UMD-TTIC-UW at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Attention-Based Multi-Perspective Convolutional Neural Networks for Textual Similarity Measurement

Hua He1, John Wieting2, Kevin Gimpel2, Jinfeng Rao1, and Jimmy Lin3 1 Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park 2 Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago 3 David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo {huah,jinfeng}, {jwieting,kgimpel}, [email protected]

Abstract al., 2012; Fellbaum, 1998; Fern and Stevenson, 2008; Das and Smith, 2009; Guo and Diab, 2012; We describe an attention-based convolutional Sultan et al., 2014; Kashyap et al., 2014; Lynum et neural network for the English semantic tex- tual similarity (STS) task in the SemEval- al., 2014). Competitive systems in recent years are 2016 competition (Agirre et al., 2016). We mostly based on neural networks (He et al., 2015; develop an attention-based input interaction Tai et al., 2015; Yin and Schutze,¨ 2015; He and Lin, layer and incorporate it into our multi- 2016), which can alleviate data sparseness with pre- perspective convolutional neural network (He training and distributed representations. et al., 2015), using the PARAGRAM-PHRASE word embeddings (Wieting et al., 2016) In this paper, we extend the multi-perspective trained on paraphrase pairs. Without using any convolutional neural network (MPCNN) of He et sparse features, our final model outperforms al. (2015). Most previous neural network models, the winning entry in STS2015 when evaluated including the MPCNN, treat input sentences sepa- on the STS2015 data. rately, and largely ignore context-sensitive interac- tions between the input sentences. We address this 1 Introduction problem by utilizing an attention mechanism (Bah- Measuring the semantic textual similarity (STS) of danau et al., 2014) to develop an attention-based in- two pieces of text remains a fundamental problem put interaction layer (Sec. 3). It converts the two in- in language research. It lies at the core of many dependent input sentences into an inter-related sen- language processing tasks, including paraphrase de- tence pair, which can help the model identify im- tection (Xu et al., 2014), question answering (Lin, portant input words for improved similarity mea- 2007), and query ranking (Duh, 2009). surement. We also use the strongly-performing The STS problem can be formalized as: given PARAGRAM-PHRASE word embeddings (Wieting et al., 2016) (Sec. 4) trained on phrase pairs from the a query sentence S1 and a comparison sentence Paraphrase Database (Ganitkevitch et al., 2013). S2, the task is to compute their semantic similar- ity in terms of a similarity score sim(S1,S2). The These components comprise our submission to SemEval Semantic Textual Similarity tasks (Agirre the SemEval-2016 STS competition (shown in et al., 2012; Agirre et al., 2013; Agirre et al., 2014; Figure 1): an attention-based multi-perspective Agirre et al., 2015; Agirre et al., 2016) are a popu- convolutional neural network augmented with lar evaluation venue for the STS problem. Over the PARAGRAM-PHRASE word embeddings. We pro- years the competitions have made more than 15, 000 vide details of each component in the following sec- human annotated sentence pairs publicly available, tions. Unlike much previous work in the SemEval and have evaluated over 300 system runs. competitions (Sariˇ c´ et al., 2012; Sultan et al., 2014), Traditional approaches are based on hand-crafted we do not use sparse features, syntactic parsers, or feature engineering (Wan et al., 2006; Madnani et external resources like WordNet. Output: Similarity Score from individual dimensions, while holistic filters can Structured Similarity Measurement Layer discover broader patterns of contextual information. We use both kinds of filters for a richer representa- Multi-Perspective Sentence Model tion of the input.

Attention-Based Input Interaction Layer Multiple Window Sizes. The window size de-

Paragram-Phraseb c b c b c Word Embeddings notes how many words are matched by a filter. The MPCNN model uses filters with different window Cats Sit On The Mat On The Mat There Sit Cats sizes ws in order to capture information at different Figure 1: Model overview. Input sentences are n-gram lengths. We use filters with ws selected from processed by the attention-based input interaction {1, 2, 3}, so our filters can find unigrams, bigrams, layer and multi-perspective convolutional sentence and trigrams in the input sentences. In addition, to model, then compared by the structured similarity retain the raw information in the input, ws is also measurement layer. The shaded components are our set to ∞ where pooling layers are directly applied additions to the MPCNN model for the competition. over the entire sentence embedding matrix without the use of convolution layers in-between.

