Congressional Record—Senate S1971
March 15, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1971 served over 500 people from several Rear Admiral on the basis of citation the Chief of Combined Operations in homeless shelters. Elsa is a fine cit- for actual combat. the Dieppe Raid, and while serving on izen, who embodies the profound im- After graduation from the Naval the Staff of the Allied Naval Com- pact Girl Scouts have on their commu- Academy in June 1923, he had four mander in Chief during the Invasion of nity and society. months’ duty in the Bureau of Ord- Normandy. Embarked as an observer in Today, Girl Scouts of the USA con- nance, Navy Department, Washington, a British destroyer which rendered tinues to flourish, helping millions of DC, then reported to the plant of Wil- close fire support during the Allied raid girls grow strong. Girl Scouts con- liam Cramp and Sons, Philadelphia, to on Dieppe on August 19, 1942, Captain tinues to empower girls to develop assist in fitting out the USS Concord. (then Commander) Strauss obtained in- their full potential; to relate positively He served on board that light cruiser formation of great value to the United to their peers; and to develop values from her commissioning, November 3, States and Great Britain in the plan- that provide the foundation for good 1923, until September 1925, during her ning and execution of subsequent oper- decision-making. It is my great honor shakedown cruise to South Africa. He ations. Ordered to the Normandy to congratulate the Girl Scouts for 90 next served in the USS Hannibal, as- beaches on D plus 2–Day, he applied his years of strengthening America’s signed to survey duty on the southern comprehensive knowledge of the build- youth, and I wish them all the best as coast of Cuba, and from November 1926 up procedure in solving far shore ship- they extend this tradition for 90 years until November 1927, served in the USS ping problems which threatened to and beyond.
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