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July 14 Pa.'s one-finger solution LET'S TALK about Gov. Corbett's semiballsy declaration of war on the Legislature. First, though, let's acknowledge that picture of the guv giving a one-finger salute to the Legislature after signing a budget that cuts some of its funding. The photo, which I'm calling "Fund You," is an instant classic, certain to... -

IN REBUTTAL Republicans can take pride in their accomplishments for By Rob Gleason On July 3, an editorial published in the Post-Gazette was critical of Republican accomplishments while criticizing the ongoing budget and pension negotiations (“Un-done: Their Shaky Budget Could Hurt Corbett and the GOP” ). As noted in the editorial, House Majority Leader Mike Turzai has made a... - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

July 13 Harrisburg borrows a page from Washington - for the worse Harrisburg is finally getting ambitious. Legislators took a look at Washington and realized they could do better. And by better, I mean so much worse. Summer is usually sleepy in our state capital, but this season fireworks keep igniting, though not in a good way. Gov. Corbett approved the state... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Here's why the line-item veto is Gov. Corbett's last stand: Terry Madonna and Michael L. Young By Terry Madonna and Michael L. Young It's a trite but true political aphorism: "where you stand depends on where you sit," meaning we tend to see things differently depending on what perspective we see them from. If you're a Pennsylvania Republican, no matter where you "sit," it's hard... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Corbett still pressing for pension reform PITTSBURGH — Gov. said Friday that he's still hopeful the Pennsylvania Legislature will take up pension reform, but won't say if he plans to call a special session on the issue.... - AP

Corbett's hard stand on Pa. budget stirs anger In his first post-primary television ad, a stern Gov. Corbett tells would-be supporters that he "did not come to Harrisburg to make friends." On Thursday, he boldfaced that point. After pushing the 10-day deadline to take action on the legislature-approved state budget to the bitter end, Corbett came out... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Corbett veto exposes GOP divisions in Harrisburg HARRISBURG, Pa. — The relationship between Gov. Tom Corbett and his fellow Republicans in the Legislature took a turn toward the dysfunctional this week as they traded insults about leadership following his decision to veto millions from the General Assembly's budget... - AP

July 11 Keller: Corbett "childish" in blaming pols for lack of pension fix HARRISBURG — While the Legislature has been unable to shift away from the defined-benefit pension style that is creating a crippling unfunded liability, small rural governments have quietly been adopting

pension plans that don’t carry the same risks. A new study by the Center for Rural Pennsylvania found that 4 in 10 rural... - Sunbury Daily Item

Corbett signs budget, takes on lawmakers, pensions HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - Gov. Tom Corbett signed the state budget 10 days late on Thursday and used his line-item veto power to spotlight what he called the Legislature's failure to sacrifice with the rest of government or to curb rising public-sector pension costs that are fueling school tax... - AP

Budget process becomes a family feud (Editorial) The Republican family feud in Harrisburg sure is getting interesting. It's so tense, this week the unofficial father of that GOP family — Gov. Tom Corbett — cut off part of the kids' allowance in the General Assembly. And rightly so, because they've been acting like greedy brats.... - Chambersburg Public Opinion

Legislators aren't rushing back to Harrisburg despite Corbett's request There are at least a couple concepts on which Republican leaders of the state House and Senate can agree: They're not fans of Gov. Tom Corbett's response to this year's budget, and they're not rushing back to Harrisburg to please him. Corbett is a Republican and so are the majorities in both chambers. But the... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Pension pressure State legislators characteristically have skipped town without dealing with the state government’s most pressing financial problem. Thursday, in response to the Legislature’s refusal to reform pension plans, Gov. Tom Corbett vetoed about $65 million in General Assembly... - Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice

Somerset County line items remain the same It appears Somerset County will receive the same amount of funding from the state budget as in previous years. Somerset County Commissioner Pamela Tokar-Ickes said the state association has been keeping tabs on the budget process. Subscription Required - Somerset Daily

Budget Puts Republican Corbett At Odds With GOP Lawmakers HARRISBURG, Pa. (CBS) – Governor Corbett’s decision to trim legislative funding from the new state budget is shining a light on the rift between the Republican governor and the legislative leaders of his own party who control the House and Senate. Still agitating for action on public pension reform, Governor Corbett... - KYW News Radio 1060

Wielding his veto pen, an angry Corbett finds his mojo - will it be enough?: John L. Micek Tom Corbett was angry. Even reading from what was pretty clearly a prepared script, he was no- foolin', stern Dad, prosecutor-unwilling-to-make-a-deal angry. "We made tough decisions so that funding could continue for the critical services and programs for the people of Pennsylvania," Corbett harrumphed... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

July 10 Corbett signs state budget, vetoes legislative funding Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett has signed the state spending plan, but he announced that he will enforce his line-item veto power to slash spending in the Legislature’s operating fund... - AP

Veto, special session studied by Corbett to push Pa. pension reform HARRISBURG — Republican Gov. Tom Corbett is strongly considering using his veto power on Thursday to strike funding for the Legislature and calling a special session on pension reform, sources close to the governor say. The legislature's operating budget would be $280 million in the 2014-15... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Corbett signs $29 billion budget, slams lawmakers over pension inaction HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett this morning said he has signed the state's 2014-15 budget, but also accused lawmakers of doing too little to repair the state's finances. Corbett said he was using his

line-item veto authority to eliminate $65 million in General Assembly spending, and $7.2 million in legislative... - Allentown Morning Call

Pa.'s missed opportunity By Dan White The new fiscal year has arrived, and Pennsylvanians are still without a budget. The legislature has passed a spending plan, but it ignores significant problems and will likely need to be revisited as soon as revenues begin to come in below expectations. Consider it the budget of... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Gov. Corbett makes Pa. budget announcement: Live coverage Gov. Tom Corbett will hold a press conference at 10:30 this morning, where he is expected to announce his decision over whether to sign the proposed $29.1 billion budget, or send it back to the Legislature with a veto message demanding more work. PennLive reporters Eric Veronikis and Christina Kauffman, along with... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

July 9 A look at the status of major or notable Pa. bills HARRISBURG, Pa. — A look at notable bills and where they stand as Pennsylvania lawmakers work to wrap up their spring session in Harrisburg:.. - AP

Budget based on illusions By Sharon Ward As the General Assembly takes final action on the state budget, even before the ink is dry, the spending plan for the fiscal year that started July 1 will have begun its slow collapse. Although it was structured in the hopes of avoiding new cuts to things that... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Scarnati to Corbett: Sign the budget State Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati is urging Gov. Tom Corbett to sign the state budget. The Senate leader issued a statement shortly after the chamber passed a fiscal code for the 2014-2015 budget, saying the General Assembly upheld its end of the deal by passing a budget with no taxes, as Corbett wished.... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Pa. Senate passes fiscal code bill, putting budget ball back in Corbett's court The Pennsylvania Senate gave approval Tuesday to one final piece of the 2014-15 state budget package. The Senate's 26-22 vote on the fiscal code bill setting out certain spending earmarks and placing rules on the use of other appropriations sends it to Gov. Tom Corbett's desk, and sets the stage for a final... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Budget impasse enters second week HARRISBURG — A state budget impasse entered its second week Tuesday as the Senate approved a key bill that directs how billions of tax dollars will be spent and transfers revenue from expanded gas drilling on public lands. The Senate voted 26-22 to accept the House version of the fiscal code bill... - Scranton Times

July 8 Quiet fixes to festering problems tucked into budget bills Despite intense lobbying from Gov. Tom Corbett, the Legislature failed to act last week on pension reform. Legislative leaders pledge to revisit the issue in the fall, which will make for interesting times if lawmakers are confronting the highly-controversial topic weeks before facing voters in the election.... - Meadville Tribune

Wide-ranging budget bill could end up in court HARRISBURG, Pa. — Key budget-related legislation on tap for consideration Tuesday by the Pennsylvania Senate covers topics from how oil and gas drilling should be regulated to how billions of dollars for public schools should be spent, despite complaints that it trips over... - AP

July 7 Cigs for kids is leadership? LET'S TALK about governing and leadership. And no smart-aleck remarks like, "Well, if you mean in

Philly or Harrisburg, there isn't much to talk about." Don't be a cynic. That's my job. Why, just last week, Philly folks managed to get Harrisburg to allow increasing the local cigarette tax $2 per pack to raise money for city... - Philadelphia Daily News

Down in polls, Corbett has limited options with Pa. budget, pension return HARRISBURG — Down by double digits in public opinion polls, Republican Gov. Tom Corbett has few good political choices when deciding by Friday whether to sign the state budget — except some high- risk options of taking on the Legislature, analysts say. “None of them are great options for the governor in an election... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

DN Editorial: Smoke and Mirrors AFTER THE Legislature passed a bill last week giving Philadelphia the right to impose a $2-a-pack cigarette tax to raise money for the city's schools, Gov. Corbett took a moment to congratulate himself. "We have worked for over a year, above the partisan politics, to put the... - Philadelphia Daily News

July 6 Folly of state Medicaid plan Gov. Tom Corbett and state legislators have gone home without passing a budget. But at least they have access to health care. The same can’t be said for more than 300,000 Pennsylvania residents, mostly low-income workers. They remain uninsured due to politics, even as... - Scranton Times

Inquirer Editorial: Passes for progress During another great education debate, George W. Bush blamed the "soft bigotry of low expectations" for the underachievement of many of the nation's students. Given the low expectations with which Pennsylvanians are forced to regard their government, lawmakers' vote last week to fund... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Welcome to Harrisburg, Tom Wolf A $29.1 billion state budget, taped together with more one-time fixes and raids on state funds than normal, would get the General Assembly past the November election. Approved by the Republican- controlled Senate and House, the no-tax-hike plan was sent to Gov. Tom Corbett's desk last week.... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Budget on his desk, Corbett has a lot to consider HARRISBURG, Pa. — With lawmakers' rocky spring session bleeding deeper into summer, nobody knows what Gov. Tom Corbett will do with the no-new-taxes budget plan sitting on his desk.... - AP

The winners and losers in Pa.'s budget battle As the first week of a new fiscal year came to a close Friday, Gov. Corbett still had a decision to make: whether or not to sign the $29.1 billion spending plan that doesn't include one of his top policy priorities - overhauling the state pension system. Corbett could sign or veto the plan - or do nothing and let it... - Philadelphia Inquirer

July 4 Business as usual despite no signed Pa. budget HARRISBURG — Another day has gone by without Gov. Tom Corbett signing the state budget the Legislature sent to him on Monday night, but what does that mean for the average Pennsylvanian? Not much, it turns out. Without a signed budget, state government operations continue pretty much... - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Corbett still mulling over Pa. budget HARRISBURG - A day after the climactic end to the budget marathon in the state House - with a cigarette tax for Philadelphia and a pension bill ready to be voted on - Gov. Corbett was still mum about when, or if, he will sign the budget delivered to him Monday by the legislature.... - Philadelphia Inquirer

July 3 State program that could benefit Allentown neighborhoods survives budget cuts A tax credit program that Allentown officials want to use to spread the wealth from up to $1 billion in downtown development narrowly survived state budget cuts this week, keeping hope alive for the city's neighborhoods. Lawmakers initially left the Neighborhood Partnership Program and other... - Allentown Morning Call

Budget impasse risks voter patience HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania’s state budget impasse showed few signs of easing on its third day Wednesday, a development that could try the patience of voters this fall depending upon whether it has lasting consequences. Gov. Tom Corbett said his review of the $29.1 billion budget passed Monday... - Scranton Times

The budget debate - and the weird week that was: John L. Micek And this is why they call it "Lazarus Week." Just when it looked like pension reform was dead forever and always (and that may yet happen), the Republican-controlled state House staged a minor miracle this week, as it sprung legislation favored by Gov. Tom Corbett... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Pennsylvania transportation funding increase is some pain but big gain: PennLive letters On June 24, The Patriot-News provided an overview of the road and bridge projects being constructed in central Pennsylvania. I believe some of these projects were long overdue. I want to thank Gov. Corbett and the General Assembly for the stimulus provided by the passage of Act 89 of 2013. This Act provides an eventual... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

House GOP leaders deal Corbett a blow by not taking up pension reform before summer break This post was updated at 8:53 p.m. July 2 with a comment from Rep. Glen Grell, R-Hampden Twp. It's decided. There will be no pension reform vote before the House recesses for summer. human services.jpgThe House Human Services Committee, in a hastily called meeting on Wednesday, moved a pension reform bill to the House floor where... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

