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THB CRAMfOBP CtTttPT AHD CHROMlfcU. THURSDAY, i. last Twenty sky; "fitOi Chinese Daughter.- by d«r 1» the Pay-Off," by Zfenhh Rebecca West, and "Cfty of Frozen tnunlty planning, he expiate*. an* Brown; "Bird «f Prey," by Victor by W: V. J. *SS.. Wg Wong; The Stanley-Ste«n Senior Girt Scouts held - have created planning boards and ABOUT NEW BOOKS er^ by George Woodbury; "Fta^ mine P"«y Safturdav ^^ Canning; "Come Hbme at Even," Non-FkUea ' 1 JVeti? Pamphlet adopted zoning ordinances. While by Le- Grand Cannon, and "Dark "Tito and Goliath," by H. F. ence Nightingale - «g»-» ^ YWCA. W«tfi«W MOBILIZE o great many of these have been Bahama," by Peter Cheyney. "Education for MaturityT^W J- *>- full use of the game Armstrong; "Nones," by W. H. AuT FOR DEFENSE iGuidesPtans based upon adequate studies, some Also, "Our'Spoons Come from den; "Peking Diary," by Derk Powell; "The Joy of Handweaiv- panying ibetn were -Miss have been approached without too The Cranford Free Public li- ston. . Ghioana Literary " awards Woolworths," by Barbara Comyris; Bodde; "Western Union." b:TAn- ing," by O. C. Ganinger; and "Mar- Wetjen. Bin. T. C. c. . Through Your much thought. ' , • . went to "Little Squire Jim/* by tha's Husband; an Informal Por- Mrs. J. E. Jeffries. 1 brary has the following books "Hawthorne House," by Adele drew Boyd; "Mr. Lincoln's Army," Such^was the case-In the typical Robert Marshall and ."Son* of the trait of Georite Washington," by DeLeeuw; "Web of Destiny," by by Bruce Catton; "Samoan Dance ! GIVE TO' TBE CROSS community considered in the newwhich received literary prizes for Blair NUes. Pines," by the Havighurats. Muriel Elwood; "Warren of West of Ufer'Vby J. D.Copp; "Heroes of * Do's and don't? in community publication. The attempts 61 thethe year 1950. planning arc atractively presented Also. Philosophy and religion — Point." by R. G. Emery; "A Breath Civilization," by Cottier and Jafle; sample municipality to establish a Alnsfjeld-Wolf awards — "Your "A Guide to Confident Livings by of-Air," by Rumer Qodden; "Angry "South American Handbook," ed. G A R w o o D R ANF O R D KENILWORTH in a neu- publication of the State zoning ordinance are traced from, 'WE GO ANYWHERE* Department 'if Conservation and Most Humble Servant." by Shirley Norman Peale; Parents Magazine Mountain," by Ralph Hammond- by Howell Davis; "A Manual of the beginning to the point of its medal — "The Mature Mind." by Innes; "Morning ' Journey," by Simple .Perspective." by J. A. , Economic Development which is rlefeat due to improper approach. Graham; James Tait Black Me- .-.rtnally tho case history of a Jeiv H. A. Overstreet; Edgar Allan Foe James Hilton; "Dead Man's Sad- Doust; "Watch Your Step." by J. J. CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. MARCH 8. 1951 22 F*agcs -^- FIVE CENTS frhrrpamphle^bRoosonloJlilUp t ii prj7j — "The Tar Cry." by j L. P. Hglmjat "ProudjCasr ~"scy~tcnvn"here—k-tiowiv only—a* ihe need for community protcc- Emma Smith; Catholic. Writers' —Community X." The pamphlet, Doyle." by J. D. Carrr Pulitzer tie," by E. M.Kelly; "Mrs. Gaileyj" pie," by Bernard Frank; "Riddle tion from haphazard growth and Guild — "Seven Story 'Mountain," Camp President College Club to Hear Last Call to Register cM ivied —The Ctt*e <>< Community ije_^ -The Way West." by A. B.by Sheila Kaye-Smith; "A Nose for of MacArthur," by John Gunther; how -this protection can be ob- by Thomas Merlon; ,.Gold Medal Guthrie; Mary Roberts Rinehart Trouble;' by7 Jim Kjelgaard; "Florida's Golden Lands;" by A. J-: Debate by Students Red GFGSS T^or Primary Election •X." ' presents the -right'and. the tainod. for non-fiction — "To Hell and | Radio ' wrong way to approach the prep- mystery novel prize — "At Last, "Home Is an Island," by Alfred Henna; "HoWtaGet Ahead in V»e Students from Rutgers Univer- In' addition, "The Case of Com-Back," by Audie Murphy; Drama Tonight is the final day to . "aration of a master plan, a zoni.ntf Mr. Tolliver," by William Wiegand, Lewis, and "Margaret," by.Jeanette Armed Forces'," by Reuben Har- sity, and New Jersey. College for munity X" lists the services on Critics Circle award — "The Cock- register in order to be eligible "•" ordinance, and subdivision regula- and Southern authors' award — Lowrey. chow;. "Ihvestrgating Powers of Women will take part in. a debate Has 23% planning and'zoning matters avail- tail Party," by T.S. El^ot; Jewish to vote in the Primary Elec- tions. "Killers qt the Dream," by Lillian Also, "We Have Given - Our Congress," by Julia Johnsen, [ecord Budget Monday at 8:15 p. m. before the tions on April 17. The township able from the Department of Con- Book Council award—"The Wall," Smith. Hearts Away," by H. T. Miller; comh,; "FriU Kieisler," by L. ? Cranford College Club in Calvary In GOP Primary In n foreword to the booklet, clerk's office in the municipal servation and Economic Develop- by John Hersey, and Mayflower Lochner; "Disturber of the ePace, Lutheran Church. The topic will .Herbert H .Smith, chief of the The following new .books have "12 Vz Plymouth Street," by Ruth building wjll be open until 5 ment. It emphasizes ihe fact that Cup — "Debby," by Max Steele. by William Manchester; and "In- Our Cabs Equipped with 2-Way be "Resolved: The United States Of Quota planning section in the depait- been aded to Cranford Public Li- Park; "Murder for the Holidays," p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. m. to- those persons responsible for com- dex to Best PWys Series (Mantle) . Stanley Thinka To Study Proposed Should Adopt a System of Com- ment. soys.'•"Recently we learned Winners of National book awards brary: • by Howard Rigsby; "Return to the Jfor Better and Faster Service. night to take care of lute regis- In Republican Race Albany Christian munity planning should familiar- Beach." by M. C. Shedd; "AWOL —1899-1950". / • Figures Too L»w, pulsory Health Insurance." of an incident, in relation to theize themselves with the state laws were: "The Man with the; Golden FlettMi , For Parking Authority First Report Shows trations, according to Township To Enter Race for "Tall Ships to Cathay," by Hel-the Courier," by Bertrand Shurt- Also, "It's an Old .Cape qocl Cus- LIMOUSINE SERVICE FOR ALL Finance Commissioner Fred P. The debate will include four Clerk J.-Walter Coffee. ' •' development of nnc community in 'and the correct procedure to be Arm." by Nelson Algren; "Life of tom," by E. V. Mitchellr/'The Far IS $1,618,583 constructive speeches and four New Jersey where a great deal of en Augur; "Loved and Envied," by leff; "Harem Scar'em," by.Rose- Andersen was appointed chairman $3,021 Collected in To be eligible "Tto register, a Township Committee followed. Only in this manner, ac- Ralph Waldo Emerson." by Ralph mary Taylor; "Trouble in the Side of Paradise," by Arthur Miz- rebuttals. Rutgers students -will • discomfort and unpleasantness re- Enid Bagnold; 'The Whole Ar- ,fords 1951 municipal bud- of a Special committee by Mayor person must have resided in A five-way contest for the' two cording to the publication, ccann theL. Rusk, and "Selected Poemi;*' by Glen," by MauriceJWalsh; "A Little ener; "New American Songbag," Ftr Service CJ CRanford 6 take the affirmative and NIC girls Drive for $12,800 sulted from ;itli,»m;rt,K to adopt a mor," by Faith Baldwin; "Danger ngjor general «-- George E. Osterheldt at Tuesday New. Jersey for one year prior communities \at New-Jersey, rea William Carlos Williams. Night Music," by M. J. Ward; by Carl Sandburgr>fAlr Power and phold the negative side. •Republican nominations.for Tdwn- zoning ordinance. Nearly all of from Deer," by yiki Baum; "Quor- to" November 6, 1951, and in liy.e their ultimnte potentials of de.r Novel prize of Sydney, "Australia, "Sweet and Bitter Land," by Jos-Uniflcatlon," byil Sigaud; "East PROMPT - COURTEOUS^ DEPEND/ 1 Debating for Rutgers will be in Tuesday night'at the initial re- ! ship Committee loomed today with' —difficulty could have been avoided Wn,- by ^Phyllis Bentley; "Stormy p flnuaia —:..— •» j* th*Committe| e to look into a Union County for five-months velopment in an economical man- Morning Herald'-was awarded to eph Wayne; "Witch Diggers," by Wind oveTTPrague," by7Jan~Stran. avid Goldberg and Ledriafrd'Etz: port meeting-of tho fund drive I-the announcement that Thomas A. 1 had 'Community X' approached Range," by Dwight Bennett; "Mur- iip's'history - waTaoopted tion that a parking authority prior to that date. • ner. Copies of the pamphlet can be "High Valley," by Clift and John- Participipants from NJC will be committee of the Cranford-Gar- [ Albans. former chairman of the the problem somewhat differ- flously by the Township created ••in.. Cranford. • obtained by writing to tHc depart- Shirley Eisner and Joan Cox, both wood-Kenilworth Chapter,, Ameri- Republican Municipal Committee, ently." . " , , Tuesday night foUow- Mayor Osterheldt said he was. ment. : • asking Mr. Andersen to, investigate sophomores. can Red-Cross. This represents 23 and Lt..CoI. Charles J. Christian, In ordcF-to sliow the pitfalls and IUDHIT hearing at which no . comments were offered. -, what has been done in other com- Mr. Goldberg, a resident of Tren- percent of this year's quota of the committee's treasurer, wilLeri- . how- ••Community X" mi«lit have ton, is a junior, majoring in" poli- '•flew budget..will cause a munities and what could be done $12,800. ler the race before' tonight's filing avoided them, the booklet tells the Bourd I© Meet oints ln the local tex here in view of the fact that the tical science. His partner, also from [of 11 P Channing Rudd, executive chair- deadline. - • -ease --history. using illustrative The executive of the Col- township now has parking meters. Trenton, is a sophomore in the man^ said he was pleased with the lis year. The new rate is College of Arts and, Sciences. Miss Previously announced were the sketches to point up the text. Ac- ony Club of Cranford Will meet It is estimated that annual receipts initial returns but. stressed the cording to Smith, the publication Monday nifiht at the home of Mrs. tied at $530 per $100 of Cox, a philosophy major, is from Says/No' candidacies of James P» Duffy, rom the meters will total between importance of workers covering president of the United Ca'mpagn - •was prepared to meet the increas- John V. Silliman, 439 North Un- valuation as .compared $15,000 and $20,000.' . Jersey City while Miss Eisner, a 1 then- territory as soon- as possible.. Fund; Howard Co\«perthwaite^for- ing. demands from the municipal- ion avenue. - • ••.,. ; 5.19 .last year. sociology student, is from Dover. i tfiice"persons were present In accepting the appointment. Another report meeting will be ities for guidance material on com- The students will be introduced Will Not Be Candidate; jmer member of the Board of Edu- J the special budget hearing Commissioner Andersen . said the held from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight at cation; and Mrs. Marion Dozois, munity .development programs. CLEAN HAGS rU«CBIAStl»-Whlt» ar scope to which the local committee by Mrs. George Sauer. Assisting Red Cross headquarters, 10 North Colored — without buttons or e»tc«.i — f of whom was a .student and Mrs. Thomas J. Buzalski, hospi- Flays Leadership 'president of the Women's Republi- Maiiy corrrtriunities of the state • CcaU **t »•••<• Brtna them Into'Tb* Jther two were interested in had looked into'the parking-prob- Union avenue. Cranford Citizan a»d Chronlela «««•• • tality chairman, will be Mrs. John Of Democratic Party can Club. . . have became interested in com- Ing a permit to move a lem was far greater than he, as a The six'Cranford residential dis- citizen, realized before, becoming a- J. Durkin, Mrs. Charles J. Stevens, Terms of Mayor George E. Os- Head Mrs. E. J. Lyons and Mrs. William tricts which- reported Tuesday Wulter E. Cooper, former presi- terheldt and Adm. E. D. Stanley member of the cdmmittee. dent of the. Bdard of Education, U, E. a Stanley, chairman of Meyer. Mrs. Charles M. Ray, presi^ night were: District 3, $577; Dis- expire at the end of this year. Both"' Lblie works department, voted Parking is one of the major dent, will conduct the business trict 4, $341; District 7, $290; Dis- who has been prominently men- problems in nearly all North Jer- tioned in recent weeks as a Demo- THOMAS A. ALBANS. men ~ have announced tl>at they ,r Ofv the. budget; but With meeting. . • :. . trict 8, $"117; District 9, $434.50; sey > suburban'- communities, the J. Walter Coffee cratic candidate for • Township will not seek their party's'nomjna- ;ervation that it was .'his and District 10, $36. Cranford or- tions for reelection. -Primary Elec- :)hat ."some , appropria- finance commissioner said. But Elected President, ganizations turned in $140, Cran- Committee;, announced last night with the help of such' groups as that he will not seek the-nomina- tion is April 17. , ' " . faie not large enough." Adm. Directors Renamed ford ^business," $226, and Cranford While the local Democrats- had lv is known to have desired the Business Association, individ- industry, $335. Garwood Industry tion. ual citizens and other members of. Callfedfor noli'.^ijicd. ^a-^s.latc, pj. cartdidatcs, it II OH VOttt HIt«V table appropriation.•' hv .this Township Clerk J. Walter Coffee reported $355 collected to date, Ih' making his_ announcement, the committee, Cranford should be Was anhotinced last jnitftit. by Frank! i budget to- replace shade '\vas elected president of the Cran-, while" KenHwortrr Industry turned Mr;"Cooper lashcd'out- at the local able to. realize some definite bene- ford Boys' Camp Association Mon- Morse, municipal chairman, thai fwhich were uprooted in last 1 in $150. Garwood • residential col- democratic organization as being fits and * make' some progress in day night' at the annual meeting "subject to the same incompetent Henry E. - Stoncr and . William E. mbeVs wind storrn as well as solving the problem. Army^Duiy lections thus far amount to $20. Sullivan, who made art unsucccss- to undertake some other of the board of trustees at the A list of the 418 volunteer work- leadership as characterizes the home-of-Vietor D. Shahccn, 2 Sunr 111I hid a vo:ir aen. will he their brojects. • • • era participating in this, year's ited uctiViti< Wlltjli;. party's nominees' again this year for George E. Osterheldt, mit road. Mr. Coffee succeeds Mr. The former school board head RKV Shaheen, who has served as.presi- 12 from This Area Cross drive appears in a full page for Township Committee. .resided, described this year's advertisement elsewhere in today's said he felt he owed an explanation dent for the past three years. To Be Inducted in to his wide host of friends who , Only eight petitions, all Republi- i It as a 'good budget, drafted To Form issue. In addition to the workers can, had been filed up to last night GRASS SEED I trying circumstances in view Other officers for,-the coming listed in the advertisement, the had urged him to scaivPemocratic year are: Vice-presidents', Robert Newark Tomorrow nomination. He .said he' found a with Township Clerk J. Walter critical national .'and inter- Ten present on former Cranford following canvessers are add- Coffee. These included the petitions _. conditions. It was care- M. Crane, Charles C. Goodfellow, surprising lack of sentiment in his LAWN MOWERS Scout Unit men and two Garwbdd residents ed: District 2—Mrs; Fred Beach, favor among the local Democratic of' Mr. Duffy and Mr. Cowpcrth- Iprepared to keep the rate as Jr., John E. Allen and H. Stanley Jtimes Cox and Mrs. CInude Grady; •• ••. MacClary; secretary, Frank Dooley, are among 65. men ordered to re- organization. .Mr. Cooper said he waite for Township Comittce; Mrs. i possible, the mayor stated, District 7-^Mrs. P. G. Tomlinson Florence EHems and Gcbrfic D. No one in Union County has. the selection of ut impairing any of the es- and treasurer, Winchester Britton. port tomorrow morning by Selec- received one or two off-hand tele- CHECK UP ON THE Kiwanis Club Plans tive Service Board 44. Plainfleld, and Mrs. William J. Fredrick; and phone calls from party leaders ask- Rankin for county committee in the lawn mowers that you'll find at A fie A. 1 services to which residents Reelected as directors for three- District 10—Mrs.. Thomas Ben ton. ntitled. Ho said he believed year terms were Clarence Fritz, which serves this area. The man ing if he was going to run, the fourth district; Mrs. Mary Jane •.Select your new mower NOW ! \". • , VERSATIllTY. THE Sponsorship of New- will leave Plainfleld City Hall Mr. Rudd urged local residents to last of which came Friday. At that Glovicr and Mr. Christian for ntire. committee . should be Robert 4. Later, Mr. .^oojey, Jpjjn have their contributions... for their fine work, on Boy Scout Troop Mente, E. Duer Reeves, Errian££{ shortly after 7:S0r'Kr'nT.*-lflr-the . he advised tri;e Democratic county committee in the ninth dis- •••3 when solicitors calf to. avoid trict; George M. Lincoln, county PowJ Mower. $87^0 to $210.00 let. TSventy boys have indicated they Petersen and the Rev. Robert G. Newark Induction Center to begin municipal chairman he would give CAPABILITY, THE necessity of return yjsit»v committee ih the eighth district; will become members of the newLongaker. their army training. it consideration. HUM! Mpwert 16.95 to 3l95 general appropriations The Rev. George Aitcheson, pas- The house-to-house canvass in . Mr. Cooper said he called the and Mrs. Marion R. Jones, county Boy Scout troop to be sponsored by The new president has served as CHAKLE8 >L CmUSTIAN We'll Hold it for you. rare $1,618,593.91, of which tor of the Cranford Gospel Taber- Kenilworth is underway this week municipal chairman on Monday comittce in the tenth district. BEAUTY OF SPRBSG'S 61.71 will be raised by the Kiwanis Club, Russell Hoag- a trustee of the association for the nacle, will be guett speaker at theand a report from this area is ex-and told him in deference to-the 1 I'Of the latter figure, $499,000 land announced Tuesday night at past six years-and formerly was pected next week. Announcement Mr. Albans and Mr. Christian, P. S, — If it snos, we have shovel^. send-off ceremonies, and the selec- -many persons who had asked him. it was announced, have the back-, TRIMLY CHECKED : required for local purposes, a meeting of the club's board of director of the Boys' Camp, lo- was made'that Garwood volunteer to run, he would like to do it. At Girl Scouts to Mark DRESS C 161.31 for local district schools directors. Mr. Hoagland is. chair- cated at Silver Lake, near Hope, for tees will be presented with Gideon ing of a majority of the members SECOND FL«OB workers will be at the. Garwood that time he was advised that the Birthday Anniversary Il98,000 for county purposes. man of the special Boy Scout com- several seasons; He is a past presi- bibles and other gifts. of the Republican Municipal Com- •.si Although the March quota tor Branch of the Westfleld Trust local Democratic organization al- mittee. FASHIONS...AS J appropriations in 1950 were mittee'. ' • dent of the Rotary Club, a director Company next' week from 10 a. m.ready had their two candidates for Commemorating the thirty-ninth k.«89.84, of which $1,243,115.88 Leonard Gipson will be scout- of the Cranford Republican Club, Board 44 was.set at 97 men, ap- anniversary of the founding of Mr. Albans. a native of Balti- proximately one-third of this num- to 2 p. m. to receive contributions Township Committee. hiscd by taxes,, master for the new unit, Mr. Hoag- and has been ' active for several from residents of that borough. Girl Scouting, all Girl Scouts. more, has lived at,. 42 Wall street SEEN AT GOEBKTS pry increases accounted for land said tentative plans have been years in local civic jnnd athletic ber "was deferred because of their "Ifecl that my 12 years'; absence Brownies and adult leaders will 23 years. He is a fdrman for Tide student status. As far as could be J ESTT. ximately $39,000 of this year's made to hold troop meetings Fri- projects. ' from party politics while working attend services jn a body Sunday Water*Oil Company, Bayonne, by ••-••? .Mi, budget hike, while paying off day night in Lincoln School. Stanley F. Gray son, camp direc- learned. Board 44 wijl not send out on the Board of. Education has in churches ih dranford, Kenil- whom- he has been employed 35 :;\V krtain capital improvement Dr.. Henry J. Mineur announced tor for the past three seasons, re- any additional men this month. School Board caused me to lose touch' with the worth und Clark, Mrs. Howard- R. years. He is a veteran of World ' "'•'• p, rather than issue- bonds, that ladies' night will be observed ported the camp enjoyed its most Those from Cranford or formerly local situation and with the per-Best, commissioner, announced War - I in which he served 18 ntcd for about $35,500 more April 3 at a dinntr-dancc in thesuccessful year in 1950 with a total from Cranford who have been or- sonalities and calibre of leadership Monday night at a meeting of themonths overseas in the; 115th In- [ increarc. Salary increases to Oak Tree Manor, Oak Tree. of 245 boy weeks. There were no dered to report tomorrow morning Awards Scroll which the local Democrats-now ap- Girl Scout Council. fantry, 29th Division. He is a past '• :i I personnel was the principal follow: pear to have," Mr. Cooper declared. 12 H0KTM Mt. W, CHANPOR^IU. TU.CM-OJ0I Plans also were made to hold injuries or cases of illness reported The council voted to send two commander of Cranford Post 212, for the jump in the Board an egg hunt for children on thethroughout the entire, seven-week Raymond E. Scheller, 7 Park "If this is so, I am still happy that American Legion and is chairman |ucatiun budget. -^ .. - avenue. • . • . To Cooper I made the , because it wasdelegates to the National Girl Saturday before Easter, period. He said the camp facilities Scout ronfpr«-nr«» in OHnrwr in of its holding company. were at tne highest level sfjice ne —Douglas -A. - Jacks A certificate of appreciation wa3 doing constructive wuik us against A movie and talk street Boston. A . Republican Cornmitteeman Were given by Norman Welsh of has served as director. presented to Walter E. Cooper, re- dealing with petty partinnship from the tenth district for ten •Local Man Mr. Britton reported the cost per Milton Koos, Jr., 12 Hampton tired school board. president, 'at a which seems to. require that a cah- Mrs. E. C, Wolford, chairman of the Alcoa plant in Garwood at the road, years, he served two terms as boy week during the 1950 season dinner last night given by members trldatc's only qualifications be ac-Special events, reported that a chairman of the Municipal Com- I in Korea club's regular luncheon meeting James T. Markey, 221 Retford Section Y conference will be held (Continued on ppge eight) . ('Continued on page eight) of the Board of Education In'the tive membership in a 'dead' unit. mittee. He is a member of Azure . John. A. Lombardi, son of avenue. "The Democratic party affairs in April 4 from 9 a. >n. to 3 p. m at i Thomas. E. Lombard! Mansard Inn, Plainfleld. ' Lodge 129. F&AM. He and Mrs. Robert H. Tool. 516 Lincoln The framed certificate acknow- town seem to be subject to thethe YWCA, Elizabeth. "Work and Albans have four children — Wil- ) Fifth avenue, east, Roselle, Park, east. same incompetent management >ns Fun in '51" will be the theme. killed in action in Korea- Feb- lor Benefit April ledged his "meritorious service to liarti. a student at Occidental Col- Raymond E. Miller, 146 North the citizens and children of Cran- characterizes the same party's ac- A gift-was received in memor-y- leW7-Los Ahgeles, Cal.; PVt. Don- M5, according to a Defense Lehigh avenue. (Contlnucd. on page fight) of Miss Evelyn Morgan. rtment telegram received by ford , through his participation in ald, at Fort Hood. Tex.; Thomas William S. Fay, Jr., 61 Spruce the work of the board as a mem- J.. of Cranford, and Mrs. George , Mrs. Elizabeth Lombardi street. j»it. The family, until two ber for' 12 years, as vice-president Ccffilli. of Pensacola, Fla..AH are II Myron J. Musselman, Lakevillc, for four years and as president- f6r Kraduates of Cranford High School. sb, lived,at 116 Burnside Conn; five years." Health Staff Explains Results ARE YOU PLANNING Demothenes Pappas, Washing- Colonel Christian, a graduate of Lombardi. 23 years old, was Mr. Cooper also was cited as a 9 Drexel Institute of Technology, ton, N. J. "citizen who has given unstinting- mbcr of the Fifth' Cavalry Robert A.; Kicfer, Rosellc. In Schools Blood Typing Philadelphia, where he was born, ly of his time and talents to the is supervisor at Western Electric TO PAINT YOUR HOME 'ent of the First Division. He Those from Garwood are: •\.i walled to service in October, Cranford school system." (Tha /olfouHitf/ article has been lertfy to further transfusions of Kearny Works. 'He' has been with . Robert A. Williamson', 510 Cen- prepared by the health department blood which niay lead-to serious I alter serving 18 months in ter street. . In accepting the certificate, Mr. Western Electric for the past 35 * m 194(i nnd 1947, Cooper said he would cherish it staff of Cranford public- schools ax consequences. years. A resident of-21 Hcrning THIS SPRING? Edward McGlnnis, 320 Hickory a mraiis 0/ clarifying findings in I deeply an one of his valued treas- The blood of every person falls avenue, he has lived in Cranford attended Cranford High' avenue. ..-iv 1 |1 and joined the Merchant ures. the blood typing program being into one or another of four well since 1930. "He served overseas in With our 25 year* - experience in Y a'tcr completihg three A telegram of best wishes was conducted in the scliooU.) dcllned Croups. These croups were the cavalry in World War I, re- the punting business, we are in a posi- I He served 18 months in the Kent'to the retired president from A complete report of the blood originally designated by the Rorn- maining overseas with the Army f ant-Marine. • ' S. K. Thomson of San Dia Base, typing in Cleveland, Sherman, iin numornls I, II, III, IV, but tire of Occupation. In World War,IIV Agency N, M., a former member of the Roosevelt and Lincoln schools now referred to by the letters O. he served in the Corps as tion to advise and help yem with your oi-ji, besides his parents 1 . are ;> slx-wceks-old son, board. shows thnt 1554 out of 1855 pupils A, B, nnd AB, respectively. Aboill ix-rsomicl director of both civilian imbuing problems. , *- Jr., a Brother, Thomas ; Tribute also was paid to Mrs.have ben typed. This is 82 per43 per cent of all Western races and military^jicnal Corps Engi- Ntw» sisttrs, Mrs. Edward Rushed Cooper.-Talks were given by Rich- cent of the total enrollment. belong to Group O and 40 per cent neering Laboratories at Ft. Mon- So whether you plan to redecorate > of Westlleld and Miss Mar- ard Kaul, uewly-clcctcd president In addition,'241 prc-schaol chil- to Group A; IH pur cent und 4 per mouth. He presently is a reserve . l£- Lombardi of the Ro'selle if the board; Dr. Howard R. Best, dren also hud their blood type tak- 'cent below;'to Groups B aiul AB officer and member, of the appoint the interior or freshen up the exterior .New Record Made supervising principal, and Mren; . This brings the crand total up respectively. Members of Group ment and promotion board for Cooper .Guests also .included Dis- to 1705 children. AB are .sometimes spoken of us army ollicers in New Jersey.' .™ of your home, drop in and discuss your LEO PANASEV1CH In Issuing Automobile trict Clerk Herbert R. McCulloueh This procram, possibly the first "universal recipients." Members of He is a charter member and past pox Strike Registrations, Licenses and George S. Saucr,. attorney for of its kind in the stutc, was origi- Group O are called, "universal commander of Cranford Post and problems with us* [ were on the upsurge the board. nated by the school health program donors." ir.Ls been active in Boy Scout work A COAT . .his week with 19 cases The heaviest load of applications committee nnd instituted by the The terms "universal donor" nnd in the troop sponsored.by the post. [disease havinu been reported Leo Panasevich, Violinist, for. vehicle registrations and driv- combined Cranford PTA's. "universal recipient/' though in He is a Republican committceman Full hhglft theektil "mhe^t week to the Board ers* licenses ever experienced kn VFW Post Nominates from the ninth district and is a We Curry a Full Line of t/ymmid in broun/ The primary purpose of the pro-liencml use, arc dnn(!crously mis- ivhitt, navy uhile, ™n. it w:is announced yes- the early part of March by tl Officer*, Sets Election ject was to know in advance theleading. Severe and even fatal re- member of the advisory committee . S 10-16, •''y Htiilth Officer W. , To Present Recital Here local Motor Vehicle Agency wi Michael Slkora and Henry blood group to which every child' actions mny occasionally result of Selective Service Board "44, }• AIHI reported were t^ reported yesterday by Harry Schwarz were nominated for thein the Cranford school system be- from the transfusion of blood of Plaintield. He and Mrs. Christian • SAPOLIN & DEVOE f mcaslos. and one case each Leo Panascvich. violinist, whose He was six years old when he Heins. have two sons. S Sfit. Norman, sta- position of commanded Tuesday at longed. In addition to knowing the Group O into a subject of one of H arid scarlet fever.-One parents reside at 411 South Union began taking lessons from Joseph Population growth in Cranfon the regular meeting of Capt. New- the other croups. Similarly, it tioned in Germany for two-years, COAT SM.ON Kulmcyci- in Cranford. A graduate blood group, it is also Important to as bitten by a dog during avenue, will present u recital and vicinity and an additional ell Rodney Flskc Post 335. VFW. cannot be taken for granted .that a and Charles J., Jr., a student ut PAINTS SECOND FLOOR of Cranford High School, Class of know the Rh factor of each child. Drcxcl Institute. Thursday. April 12, In the audi- number of carsv on the highways Election will be held March 20. subject of Ciroiip AB ca.n ,be trans- torium of Cranford High School. 1939, he pluyed bass drum and were believed by Mr. Hoins to be. Eight administrative positions What is the importance of this •••••• —o— •• tympani in the high school band. knowledge as far as your child is fused with impunity with the blood Piano accompaniment will be by responsible for the greatly • in- also will be filled. Candidates arc: from any of the other groups. To Meet Brooks Smith. Mr. Panascvich continued his creased'demand. Senior vice-commander, Anthony concerned? Children ure always ••••'•, Just a word of advice ... Such procedures ore especially A.«cmblyrnan Joseph The recital, under uuspiccs-of studies with Miss Dorothy Minty In the five days since March 1, Tinco and Mr. Schwarz, and junior recipients; they arc never donors. Two hUQ^rcil and' twenty-threo hazardous in the case of children, Gel vour <;OO1) paint NOW-for your of the State the Musical Club of Wcstfleld, will and , Loute Pcrsingcr, teacher of ending Tuesday, the office had is-Vlcc-coirimander, Joseph S. Rus-Thus the importance of reeeivlnfj eall>: were nude, last .month by the r pwibuW.v-for the reason that they l^for benefit of the club's~schol- Ychudi Mcnuhin; He held u. ffel- sufed z,b&2 passenger car rcgistra- tcll, Mr. Tinco und Joscp•pTri G7 •he-i'ittht-kind-oi-blood is soltcx- Visiting Nurse Association, accord- i'.rc transfused with relatively larg- exterior work. DoifTtleiayl '"« "f the Cranford urship fund. The local musician lowship nl the Julliard School of tions, or 340 more than in the same ".ygmunt, Jr. plunutory. The wrong kind of (q a-report presented Friday at er quantities of blood than urc "••"' "H 8:30 was recipient of tho award for Music and aluMeok an extended period last year. ~ Thomas Butler is unopposed as blood moy produce severe reac- the association's board rtfeetitig in m udults. The donors blood, in con- many years. summer course in Paris with During the same interval, 4,200 <» candidate for quartermaster und tions and even death. Ciatiford Public Library. Of calls sequence, is in relatively hijjh con- >st night by , Mr. Panascvich Is concertmeister Georges Encsco, noted violinist automobile license application* DA Jordan of Rosellc is unopposed If your child has, let us say, 1111 mude, 78 wore paid. MQ were part- centration in the recipients IIIIWHI p:iid and \? were free. mr •„ • Osborne, Jr. with the Ballet Russc. He became and conductor. were processed, representing an in- fo

