COMEDYLOUNGEPTYLTD applicant for ongoing extended trading permit ongoing hours

COMEDY LOUNGE Level 1,413 Murray Street,


Prepared by Comedy Lounge Ref: Leticia Dick [email protected] T: (61) 0434771950 © Comedy Lounge 2019 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- •

Table of Contents

1 Introduction and background 2 Applicant's details and background 2 2 Locality 4 3 Manner of trade 8 The premises and the floor plans 9 Entertainment 10 Food and beverage services 10 Trading conditions 11 4 Section 5 11 5 Harm or ill-health - section 38(4)(a) 12 "At risk" groups and sub-communities 12 Social health indicators 16 Strategies to be implemented to minimise harm or ill-health 20 6 Impact on amenity - section 38(4)(b) 21 Nature and character of the local community 21 How will the proposed premises fit into the amenity 22 Positive recreational, cultural, employment and tourism benefits 23 Consultation 24 Outlet density 25 7 Offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience - section 38(4)(c) 42 8 Other matters 43 Security and safety 43 Harm minimisation 44 9 Conclusion 44

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 Public Interest Assessment ---Comedy Lounge -

1 Introduction and background

1.1 This Public Interest Assessment (PIA) supports the application by Comedy Lounge Pty Ltd (ACN 111 156 935) for the conditional grant of a tavern restricted licence in respect of premises situated at level 1, 413 Murray Street, Perth to be known as Comedy Lounge.

1.2 This PIA addresses all relevant aspects of the public interest in accordance with both the Liquor ControlAct 1988 (WA) (Act) and the Department of Racing, Gaming & Liquor's policy 'Public Interest Assessment Pursuant to section 38 of the Liquor Control Act 1988' as last amended 11 January 2019 (PIA Policy). In accordance with the PIA Policy this application is regarded as "complex" and therefore, the sections of this PIA document reflect what is required under the PIA Policy1 for such applications.

1.3 This PIA is part of the Applicant's Case and should be read in conjunction with the other parts and supporting material, all of which is itemised in the document titled Index of Material Before the Director and Applicant's Case.

1.4 Where this document makes references to particular documentary material to support certain information and propositions, that material is cited by way of its document listing in the tables contained within the Index document (eg '(ooc1)').

1.5 The applicant seeks approval to establish a fabulous and unique licensed entertainment venue with regular and ongoing comedy performances accompanied by food and beverage services in a relaxed and modern venue designed specifically for the purpose as a genuine comedy lounge.

1.6 The Comedy Lounge will cater for up to 260 patrons and will offer ticketed live comedy shows, comedy competitions and festival events. Liquor is proposed to be available for consumption on the premises only (ie no take-away/packaged liquor) and without any obligation to consume the liquor with food or whilst seated. Some food will, however, be available. The premises will comprise a stage, seated lounge area and bar. VIP options and function services will be available. Additional particulars of the proposal are set out further on in this document.

Applicant's details and background

1. 7 The applicant is a private, family-owned Australian company based in Western Australia. The sole director and shareholder is Mr John McAllister who has a considerable background in the comedic entertainment industry. Mr McAllister lives locally in the Perth metropolitan area.

1.8 Included in the Applicant's Case is a detailed Business Plan (DOC 20) prepared by the applicant. It includes, amongst many other things, further details regarding the applicant's details and background and the background to this application.

1 At pages 3 and 4 of the PIA Policy

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 2 Public Interest Assessment ----Comedy Lounge

1.9 The applicant entity has been operating since 2004 and has conducted a number of different live comedy events at various venues around Perth.

1.10 Mr McAllister has 20 years experience working in the comedy industry, which includes 13 years as a producer of comedy events. He also has a range of other business experience and is a dedicated and passionate proponent of the Comedy Lounge proposal which he has spent years developing. Mr McAllister will be assisted in the business by his wife, Jane McAllister, Brendan Maloney and Leticia Dick, all of whom are referred to in the Business Plan.

1.11 Comedy clubs/lounges have been operating around the world for many decades, although not in Perth unfortunately. In the 1940s well known American duo Jerry Lee Lewis and Dean Martin were famous for their live performances at supper club type venues. In more recent years highly acclaimed comedian turned actor Jerry Seinfeld promoted the concept of live comedy clubs and enhanced their popularity with the creation of his associated television series that has earned hundreds of millions of dollars. Comedy festivals and specialty shows have emerged around Australia in recent years including the popular annual Perth Comedy Festival. However, there is no dedicated, purposeful comedy club/lounge in Western Australia. The Comedy Lounge has now rectified that and has been an operating comedy club for almost two years now. 1.12 The applicant has been associated with many successful one-off comedy shows at differentvenues and festivals, some of which are illustrated by the promotional posters below: '.}-0 Eiil1v;:�


I ' ' ' 1 00.DLYFUNNYCOK.AU A.TRIP TO NELBOURNE AND$2000 IS UP FOR 6RABSI One Hight Only Friday February 28th 8..00p,."11-10.00;m('Z:TtqM 1JO} $10.00/$15.00tCl'lc. l�Ct ir&WfsJi.�a; Strut. 11":�M;, comedylounge.comau l� =-•M.,� □ .m•-:� ComedyLounge -A Worldof Laughter.

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 3 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge

2 Locality

2.1 The relevant Locality for this application is a 2km radius surrounding the proposed site, based on the Director of Liquor Licensing's PIA Policy. The 2km Locality area is roughly depicted in the Google Maps below:

A!!luRd Atm:, Rd ·•isc, 0 i.,P�,i' P.r,hnP.d ' C'1; CIJvtnc:,St Mount Lawtey 'i!>-?"" oe.itlyPa:ic. Q1 0Leisu� Cenfre Che!mdatdRd %f.:.1t.,G, s.. .o y1r.cen1 St b.;;,1. o❖,/'< ? <>.,..f �p.S:, 'I' "f; West I �,,s, Hyde"P.ark 1t::,7.t,'J'¼, Firrest Park c,, Le�de1 vll le '(;/Sr - .

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Or 'Nest Perth lfa,,s, 0 Oauoi Rrl rts,

f\,S\ �e,o\ ,�· East Pe -., to.,�r "' V

City of PeC:Ch ®

Perth Concert Hall ti) Cl BarraCi

Ol i-�-=- 0 ?, Kin_g-s Pa_rk

2.2 The area comprises mainly Perth and Northbridge. Parts of surrounding suburbs including West Perth, North Perth, Highgate and East Perth also fall within the boundary.

2.3 The Locality in this case is quite unique from any other in Western Australia because it is within the capital city. It is the centre for the State's business and government activity and it is a special area which warrants special treatment. This point is addressed further in the applicants' Legal Submissions (DOC 18).

2.4 The Locality enjoys a large and diverse range of land uses including government, civic, commercial, retail, residential, hospitality, tourism, entertainment and others.

2.5 In recent years Perth has been and continues to be, experiencing extraordinary growth, development and change. An eclectic range of significant infrastructure

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 4 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ----

projects have commenced and been completed in recent years, attracting large numbers of people. The following are a few of those:

2.5.1 Perth City Link, including Kings Square

2.5.2 Elizabeth Quay

2.5.3 One40William


2.5.5 Perth Arena

2.5.6 Multiple street upgrades

2.6 Perth is rapidly maturing into a modern and popular capital city. Further details and particulars of these circumstances are contained elsewhere in this PIA. This PIA demonstrates how the Comedy Lounge proposal fits perfectly into this developing and maturing scene.

2.7 The Locality is a densely built up area, dominated by office towers and a variety of business houses. During the day in particular, the area is a bustling hub of activity with businesses trading, an enormous workforce operating and thousands of vehicles. Further details regarding the Locality demographics are provided further on in this PIA.

2 2.8 "Perth City attracts approximately 150,000 people on an average day" .

2.9 'The City of Perth population forecast for 2017 is 27,173 and is forecast to grow to 3 4 39,664 by 2036". The graph below illustrates the considerable growth :




4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 5 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge

export II Forecast population City of Perth




i 10,000

2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 Forecast year (ending June 30)

Jinn Population and household forecasts, 2011 to 2036, prepared by .id, June 2016. • l•d���:1·�111 2.10 The resident population in the western end of Perth alone, where the Comedy Lounge is to be established, is forecast to grow 140.44% over the next 20 years:

Forecast areas export IIr eset Ci�/ of Perth Road Satellite SateMe Labels FunScreen Legend


Maylan FOl'e.sli1 P.5<1!1,


1: I t c-�, •.. Nealarids C raI,w Iey '\ I I I' =7;= (l�dJtids· - _.,, ,-,,. t I Golf Dub .• I ·rr\ I, ,. • 11 ,,i ' ii // 5 n..,11.,,.,.;+h --- ,,_.,, ______....., --·-··· --··· ,! .. f '<� Leaflet I

2.11 The Comedy Lounge will be situated close to Perth Arena which is the City's preeminent entertainment and event facility.

5 Ibid

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 6 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- • Some of the world's biggest names in music, sport and entertainment have already appeared at Perth Arena, a 15,500 seat multi-purpose arena which opened in 2012.

Since then, Perth Arena has been ranked at number 22 in the world's top 200 venues in a list compiled by music industry magazine Pollstar. A new plaza surrounding the arena will provide even more entertainment options, including new places to enjoy a drink or 6 meal before or after a show.

2.12 Comedy Lounge is also situated close to one of the State's most significant and exciting developments, namely Perth City Link.

Perth City Link is one of the city's most exciting redevelopments. The project will reconnect the CBD with Northbridge for the first time in more than 100 years. The area, once just a network of bus and train connections, will become an exciting new 7 destination with housing, shops, restaurants, offices and more.

2.13 Perth City Link is a mammoth City project. The enormous development connects the CBD with Northbridge and opens the whole city area. The State Government body responsible for this strategic project and many other major developments is the Metropolitan Region Authority (MRA). The MRA has been established specifically for the purpose of overseeing Perth's developments. The MRA published the following 8 regarding the Perth City Link :

Perth City Link will be a dynamic new destination that embraces the city's lifestyle and character and is an important part in the overall program to revitalise our city.

Running east-west across the heart of Perth's city centre, it will reconnect the CBD with Northbridge for the first time in 100 years, delivering improved access and connectivity and forming strong linkages to the foreshore.

The regeneration project is a collaboration between three tiers of government, led by State Government authorities - the MRA and the Public Transport Authority with the City of Perth and the Federal Government. The 13.5 hectare project is bounded by the Mitchell Freeway, Roe Street, Wellington Street and the Horseshoe Bridge. Framed also by busy roads, this area has become a physical barrier in the centre of the city.

This area will draw billions of investment dollars into Perth through a vibrant mix of new transit, commercial and retail zones, public spaces and living opportunities - and will impact everyone who visits the city - locals and tourists alike.

Perth City Link will play a key role in addressing transport and infrastructure issues while meeting the changing needs of an evolving city. Sinking the Wellington Street Bus Station and the Fremantle rail line, from Perth station to Lake Street, will prepare the site for redevelopment. Works to deliver the Perth City Link are well underway, with rail infrastructure works underway, Perth Arena under construction and works to prepare the first development sites underway.

The project's objectives are to:

• Provide a focus for public life, with the creation of an improved and new public realm.




4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 7 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- • • Optimise the appeal of the city centre and Northbridge and forge a connection of the two areas.

• Create better connectivity and access to public transport.

• Assist in supporting the revitalisation of the Perth Cultural Centre .

• Capitalise on the potential transit-oriented development benefits by its direct relationship with major transit systems.

• Provide opportunity and support for private investment, to create wider­ spread economic benefits and drive the continued revitalisation of the city centre.

• Ensure that public investment is designed and implemented holistically to generate the improvement of social, economic, environmental and cultural conditions in the city centre.

• Provide housing with a diversity of dwelling types and sizes, and 10 to 15% affordable dwellings, to increase the opportunity for a variety of family types to live in the city centre.9

Situated in the middle of Perth City Link, King's Square will meld the atmospheres of Lake and King Streets to create the cosmopolitan heart of the city.

The new street connection will emphasise the pedestrian-friendly character of the area. East-west lanes and arcades will link to other key destinations. Bars, restaurants and late-closing shops will be scattered throughout.

Two landmark buildings will feature to the north and south of the Square, containing a mix of commercial and civic uses, such as a gallery or library. This, combined with the presence of boutiques, design studios and art galleries will create the ideal setting for fashion shows or food and wine festivals. 2.14 The Comedy Lounge is ideally positioned to complement and support the activities associated with Perth Arena and Perth City Link by providing unique and diverse hospitality services with entertainment.

2.15 The new venue will also be entirely consistent with the growth, development and modernising occurring in the City as Perth matures into a contemporary capital city. The Comedy Lounge will provide diversity and choice and a real cultural experience for the public on an ongoing and regular basis. The premises will enhance the evolving west end of the City which has little available.

3 Manner of trade

3.1 The manner of trade proposed is a most unique and exciting proposition for Perth.

3.2 The Comedy Lounge offers the public a variety of live comedic entertainment, in a cosy cabaret style environment with licensed food and beverage services.

