, 1937a:123-137. L12. 1021. Pseudomyrma flavidula F. 1032. Pyrilla pusana Dist. (Hom.) Smith (Hym.) Wolcott, Fletcher, 1932a:87-92. L, 12. 1936a:541. L 64. Hussian, 1931a:l-46. L,12. 1022. Pseudosinella violenta (Fol- Isaac, 1933b:315-324. L12. som) (Coll.) Davis, 1936a: Pruthi, 1937a:123-137. L12. 421-429. L34. Quadri, 1943a:883-888. 1023. Psyllobora nana Muls. (Col.)* 1033. Pyrilla spp. (Hom.) P278, Van Dine, 1932a:l. L 59. 316, 417, 1201. Chopra, 1928a: H134. 43-69. L 12. Fletcher, 1928a: 56-67. L12. Francis, 1933a: 1024. Psylloneura williamsi Bnks. 510-514. L12. Hussian, (Coll.) Williams, 1931a:88. 1930a :53-63. L12. Muliyil, L39. 1942a:221-223. Pruthi, 1936a: 1025. Ptilodexia tibialis R. D. (Dip.) 141-152. L12. Wolcott, 1933a:114. L 54. 1034. Pyroderces rileyi (Walsm.) 1026. Ptyelus costalis Wlk. (Hom.) (Lep.) Williams, 1931a:158- Woodworth, 1921a:31. L41. 159. L39. Pullus apicflavus Motsch. 1035. bellamyi Zwal. (Col.) See Scymnus apic- (Col.)* Pemberton, 1937a: flavus Motsch. 20-27. L 39, H 103. 49

1036. Pyrophorus havanensis 1049. Rhabdocnemis obscura Boisd. (Cast.) (Col.) Scaramuzza, (Col.) P 81, 249, 761. Agee, 1940a:107. L 59. 1917a:6-25. L 39. 1919a:153- 1037. Pyrophorus luminosus Ill. 216. L39. 1927a:72-74. L 39. (Col.) Jepson, 1936b:l-66. BeU, 1936a:19-23. L 36. Scaramuzza, 1940a:107. L 59. Buzacott, 1928a:114. L 36. Wolcott, 1933a:115-116. L 8, 1937a: 143-152. Holloway, 54. 1927a:67-68. L 34. 1931b:209- 1038. Pyrophorus noctilucus Linn. 211. L 39. 1931c:302-304. L37, 39. 1932e:461-470. L 34. (Col.)* Van Dine, 1926a:ll. Ingram, 1935a :3-4. L 34. 1932a:2. L 59, H 388. Jarvis, 1927f:203-205. L 68. 1039. Pyrophorus sp. (Col.) Stahl, 1927h:556-558. L 36. 1930a: 1929a:9-14. L 59. 1929b:l-19. 42-46. L 36. 1931a:42-45. L59. L41. 1933a:62-66. L 36. Mc- 1040. Reduviolus capsiformis DougaU, 1931a:47-48. L 36. (Germ.) (Hem.) P 987. Wil- 1933a:66-67. L 36. Matsu- liams, 1931a :102. L 39. mura, 1930a:139-142. L18. 1041. Reduviolus innotatus White Muir, 1916a:l-103. L 39. (Hem.) Williams, 1931a:102. 1926a:12-23. L 39. 1927a:16- L39. 29. L 39. Muntgomery, J 042. Remigera disseverans Wlk. 1926a:213-215. L 36. 1937a: (Lep.) Gowdey, 1928a:20-21. 49-62. L 36. Pemberton, L 62. 1933f:18-22. L 39. 1937a:20- 1043. Remigera frugalis F. (Lep.) 27. L39. Swezey, 1928a:669- 673. L39. 1928b:15-17. L39. Jarvis, 1927e:l-94. L 36. 1930a:16-25. L 39. 1931c:23- Lopez, 1931a:227-273. L41. 30. L39. 1932a:19-32. L 39. 1044. Remigera punctularis Hbn. Vandenburg, 1927a:17-20. (Lep.) Dozier, 1926a:115-124. 1930a:23-31. L 38. 1931a:16- L64. Gowdey, 1927a:16-17. 17. L38. Windred, 1936a: L62. 1928a:20-21. L 62. Wil- 358-378. L 37. Williams, liams, 1929a:80-84. L60. 1931a:33, 209. L 36, 37, 39. 1045. Remigera repanda F. (Lep.) 1936a:17-25. L 39. P518. Bodkin, 1913a:30. 1050. Rhacodineura antiqua Meig. 1914a:171-177. L46. 1914b: (Dip.)* Williams, 1931a :76. 187. L46. 1915a:l-ll. L46. L39. Urich, 1915a:157. L 46,63. Van Dine, 1913a:202. 1051. Rhaconolus scirpophagae Remigera repanda F. (Lep.) Wilksn. (Dip.)* P 76. Pruthi, See Mocis repanda (F.) 1937a:123-137. L 12, H 388. 1046. Reticulitermes speratus 1052. Rhinoleucophenga o b e s a Kolbe. (Isop.) Yanagihara, (Lw.)* de Costa, 1935a:l-4. 1936a:341-424. L 18. L 45. H 10. 1047. Rhabdocnemis lineaticollis 1053. Rhizotrogus gravis Ar. (Col.) Heller. (Col.) P 249. Hollo- Arrow, 1919a:21-29. L 8. way, 1931c:302-304. L 41. 1054. Rhizotrogus pallens Ar. (Col.) Uichanco, 1928a:l-16. L 41. Emmerez, 1929c :6-8. L 8. 1048. Rhabdocnemis maculatus 1055. Rhizotrogus rufus Ar. (Col.) Gyll. (Col.) Mori, 1937a: Arrow, 1919a:21-29. L 8. 1217-1218. Yohena, 1937a: 1056. Rhopaea aubnitida Ar. (Col.) 42-43. Arrow, 1915a:319-321. L 37. 50

1057. Rhopaea vestita Ar. (Col.) 1067. Ripersia sp. (Hom.) Bodkin, Arrow, 1915a:319-321. L 37. 1915a:l-ll. L 46. Ballou, 1058. Rhopaea vitiensis Fairm. 1926a:31-47. L 59. Calvino, (Col.) Arrow, 1915a:319-321. 1924a:354-355. L 59. Jarvis, L37. 1928c:122-123. L 36. Van Rhopalosiphum sacchari Dine, 1926a:ll. Zehnt. (Horn.) See Aphis 1068. Riptorius fuscus Fab. (Hem.) sacchari Zehnt. Woodworth, 1921a:3. L 41. 1059. Rhyncogonus extraneus Perk. 1069. Rogas laphygma Vier (Hym.) (Col.) Swezey, 1927c :407- Bianchi, 1944a:203-212. 409. L, 39. 1070. Saccharophagos mochisa 1060. Rhyncogonus vestitus Sharp Schaus. (Lep.) Holloway, (Col.) Williams, 1931a:209. 1930d:829-831. L 33. 1931d: L39. 445-448. Van Zwalu wen- 1061. Rhyncophorus palmarum burg, 1926a:668-669. L 33. Linn. (Col.) Ballou, 1914a: 1071. Saccharosydne saccharivora 42. Bodkin, 1913a:31. L 46. Westw. (Hom.) P 75,534, 1915a:l-ll. L46. Holloway, 1148. Ballou, 1906a:53-60. 1931c:302-304. L 46, 68. L54. 1911a:85-86. L 54. Ed- Urich, 1912a:389. 1915a:159. wards, 1936a :76-80. L 62. L 68. Wolcott, 1913a:454. Gowdey, 1923a:21-22. In- L54. gram, 1937a:l-3. L 34, 54. 1062. Rhyperida limbatipennis Jac. 1938c:89-98. L 34. 1939a:89- (Col.) Jarvis, 1927e:l-94. 98. L34. 1943a:68-70. L 34. L36. Urich, 1912a :390. Wadley, 1063. speculum Wlk. 1937a:103-114. L 64. Wolcott, (Hom.) Shraff, 1920a :354. 1921a:14-17. 1922a:33. 1933a: L15. Woodworth, 1921a:31. 224-228. 1936a:107-108. L 64. L41. 1072. Salina wolcotti Folsom (Coll.) 1064. Ricania taeniata Stal. (Horn.) Wolcott, 1933a:241. L 54. Clausen, 1931a:46,53-55. 1936a:21. L 64. L20. 1073. Sanctanus fasciatus Osb. 1065. Ripersia radicicola Morr. (Hom.) Wolcott, 1936a:83. (Hom.) P 796, 838, 1170. Bar- L64. reta, 1931a:132-134. Bennett, 1928a:l-410. L 59. Scara- 1074. Sarcophaga calcifera Boettch. muzza, 1940a:106. L 59. (Dip.)* Bell, 1936a:19-23. Stahl, 1927a:392-399. L 59. L36, H680. 1929a:4. L 59. 1929b:l-19. 1075. Sarcophaga diatraeae Breih. L59. Van Dine, 1932a:3. (Dip.)* Box, 1928a:l-3. L 44, L59. Williams, 1931a:117. H388. 1928b:53-61. L 44. L 59. Wolcott, 1933a:158-159. Brethes, 1927a:205-207. L 44. L54. H388. Van Dine, 1929a:258. 1066. Ripersia sacchari Green H388. (Hom.) Green, 1903a :37-38. 1076. Sarcophaga helicis Towns. L 12. Maxwell - Lefroy, (Dip.)* Plank, 1929b:621- 1909a :756. L12. Rama- 640. L59, H388. Van Dine, krishna Ayyar, 1933a:421- 1929a :252. H388. 430. L12. Shraff, 1920a:354. 1077. Sarcophaga pedata Aldr. L15. Stebbing, 1903a:88-89. (Dip.)* Plank, 1929b :621- L12. 630, L59, H388. 51 1078. Sarcophaga rap ax Wlk. 1087. Scelio serdangensis Thnb. (Dip.)* Ingram, 1932a :844- (Hym.)* Pemberton, 1933d: 849. L34, H489. 7-9. L 26, 39, H 889. 1079. Sarcophaga robusta Ald. 1088. Schaphoideus fasciatus Osb. (Dip.)* Box, 1925b:291-356. (Horn.) Wolcott, 1921a:31. L 64, H 967. 1089. Schistocerca americana Drury 1080. Sarcophaga sternodonlis Twn. (Orth.) Wolcott, 1936a :37. (Dip.)* Box, 1926a :49-52. L64. L59, H388. 1928e:l-6. L 64, 1090. Schistocerca columbina H388. Plank, 1929b:621-640. Thunb. (Orth.) Gowdey, L 59, H 388. Van Dine, 1929a: 1923a:23. L 62. Holloway, 253-264. 1933b:216-219. L 62, 64. 1081. Sarcophaga surrubea Wulp. Smyth, 1919a: 136. L 64. (Dip.)* Plank, 1929b:621-630. Wolcott, 1936a:37. L64. L59, H388. 1091. Schistocerca gregaria Forsk. Sargus sp. (Dip.)* See Geo- (Orth.) Blunt, 1931a:l-45. sargus sp. L 1. Burt, 1930a :417-425. Scaphoideus fasciatus (Osb.) Vrijdagh, 1932a:147-165. L 1. (Hom.) See Sanctanus fas- 1092. Schistocerca pallens Thunb. ciatus (Osb.) (Orth.) Bodkin, 1913a :32. 1082. Scapteriscus didaclylus Latr. L46. 1915a:l-ll. L 46. Brun- (Orth.) Ballou, 1915b:282. er, 1928a:27-32. L 59. Hollo- L64. Coolc, 1907a:l-16. L 59. way, 1933b:216-219. L 46. Crossman, 1915a:l-5. Fred- Smyth, 1919a:136. L 64. Van holm, 1911a:153-163. Urich, Dine, 1932a:2. L 59. Wolcott, 1915a:161. L68. Van Dine, 1921a:12. L 62, 64. 1922a:33. 1913a:199. 1926c:ll. L 64. 1936a:37. Worsham, 1912a:251-263. 1093. Schistocerca paranensis 1083. Scapteriscus vicinus Scudder (Burm.) (Orth.) Ballou, (Orth.) P 942. Holloway, 1919a:346-347. L 46. Hollo- 1931d :445-448. L 24, 34, 43. way, 1933b:216-219. L 53, 68. Leonard, 1931a:110-123. L 64. 1094. Schistocerca praesignata Madden, 1937a:115-119. L 64. Rehn. (Orth.) Urich, 1915a: Smyth, 1919a:137. L64. Van 160. L68. Dine, 1932a:3. L59. Wolcott, 1921a:ll-12. L 64. 1933a:193. 1095. Schizobremia malabarensis L54. 1936a:39-41. L64. Felt. (Dip.)* Williams, Scapteriscus vicinus Scud. 1931a:274. L 12, H 1017. (Orth.) See Scyllina gre- 1096. Schoenobius bipunctifer Wlk. garia (Sauss.) (Lep.) Ghosh, 1927a:12-13. 1084. Scaptocoris t a 1 p a Champ. L12. MiUer, 1930a :334-340. (Heb.) Bianchi, 1935b:191- L 26. Narayannan, 1933a: 197. 459-464. L12. Woodworth, 1921a:30. L41. 1085. Scelio oxyae Gir. (Hym.)* 1097. Scirpophaga auriflua Zell. Williams, 1931a:250. L12, (Lep.) Barrett, 1911a:70-74. H889. L41. Clausen, 1931a:44, 53- 1086. Scelio pembertoni Timb. 55. L20. Hazelhoff, 1928a: (Hym.)* Pemberton, 1933d: 1-15. L28. Holloway, 1930d: 7-9. L26,39, H889. 1933f: 829-831. L 18, 28, 41. Steb- 18-22. L 39, H 889. bing, 1903a:70. L 12,15,16. 52 1098. Scirpophaga excerplalis Wlk. 1920a:354. L 15. Subraman- (Lep.) P 436. Stebbing, ian, 1935a:23-27. L 12. 1903a:71. L 12. 1104. Scolia formosa Guer. (Hym.)* 1099. Scirpophaga inlacla Snell. Jarvis, 1931b:6-9. L 36, H (Lep.) P 475, 940,1147. Bar- 680. rett, 1911a:70-74. L41. Hart, 1105. Scolia manilae Ashm. (Hym.)* 1932a:915-932. L 28. 1932b: Holloway, 1931d:445-448. 48-51. L28. 1932c:527-587. H967. Jepson, 1934a :79-84. L28. 1932d:525-540. L 28. L8, H971. Lopez, 1931c: 1933a:681-692. L 28. 1933b: 145-172. L41, H967. Pem- 47-71. L28. 1933c:233-271. berton, 1933f :18-22. L 39, L28. 1933d:301-304. L 28. H 102. 1934a:l. L 39. Swezey, 1933e:731-801. L 28. 1936a: 1932a:19-32. L 39, H102. 415-423. L 29. Hazelhoff, 1928a:669-673. H 102. 1931b: 1928b:l-20. L 28. 1929a:l-ll. 680-681. L39, H 102. 1931c: L28. 1929c:l-19. L 28. 1929d: 23-30. L 39, H 102. Williams, 230-239. L 27. 1929e:l-8. L 28. 1931a:192-195; 241-242. L 39, 1929g:96-lll. L 28. 1930a: H102. 1936a: 17-25. L 39, 89-92. 1930b:l-52. L 28. H102. 1930c:113-134. L 28. 1930d: 1106. Scolia scutellaris Gribodo 457-473. L28. 1930e:629-648. L28. 1931a:361-363. L 28. (Hym.)* Lopez, 1931c:145- 1933e:l-8. L 28. Konings- 172. L41, H967. berger, 1932a:465-473. L 28. 1107. Scolothrips sex - maculatus Lopez, 1931a:227-273. L 41. (Perg) (Thysan.) Williams, 193lc:145-172. L 41. van 1931a:94. L 39. Dillewijn, 1932a:l-9. L 28. 1108. Scoiinophara s colli Horv. 1933a:l-21. (Hem.) Clausen, 1931a :45, 1100. Scirpophaga monosiigma Zell. 53-55. L20. (Lep.) Maxwell - Lefroy, 1109. Sculigerella immaculala New- 1909a:511. L 12. port (Chilop.) Holloway, 1101. Scirpophaga nivella F. (Lep.) 1932b:64-66. Fletcher, 1930a:67-77. L 12. 1110. Scyllina gregarius Saus. 1932a:87-92. L12. Husian, (Orth.) Wolcott, 1936a:36. 1929a:55-79. L12. Isaac, L64. 1933b:315-324. L12. 1936a: 1111. Scymnus apiciflavus Moisch. 168-174. Ishida, 1927a:78-79. (Col.)* Swezey, 1931a:945- L18,28, Leefmans, 1931a: 947. L39, H1251. 1-100. L 28. Moritsugu, 1931a:l-56. L18. Pruthi, 1112. Scymnus p h a 1 e u s Muls. 1936a:141-152. L12. 1937a: (Col.)* Wolcott, 1936a:227. 123-137. L12. Rahman, L 64, H 1130. 1942a :77-85. Subramaniam, 1113. Scymnus roseicollis Muls. 1933a:36-41. L12. 1934a:67- (Col.)* Van Dine, 1932a:l. 72. L12. Takano, 1934a:434- L 59, H 1130. 466. L18. 1114. Scymnus sp. (Col.) Ishida, 1102. Scirpophaga xanthogastrella 1927a:78-79. Lopez, 1931a: Wlk. (Lep.) Husian, 1926a: 227-273. L41. 70-82. L 12. 1115. Scyphophorus acupunctalus 1103. Scirpophaga sp. (Lep.) Chop­ Gyll. (Col.) Swezey, 1927b: ra, 1928a :43-69. L 12. Shraflf, 403-404. L39. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 AUTHOR LIST 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