: •"* V ••••#'.'•••' .. v- THE CRAKTORD- THUIP MAHf^ff, 1, .1181.. THE CRANRMID CrTIZEfl AND CHHOlftCLE, THUtt8DAV. MAftCH 1951 -cm f jge.Twe- volume, and often a handover of Movie Hostesses Receives Patent, bad-weather from'winter, the tt*\ w r~Members~otthe^ra'if | Combined Meeting SH TV ...... _ • "• • ^^ •, , In Republican Freeholder -Race Mrs. A Donald. Green of IB Norman Recital for suit will be a high Occident toll un- Council for Children will "be hos- Set by Colony Club o •• For PTA* March J5 place, a jnetnber of the staff of the less motorists and those on foot teses this month at the Saturday Battle For The Colony Club of Cranford has develiljpmerit division of the Stan- Good Citizen Pttgruit resolve to be more careful. \ For VIA Fashion Show A combine! meeting of all PTA avenue matinee programs. Mrs. James P.' completed plans for the fashion dard Oil Development Company, and Mrs. Charles Schillingcr; groups In Cranford will take place recital for her m Mears, daughter oi« • Chairman Wolf stressed.that the The Roosevelt School auditor- Duffy was in charge last Saturday. at 8 p. m. Thursday. March J5, in show and bridge to, be held Wed- has been •granted a United States ."reshmerits wcro great variations'in March weather ium will.be the setting today for Young Set,'Glenn Geddings, David' Others named were: Mrs. William patent for a method for manufac- j D. T. Mears of U" Freeholder i Lincoln School. Dr. Kirk Seaton. nesday at 1:30 p. nv"ln Ktios Bros., Participating \vj,',:7: lace a senior at Cran- constituted a major hazard to be the annual spring fashion show Angus. Eddie White and' Patty G. Trometter. this Saturday; Mrs. director of guidance and special Church Guild turing a resin' -which may be suit- Gets DAH Award under auspices of the Village Im- rant, and Towrie Shoppe, Miss Rahway. Mrs. Philip Morin. chair- " has been chosen considered by all motorists. G. E. Thurston,'March 17; Mrs. services in the Elisabeth public Mrs. Benjamin Cyphers was able for. wrapping material or for Viretta and Anil;, zohe provement Association. ..The pro-Carol' Koyen, Miss Joan Apgar, Farris Swackhamer, March 24, and man, and her committee met last M^unday, "citizen Pilgrim spon- • Temperature extremes in March Mrs. E. X. Scheideler, schools, will be the speaker. elected president of the Margaret photographic films. Goetz... Carole. S during past years have ranged gram will begin at 2 n. m. Mrs. R. M. Dorian and- Mrs. Mar- Edward White, IV, March 31. night at the horn* of Mrs. Daniel Ciarie's Ford Chapter, V Dr. Seaton. whose topic will be ZJreene Guild'at its annual business Witte. Gayle &*«,. | ers of the American Revo* from 1 above zero to a balmy 80. lhc\ Fashions will represent the new vin Katz. : ._ Nelson Carr To Buck < "Healthy Personality Develop- T. Gregg. 606 Orchard street. t ' ' '«''".' New Hipper meeting Mondav night in Home Agent tc Talk son, Joyce Skates, pa, In March there are often unex- spring numbers now on sale at Also.'-Marian S. Belford — Mrs. Incumbent Republicans ment." will be introduced by Dr. Mrs. Leroy Reigner, chairman of Western pine tree farms In Ora- the First Presbyterian Church. The Jean Belden, jill.o'f QT, 1 the state meeting pected patches of ice at night, re- the various stores in town. Harry T. Rearwin, Mrs. B. J. Eich- The long-rUmored revolt against Carl G. Hanson. The speaker also ipodels, announced that Anthony On Family Duties sulting from a day time thaw. This nger and Mrs. Lucien Dozois; gon passed the milUon-acr* nark date of officers was presented by Nancy Nolan,"Marsha ' Mrs. N. R. Hower is chairman of in 1050 to lead aU other states to nf I disftimi recommendations of Westflcld will be in charge of Mrs- M,qry W. Armstrong. Union n'nri Aiirov n th» ran»l; the •Union~County" Vouthr'Welfarir hair «tylesJor models.- Greehawald,: Mrs. R. cYiiardblosstimedlhtorrcality'tbdaY : the nominating 'committee. and County Home Agent, will speak on Mabyn Reevos nf by the chapfenr driver, the chairman comprises' Mrs. 'Donald O'Fee, Council's Conference held last fail: Gifts of perfume, lipstick Marsha ,and Barb kpor hor ; Last March averaged five degrees fashion consultant; Mrs. Leroy G. Mrs. John Bilney and Miss Cyn- with the filing of primary petitions Those elected were: First vice- bobby" pins will be distributed home ^responsibilities for .the fam- ara ?5 The meeting was an outgrowth of president- and- program chairman, b Westfleld were L. pilgrim. ' , colder than the unusually mild Albert, models; Mrs. Henry Stoner thia Halford. < Gasaune Mator for Mrs. F.lne Li Scheideler of Ro- the Mid-Century White House among guests,,. Mrs. William G. ily at a meeting tonight of. the i With SAE 20 oil. It takes two and selle, one • of the most prominent Mrs. Gerard Phillips; second vice- Pilgrims will- be presented January of 1950, and was 32 per and Mrs. W. J. Angus, tickets; Other merchants participating Conference on Youth. Trometter reported. Flowers will Colony Club of Cranford in the will, be the Cranford Hat Shop. a half, times as much power to turn Republican women workers in the president and chairman of sewing Kegent. They will re- cent- wetter than usual. This Mrs. "S.; Clarence Zander, Mrs. Miss Neva Lee Jemison will sing be arranged by Dehmer's Flower VFW Building. Librarians' sins and be greeted by brought icy roads and, too often, O'Fee, and Mrs. Albert and music. Cranford Bootery, Martin Jewel- over a gasoline motor at zero tem- county, and Nelson L,, Carr, form*. and the missionary project, Mrs. Shoppe and clothes will be perature than at 80^degreei. several selections. J. E. Heney; third vice-president The club's executive board met Miss Suzanne rdriscoll at his office. The skidding accidents. •' * ' Mrs. C. H. Halford. ers and Dehmer's Flower Shoppe, er Elizabeth City Councilmen. ''•.'., livered to Rahway by g he* prganizatiQn.._Identifled_ with many man, Mrs^Ralph-Swann, 424 North bdfthiViU tt-eontinuing-program-''to-prevent Roxanne Espenship, Karen Dorian'. Mrs. Arnold W. Vreelandr selves in "oTHceT~Trrat~~i5 not a 6f the campaigns, in the county, he school:—•. "' .• •—~- ;—~ member of the Roselle Republican held April 10 in the church. Union avenue. A meeting of the Association at its meetin,« er freshman year, Miss traffic mishaps. ' David Dempsey, Freddie. Guyer, healthy condition and it will grow She. reviewed the discussion held been"~painted a light green and U.S. MARINES served as Elizabeth manager for. awarded the DAR Citl- Club, Inc.; as well as a member of on the lecture given by Dr. Geoffry Plans for serving the Men'j floor covering has civics.'department will be held at 9:30 a. m. Mrs. C was Jay Banker and Chrissie Schil- Eg* White. worse if it is permitted to con- State Senator Kenneth C. Hand in new asphalt and Mrs. W. J. Ann , Medal. That year she Expects High the Regular Republican Club of Estey. director .of constructive League dinner on April .26 were been laid. On the second floor, Monday at the home of the chair- linger; Jody- Maida Shoppe, Linda - Egg whites will vhip best if they, tinue," Mrs. Scheideler and Mr. his sucessful-'bid for that office in co-hostesses. Carl H. Mason Opens Union Township and the Westfleld health of the Department of New discussed. Mrs. -E. M. Powers, masonlte tiling waihscoatlng has rUan, Mrs. Duffy, 1 Sylvester street. as secretary of the class and ___ CMM Stwfttags Fredericks, Virginia Albert, Joel arc. first allowed to stand a while Carr said in'" n'joint statement is- 1947, and Has served, the county I held o ce in many Petit Jurors in a dish at room temperature. Women's Republican Club.' A Jersey Health. Dr. Estey spoke on membership chairman,, reported been installed, the balance of the .en h* * Insurance Office Here ' If plans Are beiagmad* to crochet Katz. Robert Katz; Sandra Wil- sued as they- tiled their petitions committee- in various capacities. [and clubs. She is active in AutoTollin The following will serve as petit member of St. Luke's Spiscopal "Gains, in Childhood Education" at that the guild now has* 133 mem- Iroom has been, painted in light Carl H. Mason of 110 Cranford rags from old silk stockings,' cut liams and Diane Williams. ' . with County Clerk Henry C. Nul- The freeholder candidate is bers. She introduced as guests Mrs. I iS chairman of the point jurors in the Union County courts Centennial n Church, Mrs. Scheideler is a mem- a meeting recently of the Union- green and new drapes have be$n avenue, a resident of Cranford for them, straight across - into rings and Also, Winifred Shop, Mrs, A- ,C •ton. . ' u Q • ber of its St. Martha's Guild and vlcc-presiderit3°* **!&. Eleventh Faye Gilder, Mrs. Jean Grant, Mrs.' beginning Monday and until March First successful use of anes- MONET SAVER! •' "We believe that Mr. Rigby and Morris' County Nursery. Associa- ordered for the windows. Thomas Ufarch, April the past 40 years, this week opened then link them together. This trick Expenship, Mrs. Carl A.. Ander- is active in the affairs of the Unity Ward Republican Club and treas- Mary Johnson, Mrs. Alice Marshall Mears was. a counselor-in-. 24: .Winchester Britton. Jr^ 9 thetics for surgery on livestock was Mr, Rowland do not have the back- tion. A. Albans is president of the Leg- a general and life insurance office does .away with all. the sewlitg. son, Mrs. George LaRue Griswold Unit, No. 229, American Legion, urer of the Elizabeth Republican and Mrs. Kitty Strong. - *-••- last summer at the GJrl J. Edward Wolf chairman of the Craig place.; Joseph EDtoury. 102 reported 100 years ago • ing of the Republicans of the coun- ion ' Holding Company, 'which ar- EASTER hc ia a member at 6 North Union avenue. He has and the East End Improvement. As- Club, Inc. He served as general Annual reports of* officers and Camp- S ''**' Cranford Highway Safety Coordi- been . an' insurance broker-agent- Severin court; Mrs. Mary Hadley. •••••••••••••••••••••#• ty, ns testified to by their showing ranged for the renovation pro- Church where she teaches 407 Elm street, and John E. Jef- 1 sociation of Roselle. chairman of the Republican's re- Coins Stolen From chairmen were read and accepted. nating. ComrnjUee, quoting Direct- manager for the past 22 years with in tin 1948 campaign when they cent Lincoln Day dinner }ast month Supper was served by Mrs. George gram. :."," School class, and is vice- fries, 30 Dunham avenue. • finished far below Freeholder Mrs. Scheideler. was educated in Dispenser at Plant thc Young People's or- of Motor , Vehicles Martin J. oflices at 151 William street. Ne'w the - Roselle schools and at the which attracted over Keltin, chairman, assisted by Mrs.. GREETING CAR] nt of York City. Mr. Mason plans to Charles L. Bauer, and'barely nosed An unknown quantity of coins Washington School for Secretaries. supporters. He has long been Betty Keltin. Mrs. E. L. Whittier Wanted: $40 hip- Ferber, warned that unless motor- continue his New York office for out thehighest of the several nde- was wrenched from a soft-drink and Mrs. G. D. Whittier, who also rf pendent candidates. We believe In 1948 she served as an alternate identified with various civic enter- •tSARWOOD — Only $40 is need- •;"•-.•• THE. -V ists and pedestrians exercise more the present but eventually will No heabby »M"|i aboold be prises in Elizabeth and throughout dispenser in the Wood 4 Selick had charge of decorations. placed in a pen that has been va- that their poor showing stems from delegate to the' Republican Nation- Sweetened Cocoanut Co., Inc. ed to attain the 1951 goal of the care during March and April than maintain only a local office. al Convention. ,•'• ' .•••„'' the county., 4 . Devotions were led by Mrs. One of the founders and a past i cated by a sick ope vibl old bedding the fact they they do not truly rep- nt at South avenue; west, and Lawrence. The meeting was. con March of Dimes Campaign, John )RD'S SUNDAY is-anticipated, there will be. more resent , either the people of the A nntive of Elizabeth and a T president of the Cranford Welfare has been , destroyed and the Lincoln avenue,. west, Monday eluded with benediction and the Dugan, chairman, announced last than 110 .persons killed and 5,400 thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. county or the active workers of graduate of Pingry School,' Mr. To Speak on Orchids night, and a few bags of the firm's night. The quota for Garwood is JSTORESCHEDULE Association, Mr. Mason also was singing of. "Follow the'Gleam." injured in New Jersey in these two one of the early members of Trin- the refiulnr Republican organiza- ,air is nn accountant, associated roduct scattered by intruders who $2,000. Mr.. Dugan said the com- Before Men's Group month&a • ity Men's,' Club and long has/ been tion," tneir statement added. '. with the firm of J. D. Presser at 11 entered a rear door, according lo mittee will try- to reach-the goal by Hill street, Newark, tfow a enp- L..W. Huntington of the Lager • • •' . ' C«l»e». . '' a member of the Cranford . Re- The mature bald eagle has a A'native and lifetime resident of .police. •.••...• • • 1 collecting old license plates. Mp 111 N. UNION AYE. CRANF EN TBIS SUNDAY The committee, which comprises pure while head. neck, and taO,' as, ain in the U. S.. Army Reserves, ijifurrell Orchid House in Summit CaMrts born aftei- •. long, hard 7 publica'n Club. He also is a mem- nosclle, where, .she--has -been a Sgt'. William Gasmarin, called by winter may average 10 to 12 pounds torists wishing to donate their Police Chief William A. Fischer, well as white taitcwerts (special homeowner at.320 Second avenue, Mr. Car entered service as a pri- will present a talk, on, orchids Crl 6-1199 ber of the Plainfield Chapter of the Richard'Bottington manager, Tues- less than those born in a normal plates are asked to leave them at Magistrate Charles J. Stevens, Life Underwriters' Association and feathers cowing the bases of enst,'Mrs, Scheideler is IIvst'vice- vate in April, 1942. adapted for the home at the Men's day morning, said that large stones quills). Th« rest of ttM p»v"f is For the six years previous to en- Garden Club of Westfleld at 8 p9 m. police headquarters. ' IU A. M. to 1 P. M. Township Engineer Patrick J. of Trinity Episcopal Church. president of the Union County were used to break glass in the »r.». to I P.M. dusty Federation of Republican Women, Isting in the Army, Mr. Carr rep- Tuesduy in the First Methodist door, which was then unlocked, -j) Grail and Supervising Principul enth ihuk-h. Westfteld - Inc., secretary oi M Howard .K. Best, met Monday night Ward In City Council, serving for A color film, "A Year in the Dirt DAR Luncheon T "7" Durac the last war. Association and llrst .vlcc-ehiiir- in police headquarters with, the • The annual' birthday luncheon of woman of the Union County Re- four years on its finance committee Dobber's Garden," will be shown Nominating Comniittee aOSED for' making Coto's ttoupe of dmodng bafJeritw Crane's Ford Chapter, Daughters from steel freed an estimated 911.- publican Committee, of. which she as well as on other important com- at the Ladies' Night meeting. SUNDAY chairman. • mittee assignments. * William D. Giufton of 104 Sev-Named by PTA Some March accidents are due toI'oC the American Revolution will 00O.D00 «mmds ot copper tor otter A trustee of Elizabeth's Central erin court became a member, of the GARWOOb — The following treacherous weather, but rnost mis- be held Tuesday at the home of wartime ••••••••••••••••••••••• Baptist Church, the candidate for j group at the. February, meeting members of the Garwood PTA r's, BeD's, Mrs. A. H. Crowell, 4 Berkeley haps ICKUH from violations of safe- place. The* state conference will freeholder formerly served as a d L. N. Smalt, nlsp of Cranford have been appointed to the nomi- nn ty regulations, the chairman de- take place next Thursday and Fri- membcr of the church's Boy Scout nating Coommittee: Mrs.'. Dorothy Scher's liouisiana bast the Ugbeat gasoline SUPERIOR MIND was., a visitor.' The group, affiliated clared, With an increase in traffic day In the. State House, Trenton. Troop committee.' with the .Men's Garden Clubs of Tearse, Louis L. D. Nicolello. Mrs. tax ia tne United States Following his graduation from America,' meets the second Tucs- Conrad Rieder and Mrs. Walter Silvers. ' v Pingry School, Mr.. Cart studied at day bf each month. Columbia. University until' his as-. Mrs. Silvers also js in charge . U '•' l\ •- • A H *Uart»'rt'UlthU th bkig Invest the summer round-up, which wl ,wlth the banking Invest- Antenna Stolen ' be held next month. The teachers^ Ajt oX Foster McCon'nell & luncheon will be held in May. ;•;•••."• . Co.,' wh rexhe remained until he Mrs. Carolina Schneider of 14 entered service.; Mr. Carr was English village told police Tu \'^imM!MiMM;M: president of the Pingry Alumni day that the radio antenna of he These beautiful pint available in aa Association in 1840 and 1041 andcar was stolen and a side-view presently serves ns his class rep- mirror bent while tne ' car was assortment of gem colon—> 4^( |||| ^ H.50 RUMITS fRIMDl resentative in the association. ... parked at night on Claremont. ave- Mr. Carr has been a member of nue.


Cy Take$ Pleasure iiAMTIfULlY CLEANED j OURS 1 Wimm in IB Another Addition JLH8I ' 1 ^B^M TO THE Soft water can save up to m% «m aoap-25% on elotlMs—24% on water beating coaUl CHECK FAMmY! CaU D«aler to imUll hi* water. softMwr in year

RED CHECK ANY ;'.. 4-YEAR-OLD 'HOUR GOLD CHECK 2 SUITSIM 2 MOSIS WEST INDIES can buy UM autoaiatlc- SERVICE AT BLENDED WHISKEY featura Cul-mmtic. Ex- 1 SUIT elusive! This unit can "inUrchanj*" With ft- PLUS ti49'.* \ RUM ular awvkw ion«a«r for •1 MISS JH 4H0U*$ ; .j'i 5th Four fashion-right sho«s lor Hw mt* season,.. {usl o Ufiu Pint CHARGE IT AT NO ADDED COST! of the many patterns by NoturaKzer. Well show you BOTTLED EXCLUSIVELY FOB TOKEN'S Economical CUL l»iwaJ»««aiiiily for washing «nd dress-up styles in pumps and sandals ... bright, colorful - cUaniag ia aaft casuals. ^. trim suit shoes... sturdy walking shots. You'll "YOUR PERSONAL JEWELER" water. CoaUlaiMnt <& and »»StB- •••.I- ing Lanolin. 8UDSatioa«l CUiikj marvel at the value, quality and fashion of Nohwofay, ^^ priced from ; WLIGAN to 12:25 'SMVICE 27 North Union JW«nu« CRanford 64718 LIQUOR STORE CULUGAN CranfonL N*w

•^ /.• r. • FREE DELIVERV -r— Soft Water N '"Where The Shoe Fiis" STORE ALSO IN WESTFIELD OTTO i. SCSJA1BU. CRusfonI 6-3272 21 N. Union Ave. -:- CRanford 6-0150 45 NOITH AVE, - STORE HOURS 7:30 A. M. TO 6 P. M. p^'Sisa 8^^

