Enucleation and Evisceration

Chapter 23





PREOPERATIVE PLANNING Decision to Remove the Eye Preoperative Counseling Goals of Rehabilitating the Anophthalmic Socket Decision to Enucleate or Eviscerate





COMPLICATIONS Blepharoptosis Lower- Malposition and Laxity Enophthalmos Socket Contracture Implant Exposure


*Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy; Chief, Oculoplastics Section, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, California 92134

405 Ophthalmic Care of the Combat Casualty


Although historically the have suffered an inordinately high rate of injury relative to the total body surface area in harm’s way,1 the loss of an eye in combat is an exceedingly costly, largely prevent- able catastrophe (Figure 23-1). During the Vietnam War, at least 1,200 eyes were removed secondary to a combat-related injury, and the US Library of Con- gress estimates that the long- and short-term costs associated with serious eye injuries in that war ex- ceeded $4 billion.2 The incidence of eye injuries has increased with each conflict in the 20th century. For example, World War I data document an incidence of eye injuries of 2.0% to 2.5%, but the rate of such injuries during the Persian Gulf War was 13%3; frag- ments from explosive munitions accounted for 78% Fig. 23-1. Massive retrobulbar hemorrhage associated of the serious eye injuries and 94% of the enucle- with a low-velocity metal fragment. Surgical attempts to ations reported during the latter war.4 Most of these repair this double, perforating globe injury (entrance and injuries could have been prevented with readily exit wounds) were unsuccessful, and the eye was enucle- available ballistic eye armor. Military ophthalmolo- ated. This injury could have been prevented with appro- gists must be versed in enucleation and eviscera- priate eye protection. tion, but greater efforts should be directed toward force education and injury prevention (Figure 23-2).


References to ocular surgical procedures predate cessful eye operations; for those procedures deemed 2000 BCE (before the common era). Sumerian law unsuccessful, the penalty was amputation of the limited what a practitioner could charge for suc- surgeon’s hands.5 In the mid 16th century, extirpa-

a b

Fig. 23-2. (a) A short-range thermal blast induced significant damage to the face of this individual. The periocular area was spared by the patient’s protective eyewear. (b) The polycarbonate lenses have been significantly pitted by the heat and flying debris. The blast was of sufficient intensity that its heat melted the side shields.

406 Enucleation and Evisceration

tion of the eye was described.6 The disfiguring pro- the prosthesis, and inadequate volume replacement cedure was more akin to a subtotal exenteration, led to the development of several unique implants. including removal of portions of the conjunctiva, Shape and texture modifications sought to isolate , and orbital fascia. The patient the extraocular muscles to their respective quad- could not be fitted with an ocular prosthesis. In the rants to limit implant migration. Anterior implant mid 1800s, O’Ferral and Bonnet7 developed a more projections, some with exposed coupling pegs, were accepted technique, which involved transecting the engineered to create a direct linkage with the pros- extraocular muscles at their scleral insertions and thesis and maximize motility. Several implants met preserving Tenon’s capsule. Their description is the goal of improved prosthesis motility but at the most consistent with enucleation as we know it to- expense of unacceptably high exposure and extru- day.8 sion rates. Others developed donor sclera–covering The first description of an evisceration is cred- techniques for the acrylic and silicone spheres, his- ited to Beer in 1817.9 While he was performing a torically the best tolerated of any implant design, glaucoma procedure, the eye experienced an expul- allowing the muscles to be sutured to the implant. sive hemorrhage and Beer removed the ocular con- The latter technique remains an acceptable adjunct tents. In 1874, Noyes10 published his experience in to enucleation surgery today, with the same acrylic removing the contents of severely infected eyes, and and silicone spheres acceptable as evisceration im- it is he who is credited with first using evisceration plants. as a routine procedure. Since the early to mid 1990s, porous implants In 1884, Mules11 placed a glass sphere into an (hydroxyapatite and porous polyethylene) have eviscerated scleral shell, initiating the search for the become the choice for many surgeons. The inter- perfect implant. The early implants were hollow connecting porous channels allow fibrovascular glass spheres and had unacceptably high extrusion ingrowth throughout the implant. This ingrowth rates. Throughout the early part of the 20th century, stabilizes the implant position and limits migration. numerous implant materials were investigated, in- After the implant has completely fibrovascularized, cluding gold, silver, vitallium (a cobalt–chromium it may be drilled and an anterior projecting cou- alloy), platinum, aluminum, cartilage, bone, fat, pling peg placed. Although early results of the peg- fascia lata, sponge, wool, rubber, silk, catgut, peat, ging process have been promising, recent reports agar, asbestos, cork, ivory, paraffin, and cellulose. of complications are emerging.12 The long-term Concerns about the simple spheres’ tendency to mi- prognosis for drilling of implants and placing of grate, incomplete translation of socket motility to pegs is not yet known.


