Vol. 31 No. 5 September-October, 1969

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Vol. 31 No. 5 September-October, 1969 cas Vol. 31 No. 5 September-October, 1969 SECOND ~· NATIONAL ~ ONE AND TWO CYLINDER TOUR JUNE 4 - 5 -6 -7 1969 WICHITA ~~~~ KANSAS __I Horseless Carriage Club of America Founded in Los Angeles November 14, 1937 A nonprofit corporation founded by and for automotive antiquarians and dedicated to the preservation of motor vehicles of ancient age and historical value, their acces­ sories, archives and romantic lore. OFFICERS Dr. E. C. Lawrence ............................ ____________________ President Roy Davis ......................................................Vice President Dave Goerlich ...................................................... Secretary Edwin N. Saville ..................................................Treasurer Joe Straub ................................................ Board Chairman DIRECTORS AND TERMS OF OFFICE 1967-69 1968-70 1969-71 Ralph Cherry Roy Davis Peter Bechtel Clarence Kay Louis Giacometti Frank Harris Dr. E. C. Lawrence David H. Goerlich Dr. Merle Ledford Herb Schoenfeld Sandy Grover Joe Morris Joe Straub Edwin N. Saville Les Thomas COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Activities.. ................................................ Dr. Merle Ledford Regional Groups ............................................ Peter Bechtel Publications ...................................................... Joe Straub Visit Budget...................................................... Louis Giacometti Bylaws .......................................................... Ra lph Cherry * * Safety -------- ........................................................ Joe Morris Old Car Museum HONORARY DIRECTORS Union City, Tennessee Lester H. Barnett Harry B. Johnson Lindley F. Bothwell Dr. Alfred S. Lewerenz Ernie Boyer W. Everett Miller Floyd Clymer John B. Ogden Sam DeBolt Herb Prentice :t»V<~··•c~··• ("'<~··•..-"'<~··• ....-··~<~···.,....~....:·•• ~ Warwick Eastwood Dr. Geo. E. Shafer l ... •'"••·;;~ ....... ~ ••. :-~ .... .;.~=-~'1;-o .... :.-~···- ~·~~"" .... , ~ John G. Gillespie Ken Sorensen . ~ HORSELESS CARRI AGE GAZETTES ~ :-7 $1.25 a copy X ~ (1954) Volume 16: #1, #3, #4, #5 & #6 ~\" '~'J (1955)Volume17:#1,#2,#3&#6 MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION J r. (1956) Volume 18: #2, #3, #4 r" Active Members, Men, Women, Minors must own a Horseless Carriage of ~~ (1957) Volume 19: #3 ~ year 1915 or earli er; they hove a ll privil eges of the club. Annual dues, ¥\ (1959) Volume 21: #4 ~ $9.00 (Canada and foreign, $9.50 ) , $7.00 of which is for a one year ~~·,· (1960) Volume 22: #2, #3 ~~,•. subscription to the Horseless Carriage Gazette. (1961) Volume 23: #1 Associate Members, Men, Women, Minors hove a ll privil eges of the clu b ( 1962) Volume 24: #4 & #5 except holding a Notional office and voting. Ann ua l dues $7.00 (Canada v~· (1963) Volume 25: #2, #4, #5 & #6 • : and foreign, $7.50 ) whi ch includes a year Gazette subscription. • (1964) Volume 26: #1, #2, #3 & #5 ~t" Wives of Members may become either Active or Associate members, v, (1965) Volume 27: #1, #2, #3, #4 & #5 ' ~ corresponding to t~ u sband's membership. Only one copy of the (1966) Volume 28: #2, #3, #5 & #6 • 1 Gazette, the Roster and other mai li ngs wi ll be sent jointly to hu sband • (1967) Volume 29: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 & #6 " and wife. Ann ua l dues, $2.00. However, fu ll membership is encouraged. ~ (1968) Volume 30: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 & #6 1, Life Members ore Active or Associate Members for life upon payment v~· (1969) Volume 31: #1, #2, #3 & #4 X of $ 12,5•.00 dues. t Horseless Carriage Club of America (" Regional Group Members, who must be Notional Active or Associate members, pay additi onal dues as establi shed by the local clubs. tJ E o;:x~>~~>:.~:1 !.~:renee Ave~·~""'':.::.:.-~ •.. •.. ,.) Gazette Subscriptions, $7.00 per year. 3 OffiCIAL PUBLICATION OF THE Horseless Carriage Club of America ~----------------~~·~~------------==----~ED ITOR W. Everett Miller Volume 31 No.5 FEATURE EDITOR Dick Philippi September-October 1969 RESEARCH HISTORIAN Dr. Alfred S. Lewerenz COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Mike Roberts TECHNICAL EDITOR Vaun Rodgers FASHION EDITOR Helen Frye REGIONAL NEWS EDITOR Sandy Grover a copy ARTISTS Ward Kimball, Hel•n Frye, Ben Sharpsteen, Ed Pranger $1.2S DISPLAY ADVERTISING MANAGER Robert Babcock ~ IN THIS ISSUE The Horse le ss Ca rriage Gaze tt e is ~ published bimonthl y by the Horse less 11~~(1 Carriage Clu b of America. In c .. 9031 E. Florence Aven ue. Down ey. Ca li· ~ National Comments - Edwin N. Savi ll e ... .. 4 fornia 90240. Se con d cla ss po stage Coming Events .............. ... ... .......... 4 paid at Downey. Cal ifornia. and at (I)' Panhard & Levassor .. ...... .. .. .... ........ ... 5 additional mailing office. Sub sc rip­ Second Annual One & Two Cylinder Tour - Jane Cox .... 