BIRTHS RepubUcttn JfomenUf^Jotn Hat Been Announced 718 'Willow strett Announcement has been made the birth of a son of the. engagement of Miss Mildred on February is, „ March Against High: Prices T. Richetti, daughter of Mr. and Hospital, Ptainfield. The Cranford -Women's Repub-»- Mrs. Peter W. Richetti of 250 lican Club has joined VWomeh on Clay avenue, west, Roselle Park, Mr. and Mrs. Art] New York hjave the March," an organization formed Roger BeUars to Wed to John M. Jones, Jr., son of Mr. : English Girl Saturday and Mrs,. Jones of 407 Manor birth of a son. A by the Westfield Women's Republi- pue. •, ..' . ' .••".•. March 1; Mrs. A>ta can Club in a state-wide program , Miss Anita perrey, daughter of The bride-elect attended pier LucyCaruso. ii; 4o combat' inflationary prices. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perrey of selle Park High School and is em- Michael Caruso ol nue, east. • A discussion on the movement Devon, -England, ployed in the IBM department ot| Pyro Plastics Corporation, Union. •«-r»c at the local bride Saturday, at 2 p. m. of Roger cluKi*s. Executive board meeting- in Mr. and Mrs. Citr,-r r School and "Union Junior Col iChurchrVu" the home of Mrs. William Olsen. son and step-son of Mr. Paterson .42 Bumsidc avenue. • •• : During World War H, he served of a- dau-h of 3 Blake avenue. The Rev. Frank three years with the army. He is Mrs. Grace Te^lol of Westfield, V. H. Carthy, rector, will officiate. employed by the Watson-Stillman Washington . who -founded the movement, will A reception for about SO guests Company, Roselle. , Washington. D. C T address the local group at an open will follow at the Blake avenue ad- The wedding will take place in Mrs. Robert W. GUthrie; at right, reviews plans with her rt^ih^Wtt^ aiuiuat d*nee of grandparents are 3lr ting here,soon. : dress. J. Reade of Balmiere Mrs, Kenneth Hicks of Philadel- June. the Cranford CoileKe Club. The, affair win be held Saturday, Marco 17k ftW4 » p. tin. io 1 a. ,m. at . EdwarEdard Rose 11 of the Union the Plalnfleld Country Club. Music wiU be by Bud Laird's Orchestra. The committee includes, the paternal gran^pai phia will be matron of honor and mated from, left to right. Mrs. John Garber. Mrs. William B. Angli, Mrs. Albtrt M. Gesster and and Mrs. Charles Q. JJ^ County Court House will speak on, Jack Klein of Cranford "-will be •Politic* Is What We Make it." at Selectee Given Series Mrs. Burton C. Belden, arid standing, Mrs. John L. Brennan, Mr*. WlHiam tt., Old, Mrs. HollisL. pleton, Wis^ formert? e{ ( best man. Ushers will be Edward Leland, Mrs. G Michael BarUe. and Mrs. William J. Thompson. Miss Helen Higbl*. also a member Clifford Dora is an ' the club's regular meeting next Shelvey of Lowell.-Mass., Edward Of Farewell Parties of the group, is not in the picture. . " " - Thursday at l:'3O p. m. in the town-"] Robert H. Tool of 316 Lincoln entist with the N Connolly of Elizabeth, Frank Nel- Standards in W ship rooms> Literature dealing son of Rosette and Robert Bergh Announce Engagement pat*k, east, who will leave tomor- with the organization of political Home Ceremony Hetd Eleanor Wasa Feted / Rainbow Girls Hold couple have one of Crantord\ .. • Of IS or ma Simmons row with a group of selectees from' ford G., Jr^AL* y groups, tfpgardless of party affilia- David Paterson will' give the Official Visit Mr. and'Mrs. Ransom Simmons Plalnflefd Board 44, was given a ForWinifredLisowski &t Surprise Shower --4^1 tion, will be distributed : • bride in marriage. Miss Perrey Mis* Eleanor Wass of 238 North first effilcaf visit of Azure Two new members, Mrs. Mich- Miss Winifred i. lisowski, Members of the arrived here from England about of 121 North avenue, west, have. series of farewell tributes last daughter of Mrs. Winifred LJsow- avenue, west was, honored Friday Assembly 4i», Order of Rilhbow and Mrs. Fay, were intro- two weeks ajjg^ghe_will_wear^a ajin_ojjinera]Th%jmBaBemcirit"qf' at a surprise shower giv«n~byMrs-[for Girls was held Tuesday in theseries held at the- duwd. MrsTEuclen DOTOIS, presi- sMjrf_3^p, ^ and Country Club White net dress and a family veil daughter, Norma Ruth, to Charles . On Friday, 6fl\ce associates atirled last Thursday to Ewald Lud- John W. MiSelsoft of 498 Lincoln Masonic Tempter Lillian 'McKeen dent. presided. \ which had been the wedding veil Leroy Dravis. son of Mr. and Mrs. avenue, east. Decorations were in of Cranford and Lorraine Berich a! dance of the winter the All-State Insurance Co., Newwig of New York and Hampton, day' night- Those ... • . , • • • • '.. • of seven' others in the familyv Miss Charles Dravis of Roselle. An- rainbow colors. Gifts were ar- of Rahway were initiated. Re- York City, feted Mr. Tool at aN. J. .The ceremony was performed Cranford were Mis Mr, and Mrs. WinJhrop S. Pratt Perrey will carry yellow ISrid "white nouncement was made Sunday aft- cocktail party. He was presented'at home by the Rev. Albert Allin- ranged under a sprinkling tan. freshments were served. «M> Pslrida Weldknecht or 4 English Village hairerettfrned roses. • ' A cake sale will be held Satur- Donald. Miss Marrb l ernoon at a dinner party in' honor a camera from the entire, company ger, pastor of Cranford: Methodist 'Guests were Mrs. Stephen Wass, Jane Chamberttn. I . senior at Wa«her a month's trip toTforida. The matron of honor will wear a of the couple at the Saddle Inn, staff.'; .- • • .•'"• .'.••.' Church. . Miss Betty Wass, - Mrs.'. J. Juve, day, March 17, in A. 4 A. Hard- has te salmon pink gown and will carry ware, 12 North avenue, west. gle, Ronald H. Post. Saddle River. '" Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Fritsch of 986 The couple were attended by N.Mrs. George Schletrum, Miss Caro- William Douglas Mr. and Mrs. William F. Herzog a Victot^an posy. Flowers at the Park' terrace, 'Union, entertained E. Lisowski of Washington; N. J.,lyn Iannaccorie, all of. Cranford; 1 altar will be Eucharist lilies, snap- Miss Simmons, a graduate of Mrs. J. • Jit>Banker 'of Makatom Stanger. . she' is the daughter , l«0NLT OWE CENT 2. STORE WIDE LOV of 29B Parkway Village visited at a dinner party which also-cele- brother of the bride, and Miss Eu- Mrs. J. Black of Summit, Mrs. drive entertained last week at a 3. ALL ADVERTISED 4. PRICES PLAINLY Mrs..Tally of Kew Gardens, L. I.,dragons and gladioli. . Cranford High Sch'ool, is em- F K. Weidknecht of 2o4 5. ITEMIZED CASH REGC 6. MONEY-BACK GUAR. brated the birthday of his sister, nice' Lisowski of Cranford, the Frederick Preuss ol Garwood and bridge for benefit - of the - Union Miss Beverly I End plate. ,\ ;•' ' •>"• t»at<»FIt ON YOUR PRICES ON HUNDREDS PRICES GUARANTEED for the week-end. . . ' After a wedding trip to Niagara ployed' in the payroll department Mrs". A. C. Fritsch, Saturday eve- Mrs. Frank Hammer of Yonkers, MARKED ON ALL ISTER RECElPT.To make ANTEE OF SATISFAC Falls, the couple will live at 211of the Singer Manufacturing Com- bride's sister. County Cerebral Palsy League. At- Orchard street, 0OLLAlLTo«hableyouto OF ITEMS EVERY DAY, FOR A FULL WEEK to ning. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K, After a short wedding trip, the N. Y. •••'.•,•••• •.•'••• tending were Mrs. G. Holmes Wil- and Mrs. Walter F. students from Crantord ITEMS. To let you see what it easy for you to check your Dr. and Mrs. J. E. ,Mclendt of Sevei in court School, Roselle, and is employed by Tool with gifts at a surprise party Springfield avenue. • "A&P gives you'a cash tegis- guarantees to refund the full groom served two and a half years Cranford High School and is a H. J. Schack, Mrs. Marlin S. Sleg. or.'N. Y. Miss __ of "The St Matthew of save on your total food hill . eludes prices o/ items not . on Suiici.<.». Watson Stillman Company, Ro- Sunday night at his home'- Guests cent on a -prices on all items .. . not / ter receipt on w*"*h each one in' the Bt itish, Avmy, He Is em- teacher at Roselle-High School Mr.' and Mrs. Alexander W. Mrs. J: J. Monahan, Mrs. W. Juat. e of Southern - March,23 in-the Rutgers any day you shop. purchase price of any article .selle. from New York, Millbum , and subject to price ceilings. just on the shelves. ployed by Wood and tiellck. Her. husband is a certified account- Bowling of 6 Willow' avenue en- Reich and Mrs. E. W. Tingle, aU Vista. Va.. andt a junimr at J angim. They are Mis* Mar- is itemized. that fails to please you. . Mi. ;r 33c " 6 Hillside place entertained .AH fly at.tho Hotel Suburban in Sum- Mr., and. Mrs.- Robert Jt Patton Tool, was present. ^ :el Institute of Tech- AUjtrice* $houm here (including those of item* not subject to price ceilings) mit. - ' : They will "attend a\ concert, by the day, - ". ':•':-• ;..;• 1 •••. r puests at bridge and canasta Sat- of "117 -Oak lane entertaWeaT at- a Mr. Toiol wa's graduated, from igi: wJladelphia. having the Customers' Llbby's Garden Peas «54 ox. can 12c i7ox. can 20c urday night. . Germahtown Philharmonic. Mr. and Mrs. James Hay of 21 are guaranteed—ThursdayyMarch 8th through Wednesday, March 14th. dinner party Saturday, for Mr. and'Cranford High School and from * ilastic marks, has Mrs. Robert Morris of 207 South Mrs. William Crevllng of Reno, Berkeley place , entertained Sun- Union Junior, College prior to join- Among guests ata Washington's *. the government in Lord Molt String Beans " <>i. can 2 for 33c Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Kuriger of Union avenue was hostess recent- Nev., formerly of Cranford. Guests ing the New York "insurance firm. -Birthday dinner dance in Ant-da1y in honor of the .ninth birthday, M**t th* worm cprino sun en o«in Corner • anniversary of their daughter, Suz- umdtckt owejtktokins *e n •to campl«e his four-year 5 English Village were guests last lv at a luncheon and canasta party. were from South Orange and St^t- werp, Belgium, were Mr. and Mrs. the teech. OtBdious -eotfc Diced Carruis * tora 20 oz can 2 for 21c Mr. and Mrs. «. E. Kiesllng ol anne: Guests were Kathy, Barbara *i graduation, week of Mr. and Mrs. George F. en Island. Mn and Mrs. Robert E. Crane E. E. Powell and Mr. and' "toll Atfentic~( i military lof-theout- Get YmmrMmmeg*m,Wmrtk•/G—dKmtlmmWUk 17 Hamilton ayentie were hosts for H. McKim, formerly of Cranford, and Annette Kaeser, Frank, Billy, ] two; ; in — Wax Beany:—(•tlabU-fineycut . t?ai e*n2f6'35e Barrc of Bellerose, L. I. of Central avenue left Tuesday for Mr. and their bridge club on Saturday. .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris 207 ind Mr..and Mrs. W. T. Dicken- John, Anne, Elizabeth arid Thomas Ik i«'the standing meat Values We offer at A*P. a month's vacation at Vcro Beach, O'Donnell, Billy and Lorraine iCSiristhn of 21 ling ave- Veg-All . • oz. cart 10c 17 «*. can ] 6e Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Dorian of 28' South Union avenue entertained Fla. . son, formerly of Elizabeth.. Mr. Hamilton avenue have returned Mrs. James ' Glfford Scull andrecently nt a family dinner party Powell, Mr. McKim and Mr. 'Dick- Woodruff . of Roselle, Jacky and A T I A M T I C| But we know that value, means more /// IK-ltKiJIT MRATS fn.m a six weeks' Vacation, in Mi-Thomas Scull of Atlantic City qnd in honor of Mrs. Morris' birthday nson are employed by .the Stan- Ricky Hay of Garwood.and Patty ON THE IOA10WAIK AT MM IUCC Royal Anne Cherries libby 17 oz. can 29c Mrs. A. B. Lewis of 4 English Hanry X Vwtrc, dun just low prices. I / When you buy "Supcr-Riglit" meals you can be content that an-.i, Fla,.- . Sidney H. 'Souter 'of Stamford, anniversary.. Guests attended from Village, formerly of 304 Central dard Oil'Development Company. and Jimmie Hay of Cranford. Conn., Weihe guests Sunday of Mr. pmervllle, Long Island and Brook- Ijtr. snd Mrs. James _. Prune PllimS A&P fancy 30 or ran 29c your money's well spent. For lliey'r* selected for tc»iler, juicy . avenue, has returned from a stay I IS S"*"*"* aumue. Wi_^,.. Thafi u;hy owiMled meat buyer* ore Mrs. David N. Brown, Jr., aridand Mrs.' J. R. MacDonald of 215lyn. • . • • at Springfield, Mass. goodness, cut and trimmed to give you full value,-and priced son, David, III, of 12 Craig place, Orchard street. • IMTIJ' of 210 Juirabeth aven Jrmned to bum Quality and insist upon it. Apple Sauce A&P 20 oz. can 2 for 29c ; s Hem s&jHnled to the me w, as low as market costs permit. • returned recently from a'visit with' Mr. and Mr?. F. A. Weidknecht .Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lyons of 35 \ 3 ctnTifcittee of Theta Beta Fruit Cocktail Dal Monla or Libby 30 6«. can 39c her mother at Deer Isle, Me. Sgt. William E.' Shuler, who isof 204 West End place were hosts / that** *)hy our $kUl*d butcher* ore ;; Spruce street returned last Thurs- a sorority at Upsala College, stationed at the Great Falls, Mon- dt a Sliced Apples 20 ot. can 20« ' - Mrs. Violet Anderson of 2 Alden tana, Air Force Base flew home Guests .were Mr. end Mrs. S'.' AdSan Francisco, Calif. They made street entertained Judy Crutch- last week-end to spend a 15-day Blomqulst,' Lt. and .Mrs. '.Phillip thc-trip by plane. • ' • t. '.• »«'<•' ~mtxuraUiyt wrap it securely... in short, Plllsbury*s Pie Crust Mix 9 oz. PV0. 2 Mr 31c field. Candy Crutchfield, Kathy furlough with his mother, Mrs. Laub and Mr. /and Mrs. Robert Maiy Ellen Reinert, a at Radclilfe College, to pvoyou the kind of most and service Hzinscl. Gretchen Hansel and Bet-Anna Shuler of .34 Forest street. Blomquist of Staten Island. Dr. Neil Castaldo of Lincoln Yellow Cling Peaches ion* 2?oz.can27c DICKS . Lsng Islanri's fliest—Nt. 1 gride Ib. sy Hansel at a tea recently. ir. Mass- has been named avenue attended the annual con- (*f dran's list for the first se- Mrs. J. M. Rcllly of 113 Oak lane RalfltonaRy-Krisp >' „ . . •n.pi f.2le Ready-to-Eat Hams who!, or •i.h«r half lb.65c Mr. and Mrsi Joseph Ash Baxter vention of the American College of '. She will appear tomorrow I Plate and Navel Beef Fre. pig 29e Boneless Brisket Beef fv.ih o> com«d ib 89c from' a four-day visit with Mr. they attended the preview of thehis eighth birthday anniversary. ',a»»atdepartment j better place to iiiy ihe college'and the Har- Pprk ChbpS Hip and.ihouldtr cull ahd Mrs. Russell Harris of Lowne- w Rodgers and Hammerstein Guests were: Stephan. Anderson,. Thomas N. Britton, a junior at I GUARANTEE A DRY CELLAR OR YOTJ itend for benefit of the student ehoD, I^NMO let us know. Please write: Burry's Homespiih Cookies iu.pkg.43e tb43c Corned Beef Plata and naval ib 39c* '.I 1 Donald. Patton, Bobby Johnson, •'I ville and Seventh Lake. -N. Y. musical, "The King and I.: Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. •bod.'.' Loin Pork Chops c«nt«r cuu Tommy Arth, Iain Rellly, Jimmie! spent the week-end ,with his moth- RELATIONS DEPT. Burton's Cake Frosting • . i5o» i«33c tb.73c Boneless Soup Beef «, «. « • Mr. and Mrs. George Gundersen, Mrs. L. Etlenne O'Brlah of 211Coffee' , Bruce Nostrand, Arthur er, , MrsMi . Richard E. Britton of 39 D6N»T HAVE TO I*AY ME A PENNY. Schult^ and Edward Coe. ' South ; icon E. Hanson, daughter Food Store* B&M Baked Beans i3oz.etnl6« iloz|ar22c Fresh Pork Shoulders short cut ib.47c Frankfurters skmi.ji Sr.. of Bradenton.Fla.-, have been North Union avenue is recovering Union avenue. fcaad Mrs. John J. Hanson of n> 65« visiting their son and daughter-in- satisfactorily from an emergency Nev York 17, N. Y. Ilimooln avenue, is a member Del Monte Tomato Ketchup « oz. bot. 20« Fresh Spare Ribs c * c .» J • ib. 53c Pork Sausage • • Meat ib 53c LM ib 63c law. Mr. and Mrs. George Gunder- operation performed Tuesday night Using staff for the sen, Jr.. of 210 Elm street. . at Muhlenberg Hospital, Plain-1 Call CRanford &4888 : at Bates CoUeg*. Lewis- Sauce With Meat BallsChalBoy-Ar-DaalSHoz tai.33e Fresh Hams ' Whole or «tth«r h»i» Beef Liver Spacially taUcltd Ib. 75c field. j4tl*k Out He. A junior. Miss Bates is Mrs. Howard M. COndlt of 14 UNHEABDI nac in English. She has been Bakers 4 in 1 Cocoa <:; • •Mib.pkg.21e Leg or Rump of Veal • • « » Bacon Squares sjgvcur.d ib 39c English Village has returned from Mn and Mrs. Frank Cordes of ASK FOR MR. LEONARD i «n Ae dean's list Breast of Veal • o. visit with her daughter, Mrs. 418 Casino avenue have returned Evaporated Milk Whiit HOUM fail can 2 far25 C fb. 35c Oxtails - for ioup or braiilng . . Ib 3.9c Charles Estel from a two Weeks' trip to AMERICA'S FOREMOST OF THESE! • • • nHaLll phia. They made the trip,by boat. En \d Mr. and Mrs. P. J. wjbelari ington Instant Coffee 4o*.iw51o TriPCV '""' Honyycorob : ''rb 39c route home by plane, they) spent TJSprinsfieM avenue, has been W. C. McPhersoh of 8M Casino some time inCuba. *«S «n the research commlt- Pllhbnry Pancake FIoirr^-^MoeSagTlTo Smoked Pork Butts tonetes* b79c avenue, who has been confined to fl international relations FISH his home by illness for the past Mrs. Edward C. Earhart, Mrs. t«Mte«noe last week-end at Ann Page Syrup , « • • t2oz.boHi«25c Sliced Bacon Sunnyfi«U-«uo»t cured Ib 65c mimth. is reported convalescing M. S. Decker. Mrs. William H. Holx-oke. South Hadley. VALUES . satisfactorily. Chase and Mrs. A. J. Davles at- A iophomore. Miss Whelan Airwick . • •, i . . 4 • SHecboHi«59c Smoked Beef Tongues No i grid* ib 63c » member «rf the Mount tended the Presidents' Qay pro- Florida Orange* u Chopped Beef Fraihly ground • b. 65« Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman Kelting gram of the Women's Literary Club Xea-s Bureau and ihe col- Twenty Mule Team Borax , ib.pkg.18c Fresh Smelts Kr.lohheiewn tb 29c have moved to their new home at of Bound Brook held at the Middle ea-s" Yellow Onions u.s.No.iBr.d. Mackerel Fancy Ib 27« liluefi^Il Fancy Ib 39c 41A Parkway Village. Mrs; Ken-Brook Country Club. l BoraXO ' Qaanihandl • ' loz. can 17«' • ing is the former Betty Jane Stens- But by becoming a member of our SUIT « Joanne Gete. a freshman »t Maine Potatoes u. s. No. 1t noV-AtiM lOtb. b.o3 Palmoli ve Soap * . ^ bath tiia caU 2 for 25c Cod Fillet b 39c Smoked Fillet ib 45c land of Short Hills. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Thomas of how -being organized, you" will have * Junior College, Aubum- 728 Linden place have returned credit to apply against the purchase of a sa*J K5- is a member of the Washed Spittack RaadyWeok 10 oz. c«llo bag 25« Cashniere Bouquet Soap bathntaca4«2f«>r27e SHARP CHEDDAR . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boyd of 6from'. a months' motor ' trip rot rat and ticket committee for Jmmm *mrker Cold or Mmrhtm -I Madison avenue are entertaining to St. Petersburg, Fla* Mexico City " coat. Almost seems like a price reduction' P**nlation of *T»» Would- String Beans Florida • H,15c Lux Toilet Soap . *\ , i»*iirtui.2i«25« his mother, Mrs. S. C, Boyd of and San' Francisco.' The return S11." .* thre^act Ever rot t. Wash. Mrs. Emory trip from California was made by YOUNGER SET .yousjelect your clothing. Or the credit ma?| i Anjou Pears OrtgonSlal* ib.l2c £ this week PaUNDCAKE Haughen, his sister, has returned plane. used for the purchase of men's furnishings. I as 31* daughter of Mr. ^ mien Food VaiUett to Everett. Jo** A. Gete of 7 Hernihg Escarole Florida ib,Bc - • —o Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Miuus or shoes. - Clam Chowder Campbailt WH6i.canJ6e Mr. and Mrsi Robert A. Blom- of 9 Tuxedo place entertained, at a YOURSELF! Avocado Pearsf California •»chl9« quist have returned from. Wil- dinner party Saturday In honor of| And you may be one of the weekly winners* Carr. a senior at Wells Creanrof Tomato Soup H«ins Km •(.can 1O« SHceH JSwiss Domeitic liamsburg, Va-,. and are now resid- Dr. and Mrs. Hans Beller. Guests . Aurea-a. N. Y^ sang twd Sweet Apple Cider Uf gallon 29c gallon 49c ( /Minute Him) •# « • • • * ««*.»*«.39e Imported Swiss Switzerland Oihmr Jamo Parkvr TsuHxtmt ing at the Carolina Garden'satuvust, twNeww IWCIwerCe Mr*»»• .. ativandi MrsWID<. V*U*IJohnI GUe»^>«««,^ , *••Mr• •. pay as little as $1.00 for this full $25.00. a the annual Young Artists* V Th« CHKKERING SomMnghom • ' • • . • * • Dorp. Staten Island. Mrs. Blom-jand Mrs. Hubbard Nltchie of Ro- ***«**« by the Wells Cham- : IV* Fun! iedra Monday, at the Amm JPau Spaghetti Xrianco-Anwlcan/ 15H t. can 2 'or 27« Imported Bleu Danlih ib59c Sponge Dessert Shells « b P^O °I 6 'or 20c quL nteny mocfe/s and finishesjoF Mm world's Your selections may be made from thes* f «»Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H, Cherry Pie Janaivk./ a»ch57c '« » Elmora avenue. Is a the line to give you top quality at thrifty prices! Medium Red Salmon som*** Ched-O-Bit Cheese Food . V2 ib. pk0.29c finest pianos. You couldn't compan tbeso torn* matces of ICs Economical! \ ally-advertised brands: ^wat Wells. Shelspres- Light MeaLTuna \ sohan. Marvel While Bread „ a ,*. 1 n>. toai 15« TIP TTOP SERVICE pianos in oH N«w York without going from sfora fo tton °« ?)e wusic club, secretary Macaroni ft Spaghetti lfc.pkfl.17c Velveeta Cheese Food • . V£ ">. Pi0.37c |* totr-Club CounciL a mem. find fravvling from fnra« fo four miles between stores. Clothing by White Meat Tuna cMckVk tha u* 7,* can 43« lb pk SStt Hot Cross Buns u j u 3 pis oil()tor35« With Every Employee on Hit Toe* We hnvc every- r»»e tjjorus. and for the third Thin Macaroni . # Iib.pkfj.17a Kay Natural Cheddar • * V2 ° Tn* prlcel of mete illustrious pianos an standard. But FASHION PARK BOTANY thing you'll Gorton's Brick Codfish ^ • Snappy or Pippin Roll . 3orpk 20o Froavn Foods nW« arm many advantages in choosing your piano at CLIPPfcR CRAFT Egg NootUes • • • 1fc.pkfl.27e w S need for your sA&hrship. She Js a grad- d*^fdjn School Icardsley's Codfishakes \ WH ««.<«• 2(K> Fresh Milk tod.n. tt—iZutt 47c I«I-2«H< 45« Orange Juice uby'i 60*. on 22c Griffiths in New Jersey. We will be glad to give you full de* Easter and Furnishings by Prepared Spaghetti • tailsl Wev^f/bepleatedlocmiVyouincnootingafiiiepiono.' Spring wardrobe. MANHATTAN ARROW Peanut Butter * « Blended Juice MinuiaMaid o or e»n 2 '<* 35«. >"V1 Now uikf usecf gronoSf tptnm% ono uprights* Ternis fo stuf* SWANK BfeAU SEW. and SAVE! 1UCK0K Cut Green Beans t»Aw* 10 or pig 22C Everyone is Green Peas libby't 12 oz pkg 2 (or 13c ?7t) Sprhtyfiehl .Itr., ftifmmii STIINWAY CHiaWIM€ HAIDMAN KIMIAU Hats by MlSEItf WIMTtt MINIriANO WUIUTKR "Doing It — STETSON LEE CoflW Cj, You Caw, Too! • DININC, Mm ihmC0ii99 tmr Yrnml EggS Worthmor. 12 or pig 25« Shoes by • -COCKTAILS NUNN BUSH EDGERTON: BaM-froth. Cnstoai Cronnd A»P Cof- /i$nr ; fee coats lew tliaa other coffee, of Copyright 1951- Coconut Cream Eg£« cito:oiat« eov«red 1 ib box 35« • n:\xouuTs START NOW — TODAY! parabWbWi qualityliy.. Ye Yett n noo coffe coffeee cacann A • OrXN'KK OANCRS soiovox v - •J.i s*r» yyouu more good cop* ptr pound g ^I Hahhlls Will • WKDDINOS Cajitfr, mt Mow Mrmy" tQ FABRIC ill GRIFFITH PIANO COMPANV - MM & ir«-u>w b 77c Campfire Marshmallows Dromedary Cake Mixes Libby's Baby Foods Wesson Oil Bon Ami Cleanser Homoganizad or chopped SVIIMWAT MNISINTAtlVIS J CENTER RUH & wi-bodied ' b 79e Ilk. r i For salads or for cooking HaVf icrakUd y.l Ostta BUcAur aad Circim ^ 33c UM Call,Mm CorpntU'r for 'anointwail pit UOAO SitUT, NIWAWC1, NEW JERSEY StoipJkttv nd McCUl PmtUrns VlgoroiH & wloey •>. SlC 'A 33. 10 .i« 97c •2'b 25c SU 6-3000 1S-K NORTH AV&. W. Of«a FfMay Evenings Cra*.t-UM $ 18 North Ave., W. GrwifonI 6* N*U' TS» Matt* . • •. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••A************** J aim 103 MAN STREET (heir U. S. Post Office) CRANFORD ^ •-. ''*' '.'. .' ' o1 : f /: v V ; ^'•^':\"'•"" y '- ':'.} " -^ .' i;:',; "i' ^'.' /•.•./"•••-.•• /.•'.''"'';••"'' .\;\'"' •'•' .:•/• :-..'"•'. "V-:- CrnZEM . AMDrCHgO THK CRANFORD CTTKE1N AKP TPUBSOAY. MARCH 8. 1951 Robins AireHere -V- pair of brown thrushes. son's Guide says that masters '"Sj urscrv _and Herman Int«?rtuitioBalJT- jure sign* of spring,' has been a public hearing on the question of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. / " ; Presbyterian Church tomorrow at • '.-• .•'•-•„< \ (' •• • set designer. The group met Tues-. d more spectacular than ever the church on April 7 for the cubs Heads Newcomers •The club announced a card par- . Monday morninc W Muhlenberg side place, a sophorrmre at ton, Joe Longi, Pete Welland, Gail Miss Nancy • Rubright, a senior wife of a Princeton professor of world 'federalism tomorrow in 8:15 p. m. in the church gymnas- Union Junior- College will offer day at the home of Paul Dunham, spotted here by several eager resi- fore according to an announce- fcnd/their.,parents. The Anmui' theology. Mrs. Clifton W. Stpckborgtr wiis ty at Koos Bros.,,Rahway, at 1:30 Hospital, Plainficld, after a long ford High, School, W,w twOnM Bririkman, Carol Lovett, Karla ;)t Cranford High School, won first Trenton.' Another (jroup will 1»> William M. KoUmyer. Jr. ,_, ium-auditorium. ' ' secretarial courses in September 807 Prospect avenue, with Richard dents. And not only that! Mrs. ! Soap Box Derby will bo held elected president of the Newcom- p. in. Monday, to which the public 1 last week and a librarian J?5 ,ni'-by Alex Stescnkp, produc- Niodrach,--Pa.t VanDuyne, Kenneth, place last week in the annual ora- A revie-w of the,book,' ^Assign- present a't i\ forum Monday morn- illness.' ' • :•''. Funeral services were held Sjat- Congressman Siesmanski was Keppler presiding . May 5._ . " ' ers* Club yesterday following ;i is invited. Tickets may be obtained Born in Jamaica, L. I., she had and wUl establish a placement Andrew Kmetzo of rf Elizabeth saw not one but five. " chairman. Special scenic ef- Apps, John Baldeschwieler, John tcrical contest sponsored by Cran- ment Near East." will be given by ing and a'luncheon at the Stneoy- urday at 1:30 p. m. at Prall Fun- elected to his present term while Gaffney, Robert Johanson . and The, second session of the Den luncheon at Calvary Lutheran' at the door, . resided in Cranford for 28 yean?, bureau .to work with professional. New members, John.Oathaut of avenue., reported that die saw a Long live the rofciih! '. costumes and wigs have been fci'd Post 212. American Legion. Mrs. R. F. Miller, Trent Hotel, Trenton. The grriup eral Home, 124 East First avenue, a major with General Almond's 107 Adams avenue and Miss Betty Jorge Porce'lla. Mothers' .Training Course, .open i Church. Other officers named Miss Helen Kincheloe, Newark coming here frotn Wcstfield. She staff in Korea. During World War Business and industrial executives (or the show. Two per- tor high school students. Miss Martha Berry, daughter of will attend a session of the Legis- Roselle, for William H. KoUmyer, Jlemleb of 4 Hawthorne street, The production is being staged to all adults interested in cubbin", were: Vice-president,. Mrs. department store representative. member of Trinity Episcopal Jr.. 46 years old, of 11 MacArthur II: he served as an infantry major whose specifications for secretarial vpn Second place went, to Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. D., Smead Berry of lature in Jthe afternoon. Caruso; recording 'secretary. "r ••— •"- - —• — i - jwere welcomed Mr and Mrs. Har- ill 1M* g* in " ErankjER will hp V\f>iff pt Q o'ciyiplf u 4«ht juiitui, whtleAhiiii yLs.v avenuerwho^dicdHFcbruary-ZTTn during the entire Italian campaign personnel will berreflected-in the ry Folk of Westnefd, formerly hool auditorium on March at the Boselle High School, This "40S-prospect- avenue.—wiflk«spre- IraKerzman; correspondiriR secix— ifTTnterior decoration. in local Parent-Teacher Associa- Elizabeth General Hospital after a the7Hi-Y Club. Tickets may ,be was awarded to Frederick Burel- -tioa^ndJlcd..Ctoss activities. and later was with the occupa- two-year curriculum. Cranford, were elected honorary^ 17 at 8:20 p. m.. purchased from Hi-Y members, at meeting will feature a discbssioii back, a senior. . . • short illness.'Burial was in-Holly- tion forces under General Mark This step; without precedent in to the show this.year will and demonstrations of cub handi- She is survived by her husband, wod Cemetery, Union. members. the schobr'and at the door the night Cori'testants were required to William F." Wilson; two sons, Don- Clark in Austria. | a liberal arts college in this area, A club party, to be held at the e on roller skates by of the performances. craft. The third meeting in thespeak 10' minutes cm the. Consti- Born in Brooklyn, Mr. KoUmyer He has been active for many old, who is working on his mas- was announced today by Dr. Ken-VFW Memorial Home on April 7, ce gahlin; Vocalists are series will be hdd March 15. tution, and also to speak extem- came to Cranford seven years''ago. years in Jersey City- civic affairs ; ter's degree at Penn State College, neth C. MacKay. president and will be limited to 75 couples, it was Durham, Teddy Morris, A Don Chiefs' Training' Course poraneously, for four minutes. The Prior to that he had lived 24 years and is vice-president of the Bruns- Noelker, Harriet King, State College, Pa., and Roger, a dean. He described it as another announced. Reservations may beij will'be held in the church six suc- latter talk was on one phase of in Roscllc and Roselle Park. He wick Laundry with offices in that as guest star. Neva l«e cessive Mondays at 7 p. m. start- photographer 3 c, USN, stationed was employed by Lionel Corpora- step in the institution's develop- made with Mrs. Richard Keppler Two Cubs the Constitution and was selected city. ' . •..•.'• • n and Charles MahnRen ing next week. Thi-H* course is for YOUR at Norfolk, Va.; a daughter,- Mrs. tion, Irvington, ment as a -community college." of 408 Central avenue. » ;it random by the judges. He will speak informally on Students at the Elizabeth General g selections from. "The Des- all scouts of Troop 75 who wish Amy C. Hamilton of North- Plain- Surviving arc his father, William MR. HAROLD R. BASSETT Attending the'meeting were Mr, For the prepared speech^ Miss field; a brother, Irvington H. Korea, about its people, the first it . ' Awarded to become den chiofs. Rubright spoke on. "The Cobsti- KoUmyer, Sr.; two sisters,' Mrs: phase of the campaign, and the Crownc of Los Angeles, Calif., and Viola Reeves of Cranford and Mrs. r shop quartet compris- The round table of the 'Western tutipri in a Changing World.** Miss three grandchildren.-• , world-wide effect of United Na- Red Cross Begins liimy Andrews, RusseU Davis, District of Union Council is sched.- Preston's subject was, "The Fram- Emma C. Maxwell of Roselle tions effort in that country. Webtbs Badge Funeral services will be. held Park, and a brother, George H. of Training Court**; CollegeTor the past two years. 1 „» Morris and David Root will uled for ft p. m. tomorrow in theing of the Constitution." and Mr. Dr. Earl Tharp will head the Louis H. Zepfler, Mrs. Everant Rjppear in the vocal depart- church. This meeting is for all ! at lla. m. today from Gray Me- Elizabeth. A training course for Red Cross Fred Ahr and Robert'.Herrmann Burelbach s, 'The Constitution. secrearial faculty. according-toJDr. KempshalL Mrs. Jacob Stanley Carolyn- and Brehton scout leaders and dibbers. : ' morial, 12 Springfield avehUe,-in To Study Mum* first aid instructors began'Monday were awarded their Wcblos Badge Worth Defending." MacKay. and will stress the prepa- | Mrs. Edward R. O'Brien and Mrs^ will perform as the Pbs- Cubmaster PafTrath invited all charge of the' Rev. Frank V. • H.. • "Chrysanthemums" will be theunder direction of Harold Bassett. Miss Rubright will compete in Holy Name Society ration of secretaries for specific llow Singers. and graduation certificates Satur- cub parents .to attend the next Carthy, rector of Trinity Church. topic of the next meeting of Crane's Jr,, safety field services' represen- the county contest. Judges were fields. Courses in chemistry, biolo- get Copeland. Pamela Dun- day night at the regular monthly pack committee which will be held Interment will' be in Fairview Ford Gardeners to be held Wed- tative for the Eastern Area otfthr Dr. Howard R. Best,, supervising To Receive Communion gy, geology, physics or other sci- p.$L& Kathy Sauer will re-meeti'ng of Cub Pack 175 in Cran- in. the church at 8 p. m. Monday; Cemetery, Westfield. • nesday,at the home of Mrs. George American Red Cross. The course i Miss GiUey to Speak principal; the Rev.. Albert Allinger. The Holy Name Society of St. ences will be available, for ex- ithe Follies in a ballet in- March 19. . H. Yanz, 3 Bluff street. Mrs. George given five evenings each week- ford Methodist Church. They, were pastor of Cranford Methodist Michael's Church will receive,Holy ample, for those intending to enter Before Church Guild \sfxon of "Springtime." The Mrs, Nellie E. Lundscaard C. Spahh will be co-hostess. Col- Mr. Bassett has been in Red graduated to Troop 78. and Troop liurch. and -Leon Farrin. high 'pertinent technical fields. Miss Mary Lou GiUey-will be ,ian dancers of 1950 fame Funeral services were held Mon- Communion in a body Sunday at' ored slides.Will be shown. ' Cross safety service work for the school teacher.. • ' Routine stenographic preparation guest speaker for the DayxGuild o Ipear in an Arabian dance. 79, respectively. . Legion Auxiliary Votes Bay morning, at Gray's,. 320 East the 8 a. m. mass.' All men of the past 20 years. From 1927 to 194^ —two years 'of typing and stenog- Trinity Church Tuesday. Miss Gil- I'Stesenko arid John Fair will •The meeting featured skits pre- Broad street, Westfield, for Mrsparis. h are urged to participate. he .was a volunteer lifesaving ex Fund Drive Donations Many Attend Reunion Open House \ : raphy —- will be required unless ley recently *eturned fronv^ork fcthis act. Connie Bergh and sented by the dens. Den 3 pre- Nellie E- Luhdsga&rd, 68 years old, aminer. He. became a voluntee Donations to the 1951 Red Cross The society's regular monthly I students display sufficient aptitude among displaced persons at Mun- iia HaWorsen will appear as sented "Fido the Magician and his Of Camp Echo Hill who died Friday in Coloniu Sana- The Cranteen will hold open first-aid instructor in 1932. Campaign.and to the High School meeting will be held Monday at 8 house Saturday night at the Ca- as the result of their high school ich, Germany. V oists. Trained • Seals," Den 5,, "Arthur More than 200 campers, parents tarium, Norwood. She had lived p. m. Entertainment and refresh- work in these subjects. Graduates PTA's band uniform fund were sino. High school students are in- 1 Serving the luncheon will be jettons of famous television Godfrey's Talent Scouts"; Den 6, aoid friends attended from all parts here.for many years. ment will follow the buslness"ses- Elusive Particles < j of high school commercial courses : vited. . Mrs. J. G. Willis, Mrs. A. L. Rob- S,from comedians to wrestlers, "Workings of a Radio Studio''^ made.by Cranford,Unit 212, Amer- of the' state the fifteenth annual re- The Rev. Elbcrt C. Gates, Jr., sion. Parish men are invited. More than half of the world's may enter and, afetr two - years, pastor of the Baptist Church, West- erts, Mrs. R. J. Laier, Mrs. C. 'Jj given by Alex Stesenko, Den 7, VTwo Boys and Five Birds," ican . Legion. Auxiliary ' after a union of Camp Echo Hill last Sat- , Jet's Fuel C«m«mpUm mass is made up of neutrens. fun- earn an "associate in arts" diploma, Den 8, "Four Indian Dances," and urday at the Stanton Orange. field, officiated. Burial was in damental building blocks of matter: Schwartz and Mrs. William J. i Ferro, Harry Britton and birthday dinner.in the Coach and Jet planes burn fuel to fast that [heretofore barred except to those JMorey.' . ' , •' . Den 9, "Four Cowboy Singers." Jean Belden, daughter of Mr. Fail-view Cemetery Westlleld. Prowler Yet they are the most difficult of who took, college preparatory eIhle. Albeit Huetteman Will Four ftestaurant last Thursday. instead of an ordinary gauge they Mrs. V.W. CopcUtt entertained an<< Mrs. Burton C. Belden of 10 Here's plus value in extra good coffee! - Mrs. Lundsgaard was born in Mrs.. Helen Reynolds' of 123 all nuclear particles to detect courses. fc a piano solo. Two bands-will . Cubmaster Earl Paffrath pre- Mrs. Ruth Evans, department Burnside avenue reported a"prowl- carry a llquidometer that constantly jt a bridge Monday in her home, jear under direction of Ronald sented awards as follows: Wolf Manor avenue, won a. prize for A blend -for every •aste— Fort Gay, W. Va. She spent her tick* off the number of gallons left . Full, college credit will be given, president, spoke . briefly on the childhood in Cranford and later- er nround the premises Tuesday 25 Retford avenue, and Mrs. N. V, Ibrose and Charles Rcarick. Badge—Frank Emery, Thomas guessing a puppy's age. Also at- afl heat-flo roasted for perfect flavor. Pilots on missions often reach home . Chip off Old Block with approval of the State Depart- safety program of Ihe department. made her homo in HackensnCk. night. Sgt. William Gassmann and CargiU of 208 Maple place will be FUGSTAH toale .will be, a number en- Roach "and .Fred Swisher; Gold tending-from Cranford were'Mr. Try a pound now ot these special Base with only enough fuel for a. ment of Education. County officers were present at and Mrs. C: V. Rosencrante and She was the widow of Ethclrcd S. Patrolman Paul Johnson and Louis The consuming .ambition of the bridge' hostess today. "Pretty Girls"'featuring the Arrow—Barry ' Buckner and the/function, which was in'observ- •low get-acquainted prices — second approach In case they mis- average • six-year-old boy is to be THE HOUSE THAT QUALITY Double Quartet under di- Thomas Roach, Bear Badge—Cur- son, William; Mrs. William SL '. Lundsgaard: Guertin searched the area but lo- Judge the first- landing. P,r YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD GRC ance-of the nineteenth anniversary Effective through Wednesday, March 14! cated no reported prowler. • as much like his father as possible. Read the Classified Ads. qn -of" Miss Olga Specht. and tis Hang and Kenny Borup; Gold Schom and children, William and Surviving aic two sisters, Mrs. At that age, boys start to imitate , Eighty per cent of the ritire rev- of- the local post auxiliary. Mrs. Holly; Louise Priesta;.'Margaret fnllowinj,'. "pretty -girls":, Arrows-^—Curtis Haag and Richard Betty Goodman,' cliaimvan; Mrs. ;. . Gratia* Cheeaa their dad's way of walking' and enue tonnage of water carriers irle's" v^r^enlOi Frank DiTullioi, Sorgo; Silver • Arrow for Lion Witte.; Patricia Grant; Mrs. L. R. originating in Oregon and Washing- Carol Metz,' Mrs. Jean Fiisnaeht . After grating cheese that Is quite talking, and even try to mimic bis uring Rpbcrt Finndy,, Bruce Badge—R'obert Herrmann;'Denner Potter and son, Jack; Mr. and Mrs. •••••••».'•«.. m*m gesture* and the tone of his voice. ton is forest product* and Mrs. William Herzog, Si-;, \v.e;re J. H. McAteeV and .children. James, fresh, rub a bard cnirt of bread ted VftlacKenzie, George'Stripes -^ Harold Sjursen, Jerry iri charge. ' ' , . ever. the. frater. -The grater will be and William; Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ,lsrin, Charles : Stevens and Serina, William Musa, Tom Out- AttendingWere: Mrs. Mary Riz- freed from the particles.of cheese, Ink Wcidkncdht..' .• Ichult and Keahy Boriip; one-yeaV ard McFadden and son. Richard. while the . crumbi of bread , and zolo, Garwpod, county president; and Carol Turner. X Come In tSthcrs in theN^ast are Mardy pins—-Thomas Roach and Kenny Mrs. Emily Byrnes. ROSPIUV-first HIDuivu 111 lino k'UupUls* ry, • Jane! .Copeland, ,uaroi Uovup, Harry Andersen was wel-vice-president; Mrs. (Scrtrude A Country lair program began at process mre always usefuL •''••• • • •'•'.' «*> '. ' .,..'. ..'•-'• . . ' • ,vi\ Barbara KaulXPat Langille, comed as a new cub and presented Meyer, Rosellc Park, second vice- 5 p. in. and Mr. and ifts. Robert Lechner, camp directors; were crly Pawsnn, JudV Peterson, [his Bobcat . . president; Mrs. Goodman, third 'll >X>> RICHER BLEND! Leftover CMekea ' Preston, Marion Ru%l, Barn-" ' Assistant Cubmaster' Herbert vice-president; Mrs. Florence masters of ceremonies. The tur- Left-over turkey or chicken may HYUTBI UNKNAiS inc Kuranski, Joan^ZuHck, Ace Sjursen presented one-year pins to Crounse, Cranford, secretary; Mrs. key dinner was served by the Stan- Produced from the fin- be combined with tasty vegetables Our Newly Renovated Store wnhWr, Tim Doyle, Colbert Den Chiefs Robert Sheldon, Ken Florence Neabor, Elizabeth, coiv ton Grange Home Economics Com- i to make luncheon or supper dishes, rin, MntiUln Jurneek, Nancy Foster, James Gary and Robert responding secretary; Mrs. Elea- mittee.' It was announced that Maj- est coffee beans. Full, or they can be used in soups,, scal- nlwinjh, Dolores Winlleld, Jban Sweitzer; . , or Tully, riding master at the loped, dishes, croquettes, turn- nor Hoodzow," Rahway, treasurer; rich flavor is sealed in We have modernized the interior of our store with new glass >iir, Ji'mn Snyder, Eileen Whel- Mrs. Julia. Petry, Elizabeth, chap- Watchung Stables, ' will- -be in overs, hot sandwiches, hash, or New registration cards were pre- by vacuum packing. NOIST-SECTARIAN NON-PROFIT salads. ~ ...... Sheila Whclan, An% now coated ; ff«gifforly95et with burn-and-char-proof synthetic Thirty members" and guests of meticulously maintained* • .coatings. Cigarettes do not char the Sherman-Lincoln pre-sehool the organic film. Some of these We think it's very attractive and we hope you'll enjoy shop study group heard Mrs. Mary coatings are baked on. Others are Armstrong, Union County Home Sufficient acreage to meet ihe needs of the air-dry variety. ping here more, than before. Our new store layout also will Agent, speak Tuesday night on ' of Westfield and vicinity for the next Discipline for Self-Discipline." at Why MS DayaT. enable us to offer you a larger display of merchandise. the regular monthly-meeting in the hundred years. • home of Mrs. Charles Benzati, 6 All because of a river, there are Hawthorne street. 385 days In a year. When the ancient Egyptians made the first calendar Whether you wish to buy or just browse around, come in and Mrs. Armstrong discussed new about 4241 B. C, as a means of Y child training practices, pointing measuring tune from the moon and X 1951 TV out that she used the word disci- 100 1NFORMALS r tun, they decided to reckon a year JJ25 see us. •'.. ..-.". ••'•• ' " '••. • . .' . . ' i;^ pline with a teaching rather than :•:•:•» MEDIUM BLENDI FAIRVIEW CEMETERY by the 389 days between the highest 100 ENVELOPES a punishment connotation. Par- points of the Mile flood. x ents should try to teach behaviour vlvl N** *°° ^*ok—not East Bro*d Strctet . Smooth, white, paneled Informals with your name Genuine patterns that enable children to Ry tex Hylited (Embossed) in black ink. Choice of script discipline themselves, to make de- !v!v too strong! Scierv Inrcfltnddy N. J* Bottle Leakage l or block lettering. . - . . , FULL- cisions and accept responsibilities. *v» tifkally roosted for Prevent leakage.'from bottles of ;he said. " . ' liquids which' you may carry in •. • * Ideal for. Thank. You's. . Informal Invitations, Executive Offle* X Mrs. Herbert Hazcn and Mrs. "I'M", perfect flavor. — 37 Elm Street alow compartment by seal- Vtrift I § > a lng frith cellophane tape. WE. 2-0180 ' OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS tesses. Guest speaker for the meeting W««ei WUh CattM CRANFORD CITIZEN and CHRONICLE CRAI on. April 3 will be Miss Olga GatHClou at 6:30 P. M. When Cortex conquered Mexico. 19 N. UNION AVE. Spocht, supervisor of music at h* included among the precious x 21-23 Alden St. ^ Oanfbnl Cranford High School. Her subject gifts sent back to Cliarles V of Spain many fabrics made of cotton will be, "Growing Up With Musie." 1 AT NO The program will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred'A. Keimel. 203 North Leltigh avenue.

1 Crosley Family Theatre Legal Cjininen GRAY MEMORIAL : C ran ford's dog population is AN OUTSTANDING fdevislon Receivers are built to nearly nil licensed, it was estimat- How Much Should a they function so ed yesterday by Township^Clerk J. Walter Coffee. Up to last night a thly... that CSrosley stands total of l,4.0t> licenses have been Funerat^Cost? SERVICE! 'of its every set with a tube issued, Mr. Coffee reported. I parts warranty protecting 8-11 to Meet Many people have asked this question. vforafuUyeor at no extra Mrs. E. A. Tice and Mrs. Robert '-nor for just 9a days, but FlemhiE will be co-hostesses- for rK whole months! t)ic 8-11 Club, which will meet at Our ctutrge for a funeral is the^ame wiiether the the home of Mrs. James Rae. 408 funeral is held in the family home^$lw Church or GRAY, inc., offers residents of Cranford and ^vantage of this assurance High street, on Tuesday. our Funeral Rome; 9 TV performance. Clear, vicinity an outstanding funeral home, complete ^ . «teady bli picture* from The following tabulation shows that funerals con- e widest viewing angle on ducted by Gray, inc., are within the means ©/-every with air conditioning, organ, large light rooms for Ml-y'»Fdmlly Theatre family. The costs shown are for adults only. Child '^•Dependable performance Wincrest Coffee your every, convenience. |M»ured by Crosley's Super- Funerals are, of course, less expensive. MILD.BLEND! ^-iChl It's "heot-fld" roasted! 1 STATEMENT OP COSTS OF 500 CONSECUTIVE UtewMful han«kr«ffte«l Cabinets Preferred by many for its' nb ADULT FUNERALS CONDUCTED Df proud to HvcwrHi milder flavor! Guaran- RECENT MONTHS BY GRAY. INC teed freshness. ., under $200 v«n««r, or Mon 26 Funtrab cost in our own display room in Westfield, 25 16-INCH Crosley CMsolt MMM 11-HA 43 Funerals cost bom $201 to $300 U SPRINGFIELD AVKNUC, C&AJTfOBD In and see Crosley TODAY! from $301 to $400 90 Funerals cost ...... Cabinet tn Hondwai $4EA-95 112 Funwojs cost from $401 to $$S00 caskets are always on display —-all plainly marked 81 Funsrab cost from $501 to$tQO l 92 Funsrals cost ...... from $$01 to $750 58 Funsral&JpCMt 9780 as to cost. Prices *hou>n irt (he obot)e tabulation include: Pertonal and Provisional l ratket ai Mtlcded. out tide c


