Contributions to Zoology 88 (2019) 54-77 CTOZ

The stoloniferous octocoral, Hanabira yukibana, gen. nov., sp. nov., of the southern Ryukyus has morphological and symbiont variation

Yee Wah Lau Molecular Invertebrate Systematics and Ecology Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering and Science, University of the Ryukyus, 1 Senbaru, Nishihara, 903-0123, [email protected]

Frank R. Stokvis Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands

Yukimitsu Imahara Wakayama Laboratory, Biological Institute on Kuroshio, 300-11 Kire, Wakayama-shi, Wakayama 640-0351, Japan

James D. Reimer Molecular Invertebrate Systematics and Ecology Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering and Science, University of the Ryukyus, 1 Senbaru, Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0123, Japan Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus, 1 Senbaru, Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0123, Japan


Stoloniferan octocorals (: : Octocorallia: ) are a relatively unexplored fauna in the Ryukyus (southern Japan), known to be a tropical marine region of high biodiversity and endemism of . Specimens of stoloniferous octocorals were collected during fieldwork along the coasts of two islands (Okinawa and Iriomote) in the . Despite their phenotypic polyp variation, this study shows their morphological and molecular uniqueness, leading to the description of a new with a single species: Hanabira yukibana, gen. nov., sp. nov. They are placed within the and form a sister clade basally to the genus Knopia Alderslade & McFadden, 2007 and species of Blainville, 1830. The polyps of this new species show morphological variation in both shape and sclerite density, but there is conformity in the typical overall petal shaped tentacles, which have fused pinnules (pseudopinnules). Depending on the densities of their sclerites and their photosynthetic endosymbi- otic algae (zooxanthellae) of the family Symbiodiniaceae, there is a characteristic sheen present in the

© lau et al., 2019 | doi:10.1163/18759866-20191355 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the prevailing cc-by license at the time of publication. Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 06:55:13PM via free access variation in a stoloniferan octocoral 55

­tentacles. Moreover, the zooxanthellae hosted by our specimens form a clear, small-scale biogeographic pattern; all H. yukibana specimens from contained zooxanthellae of the genus Clado- copium Lajeunesse & H.J. Jeong, 2018 (= former Symbiodinium ‘Clade C’) and all specimens from Iriomote Island hosted zooxanthellae of the genus Durusdinium LaJeunesse, 2018 (= former Symbiodinium ‘Clade D’). These results show the potential for variation among the Symbiodiniaceae floras within octocorals, something that has not yet been investigated for the large majority of zooxanthellate octocoral species.


28S rDNA – COI – endemism – Iriomote Island – mtMutS – ND6 – Okinawa Island – phenotypic variation – stoloniferous octocorals – Symbiodiniaceae –

Introduction Symbiodiniaceae genera occurring in differ- ent octocoral hosts in different geographic re- The Ryukyu Islands are the southernmost gions (Oppen et al., 2005; Goulet et al., 2008), region of Japan and are a tropical marine but this is much less explored within smaller region of high biodiversity and species en- geographic areas, such as across islands of the demism (Hughes et al., 2002; Cowman et al., southern Ryukyus. 2017; Reimer et al., 2019). It was estimated that are known to be polyphyletic, a large part (70%) of the marine biodiver- appearing in various lineages within the Oc- sity in Japanese waters has remained unde- tocorallia radiation (McFadden & Ofwegen, scribed (Fujikura et al., 2010). Coral reefs are 2012; Conti-Jerpe & Freshwater, 2017). Small the most biologically diverse of shallow-water and relatively under-studied stoloniferous marine ecosystems (Roberts et al., 2002) and octocoral colonies may occupy unique phy- contain cryptic, usually small, inconspicuous logenetic positions within the Octocorallia, species that are easily overlooked and there- as new species, genera, and families have fore poorly observed and known (Wolf et al., recently been erected (McFadden & Ofwe- 1983; Reaka-Kudla, 1997; Hoeksema, 2017). gen, 2012; Lau et al., 2018). Currently, there Octocorals of the subordinal group Stolon- are seven families of Alcyonacea considered ifera are characterized by their growth form to belong to the subordinal group Stolon- by having polyps that are connected through ifera: Acrossotidae Bourne, 1914; Arulidae stolons (Fabricius & Alderslade, 2001; Daly McFadden & Ofwegen, 2012; Coelogorgiidae et al., 2007; McFadden & Ofwegen, 2012). Bourne, 1900; Dana, 1846; Cla- Many stoloniferans have small inconspicu- vulariidae Hickson, 1894; Pseudogorgiidae ous colonies, which is one reason that such Utinomi & Harada, 1973; and Tubiporidae species are poorly known. Stoloniferan octo- Ehrenberg, 1828. The family Clavulariidae corals are a relatively unexplored fauna in the comprises 28 genera and over 60 species (Cor- Ryukyus. This is especially true concerning deiro et al., 2019). Recent studies confirm the molecular and ecological research, such as the polyphyly of the family Clavulariidae and examination of octocoral-Symbiodiniaceae there is still no clear understanding about the associations. Previous research has revealed ­morphological ­distinctions that separate the ­biogeographical patterns in the presence of different molecular clades within this family

