Last Updated: 8/1



The he alth o f yo uth, leade rs, and families while pa rtic ipa ting in Sc o uting prog rams rema ins the to p priority fo r Buc ke ye Co unc il vo lunte e r a nd sta ff lea d e rship. As pandemic related restric tions c ontinue to evolve, we c o ntinue to partne r with o ur loc al health departments and review updated guidanc e from the State of Ohio, CDC, and National Counc il of the Boy Sc outs of Americ a. A key c onsideration in our safety guidelines is the fac t that most Sc outing pa rtic ipants are not age-e lig ible to receive the vaccine. Effe c tive August 1, 2021 the Buc keye Counc il’s COVID-19 Safe ty Pro to c o ls re g a rding fac ial c overings have been updated. • Fac ial Cove rings are not required for fully vac c inate d individuals. All participants who are not fully vac c inate d should we ar a fac ial c ove ring whe n soc ial distanc ing c annot be maintaine d.

Full COVID-19 Safety Protoc ols for meeting and ac tivities c an be found on page 7.

Sc outing in the Buc keye Counc il has shown tremendous resilienc y and perseveranc e throughout the c ourse of the COVID-19 pandemic . The remarkable dedic ation of our le a d e rs a nd te na c ity o f o ur Sc o uts a re true te sta me nts to the me a ning o f Sc o ut Spirit. The Buc ke ye Co unc il remains c o mmitte d to e nsuring a safe experienc e for all who attend Sc outing ac tivities and c amps and to do our part to reduc e COVID-19 e xpo sure. Thank yo u fo r yo ur le a d e rship d uring the se c hallenging time s, and fo r yo ur c ommitment in implementing these guidelines as we c o ntinue to make life-c hanging impa c t fo r kids.



Alo ng side c o o le r te mp e rature s, the fa ll b ring s exc iting opportunities to c ontinue the adventure and introduc e Sc o uting to new families. The annual Jo in Sc o ut Night and Po pc o rn c ampaigns return with expanded opportunities to c onnec t with the people in o ur c o mmunities. Sc o uting in the Buc keye Co unc il has persevered through the c hallenges of the pandemic and there are brighter days on the ho rizo n.

This latest edition of the Sc outing Ahead Guidebook is pac ked with resourc es, direc tion, and rec ommendations on how to g row yo ur unit, fund your upc oming year of adventures, and safely explore outdoor adventures. The purpose of the Buc ke ye Co unc il is to sup p o rt units, Sc o uts, le a d e rs, and o ur families through programs, reso urc es, and guidanc e. Please use this guide as a foundation of tha t suppo rt a nd wo rk with yo ur unit c o mmissio ne r, d istric t le a d e rship, a nd d istric t e xe c utive to b uild a plan fo r the fall o f 2021 that be st suits yo ur unit’ s needs.

In this guide you will find:

• Unit Me e ting Guide line s – Info rmation o n ho w to c ontinue in person meetings and expanded g uide line s

• Fall Programs – G e t o utside this fa ll a t a number o f programs happening throughout the c ounc il

• Join Sco ut Night Guide bo o k – Info rma tion o n rec ruiting this fa ll

• Popc o rn Guide bo o k – Fundraising and Po pc o rn b e st p rac tic e s

3 Table of Contents

Buc keye Counc il Calendar of Events Page 5 Buc ke ye Co unc il Sta ff & Se rvic e Ce nte rs Page 6 Unit Me e ting & Ac tivity G uide line s Page 7-11 Fall Prog rams Page 12-16 Jo in Sc o ut Nig ht Guide b o o k Page 17-30 Popc orn Guidebook Page 31-58 No te s Page 59-61

Throug hout this doc ume nt, you will find a dditiona l resource s with c lic ka ble links. If you a re rea ding the printe d ve rsion of the Sc outing Ahe a d Guidebook, go to www.buc ke ye c ounc Sc outing Ahe a d to find a c ontinuously upda ted digital c opy.

4 Calendar of Events

Below is an updated sc hedule of distric t and c ounc il e ve nts from August 2021 – Dec ember 2021 with c olor- c oded c ategories. Find details about these events later in the guidebook. AUGUST 2021 OCTOBER 2021

v 10/ 1 – Ho me Sc o uting Adve nture Club mo nthly v 8/ 1 – Ho me Sc o uting Adve nture Club mo nthly c o nte nt c o nte nt release s, available to all Buc ke ye Co unc il re le a se s, a va ila b le to a ll Buc ke ye C o unc il fa milie s at fa milie s a t no c o st no c ost v 10/1-3 – Cub Sc o ut Unive rsity a t Se ve n Ra ng e s v 8/ 5 – Po p c o rn/ JSN Kic ko ff East a t 7p m, Sta rk Sta te Co lle g e in No rth Ca nto n v 10/4 – All O ut Blitz e nd s, fo rms d ue 10/ 4 by 5pm v 8/6-8 – O A Fall O rde a l a t Se ve n Rang e s v 10/7 – Counc il-wide Ro und ta b le We st, 7p m v 8/ 12 – Po p c o rn/ JSN Kic ko ff We st a t 7p m, G o rma n v 10/8-10 – NYLT We e ke nd # 2 a t Se ve n Ra ng e s Rup p in Ma nsfie ld v 10/ 14 – Counc il-wide Ro und ta b le East, 7p m v 8/13-15 – Weekend #1 at Seven Ranges v 10/ 28 – Uno p e ne d c a se s return in Ma nsfie ld v 8/20-22 – End o f Summe r Bash at Seve n Rang e s (Go rman Rupp, 100 Rupp Rd., Mansfield) v 8/28-29 – O A Vigil Re union v Throug hout Aug ust – Jo in Sc o ut Nig ht e ve nts ta king NOVEMBER 2021 place (o n Tue sday, We dne sday, o r Thursday nights)

v 11/ 1 – Ho me Sc o uting Adve nture Club mo nthly c o nte nt release s, available to all Buc ke ye Co unc il fa milie s a t no c o st SEPTEMBER 2021 v 11/1 – Uno p e ne d c a se s return in Ca nto n v 9/ 1 – Ho me Sc o uting Adve nture Club mo nthly c o nte nt (Pe o ple’s Se rvic e s, 1250 Main St., Navarre) re le a se s, a va ila b le to a ll Buc ke ye C o unc il fa milie s at no c o st v 11/1 – Final po pc o rn o rde rs due by 11:59pm v Throughout Se pte mbe r – Jo in Sc o ut Nig ht e ve nts ta king v 11/1 – Final prize o rde rs due by 11:59pm place (o n Tue sday, We dne sday, o r Thursday nights) v 11/5-7 – Pump kin G lo w a t Se ve n Rang e s v 9/ 6 by 11:59pm – Sho w & Sell po pc o rn o rde rs due by 11:59pm v 11/ 12 and/ or 13 – Po p c o rn O rde r Pic k Up (d a te and loc ation depends on distric t) v 9/11 – Citize nship Me rit Bad g e We e ke nd a t Se ve n Ra ng e s v 9/ 17 and/ or 18 – Sho w & Se ll Pic k Up (d a te a nd lo c a tio n DECEMBER 2021 d e p e nd s o n d istric t) v 12/9 – Po p c o rn Pa yme nts Due v 9/18 – All O ut Blitz b e g ins v 12/ 18 – O A Winte r Banq ue t v 9/18-19 – Wood Badge Weekend #2 at Seven Ranges v 9/ 18 – Clay Sho o t Eve nt a t Elkho rn Lake Hunt Club KEY: v Popc orn v Re c ruitme nt v 9/24-26 – NYLT We e ke nd # 1 a t Se ve n Ra ng e s v Unit Se rvic e & Pro g ramming v 9/24-26 – O A Fall Fellowship a t Se ve n Rang e s 5 Council Staff

See b e lo w fo r the list o f Buc ke ye Co unc il sta ff rea dy to serve you!

He tuc k Distric t Netawotwes Distric t Stark Co unty, e xc luding Allianc e and Mine rva Tusc arawas and Carroll Co untie s

Sa rah Biltz Chris Hyde 330-473-9872 330-904-2823 sa rah.b iltz@ sc o uting .o rg c hristopher.hyde@sc

Sa ndy Bea ve r Distric t Johnny Apple se e d Trail Distric t Co lumbiana Co unty, inc luding Allianc e and Mine rva Crestline & Galion in Crawfo rd Co unty, Ric hland and Ashland Co untie s Chris Hyde 330-904-2823 Amy He lle r c hristopher.hyde@sc 330-418-3282 amy.heller@sc

Killbuc k Distric t Wayne and Holme s Countie s Harding Area Distric t Crawfo rd, Mo rrow, Marion, and Wyando t Co untie s, Amy He lle r e xc e pt Cre stline and Galion 330-418-3282 amy.heller@sc Amy He lle r 330-418-3282 amy.heller@sc Tuske g e e Distric t in sc ho o l Sco uting in Canto n City Prog ram Direc tor Carl (CJ) Gavin Sa rah Biltz 330-580-4272 e xt. 125 330-473-9872 c arl.gavin@sc sa rah.b iltz@ sc o uting .o rg

Sc out Exe c utive Direc tor of Fie ld Se rvic e Jesse Rope r II Nathan Hopper 330-580-4272 e xt. 131 330-312-1756 je sse .rope r@sc o uting .o rg nathan.hopper@sc Our Service Centers

Hoove r Se rvic e Ce nte r Ma rion Se rvic e Ce nte r Ma nsfie ld O ffic e & Buckeye Shop & Sc out Store

2301 13th Stree t NW 1310 Mt. Verno n Ave 40 We st Fourth Stree t Canto n, OH 44708 Ma rio n, OH 43302 Suite 117 P: (330) 580-4272 P: (740) 389-4615 x106 Ma nsfie ld, OH 44902 F: (330) 580-4283 P: (419) 522-8300

buc keye.c ounc il@sc 6 UNIT MEETINGS UPDATED SAFETY GUIDELINES Fall 2021

7 Meeting Guidelines

The he alth o f yo uth, le ade rs, and familie s while pa rtic ipa ting in Sc o uting p rog rams rema ins the to p p rio rity fo r Buc keye Counc il vo lunteer and staff leadership. As pandemic related restric tio ns c ontinue to evolve, we c ontinue to partner with our loc al health departments and review updated guidanc e from the State of Ohio, CDC, and National Counc il of the Boy Sc outs of Americ a. A key c onsideration in our safety guidelines is the fac t that most Sc outing participants are not age-eligible to receive the vaccine.

Effe c tive August 1, 2021 the Buc keye Co unc il’s COVID-19 Safe ty Pro to c o ls reg a rding fac ial c overings have been updated.

• Fac ial Cove rings are not required for fully vac c inated individuals. All participants who are not fully vac c inate d should we ar a facial cove ring whe n social distanc ing c annot be maintaine d.

STEP 1: Develo p o r update yo ur Sc o ut Unit’s COVID-19 ‘ Re sta rt Sc o uting Safely’ plan with yo ur unit c o mmittee.

STEP 2: Share yo ur plan with yo ur Sc o ut Unit's Charte red Orga niza tio n. Disc uss o the r requireme nts and guide line s the y may have in plac e and if yo ur Sc o ut unit has pe rmissio n to be gin o r c o ntinue using the ir fa c ilitie s/ spa c e fo r me e ting s.

STEP 3: Co mmunic ate yo ur unit's plan to yo ur Sc o uting familie s. Be se nsitive to a ll fa milie s to e nsure a ll Sc o uts c a n p a rtic ipa te .

STEP 4: Mo nito r and adjust yo ur unit's plan to be c urrent with any ne w loc al, state, or federal c hanges (repeat steps 1-3).

General Highlights of New COVID-19 Sa fe ty Protoc ols: • Fac ial Cove rings - Fac ial Co ve rings are no t required fo r fully vaccinated individua ls. All partic ipants who are no t fully vac c inated should wear a fac ial c overing when soc ial d ista nc ing cannot be maintained. • Soc ial Distanc ing - So c ial d ista nc ing sho uld still b e ma inta ine d whe ne ve r p o ssib le d uring a ll a c tivitie s. • Group Size - The re a re no restric tio ns o n the size o f g ro up s a t me e ting s o r a c tivitie s. • Carpooling - Carpooling is not rec ommended. The best prac tic e is to have members of the same household travel togethe r. • Ensure proper c leaning of meeting spac es inc luding Sc o uting equipment and gear. • No se lf-serve buffet meals or c ommon water c oolers. Use d isp o sa b le ute nsils, na p kins, c up s & p la te s. C le a n and disinfec t eating & c ooking gear after eac h use. Ensure prope r sa nita tio n & handwashing. • Take prec autio ns fo r elderly Sc o uters and tho se mo st vulne rable inc luding ha ving tho se Sc o uts no t physic a lly pa rtic ipate. • Ensure b o th yo uth a nd a d ults se lf-sc reen (at a minimum) before atte nding unit func tio ns. • Have a prepared plan to address medic al protoc ol should anyone bec ome ill during a meeting or other ac tivity. • Maintain attendanc e rec ords for both youth and adults a t a ll meetings and func tions in the event c ontac t trac ing is needed. 8 Meeting Guidelines

COVID-19 Guide line s for a ll unit me e ting s, a c tivities, a nd campouts

Ite m Guidelines

Fac ial Co ve rings are no t required fo r fully vac c ina te d individua ls. Fac ial Coverings All partic ipants who are no t fully vac c inated sho uld wear a fac ial c overing when soc ial distanc ing c annot be maintained. So c ial d ista nc ing sho uld still b e ma inta ine d whe ne ve r p o ssible d uring a ll Soc ial Distanc ing a c tivitie s.

G roup Size The re a re no restric tio ns o n the size o f g ro up s a t me e ting s o r a c tivitie s.

Ca rpo o ling is no t rec o mme nd e d . The b e st p rac tic e is to ha ve me mb e rs o f the same ho use ho ld trave l to ge the r. If no t p o ssible , c a rpo o ling in p riva te ve hic le s, p a sse ng e r va ns, o r b usse s must fo llo w the se p roto c o ls: ma sks req uired fo r Carpooling p a rtic ipa nts who a re no t fully va c c ina te d , utilize a irflo w like ve nts/ wind o ws, c leaning be fo re and afte r use , limit the amo unt o f people in the vehic le, and temperature c hec ks before departure. Camping is a major part of the Sc outing program, but so c ia lly d ista nc ing in tents presents so me o bvious c hallenges. The best prac tic e is to have Tenting o ne Sc o ut per tent unless Sc o uts are from the same household. 6 feet of spac e between tents. • Ensure proper c leaning of meeting spac es inc luding Sc o uting equipment and gear. • No se lf-serve buffet meals or c ommon water c oolers. Use disposable ute nsils, na p kins, c up s & p la te s. C le a n a nd d isinfe c t eating & c ooking gear after eac h use. Ensure proper sanitatio n & ha ndwashing. • Take prec autio ns fo r elderly Sc o uters and tho se mo st vulne rable Food Se rvic e inc luding ha ving tho se Sc o uts no t physic a lly pa rtic ipate. • Ensure b o th yo uth a nd a d ults se lf-sc reen (at a minimum) before atte nding unit func tio ns. • Have a prepared plan to address medic al protoc ol should anyone bec o me ill during a meeting o r o ther ac tivity. • Maintain attendanc e rec ords for both youth and adults a t a ll me e ting s and func tions in the event c ontac t trac ing is neede d.