Hinds, W. E. Hinds, W. E., Osterberger, B. A., and 1932a. Review of Five Season's Dugas, A. L. Work in Louisiana in Con- 1933e. Borer (Diatraea trolling the Sugarcane saccharalis F.,) Control by Borer (Diatraea saccharalis Trichogramma minutum Ril- F.,) by Field Colonizations of ey Colonization in Louisiana Its Egg Parasite Trichogram- in 1932. ma minutum Riley. Jour. Econ. Ent. 26(4):758-767. Cong. Internatl. Ent. Paris Hinds, W. E., and Osterberger, B. A. 1932, 5:557-572. 19331 Sugarcane Borer Effect Upon Hinds, W. E., and Osterberger, B. A. the Value of Seed Cane. A 1932b. Results of Trichogramma Preliminary Report. Colonization on Sugarcane Jour. Econ. Ent. 26(5):972-973. Borer Damage in Louisiana/ Hinds, W. E., Osterberger, B. A., and 1931. Dugas, A. L. Jour. Econ. Ent. 25(l):57-64. 1934a. Sugarcane Moth Borer Con- Hinds, W. E., and Osterberger, B. A. trol by Trichogramma mi- 1932c. Sugarcane Rooistock Weevils. nutum Riley. Report on Ex- Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 25(2): perimental Work for 1933. 337-343. La. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 248: Hinds, W. E., and Osterberger, B. A. 1-34. 1933a. Sugarcane Borer (Diatraea Hinds, W. E. saccharalis F.,) Control by- 1934a. Sugarcane Borer Hibernation Field Colonization of Tricho- and the Effects of Various gramma minutum in Louisi- Methods of Trash Disposal ana. Upon the Survival of the Internatl. Sugar Cane Tech- Borers Therein. nol. Cong. 4th Bui. 52:1-6. Sugar Bui. 12(7) :3-5. Hinds, W. E., and Osterberger, B. A. Hinds, W. E., and Osterberger, B. A. 1933b. Sugarcane Borer (Diatraea 1936a. Recommendations for Con- saccharalis F.,) Effect Upon trol of the Sugarcane in Loui- Value of Seed Grain. siana. La. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 240: Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane 1-11. Technol. Proc. 1935:476-483. Hinds, W. E., Osterberger, B. A., and Hinds, W. E., and Osterberger, B. A. Dugas, A. L. 1936b. Light Borer Occurrences in 1933c. Sugarcane Borer Control by 1935. Trichogramma minutum Ril- Sugar Bui. 13(24) :22, 24. ey in Louisiana, 1933. Jour. Econ. Ent. 27(4) :788- Hinds, W. E. See Osterberger, B. A. 795. Hirst, S. Hinds, W. E., Osterberger, B. A., and 1912a. On a New Species of Mile Dugas, A. L. (Tarsonemus) Injurious to 1933d. Review of Six Season's Work Sugarcane in Barbadoes. in Louisiana in Controlling Bui. Ent. Res. 3:325-328. the Sugarcane Moth Borer by Holloway, T. E. Field Colonization of Its Egg 1912a. The Work Being Done on Parasite Trichogramma mi- Sugarcane Insects in the nutum Riley. United States. La. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 235: La. Planter and Sugar Mfgr. 1-36. 49:431-432. 82

Holloway, T. E. Internatl. Sugar Cane Tech- 1913a. The Prospect of Controlling nol. Conf. Proc. 2:67-68. the Sugarcane Borer More Holloway, T. E., and Haley, W. E. Efficiently. 1927b. Moth Borer Damage to Dif- La. Planter and Sugar Mfgr. ferent Varieties of Sugarcane. 51:416-417. Jour. Econ. Ent. 20(5) :703-705. Holloway, T. E. Holloway, T. E., and Haley, W. E. 1914a. The Borer Problem: Two 1927c. Factors Influencing Abun- Years' Experiments in Not dance of the Sugarcane Moth Burning Cane Trash. Borer. La. Planter and Sugar Mfgr. Facts About Sugar 22(2) :42- 53:397-398. 43. Holloway, T. E. Holloway, T. E. 1915a. Fighting the Sugarcane Borer 1927d. Insect Pests of Sugarcane With Parasites and Poisons. Considered at the Havana La. Planter and Sugar Mfgr. Meeting (March 14, 1927) of 55:397-398. the International Society of Sugarcane Technologists. HoUoway, T. E. Jour. Econ. Ent. 20:648-649. 1916a. Larval Characters of Two Holloway, T. E., Haley, W. E., Lof- Species of Diatraea. tin, U. C, and Heinrich, C. U. S. Dept. Agr. Jour. Agr. 1928a. The Sugarcane Moth Borer Res. 6:621-626. in the United States. Holloway, T. E., and Loftin, U. C. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 1919a. Insects Attacking Sugarcane 41, 76 pp. in the United States. Holloway, T. E., Haley, W. E., and Jour. Econ. Ent. 12:448-450. Ingram, J. W. Holloway, T. E., and Loftin, U. C. 1928b. The Application of Sodium 1919b. The Sugarcane Moth Borer. Fluosilicate by Airplane in an Attempt to Control the U. S. Dept. Agr. Bul. 746, 74 Sugarcane Moth Borer. pp. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 45, 8 pp. Holloway, T. E., and Ingram, J. W. 1926a. The Sugarcane Mealy Bug in Holloway, T. E., and Haley, W. E. 1928c. A. Co-operative Estimate of Georgia. the Loss Caused by the Sug- La. Planter and Sugar Mfgr. arcane Borer. 77(17):330-331. Jour. Econ. Ent. 21:852-854. Holloway, T. E., Haley, W. E., and Holloway, T. E. Ingram, J. W. 1928d. The Borer—This Year and 1926b. Experiments in Poisoning the Next. Cane Borer With Sodium Sugar Bul. 6(23):9-ll. Fluosilicate. Holloway, T. E. La. Planter and Sugar Mfgr. 1928c. Corn Has Increased Borer 77(22) :431. Damage to Sugarcane. Holloway, T. E., and Haley, W. E. Sugar Bul. 7(3):5-6. 1926c. Prepare Now to Fight the Holloway, T. E. Cane Borer. 1928f. To Burn or Not To Burn. Sugar Bul. 5(23) :2. HoUoway, T. E. Sugar Bul. 7(5):5-7. 1927a. Parasite of the Moth Stalk Holloway, T. E. Borer. 1928g. Parasites of the Surgarcane 83

Moth Borer and Their Intro- Holloway, T. E. duction into Louisiana. 1930d. Insect Pests of the Sugar- La. Planter and Sugar Mfgr. cane. IV. The Moth Borers, 80(13) :241-242. Their Characteristics and Holloway, T. E. Distribution. 1929a. Sugarcane Insects of North Facts About Sugar 25:829- America and the West Indies 831. (Excluding Cuba), a Biblog- Holloway, T. E. raphy and List of Known 1930e. Parasite Progress. Parasites, Insect Predators Sugar Bui. 8(11) :2. and Diseases. Holloway, T. E. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane 19301 A Riddle for the Sphinx. Technol. Third Conf. Bul. 5: Sugar Bui. 9(5):7-8. 1-38. Holloway, T. E. Holloway, T. E. 1931a. Insect Pests of Sugarcane. 1929b. Local Conditions as Influenc- V. The Moth Borers—Their ing Recommendations for the Control. Control of Sugarcane Insects. Facts About Sugar 26(2) :69- Internatl. Cong. Ent. Ithaca, 71. N. Y., Trans. 1928, 4:448-451. Holloway, T. E. Holloway, T. E. 1931b. Insect Pests of Sugarcane. 1929c. The Sugarcane Moth Borer VI. The Weevil Borers—The and Its Control in Mississippi. Hawaiian Sugarcane Borer. Miss. State Plant Bd. Quar. Facts About Sugar 25(5) :209- Bul. 8(4):7-ll. 211. Holloway, T. E. Holloway, T. E. 1929d. Sugar Borer's Toll Millions— 1931c. Insect Pests of Sugarcane. Louisiana Plants Lose Heav- VII. The Weevil Borers- ily Each Year: War Is Species Other Than the Ha- Mapped. waiian. New Orleans Item, March 19, Facts About Sugar 26(7) :302- 282:10. 304. Holloway, T. E. Holloway, T. E. 1930a. Insect Pests of Sugarcane. 1931d. Insect Pests of Sugarcane. I. How Insects Affect the VIII. The Larger Root Pests. Sugarcane Plant. Facts About Sugar 26(10): Facts About Sugar 25(23): 445-448. 566-567, 573. Holloway, T. E. Holloway, T. E. 1931e. Sugarcane Insect Studies at 1930b. The Insect Pests of Sugar- Houma and Elsewhere. cane. II. Entomology for the Sugar Bui. 9(ll):2-3. Sugar Planter. Holloway, T. E., Haley, W. E., and Facts About Sugar 25(25): Bynum, E. K. 663-665. 1932a. Receiving Parasites of the Holloway, T. E. Sugarcane Borer in Louisi- 1930c. Insect Pests of Sugarcane. ana. III. Insects, Injurious, Neu- Jour. Econ. Ent. 25(1):68-71. tral and Beneficial. Holloway, T. E. Facts About Sugar 25:744- 1932b. Insect Pests of Sugarcane. 745. IX. The Smaller Root Pests-— 84