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(­McFadden & Ofwegen, 2012; Benayahu et al., 99% ethanol. High-resolution in situ images 2017; Conti-­Jerpe & Freshwater, 2017). Thus, were taken with an Olympus Tough tg-4 in an there is a need for more research on Stolon- Olympus pt-056 underwater housing. Vouch- ifera that combines molecular, morphologi- ers and type material have been deposited at cal, and ecological datasets, in order to gain a the National Museum of Nature and Science, better understanding of this family. Tokyo, Japan. Recent observations and collections in the north-western Pacific, including those from Morphological examinations around the island of Okinawa (or Okinawa-­ A detailed morphological species description jima, hereafter Okinawa Island), have revealed was made by examination of colony and pol- a high abundance of stoloniferous octocoral yp morphology and embedded sclerites (Ap- species on coral reefs that are either unre- pendix). Sclerites were isolated by following corded or possibly undescribed (Okinawa the same protocol as described in Lau et al. Churashima Foundation and Biological In- (2018). In addition, polyps were fixed in 20% stitute on Kuroshio, 2016; Lau et al., 2018) and formalin and embedded in methylene blue mostly these octocorals are not only small in (1%) to visualise and accentuate polyp mor- colony size with few polyps, but some spe- phology and tentacle pinnules. Sclerites were cies also have polyps which are only ~2–3 mm mounted on scanning electron microscope in diameter (Lau et al., 2018). Here, we use a (sem) stubs and coated with Pd/Au for imag- combined approach of morphological and ing on a jeol jsm6490lv sem operated at molecular data to describe one new monotyp- high vacuum at 15kV. ic genus within the family Clavulariidae based on recent collections from shallow waters sur- dna extraction, amplification, and rounding Okinawa and Iriomote Islands (or sequencing Iriomote-jima, hereafter Iriomote Island). We dna was extracted from polyps using a dneasy also investigate the identity of their endosym- Blood and Tissue kit (Qiagen, Tokyo). pcr am- biotic Symbiodiniaceae and their relations plification and sequencing of the coi, mtMutS to morphological polyp variations and geo- and 28S rDNA gene regions of the octocorals graphic locations. followed the protocols in Lau et al. (2018). In addition, we sequenced a ~600 bp fragment of the ND6 subunit mitochondrial gene us- Material and methods ing primers Alc_715_Car 5’-GRGCYAAYC- CAGTAGAGG-3’ and Alc_1303_Car 5’-AGGT- Specimen collection GWATTTGGCTGCTKAGC-3’ (Reijnen, 2016; Clavulariid specimens (total n = 38) were col- modified from Reijnen et al., 2014). Reactions lected from locations in Okinawa Prefecture, and pcr conditions for ND6 were similar Japan, around Okinawa Island (n = 18) from to those used for mtMutS, except for an an- March to October 2011, and May 2017 to Au- nealing temperature of 50°C. For Symbio- gust 2018, and around Iriomote Island (n = diniaceae, the nuclear Internal Transcribed 20), 25–27 July 2017. A total of 18 sites were Spacer (its) region of ribosomal DNA (~600 visited, at Okinawa (n = 11) and Iriomote (n = bp fragment) was amplified, using primer pair 7) Islands (fig. 1, table 1). Specimens were col- zitsf 5’-GGAAGTAAAAGTCGTAACAAG-3’ lected in depth ranges of 10–35 m by means and its4 5’-TCCGCTTATTGATATGC-3’ (White of scuba and all material was preserved in et al., 1990; Rowan & Powers, 1992; Hunter Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 06:55:13PM via free access variation in a stoloniferan octocoral 57

figure 1 Map of sampling locations in Okinawa Prefecture around Okinawa Island (11 sites) and Iriomote Island (seven sites); collection sites Hanabira yukibana, gen. nov., sp. nov., ( ) and Clavularia spp. ( ) specimens.

et al., 1997). Reactions were carried out in (25 mM) MgCl2, 16.5 μl rnase-free water, 1 a 25μl reaction volume containing 0.25 μl μl (10 pMol/ul) of each primer, and 1 μl dna (5 U/ul) Taq dna polymerase, 0.5 μl (2,5 mM) template. The amplification protocol con- dNTP’s, 2.5 μl (10x) Coral Load Buffer, 1.25 μl sisted of 5 min of initial denaturation at 95°C Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 06:55:13PM via free access 58 lau et al. - 524066 524072 524067 524073 524071 524070 524068 its mk mk mk N.a. mk mk N.a. mk N.a. mk 6 523689 523690 523691 523692 523693 523694 523695 523696 ND mk mk N.a. mk mk mk N.a. mk mk mk 523711 523712 523713 523714 523715 523716 523717 mtMutS mk mk N.a. mk mk N.a. N.a. mk mk mk 523659 523660 523661 523662 523663 523664 523665 523666 coi mk mk N.a. mk mk mk N.a. mk mk mk =National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan. Japan. Museum ofTokyo, =National and Science, Nature DNA nsmt 185353 185363 185346 185364 185348 185365 185366 GenBank accession numbers 28S r mk mk N.a. mk N.a. mk N.a. mk mk mk ) ddm ( gps 24.327010, 123.738290 24.327010, 24.327010, 123.738290 24.327010, 24.327010, 123.738290 24.327010, 123.738290 24.327010, 24.327010, 123.738290 24.327010, 123.738290 24.327010, 24.327010, 123.738290 24.327010, 123.738290 24.327010, 24.327010, 123.738290 24.327010, 123.738290 Location Is. Iriomote Takosaki, Takosaki, Iriomote Is. Iriomote Takosaki, Takosaki, Iriomote Is. Iriomote Takosaki, Is. Iriomote Takosaki, Is. Iriomote Takosaki, Takosaki, Iriomote Is. Iriomote Takosaki, Takosaki, Iriomote Is. Iriomote Takosaki, Is. Iriomote Takosaki, Takosaki, Iriomote Is. Iriomote Takosaki, Is. Iriomote Takosaki, - = Iriomote Island. N.a. = not available. Island. N.a. = Iriomote iri Symbiodini aceae genus Durusdinium Durusdinium Durusdinium N.a. Durusdinium Durusdinium N.a. Durusdinium N.a. Durusdinium

gen. nov., sp. nov., specimens only) information. Catalogue number: nov., sp. nov., gen. -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co = Okinawa Island; = Okinawa Catalogue/ voucher numbers nsmt 1625 nsmt 1626 nsmt 1627 nsmt 1628 nsmt 1629 nsmt 1630 nsmt 1631 nsmt 1632 nsmt 1633 nsmt 1634 oka Hanabira yukibana, Hanabira Paratype 1 Paratype Holotype Paratype 2 Paratype 3 Paratype Paratype 4 Paratype 5 Paratype Paratype 6 Paratype 7 Paratype Paratype 8 Paratype 9 Paratype Overview of clavulariid octocoral specimens from Iriomote and Okinawa Islands used in this study, including GenBank accession numbers, locality and symbi including GenBank accession numbers, Islands used in this study, and Okinawa Iriomote specimens from ofOverview octocoral clavulariid ont (for number: Voucher