Pe o ple with COVID-19 may sho w no signs o r sympto ms o f illne ss, but they c an spread the virus. Some people may be c ontagious before their symptoms oc c ur. The fac t is that so meo ne with COVID-19 may pass the required health sc reenings and be allowed into prog rams a c tivitie s. Symptoms of COVID-19 to watc h for:

Feve r Musc le Pa in Less c ommon symptoms inc lude Cough So re Throa t g a strointe stina l symp to ms like na use a , Sho rtne ss o f b rea th Fatigue vo miting, o r diarrhe a Chills Congestion Headache Loss o f ta ste o r sme ll 9 Unit Camping Guidelines

Tent c amping is FREE fo r a ll Buc ke ye Co unc il units UNIT CAMPING at Seven Ranges, Camp Rodman, and Camp Mc Kinle y!* Units may c onduc t overnight c amping ac tivities on the ir own. BSA resident c amp fac ilities are rec ommended for unit-le ve l camping and social distancing required while camping.

Units should develop tenting protoc ols to inc lude: One Scout per te nt unle ss Sc outs a re from the sa me house hold. 6 feet of space between tents.

*Rental of c ampsite s with e lec tricity and buildings still has a c ost.

Seven Ranges, Camp Rodman, and Camp McKinley Guideline s • Prio r to a rriving a t c a mp , a ll p a rtic ipa nts must c o mplete and bring with them the Covid-19 Questionnaire form with parent signature (fo r tho se unde r 18 ye ars o ld ) and rec eive a temperature c hec k upon arrival at camp. This temperature c hec k will be c ompleted by the unit le a d e r up o n a rriva l, with a ssista nc e fro m C a mp ma ste rs if needed. This temperature c hec k will be doc umente d at the bottom of the Covid-19 Q ue stio nna ire. • We understand there may be a need for a Sc out or le ader to leave at so me po int during the trip with plans to return. If this is to ha p p e n, the p a rtic ipa nt’ s temperature must be taken again upon return to c amp . • If a temperature sc reening is 100 degrees o r mo re, yo u sho uld no t attend any Sc o uting func tion. • If the te mpe rature o f a n individua l rise s to the 100-degree thresho ld during an event, they will need to leave the event. • Fac ial c overings should be worn whenever soc ial dista nc ing is no t p o ssible b y a ll p a rtic ipa nts who a re no t fully vac c inated, whether indo o rs o r o utdo o rs. Individuals who are fully vac c inated are no t required to where a fac ial c overing. • So c ial d ista nc ing sho uld still b e ma inta ine d whe ne ve r p o ssible d uring a ll a c tivitie s. • All c amping reservatio ns sho uld be less than 72 ho urs in le ng th Register for Unit Camping


Camping is a major part of the Sc outing program, but so c ia lly d ista nc ing in te nts p re se nts so me obvious c hallenges. The best prac tic e is to have one Sc o ut per tent unless Sc o uts are from the same household. 6 feet of spac e between tents.

10 Unit Camping Guidelines


Carpooling is not recommended. The best practice is to have members of the same household travel tog e the r. If no t po ssible, c a rpo o ling in priva te ve hic les, pa sse ng e r va ns, o r b usse s must fo llow the se p ro to c o ls: ma sks re q uire d fo r p a rtic ipa nts who a re no t fully va c c ina te d , utilize a irflo w like vents/windows, c leaning before and after use, limit the amount of people in the vehic le, and temperature c hec ks before departure. Be advised of a ny d e stina tio n sta te 's restric tio ns a nd o the r trave l restric tio ns a s Sc o uting plans a re d e ve lo pe d . Consider staying loc al to your geographic area a nd if yo u must trave l, limit mixing with o the rs a long the way.


If your unit will be se rving food, it is ve ry important to take steps to limit the risk of sprea d. The se best practices will he lp you safe ly limit the risk of spread: • Clean and disinfec t c ommon surfac es between groups • Keep people 6 feet apart • Sta g g e r me a l time s to minimize the number o f people dining inside at one time • Assig n se a ts fo r the d uratio n o f me a ls • No se lf-serve buffet meals or c ommon water c o o le rs. Use d isp o sa b le ute nsils, na p kins, c up s and plates. • Clean and disinfec t eating and c ooking gear after eac h use. • Ensure proper sanitatio n and handwashing. • Prioritize use o f “grab and go ” servic es (i.e., boxed meals), in whic h meals are pac kaged or a sse mb le d o n a tray fo r d ine rs to retrie ve o r p la te me a ls ind ividua lly. • Disc ontinue the use of beverage dispensers (e.g., fo unta in d rink d isp e nse rs, c o mmo n milk pitc hers, etc .) Arrange bottles of beverage c hoic es along a table or c ounter for diners to retrieve . • Disc ontinue the use of shared c ondiments. Offer c ondiment pac kets along with the meal. • Po st sig ns remind ing d ine rs o f the g uide line s, suc h as handwashing, soc ial distanc ing, etc .


12 Fall Programs Find d e ta ils o n imp o rta nt p o p c o rn a nd Jo in Sc o ut Nig ht d a te s in the G uid e b o o ks fo und la te r in the Sc o uting AUGUST EVENTS Ahe a d G uid e b o o k OA FALL ORDEAL – 8/6-8 at Seven Ranges COST = $55 If you were elec ted into the Orde r o f the Arrow in 2019, 2020, o r 2021 and have not partic ipated in Ordeal yet, make sure to atte nd this fall at Seve n Range s. Re g iste r no w.

WOOD BADGE WEEKEND #1 – 8/13-15 at Seven Ranges COST = $250 It’ s no t to o late to reg iste r fo r Wo o d Badg e ! If yo u had the o ppo rtunity to advanc e the skills yo u use o n a daily b a sis, why wouldn’t you take advantage of that training? If yo u c o uld do this all in an atmo sphe re o f fun a nd c o mradery, why wo uld yo u pass up a c o urse like this?

Wood Badge will engage you in the theory, prac tic e, and experienc e o f effec tive skills fo r leading o the rs; no t just within Sc o uting , b ut in ma ny o the r a rea s like yo ur b usine ss c a ree r, so c ial c lub s a nd fa mily life . But wha t ma ke s Wo o d Bad g e sp e c ia l is tha t it c o mb ine s c la ssroom with hands-o n a c tivitie s. Yo u d o n’ t just lea rn. Yo u p rac tic e tho se skills in a frie nd ly, te a m-o riented environment. Re g iste r no w!

END OF SUMMER BASH – 8/20-22 at Seven Ranges COST = $20 The b ig g e st Summe r Blo w-o ut o f the year is taking plac e here at Seven Range s! Jo in in the fun be fo re the summe r is go ne . We are pulling o ut a ll o f o ur summe r ac tivities and fun in the e ntire c amp. Sa turda y a c tivitie s inc lude: Arc he o lo g y MB, Fing e rprinting MB, Pub lic Spe a king MB, Open Swimming, Open Boating, and Trading Po st Spe c ia ls. Saturda y lunc h is p ro vide d a lo ng with a “ Harty Pa rty” with Ro o tb e e r Flo a ts a nd a Pirate ’ s fa vo rite drink. Re g iste r no w.

VIGIL REUNION – 8/28-29 at Seven Ranges COST = $15 If yo u’re an Orde r o f the Arrow Vigil me mbe r, make sure to jo in us fo r the Vigil Re unio n this fa ll! There will be a dinne r o n Saturday night. Re g iste r no w.


WOOD BADGE WEEKEND #2 – 9/18-19 at Seven Ranges COST = $250 (for both weekends) If yo u had the o ppo rtunity to advanc e the skills yo u use o n a daily basis, why wouldn’t you take advantage of that training? If yo u c o uld do this all in an atmo sphere of fun and c omradery, why would you pass up a c o urse like this? Re g iste r no w!

SPORTING CLAYS SHOOT – 9/18 at Elkhorn Lake Hunt Club COST = $60 Co me try yo ur hand at Spo rting Clays, Saturday, 9/ 18, Elkho rn Lake Hunt Club , Buc yrus. 50-Bird Ro und (12 ga. ammo only provided). Lunc h Provided. Sc out-age 13 & up o nly, as well as leaders. No first-time shooters. All yo uth sho o ting must attend a firearm & range safety briefing, be ac c ompanied by an adult & have c ompleted waiver form signed by parent/guardian/c usto d ia n. Eac h p a rtic ipa nt & vo lunte e r will rec e ive a patc h. Re g iste r no w. 13 Fall Programs SEPTEMBER EVENTS (continued)

NATIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING (NYLT) WEEKEND #1 – 9/24-26 at Seven Ranges COST = $220 The c ourse goal is to prepare young men and women to bec o me superio r leaders in their Troo ps and Crews. The le a d e rship skills e a rne d thro ug h NYLT a re wo rthwhile in the Sc o uting and programs and be yond. Both Sc o uts a nd Ve nturers will find the mse lve s a p p lying le sso ns from this c o urse to the ir a c a d e mic , so c ial, and, late r in the ir profe ssio na l live s. Re g iste r no w.

CITIZENSHIP MERIT BADGE DAY – 9/11 at Seven Ranges COST = $10 Atte nd C itize nship Me rit Bad g e Day to e a rn Citize nship in the Na tio n a nd Citize nship in the Wo rld from 9-4pm at Seven Ranges o n 9/11! Lunc h is provided. Re g iste r No w.

Fa ll Fa mily Adve nture s OA FALL FELLOWSHIP – 9/24-26 at Seven Ranges COST = $15 - $35 c a mps will oc c ur throug hout Jo in us fo r o ur fall Fello wship! We will be ho lding e le c tio ns and having fun. the c ounc il during Re g iste r now. Se pte mbe r/ Oc tobe r. The se e ve nts a re still be ing OCTOBER EVENTS fina lize d. UNIVERSITY – 10/1-3 at Seven Ranges COST = $75 Calling all Cub Sc o ut Leade rs! Jo in us fo r a diverse training e xp e rie nc e c o mb ining BALOO, STEM, PRAY, First Aid, Co o king, Sc o utBo o k and MUCH more into a fun and exc iting weekend adventure fo r ALL C UB LEADERS. Se ssio ns inc lud e Lea ve No Trac e , Safe Sc o uting Prac tic e s, Flag Prese nta tio n, Crafting Ide a s, Pa rents a s Leade rs, Kno t Tying, GPS and Co mpass, Game s fo r Cub s, First Aid, Pa c k Planning , Fund raising , Sc o utb o o k, and more. Re g iste r no w!

COUNCIL-WIDE ROUNDTABLES – 10/7 at Gorman Rupp AND 10/14 at Stark State Jo in us fo r a n in-person c ounc il-wid e Ro und ta b le a t Sta rk Sta te C o lle g e o n the East and Gorman Rupp on the We st. Here units will rec e ive the ir rec ha rte r ma te rials, learn more about the new and improved rec harter syste m, jo in o the r Sc o ute rs fo r fun, fe llo wship, and food!

NATIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING (NYLT) WEEKEND #2 – 10/8-10 at Seven Ranges COST = $220 The c ourse goal is to prepare young men and women to bec o me superio r leaders in their Troo ps and Crews. The le a d e rship skills e a rne d thro ug h NYLT a re wo rthwhile in the Sc o uting and Venturing programs and be yond. Both Sc o uts a nd Ve nturers will find the mse lve s a p p lying le sso ns from this c o urse to the ir a c a d e mic , so c ial, and, late r in the ir profe ssio na l live s. Re g iste r no w.


PUMPKIN GLOW – 11/5-7 at Seven Ranges COST = TBD Camping is a va ilab le fo r Free fo r Troo ps who pa rtic ipa te b y de c o rating the ir c a mpsite (c a mpsite s tha t a re off o f the drive through c an earn a free site by c ontac ting C. J. to dec orate another portion of c amp) and fa milie s ma y rese rve c a mping a s we ll in the Villag e ! Trading Po st go o dies will be so ld during the mo vie. Re g iste r no w! 14 HomeScouting Adventure Club Co ntinuing this fall and beyo nd, the Ho me Sc o uting Adventure Club brings Sc o uting ho me fo r Sc o uts lo o king do more and families who may have limited opportunity to p a rtic ipa te in p e rso n. "HAC " yo ur Sc o uting experienc e with mo nthly reso urc e s, vide o s, a t-home adventures, and tools so you and your family c an b ring Sc o uting to life in yo ur bac kyard and living roo m. Dig ita l c o nte nt will b e d e live re d through HomeSc o n the first o f e ve ry mo nth. The Ho me Sc o uting Adventure Club is designed to meet your needs by d e live ring engaging c ontent that is flexible, easy to use, and be st o f all, FREE for a ll Buc ke ye Counc il fa milie s! FREE, FUN, FAMILY ADVENTURES! All Ho me Sc o uting Ad ve ntures a re just tha t: an at-home Sc outing adventure to have as a family! Sc outing has always been a program that c an take plac e at home a s a family, so eac h month's theme and c ontent will fe a ture ite ms fo r e ve ryo ne ! Eac h month will have a theme with c onnec ted advanc e ments. With eno ugh work, eac h Sc out c an earn up to 1 Cub Sc out Adventure o r 1 merit badge o n a mo nthly basis.

FLEXIBLE & EASY TO USE CONTENT All Ho me Sc o uting programs are on demand adventures. As soon as the mo nthly c o ntent is released o n the first o f eac h mo nth, yo u will have ac c ess to a ll o f the published c o ntent fo r that mo nth. Yo u can move through the program at your own pac e and on your own time. There are no sc heduled Zoom meetings and no de adline s. Co nte nt will e xpire 60 days afte r it is published to give you two months to c omplete any spec ific at home adventure.

All Ho me Sc o uting Adventures c ome with easy to use p rinta b le trac king to o ls a nd simp le wo rkshe e ts to guide you through your adventures. We are c ommitted to pro viding as muc h c o ntent as yo u want. If yo u want to learn abo ut the in-depth details about a c ertain subjec t, we've got yo u c overed! If you want to learn the basic s, we've got that c overed too!

SUPPORT WHEN YOU NEED IT THE MOST We're foc used on providing you the support you need , when you need it the most. Almost all advanc ements in Sc outing c an be c ompleted with items you already have around the ho use. The Ho me Sc o uting Adventure Club provides yo u and yo ur Sc o ut in-depth explanation, guidanc e, and tools to bring Sc o uting to life rig ht a t home on a dedic ated, fully-sup p o rte d we b site with ric h and dynamic c ontent c reated spec ific ally for the Ho me Sc o uting Adventure Club. We're making it easy for you to inve st your time whe re it ma tters most, with your fa mily.