July 2 At the expense of most everything else, Pennsylvania tries to make full pension payments: Pa. budget 2014 With Pennsylvania's 2014-15 budget awaiting Gov. Tom Corbett's signature, we took a look at its impact on a variety of categories. Public pensions At a glance: We are definitely climbing the pension cliff now. Pennsylvanians will be paying about $1.7 billion in tax-funded support to... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Young people with intellectual disabilities get more help: Pa. budget 2014 With Pennsylvania's 2014-15 budget awaiting Gov. Tom Corbett's signature, we took a look at its impact on a variety of categories. Health and human services At a glance: Total funding for the state Department of Public Welfare is $11.2 billion, up about 1 percent from last year, but slightly less than in... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Budget has adverse affects on human services RIDGWAY – As budget discussions continue to dominate Harrisburg this week, funding within the state spending plan seem to have adverse effects on area human services groups. Photo by Joseph Bell – From left, Nancy Baker, director of Elk County's Children and Youth Services department;... - Saint Marys Daily Press

Millions more for police, prisons, parole: Pa. budget 2014 With Pennsylvania's 2014-15 budget awaiting Gov. Tom Corbett's signature, we took a look at its impact on a variety of categories. Prisons and public safety At a glance: The cost of incarcerating Pennsylvania's 51,000 state prison inmates has officially exceeded $2 billion, the third-highest expense for... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Corbett: I've not decided to sign budget HARRISBURG - Gov. Tom Corbett said this afternoon that he has not decided whether he will sign the new $29.1 billion budget. During a news conference in the Capitol, he said that his staff is reviewing the budget and "all options are on the table" as his administration remains in a spat with the Legislature over pension reform.... - Allentown Morning Call

Corbett budget review at own speed HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett prepared Tuesday for a state budget impasse of undetermined days and gave assurances that government services would continue during the duration. Corbett decided not to sign a $29.1 billion budget bill approved by lawmakers Monday night, thereby missing a midnight budget passage deadline... - Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice

July 1 2014-15 Pa. Budget Highlights Here are some highlights of the Republican-crafted spending plan for fiscal 2014-15, which starts Tuesday. Some major spending items, such as aid to hospitals for treating the poor and uninsured, remained unclear because a major companion budget bill had not been unveiled Monday.... - Philadelphia Inquirer.

Gov. Tom Corbett refuses to sign budget without pension reform HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett swiftly announced late Monday night that he would not sign a $29.1 billion budget the Legislature had just approved. He is holding out — at least for a night and perhaps longer — because he wants lawmakers to reduce the state's and school districts'... - Allentown Morning Call

No state budget yet: Pay attention to the reasons why July 1, 2014 We are supposed to have a state budget today. We don’t. more »» - Williamsport Sun- Gazette

Startups, nonprofits relieved budget proposal nixes state tax credit freeze HARRISBURG — Under pressure from technology businesses, the Pennsylvania Senate quashed a proposal to freeze state tax credit programs in a final budget proposal. The move eased worry among Pittsburgh-area businesses and nonprofits that had braced for cuts in subsidies.... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Now that the Senate and House sent budget to him, Gov. Tom Corbett not ready to sign it Gov. Tom Corbett will not sign the $29.1 billion general fund budget that the House sent to him Monday night ahead of the midnight deadline. Corbett said in a statement that he wanted to continue working toward "meaningful pension reform." He added, "I am withholding signing the budget passed by the General... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

June 30 GOP trims spending for state budget HARRISBURG -- Senate Republicans on Sunday turned from an earlier openness on using taxes to close a state budget shortfall, sending toward the floor a trimmer spending plan than Gov. Tom Corbett proposed earlier in the year. At $29.1 billion, the state general fund would be hundreds of millions of... - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pension reform? What pension reform?: John L. Micek So it's the Sunday night before the budget deadline, and it's come to this: Gov. Tom Corbett has gone fishing for Democratic votes in Philadelphia to get a pension reform plan onto his desk before lawmakers skedaddle for the summer. During a news conference in his Capitol office on Sunday night, Corbett... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Philadelphia school funding tangled up in Pa. budget battle HARRISBURG - The down-to-the-wire battle over the 2014-15 state budget was overshadowed Sunday by a firefight that erupted over funding for the Philadelphia school district. Without enough

GOP votes for a pension-overhaul plan, Gov. Corbett and House Republican leaders gave Philadelphia Democrats a Hobson's choice:... - Philadelphia Inquirer

GOP's patchwork $29.1B budget speeds toward votes HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania state lawmakers are preparing for more votes as they try to advance an approximately $29.1 billion spending plan for the new fiscal year that's nearly here... - AP

June 29 Sunday morning budget negotiations produces near-agreement on a $29.1 billion spending plan, leaders say House and Senate leaders emerged from a two-hour negotiating session with a near agreement on a $29.1 billion general fund budget and revenue plan for 2014-15. While some details still remained to be nailed down, leaders from both chambers sounded encouraged that they will be able to get a no- tax increase... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

2014 budget deficit, ... A recurrent theme among state Republican lawmakers is to blame Washington for Pennsylvania’s fiscal woes. House Appropriations Chairman Bill Adolph, R-165, Springfield, and others attribute a sharp nosedive in state income tax revenue to a deal made between President Barack Obama and Congress to head off a federal fiscal... - Scranton Times

Progress reported in Pa. budget talks, but closure still seems days away The push for a "live-within-your-means" budget in Pennsylvania gained momentum Friday, as Republican House and Senate leaders reported progress after closed-door talks on a spending plan of slightly more than $29 billion. A Day at the CapitolEducation activists hold a sit-in outside of Governor... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

EDITORIAL: Pa. legislative leaders looking at chintzy, 'one-time' budget fix "To the brink and beyond" was once the subtitle of Pennsylvania's annual budget showdowns — deadline-bashing dramas that spilled into July and occasionally August, because of ideological and practical differences between Republicans and Democrats. With a new fiscal year starting Tuesday, the 2014-15 budget is poised to... - Easton Express-Times

Legislators scramble to beat budget deadline The June 30 state budget deadline ticked closer Friday without a clear end in sight as leaders of the Republican legislative majorities met privately to discuss ways to close a looming shortfall. “There's still a lot of work to do over the weekend," said Senate... - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Corbett could veto budget without pension changes HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett said early Sunday evening he has not ruled out a veto of the state budget or calling a special session of the Legislature if lawmakers do nothing to address pension debt costs that are eating up more and more taxpayer money. Corbett made that announcement during a rare news conference in his Capitol... - Allentown Morning Call

Corbett may be resigned to getting just a budget, without his wish list: Pennsylvania budget update As the clock for getting an on-time budget gets closer to running out of time, people around the Capitol began to suggest on Saturday that Gov. Tom Corbett has resigned himself to just getting a budget done without it having pension reform or liquor privatization in tow.... - Harrisburg Patriot- News

Budget talks continue on casual Sunday in the Capitol As evening comes to the state Capitol the halls have filled with lawmakers - and their constituents - all wondering what's ahead for the state budget. Gov. Tom Corbett may offer a clue during a press conference in his office, as protestors worried about education, guns, health care and any number of... - Allentown Morning Call

June 27

Gas industry argues against severance tax in state budget As Pennsylvania legislators debating the annual budget argue whether the state should enact a severance tax on unconventional gas wells as part of the spending plan, the state’s gas industry weighed in Thursday to again oppose the idea. During a brief telephone conference with reporters from across the state,... - Washington Observer-Reporter

Budget deficit or not, drilling industry opposes severance tax With the state facing an estimated $1.4 billion budget deficit and calls for a severance tax on natural gas drillers growing louder, industry representatives Thursday reiterated their opposition to any such tax, saying it would dissuade investment and hurt job growth.... - Beaver County Times

Inquirer Editorial: State needs real budget The Pennsylvania House's proposed $29.1 billion budget is so out of step with the state's actual needs that the document's only possible use is to serve as scratch paper for notes during the Senate debate. The House budget largely addresses the state's estimated $1.5 billion... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Our Opinion: State House passes meaningless measure NEW CASTLE — The Pennsylvania House has approved a $29.1 billion budget that includes no tax increase. The plan shifts some funds, eliminates various tax breaks and counts the privatization of state liquor stores as key ways to close a $1.7 billion hole in state finances.... -

Activists stage sit-in protest at Corbett's office HARRISBURG, Pa. — A small group of activists seeking more money for Pennsylvania's public schools staged a sit-in protest outside Gov. Tom Corbett's office... - AP

June 26 Pa. House passes its GOP-crafted state budget plan In a nearly straight 110-93 party-line vote, the state House moved a $29.1 billion state general fund budget for 2014-15 to the Senate. The plan serves as the House's opening position in the final round of budget talks with the Senate and Corbett administration that will take... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Pa. House approves budget plan and sends it to the Senate HARRISBURG - The state House on Wednesday approved a $29.1 billion spending plan for 2014-15 that will serve as the framework for final budget negotiations ahead of the Monday deadline. The GOP- crafted budget, which passed on a near-party-line vote of 110-93,... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Senators discussing mix of taxes to help close Pennsylvania's budget gap HARRISBURG — Taxes on natural gas, cigarettes, snuff and cigars, and forgoing a scheduled business tax reduction are part of the potential budget plan under discussion by Senate leaders of both parties, Minority Leader Jay Costa said on Wednesday. Costa, D-Forest Hills, said lawmakers need to raise money to fill gaps... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

As June 30 draws near, state lawmakers' legislative appetites vary The state House today will consider its version of a 2014-15 state budget that spends $29.1 billion in hopes of keeping the General Assembly on track for delivering a spending plan to Gov. Tom Corbett's desk by the June 30 end of the fiscal year. Meanwhile, efforts continue behind closed doors in both the House and... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

House OKs budget plan, but big changes expected HARRISBURG - A $29.1 billion Republican-penned budget plan that makes higher payments to public schools, human services and public pension funds passed late yesterday but was headed for certain changes in the Senate as the new fiscal year closed in and Democrats accused Republicans of... - AP

Senate prepares for House's $29.1B GOP budget plan HARRISBURG, Pa. — A $29.1 billion Republican-penned budget plan that makes higher payments to public schools, human services and public pension funds passed late Wednesday but was headed for certain changes in the Senate as the new fiscal year closed in and Democrats accused Republicans... - AP

June 25 VIDEO: Pileggi gives budget update; discusses liquor reform, pensions Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi gives the latest update in budget news. - Pennsylvania Legislative Services

With time tight, House budget advances HARRISBURG - A House panel on Tuesday advanced a $29.1 billion budget, setting the stage for final negotiations with the Senate and Gov. Corbett on the 2014-15 spending plan. The Appropriations Committee voted, 21-14, along party lines to move the proposal to the House floor, but it is likely to undergo significant... - Philadelphia Inquirer

House panel approves $29.1B GOP budget plan HARRISBURG, Pa. — Republicans on the Pennsylvania House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday approved a spending blueprint that would hold the line on taxes, but would scale back increases for education and human services proposed by Gov. Tom Corbett while relying heavily on the unlikely sell-off... - AP

House budget bill faces uncertain future in Senate Though passed out of committee as a budget bill reflecting FY 2014-2015 spending priorities only on Tuesday, the current form of HB2328 is already facing an uncertain future as it steadily heads to the Senate this week. “The good news is we are on schedule,” said Senate Majority Leader... - Pennsylvania Legislative Services

VIDEO: Markosek: "This is loaded with gimmicks" on current House budget After today's House Appropriations Committee meeting, Minority Chairman Joe Markosek discusses the budget bill that was just passed out of committee. - Pennsylvania Legislative Services

VIDEO: Corman discusses budget outlook Senate Appropriations Chairman Jake Corman gives the latest news in budget negotiations. - Pennsylvania Legislative Services

House budget bill takes shape The House Republican Caucus successfully amended the placeholder budget bill Tuesday afternoon and HB2328 was voted out of committee as an actual $29.1 billion spending plan. “This is a balanced proposal which helps move Pennsylvania forward,” said Majority Chairman Bill Adolph (R-Delaware). “This is... - Pennsylvania Legislative Services

June 24 Gas extraction tax can narrow budget gap, force pension reform Gov. Tom Corbett said recently that he’s willing to consider a natural gas extraction tax to help close the big shortfall in the state’s budget, but only in exchange for real pension reform. Such a deal would be good for state taxpayers. Creation of a gas extraction tax is several years overdue. By not having a... - Butler Eagle

Pennsylvania House postpones planned pension debate HARRISBURG — A state budget bill reached the floor of the House on Monday with major spending questions unresolved one week before the current budget expires... - AP

Budget bill that remains 'a work in progress' awaits action in the state House A state budget bill reached the floor of the Pennsylvania House floor Monday, one week before the current budget expires, but with the major spending questions unresolved... - AP

