4 HMCS Toronto1 (with 225 sailors), USS George Washington,2 5 USS Vella Gulf,3 USNS Supply4 and 2 USS Bulkeley5 “participate in strike 3 group photo while operating in the Arabian [Persian] Gulf. The...nuclear aircraft carrier is on a scheduled deployment in support of Operation Altair: Operation Iraqi Freedom.” U.S. Navy 1 Integrating Canadian Frigates into Official U.S. Navy photo by Brien Aho, -War Strike Groups, 2004-2008 June 3, 2004. By Richard Sanders, coordinator, Coa- During three, six-month troops fighting Operations Iraqi Free- lition to Oppose the Arms Trade dom and Enduring Freedom.”14 deployments between During the first half of 2004, ince the conclusion of Operation 2004 and 2008, Strike Fighter Squadron 131 (VFA- Apollo in October 2003, Opera- 675 Canadian sailors 131), aka the ‘Wildcat’ Squadron,15 was Stion Altair has continued Cana- “deployed aboard USS George Wash- da’s “double-hatted” naval contribu- on three Canadian ington in support of Operation Iraqi tions to the U.S. “War on Terror,” which warships were Freedom.”16 In April, the Wildcats’ F/ includes the wars in both Iraq and Af- A-18 Hornet fighter/attack warplanes ghanistan. As the Canadian Forces integrated into U.S. joined the “First Battle of Fallujah,” says, Op Altair “picks up where Op- “Strike Groups” codenamed Operation Vigilant Re- eration Apollo left off.”1 that waged war in Iraq. solve. On April 8, one of their F/A-18s Op Altair has consisted largely “conducted a 20 mm strafing run of six-month deployments to the Per- against an enemy position.” On the next Operation Altair has had five sian Gulf, by Canadian warships that day, “[a]nother VFA-131 Hornet distinct phases, rotations or “rotos.” “seamlessly integrate into U.S. task dropped two 500 pound GBU-12 laser- The first four involved Canadian pa- groups.”2 These “task groups” are usu- guided bombs on another enemy posi- trol frigates on “single ship deploy- ally “Carrier Strike Groups” (CSGs) led tion in Fallujah, Iraq.”17 This was “the ments (with embarked helicopter de- by nuclear-powered aircraft carriers first live ordnance dropped by CVW-7 tachments) integrated with suitable U.S. with a mission to “project a large aircraft since George Washington de- carrier strike groups.”9 The fifth rota- amount of air power.”3 For this purpose, ployed in support of Operations Iraqi tion deployed three Canadian warships; CSGs are deployed with a “Carrier Air Freedom and Enduring Freedom,”18 but a destroyer, frigate and supply ship. Wing” of up to 90 warplanes4 and the it was not the last. This article will examine three of these “primary role of the carrier and its air Of the 7,592 aircraft sorties “Rotos” and expose how 675 Canadian wing is to provide...offensive fire- emanating from this Strike Group—in sailors aboard three Canadian frigates power.”5 Aircraft carriers are vulner- which the HMCS Toronto was inte- were complicit in the . able to attack, so CSGs include war- grated—“more than 1,500 were flown ships like frigates to protect them. They Roto 0 in direct support of OIF [Operation also include guided missile cruisers, January to July 2004 Iraqi Freedom], expending approxi- destroyers, attack submarines and ships mately 82 tons of ordnance.”19 “HMCS Toronto...operated with carrying munitions, fuel and supplies.6 On April 9, after the first 1,000 the USS George Washington Canada is the only nation able 10 pounds of ordnance was dropped on to integrate its warships into Ameri- Carrier Strike Group [CSG].” Fallujah by Wildcat warplanes, the can CSGs. This is a source of great This U.S. CSG—led by the USS Wash- George Washington (GW) commander, pride to Canada’s navy which is always ington aircraft carrier during “a ‘surge’ Rear Adm. Denby Starling, “praised the 11 seeking—through acquisitions and deployment” to the — work of GW and CVW-7 as they en- training exercises—to assimilate itself included six other U.S. warships, the gaged in Operation Vigilant Resolve,” 12 even more completely into the U.S. war HMCS Toronto (with 225 sailors), saying the Strike Group wielded a “tre- machine. Altair has been a great boon and Carrier Air Wing 7 (CVW-7)— mendous amount of the air power” and in this process. Or, as the Canadian with dozens of fighter, attack and elec- “whether we’re flying reconnais- 13 military puts it, Op Altair has “signifi- tronic warfare aircraft. sance