3.3 Included in the Applicant's Case is a detailed and professionally prepared Business Plan (DOC 20) which sets out comprehensive details of what is proposed. The following sub-paragraphs highlight the key features.


4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 8 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- 3.4 Patrons will need to purchase a ticket to attend, which they will be able to do either on line or at the venue. Prices will vary depending on the nature of the acts lined up to perform and other factors.

3.5 The applicant's detailed Business Plan sets out the marketing plan and other aspects of the business development.

The premises and the floor plans

3.6 The Comedy Lounge will be situated upstairs at 413 Murray Street, Perth.

3.7 The applicant has worked closely with its designer and landlord to develop the floor plans, based on the considerable relevant experience of the applicant company's sole director. An extract appears below which, whilst not - 11 r--�-�-�-�-�1m-::����!�:!�,,,,,=-�����-,:�i:0�a11�f1:e���-=:: f:'°""';;.;;;c;;,-?/�:�'t: :jt;,�r-����F-�--�-- -�- �--�- I BfCCf#Ui.l.'.£07 L ' I o

3.8 The image above gives a good impression of operational aspects.

3.9 Patrons will access the premises via stairs or elevator.

3.1 O The 260 intended patron capacity will be easily accommodated.

3.11 The main public area will comprise some seating with tables and also room for people to stand if they wish.

3.12 The position of the bar provides a direct line of sight for staff working there to watch and observe patrons who will be facing towards the stage to the leftof the bar.

3.13 The simple open plan and configuration will enable a very good level of surveillance for the licensee and staff.

3.14 Whilst a reasonable amount of seating will be available, it is important that patrons not be forced to sit and have room to stand if they wish, to enjoy the entertainment as they feel comfortable. Also, from time to time some acts may require space beyond the designated stage to perform their routine. Flexibility in terms of the number, layout and type of chairs and tables available is required.

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 9 Public Interest Assessment --Comedy Lounge -- 3.15 Warm and inviting soft furnishings, fixtures and fittings have been installed to create a relaxing ambience that is comfortable and ideal for watching live comedy and socialising with others also enjoying the entertainment.

3.16 A VIP section has been established for special guests or group bookings.

3.17 Whilst some types of functions will be accommodated, this will be a fairly limited feature given the nature of the manner of trade. Large groups of potentially rowdy patrons, hen's nights, bucks party groups and similar will generally not be permitted.


3.18 A wide variety of comedic entertainment will be provided at the Comedy Lounge including stand-up comedians, musical comedy acts, improvisations, karaoke and "drag" shows.

3.19 Performers will be sourced locally, from interstate and occasionally from overseas.

3.20 Experienced and well known acts as well as newcomers to the industry will be engaged to appear at the Comedy Lounge.

3.21 As referred to above, a stage will be installed at the premises for the performers to use, although they will not be restricted to the stage and may utilise a wider area and will be free to walk through the audience

3.22 From time to time themed nights, talent shows, competitions and other special events will be conducted. Also, the Comedy Lounge will host festival events.

3.23 Entertainmentw ill be provided throughout almost all trading hours. Generally, one or two evening shows are conducted Wednesday to Saturday nights, with a break in between for performers to change over and patrons to refresh and socialise. Doors open an hour or so before the first performance and close approximately an hour after the last performer has finished.

3.24 Most performanceswill run for approximately 90 minutes.

3.25 A master of ceremonies will introduce acts and engage with the audience.

3.26 A matinee show is also contemplated for Fridays and Saturdays, including Karaoke.

Food and beverage services

3.27 The food and beverage services proposed are essential elements in the proposal, although very much ancillary and subsidiary to the entertainment.

3.28 The Comedy Lounge will certainly not be a traditional drinking establishment for crowds of groups of people to gather for long periods of vertical drinking.

3.29 Included in the Applicant's Case is a menu (DOC 19).

3.30 A modest but carefully selected range of food and drinks will be provided.

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 10 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- •· 3.31 Generally patrons order and collect their food and drinks from the bar, although some table service is provided as required.

Trading conditions

3.32 To confirm commitment to his proposal the applicant proposes the following special trading conditions to be endorsed on the licence if the licensing authority considers appropriate:

3.32.1 Food shall be made available at the premises at all times when open to the general public.

3.32.2 The licensee shall not promote or sell drinks which offer liquor by virtue of their 'emotive' titles such as, but not limited to, 'laybacks', 'shooters', 'slammers', 'test tubes' and 'blasters'.

3.32.3 Drink options that contain light and mid-strength alcohol content as well as a range of non-alcohol drinks shall be available for purchase at all times.

3.32.4 A CCTV video surveillance system that records continuous images throughout the premises including all entrance and exit points to the premises shall be installed.

3.32.5 Patrons are not permitted to wear jackets, other clothing or body markings which visibly bear patches or insignia of any known Outlaw Motor Cycle Gang.

3.33 Even although there will be a great deal of seating the applicant does not wish to be restricted such that patrons must be seated to drink at any time. For operational purposes, to have the ability to cater for any manner of performance and function and also so as to ensure convenience and flexibility for patrons to stand if they wish, such a restriction would not be appropriate for the Comedy Lounge.

3.34 The applicant seeks approval for the ongoing extended trading permit and ongoing hours from the original standard trading permit the Comedy Lounge has. Applicable under the Liquor Control Act (WA) 1988 in respect of tavern restricted licences, namely 6am to 12 midnight seven days a week, save for restricted trading on Good Friday, Anzac Day and Christmas Day. Although initially, the venue is intended to open from 7pm Wednesdays and 5pm Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Entertainment is intended from 6pm to 9pm and sometimes again from 10.30pm to 12 midnight when cabaret comedy style comedy is proposed. The Comedy Lounge would like to extend its trading hours to 1am on Saturdays and Sundays 4 mornings, as Friday and Saturday nights are doing really well. Closing time will either be around midnight or 1:00am depending on scheduled entertainment. 4.1 Section 5

4.2 In accordance with the PIA Policy in respect of "complex applications" such as this, the applicant has had regard for the matters outlined in section 5 of the Act.

Submissions addressing section 5 matters are contained throughout this PIA and also in more detail in the applicant's Legal Submissions (DOC 18). 4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 11 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- •· 5 Harm or ill-health - section 38(4)(a)

5.1 The applicant has familiarised itself with harm and ill-health matters relevant to the determination of this application. It is acknowledged that the provision of liquor services into the community by the Comedy Lounge, has the capacity to affect people and that affect could potentially be greater for some.

"At risk" groups and sub-communities

5.2 The groups of people described as "at risk" in the PIA Policy because they are deemed to warrant priority care and consideration have been studied by the applicant in accordance with the PIA Policy. Those relevant to the Locality have been sought to be identified and are referred to in the following sub-paragraphs.

5.3 The following statistics obtained from the 2011 Census 10 identify "at risk" groups residing in Perth and Northbridge, compared and contrasted with averages for the whole State so as to put the Locality information into context.

"At risk" group/ Census category Perth Northbridge WA

"Children and young people"/ people 9% 6.3% 26.3% aged 19 and under

"Children and young people"/ people 6.1% 3.9% 19.7% aged 14 and under

"Children and young people"/ average 31 29 36 age of people

"Aboriginal people and communities"/ 0.7% 0 3.1% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

"Families"/ couple family without 68.1% 77.6% 38.8% children

"Families"/ couple family with children 20.1% 8.7% 44.9%

"Families"/ one parent family 7.6% 8.2% 14.5%

"Families"/ other family 4.1% 5.5% 1.8%

"Migrant groups from non-English 36.6% 26.9% 62.9% speaking countries" / Australia as country of birth


4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 12

Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ----•· based offices of mining companies. There are certainly no mine sites located nearby.

(b) No formal statistical information could be found to identify itinerant workers in the Locality, however, it is presumed that some would be working in the area.

5.5.4 In regard to "communities that experience high tourist numbers" referred to in the PIA Policy:

(a) The Locality does indeed experience high tourist numbers. The Locality is well known to the licensing authority as a tourist area. Tourists will benefit greatly from the hospitality, culture and uniquely local experience that Comedy Lounge provides.

(b) Western Australia hosted 23.2 million visitors in the year ended June 2014 of which 62% visited Perth14 .

(c) The following table obtained from TourismWA shows that between 2011 and 2013 inner Perth experienced nearly 1.7 million visitors in each of those years and those people stayed an 15 average of 7 .3 nights :


YE Dec YE Dec 2011/12/13 2011/12/13 Average Annual % Visitors Estimated Visitors Intrastate 636,000 38% Interstate 637,300 38% International 396,100 24% Total 1,669,400 100% Estimated Visitor Nights Intrastate 1,699,000 14% Interstate 2,813,300 23% International 7,628,100 63% Total 12,140,500 100% Average Length of Stay (Estimated Nights) Intrastate 2.7 - Interstate 4.4 - International 19.3 - Total 7.3 .

(d) In the reporting period September 2011 to September 2015 Western Australia hosted a total of 27.1 million visitors, 60% of 16 whom visited Perth and 9 million of whom stayed overnight .

14 Tourism Western Australia Fast Facts Year Ending June 2014, September 2014 at page 4 (DOC 21)

15 Perth Inner Overnight Visitor Fact Sheet Years Ending December 2011/12/13 - at page 3 (DOC 23)

16 Tourism Western Australia Fast Facts Year Ending September 2015 at pages 4 and 5 (DOC 22)

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 15 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ----•· 5.5.5 The fact that Perth experiences high tourist numbers may seem to have a slightly negative impact on the risk assessment of the Locality for the reason that the PIA Policy identifies tourists as an "at risk" group. However, the comedy venue cater s excellently for tourists and provide for their requirements. Further, it is essential that the needs of tourists are catered for. This point is addressed further in the accompanying Legal Submissions (DOC 18).

The venue is a low risk operation which will be comfortable and safe for tourists 5.5.6 and will not put them at risk. The supply of liquor at Comedy Lounge is also ancillary to the comedy being performed and the theme and atmosphere of the humorous atmosphere which is otherwise not available anywhere in the city.

"With Perth experiencing strong growth in tourism, it is the ideal time for new and 17 unique operators to establish their presence in the capital city" . 5.5.7

5.5.8 Relevantly, the Experience Perth arm of Tourism WA has publicly promoted the 2019 Perth Comedy Festival on its website, referencing the Comedy Lounge.18

5.6 There is nothing that arises out of the information provided in the sub-paragraphs above to indicate any particularly sensitive or overly vulnerable "at risk" group or any other concerning factor in this case. The Comedy Lounge provides a wonderful experience for all manner of person to enjoy.

Social health indicators

5.7 The PIA Policy states that social health indicators such as alcohol related crime in an area and the rates of and trends in, alcohol related hospital admissions, are relevant considerations for the licensing authority to take into account when assessing whether a liquor licence is warranted. The following sub-paragraphs address these and other matters relevant to indicating the social health of the Locality in this case.

5.8 In accordance with the PIA Policy, the applicant has considered the social health of the Perth community within the Locality. As is referred to further on in this PIA, it is submitted that the Comedy Lounge will in fact generate positive health in the community through the provision of laughter which has been described as "best medicine".

5.9 It is acknowledged that the Locality does experience crime and alcohol-related incidents. Whilst this history is, in itself a negative factor in this case, it is not an inhibiting factor for the grant of the licence. Indeed there are multiple positive factors in this case and there is evidence of improvement in the crime and alcohol-related incidents in the Locality.



4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Lavan 2017 16 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- •· 5.1 O The applicant is mindful to develop a business which is peaceful, relaxing and does not contribute to any of the adverse history in the Locality. This proposition is supported by the comprehensive description of the proposal outlined elsewhere in this PIA.

5.11 The applicant has considered data published by the Western Australian Health Department on alcohol-related health matters19 and identified the following:

5.11.1 In relation to alcohol related deaths for the relevant region, being the northern metropolitan area, "[o]verall, the total death rate for 'all alcohol­ related conditions' for all persons was significantly lower (0.89 times) than the corresponding State rate".20

5.11.2 In respect to alcohol related hospitalisations:

Alcohol-related hospitalisations, Perth (C)-lnner & Perth (C)-Remainder, 2007- 2011 The total rate of alcohol-related hospitalisations in Perth (Inner & Remainder) for the period from 2007-2011 was significantly higher (1.18 times) than the corresponding State rate. The rate for males was also significantly higher (1.23 times) though the rate for females was similar to the corresponding State rate.

The age-specific rates of alcohol-related hospitalisations were significantly higher amongst males (1,041.1 per 100,000 person years) than females (648.8 per 100,000 person years).

For the period from 2007-2011, Perth (Inner & Remainder) residents were hospitalised a total of 743 times for conditions related to alcohol. They consumed 4,333 beddays (52.8 1,000 persons per year on average) at an approximate cost of $4,384,460 ($53.38 per capita per year on average).