Ho me Sc o uting was c reated by the Buc keye Counc il, Boy Sc outs of Americ a in Canto n, OH. Ho me Sc o uting is d e signe d to o ffe r virtua l prog rams a c ross the c o untry and around the wo rld. In Marc h 2020, Ho me Sc o uting launc he d its six-we e k Spring Brea kOut Program and evolved to serve o ve r 22,000 yo uth a nd the ir fa milie s in a ll 50 sta tes and ac ross the wo rld in 10 c o untries.


15 Register for the “HAC”

The Home Sc outing Adve nture Club is FREE for a ll Buc keye Counc il families and registering is simple!

While this is a free program fo r Buc ke ye Co unc il fa milie s, a ll p a rtic ipa nts must still re g iste r fo r the program on a simple Google Form and then c reate an account on homesc

To registe r, e ac h family must: 1. Go to www.buc keyec ounc to find the Buc ke ye Co unc il reg istratio n fo rm 2. Fill o ut the G o o g le Form to re g iste r yo ur fa mily fo r the HomeSc outing Adventure Club 3. Then go to www.homesc and c lic k o n Log In in the to p right-hand c orner 4. If you have an ac c ount, great! If not c lic k Create Account. 5. Create an account 6. You will automatic ally be enrolled in the HomeSc outing Adventure Club!

This is a $10/ month sa ving s for Buc ke ye Counc il fa milies!

Shop the HomeScouting Store

The HomeSc o uting sto re is o pen 24/ 7 fo r yo ur HomeSc outing supplies and swag! Shop the store to get patc hes, tee shirts, launc h pac ks, and monthly theme-relate d prod uc ts with free shipping . Always.

2021 Cub Scout Launch Packs Include: • Ra nk Spe c ific Hat • Ra nk Spe c ific Ne c ke rc hie f • Ra nk Spe c ific Slide • Ra nk Spe c ific Hand b o o k • Ho t Spa rk Fire Sta rte r (this is sub stitute d fo r a flashlight if p urc ha sing a t a n in-p e rso n JSN) • $5 c o up o n o n yo ur ne xt p urc ha se a t HomeSc! • And it a ll c o me s in a d rawstring b a c kpa c k!

This is a $15 savings off the items in the Sc o ut Sho p, c o mes in a drawstring bac kpac k, a HomeSc coupon, AND will be shipped direc tly to your home for free!


17 Recruitment

Afte r ne arly 18 mo nths o f limitatio ns, kids and familie s a re re a d y to esc ape the indoors and seek adventure. Sc outing rema ins the premier prog ram fo r kids to lea rn to lea d , c rea te c harac te r, and have fun with frie nds. This fall, the sky's the limit a s we invite kids to Roc ke t into Sco uting!

O ur Jo in Sc o ut Nig ht re c ruitme nt c a mp a ig n re turns with the Ro c ke t Into Sc o uting the me la st use d with g rea t suc c e ss in 2016. Every new yo uth who jo ins will rec eive a mo del roc ket, b e invite d to p a rtic ipa te in a virtua l “ ro c ke t a c a d emy” inc luding engagement with a NASA engineer from our Cyber Summer Camp program, and will be invited to an in pe rso n, outdoor event where they c an launc h the roc ket. Flye rs, ya rd signs, po sters, and all the no rmal c ampaign materia ls will b e a va ilab le fo r units to p romo te the ir sig nup s.

Many sc ho o ls have given permissio n fo r sc ho o l talks to resume this fa ll whic h is a ke y ste p in reb uilding o ur Cub Sc out p ro g rams. But sc ho o l ta lks, flye rs, a nd ya rd sig ns a lo ne will no t be enough in order to maximize the opportunity befo re us this fa ll. By pa rtne ring to g e the r to promo te multiple Jo in Sc o ut Nig hts in o ur c o mmunitie s, e ng a g ing fa milie s to sha re the ir Sc o uting sto ry o n so c ial media, and units wo rking in c ollaboration, we c an ensure every youth rec eives a n invitation to jo in. "In Sc o uting we get to be invo lved as an entire family and when we partic ipate with o ur units, o ur d istric t and our c ounc il we make friends who bec ome an extensio n o f our family. These are bonds that c annot be broken." -Me lissa Biltz, Co unc il Me mb e rship Cha ir

Sc outing began as and remains a grassroots movement drive n forward by groups of people working together to c ampaign about shared ideas. Our shared ideas were penned in 1910 and remain unc hanged. We hear them eac h week... "On my ho no r, I will..." "A Sc o ut is Trustwo rthy, Loya l, Helpful..." This fa ll, we can come together around these shared ideas. We c an wo rk to gether to invite every yo uth to jo in o ur pro grams. We c an grow Sc outing together.

Over the next few pages you will find informa tion a bout:

• Join Sc out Night Inc e ntive s for 2021 • Free Trial Prog ram • In-Person Rec ruitme nt • Sc ho o l Talk Info rma tion • And more! 18 Recruitment Methods

Trad itio na l rec ruiting me tho d s a re b a c k a nd will no t ha ve a ny limita tio ns in mo st c o mmunitie s. The se inc lud e sc ho o l ta lks, ya rd signs, flye rs, po ste rs, stic ke rs, c usto m rec ruitme nt plans fo r e a c h unit, a nd more. Modern methods of rec ruiting are c ontinuing through geofenc ing of sc hools, the free trial experienc e at HomeSc, and advertsing on so c ia l me d ia . Ne w this ye a r is the virtua l Ro c ke t Ac admey where Sc outs c an explore STEM-based programming and engage with a NASA engineer as so o n as they jo in! Lea rn more about eac h rec ruitment method below and how it c an fit into yo ur unit's p la n. IN PERSON RECRUITMENT

For those units who c hoose to c onduc t an in-p e rso n re c ruitme nt e ve nt, we will fully sup p o rt tho se initiative s throug h a ll trad itio na l me a ns po ssible. Plea se wo rk c lo se ly with yo ur Distric t Profe ssio na l and Distric t Me mb e rship Tea m to d e sig n a re c ruitme nt p lan that best meets yo ur unit needs a t this time.

TIPS FOR SUCCESS: • Schedule your in-person rec ruitment on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. This a llo ws a sc ho o l ta lk to happen in the same week of the rec ruitment event. If a sc hool talk oc c urs on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, the sign up c an be later in the week to ke e p the info rmatio n in front o f parents. • Hold your rec ruitment in the sc hool c afeteria to allow a familiar meeting plac e fo r all parents o f new Sc o uts.

COUNCIL SUPPORT: The Buc ke ye Co unc il will fully suppo rt any in-pe rso n rec ruitme nt e ve nts in e ve ry way po ssible with flye r d istrib utio n, sc ho o l ta lks, p ro viding p a re nt o rie ntation pac kets, geofenc ing the sc hool, providing fre e model roc ke ts, e tc .


Buc keye Co unc il staff is wo rking hard to sc hedule in-person sc hool talks with eac h elementary sc ho o l. In-p e rso n sc ho o l ta lks with flye r a nd stic ke r d istrib utio n a re the mo st suc c e ssful re c ruitme nt method bec ause kids c an get exc ited about rec ruitme nt and take home info rma tio n d irec tly to the ir pa rent.

Ide a lly, sc hool talks oc c ur on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays to allow for Join Sc out Nights to oc c ur la te r tha t week at the sc hool. Pac ks are enc ouraged to have 1 o r 2 adult leaders c ome to the sc hool talk to help pass out flyers and stic ke rs.

For a ny sc ho o ls tha t will no t a llo w in-p e rso n sc ho o l ta lks, the Buc keye Counc il has c reated a video sc hool talk that we will p ro vide to a ll sc ho o ls with the re q ue st tha t the y sho w to kids Watc h the sc hool talk by through whatever means they have available. c lic king the video above!

19 Recruitment Methods ROCKET INTO SCOUTING

FREE MODEL ROCKET Every new Sc o ut that jo ins between August 1st and Oc tober 31st will rece ive a free mode l rocke t to build and launc h at an upc oming Family Adventure Camp! The roc kets will b e d istribute d b y C a mp a ig n C o o rdina to rs a nd Distric t Pro fe ssio na ls staff upon rec eipt of c ompleted and paid applic ations for new youth.

FREE ROCKET ACADEMY All Sc o uts (ne w a nd e xisting ) a re invite d to p a rtic ipate in the free Roc ket Ac ademy on Ho me Sc o uting .o rg this fa ll! This d ig ita lly-delivered experienc e will feature exc lusive webinars with NASA engineers, and c ustom c ontent that takes new Sc o uts a nd the ir fa milie s thro ug h a STEM- based adventure. ROCKET ACADEMY OPENS IN LATE AUGUST.


The Buc ke ye Co unc il will be o ffe ring a free trial e xperienc e through the platform of homesc fo r p o te ntia l C ub Sc o uts. This p ro g ram will fo c us o n the basic s of Sc outing c overed in the Bobc at badge, a s well as fun ac tivities that engage the entire family. It will be a simple and fle xible program fo r familie s tha t gives them a taste of the Sc outing adventure and enc ourages them to c ontinue that adventure by c onnec ting with a loc al unit.

At any point in time, families c an simply go to www.homesc freetrial and sign up for a free trial of Sc outing ! The free trial will inc lude : • All c ontent to c omplete the Bobc at Badge The fre e tria l is d e sig ne d to b e a fo ur • Instruc tio na l vide o s we e k p ro g ra m, b ut a ll c o nte nt is o n - • STEM e xp e rime nts d e ma nd a nd • Fun, a t-ho me a c tivitie s c a n b e c o mp le te d a t - • And more! o nc e o r o ve r time .

With the rising c o st o f membership fees, the free tria l will p ro vid e fa milie s the c ha nc e to try Sc o uting risk-free . During the free trial, fa milie s will provide c ontac t information, elementary sc hool, and town so we c an c onnec t them with a loc al Cub Sc out Pa c k.


To e xc ite yo uth e a rly a nd ultima te ly c a p ture the ir inte rest lo ng e r, Offic ia l Launc h Pac ks will be available fo r o rder and purc hase at e ve ry JSN. The se p a c ks a re designed to equip the new Sc out with some key basic s to launc h his Sc o uting Adventure. Inc luded will be the program appropriate hat, nec kerc hief and slide, ha nd b o o k, a flashlig ht, a d missio n to a d istric t Family Adventure Camp and a c oupon for disc ounts in the Sc out Shop.

20 Recruitment Methods


It will be mo re impo rtant than e ve r be fo re that units and parents promo te their o wn program through the ir ne two rks. In-p e rso n sc ho o l ta lks with flye r a nd stic ke r d istrib utio n are the mo st suc c essful rec ruitment metho d, b ut it is e xtreme ly imp o rta nt fo r the ind ividua l unit to se lf-promote as muc h as possible.

Use ALL the rec ruitment tac tic s below to promote your own unit.

YARD SIGNS Ya rd sig ns will b e p ro vide d to a ll units to p ro mo te in pe rso n sign ups and Sc o uting in ge ne ral! Put the se in high traffic areas in to wn, at the sc ho o l, and at yo ur c ha rte red o rga niza tio n.

FLYERS Re c ruitme nt flye rs will b e d istrib ute d thro ug h a ll sc hools c onnec ted to units having in person rec ruiting where allowed. We will provide these as hard c opies as allowed, but elec tronic everywhere. Where allowed, sc hools will rec e ive three rounds of flye rs – a flye r during the first we e k o f sc ho o l, a flye r during the sc ho o l talk, and a flye r a fe w we e ks late r to invite Sc o uts to a 2nd c hanc e sign up. POSTERS Plac e posters around town in c ommon loc ations like gas statio ns, c o mmunity bulletin bo ards, and even a t sc hool! BUDDY CARDS Pe e r to p e e r rec ruitme nt will b e a s imp o rta nt a s e ve r. Buddy Cards will be provide d to units fo r frie nds and fa milie s to jo in in the Sc o uting a dve nture. While physic a lly distributing b uddy c a rds might b e diffic ult, c o nside r an email “Parent-to- Parent Campaign” SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING & GEOFENCING The Buc ke ye C o unc il is inve sting in d ig ita l ma rke ting through Fac ebook ads, geofenc ing. Through this tec hno lo gy, when a parent enters a rad ius around the Jo in Sc o ut Night e ve nt they will rec eive a no tific ation o n their Fac ebo o k page inviting them to attend the event. Promote your pac k and sign up info rma tio n in ne two rk g roups like Ne xtDo o r, c o mmunity Fac ebook groups, sc hool newsletters, etc . SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES Work with your elementary sc hool to have a table and a few members from the pac k at the o pen ho use! This is a great o ppo rtunity to provide a fun a c tivity fo r kids, ming le with p a rents, a nd sha re the word about Sc outing. CHARTERED ORGANIZATION INVOLVEMENT We will better engage our c hartered partners to educ ate them on the ir o wne rship o f the ir Sc o uting p ro g rams a nd g a in the ir sup p o rt fo r rec ruitme nt. Put info rma tio n in the c hurc h b ulletin, put ya rd signs up, make an announc ement Sunday mo rning, e tc !

21 Scouts BSA & Venturing Recruitment

Sc o uts, BSA and Venturing units are enc o uraged to ho ld Jo in Sc o ut Nights a s we ll. Belo w a re suc c e ssful me tho d s to rec ruit o lde r yo uth into the program: CO-HOST A JOIN SCOUT NIGHT WITH THE PACK Provide support at your pac k’s signup events and be the re to rec e ive Sc o uts into the ir p ro g ram. Olde r yo uth c an provide a fun program for new Cub Sc outs while p a rents g a in info rma tio n. This wa y Jo in Sc o ut Nig ht events can be c ro ss-promoted at Elementary and Middle/High Sc ho o ls and ac ross the c ommunity as a sig n-up fo r bo th Cub Sc o ut and Sc o uts BSA/Venturing prog rams.

HOLD AN OPEN HOUSE Open your doors and roll out the red c arpet to welc ome guests. Show off fun ac tivities and the troop/c re w’ s ac c o mplishme nts. By using yard signs, pe e r-to- peer rec ruitment, flyers at the middle sc ho o l, c hurch announc ements, etc ., an open house c an be suc c essful.

PEER-TO-PEER RECRUITMENT Word-o f-mo uth remains the best way to invite new Sc o uts into the program. Hold an extremely fun meeting with snac ks, games, and Sc out-fa vo rite ac tivitesand have eac h Sc o ut bring a frie nd to the me e ting. This friend c an be a neighbo r, c o usin, friend, sibling, e tc . The ke y to suc c e ss fo r the se me e ting s is lo ts o f frie nds and fun!

