Vifh Welgle Regards Them As Companion Pic- Woods, Who .Is Responsible for Its Presentation Here
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t,U '- - J V W,?'fl' - .S!? W. "rcTI. v - vr' Iff 31' - i V " - i v i. , - " -- XHE WASHT&TON HERALD. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1935, EntertAlner- i- will blnd vocal nd leleotlon: Bttte Bead and Jlmml Casion will prcacnt 'Sontoad'; Mllo will prove s bud purzle for puoUe olutlon: Oeorxe E. Dcusore and WX Leo will Introduce their aerial soveltr.Orf and the Fatso pictorial and the V Hectic Ca or orcan recltau win wind np m reer Gayetr "Midnight Maldeas." Qua Hill's "Mldnlsht Maidens' with Ross Snow and Peto Curley as toe chief udormanrsH come to tne uayeiy uut week. The vehicle selected i entitled Casey and Duffy Visit Panama," a two- - act musical comedy aet In four scenes. Herofrie Vc and said an exceedingly funny book. The scenic production la an elab- orate one. and the costuming is claimed to be in good taste as to color schemes. The music, la .original and exclusively the property of Mr. HU1. The cast in addi- tion to Snow and Curley win Include Rosa Kessntr. Norma. Bell. Kenney and LeRoy. Calvert Shane and Blsland. and TrwifjjT the always famous Gus Hill chorus of Mby twenty-fou- r girls who promise a lively pace all through the performance. At an added attraction and a distinct nov- elty .ajrtSBBtvJbr ''Vlt-.'- 'A f ''?M. '3&w3Jsw In a show of this kind Mr. Hill has ' rineaeaelaeaealeaeaBaaeaeaeaeaeaeaealeiaa' "LaLal engaged Jolly John Larklns, claimed to lB be one N83?HROTK!?i! ?&!$ of the funniest colored comedians HHanLaV2&A&!23b?& h. S -- &&$'' ? aSttVaLaLaa on the American stage and the only rival Hn. lm of Bert Williams His Impersonations of a cab driver, Benjamin Butler Lincoln. and others are said to be a scream ot Exuberant laughter. During the action of the play several vaudeville specialties will be Coimoi VauieTllle. ve?& - tVjflfcBB "RlS!aBBaiBflJaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBaiBB! BaaaaaaaBFrv? wtl.tBM't The headline attraction at the Cosmos Theater the current week will be Von Tiller's Honey Girls com- PWonalit pany, with MCBride and Cavanaugh as leading comedians, and Ruth Rogen heading a galaxy of eight Broadway beauties. In a mutical offering with Irwi- n- scenic effects, melodies and a wealth of BaWf laugh-makin- g lines and situations. The supporting bill for the first half of the week will Include Horn and Harris in an Italian creation entitled "A Venetian RM4HBfHlMAY Greano-Pla- Flirtation", the tt comedy By JULIA CHANDLER MANZ. wire performers and Jugglers. Bessie La Count a song comedienne, and an amus- north and south poles are not farther removed from one anoother ing sketch along dramatic lines. For the last half of the week, begin- THE the themes which dominate the world of make-belie- in our ning with the Thursday matinees, the this week, with Edward .Sheldon' play, "The Song of Songs," fLsaBBBBB' new features In the bill will present for ample sV?2'? v the first time, the Dixon Sisters, a trio at the National, May Irwin's and exuberant personality holding the of accomplished musicians. Upton and boards of the Belasco, while the Poli company offers Edward Peple's delightful eL Graham In a farce: the Pearl Brothers proclaims bill entertaining pro- and Bums In a travesty on the rathskel- farce, "A Pair of Sixes," and Keith's a of ler, and Norman, a Juggler in a unique clivities. exhibition. The added attractions for the It was just about a year ago that Sudermann's elaborate novel made entire week will Include the Hearst-Sell- s WHi, pictures and photoplay features. its first appearance in the form of drama, having had its premiere the 29th of October, 1914, at Atlantic City under the management and direction of Casino War Pictures. the late Charles Frohman, with Irene Fenwick, Cyril Keightley. and Thomas Scenes of actual battles on the eastern A. Wise playing the roles in which they will be seen at the National this and western fronts made by Photogra- pher Welgle. of the Chicago Tribune, and week. recorded In motion pictures with the per- But it wasn't until the piece was presented at the Eltinge Theater, New mission of the XSerman and Austrian governments, are to be York, a couple of months later that the sensational impression it created shown at the - Casino Theater this week under the title drifted down to us, containing the information that, as- usual, the Eltinge of "The German Side of the War." be- wicked was startling audiences that flocked ginning at 3 o'clock this afternoon. One-ha- lf was sheltering a woman who the the proceeds of the exhlbtlons go to to witness her deflection from the moral code in more substantial propor- the blind and crippled soldiers in