missions, engaging in elec- cantly enhanced the interoperability of A U.S. Navy magazine reported tronic warfare or dropping ordnance, the Canadian and U.S. navies”7 and that this Strike Group’s sailors and air we have succeeded at every turn.”20 “helped keep Canada’s navy relevant, crew knew “their ultimate destination This U.S. Navy report stated responsive, and effective.”8 was to provide air support for ground “In addition to the great air support 12 Press for Conversion! (Issue # 65) December 2010 In 2007. the HMCS Ottawa and its 225 sailors provided “Force Protection” for the USS Boxer Strike Group, while it delivered 2,000 Marines to battle in Iraq. USS Boxer

Official Canadian Navy photo HMCS Ottawa by MCpl Robert Bottrill

provided by GW and CVW-7, the Iraqi Freedom.”27 February, the 15th MEU’s deployment strike group ships USS Vella Gulf, This ESG, into which the Ot- was extended to support this “surge.”38 Bulkeley and HMCS Toronto initi- tawa and its crew of 225 sailors were What was the Ottawa’s role ated or were involved in more than integrated, is a “flexible naval force” within the Boxer Strike Group’s Iraq 200 boardings of merchant vessels working “in support of Marine or joint war mission? Generally, as stated by during maritime interdiction opera- forces operating in near-shore regions U.S. Central Command in its descrip- tions and logged over 12,000 surface or deep inland.”28 Among its “nearly tion of Canada’s role in the “War on contacts in the Persian Gulf.”21 6,000 Sailors and Marines,”29 was the Terror,” “[h]eavily armed, manoeuvra- Although the extent to which 15th MEU,30 “with a strength of about ble warships,” like Canada’s frigates, these “maritime interdiction opera- 2,200 personnel.”31 When the ESG ar- are used to “provide defensive capa- tions” aided and abetted the Iraq war is rived in Iraq in mid-November, these bilities to the more vulnerable special- unknown, this CSG’s primary focus was Marines went ashore and “began oper- ized vessels in the multinational coali- definitely fighting the Iraq war. In a se- ating in Al Anbar province as Task tion fleet.”39 This is called “Force Pro- ries of official U.S. Navy photos show- Force Bullrush.”32 The goal of tection.” For the Boxer Strike Group ing the HMCS Toronto sailing with the Bullrush was to “defeat insurgent in particular, we know of a specific type USS Washington “during a strike group forces” in a “25,000 square km. area” of protection that Canada was tasked photo formation while operating in the of Iraq “west of the Euphrates River to to perform. In an article about the Ot- Arabian Gulf” in June 2004, every cap- the Jordanian and Syrian borders.”33 tawa’s 2006-2007 deployment with the tion notes that the warships were on a During their four months in Iraq, “the USS Boxer, the Canadian frigate’s com- “scheduled deployment in support of MEU conducted combat operations in mander, Captain Darren Hawco, noted: Operation Iraqi Freedom.”22 The war Rutbah, Barwana, Haditha, Haqlani- “The CAN/U.S. level of interop- in Afghanistan is not even mentioned. yah, Ramadi and Al Asad,”34 and “de- erability is at such a seamless level 35 Roto 2 tained over 300 suspected insurgents.” that Canadian warships are assigned Roto 2 Once the HMCS Ottawa had major warfare duties within deploy- Sept. 2006 to March 2007 helped escort these forces to Iraq, and ing strike groups. In Ottawa’s case, “HMCS Ottawa...operated with “the Marines went ashore,” the Boxer the ship was assigned the duty of the USS Boxer Expeditionary ESG “spent five months in the Persian Anti-Submarine Warfare Com- Strike Group [ESG].”23 Gulf conducting maritime security op- mander.”40 (Emphasis added) This Strike Group of the USS Boxer erations with coalition partners.”36 While neither Afghanistan nor aircraft carrier, included the: Whether these maritime operations had Iraq have any subs, Iran does. During • 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit anything to do with Afghanistan is du- the Boxer ESG’s mission there was • Canadian frigate HMCS Ottawa, bious. However, the role of these op- much hype about a possible threat to • USS Dubuque, which was “a hold- erations in the Iraq war is openly ac- U.S. forces from Iran. As reported in ing facility for Iraqi POWs” and cepted. For example, when this Strike September 2006 by Debka, an Israeli- helped protect “oil