The Buc keye Counc il has promotional materials for Sc outs BSA like yard signs, buddy c ards, posters, and flyers. Recruitment Material Distribution

The se are by loc ation, no t by distric t so yo u c an c hoose to pic k up your popc orn and rec ruitment AUGUST MATERIAL PICKUP ma te rials a t e ithe r loc a tion! CANTON PICKUP MANSFIELD PICKUP

8/ 5, 7:00pm 8/ 12, 7-9pm Stark State Colle g e Gorman Rupp 6200 Frank Ave NW 600 S Airpo rt Rd Canto n, OH 44720 Mansfie ld, OH 44903

Here you will a lso pick up your Popc orn Ma terials!

Yo u c an pic k up any additional mate rials at the Buc keye Counc il offic es at any time! 22 Join Scout Night Contests

Open to Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA Troops, and Venture Crews!

BUDDY CARD BLITZ CONTEST NOW – Use buddy c ards as a peer-to- p e e r re c ruitme nt to o l to invite frie nd s Oct. 15 who are no t c urrently in Sc o uting to jo in yo ur unit!

Any Sc out who rec ruits a new Sc out will rec eive a $10 Camp Voucher to a tte nd a Buc ke ye Counc il Ca mp Prog ram for e a c h new youth rec ruite d. DETAILS: • Buddy Card Blitz is sc he duled fo r Aug ust 1, 2021 – Oc tober 15, 2021. • All new yo uth applic atio ns must be rec eived, with a c ompleted Buddy Card, by Oc tober 15 to be eligible for any inc entive listed. • Buddy Cards c an be pic ked up at the Buc keye Counc il Offic es o r at www.homesc

SIGNS UP CONTEST NOW – Pro ud ly d isp la y ya rd sig ns tha t hig hlig ht jo ining Sc outing around town! Oct. 15 Submit pic tures o f yo ur yard sign to be e nte red fo r yo ur unit to rec eive a $100 gift c ard to the Sc out Shop!

HOW TO ENTER: With permissio n o f the sc ho o l o r property o wner whe re yo u will be po sting the yard sign, take a pic ture o f the yard sign and email it to sa rah.b iltz@ sc o uting .o rg or tag us on Fac ebook or Instagram @buc keyec ounc il. For mo re fun with the c o ntest, be sure to po st to yo ur favo rite so c ial media using #buc keyec ounc il and #sig nsup

DETAILS: • One unit will be selec ted at rando m from the entire c ounc il to rec eive a $100 gift c ard to the Sc out Shop • Contest opens now and ends on 10/15/2021. On 10/16, the winning unit will be selec ted and announc ed on the Buc keye Counc il Fac ebook Page. • Yard Signs may be pic ked up from yo ur unit leader o r b y c ontac ting the Buc keye Counc il at (330) 580-4272 o r sa rah.b iltz@ sc o uting .o rg. 23 Online Registration

O nline re g istra tio n will b e a ke y to suc c e ss this fa ll whe n re c ruiting kid s into the p ro g ra m. The o nline applic ation proc ess c an be c ompleted from start to finish without a single piec e of paper c hanging ha nd s. This a llo ws prospe c tive me mb e rs to reg iste r and pay in a way that’s c onvenient for them, and it c rea te s a mo re e ffic ient a nd use r-frie nd ly reg istratio n e xpe rie nc e fo r yo ur unit. HOW TO UPDATE YOUR PIN

Yo ur unit is rep rese nte d o n the BeASc o ut.o rg web searc hes using what is c alled a “Pin.” It’s imp ortant to have a ll o f yo ur info rmatio n up to date fo r parents who searc h o nline to jo in Sc o uting. Start by go ing to BeASc o ut.o rg, selec t yo ur unit type in the dropdo wn and put in yo ur zip c o d e . Se e wha t yo ur Pin c urrently lo o ks like and realize , this is what prospec tive parents see when do ing o nline researc h in advanc e abo ut yo ur unit.

1. The unit le ade r must update the BeASc o ut Pin by lo g g ing into the ir o uting Tools ac c ount 2. From the to p left menu, selec t Organization Manager a nd the n c lic k the link fo r ‘ Unit Pin’ 3. Se le c t to Allo w Units to Upd a te Pin Info rma tio n 4. Selec t to Appear on BeASc out Vide o a nd PDF Instruc tions found a t: 5. Ente r yo ur unit’ s c urrent info rmatio n and save outing .org / re sourc e s/ online re g istra tion - HOW TO ACTIVATE ONLINE REGISTRATION

Pro sp e c tive p a rents are able to se a rc h just fo r units tha t a c c e p t o nline reg istration, so onc e your BeASc o ut.o rg Pin is ac tive, we highly rec o mmend setting up yo ur unit fo r o nline reg istratio n.

Some impo rtant c o nfiguratio n ite ms in yo ur o nline Organization Manager fo r rec ruiting : • Upd a te yo ur BeASc o ut Pin a nd ma ke sure Unit PIN Mo d e is ‘ Unit’ • Selec t to Allo w Peo ple to Apply Online. The Buc keye Co unc il o nly accepts o nline a p p lic a tio ns fo r yo uth. • You may c onfigure: • Unit Message Fee no tic e whic h desc ribes dues fo r yo ur Pa c k • Automated Welc ome Message email from your unit • Assig n Re g istratio n Inq uirie s Func tio na l Ro le s: • Key 3 (Unit Lea d e r, Co mmitte e Cha ir a nd Cha rte r O rg Re p rese nta tive ) • O the r unit lea d e rs c a n b e g rante d a c c e ss fo r ‘ Re g istration Inq uiries’ using O rga niza tion Se c urity Ma na g e r > Func tiona l Po sition > Re g istration Inq uiry OTHER ONLINE REGISTRATION TOOLS

The re a re two o the r to o ls in o uting to he lp with rec ruiting : Invitation Ma na g e r and Application Manager INVITATION MANAGER APPLICATION MANAGER • G e ne rate s URL a nd Q R Co d e s sp e c ific to yo ur • O nly a Unit’ s Key 3 c a n ‘ review a nd a c c e p t’ unit’ s o nline reg istratio n link. The se c a n b e fo und in a p p lic a tio ns. the to p right c o rne r o f yo ur Invitatio n Manag e r • Clic k Ap p lic a nt’ s na me und e r Ap p lic a tio n Sta tus a t sc reen. the bottom of the page • Assign role s in yo ur unit to ma na g e le a d s a nd • Clic k Ac c e p t o r Re vie w Ap p lic a tio ns (o the r o p tio ns invita tio ns. are Re assign, Do No t Ac c e pt, o r Re turn to • Digita l to o ls fo r trac king lea d s a nd invita tions a nd Applic ant) c o o rdina ting fo llo w-up b y yo ur unit.

This is whe re INQUIRIES for your unit a re. This is whe re APPLICATIONS for your unit a re.24 Registering New Youth & Adults REGISTRATION FEES

The Boy Sc o uts o f Americ a (BSA) has wo rked to keep the membership fee as lo w as po ssible. Unfo rtunately, operating c osts have c ontinued to rise and COVID-19 has c ompounded the need to inc rease the fee to maintain the program.

To e nsure the Na tio na l C o unc il ha s the reso urc e s to fulfill the promise o f Sc o uting, the update d natio nal me mbe rship fe e is (this inc lude s the $1 insuranc e a dded by the Buc keye Counc il): • $73 for Cub Sc outs, Sc outs BSA, Venturing and Sea Sc outs pa rtic ipa nts • $46 for Exploring pa rtic ipa nts • $46 for all adult volunteers (inc ludes c ost of bac kground check)

The me mbe rship fe e s will take e ffe c t August 1, 2021 fo r new members in the 2021-2022 program year.

The re is a lso a one-time $25 joining fe e for new youth in Cub Sc outs, Sc outs BSA, Venturing and Sea Sc outs; ho wever, there is no jo ining fee fo r partic ipants p revio usly reg iste red in a ny BSA p rog ram, tho se transfe rring from one program to another, c ounc il-paid memberships, o r adult vo lunteers.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? When a new yo uth jo ins yo ur unit this fa ll, yo u sho uld c o lle c t: $25 + $X = $ Reg istration Jo ining Fee Prorate d Fee membership fee

Feel free to round up to the nearest $5 when c o llec ting in pe rso n. The remaining balanc e will go into yo ur unit’ s UDA at the c o unc il o ffic e fo r yo ur use . This way it is e asie r o n the unit and the parent.

See the next page for your district’s prorated membership fee.


After receiving a hard copy of an application, units may do one of the following:

• Scan/ email a c opy of the applic ation to buc keye.c ounc il@sc & indic ate that money may be taken from the UDA to pay fo r the applic ation • Ma il the o riginal applic ation with payment to Buc keye Counc il. Chec k should be made out to Buc keye Co unc il. Buc keye Counc il 2301 13th St NW Canto n, OH 44708 • De live r the o riginal applic ation with payment to any Buc keye Co unc il Servic e Center in Canto n, Mansfield, o r Ma rio n 25 Registering New Youth & Adults


See below for the prorated membership fee organized b y d istric t. Re me mb e r, a ll NEW yo uth (no t a transfe r, no t a re-registered youth) are c harged a $25 joining fee with the ir first reg istratio n. TIP: whe n c o lle c ting mo ney, round up to the nearest $5 to c reate a round number fo r the parent to pay. The remaining funds will be deposited into your UDA ac c ount.




REG FEE $ 30.00 This is the to ta l a mo unt d ue in this INSURANC E $ 0.50 example. Round up to $65 even to Example: Sandy Killb uc k SCO UT LIFE (o p tio na l) $ 5.00 c ollec t upon joining for an even Beaver/ numbe r. The remaining $4.50 will be September fee PRORATED TOTAL $ 35.50 de po site d into yo ur UDA if ne w yo uth $ 25.00 NEW YO UTH TOTAL $ 61.50 26 Preparing for New Families


Units with a n e xc e lle nt trac k rec o rd o f me mb e rship development and retention have one thing in c ommon – they are prepared to rec eive new yo uth into their p rogram. To e nsure yo ur unit is prepared, the fo llo wing ste p s should be followed: • Ensure stro ng , traine d rec ruitme nt le a d e rship • The unit program c alendar is prepared for the upc oming 2021-2022 program year. • Kno w ho w muc h it c o sts yo ur unit pe r yo uth, pe r ye a r by c reating a budget fo r all new and existing familie s. • Involve existing parents to c reate a welc oming environment, where new families c an learn abo ut Sc o uting. • Ho st a se p a rate Pa rent Orie nta tio n Me e ting fo r a ll ne w fa milie s • Connec t new youth with their den leaders immediately


As yo uth jo in the program, familie s will be se nt a “Welc ome to Cub Sc outs Newsletter” from the Buc ke ye Co unc il. This ne wsle tte r will p rovide g lobal info rmation o n Cub Sc o uting, upc oming events, popc orn, the HomeSc outing Adventure Club, and mo re! While the Buc ke ye Co unc il will be se nding this e mail, yo ur Cub Sc out Pac k should send a welc ome e ma il a s we ll!


Below are two sample welc ome emails to use to welc o me ne w families into yo ur unit!

“We lc o me to Cub Sc o ut Pa c k 573!

I just want to take a fe w minute s to we lc o me yo u and yo ur Sc o ut to Pac k 573, and to g ive yo u just a little mo re Pa c k sp e c ific info rma tio n. We me e t e ve ry Tue sd a y throug ho ut the sc ho o l ye a r a t Je rusa lem Church loc a te d a t 1417 Sto ne c ree k Rd SW. Me e ting s are approximate ly 1 hr lo ng a nd sta rt at 6pm. We a re g e a ring up fo r o ur First Meeting ne xt Tue sday, Septe mbe r 6th. O ur p a rent o rienta tion me e ting will b e he ld o n Tue sd a y, Se p te mb e r 13th a t 7. Ple a se p lan to sta y fo r this sho rt me e ting if yo u c a n a s we will b e d isc ussing b rie fly ho w Pa c k 573 o p e rate s a nd wha t to e xp e c t fo r the up c o ming ye a r, a s we ll a s d a te s fo r sp e c ial e ve nts.

Cub Sc o ut Pa c k 573 strive s to o ffe r a va lue s-base d yo uth de ve lopme nt program fo r first through fifth g rad e rs in Ne w Philad e lphia a nd the surround ing c o mmunitie s tha t fo c use s o n c ha rac te r b uilding , se rvic e to the c o mmunity, d e ve lop me nt o f p o sitive a p p rec iation fo r the o utd o o rs, p e rso na l fitne ss a nd mo ral c o d e . We a re a fa mily foc used o rga niza tio n tha t fo llo ws the p rinc iple s o f the Sc o ut O a th a nd Sc o ut Law a nd fo c use s o n p e rso na l d e ve lopment through fun, adventure, ac hievement and hands-o n le a rning via struc tured a c tivitie s. We ho p e to e sta b lish a strong fo und a tio n tha t will le a d to o ur kids bec oming strong, independent, good and moral leaders fo r the ne xt

generation. Ple a se le t me kno w if yo u ha ve a ny q ue stio ns. Yo u c a n c o nta c t me throug h e ma il, p ho ne c a ll o r te xt. “

Yo u c a n a lso fo llo w this link to jo in o ur Pa c k Fac e book page. https://www.fac ebook.c om/groups/393296050840441/ 27 Preparing for New Families SAMPLE WELCOME EMAILS (continued)

“Welc ome to Pac k 257! Thank you for joining Cub Sc outs to nig ht. Tonig ht was a brief introduc tion to Sc outing, and next week we will have our Parent Orientation Meeting on Monday, September 9th at 6:00pm at St. Jo hn Luthe ran Churc h. Here you will rec eive more information about Sc outing, the Cub Sc out Pac k, and learn about the exc iting events planned for the upc oming year. Below is a lot more information abo ut yo ur Sc o ut’s Lion De n. We will go o ve r this info rma tio n ne xt week, but feel free to learn more before then.

Here is a little info rma tio n a b o ut o ur Pa c k:

We meet on Mondays from 6:00-7:00pm at St Jo hn Luthe ran Churc h o n the c o rne r o f Wales Rd NE a nd Hills a nd Da le s Rd NW (1900 Wale s Rd NE). We are a very ac tive Pac k with at least 1 group outing or ac tivity e ac h mo nth. Here is o ur meeting sc hedule and our next upc oming event:

Monthly Lion Meeting Sc hedule: • 1st Monday - Committee Meeting (leaders and parents meet to disc uss upc o ming e ve nts, treasury repo rt, e tc ) • 2nd Monday - Den Meeting (the Sc outs break out into their Den groups to work on earning belt loops and other advancements) • 4th Monday - Pac k Meeting (the entire Pac k c omes together and c o mp le te s a n a c tivity to g e the r, p e rfo rms skits, e tc )

Our Ne xt Eve nt: • Date : Aug ust 24-26, 2018 • Eve nt: Annual Family Campo ut • Loc ation: Canal Fulton Canoe Livery and Campground • De sc ription: Ple ase jo in us fo r o ur annual family c ampo ut. Fishing and c anoeing on a still lake will be available to fa milie s tha t a re inte reste d . Ma ke sure to ha ve yo ur fishing lic e nse if yo u inte nd to fish.

