No. __________ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES ________________________________ JAY ANTHONY DOBYNS, Applicant, v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Respondent. _________________ APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI To the Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr. Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and Circuit Justice for the Federal Circuit UDALL SHUMWAY PLC JAMES B. REED Counsel of Record 1138 North Alma School Road, Suite 101 Mesa, Arizona 85201 Telephone: (480) 461-5354 Facsimile: (480) 833-9392 Email:
[email protected] Attorneys for Applicant Jay Anthony Dobyns CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Pursuant to this Court’s Rule 29.6, Applicant Jay Anthony Dobyns states that he is an unincorporated private citizen, and has no parent company, and that no publicly held company owns ten percent (10%) or more of stock relating to him. To the Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and the Circuit Justice for the Federal Circuit: Applicant, Jay Anthony Dobyns (“Applicant”), respectfully requests an extension of time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari. Sup. Ct. R. 13.5. The earliest deadline for Applicant to file his petition is July 23, 2019, which is ninety days from April 24, 2019, when the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit denied Applicant’s petition for en banc rehearing of the Federal Circuit’s February 6, 2019 Opinion, reversing the trial court opinion of the United States Court of Federal Claims. For good cause set forth herein, Applicant asks that this deadline be extended by sixty days so that the new deadline would be September 21, 2019.1 BACKGROUND This application arises from the Federal Circuit’s reversal of the opinion of the U.S.