Page of 8 Spring 2006 HVRA Newsletter

Spring 2006 Volume 4, Number 1 Residents’ Association

Message from the Contents: Chair of the HVRA Board Message from the HVRA chair ...... 1 Dear members of our fabulous Fair, not just for the events Our Annual Spring Meeting is HVRA: themselves but because May 16 at the Kensington The Graff report ..... 2 through this getting together Here‟s another great newsletter Health Centre (25 Brunswick Robert Street rink: and cooperating -- the bonds of Avenue) just north of College: from your very active HVRA the neighbourhood are forged update ...... 3 board. Leaf through these and made stronger. 6:30–7 p.m. registration and pages to get the measure of Harbord Village schmoozing how well your board is taking When it comes to meetings, I Heritage Conserva- care of business -- from the want to encourage your active 7–8 p.m. local caucuses and tion District going success of the annual Fall Fair, participation. This is always said reporting back to constituents great guns ...... 4 through the follow-up on Col- in these matters, but the truth 8–9 p.m. The Vision Thing – Heritage Conservation lege Street for patios and street is that your board is only as what‟s next for Harbord Village? furniture, the anti-graffiti/pro- good as your participation. We Districts rule! ...... 4 (see box below) art mural on Croft Street, to our boardies may be smart and After the fire – It’s a tree program, which will be nice, but, without your input, Until next time, question of insur- under way again shortly. we‟re only guessing at what needs to be done. Rory ‘Gus’ Sinclair ance ...... 5 All the activities we have been College St. update . 6 undertaking are on your behalf. Six Sakura trees..... 6 This is a terrifically strong ANNUAL SPRING MEETING neighbourhood in which to live The Vision Thing: What’s next for Harbord Village? HVRA’s neighbour- – and one of the things that hood awards ...... 7 leads to that strength is a sense What will it be? revitalization? A refurbished Robert of community. Your board is Street Rink? A cohesive development plan for the neighbour- Want to help make very conscious of the value of hood? The greenest ’hood in the city? a difference? ...... 7 activities, such as the semi- annual cleanup and the Fall Bring your ideas -- join the discussion -- and let’s all take it to the HVRA Board ...... 8 next level! Helping us will be: Membership Amanda McConnell was part of a team of Annex residents 12 years information and ago who conducted a tree inventory in that neighbourhood. What renewal form ...... 8 they found disturbed them. More trees were being cut down than planted and few residents understood the importance of planting native trees and shrubs. They organized a large community meet- ing, which led to a concerted tree planting effort. Ten years later, they re-evaluated their efforts and published a report, the first of its kind in . Amanda will discuss the lessons learned from their pioneering efforts and how we might apply them here. …And that’s just the start! More to follow as the date gets closer. See you there (at 25 Brunswick, 6:30 p.m., May 16) Mary and Gus, Christmas 2005 HVRA Newsletter Spring 2006 Page 2 of 8

The Graff report

Graffiti continues to be a prob- ful graffiti eradication day last has shown that while the of- lem in Harbord Village. June, and with the assistance fenders may return, after you of PC Scott Mills of 14 Divi- remove graffiti three times, What‟s wrong with graffiti? It sion and students from St. the vandals lose interest and “The presence of can foster disrespect for prop- Mary‟s School and St. tag elsewhere. erty laws that might result in graffiti breeds more Stephen‟s Community House, increasing crime, community There are also graffiti removal cleaned up lower Croft Street. graffiti, and other degradation, and urban blight. services – check the yellow Michael Heydon organized the The presence of graffiti pages under Graffiti or Build- properties also become painting of a fantastic mural breeds more graffiti, and ing Cleaning and Maintenance on Croft Street just north of targets unless the other properties also become College (if you haven‟t seen it, – Exterior. targets unless the graffiti is graffiti is removed take a look). To prevent graffiti, you can removed promptly and kept plant climbing vines or thorny off. Graffiti can lower property On an individual property promptly and kept off. plants along the wall or fence. values and reduce business owner‟s level, it‟s your respon- Graffiti resistant coatings are Graffiti can lower sibility to keep your site free opportunities. available – to find them, you of graffiti. The City of Toronto property values and The HVRA Graffiti Committee can search the web under has an anti-graffiti bylaw re- has been working to reduce reduce business quiring property owners to „Anti-graffiti coatings‟. graffiti in Harbord Village and remove graffiti within 72 If you‟re adventurous, we can opportunities.” contribute to the beautifica- hours or be subject to removal hook you up with one of a tion of our neighbourhood. by the City with the cost number of mural artists, many We‟ve met with officials from added to your property tax bill. of whom are willing to create the City to coordinate our local “Experience has an original work of art on your efforts with their citywide ini- So what can you do? The property for little more than shown that … after most effective cure for graffiti tiatives. the cost of the paint. Most is for property owners to re- you remove graffiti We organized a very success- move it promptly. Experience (Continued on page 3) three times, the vandals lose interest and tag elsewhere.”

