The Ticker, September 18, 2017
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VOLUME 112 • ISSUE 3 BARUCH COLLEGE’S INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 OPINIONS 4 De Blasio projected to win Sustainability Task Force makes Baruch green reelection on Nov. 7 (p. 4) Projected to win reelection, Bill de Blasio fi nds himself on the cusp of another four- year tenure. From a sour relationship with the NYPD to controversial emails surfacing, de Blasio has caused many headaches yet still faces little opposition. BUSINESS 8 Fischer resigns as Fed vice chairman (p. 8) Stanley Fischer, vice chairman of the Fed- eral Reserve, announced his October resignation. Fischer’s res- ignation will allow Trump to further politically shape the Fed. ARTS & STYLE 11 Muschietti brings adapta- tion of It to life (p. 11) Seven outcasts face their worst nightmare when an evil clown makes an appearance every 27 years to prey on the children of NATHAN LIN | THE TICKER Derry, Maine. Bill Skarsgard stars as Pennywise, the main character in the fi lm The staircase that leads up to the second fl oor of the NVC from the ground level promotes environmental sustainability. The Sustainability Task Force works within Baruch to adaptation of King’s iconic novel. help mitigate the college's contribution to climate change. The task force has taken garbage cans out of classrooms and replaced all outdated water fountains. BY NICOLAS FUERTES, JOSH HORNE AND NICOLE ZELENKO However, the primary aim of the agreement is to maintain temperature SCIENCE & TECH 15 BARUCH COLLEGE'S SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE rise well below 2 degrees Celsius. Th is prevents the further disruption of Antioxidant found in sugar the earth’s natural systems, like ocean currents, global winds and animal President Donald Trump announced his intention to withdraw from migratory patterns. cane relieves stress (p. 16) the historic 2015 Paris climate agreement on June 1, 2017. Th e agreement, Since recordkeeping began in the late 19th century, the average global Th e antioxidant a commitment by 195 countries to lower worldwide emissions of green- temperature has risen about 1.3 degrees Celsius, or 2.3 degrees Fahrenheit. octacosanol house gases by 2020, is the largest and most comprehensive of its kind. can relieve Th e agreement pushes for accurate and transparent reports from indi- stress and help vidual countries detailing greenhouse gas emissions. STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 with sleep problems. Found in sugar- cane, rice bran The Politicker: DACA decision draws mixed opinion and beeswax, Martinez it has no side eff ects on humans and is being examined for medi- named Ba- cations that treat infl ammatory skin diseases. ruch's head SPORTS 18 softball coach BY TALHA NADEEM NFL Week 1 lives up to the CONTRIBUTING WRITER hype (p. 18) Heather MacCulloch, direc- NFL action tor of Athletics at Baruch Col- has returned lege, announced on Sept. 6 to television that Charles Martinez has been screens nation- named the new head coach for wide, and the Baruch’s softball team. fi rst week of Martinez has been involved the season has in numerous sports over the certainly lived years, holding several esteemed up to the hype. positions. Th e team's perfor- Week 1 set the tone for what mance was underwhelming and should be an incredible, action- Martinez is looking to lead the packed season in the world of the them back to the promised land. NFL and fans are on the edge of "We are excited to have their seats for the next week. Charles to take our team to the next level. I have full confi dence in his capabilities and know he will do a great job," MacCulloch said in a statement. @baruchticker STEPHANIE MESQUITA | THE TICKER BaruchTicker STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 Columnists Reuven Glezer and Joseph Rovito present their opinions on Trump's controversial decision to end DACA and allow @baruchticker Congress to decide the fate of the undocumented youth living in the United States. Read their opposing viewpoints on page 5. PAGE 2 I THE TICKER NEWS SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 Golden Key promotes student unity Paillere resurrects BY SAHAR ILYAS CONTRIBUTING WRITER USG's Arts Committee Golden Key International Hon- USG CORRESPONDENT Representative Sen. Nathan Lin. our Society only takes the top 15 He ran the committee for similar percent of students worldwide. At reasons, saying that he wanted to Baruch College, that percentage “make arts related majored stu- includes those with a GPA of 3.5 dents feel more welcome on cam- and above. pus.” Lin, now the photography Golden Key stands on three pil- editor at Th e Ticker, hopes to see lars: academics, leadership and Paillere succeed by