Nematodes and Other Soil Holloway, T. E. . 19331 Federal Entomologists Study Facts About Sugar 27(2) :64- Cane Borer and Other Pests 66. of Sugarcane and Rice. Holloway, T. E. Sugar Bui. 12(6) :3-4. 1932c. Insect Pests of Sugarcane. Holloway, T. E. X. Insects Injurious to 'Seed' 1935a. Borer Control by Breeding Cane—Wireworms, Termites Sugarcane for Resistance. and Others. Sugar Bui. 13(11) :3-5. Facts About Sugar 27(8) :354- Holloway, T. E. 356. 1936a. Insect Pesis of Sugarcane. XII. The Sucking Insects— Holloway, T. E., and Rands, R. D. Leafhoppers, Crane Flies, and 1932e. Sugarcane Insect Pests and the Froghoppers of Trinidad. Diseases With Special Refer- Facts About Sugar 31(2) :60- ence to United States Plant 61. Quarantines, Holloway, T. E. Jour. Econ. Ent. 25:461-470. 1936c. Insect Pests of Sugarcane. Holloway, T. E. XIV. Miscellaneous Insects, 19321 Hawaiian Parasite of the Sug- Some Injurious, Found in arcane Mealybug to Louisi- Sugarcane. ana. Facts About Sugar 31:216- Jour. Econ. Ent. 25:1107. 217. Holloway, T. E. Holloway, T. E. 1932g. Borer Parasites and Non- 1938a, Introductions and Recoveries Burning of the Cane Trash. of Parasiies of Sugarcane In- Sugar Bull. 11(5) :2-3. sects in Continental United States. Holloway, T. E. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane 1933a. A Method of Avoiding the Technol. 6th Cong. Rpts. and Destruction of Tricho gramma Absts. pp. 125-126. in Sugarcane Fields. Holloway, T. E. Jour. Econ. Ent. 26(5) :974- 1939a. Introductions and Recoveries 977. of Parasites of Sugarcane In- Holloway, T. E. sects in Continental United 1933b. Insect Pesis of Sugarcane. Slates. XI. The Leaf Eating Insects— Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Army worms. Cutworms, Leaf - Technol. Proc. 6th Cong. pp. miners. Grasshoppers and 258-263. Others. Holloway, T. E., and Mathes, Ralph. Facts About Sugar 28(5) :216- 1940a. The Amazon Fly, Metago- 219. nistylum minense, a Para- site of the Sugarcane Borer. Holloway, T. E. Jour. Econ. Ent. 33(5)-.738-742. 1933c. The Fourth Congress of the Holloway, T. E. See Anderson, W. E., International Society of Sugar Bynum, E. K., and Ingram, Cane Technologists. J. W. Science (n. s.) 78(2011) :30. Hopkins, G. H. E. Holloway, T. E. 1927a. Pests of Economic Plants in 1933e. Cane Borer and Varieties of Samoa and Other Island Sugarcane. Groups. Sugar Bul. 12(2) :4. Bul. Ent. Res. 18(l):23-32. 85

Horne, W. T. See Cook, M. T. to the Varieties of Sugarcane. Horton, J. R. See Davis, E. G. (In Japanese.) Formosa Assoc. Sugar Plant- Howell, W. See Sheperd, F. R. ers Jour. 13(9) :l-9. Howlett, F. M. See Maxwell-Lefroy, H. Imms, A. D. 1935a. A General Textbook of Ento- Husian, M. A. mology. 3d ed. 453 pp. N. Y. 1926a. Report of the Imperial Ento- Ingram, J. W. mologist. 1927a. Insects Injurious to the Rice Pusa Imp. Inst. Agr. Res. Sci. Crop. Rpts. 1925-26:70-82. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bul. Husian, M. A. 1543, 17 pp. 1929a. Annual Report of the Ento- Ingram, J. W., and Holloway, T. E. mologist to the Government, 1930a. Injury to Sugarcane by a Punjab, Lyallpur, for the Small Weevil. Years 1927-28. Jour. Econ. Ent. 23(5):832-833. Punjab Dept. Agr. Rpt. 1927- 28:55-79. Ingram, J. W. 1931a. Soil Animals Attacking Sugar- Hussian, M. A. cane. 1930a. Entomology. Jour. Econ. Ent. 24(4):866-869. Punjab Dept. Agr. Rpt. 1928- Ingram, J. W., and Bynum, E. K. 29(l):53-63. 1932a. Observations on the Sugar- Hussian, M. A. cane in Louisiana. 1931a. Annual Report of the Ento- Jour. Econ. Ent. 25(4):844-849. mologist to the Government, Ingram, J. W., and Bynum, E. K. Punjab, for the Year Ending 1932b. Notes on the Sugarcane 30th of June 1930. Beetle. Punjab Dept. Agr. Fol. La- Sugar Bul. 10(11) :4-6. hore, 46 pp. Ingram, J. W. Hutson, J. C. 1932c. Minute Soil Inhabiting Ani- 1927a. Report of the Entomological mals Injuring Sugarcane in Division. Louisiana. Ceylon Agr. Adm. Rpt. 1926: Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane D20-D22. Technol. Bui. 85:1-3. Ijima, K. Ingram, J. W., and Bynum, E. K. 1934a. Some Observations on the 1932d. Summer Planting to Control Biology of Tricho gramma aus- Sugarcane Beetle. tralicum Girault. (In Japa- Sugar Bul. 10(22) :7. nese.) Ingram, J. W., Bynum, E. K., and Kontyu Insect 8(2):74-83. Douglas, W. A. Ijima, K. 1933a. Combating the Sugarcane 1935a. On the Spread of the Larva Beetle by Planting Varieties of Eucosma schistaceana Snell of Cane That Give a Better on the Young Sugarcane. (In Stand. Japanese.) Sugar Bul. 11(24) :4. Formosa Jour. Assoc. Sugar Ingram, J. W. Planters 13(6): 1-4. 1935a. Status of Sugarcane Pests Ijima, K. During 1934 and 1935 and an 1935b. Relation of Oviposition of Outline of Investigations Eucosma schistaceana Snell Being Conducted by the Bu- 86

reau of Entomology and Plant on the Sugarcane Beetle in Quarantine, United States De- Louisiana. partment of Agriculture, on Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane These Pests. Technol. Abs. and Rpts. 6th Sugar Bul. 14(3) :3-4. Cong., p. 96-97. Ingram, J. W., Bynum, E. K., and Ingram, J. W., Haley, W. E., and Douglas, W. A. Charpentier, L. J. 1935b. Control of the Sugarcane 1938e. Reduce Sugarcane Beetle In- Beetle. jury by Planting Varieties Sugar Bul. 13(21) :4-5. Giving Better Stands. Ingram, J. W., and Summers, E. M. Sugar Bul. 17(l):37-38. 1936a. Transmission of Sugarcane Ingram, J. W., Haley, W. E., and Mosaic by Rusty Plum Aphis Charpentier, L. J. Hysteroneura setariae Thos. 19381 Insects Vectors of Sugarcane U. S. Dept. Agr. Jour. Agr. Mosaic in Continental United Res. 52(12) :879-887. States. Ingram, J. W. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane 1937a. Danger of Transferring Local Technol. Abs. and Rpts. 6th Sugarcane Pests to Uninfesied Cong., p. 128-129. Areas in the United States. U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Ingram, J. W., Jaynes, H. A., and Quar. E-412, 3 pp. (Processed.) Lobdell, R. N. Ingram, J. W. 1939a. Sugarcane Pests in . 1937b. New Pests of Sugarcane in Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Continental United States. Technol. Proc. 6th Cong., p. 89-98. Jour. Econ. Ent. 30(4):677-678. Ingram, J. W. Ingram, J. W., Bynum, E. K., and 1937c. Insects That Carry Mosaic Douglas, W. A. Disease of Sugarcane. 1939b. A Summary of Investigation Sugar Bul. 16(6) :4-7. on the Sugarcane Beetle in Ingram, J. W., and Ellisor, L. O. Louisiana. 1938a. Borer Injury to Sugarcane in Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Louisiana in 1936. Technol. Proc. 6th Cong., p. La. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 298: 478-482. 17-19. Ingram, J. W., Haley, W. E., and Ingram, J. W., and Summers, E. M. Charpentier, L. J. 1938b. Transmission of Sugarcane 1939c. Insect Vectors of Sugarcane Mosaic by the Green Bug Mosaic in the Continental (Toxoptera graminum Rond.). United States. U. S. Dept. Agr. Jour. Agr. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Res. 56(7):537-540. Technol. Proc. 6th Cong., p. 483-495. Ingram, J. W., Jaynes, H. A., and Lobdell, R. N. Ingram, J. W. 1938c. Sugarcane Insects in Florida. 1940a. A Summary of the Sugarcane Internatl. Soc. to Sugar Cane Insect Investigations Con- Technol. Abs. and Rpts. 6th ducted at the Houma Labora- Cong., p. 89-98. tory of the Federal Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quar- Ingram, J. W., Bynum, E. K., and antine During 1939. Douglas, W. A. Sugar Bul. 19(4) :4-6. 1938d. A Summary of Investigations 87

Ingram, J. W., Haley, W. E., and and Plant Quarantine During Charpentier, L. J. 1942. 1940b. The Effect of Lime in Reduc- Sugar Bui. 21(24) :210. ing Injury by the Sugarcane Ingram, J. W. Beetle. 1944a. Research on Insecticidal Con- La. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 323: trol of the Sugarcane Borer 31-33. in 1943 by the Houma Louisi- Ingram, J. W., and Ellisor, L. O. ana Laboratory. 1940c. Varietal Susceptibility of Sugar Bul. 22(15) :115-117. Cane to Sugarcane Injury in Ingram, J. W. 1937. 1944b. Tests of DDT Dust Against La. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 323: Sugarcane Borer, the Yellow 34-36. Sugarcane Aphid, and the Ingram, J. W., Holloway, T. E., and Argentine Ant. Wilson, J. W. Jour. Econ. Ent. 37(1) :144- 1940d. Recent Developments in the 145. Biological Control of Diatraea Ingram, J. W. See Abbott, E. V., saccharalis in the Continental Bynum, E. K., Ellisor, L. O., United States. Holloway, T. E., Mathes, R., So. Pacific Science Cong. Proc. and Scaramuzza, L. C. 4:359-364. Isaac, P. V. Ingram, J. W., and Bynum, E. K. 1931a. Report of the Imperial Ento- 1941a. The Sugarcane Borer. mologist. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farmers' Bul. Pusa Imp. Inst. Agr. Res. Sci. 1884:1-17. Rpt. 1929-30:72-79. Ingram, J. W. Isaac, P. V. 1943a. Measures Available for the 1933a. Report of the Imperial Ento- Control of the Sugarcane In- mologist. sect Pests in the Effort to Pusa Imp. Inst. Agr. Res. Sci. Increase Wartime Sugar Pro- Rpt. 1931-32:141-145. duction. Isaac, P. V., and Misra, C. S. Sugar Bul. 21(9):68-70. 1933b. The Chief Insect Pests of Sugarcane and Methods for Ingram, J. W. Their Control. 1943b. Recommendations for the Agr. and Livestock in India Control of the Sugarcane 3(4):315-324. Borer in Louisiana in 1943 by Isaac, P. V. Dusting with Cryolite. 1936a. Report of the Imperial Ento- Sugar Bul. 21(11) :84. mologist. Ingram, J. W., Bynum, E. K., Haley, Pusa Imp. Inst. Agr. Res. Sci. W. E., and Charpentier, L. J. Rpt. 1933-34:168-174. 1943c. Airplane Dusting of Sugar- Isaac, P. V. cane with Synthetic Cryolite 1929a. Report of the Second Ento- for Control of Second Genera- mologist (Diplerist) in Charge tion Borers. of Scheme for Research on Sugar Bul. 21(17) :129-131. Insect Pests of Sugarcane. Ingram, J. W. New Delhi Agr. Res. Inst. 1943d. Report on Research on Sugar- Sci. Rpt. 1937-38:129-131. cane Insect Control by the Ishida, M. Houma Louisiana Laboratory, 1927a. Parasites Introduced Into For- U. S. Bureau of Entomology mosa for Insect Pests of 88

Sugarcane. Jarvis, E. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane 1926d. Cane Pest Combat and Con- Technol. Proc. 2nd Conf., p. trol. 78-79. Queensland Agr. Jour. 26(6): Ishida, M. 478-481. 1929a. Researches on the Parasite of Jarvis, E. Oregma lanigera Zehnt., En- 1926e. Annual Report of the Ento- carsia flavoscutellum Zehnt., mologist, 1925-26. in Java, with an Account of Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. lis Introduction Into For- Stas. Ann. Rpt. 26:19-23. mosa. (In Japanese.) Jarvis, E. Formosa Gov. Res. Inst. Dept. 1927a. Cane Pest Combat and Con- Agr. Rpt. 38:1-138. trol. Ishida, M., and Takano, S. Queensland Agr. Jour. 28 1936a. Relation of the Prevalence of (2-4):108-110, 339-341. Oviposition of Sugarcane Jarvis, E. Borers to Climatic Conditions 1927b. Cane and Climate. and the Period of Planting Queensland Agr. Jour. 28(2): the Cane. (In Japanese.) 110-113. Formosa Sugar Planters' Jarvis, E. Assoc. Jour. 14(4): 129-170. 1927c. Entomological Hints to Cane Jarvis, E. Growers. 1916a. Notes on Insects Damaging Queensland Agr. Jour. 28(2): Sugarcane in Queensland. 114-115. Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. Sta., Div. Ent. Bui. 3:1-48. Jarvis, E. Jarvis, E. 1927d. The Grayback Cockchafer. 1923a. On the Habits and Coloration Queensland Agr. Jour. 28(3): of Queensland Rutelidae. 212-215. Queensland Agr. Jour. 19(4): Jarvis, E. 333-335. 1927e. Notes on Insects Damaging Jarvis, E. Sugarcane in Queensland. 1924a. Cane Pest Combat and Con- Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. trol. Stas. Div. Ent. Bul. 3:1-94. Queensland Agr. Jour. 22(2): (2nd ed.) 95-96. Jarvis, E. Jarvis, E., and Burns, A. N. 19271 Weevil Borer of Cane. How 1926a. Entomological Notes. to Breed the Tachinid Para- Queensland Agr. Jour. 26(3): site of the Weevil Borer of 217-221. Sugarcane. Jarvis, E. Trop. Agr. 4(ll):203-205. 1926b. Cane Pest Combat and Con- Jarvis, E. trol. Entomological Hints to 1927g. Entomological Advice to Cane Cane Growers. Growers. Queensland Agr. Jour. 26(4): Queensland Agr. Jour. 28(6): 284-286. 554-555. Jarvis, E. Jarvis, E. 1926c. Entomological Hints to Cane 1927h. Cane Pest Combat and Con- Growers. trol. Queensland Agr. Jour. 26(5): Queensland Agr. Jour. 28(6): 385-386. 556-558. 89

