Parochial schoolbus rides bannedby stateHigh Court

consitr Sttpt'enre Cottr'l hlts strttcktloivttitsttrrcotrstittr.r-:.:=:.-.:-...:=...'.= tional a lan' providing for PeaceCorps lirnitcd trausyrot'tettiou of pt'i- tate scltool pupils ott tttx' paid school l:uses. head lashes 'l'lrr cutu't's ,t-2 tlacision llrr: larr', ryltich tv:rs to gr) iltto elfect Jull' l, aflects sorlle 5ll.0tl(t rl'ivate scirool pttpils s'ho rvottltl have been cligiblt' li)r' suoh lf:tlls- poltat ion.

- vol. n, No.35 - :y'll:i: ::,.il::i"1:.:-::":,-'.1,, C O Mn'I UA.IT'IE S I' R 0 I'-II' 'Shared-time'

conlroversy working Tha heart of thc rurfounding lhe mraiure cen' lered on whether it benefited lhe childrenor privlte schools. in Minnesotaschools lla saitl the.lcsuil sclrrols of Iriqlre'r' rrrlucntion. \\'iticil --(l;tlltO- "l'lrclc inclutht S'l'. l';\ t.1,. Ilitttt. hurt' bt'tn so forv sttr the trnivel'sitl' hele , hai e [ur'. st'lxrttl lic antl pul)lic [righ schools ut tlcsilittg nislrerl orrll' .18 of the t.3i0 Pence :1:::]::.::l..tll:.pttl;liclitttl{ttrtscrttxl ltigltt't'nrnth thrl il (ill'ps .s(!\,cl'.1'Nli.trcs''I,r "oiii,'tiii,rr-"'irr volurrtcer'-s.'l'lrc,lcsuits 'lill,ji:",lli;;::,1:1,"1ii.,11,':i:llil rontluct :? univr'rs^itits antl col, 'l'hc rics coopcrariiii nrl.iolitl' t{rcisiorr st:rtt,il: ili:l lrgcs in .,u.c ..l,ikt,r'isr,, this countr'1 . '"l'hc slrttt'crd-titue lrrogIatlls. tlrc s*irl_ r'e ..ultl rxrt l.'ilst i\rn('lrtlrn0nl l)l'o\'ts '\\hihr ('itlltolic Ilttll0titt. {)l'ficiill thc golcfnnlcltts ion u hiclr prolrillits lus.s f{'. strolr t'acrlitit's arul a hrrnrr: of (lcpiu,tlnent, N{)l'th and Sorth spccting .lul t stablislttttt,ttt ol' \rctllily ol tho Sl- I'artl :trt:h- r,(.{rnonlics ancl so arr ..\nrolica talk to onc anothcr. tht' conrnrunists lcligion ltttrls itsclf l(l nl()l'{r fl(r\i- tlioccsc. lirtrrrtl in rl sttrvt]\'. t'xt'ltnngt'*'as siutpll'*'orkctl out. talk TROUSSEAU OF A NUN-When a young womrn is invesled in lhe grrh sf a Benedicline novice, fhese Io tht pcoplc,'' Shrilt'r' lsscLtL'd. bilitl' of irrlcr'1llt'tatiorr llratt lltt, "'['hc ".\ttd gartncttts lrr lV;rbaslur. .,\rrstirr nrrnrbt'r' of sirrrlt'nts rvlrrl rvhat alr: tlrc rrnilt'r'sitins rirrtple replace the bridal gown she wears when she walks down lhe risle lo pledge her plovisiorr cotttaincri itr tlre lirst lioclrc.slct. havt' tulicn athantagc ol lhis plo- tloing lrollr as a Bride of €hrist. For a piclure siory on fhe nroving drama of a religious invesliture, furrr ilr)(i Sl. []lrrl. sonrr'('atlrolrc lri{lr trbotrl il:' N{)t as as rlausc o[ Sec{ion 18. Altich'l. glanr prL.senI 'l'lte rt'llorrl slttrlt'tli.s lllcll(l ( r'l lttin has raritrl. llr{ at pt'o.qrnnt in \Yulla.shLt u'a.^ thev slrrrrrlrl. ,lt'suil r:olleqes nnri Prge 3. ol the \Yi.scon.sitt consl ilttl tott per' 'inauguIatctl ('. itt sfllrtols. alx)ul il:J {:0t)t 0f 0rrr strrdt'tlts in l$'18. aceordiug to rrnirersities anrl rrranl 0thcr.s atl. t rthich prohibils thc t:rpt,nrli{ultr lrttlrlir' lakc sorrte rvrlrk rrt tltt'prrblic Sisiel ll. l,cona. St. l't'lis plin' nrit l,iltitr .\nreLicnn sttrrlcrtts. ol anl public lutrtls fol llru llt,trc. "thc In ('irh.rlorria arrrl llilrl lslrrrrrl. :t'lrotrl. nttd alrortt l7 per t,ctr{ of eipal, to scrtt! ferv stutlants llrrt h0$' r.llilt'lv o{ lhent nr.c fr.orrt I I K}I I I I 00I. Iit ol roligious socit,{ics ot'r'cli SC CAIITI'AIGAI shllc

s *-"* GAR 1-:- T;J''i-"l h::-'i'\

Io ruRlf SI. JUDE Two headg are better than onel Especiallywhen you're talking about two glasses of wiede' 2t2.a0 taste " 2l{.00 mann's Fine. lt's the beer with fresh-from'the'barrel 2r6.0a IUilElE, through24, lS82 t;'p. wiedemann's does taste l"T&,ii:l*'mh "Fh like having your own beer Arh 5t, Judt, Jclnr of t|r lapor. kinda rlllorr lor Srad yoer quality changes . . . hclp. p.ritlo^t different lrom oiher beers. And the never ro t..r l'lcllonrl Jlrrhc cf Jt, Jcdo foJsy. it's Registered. A GIFT WILL BE SENTTO THOSETAKING PART IN YHE tndlana Natlonal's Flnance ln Advance Plan SOLEMNNOVENA ' SIMPLE AS ABC! . Arrange lor the aPproximato amount you'll r'rant to llnitnce We hold the money ln regervo lor you up to 90 days ' When you're retrdy lo buy, vre'll WrEnEwN have your check ready In a rnatter ol minutes. frNE.mBEER CAPIIUqfY SUPPTV(0., fnt. Distributors

Crtr,...,,.,,.,,.,,...,. ,,.,'.lonr .. ,, ..,51qtt',. . .. ', i ttt)\1..1S1l. l.'l'fZGIiIl.\l.t). l't't'striutll l,{AlLTO: XATIONALSHRINE OF 3T.JUDE lndianapolir, ?21 Wo-t llrdiren Slrrcl, Src. IE, Chicrgo 6, lllinors 214 E, 5t. Clair St. Ind,

I THE CRITERION, JUNE 8. I96? PAGE THREE Clothing a Bride of Chrisr

I,i!iljtllI tlIt0\il'j. Inrl.- .lrotrr'.\'ounfl lutlics lct:civerl the hallit of tltc Sistet's o[ St. i]cttulit:t at t)ur l,atlv ol'tirace (lottvcnt ht:re in a sintplc bttt colorful c{rf('nr(}lr\''irtllte con- 'fhur:;(la;,, vcnt chapel on LIity ?{. Alchbishop Schulte prcsitlcd lol thc [ilth srreIr (.erelr]olt.y since thr: lrothcrhorrsc \vas opcttcrl in 195t1-lri the past fivc the young cornt'nunity hits reccir,cd ?1 c:rnrlitlales. -vc:rrs 'l't'tt of t'hich 1B have lrerseverctl. of thc It] u'clc glirtlrratetl from Our Lady of (it'acc Aca(lcluy. 'l'lte fottr tlcw novices ill'e: Sistcr Xlirn' .lulrn {Ili:rrre {iunrlerson) of l tttlianalrolis; liistet' \:erorrica { l.rrvonna Ilicr- nran) of Slarligltt. Intl.: ,Sistct'Btit'naeltrtte {Mirry Nlulgalct Funk) of IJarl I'at'k, Ind.; and Sistcr' ['rrulirre t,lrrrlt' \Yills) 'l'hc.v oi l)r1ualit.y. lll. rvill syrcntl the ncxt 1? rlontlis irr tlre Novitiate, rlttriug rr,lticltlitttc tltc1,x,111 l't'crive thcir- r'cligiou.s folnratiou.

After plofcssion oI lirt,rtlu'ce lrr\\'s r)f prrveltr.. r.lrtrstitv ancl obctliincc ncxt yclr'. tlrc.v rvill lccciric tlre'lrlack veil attd contiuue studies irt the rlx)therhousc prior to altpoint- (IteRt ()rl tlteir first teaching Illissious. 'l'hlcc of tlrc lour new novi(:os hrri'c olrler sistcrs iri the .\illltc coll-llntttritl'. Sistcl i\litt'ttclltts liiclntan antl ,Sistt--r Ilridgit li'unk lcr:eivc(l thc rlhitc vcil last.lrrrre lrrrl rvill rrrtrkr.: 'l'lrcrc.sinc fit'st pt'ofession of vorvs in .luly. Sistcr' \\rills con- rlucts the kirttlergartcn ill Oill' [,arly of (]r'ucc. 'l'hc lollon'ing selics oI lliclurcs is tlrtr ;rttenrllt ol' Nervs Ilditor Paul (1, I"ox to r'ftI)lulc thc highlights of tlre inr,t-'sti- ture cet'etnotty.