Pa. Senate's opportunity to make Legislature look better HEY, budget watchers, there's good news and bad news. OK, I'm kidding, there's no good news. Your governor and Legislature are wandering Dante's circles of hell en route to some agreement certain to be late, contain new taxes and meet all the low expectations that Pennsylvanians learn to live with.... - Philadelphia Daily News

Debate continues as Pa. budget deadline nears HARRISBURG - Debate began Monday in the state House on a general appropriations bill that will take shape in the coming days as the 2014-15 state budget, signaling the start of the final stage of the budget process a week before deadline. But the legislation, described as a "vehicle," contains no specific line... - Philadelphia Inquirer

June 23 Corbett’s fourth budget could be toughest fight of his administration HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania’s annual state budget wrangling always carries uncertainty, but that’s been particularly true this month as Gov. Tom Corbett and his allies in the Republican-controlled Legislature face an enormous funding shortfall and the extra pressure of a looming... - AP

Pa. Senate's opportunity to make Legislature look better HEY, budget watchers, there's good news and bad news. OK, I'm kidding, there's no good news. Your governor and Legislature are wandering Dante's circles of hell en route to some agreement certain to be late, contain new taxes and meet all the low expectations that Pennsylvanians learn to live with.... - Philadelphia Daily News

Budget tug-of-war pits politics against long-term solutions Quite possibly, Gov. Tom Corbett has made the calculation that the only way to get pension reform and liquor privatization is to hold up the next state budget until it happens. And he may have also made the calculation that if it costs him his re-election, so be it.... - Williamsport Sun-Gazette

June 22 Big oil and gas groups warn Pennsylvania on taxes HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania's three biggest oil and gas associations, which represent multinational giants, are warning state lawmakers that raising taxes on the booming Marcellus Shale natural gas industry could have economic repercussions... - AP

NEPA lawmakers talk state budget talks The annual state budget battle — played out in late June each year — is often contentious. But this year, with a first-term Republican governor behind in the polls for reelection and state revenue falling below expectations, relations between Republicans and Democrats are particularly... - Wilkes-Barre

Inquirer Editorial: State's turn to do more After a tortuous year of unseemly power plays, City Council finally made an eleventh-hour promise last week to give Philadelphia's beleaguered public schools an additional $30 million in bond funds to be retired quickly by an increase in the local sales tax.... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Corbett's 4th budget could be toughest fight yet Pennsylvania's annual state budget wrangling always carries uncertainty, but that's been particularly true this month as Gov. Tom Corbett and his allies in the Republican-controlled Legislature face an enormous funding shortfall and the extra pressure of a looming election... - AP

June 20 Inquirer Editorial: Here's to a deal Pennsylvania's government lately seems to lack the will to adequately educate the state's children, protect its natural resources, or even face its basic financial obligations. And yet it seems intent on continuing to run liquor stores. Harrisburg's primordial attachment to Prohibition-era liquor control... - Philadelphia Inquirer

New taxes, big deficits and some booze -- all you need to know about the Pa. budget in five Tweets: Friday Morning Coffee Good Friday Morning, Fellow Seekers. Corbett administration Budget Czar Charles Zogby swung by PennLive World HQ yesterday for a little bit of quality time with the Editorial Board. And we have to

say, it was a fairly enlightening discussion. Everything from pensions to liquor privatization and the state's ongoing... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Pa.'s 2015 budget may require new taxes, Zogby warns Pennsylvania Budget Secretary Charles Zogby is a man in demand these days, as Gov. Tom Corbett and legislative leaders try to hammer out a 2014-15 state budget. In what may be one of his last calms before the storm – the new budget is due by July 1 – Zogby stopped by PA Media Group headquarters to... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

June 19 Our Opinion: Resolving state’s fiscal questions should be open process NEW CASTLE — Pennsylvania is supposed to have a new budget in place by the end of this month. But apparently that won’t happen. A gaping deficit of about $2 billion — caused mainly by less-than- anticipated revenue — has lawmakers and Gov. Tom Corbett scrambling for answers.... - New Castle News

Corbett's call for pension reform slows budget negotiations There’s not much state lawmakers in Harrisburg can agree on these days, but they all recognize the budget situation isn’t pretty. Here’s what we know: the state has to find enough cash to fill a nearly $2 billion hole and they need to do it by the end of the month.... - Lancaster

June 18 Corbett is prepared to miss budget deadline HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett said Tuesday he is prepared to miss the June 30 deadline to pass a roughly $29 billion state budget to force lawmakers to curb skyrocketing public pension costs. The governor called a press conference to discuss an estimated $1.4 billion... - Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice

Pa. Budget Chief Won’t Rule Out Natural Gas Drilling Tax HARRISBURG, Pa. (CBS) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett’s budget secretary says the administration is not ruling out a tax on natural gas drilling as Corbett and lawmakers grapple with a budget deficit of more than a billion dollars. Governor Corbett called a press conference to stress that need for... - KYW News Radio 1060

Corbett's bad-options budget I SUPPOSE Gov. Vulnerable could have a secret plan to dig out of a $1.4 (or more) billion hole and pass an on-time budget by June 30 to avoid looking inept while seeking re-election. Gut the state museum, sell off its contents and turn it into a Harrisburg casino?... - Philadelphia Daily News

Gov. Tom Corbett issues budget ultimatum to Legislature HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett celebrated his 66th birthday Tuesday. But the Legislature did not give him what he wanted: pension reform and changes to the state liquor store system as part of the 2014-15 budget. So Corbett advised lawmakers to cancel their summer vacations. He said he... - Allentown Morning Call

Editorial: Corbett right to use budget as leverage for a pension fix With the June 30 deadline to pass a new state budget looming, Gov. Tom Corbett hinted to lawmakers last week that he would consider stalling >>>> Continue The Issue: The governor threatens to hold up the spending guide unless there is action on public retirement plans.... -

June 17 If Pennsylvania legislators want to get serious about reform, they face heavy lifting by the end of the year from pension reform to privatization of alcoholic beverage sales...... In the meantime, they should attend to some low-hanging fruit — easy but significant reforms that are ready for action. As noted by Common Cause of Pennsylvania, two sound election-related bills passed the Senate last year but have not moved from the House State... - Scranton Times

Corbett grapples with economics and politics of a $572 million deficit HARRISBURG — The Legislature's Independent Fiscal Office projected Monday that the state would end the fiscal year $572 million in the red. That is slightly higher than what the agency estimated last month would be the June 30 deficit for the 2013-14 budget.... - Allentown Morning Call

No surprises here. Pennsylvania's state budget picture is bad This post was updated at 7 p.m. to reflect Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi's assessment that work on the 2014-15 budget and related issues may run past the June 30 close of the fiscal year. Pennsylvania's Independent Fiscal Office released its final revenue... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

June 16 Two NEPA lawmakers tackle big issues HARRISBURG — Two Republican lawmakers representing Northeast Pennsylvania are jumping in to tackle major issues as efforts continue to pass a state budget and a host of other bills. Rep. Mike Tobash, R-125, Pottsville, is targeting skyrocketing public pension costs. Sen. John Gordner, R-27, Berwick, has liquor sale reforms in... - Scranton Times

How to fill PA's budget hole (A brief discussion twixt Baer & Baer's editor, a/k/a BE) JB: Yo, chief, not sure you caught it, but the Harrisburg Patriot-News is offering a way to fill the state's huge budget hole without any real heavy lifting. BE: And by "heavy lifting" I assume you mean doing nothing on pensions,... - Philadelphia Daily News

June 15 Budget remains just theoretical The state budget debate is off to a slow start this year. The main House budget bill is just a shell document reflecting current spending with two weeks to go until the passage deadline. How long it will take for a budget bill to appear with real numbers was... - Scranton Times

Pennsylvania budget: Ideas for solving the state's money problems With two weeks left for state lawmakers to complete an on-time budget, the talk in the coming days is expected to turn to finding money to fund programs and services that Pennsylvanians have come to expect from their state government. As Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati, R-Jefferson County, pointed... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Pa. legislators face tough budget decisions When legislators return to the Capitol on Monday, they will have just two weeks left to figure out two things: how to close a gaping budget deficit, and how to do it without damaging their reelection chances. With the clock ticking fast down to the June 30 deadline to pass a state... - Philadelphia Inquirer

June 13 Corbett signs legislation creating panel to develop new school funding formula Pennsylvania is gearing up to overhaul its education spending under a measure Gov. Tom Corbett signed into law on Tuesday. The Basic Education Funding Commission will study a new way for distributing new state funding to school districts. It is expected to come... - Harrisburg Patriot- News

Pennsylvania likely to pivot on shale tax, insiders say HARRISBURG — Facing a $1.5 billion state deficit, lawmakers are taking another look at taxing natural gas extraction despite Gov. Tom Corbett's opposition. “There are more and more people beginning to talk about Marcellus shale taxation,” said Sen. Edwin Erickson, R-Delaware County, sponsor of... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

June 12 Corbett may force pension reform With Pennsylvania’s June 30 budget deadline less than three weeks away, Gov. Tom Corbett has hinted he might hold up the budget unless lawmakers enact legislation that would significantly trim

soaring pension costs for future state and school employees. Missing the deadline is hardly a big deal. When former Gov. Ed Rendell was... - Levittown Bucks County Courier Times

Editorial: Corbett ups ante in push for pension reform Gov. Tom Corbett is drawing a line in the sand. And just like that, the always-interesting month of June in Harrisburg just got a lot more interesting. The governor, who happens to be running for re- election to a second term while his poll numbers are in the toilet, has decided to flex his muscles a... - Primos Delaware County Daily and Sunday Times

June 11 State budget woes: Solutions other than taxes long overdue The state's budget outlook for 2014-15 is getting worse at the wrong time - just a few weeks before the June 30 deadline for approval. - Williamsport Sun-Gazette

Corbett needs to harness his inner Hulk for this budget I'M STEALING THIS IDEA from a friend. I should warn you this person never lacks for thoughts that are, well, out there. But this one has some merit. It's aimed at helping Gov. Corbett, who, you may know, is unofficially referred to these days as Gov. Snowball in Hell.... - Philadelphia Daily News

Groups keep fingers crossed over scramble to balance budget HARRISBURG — Advocates and government agencies are chewing their fingernails as legislative leaders and the governor’s office scramble to close a $1.3 billion budget gap. The stakes are high. Gov. Tom Corbett has proposed millions of dollars in aid for various groups, including families waiting for services for... - Johnstown Tribune-Democrat

Corbett hints he'll hold up budget over pensions HARRISBURG, Pa. — Gov. Tom Corbett hinted Tuesday that he is prepared to hold up the state budget past the June 30 deadline unless lawmakers enact legislation to significantly rein in the soaring costs of pensions for future state and school employees... - AP

June 10 Pa. House OKs school construction payment process HARRISBURG, Pa. — The state House of Representatives on Monday approved a bill to modernize the handling of state reimbursements for school construction projects amid Democrats' criticism that it won't help cash-strapped districts... - AP

June 9 Weak tax collections will test tax pledge HARRISBURG — It became clear late last year that Gov. Tom Corbett’s administration would need to be creative if it were to produce an election-year budget plan that scrounged up more money for key constituencies, including public schools, and afforded a new round of... - AP

June 8 Inquirer Editorial: No deficit of good ideas A $1.2 billion state revenue shortfall has added even more drama to the pandemonium that typically accompanies June budget talks in Harrisburg. This time, though, there are encouraging signs that politicians may make some long-overdue tough choices. It's probably no coincidence that most of them are up for election. They... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Politics as Usual The Legislature's annual sprint to finish the budget by the June 30 deadline officially started Friday with the introduction of a flat-line spending bill for 2014-15. If you want to know what's inside it, look at the 2013-14 budget. It's identical and it's main use is to get negotiations started.... - Allentown Morning Call

June 6 Base state hiring on merit Tom Corbett's budget and HB2129 threaten to gut Pennsylvania's civil service By MARWAN KREIDIE

and JOHN STEVENS As former chairs of the Pennsylvania State Civil Service Commission, one appointed by a Republican governor and the other by a Democratic governor,... - Pittsburgh Post- Gazette

Survey paints bleak picture of Pa. school funding HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Rising costs and shrinking state and federal aid at Pennsylvania's public schools are exacerbating a pattern of property-tax increases, school program cutbacks and employee layoffs, two statewide groups representing school managers said Thursday... - AP