Jarvis, E. Jarvis, E. 1927i. Cane Pest Combat and Con- 1929a. High Temperatures Prove trol. Fatal to Cane Beetles. Queensland Agr. Jour. 27(2): Queensland Agr. Jour. 32(4): 85-88. 383. Jarvis, E. Jarvis, E. 1927j. Cane Pest Combat and Con- 1929b. Control of Root Eating Scara- trol. baeid Grubs in Queensland. Queensland Agr. Jour. 27(3): Internatl. Cong. Ent. Ithaca, 179-182. N. Y., 1928, Trans. 4:25-33. Jarvis, E. Jarvis, E. 1927k. Entomological Hints to Cane 1929c. Some Notes on the Economy Growers. of Cockchafer Beetles. Queensland Agr. Jour. 27(3): Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. 182-183. Sta. Div. Ent. Bui. 20:1-49. Jarvis, E. Jarvis, E. 19271. Cane Pest Combat and Con- 1930a. Report by the Entomologist trol. in Charge at Meringa, 1929-30. Queensland Agr. Jour. 27(4): Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. 270-271. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 30:42-46. Jarvis, E. Jarvis, E. 1927m. Entomological Hints to Cane 1931a. Report of the Entomologist in Growers. Charge at Meringa, 1930-31. Queensland Agr. Jour. 27(4): Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. 275-276. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 31:42-45. Jarvis, E. Jarvis, E. 1927n. Cane Pest Combat and Con- 1931b. A Little Known Queensland trol. Digger Wasp. Queensland Agr. Jour. 27(5): Queensland Agr. Jour. 35(1): 398-399. 6-9. Jarvis, E. Jarvis, E. 1927o. Cane Pest Combat and Con- 1931c. Control of Our Large Moth trol. Borer of Cane Phragmatiphila Queensland Agr. Jour. 28(1): truncta Wlk. 7-8. Queensland Agr. Jour. 35(3): Jarvis, E. 141-144. 1928a. Paradichlorobertzine for Com- Jarvis, E. bating Cane Grubs. Introduc- 1931d. Some Coleoptera of Minor tion and Past History. Importance Injuring Sugar- Queensland Agr. Jour. 29(2): cane in North Queensland. 97-107. Queensland Agr. Jour. 35(4): Jarvis, E. 218-223. 1928b. Destroying Cane Grubs with Jarvis, E. Carbon Bisulphide. 1932a. Report of the Entomologist in Queensland Agr. Jour. 29(2): Charge at Meringa, 1931-32. 107-113. Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. Jarvis, E. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 32:51-55. 1928c. Cane Pest Combat and Con- Jarvis, E. trol. 1932b. The Biological Control of Queensland Agr. Jour. 29(2): Cane Grubs. 122-123. Trop. Agr. 9(ll):331-333. 90

Jarvis, E. Jaynes, H. A. 1932c. Cane Pest Combat and Con- 1930a. Notes on Paratheresia clari- trol. The Gray-Back Beetle, palpis v. D. L., a Parasite of Queensland Agr. Jour. 38(6): Diatraea saccharalis F. 472-475. Jour. Econ. Ent. 23(4):676-680. Jarvis, E. Jaynes, H. A. 1932d. Introduction of Wasp Para- 1930b. A Note on Two Hymenopier- sites of Cane Grubs from the ous Parasites of Diatraea sac- Philippine Islands. charalis F. Queensland Agr. Jour. 37(1): Jour. Econ. Int. 23:882. 18. Jaynes, H. A. Jarvis, E. 1931a. Acrotomopus atropunctellus 1932e. Cane Pest Combat and Con- Boh., in Sugarcane. trol. Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 24(3): Queensland Agr. Jour. 37(2): 554-560. 92-93. Jaynes, H. A. Jarvis, E. 1931b. El Acrotomopus atropunctel- 19321 Cane Grub Parasite for North lus Boh., Una Plaga de la Queensland from Philippines. Cana de Azucar de la Argen- Queensland Agr. Jour. 37(2): tina. [Acrotomopus atropunc- 93-97. tellus, a pest of sugarcane in Jarvis, E. Argentina.] 1933a. Division of Entomology, Tucuman Estac. Expt. Agr. Northern Station, Meringa, Rev. Indus, y Agr. 21(9) :179- 1932-33. 184. Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 33:62-66. Jaynes, H. A. 1931c. Apuntes Sobre Paratheresia Jarvis, E. claripalpis v. D. W., un Para- 1933b. Cane Pest Combat and Con- silo de Diatraea saccharalis F. trol. The Grayback Cane Tucuman Estac. Expt. Agr. Beetle. Rev. Indus, y Agr. 21(3-4) :63- Queensland Agr. Jour. 39(2): 66. 60-63. Jarvis, E. Jaynes, H. A. 1933c. Cane Pest Combat and Con- 1932a. Collecting Parasites of the trol. Sugarcane Borer in South Queensland Agr. Jour. 39(6): America. 242-244. Jour. Econ. Ent. 25(l):64-68. Jaynes, H. L., Holloway, T. E., and Jaynes, H. A. Haley, W. E. 1932b. Pineapple Disease (Thielavop- 1926a. Cane Borer Damage Again sis ethaceticus) on Sugarcane Estimated. at Tucuman, Argentina. La. Planter and Sugar Mfgr. Phytopathology 22:667-668. 78(17) :338. Jaynes, H. A. Jaynes, H. E., Holloway, T. E., and 1933a. The Parasites of the Sugar- Haley, W. E. cane Borer in Argentina and 1927a. Cane Borer Damage Again Peru, and Their Introduction Estimated. Into the United States. U. S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Agr. U. S. Dep. Agr. Tech. Bui. Econ., 1 p. (Processed.) 363, 27 pp. 91

Jaynes, H. A., and Bynum, E. K. Jepson, W. F. 1936a. A Preliminary Report on the 1936b. Report on the Search for Use of the Egg Parasite Tri- Parasites for Phytalus smithi chogramma minutum Riley Ar. for the Control of the Sugar- Port Louis, pp. 1-66. cane Borer. Jepson, W. F., and Moutia, L. A. Sugar Bul. 14(19): 1-4. 1939a. Progress of Applied Entomol- Jaynes, H. A. ogy in Mauritius During the 1938a. Introduction and Recovery in Years 1933 to 1938, With Ref- Florida and Louisiana of erence to Insects of the Sug- Parasites of the Sugarcane arcane. Borer. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Jour. Econ. Ent. 31(l):93-95. Technol. Proc. 6:377-382. Jaynes, H. A., and Ellisor, L. O. Jones, T. H. 1938b. Varieties of Sugarcane in Re- 1914a. Additional Notes on Porto lation to Sugarcane Borer Rico Sugarcane Insects. Damage in 1936. Jour. Econ. Ent. 7(6):461-463. La. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 298: Jones, T. H., and Wolcott, G. N. 20-23. 1922a. The Caterpillars Which Eat Jaynes, H. A. the Leaves of Sugarcane in 1938c. Further Attempts to Estab- Puerto Rico. lish Lixophaga diatraea Puerto Rico Dept. Agr. Jour. (Towns.) and Other Sugar- 6(l):38-50. cane Borer Parasites in Loui- siana and Florida, With Re- Jones, T. H. See Wolcott, G. N. coveries in 1936 and 1937. Kelly, N. L. See Montgomery, R. W. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Proc. 6th Cong. Kondo, T. 1938:245-258. 1935a. Studies on the Distribution, Morphology and Control Jaynes, H. A., and Bynum, E. K. Methods of Gryllus mitratus 1941a. Experiments With Tricho- Burm., and Acheta bimacu- gramma minutum Riley as a lata DeG., Important Pests of Control of the Sugarcane Sugarcane in Formosa. (In Borer in Louisiana. Japanese.) U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bui. Assoc. Sugar Cane Planters 743, 42 pp. Jour. 13(10) :l-29. Jaynes, H. A. See Allen, H. W., El- Koningsberger, V., and Hart, P. C. lisor, L. O., and Ingram, J. W. 1932a. Proeven ter Onderzoak van Jepson, W. F. de Periodiciteif in het Op- 1934a. Conference sur le Phytalus reden va de Witten Topboor- smithi Fail a la Chambre der. [Experiments in the in- d'Agriculiure. vestigation of periodicity in Rev, Agr. de l'lle Maurice the occurrence of the white 75:79-84. tip-borer.] Jepson, W. F. Arch. v. Suikerind. Ned. 1936a. A Summary of Results of the Indie 1932(22) :465-473. Phytalus Investigation 1933- Krishnamurti, B. 36, With Recommendation as 1930a. Aphididae of Mysore. to Further Lines of Work. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. Jour. Port Louis, pp. 1-9. 34(2):411-419. 92

Kunhi, K. K. Laing, F. 1927a. Entomological Section. 1927a. Coccidae, Aphididae and Mysore Agr. and Expt. Union Aleyrodidae. Insects of Sa- Jour. 8(1):11-17. moa, Part 2, Fasc. 1. Kunhi, K. K. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. pp. 34- 1929a. The Method of Controlling 35. the Sugarcane Borer (Dia- Laing, F. traea etc.) in Mysore by At- 1929a. Descriptions of New and tracting Adults to Heaps of Some Notes on Old Species Trash. of Coccidae. Internatl. Cong. Ent., Ithaca, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. N. Y., Trans. 4:65-67. (10)4(23) :465-501. Kunhi, K. K. Lakon, G. 1931a. Mass Rearing of the Egg 1934a. Entomophthoraceen - Studien, Parasite of the Sugarcane 1-4. Moth Borer in Mysore. (Pre- Ztschr. f. Angew. Ent. 21(1): liminary Experiments.) 89-95. Mysore Agr. and Expt. Union Lakshmanan, K. See Muliyil, J. A. Jour. 12(2):57-61. Lea, A. Kunhi, K. K. 1935a. The Use of Calcium Arsenate 1931b. Ground Grubs and Their for Locust Destruction in the Movements in the Soil. Sugar Cane Belt. Mysore Agr. and Expt. Union Pretoria, Rpt. Proc. Interstate Jour. 12(1) :3-4. Locust Conf. 1934:46-52. Kunkel, L. O. Lean, O. B. 1927a. The Corn Mosaic of Hawaii 1931a. On the Recent Swarming of Distinct from Sugarcane Mo- Locusts migratorides R. & F. saic. Bui. Ent. Res. 22(3):365-378. Phytopathology 17(1) :41. (Ab- Leece, C. W. stract.) 1938a. Mosaic Disease of Sugarcane. Kuwana, I. Queensland Agr. Jour. 50(2): 1932a. The Genus Aclerda in Japan 185-188. Including Formosa. Leefmans, S. Philippine Jour. Sci. 48(1) :57- 1927a. Ziekten en Plagen der Cul- 67. fuurgewassen in Nederland- Kuwayama, S. sch-Indie in 1926. [Diseases 1932a. Studies of the Morphology and pests of cultivated plants and Ecology of the Rice Leaf- in the Dutch East Indies in Beetle Lema oryzae Kuw., 1926.] With Special Reference to the Buitenzorg Inst. v. Planten- Taxonomic Aspects. ziekten Meded. 73, 60 pp. Hokkaido Imp. Univ., Fac. Leefmans, S. Agr. Jour. 33(1):1-132. 1931a. Ziekten en Plagen der Cul- Lai, K. C. tuurgewassen in Nederland- 1937a. Notes on the Parasite Tricho- sch-Oosi-Indiie in 1929. [Dis- gramma evanescens Westw., eases and pests of cultivated of the Sugarcane Borer Dia- plants in the Netherland In- traea sp., in Kwangtung (In dies in 1929.] Chinese.) Buitenzorg Inst. v. Planten- Problems of Insects 2(1-2) :2-3. ziekten Meded. 79, 100 pp. 93