AWAITING INVESTITURE-Miss Lrvonnl Bierrtrrn. deughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Eiernran o{ sl. John's parish, Strrlighi, Ind., rwiitr the bcainning of Mass on the day of investiture. 5he rncl lhe olher fhree postulrnts hrve iusl rompleled rn retreal prior fo lhe ceremonies. Werring her molher'r weddins drerr, shc ritr quietly in lhe (onvent library^

FINAL SLESSING-AI the conrlusion of lhe investiture cergrronies. fhe novices kneel on lhe top slep of the .rltar lo receive lhe hlessing of lhe Archbishop. Hp rprinkles lhun q'ilh holy waler ltrtl says: "May Qod confirnr your resolulion. In lhe rtanre of llre Falher,,rnd of lhe Sorr, and of lhe Holy Ghost, Amen." Tlte ttovices lhcn kisr hir ring rnd return lo their placer lor llre eontinuation of lho Mass.

il I,;l(;It t. t00 trOt :\'/).\ l\c\ry drxlrs beirgmacltl

CER Ei ONY FINISHED--Sisler Veronica and Sistcr Ma11. .1o1t,t leave lhe chapel rt lhe conclusion of Masr arrd lhe irrvrslilure ecr.c. nroniel, On lheir herds ere wrealhs of roses. Thcy will rrow begin FIRST POSTULANTS, THEN NOVICES-Tha rtriking before rnd allel pholos nhove show the dram.rtic f'or y€nr in clran.qe in lha four lrr the rcquencc in bolh picttrrcs rrt', lefl lo "Petnr"s on? lhe Noviliale af Our Lady ol rppearance of new novices. sarne St. lJasiIica Grace, tlurirrg which lirrrr thcy hlvo limiled confncl wifh their lanrilics or lrictrrls on thr: rilllrl: Sister M,rry John ( Dirne Gunderson), Sirler Verotrica { Lavontta Bientr.rn}, Sisfcl Bernrrlelle orrlside, lt it r period of persorral enriclrnretrl artd fornrnlion, (Mrry Margaret Fvnk), and Sister Paulins (Judy Willsl. nratrR" rctcrlr:tl io llrc ('l'l'\' 'l'lrrt:r' !tuIrans \.\'l'lt A\ lronr lhc rity rrf It;rrt,nna anrl lrrl'11111, 1o llrr' \';rlrr';rrr frrr lltts llt;i:,lliI' lrt0llztl tlrl0fs ilfc {rlsr:\\llcf{r itt nrrlthcrn ltaly. lrclrr: tri;rril lot' lhr, fr'otrl. 'fhr I'llt ll{}\{' lcnlral rloof rr':rs c:rllcri tlrr t'1tlt:rr11'1':rlrt :it ''r'rival "silvel .\ll Ullr'ill;tttr'tlill rr!t{tll(,ltlt{ttt llctr-rr's rluof'' ol thc rkrrr" lr;iri1t,.';r lrcr';rnrc,rf \\li: i)lii'llIrl tn l:t1i f"r' llrr, .,'lr,r.- i\ ppcals l'or'l-,atirtr\ftrt'r'i(:r-t \ oltutl.cct's llte irlr'r't' lrlattttri lrrrt llitll rl[ (1r,.\l"ll\ frrt' 1]1r, 1111'r,,,r1,t,rr't lf ll)!,rlJl.1. \\.()ri.iilli. ort tltt'rtr thclp lly ['opcs (i|cgo|y I {til}ll, ' ,\1y11111 l{ttt lflt,l\ \ulrtrllllrl rkt- I'rfl'lill5{};r... N .l, -1,:rlrn,\rnIr' \\'li:rl rs \r'ton{ \r'lllr llrrs p|o llrrirr tn llr)ir, lltt'5 nilr1 lrtt Ilono|ius I { (i:;gl arrrl l,t,o lll stlitts. tlticlt rr.r.r'r. 1rl;rcr,rl nlr ;rrrll- it a t ill f all to lltl r'!)nununrsl. ttlirnl. lrt, sirrrl. l: llrirl tl ls rl, ril, ;r1r',i l,r 1 {}nttti{.lll(r|att: plating tlt0 {,ll{i}. llut thc $'as al$,;r!s ( ltI r,xltrlrittott rtr llrr, 1roItrr.o oi lil. tilllr'ss all lttnJ' 0f \'{rlulllr,r'fs r'n( r'r'nlrl lon rrrrrr'lr rrtllr lrtrtlrl t:tllilrr.i ir! ri!!' ! 1,tillnq r,r'rtntcni('ltl .lolttt :rnrl ;rftcr' [,r:rr I I I rt rlas 'l l'r,lr.t- r irr. l'i lrr,.t rlr':ri:trts u'r'ft: nlo\.cs rr lo lr,rrr'ltils pr,olllt'ltotv tllll\. rt ltorrls. t oirrl: ;tttil olllt't i illlltIii rtt'rt,r' tt'plact,rl, tll(,\r'n iill{l lllr, r'htttIt'ltltr)n wit\ lrr crrlr(' tltt'tt' silr't;tl ;tltll {'(lilllil[lt'' rir:rlr,r'rirllllilt:ts. .\]lr,':r'iirr,r !irr'r-r, ;ifp lrr e rl,r,rf. Irltr.irlr,rl tirr' :r r'lrrrrr,r, ll llrr. ltn;rl rrlrk,rrrs- a llrlir't;tn 'l'lrc ltt l)r'olill(' "MEANWHILE, ilr I !tl I I r,r1t r'l :lrr' liastiit':r. llir', r'nllrttttt-1. Ilttlr:. rr;rtnlrl lrtlr'. "St'll{l llli' \\{rflitll* 5i'iJIr'. lrr'.;ttrl. tt\ l}l'l('sls, ( ('nlt rri {i,,ril rrf l)r')r),f{. is 0ltettt,tl tttllt lltr' 1tc0|lt' lf ':r|r Spllliilyl al it S;r, n rirrurr'r' :{'llrl nr lr';tt'ltt'ls. st'ttrl tts It'l i.. I. r. ,r1,,11'131,1'1,;15jr,11r. THE THREE ;llr:l\ r.llrrs{'t't lrlllc uI rlrrnl iltrrr0 itt lltt, :itnt(,{lit{'('- llr'irplt' 'l j,,'rr lo ct'lclrrale thr' li{llt iillnt\'{'r\itrr Itltt. \\'tlllln l' ()tlf irl lt ilil tllrltrrc ttqlrt \\i't1' \lltr,(l'r lii;r;rnl. \{tt,/ji:}Ztt) tl lorrltl lr;r1r1lt,n l{r \\i)l k \\ tlll {itlf l}l,i)|lf. 'llol1' rrf lltr' [outtrlirtll of lltt' r\ssoli;1{ju11 !,rl r "tlrrirloncir" ('t(t('r,llt (,rUr,olllo t t';tts lltal ('{rtr)rilluttil lr'ir('ll{'ts tilr.l in;: t: ll)(: l)riut.," * as e allrtl the lrt'. ;rtrrl ]llrttztt. ( oultl t \ t\ ltl{ r't,ttl ('atltolic Ior lntl-nlilti{)ntl l)r'r'r'krprrrlrrl l}r,t' i,l" , u'tll l'(' rn lltr, st lrlols lrrrill lrr lltr' rrr'rl ili. Lr ;r in ir causr: it rtas tlttortt:lt tiris tlrxrl llrlr:1ilrr rlt0rl slroIllv irllr'r.rr.irtrl, 1r,rp1 .itt. (,\ll)) (it'ttnalrr :|llrl ll \t]lt 5r'il(l tts IttUttt-lt 'l Ausiliitr'1 ltislrop ..\tttr,t it'lrtts iulrl {'nl}ttnltlltsl rl,rr'- llttt'sls irilcl rr'lrr'. irc ollrlr. irlc that gul(les took []islurlrs rnukttrr.: anri tvir: t'r'pllirlri lrv;r lrto-ilurn r,11r' ( Xl. l'tala of l,;t I'ar- also sairl lltt: lot s itt l!iltll l)\ lllrl \\ r, \r til lr,tt r' \\'('ill)r'll lll(l lt \\'r i{;r I lhett'official lisils Lo tlrt: IIrrlv Ir';rrrr, l,r'irtlt.r.slo 5lt{trr irrrtl .\lt's. llrt, lrosIrl;rl: 'l g0\'r,rilll)r.nt's l'.Ii. ;\llr;rncc f,,;' ,\rrrcrir.;rtts." |trtlrnilll!t\l\ [rrtt I ltt' ltlrlt' ltt t'olre lrl rr,,irili,tr ri,r,,i i lt r,illtr,t srrlr: St,tt ltttl lltt pilglrrtts \\'llo ()ltr,lr s;rttrtlrr \lrirrlr'llr,rrr' r,,ll'r lt;rrl lrct'O ";t .,1 Itl{rgt'(,ss t'{}ttlrl lrr' $'ottrl0tlr:l tltL' {'pt)!riiI il,iil!' itt.{' l11t' r:r.r,r'\.- et't:orngranirrl tlrc rl. ,'iltillt'r's 1rl) Itt tlli' i r,ltll,(.1t1iolt. llt.ltolr I'lat:r \iu1l llll Il't'5.lrl* u rlir." 'l'lrt' lhrn{ rf {l wor('lairl rll'l (|lr,rt on llrc liglrl rr.r'.{,nr. l,rt. (,nlf,t.ln{. tltrt rrp tlrr' f:r1 l, l1 ltas llr,(,(l t\ l!rl':l llatilillr: l)r'o:ilillll ()lln,t' THE PR ESENT certllal (l{)t}t'('f l)it:t'. lrrr' ]r':r\ nli.l tlrr' basilrr:a. Irr'r'n assi( iri 1l;111711 ll:i nlillrl lltirt rr rll errrlrlt' l.l!ur .\ruIt ti iitts 'l bt'ottze is the rvork of ;\lrlonrrr lt{r \r(}r}(l!'r} lirtirt' ilt lltt, r_ttrr:trtr) tltt'tttt's rrlll lrr' liti,\5t'r,11r11111 qyf to 111'111llrt'tttrr,lr t's. l,tr.r' Ietrchcr rtttio "'llte At crtrlino anrI tvas cotnnrrssioncrl .'l'hi' It'lt olt {'tllr'r1llt' r: rallcrl {'}tt irt :rrtrl tltr' ,\\*Ul}tl}liril cf lte 'l'hc '[ltl Lirtin .\llrtr'rt'irrlr." l)ti,r' rri b)' I'opc I,)rrgcne I\r in l,'1.15. "iirp l)fitll)' iin(l trrrln3. 1r 111.1g1. lllrtr'. rltrrl lir llrl llll irJ lltr: -Atrl, tt'itllv ;t 1 r't'\' ilri,rl u;ill [rc en.for(e(l {)}}!,llr,{l nnly otlrel brorrzc t. tl as rvas rr,.,cr.t t,rt antl cr'{tetcrl ilt 1ll.l3 I r.tll l'! llt{ ''.''tll ,.rtll lrr: llri'rr. 'lll0 i}t lrrt lilt:1]ritl l]!ili.{.:!iI!1\. 'l'lre nr,\l leplirr.ertrrnl nf litt, ttrr;tl t llr' lt I rlorrl' ' \r u. r ;tljr.rl r.irr 't1ttia1;t. ..',. lltt'ce *0rrrlen (h){}l'i \fllh l}fart}/r, l.,rrit,,: lit, r.l rirrr,r- ulll ',! 1r1'rrir;s|1lq i,r r.iin,r' ll it. u..{,(l }r\- ,rtttq ltits liltt1 lret,tt il \rt:lt rlf \!itlrl ::, lr t'! iir::r :t!,.! I lr'l l 1irr11lio111;rr1 ltlilrlrtt. t,, artrltt (lliirt. rt l. ;ltt:iltl f;,rirr l! lr.r' {rl llttr ilr,{tt I trr 11- }ir,1i1;q r r,.r.t r,r ,l 1,,t.