Table 1 Clavulariidae Genus/ species Hanabira yukibana Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 06:55:13PM via free access variation in a stoloniferan octocoral 59 524069 524065 524063 524061 524060 524054 524059 524062 524058 mk N.a. mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk 523697 523698 523699 523700 523701 523702 523703 523704 523705 523706 mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk 523718 523719 523720 523721 523722 523723 523724 523725 523726 523727 mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk 523667 523668 523669 523670 523671 523672 523673 523674 523675 523676 mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk 185359 185360 185358 185368 185345 185350 185351 185367 185361 mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk N.a. 24.327010, 24.327010, 123.738290 24.327010, 24.327010, 123.738290 24.407805, 24.407805, 123.854199 26.537756, 128.079521 26.504659, 26.504659, 127.846604 26.504659, 26.504659, 127.846604 26.441517, 26.441517, 127.711417 26.852091, 128.250450 26.502957, 26.502957, 127.841909 26.502957, 26.502957, 127.841909 Takosaki, Iriomote Is. Iriomote Takosaki, Takosaki, Iriomote Is. Iriomote Takosaki, Iriomote N, Iriomote Is. Abu - Oura Bay, Bay, Abu - Oura ­ Okinawa Is. Hoshu - Manza, Is. Onna, Okinawa Hoshu - Manza, Is. Onna, Okinawa Zanpa - Cape Zanpa, Is. Okinawa Hedo Dome - Cape Kunigami, Hedo, Is. Okinawa Manza Beach - ­ Manza, Onna, ­ Okinawa Is. Manza Beach - ­ Manza, Onna, ­ Okinawa Is. Durusdinium N.a. Durusdinium Cladocopium Cladocopium Cladocopium Cladocopium Cladocopium Cladocopium Cladocopium -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co nsmt 1635 nsmt 1636 nsmt 1637 nsmt 1638 nsmt 1639 nsmt 1640 nsmt 1641 nsmt 1642 nsmt 1643 nsmt 1644 Paratype 10 Paratype Paratype 11 Paratype 12 Paratype Paratype 13 Paratype Paratype 14 Paratype Paratype 15 Paratype Paratype 16 Paratype Paratype 17 Paratype Paratype 18 Paratype Paratype 19 Paratype

Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 06:55:13PM via free access 60 lau et al. 524057 524056 524055 524064 524053 524052 its mk mk mk mk mk mk N.a. N.a. 6 523707 523708 523709 523710 523702 ND mk mk mk mk mk N.a. N.a. N.a. 523728 523729 523730 523731 523732 523727 mtMutS mk mk mk mk mk mk N.a. N.a. 523677 523678 523679 523671 523680 coi mk mk mk mk N.a. mk N.a. N.a. DNA 185357 185352 185355 185349 185356 GenBank accession numbers 28S r mk mk mk mk N.a. mk N.a. N.a. ) ddm (cont.) ( gps 26.504522, 26.504522, 127.843748 26.504522, 26.504522, 127.843748 26.504659, 26.504659, 127.846604 26.508734, 26.508734, 127.881453 26.509833, 26.509833, 127.854006 26.2627778, 26.2627778, 127.825278 26.529373, 128.047446 26.679389, 127.879222

- near Cape sw Location Manza Rock - Manza, Manza Rock Is. Onna, Okinawa Manza Rock - Manza, Manza Rock Is. Onna, Okinawa Hoshu - Manza, Is. Onna, Okinawa Crossline, Seragaki, Seragaki, Crossline, Is. Onna, Okinawa Mini Dream Hole - Mini Dream Manza, Onna, ­ Okinawa Is. - Bay Nakagusuku Nakagusuku, ­ Okinawa Is. Oura Futami, Henoko, City, Bay, Oura Is. Okinawa - offMotobu ­ Yamakawa, Motobu Is. Okinawa Town, - Symbiodini aceae genus Cladocopium Cladocopium Cladocopium Cladocopium Cladocopium Cladocopium N.a. N.a.

-Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co -Co Catalogue/ voucher numbers nsmt 1645 nsmt 1646 nsmt 1647 nsmt 1648 nsmt 1649 nsmt 1650 nsmt 1651 nsmt 1652 Paratype 20 Paratype Paratype 21 Paratype Paratype 22 Paratype Paratype 23 Paratype Paratype 24 Paratype Paratype 25 Paratype 26 Paratype 27 Paratype Overview of clavulariid octocoral specimens from Iriomote and Okinawa Islands and Okinawa Iriomote specimens from ofOverview octocoral clavulariid

Clavulariidae Genus/ species Table 1 Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 06:55:13PM via free access variation in a stoloniferan octocoral 61 N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. 523683 523681 523684 523685 523686 523687 523688 N.a. N.a. mk mk mk mk mk mk mk 523736 523735 523733 523737 523738 N.a. mk mk mk mk N.a. N.a. mk N.a. 523657 523656 523654 185370 185376 185380 523658 185379 N.a. mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk 523652 523651 523649 185334 185343 185344 523653 185340 N.a. mk mk mk mk mk mk mk mk