Many hands make for light work as the Graf- fiti Removal Gang gets to work painting over tags and beautifying Croft Street

Photos: David Booz and Michael Heydon Page 3 of 8 Spring 2006 HVRA Newsletter

Robert Street rink: Update Many of you have wondered brine with its old-style cooling $100,000 sitting in an es- about the Robert Street rink plant. It was patched up and crow account, which will be and the status of its resurrec- made to work about 10 years freed up to make this dream tion. past its expected lifespan. All come true. The estimated City rinks moved to glycol in cost is $800,000, so there‟s First the history. In a land swap in the 1950s between the 1980s and beyond. a way to go. “At the spring meeting, the City and the University of Why not simply replace the At the spring meeting, there there will be a motion Toronto, the Aura Lee play- rink with a new glycol system will be a motion proposed to ground (which used to be in and be done with it? There importune all the players to proposed to importune the park area just north of are too many interests in- get moving on this forthwith. all the players to get Avenue and Davenport) was volved in the Robert Street Torches and pitchforks will exchanged for the Robert rink (and the playing field be provided for the parade to moving on this forth- Street playing field. At that itself) to get them all on the City Hall, Simcoe Hall, and with. Torches and time, the University of To- same page: the University of UTS! ronto Schools was a part of Toronto, the U. of T. Faculty pitchforks will be pro- Rory ‘Gus’ Sinclair the Fac- of Physical Education, Univer- vided for the parade to ulty of Education (the rela- sity of Toronto Schools, the The Chair Guy tionship became more sepa- City of Toronto in the form of City Hall, Simcoe rate in time), and the use of Parks and Recreation, and Hall and UTS! ” the field was to be shared Council itself, The Harbord among the Faculty of Physi- Village Residents‟ Associa- cal Education, UTS, and the tion, and The Huron Sussex community. Residents‟ Association. The rink was installed in the Some Section 37 monies 1970s, and there was an were donated by David Green agreement that the city to HVRA (at our suggestion, More Graff work would maintain the rink while owing to the fact his new the university would share its building on Spadina will be in use with the community. The Harbord Village) to help re- cooling system was based on build the rink. HVRA now has

The Graff report

(Continued from page 2) enough, so if any Harbord Village residents can donate „graffiti artists‟ are reluctant to paint or supplies it would be tag murals, preferring blank appreciated. Resi- canvases for their work. dents Association has do- nated a power washer and we Come out and help clean up are hoping the Toronto District Croft Street School Board will send their On Saturday May 13 at 9:00 clean-up team with their sand am, HVRA will be supporting blaster. We definitely need 14 Division‟s PC Scott Mills your help! and Central Technical HVRA, along with Central School‟s VP Karin Fuessel to Technical School, is also plan- organize a graffiti removal ning another graffiti eradica- blitz on the remaining portion tion day this fall, focusing on of Croft Street from Van- Harbord Street. Stay tuned! Koughnet to Harbord Street. PC Mills has some paint, roll- David Booz for the ers and brushes, but not HVRA Graffiti Committee HVRA Newsletter Spring 2006 Page 4 of 8

Harbord Village Heritage Conservation District going great guns

Residents of Phase 1 are re- cation to build a third-floor ex- minded to check with the Heri- tension. tage Conservation Committee before making changes to the For more information: façades of their houses (inclu- Julian Kitchen, Convener ding windows, doors, porches). 72 Willcocks Street Recently, the owners of 82 Will- [email protected] cocks consulted with us regard- Steve Forchon ing changes to the side of their 48 Brunswick St. laneway property (visible from forchon@ the street). We responded very quickly to their request and wrote letters to the Committee Sue Dexter of Adjustment and Preservation 97 Willcocks St. Services supporting their appli- [email protected]