CTIARCII'S AI]II :{ilnilililmilmmilmr WHAT OF THE DAY ilililIlilfiililililtnillililrg osusllicion' ;\SkS ell d tO of the laitv l_ of ''r'olc Itt atltlitiorr to tlre ol ot s!rfcial g,or.lis. \\'u rrirrrl [r.rlrellr The lessott of cleuth ,$ith = = ",tlilt;"';t1t"tt''i;i,")'"iii,;,;lubt'dience to legitrnrrrtr: author- = "au out. sl[cial talcrrrs. [o lrelp = "l entl to suspicitrn of tlre "otlter it.t-," hr: suitl, la.r'rlen have justice = gtrirJl this 9l utl.s tp it* Seekirg s0crar = Iairl." t'tllL'51h.1at'ctrfr.italittrput'taltcciilr:rta.'*tlr,aii;;;,.;'. By REV' JoHN DoRAN "'t'trc = = *'.y slr'uld Le up.rrerr r. Io lhe rlcr.cLrl)tuLrlrt ol: tlre 1{lsti- full-lrt,lrtcrl = ;\rr ciplrlr,-{our yctrf oltl m:rn dietl i'' ure Uar.jslt E t:ollir}ro|ation" lrc_ cal Ilorll'." last u'eck.'Ite u'trs"the talher of six sons, the iourttr ,.rel}, E E l,ll,.',e.''.r"ii;i,'.,iill.'"n1,,1,i",,i'i,,,1'r,..{nrong thr'sc. lrt' sairl. tfr is lr thc rvlitet'. F of rvltonr ltliest, shot't'v tlet:laterl' t'esentin{ llre lricrarclrl irt thu in DominicArl R*public = r\s ilre sii sous stood around ilre casket oI ilris E lcvel of irnnrotlilrtc soeial rkr- "atir.ising r.isirrrr'' anri tlte ltrr:r.. ar'chI" in tlrosc artixte, Lliristian fter'olutionary party tle as ll rr'ltich By MANUEL ttlRA l'ire arrtlror of tttis la,r'nren (PRSC). lravc :litcial cullll.lctencr:, (Lrsfor r s*ior) "LET .{ll,;li,,llri"t;X:,tn,:l,,frl,'#; lt'he llominican Popular i\[ove- US ltl.urcu nrlhe eler1. llllre old Spanislt pt'overll eriitioa of tite '\'C'ltr''L" 'Neu's ment-the uanrc uscd b.v ihe out- effolt to rcassute utrr hishol:s.:. ',6ist'rtl'eO Seruice., spc?rl ttio tceel;s-ttnk' Slret'r'1' "\fe grat n.aieis i.e i Iarved Comnuurist party heatled siritl, irr.c arrrt ri.ant i'i,y,:.!i:.:t'*rtd sarua'il u/ cott' llaxirno Lopez to Irt' olrltlir,rtt. iiito.ti,oiiis-;;,;;xll;J'- ;; b.-" lltlina-lrust \\'r' r.r,t'oguizt, trou'ulett Dotititti' rt'olk clln(lelrirtel)', antl it is, $$ffithat (llrlist spellis to us ilrrough be apnl,.appriuc ro tj,e "lir- *"ffilril,l thereiole, very difficult to csti tcclesilstieal authoritl', irrr(l \rr: r'€nt crisis in the ljuurirricarr nrate its sirengih, =wfi*fiHffffi=\\'ilnt t() tlo rvhat fhlist rlir.ecis lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Itepublic, thlorrgh ifhe oihel nirie plrties are rela- Pran'rrieer' ai'r llis I'cplcsentativcs. For the troubled political l-rein.q fouglrt openly' Instcad "Since tively tuuch snraller ald ryeakcr u'c \\.alll 10 b.: i,Ledirnt. lltcte are sll'attacks ittrvlticlt lhc =ffi ili:,t','ilti{:Hil{:1';*;t,i,il':,il= t'rtcrs in lhat Caribbaali istnntl than the four urain ones listed ffi thele shuuld l)c no nrrrrl io fcill assailants try to hide tlteir itlctl- 'I'he nation offer aburrdanf lishiris"norv to al:ove. range lrour ihc ex- ::'::'::;;:,i:,:i::to = ffi4,g*'l,r':i,ff';i[p];''$ig= corlsrllt pl , us iri r:tiar,se the ntany and varierl anglers titl'. trerne riglrtrving Nationalist pariy E tltot' of all livittg llte eat'lltll' sotlrce of tnv life. lrortified E ly: Ir party, - stlongly seeking to take arlvatttage of l)espite ittcitlents, no not and the conservativc bnt tveak b.r'lllipalislriorrcls as tnc5'rrjrLtiiiptrtca,titii = atttetrtlirtg tlgtnrtil tlrent. \Yhoerer succeeds in lttak- even tlre conrtttunists, is foolislt Clu'isiilu Dentocratic pult.r- io trvo _i rne iu thc ol{eling of tlrc llas,s. I thanketl {loc[ tot tlrr; = ing the higgesi catclr nnd ri'innirrg enough to laulch an all'out frontal socialisi partios on the .left. i fatltet' IIe ltatl giveu [o tlte, aud coutcutcdh' ellouglt = l\'-\sltr.\(i'l'o-\--:\n o{fict' I porver rvill control the future of attack at present againsl the i gaveslr.o lrinr lrl'.1: = tlla \-,rri,,rror rr-Jr,,,r;,, rynr.'., LOtllNEYtlRGAH 1'lre Social Clrristians alc gain- E hinr btrcli. = the Dominican pcople. in a countrJ'rvith so largc 'l'he Clnn'ch irrg strength and have a chance = A plstor-son cal) leilru nmch ft'orn his father.. * a, catholic, majolity and suelt a 'I'lte And ilre fuiurc is tlue to'-tt*','.',* arrir-e to rvin por','cr'. presitlent arrd i son has talicrr ulx)t] him.sclf a hetivl ttrther{roocl. ihc E strorrg Oatholic iradition' Sottre in a matirr oi rtronth] ,fouutler of the PItSL:, Allbnso E spiritrrirl hcatlship uf u [argc arrrl iyrlau'ljrrg tautiir'.5 t. l],:. lllay ttndelhtntledly conre deuroclrticalry "".t r".ii',lit""i"i F :.u lloreno -\lartirr, toirl rnc: i i tltc Chtrrch. Ilut,.,at least l.ikc t)liult ir l'irtlier'.lre tlies to tcacli lrin-chilth'err ilic ,r,,r,r$lltl,nrrrn gre j lrar;tss, of electirrrs ..f,"aul "Whe6 i u'n.t'sol'(iorl. knuu's tltirt t]l-l'], \1'rn po\l'er' rrrcJ' aI'c 1ys cxphin our pro. lxt lhev rrjll nol als'irr',s fol- E Corlr irr iul(l ,,i.'t': .- August arrti IJer:crrrber. Clr ir lttlt, E [ou: carelul noi to,injure the reiigious grrm, lhc pcople wclcomr il rr his atlvice. llc stros lhcnr thlorvinl] tlrernsclt-is into 3 ASPHALT Cotlr rrtce ourtir'lr torJ.ry courd arrile .r.n ,ounu. trtir,r,{ii " ! scl]lllllcnts oI Ille peo]rle' lhair own. They err surprired I evil irt litrrcs, irrto hlrrtl livcs irhearl. = a seizure of ;tort'er-ptrssibll- [y gtoLtps rl nol hevingl known rboul it llis sons nud rlaughtel's soulc E DRIVEWAYS violence-by one of tire conten.l' Str.nte ihat at'e not te- = to hinr rvith tlrose gartled as. favorable ttr tlte Llltttrch soon.r. Thcy find it perfectly u'hortr thc.r' u'ish to nrirlLs-. trutl hc gl;rd ing factions, $'hich range fronr F is irt stnue E PEAETSON peoplc's logicel. li is theirs. ll is what the outla*'ed conuuunist partr- to et'ett seek to turn the i choices, w()r'r'io(l Ll.vothels. Ile must cilrt'\'thc burricus i os tow r. 20* sq. t. fhcy hcped lor." follorvers of the lata dictotor. religiorrs fr:elittgs to their atiratt- ui firrurrco.strppol'f(,(1. irrtltctl, ll1.'lris chiitllen, llut lrv E nrttSIC CO. 'fhey E NOTHINGDOWN i1r[a.$dE[{s, priNN. 'l'rrrjillo, tagt:. lrave their lreatlrlttar- [tc. r.I0 N. Ilafael nlorcno Martin r:ontirrued: E chilth'en l'lro halrlll' l'oalizc hnn' hnrtl it is to pl'ovid-o = Up lo 5 Yesrsto Pov "L'ndet' O .]ONDED ' Trujiiio tlie l)oiriinic;rii E for .such n l:rlge f.rmilv. Ile nrrrst leam, too, tis nrost E INSURED whoeverwins, fhc churchis lt:t,ii:'Jt*.lJtil::,,i:ir:tT"':: Church and School Ploygrounds people lived like a spinster rvho i fathcls must. thiri nrost of $'lllt he rloas is silllply rtrlvlnghrrd ts seeto it lhlt takerr = lnd Parking Lols reli:tiouslltetlals aul oft€nrgfer glarrlctl. I(r. lhc luturc brlngr rraits to see hory her ntarrretl =3 fot'for g|nuterl. E+ socirl iuslice. ip their pr.opagan

F.wrcrul Set"uice Send nre informotion on your Li{e Incorne A\issiorr Ct)ntrocf r "l,he qffirktfiI*i*4 I,'inesl I'txsible ,'ll Lort'r,st l'rrss ible Cost Iqr. Jrrepl l, lyl. X.r,t i..., I tal rll rmrllcrtllr lrl -^cAtHOuc NEAI pArr tyEtriri ligoc|rnox {80 USHERfIIORTUARY brtnston Avf. or {6rtail--ai.* i;,t;li, N, y. 2313W. Warhington St. MElrorc 2-e352 I PAGE SIX THE CRITERION, JUNE T, 196?

Popelauds youth's maturity VATICAN pope CITY-His ltoliness John XXIII lauded the maturltv of youth today's during a weekentl of autrienees at which he spoke on Catholic Acilon, praym antl charity. Popc John received ?,300 young wornen members of lhe Milan archdiocesan catlrolic Action organization led by cardinal Gtcvanni l![ontini, Arclrbishop ol tivlilan. IIe praisetl the young womon as being typical of a trentl toward greater maturity among modern youth arrrl he did ntcatr it. IIe sincercly IIe said: rlirl not n'ant ttt of{end anyone. A gentleDr€ut 'l'lrat's ruhy I callcrl hin a gentle- By JAMES BOWMAN.S'J' man. Cartlinal Neu'man saiel a gcrrlk'tn;rtt is ottc rt'lto tlever Eivt's "Ncctllcssly," {}f f eilse. he might have adrlc'tl. i\ltt5'bc hc tlid'

Acr.ordittg to tltc ads, yott cherv gurn after lratnbttrger'rvith'ouiotls "rvant bccattse yotl tlott't to o{' lentl," Sure, sure, Iittt thc idea is, 3'ott u'atrt to be /ilced. Yort chcrv gtttu af tcr onions so Yotl t'on't be ttnpoptrlor, fiee, rvho rlants tu bc unPoPnlar?

