6th to 9th September 2017 RIALP

For Competition Mario Calado information see website http://www.festivalrialp.cat of RIALP MUSICAL ASSOCIACIÓ.



RIALP MUSICAL ASSOCIATION has been carrying out different activities in the field of classical music since its date of creation. In particular, the following projects have been accomplished:

- In 2012, a project for the promotion and dissemination of musical interpretation for period pianos and concerts of . The project was carried out with the collaboration of the Romantic piano soloist and specialist of renewed international fame, Gian Maria Bonino, with the celebration of two concerts in the programme of the Vila de Rialp Music Festival: in collaboration with the Chamber Orchestra of the Olympic Theatre of Vicenza, on the harpsichord he performed works by Antonio Vivaldi and S.S. Bach; the other concert, as a soloist performing the “Goldberg Variations” by J.S. Bach on the harpsichord.

- In 2013 the following activities were carried out: 19th century pianoforte exhibition during the months of July and August. Pianoforte Concert performed by Gian Maria Bonino including works by Frederic Chopin and Robert Shumann. In the hands of performers Irene Viglietti and Fabio Volpi, seven four-hand piano concerts were held in the exhibition with the following program: Felix Mendelssohn, Frederic Chopin and Robert Shumann. - In 2014, the FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONTEST OF EARLY ROMANTIC PIANO “MARIO CALADO” was planned, scheduled and held.



The Romantic Piano Competition is dedicated to the Spanish composer and pianist of the same name (1863-1926) who earned a place in the Conservatory of Music in Paris (1879) where he met with such great Spanish composers Enrique Granados. 1st. Mario Calado Romantic Piano Competition was held from 8 to 12 September 2014.

The holding of the competition meant a novelty in the world music scene with vintage pianos since it is the first time held an event of this nature should be added and stressed that the interpretation of musical programs planned for the competition takes out pianofortes property of Joseph Sabarich, ERARD 1890 Pleyel in 1843 and three more donated by Professor Gian Maria Bonino, Broadwood 1845 Boisselot 1849.

The competition has achieved a remarkable success and a significant impact on the national press in which he helped presenting it to the hall of the Institute of Lleida, Lleida Provincial Council. The participation of contestants was very good given the artistic level of the contestants admitted curricula, whose origin from countries like Switzerland, Italy, Russia and Spain has facilitated the international impact of 1E Romantic Piano Competition Mario Calado.

Rialp Music Association is very pleased this project despite the short time that had to be their preparation which involved the participation of contestants were lower, however, quality, reliability and professionalism of all participants , jury and organization as well as the results pushed preparing the second edition of this competition.



RIALP MUSICAL is an Association sited in the municipality of Rialp in the district of El Pallars Sobirà (Lleida). It currently organizes the historical First International Contest of Early Romantic Piano for young players.


The contest is open to pianists of any nationality with the aim of promoting musical culture and education and to bring young people closer to the performance of historical instruments. Divulgation is the main tool in the line of action of the Association.


Art. 2

The competition will take place in Rialp, in the backdrop of the Parish Church, from the 6 to 9 September 2017.

1. All sessions will be open to the public.

Art. 3

The International Contest “Mario Calado” is open to pianists of all nationalities up to 40 years of age, reached before 31 December 2017.

Art. 4

The registry period is open from the date of call up until 31 August 2017 included. The applications can be entered by certified mail, personally or by e-mail to: SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONTEST OF EARLY ROMANTIC PIANO “MARIO CALADO” Plaça del Tornall, 1 25594 Rialp (España) e-mail: [email protected]

Art. 5

The registry fee for the competition, as a contribution for the organization of the event, is set in 80€. Travelling expenses and accommodation are all in the charge of contestants. The payment of the full fee for the contest, with payment charges not included, will be made by bank transfer to the following account: Titular: Rialp Musical Avda. Flora Cadena, 11 25594 Rialp IBAN: ES19 2100 3977 7202 0001 8564 BIC: CAIXESBBXXX

The contestants will attach the following information to the application:  Curriculum Vitae specifying the academic and artistic degrees, as well as the official or private documents that may be considered of interest (international awards, reviews, recordings...)

 Birth certificate or official document with the birth date and nationality of the participant.