“… hundreds of copies Heritage Conservation Districts rule! have been sold to Our Harbord Village Heritage The directory has also put Gardens at the foot of Bruns- Conservation District Directory craftspeople in touch with wick Avenue and its naming architects, craftspeople for Conservers and Restorers of homeowners who desperately (possibly in honour of Doctors‟ and owners of heritage Heritage Properties was distrib- need their services so that no Hospital, which once featured uted to all Harbord Village HCD one can complain that the re- so prominently in our neigh- properties in various property owners when it was sources needed to conserve bourhood). Meanwhile, a cam- parts of Toronto and released last spring. Since and restore heritage properties paign has been launched to then, hundreds of copies have are not available any more – create a parkette at the foot of (one copy even been sold to architects, crafts- they are. They are not always Major Street, which might be people, and owners of heritage easy to find, but they do exist, named in honour of actor Wal- went to Australia).” properties in various parts of some in abundance, and many ter Huston, father of actor- Toronto and Ontario (one copy are listed in HVRA‟s directory. director John Huston, grandfa- even went to Australia). ther of actress Anjelica Huston. The second edition of our direc- Walter Huston was born at 11 In many of these places, the tory (to be released on May 16, Major Street on April 6, 1884; directory has inspired heritage at HVRA‟s spring meeting) has his birth must have been one of conservation campaigns that been considerably expanded, the first in our neighbourhood. might never have been started. with the inclusion of more names of craftspeople and Putting a Face on Harbord Vil- suppliers in most sections,. lage: Ongoing Appeal for Stories There‟s a new section on the and Photographs “… the directory has preservation of decayed wood with resins (based on informa- Historic research at the City inspired heritage tion provided by Maria Perin) Archives tells us the names of and a greatly expanded section the previous owners of our houses, their jobs and the taxes conservation campaigns on gardens. they paid, otherwise very little. that might never have The directory‟s garden section We continue to appeal for pho- been started.” was compiled with the help of tographs and stories of the landscape historian Pleasance people who lived before us in Crawford and Toronto Muse- Harbord Village. If anyone has a ums horticulturalist Wendy photograph to lend or a story to Woodworth (who gardens at tell, contact Spadina House, Colbourne Richard Longley, Heritage Con- Lodge, and Mackenzie House). servation District Committee Otherwise, we look forward to the replanting of the parkette 416.961.2766 or by the City and Kensington [email protected]. Page 5 of 8 Spring 2006 HVRA Newsletter

After the fire – It’s a question of insurance After the devastating fire on ment coverage in your insur- contractor of your choice, but Robert Street last summer, ance policy. insurance companies will pay residents were left with a lot of only up to the amount, less questions about insurance cov- Replacement coverage is stan- deductible, of their own contrac- dard on buildings, but not nec- erage. The HVRA Board invited tor‟s estimates. Don Stewart and John Wood- essarily on contents. Replace- burn from the Insurance Bureau ment coverage replaces old Insurance companies will back of to address the AGM items that were destroyed with the work of their preferred con- in the fall. Here are a few of the new items. tractors and ensure the repair is done right. key points they made about Adjusters house insurance and making a Your increased costs owing to claim: Adjusters work for the insur- having to live off the premises ance company and will pay while repairs are done are cov- Coverage what you‟re entitled to under ered. These could include the your policy and no more. Comprehensive coverage is cost of hotel rooms and in- “Public adjusters are becoming the most popular, as Adjusters have their own per- creased for transportation to it does exactly that: covers all spectives about your claim – and from work or appointments. independent adjusters risks to your house and con- you‟re entitled to speak to a The main thing to remember is tents. senior manager of the insur- that the increased costs must you hire and pay for – ance company if you‟re not be reasonable and in accor- There can be exclusions to your dance with your normal life- this can cause an coverage, for example, most happy with the decisions of the style. damage caused by mould adjuster. adversarial situation (unless part of a covered water Public adjusters are independ- The Insurance Bureau of Can- with your insurance damage claim) or vermin. ent adjusters you hire and pay ada has a wide selection of very for – this can cause an adver- good consumer brochures company, so proceed Tenants in your house must (clear language!) on insurance have their own insurance for sarial situation with your insur- with caution!” ance company, so proceed with coverage on their website at their contents. caution! Click on Publica- The biggest issue victims face is tions and follow the link. inadequate insurance coverage Repairs and Living Expenses - Sandra DeAthe – make sure you have replace- You have the right to use the