Decision to Remove the Eye patients should be assured that appropriate medi- cation will be provided. The patient must be pre- The psychological effect of losing an eye may pared to wear a conformer for 5 to 7 weeks until present greater difficulties for the patient than the the socket is ready to be fitted with a prosthesis. In physical disability.13 The preoperative time spent ad- addition, the patient must understand that the fit- dressing eye removal, as well as discussing life after ting process may require several appointments over losing an eye, will reap benefits in postoperative re- as many weeks. covery and acceptance. Photographs of other anoph- thalmic patients are useful as the prospective patient Goals of Rehabilitating the Anophthalmic Socket tries to understand the process. It may be helpful to facilitate a meeting between the patient facing eye Communication between the ophthalmologist removal and one who has completed the process. Psy- and the ocularist is integral to a good outcome. The chiatric referral is appropriate for patients who mani- ophthalmologist must select an implant of appro- fest increased difficulty coping with the loss. priate volume to allow for optimal prosthetic size. Too small an implant necessitates an inappropri- Preoperative Counseling ately large prosthesis to fill the orbital volume, and this may limit motility and transmit excess weight to It is vitally important that the patient be prepared the lower eyelid. Over time, the excess weight will for surgery and the rehabilitation to follow. Pain is result in laxity of the lower eyelid with a resultant variable in the immediate postoperative period, and asymmetric appearance. On the other hand, too

407 Ophthalmic Care of the Combat Casualty large an implant limits the ocularist’s ability to fash- enucleation (removal of the globe and a segment ion a prosthesis with simulated anterior chamber of the anterior optic nerve) and evisceration (removal depth without imparting a proptotic appearance to of the ocular contents with preservation of the the orbit. sclera and, in some cases, the ). The ophthal- The ocularist can modify the prosthesis to adjust mologist must guide the patient to the most lid position, correct for a shortened conjunctival cul- appropriate procedure if absolute indications de-sac, and improve motility. The posterior surface or contraindications exist. Some patients may of the prosthesis can be vaulted in cases of conjunc- take comfort in evisceration and equate the reten- tival irritation or breakdown. Patients who elect to tion of the scleral shell to keeping the eye. Con- undergo implant pegging to maximize prosthetic versely, the appropriately selected evisceration can- motility (discussed later) rely on the ophthalmolo- didate may find the minimal risk of sympathetic gist and the ocularist to coordinate their care. The ophthalmia to be unacceptable and elect for enucle- ocularist can provide a prosthetic template to as- ation. (Although a consensus does not exist, most sist the ophthalmologist in peg placement and authors agree that penetrating trauma increases the centration. Following the peg placement, the risk of sympathetic ophthalmia and is a contrain- ocularist will modify the implant to allow implant– dication to evisceration. For war-related ocular prosthetic coupling. trauma that leads to loss of useful vision, enucle- Eye removal and socket rehabilitation are not ation removes the uveal tissue implicated in incit- procedures to relegate to minimally supervised jun- ing inflammation in the sympathizing eye. For fur- ior residents. This is the primary procedure that will ther information, see Chapter 16, Sympathetic Oph- determine long-term success and promote rapid thalmia.) patient rehabilitation. Less-than-optimal surgical Otherwise-untreatable intraocular malignancies technique can lead to subsequent procedures to and cases that require histopathological review for address implant exposure, implant extrusion, im- assessment of the tumor margins dictate enucle- plant migration, socket contraction, chronic pain, ation. In addition, a small, phthisical eye may preclude and lid malposition. The same impeccable attention adequate volume replacement following evisceration. that the ophthalmologist commits to microsurgical On the other hand, in cases of endophthalmitis, ocular procedures is essential for surgery of the evisceration offers a relative barrier to posterior anophthalmic socket. Preservation of conjunctiva, spread of the infection, assuming that no posterior implant placement and sizing, anatomical reinser- scleral incisions are necessary to accommodate the tion of extraocular muscles, and tension-free wound appropriately sized implant. Evisceration may im- closure are integral to a successful outcome. part less disruption to the orbital tissues, does not require disinsertion of the rectus muscles, and may Decision to Enucleate or Eviscerate enhance cosmesis. In cases appropriate for either procedure, the surgeon should pursue the technique The patient needs to understand the available that allows for the most consistent results in his or options and to participate in the choice between her hands.14