Ilut r:lrcrving gttttr becattse 1'ott "A" rcally rvant to save otlter perrple CLASS A TRACK WINNERS-These aren'l all Class A boy:. but the 51. Christopher grovp lhal won ! n.rrow viclory over Lillle sonle slight disconrf ort! Norv Flower in fhe lerm championship for lhat clers are included in lhls piclure, The Speedwayltes llss look home lhe second.pllce over. It tlrr'rt-'s att itttcrcsting angle' rll lrophy for lheir fine all.round performance, which included a hosl of second, lhird, and ribbons. Herb White (brck row. do with *'nnting hls nothittg to leff), lnd Glenn Fqrrert( brck row, risht), handled this large group rapably during the durl meet reason and et ihe eily.wide meel et popular. lt's vety mttch dif' to be the CYO Sladium. fu'cnt, in fact. from rvatrtiug to GrinsteinerFuneral Home conlcs to bc popular, Poptrlarity Established I85{ gcutlcman of nll- a('qltailltilnctt 1/()r. tlcing savcd some discont' GEOROEN. GRINSTEINER HAROLDD. UNGER u'ho n'cnt ottt of ltrs llal' ttt get fort. curncs to thc ollter guy--or Southsic{ers MElrora 2.537{ 160l Errt Nrw York sonte cht'*in;; glllu after it ltltttt- girl. 3t. burgcr u'ith ottiotts, hecatlsp hrr I rcmcttrbct' i\Iargaret O'Ilrieti "ditln't rvartt to oficrttl anl'onc.' in her filst tnovic, as a tetl-ycar- ,lle saitl it like ltc tucattt it, oltl, ()t' thcrcal;lortts. She 11'as takt: girls' askeri il' she ttrts a lntly. and an' CHANCEFuneral Home s$ererl rn a nlost pt'itrt antl pcrt N. F. "NORI\i" CIIANCE rva.v, lookinll ttp f'tottt tttrdt'r a big .- 24 Hr. Ambulanco Servicc - "ily Cy Cipher hat: nrothet sa!'s yott're not track Lruolvrl South Side's NeruestMortudr11 a larly till yott dl:t likc orte." 'l'hc ('ltheline's ptrislt, . 5T 4-3546 a tluote is ttot it sop to thc St. Inrlinn- "gen- rvon thc ovcr-all chanrpiou. 50{ E. NATIONAL AvE, (3800South} gills, uonrlcring abortt this alrolis, (jatltt tlo" slrip irr llrc anntral CY() Ilerrran" talk arttl rvlta[ ]'ott're 'l'rack {lirls' anrl l,'iel

Lrrqc!t Slock ot Domcrlic rnd lrnporlrd Grrnll! l0r Your Pcrronal s.lccll0n. Curlod Drrlgned Mrmorlalr Cfe.l.d h lSlDIiS F(fn 1ll,l, rtGlIS our ofn 5hop.

rrrrrrfrr:\ Fltl,ll,l A'1"['llNDANCli I'ItIZI'lS l)All,l' RUG CLEANERS tr'mPl 4440 N. KEYSTONE Ll 6-1504 \.-6gt- I FRIDAY EVENING-4:30 p.m.-Fish FrY \-s-eJ SATURDAY EVENING-s P.m'-Sandwich Plate Supper Remodeling - Room Additions - Roofing I-CALL- Roast Beef Dinner Siding - Storm Sash- Garages -7629 SUNDAY-12 noon'5 p.m.-Famous 7 - Ft /9c} 6 llig llonus lDr:izes I | {Adultr, tI,25 children, | tr'ree Estimaks - T'erms I ffi Totalof $1500Given Away IIIAIITI|{ CONS'l.Itti{l'l'I( ftf C(]. I Shlc Wlde Delivery St, ,lils E. MichiganSt, FL 9-9?87 4707 E. Washingfvrr o $1000GRAiID PRIIE c Indirnepolir,lnd. TI{E CRITERION, JUNE 8. 1962 PAGE SEVEN g||||ll||lll|||l||||l|||l|||ll|||||l||l||ll||ll||||||||TIIE :=O FAMII,Y CLINIC COl\{TRITIOl\ Mother takes exception to teenager'sclothes H;qfl$$iflt{lfllruH{';'I'hc cortrition. {ilst antl olrvious lli:,:,,{yN:* ll cbrrs'ten 1""'ilLT[:"ii"l"$'":lii,'""ffitll )\\\ \ 'r//' P>- ll ,l'iTl.' .11"T^]:11-'l,ll;'1"$1i,,3';,:i"i1il.Tt*H :$,Illfr# norhs'nd

,..,T anfl- conseqtlently physlcal tifleen, and feel I should be al. ).oTln nas rather than spiritual defittite' ideas il,il*'-'*-*ffi lowed-orh"i lo dress *'.,.* about what lt is to bcauty antl for all practical pur- ||4\NZf,SI ttr,,,.s#l*l'*'+lte*ffirii,:"-"",- a Clrristian woman rui*tt++t+*,*eposcs o.s ilt:: and u,hat rtenies thc moral signific. kintl of behavior is expeeted my lge do. Sha: f.,lil ,', ..S,''l ![fo",l.n,n,on,:r**r"x;r.'** of ance ol scx, so that the oJ;rt'i:erotie [[1:,f;i;*,i;1'iiil5t,fr ENNAII I j!:'ll1l:ltl,#, ll \\tl}hr\/ll-.,..^"tucyaz,c} ll rlir*',;tffiF il"3i-1}""1'1ll$ilr;*ffshF n','""i,ri,i'1i',il'lii'l,l"inlL.ll {e !;ii'.",,':liff W# r;rtranrr rancy inrvo. ix!.j.i.,$i ' ,no,r', .i..i.. rnay r:hanje-sorue iJ,t;litrn,adredhiq,tainment, antl dress. ll \tjl/I\lr.rftfr.:,tt6 ll I:,r.t" iit.'".1,i! :,Llr: -Et, ,[1:'tT;"J"*:I,"i:t?J;; shor|sou|s.ideffirrvagltasr"n,'arkeithattileir}'sbchonest,tlon.tyouthinkrvtg has renrarked that Let's bc honest,don't you think ;;:tl'",,..""t:iT ff*N4ft; their fash. l'llii:-X',: :li'",''li,?*'"lt'i,,1?,llr.T*if,l: i,:T,l'i\l.i;"'llil,',lil:;J":i :!i|{f,gglGKmv-.ilCIlristianwom&nrvillalrvayslretlressthany0tloryottrclass. ffif, KATTOANAT* ITKASHEIL .o* Ji;*i;; Em {ateS, {.sroLe} ...... '....'.:'.flcltaracterizct1tryar]istinctir.enrates?Shet]ocstr.tlvantyortto dn{-il s*c anycnotion.r , il.i':ffif-h^E. **'t$$k-i#.-hti*fillilllll"'**'rll[ Il lTlLll]l^,,*,,,11 lrl I ll {trbrc,u.,h;-.-..- ;iu;liel$-rffiiiilTi.ii,li*ii".,l,uT:iilif:Lis,r ^r -^"^-..^0l.^:^,$t'l:t-til'." i**l+l$*ffiJ;;_;,iri.n-i*,I1,,,.,,,, ,,.h.,, r",*immrne, .,,,i.,,-.-^ "ii,lil","'i];,; i;;ii;"il-;h;i-i';;"; ,ll''l" ",lid"dT"$lli | | r=gwury I | {r:l i"".T":l:,.t*,iil*"i: ;;;'iil ;ffi1" ;.i;ll",;l* The Liturgfical lVeek oJ cod's smc€, ftom. anythhs | | {-<'J- ts"' I | lli'il$l:;.thc' w.y$ How ..n J"T"' t mrk. h.r"' -----.- ,n*,":H_11:".,:_"j _.,,- suiis one jlt"J...rrzc roo triarr. rn mnii rier.-veii,ftjr,rliii;r"iiln,l#ii hK qhkh l l l l i:l,"i,T , ;""".* ilt",:,Tf yunmsy nrva srrow b | | I | . :.i;:" lill"L-1"j.1",^._T:% iicl mjf u*,i forro$nsrha r;.vail hkrio.. rr"vro n,eb ,nucr ,norc^** nj n.ion-in putsr By REV. ROBERTW. HOVDA ll ttuar *-,-,._ l LoNff | I ::j:i:::i,T,f.d"l:"::Spl^llgl: Jou, srcup;

'r'Iis#"l.lTlj*f;x"..'#.:$,xi:|*tf'lii:".$1.lll'.*,i{i'":1i;;iliijllil;.::"{::'-.":^:l';#l*''j-'*.lr'iJn.#''""lfi\o1*l "renson conc{.ns thc srry" poopro riisu4rcc s1ttr rs, \L ::il:^;*'p:T":.'1,:l-l:i,:::'el-r:: ptrcrrion 0I $(h dr.6s, '"!,":";XT'* Vestmentsof the Eastern Churehes II a man is sorry$naror knind i,'i;;'l,Jll,.:l;."j;,ii:;"11;"1iX[fiit]':,i;.'f1iffi:if iiLi! ^ -^..^.",-..,.