2 Base Model: Multi-Perspective Multiple Pooling Types. For each output vector Convolutional Neural Networks of a convolutional filter, the MPCNN model converts it to a scalar via a pooling layer. Pooling helps a We use the recently-proposed multi-perspective con- convolutional model retain the most prominent and volutional neural network model (MPCNN) of He et prevalent features, which is helpful for robustness al. (2015) due to its competitive performance.1 It across examples. One widely adopted pooling layer consists of two major components: is max pooling, which applies a max operation over 1.A multi-perspective sentence model for convert- the input vector and returns the maximum value. In ing a sentence into a representation. A convolu- addition to max pooling, The MPCNN model uses tional neural network captures different granular- two other types of pooling, min and mean, to extract ities of information in each sentence using multi- different aspects of the filter matches. ple types of convolutional filters, types of pooling, and window sizes. Similarity Measurement Layer. After the sen- tence models produce representations for each sen- 2.A structured similarity measurement layer tence, we use a module that performs comparisons with multiple similarity metrics for comparing lo- between the two sentence representations to output cal regions of sentence representations. a final similarity score. One simple way to do this The MPCNN model has a Siamese structure (Brom- would be to flatten each sentence representation into ley et al., 1993), with a multi-perspective sentence a vector and then apply a similarity function such model for each of the two input sentences. as cosine similarity. However, this discards impor- tant information because particular regions of the Multiple Convolutional Filters. The MPCNN sentence representations come from different under- model applies two types of convolutional filters: 1-d lying sources. Therefore, the MPCNN model per- per-dimension filters and 2-d holistic filters. The forms structured similarity measurements over par- holistic filters operate over sliding windows while ticular local regions of the sentence representations. considering the full dimensionality of the word em- The MPCNN model uses rules to identify local beddings, like typical temporal convolutional filters. regions whose underlying components are related. The per-dimension filters focus on information at a These rules consider whether the local regions are: finer granularity and operate over sliding windows (1) from the same filter type; (2) from the convo- of each dimension of the word embeddings. Per- lutional filter with the same window size ws; (3) dimension filters can find and extract information from the same pooling type; (4) from the same spe- 1 cific filter of the underlying convolution filter type. Only feature vectors that share at least two of the the softmax normalization: above are compared. There are two algorithms us- X ing three similarity metrics to compare local regions: E0[a] = D[a][b] one works on the output of holistic filters only, while b X the other uses the outputs of both the holistic and E1[b] = D[a][b] per-dimension filters. a On top of the structured similarity measurement Ai = softmax(Ei) layer, we stack two linear layers with a tanh acti- vation layer in between, followed by a log-softmax We finally define updated embeddings attenEmb ∈ 2d layer. More details are provided in He et al. (2015). R for each word as a concatenation of the original and attention-reweighted word embeddings: 3 Attention-Based Input Interaction Layer attenEmbi[a] = concat(Si[a],Ai[a] Si[a])