If you would like to attend the c ampout, please let me know as soon as possible how many people would be attending.

What will you need to get started?

Fee s: The annual fe e fo r Sc o uts is $73. The prorate d fe e fo r the rest o f the Sc o ut ye a r is $55 – whic h you paid this evening! You wouldn’t owe any other membership fees until Fe bruary 2021 whe n we rene w me mbe rships. At that time , the renewal would be $73. We do not c harge any additional per meeting or monthly fees; however, there are additiona l c o sts fo r so me o f o ur a c tivitie s (c a mp s, fe stiva ls, e tc ). We have se ve ral fundraise rs througho ut the ye ar to he lp p a y fo r a c tivities that we partic ipate in throughout the year.

Lion Sc o ut Shirt: We ask that yo u purc hase a Lio n T-shirt fo r yo ur Sc o ut as so o n as yo u are able, but he doesn't need it imme diate ly. The shirts are $9.99 and are available at the Counc il Store loc ated at 2301 13th St NW, Ca nto n, OH 44708. The re a re a lso o p tio na l a c c e sso rie s a va ilab le suc h as hats and nec kerc hiefs.

Sc o ut Handbo o k: He will also need the Lion handbook. At this time , I’m not sure of the pric ing of the handbook. I ha ve not

se e n the m in the Sc o ut Sho p ye t. We will wo rk through this book during meetings to help the boys earn badges and belt loops. You c an also work through the book at home to earn additional awards. “

If you have any other questions, please feel free to email, c all, or text me. My c ontac t information is below.

28 Preparing for New Families


Units may c ho o se to have their parent o rientatio n me e ting in pe rso n o r virtually. If c o nduc ting in pe rso n, a ll unit meeting guidelines must be met, so c o nsider c o nduc ting in waves.

Opening & Welcome

If in-pe rson, have the Scouts go to anothe r room for game s and ac tivities.

Unit Prog rams & Fundraising • Disc uss the unit’ s plans fo r the future, mentio ning so me o f the mo re exc iting ac tivities. • Disc uss the upc o ming fall e ve nts and distribute any fo rms and flye rs. • Impa c t o f Po pc o rn sa le a s a fundraise r.

Leade rship • Introduc e Unit Lea de rship • Unit Lea d e rship Ne e d s • Do n’ t ask fo r vo lunte e rs in this group se tting ye t (most pe ople do not volunte e r whe n aske d this way). In c o nsultation with the Charte red Organization, the unit c ommitte e will ne e d to de te rmine who the be st c andidate s are. Those c andidate s should be aske d to volunte e r individually, pre fe rably be fo re the Pare nt Orie ntation Me e ting . • Talk b rie fly a b o ut he lping ne w le a d e rs g e t sta rte d – Training Requirements, Meeting Reso urc e Guides • Disc uss a d ult re g istratio n fe e s a nd unifo rms

De n Orga niza tion (Pac ks Only) - At this point in the me e ting, the Scouts c an rejoin the group. • Have families sit to gether (by age group) and partic ipate in a song or game. • For dens that already have a den leader: • The den leader disc usses den-meeting dates, time s a nd lo c a tio ns. • Re c ruits p a rents to a ssist with d e n me e ting s o r serve on the pac k c ommittee. • For dens that don’t have a den leader: Another pac k leader will need to guide the disc ussion. • Disc uss p o ssib le me e ting d a te s, time s a nd lo c a tio ns. • Talk with ind ividua l p a rents to se c ure d e n le a d e rship.

Reminder announcements: Ne xt me e ting , fa ll a c tivity information, popc orn sale dates

Closing Ceremony

29 Recruiting New Leaders

Mo st lea d e rs a re invo lve d in the p a c k b e c a use the ir kids a re me mb e rs. It is a lmo st ine vita b le tha t whe n the ir kids g rad ua te from the p a c k, ma ny lea d e rs will to o . This p roc e ss will lea ve g a p s in the p a c k lea d e rship, ma king re c ruitme nt ne c e ssa ry.

Eac h den should have a den leader as well as an assistant den leader, who should be trained and ready to ste p in whe n a va c a nc y o c c urs. Whe n loo king fo r p e o p le to fill lea d e rship roles, a lwa ys e mp ha size se lec ting mo re tha n rec ruiting. Cub Sc outs deserve the best program possib le , a nd the y will re c e ive it fro m q ua lifie d a nd e nthusia stic leaders. These leaders should be selec ted bec ause o f the ir q ua lific a tio ns a nd no t me rely rec ruite d b e c ause no one e lse wo uld d o the ta sk.

Whe n se a rching fo r lea d e rs, ma ke sure to loo k no t o nly a mo ng pa rents o f kids in the pa c k, b ut o the r a d ults a s we ll. Many time s a fo rme r leade r, an Eagle Sc o ut, o r a me mbe r o f the c harte red o rganization may be willing to he lp. G rand p a rents o r o the r relative s c a n ma ke g o o d le a d e rs to o . Co nside r a ll p o ssibilitie s. Within yo ur p a c k, fo rme r Lio n and Tige r partne rs are an e xc e llent so urc e o f leade rship be c ause the y are already familiar with the be ne fits tha t Cub Sc o uting ha s to o ffe r Sc o uts a nd the ir fa milie s.


All Cub Sc out leaders must be of good moral c harac ter and adults 21 years o f age o r o lder — e xc e p t a ssista nt Cubmasters and assistant den leaders, who must be a t least 18 years of age. Men and women may serve in a ny p o sitio n. All reg iste red le a d e rs sha ll sub sc rib e to the dec laration of princ iple and meet the c itize nship o r a lte rna te req uireme nts a s p resc rib e d o n the o ffic ia l reg istratio n fo rms.


• Charte red Organization – Enc o urag e the c ha rte red o rga niza tio n rep rese nta tive to he lp ide ntify a nd rec ruit p rosp e c tive vo lunte e rs fo r yo ur unit. The rep rese nta tive sho uld a lso lo o k o b je c tive ly fo r p rosp e c tive le a d e rs d uring the vo lunte e r se le c tio n p ro c e ss.

• Pe rso nal Visit – The p e rso na l visit is the b e st wa y to rec ruit the leaders selec ted by your unit c ommittee bec ause it g ive s the visito rs a n o p p o rtunity to g e t a c q ua inte d with the fa mily a nd p e rha p s e ve n inte rest o the r fa mily me mb e rs to g e t invo lve d . Pe rso na l c o nta c t is a lwa ys the b e st me tho d fo r e nc o urag ing po te ntial lea d e rship.

• Tell It Like It Is – Exp lain the resp o nsibilitie s o f the p o sitio n. Sha re with the prospe c t why the unit has se le c te d him o r he r fo r the p o sitio n. Be ho ne st a b o ut ho w muc h time is invo lve d , the me e ting s tha t the le a d e r is e xpected to attend, how the program is financ ed, and the resourc e s available to he lp the leade r with the po sition. This he lps to preve nt any misunde rstanding s late r o n.

• Value o f Leade rship – Emp ha size tha t le a d e rship in Sc o uting is a wo rthwhile , sa tisfying role a nd a n o p p o rtunity to help yo uth g row. Exp lain wha t the b e ne fits a re fo r the p rosp e c t a s we ll a s fo r the p rog ram. Talk a b o ut yo ur o wn c ommitment to Sc outing.

• Training – Let the p rosp e c t kno w tha t training is a va ilab le a nd that leaders are expec ted to attend. Also e mp ha size tha t Cub Sc o uting is a te a m e ffo rt a nd tha t o the r lea d e rs a re willing to he lp.

• Allow Some Time – G ive the p rosp e c t a fe w d a ys to ma ke the ir d e c isio n a nd d isc uss it with fa mily me mb e rs, b ut se t a de finite time whe n yo u will e xpe c t a respo nse . This d e a d line sug g e sts the se rio usne ss o f the c o mmitme nt a nd le ts the p rosp e c t kno w tha t the d e c isio n is imp o rtant to the pac k. It also allows yo u to mo ve o n to yo ur ne xt p rosp e c t q uic kly if the a nswe r is no .

• Do n’t Pressure – Let prospe c ts kno w that the y are free to say no . A leade r who jo ins unde r pressure might no t be the rig ht p e rso n. 30 POPCORN SALE GUIDEBOOK Fall 2021

31 Popcorn

The annual popc orn sale remains an exc ellent o ppo rtunity fo r Sc o uts and units to fund the ir e ntire Sc o uting prog rams. With the rising c o st o f me mb e rship fe e s, a suc c e ssful po pc o rn sa le is c ritic a l to the sta b ility of our units. The pandemic provided some signific ant c hallenges and c hanges to our traditional approac h to selling last year whic h allowed us to analyze ho w we se ll a nd imp le me nt ne w strate g ie s. By utilizing a c ombination of these sales strategies below and the tried- and-true methods of pre-pandemic sales, Sc outs and units have a great opportunity to c reate suc c ess in the po pc o rn sa le this fa ll.

Door to Door Sales – Units will rec e ive a sup p ly o f c usto m designed door hangers that Sc outs c an utilize to aid the ir door-to- do o r sale effo rts. Eac h do o r hanger allo ws fo r a c ustomer to selec t what produc ts they want to buy, and for the Sc out to c ommunic ate when they will be bac k to c o lle c t the do o r hanger, as well as their c o ntac t info to a rrange fo r c o nta c tle ss d e live ry, if d e sired .

Wagon Sale s – Inc rease sales and save time with the wago n sale metho d! Equip yo ur Sc o ut fa milie s with a supply o f po pc o rn from yo ur sho w and sell invento ry that they c an take to eac h ho use with them. Po tential c usto mers are mo re like ly to buy when the produc t is visible and they can accept immediate delivery. Plus, fa milie s no longer have to return weeks later to eac h ho use to deliver the o rders! This is a prove n me tho d that will signific antly improve yo ur sa le !

Show & Sells – This me tho d is a lo t like a n “ o ld sc ho o l” lemo nade stand. Your unit gets permission to have a booth in a hig h visib ility a rea a nd yo ur Sc o uts se ll a c tua l popcorn produc t there o n the spo t. This metho d has been hig hly effec tive fo r many units. A unit c an plan a Sho w & Se ll d a y a nd sp lit Sc o uts/ fa milie s into shifts so tha t e ve ryone takes a turn. Talk with lo c a l sto res to se tup a time to se ll. Units will rec eive a supply of popc orn yard signs to promote Show & Se lls.

Online Sales – Individual Sc o uts will c o ntinue to have the a b ility to se ll o nline to c usto me rs, b o th lo c a lly a nd abroad through Pec ato nic a’s o nline sto re. This metho d inc reased by 50% last year with mo re roo m to grow! The produc t line up fo r online sales has been expanded, produc t is delivere d d irec tly to the c usto mers do o r, and shipping is free. Yo u will rec eive a uniq ue se lle r ID sho rtly b e fo re the sa le sta rts a lo ng with a c ouple templates for email and soc ial media posts.

32 Popcorn Timeline

Utilize the d a te s a nd time line b e lo w to a id in p la nning fo r yo ur unit’s po pc o rn sale .

JULY 2021 OCTOBER 2021

v 7/22 – Po p c o rn Unive rsity o n le a d sc o uting .o rg v 10/4 – All O ut Blitz e nd s, fo rms d ue 10/ 4 by 5pm

v 10/ 28 – Uno p e ne d c a se s return in Ma nsfie ld AUGUST 2021 (Go rman Rupp, 100 Rupp Rd., Mansfield) O the r O c tobe r Tips: v 8/ 2 – O nline Sto re O p e ns • Make sure eac h family is equipped with sales materia ls a nd is fa miliar with de a dline s v 8/ 5 – Po p c o rn/ Jo in Sc o ut Night Kic ko ff East, 7:00p m a t • Provide we e kly promo tion to Sc o uts a nd the ir fa milie s to c reate ongoing exc itement Sta rk Sta te C o lle g e in No rth C a nto n • Co nduc t Sho w & Sell a nd/ o r Drive Thru sa les e ve nts He re y o u will pic k up y o ur tasting kits, o rde r fo rms, • Ensure eac h family has enough popc orn to be suc c essful yard signs, and more! with Sho w & De live r a nd/ o r Po p-Up sho ps • Co llec t c o pies o f a ll o rde r fo rms a nd prize de ta ils from v 8/12 – Po p c o rn/ Jo in Sc o ut Night Kic ko ff We st, 7:00p m eac h Scout with enough time to enter orders at Go rman Rupp in Mansfield He re y o u will pick up y o ur tasting kits, o rde r fo rms, yard signs, and more! NOVEMBER 2021 v Late August / Early Se ptembe r – Ho ld Unit Kic ko ff

v 11/1 – Uno p e ne d c a se s return in Ca nto n (Pe o ple’s Se rvic e s, 1250 Main St., Navarre) O the r August Tips: • Rec e ive Po pc o rn Sales ma te rials • Finalize yo ur unit program plan, budge t, & go als v 11/1 – Final po pc o rn o rde rs due by 11:59pm • Co nfirm site s fo r Sho w & Sell a nd Drive Thru Sales • Read the weekly “What’s Poppin’” Buc keye Counc il Ne wslette r v 11/1 – Final prize o rde rs due by 11:59pm fo r to o ls, tips, and ne ws o f the sale • De te rmine Sho w & Sell o rde r a nd e nte r into Pe c a to nica v 11/ 12 and/ or 13 – Po p c o rn O rde r Pic k Up (d a te we b site and loc ation depends on distric t)

O the r Nove mbe r Tips: • Confirm additional volunteers to help pic k up produc t a t SEPTEMBER 2021 distributio n site a nd to so rt fo r e a c h Sc o ut

v 9/ 6 by 11:59pm – Sho w & Sell po pc o rn o rde rs due by 11:59pm DECEMBER 2021 v 9/ 17 and/ or 18 – Sho w & Se ll Pic k Up (d a te a nd lo c a tio n d e p e nd s o n d istric t) v 12/9 – Popc orn Money Due

v 9/18 – All O ut Blitz b e g ins O the r De c e mbe r Tips: • Distribute prize s to Sc o uts in a time ly fa shion v Hold unit kic koff if ha ve n’t a lrea dy

O the r Se ptembe r Tips: • Fina lize a unit inc e ntive plan • Make sure eac h family is equipped with sales materia ls a nd is fa miliar with d e a d line s • Promo te “All Out Blitz” to a ll fa milies • Provide we e kly promo tion to Sc o uts a nd fa milies to c reate ongoing exc itement • Sign Sc o uts up to a tte nd Drive Thru/ Sho w & Sells • Co nduc t Sho w & Sell a nd/ o r Drive Thru sa les e ve nts • Ensure eac h family has enough popc orn to be suc c essful with Sho w & De live r a nd/ o r Po p-Up Sho ps • Confirm additional volunteers to help pic k up produc t a t distribution site a nd to so rt fo r e a c h Sc o ut 33 Council Level Popcorn Team

Distric t Name Phone Ema il Harding Amb e r Brub a ke r (614) 483-5131 [email protected] om He tuc k Sarah Biltz (330) 473-9872 sa rah.b iltz@ sc o uting .o rg Johnny Appleseed Trail Je ff Sec riske y (419) 545-3164 [email protected] om Killbuc k Tony Arends (330) 601-3920 [email protected] om Netawotwes Barb Rupe (330) 339-5951 [email protected] om Sandy Beaver C la ud ia Barr (330) 323-8236 [email protected] om Counc il Ke rne l Mike Bee ls (330) 323-6347 [email protected]

The Unit Kernel’s Role

Keep Everyone Motivated – The unit ke rne l is the c hie f-c heerleader and morale offic er. Keep things fun to ke e p the Sc o uts inte reste d .