June 5 Budget time ... and the living is hardly easy: John L. Micek So here's how you can tell it's Budget Season in the state Capitol: Everyone has a theory on how state lawmakers are going to reach a deal on the Corbett administration's $29.4 billion budget plan for the fiscal year that starts July 1. And everybody -- from the lobbyists who ringed the upper balcony of the... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Corbett re-election hinges on state budget’s integrity June will be a tough month for Gov. Tom Corbett, who must have a state budget in place by month’s end, as well as a campaign plan for his re-election in November. And June just got a little tougher. The Department of Revenue on Monday reported general fund revenue for May was $108 million below projection.... - Butler Eagle

June 4 Clock ticks as Pa. lawmakers eye budget deadline HARRISBURG, Pa. — The point person for state budget matters among Pennsylvania House Republicans says it's possible that a budget bill could be introduced early next week, kicking off the amendment process ahead of the new fiscal year's June 1 start... - AP

Bucks Co. lawmaker unveils alternative to Corbett budget HARRISBURG - A maverick Republican lawmaker from Bucks County has unveiled his own state budget proposal, a departure in these uncertain fiscal times from the massive documents produced by appropriations committee staffs. The proposal by Rep. Gene DiGirolamo, R-18, Bensalem, offers an alternative... - Hazleton Standard-Speaker

State budget should reflect need to sustain long-term care Every day, Pennsylvania’s nursing homes care for our commonwealth’s frailest, sickest and eldest residents. No one wants to tell a family member that we cannot admit their loved one because we can’t afford to care for them, but, because of inadequate Medicaid reimbursement,... - Uniontown Herald-Standard

Care facilities on life support By Stuart H. Shapiro Fans of the medical drama Grey's Anatomy are familiar with the term "code blue" - when doctors and nurses frantically scramble to resuscitate a patient. Today, Pennsylvania's 700- plus skilled nursing facilities need that same life-saving support as they have gone from the bedrock of our state's... - Philadelphia Inquirer

June 3 Smoke 'em if you got 'em - could a higher cigarette tax help balance Pa's books?: Tuesday Morning Coffee Good Tuesday Morning, Fellow Seekers. April's revenue showers brought with them only more rain in May, with tax collections coming in $108 million less for the month and $532.2 million for the fiscal year that ends June 30. Thus are state lawmakers looking under every couch cushion for new money... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Corbett digs in heels on taxes HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett remains steadfast against raising taxes as a way to solve the state's growing budget shortfall, telling lawmakers on Monday that he would rather cut spending and tap existing sources of money to paper over a billion-dollar-plus problem... - AP

With growing revenue shortfall, Corbett wants to avoid tax hikes to balance state budget HARRISBURG — Faced with a $612 million revenue shortfall, and growing, Gov. Tom Corbett told lawmakers Monday he does not want to balance the state budget with tax hikes. Lawmakers returning to session Monday were confronted with the bad fiscal news as the clock ticks to the June 30 deadline for passing the next state... - Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice

June 2 Crunch time for state lawmakers HARRISBURG — State lawmakers start “budget season” today, the busiest time on the legislative calendar with the push on to approve the next state budget, pass major legislation and raise some cash for this fall’s election campaigns. The month leading up to the June 30 budget deadline features a... - Scranton Times

GOP lawmaker offers own budget HARRISBURG — A maverick Republican lawmaker from Bucks County has unveiled his own state budget proposal, a departure in these uncertain fiscal times from the massive documents produced by appropriations committee staffs. The proposal by Rep. Gene DiGirolamo, R-18, Bensalem; offers an alternative... - Scranton Times

Pa.’s budget hole It’s one thing when the opposition party questions your budget. It’s another when members of your own party do. In February, Gov. Tom Corbett proposed a $29.4 billion budget that was considered “quirky” at best. The budget relied on federal approval of a questionable alternative to Medicaid expansion, fund transfers and... - Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

In Pa., it's time for bold budget action (or not) IF IT'S JUNE, it must be budget time. Ah, June, when state leaders who put off dealing with pressing issues during the other months rush to put off dealing with pressing issues before leaving Harrisburg for summer vacation. It's always exciting. The budget's due June 30.... - Philadelphia Daily News

Pennsylvania lawmakers are scrambling to seal state budget by June 30 HARRISBURG — Lawmakers on Monday begin the dash to approve a no-tax-increase state budget before midnight June 30 amid a projected $1.2 billion deficit in the heightened scrutiny of an election year. About “20 to 30 ideas” on how to raise revenue, including a tax on... - Pittsburgh Tribune- Review

June 1 Pa. lawmakers regard budget debate with apprehension Elected officials have plenty of words to describe the coming state budget debate, none of them good. Some call it bleak. Others call it agonizing - or just plain bad. "Expect a lot of street theater," said one, noting that this is an election year. On Monday, Gov. Corbett and the legislature head into the thick of budget... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Ideas abound on how to balance Pennsylvania budget HARRISBURG — As Pennsylvania lawmakers prepare to reconvene Monday after a four-week break around the primary election, there is no shortage of ideas for plugging a potential $1 billion-plus shortfall in state revenue... - AP

Big decisions await Pa. lawmakers when they return to Harrisburg on Monday June's arrival for many Pennsylvanians signifies the start of summer fun – beaches, sun and outdoor activities. But at the state Capitol, it's crunch time. It's more like final exam week times four (and possibly longer) for state lawmakers and key legislative staffers.... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

May 30 Deficits don't apply to state Legislature Deficits and election years are a perilous combination - all the more so this year when the governor's seat, the entire House and half of the Senate are on the ballot. All of those incumbents are going to

try to convince the voters they are doing a great job while trying to cover a deficit projected to be at least... - Pottsville Republican and Evening Herald

EDITORIAL: Pa. taking risk by betting future on online gambling All addicts, at least the ones who survive their addictions, reach a point where enough is enough, rock bottom, the point where their addiction has become all consuming. The state of Pennsylvania is flirting with that. Enough is enough. We’re talking about the state’s addiction to gambling as a means to... - Pottstown Mercury

Our Opinion: Pennsylvania must make adjustments to costly fund NEW CASTLE — A looming $1 billion hole in the Pennsylvania budget may force lawmakers to take a closer look at pension reform. And if changes are made — something that’s becoming pretty much a necessity — we expect to see a so-called “hybrid” pension system for commonwealth employees.... - New Castle News

May 29 Gov. Tom Corbett: No interest in adding natural gas tax During taping of Lehigh Valley TV talk show, governor says he'll oppose it — even as a way to close budget gap. If his opponent's call for an extraction tax on natural gas in Pennsylvania is putting any pressure on Republican Gov. Tom Corbett, he wasn't showing... - Allentown Morning Call

Human services fund solution lies in better budget management The news for local human service agencies wasn't the best when Pete Tartline, executive deputy secretary for Pennsylvania's Office of the Budget, came calling last week. - Williamsport Sun-Gazette

May 28 Lawmakers say new funds Gov. Corbett wants for schools in doubt A projected billion-dollar revenue shortfall has some state lawmakers advising schools not to count on millions in extra funding Gov. Tom Corbett proposed in February. In his election-year budget address, Corbett announced Ready to Learn grants totaling $241 million in new school funds. Lancaster County's 16... - Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

Budget plan leaves no money for school construction Cash-strapped schools desperate to replace leaky roofs and crumbling infrastructure likely will go without state construction money for a third year, school business officials say, since Gov. Tom Corbett's budget proposal continues a moratorium on funding new projects.... - Pittsburgh Tribune- Review

May 27 Lawmakers say new funds Gov. Corbett wants for schools in doubt A projected billion-dollar revenue shortfall has some state lawmakers advising schools not to count on millions in extra funding Gov. Tom Corbett proposed in February. In his election-year budget address, Corbett announced Ready to Learn grants totaling $241 million in new school funds. Lancaster County's 16... - Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

May 23 Lawmakers eye e-cigarettes as revenue source HARRISBURG - Taxing the sale of electronic cigarettes is stirring interest among lawmakers as a potential new revenue source to shore up the cash-strapped state budget. No specific proposals have emerged yet, but the idea is getting consideration as the various legislative caucuses study a wide range of... - Pottsville Republican and Evening Herald

Editorial: Lawmakers need to cash out their $140M surplus This seems like common sense: If you have a deficit, you can’t have a surplus. Those two concepts seem mutually exclusive — unless, perhaps, you’re talking about government finances. In Pennsylvania, officials are projecting a budget deficit of more than $1 billion.... - Primos Delaware County Daily and Sunday Times

May 22 Eichelberger Appointed To Committee SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Sen. John H. Eichelberger, Jr. (R-Blair) will take on greater responsibilities and a more prominent role in the upcoming state budget negotiations. - McConnellsburg Fulton County News

May 21 Here's how you can help nearly 2M hungry Pennsylvanians: Sheila Christopher By Sheila Christopher This week marks the 30th anniversary of Hunger-Free Pennsylvania, a statewide anti-hunger organization that began partly in response to the incredible need our families faced shortly after the national recession peaked in 1983. Thousands of hardworking men and women found themselves without a job and... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

May 19 Museum supporters seek dedicated funding stream HARRISBURG — Chronic state budget problems have led to an effort to provide a dedicated revenue source from an existing state tax to help support the operations of local museums. The Senate State Government Committee held a hearing recently on legislation to earmark 3 percent of state Realty Transfer Tax revenue... - Scranton Times

May 18 State revenue secretary talks to Wyoming business leaders State Revenue Secretary was in Tunkhannock on Friday morning giving local business leaders a sobering assessment of the state’s budget. At a packed breakfast meeting of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Meuser acknowledged that state personal income tax and corporate income... - Scranton Times

May 15 While deficit looms, Pa. House OKs $22.5 million for filmmakers Andrew Staub, PA INDEPENDENT Pennsylvania lawmakers will soon be racing to fill a budget deficit that could top $1 billion in the next fiscal year, but there’s still a glimmer of hope the financial news won’t be all bad, at least if you’re M. Night Shyamalan or another Hollywood filmmaker that likes to... - Philadelphia Inquirer

May 12 Rep. Margo Davidson pushes for more education funding UPPER DARBY — State Rep. Margo Davidson hailed the importance of early education programs, urging legislators to find other ways of trimming the state’s projected $1.2 billion budget deficit. Davidson, D-164, of Upper Darby, organized a press conference Friday to... - Primos Delaware County Daily and Sunday Times

May 11 Corbett pledges school funding amid state deficit On a swing through Western Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Corbett made substantial promises for pre-K, special education and across-the-board school grants, though state leaders say he has a long road ahead if he hopes to repair his reputation as no friend to education.... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Seven states are expected to miss their budget forecasts this year It’s a pretty good year for state budgets. All but seven states are expected to meet or beat budget forecasts by the time this fiscal year is over, according to a survey of state legislative fiscal officers in every state, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.... - Washington Post

May 9 Armstrong Agency on Aging to get funding bump in next budget The Armstrong County Area Agency on Aging can expect an increase in home and community-based services funding from the 2014-15 state budget, according to the state Secretary of the Department

of Aging. During a visit to Armstrong County on Wednesday, Department of Aging... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

May 8 Internet gambling discussion open in Pennsylvania Legislature against backdrop of need for revenue The gambling industry rolled to big wins in Pennsylvania in 2004 with the legalization of slot machines at newly licensed casinos. It did so again in 2010 with the addition of a full-range of table games. Hollywood Casino.jpgView full sizeAre Pennsylvania's casino operators on... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

May 7 Special interests pack Pennsylvania Capitol as $1.3 billion budget deficit looms HARRISBURG — With budget season heating up and campaign season winding down, a Hollywood actor, dozens of special interest groups and thousands of Marcellus Shale natural gas supporters packed the Capitol on Tuesday to protect their turf amid projections of a $1.3 billion state deficit.... - Allentown Morning Call

May 6 A cut below the rest Faced with a growing budget deficit partially of its own making, the Corbett administration likely will retreat from its previously planned 3.7 percent increase in state spending this election year and move instead to cut about $800 million from its tentative budget proposal.... - Hazleton Standard-Speaker

May 5 Budget deficit can be beaten With two months to the end of the fiscal year, the Corbett administration is dealing with a growing budget deficit that is rooted in ideology. Corbett, while campaigning in 2010, infamously signed the "no new tax pledge" that was demanded of conservative candidates by Americans for Tax... - Pottsville Republican and Evening Herald

Revenue report shows $506M shortfall for state budget HARRISBURG - An election-year budget nightmare will confront Gov. Tom Corbett and lawmakers during the coming two months. The closely watched state revenue report for April shows a $506 million revenue shortfall with a liquor fund transfer factored in for the fiscal... - Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice

Budget nightmare looming for Corbett, legislators HARRISBURG — An election year budget nightmare will confront Gov. Tom Corbett and lawmakers during the coming two months. The closely watched state revenue report for April shows a $506 million shortfall with a liquor fund transfer factored in for the fiscal year... - Scranton Times