26.679389, 26.679389, 127.879222 26.537756, 128.079521 26.537756, 128.079521 24.360951, 123.706404 24.360951, 123.706404 24.452411, 123.832658 24.459608, 123.803265 24.464737, 123.800546 24.452878, 123.815600 , Hatoma , Hatoma , Hatoma , Hatoma se sw Motobu - offMotobu ­ Yamakawa, Motobu Is. Okinawa Town, Bay, Abu - Oura ­ Okinawa Is. Bay, Abu - Oura ­ Okinawa Is. Sotopanari Is., Is., Sotopanari ­ Iriomote Is. Is., Sotopanari ­ Iriomote Is. Hatoma Is. Iriomote Is., Hatoma Is. Iriomote Is., Hatoma W, Hatoma Is. Iriomote Is., S, Hatoma Hatoma Is. Iriomote Is., N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. N.a. -Co 170530- 170530- 170727- 170725-02 170727-67 170726-37 170725-04 170726-43 nsmt 1653 oka 01 oka 02 iri iri iri iri iri iri 74 Paratype 28 Paratype sp. Clavularia Clavularia inflata Clavularia Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 06:55:13PM via free access 62 lau et al. followed by 39 cycles of 30 sec at 94°C, an- S4-S8). All new sequences generated in this nealing at 53°C for 45 sec, extension at 72°C study were deposited in GenBank (table 1). for 2 min and a final extension at 72°C for ml and Bayesian inference analyses were per- 10 min. pcr products were purified using formed on the Naturalis OpenStack comput- the standard Exosap protocol and sent for ing cloud using PhylOstack (Doorenweerd, bidirectional sequencing on an abi 3730xl 2016). (Fasmac, Kanagawa, Japan). Sequences were Alignments of the different octocoral mark- assembled and edited using Geneious R11 (Ke- ers were concatenated using SequenceMatrix arse et al., 2012) and BioEdit (Hall, 1999). coi, 1.8 (Gaurav et al., 2011), resulting in a 2631 bp mtMutS and ND6 were checked for introns, dataset (three markers) of 121 taxa (n = 134) exons and stop-codons in AliView (Larsson, and a 3165 bp dataset (four markers) of five 2014). taxa (n = 37). ml analyses were run with rax- ml 8 (Stamatakis, 2014), using the gtrcat Molecular phylogenetic analyses model. The best ml tree was calculated us- Multiple sequence alignments were per- ing the –D parameter. A multi-parametric formed using mafft 7 (Katoh & Standley, bootstrap search was performed, which auto- 2013) under default parameters. To determine matically stopped based on the extended ma- the phylogenetic position of clavulariid speci- jority rule criterion. The Bayesian inference mens (n = 6), consensus sequences for mark- was performed with ExaBayes 1.5 (Aberer et ers 28S rDNA, coi and mtMutS were aligned al., 2014) using the gtr substitution model. to a reference dataset of 120 octocoral genera Four independent runs with each four Monte (n = 128), including Parasphaerasclera rotifera Carlo Markov Chains were run for 1,000,000 and Eleutherobia grayi as outgroup (total n = generations during which convergence (with 134). Alignments of 895 bp for 28S rDNA, 786 a standard deviation of split frequencies <2%) bp for coi and 950 bp for mtMutS were sepa- had been reached. Bootstrap supports and rately run in maximum likelihood (ml) analy- posterior probabilities were depicted on the ses (supplementary figs. S1-S3). To investigate branches of the best ml tree using P4 (Foster, morphological and symbiont variability in the 2004). The resulting tree was visualized in Fig- clavulariid specimens, another analysis was Tree 1.4.2 (Rambout, 2014). Additionally, aver- performed on a dataset with more clavulariid age distance estimations within species and specimens. This dataset included consensus within genera were computed using mega7 sequences for markers 28S, coi, mtMutS and (Kumar et al., 2016) by analysing pairwise ND6. The four markers were aligned to a ref- measures of genetic distances (uncorrected P) erence dataset of four octocoral genera (n = among sequences. 14), including Parasphaerasclera rotifera and Eleutherobia grayi as outgroup (total n = 37). Alignments of 895 bp for 28S rDNA, 786 bp Results for coi, 950 bp for mtMutS, 534 bp for ND6 (available for all octocoral specimens), and Morphological study 677 bp for its-rDNA (Symbiodiniaceae only) The present investigation revealed the mor- were separately run in ml analyses. The its- phological distinction of a new genus and rDNA dataset for Symbiodiniacea was aligned species Hanabira yukibana, gen. nov., sp. nov. with reference taxa Cladocopium spp. and (Appendix). Several morphological characters Durusdinium spp., using Gerakladium sp. as separate this monotypic genus from other gen- ­outgroup (total n = 25) (supplementary figs. era, based on colonyDownloaded and sclerite from Brill.com10/10/2021 morphology,­ 06:55:13PM via free access variation in a stoloniferan octocoral 63 which is the main means of identification in of Clavulariidae (100%/1.00), the closest sister octocoral species delimitation. The main dis- genera Clavularia and Knopia (fig. 4), support- tinguishing characters of the polyps include ing the morphological data that justify the de- the typical petal-shaped tentacles and tenta- scription of a new genus and species. cle pinnules, which are fused together (pseu- When examining morphological and sym- dopinnules). Other characteristics include the biont variability in H. yukibana, there are two morphological variation seen in the polyps of groups with moderately high support values H. yukibana in both tentacle shape and sheen (60%/0.90 and 45%/0.99) within the main (fig. 2). We divided all specimens into the clade of its specimens (fig. 5), which could three main polyp variations, based mainly on suggest multiple species or subspecies. The the shape of the tentacles; variation A, petal genetic distances (uncorrected p, expressed shaped, variation B, tongue shaped and varia- as percentage) between these groups and the tion C, feather shaped (figs. 2, 5). The sclerites main clade of H. yukibana specimens were seen in H. yukibana are different from those 0.01% and 0.17% for coi and 0.00% and 0.00% in closest sister genera Clavularia and Knopia for mtMutS (supplementary table S1). These in composition, types and size; the most typi- values are well below average values typical of cal sclerites in H. yukibana are platelets with differences among congeneric octocoral spe- a distinct waist in combination with small, cies, but comparable to distances among con- smooth rods (figs. 3, 5). specific octocoral species (McFadden et al., 2011). Molecular phylogenetic analyses This observation is supported by values of This study has added 90 Hanabira yukibana the genetic differences within all Hanabira sequences to the public reference database, yukibana specimens; 0.09% and 0.00% for coi representing a species for which no barcodes and mtMutS, respectively (supplementary have been sequenced before. An additional 32 table S2), values below average within-species sequences have been added for Clavularia sp., comparisons (McFadden et al., 2011). Thus, of which 13 belong to a possibly undescribed the major ramification and distances indicate species. For the family Symbiodiniaceae, 13 a separation of this species from Clavularia at Cladocopium spp. and nine Durusdinium spp. the generic level and neither support the dis- sequences were added. The phylogenies re- tinction of multiple species nor subspecies. sulting from the ml analyses of the separate Morphological characteristics support this host markers (supplementary figs. S4-S8) separation at the generic level, as there are were highly congruent with those from the clear differences in sclerite features between combined markers (figs. 4, 5). ml and Bayes- Knopia, Clavularia and Hanabira (figs. 3, 5). ian analyses of the combined datasets yielded The main difference is the contrast in scler- almost identical tree topologies. Paratypes ite types between the three genera. Hanabira 26–28 were not analysed molecularly, as no specimens lack the spindle sclerite types sub-samples were available. seen in Clavularia, while in comparison with Knopia the Hanabira specimens have rod- Hanabira yukibana from Okinawa lets as an additional sclerite type. Hence, in Sequences of Hanabira yukibana, from Oki- concurrence with the molecular data, polyp nawa and Iriomote Islands grouped together morphology also does not support multiple in a well-supported clade (100%/1.00). The species nor subspecies: the three groups of H. new species grouped basally to two members yukibana specimens seen in the ­phylogenetic Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 06:55:13PM via free access 64 lau et al.