Learn About the Sale – Be familiar with the po pc o rn program, inc luding the produc ts available, key c alendar dates, and spec ial inc entives.

Set a Goal – With yo ur unit’s leadership and based o n yo ur unit’ s annual program plan, set a sales go al. This is o ne o f the mo st o ften skipped steps o f the sales planning proc ess! Based o n yo ur o verall goal, and with the help of your distric t’s popc orn team, figure out how to ac hieve it.

Hold a Unit Kic koff – Plan and c onduc t Unit Popc orn Kic koff to c ommunic ate the program and goals to yo ur Sc o uts and their families. Get everyo ne exc ited, motivated, and foc used on getting every Sc o ut invo lve d . How the sa le s ma te rials a re prese nted is a huge fac to r in ho w suc c essful the sale is. So, organizing a good kic k off is one of the most important parts of the kernel’s job. Don’t be one of tho se units tha t just puts fo rms o n a ta b le in the bac k of the room for Sc outs to pic k up on their way o ut.

O rga nize Unit Efforts – If the unit is g o ing to have a drive thru sale o r b litz d a y, be prepared to get parents’ help with staffing the event. Kno w yo ur dates and loc ations up front so that Sc outs and parents c an sign up at the kic ko ff. Also , c o mmunic a te ke y d a te s to a ll Sc o uts a nd fa milies. When setting deadlines, make sure you have enough time to p ut it a ll together.

Pla c e Orde rs a nd Distribute Popc orn – Collec t and make your unit’s order, pic k up produc t, distribute produc ts, and c o llec t money. Payment is due, by c hec k (no c redit c ards), on or b efore Dec ember 9.

34 Popcorn Distribution Dates

The se are by loc ation, no t by distric t so yo u c an c hoose to pic k up yo ur po pc o rn and rec ruitme nt mate rials at e ithe r AUGUST MATERIAL PICKUP loc ation! CANTON PICKUP MANSFIELD PICKUP

8/ 5, 7:00pm 8/ 12, 7-9pm Stark State Colle g e Gorman Rupp 6200 Frank Ave NW 600 S Airpo rt Rd Canto n, OH 44720 Mansfie ld, OH 44903

Here you will a lso pic k up rec ruitme nt supplie s!

SHOW & SELL (INITIAL ORDER) PICK UP HARDING AREA HETUCK JOHNNY APPLESEED TRAIL 9/ 17, 4-6pm (so rting ), 6-9pm (pic kup) 9/ 17 from 2-6pm 9/ 17, 6-9pm (so rting & p ic kup ) and Sika Warehouse People’s Servic es in Navarre 9/ 18, 8-12pm 3333 Harding Highway 1250 Ma in St., Na va rre Gorman Rupp Warehouse Entranc e D, Ma rio n 100 Rupp Rd, Mansfield KILLBUCK NETAWOTWES SANDY BEAVER

9/ 17, 2-6pm (so rting ) 9/ 17 from 2-6pm 9/ 17 from 4-9pm by appt. People’s Servic es in Navarre 240 Pennsylvania Avenue 9/ 18, 8-12pm (pic kup) 1250 Ma in St., Na va rre Sale m, OH 44460 Jarrett Companies Warehouse 1781 N Ma in St. Orrville , OH 44667

TAKE ORDER (FINAL ORDER) PICK UP HARDING AREA HETUCK JOHNNY APPLESEED TRAIL 11/ 12, 4-6pm (so rting ), 6-9pm (pic kup) 11/ 12 from 2-6pm 11/ 12, 6-9pm (so rting & p ic kup ) and Sika Warehouse People’s Servic es in Navarre 11/ 13, 8-12pm 3333 Harding Highway 1250 Ma in St., Na va rre Gorman Rupp Warehouse Entranc e D, Ma rio n 100 Rupp Rd, Mansfield KILLBUCK NETAWOTWES SANDY BEAVER 11/ 12, 6-9pm (so rting ) 11/ 13 from 8-10am 11/ 12 from 4-9pm by appt. 11/ 13, 8-12pm (pic kup) Ma rsh Industrie s 240 Pennsylvania Avenue Jarrett Companies Warehouse 2301 E. High Ave , Ne w Philade lphia Sale m, OH 44460 1781 N Ma in St. Orrville , OH 44667 35 Unit Commission

Buc keye Counc il 30% Co mmissio n 31% Pe c a to nic a Co mmissio n 30% Produc t Pric e Unit Co mmission 9% Ma rke ting & Prize s Product Line Up

36 Paddle the Popcorn River

Paddle the Popc orn River is a new web-b a se d , inte rac tive a c tivity tha t was developed by Pec atonic a River Popc orn. The purpo se is to o ffer a fun way to educ ate your sellers using general popc orn knowledge. Co mpletio n o f the ac tivity will get the Sc o ut a unique c e rtific a te . This is a g rea t a c tivity to use a t yo ur unit kic ko ffs o r fo r fa milie s a t ho me !

Clic k He re to Play the Interac tive Ac tivity!

37 Sales Goals

Before you get started, create a unit goal and a pe r Sc out goal! This will he lp guide how much popcorn to sell!

$ to ta l a c tivitie s fo r the ye a r / 31% = $ unit g oa l example: $10,000 / 31% = $32,258

$ unit goal / # Sc outs = $ per Scout goal example: $32,258 / 50 Sc o uts = $645 Selling Strategies for 2021

POPDOOR UP TO SHOPS: DOOR SALESA neighborhood Show & Sell

Sc outs who sell to other homes in their neighborhood tend to have the highest positive response from c ustomers. This is the BEST wa y to se ll popc orn! Kid Tested, STEPS TO SUCCESS Parent Approved! Show and Deliver aka Wagon Sales – Sc o uts who sell do o r to do o r with produc t in hand have a highe r rate o f sales than using the o rde r fo rm to c o llec t o rde rs. Sho w a nd De live r is just like Take Orde r sa le s, b ut you don’t have to make the return trip bac k to ho use s! Yo u bring alo ng the pro d uc t a s yo u se ll it d o o r-to- door. When a sale agreement is reac hed, the Sc out g oes out to the c ar or wagon, gets the produc t and delivers it on the spot while the c usto mer pays. If the desired produc t is no t o n hand, the Sc o ut uses the Take Order metho d a nd returns with the o rde red p ro d uc t a t a la te r time. To partic ipate in Sho w and Deliver, yo u need to o rd e r Sho w & Sell po pc o rn. Orders due 9/6.

What’s Take Order? This metho d invo lves Sc o uts go ing do o r-to- door to take orders for popc orn. Researc h sho ws that abo ut 3 in every 5 do o rs kno c ked o n will result in a sale. Mo reo ve r, o nly abo ut 20% o f ho uses are c ontac ted about buying popc orn. There is plenty of untappe d marke t fo r the sale . This me tho d is also preferred for mom and dad’s c o-wo rke rs a nd c lo se frie nd s a nd re la tive s to who m it will be e asy to de live r the produc t at the end of the sale. Do not fill Take Orde rs from Show a nd Se ll a nd Show a nd De live r inve ntory until a fte r the sa le .

Door Hangers – • Door hangers are a great “Leave Behind” that a pote ntial c ustomer c an c omplete to plac e their order. A c ustomer c an review produc ts, c omplete their order on the door hanger, and hang bac k on their door for a Sc o ut to p ic k up fo r a c o nta c tle ss transa c tio n • C a n b e use d to d rive p o te ntia l c usto me rs to visit a Sc o uts’ Po p- Up Shop to purc hase produc t in person

Signs – Se t o ut sig ns d irec ting p o te ntial c usto me rs to yo ur Pop-Up Sho p, similar to promoting a Garage Sale . Get yard signs from yo ur po pc o rn kernel o r at any Buc keye Counc il Servic e Center 38 Selling Strategies for 2021 DOOR TO DOOR SALES (continued)

SAMPLE SCRIPT “Hello , my name is ______and I’m with Pac k/ Tro op ______. I am trying to e arn my way to ______and suppo rt o ur c amp prog rams. I have many DELICIOUS flavo rs o f po pc o rn and ______is my favo rite bec ause ______! Can I c ount on your support to

help fund my adventures?” Tip: Use yo ur o rde r fo rms from last ye a r to a sk repe a t c usto me rs!


This metho d is a lo t like an “o ld sc ho o l” lemo nade sta nd . Yo ur unit g e ts p e rmissio n to have a bo o th in a high visibility area and yo ur Sc o uts se ll a c tua l p o p c o rn produc t there o n the spo t. This metho d has been hig hly e ffe c tive fo r many units. A unit c an plan a Sho w & Sell day and split Sc o uts/ fa milie s into shifts so tha t e ve ryo ne ta ke s a turn. Talk with lo c a l sto res to se tup a time to se ll. Units will rec e ive a supply o f po pc o rn yard sig ns to p romo te Sho w & Se lls.

STEPS TO SUCCESS Ide ntify Loc a tions – Loo k fo r high traffic lo c a tio ns with g o o d visibility fo r po tential c usto mers to find yo u. Great sp o ts mig ht inc lud e sto res, p a rking lo ts, mo vie the aters, sho pping c enters, ball fields, after c hurc h o n Sunday, o r yo ur c hartered o rganizatio n!

Initiate c onve rsa tion with loc a tion – Contac t the desired loc ation where you would like to have a Sho w & Sell sale and see if you c an set up a loc ation in a high traffic area in front o f the sto re. If the y wo n’ t allo w a sale in front o f the sto re, se e if yo u c an do a Drive Thru Sale in the b a c k o f the pa rking lo t!

Ma rke ting & Promo tion – Eac h unit will rec e ive a 24” x 48” Vinyl Banne r and popcorn spec ific yard signs fo r yo u to advertise yo ur bo o th, plus multiple po pc o rn yard signs! Sc outs should be in uniform and have produc t on hand.

39 Selling Strategies for 2021 DRIVE THRU SALES

The drive thru sale plan c an be do ne virtually anywhe re. By a sking reta il lo c a tio ns, yo ur c ha rte red organization, or other venues to provide spac e in the parking lot where c ustomers c an drive up, plac e and rec eive an order, then drive away, provides c onvenience and a low-p ressure o p tio n to c usto me rs. Ya rd sig ns and vinyl banners will be provided to promo te drive through sale lo c atio ns.

O the r Tips & Tric ks – • Have c usto mer remain in vehic le • Utilize the d o o r ha ng e r fo r the c usto me r to write d own their orderor c reate a simple order form • Minimize c ontac t by using a bin or tray to plac e po pc orn and money in to handle the transac tion between c ustomer and Sc outs. Consider something tha t c an be easily c leaned between transa c tio ns. • Keep stoc k of popc orn under table to limit c ontac t and shade from sunlight & o nly pull-out produc t requested by c ustomer or c onsider using c oo le rs witho ut ic e fo r sto ring c ho c o la te va rie tie s • Enc o urag e c a shle ss transa c tio ns if p o ssible • Assign jo bs fo r the e ntire day (i.e . 1 pe rso n is ha ndling money, 1 is handling popc orn) • Use p o ste rs to a d ve rtise p ric e a nd sa le s g o a ls tha t also enc ourage soc ial distanc ing SAMPLE DRIVE THRU SALE SETUP

START HERE END HERE STATION 1 STATION 3 • Custo me r drive s up to • Custo me r drive s up to Sta tio n 1 Sta tio n 3 • Adult vo lunte e r stands 6 • Custo me r’s feet away from c ar and c hange/c redit c ard is ta ke s o rde r returne d a t this sta tio n • Vo lunte e r le ts Sc o ut • Afte r b a ske t is e mp ty know what popc orn to and c ustomer drives have ready at Station 2 away, basket is to be • Custo me r utilize s b a ske t sa nitize d at end of table to deposit payment method • Vo lunte e r a sks c usto me r to roll up windo w while g rab b ing b a ske t with payment • Vo lunte e r p ro c e sse s payment and returns change/credit card bac k to basket at end of STATION 2 ta b le o f Sta tio n 3 • Custo me r d rive s up to Sta tio n 2 • Sc out will get order ready and plac e on table • Customer is asked to open bac k seat or trunk of c ar • Volunteer take order from table and deposits into b ac k of vehic le and sends c ustomer to station 3 40 Selling Strategies for 2021

POP UP SHOPS: A neighborhood Show & Sell

Enc ourage Sc outs to set up a loc al Show & Sell type stand in the ir drive way or anothe r loc ation in the ir neighborhood. This is similar to a lemonade stand, where interested customers can come and purchase if interested! STEPS TO SUCCESS

Ma rke ting & Promo tion – Be sure to let everyone in the neighborhood know you are selling popc orn when & where.

Social Media – Utilize so c ial me d ia a p p s like Ne xt Do o r o r Fac e b o o k to ma rke t the sa le .

Door Hangers – As Sc outs go door to door selling, leave behind the door hangers at homes who aren’t home. Be sure to c le a rly ma rk tha t the c ustomer c an purchase popc orn at your Pop-Up Sho p with the date, time, and loc ation of your Pop Up.

Signs – Se t o ut sig ns d irec ting p o te ntial c usto me rs to yo ur Pop-Up Sho p, similar to promo ting a Garage Sale. Get yard signs from yo ur po pc o rn ke rne l o r at any Buc ke ye Counc il Servic e Center ONLINE SELLING Online store opens 8/2!

Individua l Sc outs will c ontinue to ha ve the a bility to se ll online to c ustome rs, both loc a lly a nd a broad throug h Pec a tonic a ’s online store. This me thod inc reased by 50% last year with more room to grow! The product lineup for online sales has been expanded, produc t is delivered direc tly to the c ustomers door, and shipping is free. You will rec eive a unique seller ID shortly before the sale starts along with a couple templates for email and social media posts The product lineup for online sales has been expanded, product is delivered directly to the customers door, and shipping is free.