Enucleation involves removing both the globe by other means dictates enucleation over eviscera- and a segment of the anterior optic nerve, with care tion. In a blind, painful eye with opaque media, taken to preserve the conjunctiva, Tenon’s capsule, enucleation is the better choice and precludes the and the extraocular muscles. The goals of enucle- possibility of eviscerating an occult tumor. ation and evisceration surgery are found in Exhibit Enucleation surgery is best performed under gen- 23-1. The indications for enucleation include severe eral anesthesia but, with a cooperative patient, can trauma, intraocular tumors, and cases at risk for sym- successfully be undertaken with a retrobulbar an- pathetic ophthalmia. In the setting of eye injury sec- esthetic block alone. An epinephrine-containing ret- ondary to war wounds, enucleation is more com- robulbar block is a recommended adjunct to gen- monly the procedure of choice. It is these severe eral anesthesia. Lidocaine with epinephrine is wounds with uveal prolapse that are at greater risk injected into the perilimbal bulbar conjunctiva to for sympathetic ophthalmia, and early removal of the promote hemostasis, and the fluid wave assists in inciting eye minimizes this risk. The presence of a dissecting the conjunctiva and Tenon’s capsule from known or suspected ocular tumor that is untreatable the limbal sclera.

408 Enucleation and Evisceration


•To achieve a centrally placed inert implant with adequate anterior coverage. •To achieve appropriate volume replacement in the orbit. •To maintain deep fornices and eyelid support for the placement of a prosthesis. •To provide symmetry with the contralateral orbit. Fig. 23-4. Curved Stevens scissors are placed into the •To allow for maximum socket motility, with oblique quadrants (avoiding the rectus muscles), and the translation of forces to the prosthesis. tips are slid posteriorly along the sclera. The natural curve of the scissors is used to follow the globe surface posteriorly. Drawing prepared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Curved tenotomy or Westcott scissors are used Sciences, Bethesda, Md. to perform a 360° limbal peritomy. In an effort to preserve the greatest amount of conjunctiva for clo- sure, the tips of the scissors are used to elevate the rectus muscles, and the anterior fibers are cut Tenon’s capsule and the conjunctiva toward the to better expose the insertion (Figure 23-6). Muscle corneal limbus before cutting (Figure 23-3). Curved hooks are passed in a serial fashion under the Stevens scissors are then placed into the oblique muscle to isolate and elevate it. As the toe of the quadrants and slid posteriorly along the sclera (Fig- hook emerges from under the muscle, it will be cov- ure 23-4). The tips are spread and withdrawn to sepa- ered by a thin film of Tenon’s capsule; a small snip rate Tenon’s capsule from the sclera (Figure 23-5). in this tissue is necessary to complete the pass (Fig- The check ligaments are then identified by pull- ure 23-7). A second muscle hook is passed through ing the conjunctiva and Tenon’s capsule away from this track, and the muscle insertion is presented for

Fig. 23-3. A 360° limbal peritomy is performed. The scis- sors blade, deep to Tenon’s capsule and conjunctiva, is Fig. 23-5. The scissors tips are spread and withdrawn slid firmly against the limbus before cutting. This step slowly (with the blades open). This action, repeated in maximizes the amount of conjunctiva and Tenon’s cap- each of the four oblique quadrants, separates Tenon’s sule preserved for closure over the implant. Drawing capsule from the outer surface of the globe. Drawing prepared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed prepared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md. Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md.

409 Ophthalmic Care of the Combat Casualty

Fig. 23-8. Once the insertion has been isolated, a second hook is used to present the muscle for suture placement. A double-armed 6-0 Vicryl suture with spatulated needles is passed through the muscle parallel to and 3 to 5 mm from its insertion. A locking bite is secured at each mar- Fig. 23-6. The Tenon’s capsule and conjunctival flap are gin of the muscle. Drawing prepared for this textbook elevated away from the globe to identify the check liga- by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services University of ments of the rectus muscles. Lysing these anterior tissue the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md. bridges improves visualization of the rectus muscle in- sertion. Drawing prepared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services University of the Health When transecting the medial and lateral rectus, Sciences, Bethesda, Md. it is advisable to leave a small segment of tendon on the globe so that a traction suture can be attached traction suture placement. to the eye. A 4-0 silk suture is whip-stitched through A double-armed 6-0 Vicryl (polyglactin) suture both tendon stumps to make manipulation of the with spatulated needles is passed through the eye easier.15 This step facilitates oblique muscle muscle parallel to and 3 to 5 mm from the muscle identification and allows for controlled anterior insertion. A locking bite is secured at each pole of the muscle (Figure 23-8). The muscle is disinserted from its attachment to the sclera using Westcott or tenotomy scissors. This procedure is repeated for each of the four rectus muscles (Figure 23-9).