I\IONDAY lN I'ENI'I|COST. A special l\lass ench day this rveek shorvs the intportancc the Church attachcs conccmcd 'I'hc LET u5 suPFosE to the pcntecostnl Ieast, trtat'vellotts wcrrtls of our'orrDw||tUp..n.rUr.lot|cndtn"'J;j="i"}tl",'";; today's Gosprl sunrmarize thc whole of the Christian "Cod nessirge: so lovetl the rvorlrl that he gave his "x.ii'f.I r'ii,*,il,"j lli 7 only'begottcn Son, that those rvho bclieva in him mal' i-.:"?*r":l :*"t*-,sil#" iiirJi{ !illi!.i. not pclislr, but may have life e vcrlasting." Fol it :i::5'::.l.:l::::[.Jf.jIill'$i]ii'ii,,1,.''#i''ii.i"}"ilIJ{;i.:|'l]ry!]l!"lg:l*l,lotrl.tleIstgAciF|hnl'ou.iitl,"i:.ur in r.m. t.!* whi.h br wlif I d is to those who l.rclicvc that thc Spilit comes. IIe comes not becausr: one is Jerv or (;entile (firsI reading), but t0 belicvcrg of cvery cttlittt'al "racial" 'lhis or or national backgrouttd. worshiping Churclt is eatholic, [:ix".i,,,:i,"1il.;xiii],Jl"liJ:li ;iiitt"ltgT'iJi]rJ],",'J",,ilJlifri;l"""y."l,",is;t{$1,,J"*1e. "STIC,K' ,Jilii:Ti,[i:;:1':"liil"',iiill rirr'd.'o.rauonuo"";ii;ii'ii ii,il,i i,i.i"ii"i."riirii,i;ii;n;; i''res.traaiur,.;11131""-L'"rvril?orouro'cod. rlerc i! no nmrtar srns. rt r I r Lflllil"llii,l'l1lli",,,fll'illil SOCialiSt CapitaliSfn ? Dy v.ry annrrc. ii,iliffi;'i"",l"li#i,#"il,i!"- -''- - --;_ -"_ ,,,iif5"i"l'"';i,,#:"iiLili:: ,ur ils wncn ou , oI rnrcndnrcnt, wc ntrNt rv0id tlc L sorrow ir bricd on l[.sc l'1ilk /r InrNsc ot nrrnrtrrrtrilft'qinoft.nrrscnlnro,


-iiil-ti{i;r*;rei,r*1*+i,;;,ytg$t'i,H- tly".l.ll or N'rcly natrrrl (vil ot sh nro i['t5qqi:$ll,ti$ii[lfl:,lttillffi lr*i*nlliiliil*Lt[I'llli$;:'wlii*t 1'llURSD;\Y IN PI;NTIf COST. 1'he lcssons totlay teach rrs of thc porvcr of the Spilit, a porvel rvhich itr tlrr: etrrl is not to bc counteracted by anytlrnig hu. tn:rn, nor by thrr human sitle of thr: Olrrrrclr as irrstitu- weshl|.rvithlIchc|po|1Iis,.,"r,r""""","ji.i|i.liii]l.,"l'il'""ll:^'*'.lll"m tion, nrir c'r,en by infcrnal polvcrs. Whatever victolies li:l"l,ilh.r]'l'l"lili,,,"ill,, s{!,rrr) t(} be rvroug}rt against it ;rre only appilr{)tlt ofl()s. But it is irnpoltant, as thc Gospt'l clearly tclls us, that the Church rt'gulale and rlisciplinc antl guard hcr hunran lnd l$'il"'ii"iffi;;il'ili I'lill*$5l tii$i'1'*itilr:iiffi mt rnle frhl*,'ru:dlilii!il"i StrDrcrtre sort$v doos be trn occn.k l;i*'i*'utllitl+r *lL,*-:t*,:'l ,"fakc institutionlrl srdc vely stlictly, so as not kr opposc thc Spilit: nothing for your joulrrrry, rrcither staff, nor rvallet, nor bt'earl, rrol nrigtrl sh sgah if vic!'ry depcnd. Pns{ caDol nloney; neither hal'e trro tunics."

$$T'J;iii$}il"'i"l'1i.#:i-:;,::JL"::'l"1illlli;.",..^iijix$i:ii"Txil"lll.l;l;l,l{llf lron.nsr oI otr sormv by " ilul nilll lo llc fiilN, tir'(xinrtl., it soult h. Drrlnl sins wllch d.slnh, fitil x,trr(l,rc ln ra, .,tr,r: nilh llillBI{lL SA1'UItDAY IN I,EN1't,lCOS'I-. Apirrt frorn cotrvcnl.lal anrl or

,--/ u/hllrc()tf LrFAlf tJ l)t'ctt t,rtpt'rft'ct so1'1-111','ntust bt tlal'."--Mllwrukea Crlholic Hcrrld.€itiren f 1r'c (]lllfol r.1111.t5 111111111i1li lli.- 1509Prospecf Sf. - ME l'l4l{ 2?26Shelbv Sf' - ST {'9t70 THE CRITERION, JUNE 8, 1962

MI'I'CIT{,IIW IS T'IIE TIEAI/Y . BOOKS OF TTTE UOAR :/..+-l 'Cape .i a chiller Probes : .,ai Fear'is problems of authority :.1

:1 | By D. B. THEALL. O,S,B. r:speciallt of the contlibrrtion lry ther Congar itr lris great trook lJr'. I,llirr -\loliu, rr pr.iest of llre Lay People In the Church, llcr'e Pt'oblents o/ rluthot'ily, etlitctl (Jlthodox Clurch, on the vierv of l\Ir. flodd digresscs into the urat- Jr-rltn Totltl (ilclicrin, 95.95) is a rtf thorit]' in thc tr'hich ter of the clergS"s aititude ton.ard that lacks credibility collect.iort of l5 cssays, oliginally his conrnrurri<)ll csllouscs, by rray se-t, bul rvithout nruch or.iginaiiilt rlelivererl as papuls at :r mecling oll cornl)lrison tr-ith the ltoman o (he of I'renclt antl English thinlit'r's, nrcnt in t'erLor'," il trso ,\lettace trlitclruttt is a s:rdist ;i",;:";ili,;'irr,re ur tirc palxry is clerical nntl lly.litv. ircklirc iu thc i\b- .,:,,.,,....,."i-. -:- l ()ullg lvolrlcn *'ere also tltreaten- ealntly tclls Peck orer higltballs pi-illritl'J' lrt,r'e, oI coufst, gags bey of ller: in []rre ol' tltc olrlc:t scal'{j oA fri. o clever, .rurrlerous 1e- rrSat grirl tlings he did to t1e 'Ihe o itt srtsPetrse ntnvies is lltu llis' ccudl:ato. tlif{cr.cnce is that rvife rrlto rliiorcerl lrini irhile he Norrnaurly, tlnr'- 'l'lre Or onc f intls. as alrva5.s, takcn klcntitl' Iiit. lrct'r'illc, ,,T.,..or." pr.isr:n). ing the spring Irr. ii Itilu had a gootl tleal *as itr IIe is also strong ().p., .,Cape Yll's Uongar', paltieularly a*'alicuctl b.t' an orld sottrttl. itt- and si1:le, i1e rrlips three assig'erl of 1$61l. rrf srrlrllet).. u,ii .r{orillns 'l'lrr: stintulrrtinil in ,,Thc l)ltll' sportsors lris sun,ey of restiglrlt's. .\ftt't' set'ct'ltl,. tr,ils tlrrougl its cliches to n''rk hint o'er) and clevcr (1e . llistot'ical Devclopnren[ of Au" rrt('s ol rtrittcittg.itt-niglttgoun of thc mccting rr.it5 lear'-v-on 1oo{s, rvasics too sta1.s clrefrrliy rvithin the larv prcviously lhority'," in rvhich he lanrents tirq itltrng sltittltt$-r' (orl'i(ltll's' \\'ith t.{l preleltt poliea interfel'c}rce, hatt . rrruclr titDe talk, antl exccpt for grouing ronrplexiiy ('fc{r[]l organir,etl lluctr ol nrlnrinis- 1r0lins siriritrs ir\r?]'tll,tllc (]!te tiro inairi setlttences, of. sttaps off a constant patter of or trativc tlutit,s tlrat ltt it rlcatl otltrtt' sttt:lt gallt- aflli<:t bishops bacligrottttd, sltt' totttt's ier.s little r.isual ercitelne't, *'itty tiialogue). Since ruost other :u)d crell the lorver clcrgy. I{c -\l()l) us I dout slttu lv creilks characters are carr{bonrtl (the erings. deirlilg O rtu()tt's il l[]tl] (rclltury authol as upt'll' l{onest Lalvyer', the Prct{,y-toyal rrith other-' such \\.tren teusirrrr is high, tliractor suggestirrg that. rvhcn thc nt'wl]-- 'f'frnnlfi.uii \Yife. thc Srvcct'lnnoccttt' Daugh' ploblcurs of thc ['sti:rllr tht't'i' slilttrl:. in sttrl' fttu.rt. tlii'autlicncc r:nnsecl'fltctl bis]rop lcccirres his ter, llte Ilonkl'toltk Drifter)' it is contcnrporar'5' solld irs t h c rlr,rr t,i9si,rrp. llrc t-1nril1-J)uss.\'cat,'r'r',,ititu- ,riii. 8.,.,,ur,i-tierr1r.,1's r'fozirrr. synrbol o{ "i*,.i.. ,soul'ccs of nrolalitl' antl contrlr;r- oilicc, it night n.rn. l'r',rrrilris nirlrtll' ii,rgitiJi*,i ii'r,i.r, ort"n trort atlal's ltc uore appfopriitte ;i'r'ii i:t]:,",|,,11:-pl]::t'titlF-,.,)tt]::1._.!l]-:sets lris (lodc-ettforcert orarl' viclr's thetr:of, tltrr lokt oI ri'nal. of pt,rlra;,shutrLl. unrncl,. ;;iiil;";ilt.Jr"i.o", -ii.'"lrf 1]:"1 TO ;;"**O*ro_*r.. Marie tlurt he bc gileu a pen, lritlt lhe eolllt}tllrpallce' the at'ts. artrl tlre iruportanrrc oI a "llcceire inr ott ;r santlrtie'lt {r'onl the rc' \lix scele g'here the Ferris, secrelary at Cafhedral trrrrtls, tlris pen for ntl- 'l'lr O lltcolog.v of rrtrrk. friXt,r'ator'. tiertet'sighs rritlt .iottor'. arc ,sneaking up o. thc 'l'he ntittistt'll itc tltlt High School, will be honored lor lclcvaucc of tlrt pltscnl l)ut'l)osest .r-tttt relit'l.anr|lr;tllsaltrrtlle|}tatrtl{ttlrancltltrrusc,Atrtlrt.Iretrthccrts.lIiicllrrrrr's rrlr{} s'rilr'. nr.ite. n'r'itc untu lttltttrtc. it st'otns to trrt. is llointt,rl ttf popcrrrlt. tonlers flr'e allorretl, too long and etulnit5' irn

There Are No SOUNDARY LINES To The Torritory Wc Are Alwryr Rerdy To Servc. StevenslUlortuary }ThatDomYour Home Need? 'Cfiopol'Lnspotor of ff,+rn+ FloyrrdFldv'rf JOSEPH F. STEVENS Does your homc havc that srrryr tlowrr-itt-the- tutt Of, Kersler Blvd. an l::h M!. 6-Ot2! mouth hoh ? Paiot crn d{, wondss lbr it- ffi0 incidc end nrt! OF WHAT BEER's FORS M{ytR you nrced ii net rmf, s{rme n(*, shntbs, Continental (,ily giver you rlrore crrioyrtretlt ' ' . nrokes gor:d Monlerey e rrew firmily room or tlrosc storrn wintlows tirrres evett nrore furr.So diink Ptrsteurized, you'ft bcm putting olf buying. wh'ltr:v<:r yorrr Biflcr-f rce Folls City Beer. J'ltere's nlore o{ whol you wtrttl--enioyrncnl in Folls City 8eer. o{'qash stop Contplete Seroiee hornc need*, don't let a shortage }'tru. Nl FOED It's easy to affange lbr a .Propny lrnprttvement, Products PASTEURIZED I-m rt Ptnplcs Eenk. And, Fu cetr arrangc lbr strttoi(fi montttly P'qfmsnts. BITTER-FREE