Table 20. Alcohol-related hospitalisations, Perth (C) Inner & Perth (C) Remainder, 2007-2011 Beddaysf Cost($) 95%CI Beddays 1,000 Cost ($) per Gender ASR forSRR capita capita 943.3-1, 138.9 3,097 67.0 3,260,990 70.51 1,236 34.4 1,123,470 31.31 4,333 52.8 4,384,460 53.38 denotes slanlflcantlv hlaher than the correspondlna State population 2f

5.12 Despite the higher than average rate of alcohol-related hospitalisations, the Comedy Lounge providing a liquor service in the manner proposed is unlikely to have any noticeable effect, if any at all, on the statistics because of its low risk features. Liquor will be ancillary to the core business of live comedy.

5.13 Crime rates are another indicator of the social health of an area. The following statistics obtained from WA Police provide evidence of the crime rates in Perth and Northbridge for the last two years, which have decreased:

19 'Alcohol-related hospitalisations and deaths in Western Australia Regional, Regional Profile : North Metro, Drug and Alcohol Office Surveillance Report 2014, published by the Drug and Alcohol Office of the Department of Health. (DOC 24) Note: The Locality in this case falls within the 'North Metro' area for the purposes of the Health Department records and this report

20 Ibid at page 10

21 Ibid at page 19

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 17 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge

Crime Statistics for Perth

Year Month Assault Burglary(Dwe lling) Burglary(Other) Graffiti Robbery Steal Motor Vehicle

2016 Dec 93 21 11 9 8 13

2016 Nov 66 15 ·13 8 7 12

20·15 Oct 52 12 ·11 24 8 11

2016 Sep 46 14 10 8 4 11

2016 Aug 44 12 13 11 3 12

2016 Jul 49 9 16 10 5 14

2016 Jun 40 14 18 14 5 4

2016 May 56 8 15 7 4 8

2016 Apr 73 12 15 13 8 10

2016 Mar 57 10 15 7 5 15

2016 Feb 72 10 7 7 3 10

2016 Jan 108 10 10 6 3 14

Totals 756 147 154 124 63 134 22

Crime Statistics for Perth

Year Month Assault Burglary (Dwelling) Burglary (Other) Graffiti Robbery Steal Motor Vehicle

2015 Dec 80 20 15 2 5 9

2015 Nov 77 6 17 6 5 6

2015 Oct 59 11 1'I 7 5 7

2015 Sep 49 20 22 4 7 ·15

2015 Aug 58 8 6 7 5 16

2015 Jul 63 19 20 3· 6 9

2015 Jun 63 '10 12 4 8 18

2015 May 64 5 19 2 5 5

20'15 Apr 46 7 18 6 3 15

2015 Mar 78 15 16 5 '10 19

2015 Feb 64 10 1'I 4 8 6

2015 Jan 75 '13 9 8 7 11

Totals 776 144 176 58 74 136 23

22 Portal/Statistics?locality=Perth&startYear-2016&startMonth=1 &endYear =2016&endMonth=12

23 &endYear =2015&endMonth=12

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 ©Comedy Lounge 2019 18 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge

Crime Statistics for Northbridge

Year Month Assault Burglary (Dwelling) Burglary (Other) Graffiti Robbery Steal Motor Vehicle

2016 Dec 38 0 3 3 2 2

2016 Nov 30 2 5 5 3

2016 Oct 31 8 0 0

2016 Sep 36 3 2 2 3

2016 Aug 28 2 4 0

Wl6 Jul 22 2 3 0 4 2

2016 Jun 30 3 4 4 3 2

W16 May 22 4 0 5 3

2016 Apr 34 4 0 3

2016 Mar 35 4 5 4 3 3

2016 Feb 40 3 3 4 5

2016 Jan 44 3 4

Totals 390 23 36 28 31 31 24

Crime Statistics for Northbridge

Year Month Assault Burglary (Dwelling) Burglary (Other) Graffiti Robbery Steal Motor Vehicle

2015 Dec 37 3 0 5 2

2015 Nov 29 6 0 3 2

2015 Oct 38 3 2 0 3

2015 Sep 44 5 4 0

2015 Aug 28 2 2 2 4

2015 Jul 49 3 6 0 2

2015 Jun 33 2 7 4 4 2

20·15 May 26 5 5 3 0

2015 Apr 28 2 0 2 3

2015 Mar 47 6 5 2 3

2015 Feb 30 2 4 0 2

20·15 Jan 30 2 3 0 2 2

Totals 419 40 40 12 25 25 25

5.14 The tables above indicate that the Locality has an existing level of crime, which the applicant is conscious of. The western end of the City, where the Comedy Lounge is situated is not well known as being especially prone to crime and does not have an unusually high or problematic crime rate as far as the applicants are aware.

24 Portal/Statistics?loca lity=Northbridqe&star!Year-2016&star!Month= 1 &endYear=2016&endMonth= 12

25 r=2015&endMonth=12

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 19 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- 5.15 The applicant is keen to ensure that the sale and supply of liquor at the Comedy Lounge will not lead to incidents resulting in any crimes or other problems such as anti-social behaviour. The SafeCity initiative through the joint efforts of the City of Perth and WA Police has been considered in terms of the publication which is included in the Applicant's Case (DOC 25). One of the areas identified to be addressed to improve safety, as is identified in the publications, is the need to activate the City after usual office business hours. The Comedy Lounge will certainly do this and provide a high level of responsible activity and surveillance to assist in this regard.

5.16 Criminals are unlikely to be attracted to and criminal behaviour and crime generally are unlikely to be generated by, the operation of the Comedy Lounge given its low key, placid and friendly modus operandi. Further, the premises will not be situated at street level, providing impulsive opportunity for would-be criminal or anti-social activity. Also, the fact patrons need to pay to enter the venue will reduce the risk of trouble-makers attending purely to cause problems or without proper intentions.

Strategies to be implemented to minimise harm or ill-health

5.17 The applicant proposes to apply a variety of strategies to the business for the purpose of minimising potential harm or ill-health within the Locality as a result of liquor being sold and supplied at the Comedy Lounge.

5.18 The very nature of the operation proposed, centred around live comedy, will of itself help to minimise harm and ill-health. This proposition is based on the following:

Sure, it's fun to share a good laugh. But did you know it can actually improve your health? It's true: laughter is strong medicine. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. As children, we used to laugh hundreds of times a day, but as adults life tends to be more serious and laughter more infrequent. By seeking out more opportunities for humor and laughter, though, you can improve your emotional health, strengthen your relationships, find greater happiness-and even add years to your life26

5.19 Further," ... laughter and humour are therapeutic allies in healing ... laughter is a sound prescription as a wonderful way to enhance health".27

5.20 The strategies and factors include the following:

5.20.1 The proposed trading conditions volunteered by the applicant will ensure the venue is operated in such a way so as to minimise the potential for any harm or ill-health to occur. The applicant's proposed conditions are set out earlier on in this PIA. Those conditions will clearly minimise the potential for harm or ill-health to occur and generally ensure a well controlled low risk operation.

26 "Laughter is the best medicine": (DOC 27)

27 "Laughter prescription": (DOC 26)

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 ©Comedy Lounge 2019 20 Public Interest Assessment ----Comedy Lounge 5.20.2 Maintaining ticketed entry, to ensure only people genuinely wanting to experience the services and facilities proposed will be patrons.

5.20.3 Creating and maintaining services and facilities to a very high standard.

5.20.4 Adopting and subsequently operating in accordance with Harm Minimisation Policy documents (DOC 16) and the applicant's professional business plan (DOC 20).

5.20.5 Pricing liquor at a level which will discourage potential rapid or excessive consumption.

5.20.6 Thoroughly training staff on all appropriate matters including responsible service of liquor.

6 Impact on amenity - section 38(4)(b)

Nature and character of the local community

6.1 The Locality is a bustling, developing capital City occupied by an increasing number of residents, workers, tourists and other visitors.

6.2 The following 2011 Census28 data, contained tin the table below, provides further insight into the nature and character of the local community:

Census category/statistic Perth Northbridge WA

Average age of residents 31 29 36

Percentage of males in the population 56.6% 57.1% 50.3%

Percentage of females 43.4% 42.9% 49.7%

Percentage of residents married 28.9% 20.7% 48.7%

Percentage divorced or separated 11.3% 9.6% 11.4%

Main country of birth Australia Australia Australia (36.6%) (26.9%) (62.9%)

Religious affiliation- percentage "no 30.3% 36.2% 25.5% religion"

Religious affiliation - percentage 21.2% 22.0% 23.6% "Catholic"

Religious affiliation- percentage 7.4% 6.2% 18.8% "Anglican"


4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 ©Comedy Lounge 2019 21 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- •

Religious affiliation - percentage 5.4% 6.6% 2.1% "Buddhism"

Language other than English - top Mandarin Korean Italian response (3.8%) (6.6%) (1.4%)

Occupied private dwellings - tenure - 13.2% 8.3% 29.5% owned outright

Occupied private dwellings - tenure - 24% 20.6% 37.8% owned with a mortgage

Occupied private dwellings - tenure - 60.8% 69.2% 29.2% rented

Worked full-time 70.4% 60.2% 60.7%

Worked part-time 23.1% 28.1% 28.1%

Unemployed 5.3% 6.4% 4.7%

Occupation - most common category "Professionals" "Professionals "Professionals (19.4%) "(29.4%) "(19.9%)

6.3 The information contained in the table above indicates the Locality comprises a multi­ cultural, largely professional community who are relatively young compared to the State average and mainly unmarried.

6.4 The applicant's supporting evidence from the community, as referred to further on in this PIA, indicates a relatively mature catchment.

6.5 The Comedy Lounge will appeal to people of all ages and persuasions.

How will the proposed premises fit into the amenity

6.6 In respect to this issue, the applicant has had regard for the requirement under the PIA Policy to consider both positive and negative aspects in terms of the following29:

6.6.1 Public transport facilities:

(a) . The Comedy Lounge is well positioned for maximum benefit from the various public transport facilities available in the City.

(b) Within close walking distance of the site is the City's new main underground bus station. Two major train stations and ferry services are not much further away.

29 At pages 5 and 6 of the Policy

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 22 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ----•• (c) Free transit bus services operate along Murray and Wellington Streets.

(d) All of these various transport options operate regularly, day and night, all year round.

6.6.2 Parking facilities:

(a) Within walking distance of Comedy Lounge there are several parking options including street parking, open-air parking areas and under cover multi-storey designated parking facilities.

6.6.3 Contribution of the proposed premises to streetscape and atmosphere of the area:

(a) The Comedy Lounge will be situated above street level and will not have any streetscape.

(b) The venue will, however, contribute greatly to the culture and diversity of the area and enhance the role of the west end of the City and assist in its advancement as part of a capital city.

6.6.4 Potential impact of the proposed premises on noise and anti-social activities and management strategies proposed:

(a) As referred to elsewhere in this PIA, the Comedy Lounge modus operandi is most unlikely to cause any such problems.

(b) There is no feature of the proposal which lends itself to loud, rowdy or boisterous noise or other activities.

(c) The entertainment proposed will be placid and peaceful.

(d) This issue is dealt with further in the accompanying Legal Submissions (DOC 18).

6.6.5 Potential impact of the proposed premises on vandalism, litter, criminal acts:

(a) As referred to elsewhere in this PIA, the manner of trade proposed is most unlikely to cause any such problems.

(b) No takeaway food or liquor service will be available which might generate food packaging as rubbish nearby.

(c) This issue is dealt with further in the accompanying Legal Submissions (DOC 18).

Positive recreational, cultural, employment and tourism benefits

6.7 This PIA clearly illustrates how the Comedy Lounge will most certainly generate many recreational, cultural, employment and tourism benefits.

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, V .1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 23 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- •· 6.8 Patrons at the Comedy Lounge will enjoy a very relaxed and comfortable setting with laid-back, cultured entertainment generating health laughter and a valuable shared experience.

6.9 Comedy Lounge will certainly provide choice and diversity and fill a noticeable gap in live entertainment and especially comedy in the western end of the City.

6.10 The business generates a range of jobs. Various positions will are available to local people to work at the venue as staff. More notably, Comedy Lounge creates work for comedians and provide them with opportunity to develop their craft and gain public profile.

6.11 The enormous number of tourists in the City will have the benefit of an original and unique Perth entertainment experience, including local talent on show. The Comedy Lounge continuously contributes greatly to the development of new and diversity services and facilities for visitors.

6.12 As addressed under the following sub-heading, the public consider there are indeed many benefits to be gained from the establishment of the licensed Comedy Lounge.


6.13 The applicant has consulted at some length with the local government authority, landlord and the public.

6.14 A survey and questionnaire were conducted in the community, which included the applicant meeting with people on the streets around where the premises will be situated to engage with the public, discuss the proposal and obtain feedback through the survey and questionnaire. That evidence is included in the Applicant's Case (DOCS 28 to 31).

6.15 Hundreds of people have gone to the trouble of expressing their opinions which are overwhelmingly in favour of the grant of the licence.