Leonard, M. D. Lopez, A. W. 1931a. Report of the Division of En- 193 Id. The Fly Eutrixopsis javana tomology, 1929-30. Townsend (Diptera, Tachni- Puerto Rico Ins. Expt. Sta., dae) a Parasite of the Beetle Rio Piedras, An. Rpt. 1929- Leucopholis irrorata in Occi- 30:110-123. dental Negros, Philippine Is- Leonard, M. D., and Sein, F., Jr. lands. 1933a. Observation of Some Factors Philippine Jour. Sci. 46(1): Which May Affect the Abun- 129. dance of Diatraea saccharalis Lopez, A. W. in Porto Rico. 1934a. An Account of Some Scoliid Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Wasps Parasitic on Sugar- Tech. Bul. 4th Cong. 92:1-2. cane Grubs in Occidental Lobdell, R. N. See Ingram, J. W. Negros, Philippine Islands. Loftin, U. C. II. Progress Report on the 1931a. The P.O.J. Canes and Insect Exchange of Scoliid Wasps Damage. With Australia. Asoc. de Tec. Azucareros Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Cuba, Proc. 4th Cong. 1930: Technol. Bul. 4th Cong. 50: 52-58. 1-12. Loftin, U. C, and Christensen, L. D. Lopez, A. W. See Hadden, F. C. 1933a. Report on Corn Aphis Aphis Lopez, D. F. A. maidis Fitch in Cuba. 1927a. Informe Anual del Director Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane de la Estacion Experimental Technol. Bui. 4th Cong. 115: Insular, Rio Piedras. 1-20. San Juan, P. R. 1925-26:1-62. Loftin, U. C. See Holloway, T. E. Lyle, C. Lopez, A. W. 1933a. Sugarcane Beetle Injury to 1930a. Ability of Mature Grubs of Greenhouse Roses. Leucopholis irrorata to Sur- Jour. Econ. Ent. 26(5) :973. vive Submergence in Water. Philippine Jour. Sci. 42(2): Mackie, D. B. See Barrett, O. W. 307-308. Madden, A. H. Lopez, A. W. 1937a. Notes on the Chango or West 1931a. Entomology Department. Indian Mole Cricket in Puerto Philippine Sugar Assoc. Res. Rico in 1935 and 1936. Bur., Ann. Rpt. Dir. 1930-31: Puerto Rico Jour. Agr. 21(2): 227-273. 115-120. Lopez, A. W. Margabandhu, V. See Cherian, M. C, 1931b. The Use of the Antennae as and Ramakrishna, T. V. a Means of Determining the Marshall, G. Sexes in Leucopholis arro- 1932a. New Oriental Curculionidae. rara Adults. Stylops 1(10):209-216. Philippine Jour. Sci. 46(4): Martin, J. P. 759-761. 1942a. Stem Galls of Sugarcane In- Lopez, A. W. duced With Insect Extracts. 1931c. Report of the Entomology Science 96(2480) :39. Department. Martorell, L. F. See Wolcott, G. N. Philippine Sugar Assoc. Res. Mathes, Ralph, and Ingram, J. W. Bur., Ann. Rpt. Dir. 1929-30: 1942a. Development and Use of Sug- 145-172. arcane Varieties Resistant to the Sugarcane Borer. Maxwell-Lefroy, H., and Howlett, Jour. Econ. Ent. 35(5) :638- F. M. 642. 1909a. Indian Insect Life: A Manual of the Insects of the Plains. Mathes, Ralph. Ingram, J. W., and Calcutta, India. 786 pp. Haley, W. E. 1938a. Preliminary Report on Stud- May, D. W. ies of Progenies of Sugarcane 1927a. Germinating Sugarcane. Crosses for Susceptibility to Puerto Rico Agr. Expt. Sta. Sugarcane Borer Injury in Agr. Notes 38:1-2. Louisiana. (Abstract.) McClean, A. P. D. See Storey, H. H. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane McDougall, W. A. Technol., Rpts. and Abs. 6: 1931a. Report of Assistant to Ento- 95-96. mologist, Mackay. Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. Mathes, Ralph. Ingram, J. W., and Sta. Ann. Rpt. 31:47-48. Haley, W. E. McDougall, W. A. 1939a. Preliminary Report on Stud- 1932a. Report of the Assistant Ento- ies of Progenies of Sugarcane mologist, Mackay. Crosses for Susceptibility to Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. Sugarcane Borer Injury in Sta. Ann. Rpt. 32:57. Louisiana. McDougall, W. A. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane 1933a. Division of Entomology, Cen- Technol. Proc. 6:581-589. tral Station, Mackay. Mathes, R. See Holloway, T. E. Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 33:66-67. Matsuda, M. McDougall, W. A. 1928a. Studies on Zygina subrufa 1934a. Determination of Larval In- Melich. (In Japanese.) stars and Stadia of Some Formosa Govt. Res. Inst. Wire worms (Elaferidae). Dept. Agr. Bui. 62, 36 pp. Queensland Agr. Jour. 42(1): Matsumura, S. 43-70. 1930a. On Some Injurious Insects of McGregor, E. A. the Sugarcane in Formosa. 1942a. A New Spinning Mile At- Proc. 4th Pacific Sci. Cong., tacking Sugarcane in Puerto Java 1929, 4:139-142. Rico. Matsumoto, F. Puerto Rico Univ. Jour. Agr. 1936a. On the Life History of Isch- 26 (4) :91-94. nodemus saccharivorus Okaj., McKaig, N., Jr., and Fort, C. A. Injurious to Sugarcane in 1936a. Chemical Composition of Formosa. (In Japanese.) Juice from Louisiana Sugar- Formosa, Nat. Hist. Soc. cane Injured by the Sugar- cane Borer and the Red Rot Trans. 26(54) :291-303. Disease. Matsumoto, F. U. S. Dept. Agr. Jour. Agr. 1939a. On the Life History of Isch- Res. 52(l):17-25. nodemus saccharivorus Okaj. McKinstry, A. H., and Hardy, F. (In Japanese.) 1926a. A Preliminary Spraying Trial Formosa, Nat. Hist. Soc. on Froghopper Nymphs at Trans. 29(195) :303-313. Petit Morne Estate. Maulik, S. , Frog- 1930a. New Injurious Hispinae. hopper Invest. Com. Min. and Bui. Ent. Res. 21(l):45-94. Proc. 5:112-117. 95

Miller, N. C. E., and Pagden, H. T. Moutia, A. 1930a. An Attempt to Control Padi 1933a. Entomological Division. Borers. Mauritius Dept. Agr. Ann. Malayan Agr. Jour. 18(7) :334- Rpt. 1932:43-51. 340. Moutia, L. A. Misra, C. S. See Isaac, P. V. 1934a. The Sugarcane Moth Borer in Mauritius. Miwa, Y., and Yanagihara, M. Bui. Ent. Res. 25(l):33-45. 1929a. The Effect of Elaterid Beetles Moutia, A. on Sugarcane Planted in For- 1935a. Entomological Division. mosa, Mauritius Dept. Agr. Ann. Jour. Trop. Agr. l(3):275-289. Rpt. 1934:25-26. Miwa, Y. See Yanagihara, M. Moutia, A. Monte, O. 1936a. Termites in Mauritius. Mauritius Dept. Agr. Sci. Ser. 1933a. Um Novo Parasiia de Broca Bul. 21:1-30. de Cana (Diatraea saccharalis Moutia, A. F.) e Consideracoes Sobre 1936b. Sugarcane White Grubs Lach- Esta Broca. [A new parasite nosterna (Phytalus) smithi of the cane borer and notes Arrow in Mauritius. on the borer.] Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Bol. Agric. Zootec. Vet. Minas Technol. Proc. 5:445-456. Gerais 6(9):559-562. Moutia, A. Mordvilko, A. K. 1937a. Entomological Division. 1928a. Geoica Hart, and Its Anholo- Mauritius Dept. Agr. Ann. cycliic Forms. Rpt. 1935:30-33. C. R. Acad. Sci. U. S. S. R., Moutia, A. 1928, 25:525-528. 1943a. Division of Entomology. Mori, N. Mauritius Dept. Agr. Ann. 1937a. On the Sugarcane Beetle Rpt. 1942:12-16. Borer. (In Japanese.) Moutia, A. Bot. and Zool. 5(6):1217-18. 1944a. The Sugarcane Scale Aula- Moritsugu, A. caspis tegalensis Zehnt. 1931a. Studies on the Tip Borer of Bui. Ent. Res. 35(l):69-77. Sugarcane in Formosa. Moutia, A. See Jepson, W. F. Formosa Gov. Res. Inst. Dept. Muir, F. 1910a. On Some New Species of Agr. Rpt. 50:1-56. Leafhoppers (Perkinsiella) on Moutia, A. Sugarcane. 1931a. Insect Pests in Mauritius in Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. 1929. Expt. Sta. Bui. 9:1-11. Mauritius Dept. Agr. Ann. Muir, F., and Swezey, O. H. Rpt. 1929:4-6. 1916a. The Cane Borer Beetle in Moutia, A. Hawaii and Its Control by 1932a. Entomological Division. Natural Enemies. Mauritius Dept. Agr. Ann. Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. Rpt. 1931:9-12. Expt. Sta., Bui. Ent. Ser. 13: Moutia, A. 1-103. 1932b. Indian Pests in Mauritius in Muir, F., and Swezey, O. H. 1930. 1927a. Entomology. Mauritius Dept. Agr. Ann. Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. Rpt. 1930:7-10. Expt. Sta. Rpt. 1925-26:16-29. 96

Muliyil, J. A., and Lakshmanan, K. Muntgomery, R. W. 1942a. Effects of Conserving Healthy 1927e. Cane Beetles of the Isis Dis- and Parasitized Eggs of Py- trict. rilla spp. in Wire Gauze Queensland Agr. Jour. 27(4): Cages on the Population of 278-279. the Pest and Its Parasites. Muntgomery, R. W. Indian Jour. Ent. 4(2):221-223. 19271 Report of the Southern As- Muntgomery, R. W., and Kelly, N. L. sistant Entomologist. 1926a. Cane Pests and Diseases. Queensland Agr. Jour. 27(5): Queensland Agr. Jour. 26(3): 394-395. 213-215. Muntgomery, R. W. Muntgomery, R. W. 1928a. Cane Pests and Diseases. 1926b. Report of the Southern As- Queensland Agr. Jour. 29(2): sistant Entomologist. 115-116. Queensland Agr. Jour. 26(4): Muntgomery, R. W. 283. 1930a. Fumigation for Cane Grubs. Muntgomery, R. W. Queensland Agr. Jour. 34(6): 1926c. Report of the Southern As- 562-563. sistant Entomologist. Queensland Agr. Jour. 26(6): Muntgomery, R. W. 481-482. 1930b. Report by Assistant Entomol- ogist at Bundaberg and Muntgomery, R. W. Mackay. 1926d. Report of the Assistant Ento- Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. mologist, Southern Division Sta. Ann. Rpt. 30:47-48. of Entomology, January- October 1926. Muntgomery, R. W. Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. 1931a. Report of the Assistant Ento- Sta. Ann. Rpt. 25:24-26. mologist, Bundaberg. Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. Muntgomery, R. W. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 31:45-47. 1927a. Reports of the Southern As- sistant Entomologist, May- Muntgomery, R. W. Sept. 1927. 1932a. Report of the Assistant Ento- Queensland Agr. Jour. 28(2): mologist, Bundaberg. 104-106; 220-221; 337-338. Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 32:55-57. Muntgomery, R. W. 1927b. Report of the Southern As- Muntgomery, R. W. sistant Entomologist, Oci.- 1933a. Division of Entomology, Nov. 1927. Southern Station, Bundaberg. Queensland Agr. Jour. 28(6): Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. 564-565. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 33:67-70. Muntgomery, R. W. Muntgomery, R. W., and Bell, A. F. 1927c. Report of the Southern As- 1933b. Fiji Disease of Sugarcane and sistant Entomologist. Its Transmission. Queensland Agr. Jour. 27(2): Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. 83-84. Sta. Div. Ent. Bui. 4:1-28. Muntgomery, R. W. Muntgomery, R. W. 1927d. Report of the Southern As- 1934a. Control of Insect Pests of sistant Entomologist. Sugarcane. Queensland Agr. Jour. 27(4): Queensland Agr. Jour. 42(2): 272-273. 222-229. 97

Muntgomery, R. W., and Buzacott, Myers, J. G. J. H. 1936a. Biological Control of Sugar- 1936a. Control of the Grayback cane Pests in the British West Cane Beetle Lepidoderma al- Indies and British Guiana. bohirtum Waterh., in North Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Queensland. Technol. Proc. 5:381-385. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Nakayama, S. Technol. Proc. 5:456-464. 1928a. On the Natural Enemies of Muntgomery, R. W., and Buzacott, Chilo simplex Butl., in Korea. J. H. Dobutsugaku Zasshi (Zool. 1936b. A Preliminary Study in Trap- Mag.) 40(482) :481. (In Jap- ping Grayback Cane Beetles. anese.) Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Narayanan, E. S. Technol. Proc. 5:464-469. 1933a. Biological Control of Inseci Muntgomery, R. W. Pests and ihe Possibility of 1937a. Progress Report of Sugarcane Utilizing Trichogramma mi- Beetle Investigations in North nutum Riley in India for Con- Queensland. trol of Sugarcane Borers. Queensland Soc. Sugar Cane Agr. and Livestock in India Technol. Proc. 8:49-62. 3(5):459-464. Muntgomery, R. W. Ocfemia, G. O. 1943a. Report of the Division of En- 1933a. The Transmission of the Fiji tomology and Pathology. Disease of Sugarcane by an Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. Insect Vector. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 43:18-19. Nat. Appl. Sci. Bul. 3(3):277- Murray, P. W. .See Hansford, C. G. 280. Myers, J. G. Ocfemia, G. O. 1929a. Sugarcane Moth Borers. Some 1934a. An Insect Vector of the Fiji Recent Work on Parasites of Disease of Sugarcane. ihe Small Moth Borers (Dia- Amer. Jour. Bot. 21(3) :133- traea) of Sugarcane. 140. Trop. Agr. 6(11):310-312. Ogilvie, L. Myers, J. G. 1928a. Inseci Pests and Diseases of 1931a. A Preliminary Report on an Corn in Bermuda. Investigation Into the Biolog- Bermuda Dept. Agr. Bul. ical Control of West Indian 7(2):2-3. Insect Pests. Empire Marketing Board 42: Ogilvie, L. 1-172. 1928b. Report of the Plant Patholo- Myers, J. G. gist for ihe Year 1927. 1932a. The Original Habitat and Bermuda Dept. Agr. Rpt. Hosts of Three Major Sugar- 1927:36-37. cane Pests of Tropical Amer- Osterberger, B. A. ica. 1930a. Erax interruptus Macg., as a Bui. Ent. Res. 23(2):257-271. Predator. Myers, J. G. Jour. Econ. Ent. 23(4):709-711. 1934a. The Discovery and Introduc- Osterberger, B. A. tion of the Amazon Fly, a 1931a. The Importance of Euetheola New Parasite for Cane Grow- rugiceps Lee, an Enemy of ers (Diatraea spp.). Sugarcane. Trop. Agr. 11(8):191-195. Jour. Econ. Ent. 24(4) :870-872. 98

