Projects, Publications, Meetings & Donors to the Academy 2016–2017
Projects, Publications, Meetings & Donors to the Academy 2016–2017 With Appreciation . Academy projects, publications, and meetings are supported by gifts and grants from Members, friends, foundations, corporations, Affiliates, and other funding agencies. The Academy expresses its deep appreciation for this support and to the many Members who contribute to its work. Published by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, September 2016 Contents From the President 3 Projects, Publications & Meetings Science, Engineering, and Technology Overview 4 New Models for U.S. Science & Technology Policy 4 The Public Face of Science 7 Human Performance Enhancement 11 The Alternative Energy Future 13 Global Security and International Affairs Overview 16 New Dilemmas in Ethics, Technology, and War 17 The Global Nuclear Future 21 Civil Wars, Violence, and International Responses 27 Understanding the New Nuclear Age 30 The Humanities, Arts, and Education Overview 33 Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education 33 Commission on Language Learning 38 The Lincoln Project: Excellence and Access in Public Higher Education 41 Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences 47 The Humanities Indicators 48 Exploratory Initiatives 51 Regional Program Committees 56 Discussion Groups 59 Meetings and Events 61 Affiliates of the American Academy 72 Donors to the Academy 75 From the President dvancing knowledge and learning in service to the nation has been the mission A of the Academy since its founding in 1780. Through the study of social and scien- tific
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