having more service. Th e academic pillar is ex- arts-related events on campus, emplifi ed by the many academic advising the new chair to not only workshops Golden Key hosts. Th e ANDREW JOHN WINDSOR II maintain a good relationship with club also maintains a close rela- the Offi ce of Student Life and the tionship with the Student Academ- Weissman School of Arts and Sci- ic Consulting Center. In fact, many Less than a month into the se- ences, but to also be bold in his Golden Key members are tutors at mester, Representative Sen. Bran- endeavors to aff ect greater change. the center. Th e leadership pillar is JERRY LI | THE TICKER don Paillere of Baruch College’s When asked how his committee demonstrated by the 26-member Undergraduate Student Govern- will diff er from Lin’s, Paillere said executive board that is held to high Golden Key members recruit at a recent tabling event in the NVC second fl oor lobby. ment is attempting to change the he wants to focus on all the diff er- standards and is always undergo- college’s atmosphere with the re- ent aspects of the arts, not just the ing training, whether that training in her members, especially those events are “Meet the Legends” introduction and subsequent sen- visual ones, citing support for the involves speaking to past executive who have a mutual interest in and “Clash of the Bearcats.” “Meet ate ratifi cation of the Arts Commit- committee’s creation from clubs at board members or attending lead- Golden Key; seeing them grow is the Legends” is a Spring semes- tee. Committees are USG-sanc- Baruch such as the Blue Notes and ership workshops. what drives her as a leader. ter event that kicked off last year. tioned groups of undergraduates, the Th espian Club. Another dif- Th e last pillar, service, is a big Tubby started as a public re- Golden Key plans to host this headed by a chair and at least one ference was Paillere’s mention of part of the club. Golden Key holds lations associate in her fresh- event annually. It is a large-scale vice chair, that seek to investigate a possible collaboration with the a book drive, creates cards for hos- man year. She loved that she was professional development event or introduce a missing component Starr Career Development Center pitalized kids and is a partner of pushed to do more and be outspo- and invites both Golden Key and to Baruch. Any undergraduate stu- to introduce workshops on having SPARK a Change, an organization ken and confi dent. She eventually non-Golden Key alumni to speed dent can create or join a commit- a successful career in the arts. focused on giving students in low- ran for director of public relations network with current members. tee and change Baruch in this way. Paillere is looking for commit- income or troubled communities and is now president of Golden Th e special part of the event Paillere, in his proposal to the tee members. He can be reached at opportunities to read, write and Key's Baruch chapter. is that the professionals come in senate, stated that the goal of the [email protected]. grow. Golden Key strives to be a Mahmud was a student at knowing that they will be meet- committee was “to create aware- place where its members grow Hunter College when he fi rst ing with a unique niche of stu- ness on campus for the arts … and holistically. started participating in Baruch's dents and can specifi cally cater to to make our artistic students feel at When asked what three words Golden Key. He loved the friendly them one-on-one. “Clash of the home in a business-centered envi- This is not the fi rst USG Arts they think would best describe environment and found everyone Bearcats” is a sporty event with ronment.” Golden Key, both the president of inviting, as if they were a family. various competitions to bring out Paillere’s own personal goal Committee Baruch has seen. Baruch’s chapter, Katharine Tub- Mahmud cites Golden Key as one the competitive side in students. was to elevate Baruch’s arts com- It has been active in the by, and the vice president, Bon- of his main reasons he decided Last year, the games were split munity so that it becomes notable nie Mahmud, chose the motto of to take the plunge and transfer to among diff erent rooms and were outside of the college, although he past, most recently during Golden Key’s headquarters: “Un- Baruch. To him, the club environ- livestreamed. knows "this is a stretch.” lock Your Potential.” Th e executive ment at Baruch is one of a kind Golden Key’s club room is He plans to partner with clubs the Fall 2016 and Spring board’s goal is to encompass the and better than the one at Hunter. 3-233 in the Newman Vertical and departments to host arts- motto and help all its members Th e warmth and openness that Campus and its upcoming event based events for students.