Osterberger, B. A., and Hinds, W. E. portant Parasite of the Army- 1932a. Sugarcane Rootstock Weevils. worm Spodoptera mauritia Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 25(2): (Boisd.). 337-343. Hawaii. Planters Rec. 37(4): Osterberger, B. A. See Hinds, W. E. 168-174. Otanes, F. Q. Pemberton, C. E. 1931a. Note on Cane Grubs in Ba- 1933d. Introduction Into Hawaii and tangas and Occidental Negros. Habits of Egg Parasites of Collecting Beetles as a Con- Chinese Grasshoppers. trol Measure. Hawaii. Planters Rec. 37(1): Philippine Jour. Agr. 2(2): 7-9. 129-161. Pemberton, C. E. Owen, W. L., and Denson, W. P. 1933e. Improved Arsenical Dust for 1930a. Effect of Plowing Under Cane Armyworms. Trash Upon the Available Hawaii. Planters Rec. 37(1): Nitrogen of the Soil. 5-6. Zentbl. 1 Bakt., Parasitenk. Pemberton, C. E. und Infektionskrank. 82:174- 1933f. Entomology. 199. Hawaii. Sugar Planters Assoc. Pagden, H. T. See Miller, N. C, E. Expt. Sta. Rpt. 1932:18-22. Pemberton, C. E. Pemberton, C. E. 1932a. Recent Introductions of In- 1934a. Insect Damage to Sugarcane sects Beneficial to the Sugar- Roots in Hawaii. cane Industry in Hawaii. Internatl. Cong. Sugar Cane Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Bull, 4th Cong. 4:1. Technol. Bull. 4th Cong. 3: Pemberton, C. E. 1-2. 1936a. Insect Vectors of Virus Dis- Pemberton, C. E. eases of Sugarcane. 1932b. Control of the Nutgrass Army- Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane worm With Arsenical Dusts. Technol. Proc. 5:118-120. Hawaiian Planters Rec. 36(1): Pemberton, C. E. 7-12. 1936b. Recent Control Measures Pemberton, C. E. Against Anomola orientalis 1932c. The Present Status of Sugar- Waterh. cane Insects in Hawaii. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Hawaii. Sugar Tech. Assoc. Technol. Proc. 5:591-593. Proc. 1932:47-49. Pemberton, C. E. 1937a. Entomology. Pemberton, C. E. Hawaii. Sugar Planters Assoc. 1933a. Poison Bait for Armyworms Expt. Sta. Rpt. 1936:20-27. and Cutworms. Hawaii. Planters Rec. 37(2): Pemberton, C. E. 87. 1943a. Entomology. Hawaii. Sugar Planters Assoc. Pemberton, C. E. Expt. Sta. Rpt. 1943:14-18. 1933b. Entomology. Pemberton, C. E. Hawaii. Sugar Planters Assoc. 1948a. Control of the Grass Army- Rpt. Com. Expt. Sta. 1933: worm Laphygma exempta 14-19. (Walker.) in Hawaii by Para- Pemberton, C. E. sites. 1933c. Notes on the Biology of Tele- Hawaii. Planters Rec. 52(3 & nomus nawai Ashm., an Im- 4):181-200. Pemberton, C. E. See Swezey, O. H. Pickles, A. Perkins, R. C. L. 1931b. Parasite Control and the 1912a. Parasites of Insects Attacking Froghopper Problem. Sugarcane. Trinidad and Tobago, Frog- Hawaii. Sugar Planters Assoc. hopper Invest. Com. Min. and Expt. Sta. Rpt., Ent. Ser. Bull. 10: Proc. 30:247-253. Pickles, A. 1-27. 1936a. Report of the Entomologist, Phillips, A. M. See Spencer, H. 1935. Trinidad and Tobago, Rpt. Phillips, W. J.} Underbill, G. W., and Poos, F. W. Dept. Agr. 1935:50-51. 1921a. The Larger Corn Stalk Borer Pickles, A. in Virginia. 1936b. Observations on Early Larval Va. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. Mortality of Certain Species 22:1-30. of Diatraea Under Cane Field Pickel, B. Conditions in Trinidad. 1927a. Ainda Existe Quern Queira Trop. Agr. 13(6):155-160. Compar Cuyabanas? [Are Pickles, A. See Urich, F. W. there still buyers of Pre- Pierce, W. D. nolepis?] 1914a. Descriptions of Two New Chacaras e Quintaes 36(2): Species of Sfrepsipfera (Hal- 184-185. cotophagidae) Parasitic on Sugarcane Insects. Pickel, B. Wash. Ent. Soc. Proc. 16(3): 1930a. Report on the Search in Ja- 26-129. maica for Parasites of the Pierce, W. D. Sugarcane Froghopper (Tom- 1917a. A Manual of Dangerous In- asp is saccharina Dist). sects Likely to be Introduced Trinidad and Tobago, Frog- in the United States Through hopper Invest. Com. Min. and Importations. Proc. 19:145-149. U. S. Dep. Agr., Off. Sec, 256 Pickel, B. pp. 1930b. Notes on the Biological Stud- Pierce, W. D. ies on the Froghopper During 1928a. Notes on the Sugarcane In- the Dry Season, 1930. sect Situation in North Ne- Trinidad and Tobago, Frog- gros. hopper Invest. Com. Min. and Sugar News 9(9):1-12. Proc. 19:150-157. Pierce, W. D. 1930a. The Sugarcane Insect Prob- Pickel, B. lem in Negros. 1930c. Duas Pragas da Canna de Wash. Ent. Soc. Proc. 32(6): Acucar no Estado de Pernam- 99-104. buco. [Two pests of sugar- Pierce, W. D. cane in the State of Pernam- 1931a. A List of Sugarcane Insects buco.] of Negros Occidental. O Campo l(l):47-48. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 39(4): Pickles, A. 577-586. 1931a. On the Oviposition of To- Pierce, W. D. maspis saccharina Dist. An 1931b. The Bearing of the Oxyio- Insect Pest of Sugarcane in facfor in Insect Control. Trinidad. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 39(2): Bul. Ent. Res. 22(4):461-468. 159-165. 100

Pierce, W. D. Caused by the Sugarcane 1934a. At What Point Does an In- Moth Stalkborer Diatraea sac- sect Attack Become Damage. charalis F. Ent. News. 45(1) :l-4. Assoc, de Tec. Azucareros Pinto da Fonseca, J. Cuba Proc. Conf. 1931, 5:135- 1934a. Report of the Principal Pests 137. Observed in 1931-33, on the Poos, F. W. See Phillips, W. J. Chief Cultivated Plants in the Pruthi, H. S. State of S. Paulo. 1936a. Report of the Imperial Ento- Inst. Biol. (Sao Paulo) Arch. mologist. 5:263-289. Pusa, Sci. Rpt. Inst. Agr. Res. Plank, H. K. 1934-35:141-152. 1927a. Cutting Out Dead Hearts in Pruthi, H. S. Moth Stalkborer Control. 1937a. Report of the Imperial Ento- Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane mologist. Technol. Proc. 2:62-63. New Delhi Sci. Rpt. Agr. Res. Plank, H. K. Inst. 1935-36:123-137. 1927b. Some Grasses That Harbour Puttemans, A. the Sugarcane Moth Stalk- 1926a. O "Mosaico" de Canna de borer in Cuba. Assucar. [Sugar cane mo- Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane saic.] Technol. Proc. 2:71-72. [Brazil] Min. da Agr., Indus, Plank, H. K. e Com. Bol. 15(3):350-355. 1928a. The Lesser Corn Stalk Borer Quadri, M. A. M., and Aziz, M. A. (Elasmopalpus lignosellus 1943a. Notes on the Indian Species Zell.) Injuring Sugarcane in of Sugarcane Leafhopper Py- Cuba. rilla Stal. Jour. Econ. Ent. 21(2):413-17. Indian Jour. Agr. Sci. 12(6): Plank, H. K. 883-888. 1929a. Some Observations on the Rahman, K. A., and Delbir Singh. Control of the Sugarcane Moth 1942a. Studies on Dead Hearts Stalkborer (Diatraea saccha- Caused by Different Species ralis F.) in Cuba. of Sugarcane Borers in Pun- Asoc. de Tec. Azucareros jab. Cuba, Proc. Conf. 1929, 2:106- Indian Jour. Ent. 4(l):77-85. 110. Ramakrishna Ayyar, T. V. Plank, H. K. 1932a. Bionomics of Some Thrips In- 1929b. Natural Enemies of the Sugar- jurious to Cultivated Plants cane Moth Stalkborer in in South India. Cuba. Agr. and Livestock in India Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 22(4): 2(4):391-403. 621-640. Ramakrishna Ayyar, T. V. Plank, H. K. 1933a. Sugarcane Insects and Prob- 1929c. Summary of the Investiga- lems Connected With Them tions of the Sugarcane Moth in South India. Stalk Borer in Cuba. Madras Agr. Jour. 21(10) :421- Trop. Plant Res. Found. Bul. 430. 8:1-16. Ramakrishna Ayyar, T. V., and Mar- Plank, H. K. gabandhu, V. 1932a. Damage in Left-Over Cane 1935a. The Moth Borer (Argyria 101

sticticraspis H.) of Sugarcane Scaramuzza, L. C. in South India. 1930b. Preliminary Report on a Agr. and Livestock in India Study of the Biology of Lixo- 5(5):503-521. phaga diatraeae Tn. Rands, R. D. See Holloway, T. E. Asoc. de Tec. Azucareros Cuba, Proc. Conf. 1930:59-63. Reed, W. V. See Worsham, E. L. Ritchis, A. H. Scaramuzza, L. C. 1915a. Economic Entomology in Ja- 1930c. Preliminary Report on the maica. Study of the Biology of Lixo- Jamaica Dept. Agr. Bul. 2(8): phaga diatraeae Tns. 335-338. Jour. Econ. Ent. 23(6) :999- 1004. Rodriguez, G. 1928a. A Laboratory Manual of Ovi- Scaramuzza, L. C. cides for Froghoppers. 1932a. Prospects for the Control of Trinidad and Tobago, Frog- Sugarcane Moth Sialkborer hopper Invest. Com. Min. and (Diatraea saccharalis F.) in Proc. 10:348-351. Cuba by Means of Natural Ruffinelli, A. Enemies. 1943a. La Diatraea saccharalis F. en Asoc. de Tec. Azucareros el . Cuba, Proc. Conf. 1932:87-93. Asoc. de Ingen. Agron. Rev. Scaramuzza, L. C. 15(2) :19-24. 1933a. Observations on Certain Dia- Rosa, J. S. See Van Zwaluwenberg, traea Parasites of Brazil and British Columbia. R. H. Proc. Ann. Conf. Sugar Cane Ross, R. See Hardy, F. Technol. Assoc. 7:60-64. Russo, G. Scaramuzza, L. C. 1927a. : Chief 1939a. The Introduction of Theresia Insects Harmful to Crops. claripalpis v. d. W. Into Cuba, Internatl. Inst. Agr., Internatl. and Its Artificial Multiplica- Bui. Plant Protect. 1(7):108- tion. 110. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Rust, E. W. See Van Zwaluwenberg, Technol. Proc. 6:585-595. R. H. Scaramuzza, L. C. Rutherford, A. 1940a. Insects and Other Animals 1913a. Mites. Attacking Sugarcane in Cuba. Asoc. de Tec. Azucareros Trop. Agr. 41(6):490-494. Cuba, Proc. 14:105-122. Sakal, K. 1936a. On the Control of Ischnode- Scaramuzza, L. C, and Ingram, J. W. mus saccharivora Okal., in an 1942a. Results Attained in the Bio- Infested Area. logical Control of Diatraea Nojikairyo Shiryo 109:153- saccharalis F. in Florida. 156. (In Japanese.) Jour. Econ. Ent. 35(5):642-645. Scaramuzza, L. C. Scaramuzza, L. C. See Stahl, C. F. 1930a. Grass Worms Attacking Schroff, K. D. Sugarcane in Cuba. 1920a. A List of the Pests of Sugar- Asoc. de Tec. Azucareros cane in Burma. Cuba, Proc. Conf. 1929:110- Pusa, Ent. Meeting, Proc. 1919. 115. 3:354. 102

Sein, F., Jr. Smith, E. B. 1930a. Sugarcane Root Caterpillar 1926b. Suggestions for Control of and Other New Root Pests in Froghoppers on Sugarcane Puerto Rico. (Perforadix sac- Estates. chari, New Genus and New Trinidad and Tobago, Frog- Species). hopper Invest. Com. Min. and Puerto Rico Jour. Dept. Agr. Proc. 5:118-123. 14(3):167-191. Smith, J. H. Sein, F., Jr. 1936a. White Grub Injury to Pas- 1934a. Artificial Transmission and tures Elsewhere in Queens- Other Studies on Sugarcane land. Mosaic. Queensland Agr. Jour. 46(4): Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane 467. Technol., 4th Cong. Bui. 84: Smyth, E. G. 1-6. 1919a. An Annotated Bibliography Sein, F., Jr. See Leonard, M. D. of Porto Rican Cane Insects. Seshagiri, Rao D. Puerto Rico Dept. Agr. Jour. 1936a. Sugarcane Borer Control 3(4):117-134. Through Its Natural Enemy Smyth, E. G. in the Irwin Canal Tract. 1920a. While Grub Injuring Sugar- Mysore Agr. Col. 1936:25. cane in Porto Rico. II. The Sharangapani, S. G. Rhinocerus Beetle. 1929a. Entomology. Puerto Rico Dept. Agr. Jour. Bengal Dept. Agr. Ann. Rpt. 4:3-27. 1928-29:36-37. Smyth, E. G. Sharangapani, S. G. 1933a. Technique in the Mass Pro- 1930a. Entomology. duction of Trichogramma. Bengal Dept. Agr. Ann. Rpt. Jour. Econ. Ent. 26(4):768-774. 1929-30:44-46. Smyth, E. G. Shepard, F. R., and Howell, W. 1939a. Trichogramma Proves Itself 1927a. Word in Connection With In- in Sugarcane Borer Control. sect and Fungus Pests and Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Proc. 6:366-377. Their Control. St. Kitts-Nevis Dept. Agr. Sonan, J. Rpt. 1925-26:4-6. 1935a. Psychidae of Formosa. Singh, D. See Rahman, K. A. Formosa Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. 25(147) :448-455. Skeete, C. C. 1929a. Entomological Notes. Spencer, H., and Stracener, C. L. 1929a. Soil Animals Injurious to Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr. Sugarcane Roots. Rpt. 1927-28:20-21. Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 22(4): Skinner, H. M. 641-648. 1930a. The Giant Moth Borer of the Spencer, H., Brown, L., and Phillips, Sugarcane (Castnia licus A. M. Drury.) 1935a. New Equipment for Obtain- Trop. Agr. 7 (1 supp.):l-8. ing Host Material for the Smith, E. B. Mass Production of Tricho- 1926a. Trap Light Experiment at gramma minutum, an Egg Wooford Lodge Estate. Parasite of Various Insect Trinidad and Tobago, Frog- Pests. hopper Invest. Com. Min. and U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 376, 18 Proc. 4:76-77. pp. 103