McGEEil0TORS, lNC. $top in torley, mahe the *rungem€nts, and gc*. tlme Dcctle{i home improvtlncuts. 850 N. I\Ieridian l\rE.4-l|363 PEOPLESBANK &Trust Cornpany FELIXT. llc9lHlRTIR.foundrr USEDCARS Big enough to serve YOU Small enough to krlow YOU Mercury DOWNTOWX! 130 E. Market Stroot r ME t-1301 ttACl(Vlltl DRIVt-lll: 1102 Lafaye?te Rd., tdE 6-i{0e

LA\ryRtl|Ct DRIVI.tN: 38th and Penritrlon Prkr Comet Meteor rt Shrdal.nd Ayonu. Vrmbor f.D,l,C, r YourQoptrr:,;ri-rrJ Up to!::,r.1 f-..1 PAGE NINE Tic Tacker

PUBLIC SERVANT-IAirr Ada Wrighl. e member of Holy Trinity parish, Edinbulg, ln(!., r!'ccntly lctircd after teaching for 5{ yeats irt the puhlic school in hcr cornmunity, A non-Catholic frien

FAN MAtL*Not all lcitcrs lcccivcd at The Criterion are ol the cornplaining variety. Once in a u'hilc the etiitors gct a communication Peace lhet makes lifc, rs they say. worlh living again. A reader in Geneva, N.\'., in rencwin! s strbseription for n relttive in lViehita, KRnsas,

lisf rveek penned this llorving tribute on the ]raek of tlte subscription "ilfostly 'I'his order: bills are a duty and a lc.sponsibility. one is pure pleasure. I rvish I had nrole rclalives to send it to," By the ST. ROCH SET3 FESTIVAL-SI. Roch rchool youngslur pul the clbow grcrrc ro a 1962 Ford Frlcon 't'he you gcttinS x'ay, do halc an1' ralntives rvho might cnjoy Critcrion? lhrt wlll br lhc tnnd prlrt ewrrdod during lhr prrish Super Fiertr, June 8, 9 and 10, Thr rnnsal Just thought we'd ask. .ftllr l..turcr"'1_:I1-_:l:1*:::::. rldtr, cortccrtiont and gamcr for lho onlire 'i1*19.-family. Shown ebove are (left to.1:l__ right): GOOO RECORD-Elelen high school seniols (one-third ol r total __'ltll'_ :1_'"''_1:1i::i! :l-1:*::_1y1 of 3l) of St. Charlas Boromco palish, Rloomington. have reeeived 'l'ha college scholarships. .scholalship recipicnts arc: Mrry Ann Rich, St, Roch's,Assurnption Busrides *{rrgarel Lynch, Jrne Iinrmerrnrn, Prtti Buhl, 5heron McNrlly, ((lorrtirructl Robtl Errton and Miche:l Errlon, all stutlcnts at Rloomington Uigh from page li itlcnlical tlRnsllorlation School; and Bcrnrdcttc Cinkoske. Alicc Drghlirn, Tundr Crokr and to lure festival fans to the saurtr plat:e that. rve provide Surir Crrtcr, scniors at ['nrrcrsitl' IIiglr School. lour neiglrbor rvho attenrls the ln through Suntlay, .lune 10. pttblic school, no nlol'e and no NAiiES lN THE NEWS-l'he continuing list o[ college graduates a nrl t"iftccn " colorful booths antl lcss, includes Frrncir W. Sprnbrucr of Richmond. rvho leceived a bachelor stantls rvill offar garnes and en- lertainrnent for the n'hole fanrilv. Justicc I,'ailclrilrl sairl fulther of arts degrec in philosophy June 3 nt St. .losoph's College, Rcnssclaer. A uat'iet1' of tnlnivnl rirles rvill that a larv slrorrlct ller declnr.crl parish, . , When ft{r. rnd Mrr. Mrrtin Glnihcr of St. Antlrerv's ln- get a special play flom the kid- unronst il rrtiona I on ly rvhen il ap- pcal's dianapolis, obson'ed ihair' 2.5tlr lVadrling Annivcrsaly on l\Iay 27, tht'y dit's. l'ree altenrlance arvaltls to hc unconstitutional be- rvill be rnarlc daily. .r'ortrl ;l t'citsolt:thlc tlottllt had to sharo the dny t'ith lrro rlarrglrtcls. ()nc rrtade ltcr l'ir'st (lonr. 'l'he "lt fcstival mentr rvill featule sccnrs {o p1"." lic statt'tl, rnttnion rnrl anothel rr,as gradua{ed frorn Provirlence Aspirancy at "that + r fish ft'y on I'ridfly cvening be. the question of rvhc{lrtr I ttn- St. iltary.of'tlre.lVoods. Frrler Brrnrbrr McDonrld, O.F.M., ginning .l:30 Crp., at antl a tasty consti{utional ltcnctits are cou- son of ftlr. rnd Mrr. Rrymond MrDonrld of Crthadlal pal'ish lr'ill Rentem,berthenr. sand*'ich platc on S&tul'dny stal't" fcllcrl on rt'lifliorrs flotrps is in tng et 5 0rr Srrnrlay, lhe thc field ol tlouht, antl, thclcfttrg, hrve t honte visit this ronling rveekend. Ah dFen house will be held Dies at 7I annuill r0Ast bet'[ (lin0r will l)c lhc J.cgislittu|e's conclusion that 0nSundry, ,fun0 10, rt hissist(|r's home, ZE{z N. l'f,rk Arre.IIe u'ill in your prfiIers s0lv0(l irt Ihc school auditoriurn llte I tllnspor.latrou I larv. as OPEN p.m. flont l2 5 rrrtcnrlt'

'I ft-.t'ttl tto tlortortrirrirlionll lll.cirk. ?. 67, DelightDad this AU0Utl ?AiAOlt0, 51. ltliry'r with Churclr, Jun. ?. Sl. Mdry's (.n'rlery, tlotvn. !urvivorrr wllc, lcn0ir; ddu0hl.rr, I'1.r. Ircd l,,\orgrnrolh, Mrr. thrrlcr 8ant, [1ilr P.lly Ann P.r.diso. ill ol Richmoild; soo, Orlrndo, ol Richnrond; rlrpson. ioberl. of Prcoinre. DeluxeGriflmaster (rlrf.; brolhlrr, John, ol Rir:hrnontl; Iours, (;eotQe .rld Jo,rph, ill of ltdly.

t MAIY t. nrltf, ar, St. Ail(lr?e't thurlh, f,,tay 23. Sufvivort: iirlan, H!r)rialld, flr/dbeth Mrnk., drld Mr5. Pffy (ox, rll of Richnlo{(lj t.otheri, John, of tlirililloo, Otlio; trwrrncr, ol IrolY/ood, 0lti0.

tIo(ilttutc I'lnry ltnNARD ll. V0LI, 8,t, 51. loltn'r Otutclt, :if'H"$987 30. Chrrr[h Cflncltfy. Sorvivors: dirr,0htfrr, lrdb!ll6 ao(l Mr5. llub..l Rnvcr, l)ollr ol Ino[hsburq, ronr, Iourr, ol {)ti(,rd, ()hioj Paui, o{ 0rtcnsburg; (lclu!, ol Inorll5' o0 trl,

Dad Needs for the OutdoOr Feasllooorcrr..o.o 'Firewax' 3-Pc.Quafity l0-lb.Bag New BarhetueTools of Charcoal FireStarter aat PI' , $l37 JA PAGE TEN THE CRITERION, JUNE 8, I962

'411ililililmilililililililfi 11ilmilil1 government ought to do some. 130 bovs will attencl thing!" l\laybe we shsuld do 'Vocation = Ifole something for otrrselvcs, W'eek' ehants and bankcrs lailed to con. rern themselves with the situa. tion,'r Jt seems to me thet it was plain stupidity on the part of the businessmen, the governmental officials, country tradesmen and Poy'n Paklr tGA Mkt. us farmers ourselves. Probably the businessmen Quallty Mootr-lo.r I Wlnr thought that they were being lrra Dcllvcry-Opcn Eundoyt erafty: that by keeping food and industrial raw material eheap they were insuring more profits for thehselves. They failed to realize that & poor man makes MITCHELL OIL CO. n poor customer; that half the market for their goods and ser. NEro fuEt oll? vices is on the farms and in the Nrro TIRES? small towris that trade with the PhonQ farmers; that they were falling !R.5-57t{ into their own trap. lOlS 7th 3r. lcdford, Ind, Bellarminc reports And we farmers thought .,the '$55,14,0in grants

Ullrich Drug Store Palronize Go fo Ullrlch'r lor Servlp 0ur ZENIIH HEARING ^IDS

# 10,000is donated tOl - 2nl ltrret ?1. It ldYerlisers Io ll/ootls librarv Savagefippliances JOE CHRISMAN Clct.rksuillc sets Your Gtncral Suntnttr .Picnit: Elcdrlc Drolrr

('!,AIlliSVtLLIl. Intl *St' An' thony's Sttntttttrt l'icnic will llc hcld Salrrlelav antl Srrrida.r', Jtttte 3 an(l 10, 0n Ihc chtll'ch [1r0lln(ls. 'l'he picnie gcts utt