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iJ 1 THE CRAMFOBD CITIZEN AND" CHRQNICIJt ^THURSDAY. MARCH 1S51 -'•' '* ' '.j>j_^_' m^;"J'\.''-A\ ' ,""''.•-•' 3 1951 THE CBAMIPRO OIT1ZEH AMP CHRONICLE^

concertmeister. Trie Cranford man (be First Presbyterian Church Edward Manet. "The Vegetable school auditorium. Initial regis- Garden" by Van Gogh.^'lA Dutch also did some ensemble work ftnd 'Cranford Day' save violin infraction. . " tration* for the 1951 season will Concert ('•' > Presents Family" by Peter deJIooch' and "Le be -accepted at that time by Regis- . Put a check on your calendar Gourmet" by Picasso Bablo were During the past winter, Mr. trar John Ranbofer. oint Meeting for June 8. For that's the date _ Rift, to the first grade.' "The Panasevich has "been studying and making commercial recordings. His Set for this, year's observance of School Equatorial Jufnfile" by. Henri Ros- Cranford Day. Paintings soau. '"Two'Horses" by Giorgio de- wife is studying for her master's Cooper Says He degree at Hunter College. • At Lincoln Mrs. P. B. Algier, 'chairman, ' ^«,«irt of the Crantord Cherico, and "Two Little Circus a!C Mr: Panasevich owns a Montag- Is Not Candidate A meeting of the combined PTA's has sent letters to local organi- '" B£ra»d*beetanen- PTA Offers Gift Girls" by Pierre A. Renoir are-to (Continued Jrom jMge one) zations, asking their coopera- BEEF! BEEFJI nana violin dated 1730. ' will be held next Thursday at 8 Of Reproduction* be placed in the classrooms of the His accompanist is Brooks tivities elsewhere," his statement p. m. in Lincoln School. Dr. Kirk tion in the all-day "event. Any second grade. ' . CHOICE To Roosevelt School Smith, -who has just, completed a continued. Seaton, psychologist, will be guest group, which has npt received a The third cracle received "Tulip concert tour with Rise Stevens. Be- "It seems that a time, limit was speaker. ' . . notice and would like to take Seventeen reproductions of fam- set on my decision, but such limi- oi* were Under Fields" by'Claude Monet and "A side a concerto, which they will Mrs. Fred Baumann, president part, is asked to call "Mrs. Algier —""^-pain'tingy r» piti of the ROOSC- lirayrtogether.JAt. Siiiitu tutton u^'a* nnt made known to me. -at-306-Lincoln-parlc, east.": velt PTA. were presented to Roos- "I suggest, withvAdm.. E.~ D. of—the—High _ in I Hooch. "The* ."Music form a group of piano solos. nounced yesterday that the -Union The first mee?ing of the com- The Hitf. Scbool , evelt School by Mrs. Arthur Hoag- Jan_VerMeer, "Childi-chV Games" Stanley, that hereafter the parties mittee' on arrangements' will be land, president o'l the association. in town'make a studied effort to County Council of PTA's will meet featwwt« i by' P., nrenchel, and "The Har- |May 4 in Cranford High School. held March 2 at 8 p. m., in STEAKS lb. a selectionii and last week. r Coffee I seek available candidates for these vesters" nlso by P. Bronnhi'l J. Luncheon will be served by the Muhicipal CoUrt. ....'" Mrs.. Hoaglrmd presented t 1 important public offices — not by with the Alle«K> iMfls to. the fourth ' foitli . "The I Boys' Camp High School PTA, CHOICE/ paintings to Robert Longak* ing Lesson" by EuRiir Dejjiis cursory telephone calls and with- ^ "William TeU '^Continued from page one) out the requirement-of being'one Mrs. George S. Sauer of 317 Ca- Motor Vehicle by HossinL president of the- Stuneni .:un 'Stone City" by Grant Wood weeded $23 and all indications sino avenue was.hostess at yester- ''.. He expressed appreciation in were presented to the fifth - grade. of 'the gang'." e, Escorial" by Lecuona jointed to higher costs for the Mr. Cooper; a Newark lawyer, day's meeting. A letter of apprecr Agency Rushed Rib Roast half of the school. The pictures The sixth erade received "The ', a piano solo by Eleanor SEE THIS MAGNIFICENT ,-oininu season. For that reason, , ; ' . • . .'•*,'••• . • were placed on exhibit from 8 a..m. River at Anienfc'nil" by Charles represents a number of local resi- iatlon from the Children's Coun- (Continued from page one) •• • t he trustees voted to increase the dents who arc opposing the loca-| try Home for flowers sent after the CHOKE unttil 4 p.m. . \ Monet and "The Mill at the Poin- pleted fof an increase of 59 this beginning of the ilnal veekly tuition,* from $17.50 to tion of the Wilson Company's pro- PTA fashion show was read by he program. Arthur E«- Mr, and Mrs. Charles Skag* toise" by Paul Gezanne. . • ; 19.50 for Cranfojdboys and from year. ' | Following the presentation, Miss posed new' million dollar plant on Mrs.' Walter. Chapman, ways and Reserved numbers in the. UC Tpre5ident of the band, Leslie Crump, -Miss Mary Amai<>. ,22.to $25 for out-of-towns boys, the Sperry Estate, south of the means chairman. CHUCK CHOPPED - ft. ' Mrs. Hoaglanci. and Miss Elta Tun- series from 100 to 999, and in the 'lr Haar with a baton ner formed the cojr.n-jtuc* which jCharlotte Sommers led the grades 'he latter are accepted only: when Lehigh Valley Railroad. Mr. Plans for a parent-education lien of the director's in 'acancics are available. series UC 10 A to UC 99 Z are chose the gift pictures. The PTA| .K^up sin«in«. The numbels in- Cooper recently filed a suit against meeting were announced by Mrsready for distribution, -Mr. Heins ^ hours' work with the $650 REOKINX V 1IEDKOOM funds-.by. I eluded -'You're a Grand Old Flag," Because it has-been necessary to the Township Committee, the Choice Fresh Killed raised the necessary d Roy Tipton, chairman. Lee ;Dale announced. Persons who 'have preparation for the eon- y ;urn away several local boys for Board of Adjustment, the Planning of Summit, recreation director, wil sponsoring atii l "Marine Hymn," "The Trail numbers' reserved are requested to apple- festival Mexico," and several rounds. :h»ee'or'four weeks during the past Board end the Wilson Company, in speak, on, ^recreational trend: November obtain them in the afternoon, since TOM TURKEYS lb. , twirling was executed by :wo seasons, the trustees.voted to art effort to have the Township throughout the. Ignited States. The v»Ml the rush has been exprlenced in lb«.) tairlers durin* two by •rect another cabin whiqh would. | Committee's ordinance changing meeting will be held March' 19 at oe Violinist To Present relieve the crowded conditions :he morning so far, . Player" by the area from Residence "A" to(he home of Mrs. Milton Koos, 12 . Office hours Monday through Vedarholrn. Bartara Haar. Goya and 'The F«ic Recital Here April 12 during . the peak weeks. Minor Industrial zone set aside. 1 Hampton road. ,'riday' are from. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. 'JERSEY DRESSED Hinkeldey. Bernadine 1VOW AT KOOS I Oil ONLY .J Continued irom. jia« appointed the . Charlotte Peer. Nomw the dining room In the lodge to 5aturday hours are from 9 a. m. ._ Julliard where he< complete* Health Staff Explains following as a nominating commit- Segebade and Joan increase feeding- facilities. Mr. ;o 1 p. m. The agency is closed on work.for his diploma. tee:. Mrs. Francis Sloat, Mrs. Dean, Sunday. ; •• • ••' FINES? MADE On the advice of Mr. PersinRer Goodfcllow Was authorized, to have Blood Typing Results fi Mrs. James P. Duffy, Mrs. William i of the high school band the younjj violinist played for the cabin- constructed and ready- (Continued from /page one) . E. Coles, Mrs. Charles Mahnken, by the opening"of the 1951 season. were: Clarinets—An- Hans Kindler,. conductor • of th< and the "emergency does hot war- Mrs. Chapman and G. Frank Zim- Chased by Police, It also is planned to build a Icrisanti.- Brace Bufalino. National Symphony Orchestra o rant delay. The blood once estab- merman. •.-..•• • Washington, D. C. He toured With dock> alongside • the beginners* lished in its group, soon after birth, Hits parked Vehicle Andrews, Richard Eppter. 1 swimminR "crib" and to make a A proposal to sponsor' recrea- Garwood police pursued a car FANCY LONG ISLAND r Schumann. Robert Witte. the orchestra and ulso presentee remains ' unchanged throughout tion for teenagers Was discussed by numerous concerts. ' . . few other minor improvements at life. liven after a large number of ilong South avenue,, west, into \nidt, Russel Dean. Sally S pieces alwwp the-waterfront. Mrs. Frederick Sahlin. She' re- Cranford early yesterday morning, _ faith Bartholomew and In ,1947, Mr. Pannscwieh mar transfusions, blood retains its orig- ported that junior open house pro- S lied the first horn player, in th inal grouping., md apprehended - the owner-dper- y+L.^. allo saxophones -^ The seven weeks' camp season grams, will be held every Friday utor after he struck and slightly [Gtogorski. Willard Keyser .li'rchcstra and they • participate* will open this year on Sunday, I As is true with the tour blood FANCY FRESH-KILLED •ffl night in the high school. Assisting damaged a vehicle parked at 33 fu^ert Mullen tenor saxo- four .summers at; the Brevar< July 1, and continue through Sun- groups, 'it is important that blood in arangements .will be Mrs. H. A. Festival in North Carolina South avenue» west, Cranford po- [ Robert Finney and Robert BUDGET AID! day, August 19. The. annual camp of the Rh classification be used in Larson, Mrs. A. C. Marino and Thor Johnson, conductor of th lice were informed. - lb.59c| and baritone saxophone. GROtQf KMfPBV reunion has tentatively been set transfusion because not only can Mrs. Baumann. GEESE s a Saving of '2511 Cincinnati Symphony,-led the fos for Thursday evening, April 19, in severe transfusion reaction occur . John Vosbel of Elizabeth, driver | Ambrose. tivals and Mr. Panasevich wsr A report on the variety show to of the car, was Issued a summons, _ Daniel Rearick. but the patient becomes sensitized be held May 12 was given by Mrs JERSEY DRESSED according to police. • Lt.v George for. life. In the case of young girls, John Duryeei • •-••'••••.. _ .. I yferrer. Charles Rearick Rosendale, who investigated, found I, Jlogensen: t«bas: — sensitization to the Rh factor can Mrs. M. T. DiCarlo was named that- the parkeefcear; bwrjpd bV Les- ~^^.. •---' Finney and -prevent them- irom having, normal chairman for a tea for teachers to SMALL FRESH 1 ter Smith of 106 "Center-street; IHuetteiman; comets '—- Ar=- Furnituro of this heirloom calibre doesn't often tutn up in a eale. It> nsnally children even though many, many be held after Easter. years have elapsed. > ' Garwood, had been left at the spot juer. Edmond DiMin- Co-hostesses were Mrs. Chap- reserved for our connoisseur's collection... but we've yet to see a connoisseur . Findings among:school children four days ago. It was impounded. ._ Kiamie. Charles' Ray, show that 819 or 46 per cent, are man and, Mrs. Duryee. toat Holroyd. Donald Jcwett, who won|dn*t welcome a saving of $251! If you recognize superlative crafta- m ^>. „ ird Fischer; type O, 718 or 41 per cent are type . Ticks In Sheep 50-Year. Becord: u manship when you see it ... come see THIS suite! Compare it, detail-for- A, 182 or 10 per cent are type B Ticks, spoil fleeces and reduce Since 1900 more than 108 million Legs or Rumps, also . Barry O'Neill; Rudolph and 52 or 3 per cent are type AB. weight gains of the sheep In your cars have been produced. From Donald Cyphers/ Frank detail, with the finest furniture made. Rub your hands over the flawless i|f 1 :thi. Betty Bartholomew Percentages vary somewhat with flock. - 4,192 cars in 1900 annual production BondewRoBedVeal ^ i various authorities on the subject. has Increased to 5.119,466 cars and ibyn Beeves...... finish which has been accomplished by hand in an unhurried process. Pull This may be due to national, ori- 1.134,136 trucks in 1949. Vehicle — Charles Rearick. Corpus Christ! College | Jeffries and Robert Brit- open a drawer . ^ see how it has been painstakingly constructed to the exacting gins of the people in our commun- Corpus Chrlsti college at Cam- registration hit a peak in '49 when ity some '44,670,588 cars and trucks BOTHrwl mpani — Lee Ferguson; demands of custom-workmanship. - Notice the deep-claret coloring of the priied bridge, England, was founded in Were registered. • i — Lee Ferguson. Theo- Out of 1795, 1501 were Rh posi- 1352. 1 ft.CALVE S UVER tive and 291 were Rh negative. Jr.. Joseph Longi. mahogany veneers ... the intricate marquetry inlays ... the fabulous diaw«p» [This compares favorably with the [ Gtwr. Elsie Bluldrow and pulls ... the costly swell-fronts ... all evidence of its great elegance. Now given averages of 85 per cent and Would You like to Eliminate Your Ugly „ . .flute — Larry A5_EeF. ?en.t respectively. A total ACON ; and glockenspiel -^— Phil— /.I look at the size of the pieces! . You get a 7-draweif chest-on-chest... with Of 24; out of 1795 were found to o( the "High School possess the rare prime and double one drawer partitioned for shirts. The mammoth 66-inch triple dresser r»55™ were: Cornets — prime" factors which are sub jr. David Paul. Richard groups. In addition,, these indi- WILSON'S has ten drawers plus a compartment with 2 shelves. The huge, handsomely- | John Ketso. Roger Knorr. viduals were Rh negative. framed mirror measures a full 56x38. A full-size bed completes this impres- Get ymmr tocUt Into th*«e sn»er value* in grand- CRACKED i Holroyd, Nancy Manger. Ustinc trnuH — valves that give you double en- Show Crop Pkg. SMOKED HAMS ft. 59c jn. William Krippendorf. sive suite of timeless beauty and priceless value. Only by placing a huge order Junior Women Further Let Us Install for You Our Beautiful , ^ ktf. 41» Mr. Rath is a. former director of Mr. Hickey, a life-long Cranford Riveraide Large GRADE A Ht'A'illlitTI ' the Wekeamyan Men's Shop Glee lll^NeK, MimmtOOMM, .. pk«. »»«. Club and of the, Cranford Male resident, is eager to extend the same |Here is a MYSTERY! rAl.l. I*INK' SALMON can &«« Chorus. He is a member of the STRICTLY FRESH EGGS & Vegetables ants «r this town iirrK Stanley S. Holmes Chapter of the friendly, courteous type of service on stuss for hours a Telephone Pioneers of America. . tl'NA, UifOBt-O-Cldcken, can Me which we have always tried to build GRADE^T ft Uuurance Rate on AIX GKEES NEW • • I U'TOSJX TEA MAOH. pkit o( 48 ftie SttOVH TEA 'U.lt*. Hit Officers, Sets Election S1DER that the UtANCO . AMERICAN Creamo, Blue Bonnet* or Dd Rich "" Loss AFTER MI-AUHETTI \U. can ltt« CContinued irom page one) RHUBARB lb. 25c William Schatz and Thomas E. Van will be the UUIIVH Hi-ICED tlEET^, .„. can He Of course, Bill Burnett is still here AXJO Sickle. . MARGARINE - OF BUSINESS EATING PEARS ...,.,;.,lb. 15c t'lUtfPeu MAUV roODM. 8 can* U« Joseph Russell, wajS and means )PKOF1T. We can HTKAISED BABV rOOD, 10 i*t* »>« to serve you. PABST^TT MNK SEEDLESS chairman, announced that the next tHAT in ten GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 29c "BuckJiLght" will be held March' s: INTEtt- 17. AKEHUIICKESE |STEb? CALL. ENTIRE STORE Po Form New OPEN EVERY l/ll BT1/^/i nut Unit .'Continued /font page one) Tuesday in the Coach and Four WEEKDAY Reatalurant. ., Rabbi Jordan I. Taxon -was o FRANK VODRASKA guest of Dr. William Sllverman and 6-3000 TIL 9:3ft William Scmelz of the Roselle- Cot Prices to Church and CMc Roselle Park club was a visitor. LIQUORS . . OUR 8TOKB CLOSED AIX DAY MONDAY The bli thday anniversary of James 'Coupland was celebrated. G, Win- 9 Walnut Avenue CR 6-1044 11 WALNUT AVE. CBwrford ^ STOKE BOCKS: IA.Htt(ML DAILY field . Scott, vice-president, pre- 18 R UNION AVE. »id.ed. i . t • THTJRSDAT, MACCH A i«a i_l^i. " ' peak-pf W»e epidemic there'was an tion are not only unchecked but actually cases reported each day. More •' of the catalog and to understand Doris Lakin. Robert. Lawrence, beth Stift> Virginia Wort'ley. Joan Says Koreans IN invsJUgated during February, therspoon, Marcia Haag and : from the vents of Interest ..p a Joyces Kuntzman, encouraged ' For the second time in iu hisir», EiBrary Game book by ite author, subject ox title. Camille Ferro. Mary Lou Vere- Jorlelf; 1 •:'«?•.••'- ' • . • Five I.. ford chapter of the American R^, Names of winners who answered Fitzgerald. Regina Schraitt. Buddy Also. Meg Yuckman, Terry Rich- "It*s_ your money. It's your Infla- when the awarded an honor certificate f * Winners' of the catalog, game neaull. Richard Luby and John Don't Want '• Only three'i^ofentswere w or Cranford Public Schools questions based on the catalog Wenzel, Mary Winter. David lie- ter. Hazel Webb. Kathleen Lyons> Tttf t*ANK>m> Cimowcj,r, EttabUthed I8M tion. Better «peak up. while three cents service. Jhe award was made in completed last Friday in the Jwv>- Arnold. •; , ','•••' Township ComJRittee P*«*^ ior . department of the Cranford were indicated by a star on the Also, Ahgelo LaBraCIo. Stephen land, Floyd Schroppe and Roberta Susan Conover, Barbara Suarez, Tiw CKANFOBD Ctnrot, Established «9« lowing public hearing/ite . budget the twenty-fourth annual roll call SCHOOL James Shaw. Dale "Sennett still pays the postage on a letter to Wash- carried out at the end of 1940 L and Free Public Library were an- honor roll each week. ' - Ayre. Jeff Q'Hara, David Bannon, Schillinger. •• , . • David Kerr, Carol Harris, Nancy r : .oolttng tor the raising of $917,1 Grade John Munday. ' - . '..•—-• (Combined in 1921) ington. • ..,..'-*-*_••' '•'•,. •.,-• • Communism Open house at Cranford welfare-* nounced this week by Mrs. Marie The 65 winners of four stars in- Judith. Cerwin; Linda Lorangcr, ~-Also, Phyllis Chiovarou, • Alex Sinimonds, Dolores Scheller, John The tax rate for the year was join, in Miss Mary -•.• .' Grade 3' "' ' •-,- • Early March is a good time to ... The Karens have, learned (he lor each »1S« valuattaa of W------. tor canvassers who had volunteeredi * Seidel, children's librarian. dicating excellent work for the Gail Biddle, Charles. Boardman. Sickert. Christine SrhiUinger, Bev-- Munday, James Shaw and Sandra Largely due to high-level blandish- annual drive for funds was hr' • grade enjoyed hearing Miss Diane Gottkoj's class. Which entire period were: k get started with pruning. Although hard ^way what Communism is increase of 11 points above the 1945 rate, which wereread to the has been studying about Holland The contest, which attracted 78 Joan .Gatyas, Nicky •Ptockoff, Lar- erljr Chiovarou, Judy Carsley, Bea- Koyen. Marion Mfller, Louise Pris- ments, minions of people have placed a gestions for the door-to-door co (es Susan Abom.* Kay Akiwfc. a few more cold days'can be ex- and they want no part of it. Lloyd Appointment of Joseph J. Kovacs and .Budolph Harry E. Yerkes was in charge. 'L ly Hetzler and Kar- presented a play entitled "The Boy participants, was a series of four" ry' Kelly and Terry Moore. . •- ' trice-Beeves, Elaine Schad, Helen ta, Carol McKeown, Katxn Soren- Kiempa. both World War II veterans, to the Cran- fbv vcr Bob Armstronc. Gerry Ar.uld. wholly unjustified faith in the. power of pected, getting started early with H. Snyder of Plainfield toU mem- • library hour. Who Wanted More Cheese." It was games to teach children proper use Also. Pajricia Hamilton, Eliza- Zesch, Caryl-Lynn Sellers. Bob sen. .. EDWARD C. McMAHON, PcBUsritB bers of the. Rotary Club at their ford Police Department a» patrolmen, and promo- arbitrary controls to stop price.rises, and pruning*greatly facilitates spring tions for two/members of the force were an- •Ween Tears ioys also looked the story of a little Dutch boy who CHARLES M. RAY, EDITOR meeting last Thursday at the How- ^ The campaign for a first class pictures of Switzerland ate too much cheese. He dreamed even to roll prices back to the levels of operations. • •• • " ard Johnson Restaurant. Route 29. nounced. Advanced to the rank of lieutenant was lAIIONAL* EDITOtlAL Sgt. Thomas H. Woods, and to the rank of sergeant Cranford, launched under brought in by Barbara that the fairies and goblins came the first of the year, or pre-KoreaNor.some .In pruning woody plants for Mr. Snyder returned to this couri- was Patrolman Harry Page. Jr. . ^^J^_ and Chronicle, moved into Tn-mne Weisgerber after him with balls of Edam and rfniptt asaouptod-te JUUIUIV .. •; . .. - :timc» landscape enect-remembtt-that a UyJn 1MT .aftei^atending^nearly^l,————-— . MorJjpsj^#d^?e r %^a"«^aW~^a>*^»^-»**^aapr^^ndcons-nn.'tfa« •••-••• ^e —^r— "~^ ~-— -1 ^— *-. • ~^.-~^~. ^~ ~- y r ^little Swiss bell which Uouda cneeses.^The boy's part was natural and pleasing contour is the 30 years in Korea as a Methodist bos service to the community were recetaa by li the Township Committee,in the form of petitions Receipts for the first two months L Switzerland played by,Nelson Lightcap. - •••/: millions of people have been led to place missionary.., ' in Lu»m, one big aim. Avoid stiff, unnatural and letters. Roger avenue residents ^BBted WSiSVleaving |8837.65 toX u. on SiSwitt - — The-.other -characters "were: Member: Quality Weeklies pt N. J. the blame for inflation on doorsteps which effects. It is usually better to re- Introduced by Dr. Kenneth C. the ensuing 10 months to reach the njoyed a nim Swiss Mother, Bonnie Wcston; father, Entered at the Post Office at Cranford, U. J. MacKay of the international serv- service, while residents of Sunny Acres objected to move unsound and unnecessary old proposed extension of Public Service Roufc 29 tato goaL Work on the new. post om» told how th; e Charles Boillod; sisters, Barbara are wholly or largely innocent. We blame ice committee. Mr. Snyder gave a live. ' ', ,, as Second Class Matter. wood first, for it is the young, vig- the development. , •.-'. •'.._• ;'•' • North avenue and Miln street Z | Wright, Jean Wells and Susanne Published Thursday at Cranford. New Jersey, by the producer-—-forgetting, that his dollar brief history of Korea, describing mnviiee about finger painting orous growth on most flowering ' • - . Tea feats Age WMplanne d to d IS d Hay; fairy queen. Dale Leland; The Cranfprd Citizen and Chronicle. Ino, Official has cheapened just as ours has, and that shrubs which produces the "beat the country as a land of strange tSifSz&L dass some new ideas to fairies. Carol Tierney, Joan Kil- IN 1950 WHY? paper for Cranford. Garwood and Kehilworth. happenings.- The Koreans, them- • March roared in like a lion, blankettog-€ran- they do finger painUng his costs are swollen. We even blame foliage and flowers: Pruning, of ford with a 14-inch snowfaU. the heaVieit in a The Uons Club presented chart* lian. Sherry Burton, Margery Tida- Subscription Rates $&50 a Year in Advance course, is mainly a thinning pro* selves, he declared, are the great to members who had been affiliated vS bock, Susanne Simmons, Carol decade, accompanied by high winds. Drifts were nder DONALD F. CYPHERS OFFICE: JlAldenSt. , Tel. CRanford ft-6000 the retailer with whom we do our day- cess, and succesful handling of it scholars of the far Bast the three feet high in some spots. • • since its organization more than 16 v 3ne«S»R y d* Barbuto, Nancy Rnnkin and Carol Those honored were: Dr. E. A. DunfiT rbarbara VergaUa ppresented a depends a great deal upon flat Country has been controlled by man> H ri I in> Fnd Juhr. The goblins were: Jerry to-day trading—despite the: obvious fact , A resolution commending the Township Com- S Z JS ' ^"se. AUBM (he class. TThh e PlaPlayy ."I^m "^ b good judgment of) the gardener. both China and Japan. nuttee tor its efforts m trying to eliminate the fc0 Bannon, DiUard Collins, Frank that he must pay the going wholesale mann^O. K. Warner, CharlesTM Y Terrible Hat" _was taken Local Boy '• Pruning shrubs and trees which He praised the president of Lehigh Valley railroad grade crossings at' Walnut Storz, fred Sickert, Paul Martens, Sine* 1880, McMamis Brot. price* Rev. Orion C. Hopper. Jr., an hono,W y in their reading>books. rate for his goods, and that his prices tb dower before June usually SaiHh Korea, declaring that he is and Lexington avenues was adapted by the Crah- Old monarch chevrons were, awarded stor Jack Simons and Billy Michels. County Achievers characters were: Carol hav* -always btm low«r, qualify that some of their bloom will a "fine Christian man;*' and, also ford Republican Club. ' ' ; Baker and G. J. Jansen, 10-year msS The program announcer was Dil- us are simply based on current costs. . L as the little lamb, Elsie Donald F. Cyphers of 107 Ret- Are You sacrificed, because the flower told of many members of his cab- A meade epidemic described by Health Offi- Frank McCuUoughof 7 Itoerln iard Collins. , ' : - censidaradl Knowing valu«s; know- In other .words, the emphaaro has not cer William J. WUlaey as -fte worst experienced «d his candidacy for reelection to Lid as'mother sheep and ford avenue, a junior at Cranford are. already formed. It is not with wnom''he had-.personal High School; has been elected ing psopb't tastM; knowing whoro Today is th&. final day to register in been on the causes of inflation, but on the in 25 jyears." was reported an the wane. At the Committee on the Republican ticket Kriss as the rabbit. Rob- ROOSEVELT SCHOOL to prune those, early-blooming contacts during his long stay in president of the. Union County and what to buy has boon an ox- subjects heavily unless the plants : ks was the old billy goat •'• • Grade 1' order to vote in the Republican or Demo- symptoms of inflation which are high Korea. ' • • . •' - '..' Beverly Hetzler and Nancy Achievers Association. New officers porionco onjoyod by us for a great ore very ungainly. Instead, wait Mr. Snydler urged that some- The first grade children in Mrs. cratic Primaries on April 17. The town- prices and a fifty-cent dollar. The gov- were people. The narrators also'include Betty Fehderson of Stte\afta>aa%aVtf BiA^Kk^aia*^ ' • • until after they have bloomed. thing be done by the United Na- Edna Jack McFadden's class are ship clerk's office in the municipal build* ernment itas steadily evaded taking the However, shrubs which bloom af- arbara VergaUa and Mich- pleased with the picture they re- Cranford, secretary. . many yvars. . • tions to help Korea rehabilitate it- . Donald < is vice-president of ing will be open until 5 p.m. this after- only actions ^which can block inflation,, ter early. June may' be cut back self, pointing out that its land has rlozzi. • . , • , ; ceived 'for their room from the ther story play was present RAJA,'Radio and Journalism Com- rather heavily if desired. Such been laid to waste, its homes and PTA. It is the "Vegetable Garden" noon and from 7 to 9 p. m. tonight to and it has gone steadily ahead with poli- a group under the direction pany, sponsored by .'the. Elizabeth plants as hydrangeas, buddleias, or industries nave been destroyed by by the Dutch artist, Van Gogh. QUALITY accept lastrminute registrations. , cies in the field of money and credit which Roses-of-Sharon usually do better, U Schcckler. The play was Grade 3 . . Daily Journal. In his new post, he the war. He also sugested that a - Rabbit and Tar Baby.'* ^"There are many new residents of are inflationary. • That is an economic with, rather severe pruning. ' trade agreement should be worked' r The children in Mrs. Oliva Bur- will preside at the regular board haracters .were: Janet Mc- nett's third grade were fortunate of directors meeting, appoint, com- Union (oaaty Folks .Cranford who are eligible to register but crime against a misled people. but between Japan and Korea, McManus Bros, have constantly Grape vines can be pruned any as brother rabbit, Henry in having Forrest P. Dexter dem- mittees and guide the social and time during the winter, but pre- after the peace treaty is signed who have not yet taken the'required few as tar baby, and Robert onstrate the effect of ultra violet cultural activities of the associa- stood for somothsig fine, ferably . after danger of severe with Japan. .' r as the fox. Narrators were minutes to fulfill the requirements to lights on rocks. , tion. passed Quality" is the freezing _is past. Gardeners faced President Cyril Pertey, conduct- Martin and Nancy Tarver • For Better Schools ed the meeting. Several members Two lights were used — the register. And with permanent registra- with problems of pruning grape . Grade 6 A member of the Young People's our buying staff. Our name of the dub.attended an inter-city "black light," a very short wave tion, a person is only required to register Cranford schools are enriched each Vines may obtain detailed infor- a Jane Hooley of Miss Doris Group at the First Presbyterian synonymous with fine home fur- meeting last Thursday night at u length ultra violet, and mercury once, unless he moves. - year by the efforts of PTAs and organi- mation by requesting bulletin, nwpng's grade brought in vaper, a longer wave length ultra Church, Donald is a Life Scout and nishings honestly built dnd fairlv "Pruning Grapevines" from this Far Hills Inn. Somerville. . ranium plants for a table crew leader, of Troop 75. He also Registration is one of the elemenr violet. priced. zations among students. Not all residents Agent, Court House, Elizabeth. v Grade 6 is a member of the high school tary requirements of good citizenship. A realize how. much time and energy are Jr. Red Cross Bean tion. band, the Rod and Gun Club and inc Rehder, Mabel Tarver Gail Biddle, a pupil in Mrs. Mar- the Mathematics Club.. gie.Martin are printing ion Eschenlauer's grade, reported I citizen cannot exercise his choice at the spent, to 'give children the very best in Ruth Poynter Named 'Drama of Blood" The Union County Achievers 1 1 that they observed "American polls in a primary , general or school elec- curricula and extra-curricula experiences. ^^ ^nTaUaaC a^ffnflBiTfni^aTaa * ' liniBCUSflU. vjnd edition of the school Association is part of the national To Ifonor Society of Cranford High School and vice- per, "The Express." Brotherhood Week" by discussing SELECTION tion unless he is'registered. And regard- - During the past year, the Roosevelt and memorizing quotations by Ab- Association' of -Junior Achievers. Miss Ruth K. Poynter, daughter president of Blood Donors. Inc.. ELANO .SCHOOL ,The vice-gresident of each junior PTA concentrated its work toward the of the Rev. and,Mrs. Matchett Y. Grade 1 rahahv-Lincoln and George Wash-^ less of what you may. think, YQ.UR .vote gave -an illustrated talk on "The : achievement company automati- Poynter 6f Elizabeth, a senior it boys and girls in Mrs. Doris ingtori! * ' - - McManus Bros. .you. will is IMPORTANT at the polls. ; purchase of 16 reproductions of famous Drama of Blood in Cranford/* at a cally becomes a member of the. paintings. These paintings last week be- Brothers College, Drew University. meeting last week -of the Junior anger's grade, wl>o received Lincoln's Gettysburg . address county achievers' group. one of the largest displays of Madison, has been elected to Sigma Red Cross. • , for reading books, from the was memorized by Bob Armstrong: furnishings from which one came a reality. What better way is there Phi, scholastic honor society. The A' series of colored slides showed r' this month, were as fol- The class decided the motto, "With • "It's Your Inflation" to tea<:n children the v,. Mr. Poynti iwbtuud is typed, what happens I Bttty Fui lenbaugh, Deiia~ mailer toward none, with charity Hold Patents James Methodist Church, Eliza- to the blood at the laboratory, the Jay, Judy Richards, Jay Leis- lor all," by- Abraham Lincoln, was, Two Cranford men. employes of ditional; Modern; Early American Life magazine recently published their classrooms, children can appreciate beth, was formerly pastor of Cran- |Trena Craft, Mary Morrison, blood-type card, how donors,'are a good saying for the special week the Standard Oil' Development or Contemporary Styles. Here, too, one of the best editorials on inflation and become familiar with the work of the ford Methodist ChuVch. obtained at Red Cross headquar- Hirsctiland, Alan Hospes, of brotherhood. Company, have been awarded Miss Poynter is a graduate of bllbert, Russell Michcls, Dick you will see nationally advertised masters. ' . '. , ters and the actual transfusion. Up United States patents. Earl E. y which Has yet appeared. It dealt with the the Vail-Deane School, Elizabeth. to the end of February. -331 dona- Jary, Penny Grote, Candy Willauer of 11 Indian Spring road, products from the foremost manu- In trie* high school, the PTA has •Jpan Banker, Diane Leland, Completes 30 Years Administration's "cheap money" policy Clas of 1947. She was selected last tions of blood had been made in a member of the staff of the em- facturers ... all in the latest trends started a mammoth project to purchase fall to0 represent the college in the the community, Mr. Zimmerman I Tucker, Joan Zak, Carol Ma- ploye relations - department, re- which has made higher prices and depre- At Kearny Plant of designs, stybs and fabrics. ' 1950-51 edition of "Who's Who said. • , -. ' .••_,•• • \.'. 1 Ruth Lcrda and Charles. ceived a patent for a method for ciated currency inevitable. At the end new uniforms for the band. Here again Jendorf. A total of 58 books Walter C. Gearrick of 408 Manor among Students in American Uni- Benson Rosenberg of the Eliza- removing the asphalt from lubri- parents are .sharing with their children •read by these children. avenue- was guest of honor Tues- it said, "The vast maze of Federal lend- versities and Colleges.". beth bio-chemical laboratory- cating oils. William S. Craft of 708 1 -GradT* day at a lurtcheon in observance the pride of having a' fine musical organi- Her sister; MisS Rebekah W. showed how a person^ blood is Springfield avenue was. a warded a , ing agencies which together make the I children pf MiftS Kith Morv, of his tlftjrtieth anniversary with patent lor ,the. design of a bubbje zation. We have full faith that-the PTA Poynter, a freshman at the col- typed by using anti-A and anti-B SFPVICE Ui S.. Government the biggest source fc [grade have enjoyed reports rn Electric Company' at cap. to-be used in distillation tow- . will reach its goal. :r ~ ' ' \ lege, has been'named on the dean's serum. ----.-•—-• ' •-, ; plant. . 'privateprivate* credicredt aree goinggg jjg£l^|jjg£ £ list. . . s taken by two members of ers. He is a member of the Esso 'Not enough praise has been directed Members of the junior and sen- is. Timothy Hayes repfirjed. Mr. Gearrick , joined the com- Engineering Department. with loal n policies which also stimulate ior biology clubs and all students sek-end trip to Washington. pany in Chicago and was trans- Our service, people say, is and al- inflation and further shave your dollar. toward the Hi-Y dubs whose* members at Cranford High School were in- |and Judy Koshurba reported ferred to the local plant in 1927. ways has boon remarkably good! Hillside Merchants vited to the meeting. . Spokesmen for such respected groups as perform numerous services for the 1 visits to historic places in He is a member of the equipment To Meet in Westfield For over 70 years our reputation Set Industrial Exhibit engineering organization. '• "' The Northern New jersey Alli- the Twentieth Century Fund and the schools. Just recently, the clubs bought |ersey. < '•'., *~ for fair dealing; courtesy1 and guar- , About 40 members of the Hill- A Bit of Cranford men of research groups in A resident of Cranford. .for . 21 ance, of Delta Delta Delta sorority Committee for Economic Development a new center curtain for the stage in the side Industrial Association will will meet Wednesday at the home anteed satisfaction has been con- high school. This addition will serve stu- In Hollywood, Fla, [studies for another topic oft years, Mr. Gearrick also is a mem- cry at the tops of their voices that insani- take part in an in an industrial ex- Although a number' of Cranford •ersey are Rudolf Konegan, ber of the Stanley S. Holmes Chap- of Mrs. F. S. Williams, 540 Elm stantly maintained. Our sales-force street, Westfield. A pot-luck lunch- ties of this sort may draw/the country, dents for years to come. hibit to be held today and tomor- and ex-Cranford residents nave ISalas and Timothy Hayes-. ter, Telephone Pioneers of Amer- is as friendly and as. helpful ass row from 2 to 10 p. m. in the Hill-. ica. : eon will be served at 12:30 p. m. into an extreme inflation that could be We commend the PTAs and the moved to Florida or spend a part 1 Grades . ever . . . thoroughly experienced side High School. . v. , . of the winter there, one former fcrta Schillinger and Phyllis avoided. All the Charles Wilsons, Eric students for their selfless interest in the The exhibit will feature operat- resident has named" an apartment ^ report that the children and ready to advise you in your Johnstons and Michael DiSalles in Wash- school-going.generation. When parents, ing displays and a showing of pro- building for his former home town. > Irene Gilbert's class have home furnishing problems in a ducts of industrial concerns in ington cannot prevent or cure this infla- teachers and students work together, any Felix DiFabto of Morristown. ) Brotherhood Week. The most qualified manner. project, no matter, how big, .can be Hillside: The association has spon- formerly of Cranford, has pur- ing children made pictures tion with price, wage and commodity sored the exhibit as a community chased an eight-unit apartment at [ere displayed on the bulle- controls if the root fiscal causes of infla- tackled. - relations project bringing together 1911 Buchanan street. Hollywood, Mary. Winters, Howard education, industry and the gener- Fla, and plans to completely re- Wen Zcsch, Elaine Schad, al public. . .'•.:.... model and renovate the structure. Krippendorf, Phyllis Chlo- Formerly known as the I Roberta • Srhllllngpr nnrl apartments, Mr. O Robert Witherspoon Men in Service nounced that it wBl. be known I in an article about it. "AcManiM Bros, famous • Budget Donald K. Goebner, airman re- its racopitukrHon of what it hereafter as the Cranford apart- | Fegel, CoritaKVogel, Rlch- Plan has always been noted for its cruit, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. ments. Mr. DtFabte. a member of fewster, Mary MTmter arid occempBtiMd in 1950, afcowd that more people convenience; simplicity and low Burns Goebner of 101 Orang^ ave- the Cranford Uons Club, has been Schillinger contributed nue, is receiving his basic train- in the real estate and building on Colonial life\ Mary tnoti OVOJT • •<• now fnands wid oU .. bought home furnishing* cost! It's a liberal, flexifat* credit ing at the Naval Training Center, business here and in Morristown gave a book report on ic Choke policy designed to fit individual •V, Great Lakes, lit for many years. Tku6ei,'frv, i of Old New York." need*, enabling many to furnish i Munday reported that .^ e students of Thomas Tlpal- Color Choice their homes Without putting a strain "i grade,study of Colonial These slacks are slated on their incomes. You may take up a"p was made showing the > file MMIIMSS Of TMITOSh'j to (5 months to pay, after a mcil- DEAN OIL COMPANY |of the European nations in to become the back- "-world In 1700. The map bone of your Spring/ 10 beMer way* It n tMi erate down paymenty^ And, re- pmed "New World- 1700." and Summer wardrobe; member, you deal onlyand directly, Pt colors represented each- ..Lightweight.. ever increasing potr Bros, that malco H with McManus Bros; from start to FUEL OIL I The countries represented iabrics^-com- England,' France, Portugal, •nEtxaboth/' finish. " Ind.Hdlland. The following • plementary ^ assistod. in completing it; ,colors. Com- ' fortobly FANWOOD, N. J priced. JUR COON SHOES