Spencer, H. See Hinds, W. E. rican Plants. Streak Disease Squire, F. A. of . 1935a. Annual Report of the Ento- East African Agr. Jour. 1(6): mological Division, 1934. 471-475. British Guiana Dept. Agr. Storey, H. H., and McClean, A. P. D. Divs. Rpts. 1934:121-124. 1930a. Transmission of Streak Dis- ease Between Maize, Sugar- Squire, F. A. cane and Wild Grasses. 1937a. Notes on the Yellow Aphis of Sugarcane Sipha flava Forbes. Ann. Appl. Biol. 17(4):693-719. Trop. Agr. 14(1) :3-4. Stracener, C. L. See Spencer, H. Subramaniam, T. V. Stahl, C. F. 1933a. Administrative Report of the 1927a. A Preliminary Report on a Entomologist for 1931-32. Grass Root Mealybug (Ri- Mysore Dept. Agr. Rpt. 1931- persia radicola Morr.,) Af- 32:36-41. fecting Sugarcane in Cuba. Subramaniam, T. V. Jour. Econ. Ent. 20(2):392-399. 1934a. Administrative Report of the Stahl, C. F., and Scaramuzza, L. C. Entomologist for 1932-33. 1929a. Soil Insects Attacking Sugar- Mysore Dept. Agr. Rpt. 1932- cane in Cuba. 33:57-62. Trop. Plant Res. Found. Bul. Subramaniam, T. V. 10:1-19. 1935a. Report of Work Done in the Stahl, C. F. See Walker, M. N. Entomological Section for Stammeshaus, L. See Bolle, P. C. 1933-34. Stebbing, E. P. Mysore Dept. Agr. Rpt. 1933- 34:23-27. 1903a. Insect Pests of Sugarcane in Subramaniam, T. V., and Ramiah, India. Indian Museum Notes 5(3): C. V. 64-91. 1935b. Sugarcane Borer Control in the Mysore State. Stehle, H. Mysore Agr. Expt. Un. Jour. 1935a. Interet des Methodes Biolo- 15(4):130-136. giques dans la Protection des Subramaniam, T. V. Cultures de la Guadeloupe. 1936a. Report of Work Done in the Agron. Colon. 214:98-101. Entomological Section for Stewart, H. R. 1934-35. 1934a. Entomology. Mysore Dept. Agr. Rpt. 1934- Punjab Dept. Agr. Rpt. 1932- 35:23-25. 33(l):35-39. Subramaniam, T. V. Storey, H. H. 1937a. Preliminary Experiments on 1926a. Control of Streak Disease on the Mass Production of Tri- Maize and Sugarcane. chogramma Parasites for So. and East African Agr. Control Against Sugarcane Conf. Proc. 1926:212-213. Borers in Mysore. Indian Jour. Agr. Sci. 7(1): Storey, H. H. 149-155. 1936a. A Survey of the Viruses At- Summers, E. M. See Ingram, J. W. tacking Grammaea. Sundararaman, S. East African Agr. Jour. 1(4): 1928a. Mosaic Diseases of Sugarcane 333-337. in South India. Storey, H. H. Madras Dept. Agr. Bul. 92: 1936b. Virus Diseases of East Af- 5-13. 104

Swezey, O. H. Expt. Sta. Rpt. 1927-28:15-25; 1909a. Hawaiian Sugarcane Bud 1928-29:16-25. Moth (Ereunetis flavistriata) Swezey, O. H. With an Account of Some 1931a. Some Recent Parasite Intro- Earlier Species and Natural ductions in Hawaii. Enemies. Jour. Econ. Ent. 24(5):945-947. Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. Swezey, O. H. Expt. Sta. Bui. 6:1-40. 1931b. Summary of Insect Condi- Swezey, O. H. lions in Hawaii for 1931. 1909b. Army Worms and Cutworms U. S. Dept. Agr. Insect Pest on Sugarcane in the Ha- Survey 11(10) :680-681. waiian Islands. Swezey, O. H. Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. 1931c. Entomology. Expt. Sta. Bui. 7:1-32. Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. Swezey, O. H. Expt. Sta. Rpt. 1929-30:23-30. 1927a. Memorandum on Exploration Swezey, O. H. Trips by Entomologists of the 1933a. Summary of Insect Condi- Hawaiian Sugar Planter's Ex- tions in Hawaii for 1932. periment Station, for the Pur- U. S. Dept. Agr. Insect Pest pose of Discovering and In- Survey 12(10) :429-431. (Proc- troducing Beneficial Insects. essed.) Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Proc. 2:74-75. Swezey, O. H. 1936a. Biological Control of the Sug- Swezey, O. H. arcane Leafhopper in Hawaii. 1927b. The Sisal Borer in Hawaii. Hawaii. Planters Rec. 40(1): Hawaii. Ent. Soc. Proc. 6(3): 57-101. 403-404. Swezey, O. H., and Pemberton, C. E. Swezey, O. H. 1932a. Entomology. 1927c. Notes on Hhyncogonus Ex- Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. traneus. Expt. Sta. Rpt. 1930-31:19-32. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. Proc. 6(3): Swezey, O. H. See Agee, H. P., and 407-409. Muir, F. Swezey, O. H. Takahashi, R. 1928a. Present Status of Certain In- 1927a. Aphididae of Formosa. Part 5. sect Pests Under Biological Formosa Gov. Res. Inst. Dept. Control in Hawaii. Agr. Rpt. 22, 23 pp. Jour. Econ. Ent. 21(5):669-673. Takahashi, R. Swezey, O. H. 1927b. Thirteen Species of Aphidi- 1928 a. Entomology. dae Collected by Prof. C. R. Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. Kellogg in China. Expt. Sta. Rpt. 1926-27:15-17. Formosa Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. 17(90) :238-239. Swezey, O. H. Takahashi, R. 1929a. Records of Immigrant and 1928a. Coccidae of Formosa. Recently Introduced Insects Philippine Jour. Sci. 36(3): on Kauai. 327-347. Hawaii. Ent. Soc. Proc. 7(2): Takahashi, R. 271-273. 1930a. Observations on the Coccidae Swezey, O. H. of Formosa. Part 2. 1930a. Entomology. Formosa Gov. Res. Inst. Dept. Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. Agr. Rpt. 48:1-45. 105

Takahashi, R. Formosa Sugar Planters 1932a. Records and Descriptions of Assoc. Jour. 11(11) :481-528. the Coccidae from Formosa. (In Japanese.) Part 2. Takano, S. Soc. Trop. Agr. Jour. 4(1): 1935a. On the Destruction, Status of 41-48. Outbreaks, and Control Meth- Takahashi, R. ods of the Important Sugar- 1933a. Additions to the Aphid Fauna cane Insects of Formosa. of Formosa. Pari 2. Rpt. Jap. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Philippine Jour. Sci. 52(3): 10(3):840-845. (In Japanese.) 291-303. Takano, S., and Ijima, K. 1935b. Relation of Breaking Sugar- Takahashi, R. cane by the Storm to Injury 1934a. Observations on the Coccidae by Borers. of Formosa. Part 4. Formosa Sugar Planters Formosa Gov. Res. Inst. Dept. Assoc. Jour. 13(5) :l-5. (In Agr. Rpt. 63:1-38. Japanese.) Takahashi, R. Tate, H. D., and Wadley, F. M. 1936a. Some Coccidae from China. 1938a. Studies of Sugarcane Insects Peking Nat. Hist. Bul. 10(3): Conducted by the United 217-222. States Department of Agri- Takahashi, R. culture in Puerto Rico. 1939a. On Insects Found in Farm Puerto Rico Expt. Sta. Agr. Yard Manure. Notes 83:1-3. Formosa Sugar Planters Tate, H. D., and Vandenberg, S. R. Assoc. Jour. 17(1) :l-6. (In 1939a. Transmission of Sugarcane Japanese.) Mosaic by Aphids. Takano, S. See Ishida, M. U. S. Dept. Agr. Jour. Agr. Res. 59(l):73-79. Takano, S. Taylor, D. J. 1933a. On the Methods of Artificial 1944a. Life History Studies of the Multiplication and Liberation Sugarcane Moth Borer. of Trichogramma spp. Fla. Ent. 27(1):10-13. Zool. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, Teague, M. M. Dobutsugaku Zasshi. 45:132- 1925a. A Review of the Genus Ac- 134. (In Japanese.) lerda (: Coccidoi- Takano, S. dea.) 1934a. Hymenoplerous Parasites of Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 18(4): Lepidopferous Pests of Sug- 433. arcane in Formosa and Their Townsend, C. H. T. Bibliography. 1927a. Informe de la Seccion de En- Formosa Sugar Planters tomologia. Report of the Assoc. Jour. ll(l):454-466. (In Entomological Section of the Japanese.) Agricultural Experiment Sta- Takano, S. tion of the National Agrarian 1934b. On the Morphology and Biol- Society of Peru. ogy of Ceratovacuna lanigera Estac. Expt. Agr. Soc. Nac. Zehnt., and the Relation of Agrar. Informe 1:1-8. Its Outbreaks to Environ- Townsend, C. H. T. mental Conditions in For- 1928a. Insecios Que Aiacan al Algo- mosa. don y la Cana de Azucar en 106

el Peru. Insects attacking Tucker, R. W. E. cotton and sugarcane in Peru. 1933a. The Status of Trichogramma Estac. Expt. Agr. Soc. Nac. as a Control for Diatraea sac- Agrar. Bol. 1:1-29. charalis in Barbadoes. Townsend, C. H. T. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane 1928b. Nolas Sobre le Aphis maidis. Technol., Bui. 4th Cong. 102: Estac. Expt. Agr. Soc. Nac. 1-6. Agrar. Cir. 5:1-10. Tucker, R. W. E. Tucker, R. W. E. 1933b. Rate of Egg Deposition of 1930a. Sugarcane Borers. The Con- Diatraea saccharalis and Ex- trol of Diatraea saccharalis in tent of Larval Mortality in Barbadoes by Mass Libera- Canefields and Their Relation tions of Trichogramma mi- to Control of Diatraea by nutum. Trichogramma minutum. Trop. Agr. 7(ll):292-295. Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr., Tucker, R. W. E. Agr. Jour. 2(4):33-52. 1930b. Report of the Entomologist. Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr. Tucker, R. W. E. Rpt. 1929-30:109-114. 1933c. Varietal Factors in Cane Tucker, R. W. E. Which May Influence Extent 1930c. Report of the Entomologist. of Oviposition by Diatraea Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr. saccharalis and a Possible Rpt. 1928-29:79-84. Method for Determining Va- rietal Susceptibility to Borer Tucker, R. W. E. Attack. 1931a. Sugarcane Borers. Mass Breeding of Trichogramma Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr., minutum to Control Diatraea Agr. Jour. 2(4):53-59. saccharalis in Barbadoes Dur- Tucker, R. W. E. ing 1930. 1934a. A Contribution Toward Solu- Trop. Agr. 8(ll):283-288. tion of Problem of Control of Tucker, R. W. E. Diatraea saccharalis in Cane 1931b. Report of the Entomologist. Through a Mathematical Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr. Evaluation of the Real Mor- Rpt. 1930-31:80-97. tality of Diatraea saccharalis Tucker, R. W. E. Due to Egg Parasites, Egg 1932a. A Survey of the Position of Predators, Natural Larval Phytalus smithi Arrow, and Mortality, Larval Parasitism Its Natural Enemies in Bar- and Other Factors. badoes. Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr., Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr., Agr. Jour. 3(l):59-80. Agr. Jour. l(l):18-23. Tucker, R. W. E. Tucker, R. W. E. 1934b. Report on Entomological Sec- 1932b. The Status of Trichogramma tion. as a Control of Diatraea sac- Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr., charalis in Barbadoes. Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr., Agr. Jour. 3(2): 16-19. Agr. Jour. l(l):29-36. Tucker, R. W. E. Tucker, R. W. E. 1935a. Effect of Climatic Conditions 1932c. Entomological Section. on Diatraea saccharalis. Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr., Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr., Agr. Jour. l(2):24-25. Agr. Jour. 4(3):114-128. Tucker, R. W. E. Uichanco, L. B., and Villanueva, 1936a. Report on the Entomological F. E. Section for the Year Ending 1932a. Biology of the Pink Mealy March 21, 1936. Bug of Sugarcane Trionymus Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr., sacchari (Cockerel!) in the Agr. Jour. 5(2):67-75. Philippines. Tucker, R. W. E. Philippine Agr. 21(4):205-276. 1936b. A Preliminary Investigation United States Bureau of Entomol- Into Cane Varieties and In- ogy. festation by Diatraea saccha- 1928a. Report of the Chief. ralis. U. S. Dept. Agr. Ann. Rpt. Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr., 1927-28:1-28. Agr. Jour. 4(5):121-142. United States Bureau of Entomol- Tucker, R. W. E. ogy and Plant Quarantine. 1936c. A Review of Control Work on 1936a. Report of the Chief. Diabrotica saccharalis F. in U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant Barbados. Quar. Ann. Rpt. 1936:49. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane United States Bureau of Entomol- Technol. Proc. 5:386-397. ogy and Plant Quarantine. Tucker, R. W. E., and Wolcott, G. N. 1942a. Report of the Chief. 1936d. Parasite Introductions: Bar- U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant bados and Puerto Rico. Quar. Ann. Rpt. 1941:56. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane United States Bureau of Entomol- Technol. Proc. 5:398-404. ogy and Plant Quarantine. Tucker, R. W. E. 1944a. Report of the Chief. 1936e. Parasites Introduced Into Bar- U. S. Bur. Ent. and Plant bados for Control of Insect Quar. Ann. Rpt. 1943:12. Pests. Urbino, C. M. Barbados Dept. Sci. and Agr., 1927a. The Sugarcane Leafhopper Agr. Jour. 5(l):l-22. perkinsiella vastatrix Breddin. Philippine Agr. 16(7):397-432. Uichanco, L. B. Urich, F. W. 1928a. A Conspectus of Injurious 1912a. Sugarcane Insects in Trini- and Beneficial Insects of dad. Sugarcane in the Philippines, West Indian Bui. 12:388-391. With Special Reference to Urich, F. W. Luzon and Negros. 1915a. Insects Affecting Sugarcane Philippine Sugar Assoc, Ann. in Trinidad. Conv. 6:1-16. Trinidad and Tobago Dept. Uichanco, L. B. Agr. Bui. 14:156-161. 1930a. Biological Notes on Adult Urich, F. W., and Hardy, F. Leucopholis irrorata Chev., 1927a. Progress Reports. With a Consideration of Trinidad and Tobago, Frog- Beetle Collecting Campaigns hopper Invest. Com. Min. and as a Method of Control Proc. 8-9:211-306. Against White Grubs. Urich, F. W. Philippine Agr. 19(3):133-155. 1927b. History of Sugarcane Blight Uichanco, L. B. in Trinidad From 1920-24. 1931a. Coal Tar Kerosene Emulsion Trinidad and Tobago, Frog- and lis Uses as an Insecticide. hopper Invest. Com. Min. and Philippine Agr. 19(8):501-505. Proc. 6:149-152. 108

