At Home Training Options

During this time you have to be creative with your workouts, as many and training facilities are closed for the time being. Weight can be added to any with back packs, duffle bags, water bottles, gallon jugs, paint cans, manual resistance, etc. If you’re not sure how to perform a certain exercise you can find it on YouTube or contact one of the Strength Staff. Option 1: 1) 10 yard sprints x 6 reps – 1 minute rest 2) 30 yards of distance skips x 4 reps – 1 minute rest 3) Jumps: 4 x 5 each leg – 90 sec rest 4) Broad Jump: 4 x 3 jumps – 90 sec rest 5) Pushups: 4 x 5 – 90 sec rest 6) Prone I, Y, T – 2 x 15 each – 1 minute rest Option 2: 1) Bodyweight Lunge: 4 x 15 each leg, superset with Pushups: 4 x 10 -15 (from knees or hands on elevated surface) 2) Single Leg Hip : 4 x 15 each leg, superset with Prone Iso “T” Hold: 4 x 30 sec 3) Figure 4 Hip Raise: 4 x 10 each leg, superset with Bird Dog: 4 x 5 each side 4) Calf Raise: 4 x 15, superset with Plank (on ): 4 x 30 sec 5) 20 yard sprints: 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps. 15 sec rest between reps, 3 minute rest between sets. Option 3: 1) 40 yard sprints: 4-10 reps - 1 minute rest 2) Single Leg Hops – 10 yards – 2 x each leg: forward, right, left 3) Timed High Knees: 4 x 6-10 sec – 1 minute rest 4) Timed Lateral Shuffle: 4 x 6-10 sec – 1 minute rest 5) Hand Release Pushup: 4 x 6 – 1 minute rest 6) Dynamic Blackburns: 4 x 10 – 1 minute rest 7) Jumps: 4 x 3-5 – 90 sec rest Option 4: Total Body Circuit: 1) Bodyweight Split Squat x10ea (no alternating) 2) Reverse Lunge x5ea (no alternating) 3) Bodyweight Squat x10 4) Wall Sit x1min 5) Plank Up/Down x10ea 6) Scap Squeeze (scap pushup) x15 7) Plank with Shoulder Taps x15ea 8) Push Up x5 Progress from 2 times through to 4 times through. Weight can be added to lower body by using a backpack with books or any weighted item.

Option 5: Body Weight Mix & Match Pick 6 exercises from the list below and perform all 6 for 30 seconds each. After each exercise you can rest for 30 seconds before starting the next exercise. After performing each of your chosen 6, you will have completed one round. Repeat for 3-5 rounds total. Feel free to add in some ab exercises too. •Squat • Split Squat • Front Lunge • Side Lunge • Reverse Lunge • Tuck Jump/Jump Squat • S.L Glute Bridge Hold (Left or Right) • Jumping Jacks • Mountain Climber • Push-Up • Bench Dips • Superman Hold or Pulsing • Plank Up/Down • Figure 4 Glute Bridge Hold • Inchworms • High Knees • Butt Kicks Option 6: 4 - 6 rounds of this circuit. Perform the exercise for 25 sec, rest 45 sec and then go to the next exercise. Repeat the 25 sec on, and 45 sec off. Once you complete all 7 exercises, repeat for a total of 4-6 rounds. Rest 2 minutes once all 7 exercises are complete. 1) Pushup (from knees or hands elevated if needed) 2) Bodyweight Squat [down slow (2-3 sec), up fast] 3) Bent Over Rear Delt Raise (use water bottles or cans of soup, GET CREATIVE) 4) Jumping Jacks 5) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat – 25 sec each leg 6) Single Leg ISO Hip Bridge (bridge up and hold for 25 sec each leg) 7) Plank

Option 7: Bodyweight Circuit: Perform 2-4 rounds, rest 1 minute between rounds, rest as short as needed between exercises. 1) Bodyweight Squat x 20 2) Pushup x 20 (from knees or hands elevated if needed) 3) x 30 (15 each) 4) Squat Jump x 20 5) Walking Lunge x 30 steps 6) Plank x 45 sec 7) Double Leg Hip Bridge w/ 3 sec hold at top x 20 8) Side Plank x 30 sec each side 9) Supermans w/ 3 sec hold at top x 20 Option 8: Bodyweight Circuit: Perform 2-4 rounds, rest 1 minute between rounds, rest as short as needed between exercises. 1) Eccentric Bodyweight Squat (5 sec down) x 20 2) Eccentric Pushup (5 sec down) x 10 3) Plank with Shoulder Taps x 20 each 4) Reverse Lunge x 20 each 5) Alternating Lunge Jumps x 10 each 6) Single Leg Hip Bridge x 10 each 7) Toe Touch x 20 8) Prone I, Y, T x 10 each 9) Side Plank x 30 sec each