 Three passport sized photographs and one postal sized photo (9x11cm)

 Complete address, telephone number and email address, as well as a permanent contact address.

 Photocopy of the payment receipt of the 80€ registry fee with the name and surname/s of the participant.

The documents submitted by the contestant to be registered will be of a reserved nature and will be used with the maximum discretion. In no case will the fee be refunded nor will the documents submitted be returned. Falseness in any of the documents, personal details or information will imply the annulment of the registry and of the right to participate.


Art. 6 6.1 Qualifying Round

Lasting for maximum 30 minutes, free Romantic programme including musical works SHUBERT-MENDELSSOHN-CHOPIN-SCHUMANN-LISZT, at least, one or more of the études of the following authors:  Chopin

 Liszt  Moscheles Etudes op.111 , Op.105

 Thalberg

 HenseIt

 Mendelssohn

 Schumann-Paganini

6.2 Semifinal

Free programme of 30 minutes. The inclusion of a work by these authors is highly recommended: 1. J. Brahms 5. E. Granados

2. Camille Saint Saens 6. Cesar Franck

3. Emmanuel Chabrier 7. Isaac Albéniz

4. Gabriel Faure

6.3 Final

With a maximum duration of 45 minutes, the free election programme has to include a great Romantic work by Chopin, Schumann, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Enric Granados, Albéniz or Cesar Franck.

Art. 7

Performing the repertoire from memory is not compulsory. All the pieces have to be in original and must be published. Contestants will have to present to the jury the text of all the pieces. 7.1 Trials may be carried out two days before the pianos


The winner will be the contestant who, in the framework of the first prizes, obtains the highest punctuation (not inferior to 98/100). Finalists will be awarded the following prizes according to the following percentages:

 Absolute winner (punctuation 100%) Prize of 5000€ and taking part in Festival Rialp Musical 2017.

Historic piano recital given by the Academy Bartolomeo Cristofori of , season 2018/19  1st Prize (average of no less than 95%) Diploma and 2000€ plus 1 concert

 2nd Prize (average of no less than 90%) Diploma and 1000€ plus 1 concert

SPECIAL PRIZES  Rialp Musical “MARIO CALADO” Prize 1500€ and taking part in Performing the work of Enric Granados Festival Rialp Musical 2017

 Finalist Most voted by the public 500€

Art. 9 Contestant will be given the prizes during the final night which will take place on 9 September 2017 at 19:00h, in the Council Chamber in the Town Council of Rialp. Prizes must be collected by the interested party. Otherwise, all right upon the prize will be lost. The jury can declare any of the prizes null and void.

Art. 10 The winners will carry out a no-charge performance in the final concert that will take place at the end of the night the prizes will be given. The pieces performed by the competitors will be chosen, in agreement with the jury and artistic direction, among the pieces presented to the contest. The refusal to participate in the final concert will signify the cancellation of the awarded prize. 1. All sessions will be open to the public

2. Members of Rialp Musical Association will have free admission to all sessions

3. Non members will refund 5 € for admission in each of the sessions

ORGANISING COMMITTEE President of Diputació de Lleida, (President of Honour of the Second International Contest of Early Romantic Piano “Mario Calado”) Josep Sabarich (President of the International Contest of Early Romantic Piano “Mario Calado” and President of Rialp Musical Association) Francesc Virós (Vice-president) Miquel Serra (Deputy to Presidency and Planning) Selva Bergadà (Secretary) Enric Bergadà (Treasurer) Pili Rodríguez (Spokesperson) Gian Maria Bonino (Artistic Direction) Pere Cases (Public Voting Coordinator)

JURY Stefano Fiuzzi, Italy (President) Bart Van Oort, Holand Enrique Bagaria, Spain

Art. 11 11.1 The president of the jury will be the spokesperson. A secretary will be chosen among the members of the jury who will be in charge of recording the minutes of the jury’s deliberations once each of the finals. The jury is composed of professors with renowned prestige in the world of music. The decisions of the jury are irrevocable and definitive. Correspondingly, the jury may express their opinion in regards to pieces only at the end of each performance. The verdict must be given at the end of each performance. The jury will communicate their vote in tenths. The final result will be the resulting arithmetic average of the votes. The jury reserves the right, with due reason, of not awarding one or more prizes or awarding no prize at all of the special prizes provided by public and/or private entities. In the case of an ex-aequo, the tribunal can divide it in equal parts.