Figure 2 In situ photographs of the three main polyp variations seen in Hanabira yukibana, gen. nov., sp. nov.; variation A: a) nsmt Co 1626, holotype and b) nsmt Co 1625, paratype 1; variation B: c) nsmt Co 1637, paratype 12; variation C: d) nsmt Co 1633, paratype 8. Images of Hanabira yukibana, gen. nov., sp. nov., holotype, nsmt Co 1626: e) stained with methylene blue to accentuate pseudopinnules of the tenta- cles and f) colony preserved in ethanol. Scale bar: 1 mm.

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Figure 3 Sclerite types seen in Hanabira yukibana, gen. nov., sp. nov., nsmt Co 1626, holotype; a) spindles of calyx (scale bar: 0.1 mm), b) anthocodial platelets (scale bar: 0.01 mm), c) anthocodial rods (scale bar: 0.1 mm), d) fused clump of stolon (scale bar: 0.1 mm). nsmt Co 1637, paratype; e) fragments of stolon (scale bar: 0.1 mm). Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 06:55:13PM via free access 66 lau et al.

Figure 4 Phylogenetic relationships among 134 species of octocorals, including Hanabira yukibana, gen. nov., sp. nov., using the combined 28S rDNA+coi+mtMutS dataset. The best maximum likelihood tree is shown, with values at branches representing bootstrap probabilities shown when >70%. Bayesian posterior probabilities are shown at branches when >0.80 (A = 1.00; B = 0.95–0.99; C = 0.90–0.94; D = 0.80–0.89). * represents 100/1.00 for both analyses. Stoloniferous species are highlighted in grey boxes and non-stoloniferous octocorals are shown with family classification only. spp. were used as outgroup.

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Figure 5 Combined 28S rDNA+coi+mtMutS+ND6 phylogenetic reconstruction for 35 clavulariid specimens, including Hanabira yukibana, gen nov., sp. nov., and Clavularia spp. from Okinawa (oka) and Irio­ mote (iri) Islands and sister taxa, Knopia octocontacanalis Alderslade & Mcfadden, 2007. Paras- phaerasclera rotifera and Eleutherobia grayi were used as outgroup. The best maximum likelihood tree is shown, with values at branches representing bootstrap probabilities (>50%) and posterior probabilities from the Bayesian inference (>0.50), respectively. Polyp variation for H. yukibana is illustrated for the three groups by colour and corresponding in situ photographs. Photograph credit: in situ image ntm C15392 Knopia octocontacanalis, by Frances Dipper (modified from Alderslade & McFadden, 2007, reproduced with permission from copyright holder). Mutualistic Symbiodiniaceae (genera Cladocopium and Durusdinium) found in H. yukibana specimens are displayed in green shades and sclerite types unique to each genus are also shown. Photograph credit: sclerite images ntm C15392 Knopia octocontacanalis, modified from Alderslade & McFadden, 2007, reproduced with permission

