CARRI Research Report 1 COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL RESILIENCE: PERSPECTIVES FROM HAZARDS, DISASTERS, AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Susan L. Cutter,* Lindsey Barnes, Melissa Berry, Christopher Burton, Elijah Evans, Eric Tate, and Jennifer Webb Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute Department of Geography University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina *Carolina Distinguished Professor and Director of the Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute Date Published: September 2008 Community and Regional Resilience Initiative RESEARCH FINDINGS ABOUT COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL RESILIENCE One of the commitments of the Community and Regional Resilience Initiative (CARRI) is to understand what resilience is and how to get there, based on research evidence. As one resource for this effort, CARRI has commissioned a number of summaries of existing knowledge about resilience, arising from a number of different research traditions. This paper is one in a series of such summaries, which will be integrated with new resilience explorations in several CARRI partner cities and with further discussions with the research community and other stakeholders to serve as the knowledge base for the initiative. For further information about CARRI’s research component, contact Thomas J. Wilbanks,
[email protected], or Sherry B. Wright,
[email protected]. CARRI Research Report 1 iii Community and Regional Resilience Initiative COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL RESILIENCE INITIATIVE Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL) Community and Regional Resilience Initiative (CARRI)