,.*0MBN WITH a jump on Spring cleans rtOBLEM LOANS to MODERNIZE5W1F NEW 1951 PATTERNS ..and$av«montytoo! >REW CNSANTI •f Asserieaa m , "A stitch in time savespfa?' 1T»at[s particularry true of homes. Money to improve or repair your home ... to . AVK. - make it more attractive and convenient ... is available here at low rates. Repayment may be made in convenient monthly installments. So don't delay. Check the im- ' provements your home needs now. Get an estimate of NOW AVAILABLE WASH SLACKS the cost: Then come to this bank. • IMPERIAL fSURANCE $•95 "Be Thankful You Can Setr • NANCY WARREN FOR Itoiura You* Contribution Now - .. , RAYON A WOOL To th« Uou aub BUnd SMI Dri««. • LLOYDS EVERY GABARDINE • TWBAOT O UNION COUNTY NEED 8.95 up home furnishings 1152 1154 IAST JUSEV ST., TRUST COMPANY BLAKESLEE The largest and Finest Home Furnishings Store In Elixabelk ELIZABETH CBAMFOBD The Sportsman's Shop BIZABHH 2-5600 If ember TtAeral Deposit Itmttaiut Corporation «0FIEU) AVE. 17 North Ave., W. €r. 6-1099 and Federal Reserve Svtttm OPEN FRIDAV EVENINGS


ltf$S^,?!?!?^ ™" ¥&&«::::#• :*v ^^^ 1 1 : gwpisMiBwiiBnBiMnnwaijMtiitffi a-K yt^aj^rr • njuor^rtx i»ifflPHMfflHMrag§P!slS^ •«--••;•..5! ",..-•"'••',''••;' •; .''; .'••- , V'.' '•• '•• V. • ..','-• •''•.-.V '"'••' ' ,•.*•',:''•••'•'».',,'- -r. --. '•":...•.'' ;«.;\'v\' 'r ..''•••••',-*•. . • •. '

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'award of merit for his Beckman led the salute»« unit contains leolfte or .%r . . . cubs, under ,...„, nas «n affinity for macne- f Awards were distributed to the <••) off the and calcium, the water-hard- From New York BUlfe Mothers. The place «-, -sntibodKS Announcement has been made following: Bruce and Donald Nos- ., "C.1 cnlnf minerals. As the water filt- trand, Leslie Kerr, Harold Hanna, place cards were Jn&de h. to the of the retirement on aJnuary 31 of Refreshments were.served. Facts About struction of its blood cells. This de- ers through ihe softener, the hard- George O. Muter of 8 Sylvester 1 Edward Cerwin, William Miners, struction of the baby** blood nay ness is j^emoved\ and held in the street from the New York Agency Ralph; Seibert, BiUie Stacey, be severe enough to cause the-fetus '«•*•%/••„'. •'•'.• ' ••'" By ALEXANDER G. SPBNCBR of the Bank of Montreal, 64 WaUCharles Rittweger, David Hall, , Witer treated in a zeolite soft- A subtle garlic fl« ^ (unborn etuld) to die before birth, * if also filtered to eliminate street. New York City- The local Stephen, Dexter, ''Carl Halibough, vor or cause severe anemia or brain resident served 43 years with the Robert ' Johnson and . Kenneth imparted to salads b> u Here's another' example of. the counting as, little as eight or nine clove of garUe in tht toLu. i'! {TW« column«U contributed fa* a injury when the child fe born. This cloudiness'caused by turbidity. points. Holding bank and was in charge of broker's Shaffer. NOW YOU CAN BO YOUR FRIENDS AND THE-NEEDS FOR •ubMe «er»ice by the Medical ?o- blood destruction in the newborn. g allowing it to stand foT«5 Mr. Schaible cited surveys which advantage of using a light opening * A [loans and the agency's finances at A Valentine skit was enacted by 1 Cletu of Neu> Jewey and the Union due to Rh and other factors, has A B 7 before serving. The a*-? . SOMETHING PERSONAL NEIGHBORS BELOW •how that the average family can bid. It is taken from my series of A 8 6 the time of his retirement Den 3. Robert Slagle and John Alie MUCH GREATER Itf .County Medical Society. «*"*£» given the formidable l0 a vear by usin8 course, removed befor. saw over * ° articles on , the English sys- A 10 7 Starting in the stock transfer de-? TO HELP THE WORLD should be addrewed %o Erythroblastosis Featlis. soft water on a service basis, that partment of the New York Agency HAVE VOLUNTEERED BOTH OUR COMMUNITY gocUty c/ Wno JftfW • makiM it p«««efter Deveraler that de- 10 8 7~: very flat distribution. Change the sues, Mr. Miller has worked in Mr wat*r»ra«tiBK >ra«css Is ahsslalaly, smanatat* U live„, . . in Jhe past few years, and conse- en may bear at least two or more preciation of washable clothing nearly every department during dry eaUar Saar! Na chart* aatil Jab kas »t»»e" aallnly • A 5 2 pattern like this ' .• • ' - • • fluently, many women when faced, ^unaffected Rh positive children, In can be cut by as much as S3 per 4 A J x xx the past four decades. . BsUautsa ckasrfsjlljr s>*«> • • •CALL Q J2 . j'witfi pregnancy are unduly'fear- other words being an Rh' negative cent by washing in soft water, that # A 10 9 8 • ' " 9? K Q x x i . ".' . He was presented with a wrist ' iul of giving birth to an abnormal mother or mother-to-be does not a family can save up to 70 cents K J 9 6IS 3l »,.] ppass a gadget "Acaba" (is this from the through the West They will visit - groupings or typings which consist , Committees for a mid-Lenten tea pass • *i of four main types known as Type nant and the unborn child is Rh Thursday have been announced by pass 2 <9 pass -2 NT Spanish^ verb acabalar, meaning in California, Vancouver and re- | Radio Dispatched J, II, III and IV or more recently positive, the already sirs,. Thomas Doig, directress of pass ' pass . pass to complete?) and it works like , turn through Canada, stopping at ils. •.. . .' "• „..•*•• [Like Louise and Banff and othe. known as A, B, AB and O. It is present in thhe mother's blood may the Altar Guild of Trinity Church. The English South led a dia- [this. After drawing from the stock on points of interest called Rh because it was in ex- I readily cause destruction of the Mrs. Charles Mott is refreshment mond and North-South took six ( Aiier urawrnt uuui u» hard-class, he said. Deer are supposed to shed tears. I hand, for example, and a point' next turn to play the player may .' | negative factor,' (these, are' called The hardness of local water Th* drops, however, which fall count of ten or less (ace 4, king 3, go out without asking or may ask • heterozygous fathers) 50 per cent would be quickly apparent to a ftwn thehr eyes arc oily secretions. queen 2, jack 1), an Acolite would again.)" FUND CHAIRMEN CftANFORD GARWOOD KENILVORTH of their children will be Rh nega- housewife coming here from Bosr pass as quickly as a Culbertson The acaba rule seems to be . live. . . tbn, Mas&. one of the rare dtiesl player, maybei quicker. But give an CHANNING RUDD BEN CYPHERS WESTFIELD TRUST CO. 1 worth a try. Perhaps it should be Executive Chairman • EDWIN W. KRAUS When a mother is Rh positive where the water is only one graini NOTICE TO Acol player one long suit, or two an optional rule which may be PAUL O; DUNHAM "South Avel' and Center' St. 25 N. 18th Street and-her unborn child is Rh nega-r ,Or WILUA11 S. JONES. De- CHARLES F. HANSEL, JR. bard in its natural state. She wouldl five card suits, or similar good dis-* used by agreement of all players; * F. KERV1CK tivc or positive then usually no t CHABUCS A. •••"•"• 'V Vits|Chalrman ' ' V notice a great-jump m soap con—^ ibU and he will open hands in a game. .abnormalities occur. When a moth- sumption* mcreased clothing de>^ %#X*W«' 4H>, mill—gan v> ...H .^~__. ^ or is Rh negative and- her un- Onion, made on the second day of March 1 preeiatiop u and other problems A. D- 1SS1. Upon' the application ol the born, baby is Rh negative usually undenitned. as Executor of the estate of INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEE PLANNING & PUBLICITY SECRETARY TREASURER . ' no abnormalities occur. However. which hard water creates, Mr. said deceased, notice U hereby given to the creditors of said deceased to exhibit KOOFER8 SINCE 19tl . Jwhch a mother is Rh negative and Schaible pointed out. ROBERT E. CRANE GEORGE H. BATES MRS. W. Hi WAGSTAFF MRS. BEATRICE BARGOS s t« the subscriber under oath.or afrltma- "O •:' ' her'unborn, child is Rh positive Soft- water service provides a tton their claims ^and • demands asalnst BURTON E. DICKERMAN HOWARD R. BEST - Red Cross Headquarters 20 Norman Place compact softening unit which re- the : estate ' of. said. deceased within six ; there is a possibility that the child nioves everytrace , months from the date of said order, or JOHN V. NOSTRANO CHARLES M. RAY -10 N. Union Ave., Cranford Cranford, N. J. • inay be affected .for this reason. t f h** from Utey,'«Mll be forever barred from pnwer water. It requires no maintenance cuting*oi «>coverin« the same asalnst the l» . • i As the child is growing in the by the householder, he said. HENRY C. BOSTWICK. CKANFOKD BUSINESS 'Womb, there is a constant inter- Mr. Srhaihle explained that min- Workers Mrs. H. Neil Witherspoon Mrs. R. L, Muir Mrs. William Wiseman Workers Mrs. Frances Mason . fchangc of blood elements between Executor. Mrs. Roy F, Hammond Mrs. M. O. Hollenbeck erals are .absorbed as water falls i S. Nichols. Jr.. Attorney, J. F. Kervicky Chairman Mrs. Reville Turk Mrs. H. L. Leland Mrs. A. C. Reynolds, Jr. ' Mrs. A; Moyer Mrs. Jean M. Hirschland Wm, Schmal, Jr. - ithe mother and-her child, that's, from the clouds and as it perco-' W East Broad St.. * Sidney Breen Mrs. Edward. Aborn Mrs. George Mack „' Mrs. R. W. Hardy Mrs. Paul Dlefenbruch Vwtflald. N. J. L, H. Compton • Carl W. Koester pie reason for the placenta (com- lates through the earth. A water |F£!? • Peter J. Clark Mrs. W. Freudenberjt Mrs. S. W. Corson . Mrs. P. E. Weingart J. H. Johnson monly called after-birth> being «« ^».ksbw tliekwhkky. That's q. Willard Gibbfe Miss L. Herder ; FREE ESTIMATES - u William DiTullio Mrs. G. Muller Mrs. Fegel Frank Boers , Wm. Kettle present. In the case of an Rh nega- Mrs. A. G. Caterson - Mrs. R Keating why PluUdelplila has bean taVored by Mrs. Emma Gilmore . Mrs. W, Sperry r Mrs,. F. A. Schrope Mrs. R. A. Grpbengieser Mrs. Wm. Partridge ' live mother with an Rh positive •399 Mrs. Carroll K. Sellers R. W. Coons • (eawations of BM» who know quality. Arthur Hetz Mrs. E. Hugnes Mrs. P. H. Mertz Mrs. John W. Giles Henry Wiegnnd. tchild, the passage of the Rh poai- • «/«OT. Mrs. H. B. Dunlop H. Genzken Roy MacBean Mrs. H. Vaughn ' Miss G. Estabrook Mrs. P. V. D. McLaughlin John Halkowich -TIME PAYMENTS - FAMOUS SINCE 1894 Mra. Henry Dreyer Miss D. Gilbertson - (Uvc blood factors from the baby Mrs. Ruth Richins Mrs. w' Wurth Mrs. C. Dickey Mrs. F. W. Foreman Norman Roden Mrs. A. B. C. Denman Mrs. L. Into the mtKer's blod stream is E. J, Shaheen Mrs. If. Conover Mrs. S. Sweetser Mrs. Raymond W. Bauer Raymond Reinhardt ' naturally foreign to the mother, What does HBMO WNHKY Mrs. C. C. Johnson Mrs. L. Van Bergen Herbert Kreie Mrs. W. Fairchild Mrs. P. Taddeo Mrs. William L. Brown Joseph O'Mallcy plnce she is Rh negative and has Mrs. Hugh-Mair Mrs. A. J. Hetzler Mrs. L. R. Baker Priwirtl • Iriti Mrt.' Al^r^H N Clay Walter F. Weeks J. Morrison ; George Kapl Miss J. W. Sarafln Mrs. Henry H. Crane KENILWORTII i) The mother's system therefore I Mrs.* Clifton tt- L. D. Faunoe- P. A. To reacts towards .this strange Is. mmm -George Mwy ': »nwjc>: Gltt r— Mrs. Harold Gruyce ' ' Edwin W. Krauss. Chairman Mrs. R. IF. Robey Mrs. Lawrence M. Tucker Mrs. N. F.Sieg Mrs. F. Dickison Ira M. Kcrzman . in a protective way, that is by-pro-1 Mrs. Harry Van Iderstine, Jr. Mrs. A. MacPherson Mrs. L. E. Moody Mrs. William Killeen jtucing what are called antibodies j Mrs. B. C. Belden Mrs. W. A. Lukln Mrs. .Fred F.. VoorVoofheeh s Mrs. R. F. Johnston Mrs. Albert Frandano ysai? Mrs. J. A. Andrews Mrs. Henry Orth Mrs. A. J. Neu Mrs. Wm. P. Smith Paul Novak Mrs. B. Coventry District 8 Mrs. Earl B. Paffrath 701 Third Avenue Elizabeth, N. J. George Davidson Mrs. Thelma Kliriger Mrs. John A: Tbeisz Mrs. F. C. Trowbridge Cafttalns Mrs.'Edward F. Rouvet Mrs, T. S. Sinclair L. J. Brennaa Cr. Mrs. Fred Hacker Mstrlct S Frank Melando Mrs. Carl F. Schnitzcr Mrs. F. Pfaff , ' Mrs. James Duffy Mrs. W, A,. Metke - Elizabeth 3-6916 Mrs. R. E. Rowland Captain Mrs. K. W. Wiebesiek . Mrs. Roy p. Koenig : BRENNAN & TOYE Mrs. • Arthur Roagland ' W. N. Powers Mrs. Ford C. Bethick Mrs. John Pells Mrs. H. L. Smlthers, Jr. Mrs. E. A, Nils Mrs. Cameron Ogden Mrs. Artemus Dill Mrs. R- W. Coons Mrs. R. B. Winkel Mrs. E. A. Sasso v Plumbing — Healing Mrs. W. W. Jones Mrs. P. Greenspan Mrs. William T. Collins Mrs. C. J. Krynicki ' Mrs. Herbert Sjursen Mrs. James McGovney '. ' Mi's. J. L. Thiesmeyer Mrs. P. Dexter , • lieutenants , Mrs. C. Kaufmanh Mrs. William Chapman ' Tinning Mrs. P. C. Grove Mrs. V. D. Shaheen Mrs. E. T. Holder) Mrs. Charles M. Preston • Mrs. M. Sewell, Jr. Mrs. F. Miles Workers Mrs: R. M. Van Horn Stephen Eustice Mrs. Rcinhold Neumann ' ; Amerieaii^RadlaUr C«v Mrs. Robert L. Weber Mrs. David Bromlleld Mrs. W. E. Keefer . Mrs. John Vogcl Mrs. L. J. Blatz • Mrs. John P. Curran Mrs. E. Gill . Mrs. Peter Ciravolo ; AutMtatic Oil Burners Mrs. L. Ford Mrs. Paul <>. Dunham Frank Ramsey Mrs. A. F. Van Home Mrs. J. B. Brewster Add up all the benefit* Mr*. L. R. best Norman Keck •'. Mrs. F. Neill Baumtfurtner Mrs. F. K. Miner Mrs. Pat Venice ItM South Ave^ IL. CKANVOBO Mrs. Chas. Mott John Biach Miss Josephine Kaul Miss Edna Gilbertson Mrs. Frank Garrity Mrs. G. w; Hauk ^ Mrs. Ernest Vinella Mrs. Eda Mundy ' Richard Anderson Mrs. Constantine Barbariso If rs. R. C. Swann Mrs. Louis Vlggiano Mr.'and Mrs. C. S. Patterson Mrs. Geo. Hicks Workers Mrs. Frederick C, Wolff Mrs. J. Balinska* Mrs. EL A. Damon District 7 Mrs. J. J.Felz Mrs.J. H. McCoy Mrs. Carl H. Mason Mrs. Herbert Haslam Mrs. F. D. Morris Mrs. Muriel Srissi Mrs. Thomas S. Hall' Mrs. Earl Baron Mrs?: Chas. L. "Mrs. Benjamin B. Bloys Mrs. Catherine Edgar Captains . - Mrs. Henry J.' Dempsey Mrs.-. M.'.R. Freese Mrs.. H. J. Dickens Mrs. Joseph F. Mulligan Mrs. William A. Clark Mrs. Daniel Vroom * Mrs. J. B. Chamberlin Mrs. Meredith. S. Conley Mrs. Stanley M. Weiland Mrs. C. McMastcr. Jr. Mrs. George H. Eberhardt Mrs. H. W. C.romey Mrs. Parker Van Dien Mrs. R. L. Johnson Mrs. W. D. Compton Mrs. Chas.. C. Goodfellbw, Jr. Mrs. S. J. Scorese • • Mrs. Edward B. Jacobsen Mis.-D. H. Ncale Mrs. E. H. Miller Mrs. Richard M. Dorian Mrs. J. C. Maloney 1 Mrs. Thomas Kuriger • . Mrs. Homer C. Fisher Mrs. Harold Kerr District 2 Mrs. Wm. Van Duync MrSTrCR: Frists Mrs. H. R. Jacobus Mrs. Hurry Shallcross Mrs. Peter E. Nelson * > Miss Patricia VelbinRer Mrs. D, Richard French Mrs. Wilbur V. Schindler Mrs; W. E. Post . Warkers ' ' ' Mrs. Avery B. George .'Mrs. George Pappas . Miss Gertrude Ramsey Mrs. Michael J. Slanc Mrs. Thomas Beninatl Gcorce Myers Mrs. George W. Sands - Mrs.. Frank Ramsey Mrs. G. K. Daniels Mrs, Albert E. Johnson. Mrs. H. E. Kiesling Mrs. Claude D. Cury H. L. Finch Mrs. G. W. Albertson Mrs. K. C. Anderson •' Ueutesuusls Mrs. J. R. Tunner Mrs. Fred W. Langc District 10 District « ' Mrs. G. Whlttier Mrs. Eric Hamilton :.«#lrta*J»H«rfrfa».S*a Mis. Wm. MoreU Mrs. Harold Garrity Mrs. C: C. James Mrs. J. G. Wortley Mrs. Sydney L. Nunn Captains Mrs. H. F. Reynolds - m-. IWajrB-h. Mrs. Albert Lewis (Saptams F.'A. Cox Mrs. W. F. Poorman Mrs. J. H. Weber - ^ourriokitgh o J. E. Gallagher Mtss Barbara Hoik Mrs. Nelson Lightcap Mrs. Wm. Watt Wsrktn Mrs. C. A. Boillod Mrs. H. A. Bamford Mrs. W. G. Michaels Mrs. Rhoda Arfkcn i Mrs. Hans Weber .bom tlMVea. Miss Mary Frances Prlsta r 1 Mrs. A. H. Crowell Mrs. Dorothy Turner . Mrs. Summer Darrow Hnrold W. LnuKhlin Mrs. H. K. Higgins Mrs. Frances Maektc Mrs. R. L. '•TomHnson Mrs. A. Welke Mis. William Bridges L has double^ m site during ' Mrs. Frank Walter John C, Voss — • He does plcoty* As an Mrs. Neil Castaldo Mrs. J. H McAteer Mrs. W. C. Philpot Mrs. Clifford Wolf the past IQ years, it still So That r Alexander R. Prlsta Mrs. Max Scholz Joseph DiTullo tacatmoat or koc~ Exduuu{eAssigaer.Georg« Mis. tk F.TOIiver^ District 6 Mrs. Paul Simpson Mrs. U H. Mueller Mrs. Frederick Sahlin . ' Werkers > , Mrs. T. Brennan Wm. R. Partridge Sh«ing-and others ia th* isn't large enough to meet' Captain Mrs. Clifford Straek Mrs. J. A. Jorlett Mrs. Ludwig P. Adam Mrs. P. Aagaard Mrs. E, L. Baldeschwieler Mrs. H. J. Cree Mrs. G. B. Hogaboom all needs. To provide, tele* Mrs: G. F. Zimmerman Mrs. Ray V. Tillett the Red Cross Mrs. H. Hansen Mrs/Jean Montenecourt Ted Wasserbach Mrs. J. Dwight Bridge phone service -for the" Mrs. C. W. Davis Miss Josephine Law Mrs. H. Z. Martin Workers Mrs. L. J. Davis, Jr. GARWOOD s_ - •»-«i» «-»—- Mrs. W. S. Eltinge Mrs. C. V. Rpsencrantz Lieutenant* Mrs. J. A. Winter Ronold Burla capadrf of all the tele- ArtBed Forces and defense • *!•". Mrs. E.'V. Malone Mrs. P. B. MacMiUan Miss Dorothy Davis Mrs. G. A. Bartle Mrs. C. R. Boettger Mrs. J. Talcott B. E. Dickermah, Ind. Chr. phone facilities in bis area. . plants—and at the same * and get your can Carry On Mrs. H. C. Wderner, Mis. Alfred Borup Mrs. K. W. Sheldon Mrs. William G: Nagle Mrs. William Dennis Mrs. Raymond A. O'Neill Mrs. O. Gruss He can tell where tde- tine continue to give joa Mis. A. R. Colville Mrs. W. J. McKee Mrs. F. P. Krieger Mrs. Sosnowskl Captain James Hotalcn Mrs. W. T. Donnelly , Miss Dorothy Adams fast, dependable service* Mrs. L. J. Todino Mrs. C. GodfreyJ>oggi Paul Jones Mrs. Fred Ball Mrs. Cy Koester Mrs. Elmer F. Cowel! OMmioyov Basoaes ***** be nHfil ^**4 AUTO LOAN here. Mis. Wm. Magari Mrs. Wm. G. Trometter requires the best use of mtt The great humanharian work of tlte Red Cr«i»« flowi in many tli«" Mrs. William Lehman Mrs.H. R. McCullouuh Mrs. J. D. Saverccol Mrs. J. Harcketts jwjbmthcyan-t. He helps Mrs. J. W. Lang Mrs, W. Kenneth Fredericks Mrs. Wm. A. Harvey Mrs. Thos. McGoyern Worker* • .1. rmi^^t j» hw Hiintitiir. irmtrucliow in nutritiott, • fw Frank Pfaff Mrs. Alfred Simmonds sssMkc it possible to pco%iotf" faclUdes. while M Mrs. William H. Old' " Mrs. T. Wassorbach Mrs. H. Hitter Mrs. E. D. Betts we're going ahead with oat Jbudscting, In safety—these ar« service* tliat. hd|» a toinnturiilv ii»"l Mrs. Howard Ringle Mrs. Garnett Ackerman Mrs H. A. F'errel nt> Workers. Mrs, F. Vaughan - "Mrs. Corinrie Spahn Mrs. W. W, Gilbert •enlargeBieirt* prognusu TRUST they are carried on by the Red Cm Once a year this «rgani/ati Mrs. J. C. Munday Captain* ' Caaiaaas Mrs. J. H. Sanford Mrs. S. R. Schecklei- Mrs. Phillip Henchan George • Trumporc Mrs. E. W. Holt D.A.V. atKa for fundi. Will you give? And give generously? 1 s. J. Howard Houston Mrs. A. Donald Green Mrs. M. Cushmeyer. Mrs. Lawrence' Botts Mrs. Ira Kerzman Uta. Jean Beatty Mrs. A. N. Hartman • That's aughty important B. W. GatYney Mrs. Robert Wiese ' Mrs. Richard Lackey, Jr. Mrs. Ethel Rogers Mrs. W. C. Pugh Mr. G. Nelson Kling Mrs. Kingsland Ward : these days, Ahhbmgh New Mrs. D. Smead Berry Mrs\. Albert Nelson M«. P. A. Sutton' Mrs. Henry Lovett Mrs. W. E. Cruchneld, Jr. Mrs. Elsie Beckman Mrs. R. Sachsol Airs. Alex B. Cloud Harry Osborne, Jr. Mrs. Louise* Koenig Mrs. G. C. Tranor !morr CHAPIEB. Ma w Jersty-s Mobilise tot Defense-Give Mrs. R_ p. Ferguson . Mrs. A, W. Bowling. Jr. Mrs. W. A. Kcve aL 8. Gatrrata, Service Officer ' i CRanford S-933S I Maataw Vadatal BaaasU Saote fs*e« hy •II1LIC SltVICI atxlotte Mmi— nai«nn ma< b> i't liquor Simre

•... '••••%*• ' ''• ' ! '