6.16 The following are just a small sample of comments from the community received by the applicant during the consultation process:

6.16.1 "It will be a huge plus for Perth CBD" (D Griffin, 51)

6.16.2 "Comedy livens life" (C Williams, 32)

6.16.3 "People will attend C.L for a purpose of comedy not just as a beer barn like other licensed premises" (E French, 56)

6.16.4 "I think Perth needs venues like this. Comedy here in Perth is limited and we need more venues for talented comedians" (G Muriale, 28)

6.16.5 "Good to have more options in the city and regular cultural activities" (A Paton, 32)

6.16.6 "Well overdue in CBD" (D Lundsen, 47)

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 24 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge

6.16.7 "Cannot wait for it to open" (K Teong, 52)

6.16.8 "Positive contribution to Perth's west end" (K Vizzuth, 23)

6.17 This clearly supportive evidence is referred to further in the accompanying Legal Submissions (DOC 18).

Outlet density

6.18 In accordance with the PIA Policy the applicant has considered existing licensed premises situated within the Locality.

6.19 The following are the licensed premises operating pursuant to current licences within Perth and Northbridge:30

No. Licence type Premises name Licensee Address

1 Hotel Criterion Hotel Perth Tan & Chong Management 560 Hay Street, Perth Ply Ltd

2 Hotel Hotel Northbridge MCC Mining (WA) Ply Ltd 198 Brisbane Street, Perth

3 Hotel Wentworth Plaza Hotel Western Plaza Hotel 300 Murray Street Perth Corporation Ply Ltd

4 Hotel Mercure Perth AAPC Properties Ply Ltd 10 Irwin Street, Perth

5 Hotel Kings Hotel Accasia Enterprises Ply Ltd 525 Hay Street, Perth

6 Hotel Ibis Perth AAPC Properties Ply Ltd 334 Murray Street, Perth

7 Hotel Four Points By Sheraton Bonaventure (Perth) Ply Ltd 707 Wellington Street, Perth Perth

8 Hotel Adelphi Hotel Apartments Adelphi Apartments Ply Ltd 130A Mounts Bay Road, Perth

9 Hotel The New Esplanade Hotel H & M Capital Ply Ltd 18 The Esplanade, Perth

10 Hotel COMO The Treasury Treasury WA Ply Ltd 28 Barrack Street (corner ), Perth

11 Tavern 43 Below Bar & Restaurant Gastev Ply Ltd 43 Barrack Street, Perth

12 Tavern The Brisbane Hotel Capital Management (WA) 292 BeaufortStreet, Pty Ltd Perth

13 Tavern Belgian Beer Cafe Westende Australian Leisure & 339-347 Murray Street, Hospitality Group Pty Perth Limited

14 Tavern Court Hotel Springform Investments Pty 50 Beaufort Street, Perth Ltd


4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 25 Public Interest Assessment ----Comedy Lounge

15 Tavern Downstairs at the Maj Leyden Catering 825 Hay Street, Perth Consultants Pty Ltd

16 Tavern Hyde Park Hotel Australian Leisure & 331 Bulwer Street, Perth Hospitality Group Pty Limited

17 Tavern Queens Tavern Australian Leisure & 520 Beaufort Street, Hospitality Group Pty Perth Limited

18 Tavern Bar 138 on Barrack ACMC Nominees Pty Ltd 130 Barrack Street, Perth

19 Tavern Tiger Lil's Tavern Loganbay Pty Ltd 437 Murray Street, Perth

20 Tavern Sassella's Tavern Dervilla Holdings Pty Ltd Shop 14, Upper Hay Street Level Carillon City Arcade, 207 Murray Street Mall, Perth

21 Tavern Lalla Rookh Bar and Eating Doolittle Holdings Pty Ltd , 77 St House Lalla Rookh Wine Georges Terrace, Perth Store

22 Tavern Forrest Centre Tavern And Jebecca Pty Ltd and 221 St Georges Terrace, Reception Centre Ernston Pty Ltd Perth

23 Tavern Durty Nelly's Kingrise Corporation Pty Lots 7 and 100, 397 Ltd Murray Street, Perth

24 Tavern Grosvenor Grosvenor Hospitality Pty 339 Hay Street Perth Ltd

25 Tavern The Lucky Shag Waterfront Perth Waterfront Pty Ltd Old Perth Port, Barrack Bar Square, Perth

26 Tavern QV1 Barone Arthurian Investments Pty 250 St George's Terrace, Ltd Perth

27 Tavern Hula Bula Bar Jook Joint Pty Ltd 12 Victoria Avenue, Perth

28 Tavern Howling's Bar Ross Stephen Thomson 16 Milligan Street, Perth

29 Tavern The George The Publican Group Pty Ltd 216 St Georges Terrace, Perth

30 Tavern Tony Roma's Manitowoq Platinum Pty Ltd 919 Hay Street, Perth & JOE Roma Pty Ltd

31 Tavern The Generous Squire Kingrise Corporation Pty 397 Murray Street, Perth Ltd

32 Tavern Packaz Cafe SDH Holdings Pty Ltd 300 Wellington Street, Perth

33 Tavern Gramercy Bar & Kitchen llijovski Nominees Pty Ltd Shop 10, Central Park 152-158, St Georges Terrace, Perth

34 Tavern The Painted Bird Bar and BDKS Pty Ltd Shop 10, 93-95 William Kitchen Street, Perth

35 Tavern The Flour Factory Two Bit Group Pty Ltd 16 Queen Street, Perth

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 26 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- •·

36 Tavern The Sentinel Bar & Grill The Sentinel Bar & Grill Ply Tenancy D, Ground Ltd Floor, 111 St George's Terrace, Perth

37 Tavern The Terrace Lounge On The Terrace (Perth) P.ty 185 St Georges Terrace, Ltd Perth

38 Tavern Heritage Brasserie, Bar & Skyshine Holdings Ply Ltd 131 St Georges Terrace, Boardroom Perth

39 Tavern Public House Perth Durack Hospitality Ply Ltd Shop 2, 263 Terrace, Perth

40 Liquor Store BWS - Beer Wine Spirits Woolworths Ltd 166 Murray Street, Perth

41 Liquor Store Vintage Cellars Hay Street Liquorland (Australia) Ply 891-893 Hay Street, Perth Ltd Perth

42 Liquor Store Hi Mart- City Soo Holding Ply Ltd 133 Barrack Street, Perth

43 Liquor Store CBD IGA Plus Liquor TN & LS Investments Ply 548 Hay Street, Perth Ltd

44 Liquor Store Vintage Wine Sales Jewel Bay 2015 Ply Ltd 10 Somerville Street, Perth

45 Club Anzac Club ANZAC Club 28 St Georges Terrace, Perth

46 Club Hellenic Association Club Of Hellenic Association Club 75 Stirling Street, Perth WA Inc Of WA Inc

47 Club Karrakatta Club Inc Karrakatta Club Inc Lawson Apartments, The Esplanade, Perth

48 Club Weld Club Hugh John Lamothe 3 Barrack Street, Perth Stowell AfT/F Weld Club

49 Club The Western Australian Club The WA Club Inc L11, 12 St Georges (Inc) Terrace, Perth

50 Club West Australian Rowing Club WA Rowing Club Inc 6 Barrack Square, Perth Inc

51 Hotel Travelodge Perth Value Lodging Ply Ltd 417 Hay Street, Perth Restricted

52 Hotel Holiday Inn Perth City Centre Hub Land Dato Ply Ltd 778 Hay Street Perth, Restricted Perth

53 Hotel Sullivans Hotel Gavan Michael Sullivan 166 Mounts Bay Road, Restricted Perth

54 Hotel Novotel Perth Langley QP Management Ply Ltd 221 Adelaide Terrace, Restricted Perth

55 Hotel Seasons of Perth Renaissance Australia Ply 37 Pier Street, Perth Restricted Ltd

56 Hotel Perth Ambassador Hotel Australia Pacific Hotels 196 Adelaide Terrace, Restricted (Brisbane) Ply Ltd Perth

57 Hotel Intercontinental PerthCity UNIR Hotels Ply Ltd 815 Hay Street, Perth Restricted Centre

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 27 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ----

58 Hotel The Old Swan Barracks Ancient Enterprises Ply Ltd 2-8 Francis Street, Perth Restricted

59 Hotel Mantra on Murray Pacific International Suites 297-305 Murray Street, Restricted Perth Pty Ltd Perth

60 Hotel Rendezvous Hotel Perth Medina Property Services 24 Mount Street, Perth Restricted Central Ply Ltd

61 Hotel The Terrace Hotel The Terrace Hotel Perth Pty St Georges House, 237- Restricted Ltd 239 (Lot 55) St Georges Terrace, Perth

62 Hotel Hotel Alex Perth Cicero Management Ply Ltd 214 William Street, Perth Restricted

63 Restaurant Miss Mauds Swedish Foods Ply Ltd Corner Pier and Murray Streets, Perth

64 Restaurant Royal Indian Restaurant Plantation Holdings Ply Ltd 1134 Hay Street, Perth

65 Restaurant St. Michael 6003 Le Petit Rouge Ply Ltd 483 Beaufort Street, Perth

66 Restaurant Caffissimo At The Gallery Art Gallery Cafe Ply Ltd Perth Cultural Centre, 47 James Street, Perth

67 Restaurant The Belasyse Fracaro Enterprises Ply Ltd Shop 4B, Shafto Lane, 872 - 884 Hay Street, Perth

68 Restaurant Fast Eddys Cafe - Perth Goode Foods Ply Ltd 454 Murray Street, Perth

69 Restaurant Seizan Japanese Restaurant KFLW Ply Ltd Shop 3, 568 Hay Street, Perth

70 Restaurant Frasers Restaurant O'Brien Ply Ltd Fraser Avenue Kings Park, Perth

71 Restaurant Halo Restaurant Fairytale Holdings Ply Ltd Old Perth Port, Barrack Street Jetty, Perth

72 Restaurant Japanese Restaurant lshiguro Australia Pty Ltd Shop 1, QV1 250 St Matsuri George's Terrace, Perth

73 Restaurant Shun Feng Seaworld Shun Fung Seafood Old Perth Port, 1st Floor Chinese Restaurant Restaurant (WA) Ply Ltd Barrack Square, Perth

74 Restaurant Courtside Restaurant Mounts Bay Waters Mounts Bay Road, Perth Apartment Hotel Ply Limited

75 Restaurant Etro Cafe / Bistro KDF Enterprises Ply Ltd 49 King Street, Perth

76 Restaurant Corner Cafe Golden Apsara Ply Ltd 546 Hay Street, Perth

77 Restaurant City Heart Indian Restaurant Bazzad Enterprises Ply Ltd Shop 2, 48 Pier Street, Perth

78 Restaurant Arirang Restaurant Silver Vision Ply Ltd 91-93 Barrack Street, Perth

79 Restaurant Maurizio Restaurant Maurizio CHC Ply Ltd 235-237 Fitzgerald Street, Perth

80 Restaurant Cafe La Tay Cintamanis Pty Ltd 144 Stirling Street, Perth

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 28

Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge • 102 Restaurant Sushia lzakaya ELLEO Holdings 3 Ply Ltd Shop HLG103, Brookfield Place, 125- 137 St Georges Terrace, Perth

103 Restaurant Namoo Korean Restaurant Nanum Group Ply Ltd Shop 1/580 (Lot 187) Hay Street, Perth

104 Restaurant Annapurna Nepalese Kaligandaki International 338 - 340 (Lot 102) Kitchen Ply Ltd Beaufort Street, Perth

105 Restaurant Zensaki Barrack Zen Project Ply Ltd 83 Barrack Street, Perth

106 Restaurant Millioncino Restaurant La Luna Nel Porto Ply Ltd 413 Murray Street, Perth

107 Restaurant The Cutting Board Eat Pier Street Food Group Ply Tenancy 2, Ground House Ltd Floor, 202 Pier Street, Perth

108 Restaurant Edosei JRCS Australia Ply Ltd Shop 3, 604 Hay Street, Perth

109 Restaurant Sauma Doon Holdings Ply Ltd 198-206 William Street, Perth

110 Restaurant Bangkok on William Bangkok on William Ply Ltd Units 2 and 3, 440 William Street, Perth

111 Nightclub Ginger Nightclub A.C.N. 123 014 808 Ply Ltd 434 William Street, Perth

112 Nightclub Shape Bar Wavemark Enterprises Ply 237 Hay Street, Perth Ltd

113 Nightclub Club Capitol Club Capitol Ply Ltd 393 Murray Street, Perth

114 Nightclub Ambar Nightclub Boomtick Ply Ltd 104 Murray Street, Perth

115 Nightclub Villa Nightclub Boomtick Ply Ltd 187 Stirling Street, Perth

116 Nightclub The Ellington Jazz Club The Ellington Jazz Club Ply 191-193 BeaufortStreet, Ltd Perth

117 Special Spirit of Love William Robert Edgar Jetty No. 4 Barrack Facility Square, Perth Licence

118 Special Ferrara Karaoke Bar Michele Gino Ferrara & Shop 3, 567 Wellington Facility Adrian Carl Caruso Street, Perth Licence