Fig. 23-9. The Vicryl-tagged rectus muscles are disin- Fig. 23-7. Muscle hooks are used to isolate the insertions serted from their scleral attachments. The superior and of the rectus muscles. As the toe of the hook emerges inferior rectus muscles are cut flush with the sclera. When from under the muscle, it is covered by a thin layer of transecting the medial and lateral rectus muscles, a 3- Tenon’s capsule. A small snip in this tissue is necessary mm stump of tendon is left on the globe to facilitate to complete the pass. Drawing prepared for this textbook manipulation of the globe. Drawing prepared for this by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services University of textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services Uni- the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md. versity of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md.

410 Enucleation and Evisceration

Fig. 23-10. A locking 4-0 silk traction suture is placed Fig. 23-12. Rotating the eye superiorly and medially pre- through both the medial and lateral rectus muscle sents the inferior oblique muscle, which is transected stumps. This measure provides a handle to manipulate from its scleral insertion near the macula. Drawing pre- the globe during oblique muscle identification and also pared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed allows controlled anterior traction as the optic nerve is Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md. later transected. Drawing prepared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md. traction as the optic nerve is later transected (Fig- lique muscle, which is transected free from its in- ure 23-10). sertion near the macula (Figure 23-12). Rotating the eye inferiorly and medially allows Using silk traction sutures, the eye can be rotated for identification of the superior oblique tendon in about its primary axis to assess freedom of move- the superolateral quadrant. The tendon is isolated ment. Limitations to rotation suggest an incomplete with a muscle hook and transected at its scleral at- rectus or oblique muscle disinsertion. Next, the eye tachment (Figure 23-11). Next, the eye is rotated is torted laterally, and curved enucleation scissors superiorly and medially to identify the inferior ob- are inserted into the medial orbital space. The tips

Fig. 23-13. The silk traction suture is used to rotate the globe and ensure that it is free from all muscular attach- Fig. 23-11. The eye is rotated inferiorly and medially to ments. The eye is placed into lateral gaze, and enucle- expose the superolateral quadrant. The superior oblique ation scissors are slid into the medial space. With the tips tendon is isolated with a muscle hook and transected. of the scissors together, the optic nerve is strummed. Drawing prepared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Drawing prepared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md. Bethesda, Md.

411 Ophthalmic Care of the Combat Casualty

Fig. 23-14. The tips of the scissors are spread around the Fig. 23-16. The selected implant is placed into an inserter. optic nerve. The silk traction sutures are used to distract The prongs of the device are placed deep into Tenon’s the globe anteriorly as the enucleation scissors are slid capsule, and the plunger is depressed to eject the implant. posteriorly along the nerve. The optic nerve is transected. Drawing prepared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Drawing prepared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md. Bethesda, Md. of the scissors are used to locate the optic nerve by Sizing spheres may be used to determine an ap- strumming it from above and below. The blades of propriate implant size. The implant should provide the scissors are then spread to span the nerve (Fig- adequate volume replacement and when properly ures 23-13 and 23-14). While applying anterior trac- positioned should allow for a tension-free anterior tion to the globe, the scissors are slid posteriorly closure of Tenon’s capsule and conjunctiva. My own and the optic nerve is transected. An attempt is preference is the porous polyethylene sphere made to take at least a 4-mm segment of nerve with (Medpor, mfg by Porex Surgical Group, Newnan, the globe. The eye is removed from the socket, and Georgia) for three reasons: (1) a scleral wrap is not any residual soft-tissue attachments are transected. Packing material is then placed into the socket for several minutes to control bleeding (Figure 23-15).

Fig. 23-17. The extraocular muscles are attached to the implant. Each needle of the double-armed suture, preplaced in the rectus muscles, is passed through the Fig. 23-15. Hemostasis is achieved by packing the socket porous polyethylene implant. Anterior placement pro- with gauze soaked in cool normal saline solution. Draw- vides an additional layer of protection against implant ing prepared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uni- exposure. Drawing prepared for this textbook by Gary formed Services University of the Health Sciences, Wind, MD, Uniformed Services University of the Health Bethesda, Md. Sciences, Bethesda, Md.