• All p ro d uc ts ship FREE a nd a re d irec tly shipp e d fro m Pec atonic a River Popc orn. • Eac h Sc o ut will g e t c red it fo r wha t the y se ll a s lo ng as eac h Sc o ut has a Seller ID • The Unit Kerne l and Parent/ Guardian will ge t an e ma il when an order has been shipped so that sales c an be trac ked for eac h Sc out. • Eve ry Frida y, o nline o rde r to ta ls will b e lo a d e d into Sc o ut Bo ss so Unit Kerne ls c a n ke e p trac k o f sa le s. • All o rde rs will b e p ro c e sse d within 7 – 10 business days of orders being plac ed. • 35% Co mmissio n o n Online Orde rs

The advantage of online sales is that the Scout doe sn't have to collect money or deliver the product!

STEPS TO SUCCESS C usto me rs will g o to www.prpopc ornstore .c om to Soc ial Me dia & Ema il Ma rke ting a nd Promotion – p urc ha se the ir p o p c o rn, e nte r • Use images, video s, and live streaming features the Se lle r ID, purc ha se a nd the • Enc o urage yo ur friends and family to share yo ur po sts Sc o ut will re c e ive c re d it! • Send the URL fo r yo ur Sc o ut’ s profile by direc t me ssage o r e ma il • Leverage your profile pic ture and c over photos • Pub lish c o nte nt 2-3 times per week, before 8 am, between 12-3 pm, & between 6-9 pm 41 Selling Strategies for 2021

POPONLINE UP SELLINGSHOPS: A(continued) neighborhood Show & Sell PRODUCT LINE UP

The Pecatonica Online Store has been expanded! While the online store has diffe rent produc ts than in-person, it has been expanded this year! Not only do es the online store have popcorn, it also has chocolate candies and coffee!

ONLINE PROMOTION Before promoting your online sa le , fa milie s will ne ed to set up an online profile.

How to Se t Up a n O nline Profile : My PR Po pc o rn is a sec ure, o nline platfo rm that help s Sc o uts a nd the ir p a re nts se ll mo re p o p c o rn b y e a sily p romo ting the ir sa le to family and friends o nline using yo ur o wn c usto m pro file s. Sc out profiles c an be set up and managed at www.MyPRPopc orn.c om. • Register fo r a profile, update, and share! When c usto me rs visit a Sc o ut’ s p ro file , the y c a n se le c t the “Support Me Now” button on your profile page that will ta ke the m to the o nline Pe c a to nic a Rive r sto re. • They will need to enter the unique ID number displa yed on each Scout’s profile page when placing the ir orde r to g ive tha t Sc out c redit for the sa le .

SAMPLE POST “Please support my Sc outing adventure Download a by ordering popc orn direc tly to your fillab le flye r fo r ho use ! My sa les g o a l is $______! If I eac h Sc out in reac h my sale's go al I will be able to yo ur unit! ______! Sc o uting has taught me ______. Please suppo rt my ne xt Print this o r e ma il ma il adventure!” merge to Custo me rs MUST Tip: d istrib ute to e nte r yo ur Se lle r ID Make sure to inc lude a pic ture eac h family in yo ur e ma il o r so c ial po st! to rec e ive c red it fo r the sa le 42 Selling Strategies for 2021

Buc ke ye Counc il will c rea te Se lle r POPONLINE UP SELLINGSHOPS: A(continued) neighborhood Show & SellIDs for a ll reg istered Sc outs in e a rly August and details will be emailed SETTING UP A SELLER ID to unit le a de rs a nd pa rents.

To enter, view, or edit a Sc out for Online Sales (Se lle r ID): 1. After you are logged on to PRPopc orn.c om, c lic k on “ Sc o ut Se lle r IDs” 2. A list o f Sc o uts with c urrent o nline Se lle r ID’ s will populate. You do not have to enter a Sc o ut every year fo r a new Seller ID. Sc o uts c an use the same ID year a fte r ye a r while with this unit. 3. To add a new Sc o ut, enter in the required fields (white b o xe s a t to p ): First Na me , Last Na me (o nly the first two le tte rs o f la st name are needed), Pa rent/ G ua rdia n e ma il a d d ress 4. Clic k “Add.” A rando m Seller ID will be po pulated a nd an e mail will be se nt to the parent/guardian letting them kno w their Sc o ut’ s Selle r ID 5. Yo u may edit a Sc o ut’s info rmatio n by c lic king “Edit.” Only a Sc o ut’ s first/ la st name and email c an be edited 6. If a Sc o ut is no longer selling po pc o rn, yo u may ina c tiva te him/ he r whic h will hide a ll info rma tio n tied to the Sc out. If at any time you need to view that Sc out’s info rmation again yo u simply c lic k o n “Inac tive Sc o uts” 7. Ma ke sure to se nd yo ur Sc o uts the ir Se lle r ID to p ro mo te the ir o nline sa le s!

Before your unit kic koff, distribute Se lle r IDs for each Sc out in your unit!


Create a sense of urgency. After all, popc orn season only c omes around onc e a year! Co untdo wns to the last d a te s to o rde r a re a g re a t mo tiva to r fo r d riving sa les. Use language that will enc ourage potential c usto me rs to buy from yo u right no w.

Make an impression. Use c lear, eye-c a tc hing p ho to s in yo ur ma rke ting ma te ria ls. This may inc lude pic tures o f the different po pc o rn yo u’re selling, Sc o uts in unifo rm, o r so mething tied to the sales go al.

Hig hlig ht produc ts. Share the to p-selling produc ts in yo ur lineup! Do yo u have a new flavo r available fo r purc hase?

Unit Se lle r ID. C o nside r c rea ting a g e ne ric Se lle r ID fo r yo ur unit. Utilize Fac ebook ads, neighborhood posters, etc . to p romo te sa le s in ma rke ts ind ividua l Sc o uts might not be able to reac h.

Door Hangers. Add yo ur Seller ID info rmatio n o n eac h do o r hanger so c ustomers c an purc hase and have the p ro d uc t d e live red d irec tly to the ir d o o r! CORPORATE SELLING Enc o urag e p a rents to utilize the “ Take To Wo rk Orde r Forms” to he lp b o o st the ir Sc o ut’ s sa le s o r e ma il the link to a ll c o wo rke rs. The Scouts who have had the biggest success with corporate sales are when popcorn is purchased as employee gifts. 43 Popcorn Sales Parent Form

Send the form below to the parents in your pac k to fill out during your popc orn kic koff! Find a c ustomizable form here. ______’s Popcorn Sale Important Popcorn Dates Sale be g ins o n: ______My Online Se lle r ID: ______Po pc o rn Pic kup (Sho w & Sell): Date ______Loc atio n ______Po pc o rn Pic kup (Take Order): Date ______Loc atio n ______Sale Ends o n: ______Mo ne y turn in date : ______Please make all c hec ks payable to: ______

Sales Goals and Fun Adventures

Re me mb e r to “ Do Yo ur Best!” Prac tic e se lling with yo ur Sc o ut. Our unit’s po pc o rn sale s go al is $ ______Eac h Sc o ut’ s sales g o al is $ ______. By reac hing this go al, the fo llo wing will be paid fo r… • ______• ______• ______

Here are a few of our upc oming Sc outing adventures and so me o f the main reaso ns WHY o ur unit is fund raising : • Date : ______Ac tivity: ______• Date : ______Ac tivity: ______• Date : ______Ac tivity: ______Unit Incentives In addition to the prize program provided by the Buc ke ye Co unc il, o ur unit is o ffe ring the fo llowing Sc o ut inc e ntive s: • Sell ______and e arn ______• Sell ______and e arn ______• Sell ______and e arn ______Additional Info

My unit’ s po pc o rn ke rne l is: ______

Ema il: ______Pho ne : ______44 Prizes and Incentives

Scouts selling popcorn can choose a prize from the highest level they attain. Every Sc out who sells at le a st one ite m e a rns the popc orn pa tc h. Se e the se c tion on Pec a tonic a ’s Online Syste m to orde r othe r prize s.

ALL OUT BLITZ! - Earn More Than- Ever Before!

All Sc outs are enc ouraged to partic ipate in the “All Out Blitz!” This ye a r’s All Out Blitz ha s b e e n revamped to give Sc outs more prizes than ever before!

Sell $400 by 10/ 4 = $20 Amazon E-Gift Ca rd Sell $700 by 10/ 4 = $40 Amazon E-Gift Ca rd

To Qua lify: Eve ry yo uth who submits a qualifying c o py o f the ir o rder fo rm will rec eive a $20 Amazo n E- Gift Card fo r $400 so ld o r a $40 Amazo n E-Gift Ca rd fo r $700 so ld. To e nte r, visit lloutblitz. You will need to enter the Sc outs’ name, parent ema il address, and attac h a c opy of the sales form. JOIN THE WINNER’S CIRCLE

How To Ente r a Sc out Into the Winne r’s Circle

1. Navigate to PRPopc orn.c om 2. Ac c ess your Ac c ount & Clic k on “ Winne r’s C irc le ” 3. Selec t the Sc out’s name you want to e nte r into the Winne r’s Circ le . Sc outs are added through the Sc o ut Se lle r ID p roc e ss. 4. Type in: Invo ic e perio d (Seaso n a nd Ye a r), Tota l d o lla rs Sc o ut so ld, Prize c ho ic e , Wo rkshe e t verific ation (this c an be a photo of the take order sheet, exc el do c ument, o r anything that sho ws the to ta l sa le s fo r this Sc o ut) 5. Zip Code, name of person pic king up prize, and email o f perso n p ic king up p rize 6. C lic k “ Sub mit”

45 Prizes and Incentives


how down, houses 13 to go? Situa tion: y more A sha d o w o rg a niza tio n c a lling man the mse lve s the "Se c re t Sho p p e rs" ha ve sc a tte re d the mse lve s thro ug ho ut o ur te rrito ry. In the ir p o sse ssio n a re ke y p ie c e s o f hig h te c h, ha nd he ld be at ret te could e q uip me nt in the wa r o n b o re d o m a s # Sec itch Li ! Sw t house we ll a s ke yc a rd s tha t unlo c k the Shoppers Found = the nex c a rd ho ld e rs' d e e p e st d e sire s. # Secret Missio n: Lo c a te Se c re t Sho p p e rs a nd Shoppers Left = c o mmunic a te with he a d q ua rte rs whe re the y we re fo und .

Re wa rd: All ha nd he ld d e vic e s a nd ke yc a rd s yo u d isc o ve r in p ursuit o f the Se c re t Note to Self: Sho p p e rs is yo urs to ke e p . Only the ir Go to Saturday’s lo c a tio ns must b e re po rte d so tha t Show & Sell = he a d q ua rte rs c a n tra c k the ir whe re a b o uts. Possible Secret Shopper = Gift Le a ds: As we unc o ve r c lue s a nd info rma tio n Card fro m o ur c la nd e stine ne two rk, yo u will re c e ive we e kly up d a te s to he lp yo u lo c a te the Se c re t Sho p p e rs. The y a re b e lie ve d to ha ve ta ke n re fug e in lo c a l ne ig hb o rho o d s p o sing a s re g ula r ind ivid ua ls. Yo u c a n fo rc e the m to re ve a l the mse lve s a t the ir ho me o r a s the y visit lo c a l sto re s.

Known We a kne ss: Se c re t Sho p p e r o rg a nizaWhile tio n the is 123 Main Street ve ry skille d , the y d o ha ve a kno wn we a kne ss tha t yo u c a n e xp lo it. The y a re una b le to re sist a 454 Smith Ave Sc o ut in unifo rm who a sks the m to p urc ha se p o p c o rn. The first Sc o ut to d ire c tly a sk the m to ma ke a 20 p urc ha se will fo rc e the m to re ve a l 0 Buckeye Lane the mse lve s a nd g ive up the ir a sse ts.

46 Prizes and Incentives


$25 $25 $25

OSU Caramel with Indians White Browns Milk Sea Salt Chocolaty Pretzels Chocolaty Pretzels

It’s simple … se ll the most of one of the se fla vors, win 2 tic ke ts to a g a me for the te a m on the tin. It’s time to ge ar up and ge t in the game!

Popcorn for a Purpose


Send the gift of popc orn to our Send the gift of popc orn to your loc al milita ry me n & wo me n, the ir fa milie s, Ho me to wn Hero Se rvic e s! This tin o f and veterans’ o rganizations. The popc orn will be shipped direc tly to your popc orn will be shipped direc tly and loc al hometown heroes and will not be is no t a va ilab le fo r lo c a l d e live ry. delivered to you. 47 Hold a Unit Kickoff Consider holding your kickoff meeting the week of G a the ring August 23rd Opening: (5 minute s) to get a jump • Pledge of Allegianc e & Welc ome Parents start on the sale!

Why Popcorn? (5 minute s) • Make the c ase fo r po pc o rn, why is o ur unit selling popc orn this year. • To reduc e the number of fundraisers we do eac h year. • Money for new equipment. • So parents don’t have to write a c hec k for everything their Sc out does. • So yo ur c hild c an learn to earn their o wn way. • To g o to c a mp, fie ld trips, a nd o the r a c tivitie s. • Make sure every Family has a c o py o f the Unit Calend a r & Unit Bud g e t

So what’s the Plan (5 minute s) • Review popc orn timeline. • Use Popc orn Timeline for dates to c ommunic ate. • Po p c o rn Orde rs & Prize Re q ue st b a c k to Unit Kerne l. • Unit Po p c o rn Distributio ns (se t a fte r Po p c o rn is p ic ked up from Warehouse). • Money due to Unit Kernel (set enough time to make p ayment to Counc il on time).