platforms in the Group’s so called “maritime security intelligence linked media source, the northern part of the Persian Gulf.”24 operations” began, a U.S. 5th Fleet Boxer ESG’s warships were • USS Comstock, a Dock Landing Public Affairs’ article explained the rea- “equipped and their crews trained for Ship to “transport and launch am- sons for these maritime operations. Al- rapid rescue and aid missions to phibious craft and vehicles,” to land though it refers to Iraq six times, it does damaged ships and wounded crew- U.S. Marines, on “hostile shores”25 not even once mention Afghanistan.37 men. Their presence...indicates that • USS Bunker Hill, a heavily-armed In January 2007, during the the Boxer strike group is prepared guided missile cruiser Boxer Strike Group’s deployment, for Iranian attack by sea, air, sub- • USS Benfold and USS Howard, two President G.W.Bush announced a marine, sea-to-sea missiles or depth guided missile destroyers.26 “surge” that escalated the war with mines.”41 (Emphasis added) The Strike Group’s first job was 20,000 more U.S. troops. Many were We also know that the Boxer a self-described “mission…to transport deployed to Al Anbar province where Strike Group’s Anti-Submarine Warfare the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit the Boxer ESG had already dropped off Commander, Captain Hawco of the (MEU) to Iraq in support of Operation Marines for Task Force Bullrush. In Ottawa, was concerned about Iran as December 2010 (Issue # 65) Press for Conversion! 13 USS Oscar USS he conducted “force protection” duties Austin Carney USS for the U.S. Navy at the entrance to the Truman Persian Gulf. He writes that the USS USS “[HMCS] Ottawa was assigned...to Hue San conduct an extended force protec- City Jacinto tion escort of the USS Newport News [a nuclear-powered submarine] The Charlottetown with 225 sailors through the Straits of Hormuz over was integrated into the USS Truman a 24-hour period and a transit dis- Carrier Strike Group when it tance of 240 nautical miles. Again, launched massive bombing raids the flexibility of naval power was HMCS Charlottetown against Iraq in 2008.

demonstrated, as my warship was Photo: Cpl Robert LeBlanc, November 12, 2007 suddenly re-roled...in favour of a U.S. military sources reveal that the “Charlottetown was fully integrated completely different, high priority the Truman CSG’s mission was not only into this carrier strike group.”50 mission…. [T]he escort [was] con- to conduct “maritime security opera- During this exercise, when the ducted under close Iranian surveil- tions” but also to provide “air support” Strike Group “conducted manoeuvres lance....”42 (Emphasis added) within the CENTCOM ‘Area of Re- and performed flight operations to- There was also great concern at sponsibility.’48 An official, U.S. Navy gether,” the Charlottetown played a vi- the time that the U.S.-led naval build- history of the USS Truman describes tal role in supporting warplanes launch- up in the Persian Gulf, including the its “combat deployment in November ing from the USS Truman. The Cana- Boxer Strike Group, although directly 2007” and provides details of its “air dian frigate was being groomed for a aimed at Iraq, was also threatening war support” for the Iraq war. Integrated particular task during its upcoming Iraq with Iran. Many feared that a strike with the Charlottetown, within the USS war deployment with the Truman. As against Iran was imminent and that U.S. Truman CSG, were dozens of war- the Canadian navy noted regarding forces might provoke or fabricate an in- planes with CVW 3, aka the “Battle “Trident Warrior 2007,” “As the ship cident to trigger such a war (as had been Axe.” These fighter, attack and elec- [Charlottetown] may deploy with the done with the Gulf-of-Tonkin incident tronic warfare aircraft with the [Truman] strike group later this year, that escalated the war).43 Truman’s “Carrier Air Wing” these trials were of vital importance to “flew more than 26,500 hours dur- our interoperability.”51 Roto 3 ing 9,500 sorties. Of these, 2,459 One particularly “challenging Nov. 2007 to April 2008 were combat sorties directly support- operation during the exercise” was “HMCS Charlottetown ...operated ing Coalition forces serving in Op- when the Charlottetown performed “the with the USS Harry S.Truman eration Iraqi Freedom. The air wing duty of Plane