MUSICAL RECITAL ANV,,, , Crows Lose Out. 3 CANTATA FRIDAY J3VEN1NC8 . Under Uie now tlma card which went into effect Sunday fourteen North What is your Song of Songs? Is it money, power or love? Th,o pupUs ot St. Patrick school Platte englno crows and six passenger CONSERVE YOUR EYESIGHT under. Uiq. direction of the. faculty, will crews lose out In the passenger 'ser give a musical recital nml cantata at vice. see the Keith theatre next Friday evening. The Dulllntr off of tho trains takes 't Many people who take alarm at the firSt symp- The, faculty has devoted much time and eight engine crews off the North Platto cafp in preparing the program, nhd an Grand Island run and. six crows on the toms of other physical riilments, and hurry off to the ovenine of enlovment awaits all wlio runs west. The passenger conductors attend. wno loso regular rusis nro Selbert. THE SONG OF SONGS' doctor or dentist, fail to give secorjd thought to the The programmo will be: ' McFarlnnd. Evans. O'Connell. Breter- - Song "America," by audience; nltz and Howard . The passenger crews There are wolves that do not even wear Bill Hart Warning of distress occasioned hy defective eyesight' Piano trio, Sextette from "Luola" will have assigned runs instead of Ruth Donaldson, Marie Burgner, Ruth pooling. clothes hut dress hrthe style of Fifth Avenue. - McHugh. . , - . u , This seems inexcusable in view of the easy access, to Piano duet, "Qui Vivo" Esther., EU Frcdlcts n Naval Rattle. der and Hazel Lewis. The United States now has a large Crystal Theatre, Thurs. & Fri. June 6-- 7. the services of an eye specialist. Piano solo, Hungarian Rhapsody number of first class battleships pre Lucille Martini. paring side by side with the best shins Adults 15c. Children 10c. Including war tax. " You may have the mistaken idea that. your eyes Piano trio, Zampa Overture Pearl of the British navy for on engagement Brodbeck, Viola Rauch and Agnes on tho high seas which is expected to clear-sighte- occur any are as strong and d as they used to be, Miles. at time with tho German . Piano trio, Overture Oberon Lucille fleet, according to a statement made by but you. will perhaps be surprised as to the extent to Martini, Reglna Frazier and Esther Rear Admiral Albert Gleaves. Elder. "I am not going beyond the border DR. S. TW1NEM, Cantata, "Crystal Queen," School lino of secrecy." declared Admiral J. which properly fitted glasses will improve your vision children. Gleaves, when I say that a few days PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, ::o:: ago there came an alarm to tho heads NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. and help your appearance. of the British navy that the German Receipts Go to Sammy Girls. X-Ra- Tho executive committee of the battleships were about to come out for Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. y. Home Guards have decided that the the expected engagement ,on the high WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES. receipts of the Home Guards Minstrel seas. I know that tho British navy For your comfort nnd accommodation The Nurse Brown Show shall be given in their entirety heads gave the first class American Memorial Homeopathic Hospital. Homeopathic medicine for to the Sammy Girls. The are battleships a post of honor in prepara- A trial will convince you there latter tion for the attack. acute and chronic diseases. that badly in need of funds to purchase the is no system of treatment its equal. HARRY DIXON & SON. comfort kits for the Lincoln county boys who go to the training camps, ARE TOU SUJtE. Office phone 183. Residence phone 283. . " OPTOMETRISTS OF A GOOD (.mull era In crop this and it is the boys who go that we are HospitaUPhone 110. all anxious to serve and help in what- Year? YOU ARE IF THE HAIL DON'T NORTH PLATTE, NEB. ever way wo can. GET IT, OLD LINE COMPANIES will protect you 100 The Sammy Girls will handle the FOR CE5TS UN THE of will begin DOLLAR. Cnsh nnd note rates the sale the tickets and the same, will take your note due Sept. work today. 1st. TO The price of admission to tho show SAVE MONEY GET OUR WE BUY YOUR HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. CiT AND COUNTY NEWS. Hllmer Thompson, a former North RATES FIRST, nt yonr senico dny or Platto boy, now a very successful will be but twenty-fiv- e cents, which large sale. night. druggist nt Chappell, spent Sunday in should insure a THE H. AND S. AGENCY. We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn W. L. Cory, of Omaha, was in town parents wife, ::o:: morning enroute to townB on town visiting his and the to Ofilco Brodbeck: Building 3rd Door Meal, Corn Chop, Barley,- - Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage yesterday latter coming here to' visit for a week Ask Council Refuse License. the north river branch. A petition containing 600 or 700 Fast of 1'ost on Ice. Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed or so. Phono Red or Black 013. North Flatte. and Cotton, Morrill, Dentist. names will be presented to the city Dr. A. K. Mclntyro and several other council this evening asking that body J. C. HOLLMAN, Res. Phono Rod 881 and all kinds of Grain. Carl Hollman left this morning for Wallace men were in town Saturday to refuse a license to the carnival J. E. SEBASTIAN. Res. Phono Itcd.048 Lincoln where he will transact legal transacting business. Mr. Mclntyre company which it is proposed to bring Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. business for several days, said generally speaking wheat is in here next week. In obtaining these To Take up Y. M. C. A. Work. of F. A. Lindenmeyer, For quick action ana satisfactory fine condition in that section the signatures the solicitor had but four minister of the Leypoldt & Pennington, county. men who refused to sign. WlUi these North Platto Christian church, met tale list your land with Thoclcckc tf recruiting committee of tho Y. M. C. Shorten the longest days by going four exceptions every signer commend- EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 99. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barraclough came ed the action of getting up the petition. A. in Omaha on last Saturday and has to the Crystal Theatre tonight to see been recommended for appointment up from Grand Island Sunday to visit Antonio Moreno in "The Angel Fac- .':oi: relatives for a couple of days. Notice to Rod Cross Subscribers. for Y. M. C.A. war work service. Ho tory." You will be so Interested that Of Lincoln county and of all cities in will probably recieve his appoitment Biilie Burke in the best of her do- you will fail to note the passing of this county; Your unpaid pledges to the In about three weeks. The members of mestic dramas--"Th- e Land of Promise" time. second Red Cross war fund may bo tho church at tho morning servlco last timo tonight Keith .Theatre. .at-you- Chas. Bogue has been called to, paid r nearest bank In this voted to adopt tho recommendation of EXCHANGE Washington, D.:. C.r'tjprpartlclp,ateMn a county.' AU Ijan.ks are duly authorized the board to glvo the minister one CAR Rev. Arthur D. Jones left fpr listi- ' ngs yesterday to attend the annual conference - of Tallroad brotherhood to receive your payments nnd will year's leave of absence to engage in Before buying a car be sure to see me as I have a number convention of the Episcopal chuxch. chairmen with Director General Mc- - render you proper receipts unuer the Y, M C. A. war work sorvlce. They of cars almost as good as new, which I will sell at a Adoo over the wage increase, which authority of the second Red Cross war further voted to grant the minister's not old down junk, For Service First and Guarantee family parsonage bargain. These cars are broken but seems to be not satisfactory to tho fund. the use of the, free of Avill save you Work, call North Platte Plumbing and men. HARRY DIXON, rent during the timo of his absence. cars which. stand close inspection and will Heating Co., Phone 4Ga, iuu 'uasti County R. G. W. F. money. Would be pleased to have you call and nee these C. M. Reynolds and son left Chairman ::o:: Sixth street. . Mrs. :;o:: Miss Mary to Saturday for Omaha. Mr. Reynolds Nasland returned her cars. Councilman A. E. Bell left yesterday Frank Turplo Sells Rnncli. home In Holdrego this morning after a has sold his Interest in the Maxwell Frank Turple, who now lives on the morning for the eastern part of the bank, purchased stock in tho Nebraska visit with Misses Marie and Irene Btate where he will transact business old Otten form west of the city, has Stuart. Fuel Co., and becomes an officer of sold his 3.200 acre ranch thirteen miles A. M. BLUMB for several days. -- :o:: that company with headquarters in rnorth of Hershey to Mooro & Leypoldt FIRST CLASS CAlt TAINTING. 818 North Locnst St. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stone Drug Omaha. of Hershey. he purchasers expect to Wide Interest In Astronomy. Store. tf W. E. Flynn, who has been living run a big bunch of cattle on the land There can be no doubt that thcro this summer. awakening of pub- The Golden Rule Bible class will on a ranch at Flats for a number of Is Just now a great. Knox, years, will sell his cattle today and : :o: : Interest In astronomy. Renewed meet at the home of Mrs John Estray Notice. lic 314 west Friday afternoon. will move to North Platte. He is an evjdcnco of this, If any wcro needed, 1st street May A full attendance. is desired. attorney by profession and will open Taken up on or about 19th, 'Is, afforded by tho secretary of the a law office in the McDonald Bank 1918, by tho undersigned on section Association of Variable Star AUTO LIVERY Mr. and Mrs. Roy "Wilson, of Key- building. who there resides, one bay American over About a year ago, wo car-rle- tl stone, came down to visit friends horse with an .undlstlrtgulshable brand Observers. Since I Iiavo sold tho garage am doing ntito livery from tho North Sldo Sunday. Mr. Wilson is now foreman In the departure of Miss Mildred In this column a brief note de- on left shoulder, weight about 1,100, specialty of drlTci to of the George McGlnley ranch. White, musical circles in North Platte has small star in forehead and white scribing the alms and needs of the Barn.. Day or Night. Tolephono 29. lTo make a suffer a distinct loss. Miss White is appealing for addi- cents por person. Brink & Go's, Hershey's Druggists saddle mark on back and white girth association, and Bnlcs nil oTcr tlio county nt tho rate of fivo per mile a finished vocalist, and her readiness on side. Owner can have corps of volunteer observ- dandy soda fountain. to at all entertainments and mark under tions to its Thoso who have sales throughout tho country plcaso let mo know. have a assist same by proving property and paying ers all over tho world. Within one aid society will meet patriotic gatherings was appreciated charges. Also n few enrs for sale Night Call lied C32. The Methodist by our people. month the secretary states that he next Thursday, Juno Gth in the 41-- G J. F. DOWNS. had received 53 replies to this very en-rou- te .o: : church parlor. Work for the Red Cross Two car loads of Wyoming boys little Scientific will be on hand commencing at 2 p. to Camp Lee, Va., passed through Farm Land Wanted. modest MogeBsen. m. Visitors invited. Sunday morning. Among the boys were Parties wanting to sell their land Julius Sunday School thirty-fiv- e cow-bo- ys from tho Rawlins should send me legal description; full The Pleasant View wearing of the Jack Morrow Flats will hold section brood brimmed hats information,, prices and terms. their picnic dinner at A. R. Leavltt's, and high-heele- d boots, and soventeon Nothing but bargains wanted. Cody Canyon on Wednesday, Juno the railroad men from Laramie. They were GEO. n. GETRU, Bth. All are cordially 'invueu. a high-spirite- d class of boys. 41-- 4 Newman Grove, Neb. Keep Faith With Your Boy "Over There"

When your boy was so little that all the world was a foreign country to him, he trusted you. to take care of him." You. sent him to school and to play and on"your little errands, 3$V '""f.& ' i ' and with implicit faith he did your bidding. y 1 f m.u I Now we have sent your boy or your neighbor'sihoy'out into a foreign land, into terrors that he?cannotevenknow and THE CALL TO TOUR his faith has not even faltered. Heknows we'will do our part if he does his. calls for Polarine in the motor. When you want speed the Polarine lubricated cylinder lets the piston slide rapidly up Pledge yourself tp buy War Savings Stamps on our before and down without friction. And if you need power that ft'. ' NATIONAL WAR SAVINGS same" thin film of Polarine seals the gas above the piston JUNE 28th, DAY makes-- giant-ou-t of your motor. Saving to help our sons is not to be called by the ugly name You can get Polarine wherever you go a thousand miles of duty or sacrifice. It is love's blessed privilege. oil to with. from here. It's the safe start Are wo keeping the faith? Are we scrimping and saving and Look for the sign it identifies a good dealer and a depend- giving to help our boys do this thing that humanity has asked ' able oil of them, and to help them come back to us sane and whele? Red Crown Gasoline is best for the long run speedy, Are we doing not only our bit, but all, we can? powerful, economical NATIONAL WAR SAVINGS ; COMMITTEE STANDARD OIL COMPANY THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED FOR (Nebraska) THE WINNING OF THENAR BY OMAHA , .... . The North Platte Tribune P O L A R I N E