: • :: t:)'••••' '.•<••: '•'• .' ; l THK CRANIORD CITIZEN AND CHROiaOJt, THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1951 ' •na££^. awmaD ^ *'--^'M crnnw ~ *»m > .'gnioincK:nma, ^TOUBSDAY!- THURSDAY.' MABCMARCH «,4 M«M - ' '• -•'• '''"', * '••• • ••• -^:'^-•••-vi^^ .pain-in To Present Film u |Anucin.tion Kote. in the > t FAMILY UFE TOD AY and Mrs. Arthur Uelterr propertyJsftiap . oJ the Plainfield Club' formay be made: The, third provides' dicing hydrocarbons in the gaseous received for two that pbrtjop of Main .& itchy eyelids Haw3woooTKVKr«ndrI.. - . oC-tt fou i-yrars and m-a& runnerup last -for—a-nietbod-for-6eteotively-oxi-1 state. . : <—— •;———— mo« tof these lives. And sound igtBttr andtSuck"bodl«TssSuckbod , per spjeci bunds, was on roll call unanimn)iMy Also, frowning or scowling, car New wick Ave., was on rojb call unani- Mr. and Mrs. Cari Spaoer to Mr- year. knowledge of what to do in caseC: Louis Wurat as I l was referrefdd t^RcMM Committee. adopted. sickness, undue sensitivity to light, The film, "Barabbas," w^ , and, Mrs. Elmer C. Tatlmart, prop- invcwfaun v* wrr»n^ . '*0^ mously adopted. ' of flre could have saved many Investigator of app Report on'Committee on Bridges, [ (14)—Freeholder Bauer for Pub- squinting, crossed eyes, red shown at the Lenten service of^ Safety erty "in South Union avenue. 496JES 1 ire PiPermitt s to Carry CoConcealen d Weap- («()'—Freeholder Bauer tor the JERSEY PUBUC FAVAHS RAISING MINIMUM . liquor Dealers Unit .., moreore.. . •• ' , •••.'! Drainage^ Flood Control, recom- [lic Property. Grounds and Bldgs. rimmed, crusted or swollen eyelids, Couples Club on Wednesday E>n*en. (be Stole Untventty feet from' Lexington avenue. ons at $900.00 per annum, effective Road Committee, authorizing the PAY FOR TEACHERS TO SX500 A YEAR "When is the last time; you/bad Feb. 15, 1951, was referred to Fi-mending" the County contribute Committee, accepting bid of Amer- 'frequent ; styes,, watering eyes. 8:15 p m. in the First Presby tlR HTM ACT BIS AGE . Hear School Director a fire drill in.your home?" Chief $'4,000 towards thekimprovement'of purchase o'f one Mack Truck Chas- bloodshot eyes or double vision.. By Kenneth Fink, Director, The. New Jersey Poll I nance Committee. sis from the Mack Motor Truck ican Window Cleaning Co.Co.,, for ian Church sanctuary. Music i "Here comes Susie. Just' ignore PRINCETON—In his Annual Message to the Legislature on Mis- Harry Xssin. direct6r-of the BEAUTY BEGINS WHERE Schindlcr asked. ' " ; a natural stream which crosses h Ct Renamed to Comhiiltee BEanty JUizon School^; for retarded Boro of Kenilworth, advising Corp., for *5 972.80 and a Hedcleaning' windows in the Court . rerber, her, because if she finds out we're January 9, 1951V Governor Driscoll urged that, "We must continue that, the grade shown on map en- Tamaques Way in two places in House Bldgs- at $1320 for. one be provided "by Mrs. Everett 1 SSJ of M.1^ Vehicle. going to the movies, she'll want.to to revise, upward, minimum teachers' salaries and to strengthen our At Tide Water Co. tfJaaBdnea, spokeson the progress of ftedmePanw Westfleld, was received and orheav- y duty dump body, including Mathematicians Meet violinist, and a choir of eight \ JHEUCHT Minutes of the Chosen titled "Pl^ns for new reinforced mounting not to exceed $l,7t5, was | year from March 1st, 1951. was on this time of year, when come along. She's, such a baby, teacher salary schedules if we are to attract and keep the best'teachers • Raymond Freckman of 5fl»* ETm Ulbc sAooll at- a luncheon meeting i«You wouldn't think of letting concrete bridge over Branch 9-1dered filed: roll call unanimously adopted. Miss Gladys Estabrook, mathe-r under leadership of Mrs. J, conditions make driving shell spoil all our fun." in our state." street was recently renamed to> tbe 'ewnenilHy of lbe Women's Auxiliary on roll call unanimously adopted. Imatics teacher it Cranford High Vour children-or V^^f^ Board of Freeholders West Brook on Market St, Boro . Report on Committee on Bridges, There being no further business; difficult and hazardous than Poor Susie is so unhappy. She A bill introduced in the New Jersey Legis- .1951 suggestion committee tear ttor of nine Union County Retail Deal- (7)—Freeholder Bauer for the School, served on the program Putscher. Miss Mary Eliah, Children go to a school that Regular meeting of- the Board of KehHworth, dated Dec. 1950"Drainage & Flood .Control, recom- to be considered and on motion of 3% is viUl that thought wants to be .one of the gang, but lature on January 22, 1951, seeks to increase the Bayonne refinery, ^TiftS Water As-ers Association in Townley's Res- mending the County contribute Road Committee, authorizing the committee for the winter meeting Bonnell win accompany at the, minimum salary for teachers in the state to $2,500. 'of "Chosen Freeholders of Union prepared by the County Engineer purchase of a 1951 General Motors Freeholder Herlich." duly seconded , to. the importance of cour- they wont, let her. Try to imagine sociated Oil Company, it has been nuin^Tii)., Elizabeth. . was approved by -the Boro Engi- $3,000 towards the improvement of Saturday of the New Jersey Assoc- gan.: The~preserrt minimum is $2,200. (This year 2,980 1 The siwiup voted a donation to &S''-" County was held at the Court lft- Truck Chassis from the Umon by Freeholder King. Director MCT highway safety. how she feels 28.514 teachers in the state are receiving less announced by George C. Cain* . ttggga lruv Jalion of Teacaers-of Mathfmatlcs iJat-jKhocA-^asii-made—piaimt—ior^ neer . Mane declared Oke Hoard adjourn when she sees the gntral-Mipei miemieni- - v/ith at home," Fire ChiefTToward nuu.-*ci • •***«—«,—,„» . _ _ & of Rahway, which~ crosses War•- in Newark "Miss Mary Hoak and htfie dosing day* a year.)^ February 23rd, 1951 at 1:30 p. mDrainage St Flood Control tom- County Buicfc Co., for $7?B03»nr ed. Nearti regular meeting, Thurs- nualiy by the Religious Edu t the worst in traffic . —on — t-n The bill (Assembly, No. 9) has already passed The committee, which; handle* paid jpariy lo be held for its benefit. K. Schindler declared yesterday. ren. Terrace in the City of Rahway, ed. Neart rg g, George Gamble also attended. street. She speaks —Dircctor-McMane presiding. Roll mittee. a Heil heavy duty dump body, in- h8tl»51 1J0 Committee, headed this year ^U rain, sleet and im- the. New Jersey Assembly and is now being con- employee suggestions,- has. ' "That kind of thinking- doesn't was referred and ordered filed. day, March8ttl»51.-at 1J0 p. m. to them, hoping. Hamdh 27 at the home of Mrs. Gus- call 'shawed seven members pres- KeTn and Scotch of Union—re- cluding mounting not to exceed A. ETHEL ALL1£T6N," , visibility. Why should we • sidered by the New Jersey Senate. operation for more than 26 make sense. Fire is much more garding lease of the Second Dis- Following resolutions were in $1,755, was on roll call unanimous- Mr. and Mrs. Ford Pethick. they will be nice A New Jersey Poll survey on- the subject Mr. Freckman is assistant t»> the tave I.ang. Plainfield. ent and two absent. ly adopted. Clerk of the Board. I Ptetares • ' these difficulties by con- 1 likely to strike at night, when you troduced and moved for adoption The regular business to her, praying completed just seven days ago* shows that nine Out supervisor of'the .plant's Minutes of the meetings of Feb-trict Court, was referred to Public l dt(8) —d Freeholder Pearsall for A coating of clear shellac pre- : for the rights of others on and your family are asleep und far Property/Grounds & Bldgs. Com- . Freeholder Herlich moved that and election of officers will be t that they will let of every ten people questioned are in favor of in-and shipping department. more susceptible to panic. ruary 7th and 8th, 1951, were.'ap- Bridges, Drainage Sc Flood Control serves pictures. Past* children's creasing minimum'teacher salaries to $2,500, Granted 3 Patents rl mittee. the Board take up for further con- Optometrists Urge in the gymnasium; following her Join them. proved as per printed copies on Committee, agreeing to contribute pictures on plywood, and frame Soften, safe-driving remind- Those who favor'the $2,500 minimum out- F. Rollman of 2 Indian "In the event of a school firc,,you City of Rahway—requesting this sideration the Bond resolution pro- service. "But they ignore members' desks. ' to-the—Iown of WestfieM; $4,000 Special Care of Eyes ' without glass for the playroom. e.regarded as advice for the number by 11 to 1 those Who are opporsed to the Chess Champion Spairog mood, a member of the staff can- be reasonably certain that Board to take over Elizabeth Ave., viding for .the issuance of $42,00Q. her. She has to • nearly every class robin will nave Resolution approving all bills Land Purchase Bonds of'tye Coun- towards an improvement to a The American Optometric Assoc- 1 fellow" Many motorists . increase;, . • John Biach of 313 High stcetc tine pmoccss division of the from Grand Ave., to the City Line, it* Plenty wrong, with the walk off alone, Worthy of particular mention, too, is that only eight out of •teacher in attendance,' ready to. present for payment, was on roll ty, introduced and passed on firststream which v grosses Tamaques iation has designated this week as ashamed and recently won tlie P\aintieW Cturss Slamdamd Oil . Development '• Coni- a call unanimously adopted. was referred to Road Committee. Way at two locations in the Town 'Save Your Vision Week." Because Vfenow" on. the road but see every hundred people questioned in today's survey said that they Club championship, defeating the pamor. teas been granted three- Unit- and . lead pupils to Union County Park Commission reading on. Feb. 8, 1,951. miserable. were opposed to raising minimum teacher salaries in the state to $2,5*00. take' charge Following communications Were Director McMane then announc- at Westfleld, was on roll tall of the national emergency, indus- -no wrong in their own high- defending champion. The tiocal erf Slates patents. Two of these for $25,000 for storm conduct. There are relaUvely ' Susie can not Highlight of today's survey is that in. every population group •afety. icad and ordered filed: ed that the Board would hold a unanimously, adopted. trial workers must work . longer bear to be treat- examined, more than three out of every four favor raising minimum resident,- who has been an -cuis- pertain to an apparatus in "In the event of a fire in.^your I hearing on" the bond resolution and (9) ._ freeholder Pearsall for hours, thereby placing extereme drivers who cannot stand teacher salaries to $2,500. These groups include members of both standing chess player for tnamy Itie feed stot-Jco used in the improViement in their retar ed so cruelly. She has to assert years, formerly held the chaoipiaim-. home, there ale bound to be. a- |.would hear all persons interested Bridges. Drainage & Flood Control and excessive strain on visual hab- herself to be important in • some major political parties, all city sizes, age groups, occupations, and of synthetic gasolines - Dept. of Conservatioh & Ecof to other highway users. •numbcr of rooms in which there who desire to be heard with respect Committee, agreeing to contribute its and tasks. Television as well as IF YOU ips way. Susie may try to gain ac-educational. levels. - lease for the Second Du.tr;,ctCourt, ^„„„,om|£c ^1^**1,Development , regardinre'garding apap-- wh0- desir• — e• x•o ».oe —„«»« »» , w«™,~_«-<,«• „.• only human to have lapses wifrbe no adult to 'take over.' And $3,000 to the City of Rahway to- increased vehicular, traffic also ceptance by aggressive behavior. When New Jersey Poll staff reporters put this question to an CUSTOM BLINDS .1 may was refened to Public Property, plicaUon for permission to convert to the Resolution. Upon request of wards an improvement to a stream or resentment but to accurate, cross-section of the new Jersey voters:- . _.__. be children in those Gntunds and Bu.ld.nRs Committee ^ Director the Cleric read the draw attention .to the importance It doesn't mater'what she does, or .TO ORDER ms! -... four bridge> to nxed the which crosses Warren Terrace, FUMS ^foex mental states to the -.' "It has been suggested that the minimum .salary for C.ty of^Linden-Requestrng aid stating that the con- resolution Jn full. of protecting and improving vision. how bad her actions are — Just so Installed and Measured "Fire drills should be part of the Dridges and I northwest of St. George Avenue, ray is adding to normal haz- school teachers in this state be raised from $2,200 to $2,600 regular routine of every family's from the. County for the^construc- yerslon meete with ^ nppr6val of Freeholder Herlick moved that Any of the following symptoms her age mates will notice her.' By a year., How do you feel about this, would you favor „„..,„.. in ^ ,nKtaI1. it . ^ _t ^ #1M. Amv WM refer_ ^ faring be closed. was on roll call unanimously may indicate a visual problem; CALL FOB following this method of gaining ^-FUEL OIL CR. 64)893 53c life—like spring clcnnmnj; washing tion of a storm sewer to be install- the Dept. of the Army, was refer- the hearing be closed _ , or oppose raising minimum teachdr salaries in this lor r Xpert eoun- me cut,av->.- „ . and adopted. ' ' Headache, dirriness or • nausea; v year hundreds of persons acceptance, SiuUe is well on the state from $2,200 to $2,500 a year?" ' ,J!«F._Souare !>>t the cat.at regular intervU,ls and 6d between Stiles St.. and Blancke red to Bridges, Drainage & Tlood ^ (1y_ Resolutiorr:g*reel»Wer (.10) — Freeholder Pears for OIL BURNER SERVICE •el and price*. the other recurring jobs that have (.10) — Freeholder Pearsall | restless., nervous or' bad disposi- 1Q r injured in New Jersey way to delinquency. _ •• • ; ~" The vote was: ^ th thr recurring jobs that St. was referred to Bridges. Drain- Contro, Committee. HeriicH f°^Jj^_^~'' Bridges, Drainage & FlooFld ControC l r Plastic Tapes Available tl n tion; poor wading or'writing.pos- mishaps. The drivers iu- Favor — 89 « KAVEN UVS ANTMatACng — to be taken care- of. Three or four age & Flood Control Committee., chairman. Purchasing Commit- hally passing the R£»J" ° ™ But there is another way out f drills n year, announced suddenly Committee, authorizing purchase of ture; complaint; that letters and i may try to rationalize the for her through daydreaming. This . • Oppose— 8 /i • lupt. of Weights & Measures.^ lee, regarding bids received for thoriz'ng $42.(m ;Bon^ of *ea 1951 Chevrolet Sedan for the ' by the -head -of the family, "should lines Tun together"; holding read- nU they cause by saying or is much more'^dangerous to her No opinion — 3'& ' advising amount forwarded to UU9IICcrusheUd 0HNStonKe fo*w»r th...e .Road Dept., County, for the Purchase<«?*»*• Bridge Dept., from the Moore Additional evidence that New Jersey public sentiment favors a be a minimum to help reduce panic a c ing and other work farther, away ng they didn't "intend" tothan agressive behavior, but be- StateSt * -. , , ... . , was- referre._*.....dj t*_•»o Roa» dair«»mittw tomnuiux.Committee..'. . ]IWU waurnBs U«onn roll call unanimous^ Chevrolet Co., for $1556.30, was on $2,500 minimum salary for teachers in the state can be seen from CRANFORD UPHOLSTERY SHOP in the event of real trouble. or nearer than others; tilting head myone. But the truth of thecause she doesnt bother other peo- Rankin and Jab Coal Company County Engineer—advising Wai- chairman. Purchasin- g Commit-— —**• 1I adopte'•••. -*-•*_ dj roll call unanimously adopted. : the answers to the second question in today's survey asked of those a is that the mishap follow- FRED KANTNER SONS. Prop. : ' Drills,.'according to the tire chief, ter Szostak resigned as of Feb. 5th. tee; regarding bids received for! (2)— td one side, shutting or covering ple, Susie will be able to withdraw who said they favored ;the $2,500 minimum. • • ** • _ _. •' (ll>— Freeholder PearsaHfor [ a natural .sequence to some 331 CENTENNIAL AVE, CRANFORD, R X should cover-such points as: Bridges. Drainage & Flood Control the eyes, and. constant rubbing of more and more. Through day- "What if it means more taxes for. everybody, ; ' 120 South Ave., E. Cranford 64)893 T How to gc.t to safety from every rteous or illegalNaction like dreams, she can find the import- would you still favor increasing mlnimiim teacher salaries Committee, approving the tempor- TeLCK.C-M34 TAM> — mtsxsn AVE. room in the house; how to get to ary promotion of John J. Majcher • to give the righXof way ance she needs. • ' to $2,500 from the present $2,200?" . safety in the fewest possible sec- ;her motorist or a pedestrian, Susie's behavior seems to be the The results: ' - .' Chairman, Purchasing tnniuur twnu ».... _- .. to Bridge Mechanic at $2320- per Favor ..; ...... ».;...... ;.....,.; 74% onds;, who will be responsible'for during-the. past year".. annum, effective March 1st, pend- siderate and reckless passing, result of not being accepted by girls the'safety of. small'children or oldduring-me. pasi year.. , tee, regarding bid received fbr a Linden, was on roll call unani »ing too closely, "beating" the^her own age. But Why isn't she Oppose '...,.„ „„.'...., ...; 12% Ciyil Service Association, thank- i Chevrolet for the Bridge mousl(^—Freeholdey adopted, r Bajier for, thineg promotional examination, was New taxes won't be necessary ,,..i : 3% people; who will be responsible 195 on roll call unanimously adopted. r light, gliding past stop signs, accepted. The leader of the group for ^summoning the lire department ing the entirtLBoard for their con- Dept., of the County Engineer's Roa(Y)—Freeholded Committee,r settinBauegr fortforh; ththee blowing of the horn and so on called Susie a baby. Is that Susie's : sideration in regard to salary ad- office was,referred to the Bridges, RoaRuleds Committeeand Regulation, settins g governinforth .thge ( 12) f~ Freeholder. Herlich for Total favoring a $2,500 minimum 89'i -^-and how that is to.be done; and Finance Committee, approving sev- flnitum. ".. • v • fault? ,-.•••• . where lire extinguishers* are lajustments- , ^__Drainagt—.«e. i. wi^^ri rnntrol Commit- Road Opening Permits,, was on roll The Cranford Citizen. and Chronicle, presenta the reports of. the'- new. Jersey Twp. of New Providence, enclos- lee ° . Boad openingfermus,, was en personnel actions in various de- U drivcVs try to justify their. Mosf Jjkely Susie is a baby be- cutcd and who will be responsible Jig manners' by boasting they. Poll exclusively in this aiVa. The. New Jersy Poll Is a weekly, feature sponsored ing «»py.o.f a letter frqny.D. Don-, Judge Hetfleld, advising of the call unanimously adopted. . partments, was- oh roll call unani- cause herxDarents wont let herby a group of Independent New Jer«ey> newspapers. • - tot thcklit'ig the fire—after' every aid Hall of.837 Mountain Ave., re,- resignatton of Franklin C. Shaffer (4)—Freeholder Bauer for thmousle y adopted. • ••••' '••:/TO:1-?^::.stywf^..-. ,,•,.... •never/been involved in a ser-grow up.. This urge to grow is ono has reached safety. •v Uarding h.s property, was referred inspector of Revolver Permits. Road Committee, approving three 1 accident. But one thing is sometimes at ''war .with parents' Princeton, New Jersey. • ' .Telephone 3178 as (13)—Freeholder Herlich for Fi- W«'r«'r«ody to h«lp you with your plans foe * ' "•. (Copyright. l»50, by Princeton Hesearch Service! .. "•It is jdiscourniiinu to read, week to Road Comfnittee. . Chairman, Purchasing Commit- personnel action, was on^HiU call nance. Committee,, passing on firs*t „: drivers who escaped >n" urge to kep their'child under their nttcrwet'k, of the families .who County Clerfc—advising, of the tee, regarding bids; received* for unanimously adopted. ' r. \ • reading resolution authoriaihg the temodeUng you* home...and we can supply til th* ist despite their actions may thumb. These parents want strict have, been., wiped put by fire—or Register Herbert J. Pascoe at theSr., one tract in Elizabeth avenue, resignation of Lee A. Fernanda, 24 manhole castings complete and (4)—Freeholder\Bauer wrthc issuance of $51,000 of Bonds of the Involved in a fatality next bbedience from their children. The have lost thr.ee, four or five per^- effective Feb. 6th. ",•••' > 24 catch basin head castings, as per Road Committee, turmng back to County of iJnion'to fiinancethe cost lumber and other building materials needed to next month or next • year. youngster can never make, any den Court House! Elizabeth: 254.39 feet from "Madison avenue, sons- in1 ii sinKle^blaze. Good fire and one tract in Elizabeth avenue. ..-..-J .1... W..J-__ -._ ,it «.«jinBn»ii the City of Rahway that portion of tt rnnstrnrtinii pertain bridges and of courtesy can help Ji "" hi" "wn nnrl i-nn-junmr. nnd Joseph presention habits 'could havtrsa~v 221.84 feet from Madison avenue. 'Committee. AvTandMa'in'strwdTprovide for the iscsuance of- fand thus prevent these need- assert his own personality. ;v . to Mr. and Mrs. Jaspar Kenneth :cidents. - , Parents also, keep a youngster Mr'.> and Mrs. John F. Somers to ... Chairman, Purchasing Commit White, property in pringfleld ave- Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Christensen, r- — " . • r ^T" • • ' • • i—'i"*T' •• " • • *r*^ *:• sz^sz. • • • • ~*~~~ • • sss J^m ss • i I in his own interest, each B s '*'* tee, regarding bids received for from growing up by over-protec- nue. 100 feet from Lafayette street. property at Alden and Miln streets. i"> Reinforced Concrete Pipe for the • should resolve Jo be more tion. This child can never partici- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Albert 1 disposed to others on thepate in activities with the rest, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.. Perry •• _Road Dept., was referred to Road to Heathermede Corporation, lots to Mr. and Mrs. James F. Baldwin, Committe. '. * ray. Highway.safety can bethe youngsters. The: parents hold Here's top-notch car service for 10 and 12, map of property belong- one tract in Casino avenue, J27 ..;[ Register.— advising Gertrude in direct proportion to him back because the- group is ing to-. T. V. Albert and Son. OPEN The Wise Old Grow Sez: busy people! Whenever yottr car j and courteous conduct on feet'from Lenox avenue and one **|stonaker returned to work Feb. rough, because he might get hurt,, Heathermede Corporation to Mr,tract' adjoining aforesaid tract. needs attention, whether it's only hway. A good start can bebecause it's cold otitside or rainy. THURS. -i st'-~ ' * -••••• and Mrs. Richard E. Bilney, prop- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenbaum to a check-up or a repair job, .we |by obeying the spirit and the These parents' are the ones who . XI Lawrence Flynn resigning as erty in Heathermede place, 342.70 Gary Builders, Inc.. property in gladly call for and deliver. Just lbfthelsw.- say. "there's time enough for that feet from PivUion avenue. AND Used Cars, Wide Selection. .™Many , lj—7|||l| Elevato8thr Operator" , effective Feb- Colin Kelly street, 493.50 feet from phone us. Our modem ServMCu JWUANCff ] the best rule is the Golden when you grow u0" ' Mr. and Mrs. Vito Visminas to Lexington. avenue. One Owner. Buy with confidence ^^J^JSSSSSSX& pill be at your door, in a jiny! J [ the rood:- Drive the way When" parents keep their child Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Koppisch. True Type Homes, Inc., to Mr. FRL hike the "other fellow" to from' growing up, they make the a Dealer whosfc irfet>utation is eatablished LUMBER •— TH1M — MASONRY — SCREENS child emotionally immature. There EVES. are few things that interfere with *h»a|was referred to County Attorney. i than $1700.00 will be accepted. Real Estate ALLIED VAN LINES, Inc. " " or CRANTORD and Road Committee. • . The; following deeds nave been * Grattac • Bpeelaltr Sales—Service J. WALTER COmC. far Ohrea mi I Chairman, Purchasing Commit- . Township Cleric. recorded in the office of County TEL. WE. 1-1QSS Xltee, regarding bid received for two |toru*ry 28, last, . . 3-a Can WSataeM t-UU 319 NORTH AVE.. WESTFIELD 5 fcubic yd. Hell heavy duty bodies, was referred to Road Committee. Chairman, Purchasing Commit- White Rock savin*, you cs« . fane. depllUHem-stofe- OF EYE PHYSICIANS atrd shades that "to with everythmf.**- , YOU DOt Pick up Nyk» Certificate. your White Rock dealer's. Then take j of White Rock's newest-beverages. nuucunioN amcum A wpwUy built, cvttom-tili* ConioteH* JRock Black Cherry . .. White Rock Kaok dulpinJ to give the ultimate in tervk*. YOUR SAVINGS i [joerry. Both delicious true flavors! Just mall 109 JEFFEBSON AVE. fr*M pefffonnofice.. \ • ' ^ theae White Rock bottle top* and only 1H swparior< EL.2-2S40 ARE YOU PLANNING • 17-inch rectoeular tub* -for each pair of $1.69 nylons. Be sure, in I •»»• A. M. », « ft. It fa*_ Mw.1 t A. M. to • K IL : Certificate Order, to check correct siie, •MFM radio • 12-lnch >p«ok«f are insured • *• - — -* *-»-*-- - : HM«rcabin«t up to ^10,000 I color. .•'•••., TO PAINT YOUR HOME First quality, perfect nylons, party- $399^0 per member when you save wjtli tlic •.vinfs that make the enjoynent of THIS SPRING? f Beverages a bargain indeedl CKANFORD SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION With our 25 years' experience in trnmwn the painting business, we are in a posi- •totlrk plmmt tatfc * tmmmtrf I* For over 63 yam the CRAMFOHD SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION has tion to advise and help you with your the but HURRICANE damaged paid dividends on the savings accounts of lte members without Interruption. painting problems. Today our position is stronger lhan aver. Our latest dhrid«nd at th« rate of 2%. utmost every roof to gome extent? Why Wo have never paid leas. ' ~~ .UBLIC SERVICE u • good citUen of a great stale. Over thf \e*n not let m give you a FREE ROOF IN-' ' So whether, you plan to redecorate ^^Cv^^we liave *|»ent hundred* of millions of'dollar* in building tltte "" : • •• s.' >• the interior or freshen up the exterior dependable clfc«:tric •y»tem q« ymi know it today. Yen—fcwi<'r«» All Savlus* Rcrrlved Before uW 1Mb »Mhe SECTION on Much critical Hem* as of milliomM of dollars so that you part bUyUfpclririly for « few jmnnu'i n An)'- of your home, drop in and discuss your Mouth Earn Dividends from thee \%L\%L Tliese huge »unu of money »pent in plant and equinincnt for |tr6ilin'lii*1ant part in the development of the tube inserts, etc. . — 0 — Thinking of BUILDING, BUYING or REFINANCING industrial life' of New Jersey. ' ' ; YOUK HOME — Come Iu uml Coiutuli UH , . Low-cokt electricity \* essential in attracting new factories to our P We Carry a Full Line of TV-144 We lielp New Jersey maintain its high position in industrial leadership * ' '*' . * • * - 5,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Th« lost w producing a dependable supply o( low^ont power. excellent performance oni lotting - g p p i» 22 years of contracting it) SAPOUN & DEVOE ajwatMy or* feature** In thb beoufifoll/ We Have Plenty of A. time goe* on, eVen larfcer .uim ,uiut 1^ M»enl to M * hMcliatlMlHaliqM «Wan«l1ilghboy.M Jersey, growth. More generating capaehy and ...ore eleclnc YOUR BEST GUARANTEE mocWotety prkwl imti»«ir<. 1 • J7-Inch Picture & Full FM Radio f.ciUtie.S be needed if more indiulrie. are to f^ PAINTS ' • wn«wtfe«r'-clww lenadb pittun ,„. and more jjob. created for- tlio«5 w • mahogony cabin*! Mortgage Money Available A« we cnler tl.e »econd lialf of tli* I • buSM-in phono jock for Ccnturj-, Public Seriice continue, to look all" CR 6-3474 Just a word of advice ... . __ record player • 12-Inch SMabtf al|U and plan for the mutual growth of the •!".«« Get your GOOD puiut NOW fur your $475.00 the couipatiy. . . . OK! CRANFORD SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION W. L. exterior work. Don't delay! L KtWkllttflfMCfL L:L 5runncnFP i. Union Ave., Criirif« OFHI IXtlHU MAICH J3.1931. DONLIN'S (Monday thru Friday ,. 1 WALNUT AVE.. C«ANPO«D Paint SUop. INSURED OFFICE UQWB8 } j^y g:J0 A. »1 U «'.»• KOL'LEVARD & 20th ST. KENILWORTH KOOFING, SIDING AND -, MCHAKD HAKT1O. Pmp. Monday, NI«hU 1 P. U. U> 9 IP. U, - O»ea D«ll» TU1 €&• Tt M. — Fridays Till t 9. M. Td.Oanfonl 6-3616 INSULATION SPECIALISTS. 107-5 N. Union Av«nue CRmnford 642540 MEMBER FEDERAL HOME LOAN BA*nr"8¥8TEit, ll l l ™^ • r''•' •»''I'•'•>•' •-• • •••••' . LrJ51fJJ^ "-•••' -- .,.:.L^' 'JK:i^.-L • .- .- ....••,-•• •• •-..• ,.. - •--••• ^^ ,.-. - - •.. .- •-.• - CHAWgORl) C1T1ZKN AHP CHBQWItJJSi THURSDAY. MARCH C, 1051

Sdbcdole afternoon at the home of Mrs. My- To Teach Classes Rahway Artist siak. 117 Mohawk drive. Troop 18 Ends Work [ed for or\Art~Group ~ Martin ...Seig, national assistant s 31 ctf SL; Midi- H.-S. Wyllie of Rahwny will in- cubbing director, will address an Girl Scoufefroop 18 has aeFs Sctnonfl. miM frtriiit a St. Pat- upper grade assembly on April 4 pleted. the first aid badge. Jnstruc* Lrick's Day/ satogsaaB al its next struct the atr classes of the Cran- in connection with the show. He tion Was given by Mis ** k a job at |40 a week on the 28th of $26 for 26 weeks, but th» meeting on Wtntoesa^w. All Sen- ford Creative Art Group, for th* To Preach Sunday that month. Although he started worked all year r will speak on "The Importance' of Jenkins/school nurse, jiior ,Scoa£s wrtbo Buawe .>m«rw^pci the spring session. T,he t\yi>-h6ur class- Having1* Hobby." ' . Mrs. E. N. Geddlngf. leader of the work as soon as possible after to only $24 for 21weeks. bribe Week At Calvary Church graduaUon, he will not be eligible Many of these tplorer Scout Given es, 8cheduied"fo»*10 weeks, will be Mrs. G. Raymond McGrath an- troop. In preparation for week-end r nounced that the 'attendance flag camping in the spring, the troop To Mark. The ReVTTTOiy Brown of for beneflU until April 1951, forty be easily eliminated i[ for Rescue ber o£ the GruD^Smaua Duy Camp held Tuesday afternoon from 1 to will start on the campcraft badge weeks from when he began work:-{rsey would modernize ,fc had been won by Mrs. Mary Wil- The , By the Rev. Samuel I. Mateheti, yvtor. St. Mtfk'a AMJE. ton-on-ther-Hudson. N» Y./wiU con- staff Easti vn from Drew Day at the First Presbyterian 8:15 p. irt. will be^in charge of the M THbt time wo-re terrible .beyond description'and their sorrow was indeed January L I960- One of these the annual, dinner Fln- Thursdays from 8 to 10 p. m.,in the working on outdoor cooking Th'-nWii'-ii Spmliuirv will be tCay, Mrs. Leon> WUBi£uiia;.aini3 30eir— •hnrrh Girl Scouts and Brownies ih workers earned $2100 in the first already in the hands i leaders of TTnioh Coun- on Irisfaj PTA organizations March , 15. it r —-a grcgnssrruw ..whidi^h«uldjh«YerHHtched_th^_heatt-^t-f faith, Chart* BUHHtttsan; by that.passed'by^andsaw'.it. ' ~ •Z'-'~'~ Wyckcff. The State Cham bet' Is „- Knorr, who said the February 28 a. m. service. 1 off and decided to go to Florida. Preation HaU. Elizabeth. ATrti.. ESczabesBn BUnnon, Ei"elyn Frank Rellly, Max Herman, Khos- - Farm PIM* for 1M1 • nt 9:30 Jind JO:50 a.'m.'in Cran- [Tonfession. of faith. Mr- amfl'McS- But thiB suffering was also a type of the far more/terrible A regular meeting oi the Wom- the passage of this bin %> meeting resulted in a profitable The Rev. Robert G. Longakcr's The other Individual had to Work award was presented, by Bt Gi Ajootan arid Owen Smith. Only farmers who esa iaaraaw fonl Mettwidist Church. The an- George Fiflefct C fflcmy cup of sorrow which our Saviour drank for us. In this sense, I en's Guild will be held tomorrow state.will be properh* lopic will be, "The Greatest Thing usk you to listen to these words as the words of Christ, suffering, at 8:15 p: m. They church council all year long to earn his $2100. If Confer Harlon W Drew in leen Bcurktti. unnWn Caw-Hey, Linda During World War II, he served in discussion- cotton aertag* wHbeut disturbing niversary <>r Girl Scouting will be stronv Graham Bctiictor. in the World," and the Chance) dying, saying to you and to me: "Is it nothing to you, all ye that both applied for beneftts. on aJn- render the best, nuist eu Crozier^ Ka-tbie- BOBnieO. Sallj' Kris- the infantry and did art work for a wen-planned feed production ato- Bonn. Inez Kays. MauiWwn will meet Monday in the church employment compensation escnee of Dr. Arthur A. observed. Choir will sing Maker's "Come to pass by? Behold arid see if there be any sorrow like unto me uary 1. 1981, the first wortter , national scout executive. coll, Penraj- mlk unii^ the Eighth. Division publication, 1 gram should do to. sjak. Philip MUldietoiairBiL house. possible to New Je k Gardeners Meeting have surplus Und, labor, ihc Saviour Now," and, "Blessed • sorrow." ' •"••','• • ^~ would be entitled to beneftits of! " ' il 24, 1949. Robert saved JricOi v Mary Goatee GraM. Mary Beth "The Golden Arrow:" He spent 16 The Senior- .Choir—will' sine. Yuengel and. l&nn GuiiBBiSuna. 1 . . We ore apt to apply this passage to ourselves when in trou- A r rncnt to use for eottoo proaaeMoa. csu, " by Dvorak. ' . £ of JackieLBosch. who fell Hampsoni.. Kay Hrilnetrt. Jiudah Hen- months at tthe Brooklyn Army Mrs. Harold Ammcrman of 1022 "With Quiet Heurt," by Scherer Girl Scout troop* wiffl arttend ble, and usually far more than we ought. Because we feel .most iciriaw^ Lomtaome Ksmmy, Carol Ann Base. He also painted backdrops Raritan road will.,be hostess Tues- The offering for the "One Great our own burden and because we cannot be persuaded to reconcile ,c Hah way River while trying under direction of Henry M worship secwicw; UE" at.>«*y me*t Time lor sharing" will be received Sees Injustice Lee-, Thecesa Maiiiwrs. Anne Mal- for army show people including H. 8. WYLIiE day at 2 p. m. at the regular month- Sunday. Special! ugaoowpiioirivw-iU ourselves to It, we are often ready to cry put; "Surely never was ievc'his nshing pole. Robert Boardnism. Mrs. •George F. Roth- and given toward world relief. Ipere »"if Maury Aname 3Jk3iar£. Eugene List, Mickey Rooney, Joe ly meetingv of the Sunny Acres Adjust the ventilation of your be given to. the giute «*»» *«« W**- sorrow .like unto my sorow." There are some sorrows very great 9 i the boy to shore where he wt-ilt-r. Jr.. organist, will play. , At 7:30 p. m., the junior arid that God's own children are called upon to bear, but never with- istedby- Bill Jackson of Also,.. , SBefeim Maci^e. • Mary Louis and Joe DiMaggip. Garden Club. poultry DOUM to weather roivlWflnt. 'Where, the Stars Are Burning, ent In place ofi t8» usnaffl aentmaa In Workers JMumme, BtoiraiBuy Ftarter, Ellen [•senior . fellowships will present out, his presence and help. ' •• ,i ."••• •• •.. • ••> Mr. Wyllie is. a graduate of Cur- Lincoln PTA Selects by Hamilton; "Arioso" by Bach for bays and: finis.,' the Hfc*-. ABbent "The Challenge of the Cross," in ' But these words "are really true'only of our Saviour.-the J80. j Powers* CajroB Aam' J^iudnicld, tis High School. Staten Island; iiml '.'Andante E. Maestoso" by G. Dezso, pastor,. \»iUD ivqrd and picture. Participants will great burden bearer, who was truly a man, of sorrows and ac- [explorer scout also was pre-[EUzalsetb ' Rusmmi, Oaifie Scar— Newark Fine and Industrial Arts Hobby Show Gtmmittee ..Tsi-haisowsky. mon appropriate- fmirtttoe |ibe Keva Lee Jemison, Larry Peth- quainted with grief, who-was wounded for our transgressions. Benefits Law "with a letter of-apprecia- .-Maary Camoil Sawesrd, Pa- Department of ' Illustration and Plans, for a Hobby Show soon to The deputation team •will be Children, willl b* BraffflnseiB att me ick. Janet pavis, Ruth :GoetZ, He call3 our attention, to his ^sufferings only to make us conscious There has been much talk md congratulation froin the tricia TWg»«fiii, Arilene Veoneri, Pratt Institute. He has an art wardens and the Vestry of be sponsored by the Lincoln PTA "quests of thi- Odds.ami Ends Fel- Service. George Jeffries, Fred Mackenzie, of how much he loves usi •'..'. •, '• throughout the state this year Docotbj^. ' Ve^mesaaaflt, Carolyn studio in Rahway and recently Was x.i Church, sponsdr of the were furthered at an executive lowsliipat a supper Saturday.. On The Rev. Janet Copeland, Barbara Sloat nnd Look to his life and you will see him a loving tender com- about whether unemployment com- jWalafai and Leila WBniie. engaged for mural work in Nyack, ''Sunday'at' 5:30 p. m.. the students of the First Bohald Cyphers. Selections will be passionate Saviour. Are yott in poverty and want? So'was he. pensation benefits should or should N. Y. board; meeting Monday at the Wood bridge., father uff tfiir Are you persecuted and slandered? Are.-you suffering and tempt- I Schuck, guest speaker, told home of Mrs. Charles S. Zawalich, will be entertained by the Scn.ioi tiy the Chapel Choir. A meeting of ed? So Was he. If he suffered hunger and thirst and-nakedness and not be increased. Advocates of $200 Rail €onlinaed ' Registration blanks will be mail- Fi-liowship. They also will'nar- jissistant pastor aft aft* Osoacda I the junior fellowship will be held immediate increases in the amount , value o( scouting in com- ed to members of the dub. Anyone 8 IroqUois place. Church, will.be gwistt sffMiltaett- Sun- desertion, shall the servant be above his Master? the disciple above , juvenile delinquency. He For Local Jeweler •tieipJitc .if the' evangelistic service |-at 7:15 p. m. in the;gymnasium. his Lord? Behold. Behold him "touched with a feeling of your in of benefits, say that failure, to do wishing to register may get in day at the reifuter miiniiaiinay ut how the present " ' "• s face Gcand Junry atlliBiim tm a charge tkl. Mrs. Howell W. Dalrymple, Mrs. Clemmett Peterson. [.evening at G:45 in the dugette death." You have had great burdens, but you never had the sins Unemployment Compensation Law, held Monday local'ship was represented. of recenriks 'sbafltm ^mcqaeiTty. He Starts Navy-Training Ralph M. Wright. Mrs. Gerald Bible clnssesfor men nnd women loom. The discussion will be "The of a world on your shoulders. Was there ever sorrow like that because of its own operational set-, iv D. Peck, Jr., committee appeared beflinne MagnsTrate Thurston, Mrs. John Rispoli. Mrs. will be held Sunday at 9:30 a. ro History of the Christian Church," .sorrow? ' • • •• • . • • up. is constantly heaping injustices Harry William Axtt. son of Mr. and all those inlcrcRted in Uniting ,Sn; William H. Meyer, ex- ddSktEeS' J- SCfiWMIH: iiaa ^ffiTn-ir-ipal Awards Offered for High School Snapshoots** and Mrs. Harry Axtt of 713 Orange Emil Breucr, Mrs: Theodore W. ' in the parsonage. Classes for boy; Nature-Topic Hillside. Cars will leave the on'sorr.e, workers. Actually the advisor, nnd Gregory Shee- Cotirt.. UL' lUalter.fftaB«fl!l' was 'Ihe Gcrlach, Mrs. Harold Sorensen, mid ;.girls•" throughout ' the fourtl with the churchaare invited to at- AT the xapsient I've got what I used in .a school publication—but avenue, who enlisted in the navy church at 7:45 p. m. prrrnnt Unemployment Compen- nald Nordstrom and George rnm pfa-rn'^wi* •• Mrs. R. H. Outcault, Mrs. Benja- Uiade will take place at the saro' tend. •.: To Give Talk Ekt * tjulmby SU. **• consider a very worth-while if they've been used in another on December 27, left last Thursday The Rev. Dr. Aitcheson will be sation Law is loaded with techni- members. .. • . : David KadlSey erf 3 McClellan hour. There will be a- nursery fo 'Moments of Meditation," the suggestion for high-school-age contest or published elsewhere, for Great Lakes Naval Training min Stevenson, Mrs. Olga Keene Far Trinity a speaker today and tomorrow at a cal "roadblocks" which create in^ WmtflUl B S. Taylor was toastmaster- street was gjgwgS S3 if

SprinxHeld Ave. at Miln. Cnmtmt* : s to com* in and X : | ^Services Sunday, 11 a. m. wm :M appreciation of tftfc wonders of television. „ : Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. , And here, too, is distinctive cabinetry, to enhance the most cherished center have a cup frao IIXI •idTed. Bivc, 8:15 o'clock • .: % Keadinc Boom—IS Alden Street of interest in your home. , • . • 1111 Open daily 1-4, except Thurs. and 1/5A • •;•$ lFi730iL It on vouii Hmy We have a range of modebfand prices that will convince you that if you complete insurance services of this office are X ...•-> plan to purchase, any television .receiver, you. can afford a luxurious COFFEEMASTER mr. SPRIMfr^AY —Stromberg-Uarlson! See aTfljfbefflTa demoustration'today. '—- X —-^

Cofieemaster coffee if ALWAYS perfect—becaiue everything now available to residents of Cranford and vicinity. III ' ':^ Trees Takes Dowi it automatic Simply set it and forget it. Shuts off by itself X . And Illl .•fl FERTILIZERS when the coffee is done—then re-sets itself to keep the coffee IUI THE CHIPPENDALE — ALL WOKE OVABANTCKD tot. YOM catt'tttiii-rii't *uk>m*tic. Itisyoiirassuranceofthe X CMNjMeiely Cav«r«4 GRASS SEED Graceful console with full- length door*. Bis-as-life pic- same delicious, clear, full-bodied coffee every time you /**••# #r Writ* - LAWN MOWERS ture on 17-lnch "black" tube. snake it, . A. V. BOYD True-to-life tone. Exclusive X 1114 N. Ottvtr Sweot No one in Union County Kas the selection of long-life tuner that's unsur- KAHWAT. N. J. passed for clearest, steadiest pictures., lawn mowers that you'll find at, A & Ai "' GARI^ = % • Tel BAhway 7-lMt : Illl. ' RADIANT CONTROL ' ~ Select your "new mower NOW! • Built-in antennas. X Illl Power Mowers !^T$87.S0 to $210.00 BOCK BEER WILL BE HERE IN 111 • Phonograph Jaek. TOASTER LIFE INSURA FIRE X Hand Mowers ! w 16.95 to 32.95 ANOTHER WEEK OR SO. Illl WINDOW WeMl Hold it for you. • Exquisite period cabinet. Automatic fayoiMl ielWT. CASUALTY Illl V is to your advantage to place your eiders now All you do is drop in the (;ROUI» K Illl SHADES • Decorator dealgnedj bread. Sraarf I»WM« MMM 6 North Union Aventi III ANNUITIES LIABIUrY X HOLLAND MADISON ' •ut*matically, no levers to ' push. T«««l ~rili