412 Enucleation and Evisceration

Fig. 23-18. A layered closure of Tenon’s capsule and con- junctiva provides protection against implant exposure. 6-0 Vicryl is used to close Tenon’s layer, and 7-0 Vicryl is used to close the conjunctiva. The tissue edges must approximate easily over the implant because wound trac- Fig. 23-19. A pressure patch is applied for 48 hours to tion increases the risk of breakdown and exposure. Draw- maximize orbital hemostasis and to maintain the con- ing prepared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uni- former in position. Drawing prepared for this textbook formed Services University of the Health Sciences, by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services University of Bethesda, Md. the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md. required, (2) the muscles may be sewn directly to cover the anterior aspect of the implant and pro- the implant, and (3) future coupling-peg placement tects against its exposure. Each of the four rectus will be possible. The most frequently used implant muscles is reattached in this fashion. is 20 mm in diameter. The implant is placed into Tenon’s capsule is draped anteriorly to ensure the socket using a sphere introducer (Figure 23-16). that it will cover the implant without tension across If an introducer is not available, forceps are used in the wound. This layer is crucial, and several layers a hand-over-hand fashion to pull Tenon’s capsule of interrupted 6-0 Vicryl sutures are used to close up and over the implant. it. Care is taken to avoid trapping the conjunctiva, Next, the extraocular muscles are attached to the which will predispose to the development of inclu- implant. Each needle of the double-armed suture, sion cysts. Finally, a running 7-0 Vicryl suture closes preplaced in the rectus muscles, is passed through the conjunctiva (Figure 23-18). The suture only ap- the porous polyethylene implant (Figure 23-17). The proximates the conjunctival edges and does not add needle tip is placed into a surface pore, and a shal- strength to the closure. Sterile antibiotic ointment low pass is made through the surface material of and a plastic conformer are then placed behind the the implant. As these sutures are pulled tight and into the interpalpebral forniceal space. The secured, the muscle becomes firmly attached to the largest conformer that allows for closure of the eye- implant in a position slightly anterior to the origi- lids should be used. A pressure patch is applied over nal anatomical placement. This positioning helps the closed eyelids for 48 hours (Figure 23-19).


The evisceration process removes the ocular con- Evisceration is best performed under general tents but preserves the sclera and, in some cases, anesthesia supplemented with a retrobulbar block the cornea. The goals of evisceration and enucle- but may also be performed with local retrobulbar ation are the same (see Exhibit 23-1). Although no anesthesia alone. The conjunctiva is injected with firm consensus exists on the indications for evis- an epinephrine-containing local anesthetic mixture ceration, most experts agree that a patient with a before the procedure. As described above for blind, painful eye without risk of intraocular ma- enucleation, a limbal peritomy is performed. The lignancy is a good candidate. Additionally, eyes lost conjunctiva and Tenon’s capsule are elevated off the to endophthalmitis may be best treated with evis- sclera back to the insertions of the rectus muscle. A ceration. partial-thickness incision is made around the cor-

413 Ophthalmic Care of the Combat Casualty

Fig. 23-20. The surgical limbus is incised with a surgical Fig. 23-22. The ciliary body is disinserted, and a plane blade, and then corneal scleral scissors are used to deep to the choroid is dissected. Drawing prepared for remove the corneal button. Drawing prepared for this this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services Uni- University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md. versity of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md. neal limbus, and scissors are used to excise the cor- ternal aspect of the sclera, minimizing the poten- neal button (Figure 23-20). A cornea-sparing tech- tial for viable uveal tissue remnants (Figure 23-23). nique has also been described16 but is not recom- Small, radial incisions are made in the oblique quad- mended by this author. An evisceration spoon is rants of the sclera so that sizing spheres can be placed into the eye to scoop out the intraocular con- placed into the scleral shell. Care is taken to select tents (Figure 23-21). The dissection plane is just an implant that will minimize any anterior traction internal to the sclera, and the entire uveal tract, vit- on the scleral closure. An insertion device can be reous, lens, and anterior ocular structures are re- used to place the implant into the scleral shell, and moved (Figure 23-22). forceps can be used to further position the implant Sterile, cotton-tipped applicators soaked with and ensure that it is adequately seated. If the sclera absolute alcohol solution are used to treat the in- does not easily close over the implant, then poste-

Fig. 23-23. A cotton-tipped swab soaked in absolute al- cohol is used to clean the inside of the scleral shell. This Fig. 23-21. An evisceration spoon is used to remove the step minimizes the survivability of uveal tissue and may ocular contents. Drawing prepared for this textbook by reduce the risk of sympathetic ophthalmia. Drawing pre- Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services University of the pared for this textbook by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md. Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md.