from copyright holder. Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 06:55:13PM via free access 68 lau et al. tree did not coincide with the three main for future studies of octocorals (Reijnen et al., polyp morphologies (variation A–C) and the 2014; Reijnen, 2016; Lau et al., 2018). polyp morphologies were scattered randomly Sclerite morphology also demonstrated through all groups (fig. 5). similarity to both genera Clavularia and Kno- pia. Clavularia has similar sclerite types: plate- Hanabira yukibana-Symbiodiniaceae lets and rods in the anthocodiae and spindles associations in the calyx. However, sclerites differ signifi- Hanabira yukibana specimens were analysed cantly in size of the different types; sclerites for the presence of Symbiodiniaceae zooxan- seen in Clavularia have a much larger size thellae to examine possible relationships with range. The platelets are almost twice as large, polyp morphology. With the exception of four ~0.02 mm in Hanabira and from ~0.04 to 0.05 specimens from Iriomote Island, its sequenc- mm in Clavularia, the rodlets in Hanabira es of Symbiodiniaceae were obtained for all range from ~0.08–0.17 mm and 0.23–0.26 mm examined specimens; paratypes 3, 6, 8 and 11 in Clavularia and spindles are ~0.16–0.32 mm were zooxanthellate, but no sequences were in Hanabira and ~1 mm in Clavularia (Schenk, obtained. There was a clear biogeographical 1896; Fabricius & Alderslade, 2001). distinction in the presence of Symbiodiniace- In contrast, Knopia has only two sclerite ae in the hosting octocorals. All H. yukibana types, platelets and small scale-like sclerites, specimens examined from Okinawa Island which are scattered amongst the platelets, hosted genus Cladocopium (n = 12), while all and neither type is seen in Hanabira or Clavu- specimens from Iriomote Island hosted Du- laria. The sclerites seen in Knopia are of simi- rusdinium (n = 8). The Symbiodiniaceae ge- lar size as those seen in Hanabira; platelets are nus present was unrelated to neither polyp ~0.011–0.025 mm, but they have a more oval, morphology (fig. 5) nor depth. circular or kidney-shaped outline when com- pared to platelets seen in H. yukibana (Alder- slade & McFadden, 2007). No comparison can Discussion be made between the three genera concerning the sclerites in the stolon, as these have not Analyses of separate gene regions (28S rDNA, been described for Knopia (Alderslade & Mc- COI and mtMutS) resulted in different posi- Fadden, 2007), nonetheless, the fused clumps tions of Knopia in the obtained phylograms. seen in Hanabira yukibana are similar to the Nonetheless, Hanabira was consistently a fused clumps seen in Clavularia, and are also strongly supported lineage in all the separate similar in size (both ~0.05 mm in width of the gene region analyses (supplementary figs. S1- fused sclerites) (Fabricius & Alderslade, 2001). S7). Concatenation of all four gene regions Polyp morphology of Hanabira also shows (28S rDNA, COI, mtMutS and ND6), which resemblance to that of both Knopia and Cla- gives the highest resolution, demonstrated vularia, even though the polyps in H. yukibana that Knopia octocontacanalis and Clavularia are much smaller (diameter expanded polyps spp. were positioned basally to Hanabira ~2–3 mm) than seen in both Knopia (tentacle yukibana specimens, with Knopia being its length ~5 mm; Alderslade & McFadden, 2007) closest sister taxon (figs. 4, 5). Exclusion of and Clavularia (tentacle length up to 20 mm; gene region ND6 did not result in any differ- Fabricius & Alderslade, 2001). Overall shape ences in branch topology. Therefore, we rec- of the polyps show affinity to Clavularia, al- ommend utilising such four region analyses though tentacle pinnules show a likeness with

