No. 149 FORT WAYNE, February 15, 1932

born in Charleston. Novomb-~r 23,1749, timt" tor thia new gencraloon of Rut­ LORE and, about 1773. marrit.•d Harriet locl~t.,. to have been bum in Carolina dau,;ht~r of n._nry Middlotcon. In ~loy, and to ha\'e li\'t~ for eonw time in 1 'i't;.O~ wht n •erving uodl"r G\•n. Benja­ Tenru o before coming to KtntucKy; IJllt.l l 'ffH O P' ,._,.. oowao llT nun L.ant'1•ln, he !ell into th" hands of in !net, ntuny o! the Vir~inla jmmi­ T • • I,UfCOLJf T tel ·~J)I'COUf th(l t•m1my und remain<"tl in prison Cor gmull •nnvt.~c.l to Kentuck)' by easy flttTfi & IC£ 1 N .t. TI(JHAI. l.ITC u whoh\ year. Jnnu.•:i Huth:dge, the stDM'4'"· ThC' fnmily nurncs tmd the Jt I I I & a C a l~ • u••~c• fntht•l' ot Ann Rut1cdgt', wu.• born .May nnmc• •••uciuted with lh• Hutll'<.!ge 1-'0t,: JfO &TIOJif c 0 ,...... :-· .. It. 17~1. so Lha~ it is not llkdy tbnt !nmil)' hs atrong evidence lhttt tho Hen­ hl' "tl the son of the 2ilgner d«!rson l'ounty, Kentucky, fnrnily orig­ IWJIOT Tlwr'"• wu a colony of Rutlt'dges in inntc~l in Augu•ta County, \·irginiL Auguttn C..ounty, \.if1(1ntn. which may From Kcntu· on the hi>tory of TH E RUTLEDGE FAmLY {U"'\ t, to hn\'c b«wn the aame· Ann Rutledg~ is ea.aily trac~. Her lro111 \\hltb Ann Rutlan or AJ(I'• ap­ tion nnd Thomaa, .si$ten;. Kath•·rme and Jeun, und a nephew Gt.•e~rgL', This will pt'nr un lhl' tax list fur llt•1ulerson \VilliAtn lh~J·ndon us fnr as \\'t! havt' wtl!!l wttntossed by \Villiunt Armstrong­ r.ounty in 1811, Robert, J ohn, nnd l•t'l!ll nhle to learn wuft llw f\r~l one to who!;t• fnmily name we! find con~tu.ntly WilHum. l'ach year up un\il 1815 the nll~mpt n public rccltnl 1JC Abraham nuocitttc-d with tho Rutledgci in Vir­ nnm"" o( James, Thomas. Hoh••rt, and Lincoln's e:arly romrmc:~. It wu. the ginia, Kflnlucky, and lllinoi WilHnon oppcur "ith rc~eu larity but no nuun thtnw or what h..- co.lll;!d n Icc­ addillonal land holding.s Rru tl'<'Orded. tun on ''Abraham l.1ncoln. !\Hs~ Ann In 1776, the ,;arne Y''"' that Thomas lt ..-.n~ during thj~ }K'nod on Janun.ry Rut1f'dg~. Xt'w Salem. p~,)ntLTlDg and Lincoln, th• father o( th p..,•Jd•nt, 7, 1813, th•t Anne ~layca Rutledge tht Jto,.~m Cas.lll-d 'lmrnorwlit3r'." lt \\U born in Augusta Count)-. Thomas \l811 Lorn. wa c!eh\·erc-d Jn ~pnnacf1•ld, lllino~, Arnutrong made 1m "ill; beoide his ";£,., AM, he names two daught-er:;, On Or 18, 1813, Thnmu Rut­ in l~Co. ll':tfS, whieh oftt•ll ho bt•C'n succe.~· chiltlrt•n \\l'rc Jnmt-a, G~urge, Re· nt·quirinu land at a pojnt '\here New tully chulhmged. 'Tht' JIUrposc of this b\.•cknh, Rl)sannnh nnd L.ucy tho lat· ~.nh•nl lntf•r grew up. J>lllwr i:s to rtdtlc tht• qm•tttion of th~ tc.-r hU\'ing mnn·ic.~d John Allisun. Tht• following cbiJdrt'n wt•rt• born to nri..:in oC the New Sal""' Rutlc•dges. Thomas' nnd Jean'• childnn are Jaonco and Ann )tiller Ru~ledate as Mr. Jlorndon in referring to Ann Rut­ mtmll.. i "" !ollo'¥>-s: Jo.m<"'!t, John, rt'i.rolll(, Ann Mender­ ;);an<'Y ('., '!argaret A~ ~!ary A., and ntt)' lo\'ing, patriotiC' Rutltdgts of """• Mar) Young and JoaJO Brooks. Sally P. The name of nnotht r child South C'arolina. Her lothc•r was born The 1narr1nge rt."ffL ttr tor Augusta. born in 18!5 is not lho­ In South Carolina amid th• ec:ho oC C'ounly Cor 1786 re<'Ortl• th• na""'"' of Wl(rnphtc copy of tho Bible r..-orJ. the r:tnnon's rcvolullonury roar.'' Jnm(·a llutledge and Jane FmlO)', and \ wo yonr• later J a me Rut ledge and It ia hoped that thu infonnnlion gnthc,rNI h~:: ru may stir up N\ in­ Tho inference hC'I'O IM (lluan thnt Ann Eh.1 Halslon w(!rt, unlt.t'(J ln ma.r· anor t.cre't in the lincaiitc.' of Annu Mayes WA~ ll th.•~cendttnL of Lhc uriglocralfc: r·i.lKt•. Hutlcdl(c family which