119 Special His Majesty's Theatre Leyden Catering 825 Hay Street, Perth Facility Consultants Ply Ltd Licence

120 Special Kings Park Function Centre O'Brien Ply Ltd Fraser Avenue Kings Facility and The Botanical Cafe Park, Perth Licence

121 Special Delron Hospitality Delron Cleaning Ply Ltd On Board Westrail Facility Management Intrastate Trains, Perth Licence

122 Special WA Italian Club Inc WA Italian Club Inc 217-219 Fitzgerald Facility Street, Perth Licence

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 30 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- •·

123 Special Lady Lorelle Australian Hospitality Old Perth Port Barrack Facility Services Pty Ltd Square, Barrack Street, Licence Perth

124 Special Pizzeria Cafe Millioncino La Luna Nel Porto Pty Ltd Unit 43/451 Murray Facility Street, Perth Licence

125 Special Spotless Facility Services Spotless Facility Services Perth Oval 27 Bulwer Facility Pty Ltd Pty Ltd Street, Perth Licence

126 Special Adina Apartment Hotel Perth Medina Property Services 33 Mounts Bay Road, Facility Pty Ltd Perth Licence

127 Special Adina Apartment Hotel Medina Property Services 138 Barrack Street, Facility Perth, Barrack Plaza Pty Ltd Perth Licence

128 Special Moonlight Express Australian Hospitality Pier 6, Barrack Street Facility Services Pty Ltd Jetty, Barrack Street Licence Square, Perth

129 Special Perth Arena AEG Ogden (Perth Arena) 830 Wellington Street, Facility Pty Ltd Perth Licence

130 Special Perth Concert Hall Imogen Corporation Pty Ltd 5 St Georges Terrace, Facility and Aljato Pty Ltd Perth Licence - Theatre

131 Special Captain Cook Cruises Vyscot Pty Ltd Barrack Street Jetty, Facility Perth Licence Packet/ Transport

132 Special M.V. Classique Australian Hospitality No 2 Jetty Barrack Facility Services Pty Ltd Street, Perth Licence Packet/ Transport

133 Special M V Jetaway William Robert Edgar No 2 Jetty Barrack Facility Street, Perth Licence - Packet/ Transport

134 Special Rivercat Vyscot Pty Ltd Pier 3 Barrack Street Facility Jetty, Perth Licence Packet/ Transport

135 Special M.V. Red Cat Australian Hospitality Pier 3 Barrack Street Facility Services Pty Ltd Jetty, Perth Licence - Packet/ Transport

136 Special MV Queen of the Valley Vyscot Pty Ltd Pier 5 Barrack Street Facility Jetty, Perth Licence - Packet/ Transport

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 31 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ----

137 Special Crystal Swan Ugly Duck Ply Ltd Jetty 6, Barrack Street, Facility Perth Licence - Packet / Transport

138 Special The Perth Mint Gold Corporation 310 Hay Street, Perth Facility Licence - Reception Centre

139 Special Bells Functions Avonward Ply Ltd Upper Floor, Eastern Facility Pavilion, Barrack Street Licence - Jetty, Perth Reception Centre

140 Wholesaler Fine Wine Partners Lion-Wine Ply Ltd Level 1, 171 Mounts Bay Road, Perth

141 Wholesaler The Swan Brewery The Swan Brewery Off 1 L 1 171-173 Company Ply Limited Company Ply Ltd Mounts Bay Road, Perth

142 Wholesaler Saracen Estates Pty Ltd Saracen Estates Pty Ltd L 10 225 St Georges Terrace, Perth

143 Wholesaler Ettason ry,JA) Ply Ltd Ettason ry,JA) Ply Ltd 35 Forbes Rd, Perth

144 Wholesaler Gusto Italia Food & Wine M & G Importers Ply Lid Unit 3/239 Fitzgerald Importers Street, Perth

145 Wholesaler Vino Ventures (Aust) Vino Ventures (Aust) Ply U 67 418-428 Murray Lid Street, Perth

146 Producers James Squire Brewhouse James Squire Brewhouse 397 Murray Street, Perth Pty Ltd Pty Ltd

147 Club Milligan 150 Club Roger William Warne Ainslie House, Murray Restricted Street, Perth

148 Club Loton Park Tennis Club Inc Loton Park Tennis Club Inc Corner Bulwer and Lord Restricted Streets, Perth

149 Club Director of Public Director of Public L 1 26 St Georges Restricted Prosecutions Social Club Inc Prosecutions Social Club Terrace, Perth Inc

150 Special Parmelia Hilton International Hilton Hotels Of Australia 14 Mill Street, Perth Facility Ply Ltd Licence - Tourism

151 Special Pan Pacific Perth Success Venture Ply Ltd 207 Adelaide Terrace, Facility Perth Licence Tourism

152 Special Hyatt Regency H R Operations Pty Lid 97 Adelaide Terrace, Facility Perth Licence - Tourism

153 Special Duxton Hotel Perth Narymal Ply Ltd 1 St George's Terrace, Facility Perth Licence Tourism

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 32 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge

154 Special Goodearth Hotel Australia Pacific Hotels 195 Adelaide Terrace, Facility (Perth) Pty Ltd Perth Licence - Tourism

155 Special Coolibah Lodge Blue Poppy Leisure Pty Ltd 190-194 Brisbane Street, Facility Perth Licence - Tourism

156 Special Riverside Cafe Bryan Molnar and Joyce Eastern Pavilion Barrack Facility Molnar Street Jetty, Perth Licence - Tourism

157 Special Perth Convention and Spotless Facility Services 1 Mounts Bay Road, Facility Exhibition Centre Pty Ltd Perth Licence - Tourism

158 Special Metro Bar and Bistro New Pen Pty Ltd 33 Mounts Bay Road, Facility Perth Licence - Tourism

159 Special Phi Yen Enex 100 D and N Good Food Ply Ltd Shop P137 683-703 Hay Facility Street, Perth Licence - Foodhall

160 Special Delisio Delisio Pty Ltd Shop P141 683-703 Hay Facility Street, Perth Licence - Foodhall

161 Special Compass Group Education Compass Group Education Level 3, 12 Newcastle Facility Hospitality Services Ply Ltd Hospitality Services Pty Ltd Street, Perth Licence - Caterer

162 Special Compass Group (Australia) Compass Group (Australia) Level 3, 12 Newcastle Facility Ply Ltd Pty Ltd Street, Perth Licence Caterer

163 Special Brush Fork & Pencil Pty Ltd Brush Fork & Pencil Pty Ltd 885 Wellington Street, Facility Perth Licence - Caterer

164 Special Seizan Karaoke Bar & Club KFLW Pty Ltd Upstairs, 564-568 Hay Facility Street, Perth Licence - Amusement Venue

165 Small Bar Cheeky Sparrow Vinkey Ply Ltd 317 Murray Street, Perth

166 Small Bar 1907 Bar Nextera Holdings Pty Ltd Basement Level, 26 Queen Street, Perth

167 Small Bar Door49 KDF Enterprises Pty Ltd Level 1, 49 King Street, Perth

168 Small Bar Canton Lounge Bar Steve Lambetsos and 532 Hay Street, Perth Michael Lee Cowley

169 Small Bar Holmes & Co Coffee Bar & Erin-Royal Pty Ltd Shop 4/329, Murray Kitchen Street, Perth

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 ©Comedy Lounge 2019 33 Public Interest Assessment ----Comedy Lounge

170 Small Bar Andaluz Tapas Bar Andaluz Holdings Ply Ltd 21 Howard Street, Perth

171 Small Bar Breve Cafe & Bar Minling Enterprises Ply Ltd 158 Murray Street, Perth

172 Small Bar Helvetica Bar UTS Projects Ply Ltd 101 St Georges Terrace, Perth

173 Small Bar Wolfe Lane Blacktower Capital Pty Lid 321 Murray Street, Perth

174 Small Bar Mechanics' Institute Bar Flipside Hospitality Ply Lid 222 William Street, Perth

175 Small Bar Bar Lafayette B.A.R.S. Holdings WA Ply Brookfield Place, Lower Ltd Georges Lane, 125 St Georges Terrace, Perth

176 Small Bar The Spaniard Tapas Bar Vastafeliz Ply Ltd Wolf Lane, 790 Hay Street, Perth

177 Small Bar Varnish On King Varnish On King Ply Ltd 75 King Street, Perth

178 Small Bar Choo Chao's MDVDM Ply Ltd HLG 105 Brookfield Place 125 St Georges Terrace, Perth

179 Small Bar Old Faithful Old Faithful! Pty Ltd Shop 6/577 (Lot 250) Wellington Street, Perth

180 Small Bar Lot 20 Handmade Hospitality Pty 198-206 William Street, Ltd Perth

181 Small Bar Brika Exipnos Pty Ltd 3 and 4, 177 Stirling Street, Perth

182 Special Devilles Pad Eagle Rock Lobster Ply Lid 1/3 Aberdeen Street, Facility Perth Licence

183 Special The Dominion League Holding Court Investments 84 Beaufort Street, Perth Facility Ply Ltd Licence

184 Special Gilkison Dance Studio Gilkisons Dance Studio Ply 33 Irwin Street, Perth Facility Ltd Licence

185 Special Balthazar Lawson Nominees (1988) 6 The Esplanade (Corner Facility Ply Ltd Sherwood Court), Perth Licence

186 Special Carnegies Carnegies Perth Ply Ltd 356 Murray Street, Perth Facility Licence

187 Special David Jones Department David Jones Limited 622-648 Hay Street Mall Facility Store (163-183 Murray Street Licence Mall), Perth

188 Special The Hotel Dynamic International 942 Hay Street, Perth Facility Management Ply Ltd Licence

189 Special C Restaurant Lounge Shoppenhangers Ply Lid Levels 33 & 34, 44 St Facility Georges Terrace, Perth Licence

4850-8114-4637_ 1153 206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 34 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ----•·

190 Special Moon & Sixpence Cedardale Ply Ltd 300 Murray Street, Perth Facility Licence

191 Special Lost Society Bar Pocket Ace Investments Ply 918 Hay Street, Perth Facility Ltd Licence

192 Tavern The Aviary 140Williams Perth Ply Ltd SHOP 1 .40, 140William Restricted Street, Perth

193 Tavern Print Hall Colonial Leisure Group Ply City Square, 125 St Restricted Ltd Georges Terrace, Perth

194 Tavern My Place Bar and Oztown Ply Ltd 70 Pier Street, Perth Restricted Restaurant

195 Tavern The Trustee Bar & Element WA Ply Ltd City Square 125-137 St Restricted Restaurant Georges Terrace, Perth

196 Tavern The Grand Central Bar and Jashan Technology Ply Ltd 150 B St Georges Restricted Restaurant Terrace, Perth

197 Tavern The Stables Bar Mossvale Nominees Pty Ltd 886 - 890 (Rear Restricted Tenancy) Hay Street, Perth

198 Tavern The Old Brewery Grill, Grill & Functions Ply Ltd 171-173 Mounts Bay Restricted Functions and Private Dining The Old Brewery Bar Road, Perth

199 Tavern Greenhouse St Georges Greenhouse Perth Ply Ltd 100 St Georges Terrace, Restricted Terrace Perth

200 Tavern Jamie's Italian Italian 2 Ply Ltd Shop GF18 140William Restricted Street, Perth

201 Tavern Laneway Lounge No Black Tie Ply Ltd Ground Floor, Unit B 414 Restricted Murray Street, Perth

202 Tavern Brotzeit German Bier Bar & Breadtime CBD Ply Ltd Shop 6 140 William Restricted Restaurant Street, Perth

203 Restaurant Ciba Espresso Cloisters DC & TT Ply Ltd Shop 15 & 16 Cloisters Arcade 200 St George's Terrace, Perth

204 Restaurant Kungfu Hotpot Kung Fu Kitchen U 2 139 Newcastle (Northbridge) Ply Ltd Street, Perth

205 Restaurant BamBamBoo Foodchain JSII Ply Ltd & Irene Chen Shop 25 140William Ply Ltd One Forty (Perth) Street, Perth Ply Ltd

206 Restaurant East Village City Square 140 Ply Ltd Shop 14, 140William Street, Perth

207 Restaurant Gami Chicken Gami Perth Ply Ltd Shop 3B, Shafto Lane 872- 884 Hay Street, Perth

208 Special Perth Theatre Trust Perth Theatre Trust Level 1 825 Hay Street, Facility Perth Licence

209 Special Banjo's Backpackers Ply Ltd 150 Claisebrook Road, Facility Perth Licence

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210 Small Bar Alfred's Pizzeria Cafe 37 Perth Ply Ltd G 37 Barrack Street, Perth