So What’s our Goal? (5 minute s) • Our unit g o a l is $______in to ta l sa le s • Our pe r Sc o ut go al is $______

Prize s (review prize broc hure) (10 minute s) • Re vie w p rize p la n • Ask eac h Sc out to pic k what prize they want to earn • Re vie w Top Distric t/ Co unc il Sa le s Prize s • Re vie w Pe c a to nic a Rive r Prize Pla n

How to Se ll Popc orn (review Take Orde r Form) (15 minute s) • Ask fa mily, frie nd s, ne ig hb o rs • Ask p a re nts to b ring fo rm to wo rk a nd se ll to c o- wo rke rs or email to c o-wo rke rs • Sell door to door in our neighborhood • Be Safe! • Sell with a buddy o r an adult • Do n’ t se ll a fte r d a rk • Don’t go into a stranger’s house The kickoff shouldn’t • O b e y stre e t a nd tra ffic sig ns • Be Co urte o us be the only contact • Wa lk o n the sid e wa lk • We ar yo ur unifo rm you have with your • Say thank yo u whether they buy o r no t families during the • Bring e xtra p e ns sale! Questions & Answers (5 minute s)

Thank everyone for coming and wish them good luck 48 Placing Your Popcorn Order

When placing your popcorn order, there are two impo rtant popcorn dates to remember:

Show & Se ll / Initial Orde r Due : Se pte mbe r 6 Take Order / Final Order Due: November 1

Below are steps a Unit Popc orn Kernel should take to ensure quick and stress-free produc t ordering: Show & Sell / Initial Order

1. Estimate the amount of Show & Sell popc orn you would like to o rde r. For p ro te c tio n o f the unit, the initial Sho w a nd Sell o rde r will b e limite d to 80% o f the unit’ s to ta l 2021 full reta il sa le . If yo u sold last year, login to your ac c ount at o r view yo ur o rde r from last ye ar as a base line . Co mpare this with yo ur final o rde r. 2. Familiarize yo urse lf with the return po lic y 3. Order the Popc orn online through the Pec atonic a web site (more info on next pages)

Take Order / Final Order

1. Co mmunic ate a DEADLINE to yo ur Sc o ut familie s fo r g e tting a ll Sc o ut o rde rs to yo u. Info rm the m tha t the ir prod uc t will b e d e live red LATE if they do not get orders in to you by the deadline set. • Base your deadline on the Produc t Return Date (found in the time line ). Wo rk bac kwards from that date to determine when you need your Sc outs’ orders by so that you c an c alc ulate how muc h produc t to return for free. 2. Gather a ll o f your Sc outs’ orders and c ompile a list of popc orn you need to order. Compile tha t list in numb e r o f CONTAINERS (Ind ividua l b o xe s/ tins) yo u ne e d to o rde r. This will be use ful late r in the proc e ss. • If yo u so ld Sho w a nd De live r, fill the se o rde rs with any produc t you have left before you return produc t o r o rder mo re. 3. Order the Popc orn you need on the Pec atonic a website

Ordering AdditionalYou will be Product able to order additional produc t throug hout the sale if yo u ne e d it (base d o n availability). Simply go to to plac e a mid-sa le o rde r. Plea se a llow at least 7 busine ss da ys prior to pic kup.

49 Return Policies & Account Settlement


There are two different dates and loc ations your unit c an return any full c ases of popc orn with no penalty.

Mansfield: October 28, 4-6pm Go rman Rupp, 100 Rupp Rd., Mansfie ld, OH

Canton: November 1, 11-6pm Pe o ple ’ s Servic e s, 1250 Main St., Navarre, OH

Yo ur unit c an return full c ases o f po pc o rn that were o ver o rdered prior to yo ur final o rder. Remember to use lefto ve r prod uc t from yo ur Initial Orde r to fill o rde rs from yo ur Orde r Form sa les b e fo re ma king returns o r sub mitting yo ur Fina l Orde r. Do NOT put stic ke rs, ta pe , o r a nything d e ta iling pric ing o n the produc t, or it may not be ac c epted for return. Dama ged produc t will not be ac c epted. If you rec eived damaged produc t, please notify us upon rec e ipt.

Only returns of full c ase s, of like produc t, will be accepted. Please remember that the Buc keye Counc il is unable to return any popc orn to Pec atonic a and therefo re any exc ess that remains unso ld has a direc t, negative effec t on Sc outing programs for units and yo uth. After the dates above, no additional returns may be made.


Units are expec ted to c arefully manage their inventory and finances so they are able to pay for their produc t in a timely manner and should expec t their Sc outs and parents to do likewise.

Yo u may se ttle yo ur ac c o unt with: CASH o r CHECK.

Deliver popc orn payments (made payable to Buc keye C o unc il, BSA) to yo ur nearest Buc keye Co unc il Servic e Center, o r mail to :

Buckeye Council 2301 13th Stree t NW Canton, OH 44708

The unit’s prize s will be approve d o nly whe n the unit ha s se ttle d the ir a c c o unt. 50 Path to Advancement

The popcorn sale can directly help Scouts earn adva ncements! Check out the connected advancements below to enhance your Scouting experie nce.


51 Pecatonica’s Online System

The Pec atonic a Online System is where unit ke rne ls will plac e the unit’s popc orn order, c reate Seller IDs, se e unit’s pa st orde rs, a nd more! How to Create Your Online Account

1. Go to PRPopc orn.c om 2. Clic k on “My Ac c ount” 3. C lic k o n “ C re a te Unit Pro file ” 4. Ente r yo ur Co unc il Key: 436BUCK 5. Choose your Distric t from the dropdown menu 6. Choose your unit from the dropdown menu 7. Enter a username (this does not need to be an email address, but must be unique) 8. Enter a Password for the ac c ount 9. Ente r the rema ining p ro file info rma tio n inc lud ing the email address where all c o nfirmatio n emails for the ac c ount will be sent 10. C lic k “ Sub mit” 11. You will need to log into your newly c reated ac c ount to c omplete the c ommitment proc ess by a nswe ring yo ur p a rtic ipa tio n sta tus in the sa le .

52 Pecatonica’s Online System

The Pec atonic a Online System is where unit kernel’s will plac e the unit’s popc orn order, c reate Seller IDs, se e unit’s pa st orde rs, a nd more! How to Access My Account

1. Go to PRPopc orn.c om 2. Clic k on “My Ac c ount” 3. Enter in yo ur username and passwo rd 4. Onc e in the system, you will see your dashboard How to Update My Profile

1. C lic k o n “ Unit Use r” in to p rig ht-hand c orner of sc reen 2. Yo ur p rofile info rma tio n will d isp lay 3. To upd a te o r c ha ng e yo ur profile , c lic k “ Edit Profile ” 4. If yo u wo uld like to c hange yo ur passwo rd, c lic k “Change Password”

How to Place an Order

1. Clic k “New Order” on the Dashboard 2. Choose what type of order you are entering (Pre-Sale / Sho w n Sell) a s we ll a s pic k up lo c a tio n 3. Yo u will then be able to enter yo ur o rder • Show & Sell Orders = enter in as c ases (if yo u are unsure ho w many c o ntainers are in a c ase, see “Helpful Tips” o n PRPo p c o rn home page) • Take Orders = enter in as c ontainers 4. At the bottom of the order form, you have the ability to add any notes/c omments to the order 5. Clic k “Submit Order” to plac e yo ur o rder • *If yo u d o no t hit Sub mit Orde r, yo ur o rde r will no t be plac ed*

How Do I Tabulate My Orde r 1. C lic k “ Wo rkshe e t Too l” 2. Sele c t the b lue “ Do wnlo a d Wo rkshe e t Too l” link 3. Save the Exc el file anywhere on your devic e 4. Onc e file is o pe n, e nte r in the Unit info rmatio n, Sc out names, and produc t quantities that eac h Sc o ut so ld 5. The totals at the bottom of the page are what you e nte r into the popc orn order form to plac e your popc orn order 53 Pecatonica’s Online System Pecatonica Top Header

Reports Dashboard Pic k Tic ke ts Se le c t this a t a ny Online Invo ic es (o nline sales per Sc o ut) time to go bac k to Remaining balanc e the dashboard Sale s Summa ry

Sc outs Sales Season Add/view all Sc outs’ Add/edit/view any orders plac ed Edit Sc o uts info rma tio n during the fundraising ye ar Ente r in Winne r’s C irc le Prize Commit to eac h order type Ac tiva te / Ina c tiva te Sc o uts (Sho w & Sell o r Take Orde r) Print a n invo ic e

Setting Up a Seller ID for Online Sales

To enter, view, or edit a Sc out for Online Sales (Se lle r ID): 1. After you are logged on to PRPopc orn.c om, c lic k o n “ Sc o ut Se lle r IDs” 2. A list o f Sc o uts with c urrent o nline Se lle r ID’ s will populate. You do not have to enter a Sc out every ye ar fo r a ne w Selle r ID. Sc o uts c an use the same ID ye ar afte r ye a r while with this unit. 3. To add a new Sc o ut, enter the required fields (white bo xe s at to p): First Name , Last Name (o nly the first two letters o f last name are needed), Parent/Guardian e ma il a ddress 4. Clic k “Add.” A rando m Seller ID will be po pulated a nd an email will be sent to the parent/guardian letting the m kno w the ir Sc o ut’ s Selle r ID 5. Yo u may edit a Sc o ut’s info rmatio n by c lic king “Edit.” Only a Sc o ut’s first/last name and email c an be e d ite d 6. If a Sc o ut is no longer selling po pc o rn, yo u may ina c tiva te him/ he r whic h will hide a ll info rmation tied to the Sc o ut. If at any time yo u need to view that Sc out’s information again yo u simply c lic k o n “Inac tive Sc o uts”

Watc h a video on how to se t up a Selle r ID

54 Placing Prize Orders

How to Order Prizes

1. Go to https:/ / ke lle rprize prog ram.c o m/ 2. C lic k o n Log in – Top Right-Hand Corner of your Sc reen 3. In the c e ntral a rea o f the sc ree n, c lic k reg iste r here and enter the information requested. • FIRST; yo u must “ c rea te a profile” a nd lo g in b e fo re any order may be entered. • Ente r: Co unc il ID: 436BUCK the n c lic k e nte r. Fully c o mplete a ll req ue ste d info rmation when se tting up yo ur p rofile .

Placing the Prize Order

1. Clic k 'Quic k Order' in the menu o n the left o f yo ur sc reen (it is the third c ho ic e o n the left) • Complete the “TOTAL PRODUCT SALES and NUMBER O F SCO UTS SELLING .” As these are req uired fields. • Ne xt: e nte r p rize q ua ntitie s a nd c o mp le te a ll the required fields to ensure proper shipment. 2. Clic k “NEXT” when yo u have c o mpleted the prize sele c tio ns. 3. Ve rify yo ur shipping address (We are unable to ship to a P.O. Box) 4. Upon suc c essful c ompletion; you will rec eive an e-mail verific atio n. Please keep yo ur o rder number fo r future refe renc e .

If yo u ne e d a ssista nc e with this proc e ss, ple a se c o nta c t BSA Custo me r Servic e via e- ma il BSACusto me rServic e @ g c c-, o r c all BSA Custo me r Servic e @ 888-351-8000.

Importa nt De ta ils: • For a ll prize g uide line s, c o nsult the p rize flie r in the o rde r b o o kle t. No te the d e a d line fo r Prize Orde rs is Monday, November 1st.

55 Accepting Credit Card Payments

Accepting credit card payments this year is going to be more important than every before.

1. Clic k 'Quic k Order' in the menu o n the left o f yo ur sc reen (it is the third c ho ic e o n the left) • Complete the “TOTAL PRODUCT SALES and NUMBER O F SCO UTS SELLING .” As these are req uired fields. • Ne xt: e nte r p rize q ua ntitie s a nd c o mp le te a ll o f the required fields to ensure proper shipment. 2. Clic k “NEXT” when yo u have c o mpleted the prize sele c tio ns. 3. Ve rify yo ur shipping address (We are unable to ship to a P.O. Box) 4. Upon suc c essful c ompletion; you will rec eive an e-mail verific atio n. Please keep yo ur o rder number fo r future refe renc e .

If yo u ne e d a ssista nc e with this proc e ss, ple a se c o nta c t BSA Custo me r Servic e via e- ma il BSACusto me rServic e @ g c c-, o r c all BSA Custo me r Servic e @ 888-351-8000.

Importa nt De ta ils: • For a ll prize g uide line s, c o nsult the prize flier in the o rde r b o o klet. No te the d e a d line fo r Prize Ord e rs is Monday November 2nd. • Don’t forget to order the 6-in-1 Co o king Multi-Too l, Light Saber, o r 4” Ro sewo o d Knife fo r eac h Sc out who sold $750 or more.

ü Fast se tup ü Loa d yo ur inve nto ry a nd trac k sales ü Next day funding ü Live c usto me r se rvic e suppo rt ü Free c ard reader & app ü No c o mmitme nts

56 Accepting Credit Card Payments

1. Clic k 'Quic k Order' in the menu o n the left o f yo ur sc reen (it is the third c ho ic e o n the left) • Complete the “TOTAL PRODUCT SALES and NUMBER O F SCO UTS SELLING .” As these are req uired fields. • Ne xt: e nte r p rize q ua ntitie s a nd c o mp le te a ll o f the required fields to ensure proper shipment. 2. Clic k “NEXT” when yo u have c o mpleted the prize sele c tio ns. 3. Ve rify yo ur shipping address (We are unable to ship to a P.O. Box) 4. Upon suc c essful c ompletion; you will rec eive an e-mail verific atio n. Please keep yo ur o rder number fo r future refe renc e .

If yo u ne e d a ssista nc e with this proc e ss, ple a se c o nta c t BSA Custo me r Servic e via e- ma il BSACusto me rServic e @ g c c-, o r c all BSA Custo me r Servic e @ 888-351-8000.

Importa nt De ta ils: • For a ll prize g uide line s, c o nsult the prize flier in the o rde r b o o klet. No te the d e a d line fo r Prize Ord e rs is Monday November 2nd. • Don’t forget to order the 6-in-1 Co o king Multi-Too l, Light Saber, o r 4” Ro sewo o d Knife fo r eac h Sc out who sold $750 or more.

57 Other Helpful Hints

Below a re othe r he lpful hints for the 2021 popcorn sale!

E-Newsletter Communic ations – We enc ourage all unit ke rne ls a nd tho se inte reste d in g e tting imp o rta nt p opcorn info rmation to sign up fo r the 2021 What’s Po ppin’ Ne wsle tte r. Yo u c a n sig n-up at We’ll send yo u impo rta nt sa les upd a te s, remind e rs, a nd a c tio n ite ms.

O rde ring Additiona l Produc t – Yo u will be able to o rder additional produc t throughout the sale if you need it (based o n availability). Simply go to to order produc t. Ple a se a llo w a t le a st 7 b usine ss d a ys p rio r to p ic kup.

Volunteer Popc orn Pic king Team – We welcome, and depend upon, a team of great volunteers to assist in the so rting o f the p o p c o rn a t e a c h d istributio n lo c a tio n. If yo u c a n a ssist with the so rting , p le a se c o nta c t us a t c hristopher.hyde@sc o r rea c h o ut to yo ur d istric t team. *BONUS: As a thank yo u fo r vo lunteering, tho se who help to sort will get to take your popc orn home with you onc e everything is sorted.

Popc orn Pic kup – Bring eno ugh vehic les to c arry yo ur entire o rder in a single trip. See the belo w guideline s to help you plan what type of vehic le you need. • Car: 20 Cases • SUV, Mini-Va n, Pic k-up: 30-40 Cases • Full Size Va n: 50-60 Cases

Join the Buckeye Council Popcorn Facebook Group – Jo in the exc lusive Buc keye Counc il Popc orn Fac ebook Group! This group is designed to build exc itement and c ommunity around the popc orn sale. Share best prac tic es, ask questions, and more! Jo in the Group

58 Notes

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