11.2 It is the task of the artistic director to act as a spokesperson and to be the connection between the jury and the organization.

Art. 12 The members of the jury must refrain from voting in the case of having some educational relation and/or connection to any participant during the five years previous to the concert, for which reason, each member of the jury, before each evaluation, will make a declaration about their personal situation towards the competitors. In the case of participation from the part of students or pupils of one or more members of the jury, the latter will have to abandon the part during the performance and will have no right to vote.

Art. 13 For concerts held in the municipality of Rialp with awarded as prizes to the winners, the accommodation and travelling expenses will be paid; for concerts organized in other festivals or series of concerts, the refund will be established with the organization of each concert.

Art. 14 Rialp Musical will hold no responsibility for delays in the arrivals or withdrawals of contestants.

Art. 15 Applications will not be accepted if incomplete or past the deadline.

Art. 16 The schedule for the performances in each category, with its corresponding dates, will be established once the application deadline for contestants is over and no later than 31 August 2016. The calendar will be published on the Rialp Musical website and then it will be available at the Secretary of the festival. It is the responsibility of participants to learn about their participation in the corresponding notice with sufficient time. The Organising Committee holds no responsibility in case of no compliance on the part of the participant.

Art. 17 Competitors must be present in the auditions at the moment of its start and their performance will follow the established schedule in the corresponding public lists. If any competitor in the moment of his/her performance is absent, he/she will automatically be excluded from the contest.

Art. 18 The secretary of the jury will record the minutes of the jury’s deliberations. All voting will be made public. The results will be communicated and presented at the end of the auditions for each category. Auditions will be performed in different large historical pianos:

 J.Pleyel 1843 (Property Josep Sabarich)

• S.Erard 1890 (Mario Calado-Property Josep Sabarich)

• Tomaschek 1844 (Vienna)

For competitors, there will be several pianos available, grand pianos and upright pianos, for the performances and for the warming-up before the performances. Booking for the use of pianos will be fulfilled by entering the contestant’s name on the Excel spreadsheet published every day in the morning at the entrance of each rehearsal.

Art. 19 It is strictly forbidden taking cameras or recording devices in corridors as well as during the competition performances without prior permission to the Committee. All recordings (audio and video), on television or radio for broadcasting of any category and final concert prize or any later concert, will give no remuneration. Such audiovisual recordings, whatever the type, will be exclusive property of Rialp Musical, who will be able to use them for any event regarding the same topic. Accepting these regulations allows for the recording of the selections and the final concert.

Art. 20 By virtue of the current legislation about personal data protection, Rialp Musical informs that the data provided for the registration of the competition or contest will be saved and used to send communications in relation to the afore mentioned competition and that the interested party has the right to know, update, eliminate and modify the personal data or oppose this use.

Art. 21 The organisation will not be held responsible for damages onto people or objects during the course of the competition. Any law suit to be solved due to any event of the organisation or in relation to the organization will be settled by the jurisdiction of the court in the city of Tremp. The holding of the competition is held whenever there is a minimum of five contestants.

Art. 22 Participation in the contest implies the unconditional acceptation of the present regulations and rules, and of any changes by the Organising Committee. Nevertheless, the present Rules do not establish the jurisdiction of the Organising committee, who was in charge of interpreting the rules.

******************************************************************** JURY


STEFANO FIUZZI Stefano Fiuzzi, born in Florence, graduated in Humanities and Musical Studies in his hometown University (Department of Literature and Philosophy) and at the Music Conservatory “Luigi Cherubini”, where today he is Principal Professor of Piano. Since the early 1970s, he had held solo recitals and has also played with orchestras and chamber ensembles to great critical acclaim. For many years now, he has been regularly touring the USA. He has had many musical partners, including the austrian pianist Jörg Demus, with whom he has played as a duo in concerts and on radio recordings in Germany, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland; the Chicago String Trio with whom he has performed the repertory for piano quartet; pianists Alan Curtis, Riccardo Risaliti, Daniele Lombardi and Christoph Hammer; violinists Bettina Mussumeli and Pavel Berman. He is regularly invited to partecipate in juries of the most prestigious Italian and international piano competitions, including the Mozart Prize in Salzburg, the Saragozza International Prize and the Clementi Prize in Florence. He has held master-classes in many italian and international cities, including Salzburg and Florence. He is the founder and Artistic Director of the Accademia Bartolomeo Cristofori, Amici del in Florence.Stefano Fiuzzi is teaching Fortepiano and Historical Performance Practice at the Accademia Pianistica Internazionale of Imola.