211 Small Bar La Casa Sinti Whiskey Bar & Moore Enterprises Aust Pty 129 Barrack Street, Cafe Ltd Perth

212 Tavern Globe Bar & Eatery Brockwell Hotel Group Pty 140 William Street, Perth Restricted Ltd

213 Tavern Chophouse Chop 2 Pty Ltd Shop 2 Cloisters Arcade Restricted 200 St Georges Terrace, Perth

214 Tavern The Reveley Bar Quay Hospitality Pty Ltd Elizabeth Quay Eastern Restricted Promenade, Perth

215 Tavern Beer Works Tavern Penzance Pty Ltd 161 James Street, Northbridge

216 Tavern The Game Sports Bar On The Road Again WA Pty 84 Aberdeen Street, Ltd Northbridge

217 Tavern Rosie O'Grady's Pub Punt Holdings Ply Ltd 203 James Street, Northbridge

218 Tavern An Sibin Pub Ash Promotions Pty Ltd 147 James Street, Northbridge

219 Tavern The Brass Monkey Australian Leisure & 209 William Street, Hospitality Group Pty Northbridge Limited

220 Tavern PICA Bar & Cafe Lazarus Road Pty Ltd 51 James Street, Northbridge

221 Tavern Flyrite Bodeen Investments Pty 108-114 Aberdeen Ltd Street, Northbridge

222 Tavern The Cure Tavern Munster Bar Group Ply Ltd 73 Francis Street, Northbridge

223 Tavern Beaufort House Element WA Pty Ltd 484-492 Beaufort Street, Highgate

224 Tavern Northbridge Brewing Highmoon Pty Ltd & Yardoo 44 Lake Street, Company Pty Ltd Northbridge

225 Tavern Outback Jacks - Northbridge WDR Consulting Pty Ltd 124 James Street, Northbridge

226 Tavern The William Street Bird O'Hanlons /YVA) Ply Ltd 179-181 William Street, Northbridge

227 Tavern Must Winebar Beaufort Winebar Pty Ltd 519 Beaufort Street, Highgate

228 Tavern Universal Bar Universe Enterprises Ply 221 William Street, Ltd Northbridge

229 Liquor Store Peter's Cellars Grasson Ply Ltd & Andrew 81 Lake Street, Alexander Beveridge Northbridge

230 Liquor Store Lake Street Liquor Supply Tindara Tarricone 52 Lake Street, Northbridge

231 Liquor Store Lion Oriental Foods Co Loi's Eastern Supermart Pty 13 Fitzgerald Street, Ltd Northbridge

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232 Hotel Great Southern Hotel GPR Hotels Pty Ltd 15 Robinson Avenue, Restricted Highgate

233 Restaurant Romany Restaurant Moreton Bay Nominees Pty 105 Aberdeen Street, Ltd And Mountyfield Ply Ltd Northbridge

234 Restaurant Chef Han's Cafe H & B3 Roger Pty Ltd 245 William Street, Northbridge

235 Restaurant Big El's Latin American Big El's Latin American 71 Francis Street, Fusion Fusion Ply Ltd Northbridge

236 Restaurant Efes Cafe and Kebab House Aykut Sadak 137 James Street, (Northbridge) Northbridge

237 Restaurant Seoul Korean Restaurant Min Chi Kim 253A William Street, Northbridge

238 Restaurant Sorrento Restaurant Alfonso And Tina Di Lanzo 158 James Street, Northbridge

239 Restaurant Midori Japanese Restaurant Dae Sung Trading Pty Ltd 152-154 James Street, Northbridge

240 Restaurant The Moon Thomas Moon Ply Ltd Shop 3, 323 William Street, Northbridge

241 Restaurant Zapata's Restaurante lmajinate Pty Ltd 155 James Street, (Northbridge) Northbridge

242 Restaurant The Lake Street Cafe Tindara Tarricone 78 Lake Street, Northbridge

243 Restaurant Oliver's On James Street Peldon Holdings Pty Ltd Shop 5, 160-166 James Street, Northbridge

244 Restaurant U & I Cafe Quoc Viet Nominees Pty 4 & 5 45 Francis Street, Ltd Northbridge

245 Restaurant La Chalita 6001 Ply Ltd 279 William Street, Northbridge

246 Restaurant Sweet As Cafe Hungry And Thirsty As Ply Shops 2-4, 500 Beaufort Ltd Street, Highgate

247 Restaurant Sinabro Aone Australia Ply Ltd 100 Francis Street, Northbridge

248 Restaurant Positano Restaurant Alficoast Ply Ltd 151-153 James Street, Northbridge

249 Restaurant Bivouac Montejure Ply Ltd 198 William Street, Northbridge

250 Restaurant Smokey's Cabin Soundz Ply Ltd 71-73 Lake Street, Northbridge

251 Restaurant James Parker Sushi & Sake New Trains Ply Ltd 2/182 James Street, Northbridge

252 Restaurant Dusi! Thai Restaurant Nivet Oldfield And Sukum 249 James Street, Tungthaovornkarn Northbridge

253 Restaurant Hestia's Cafe Restaurant Hestia Tapas Bar Ply Ltd 49-51 Lake Street, Northbridge

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254 Restaurant Hawker's Cuisine Alltwin Holdings Ply Ltd 40 Francis Street, Northbridge

255 Restaurant Hog's Breath Cafe - Aykum Businesses PlyLid 21Lake Street, Northbridge Northbridge

256 Restaurant Fortune Five Chinese Harmony Ocean PlyLtd 108a James Street, Restaurant Northbridge

257 Restaurant Two Fat Indians Gosavi PlyLtd 524-542 Beaufort Street, Highgate

258 Restaurant Nova CafeLounge SL Yap Investments Ply U2/228 James Street, Ltd Northbridge

259 Restaurant Wok Street Chow House Rubylight Investments Pty 47Lake Street, Ltd Northbridge

260 Restaurant Kalao World Cuisine Stanley International 3/171 James Street, College PlyLtd Northbridge

261 Restaurant Phi Yen Vietnamese Yen Hong Thi Dang And Unit 4 205 Brisbane Restaurant Tuan Minh Dang Street, Northbridge

262 Restaurant The Hive Restaurant & Cafe Khusboo Patel & Ruchik Unit 1, 182 James Patel Street, Northbridge

263 Restaurant Perth Thailicious Restaurant C Thamsuriyopas & S Hadi- 160 James Street, Kermanshahi T Onsuwan Northbridge

264 Restaurant Lido Restaurant Hoang Xuan Nguyen And 416 William Street, Hoang Phi Nguyen Northbridge

265 Restaurant Crown Karaoke Restaurant Lucky Entertainment Ply Shop 11, 60 Roe Street, Ltd Northbridge

266 Restaurant Mela Indian Sweets And Violetto Nominees PlyLid 428 William Street, Eats Northbridge

267 Restaurant Nando's Northbridge Nando's Australia PlyLtd 35 Lake Street, Northbridge

268 Restaurant Dragon Palace Chinese Ausunshine PlyLtd 66 Francis Street, Restaurant And Ktv Northbridge

269 Restaurant Beer & Skewer XinLong Development Ply Shop 1, 297 William Ltd Street, Northbridge

270 Restaurant Perth Daejangkum Perth Daejangkum PlyLid Ground Floor, 74 Francis Restaurant Street, Northbridge

271 Restaurant Royal Seafood Restaurant Lei & Yu Holdings (Aust) 1/91 Aberdeen Street, PtyLtd Northbridge

272 Restaurant HWA Ro Korean BBQ HWA Ro Korean BBQ Ply 118a Aberdeen Street, Ltd Northbridge

273 Restaurant Tarts Cafe P.E.F.G. Nominees PlyLid 212Lake Street, Northbridge

274 Restaurant Ace Pizza Willwin Nominees Ply Ltd 448 BeaufortStreet, Highgate

275 Restaurant Little Lamb Hot Pot ASQ International Ply Ltd 91 James Street, Northbridge

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276 Restaurant The Bonsai Restaurant & Apex Corporate Ply Ltd 30-36 Roe Street, Cafe Lounge Northbridge

277 Restaurant The Bite YP Global Ply Lid 57 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge

278 Restaurant Hong Kong Barbecue House Kai Tong Chan and Siu 76 Francis Street, Restaurant Fong Chan Northbridge

279 Restaurant P'tite Ardoise Bistro The Bistreaux Ply Ltd 283 Beaufort Street, Highgate

280 Restaurant Joy Cafe Restaurant Residence Link Ply Ltd 269 William Street, Northbridge

281 Restaurant SURA Restaurant Mirak Perth Ply Lid Lot 7, Building 1 1, Shenton Street, Northbridge

282 Restaurant Dough Pizza Realthing Nominees Ply Lid 434A William Street, Northbridge

283 Restaurant Maya Masala Indian Nirmal Nominees Ply Ltd 291 (Lot 3) William Brasserie Street, Northbridge

284 Restaurant Pleased to Meat You 6003 Ply Lid Lot 1, 38 Roe Street, Northbridge

285 Restaurant Mexicola Ply Ltd 87 James Street, Northbridge

286 Restaurant Aisuru Sushi Kaiseki Group Ply Ltd Lot 100, 208-210 William Street, Northbridge

287 Restaurant Mary Street Bakery HLAF Ply Ltd 507 Beaufort Street, Highgate

288 Restaurant Solomon's Food For The Paul Reid 487 Beaufort Street, Soul Highgate

289 Restaurant No Mafia Barrio Enoteca Pty Ltd 189 William Street, Northbridge

290 Restaurant Galaxy Lounge Restaurant Allsatin Ply Ltd Floors 1 and 2, 65 Francis Street, Northbridge

291 Restaurant Sayers Sister Sayers Sister Ply Ltd 236 Lake Street, Northbridge

292 Restaurant Punjabi Junction M.R PartnersPly Ltd 80 Lake Street, Northbridge

293 Restaurant Red Chilli Sichuan Red Chilli Perth Ply Lid Unit 1, 191 James Restaurant (Perth) Street, Northbridge

294 Restaurant Szechwan Zen Chinese Maxplus Ply Ltd Shops 8 & 9, William Restaurant Street Shopping Centre, 375 William Street, Northbridge

295 Nightclub The Paramount Nightclub Explorer Cruise Lines Ply 161 James Street, Lid Northbridge

296 Nightclub Northbridge Social Northbridge Social Ply Ltd 232 William Street, Northbridge

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297 Nightclub The Library Nightclub CHB Charters Ply Ltd 69 Lake Street, Northbridge

298 Nightclub Connections Night Club Profligate Ply Ltd 81 James Street, Northbridge

299 Nightclub The Penthouse Club Perth M & M Entertainment Ply 230 William Street, Ltd Northbridge

300 Nightclub Air Nightclub Salmon Point Hlds Ply Ltd 139 James Street, A/T/F Fish Trust Northbridge

301 Nightclub Blue To The Bone Pure Profit Pty Ltd 174 James Street, Northbridge

302 Nightclub Metro City D Club Pty Ltd 146 Roe Street, Northbridge

303 Nightclub DVB IV EntertainmentMCMXCIII 78 James Street, Pty Ltd Northbridge

304 Nightclub Jack Rabbit Slims Combined Entertainment 133 Aberdeen Street, Strategies Pty Ltd Northbridge

305 Nightclub Geisha Bar Smithers Jones Pty Ltd 135A James Street, Northbridge

306 Nightclub The Republic Night Club Cabaret Australia Ply Ltd 66 Lake Street, Northbridge

307 Special Bar Shanghai John Kingston Flottman 123 James Street, Facility Northbridge Licence

308 Special The Skye Bar The Shed Tavern Pty Ltd 69-71 Aberdeen Street, Facility Northbridge Licence

309 Special Late Night Valentine Bottle Industries Ply Ltd 446 Beaufort Street, Facility Highgate Licence

310 Special The Blue Room Performing Arts Centre 51-53 James Street, Facility Society Inc Northbridge Licence - Theatre

311 Special Cinema Paradiso Palace Cinema Nominees 160 James Street, Facility Pty Ltd & Luna Cinemas Northbridge Licence - Pty Ltd Theatre

312 Special The Bakery-Artrage Complex Artrage Inc 233-239 James Street, Facility Northbridge Licence - Reception Centre

313 Special Empyrean Function Centre Equanimity Investments Ply 12 Lake Street, Facility Limited Northbridge Licence - Reception Centre

314 Wholesaler European Foods European Foods 95 Aberdeen Street, Wholesalers Ply Ltd Wholesalers Ply Ltd Northbridge

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315 Club Northbridge Taxation Social Northbridge Taxation Social Ground Floor, 45 Francis Restricted Club Inc Club Inc Street, Northbridge

316 Special Pot Black Family Pool & Play Ball Ply Ltd 106 James Street, Facility Snooker Centres Northbridge Licence - Amusement Venue

317 Special Hit Studio Karaoke Box Lucky Emerald Ply Ltd 60-64 Francis Street, Facility Northbridge Licence - Amusement Venue