Siluer Jubilec BARBARA S. SlllVtLY, touisvrllr, Kr. I tit^ trrRil{crR, Rushville .. l:ll:'*,J__ 611, ServiceShop RUSHC(IUI{TY -fn - :g Plumbing Hroting ST(ltlEC0., Inc. a' wiring llorry Sfcrrcll, ?rop. 'The lo7 LJrrh $, ?h,325r Friendly Quorry' CHRISVOIT Phone 529-261 | 1;31\ Hoosier Doiry Products Co. fr[oT0Rs,lilc R.R. I }IIIROY, INDIANA NJI *::i?::','' t ll I--' Pcrteurirrd llill li:r Ilrr:t: Nul'bt't'1. Stoi.s.sCutholics sAvErrilrE sAFEr,Y t fl i UNITEDHoME PATRONIZETHE t*, ,r, ilii".,xr.,r,. ADVERTIZERS flr:ncrlit:tirtc, rlits hcllt AIS;tt'ittns MITAN, INDIANA DialBUtler 3-6588 | runHtSHtNGC0, ANNUAL BANQUET S'l'. NIlllNllAt). tntl. -" lJ:rllrt'r Phonr I lll'lllN. Srr,ilzr,t'l:urrl Srt,tlztlt'- - t,0{JlSl/lJ,l,n. Ky.-il'ltt: S1.,los Nolb<'r'l Spitz-ttttsstlt', O.S. tl.' ?1, Of,itc 2I9l Jorvira 3E9l Itoo rAXl' Inc- '?hrrro's t]ltlxrlic rplr lnlit ntaly Sclrnol nI Ntrt':;irrq rlirrl al Stork illctrtot'ial ttospital lanrl's nltiottlI cltnt'ities lJrarrrfs '1. f of l,ouisvillc. rvill ltolrl {hcit'an- r)ll illontlay tnot'ttintr1, 'ftlttt: ot'i.gittuza{iott.(llrrlils. lta:: t'otttc to l3t W. Court Avc. i Jrffcrronvinr, Ind. I rrtral lltnrluct honorittg nurs('s l'otttiiicttl Itttrt:r'al'set'r'ict's rvt']'tt rlf lruuilt'r'.r'itklctt (t: llrt' aitl Algrli:r's Of" l,UfnitUr.C l{r';rrlttatcrl 25 "vcilr's itl li:3(l on lr0lrl in lltt, r\r,chill)lx,\, t|hlt|ch r'ilits. L)vrr ll0 Ycars Continrtoru. I {i. I}trrial rvas itt Salul'day, Jr,ttlc l{; lrt S[. 'lrrseplt s ll('lr. otl ,ltttl(, (lllills tiilto ti2li,t)(nIlrr (';rlholitl (inlblt't'ia. so7Lwifh rrowrRs InfornraL'r' t"ittltct' llrt' i\r'eltalrlrcy {.lctttett't'}'. lrrtholitics iu r\lgit't's iu:rl ot'ntt lhr Norllet'{, s'ltrr lrils (}l - from i ru00 llonan. O.C., rvill bc 5gucst l"lthcl Io lt'lit'r,t' lurngel lrntl lo rlrlc loL ; Sell ittg speakc t'. rl;rittcrl hctc in lBl)2, rvits a tta{ivtl llre irt.jut'ttl. I scoftrburg,_ sellcrrburs BrozitGreenhouses IntulanCe lgenCies of tllrlerrslrttt'g. lntl. REII{QDEL I I Jefferronvillc fllrlinl{ his lrttg c:tr('ct', in adtli- Bottorff'sPharmacy 't 2J X. Wslnut Phonr 23!f I Plumbing * llrronrY -"'r'.1,""' lion Io pil'islt rvot'lt. ltc ';et't'etl tttt i nrl".n li. Kopp, l'resirlrrrl !ror*, Ini. Your Plcsct'iption Stot'e r t lhc facttlly atttl ns hcntltttas{t't'of Rooling Printins : I ,. .,;",:'jj:;"^* ,.0, 'i f-i_ llrc old .lnspct' Acatlcttty an(l ils Ph, AL 6-2108 Charleslown, lnd. Siding * Wiring nttd Ircatlrrltstcr sttpct'itttctttlctrl, * Crrpcntry t Floorine ; The Clork County of Nlalurion Acnrlttuty, I\litt'ntion, (0. patronixe tll. t,'ol tltc pitsl t'cat lttt hits lrtttt Stote Bonk The Stanger Golden Guernsey Milk CharlestownCleaners Frederick Lumber Co.; I r'hapla irr of ,Stot'l< Nlcirtot'ial ilrls- "t ut'"tlorrr? On'oed llarrk" "Courlcous 160l Spring St. BU 3'6683I !r"f:_Lll._Youns$qn]' l Our*' FEENEY'sTAVERN Ilil;tl nnnor, ilrrttlingltttt't{, ltttl. 0fl)tnddtllt tlo!ilt I'ick Up .t I)t-'livt't'y Set'vict CLOTHINGand SHOES Delivcrv" Jcffrrronvillt i tls -\nrtn8st' M.mbrrrDlc: I 36 l. Mlin tl. lrownrbufq, Ind. 354 Market St, AL 6'3411 sPilNs vAu.[Y bAIFY ph. PLAN NEW CAMPUS Ind. il4 werr NrH Ayo. 26016l AdAeftiSefS Good Boor and Sandwicher R.l,D, I fl'rno 878.n Chrrlsslown. Fhonc uI 142/8 [-, i\t'l'. S'l'. .loSl,ll'll, Oltio--'l'ltc (iollr:gc of Nottttl S1. ,loscph rvill B,oJlJilil*..* opcn il:r ttcrv $l? ltrilliotr cilrnlluri fhe Decrrborn Grnvsl CharlestownSteak I'he Riddell National llanls and Furnifure Co. Irr:re itt St'lttetttlter. All ciillrl Co., ln<. .no SPEfD QUEFN APPLIANTES lrrrildinijs ol' lltc ttcrv {'iltnl)tls llc 'l'hc House of Brazil, Indiana GliddenPaints rrorv vilt,rtally cotnlrlttlctl. lih. SAI€S lhd SERVICE t't'irl at'ts collt'gr'ftrr rvotttett is Ol'llN SUirlli\YS Sinco 1885 Mcmber FDIC t I ? l. Mrltr Sl. Stownibuf! uL 24587 <'on

PhoneWH. 4-2285 li9t L tlrr| Alluy, stat. lnd l$!fn Sl.ooft bv A SIRABERS 5t, lnl' Ogt Evonlrrr lPPohtrnnt Phormocy f!.fi;p*fr co. I fr,l0VlNG cosoI i::itlh:\'H 4\ orr wH.t6e7t BU.2l39f BIANK'S tlill l'{orothon HessllE)) ! rryYrrlscHER's Local & Long Dillrncr | r',rcrcrrnron lE{f, Polrolaun ffifiT \EIII Produtir Eleclric and Hardware Furnirurr & Appllonea: sirclehrr r,V rDiD 628 t. Pcorl I \l \lt "frieidolrc ond A'lavtog Didrlbulor" Eldred Van lllililillillli, ph. r57r 105 Mrin t

@; Patroni.z(! I Zoercher-Gillick Funerol Home I{I}lIrT TERREIIIUTE SAY:II8S BAHI EURKHART'S oUr " - Service .- FUNERALHOME Member ol Federcl Deposif Inturonce Corporolion Ambulancc '!irrrhenPlulltllNol lltallilo / , r.)iftirrrnerr t,h,,,,",, N€W AL8ANY, lNo' Adt:efti$ert$ KI 7.25II TELL CITY, IND. /0S E. SPRING Sinc i656 S. W. Cor.6th ond Ohio rnd Furnacer :!?{1.;Ji.i THE CRITERION. JUNE 8, I962 PAGE ELEVEN

r KNOq BUT THE BALD Danee scheduled (2OtN6'fo HEL,p 'roundl AGAIN'OT FAtLOUT., QI SI. Popeprcsents mndle' "council BAs&Ir, Srvitzerland-.{ cantlle" tvas lrle$enterl hcr.c orr behalf of llis Holiness Pope John XXIU to St. Olar.c,s Chulclr ll5. the Apostolic Nuncio to Switzerland, Archbishop Allredo I]ircini. "Couneil candles"-20 in all-are heing scnt to lhc t2 cities s,her.e the Clurrch's 20 ecrrmenical councils rver'e lrckl, Iin5st 11,n.; IrosI to the l?th conncil in ihe 15th centrrrl'.

Clruleh histolians regarrt thc first 15 sessiorrs ol tlrt: couneil at tiilsel as valitl; others hekl thet.e aftelrvarrls ar.c rtgar.tlctl as sclris_ trtetic. l'ttrther vAlirl sessions of the l?th eouncil rvele belrl li lara and Florence in ltaly. 'llta cantlles tt'ill be lighted on the opening tll1. ol tlrr: Scurntl Vntiean Corrncil, October 11, anrl on subsetlucnl tla1.s ol sper:i;rl .t'he signifieanr:e while the council is in srssitrn. cirnrltcs rvill crn phasize the llond rvhich rrnites these great chrrrch assemlllics or.el a space of l? centnries. O IndianapolisParish Shoppitg List O

* Assumption *i* Holy Spirii *l* Lady of Lourdes * * Lilile Flower *i* St.Mary * l-F-l-r- aALLENGER m**r m n*r srown,.s.,vicasr.rionerown,r srrvicg srarion |I '*'*,?:)^"'j,lf:;_.;SHERIDAN cARAcE i ::::""j1.:1T:- I I "*.:,*l^"X". ^ffi,,1ilL"i^lilllii?i; 6f,5,;;;;,::i"i."i".*,o,o*MEATMARKET mURtl,"x:.1;iii,"'f.);'"".''.^".''.*,:"''i.]".,:.].:leerryBr63.Painlu*"jY,"*";l":''xl,','|,,'"lji5l.';|T'i;..11i:;.l;jl;'..' 6{ '0'i n \bd/ l*.lri::-"rl-:1111l.-,ft-6$r3 lru -. l':lDlli -.',. ' ' td/*";"iil'**i,a.lssfus"'ih.'""s''..''-'ft'.6.$l3|f46{'0|in'_.1':].Dl]i-*d,."1'** I a, lsl : :.