Guard for American car- Carrier Strike Group [CSG].”44 flew just under 14,000 combat hours rier Harry S. Truman.”52 The job of Besides the Charlottetown, this Strike and expended 77,500 pounds of ord- “Plane Guard” is often performed by Group included dozens of warplanes nance.”49 frigates, like the Charlottetown, which from Carrier Air Wing Three (CVW 3), This U.S. Navy record does not are suited to protecting U.S. aircraft two guided missile cruisers, three even mention Afghanistan in passing. carriers. The Plane Guard’s task is to guided missile destroyers, a nuclear- All the “combat sorties” and “ord- “recover the aircrew of planes or heli- powered attack submarine, a UK de- nance” emanating from this Strike copters which ditch or crash in the wa- stroyer45 and “more than 7,300 Sailors.”46 Group, were aimed at targets in Iraq. ter during aircraft carrier flight opera- In describing this six-month Since the Charlottetown was tions.”53 Here is how this training was deployment of the Charlottetown, with thoroughly and completely integrated described by the Canadian Forces: its 225 sailors, Senator Catherine Call- into the Truman CSG it could not pos- “Plane Guard….is a standby station, beck, focused on carefully selected sibly have remained an innocent by- 1.5 miles astern of the aircraft car- mission highlights, saying the frigate stander during the massive waves of rier, where we followed as it “tracked five boats…engaged in hu- destructive “air power” hitting Iraq. To launched and recovered F-18 Super man smuggling, stopped one act of understand of the Charlottetown’s role Hornets, Harriers, Airborne Early piracy,...conducted surveillance on in the Truman CSG’s Iraq-war opera- Warning aircraft, and helicopters. another boat after it was taken by tions, we must look at the rigorous train- It was a spectacular air show pirates….[and] intercepted more ing that Canadian sailors engaged in free of charge, but was an extremely than six tonnes of narcotics and prior to setting out for the Persian Gulf busy 12 hours for the captain and the 2,000 smuggled cases of alcohol.”47 with the Truman in 2007. bridge watchkeepers. The ship She did not however mention that the Earlier that year, the Charlotte- [Charlottetown] was required to con- Strike Group into which the Charlotte- town and her sailors joined an elabo- stantly manoeuvre at high speed in town was integrated, launched dozens rate week-long exercise off the coast order to follow the Harry S.Truman of warplanes on thousands of sorties of Virginia, called “Trident Warrior as she hunted the wind for good expending tens of thousands of pounds 2007.” A Canadian navy article about courses to launch and recover air- of bombs and missiles on Iraq. these trials with the Truman CSG, said craft. This was more challenging at 14 Press for Conversion! (Issue # 65) December 2010 night…. One bridge watchkeeper en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Geo under training, who had the oppor- rge_Washington_%28CVN-73%29 12. Deployments of USS Geo. tunity to drive at night, was actually Washington in a sweat…. ‘I really feel like I’m www.navysite.de/cvn/cvn73 in the Navy now, sir,’ he said to the deploy.htm captain, who laughed in agreement.”54 13. CVW-7 (AG) Fighter/attack warplanes from In June 2007, as its Persian Gulf www.gonavy.jp/CVW-AGf.html 14. Henry Rice, “CVW-7 Return the USS Truman Strike Group tour approached, the Charlotte-town to Norfolk,” Navy Newsstand, launched 2,459 combat sorties joined another U.S. exercise with the July 26, 2004. Truman, called Fleet Synthetic Train- www.globalsecurity.org/military/ that expended 77,500 pounds ing Joint. This “joint exercise for the library/news/2004/07/mil- of ordnance on Iraq in 2008. U.S. Navy, Army and Air Force, rang- 040726-nns02.htm ing from submarines to fighter jets and 15. VFA-131 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VFA-131 Army units,” was a “training opportu- 16. Ibid. nity for Charlottetown.” This Canadian 17. USS George Washington, Op. frigate had “been working with the U.S. cit. Navy’s Harry S.Truman Carrier Strike 18. Ibid. Group for the past few months” as “part 19. Rice, Op. cit. Navy News, March 31, 2008. Official UK Navy publication Navy News, March 31, 2008. Official of their work-up cycle,” said LCdr 20. Ibid. www.ocnus.net/cgi-bin/exec/view.cgi? Puddington of the Canadian Forces 21. Ibid. archive=104&num=26698 Maritime Warfare Centre.55 22. Brien Aho, U.S. Navy photos 42. Ibid. www.navy.mil/view_single.asp ?id=14664 43. M. Chossudovsky, “U.S. naval war games Charlottetown’s 2007 deploy- 23. Operation Altair, Op. cit. ment to the Persian Gulf with the off the Iranian coastline” Oct. 24, 2006. 