May 4 Money hides in plain sight It’s not yet known whether that will mean a reversal of the governor’s plan to restore some of the education cuts from his first three years in office. It is virtually certain that the governor will not seek to increase revenue, however. Gov. Tom Corbett and legislators should take a new look at a corporate... - Scranton Times

May 2 House Republican pitches solutions for Pa. budget woes HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania lawmakers have exactly two months until their deadline to pass a budget, and balancing the state's finances could mean plugging a roughly $1 billion gap. "Over the past several months, collections have been coming in under estimates," said Jay Pagni, spokesman for Gov. Tom Corbett. "That does... - Beaver County Times

April revenues show big Pennsylvania budget gap HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania's state tax collectors are confirming that April was a bad month for revenue... - AP

May 1 Sources: Corbett looking for $1.2 billion in budget cuts HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett is looking to cut $1.2 billion from his proposed $29.4 billion election-year budget to make up for a growing revenue shortfall, according to sources. He and Republican leaders of the Legislature met Tuesday to go over details of his new plan at the governor's mansion, sources said. Corbett and top... - Allentown Morning Call

Rep. Gene DiGirolamo pitches his own solutions to Pa. budget woes HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania lawmakers have exactly two months until their deadline to pass a budget, and balancing the state’s finances could mean plugging a roughly $1 billion gap. “Over the past several months, collections have been coming in under estimates,” said Jay Pagni, spokesman for Gov. Tom Corbett. “That... - Levittown Bucks County Courier Times

Gov. Tom Corbett, Pa. lawmakers brace for weak tax revenue report HARRISBURG — The Corbett administration is bracing for another weak economic report Thursday afternoon, when the state Revenue Department releases its April tax revenue collections. The Legislature’s Independent Fiscal Office is expected to revise upward its earlier end-of-the-year deficit estimate of $150 million.... - Levittown Bucks County Courier Times

Pennsylvania revenue off by $425 million HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania's April tax collections came in more than $328 million below estimates, according to a House Democratic leader. The April tax report, released today, is nearly 9 percent off target, according to Rep. Joe Markosek, D-Allegheny, minority chairman of the House... - Allentown Morning Call

April 30 Pennsylvania gets more bad budget news in April HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Pennsylvania's tax collections during the all-important month of April were badly lagging projections Tuesday, and House and Senate Appropriations Committee officials said the only question was how much deeper the state government's shortfall will plunge... - AP

April 29 Proposed state budget projected to have negative effect on credit The proposed state budget, if passed as written, could hurt Pennsylvania's borrowing ability, a major credit analyst warned on Monday. Standard & Poor's analyst John Sugen said a combination of inaction on pension reform, a proposed reliance on one-time revenues and poor revenue... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Credit rater warns Pa. of downgrade over budget, pension costs HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania's state policy makers are getting a warning from credit rating agency Standard & Poor's. .. - AP

April 27 Timing of primary election, budget deadline creates uncertainty HARRISBURG - State lawmakers are entering an uncertain period during the next two months where almost anything is possible politically, but it's equally likely that nothing really big will happen. The catalyst for this is the convergence of the election calendar with the... - Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice

April 22 Our opinion: A budget hole The numbers are looking pretty grim for Gov. Tom Corbett's budget proposal, which counts on vast additional state revenue to pay for a 3.7 percent increase over the previous spending plan. - Warren Times Observer

State correctional budget to top $2 billion The budget for the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections will exceed $2 billion in the 2014-15 fiscal year if the DoC’s request for additional funding is approved. The DoC is requesting an increase of more than $77 million in state funding, approximately four percent higher than funding levels in the... - Penn State

April 21 Amid budget woes, gas drilling tax turns GOP heads HARRISBURG, Pa. — Slapping Pennsylvania's booming natural gas industry with a new tax has long been the currency of Democrats, and now an increasingly grim budget picture is turning Republican heads in the GOP-controlled state Legislature... - AP

April 9 Commissioners fight possible civil service center closing Somerset County job seekers who want to apply for civil service employment after June 30 may have to travel to downtown Pittsburgh instead of Johnstown to take the required test. If Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed 2014-15 budget allocation of $13.5 million for the Pennsylvania Civil Service Commission is approved by the... - Somerset Daily

April 8 State budget proposal tinkers with school funding, scholarships ELLWOOD CITY — Any budget proposed by Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett is going to spur discussion on funding education, and the state’s role in it. - Beaver County Times

April 7 $77M more sought for Pa. prisons; mental health training a major focus Despite the slowest prison population growth in more than three decades, the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is seeking a record budget appropriation of just more than $2 billion for 2014-15. The prison population rose by 191 inmates from January 2011 through... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

April 4 Our View | Thumbs up, down Thumbs up: To the Penn State students who converged on the Capitol in Harrisburg on Tuesday to rally legislators’ support for funding higher education. They’re seeking reductions to in-state tuition under Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed budget. Good luck with that.... - State College

March 31 Pa. owes schools $1.7 billion for construction costs. Some legislators think Corbett's block grant money should pay that debt instead Gov. Tom Corbett wants the state to spend an extra $240 million on education block grants next year. But some lawmakers in the House are wondering if some of that money wouldn't be better spent repaying school districts millions in overdue reimbursements for construction costs. That idea came up Monday before the... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Guest Voice of Ellen Ferretti: Gov. Corbett's budget boosts conservation efforts This is a response to the Feb. 19 Guest Voices column by State Rep. , of Delaware County, D-166th Dist., "Corbett budget will hurt conservation."Unlike the headline implies, Gov. Tom Corbett's proposed budget gives a historic boost to conservation and protection of our natural... - Erie Times- News

March 28 Yudichak to push for 5% tax on gas Yudichak to push for 5% tax on gas HANOVER TWP. - Pennsylvania is currently one of the top three natural gas producers in the nation - after Texas and about to outpace Louisiana for second place - but remains the only state that doesn't tax the gas. State Sen. John Yudichak, D-14, Nanticoke, held a press conference Thursday... - Scranton Times

March 24 Our View | Pension crisis can’t be ignored in chase for state offices With all 203 of Pennsylvania’s House members and half of the state’s 50 senators up for re-election, along with the governor and lieutenant governor, it might seem unlikely that an issue could rise above partisan politics in 2014. But we have one issue that must: the economic impact of state employee... - State College Centre Daily Times

March 23 Revenue chief Dan Meuser backs health, education spending priorities in Corbett budget UNIVERSITY PARK — Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed budget isn’t coming up short when it addresses education and health care, state Revenue Secretary Dan Meuser told a group of local leaders and residents Thursday. While Meuser stressed the importance of job growth in the commonwealth, the... - State College Centre Daily Times

March 21 Secretary of Aging to discuss proposed budget in Luzerne County HARRISBURG – Secretary of Aging Brian Duke will be coming to the area to discuss Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed budget. He will speak to community providers at the Luzerne/Wyoming Link to Aging and Disabilities Resources at 11:15 a.m. on Thursday at the Luzerne... - Wilkes-Barre Times Leader

March 19 Gov. Corbett’s Ready to Learn agenda continues investment in students By CAROLYN C. DUMARESQ, Ed.D. Acting Pa. Secretary of Education Investing in Pennsylvania's children is an investment in their futures and the future of the Commonwealth. Gov. Tom Corbett's 2014-15 budget dedicates a record $12.01 billion - $387 million more than last year into Pennsylvania's early, basic and... - Lock Haven Express

March 18 County needs more pre-K, group says Tw0-thirds of Luzerne County children age 3 and 4 lack access to quality pre-kindergarten classes, according to data released by an advocacy group. The percentage may be high, but it’s lower than many neighboring counties. In Carbon and Columbia counties, 80 percent of children in the... - Wilkes-Barre Times Leader

March 14 Corbett’s budget proposal is a house of cards A house of cards is a fragile structure that can easily come crashing down if one new card is added in a bad location, or if the wrong card is removed from the supporting structure. That’s exactly what Gov. Tom Corbett has stacked up for Pennsylvania in his 2014-2015 state budget.... - Pittsburgh Post- Gazette

March 13 Senate Dems unveil pension reform plan HARRISBURG — Senate Democrats on Wednesday unveiled a pension reform proposal that calls for borrowing $9 billion and providing temporary relief to school districts grappling with climbing retirement costs. “The pension reform we are suggesting is smart and innovative,”... - Levittown Bucks County Courier Times

March 12 Failing to ante up: Little action on small games of chance It is possible that the state Legislature’s decision to allow bars and taverns to engage in small games of chance ultimately will swell the state’s coffers. But it is unlikely that revenue will reach the levels Gov. Tom Corbett was expecting to help balance next year’s budget.... - Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

Allentown civil service testing center might stay closed Somewhere in an Allentown storage facility, there is a pile of state civil service testing computers and office furniture sitting around collecting dust. It has been there since August, when CareerLink Lehigh Valley, the regional unemployment office, moved about half a mile down the street from its... - Allentown Morning Call

March 11 Funds eyed for mental health help HARRISBURG — Families of people with mental disabilities know what it means to wait for the state. More than 13,000 families are in line for benefits to help care for someone with an intellectual disability, including 4,000 deemed to need immediate help. Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget last year included enough money to move only... - Johnstown Tribune-Democrat

March 9 Erie civil service test center on the chopping block Taking the state civil service exam could soon require driving to Pittsburgh thanks in part to state budget cuts. The Pennsylvania State Civil Service Commission has proposed closing its Erie examination center at the RCWE Building, 155 W. Eighth St. The Erie test center would be one of five closed under the proposal, along... - Erie Times-News

March 7 Aichele outlines Corbett budget at Drexelbrook UPPER DARBY - Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele offered highlights Gov. Tom Corbett's proposed budget Thursday, saying major investments would take place in transportation, business practices and education under his $71.8 billion financial plan. Aichele was speaking at a lunch meeting sponsored by the Delaware County... - Primos Delaware County Daily and Sunday Times

March 6 Corbett's bet on tavern games remains a long shot What if you threw a party and nobody came? Gov. Tom Corbett might feel that way — all dressed up and nowhere to go. Not long ago, Corbett signed a law allowed Pennsylvania taverns to begin offering small games of chance to their patrons. He certainly believed in... - Pottstown Mercury

March 5 With revenues down, can lawmakers afford to gamble on small games of chance?: Editorial Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget for the fiscal year that starts July 1 bets big on on small games of chance. The administration’s $29.4 billion spending plan depends on $102 million in revenue from bar and tavern patrons playing 50-50 raffles and faithfully pulling on pull-tabs.... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

March 3 Is Pennsylvania's economy ready to spring forward or is another swoon on the way? Are the red arrows pointing down a danger sign, or a blip? Economists and politicians in Pennsylvania, and across the nation, are predicting this will be the year when the economy really turns the corner, when the year of slow and middling growth give way to robust hiring, wage... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

March 2 Public pensions cast a shadow over Pennsylvania budget plans A major challenge facing Gov. Tom Corbett as he tries to get a 2014-15 budget approved is figuring out what changes can pass the Legislature for the two large public-sector pension plans that cover state government and public school employees... - AP

February 28 Agriculture secretary touts budget to Bucks farmers The day after hearings finished on the governor’s budget, George Greig, the state’s secretary of agriculture, stumped for the spending plan at the annual farmer’s dinner in Sellersville on

Thursday. Aside from asking questions about funding for farms in Gov. Tom... - Levittown Intelligencer

Missed the hearings on Corbett's $29.4 billion budget? We have you covered The red light has gone dim on state Sen. Jake Corman's clock, and all the testifiers have gone home. The House and Senate hearings on Gov. Tom Corbett's $29.4 billion budget proposal are over. Now all that's left is four months of posturing, politicking and power plays before the June 30 budget deadline.... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Reps from both sides of the aisle try out campaign lines during Zogby's House budget hearing State Rep. Steven Santarsiero had left his line of inquiry behind long ago, and Bill Adolph was growing weary. Budget Secretary Charles Zogby had been at the table before Adolph's House Appropriation's Committee for nearly an hour, and the representatives had... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

February 27 Officials react to Pa. budget proposal RIDGWAY – Despite no budget increase, Gov. Tom Corbett's proposed 2014-2015 state budget of $29.4 billion would hike spending by nearly $1 billion. The proposal provides additional funding for Pre-K-12 education, but restricts funds in a way that will make it hard to restore cuts made to the... - Kane Republican

Cawley to discuss state budget with chamber members Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley will travel to Bucks County next week to discuss Gov. Tom Corbett’s 2014 budget proposal with members of the Lower Bucks County Chamber of Commerce. Cawley, a former Bucks County commissioner, will meet with chamber members at 8 a.m. March 7 at the chamber offices in Fairless Hills.... - Levittown Intelligencer

Feds will offer preliminary opinion of Corbett's Healthy PA plan Mar. 6 No one went into the Department of Public Welfare's hearing before the House Appropriations Committee expecting to have their mind changed. After two hours and 40 minutes in a overcrowded room, it didn't appear that anyone's views had budged, even a little. DPW Secretary Bev Mackereth was there to pitch Healthy PA, Gov. Tom... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

February 26 The Pa. Lottery needs to live up to its pledge to help older Pennsylvanians: George P. Hartwick III By George P. Hartwick III While the Pennsylvania Lottery’s ditching of spokesrodent Gus the Groundhog continues to get press, the real story of how our state is ditching older residents remains untold. George Hartwick headshot.jpegView full sizeDauphin County Commissioner... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Invest in DCNR Our 120 state parks average about 38 million visitors annually, with millions more enjoying our state forests. Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) staff work tirelessly to ensure our visitors have a meaningful and enjoyable experience, and to protect and conserve our... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

February 25 Meuser touts Pa. budget plan PLAINS TWP. — State Revenue Secretary Dan Meuser was in the region Monday to meet with local business leaders to explain Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed 2014-15 state budget and how Corbett’s initiatives have benefited the state’s business climate. Speaking before a crowd of 90 inside the Keystone Ballroom at the Mohegan... - Wilkes-Barre Times Leader

Lt. governor makes pitch in city visit Click To Enlarge Gov. Tom Corbett delivers his budget proposal for the fiscal year 2013-2014 to a joint session of the Pennsylvania House and Senate on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2013, in Harrisburg, Pa.

Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Rep. Sam Smith, R-Jefferson, is seated left, and is... - Butler Eagle

February 24 LETTER: Don't raid DCNR funds for state budget Gov. Tom Corbett's recently proposed budget would accelerate the disturbing practice of using funds dedicated to conservation for general government operations. His fiscal year 2014-15 commonwealth budget would divert more than $227 million from Pennsylvania's Oil and Gas Lease Fund largely for... - York Dispatch

Citing funding crisis, nursing facilities ask for more state aid Nursing homes across Pennsylvania say they're facing a funding crisis exacerbated by longer life expectancy, sicker patients as compared to two decades ago, and less federal aid for patients on Medicaid. Now they're asking for state lawmakers for additional financial aid.... - WITF

PA Nursing Homes: “We’re On Brink Of Financial Collapse” HARRISBURG, Pa. (CBS) — Nursing homes in Pennsylvania are sounding the alarm that they are on a path toward fiscal ruin. Dr. Stuart Shapiro, CEO of the Pennsylvania Health Care Association, cites an independent study showing that skilled nursing facilities in the state... - KYW News Radio 1060

February 23 Pa. budget bets on tavern gambling, keno to avoid raising taxes Pennsylvania lawmakers will consider a budget proposal that would draw money from new forms of gambling, despite less tax money from casinos for the first time last year. Gov. Tom Corbett's $29.4 billion spending plan for 2014-15 relies on money from tavern gaming that lawmakers approved last year, from keno that is not... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

February 21 Job training program needs traction HARRISBURG - A new state program to help the recently unemployed train for new jobs is having trouble getting off the ground. The state Department of Labor and Industry budgeted $1 million for "Keystone Works" this year, but only $21,000 has been spent. Gov. Tom... - Scranton Times

February 20 West Chester leaves school tax options open WEST GOSHEN – The West Chester Area School Board fulfilled its obligation to adopt a preliminary budget for the 2014-2015 school year but more work is needed to address a multi-million dollar gap that could mean higher costs to residents. The board adopted the preliminary budget by a vote of 6-3 at a special... - West Chester

February 19 Guest Voice of State Rep. Greg Vitali: Corbett budget hurts conservation Gov. Tom Corbett's recently proposed budget would accelerate the disturbing practice of using funds dedicated to conservation for general government operations. His fiscal year 2014-2015 budget would divert more than $227 million from Pennsylvania's Oil and Gas Lease Fund largely for nonconservation purposes,... - Erie Times-News

February 18 Now not time to cut funds from drug law enforcement Attorneys general in Pennsylvania always have made drug interdiction a top priority, and Gov. Tom Corbett was no exception during his eight years in that office. That makes it all the more remarkable that he has proposed a nearly 8 percent budget reduction for the attorney general's office.... - Pottsville Republican and Evening Herald

Editorial: Corbett budget cuts shortchange war on illegal drugs With the recent death of 46-year-old actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, the scourge of heroin addiction in this country has been propelled into the spotlight. However, its hold on thousands of Americans has

been seen firsthand for many years by family members, law enforcement officials and, sadly, medical... - Primos Delaware County Daily and Sunday Times

February 16 Amid heroin epidemic, fund budget Attorneys general in Pennsylvania always have made drug interdiction a top priority, and Gov. Tom Corbett was no exception during his eight years in that office. That makes it all the more remarkable that he has proposed a nearly 8 percent budget reduction for the attorney general's office.... - Scranton Times

Corbett's budget includes $12m to curb child abuse state budget. But the inclusion of $12 million in state aid for child protection services is priceless to those who need it. Gov. Corbett's proposed 2014-2015 budget includes for the first time $2 million to help fund Children's Advocacy Centers and $10 million to create... - Philadelphia Inquirer

February 14 Corbett rolling his dice Gov. Tom Corbett's proposed 2014-15 budget is more of a gamble than a responsible fiscal package. Between now and June 30, the end of the current budget year, the General Assembly will have the major task of either justifying the Corbett plan's questionable provisions or make changes that will keep the commonwealth's... -

Budget has changes for oil and gas Amongst the other proposals in Gov. Tom Corbett's more than 1,000-page proposed budget, is an expansion of state lands open to drilling operations. The proposal comes at a time when the Pennsylvania General Assembly is considering measures that, coupled with the governor's proposal, would... - Warren Times Observer

Urban redevelopment program could be accelerated HARRISBURG - The issue of accelerating a new state urban redevelopment program could be negotiated as part of a final budget, officials suggested Monday. Sen. John Blake, D-22, Archbald, raised the question of allowing more cities to participate in the City Revitalization and Improvement Zone... - Hazleton Standard-Speaker

February 13 Prisons boost efforts for mentally ill HARRISBURG -- Faced with challenges to its treatment of inmates with mental illness, the Pennsylvania corrections system has allowed such prisoners more time outside their cells and is requesting additional funding for that and related changes. Corrections Secretary John Wetzel told the House Appropriations Committee... - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

February 12 State lawmakers talk budget, pensions at roundtable As discussions begin this week in Harrisburg on the state's 2014-15 budget, legislators say the biggest financial issue is the $50 billion funding shortfall in the state pension system. But one of the legislators who attended the Manufacturers and Employers Association legislative roundtable last week at Top of the 80s restaurant... - Hazleton Standard-Speaker

February 11 Corbett scales back goal in Pa. pension overhaul HARRISBURG, Pa. — Gov. Tom Corbett is making a new effort to persuade lawmakers to pare back public employee pension benefits, but the scale of the savings and changes he is seeking appear more modest than the more ambitious proposal that collapsed in the Legislature last year... - AP

Workers eyed for Medicaid HARRISBURG — The state must hire at least 720 workers to handle the influx of people signing up for expanded Medicaid benefits, according to Corbett administration officials who’ve complained about

costs associated with the federal Affordable Care Act. Most of those workers will be assigned to county offices where they will... - Johnstown Tribune-Democrat

February 10 Human services proposals get mixed reviews Women's Resource Center Executive Director Peg Ruddy hopes a proposed 10 percent increase in state funding for domestic violence and rape crisis programs becomes more than a one-year bump. As part of the $29.4 billion state budget that he released Tuesday, Gov.... - Hazleton Standard-Speaker

Corbett passes on tough issues Given Gov. Tom Corbett's tough rhetoric on public pension reform, and an equally tough approach to it last year, his proposal to punt this year on the state's most pressing fiscal issue is disappointing. But it wasn't the only matter on which the governor took a pass in his... - Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice

Corbett pushes back Medicaid payments in budget HARRISBURG -- When Gov. Tom Corbett laid out his proposed budget last week, he said "sound budgeting and spending discipline" were key. But the biggest single source of savings in the proposal, some critics charge, is merely an accounting gimmick -- delaying a $394 million payment... - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pa. corporate revenue losses outweigh pension costs, report says NORRISTOWN — In the same week that Gov. Tom Corbett gave his budget address calling for statewide pension reform, a national policy center is contending the governor and other policy makers might be averting their eyes from more extreme sources of revenue loss in Pennsylvania.... - Norristown Times Herald

Corbett budget addresses child abuse recommendations HARRISBURG - The governor's proposed budget provides $2 million in state aid for the first time to help Children's Advocacy Centers do their work, a key recommendation of a special task force that called for an overhaul of the child protection system following the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse... - Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice

Corbett Banking On Improving Economy To Back Up Budget Proposal PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Governor Corbett is relying on rosy economic projections to support the budget proposal he rolled out this past week. In December, Charles Zogby – Governor Corbett’s budget secretary – projected a deficit well north of a billion dollars in the coming... - KYW News Radio 1060

Something missing from Corbett's budget address “It’s not fair right now, OK? So we need to address that.” — Gov. Tom Corbett, on the state’s school funding system. That quote is going to haunt the governor on the campaign trail this year. He said it a couple of weeks before unveiling his state budget proposal... - Pottstown Mercury

ROBERT SWIFT: Capitol Matters: On target, or missing the mark HARRISBURG - Since Gov. Tom Corbett unveiled his $29.4 billion state budget last week debate has gone on over whether the governor's spending priorities are on target or missing the mark. And a second debate has erupted over the proposed revenue sources to prop... - Towanda Daily Review

Make pension contributions Gov. Tom Corbett, in his state budget pension proposal, wants to substantially reduce the state's pension contributions below those required by current law. This reduction, achieved by lowering the state's pension ‘collars' (i.e., the maximum annual increase in pension contributions),... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Legislators talk pensions, budget, other economic issues WEST HAZLETON - Pension obligations have the potential to harm Pennsylvania's financial outlook, and state Rep. Mike Tobash said Friday state officials need to prevent that from occurring. "We really need to stop the bleeding," Tobash, R-125, said during the... - Pottsville Republican and Evening Herald

February 9 Usual debates launch over proposed budget HARRISBURG - Since Gov. Tom Corbett unveiled his $29.4 billion state budget last week debate has gone on over whether the governor's spending priorities are on target or missing the mark. And a second debate has erupted over the proposed revenue sources to prop... - Scranton Times

Corbett passes on hard stuff Given Gov. Tom Corbett's tough rhetoric on public pension reform, and an equally tough approach to it last year, his proposal to punt this year on the state's most pressing fiscal issue is disappointing. But it wasn't the only matter on which the governor took a pass in his... - Scranton Times

Corbett plan could hurt community health centers Community health centers treat 22 million Americans and account for an estimated one-fourth of all primary care visits by low-income people. Research shows they save the health system money. President George W. Bush doubled the program; President Obama's initiatives are expected to double... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Corbett defends projection of big revenue jump Gov. Tom Corbett is defending the biggest projected increase in revenue of his administration, saying Friday that it is backed up by economists who advise his administration and his own personal observations that growth is picking up.... - AP

How Corbett made a $1.4 billion deficit disappear, or did he? Somehow, Pennsylvania’s projected $1.4-billion deficit disappeared this week when Gov. Tom Corbett revealed a budget that marks a 3.3 percent increase in spending from the current year. Facing stiff re- election odds, Corbett did it without raising taxes, while... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Corbett attacking middle class families “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain” goes the great line from “The Wizard of Oz.” Instead of focusing on how to improve conditions for middle class families, Gov. Tom Corbett and his supporters in the Legislature are now pushing bills that would prohibit me from making voluntary payroll deductions and... - Washington Observer-Reporter

February 7 Don’t balance Pa. budget on delayed pension payments The Pennsylvania budget proposed Tuesday by Gov. Tom Corbett for the fiscal year starting July 1 restores hundreds of millions of dollars to education and services for the elderly and disabled — dollars cut by Corbett and the Legislature in the previous three years.... - Butler Eagle

Corbett trying to buy good will For the past three years, Gov. Tom Corbett has been smeared with a Big Lie. He has failed to forcefully debunk it As a result, we’re going to get hit with yet another Big Bill. The Big Lie, fabricated by the governor’s political opponents, is that Corbett has cut funding for education by $1 billion.... - Bloomsburg Press Enterprise