-ffijffih,*Custo.'.,curMeats*,rr,:'i|;,':,.Moto{lUnc.uF*.''iil,'nu,, m:ffi"l,.:;,::''.-:::}t#::l',',",,,',,'1'i'l'',i"iii::'*.,,'',iffi-* wash, FL 7-!6?5. FOOD SHOPS I Mo',,'uu,.ul!.r1,0#1,,, u",,1',"'"'*.1';il"'il?f !: sicfls;s i *trttl '--8-rlrttting " ,,66,,'*'':"1:l:",,:;"t"t 5,0?r r6rt';'i1..' j;- ! Service Cenler i lrrilllorls Caf*anALL 'HARMAC' i i,u,oro "HAIR . € w"hinqrlLil.,l:,oori,t""" "'r,i*rn!"rut#i"'i'%nrrr',Iilro'0"''u , 51:1l,9Ns ' it',,. t'5678,.rrritou' t"t',,,n,i i -.-. By KAYE" "or,r*,0,,,,*"i$r';l;T;lt'"i::;:;"1]"';**";;;.,, w':h. 5'. tr..r e'e2zrs dna! | i t6th'rnd R'itt, 6zi{rr i o.J# _ 11 1:o{0o Safew.ry Qu.rlif y Foods i SPRING SPtCIAT -.lll i '.,'J;i"j'i,-11"1fl'J * H"lyr,t.rry *i-^ LEoN'srv lA l i;----=;:;-:;-:st. Monica *lt'"i.,' lfr*l1jldii1"#ltijl 'TN'LAIR& soN ,",',. u,,,,lo,,oo;l,rol:#1Tit,i]lo',llll.n,.--,-" *r. FRENcH,sBAKERY|farlJ|l\1-|-2l\lns€-f\,l!'.,.'i%|Flc0tFRENcH.5BAKERYlt4,Jl'''&5l^:.i-lilil.f|0fil'Il'||h.n@$.l.*r* | (A ii' 'o''*'or'oJonurs. ""*'Mscrvic.5|rtion*SacredHeart*oENNY.ssuNoco|Service I'itati'n 9 p.m. J:i}ttld@ I ' lnr Fr rrtc \ntv ; ^ lmmaculate'.,n't-i Heart 'ollSlt_.119].1:*t *I Chrisrthe King *irbr * .__-.I9.']:-EI..,-- to* r_iil,"iiil""''" tnuor". REAL ESTATE |_,wELD|NG5ERv|cEl405s.MeridianlndF|i.AUTosuFPL|€si K.vston+Medr Mark.t i orvrs co. -"*il,#_lii{l{{i"},liJ[*' 6016N..Michis-,n Rd. crocERv i ,;T;;ffi-; i**;_--] * Sr. rvlichrcl * * Chrisilhe Kine

'*' "" ' -.. ' ;-;:^ ^-,:^ ------Emlnf$ ! *cr a,*rnewsr soN , M.KEANDoRuGrroRE fJ,]iil1l"'"'llll"'";ffi feuyrNGBUYINGor SELLINGsELLINGli-:: " "Have..Haye l5{-,l'{lfjtlet|Urf7U|"'iIo,.fiii'lltloE.l0thFL6.5555lB35!outhers|ernAvt.|Ld.;,'./l;-i ,i:l1^tli"1"'rYt'Y"'"b'FH:--i'f";r.l',ri._-...-, *,l:iri:r,:l#ri'";'li;:,,,sr:i-i;;;;';^:-" ii i'n'r lB-NsKEli,llf.Ii:S lljo'ii'i'urlt,'i'i's,1"n_nl'l-_._j!1.:'j:l-- ,',,,,3:;;;:*n*:r;,',..",6.i,,J::Ti;+J'"iTTi;:,,,,,lusoe. '0,'i"""'''^ FL..55s5 , - ,,ut:'?]j':I5 | ;"*:'::r*: UFr-.tInil ll Ffltr YouOutgrown ,ffi i'.--'-'--' ,!* 5t"philipNerist'Phitipt'r"ri *t ;;;;,- re ;i'il,H'\L ''!vJs i -^-- ^rrr F GEhrrr^F | -e. aririf rEl .r- *^ +rrSi, Catherine\r.lrrrEr rrrc *i I lii ROTH GIJLF SERVICE HlMlvtEL'S , *--sr.c"rr*,il111. ^ l- R*d l'"t-#l'";i;*;"-lt'tl,R i #,--ft. HrM,6EL,s ' Wolfeworr' Shellsh'rr Services'reicc Station ";::i':';. [ffi-"$fl PUREorl sr'rior .=-=_r_:==ilGil YourHome?" j'li;il:^t*ttl" Jrr:*,..,1 fil :H,H''#-:,,'.'* ,*, WiJ tt* lirkr' lrltlr pl('rr'llt Irl\rl]\'ll.\' ltl llJ(it ''";"',",'1ffi["l"AMERICAN il ro\\' illltl litt'gt't' ltt,tltc' ",i"ffJi:1i.,,","*lff:liYT:,tr''"rr,rr,*, antl lltriltl {o| lotl W R. V, Wekh ,'*:'.;';l'JlI;;:',,.."oRtt ottlvtRY ;*::jj:::.iW 0fitrRAl0R,..rnd RrpAtR I DELBO URUGS I' ,ar[ttr "s"rARI,t{t St. llat'tlt,,ltrtttr'\ t'lttltoltt BAIAH(I : ,,,-f :"rl;l]rrt?', *,, \1'e ar.e locatttl rreur ihc irrtrrrc .t.ocndl r'ittiott at't';t r..itlr l52l N. Emerson ehrr.trrrdn* i{.ryilroild il JACOB MONZEL t.h.trii,h, Nortlr' li]usts,oorl Slrtrplittg Ur.ttl('t'. It'rt ."'iiirririnq ptrol in tlte htitlL itf tltt: lrotrntitti: \otlL t'ltst sitit tri FL 9-8265 5L Catherine Intliattapolts. I'Rt.s{Ril)l totlr. ,* * Not.ilt lt)asin.,lOtl hits trll Cttl (.()lr\{,tll('lt('(': lll('lttrllllrl :1,}l'llr iilic,l prtllft At.utal,'rv . :r1ti sitrtitlr'l' str\\'el'\, plilr:tl strlt'ts ittlrl sitlpirlrlh: :ttttl filr, plolcet{on, ll'tsh pit'L rrp. TIAVEUPHOT5ITRY ITORIi I WAYNE'S BARBER SHOP ooNf Ncw! Cnll 0tte ol. tltcse srlcs rcpt'oscttt attr-c.t tul' l lt l'l ll(rl lllltrl'lllil l loll :;cltet rtom Ncw l9il? Irbtir: 2225Shelby Sl. ST 4-0658 John Schnitrius Rox Bqlton Eill Grisl A. & 3. UPHOLSTERING. ,l l1;rt'lltls lo St't'\,(' \toil a I lr.rr,,tf lrr''i 'rr a Holy Cross 813 N. GRAY ll. I'lt 3.,1r)0i) -Stl{)l RAOERS l-,ilrer:ty7 i9il3 SF,RV!CE JOHANTGEN'S St. Philip Neri RURAL PHARMACY 826 N. PARKER It. V. \\;1r[1rh,lsso(:.. hlc, ,',,i'!1,, tlorre 1or ldrilc {ltttil\'3 bctltttts. t'tt {f,h\ rrrr.- (liniilil rll., f.ii,.:rcr br,lto'";tt /lrtZJ.lX\\ ,.rol E, I'lrchiqnl ir.illr tior,rt;,;l lurtrrrt') ?'adr il.rt. tDcvcloperr of North Erstwood) dowrl |r"!rlrtll'. RAY ROSS W .,Il;",.1;iilL. THOS, A. WELCH 8939 E. 38ih Sr. lrrdianapolis (26) (HURCH. SCHOOI. HOTIIE .Iif,AINTEI{ANCT 804 Inlond ilds. Contractors - Suppliers - Electricians- Carpenters JI}!T8DAN * St. Bernadelte * Plumbers - Plastererr - Painters - Fencing Holy Name REPAIR WORK tunera!Home

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* STAR * HARDWARE * $AVEAI $UIHERIA}ID 2x4's, 8' Fir, each , ,... . , . ,3g Roofins, 3.1 Shingles,, :q, ...56.25 Screen Doors, 32i8t - 1,8,, p.p,. each .. ...55,50 Window Screenr, wood, 1:r full window. each ....- ...... 51.49 SoulhernAvcnuc al ShonrranDrive t,1r{{,t5ttftflo|l 0F Stlf) 5t, Thomas 5T +4660 cL l-1401 Nril-s, I or 16 Common, 50,1b, kag . 55.98 Roofing, p'm'l Gclv,, lt/a" Corrugaled,-sq, ..,.. . . 16,90 r* St.Mark * rffi Opcn weckdryr from I p.m. (Srts' rnd Svns' I BROWI.I'S STANDARO Near St. Jude'r SUTHERLANDLUMBER CO, SERVICE I5OOKENTUCKY AVE, ME 9.2345 Woodcrofi Pharmacy up PATRONIZETHE $13,450 New Hours:-Opan Mon. fhru Friday F,H.A, or Convcnlionrl or V.A' Finrncing ADVERTISERS I A,M, to 9 P.lrt.; $rfurday I A.f't, to 5 P.M. PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERtON, JUNE 8, t96?

Canadian scholars hold'lrnity' meeting 'l'lrc By J. F. WILLIAMS rrtr:etin;i u';rs lrirll trl tlte rcl)r'csctt{c(l tlrc Anglican, United ectttrrcnical nl{}1 (rln{-'r}[ atttttrtrnccd tllrulclr, I'r'csbl.tcriau MON'l'lt lir\1,, Quc. - Si,tle crr arrtl Luth- t lrcrr Caltlinal I'aul Enrilc l-cger, Catholic thcologian.s atrtl 1n'ofus. clatr Iaillrs, sors of Sncrctl Scliptulc rnct u'ith Archbislrop ol llontrral, sot up a THE CATHOLIC thcologians 2,1 thcologinrts antl pt'o[r'ssols ol (iatlrolic L)ioet'san llcunrcnical lhc I'r'otcstanI anrl Glcek Oltlro- an(l llr{}tessors oI Scr.iptulc p|es- ['onrrnissiotr rvith [,'atlrcr {rcncc tlox {aitlrs lrelc in anotlrel s{r'p ctti ittelutlerl .tesrrils, Drrrninicans, S.,1., rlilcttol of lhe lou,alrls i nr p ro ve

l.'ottl pitpors \r'cre rlcliver.ctl arc lauclccllry Colclbt:rg "prcnching rlttling thc tlal : in thc l)r'inritivt' Clrurclr f'oIl'l'Lr\ND. t]t't'.-U.S. l-allrrt' ll('c('ssitl':'' atltl ttt aclrit'i tr this ns Illustr.ated rn S(. Augustinc.', tlclivctctl b5, Scct'ctat'l' Arthttr' .f . (ioltlllrrlg snitl lrotlr itrtlivitlttal atttl gt'ou1t intt't" lfalht'r' I'eter I.cpcllict, O.p., of pt'itteiplcs tsts llltls{ opet'ate rvitlrin thc ()tta\r,il; "Pleaching here that social .ittstiec in the t,it'e ft'lttttcrvot'li ol tltc <'otnnrott gotttl." (lhu1clr," laitl rlon,n ll5' I'0pg J0lru XXill ol' tlrc b1. t[e ltcr'. illr.. "l'lact'of "'l'hc ,la.r': t:clrtain lltc llasic t't'tlttit'ctrtt'trts a tcasotl [ttt'tlte esist' Ilreaching in thc 'fhomp- ':i;li,lllii Cllrulch,'' b1' thc Ilcr,. i\Ir.. .ror.aclricverncnr ornarionnl urrrrr'. "St'conrl :;|"i;,,.],.:l,l;;ll;ili sr.rn: antl Vaticnn Corrncil i:jli: " Ilc saitl aI tltc t'ottttttt'n<:ctttt'nt llrrrs eu'n.l kce' altxrf ft.'rtt t]rc ln{l ['ruachirrg, rleliver.etl by Pot'tlantl 1.athcr' (iltgol'5, Rnuln, at thc Univclsity of that t'r,orrornic rvotkl-'' 'l\rlortto. O.S.r\,, a