By $10^00 Fire the Senior Class Placed the Larg- «"(:Mds for the Display
'"'-': -*--1 •^iZI'Ctti^"^: " '''' THB CRANFORD CITIZEN !£:+ a: jifalii Newspaper Club Wep, call- us immediately. /"Many a return to the Congregatioiial Board Mrs William Hubiak of 43 Iro- as secreiaryUf the Missions Coun- low, Mard* community has been razed; by Visits ChronicleOmce quois road. •-•:'•.'... '. ••" ''.'•h'r $ cil in New YorkJSpeaking .on'"The iden, fifl brush fires which were out of hand Appointed to committees ttr«fre; World Council "in Retrospect and Twenty-three members of the Eleanor Dunn AaaDe. I THE EDITOR Decorations —! Miss Mary .Ann when- the local/ department ar- Prospect;" Dr. Leiper ,.wlU recall Newspaper Club bt Lincoln School rived on tfiFscerieV' Chief Schind- Santo. | . •;• Fuller, Mrs.! Joseph. Appel, Mrs. How to Handle experiences, ' achievements and under the supervision of fciss Doris Editor.Citizen and Chrpnide, J. Baly, Jr., Mrs! E. V. Whitf, Mrs. ler warns." •..,.".' . ° problems of the past, quarter of a Men Im Buy TB ;V,i*lJY::TB•'•• • •. n -• a And when you have finished Haldenwang visited The Citizen Canc ronturv. .'•'••' Dear Sir: ,-. ,,>; son!'.toys — Mrs. Howard Buntin, BrushEircs~ burning/make-sure aJjuJexmbcrs ^ilffle Tvgday aft- fireman 1/e CHRISTMAS Mrs. Harold Schott, Mrs. John are thoroughly extinguished. If •-:>•• : ^ •.• y- • •-: i '::••• 1 The^Cranford Chapter of the "We see in recent newspaper ac- ernoon and were shbwn UlRISTMAS KM 4 Studente Attain American • Red Cross received - a Halkowicjh and Mrs. Joseph counts, says Fire Chief Howard you neglect to do this, a sudden Holy MotlemClty the newspaper plant The young- B.Hoesly_ef201 gust of wind may easily start • Tunisia is the site of the holy Mo§- turned last night to Us PI All A'a in Initial > check for $234,66 from o group of rcj^.
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