Urich, F. W., and Hardy, F. Guam Agr. Expt. Sta. Rpt. 1927c. Progress Reports. 1925:17-20. Trinidad and Tobago, Frog- Vandenberg, S. R. hopper Invest. Com. Min. and 1930a. Report of the Entomologist. Proe. 7:181-183; 188-191. Guam Agr. Expt. Sta. Rpt. Urich, F. W. 1928:23-31. 1928a. The Sugarcane Froghopper Vandenberg, S. R. (Tomaspis saccharina Dist.). 1931a. Report of the Entomologist. Trinidad and Tobago, Frog- Guam Agr. Expt. Sta. Rpt. hopper Invest. Comm. 8 pp. 1929:16-17. Urich, F. W. and Pickles, A. Vandenberg, S. R. See Tate, H. D. 1930-31a. Studies in the Incubation van den Merwe, C. P. of the Eggs of the Sugarcane 1926a. The Maize Jassid Balclutha Froghopper, Tomaspis saccha- mbila Naude. rina Dist. Union So. Africa Dept. Agr. Trinidad and Tobago, Frog- Jour. 12(1) :75. hopper Invest. Com. Min. and Proc. 18:64-70. van den Merwe, C. P. 1937 a. Insects Attacking Sugarcane. Urich, F. W. See de Verteuil, J., Union So. Africa Dept. Agr. and Hardy, F. Sci. Bui. 171:1. Underhill, G. W. See Phillips, W. J. Van Der Goot, P. van Breeman, P. J. 1928a. Ziekten en Plagen der Cul- 1926a. Slrepenziekte en Bladluizen. tuurgewassen in Nederland- [Mosaic disease and aphids.] schindie in 1927. [Diseases Arch. v. Suikerind. Ned. and pests of cultivated plants Indie. Meded. Proefst. Java- in the Dutch East Indies in Suikerindus. 23:910-912. 1927.] van Breeman, P. J. Buitenzorg. Inst. v. Planten- 1926b. Some Observations on the ziekten Meded. 74:1-85. Swarming of Aphis maidis van Dillewijn, C. Fitch. 1932a. De Periodiciteit van den Top- Arch. v. Suikerindus. Ned. boorder. [Periodicity of the Indie, Meded. Proefsta. Java- white tip borer.] Suikerindus. 18:513-543. Meded. Onderafd. Cheribon Proefsta. Java-Suikerindus. van Breeman, P. J. 1932:1-9. 1927a. Aphis maidis op Suikerriet van Dillewijn, C. bij Pasoeroean. [Aphis maidis 1933a. Verslag van de Onderafdeel- on sugarcane in Pasoeroean.] ing Cheribon van het Proef- Meded. Proefsta. Java-Suiker- station voor de Java-Suiker- indus. 12:557-577. industrie Over hrf Jaar 1932. van Breeman, P. J. [Report of the Cheribon Sub- 1927b. Verdere Waarnemingen Om- district of the Java Experi- trenf het Zwermen van Aphis ment Station for 1932.] maidis Fitch. [Further obser- Cheribon, pp. 1-21. vations on the swarming of Van Dine, D. L. Aphis maidis.] 1913a. Insects Injurious to Sugar- Meded. Proefsta. Java-Suiker- cane in Puerto Rico, and indus. 14:583-588. Their Natural Enemies. Vandenberg, S. R. British Guiana Jour. Bd. Agr. 1927a. Report of the Entomologist. 6:199-203. 109

Van Dine, D. L. Veitch, R. 1926a. A List of Insects Affecting 1927a. Some Hawaiian Experiments Sugarcane in Cuba. in Biological Control of In- Trop. Plant Res. Found. Bul. sects. 3:1-16. Queensland Agr. Jour. 28(2): Van Dine, D. L. 145-148. 1929a. Parasites of Sugarcane Moth Vesey-FitzGerald, D. Borers. 1936a. The Incidence of Large Moth Trop. Plant Res. Found. Sci. Borer Castnia licus in Wild Contrib. 13:248-267. Plants in Trinidad. Van Dine, D. L., and Christenson, Trop. Agr. 13(2):l-37. L. D. Vesey-FitzGerald, D. 1932a. Revised List of Insects Af- 1936b. Insects Attacking Sugarcane fecting Sugarcane in Cuba. on the Island of Tobago. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Trop. Agr. 13(8): 199-200. Technol. Bui. 116:1-3. Villanueve, F. E. See Uichanco, L. B. van Hall, C. J. J. Vrijdagh, J. M. 1924a. Diseases and Pests of Culti- 1932a. Les Invasions de Criquets vated Plants in the Dutch Migranteurs Dans la Province East Indies in 1923. Orieniale. Buitenzorg. Inst. v. Planten- Congo Beige Agr. Bui. 23(2): ziekten Meded. 64:1-47. 147-165. Van Zwaluwenburg, R. H. Wadley, F. M. 1926a. Insect Enemies of Sugarcane 1937a. Observations of Some Insects in Western Mexico. Associated With Sugarcane in Jour. Econ. Ent. 19:664-669. Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico Jour. Agr. 21(2): Van Zwaluwenburg, R. H. 103-114. 1930a. Summary of Investigations of Wadley, F. M. See Tate, H. D. the Soil Fauna of Sugarcane Fields in Hawaii. Walker, M. N., and Stahl, C. F. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane 1926a. Certain Grass Hosts of Sugar- Technol. 3d Cong. Proc. 1929: cane Mosaic Disease and of 216-225. the Corn Aphid Considered in Relation to Their Occur­ Van Zwaluwenburg, R. H. rence in Cuba. 1937a. Summary of Laboratory Trop. Plant Res. Found. Bui. Studies of Anomala. 5:1-14. Hawaii. Planters Rec. 41(1): Walter, E. V. See Davis, E. G., and 25-32. Wildermuth, V. L. Van Zwaluwenburg, R. H., Rust, Warner, J. D. E. W., and Rosa, J. S. 1937a. Sugarcane Mealybug Control 1928a. Notes on the Rice Borer Chilo on Seed Cane With Special simplex. Reference to Cold Water Hawaii. Forester and Agr. Treatment at the North Flor- 25(3) :79-82. ida Experiment Station. Veitch, R. Fla. Ent. 20(1) :6-7. 1923a. The Minor Pests of Sugar- Watanabe, C. cane in Fiji. 1932a. A Revision of the Brachonid Colonial Sugar Refg. Co. Agr. Species Parasitic in the In- Rpt. 7:1-30. jurious Insects of Rice Plant 110

and Sugarcane in Japan and gebieten. [The sugarcane Formosa. borer Diatraea saccharalis F., Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. a hitherto unknown pest of 12(2-3) :63-72. wheat in the coastal districts Waterson, J. of Peru.] Anz. f. Schadlingsk. 8(3):25-29. 1928a. A New Encyrtid (Hym., Chal.) Wille, J. Bred from Clastoptera (Horn., 1934a. Der Zuckerrohrschadling An- Cercop.). acentrinus saccharidis Barber. Bui. Ent. Res. 19(3):249-251. Seine Massenvermehrung und Watson, J. R. die Anderer Schadling in 1929a. Entomology. Peru in den Jahren 1930 bis Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Rpt. 1931. (Beiirange zur Schad- 1927-28:42r-49r. lingsfauna von Peru, VIII.) Weddell, J. A. [The sugarcane pest Anacen- 1937a. A Grasshopper Outbreak in trinus saccharidis Barber, its Queensland, 1934-35. mass increase and that of Queensland Jour. Agr. 47(3-5): other pests in Peru in 1930- 246-259; 354-364; 451-462. 31. (Continuation to the Pest Wilbrink, G. Fauna of Peru, VIII.)] 1922a. An Investigation on the Tropenpfianzer 37(5-6) :185- Spread of Mosaic Disease of 198, 233-252. Sugarcane by Aphids. Wille, J. Meded. Proefsta. Java-Suiker- 1935a. Viaje de Estudio a Huannco indus. 1922. 10:413-456. y Chanchamayo. La Icerya Wildermuth, V. L. purchasi Queresa Blanca de 1932a. Biology and Control of the los Arboles Citricus y Su Corn Leaf Aphis with Special Combate por el _Escarabjo Reference to ihe Southwest- coccinellido. [A journey to ern States. Huanuca and Chanchamayo U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. for Icerya purchasi, the white 306, 21 pp. scale of and its control by Rodolia cardinalis.] Wille, J. [Peru] Dir. de Agr., Ganad., 1932a. Informe . . . Sobre la Visita y Colon. Bol. Informe 32:1-23. de Inspeccion Que Ha Prac- Williams, C. H. B. ticado en el Valle de Tambo 1929a. Invasion de Chenilles sur la Desde el 25 de Noviembre al Canne. 7 de Diciembre de 1931. [Re- Guadeloupe Agron. Jour. Sta. port of the Entomologist on 7(2):80-84. a visit of inspection to the Williams, F. X. Tambo Valley, Peru, 25th 1931a. Handbook of ihe Insects and November to 7th December Other Invertebrates of Ha- 1931.] waiian Sugarcane Fields. [Lima]. Mem. Junta Direct. Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. Soc. Nat. Agrar. 1931-32:177- 400 pp. Honolulu. 181. Williams, F. X. Wille, J. 1935a. Hepialus pharus Druce. A 1932b. Der Zuckerrohrbohrer Dia- Moth Borer Attacking Sugar- traea saccharalis F., Ein cane in Guatemala. Bisher Ubekannter Schadling Hawaii. Planters Rec. 39(4): am Weizen in den Kusten- 292-297. 111

Williams, F. X. Wolcott, G. N. 1936a. Entomology. 1923a. "Insectae Portoricensis," a Hawaii. Sugar Planters' Assoc. Preliminary Annotated List Expt. Sta. Rpt. 1935:17-25. of the Insects of Porto Rico, Wilson, J. W. See Ingram, J. W. With Descriptions of Some Windred, G. L. New Species. 1936a. Investigations on the Cane Puerto Rico Dept. Agr. Jour. Beetle Borer, Rhabdocnemis 7:1-313. obscura Boisd., and Its Para- Wolcott, G. N. site Ceromasia sphenophori 1925a. A Pyralid Pyraustinia Larvae Vill, in Fiji. Attacking Leaves of Sugar- Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane cane in Hispaniola. Technol. Proc. 5:358-378. Jour. Econ. Ent. 18:422. Wolcott, G. N. 1913a. Report on Trip to Demerara, Wolcott, G. N. Trinidad and Barbadoes Dur- 1928a. Increase of Insect-Trans- ing Winter of 1913. mitted Plant Disease and In- Jour. Econ. Ent. 6:443-357. sect Damage Through Weed Wolcott, G. N. Destruction in Tropical Agri- 1915a. Influence of Rainfall and the culture. Nonburning of Trash on the Ecology 9(4):461. Abundance of Diatraea sac- Wolcott, G. N. charalis F. 1928b. Los Afidos Que Afectan a la Puerto Rico Insular Expt. Sta. Industria Azucarera del Peru. Cir. 7:1-6. [The Aphids affecting the Wolcott, G. N. sugar industry in Peru.] 1921a. Minor Sugarcane Insects of Lima, Peru, Estac. Expt. Agr. Porto Rico. de la Soc. Nac. Agr. Cir. 12: Puerto Rico Dept. Agr. Jour. 1-11. 5(2):l-46. Wolcott, G. N. Wolcott, G. N. 1922a. Insects of Sugarcane in Santo 1928c. The May Beetles of Haiti. Domingo. Wash. Ent. Soc. Proc. 30(2): Puerto Rico Dept. Agr. Jour. 21-29. 6(l):32-37. Wolcott, G. N. Wolcott, G. N. 1928d. Plagas de Insectos en el Valle 1922b. The Influence of the Variety de Chanchamayo y Zonas Ve- of Sugarcane on Its Infesta- cinas. Forma de Propagacion tion by Diatraea saccharalis, del Arrebiafado en Piura. and Other Factors Affecting Estudio Sobre los Barrenos the Abundance of the Moth de la Cana en Chiclayo y Borer. Trujillo. [Insect pests in the Puerto Rico Dept. Agr. and Chanchamayo Valley and Labor Jour. 6(1):21-31. neighboring districts. Method Wolcott, G. N., and Jones, T. H. See of spread of Dysdercus rufi- Jones, T. H. collis in Piura. Study of the Wolcott, G. N. cane borers in Chiclayo and 1922d. Aphids of Economic Impor- Trujillo.] tance in Porto Rico. Informe Estac. Exp. Agr. Soc. Puerto Rico Insular Expt. Sta. Nac. Agric, No. 8. 15 pp. Cir. 59:1-11. illus., Lima. 112

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Woodworth, H. E. Formosa Govt. Sugar Expt. 1921a. A Host Index of Insects In- Sta. Rpt. 2:111-136. (Sum- jurious to Philippins Crops. mary in English.) Philippine Agr. 10(1):30-31. Yanagihara, M. Woolman, C. E. 1936a. Results of Studies on the Dis- 1927a. Dusting Crops by Airplane tribution of Soil Insecfs of for Control of Insects. Sugarcane Fields in Formosa. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane (In Japanese.) Technol. Proc. 2:63-66. Formosa Sugar Planters' Worsham, E. L., and Reed, W. V. Assoc. Jour. 14(9):341-424. 1912a. The Mole Cricket. Ga. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 101: Yanagihara, M. See Miwa, Y. 251-263. Yashiro, N. Yamazaki, T. 1939a. The Windbreakage in Sugar- 1937a. On the Life History of Syno- cane and Its Relation to the nyche grandis Thunb., (In Damage by Moth Borers. (In Japanese.) Japanese.) Oyo - Dobutsugaku Zasshi. Kontyu 2(1):14-19. 9(2):93-99. Yohena, C. Yanagihara, M., and Miwa, Y. 1929a. The Effect of Elaterid Beetles 1937a. Sphenophorus maculatus on Sugarcane Planting in Mats., -Injurious to Palma. Formosa. (In Japanese.) Trop. Agr. Jour. l(3):275-289. Insect World 41(2):42-43. Yanagihara, M. Zolatarevsky, B. 1935a. Notes on the Habits and Con- 1929a. Le Lulte Antiacridienne a trol of Alissonotum Beetles Madagascar. Injurious to Sugarcane in Agron. Colon. 139-140:193-199; Formosa. (In Japanese.) 230-233.