Ger- tions because of their surety of a shock. many. These are the only pictures that have In a published note Mr. Frohman reminded the critics that times are Bk' - '" I I been shown In this coutnry bearing the is keynote art" a comment that was .i- actual stamp of approval of the German changing, and audacity the of modern --- Vi-i--r.H 1 1 ; piece JOB H kous4 and Austrian authorities, which show substantiated by the financial success of the while it remained the V f actual battle scenes Photographer property of Mr. Frohman, and also since it passed into the hands of A. H. MlSCHA ELMA- N- Belasco ViFH Welgle regards them as companion pic- Woods, who .is responsible for its presentation here. tures to the set he made earlier In the -- ay: - iB war from the Be'slan side which were iwednesd After noon ': Certainly it was a most audacious thing for Mr. Sheldon to undertake exhibited here at the Press Club and this dramatization of a lengthy and elaborate novel by one of the greatest later at the Columbia Theater Starting In Berlin one scene shows of modern playwrights who, for some reason, did not see in his own book more than 100,000 people gathered in a dramatic possibilities sufficient to justify his preparation of it for the mimic public square singing "Die Wacht Am ivorld. performance of a play which offered Rheln," which sets the ecene for the me only my second real chance since war in its howinr the earnestness and That Sudermann's failure to transplant his Lily Kardos from his novel patriotic people became leading woman here," she fervor of the German to stage was an oversight seems the most likely explanation in the mat- I From Berlin the scene shifts to Ham- the sighed. burg where long lines of marching ter, for "The Song of Songs," as written by Mr. Sheldon, proved highly troops Which is true enough, for I saw are shown. From Hamburg dramatic, and his Lily Kardos, as created by Miss Fenwick, was so vivid Welgle takes his audlehces to Lubeck her one matinee performance in where 300 soup are shown being and a characterization as to have sent her auditors spellbound from kitchens real "Wildfire," and was delighted with loaded on trains. the theater. the fine flash of spirit she displayed The scene next shifts to Gallcla and when Poland, where the battles of Tarnow The time is not so far distant our managers felt Sudermann to in her instructions to the jockey who and Jaraslow are shown. The fall of be a sure drawing card, hastening to bring the pieces of his prime to our was to ride the horse she owned and Przemysl and Lemburg are depicted In theaters "Magda," "Honor," and "The Joy of Living," for example. Even LUBO'WS'KA. all their reality. The scenes show the loved to victory. Besiree H big 21 and guns pouring famous Mrs. did disdain to transplant one of so a hand as Wharton's not The accident which Miss Ritten-hous- e KeiTH'rT Ann ffBMOlKgcAj.aBiBWBBBWBJ salvos ot shrapnel and high explosive them, and Mrs. Patrick Campbell appeared gladly in it. J&iOvre shells into the Russian lines. One sees suffered developed more seri - norma Gavety- the complete operation of the Now in the years of his theatrical decline Berlin and Munich count ous consequences than was at first nations ficy Bell - - caterplller guns, bow they are his CT"W J lW 'ri ZT brought Into action, fired Sudermann's pieces worn out and and work has passed supposed, which has nude her re- "' loaded and from the American stage, save when some actress has the inclination to re- ..' covery very slow, preventing her Loev a Columbia Pic- exploit once again the histrionic possibilities of Magda Schwartz, or some Paramount appearance at the Aenue Playhouse tures. manager sets a playwright to the drawing from a novel as is the case with again this week. play which neglected Geraldine Farrar. the celebrated prima "The Song of Songs" a Sudermann himself to write. She will impersonate June in "The donna of the Metropolitan Opera Com- Trail of the Lonesome Pine" next pany, will be seen on the screen of which should Loews Columbia Theater this week in From the hectic career of Lily Kardos, which Miss Fenwick will visu- week, however, a fact the much-talked-- film version of her alize for us at the New National Theater this week, to the effervescing com- compensate in the possibilities it of- most famous opera. "Carmen." which has been produced by the Jesse L. Las-ke- y edy of May Irwin in her interpretation of the servant role in "33 Washing- fers her for her lost opportunities Feature Play Company ton Square," at the Belasco, is a far cry, the two characterizations repre- during the week that saw the pre- The version of "Carmen" used In this sentation of "Wildfire." production Is founded on the atory oy senting an antithesis in life, as well as in drama.