Bart van Oort studied piano and fortepiano at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague. In 1986 he won first prize and public award at the Fortepiano International Competition in , Belgium, and later studied with Malcolm Bilson at Cornell University (USA), receiving a Doctorate in Musical Arts in Practice Historical Performance in 1993 Has lectured and lectured and acted around the world, most recently in New York (Juilliard), Lincoln, Ann Arbor, Wellington, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Stavanger, Bergen, Oslo, Salzburg, Rome, Brno, Kiev, Hong Kong, Dreux, Alessandria, , , Greensboro, Lewisburg, Sydney, Hannover, Perugia, Paris. Bart van Oort teaches fortepiano and is professor of Practice Historical performance at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague.

Since 1997 Van Oort has made more than fifty recordings of chamber music and solo repertoire, including the box of 4 CD award winning establish the art of the Nocturne in the nineteenth century, Haydn's complete piano trios (10 CDs) with his Set of the van Swieten Society, with Malcolm Bilson and five fortepianist the piano sonatas of Beethoven and, with four other fortepianist, The Complete piano sonatas of Haydn. In 2006 Bart van Oort completed a ten-year recording project, the 14-CD, complete works for solo piano and four- handed piano by Mozart. With The Van Swieten Society several CDs were recorded around Beethoven; Carl Maria Von Weber; Mendelssohn and Schubert. Since 2014 cds have appeared with Mozart Piano Concertos K466 and 467; JC Bach Sonatas Opus 5 and Opus 17; Beethoven Symphonies 3 and 5 in the chamber music arrangements of Hummel and Ries; Hummel chamber music works with the flute and cello. To appear early 2016: 19th Century French Nocturnals, on the Spanish label Cantus. CD recordings in 2017: Ferdinand Ries and Contemporain (with the Van Swieten Society); Songs of Schubert (with the soprano Francine van der Heijden); Russian Nocturne (The Art of Nocturne in the 19th Century Vol 6); Ferdinand Ries Sonatas for violin (with violinist Igor Ruhadze); Dussek Sona


José Enrique Bagaria (Barcelona, 1978) performs piano studies at the Conservatory of Municipal Music in Barcelona and later at the Reina Sofía Higher School of Music, under the direction of Dimitri Bashkirov, Claudio Martínez Mehner and Galina Eguiazarova. He expanded studies with Vadim Suchanow the Richard Strauss Conservatory of Munich (Germany). At the age of 12, he won the first prize in the Cincinnati (USA) World Contest. Since then, she has received numerous awards, including the first prize in the Frechilla- Zuloaga competitions, Infanta Cristina, Chopin Prize at the Vianna da Motta contest in Lisbon (2004), Rosa Sabater Prize at the Jaén International Competition, Young Performers Contest And First Prize of the contest Maria Canals. He is a regular performer at important national and international festivals such as the Fundación Scherzo Cycle, or the Santander and Granada festivals. He also performs in the Young Talent Cycle in Paris and the Munich Winners & Masters Festival. In addition, it has offered recitals in important halls of Spain, Bulgaria, New York, Milan, Rome, Bogotá, Tunis, Shanghai and St. Petersburg. As a soloist José Enrique has offered concerts with the Symphony of Galicia, Valencia, Castilla y León, Vallès, Bogotá, OBC and the Salzburger Kammerphilarmonie. He forms a stable duo with violinists Alejandro Bustamante and José Colomé and collaborates with Quiroga Quartets, Alart Quartet and cellist Pau Codina. His most recent discography includes Jordi Cervelló's piano work, the Carnival disc (The Blue Lighthouse), an album with the Italian basoonist Stefano Canuti (Velut Luna) and another alongside Alejandro Bustamante (Colum Música) For the JME collection. He has also made several live recordings by RNE and Catalunya Música.