Pa. state store sell-off unwise In his state budget address on Tuesday, Gov. Tom Corbett challenged lawmakers to take action on two items of unfinished business — pension reform and liquor-store privatization. Immediate action is needed to address the state’s public employee pension crisis. On liquor privatization, not so much.... - Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

Party-line split among legislators on budget Local Democratic state legislators largely trashed Gov. Tom Corbett's latest budget while Republicans praised it for holding the line on income taxes and increasing education funding. State Sen. Lisa Baker, R-20, Lehman Township, praised the governor's focus... - Hazleton Standard-Speaker

Using the state budget as crystal ball, we predict your behavior next year Gov. Tom Corbett's budget proposal doesn't include any changes in the personal income or sales taxes. The Corbett team is projecting the state will collect 4 percent more in tax revenue next year. With the consumption and personal rates staying the same, one of the things the administration is doing is making predictions... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

At a time of surpluses elsewhere, Pennsylvania faces deficit After years of harsh budget cuts, the economic recovery has meant good news for states reaping the benefits of rebounding tax revenue. California has a $4.2 billion surplus. New York has $2 billion in extra cash. Across the country, state revenue is up 3.8 percent over last year, according to the... - Washington Post

Billions worth of decisions The Pennsylvania Legislature has $1 billion worth of decisions to make. Well, it's more like $29.4 billion, as that's the proposed fiscal 2014-2015 spending plan Gov. Tom Corbett handed the General Assembly this week. The $1 billion is the deficit separating proposed expenses from revenues.... - Lock Haven Express

Analysts wonder if state can meet 4% revenue growth included in Corbett's budget Gov. Tom Corbett built his budget proposal on the estimate that Pennsylvania will bring in an extra 4 percent in revenue next fiscal year. But what if revenue growth is closer to 3 percent? The difference between what Corbett and other analysts are expecting is... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

February 6 Corbett's budget: Liberal lies What stands out the most about Gov. Tom Corbett's $29.4 billion state budget? No new taxes to eliminate a $1.2 billion deficit? No. A block grant program that would channel $241 million to school districts? No. The renewed push to expanded gambling with keno? Expanded natural gas drilling in state... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

With Gov. Corbett's new budget - it's deja vu all over again: Nathan Benefield By Nathan A. Benefield Ceremonies in Punxsutawney have come and gone, but every year Groundhog Day reminds me of the film of the same name—in which Bill Murray lives the same day over and over again. Gov. Tom Corbett's state budget address generated a similar feeling of déjà vu.... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Community college officials say state funds are lacking HARRISBURG -- Community college officials said Wednesday legislators should increase state aid after Gov. Tom Corbett again kept a major community college line item level-funded. The state’s 14 community colleges haven’t had an increase in state funding in six years, Community College of Beaver County President Joe... - Beaver County Times

Billions worth of decisions The Pennsylvania Legislature has $1 billion worth of decisions to make. Well, it's more like $29.4 billion, as that's the proposed fiscal 2014-2015 spending plan Gov. Tom Corbett handed the General Assembly this week. The $1 billion is the deficit separating proposed expenses from revenues.... - Lock Haven Express

Corbett's budget plan: A partly cloudy forecast Partly cloudy with a chance of mixed precipitation. That might fit for the state budget forecast following Gov. Tom Corbett's budget address Tuesday. Corbett is proposing a $29.4 billion General Fund budget and a 3.3-percent spending increase. He's proposing the extra money to start healing the state' public pension... - Williamsport Sun-Gazette

Column: Assumption needs challenge A recent York Sunday News editorial discussed school funding in Pennsylvania, on the heels of Gov. Corbett’s recent, long-overdue expression of interest in the subject. This is one of the most

contentious issues of recent debate in Pennsylvania, and as legislative initiatives and... - Primos Delaware County Daily and Sunday Times

Corbett tries to regain lost ground Just as the State of the Union address is as much about politics as the state of the union, the Pennsylvania governor's annual budget address is about more than the budget alone. This gubernatorial election year Gov. Tom Corbett used his budget proposal and accompanying speech this week to attempt to recover significant lost... - Scranton Times

The political game never really changes Gov. Tom Corbett delivered a budget address Tuesday that was the equivalent of an iceberg lettuce sandwich on white bread with a bracing glass of tepid water on the side. Bon appetit. This was a different Corbett than the one who, during his first budget address in 2011, took a couple machetes and a flamethrower to the state's... -

Irresponsible: Corbett’s budget plan is risky for Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett’s $29.4 billion budget for 2014-15 would increase state spending by 3 percent and send more dollars toward education, but it relies on too many questionable maneuvers in order to be balanced. Mr. Corbett, who this year will ask voters to give him a second term in... - Pittsburgh Post- Gazette

State budget needs more than a bandage Just as the State of the Union address is as much about politics as the state of the union, the Pennsylvania governor's annual budget address is about more than the budget. This gubernatorial election year Gov. Tom Corbett used his budget proposal and accompanying speech this week to attempt to recover significant lost... - Wilkes-Barre Citizens' Voice

Pennsylvania lacks budget surplus, misses trend HARRISBURG — Republican Gov. Tom Corbett touts strong fiscal stewardship in his re-election campaign but is trying to balance a budget with a deficit of $1 billion-plus while many other states have surpluses. States large and small are starting to show surpluses — $4.2 billion in... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Area politicians name winners, losers of governor's spending plan The biggest winner to emerge from the ambitious budget proposal unveiled Tuesday by Tom Corbett, according to local Republican lawmakers? Students. “The emphasis on education is reflected in his continued commitment to a record investment in public education,” said state Rep. Ryan Aument... - Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

Mixed reactions to Corbett's proposed budget Local educators and lawmakers had mixed reactions to Gov. Tom Corbett's budget address, given Tuesday morning. The governor's speech, which ushered in the beginning of the budget process, revealed he plans to pump about $400 million into education; about $600 million into workforce development and job training; about $23.5... - Lehighton Times News

OUR OPINION: PA. GOVERNOR’S PRIORITIES Corbett budget plan contains red flags If the goal of Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget proposal Tuesday was to provide state residents with a chipper no-new-taxes pledge before he hits the campaign trail in his quest for re-election, mission accomplished. If, however, he intended to put the state on solid footing, by using solid... - Wilkes- Barre Times Leader

Corbett has his priorities straight Social issues did not take a prominent position in Gov. Tom Corbett’s fourth budget address on Tuesday. Actually, they weren’t mentioned at all. The governor focused a great deal on education, calling for a significant increase in state funding for public schools, while introducing some... - Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

Pa. misses big budget surplus, lags other states: Thursday Morning Coffee Good Thursday Morning, Fellow Seekers. With Gov. Tom Corbett's budget proposal out of the way,

now seems as good a time as any to check on Pennsylvania's fiscal picture stacks up against the rest of the nation. dollar signs art View full size The bottom line: Things aren't bad, but the Keystone State still has some... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

February 5 Rapp: Lots of work lies ahead Members of the Pennsylvania legislature have their work cut out for them in Gov. Tom Corbett's $29.4 billion 2014/2015 budget proposal. Now the governor's proposal will head back to the House and Senate where representatives work to piece together an appropriations bill by June 30.... - Warren Times Observer

Starting point One thing clear about the budget unveiled by Gov. Corbett Tuesday is that it’s ambitious. Corbett plans to spend more money for education and social services next year while holding the line on any increases in income or sales taxes. Overall, Corbett is proposing a $29.4 billion budget, an increase in... - Uniontown Herald-Standard

Editorial: Corbett keeps it short, simple in budget address Gov. Tom Corbett delivered his fourth budget address on Tuesday. It was a short piece of primarily feel-good fluff, designed overall to avoid anything that election-year opposition could seize and shred. The opposition, both the Democrats lining up to take him on in the November... - York Daily

EDITORIAL: Corbett budget - same problems, no new solutions Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget outlook for 2014-15 is a roll of the dice that increases education spending while holding the line on taxes, but its primary check on a $1.4 billion deficit is a discredited tactic borrowed from previous governors and legislatures — putting off growing... - Easton Express-Times

Officials to help shape Pa. budget HARRISBURG - After Gov. Tom Corbett unveils a proposed state budget this week, a handful of influential Northeast Pennsylvanians will play key roles in shaping the final budget for passage at the end of June. The Republican governor is expected to address the continued strain on... - Towanda Daily Review

Local lawmakers criticize Corbett’s budget proposal Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett’s $29.4 billion budget proposal left local lawmakers unimpressed. On Tuesday Corbett laid out his spending plan, which represents a 3.7 percent increase over last year’s budget. It includes additional funding for education and social services. Corbett also called for pension... - Somerset Daily

Corbett calls for changes, investment in human services In a departure from budgets of years past, the governor has proposed dramatic increases to programs for the poor, elderly and disabled. Some of the biggest winners are programs that provide health care for low-income Pennsylvanians, services for people with intellectual... - Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

Corbett's budget hinges on Medicaid expansion, pensions HARRISBURG - Gov. Tom Corbett’s fourth budget is a $29.4 billion spending plan that depends on federal approval of the governor’s alternative to Medicaid expansion as well as significant changes to the way the state operates its public pensions. Corbett’s budget secretary Charles Zogby said even with projected... - Sunbury Daily Item

Agriculture programs brace for hit under Corbett budget There are winners and losers in every situation. And the state budget is no exception. Farming and agriculture-related businesses are Pennsylvania’s leading economic enterprise, in the words of the state Department of Agriculture. Yet Tom Corbett on Tuesday proposed a spending plan that would take money... - Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

Local tourism officials disappointed in Corbett's budget Tracy Barone bristles at the television commercials featuring sweeping landscapes and people enjoying nature, culture and history in Michigan, New Jersey and Arkansas. Pennsylvania hasn't been marketing itself as a tourism destination, said Ms. Barone, executive director of the Lackawanna County Convention Visitors... - Scranton Times

Corbett's quirky budget Faced with dismal poll ratings in an election year, Gov. Tom Corbett offered a budget Tuesday that addresses what many see as his past shortcomings. His proposed $29.4 billion budget calls for increased funding for special education and early childhood education; $450 million to be set aside for... - Lancaster Intelligencer Journal

Masser: More funding for those struggling with addiction HARRISBURG - State Rep. , who lost his niece to a heroin overdose last year, said he'd like to see more money in Gov. Tom Corbett's proposed budget to help those struggling with drug addiction. Masser (R-107) said he hasn't had a chance to closely study the budget, but... - Shamokin News-Item

Corbett proposes budget plan Gov. Tom Corbett made his fourth budget address to the Pennsylvania General Assembly on Tuesday. Forty percent, or about $12 billion of Corbett's balanced 2014-15 budget proposal, is public education, for which he's proposed funding increases. "Every child in this state should be ready to learn, grow and succeed," he... - Altoona Mirror

Health care providers: Governor's proposed budget largely good HARRISBURG -- Officials from the associations that represent the state's physicians, hospitals and health systems on Tuesday had mostly praise for Gov. Tom Corbett's 2014-15 budget proposal. Andy Carter, the Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP)... - Beaver County Times

In Budget Address, Gov. Corbett Says Pa. Economy Is Recovering Thanks To Hard Choices HARRISBURG, Pa. (CBS) – Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett today unveiled his proposed budget for the coming fiscal year, calling for an increase in school funding primarily through a new block grant program. The block grant program is probably the biggest initiative in Gov.... - KYW News Radio 1060

Corbett’s plan underwhelms area Dems WILKES-BARRE — Local Democratic state legislators criticized Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed $29.4 billion fiscal plan and labeled it “an election year budget.” The GOP-controlled House and Senate will begin budget hearings next week. By law, the legislature must complete a budget by June 30.... - Wilkes-Barre Times Leader

Corbett budget reopens drilling issue HARRISBURG - The state budget unveiled by Gov. Tom Corbett on Tuesday would generate new revenue by leasing more state forest and park land for gas drilling, create a new state block grant for school districts, delay the full impact of a public pension cost spike and keep state income and... - Scranton Times

Corbett's 2014-15 budget increases education and social services funding HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett’s 2014-15 budget left lawmakers on both sides of the aisle weary from spending promises filled with unknowns. A big year for tax collections, some new sources of cash and delayed pension and health care bills would help pour hundreds of millions of... - Carlisle Sentinel

Hanna: Gov.’s budget is bridge to nowhere HARRISBURG - State Rep. Mike Hanna, D-Lock Haven, offered some less than glowing remarks yesterday, accompanying the official unveiling of Gov. Tom Corbett's 2013-14 state budget proposal. "Start with education," Hanna said. "It's encouraging that he sees the need... - Lock Haven Express