•c~ '. ^ /.••I' )i*,..-L^-:.-',~S • ;iAiisiiuii4^ii'iiU *l%w£-;r£ •*••' CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. MARCH S. 1051 THE fcRANTOBP CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, MARCH 8. V19S1 mm Wanted T Male Wofh Wanted - BUUWOIPS KSSO R. OUon . : 178 I4S 184 Table Tennb Entrants Real Entate For Sale Real StUPPtNO CUOUC — HIQH SCHOOL • GIRL Teams Since 1940' lloleen _ ,—,„.._..„ lea ..'isi 131 For Sale Servicing Good baby sltMng. vicimtyj Ote Morrrrf • '. ,„_ m *7 184 r TDMOBnS EWATK aWtAJtP CftAMrOSf* ',. • J.-,',-, .:.,•• : . I... • . i . ^i... • v.' . '»• . V ''M ISSIFKD RATES II.TRITE COACH, «r«y. «xes)lfinC ran- 1c dffer. CRanford repaired. Kair prices cluuged. John a-famitfamyy wit Ceo. Pixun 173 ISO mtST DfStBTIOH—• «••«• >,«»«. dltIon. any reasonabl Forcella. 307 Holly St.. CRanlord 6-0031. ELDERLY. WOMAN wuh~ t mU asltUssaia. AM •*! •» • ROOM children avertings. v liari'dicap „ _.. II , 12 Applications for the. Union and S-81M. MULTIPLE LIST YOUR PROPEBTY Otheriapartment of 5 room* seated HANDY MAN far general inside and out- m •as—IB ffHU • UN. A«s Mt la COMPUTE PRUHIHO SERVICK ford. WSstfleU. 2-%ss (V B , WITH A LOCAL REALTOR Separate i side maintenance in Garden Apartmenta. ' • • 868. 773 823 Middlesex Counties Table Tennis 9ENDDC AUTOMATIC WASHER, good Fruit tree*, flowering shrubs, •varcnaiu, Steady work; reference required, state Records condition. Reuoublt 87S.' Mrsi. W. •hade trees: Estimates chetrluUy given double, gi RESPONSIBLE MOTllr.lt „,. MEN'S LEAGUIEE SELL and BUY something bet- HOW MUCH IS AN ACRE? ho PPraul l :..~:: . 136 ibliet 182 BANGS OIL BURNER SXBVICK. CRat.- It's enough for privacy, for gardening, obtain extra Incoma. Household y— matches at the Casino on Sunday. I ? blr bed, .Good condition. WEitfleld ter LOCATED or otherwise DIFRR- Jayvee Cagere for Bearli 156 j^4 CASH: «£«• •«!»*••»* ••• N*.? S- a-0827'W. Call after 4:30. P. M. lord «-»S3». .. ti ENTT Our SPECIALTY Is SELLINO far play space, for picnicking, far spraaaV- itjr.CaOC Ijuin soar* time on commission.. State Work WtmU'il - Bun ; Play will begin al II a.m. • »*•> aa»»rtW»« «••*•./; L£- HOMES. We can get a PRICE for yours, log lawns, for comfortable breath-tssty liv- Trust Co. SiJS^Sierisica. Box 813, c/o Cit- MASON WORK, all kir.,1. Handicap ft H1LDS BLOND MAPLE CRIB (Krolli. TREES TAKE* 1DOWH. cut up «nd re- ing. Why do we ask? Berauat. we have lasn and Morale, County Play The championship, sponsored by moved. BoberU-Wiea*. 181 No. Lehl*h and QUICKLY.. ' . Fair. 11 Wnye* strt-n; rii Team Spite ",am«s. .Pring and matchingI ward- a spacious 2-lamlly with not - JUN1OB ACCOUNTANT, progressive firm 775 the Onion-Middlesex Table Tennis DEADIJNK tO« cor'V—Wrtataflajrs A?.nu.. CRanlord «-3»84. Under. 2- ay we .LIST it FOR BALE? Just dial but TWO .AND ONE HALT Both the varsity and jayvee robe. Cost 8100. sell for 845. CRanlord 2931-R. CR fl-1900 Help Wanted - In Garwood, good pay. good working () -nin>:; to Face V Ix'ojjue and sanctioned by thc^New ' --M 10 A. M. : 6-9633. . • • Choice residential street. Excellent in- conditions. WEstfleW JMM01. (M teams of Cranford High School 'SHAHEEN AGENCY. Realtors • plus a g-room apartment for your- OR ON THE BAND WAOON making finished the season with, stirring " >KTEBSEN'!t DAIRY III Jersey Table Tennis Association, is l.OTHES DRYER. Hamilton automatic, UPHOLSTERING—Finest. All types of IS North Avenue. East. Cranford self. ; •'• •. • - _ -.*** •—.••isT..! coatsMatwnu a Lost A. C. Here Anile ;.. »;;<; i."! iia«, llkr new. t300: mahogany drum cushions and seat bottom repairs. Jones pifrt E. A.'Peierwn 113 ;•;;; open to any. resident or either BANK BOOK No.. 20:1:19. records, flashing to the' Union For Sale table with built-in radio: baby swing. UphoUteMnk Co.. .401 East 2nd Ave;. CRANFORD _ The Cranford CUppers County Tournament semi-finals K'. rviemen ..: l.v> ™^: county, but each entrant must hold *2. . CRanford 6-5390. .. Roselle. CHeitnut 8-548>. . ' 3-3» MULTIPLE LIST YOUR PHOPKtTV AS CUTE AS A Company. If not ii-m W. Peteraen lii ua lirnc «pHnif and WITH A IJOCAI* HEAL/TOH ft AttlC BTsTlflr Oaf PIT* March. 195). appln-au,,n u,u i I* competed in the flrstt round lite seawin-long unspoctaculnn [ in-lho—sa ntc_a«id—I ~Ca1t~nrtfT-: KTTCrTEN 6r oth«r CUSTOM CKBBUTB: Brlck~ bungalow in—stxectatnt riiii —Handicap ^-.r....r.—.77.r^r.—ti VJ7~ Mtnton-BUt Cabinet Company, 31 South coununXapSf aop ALL-AROUND MACHINIST and gage records. -•'tionnl table tennis • associations. DINING IIOOM SET. 10 plrCM Reason- Cabinet Co.. 31 vestibule entrance. Uto bath with shower, fpewrfters Friday night when Union Ave.. CBanfonl «-0S3s- Union Ave, OPEN FOR INSPECTION ' Ktepce . kitchen, breaklast bar. large to assist department foreman. Good The varsity squad placed fourth . • .»«KS :—2.~3 si > Dues may accompany ihe entry ;il)k\ Cllaiiiord B-6081. CRanford (-03S8 ATURDAY tt SUNDAY — 1 to » P. M.screened-ln' porch." X flnr-Door bsdtoows. TO rapatra «nd rentals, pay. good working conditions, prpgj" Business For S the Monroe Calcula- SI'NN'V Ai'Rr.U )-;> k\l\T)£sT two bell shaped, ESQUIRE VENETIAN BUND CO.. 5 North 203 BALM1ERE ROAD. NORTH plus partly-finished second- ^ iTve:fCntln Qarweodi WEstflrid 2-6403. V in the county by being the Hrst Stupak io5 171 SEATS-Cant, rush, ratttn. *<» GAS STATION..2 bays. :i P J!: o'f Orange. (B3 to 59. The_game LAMP ih t HnlnSHlS. ""~CRanford aiil Slrest. Kenllworth. CRanford Insulation, automatic heat, attached gar- Cuemple IUU 1UZ '' i Trophies will be awarded to win- tor and delivers*. PLUnJeld with ion. WEstBeld 3-3502-M. L close throughout, and a Cranford team since 1040 to ad- 1! G06M. Cu«t6m made blind*. 430 Somerset Street. North PUlnfWd OMFORTABLE. large six-room dwelling. age. 93 x 110 lot. Cuwperthwaite -.•-.. .v..-. 185 ' 17ti L. R. with fireplace, large dining room. Cranaor* vance to the next-to-last tourna- NcitM-l ....:. »B5 ;^ ners and medals to the runners-up M. J; • s^ t Urfi" Newark Red SchieM TABLE PADS. »-pc. aeta, front (S.BS. kitcKen with breakfast nook, 3 large RIVER- PROPERTIES?" Not one but Fulcher v 1B2 ', 177 ii*7t in the contests, which are subject ! ment stage. No one considered the - Choice of beautiful colon. Free esti- bedroAms. tiled, bath. ' steam heat, THREE. FIRST—6 charming groom bans) '• •' M Truck For tmnasium Watched tensely. Rankln ' 149 w mate* given. Alban-LewU, If* N. Un- RADIO AND TELEVISION SEB' screened porch, nicely shrubbed. Price ijw lo USTTA rules i»nd decided by Groeral Ali make* repaired, sama day ,i with 175 ft- on the Cranford River — ISO, TRUCK, pane'i,' 1040 >ly j fc Clipper will meet the Plot** . " .... • . v' —Photo by Jay Kommcs Cranford. cagerS anything-but hum- Avc, Cranford. ion Ave.. CRanford S-6M6. - S15.8OO. ft. on a well-known residential street WestSeid moin]l 890 835 ei5 the Tournament Committee. lowest prices. Herbert r. Sorga. Jer • tires. 8300. Call WE»tlWd ?*' r A C managed by Mike Hbb- ... The Cranford High School varsity basketball team team, drum until a Pingry up&et and then sey Radio Service, 124 HiUerest Ave. convenient to center. Oil heat, double Apartments Wanted 6 P.M. • -. . ___ A. I An exhibition of both singles and BEFRIGEKATOR. Fri«ldalr«. 77 cu. tt. jbSEPH J. GUKER. REALTOR ' garage, reduced to S23J00. SECOND— AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE tonight in the high school gym. ^Ricn reached county teumament semi-finals, comprises: Front a 64-63 edge over a smart Railway 1950. pvrfect condition, priced reason- SPECIAL — USED MACHINE CRanford " 111 North Ave., West — CR 6-1890 an" alder type 11-rootn home In need] of ADULT COim2J wish 4 Mrtm to set up and operate New - Brltton row. ten to right. Don Kem. Frank DiTullio, Karl Pleil, Pete CITIZEN-CHRONICLE doubles will be River* ;M 7:30 p. m. —Photo by Ken' Heck al.lr. CRanford 0-BSSO. SINGER electric round bobbin., coniole repairs but an excellent buy. Centrally Cridley machines, tP.M.toll shltt. Iwill be4he first home game In team seeded in the county;. Stein 188 b model, (ear driven^ sewt backward! and CARPENTEH - CONTBj314 Magnolia, avenue. Elizabeth. Ave.. CRanford fl-3943. RELIABLE FUEL OIL_SUPPLY, Inc. Large living room .with fireplace ' Earn new higher pay for meetings—act Handicap 2 10 the' circuit this year. InsuUUon " ' retirement credits—be preparedl DONT i played outstandingly. 'His The varsity was knocked put..of 32' "" • ' 3it2"ceiitcnnlaTAve.,"cRanford 6-2123 TWO BLOCKS TO CRANFORD HIGH Nursery School PUT IT QFF'.I Remember, once you Pioneers Unbeaten tn 9 games, the-Pion- „ washing OH steam heat ONE OPENWO available lor 3 ac 4-year- Tbanded hook sunk seven baa- the tournament by the winner of 72O 795 SOKA. kitchen' sink Inal Skylight formula. ALL HOME REPAIRS and alterations^ School—3-bedroom home.'' attic with v North Side — have received your "Greetings", we }f A. Hume*. w...~ A stairs, living room with log-burning old In Utttt School of Crawler*. Call eers beat the Blue Shirts, 63-35, ci-u, Hoocier cabinet, »cr»en doors. T'.V rents refund, for Jug) Chapln's Sport No Job too smalL Baxter. CRanford • 10 years old ' • • . can't help you! Call Capt. A. T. Boggs, Bay Moran was in the pivot the county varsity title, St. Mary's. -, . i_i Q . 1 1 flrehouss. Tel fireplace, sun room, dining room, kltch- Mrs, «- H. Sehuhe]. CRanford S-WM CRanford C-CS1L o* write IB Parkway Monday night. The 400's boasted x Ii' .". B8V x-atl'a ; 12 window Shop, opposite the 6-6352. . i.team heat (oil), garage. Anything missing? We cant think of • for Information. 8-1B "and made 6 tallies from the Coaches Stan Gray son and Jim DEMOCKTIC CI.I'B tit Osceola kri,-'H», R9 \ HO IIY, Cllan,loHI ti-^Oai' CRanford 6-1889 en, pantry, s,t thing. See it today. • Village. DO IT NOW!) . Ward : 198 145 a record of B. wins and a loss dur- IF you plan to build., repair or mak< nicely located. •15,000. j with jump shots. The pair Avery, who have plugged winning 175 Top Loop .."•a.-i. DelGandlo :. 198 172 ELECTRIC Light Bulbs, Oeneral Electric alteraUonj. Call T-JO1INSEN. 408 Cen Ihe'tnipper scorers «r.ith 1« Marino 189 132 119 ing the regular schedule. ~ -HA1UJAIN! lleiiular sS trsl Avenue, CBanford 6-D548. '• HEINS, Realtor HOWLAND - REALTOR defense and offense play, are con- 129 •ItKv. Maida. AU Sizes. A * A Hardware, 17 .North Ave. E. CRanford 6-0777 __ _ ^ Tutoring •• CoU Ifa So* _ Barna. 1S4 171 Challenges The final standings before play- prln nu Ktyl*' platinum ring trmuiittiv 12 North Avenue. Wast. U 444 Chestnut Street ' ROselle 4-10S0 each- J°e Duff-garnered fident of consistent victories next Marshall T.;.:.n..;:;;...;^.T.'J5» 147 155 1 wilh 12 :i-polnt dlamnrtd) (o carry on U TRUCK CRAM and T.D.-9 Bulldozer offs- tiro: " .•"'•'" :i Mrs. Gertrude Nunn—CR. S-asSB - subjects. Caratus T. dark, B.. AA.. (Yalel You wouldn't think «• • boiling season, basfed on team .successes. Undefeated Gold Ball lit Hlime. 4 to 1 carat Only S12.V0O for hire. 8. W. Oliver. Inc.. CRanford Mr. Harold Wilson—CR. 8-1904 Ave^Wgttr toadies ^ve your . 908 767 713 Mt Curdy Ivw'elvrt, t) Aldcn St r-rW. MULTIPLE LIST YOUR PROPERTY LL. B, Ed. at. 3M Mountain Ave water ovor a piece pi ice. But Wegt- [jugent. Koury and Pflug ac- Theywill be wocking. with virtu- 8HAHEKN AGENCY lt> 6-1189 and Linden 2-7054.; Mrs. Miriam Neville—CB. 6-«Ug keVg. pA VEstaWaVHrMA-W. Trinity Lead Plom'ors .. : » o lord '.each; youth • enal FOUR YEARS OLD. on large double lot. ' TOWNSWf fident, too, because of their fight- Handicap .- 13 13 ' 13 library table, $7. CRanlord 6-4908, work guaranteed. CRanford S-171S. SIX ROOMS, detached garage. Uvatory. because liquid helium is more than behind Trinity and" Crnnford feated Gold Bull League team with H<'i<» , 2 7 ———————— ; 1 CONVERTED TWO-FAMILY on a quiet for making asssasnunti for benefits con- jton Grinders, 70 to 64. Joe Duff ing spirit and development of llliu-s 7 SEASONED TOl'-SoiC, •T'yard load 11!) Alterations ALI. TYPES sink tops repaired or re- dead-end street with an Unobstructed science kitchen, tile bath. 817.000. ferred on lands and real estate by.'rea- <00 degr«ei colder than liquid air. 870 897 769 Methodist, loomed :is a genuine placed.. Linoleum, asphalt, rubber, tile I view of the river. 75 X 125 lot with an CALL DOROTHY CHEW, broker. CRan- sun off thh e comparpltiMt torii of local^wl t improve- such stnrs as Joe Duff and the Hob- Vilt KUIM ; o D .. . ((clKrrcd. Sam Vltulc am) SJUM.' Cull iift.r 5 I'. M. tf rent, 81.50 per day. W. . R. DolbieDolbierr & monts plus 3 additional rooms In the day of Uareh. 1891. at 8:30 V. U.. at the FREE ESTIMATES ketuall League'titles certain title-holders of the loop your new spring outfits, By appoint- Ave.. -WEstlleld attic. Modern kitchen and bath, Ser>r Municipal Building, and wUl oonduct a Cajnforten Stevens 145 132 • 152 were credited with 18. ment only. CRanford 6-lBflL 3-15 Co,, 741' Central WEtll fit Jenkinson tied the scoring CKANFOBD SHOE. STORE Frit* ,...., :. 170 100 Cranford Methodist fell apart THOHCAli FISH nnd accessories now tf orate utilities. No rent celling. Both Furnished Rooms hearing at which all persons may be When quilting a comforter, a . —Photo J»y Jay Rommes Kllslnser sponsored by the Cranford Recrea- 1 v 2-5958. . heard who are interested In the making Vorsat 15 points. unior 188 198 IBS Thermnnn » 113 105 With a minute, to play in the first uvmUiDU . Craniord' l et Shop; 11 North floors available.' 1 62 ELM ST. before the Osccoln squad, and Os- LADIES' SUITS and DRESSES made to of aaseasments' Tgn —it ^ir**** 'and real es- long fine embroldtry-eyed needle 1J row: varsitmk y basketbaU team, flanked Carey 1S6 <158 174 Hall 155 165 164 tion. Committee and directed by Ave., E.. CHaniord 6-IOOB. Open Sun- ' order: also alterations. Specialize In SEWIN.G MACHINES AND VACUUM . HAROLD J. BURNS For Rent Ridley 14U 207 133 ceola. with only one loss nil sen- period, Callcn of Lawcenceville days Horn 11 to 3 r. M. tf tate benefited by reason of the completion l« easier to use than an ordinary iJ^S * dpoU* Robert McClinr Ford 164 147 146 Pete Nylon.. • wedding gowns. Call Mrs. Han(l. CRan- CLEANERS Broker LARGE' FRONT' ROOM, twin beds, in of the following local Improvements: WESTFIELD 2-Q74J Pha Motro. and Coach Jim Avery, landing. Fcvrec ' 189 , 143 Scheller ,'. . 112 121 son, replaced- Trinity at the head placed a high puck undei* Owen's FIHKSTONFrUble-niodvl radio and -auto'-, ford 0-2432. . tf tpalrcd and accepted*• for trade-in on 110 North Ave.. West CRanford 6-4871 private home, convenient for trans- 1—Sanitary sewer in»^ - «w_141Pacific_ " A •Manila needte. . t Final Gifrfc' Cage l lfl Hayeck .... 129-•• 17» Handicap 22 22 21 of the list. Final games will be Playoffs' 'will begin Monday at arm and, the Black nnd Red led by innlic record vhaniitfr combination. Ex- new ones. Guaranteed Workmanship. portation. Call CRanford, 0-1620 after from Orange' Avenue westerly to lot 43 A % 2^^M« »««- Richard George. Pete Walsh. Jim Schmltt ISO 143 " .— Free Estimate•— • 7 p. m. ' • ' ,•;'. '••. ••,••' ' the high school. The Pioneers will a 1-0 score. Midway.in the second txllrnt' condition, %'M:; Phono CRanford in block 480: st^i Saturday Andrews. fYed Duffy, l^yiin Newswanger, Dave Root and Robert • 769 678 709 .played today. 7 P. M. •• :> 3-li ' SINGER SEWING . CENTER Albertspn. • . "705 856 825 • ' BVILDEKS* GEMltKAL <••>• meet the Indians at 7 p. m., and the 11-0442 Trucking — Hauling 62 Elm Streut. WEstfietd 2-0747. tf GARWOOD. 50 Second Ave., two fur- ' I Sanitary sewer- in Oabome Place, frnnl gafflcs • of the Cranford COMM R •Tabernacle was'a double, win- period oil a fluke defense play Cal- Wanted To Rent from Veronica Avenue to Raymond Ave- Gundcrsan ;... „ 159. . 177 136 r 400s' will play the Blue Shirts. On FlIIEfr ACE. RANGE and FURNACE can RELIABLE TRUCKING CO. nished bedrooms, bath, heat, near No. 45 •cation Girls' BasketbaU Klnney 172 142 DiTullio 150 143 ner, dropping the Vitale Panthers, len scored n shot, making ' — Reasonable Storage — ENGINEER. and FAMILY wish to rent Gentlemen. Garage nue: . ' .'. ' Dogenhordt 151 155' 121 ' burn . PRES-TO-I.OOS. , Clean, con- CRANFORD Refrigeration Sales and Serv- Bus. »7 weekly., 3—Sanitary sewer in Wad* Avenue, gue will be played Saturday at A. Haddad ..: 123 14ft Tuesday, at 7 p. in., the Pioneer^ the score 2-0. • • vrtilent fuel. Carton of 6 logs $1 de- EsUmates — Contract or Hourly ice. Household and commercial repairs . unfurnished apartment, 5 or -6 rooms, extra. Methodist-Men's Olub and Borron's Hoimann 138 120 143 PavlcB : 1W 140 159 50 to 43, and the Community 3 rooms S17.50 or house. Call' Verona 8-5375-Iiif. from Lambert Street westerly to Scherrer Schcllcr 143 181 149 and Blue Shirts will meet, nnd at livered, c. E. Trubenbach, Cranford on Frigldalre, Kelvlnator, Crosley, Cold- VEBY PLEASANT, comfortably furnished Street: ' • ' I high school. Last Saturday, the Esso over the 'Men's League. J. Huddud 138 179 161 Methodist team. 62 to 52. Cranford put on the pressure late Fertl Si Seed, 118 South Ave., E., CRan- 4 rooms gjo.00 spot, Nqrge, etc. Tel, CRanford 0-1715. 5 Sweeps Jcllawllz :. 162 , 152 A*ar 162 8 p. m. the 400's will face fhe Ini-n _the_second perotl and only top ' S rooms SI5.00 HOUSE, unfurnished, 3 or 3 bedrooms, for room near bath. Private home. CRan- 4—Paving Shaw/nee Road from Spring- Ss defeated the 3J's, 63 to 19; Stolucr 182 178 In the decisive Osceoln game, the fiiril 6-1R6I. ", • , U AI fnrrt B-Oona. ** field Avenue to Chlppewa Way. The Republican Club widened HHI dians. Final [jlay.-on' Ramos will '" Tt ^Bi'*k* "* "^^'Ufrancy bby -Mnrlcg-tooic over th tiieir trrst pisce lend lu, fuUk lull •>'• IB Lawrenceville defensive work COLUMBIA WINDOW BHAUES.'up to 81 AH load* Insured — ELECTRICAL Contracting—Housewlrlng, September 1st, vicinity Cranford or TWO FURNISHED ROOMS In private Fred J DeUer, Secretary •-.-Or-' be Monday, March 19, between the Inrru'j, on your roller, $1.39. Same Day 1 wins, 30 to 5 and the Double S's a 54-21 defeat, with Nankin at stopped a score. In the third per- Jobbing, fluorescent fixtures, repairs ana Westfleld. Write Box 500. c/o Citizen home. Ideal for one or two business Dated: February So. 1891. 3-8 games by taking two from the Pep- ' 772 B05 701 POLICE DEPAstTMENT 41k Service. Alban-Lewls Hardware,, 100 - BOBBINS St ALLISON. Inc. . plugs Installed. George SangutUano, 12 and Chronicle. ' ' 3-15 men, near bus. CRanford 8-0572. > victors in a' low-scorer with • —- 0 —. center making 20 tallies and Muzik Indians and Blue Shirts nnd theiod Harrah of Lawrenceville scored N. Union Ave. _^ _U 313 South Ave.. E., CRanford B-0898 im permint Room while, the second Oram i. 445 140 • 148 Myrtle Street. - Tel CRanford 8-8539. kats.l3ftj8. ROTARY CLUB CO . Cymbaluk 152 191 154 scoring 16. Pioneers and 400's. the final tally. COTTONS, dreuy. dresses and UOVTNCr— STORAGE — PACKING TWO CONNECTING ROOMS or 2 single place Democratic Club keglers ., Agents Allied.** Van Lines. Inc. H. Homey mi 134 ISO Ranhoier 109 124 144 CHURCH BASKETBALL LKAGI'E The Rioneers paced the partici- . Gninford's excellent showing Miilu for IMIB' and small -teens' Easter. MASON CONTRACTORS Lots For Sale with kitchen privileges, garage If de- UvaWesl Oases Tinners oftheA Division, com- were held to a single win by theJ. Havney :.. IM 197 165 Koury ....: 184 142 ' 167 Vim ure invited. t« our fashion parade Sidewalks, Flagstone-Work, Garage Build- sired, near high school. CRanford 0-0038. Hoyt 104 138 102 TEAM RTAVDINCS pants from the start, conquering uguinst such an experienced-team CARL'S Local Trucking Service. Will ing. Brick Work, Cellar Water Proofing. LOT 67 x 127, all improvements. Price The rapid tftridgg thai have been I of freshmen and sophomore Rotary, Cranf ord Shoe Shaheen Agency.-- Blind -. 100 100 .100 from 4 to 5 on Thuriday and Friday move up to A rooms of furniture to Huh 187 IBS 1.11 • Handicap 89 90 89 Oscrola •.: - all comers. A total of 112 players is laid tp the excellent physical^ Free estimates. Schwartz, CRanford 81700. LARGE SINGLE ROOM, quiet residential mad* in low temperature processing f is, will'get silver basketball Blind 100 100 nftcrnoon, March. l(th and 18th. 'shore or mountains. Light hauling, 6-9405 or UNIonvUle 3-16M-J. tf HAROLD J. BURNS The Post Office and Sunny Acres Trinity , EDITH HILL TEEN SHOP section. Breakfast optional. Call be- and the growing, interest in bulk lairds. . • •. ^, Climb Up Ladder; Svedman 147 TT* 787 802 shape. It •jiistifitfcl its commend-" hour, day or contract Load* Insured. Realtor tween 0 and 7 P. M. CBanford 8-1472. keglers continued in their third 20 Cr. Mclluxlist 219 Elm Street, Westfleld Also attics, cellars and Ifards cleaned. 110 North Ave.. West CRanford 6-467i storage of liquified gases resulte4 i the. B> League, winners last Handicap JZ ERRICO TBDCkUN-a <4k . Taber(ia4.*U? ' spot in the game; Lawrenceville able record this year. On the basis ' • WEstfleld 2-1410 RAhway 7-0909. • ' . CARPENTER and cabinet maker, quality GOPWidens Ciap place deadlock.by each winning a Ernco 152 164 141 Conim. Mrlhoditit used two goal tenders to insure of available data Cranford will Open Monday Evenings craftsmanship. Ludwlg Seibert. 388 NORTH UNION. AVENUE—near Eliza- CLEAN. CHEERFUL furnished room in in an increased use of the straight were the Rovers, who de- 604 . 807 755 Thommen 114 153 Vilale I SARGENT'S MOVING AND STORAOE Lincoln Drive, Kenilworth. Tel. CRan- modern private home. Kitchen privi- ssjtvOMI •faCBat pair of games from the' Unamis and FISCHER'S MARKET <•> Wllklns 170 178 130 victory. Cranford's goal tender rank second in the state again this VENETIAN BUNDS in stock. 33 to M ford 8-0928. ; « beth Avenue.' 80 ft. front by 200 ft.. nickel steels during the early part > the LDD's, 25 to 12 and the T>KaSB*Csf . Gabriel 144 138 * 117 now loading household goods .to all it 83,000. . leges optional, reasonable, convenient Peterseri's Dairy, respectively. Hlrsch 177 ITS 164 was credfted with 23 saves while yeai'i • ' • ,. •' Inches, custom quality stock blinds, all States and Canada, specializing In New transportation. 'Call 'CBanford S-27OS of 1190. . . team, who beat the TNT A. DeFubln 143 11B Sicko „ >.. 18(1 193 . 137 04 inches long, «3.U: also Jencralt and DEPENDABLE repairs to all kinds of CASINO AVENUE—50 by 100 ft. 100 feet 1 Fischer 149 ^25 Drcyer, 154 Lawrenceville Blanks England, Florida and- California ship- household articles and equipment. Rea- from Riverside Drive. 81.500. after 0:30 P. M. ' tf i Rebels drew, a bye. jY, Ray Lusardi of the Post Office C. W. Breneman custom blind*, 53c iq> ments. Sama van to destination. Let 43 lVAllssandrU .._ 110 . 129 IMIlitlUimilUttUtUilUilltttUUIIMIUIIHtltdliltUUItltllUiUiiUltNsit* foot. Cranlord UphoUlery Shop. 1201 sonable rates. Phone ' CRanlord CORNER of John Street and North Ave- ; in the B league division 41 31 continued his sensational scoring', Qrlckowskl 151 127 us eaUmata your next move. UNITED 6-0140. Please call alter 8:30 p. nvTu nue. 80 by 108 ft., 81.200. ROOMS for rent by day a* S04 B6I 725 CHS Pucltttcrs, 3-0 }99 . South Avenue, East. CtUnted S-4WM. tl| VAN LINES. Tad Sargent. Agent. sonable rates. Call CBanfiwJ 8-8832. 41 31 turning in games of'240 and 225J. ttoVablo 175 146' FOR THE BESTM FOOD and LIQUOR Write Owner— [ junior nnd . senior teams. .— •<>* — WEltfltld 2-3033. •' * tf CRANFORD HOTBX tf Substitute cellophane tape for a 3Z ' DiLoretizo ;. i 140 162 Mighty Lawrenceyille's pucik ' SAVE MONEY on sink* and wall eabli PLUMBING and Heating, hwm cleaned FELIX DIFABIO receive a gold ' basketball last Friday night. They marked Handicap ~ 28 PEPPCKMINT" ROOM <1> .. SECONDS. Linden Stove Supply with electric, sewer machine. Guaran- Box 3986., Hollywood. Florida brush to remove lint from your 3« Isters were pushed to the' limit by ' • ' ' ' vis i T'..' ';• ' . Linden I LARGE SINGLE'ROOM, pleasant sur- B—P»pperminl Boom 34 his fifth consecutive game in the' Austin : 133 155 127 I'JIO Saint George Avenue. "" teed. Edward O. Ledden * Son. TeL •—Rotary Club C. Delia Sallo 153 123 ' open evenings UU B. ROtrlle 4-UO7 and CRanford 6-2935. roundings, central location.. Suitable' dark suits when motoring.' simply 34 200 bracket, his previous scores •697 705 700 the Cranford Blue and Gold squad Tailoring tor commuter or student. Inquire CRan- O—Lions CIu»> 34 Scheller — 153 117 142 wrap the tape •round your •" ' • T- 0 — ' ••.• , y „ 1I( . . 181 before they beat the Union County Chestnut Tavern PITTSBURGH PAINTS, full line of In- , REPAIRING — REMODELING WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS Wanted To Buy ford e-OMI. 1—Cranford Shoe Slara , 37 35 having been 209, 236 and 266. Lu- MKTHODIST MEN'S CLUB <•) rr Men's and Women's Garments sttcky slate out. and tenurvg lint Arttflclal atov«4fakt; J. Delia Sails „.„•_ 120 17Z team. 3-0. The game, played last terior and exterior. Painters' discount 17 YEARS' EXPERIENCE sanji's average' in the local league Cory 172 156 197 Ciajkowskl . 169 176 649 CHESTNirf ST., UNION, N. 3. In house lot quantities. Alban-UWU, Expert_workmanship—Charges reasonable Only expert mechanics work on your AVENEL AUTO WRECKERS — We bear and dust by psttlng Ughtty over the s show ' that ' 'definite -Oxnmulm Innis 158 128 114 Wednesday at Princeton Rink, was Estimates Cheerfully Given. .old cars. CRanford 8-8811. . « 4—Citfa«o and Ckmidt . is now above the 211 mark. Heftsler 139" • Oar Kliaac'si N»w ITn^.r law SaBtrvlslasi sir' ton North Union Ave. tf appliances. Iron*, vacuum cleaners, radios, Apartments'For Rent surface. .... • • '.•..".,...•• •esi Ii being mate in' herd HorrlB , :.. 152 137. 133 "Handicap ....' 48 49 24 one of the bestrplayed of the year. MAYFA1R TAILORS, motors, toasters also repaired. Coffey's. ANTIQUES OF ALL KINDS, furniture. Cowperthwalte 170 183 130 EL8IE. r«raa«rlr ft Crissifanl U)H. COMPOST1; 85 a yard, delivered. 111 Quimby St., WestAeld 29 Alden-Slreet. Tel. CRanford 8-2224. U ••-•-— tc. CRanford FOUR ROOMS, all utilities supplied. nent through artificial S—tVt«Tscn-« Dairy 37 Other 200. scores' last 'Friday in- china, bric-a-brac , e v Adults only. CRanlord ' — ' Martin 174. IM 151 '723 "752 822 Fresh from a 7-2 victory over ScrvinaT You The Best In .,. • Screened soil compost, 87 a yard, de- WEstfleld. 2-1538 • tf 8-0188. U You can find just what you are seeking to I fat dairy cows. Many farnv 17— Bsnus Essa 37 cluded Maloney, 200; Ridley, 207; KEPUBUCAM CLVB a 40 , Petersen, 227 and Auttin, 200. V.F.W. <») and from a 6-1 victory over New make your, living room reflect YOU., 'Arnold and Son it H Tinnesz ...174 168 134 Steaks - SeafMd - Chops -Sandwiches and a 9. U. . U ' . cleaning oil . or coal furnaces. Con- removal: P. M. Bookshop. 330 Park Real Estate Wanted moderate temperatures, with dry ) cf dairy cows is bentflcial in 41 Summaries of last week's match- Brlsson 184 193 159 Vic Bosrtmann . 168 167 149 Floor Service ' version work. Tel CRanford 8-2U0. If Avenue. Plalnfleld 4-3800. 1—Methodist Men's CTub _ M ' 4S' Markowlch 141 115 Rochelle, Lawrenceville ran into Maw l>pa*tn»t : » i follow: . F. DelWr ' ...... UO . 187 183 For Birthdays and Anniversaries give ft. MENZEL —.Telephone us to discuss TWO-FAMILY HOUSE on the Northslde heat for young blrdi and moist Idhr up herd prosiuetion 1 43 J. Tlneo 171' 183 152 a spunky team that was loaded HaUafe Pies 4 Haliin Sausage with possession one Boor. Write Box riactet's Market S8 i .... 184' 168 134 MAGAZINES , '. your floor problems. Floor scraping and STATE OP NEW JESSSY heat for Older ones. ! period of tima. 44 LVntCaTAN BKOTMBKHOOD (S) Hllbert ...: 144' 164' with offensive as well as defensive rsflnlshlng o( old floor* a specialty. Pol- Ne. 502. care Citizen and Chronicle. 3-13 •Unami '-. W 4S Sclilrnu-r 171 180 AT REASONABLE PRICES • NEW or - RENEWAL ' subscriptions:' Call Curtains : Kirkpatrlck 136 130 ; 761 747 Ishlng, also Waxing. Estimates cheerfully . . • • U' '' Schulz ..„_„__....„ 174 133 A. Tlnoo ' '138 . power. Two Lawrenceville goals Tel. UN. 2-3103 ' . Eart V. Guy, CRanford 6-8018. Jtven. Phone CRanford 8-1348., 81 E1W- CURTAINS laundered at' home. Call HELEN W. RAMSDEN. EARL I. Borurdlnelll 157 156 -beth Avenue. ORanford. tf tf SOFAS and LOVE SEA1 M. Knierim _.... 148 137 193 [were due to failure of Cranford's CRanford 8-S850. RAMSDEN, her-husband, JOHN Auto$ for Sale B. Mylen 171 104 153 Handicap ...... : 30 33 , 2S Calaraa — wtthaut auttooa «r eatrtwa — ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SliNDAY MADE TO ORDER cabinets of alUklnds, M. WATSON. BLANCHE WAT- Balanced rations pay dividends *:ts r. M. | defense.. ouulde window poxes, all hinds of SON, his wife, MABY WATSON, ORDEBS: P. HJylen .„ - 1S8 167 183 • Oaala »*» Mswst. Brtns tbam tote Tfca flower boxes, pedestal tables, plciUe 1839 PLYMOUTH.' good condition, good in disease control and higher mar- TO SUIT YOUR PURSE Post (MBee v*L Ham's aj. Knierim ™ «. 182 - 178 831 801 773 rraiilarsl Citlasa as«4 CUl S '•' Brilliant goal tending by Crnn- SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PARTIES widow, NELLIE LAWRENCE rubber, radio and heater. CRan|ord VJT.W.. M. Cmafossl Sfcste•• tables, book shelves, television table, Painting - Decorating Nursing Service (L. S.) QASS, widow, HERBERT MC-, ket value of livestock. n's Cluh. ford's Glenn. Owens was a high lawn furniture of all kinds, toy chests, T. A. CRANE—Painting and Decorating. CRANFOHD V. N. A. for General Nurs- LAUCJHLIN, MARGARET. 6-4871. Piacber's atssraat «s. Metb. 835 813 , 845 FOH ALL OCCASIONS »he*t of drawers. Fred Davey. 43 No. Mcn-s 330 High St. ' TeL CRanlord 8-0B8". ing. Visits, Hypodermics. Maternal and (PEOOYI MC LAUOHL1N. his 1837 Ford, model 80, good mechanical SrOKTSKAM'B SHOP <•> / : 7th St.. Kenilworth. CRanford 0-8808. . wife. EUGENE TAYLOR WIL- NO MORE for-estimates. Infant Care. Health Education. The condition. Call CRanford 8-28*8. Ualoawy 153 174 200 Visiting Nurse Can Help You. Nominal KINS. and MARY W. W1LKIN8. 115 133 .'ISO FULLER Brushes — For tooth brushes, V. B. DAVIS. Interior and Exterior paint- f». Tel. CRanford 8-0787, or consult his wife, ' ' , •'•'•. PONTtAC, 1838 S-cyllnder, 4-door sedan. „...... „...!..„.. too • lfltf _ioo household brujhts, polishes, waxes. Call ing, and- paper hanging. Quality ma- Telephone Directory. - tf Defendants. exc*ll»nt condition as to ' motor with Markowkrh ^. -180 172'la or write L. A. McKee, 12 Arlington terials and workmanship. Eat. 1828. You are hereby summoned and required goad tires and body paint. Call CRan- UMINUM Haycrk ~ 103 150 ' 15' ITU SPRING Road, Cranford, N. J. Telephone CRan- For reasonable prices and free esti- to serve upon Charles J. Stevens, plain- ford 6-4858 for appointment. GUS COHEN „.... 87 68 02 rtird 6-1785. : mates—«aU CRanford 8-3218. tf tin's attorney, whose address Is 18 North on Floor Samples of Shoe Repairing Union Avenue. Cranford, New Jersey, so OLDSMOBILE, club coupe. 1939. good STOHM WHDOVIS Sunny VENETIAN. BLINDS. Inclosed roue- UNDEH DECORATINO CO. — Patotll* Snaheen . • 774 785 B31 k «L*S SHOE REPAHUNO. 108 N. Union answer to the complaint and amended tires, good condition, new clutch-Phone REAL ESTATE •FIRESIDE CHAIRS *iads the Artejt In the world, custom and decorating: esUbllshed MIS. CaUj Avo.. lor quick shoe repair service, tf complaint filed in a civil action in which CRanford' 6-4418. .'. ..~ AFTER AHOL;I. 1SSI ; —0 — ' - made, all colors. For tree estimates Linden 2-3390. Robert D. Whlttler Is plaintiff and The Five sweeps were recorded in the ' rvAsti M 8-4715 — ROtelle 4-8488-al. tf In and to premises''situate, lying and be- 'shoe Store advanced to" eleventh va) your hasM with flow«r 1 *-* >n Wringer. Bring In your oW one, we ing In the Township of Cranfdrd, County Donovan - 170 160 143 will duplicate it; white rubber., R. MENZEL- — Interior, exterior paint- OtaAIDv by sweeping the Commuters. HsertMartfi 175 ' > on Lt? W» hav* «xa«tly what you of Union and State of New Jersey, and Piano Tuning M COFFEY'S . ing and paperhanglng. Estimates cheer-, described as follows: Known and desig- BOMB-afAlW SWEBT A HOT TELEVIS.I Koehler IBS 158 198 Bawd, includlnc "Mow To Do It sdvie* that PIANO Tuning and Bapsirlag. ,•—..— ' The House That Service Built" fully given. Phone CRanford 8-1345. nated as Late 8. 7 and 8 In Block 435 on Other sweep* were recorded by 110 Aldeil Street CRanford 8-2324 81 Ellrabeth Avenue-, CRsntord. tf W. Graff. "3r M year* WestBessTa anal Holt ..„ ; , ' J35 J38 has •arnad • aood repatation . ' \ the .Tax- Assessment Map of the Town- . Cranford1* foremost piano tuner." SM ITALIAIf 8AUSAQE the Lutherans over the Sports- Botimno ..- .' 157 UPHOLSTERINO — Furniture repairs ship of Cranford, being also known Its Walnut Street, WsstfsskL TeL WEst- amona; local aarrianats. WILLIAM ROESEU Interior and Exterior 1B4 Arbor street. • • ' ' HOBtE-lfADK MEAT BALLS man's Shop, the V.F.W. over the 954 801 769 . draperies, wlip covers, Venetian blinds. Painting. Skilled mechanics. Personal fleld a-SUS. Member of New Jersey YouTl find ttsa plant food.wesd kUiera • Nice choice or fabrics. F. Kantner & Association of Piano Tuners. tf CHAIRS The above described lots were sold at Son. 120 South Av«., E., Tel CRanford supervision, 305 Columbia Avenue. and tnaacUeidss wa nwtui* to ba Aaaatka'a NOTHING a public tax sale held on November 18th, .Cranford. Call Cllanford 8-3718. U INSURANCE rttl.iABIXlEI.fABLE piano tuttini g anand repatrtas) IN 8-0893. .. tf 1041, by Albert B. Caldwell. Collector of Graat Gaideninc Alda. Stop in! Taxes of the Township of Cranford. Said by recognlxed experts. CRCRanforo d Ptano PtASTIC \W9 ai« raady to aarv* you! tax sale certificate covering. Lot 8 in Co. Tuners and Rebulldenlld . 3 «•" on** on Aveu East CaU CRanford HTM. Jumble Store Musical Instruction ' Block 438 and the' Ux lien covering lots COLD CUTS; . Choice MARIAN R. TUNNEFi teacher'of piano. in All its 7 and 8 In BlBlockk 434295 aforesaidfid, wrweree tthere! - JUMRLE STORE SALE . CIIUICM! music. 3 Stratford Terrace, after assigned to the plaintiff. . CharleChl s of Colon What Is It you want and need In the spring Henry Stokes was the owner of Lot I8 ldo JwHiniii American CRanford 8-3831. - ; Tiling CLEANER T11 inakojou happy and want to tlttg? w.^Jc-OS-on-ihe-CrartforBlock-41S-on-the-Cranfortid T»x~AssesTL._ * A lul, of course, with a pretty vail. : STEEL- tile for ~and~~stfttttenT UNION GARDEN TOOLS LOLA SHINDELL. Piano teacher.' Spec -WJttH- ment Map and died seized of an estate In Us. BeaUUfuL Tliurnday and Friday we are having a lalUing ln~ beginners, private lessons, fee simple therein and the persons herein Installed over present walls. —GROCERY For a really dean home—plus • ' 'SALE. . •- group Instruction. 807 Orange Ave., nsmed are made defendants. for the fol- ' permanent, economical. Terms if de- Cnmtt* Fertilizer Spreaders — Sprayer* 10 South Avenue, Cot — CR 8-0322 CHanford 8-30S0. ' tf lowing'reasons! ' slrad. Mr. Maynard. Vemaal Tile Co.. •—«8 Aw. long-term comfort and economy— CnlUi'lkiiu Mondays and Wednesdays CRanford «-3683. CR 8-osTO. tf E. R. BENNETT, Teacner of Piano. Latest KfHESENTATlVE COMPANIES You, Helen w. Ramsden and John M. you can't boat heating With oil! rnethods. •< Beginners and advanced Watson have an Undivided Ihterest In said course^. Special course tor adult begin- lands and premise* as heirs of Alfred mnmm mmsm Driving Instruction Stokes Watson, deceased son of Ann Wat- Hers. Lessons at your home, 888 Dorian son. Wilktns: all of you herein named are made JODY MAIDA for CHILDREN THE JAY MAR SHOPPE ED defendants because yrU have a right to THE YOUNG SET WINIFRED DRESS SHOP OFFICE YARD DANIEL J. HEYBURM 320 Washington Aye. ledertn said lands. — OB. «->••• — LICEN8KD — EUZABETH N. J. Dated: February 8th. 1991. MARION S. BEDFORD 116-118 SOUTH AVE, E. OUnford 6-1661 ELECTRICAL. CONTRACTOB 94 HIGH STREET CRAMFORD Cor. North & Union Aves. Lexington Ave. at L.V.R.R.^ RESmEMTIAL - COMMERCIAL I. ORANT SCOTT ' 'INDUSTRIAL EL 5-9819 ' ' Clerk of Superior Court. ELECTRIC MOTORS REPAIRED- tfJBMSlDE AVE. - CHAMXORP S-8SM