318 Small Bar Kara Karaoke GN Entertainment Ply Ltd 21 B Lake Street, Northbridge

319 Small Bar Ezra Pound Redrum Hospitality Ply Ltd Shops 14-17, Williams Lane, 189 William Street, Northbridge

320 Small Bar 399 Bar Darth Sidious Ply Ltd Shop 3, 399-403 William Street, Northbridge

321 Small Bar El Publico La Dicha Ply Ltd 511-513 Beaufort Street Highgate

322 Small Bar Frisk Espresso Number Nine Australia Ply U 31 103-105 Francis Ltd Street, Northbridge

323 Small Bar Matches Lounge Matches Lounge Ply Ltd 91A James Street, Northbridge

324 Small Bar Porky's BBQ & Bar Porky's BBQ Ply Ltd 94 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge

325 Small Bar Sneaky Tony's 6003 Ply Ltd Lot 2, 38 Roe Street, Northbridge

326 Small Bar X-Large MacArthur Park Holdings 87 (Lot 8) James Street, Ply Ltd Northbridge

327 Special Yee Wah Asian Groceries TDMAC Ply Ltd 342 William Street, Facility Northbridge Licence

328 Special Perth Steam Works Challenge (WA) Ply Ltd Unit 7, 369 William Facility Street, Northbridge Licence

329 Special Elephant & Wheelbarrow Goldbay Ply Ltd Corner Francis and Lake Facility Streets, Northbridge Licence

330 Special The Mustang Bar Mustang Bar Ply Ltd 46 Lake Street, Facility Northbridge Licence

331 Tavern The Standard Perth Roe Parker Junior Ply Ltd 28 Roe Street, Restricted Northbridge

332 Tavern State Theatre Centre of Leyden Catering 174 William Street, Restricted Western Australia Consultants Ply Ltd Northbridge

333 Restaurant Lucky Chan's Laundry and Who is Lucky Chan Ply Ltd 311 William Street, Noodlebar Northbridge

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334 Restaurant Side Door Barbecue Bluepark Holdings Ply Ltd 499 Beaufort Street, Highgate

335 Restaurant Kimchi House Kara & Co Pty Ltd Shop 5, 60-66 Roe Street, Northbridge

336 Restaurant Korean BBQ House GN Entertainment Pty Ltd Shop 8, 60-66 Roe Street, Northbridge

337 Restaurant Baby Mammoth Santoso 0/VA) Ply Ltd Unit 2/305, William Street, Northbridge

338 Small Bar iDarts NIX NIXWA Ply Ltd 101 James Street, Northbridge

339 Small Bar The Grid Racing Perth The Grid Racing Pty Ltd Unit 1 / 310 William Street, Northbridge

6.20 The existing licensed premises listed in the table above collectively provide a wide range of licensed dining and drinking services in various styles of premises. The variety of licence classes represented amongst the list of premises indicates this.

6.21 All of the existing premises are totally differentf rom the Comedy Lounge and few are even situated in the western end of the City where Comedy Lounge will be located.

6.22 There simply is no dedicated licensed comedy venue anywhere.

6.23 Comedy Lounge provides something unique and special. It brings much needed diversity and choice in the licensed services available.

6.24 The premises provides bespoke live entertainment, promoting local talent and enabling the local community to experience visiting acts.

6.25 The Perth City Link, once completed, will demand a considerable amount of support services and facilities in the surrounding area.

6.26 The issue of outlet density is referred to further in the applicant's Legal Submissions (DOC 18).

7 Offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience - section 38(4)(c)

7.1 In respect to this issue the applicant has considered "the impact that may be caused to people who reside or work in the vicinity of the licensed premises"31.

7.2 It is not considered that there are any high risk factors associated with this application given its unique and low risk features. However, the applicant proposes to implement the following strategies to possible "combat offence, disturbance or inconvenience" that could potentially arise:

31 At page 6 of the PIA Policy

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 42 Public Interest Assessment ----Comedy Lounge 7.2.1 CCTV surveillance technology will operate at the venue.

7.2.2 Staff are well-trained to monitor patron behaviour at the premises.

7.2.3 The operation is designed as a passive drinking environment.

7.2.4 Food is readily available.

7.2.5 Placid and relaxing entertainment is provided throughout the course of trade.

7.2.6 Ensuring water and other non-alcoholic drinks are readily available.

7.2.7 Maintaining a fairly large amount of seating for patrons.

7.2.8 Keeping sound systems operating at a moderate level, well within noise regulation limits.

7.3 The evidence from the public shows no real concern about any expected likelihood of Comedy Lounge causing any offence, annoyance or disturbance. Rather the evidence is clearly very strongly in favour of the proposal. It is obvious that the public consider that the licence is needed.

7.4 The applicant is keen to ensure no offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience is caused to anyone as a result of the Comedy Lounge operating and that the venue provides enjoyable services and facilities to the public which are in fact the antithesis of offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience.

8 Other matters

Security and safety 8.1 CCTV operates throughout the premises including at exits and entrances.

8.2 Staff undergos training on matters of safety and security, both for their own benefit and that of patrons.

8.3 The Comedy Lounge is well lit at all times so as to avoid attracting would-be criminals or people seeking a secluded space for inappropriate or anti-social behaviour.

8.4 As and when required, for peak trading periods, the applicant intends to engage qualified security personnel to work at the premises. A professional and discrete presence will be implemented, consistent with the placid and relaxed nature of the business.

8.5 The design and layout of the premises will facilitate a high level of surveillance for staff who will easily be able to monitor patrons coming and going.

8.6 The style of operation proposed, entertainment provided and large number of seating are all factors that will help ensure a calm and safe environment at the Comedy Lounge.

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 43 Public Interest Assessment ----Comedy Lounge 8.7 The extensive experience of the applicant company's sole director in conducting live comedy shows has provided him with the knowledge required to properly address matters of security and safety at the Comedy Lounge. He is very familiar with the intended catchment and has found those people to be well behaved and sociable.

8.8 Cash will not be left unattended on the premises and the venue is securely locked when not operating.

Harm minimisation 8.9 The applicant is well aware of the need to minimise the potential harmful effects from the proposed liquor services at Comedy Lounge.

8.10 Harm will be minimised through ensuring compliance with at least the following:

8.10.1 Liquor licensing laws and regulations.

8.10.2 Any special conditions endorsed on the licence.

8.10.3 In-house operational management policies.

8.10.4 Occupational health and safety matters.

8.10.5 Employee and workplace relations.

8.10.6 Occupier's liability issues.

8.10.7 Health regulations.

8.10.8 Lease obligations.

8.10.9 City of Perth requirements.

8.11 Every effort will be made by the applicant to conduct business under the new licence in a manner that minimises the potential for harm or ill-health to occur as a result of the Comedy Lounge operating. The applicant accepts that his business, as the supplier of liquor, will have the capacity to potentially lead to harm or ill-health and that the Locality has suffered from some alcohol-related harm and ill-health issues in the past.

8.12 Staff are trained thoroughly on matters of harm minimisation and responsible service. Their training will be refreshed regularly.

8.13 Strict policies apply in respect of juveniles. Unaccompanied juveniles are never permitted entry to the premises and staff will be trained to vigilantly check for acceptable identification.

9 Conclusion

9.1 This document thoroughly addresses the PIA Policy with specific reference to the particulars of the application. The applicant has provided a detailed proposal including necessary formalities and a large volume of evidence from the community

4850-8114-4637_ 1153206, v.1 © Comedy Lounge 2019 44 Public Interest Assessment Comedy Lounge ---- • strongly supporting the Comedy Lounge. There is a significant volume of other supporting material in respect of the application.

9.2 This PIA deals with all factors relevant to the public interest and careful consideration has clearly been given to those factors. As required, the applicant has identified the relevant "at risk" groups and also both positive and negative points associated with the Locality and the business proposal.

9.3 The large number of very positive public interest features in this case far outweigh the few negatives which, in any event, have been addressed by the applicant in this PIA and by virtue of the nature of the proposal.

9.4 Given all relevant considerations the application is not complicated in any way and should not attract any controversy.

9.5 Further aspects of the public interest and the legal issues associated with the application are addressed in the applicant's accompanying Legal Submissions (DOC 18).

Dated 2 September 2019

Comedy Lounge Marketing & Media Coordinator for the applicant Reference : Leticia Dick [email protected] T : (61) 0434771950

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Form 2A

Public Interest Assessment

Where a Public Interest Assessment is required this form can be completed and lodged with the licensing authority. Applicants should ensure they read the Director of Liquor Licensing’s policy - Public Interest Assessment prior to completing this form.

PART 1 - Application details

1.1 Applicant name: John McAllister

1.2 Application for:

Hotel (inc Hotel Restricted) New licence Removal of licence

Tavern (inc Tavern Restricted) New licence Removal of licence

Small Bar New licence Removal of licence

Liquor Store New licence Removal of licence

Nightclub New licence Removal of licence

Special Facility New licence Removal of licence

Restaurant New licence Removal of licence

Club New licence

Club Restricted New licence

x Extended Trading Permit x Ongoing Hours Liquor Without a Meal (more than 120 persons) Other

1.3 Premises name: Comedy Lounge

1.4 Address of proposed premises: Upstairs 413 Murray Street, Perth, 6000

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Form 2A


The public interest test is based on the principle that licensed premises must operate within the interests of the local community. The Butterworth’s Australian Legal Dictionary defines the term “public interest” as:

“an interest in common to the public at large or a significant portion of the public and which may, or may not involve the personal or propriety rights of individual people”

The public interest provisions enable the licensing authority to consider a broad range of issues specific to each licence or permit application, and flexibility exists to assess each individual application on its merits.

Each community is different and has individual characteristics. Similarly, each licensee’s business or proposed manner of trade is unique to the particular premises. A Public Interest Assessment (PIA) outlines how the premises/proposed premises will impact the community and provide an outline of how the applicant will manage any impact.

Section 31 of the Liquor Control Act 1988 (‘the Act’) provides the licensing authority with the discretion to grant licences.

Under section 33(1) ‘the licensing authority has an absolute discretion to grant or refuse an application on any grounds, or for any reason, that the licensing authority considers in the public interest.’

In considering the public interest, the licensing authority will take into account the objects of the Act as provided in section 5 and the matters set out in section 38(4).

In this regard, applicants will be required to lodge a PIA with the application.

Legislative Provisions

The primary objects of the Act as set out in section 5 are: a) to regulate the sale, supply and consumption of liquor; b) to minimise harm or ill-health caused to people, or any group of people, due to the use of liquor; and c) to cater for the requirements of consumers for liquor and related services, with regard to the proper development of the liquor industry, the tourism industry and other hospitality industries in the State.

The secondary objects of the Act are: a) to facilitate the use and development of licensed facilities, including their use and development for the performance of live original music, reflecting the diversity of the requirements of consumers in the State; b) to provide adequate controls over, and over the persons directly or indirectly involved in, the sale, disposal and consumption of liquor; and c) to provide a flexible system, with as little formality or technicality as may be practicable, for the administration of this Act. d) to encourage responsible attitudes and practices towards the promotion, sale, supply, service and consumption of liquor that are consistent with the interests of the community.

Section 38(4) of the Act provides that the matters the licensing authority may have regard to in determining whether the granting of an application is in the public interest include: a) the harm or ill-health that might be caused to people, or any group of people, due to the use of liquor; b) the impact on the amenity of the locality in which the licensed premises, or proposed licensed premises are, or are to be, situated; c) whether offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience might be caused to people who reside or work in the vicinity of the licensed premises or proposed licensed premises; and d) any other prescribed matter. (Please note: there are no prescribed requirements at this time).

The licensing authority has discretion to impose conditions on the licence or permit that has regard to the public interest, the objects of the Act and the information provided in the applicant’s PIA submission. Conditions may also be imposed based on the content of the PIA submission. Form 2A Page 2

Form 2A

In considering the public interest, applicants should demonstrate the positive aspects of their application including the social, economic and health impacts. It is not sufficient for applicants to merely demonstrate that the grant of the application will not have any negative impact.


As part of a PIA submission, applicants must provide details regarding the community in the vicinity of the licensed premises (or proposed licensed premises) and any amenity issues in the locality.

The term ‘locality’ in this instance refers to the area surrounding the proposed licensed premises. This locality will be the area most likely to be affected by the granting of an application in relation to amenity issues.

However, in terms of potential harm or ill-health impacts on the community an applicant may need to consider a wider geographic area depending on the intended nature of the business.

In this regard, in terms of addressing objects 5(1)(b) and 5(1)(c) of the Act, an applicant may need to consider an area which is much broader than the ‘locality’ used for consideration of amenity issues. For example, an application for a destination liquor store, which may draw its clientele from a large geographic area, would need to address 5(1)(b) and 5(1)(c) of the Act in a much broader context. The onus is on the applicant to satisfy the licensing authority that the grant of the application is in the public interest and provide relevant evidence and submissions to discharge this onus. An applicant should address all relevant considerations under the Act, bearing in mind all the circumstances and unique features of its particular application.

Licensing Authority’s Expectations for a PIA

Completing the PIA should be part of an applicant’s business planning. A PIA assists the licensing authority in assessing the impact of the application, if granted, on the community, including existing services and amenity. It is also a valuable document for informing the community about the proposed manner of trade. It is important to note that there is no requirement in the Act for PIAs to be prepared by legal counsel or industry consultants. Applicants can complete their own PIA by taking a common-sense approach after liaising with the relevant key stakeholders and interest groups in the community.