414 Enucleation and Evisceration

Fig. 23-24. A permanent suture (eg, Mersilene) is used to close the sclera over the implant. A tension-free, layered closure of Tenon’s capsule minimizes the risk of implant exposure or extrusion. Drawing prepared for this text- book by Gary Wind, MD, Uniformed Services Univer- sity of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md.

rior radial incisions may be made in the scleral shell and the conjunctiva are now closed in separate over- to allow the implant to be placed deeper. A 4-0 non- lying layers (Figure 23-24). A conformer is placed absorbable suture (eg, Mersilene) is then used to behind the eyelids, and a pressure patch is applied close the sclera over the implant. Tenon’s capsule for 48 hours.


The history of implant development is fascinat- ent orbit. The donor site is converted into an ellipse ing but beyond the scope of this chapter. However, and closed primarily. excellent reviews are available elsewhere (eg, in the The dermis fat graft is inserted into the orbit. The Enucleation chapter in Ophthalmic Plastic and Recon- tagged extraocular muscles are drawn up and su- structive Surgery17). The most suitable options at tured in correct anatomical position to the edge of present include (a) solid spheres, (b) autogenous the dermis cap. Tenon’s capsule and the conjunc- dermis fat grafts, and (c) porous implants. tiva can now be positioned over the edge of the The solid spherical implants, either acrylic dermis graft and sutured into position. By minimiz- (polymethylmethacrylate) or silicone, are well tol- ing the overlap at this junction, maximal socket erated, have low extrusion rates, and are inexpen- surface area is maintained. The bare dermis will sive. Their disadvantages include a tendency to epithelialize under the conformer. migrate within the orbit and decreased motility.18 The porous implants are the ones most commonly However, by wrapping the implant in donor sclera used today. Both hydroxyapatite and porous polyeth- and reattaching the extraocular muscles, it may be ylene have interconnecting pores that provide a pas- possible to minimize both of these complications. sive latticework for fibrovascular ingrowth. This in- The autogenous dermis fat graft is readily avail- growth helps stabilize the implant position within able in all settings, and the implanted tissue can the muscle cone and provides the implant with ac- augment the lining of a contracted socket.19 Disad- cess to the patient’s immune system. After fibrovascu- vantages include decreased motility, unpredictable lar ingrowth is complete, an optional pegging procedure resorption, and increased operative time. Although may be considered, in which the prosthesis is directly it may not be the primary implant of choice, har- coupled to the implant, allowing complete transla- vesting and implanting the dermis fat graft are pro- tion of socket motility (Figure 23-25). Many patients, cedures that battlefield ophthalmologists should be however, are satisfied with the motility of the un- prepared to perform. coupled prosthesis and decline to risk the potential The graft is harvested from an area midway be- complications associated with the pegging proce- tween the anterior superior iliac spine and the ipsi- dure. These complications include chronic dis- lateral buttock. The area is injected with local anes- charge, peg extrusion, and implant exposure.20 thetic. A 20-mm circle is drawn and incised to a Hydroxyapatite implants must be wrapped prior depth of approximately 20 mm or just above the to placement. Donor sclera, readily available from underlying muscular fascia. Before removing this eye banks, is commonly used for this purpose. The cylindrical core of tissue, the epidermis is sharply wrap covers the abrasive surface of the implant, excised or abraded from the dermis and discarded. decreasing the risk of conjunctival breakdown and The dermis-covered fat plug is then separated from providing a scaffold to which the extraocular its deep attachments and transferred to the recipi- muscles are reattached. Four small windows are cut

415 Ophthalmic Care of the Combat Casualty a c


d(l) d(r)

Fig. 23-25. (a) A US Marine with a phthisical right globe secondary to an injury by a low-velocity metal frag- ment during the Persian Gulf War. (b) The enucleated phthisical eye is pre- sented alongside the hydroxyapatite implant and donor scleral shell prior to placement in the orbit. (c) Postop- eratively, the patient was pleased by his orbital symmetry but elected implant pegging to increase the motility of the prosthesis. (d) Following a successful pegging procedure, the patient enjoyed excellent left and right lateral gaze. Photographs: Courtesy of William Bigham, Captain, Medical Corps, US Navy; Naval Medical Center San Diego, San Diego, Calif. in the sclera to accept each of the four rectus wrap to accelerate the ingrowth there. muscles. The windows are positioned to approximate Porous polyethylene implants have a smooth the anatomical insertion of the extraocular muscles. surface and may be placed without a wrap. The Each of the double-armed Vicryl suture needles is material is also softer, and the suture needles used passed through the anterior edge of the scleral win- to attach the extraocular muscles can be passed dow. Securing these sutures pulls the muscle into the through the surface of the implant. The curved window and into contact with the hydroxyapatite needle engages the implant in a surface pore at a implant. This provides the anterior implant with a shallow angle. With steady force, the needle is source for fibrovascularization. Several windows passed forward and the natural curve of the needle may be cut in the posterior aspect of the implant returns it to the implant surface.