Local legislators respond to Gov. Tom Corbett's proposed budget “The budget proposal that Gov. Corbett unveiled (Tuesday) makes modest increases in the areas of

education, workforce investments and human services funding. But after the debilitating cuts of his first three budgets, it is like driving your car into a ditch and then trying to change... - Beaver County Times

Human services proposals get mixed reviews Women's Resource Center Executive Director Peg Ruddy hopes a proposed 10 percent increase in state funding for domestic violence and rape crisis programs becomes more than a one-year bump. As part of the $29.4 billion state budget that he released Tuesday, Gov.... - Scranton Times

Corbett touts education funding in $29.4 billion state budget proposal HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett on Tuesday outlined a budget proposal to close a $1.2 billion deficit and increase spending by $925 million without raising taxes, a move his critics claim is built on gimmicks to aid his re-election bid. The $29.4 billion spending blueprint emphasizing education increases was... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Three key things that weren't in Gov. Corbett's budget proposal: Wednesday Morning Coffee Good Wednesday Morning, Fellow Seekers. If you were reading the Internets or were huddled around the Tee-Vee machine in your living rooms last night, then you probably already know by now that Gov. Tom Corbett rolled out a $29.4 billion budget plan on Tuesday... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Party-line split among legislators on budget Local Democratic state legislators largely trashed Gov. Tom Corbett's latest budget while Republicans praised it for holding the line on income taxes and increasing education funding. State Sen. Lisa Baker, R-20, Lehman Twp., Luzerne County, praised the governor's focus on education, economic development and other programs... - Scranton Times

Budget address gets mixed reviews Local state representatives and senators had mixed opinions on Gov. Tom Corbett's 2014-15 budget plan which he released on Tuesday. The governor cited an improvement in the economy and proposed revenues from the upcoming Keno lottery game when revealing the $29.4 million budget that... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

GOP, Democrats differ on Gov. Corbett's fiscal proposal Gov. Tom Corbett lauded Pennsylvania for overcoming its economic challenges during his annual budget address Tuesday, claiming “signs of revival are clear to see.” Corbett cited a growing work force and diminishing unemployment as evidence that Pennsylvania is emerging from the economic hardships it faced when he... - Primos Delaware County Daily and Sunday Times

No increase for Penn State in Corbett’s proposed budget Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget for next year calls for Penn State to receive the same amount of funding to put toward in-state tuition and a hefty increase for its College of Agricultural Sciences. Penn State would receive $214 million for the general education subsidy... - State College Centre Daily Times

State budget: Berks County lawmakers give it mixed reviews State budget: Berks County lawmakers give it mixed reviews - Reading Eagle

Winners and losers in governor's proposed budget Potential winners and losers in the 2014-15 state budget that Gov. Tom Corbett proposed Tuesday: WINNERS Income taxpayers: No increase in the state tax income tax for the 10th year in a row. Corporations: Capital stock, franchise tax down again. Public schools: Get a $654 million overall increase in funding, which isn't... - Scranton Times

February 4 Your income tax will stay the same, business asset tax continues to fall: Pa. budget 2014 At a glance: Gov. Tom Corbett's 2014-2015 budget does not include any proposed tax or fee increases. What it means: Corbett ran for governor pledging not to raise taxes. While some have

debated if fees placed on natural gas extraction and fees hikes as part of last year's transportation package constitute a tax,... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Gov. Corbett proposes $29.4 billion state budget; suggests pension savings, new money for education HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett today will put forth his last budget before the November election — a proposal that makes no deep cuts in high-profile programs and that puts additional millions toward education, an issue critics have hammered the governor on for the last three years.... - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Corbett budget to delay full impact of public pension hike HARRISBURG - Gov. Tom Corbett will unveil a state budget today that includes a plan to delay the full impact of a hike in public pension costs for a year in order to ease fiscal problems facing schools. He will propose temporarily lowering the minimum amount that state... - Scranton Times

Transportation spending will increase in 2014-15, courtesy of last fall's funding plan; PA Budget 2014 At a glance: The big news here is really what transpired last fall, when the General Assembly passed and Gov. Tom Corbett signed a $2.4 billion transportation funding plan funded in large part by higher fuel taxes. What it means: Corbett broke his no tax increase pledge in the face of immense lobbying... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Winners and losers of Gov. Corbett's state spending plan: Pa. budget 2014 PennLive's staff writers are combing through the 2014-15 budget to assess the winners and losers in Gov. Corbett's state spending plan. Here's a round-up assessing key programs in this year's proposed budget, with links to PennLive stories offering more detailed information on those... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

For Corbett, state budget acrobatics Seeking re-election amid dismal approval ratings, Gov. Tom Corbett must be a political contortionist as he makes his annual budget address to the General Assembly. Pennsylvanians have spoken loudly and long to pollsters and in other forums about their disaffection with the Corbett administration, and it is a... - Scranton Times

Pennyslvania Gov. Corbett's $29.4B budget plan bets on keno HARRISBURG — Gov. Tom Corbett on Tuesday rolls out a $29.4 billion state budget that increases spending by 3.3 percent and counts on new revenue from legalization of keno, a fast-paced game typically played in bars and restaurants, his budget secretary said.... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Corbett's 4th budget takes risks to boost spending HARRISBURG, Pa. — A big year for tax collections, some new sources of cash and delayed pension and health care bills would help pour hundreds of millions of dollars of new money into education and social services under Gov. Tom Corbett's biggest spending plan for Pennsylvania state government... - AP

Five takeaways from Democrats response to Corbett's Pa. budget Soon after Gov. Tom Corbett finished delivering his budget address, the state's Democratic leaders offered their response. Here are five takeaways: How dare the politician be political: The senators lined up to say Corbett's budget is nothing less than a naked attempt to retain his office... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

On Budget Day, dancing the politics and policy two-step: John L. Micek The man in the blue suit, red tie and the sandy hair standing on the House side of the Capitol rotunda on Tuesday afternoon looked a whole lot like Rob McCord. He was the right height and he had the right bearing. And a closer examination of the staffer at the man's elbow confirmed that it was, in... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Corbett increases funding for environment, relying on increased drilling: Pa. budget 2014 At a glance: Funding for state parks and forests drops by roughly $1 million but overall funding for

environmental protection increases more than $31 million. What it means: Less money for forest regeneration and no funding at all for forestry research, but more for rehabilitation of state parks and forest... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Health care for the poor, programs for seniors, disabled get more: Pa. budget 2014 At a glance: Total state funding for the state Department of Public Welfare would be $11.4 billion, up 3.3 percent from last year. The DPW budget includes many health-related programs, including health care for the poor, programs for people with disabilities and programs to care for frail... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

8 issues to watch for in Corbett's Pa. budget plan Eight issues to watch for Tuesday when Gov. Tom Corbett delivers his budget proposal and speech to the Legislature for the 2014-15 fiscal year that begins July 1:... - AP

Community and Economic Development sees small dip in funding: Pa. budget 2014 At a glance: In business and economic development, if you are standing still, you are losing. So the slight decrease in funding for Pennsylvania’s Community and Economic Development department has to be counted as a loss. Proposed funding is down $481,000 to $562.7 million. And... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Agriculture to see belt tightening under Corbett plan: Pa. budget 2014 At a glance: The state Department of Agriculture would see a nearly $6 million reduction across all of its funds for a total budget of $313.4 million for 2014-15. However, the budget figure is up from the $293.5 million spent in 2012-13. What it means: The Corbett administration is tightening the belt on... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Corbett unveils budget with focus on school funding, pension reform HARRISBURG - Pension reform, business tax cuts and his administration's largest increase in public education funding are all part of the $29.4 billion spending plan that Gov. Corbett unveiled to legislators on Tuesday. The Republican governor's proposal for the fiscal year that begins July 1... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Pennsylvania's cost of prisons tops $2 billion: Pa. budget 2014 At a glance: The cost of incarcerating Pennsylvania's 51,000 state prison inmates would exceed $2 billion for the first time in history under Gov. Corbett's proposed 2014 budget. What it means: Corrections costs have been flirting with the $2 billion budget threshold for several years. Over 92 percent of the $78 million... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

February 3 Wariness precedes budget address Human services providers and others in Northeast Pennsylvania who have been burned by previous state budgets will have their eyes on Harrisburg when Gov. Tom Corbett releases his proposed 2014- 15 spending plan Tuesday. Those who have had the state funding for their programs and initiatives... - Scranton Times

Pennsylvania Gov. Corbett's budget is expected to boost school funding HARRISBURG — Seeking re-election with weak voter approval numbers, Gov. Tom Corbett on Tuesday will present a state spending blueprint expected to suggest more money for education and human services, rather than drastic cuts he said were necessary when he took office in 2011.... - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Corbett expected to ask for more education money HARRISBURG — When embattled Gov. Tom Corbett stands before the Legislature Tuesday, he is likely to present a kinder, gentler budget proposal than in years past. The first-term Republican — up for re- election in November amid record-low approval ratings — is expected to propose his biggest... - Allentown Morning Call

January 31 Corbett to seek boost for pre-K, mentally disabled ENOLA, Pa. — Gov. Tom Corbett says his budget proposal next week will request more money for pre- kindergarten programs and the intellectually disabled... - AP (

Gov. Tom Corbett's next budget will rely on election-year optimism on economy, pension savings and "Keno" to balance What’s a governor to do when his new spending plan starts nearly $1 billion in the red, higher taxes are a non-starter, and he badly wants to increase spending on popular line items like school funding in his re-election year? That’s the quandary facing Gov. Tom Corbett as he prepares to unveil... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

Wiley, other Dems talk state budget priorities State Sen. Sean Wiley and Shona Eakin, executive director of Voices for Independence, spoke from prepared texts in their advocacy for Medicaid expansion. But what wasn't scripted at a news conference Thursday before about 50 Voices for Independence consumers and attendants were the emotions that... - Erie Times-News

Lt. Gov. Cawley: Education funding advocates will be pleased by Gov. Corbett's budget GRATERFORD — With Gov. Tom Corbett’s Tuesday budget presentation on the horizon, Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley addressed state funding of public schools while visiting Perkiomen Valley School District on Thursday. “Those that care about quality public education and those that care... - Pottstown Mercury

January 29 State budget 2014-15: What do you want to see in it and in our coverage of it? Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget proposal will be unveiled on Tuesday and one thing’s for sure: Someone’s going to be unhappy about something in it. Will that include you? Remember, it’s your money. How do you want it spent? We want to hear from you. We also would like to hear your ideas about what you’d like... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

January 27 Scarnati discusses new Tioga County judge, state budget WELLSBORO - Tioga County may have to wait until at least March before a new court of common pleas judge is appointed by Gov. Tom Corbett and confirmed in the state Senate. "We will have budget hearings almost the whole month of February, and the governor's budget address is Feb. 4," said state Sen. Joseph B. Scarnati... - Williamsport Sun-Gazette

January 26 Pa. budget debate likely to include gambling: expanded lotteries and legalized online gaming HARRISBURG - With Pennsylvania's budget forecast gloomy, the legislature looks to be placing its bets on gambling. As budget discussions unfold over the next few months, it is widely expected that the GOP-controlled House and Senate, along with the Corbett administration, will seriously consider a proposal to expand lottery... - Philadelphia Inquirer

Local lawmakers weigh in on hot topics in 2014 HARRISBURG — With Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget address a week away, the state Legislature will soon be debating how to plug a projected $1.4 billion deficit in the state’s $28.4 billion spending plan. State Rep. Jaret Gibbons, D-10, Franklin Township, said he doesn’t see... - Beaver County Times

January 24

Pitch made for more pre-k funds HARRISBURG — There are 771 young students in Luzerne and Wyoming counties stuck on waiting lists to get into one of the largest government-funded preschool programs. In fact, the number waiting to get into Head Start and Pre-K Counts nearly matches the more than 800 students now enrolled, a result of federal... - Wilkes-Barre Times Leader

January 22 Gov. Corbett calls for state to spend more on rape and domestic violence programs Gov. Tom Corbett wants Pennsylvania to spend more money on rape crisis services and domestic violence programs. Corbett said Wednesday his budget proposal will call for increasing what the state spends on supporting emergency services such as a 24/7 hotlines,... - Harrisburg Patriot-News

January 8 Session Preview: Pennsylvania GOP looks to close a deficit in an election year Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett and Republicans leading the state legislature have some difficult work ahead of them as they try to close a budget deficit during an election year. Corbett (R) presents his budget on Feb. 4, but he’ll have to navigate a political minefield of spending cuts and tax hikes, the Associated Press... - Washington Post