• V,

?3WM»3Wlir^3|l£P3!$S^^ AND CHBOWIdtX, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1031 THE CBAKFORD CTTIZgN; AND CHBOWTCT.j; THURSDAY. MARCH 8, 1951 -:•:;.« of Westfleld. Mrs. Howard Stacey in charge .jjf the program Marian Couxll Bride of Cranford, Mrs. Albert Van Nat- and friends are invited; Social* Mrc. WUlii"" Sehlund, Mrs. Prospective Of Richard William Parker and Mrs. CarrSol- ings will include v GARWOOD—Mitt Marian E»- tis.of Garwood. Mrs/Kosic is a ing at. Camp Wntcfti™ Graduates* : telle Cowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Liquore of Fourth former member of the club. shown by R. B. Carbsrrv i :••• irl Scouts Schedule Monday through .Friday. John" F. A graduate of Jonathan Dayton )o!s. Hi's father, a practicim estate holdings and developed New dren's division, Mr. Smith; adult SWEET POTATOES (Golden) 3. lbs. 19c MILK „;..,... rce,. q't. 22c —homo. qt. 23c ftast year. Walter J. Flesher, Jr,, Mrs. Blanche Meyer of Rahwaj ducted, year pins and perfect-. at- SUN. — division, William Roberts; missions, office of County' Register Herbert Dr. Lewis to Address Regional High School, Springfield "endane'e pins will be distributed City attorney', was at on Orange Park. In I9O7 this area was Trip to New York Accountant and tax consultant,, is For Ji and Mi's. Friede Brunett -Mr.-and Mrs. Willium-Geigler-Mrs: -Paseoe—at—the—Gourt. House, in charge of funds received. and the Washington School' for and badges of offlce will be award- - ":- Alan Ladd in at' the Board incorporated as a borough and wa, Jthe Democrats' choice for tax col-' Regional Parents Harold Knudson and Mrs. Newton; Elizabeth; . KENILWORTH — Plans for a GARWOOD—A boost in salaries Volunteer -workers, captained by secretaries,in Newark, the bride is ford. ed to Assistant Scoutmaster Lesko ication there, «1 veil the nanie Kenilworth. Rector. • • membership, 'Mrs. Howard Mur- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Schultz trip to New York on March 29 for the janitorial staff was Mrs. Elmer E. Colwell, are: Mrs. GARWOOD — "Aptitude Test- a member of the office staff, of the. Word has been received of theand a new patrol leader will be an- "BRANDED" •is ancestors- were among earl; Born \n Italy. Mr. Grippo can» v In announcing his decision to re- ing and What It Means to Y.pur appointment of Thomas Phillips, Icti settlers at Ronsselaer, N. Y phy, Mrs. John B. Stults, Mrs. An- o Carol Neville, lots 37 to 39; 41were discussed last Thursday at a nounced following a special public E. D. Betts, Mrs. H. A. FerteL Mrs. advertising department of the nounced. Donald Corvcleyn,' jun- •: . — Hit NO. 2 — , to Kenilworth from Port Jervis, tire. Councilman Gill said that in- Child" will be the subject of a talk formerly'of Spruce avenue^ to the •616, ;incl migrated from Swede derson, Mrs. William Shallcross, o 43, 48 to 52, block 81, map of meeting of the Mothers' Club of meeting last week of the Board of W. W. Gilbert. Mrs. E. W. Holt, Thatcher Furnace Company, Gar- ior assistant scoutmaster, will be N. Y,, in 1897. Girl cout Troop 15 at the home of creased business pressure would by Dr. Frank H. Lewis of West- pastorate of the Evangelical and • Holland. He is-, eligible foi Mrs. Falkinburgh and Mrs. Conk- New Orange, section 5. • Education in Franklin School. Mrs. A. N. Hartman, Mrs. W. C. wood. . Mark Stevens in He is also survived by his wife, Mrs. Loretta Scaziizzo, North Hu«re FHEE Blork Lonir PARKING SPACE at Your Service "make it impossible for him to de- Pugh. Mrs. R. Saschel and Mrs.field, at a meeting of the Jonathan Reformed Church in Mountville, U.-hiembcrship, his forebears lin. v . Carol and Dudley H. Neville to The chief janitor's salary will be Mr. Briggs also'was graduated "Between MidnigU| Mrs. Rctto Conklin . Grippo; fou Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Neville, lot Thirteenth street. The troop also STORE HOURS: Mon.. Tues.. Wed., Sat. * A. M. to 6 P. M. •Svote enodgh time to his' duties as raised from $2900 to $3400. A start- G. C. Trenor, Dayton. Regional High School PTA from Jonathan Dayton Regional Pa. Mr. Phillips will graduate in fine been in all conflicts from sons. Raymond of Plainfield; Frank Also, finance. Mi\ Conklin, Mrs. •d councilman. During the past 11; block 83, section 5, map of New planned for o.trip to the circus in ing wage of $3000 instead of $3600 A progress report will be sub-next Thursday, March 15, at 8:15 High School. He is employed with June from: Franklin and Marshall ••, And Dawn" Revolution to the Spanis of Rome. Pa., and John and Allen Anderson, Norman Roberts, Mrs. ipril. . Thuni and Frl., 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. •year, he served as fire chairman. m. in the school. College, arid the Seminary in Lan- mean War. Harry Shallcross, Mrs. Frank Davis Orange. will be offered for the other two mitted Tuesday at the headquar- his brother at the Springfield Ga- LIBERTY ol Wyalusing, Pa.; 10 grandchil Attending were Mrs. Beatrice $\ Councilman Darroch. who was ters of Cranrord-Garwood-Kenil- Since 1945, Dr. Lewis has been caster, Pa. VVED.-SAT., MAR. 14-K • candidate is a member o and Mrs. Schcurer; pastoral rela- Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gyukin 488 BOULEVARD (Bet. 19th & 20th) KENILWORTH positions which are*presently va- rage. He is a member of the 119' dren, six great grandchildren and to Beatrice Henin and Benjamin Slater, Mrs. Kay Ferguson, Mrs. President of the Republican Club cant. Increases were voted because worth Chapter, American Red executive associate of testing and Fighter Squadron of the National Joseph Certo celebrated, his NOW thru SUNDAY |State Exempt Firemen's Asso- two brothers, Peter'of Italy and tions, Mr. Davis, Mr. Anderson, MEMBER TWIN COUNTY GROCERS Tost year, was born in Garwood fourth birthday anniversary thte BJ'post president- and mem- John B. Stults, William Robert^ her 'husband, property known Pearl Strunk, Mrs. Betty Koenig, Ui the difficulty during the past Cross. 10 North Union avenue, guidance at the Newark College Guard. ' t Technicolor lilt* "Operation Dr. John Grippo of Buenos Aires. Mrs. Estelle "Mueller and Mrs: and'-has lived here about 45 yean. Cranford. week with a family party at his I of-. the Keiiihvorth Exetnp Sydney Tyjewski ahd George PowJ as 27 North Eleventh street. few years in securing and keeping; of Engineering. He is an associate : and Argentina. Borough of. Kenilworth to Mr. Helen Johnson, • \Hc is employed as an electrician men on the Janitorial staff. • of the American Psychological So- home on Anchor place. "PAGAN LOVE SONG" n's Association, and pa: crs, and nominating committee, Mr. by Stewart J. Slocum of Westdeld. Endorse Malchow for Mrs. William Rhatigan enter- — al»o — Clifton Webb in §k(ent and member of. the Ken Anderson, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. William ahd Mrs. Karl Schumm, lots 13 ltltlllll|t|nill|IIIIMtlMlllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllttltunduy, Passion Sunday. Mrs. Al- chairman; Mr. Casale. and public Obituary carrier, USS Leyte. He is present- • WITH THE AHMTL [custodian of school buildings. internment ' camp by, American Kenilworth Lions will be held University for two years and took relations, Mr. Hart. conducted. The Communicant's STARTS NEXT THUMDMJ Antrobus; church property, Syd- icrt H. Anderson will be at the Democrats Social ly stationed in Virginia '10 years, Mr. Van Der Zee paratroopers just as the Japanese >rgan. in the absence of Edward S Saturday, March 31, beginning at a course in business administration Class will meet at 8 p. m. Friday. CRANFORD •'VENGEANCE V# he;>lth officer for the were planning to burn the'prison ney Tyjewski, Mr. Conklin, Mr! at the Alexander Hamilton Insti- GARWOOD — Final plans for Mr. arid Mrs. T. T. Nicholson of Powers, William Roberts and Mr. 'yjewskir '.'.•. 10 a. m., it was announced Trucks A Ladies* Aid luncheon will be Mrs. Margaret Ryan ' BUST LANCASTER Ji," ami'served as board sec-r and its inhabitants. , . .' • will be.manned by club members tute. St. Mark's Services the St. Patrick's Day social were GARWOOD — Funeral services Ships Bottom spent several days Huetteman, and auditing, Charles Sunday evening at 6 o'clock the held today at noon until 2 p. m. in last week' visiting the George U, He was a justice of the The Friday evening programs for and will visit every street. .Pro- President, of the Republican QARWOOD — The Rev. C. H. the church. made Monday at the regular were held Monday at 9 a. m. from TODAT—LAST DAY for a dccadei-An active dcGrau. • • second Sunday evening fellowship Nicholsons of 461 Third avenue. youngsters are in charge of Ed- supper will be held. All arrange- ceeds from the sale of salvage will ; Club, Mr. Tiller has been employed Mallcry of Plainheld wUl conduct monthly meeting of the Democrat- the Dooley Funeral Home', 218 . a — UIQ. HITS — t of tjie Volunteer Fire De- ward Whittle. Men of the church awarded- a be used for. local purposes by the ic Club. Edward L. Conlin is Mr. and Mrs. William Woidt of ments are being made by Mr. and 22 years by E. J. d,uPont dc Ne-a service of Holy Communion at Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Lerkc of 346 North avenue, west, Cranford, for 300 Center street, accompanied by AUn l.add Han.h»il Thompion lOW-i OXFOf nt-'for 15 years, Mr. Van Plans for the Easter Conference, pen to Mr. Davis for his "untiring welfare committee. chairman of arrangements. The H«u Kteenian - Mrs.. George D. Conklin. mours Company, Newark, where 10:30 a. m. Sunday in SL Mark's Myrtle avenue announce the birth Mrs. Margaret Ryan, 87 years old, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hntflcld of VlrglnU field l?ee was head of tlw~Shaae March 24 and 25. which annually efforts and loyalty" to the church. Barrels to receive discarded 1950 committee (Comprises Mrs. James •Monday evening the official he Is supervisor in the pigment dl- Church. Lenten services, in charge of a son. Todd Thomas, on Febru- who died last Thursday at her Union, celebrated Mrs. Woldt's "Branded" "Dial 1119" TREWSTORIC WC ^Commission for six years, and accommodates 350 persons at din-The Rev. D. Arthur Zook of Drew license tags have been placed at STYLE R. Walsh and Mrs. Domlnick Der- ' Tcclmlcolor •Defense Council Chairman board will meet in the church base- . vision. He Is a member of the of W. J. Binns, will be held Tues- ary 27 at SC Barnabas Hospital. tome. 22 North avenue, after.a birthday anniversary Saturday Battle ol the ners, have been coordinated with University will serve us temporary service -stations.. The. club urged 1 Qanvood Recreation Committee Newark. ' dillo. ong illness. . ADDED: CCNV »I>4 til' ll»«k«lb»ll iBd lilt — 1 World War II. pastor until June. ment at 8 o'clock. day evening at 8 o'clock. with dinner and a theatre party in PUyen In "HIIOOT Tilt: MASKKT" the Inter-Assembly Rally of the residents to donate the plates in- and founder of the Cub Scout A high mass of requiem was of- Chapel.' Harold.Harper of Buffalo. Friday evening the choir will stead of waste cans. New York. "TWQ LOST W f-BoViyht. who-was defeated rehearse in the church at 8 o'clock. Movement in this borough. Mr. fered by' the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Mrs. Muriel Mags entertained the ALAN NIXON1 r.votes in the general elec- John Smart of the Eneais Bible BOROUGH OF GARWOOD FBI. thru MOX. — MAB. U-IU-ll-li Red Cross Counts • Everyone is. invited to join this Tiller Is married, has two children, M. Walsh, pastor, in St. Anne's Entre Nous Club' this week at her Ifor council las;t fall, has been School, Toronto, and Owen Hoff- BEAUTY STATEMENT . ' STARTS WEDNi:SDAV group with u special invitation ex- and resides at 109 Anchor place.' Church. Burial was in the family home, 441 Beech avenue. Guests i -T- 8MA9M HITS —''J flaunt for nine years and owns man of Augusta. Ga., will be Industrial Contributions 1951 Municipal Budget Mr. Richardson Was appointed cvfeei StoUte*. Section O:t- plot at St. Mary's Cemetery, Plain- John Waynn , flUion Webb "SUGARFOOr ipeakcrs. tended to men! Actoajj Actual were Mrs. Terry Rose, Mrs. Perry »« at 47 Arbor sti-cet. A KENILWORTH — Industries in Adopted by Council tax collector to fill the unexplrcd leld. ' •" - " . PairlcU N«al ' Joan Bcnncli ' _ aUo — Mf of the Kenilworth PTA This Sunday. Fred MacKenzic De. Francesco, Mrs. Helen Kurlo- the borough have contributed $140 KENILWORTH—The 1951 mu- two-year term caused by the death MM ' INS Mrs. Ryan was the widow of "Operation "For ^'CUSTOMS AGESTI .Mrs. Horijjlit have foiir ivill continue his series on the Bopk . As Shawn In Lceal wlcz, Mrs. Johanna Gilbert and to date in. the current Red Cross To Start Industrial nicipal budget of $537,812.84 wus STRENGTH of Daniel Snyder. He was elected Municipal Budget Michael Ryan. She was born in Mrs. Rita Burlelgh. . PaciWc" Heaven's Sake" pn, «hi far 1»51> 13».M2.O« ountry as a girl and formerly of the GWC Club. Among those . — naonuirTd by —> !schools- ;,nd v:is gruduntcd companies are expected to contrib- and construction of Kenilworth SX.Ml.7t. 3*334 M [Bayonne Ili^h School. He-Is hearing. Mayor Fred V. Pitten the Westtteld Trust Company, Gar- BecUnal High far UUI - made made her home in Cranford. present were Mrs. Jack Christiano Ctantora Council far Children'* Movie* PARAMOUNT to Meet ute before the campaign ends on Industrial aPrk, a thirteen and presided. wood Branch, during that time. t She was a communicant of St. LAUKtX H 1IARDY In "jiiuate of p,-att Institute, about March. 15. ' one-quarter acre tract off Market y 4S.MS.tS 41.7SS.91 DANA ANDREW" KENILWORTH—A parent edu- The 1951 tax rote will be $6.16, Born in Newark, he came here far 1M1>. ... 43.1M.M Anne's Church and was a member SI BROAD b! P't>, ami. has ljec|) e,npjoyc{j street, will be started shortly, ac- Each Cover Tailored <») General "CHUMP AT OXFORD" FARLEY -OBANCW ation .niccting will be sponsored Robert E. Crane and John V. an increase of 60 points over the Hfrom-Bloomfleld.^ — f Its Rosary Society. ra Electric at Kenmy for cording to a joint statement by- f315.M7.95 NEW • I 1/AhrT "EDGE_pF DO0»r| >y the~keinilworth PTA on Wed-Mostrxsnd of Cranford arc on the 1>revlous«-y*ftr-dtie—to~ritchool-conr- Mr. Richardson• is a .charter TOTALS -.:..^. Surviving are five daughters, Color Cartoons & Novelties witio he is a member Mayor Fred V. Pitten " and Van Ml 5.11 K19 KTAKM _WKW » lesday, March 21. in the Harding Industrial Committee. struction, and additional Regional n*—the—Garwood Lions KiHmatoJTax Kate IM1 Ww.-WiUiam-Trteonard of-Brook- t»Aii.r AX aiia A. M. AKI,, International Horn & Dolan, agents.- tbbe f Klictrical Workers, Rczoning. of the land, purchased Z3S7.M Last TIIIMS Today rAITli DOMKKOl^r m.. it was announced by Mrs.a substantial report on progress of tax collection of $324,867.84 will be tian Missionary, and Alliance Betief 1SS.M way, Mrs. A. D. Laurent of Point A Great Hbow lor the Entire family "ted to the Board from the borough, was approved required to meet budget appro- Church, Cranford. He Is married ''THE PABADINE CASE" VENDETTA olm B. Stults. program chairman. 38 residential canvassers Tuesday at the last council meeting, n Ar- Highway leasant, Mrs. Frederick L. Smith S — IUO IIITM — 1 ' li" :m unexpired Hrs. Mary McGec Lunney, assoc- priations. und has two sons, one now serving "COBRA WOMAN" '"''or. lj)48 to Fcb~- at Red Cross Headquarters. chitects' sketches were submitted of Cranford and Mrs. John Randolnh Hcolt Joel MeCrra atc in health education for the.Un- Many IhillUmt Colors To Choose From in the Air Force and the other, u BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Garwood. ? O'Rourke of Garwood; five sons, » . : • Adel* Jerccn* Ellen Drew niemhership Stressing the great need for ev- early lust month, but full details that the budget hereinbefore set forth is hereby adopted and shall constitute an appropriation fofor the Dean ttloebwell on County Tuberculosis and student ut Jonathan Dayton Reg- £ Patrolman Joseph T. Ryan of Rah- FM. * BAT. — MABCH • - <• "Sugorlobt" Club. eryone's assistance in this year's were not disclosed until final pas- S«t Meeting poses stated, of the sums therein set forth as appropriations, and authorization <£ the amount ° < Jomn CBAWrOKD—W«»*.ll.. COBBY "Stars lealth' Lengue, will discuss "Soc- ional High School, Springllcld. He way, John F. Ryan of WcstBeld, eoler.by oi-, ;i World War II drive, Mr. Krnus pointed to de- sage of the ordinance. KENILWORTH — The regular below) S.0S9T.032.73 1 for local ppurposep s an.l of ((Item 4 below) $7,938.25 to be added to the certificate In My Crown' s al Hygiene for Parents." A film, resides at 346 Spruce avenue. t t b id b tti** ll idhool purposes per Article seven only (R.S. 18:7-1 et seq.) and Leo E. Ryan, C. A. Ryan and Law- •HARRIET CRAIG" • Teihalcolor iilcnt of th mands from the armed forces, civ- SmalleY -industries, housed in meeting of the Women's Society of Mr. Cusalc, a native of Guiwood; amount to be raised by taxation** local idhool purposes per Article seven only (RS q sb Human Reproduction," also will ilian defense and blood programs one-story buildings, will be re- f l u and app rence G. Ryan, all of Cranford; CUTTON WEBB ie shown. Christian Service of the Commun- ccrtillcation tp the County Board of Taxation cf the following summary of general revenue* and appro- JOAN BENNETT—KOBT. CUMMINO8 Uru quired to adhere to strict,.regula- is beginning his fifth year on the priations: 28 grandchildren, 13 great-grand- '"'" ••' i'!i\n> for 10 years added to normal services of the ity Methodist Church will be Tues- v tions of parking facilities, screen- Rayon •<•• • Plastic • • • Fibre Board of Education. He attendee iti 1. General Revenues: _.' ' children, and a sister, Mrs. Mary "FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE" Red Cross. He said that the or- duy at 8 p. m. Mrs. Grnnville New- local schools and Rosellc Park gahttatiori offers a challenge mul ing and landscaping, according tu Surplus Revenue Appropriated Laird of Detroit, « J : : . : : • Obituary ton, 4 president, will conduct the .High School. Mr. Casalc, who is OS TO HID' the announcement. Misceuaneous Revenue Anticipated BUN.. MON.. TUBB—MAK. Il-H-U Mrs. Antonte Vurska responsibility to citizens. session. 35 years old, operates his own ra- Receipts from Delinquent Taxes • ?£SJ210*00.0J0 c,,: ', ''•; "•"''"•'I by ih. William A. Walter (or '" ""' n KENILWORTH—Funeral serv- Mrs. Beatrice Burgos of 20 Nor- dio and television business in Gar- 2. Amount to be Raised by Taxation for Local Purposes: Ai Our Regular Pricws I LOUIS CALHEBN ANN HARMING r '"'1' 1951 SOAP BOX DERBY GARWOOD — Funeral services ; tin- i ,i ' ces were held yesterday after- nan place, Cranford, is the local A buby shower for Mrs. Edward wood. Item 6 (a). Sheet • 97,022.71 Winner ol S At*4»mf Awui* Leaden* 4. To be added to the Certificate for Amount to be Raised by- were held yesterday afternoon at "MAGNIFICENT YANKEE" on.-.) , L Kxin at Cray Memorial. 12 Spring- Ireasurer of the Cranford - Gar- KENILWORTH — An urgent Whittle of Hillside road, was giver. Vice-president of the Democratic Tuesday night ut the home of Mrs. COMING SOON Taxation for Schools in Article VII School Districts Only: Gray Memorial, 12 Springfield •^•»»r mill Cnuncl' leld avenue, Cranford, for Mrs. wood - Kenilworth Chapter, Amer- equest for Girl Scout leaders and Club, he is a member of the Gur- 7,936.25 avenue. Cranford, for William A. '•'"""•iri. t'hiiinlu-nt \ntonia Vucsics, 62 years old, who ican Red Cross. corge Sharp, 75 Arthur terrace wood Fire • Department. During Item S (b). Sheet « (RS. 40:2-11.1) "HIGH LONESOME" assistants in the borough was is*- Wulter, 57 years old, of 207 Second "The RED SHOES" ird Sunday in Marlboro State • ued yesterday by Mrs. Earl Pol- Women of Kenilworth Gospel World Wur II. he taught radar Total Revenues ...$205^95.96 avenue, who died Sunday In Muh- la TaokalcsUr »lu Color by Technicolor lospital where she had been a pa- Chapel were invited. wlib JOHN BARRYMORE. Jit. M liick, head of thelcaders' nssocia- theory and electronics to th.e Cun- lcnbcrg' Hospital, Plalnflcld.^after "CALL OF THE KLONDIKE" !,«"•) r,.;,,|. ' will In. ient six months.' She formerly Blood Typing Urged udiun Army. Married,' he. has two* 5. General Appropriations: • ' . * * w' *«« ' Late Show Every Saturday tion. 4 Interested persons should (a) Administration. Operation and Maintenance •. $162,703.00 a short Illness. • »«|-llr,-i '•"'I Contingent ' J: '. • • • 2.5O0O0 The Rev. Walter C. Pugh, pastor k Surial wns private. lood-typlng still is of the utmost Huzcl avenue. WKD. * THimS. — MARCH II IS Dining «MI Pins, ,i, ' ' 1 f i k nmi. niii\ lu -oiindt.'iblc discussion will be held When ring* «r« placid In th« Reserve for UncoUected TaxcSr--Sheet 6, Item 6 (h) Back by V«MU Rtnittto** wn .7-,,'•''••'••»• "i- Fri.|.i> eve inouti of plff, room thould be left formed Church, officiated. Burial i I' iccording to Paul H. Van Dei', Zee, R I T Z «' i non. i>. M fnseph Vucsics. She wds born in Scout Little House In Cranford for growth of th* »nout. Kings let NORRIS CHEVROLET, Inc. . (Include Other Reserves, if Any) ....;.... 2iJLM.1l won in JairyleW Cemetery, West- U A VI» • MARTY AMES fVidnpcst. Hungary, and came- to lirector of the borough emergency. Cnarge*- ww"itures—Municipal ..; 4~,OOO:O0~ jrogram. He said yesterday, tbut, (e) (1) statutory BAXTEB *-JkmvfU.m'B f«»»ill» n» i">i !••>»'than li'i hk country 35 years ngo. She had bc^in April 13. thtt not* gr«wi, e«usln« Irritation WALTtt J. FLESBER7S Deferred Mr. Walter wan born In Union ived 25 years in Kenilworth. Mrs. n the face of disuster, it would not UKAN MARTIN — JKEUV LKWIU CHARGE L (e) (2) Statutory itures—Local District School 7,936.25 City and had lived in Garwood for V be an unwise course for one per- Public Accountaut "At Wte With The Army" (Minim**, Set. Only) \ Ihi fuesics was a member of the Rah- A farewell party for .George D- OaraUi gaWUtai* . 27 years. He was a route salesman ciy Huncurian Social Club. son in each family to h^ve 11 know- Milne, Jr., husband of the former WESTFIELD 2-0220 Total , : $205,395.96 "All ABOUT EVE" '^ I'urktil „„ t|J() ou(. Ctlery leaves or even the or- ' Tax Consultant for the Alderney Dairy Company — tad H**n4 N«w till — Frivol* Parlies Surviving are a sister. Mrs. Vill- ledge of first aid. Civilian defense Miss Helen M". Arthur, was given dlnary outer, leaves of cabbage, It Is Hereby Certined that the within budget is a true copy of the budget adopted by resolutioi »lu ". Kinllworlh rraervci (B¥ ATrOlNTMENT ONLY) of Newark. He was a member ol M$.t Ml*k*tt 1-4400 na Kouach of Hungary and a cards are being distributed tu lnst night at the Gospel Chapel. of the! governing body on the XJih day of February, 1951. - . "WOMAN . '•; "Prid. Oi Maryland" , ;""• •uul nit'hid*. shredded fine, may be Uied ai a St. Paul's Church.. His wife, Mrs. brother, Alexander Zhelesnick of householders, who arc urged to He will report for active service luecetsrul girnlfh subatltute when Ccrtittcd by me ' ' ' , „ • . rCGGY MTtiWAbT-VHANKIIi •road St. at Untalrt WEstfcU 2-1499 Margaret Lpderstedt Walter, is the FROM HEADQUARTERS" r*ew«k.M. J. "• N. J,. Wcsttlcld. read and memorise instructions. tomorrow. pariley la not available. Thin 27th day of February* 1S5I: . WALTER S. McMANUS. survivor. READ THE CITIZEN - CHRONICLE EVERY THURSDAY 343 South Avc Garwood Adopted: February V. 1ML - Borough Cleric