The use of systemic antibiotics should be dictated The pressure patch is applied following surgery by the potential for infection. If endophthalmitis is to preclude orbital hematoma formation. It also present preoperatively, then an antibiotic that is serves to maintain the conformer in position under appropriate for the cultured pathogen should be the eyelids, ensuring the preservation of deep su- used. In cases of trauma specifically involving or- perior and inferior fornices. The patch is removed ganic matter (ie, tree-branch perforation of the eye), 48 hours after surgery unless discharge or patient a broad-spectrum antibiotic is appropriate. Routine complaints of increasing orbital pain warrant ear- enucleation or evisceration with minimal risk of lier removal to allow inspection of the socket. Fol- infection need not be covered with antibiotics. lowing removal of the pressure patch, the patient

416 Enucleation and Evisceration is instructed to instill an ophthalmic antibacterial thesis movement can be seen, then pegging can be ointment into the interpalpebral fissure twice daily considered 6 to 12 months after implant placement. for 7 days. The time delay is necessary to ensure adequate im- The conformer is first removed 1 week follow- plant vascularization. Magnetic resonance imaging ing surgery, and a careful inspection of the socket with gadolinium contrast medium may be useful is performed. The conjunctival suture line is in assessing vascularity of the implant.21 surveyed for breakdown and areas of implant ex- Pegging systems exist for both the hydroxyapa- posure. Any indication of infection warrants aggres- tite and the porous polyethylene implants. Each sive management, including culture and appropri- system involves the placement of a post (ie, a peg) ate antibiotics. into the central implant along a line paralleling The patient is next seen 5 to 6 weeks following what would be the visual axis. A template prepared surgery. At that time, the conjunctiva should be pink by the ocularist can assist the surgeon in achieving and free of edema. The superior and inferior proper centration. A small portion of the post pro- forniceal spaces should be deep and there should trudes above the conjunctival tissues and engages be no evidence of implant exposure. The patient is a corresponding indentation on the posterior sur- now ready for referral to the ocularist for socket face of the prosthesis. In addition to the potential evaluation and prosthesis fitting. for improved motility, such coupling may serve to Most patients who receive porous implants are distribute a portion of the weight of the prosthetic to satisfied with the translation of socket movement the implant, effectively unweighting the lower eye- to the prosthesis without pursuing direct coupling. lid. This may, over time, minimize lower-eyelid sag. The ocularist should be consulted before the option Although impressive results are possible follow- of implant pegging is entertained. Changes to the ing prosthesis–implant coupling (see Figure 23-25), posterior prosthesis—in addition to overall size the patient must be prepared to accept the poten- modifications—may provide satisfactory improve- tial complications of the procedure. Long-term ef- ment in motility. If the patient still desires increased fects of pegging are not known, but early problems motility and a disparity between socket and pros- include exposure, extrusion, and socket discharge.12


Blepharoptosis eyelid position. Too large a prosthesis, though, can decrease motility and create lower-eyelid mal- Either true or pseudoblepharoptosis may follow position. eye removal. True blepharoptosis can be a result of aponeurotic dehiscence, levator palpebrae muscle Lower-Eyelid Malposition and Laxity injury, or damage to the innervation of the levator palpebrae. These complications may result from the Both minimizing prosthetic size and coupling the initial trauma or the surgical procedure used to re- implant to the prosthesis decrease the amount of move the eye. Careful preoperative assessment is weight that the lower eyelid must support. Over necessary to document a preexisting problem. time, though, it is not uncommon for the lower eye- Enucleation surgery, by virtue of visitation to the lid to yield to gravitational forces, and a lower-eye- retrobulbar space, has higher potential for damage lid-tightening procedure might be necessary. If re- to the levator palpebrae muscle or the orbital currences of lower-eyelid malposition secondary to branches of the third cranial nerve. a large prosthetic occur, it may be necessary to re- Pseudoblepharoptosis can be associated with place the orbital implant with one of greater vol- inadequate volume replacement or the shape of ume. The increased volume of the implant allows the prosthetic. An ideal implant replaces most the ocularist to fit a smaller prosthesis. of the globe volume, leaving only enough room for an adequately sized prosthesis. Too small an Enophthalmos implant can create enophthalmos, and the lack of anterior projection changes the geometry of the As noted above, enophthalmos is usually related levator palpebrae complex. The ocularist can to inadequate volume replacement at the time of increase the vertical height of the prosthesis or enucleation or evisceration. In cases of trauma, with build up its superior margin—within the limits concurrent damage to the bony orbital walls, spheri- of acceptable weight and volume—to help correct cal implants alone may be insufficient for volume