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Knopia; both Knopia and Hanabira have pseu- et al., 2017). However, phenotypic variation dopinnules (fig. 2e). in polyp morphology in octocorals is yet to The molecular results (figs. 4, 5) show that be thoroughly examined for most groups, the relationship between Hanabira yukibana and morphological variation has not been and Clavularia spp. is consistent, however studied sufficiently in other related genera to the location of the monotypic genus Knopia determine if the degree of variation in polyp is not well-supported in either ml or Bayes- morphology observed in Hanabira is of out- ian inferences; 42/0.59, respectively, for the standing significance or not. In this study the 3-marker dataset (28S rDNA+coi+mtMutS) morphological variations seen in the polyps and 48/ - for the 4-marker dataset (28S of H. yukibana could not be explained by any rDNA+coi+mtMutS+ND6). Both in colony clear pattern of their algal symbionts. Previ- form and sclerites, Knopia is different from ously, comparisons of Symbiodiniaceae with- the genera Hanabira and Clavularia, but as a in various cnidarian species have been used result of the unresolved phylogenetic location to clarify intra-specific physiological (Goulet of Knopia, it remains unclear how Hanabira et al., 2005, 2008) or distributional differences and Clavularia are related to Knopia. (Kamezaki et al., 2013). Earlier studies have ex- It is noteworthy that there is a well- amined biogeographic patterns for octocoral- supported division within Clavularia spp. zooxanthellae associations and these studies (fig. 5), in which one lineage of clavulariids generally have comprised large datasets with (88%/1.00) branches off from Clavularia in- wide taxonomic coverage spanning wide geo- flata (86%/1.00). Therefore, these specimens graphical regions (e.g., the Great Barrier Reef were investigated morphologically (supple- (gbr), the far eastern Pacific and the Carib- mentary figs. S10-S11). The sem images of the bean). These studies have demonstrated that sclerites of this group appear to be different Clavularia spp. in the Caribbean, Torres Strait, from the sclerites described for Clavularia in- and central gbr host Durusdinium (Goulet flata Schenk, 1896. This difference is also sup- et al., 2004; Oppen et al., 2005; Goulet et al., ported by values of genetic distances between 2008), and these are the only data available this group and Clavularia inflata specimens, on stoloniferan octocoral-Symbiodiniaceae which are above the average of conspecific oc- relationships. tocorals (supplementary table S3). Therefore, The current work represents the first in we suggest that these Clavularia specimens depth small-scale examination of stoloniferan may represent an undescribed species, here octocoral and Symbiodiniaceae relationships designated as Clavularia sp. It is clear that for Okinawan waters. Hanabira yukibana spec- Clavularia is in need of a revision that inves- imens were found on both the east and west tigates this genus both morphologically and coasts of Okinawa Island, but were only found molecularly. at two out of seven locations around Iriomote Phenotypic variation is not uncommon Island. There were no outstanding notewor- in octocorals. Morphological variation in oc- thy conditions at these two locations, Tako- tocorals has been investigated in Caribbean saki and Iriomote N, which could explain the gorgonians, specifically with regard to the occurrence of H. yukibana. Durusdinium was branching structure and sclerite morphology found in all H. yukibana specimens collected (Brazeau & Lasker, 1988; Sánchez et al., 2007; at Iriomote Island. Durusdinium includes spe- Prada et al., 2008; Sánchez, 2016), and also cies that are known extremophiles, adapted polyp characters, e.g., for xeniids, ­differing in to survive in regions with large fluctuations pinnules and rows of pinnules (McFadden in temperature, Downloadedand many from Brill.com10/10/2021­Durusdinium 06:55:13PM spp. via free access 70 lau et al. tend to be resistant to bleaching (LaJeunesse discussed by Alderslade & McFadden (2007), et al., 2018). Iriomote Island has a recent his- the possession of pinnated tentacles is one of tory of extreme bleaching events; from the the major diagnostic features of the subclass 1980s to 2001, there were five bleaching events Octocorallia, and thus the true diagnostic util- recorded (Research Institute for Subtropics, ity of this feature needs further examination. 1999; Ministry of the Environment and the In conclusion, the molecular, morphologi- Japanese Coral Reef Society, 2004), with more cal and ecological information of this study events in 2016-2017 (Kayanne et al., 2017). On supplements the few studies that emphasize the other hand, members of Cladocopium are the need for a thorough investigation of the more adapted to a comparatively wider range polyphyletic family Clavulariidae. of temperatures and irradiances, similar to what would be observed in more northern Okinawan waters. Thus, the observed Hanabi- Acknowledgements ra yukibana-Symbiodiniaceae relationship patterns at both islands fit well with this We would like to thank Dr. T. Naruse (Irio- ­generalization. It is recommended for future mote Field Station, University of the Ryukyus) octocoral research to continue investigating for help in the field and logistics at Iriomote Symbiodiniaceae associations with the pros- Island. We thank Dr. S. Kunihiro for pro- pect of understanding octocoral-algal symbi- viding specimen nsmt-Co 1631 from Tako- oses as global climate change will continue to saki, Iriomote Island. In Okinawa we thank severely decimate coral reefs. To fully under- mise members for their help in fieldwork, stand the current Hanabira-­Symbodiniaceae Y. Kushida for providing a specimen and im- relationship, it would be worthwhile to inves- age ­nsmt-Co 1650 from Nakagusuku Bay, tigate the occurrence of Hanabira yukibana Okinawa Island. We would like to thank Dr. around Miyako Island, situated southwest of M. Nonaka and Ms. H. Yamamoto (Research Okinawa Island and northeast of Iriomote Center, Okinawa Churashima Foundation) Island. for help in the field at Motobu Town, and Dr. Understanding octocoral-Symbiodiniaceae M. Obuchi (Endo Shell Museum, Manazuru) relationships is becoming increasingly impor- and Dr. T. Fujii (Kagoshima University) for tant, as octocorals constitute a large portion providing specimen nsmt-Co 1651 from Oura of the biodiversity in coral reef ecosystems, Bay, Nago City. We thank Prof. J. Tanaka for and are commonly the dominant benthos contributing photographic records. Prof. E. (Daly et al., 2007; Parrin et al., 2016). Addition- Hirose (University of the Ryukyus) is thanked ally, previous research has shown that octo- for providing access to a scanning electron corals are able to mitigate bleaching through microscope (sem) used in this work. P. Biondi intra-colony migration of symbionts deeper and G. Masucci (University of the Ryukyus) into the colony (Parrin et al., 2016; Parrin, are thanked for their help in logistics. B.J. van 2016) or into the stolons, as seen in the stolo- Heuven and Dr. B.T. Reijnen (Naturalis Biodi- niferan Phenganax parrini (Netherton et al., versity Center) are thanked for their help with 2014), suggesting some capability to resist or sem facilities. Dr. B.T. Reijnen is also thanked even survive bleaching at least in some spe- for the use of the modified ND6 primer set. cies (Dias & Gondim, 2015). ­Finally, we would like to thank Prof. C.S. Mc- Finally, this study is an addition to the ex- Fadden (Harvey Mudd ­College) and Dr. L.P. isting literature on the character of pseudo- van Ofwegen (Naturalis Biodiversity Center) pinnules in stoloniferan octocoral polyps. 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appendix Hanabira yukibana, sp. nov. Figs. 2, 3 Systematic account Clavulariidae gen. sp. Imahara et al., 2017.