6 tion : $7 .00 a year . ~ Pride & Joy ........ ....... .. ... .. ..... ..... 12 Big Wheels Are People - Gordon Hoot on . .... .. .... .. 14 ~ Corpus Christi Texas Tour - Russe ll Edkins, Tour Chairman .... 16 Grand Rapids WOODland Tour -· C. E. Bl ac k ... ....... 20 Articles appearing in this publication ~ express the individual opinions of the Pioneer Village ....... ............ ........ .. 25 writers and are not ne ce ssarily the (~), La Jolla Carnation Tour - Cille Lucas ..... ....... ... 26 opinions of the Editors or the HCCA, Our Family Photo Album .. ..... .. ....... .. .. .. .. 29 Written permission must be obtained from the HCCA Board of Directors for ~ Fashion Views - Helen Frye ...... ... .. ..... ....... 30 the reproduction of any material Asinine Alley - Wa rd Kinball ... .. ....... .. ... ..... 34 appearing in the Horseless Carria ge ~ Letters To The Editors . ............. ........ .. 36 Gazette. Book Reviews ...... .. 37 ~ Obituaries .... ........... ... .. ........ 38 - ~.·~.' Memory Museum .... ...... .. ... .. ...... .. 41 m Regional Highlights - Sandy Grover . .................. 42 Address all correspondence to ~.~·. Central Ca lifornia Sequoia National Park Tour -Aggie Young .. 46 HORSELESS CARRIAGE m What Is It? - Dr. A lf red S. Lewerenz .... ....... .. 50 GAZETTE ~ Restoration Hints - Vaun Rodgers ... .. ... ......... 56 9031 E. Florence Avenue ~ Arrington Square Current Restorations - Cec il Frye . ...... .... ... .. .. 57 Downey, California ~ Classified Advertising - Robert W. Babcock ... .... .. .... 58 90240 ~------------~~~----------~~ ~ PHONE : (213) 862·6210 !I) ~ !1)€~~~----------------~~·~~------------------~~3.~ c~ A free Gazette will be sent to any potential HCCA member, along with an illustrated fact sheet pictur­ ~ o~!.-.. ,F;<~Ef:<Dfu:'~!~ . fEB issue ing club activities. Just send us the name and ad­ February First for the MAR-APR issue dress of anyone you think would be interested in the April First for the MAY-JUNE issue GAZETTE and Horseless Carriage Club activities. June First for the JULY-AUG issue Please be sure of the correct address and include August First for the SEPT-OCT issue the zip code! October First for the NOV-DEC issue 4 CC>:J.VII~G F:"'" F:~':rS Predictions abound for the next decade. History seems to depend on time intervals. Soon we will be asked to give out vital statistics to Uncle Sam for the next census. It will PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW SO YOU WILL relate in a way to each of us in our decisions in our Hob by, NOT MISS THE MEETINGS YOU WISH TO ATTEND. especially to the source of our future members. Where will they come from? Will they still be re-working and repairing OCTOBER 1969 all of the running stock you and I have now, or as we, one by 10-11-12!15th ANNUAL AUTUMN LEAF TOUR San Diego (California) Region, Horseless Carriage Club one, disappear to our final resting grounds, find their way 11-12/ 0NE AND TWO CYLINDER TOUR, La Jolla (Cal.) Region HCCA 17/MOVIE NIGHT into static collections or museums for the 21st century Manitoba Classic & Antique Auto Club, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada inhabitants to gaze at in wonderment? 17-18-19/TOUR San Diego (California) Region, Horseless Carriage Club 17-18-19/ANN. FALL MEET & FLEA MARKET, BABCOCK-WILCOX Recreation Park, West Point, Miss. Mid-America Old-Time Auto Assoc. The beginning of the push for the scuttling of the 17-18-19/STEAM AUTO MEET (LOCATION NOT ANNOUNCED) Western Region, Steam Automobile Club of America combustible engine as a power source for the future 18-19/ 0VERNIGHT FALL TOUR Canton (Ohio) Region, Horseless Carriage Club transportation vehicle is very much in current events articles. 18-19-20/0AKHURST MOUNTAINEER DAYS Central (California) Region, Horseless Carriage Club If such should evolve, would our pet antique cars be 19/MYSTERY TOUR restricted from all the by-ways? Southern California Region, Horseless Carriage Club 19/FOURTH ANNUAL SWAP MEET, AUBURN, CALIFORNIA, FAIR GROUNDS, Auburn A's of the Model A Ford Club of America 19/GENERAL MEETING There is no intention here to disturb your equilibrium. It Manitoba Classic & Antique Auto Club, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 24-25-26/0KLAHOMA CITY AUTUMN TOUR just brings out the fact that nothing remains status-quo. If Sooner Region, Horseless Carriage Club (Ted Huddleston) 25-26/AUTUMN LEAF TOUR TO WARNER HOT SPRINGS, (CALIF.) you, as an individual do not engage in thinking about such Newport Beach (California) Region, Horseless Carriage Club 26/BAROSSA VALLEY RALLY, SOUTH AUSTRALIA things, there is a perpetual entity chosen by you to do it on Veteran Car Club of Australia (Victoria) your behalf. It is YOUR BOARD OF DIRECTORS. NOVEMBER 1969 2/ LONDON TO BRIGHTON EMANCIPATION RUN (ENGLAND) Beside the duties of your Board Officers, of which there Veteran Car Club of Great Britain 2/(DATE CHANGE) WATSONVILLE
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