Rebuilding the Robert Street houses begins

Photo: Richard Gilbert HVRA Newsletter Spring 2006 Page 6 of 8

College Street update Six Sakura trees

The focus continues to be crea- patiently carried their litter Japan is donating 400 Sakura tion of a “Pedestrian Clear- elsewhere while we worked on (Cherry Blossom) trees to To- way”. The Clearway provides a good solution. ronto. HVRA requested some clear, unobstructed walking and we are to receive six of “This concept (already space from the building face to New Trees for Spring. Peter these beautiful trees. They are edge of the tree pits, with all Simon of Urban Forestry is on to be planted on the east side seen in Quebec, Halifax, „street furnishings‟ located be- the case, and failed trees will of Bathurst, just south of Len- and throughout Europe tween the trees. The concept is be replaced with healthy new nox along a particularly barren catching on! It improves access specimens. stretch of the road. and the US) has the and mobility for all, supports potential to create addit- Toronto‟s Clean and Beautiful Patio Pilot? Councilor Martin They will bring much joy, espe- ional patio space on our City Initiative, and encourages Silva is a big fan of the Curb- cially during spring blossom more „feet on the street‟. side Patio concept and will be season, to local residents and wonderful wide side- working with businesses to the tens of thousands of transit walks, while keeping the The Eucans are coming! gain their support for a pi- users and car drivers passing Pedestrian Clearway Agreement has been reached lot. This concept (already seen by each day. and locations marked for in- in Quebec, Halifax and We expect delivery of the six clear and improving stallation of „old style‟ stain- throughout Europe and the Sakura trees on May 11. Cen- storefront access for all less steel EUCAN bins. Mega- US) has the potential to create tral Tech teacher Paul Gorcey businesses.” bins are NOT on the list. additional patio space on our has already recruited students Thanks to all those who have wonderful wide sidewalks, from the school‟s Environment while keeping the Pedestrian Club to plant the trees. Clearway clear and improving storefront access for all busi- Please join us in extending a big nesses. Take a look at the thank you to the Japanese Con- Florida example on the left for sulate for this generous gift, the a bit of inspiration. city‟s Clean and Beautiful office for its coordination, and Paul Pedestrian Clearway goes city- Gorcey and his students for wide? City staff like the Pedes- their enthusiasm. May this now trian Clearway concept and grim intersection be forever have indicated they will be us- enriched by their contributions. ing it as the basis for the new Integrated Street Furnishings - Tim Grant, Chair, Environment initiative. And College had it Committee first! Here‟s to the start of a great summer on our section of Col- lege, between Spadina and Bathurst Check it out, and let us know what you think. - Gord Brown for the College St. Committee

College Street, and a Florida example of a curbside patio. Bathust St. where the trees will be planted. (See next page for Sakura trees in full bloom.) Photos: Gord Brown Page 7 of 8 Spring 2006 HVRA Newsletter

HVRA’s Neighbourhood Awards

To recognize those among us property owner is particularly projects nor the heritage resto- who've improved our commu- deserving of one of the awards. ration projects need be nomi- nity, the Association is once Include their address, the name nated in the year in which they again inviting nominations be- of the award, your name, mail- are completed. fore the September 15th dead- ing address, phone number, In addition, we are now seeking line for the following four spe- and email address. three volunteers to judge the “Don’t be shy: submit cial awards: 2) Submit a maximum of three nominations for each award. * Best Front Yard Garden photos illustrating the front yard Please contact Gus Sinclair if your award nomina- * Best Heritage Restoration of a garden or the front of the re- you are willing to serve as one tions this week! Then Home stored home or commercial of this year's judges. And don‟t th * Best Heritage Restoration of a building that you are nominat- hesitate to send us your sug- mark October 17 on Commercial Building ing. If nominating a Neighbour- gestions for additional awards your calendar. That’s * Neighbourhood Builder hood Builder, try to include a that HVRA should consider of- Award. This award will recognize head and shoulders picture of fering in the coming years. the night of HVRA’s residents who have made a that person. substantial contribution to the Don‟t be shy: submit your award annual general meeting, 3) Submit the above items no nominations this week! Then betterment of our community. later than the deadline of Sep- mark October 17th on your cal- at which this year’s To nominate someone for any tember 15th, either by email to endar. That‟s the night of awards will be one of these awards, here is [email protected] or as a HVRA‟s annual general meeting, what you need to do: hard copy to Gus Sinclair, 133 at which this year‟s awards will presented.” Major Street, (416) 543-2785. be presented. Using no more than one page, explain why someone or some Neither the front yard garden - Tim Grant