The MPCNN model treats input sentences sepa- where represents element-wise multiplication. rately with two neural networks in parallel, which Our input interaction layer is inspired by recent ignores the input contextual interaction information. work that incorporates attention mechanisms into We instead utilize an attention mechanism (Bah- neural networks (Bahdanau et al., 2014; Rush et al., danau et al., 2014) and develop an attention-based 2015; Yin et al., 2015; Rocktaschel¨ et al., 2016). interaction layer that converts the two independent Many of these add parameters and computational input sentences into an inter-related sentence pair. complexity to the model. However, our attention- We incorporate this into the base MPCNN model based input layer is simpler and more efficient. as the first layer of our system. It is applied over Moreover, we do not introduce any additional pa- raw word embeddings of input sentences to generate rameters, as we simply use cosine distance to create re-weighted word embeddings. The attention-based the attention weights. Nevertheless, adding this at- re-weightings can guide the focus of the MPCNN tention layer improves performance, as we show in model onto important input words. That is, words Section 5. in one sentence that are more relevant to the other sentence receive higher weights. 4 Word Embeddings We first define input sentence representation Si ∈ We compare several types of word embeddings to `i×d (i ∈ {0, 1}) to be a sequence of ` words, each R i represent the initial sentence matrices (Si). We use with a d-dimensional word embedding vector. Si[a] the PARAGRAM-SL999 embeddings from Wieting denotes the embedding vector of the a-th word in et al. (2015) and the PARAGRAM-PHRASE embed- Si. We then define an attention matrix D ∈ `0×`1 . R dings from Wieting et al. (2016). These were Entry (a, b) in the matrix D represents the pairwise both constructed from the Paraphrase Database word similarity score between the a-th word embed- (PPDB) (Ganitkevitch et al., 2013) by training on ding of S0 and the b-th word embedding of S1. The noisy paraphrase pairs using a hinge-based loss with similarity score uses cosine distance: negative sampling. However, they were trained on two different types of data. 0 1 D[a][b] = cosine(S [a],S [b]) The PARAGRAM-SL999 embeddings were trained on the lexical section of PPDB, which consists of Given the attention matrix D, we generate the at- word pairs only. The PARAGRAM-PHRASE embed- i ` tention weight vector A ∈ R i for input sentence dings were trained on the phrasal section of PPDB, Si (i ∈ {0, 1}). Each entry Ai[a] of the attention which consists of phrase pairs. The representa- weight vector can be viewed as an attention-based tions for the phrases were created by simply averag- relevance score of one word embedding Si[a] with ing word embeddings, which was found to outper- respect to all word embeddings of the other sentence form more complicated compositional architectures S1−i[:]. Attention weights Ai[:] sum to one due to like LSTMs (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) STS2016 Domain Pairs STS2016 1st run 2nd run 3rd run answer-answer Q&A forums 254 answer-answer 0.6607 0.6443 0.6432 headlines news headlines 249 headlines 0.7946 0.7871 0.7780 plagiarism short answer corpus 230 plagiarism 0.8154 0.7989 0.7816 postediting 244 postediting 0.8094 0.7934 0.7779 question-question Q&A forums 209 question-question 0.6187 0.5947 0.5586 Test Total - 1,186 Wt. Mean 0.7420 0.7262 0.7111 Train Total STS2012-2015 14,342 Table 2: Pearson’s r on all five test sets. We show Table 1: Data statistics for STS2016. our three submission runs.

2 Ablation Study on STS2015 Pearson’s r when evaluated on out-of-domain data. The result- Full System 0.8040 ing word embeddings yield sentence embeddings - Remove the attention layer (Sec. 3) 0.7948 (via simple averaging) that perform well across STS - Replace PARAGRAM-PHRASE with 0.7622 tasks without task-specific tuning. Their perfor- GloVe (Sec. 4) mance is thought to be due in part to how the vectors - Replace PARAGRAM-PHRASE with 0.7721 for less important words have smaller norms than PARAGRAM-SL999 those for information-bearing words. Winning System of STS2015 0.8015 Table 3: Ablation study on STS2015 test data. 5 Experiments and Results We observe a significant drop when the attention- Datasets. The test data of the SemEval-2016 En- based input interaction layer (Sec. 3) is removed. glish STS competition consists of five datasets from We also find that the PARAGRAM-PHRASE word em- different domains. We tokenize all data using Stan- beddings are highly beneficial, outperforming both ford CoreNLP (Manning et al., 2014). Each pair has GloVe word embeddings (Pennington et al., 2014) a similarity score ∈ [0, 5] which increases with simi- and the PARAGRAM-SL999 embeddings of Wieting larity. We use training data from previous STS com- et al. (2015). Our full system performs favorably petitions (2012 to 2015). Table 1 provides a brief compared to the winning system (Sultan et al., 2015) description. at the STS2015 SemEval competition. Experimental Settings. We largely follow the same 6 Conclusion experimental settings as He et al. (2015), e.g., we perform optimization with stochastic gradient de- Our submission to the SemEval-2016 STS competi- scent using a fixed learning rate of 0.01. We use the tion uses our multi-perspective convolutional neural 300-dimensional PARAGRAM-PHRASE XXL word network model as the base model. We develop an embeddings (d = 300). attention-based input interaction layer to guide the Results on STS2016. We provide results of three convolutional neural network to focus on the most runs in Table 2. The three runs are from the same important input words. We further improve perfor- system, but with models of different training epochs. mance by using the PARAGRAM-PHRASE word em- beddings, yielding a result on the 2015 test data that Ablation Study on STS2015. Table 3 shows an surpasses that of the top system from STS2015. ablation study on the STS2015 test sets which con- sist of 3, 000 sentence pairs from five domains. Our Acknowledgments training data for the ablation study is from previous test sets in STS2012-2014 following the rules of the This work was supported by NSF awards IIS- STS2015 competition (Agirre et al., 2015). We re- 1218043 and CNS-1405688. 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