Evidence to support an application being in the public interest should include, but is not limited to petitions; survey results; and letters of support and statements of consumers having a requirement for the type of liquor to be sold and supplied under the licence sought.

It is important to note, however, that because each community is different, the level of detail required in a PIA will be different for individual applications. The required level of detail is subject to the complexity of the application and the impact the premises/proposed premises will have on the surrounding community.

The following questions have been developed to guide applicants through the PIA process and highlight the areas which should be considered.

The information provided should not be limited to the space provided on the form. If you need to attach additional information, please refer to the relevant attachment in the space provided.

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Form 2A

PART 2 – Manner of trade Description of the proposed business, manner of proposed trade and target client base. This information should be consistent with your business plan/model.

2.1 What facilities and services will be provided by the proposed premises? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

The Comedy Lounge provides the public a wide variety of live comedic entertainment, Including stand-up comedy, musical comedic acts, karaoke and drag entertainment, all within a cosy cabaret style environment with licenced beverage and food services.

2.2 What is the proposed manner of trade? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

The manner of trade that is proposed is a unique and exciting investment for the Perth CBD to have for patrons to enjoy and experience.

2.3 What is the target client base? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number). Include objective, accurate and relevant evidence such as a petition, customer survey results and letters of support and statements from potential/existing customers.

The current client base includes patrons who enjoy watching live entertainment, due to the venues location – inner city workers and for those who have an interest in Comedy.

2.4 Will the premises be distinguished by any particular theme or decor? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

Warm and inviting soft chair furnishings, fixtures and fittings have been installed to create a relaxing ambience that is comfortable and ideal for patrons watching live comedy and socialising with others whilst enjoying entertainment.

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Form 2A

Part 3 – Public Interest – section 38(2)

3.1 Why is the grant of a licence in the public interest and how will it benefit the community? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

The Comedy Lounge is applying for an extended liquor licence for 1 extra hour on a Saturday and Sunday morning to 1am. As a result of this extension, the Comedy Lounge surveyed its current patrons through an online survey to determine the degree of

public support for more late night entertainment and address any concerns regarding the Comedy Lounge’s application for a late night liquor license (Doc 1).

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Form 2A

PART 4 - Harm or Ill Health - section 38(4)(a) Risk assessment with respect to the harm or ill health that might be caused to people, or groups of people within the locality, due to the use of liquor.

4.1 List any ‘at risk’ groups or sub-communities within the locality, travelling through the locality or resorting to the locality? 1 Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) Groups of people described as "at risk" in the PIA Policy is because they are deemed to warrant priority care and consideration have been studied in accordance with the PIA Policy. Those relevant to the Locality of Perth, 6000, have been sought to be identified and are referred to in the following Table 1 (Doc 2).

4.2 What are the social health indicators for the locality? 2 Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) Social health indicators such as alcohol related crime in an area and the rates of and trends in, alcohol related hospital admissions, are relevant considerations for the licensing authority to take into account when assessing whether an extended liquor licence is warranted at Comedy Lounge. Table 2 (Doc 2) demonstrates these and other matters indicating the social health within the Locality of Perth, 6000.

4.3 What are the proposed strategies the applicant will implement to minimise harm or ill health? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) Live comedy itself will help to minimise harm and ill-health. Maintaining ticketed entry, ensuring only genuine people wanting to experience the services and facilities proposed. Maintaining services and facilities to a very high standard. Pricing liquor at a level which will discourage potential rapid or excessive consumption. Lastly, training staff properly.

1 In regard to ‘at risk’ groups and sub-communities, these have been identified under the Drug and Alcohol Interagency Framework for Western Australia 2011-2015 and may include: children and young people; aboriginal people and communities; people from regional, rural and remote communities; families; migrant groups from non-English speaking countries; people in low socio- economic areas; mining communities or communities with a high number of itinerant workers; and/or communities that experience high tourist numbers. 2 In regard to social health indicators, these may include (but are not limited to) the: • incidence of alcohol related crime in the area. (Data may be reported by local Police, the Australian Institute of Criminology or may be provided by the Office of Crime Prevention); and • rates of, and trends in, alcohol related hospital presentations/admissions. (Data may be available from country local area health services; the metropolitan health service and the Drug & Alcohol Office). In addressing social health indicators, applicants should also consider the proximity of the premises to bordering suburbs. In terms of addressing objects 5(1)(b) and 5(1)(c) of the Act, an applicant may need to consider an area which is much broader than the ‘locality’ used for consideration of amenity issues.

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Form 2A

Part 5 - Impact on Amenity - section 38(4)(b) Descriptive report on the impact on the amenity of the locality of the proposed premises to people who reside or work in the vicinity of the proposed licensed premises.

The key consideration for the licensing authority is the impact of the facilities and services of the proposed premises on the nature and character of the local communities.

When designing licensed premises, consideration should be given to the principles of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). Information on CPTED can be obtained from the WA Planning Commission, The WA Office of Crime Prevention, and the Australian Institute of Criminology.

When considering the nature and character of a community, applicants need to address the community’s social profile in terms of: • its identity; • the quality of life; • the type of people who live and work in the community; • the average age, income, and employment status of people living in the community; • the total population numbers and population projections; and • whether there are any plans for community change/development (information may be obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the relevant local government authority).

In addition to answering the questions below, applicants will also need to provide: • a map depicting the locality of the proposed premises; and • a floor plan which highlights the unique aspects of the proposed facility.

5.1 What is the nature and character of the local community? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) The Locality of Comedy Lounge is in a bustling, developing capital City occupied by an

increasing number of residents, workers, tourists and other visitors.

5.2 How will the proposed premises integrate with the amenity of the locality (both positively and negatively)? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) Comedy Lounge is situated for maximum benefit for many city integrations;

Public Transport Facilities - walking distance from Perth Underground Bus/Train Stations, free bus

Transit options (all optional day/night year round). Parking Facilities – within walking distance. Comedy Lounge is situated above street level and does not have any streetscape.

No takeaway food or liquor service is available, so no rubbish will be nearby.

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5.3 What will be the positive recreational, cultural, employment or tourism benefits for the community? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) Massive amounts of tourists visiting Perth each year, Comedy Lounge is a benefit for tourism

in Western Australia. Provides a unique Perth entertainment experience, including local talent

on show. Business generates a range of jobs, providing local venue staff. Comedy Lounge

continuously contributes greatly to the development of new and diversity services and

facilities for visitors year round.

5.4 What consultation with local government regarding the proposed premises has been taken into account in establishing a business plan? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) Liquor license laws and regulations; any special conditions endorsed on the license; in-house

operational management policies; occupational health and safety matters; employee and

workplace relations; occupiers liability issues; health regulations; lease obligations; and

City Of Perth requirements.

Existing licensed premises within the locality of the premises, including the diversity of the current services.

5.5 If you intend to sell packaged liquor, provide the name and address of all existing licensed premises within the locality? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) In accordance with the PIA Policy for the extended trading hours of the Comedy

Lounge venue, the applicant has carefully considered the current licensed

premises situated within the locality, Perth 6000. Please refer to Outlet Density (Doc 1) for a

List of licenced premises within locality.

5.6 If you do not intend to sell packaged liquor, provide the name and address of all existing licensed premises within 500 metres of your premises? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) In accordance with the PIA Policy for the extended trading hours of the Comedy

Lounge venue, the applicant has carefully considered the current licensed

premises situated within the locality, Perth 6000. Please refer to Outlet Density (Doc 1) for a

List of licenced premises within locality.

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Positive and negative amenity issues in respect to the locality of the premises/proposed premises

5.7 What are the public transport facilities (including taxi services) that would be available to patrons, or any other transport facilities proposed to be provided by the applicant for patrons? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) Public Transport Facilities - walking distance from Perth Underground Bus/Train Stations,

Free bus transit options (all optional day/night year round).

5.8 What publicly available parking facilities exist in the locality? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) Parking facilities are made available within walking distance of the Comedy Lounge venue.

5.9 What is the contribution of the proposed premises to the streetscape and atmosphere of the area? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) Comedy Lounge is situated above street level and does not have any streetscape. The venue contributes greatly to the culture and diversity of the area and enhances the role of

the west end of the City to assist in its advancement as part of a capital city.

5.10 What is the potential impact of the proposed premises on the level of noise and anti-social activities in the locality, and the management strategies to minimise this impact? Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) Comedy Lounge is most unlikely to cause any such problems. The venue does not feature any

loud, rowdy, or boisterous noise. Entertainment is tame – placid and peaceful.

5.11 What is the potential impact of the proposed premises on vandalism, litter, criminal acts? (especially violent crimes including domestic violence). This may include improvements in the passive and active security of the area. Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) The manner of trade is most unlikely to cause any such problems of vandalism, litter and

criminal acts. No takeaway food or liquor service is available, so no rubbish from the venue will

be nearby.

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Part 6 - Offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience – section 38(4)(c)

When addressing the level of offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience in a community, applicants need to consider the impact that may be caused to people who reside or work in the vicinity of the proposed licensed premises.

Some strategies that could be implemented to ameliorate offence, disturbance or inconvenience include: • the use of licensed crowd controllers and installation of a CCTV camera system; • the provision of food; • liquor to be provided by table service only; • limitation on the types of liquor and containers available for sale; • restricted advertising or liquor promotions; • installation of noise limiters on all amplification equipment; • types of entertainment being provided; • furniture and premises layout design; • lighting in and around the proposed premises; • noise attenuation of the building; and • maximum accommodation numbers.

6.1 Identify the strategies you intend to implement to address potential offence, disturbance or inconvenience to local residents or business operators: Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) The Comedy Lounge presents no high risk factors associated with this application

given its unique and low risk features. However, Comedy Lounge implements the following

strategies to possible "combat offence, disturbance or inconvenience”; CCTV surveillance

technology will operate at the venue, Staff are well-trained to monitor patron behaviour,

designed to be a passive drinking environment, food readily available, Placid and relaxing

Entertainment, water and non-alcoholic beverages readily available, large amount of seating for

patrons, and keeping sound systems operating at a moderate level within regulation limits for noise.

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Part 7 – Community consultation

7.1 Are any of the following community buildings or facilities located in the locality of the proposed licensed premises? (tick all boxes that apply)

Schools and Educational institutions YES NO If YES, please provide name and address Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

St George Anglican Grammar School - 50 William St, Perth WA 6000

Hospitals, Hospices, Aged Care facilities YES NO If YES, please provide name and address Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

Royal Perth Hospital - Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000

Churches/Places of worship (of any faith) YES NO If YES, please provide name and address Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

Wesley Uniting Church - 75 William St, Perth WA 6000 Saint Mary's Cathedral - Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000

Drug and alcohol treatment centres YES NO If YES, please provide name and address Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

Mission Australia Drug and Alcohol Youth Service - 129 Hill St, Perth WA 6004

Short term accommodation or refuges for young people YES NO If YES, please provide name and address Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

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Child Care Centres YES NO If YES, please provide name and address Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) Citiplace Child Care Centre - 16/378 Wellington St, Perth WA 6000

Nido Early School - 250 St Georges Terrace QV1 Building - Upper Level, East, Perth WA 6000

Buggles Child Care Brookfield Place - 125 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000

Local Government Authority YES NO If YES, please provide name and address Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

Department of Local Government and Communities - 140 William St, Perth WA 6000

Police stations YES NO If YES, please provide name and address Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

WA POLICE - 2 Fitzgerald St, Northbridge WA 6003

Regional Office of the Department of Indigenous Affairs YES NO If YES, please provide name and address Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number)

Who will be consulted

7.2 Identify the stakeholders who will be served with a Notice advising of the application (tick all boxes that apply)

The occupier of neighbouring premises and businesses within 200 metres of the premises.

Stakeholders listed in item 5.1 within the locality of the premises. If not, please explain why: Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) The applicant is keen to ensure no offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience

is caused to anyone as a result of the Comedy Lounge operating and that the venue

provides enjoyable services and facilities to the public which are in fact the antithesis

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of offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience.

Special interest groups or individuals within the locality of the premises. These include children and young people; Aboriginal people and communities; people from regional, rural and remote communities; families; migrant groups from non-English speaking countries; people in low socio- economic areas; mining communities or communities with a high number of itinerant workers; and communities that experience high tourist numbers.

Write the name of the relevant groups below: Please provide sufficient information to answer this question by attaching additional information and referencing (by question number) The evidence from the public shows no real concern about any expected likelihood of

Comedy Lounge causing any offence, annoyance or disturbance. Rather the

evidence is clearly very strongly in favour of the proposal. It is obvious that the public

consider that the licence is needed.

PART 8 – Declaration

I declare that the contents of this document and attachments are true, correct and complete and that I have made all reasonable inquiries to obtain the information required.

I acknowledge that under section 159 of the Liquor Control Act 1988 and it is an offence to provide false, misleading or incomplete information in this document.

______Leticia Dick______01/10/2019_____ Signature of applicant/s Date

______Signature of applicant/s Date

______Signature of applicant/s Date

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