Want to help make a difference? HVRA relies on the board and Rory Sinclair, 416.966.1523. member volunteers to get Committee of Adjust- things done -- including the ment/Bylaw Compliance: many things you're reading Maria Perin, 416.922.6652 about here. Priorities for the year are set based on member Communications, Newsletter: Sakura trees at Hamilton’s and Area Rep input at the An- Jane Auster, 416.534.9888; nual General Meeting -- but the Richard Gilbert, Royal Botanical Gardens actual work is done by our hard- 416.923.8839. working committees. Membership: How about investing a few Maria Perin, 416.922.6652. hours in making our neighbour- Fall Fair: hood a better place? Rory Sinclair, 416.966.1523. Please give the committee con- Awards, Community Recogni- tact a call, and let's have some tion: Rory Sinclair, fun building a better 'hood. 416.966.1523. Environment Day, Cleanups, Heritage Conservation: Trees: Tim Grant, Richard Longley, 416.960.1244 416.961.2766; Sue Dexter, 416.964.9527; Julian Kitchen Graffitti Removal/ 416.935.0757. Transformation: Jane Auster, 416.534.9888; Liaison with BIAs/Conflict David Booz, 416.806.2669; Resolution: Michael Heydon, Rory Sinclair, 416.966.1523. 416.963.9600. College Street Revitalization Neighbourhood Planning: (winding down): Susan Pfeiffer, Gord Brown, 416.924.6445; 416.964.8822. Richard Gilbert, 416.923.8839; Robert Stam- Traffic (Streetscape, Speed bula, 416.922.4453; Michael bumps, Pinchpoints): Heydon, 416.963.9600. HVRA Newsletter Spring 2006 Page 8 of 8

Membership stuff

HVRA Board 2005-2006 Membership soars to over 350! Wow! From 30 stalwart souls at the HVRA launch just four years ago to over 350 names on our roster today. Chair Gus Sinclair 966-1523 [email protected] This is truly a neighbourhood that cares -- and is willing Treas. Gordon Brown 924-6445 [email protected] to roll up its sleeves to make things better! Please take a bow. Sec. Sandra DeAthe 929-3621 [email protected] Already a Member? Thanks. In particular, sincere Area Reps thanks to all of you who have honoured us with your Supporting and Fanatic memberships, which have sup- NW Jane Auster 534-9888 [email protected] ported many of the new initiatives we've undertaken. NW David Booz 538-8109 [email protected] NE Stuart Schoenfeld [email protected] Haven't had a chance to renew for 2006? Now's the time. Simply fill out the renewal slip on our back page NE Margaret Beare 926-8984 [email protected] and post it with your cheque. To make it simple, how SW Michael Heydon 963-9600 [email protected] about a two-year membership? SW Susan Pfeiffer 964-8822 [email protected] Not yet a member? Now's the time! Meet your SC Richard Gilbert 923-8839 [email protected] neighbours, have some fun and perhaps devote a few SC Richard Longley 961-2766 [email protected] hours to something you want to improve. No time to SE Tim Grant 960-1244 [email protected] spare? We understand. But by simply joining, you'll add your name to the ever-growing roster and help make SE Maria Perin 922-6652 [email protected] HVRA's voice even better heard at City Hall.

UofT Sue Dexter 964-9527 [email protected] Ideas for how to grow our membership, and strengthen connections? Please contact Maria Perin at 416.922.6652. This issue of the HVRA Newsletter has been edited by Jane Auster. Layout: Richard Gilbert.

HVRA Membership & Renewal Form Thanks to everyone who has renewed for 2006. Not a member yet? Know someone who should be a member? Please join -- to help us continue building a great neighbourhood!

2006 HVRA Membership Please mail to: Harbord Village Residents' Association P.O. Box 68522 360A Bloor Street West Toronto, M5S 1X1

Please check one: Voting Member (individual or family): $5 2 years $10 Supporting Member (to support HVRA activities): $20 2 years $40 Fanatical Member (to really support HVRA activities!): $50 2 years $100

Please make your cheque payable to the Harbord Village Residents' Association and include: Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Address………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………… Telephone ……………………………………………………Email…………………………..…………………..……………………….. Areas of interest or concern…………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………