417 Ophthalmic Care of the Combat Casualty a b c

Fig. 23-26. (a) A severely contracted socket precluded the patient from wearing an ocular prosthesis. (b) Buccal mu- cosa grafts were harvested and used to expand the surface area of the socket. (c) Postoperatively, the prosthesis is maintained in the expanded socket. replacement. Orbital fracture repair may be neces- placed into the palpebral fornices as a socket main- sary to achieve satisfactory results. tainer. Patients should be instructed on how to re- place the conformer should it dislodge and the Socket Contracture potential consequences of not wearing one for pro- longed periods. One of the more difficult complications to man- age is contracture of the socket and the associated Implant Exposure foreshortening of the fornices. Depending on the degree of contracture, the patient may be unable to Tension on the closure of Tenon’s capsule and wear a prosthesis, and surgical expansion often re- conjunctiva may predispose to wound breakdown quires tissue grafting to the mucosa-lined socket and exposure of the implant (Figure 23-27). A rough (Figure 23-26). In removing the eye, every effort implant surface (eg, uncovered hydroxyapatite should be made to preserve Tenon’s capsule and spheres) has also been associated with anterior im- the conjunctiva. Preserving these structures can be plant exposure and extrusion. challenging in serious ocular injuries and may ne- Small, stable defects of the conjunctiva may be cessitate primary dermis fat grafting if insufficient observed. Progressive areas of exposure or those tissue is available. Following either enucleation or evisceration, a conformer of the largest possible size should be

Fig. 23-28. An electric burr is used to reduce the anterior projection of the implant that underlies the area of expo- sure. This volume reduction may facilitate primary clo- Fig. 23-27. Central area of breakdown exposes the sur- sure of the defect and provide a more vascular bed to face of the porous implant. support the overlying tissue.

418 Enucleation and Evisceration

Fig. 23-29. An older, metallic-mesh implant is exposed to its equator and complete extrusion is impending. The implant was exchanged with a porous sphere, and the patient did well.

associated with infection require intervention. In deeper vascularized areas (Figure 23-28). If the some cases, the anterior projection of the porous wound is sufficiently large to preclude primary clo- implant may be reduced, allowing for a tension-free sure, a small dermis fat graft can be used to span closure of Tenon’s capsule and conjunctiva. An elec- the defect. It may be necessary to replace the im- tric burr is used to remove portions of the anterior plant with a smaller one in cases of profound infec- implant both to reduce its projection and to expose tion or impending extrusion (Figure 23-29).22


Proportionally, the eyes receive more battlefield tion of 18-mm, 20-mm, and 22-mm implants should injuries than any other area of the body. Early care be adequate. The advantages of stabilization and must be definitive, with every possible attempt access to the immune system warrant consideration made to preserve vision. In the event that this is of porous implants (I prefer porous polyethylene not possible, the military ophthalmologist must be implants). The military ophthalmologist should also prepared to remove the traumatized eye. ensure that an adequate supply of socket conform- Given the tools of modern warfare, ocular inju- ers is available, as the freshly operated socket will ries with significant uveal exposure and increased contract without one. risk of sympathetic ophthalmia can reasonably be Eye removal surgery runs contrary to ophthal- expected. It is, therefore, most likely that enucle- mologists’ investment in preservation of vision. ation will be the procedure of choice for those eyes When circumstances necessitate, the military oph- deemed unsalvageable. In planning, the battle-ready thalmic surgeon must be prepared to intervene and ophthalmic surgeon must identify those essential sup- provide the best result possible. It is the initial plies necessary to provide optimum care. Space and surgery that defines a successful outcome or, con- weight allowances will limit gear selection. versely, commits the patient to future surgical man- A single implant that is suitable for both enucle- agement of complications arising from an inad- ation and evisceration is ideal. Additionally, an equate repair. Finally, ophthalmologists must be implant that allows direct attachment of the ex- prepared to recognize the psychosocial issues as- traocular muscles will save on the necessity to stock sociated with eye removal and to treat or refer for a wrapping material such as donor sclera. A selec- treatment when necessary.


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