Option 9: Bodyweight Multi Set Workout. Do all 3 sets of one exercise before moving on to the next. Rest no more than 1 minute between sets. 1) 3 sets of pushups to failure 2) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat – 3 x 10 each 3) Prone I, Y, T, W – 3 x 6 each 4) Single Leg RDL – 3 x 15 each 5) Dips (feet on ground, hands on couch/chair) – 3 sets to failure 6) Squat Jump – 3 x 15 7) Pushup Position Plank (from hands) – 3 x 1 minute 8) Lateral Lunges – 3 x 10 each 9) Double Leg Hip Bridge – 3 x 15 Option 10: Bodyweight Multi Set Workout. Do all 3 sets of one exercise before moving on to the next. Rest no more than 1 minute between sets. 1) 3 sets of pushups to failure 2) Walking Lunges – 3 x 40 steps (20 each) 3) Jack Knife Sit Up – 3 x 15 4) Lunge Jumps (alternate legs) – 3 x 10 each 5) Bodyweight Squat – 3 x 1 minute 6) Wall Sit – 3 x 1 minute 7) Plank (from forearms) – 3 x 1 minute 8) Mountain Climbers – 3 x 30 sec 9) Squat Jumps – 3 x 15

Option 11: Bodyweight Multi Set Workout. Do all 3 sets of one exercise before moving on to the next. Rest no more than 1 minute between sets. 1) 3 sets of pushups to failure 2) Single Leg Squat (to a chair/couch/bench) – 3 x 10 each 3) Blackburns – 3 x 10 4) Alternating Step Up – 3 x 20 each 5) Dips (feet on ground, hands on couch/chair) – 3 sets to failure 6) Sumo Squat (wide stance) – 3 x 20 7) Jumping Jacks – 3 x 25 8) Jack Knife Sit Up – 3 x 15 9) Side to side hops – 3 x 20 sec Option 12: Perform as a circuit, no rest between exercises. When all are complete, rest 2-3 minutes. Complete this circuit 2-4 times. 1) Jumping Jacks x 1 minute 2) Lateral Shuffles (5 right, 5 left) x 1 minute 3) Plank (from forearms) x 1 minute 4) Jump Rope (imaginary rope if you don’t have one) x 1 minute 5) Mountain Climbers x 1 minute 6) Wall Sit x 1 minute 7) High Knee Running in Place x 1 minute 8) Side Plank Right x 30 sec 9) Squat Jump x 1 minute 10) Side Plank Left x 30 sec 11) Alternating Lunge Jumps x 1 minute 12) Russian Twist x 1 minute 13) Calf Raise x 1 minute 14) Butt Kicks Running in Place x 1 minute 15) Toe Touch Crunch x 1 minute Option 13: Perform as a circuit, no rest between exercises. Do 4 rounds and keep time. Each time you do it, try to complete the 4 rounds faster than you did it the previous time. 1) Squat Jump x 10 2) Jack Knife Sit Up x 10 3) Jump Rope (imaginary rope if you don’t have one) x 100 4) Dips (feet on ground, hands on couch/chair) x 10 5) Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg 6) Pushups x 10 7) Bodyweight Squat x 10 8) Alternating Lunge Jumps x 10 each Option 14: Perform as a circuit, no rest between exercises. Do 4 rounds, and keep time. Each time you do it, try to complete the 4 rounds faster than you did it the previous time. 1) Skater Squat x 6 each leg 2) Pushups x 10 3) Lateral Skater Hops x 10 each 4) Prone Y x 10 5) Alternating Step Up x 15 each 6) Dips (feet on ground, hands on couch/chair) x 10 7) Hip Bridge Walkout x 10 8) Prone T x 10 9) Plank (from hands, pushup position) x 1 minute 10) Jump Rope x 100

Option 15: Tabata style workout. A Tabata workout refers to a specific work to rest ratio. You work for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat. You can do anywhere from 4-10 rounds of an exercise, but typically 6 rounds (3 minutes of 20 sec on/10 sec off) is challenging enough. Choose up to 6 exercises (2 upper, 2 lower, 2 cardio) and try to do 6 rounds of each following this specific timing protocol. Upper Lower Cardio Push Up Squat (use weighted backpack) Jump Rope or Rear Delt Good Mornings High Knees in place Y, T, or W Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat Butt Kicks in place Dips Step Up Squat Jump Lateral Shoulder Raise Hip Bridge Alternating Lunge Jump Shoulder Press Lateral Lunge Lateral Shuffles Chin Up Holds Wall Sit