24. USS Dubuque (LPD-8) www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context= Truman CSG, was not its first. In Janu- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Dubuque_ va&aid=3593 ary 2001, the Charlottetown was the %28LPD-8%29 44. Operation Altair, Op. cit. very first Canadian frigate to integrate 25. LSD-41 Whidbey Island class 45. Steve Moyer, “CSG 10 Changes with a U.S. Aircraft Carrier Battle www.fas.org/programs/ssp/man/uswpns/ Hands,” The Tension, April 20, 2008. navy/amphibious/lsd41.html thetension.blogspot.com/2008/04/carrier- Group when it deployed to the Persian 26. Shannon K.Cassidy, “ESG 5 Departs Gulf for six months.56 While there, it strike-group-10-changes-hands.html for 2006 Deployment,” Sept. 14, 2006. 46. “Executing the Maritime Strategy,” helped 12 U.S. warships enforce the www.navy.mil/search/display.asp? Navy Today, February 6, 2008. 57 economic sanctions crippling Iraq. story_id=25570 www.navy.mil/navco/speakers/Currents/ Operation Altair’s “Roto 3” was 27. James Bartels, “Boxer ESG completes Navy_Today_6_Feb_08.pdf in fact “the 25th time a Canadian ves- 9 Month Deployment,” May 31, 2007. 47. Debates of the Senate, Nov. 27, 2008. www.navy.mil/search/display.asp ?story_id sel …[was] deploying to the Persian www.parl.gc.ca/40/1/parlbus/chambus/ =29798 senate/deb-e/006db_2008-11-27-e.htm Gulf region,” noted Cmdr. Patrick St- 28. Cassidy, Op. cit. 48. “Executing Maritime Strategy,” Op. cit. Denis. “We have been deploying with 29. Ibid. 49. History of the Ship the strike group or other coalition forces 30. USS Boxer (LHD-4) www.public.navy.mil/airfor/cvn75/Pages/ in the Gulf quite regularly.”58 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Boxer History.aspx _%28LHD-4%29 50. “HMCS Charlottetown participates in References 31. 15th MEU Trident Warrior,” Maple Leaf, May 9, 2007. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15th_Marine_ www.mdn.ca/site/Commun/ml-fe/article- 1. Recent operations overview Expeditionary_Unit eng. asp?id=3150 www.navy.gc.ca/cms/4/4-a_eng.asp?id=460 32. Ibid. 51. Ibid. 2. Operation Altair (Oct. 2003-present) 33. Leticia Reyes, “TF Bullrush completes 52. Ibid. www.marpac.dnd.ca/cms/4/4-a_eng.asp? mission in Rutbah,” April 12, 2007. id=503 53. Plane Guard www.gather.com/viewArticle.action? 3. Carrier Strike Group en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plane_guard articleId=281474976957083 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier_ 54. “HMCS Charlottetown…” Op. cit. Strike_Group 34. 15th MEU, Op. cit. 55. Virginia Beaton, “CFMWC participates 4. Nimitz class aircraft carrier 35. Reyes, Op. cit. in Fleet Synthetic Training,” Trident, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimitz_class_ 36. Bartels, Op. cit. July 9, 2007. aircraft_carrier 37. Joshua Valcarcel, “BOXERESG Begins www.tridentnews.ca/Portals/0/pdfarchives/ 5. Carrier Strike Group, Op.cit. Maritime Security Ops,” Nov. 25, 2006. 2007/july9_2007.pdf 6. Nimitz class aircraft carrier, Op. cit. www.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id 56. Canadian Navy Teams up with U.S. 7. Operation Altair, CEFCOM =26785 Carrier Battle Groups www.cefcom.forces.gc.ca/pa-ap/ops/altair/ 38. 15th MEU, Op. cit. www.forces.gc.ca/site/focus/canada-us- index-eng.asp 39. CENTCOM, “Canada,” Aug. 6, 2003. canada-eu/backgrounder-documentation- 8. Ibid. www.centcom.mil/en/canada/ eng.asp 9. Operation Altair 40. Darren Hawco, “Anatomy of Maritime 57. “HMCS Charlottetown…” Op. cit. web.archive.org/web/20040405 173837/ Excellence.” 58. Geoff Fein, “Canadian Frigate Deploys www.forces.gc.ca/site/operations/altair/ www.journal.forces.gc.ca/vo9/no2/11- with USS Truman Strike Group on Op index_e.asp hawco -eng.asp Altair,” Defense Daily, Nov 6, 2007. 10. Operation Altair, CEFCOM, Op. cit. 41. Debka, USS Boxer Strike Group, findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_6712/is_ 11. USS George Washington entered the Persian Gulf, Sept. 11, 2006. 27_236/ai_n29393902/ December 2010 (Issue # 65) Press for Conversion! 15