Class Anthozoa Ehrenberg, 1831 Material examined. Holotype: nsmt-Co 1626, Ta- Subclass Octocorallia Haeckel, 1866 kosaki, Iriomote Island (24.327010, 123.738290), 11 Order Alcyonacea Lamouroux, 1812 m depth, coll. ywl, 25 July 2017. Family Clavulariidae Hickson, 1894 Paratypes from Takosaki, Taketomi Town, Irio- mote Island (24.327010, 123.738290): Paratype 1: Genus Hanabira, gen. nov. nsmt-Co 1625, 11 m depth, coll. ywl, 25 July 2017. Clavulariinae gen. Okinawa Churashima Founda- Paratype 2: nsmt-Co 1627, 11 m depth, coll. ywl, tion and Biological Institute on Kuroshio, 2016. 25 July 2017. Paratype 3: nsmt-Co 1628, 11 m depth, coll. ywl, 25 July 2017. Paratype 4: nsmt-Co 1629, Type species. Hanabira yukibana, sp. nov., by origi- 10 m depth, coll. ywl, 25 July 2017. Paratype 5: nal designation and monotypy. nsmt-Co 1630, 10 m depth, coll. ywl, 25 July 2017. Paratype 6: nsmt-Co 1631, 12.7 m depth, coll. S Diagnosis. Colony with anthocodiae that retract Kunihiro, 25 July 2017. Paratype 7: nsmt-Co 1632, into cylindrical to barrel-shaped calyces, which do 14 m depth, coll. ywl, 25 July 2017. Paratype 8: not retract into the stolons. Tentacles with pinnules nsmt-Co 1633, 12 m depth, coll. ywl, 25 July 2017. arranged adjacent to one another along either side Paratype 9: nsmt-Co 1634, 13 m depth, coll. ywl, of the tentacle rachis and are fused together (pseu- 25 July 2017. Paratype 10: nsmt-Co 1635, 11 m depth, dopinnules). Sclerites of anthocodiae are platelets coll. ywl, 25 July 2017. Paratype 11: nsmt-Co 1636, with a distinct median waist and small smooth 13 m depth, coll. ywl, 25 July 2017. rods, with the tentacles having only the platelet Paratype 12: nsmt-Co 1637, Iriomote N, Taketo- type. Sclerites of calyces are small spindles, which mi Town, Iriomote Island (24.407805, 123.854199), are larger than the anthocodial rods and are prick- 31 m depth, coll. ywl, 25 July 2017. ly and warty. Sclerites of stolon are a tubular net- Paratypes from Okinawa Island: Paratype 13: ns- work of fused sclerites. Zooxanthellate. mt-Co 1638, Abu, Oura Bay, Nago City (26.537756, 128.079521), 14 m depth, coll. ywl, 04 Jun 2017. Para- Etymology. From the Japanese language ‘hanabira’ type 14: nsmt-Co 1639, Hoshu, Manza, Onna Vil- (花弁), meaning ‘petal’. After the flower petal-like lage (26.504659, 127.846604), 13 m depth, coll. ywl, shape of the polyp tentacles. Gender: feminine. 24 Jun 2017. Paratype 15: nsmt-Co 1640, Hoshu, Manza, Onna Village (26.504659, 127.846604), Remarks. The main morphological differences with 14 m depth, coll. ywl, 24 Jun 2017. Paratype 16: closest sister taxa, genera Clavularia and Knopia: nsmt-Co 1641, Zanpa, Cape Zanpa, Vil- the tentacle rachis of Clavularia contains smooth lage (26.441517, 127.711417), 21 m depth, coll. ywl, to warty rods and long, narrow spindles (~1.0 mm), 24 Jun 2017. Paratype 17: nsmt-Co 1642, Hedo which are prickly or complexly warted, and some- Dome, Cape Hedo, Kunigami Village (26.852091, times branched. The calyces of genus Clavularia 128.250450), 34 m depth, coll. ywl, 11 Jul 2017. contain ­similar spindles, but can be twice as long Paratype 18: nsmt-Co 1643, Manza Beach, Manza, (Fabricius & Alderslade, 2001). The anthocodiae Onna Village (26.502957, 127.841909), 17 m depth, of Hanabira do not contain warty rods and large, coll. ywl, 16 Jul 2017. Paratype 19: nsmt-Co 1644, prickly or warted spindles are completely lacking. Manza Beach, Manza, Onna Village (26.502957,

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127.841909), 17 m depth, coll. ywl, 16 Jul 2017. blue, the outline of the tentacles can be observed. Paratype 20: nsmt-Co 1645, Manza Rock, Manza, A structure that seems to be the pinnule axis can be Onna Village (26.504522, 127.843748), 16 m depth, seen, although notches, which can distinguish the coll. ywl, 12 Sep 2017. Paratype 21: nsmt-Co 1646, adjacent pinnules, are not observed in the contour Manza Rock, Manza, Onna Village (26.504522, of the tentacle (fig. 2e). In life the tentacles are el- 127.843748), 11 m depth, coll. ywl, 12 Sep 2017. Para- liptical to petal-shaped and the polyps have a pale, type 22: nsmt-Co 1647, Hoshu, Manza, Onna Vil- green-gold and white sheen. This could be caused lage (26.504659, 127.846604), 33 m depth, coll. jdr, by refraction on the minute sclerites, as described 13 Nov 2017. Paratype 23: nsmt-Co 1648, Crossline, in Alderslade & McFadden (2007) (fig. 2a). Sclerites Seragaki, Onna Village (26.508734, 127.881453), 32 of anthocodiae are platelets with a distinct median m depth, coll. jdr, 14 Nov 2017. Paratype 24: nsmt- waist (0.01–0.02 mm) and small smooth rods (0.1– Co 1649, Mini Dream Hole, Manza, Onna Village 0.2 mm), with the tentacles only having the type (26.509833, 127.854006), 29 m depth, coll. jdr, 14 of platelets as seen in the anthocodiae (fig. 3b, c). Nov 2017. Paratype 25: nsmt-Co 1650, Nakagusuku Sclerites of calyces are rods, which are larger than Bay, Nakagusuku Town (26.2627778, 127.825278), 17 the anthocodial rods, that are prickly and warty m depth, coll. Y Kushida, 04 Aug 2018. Paratype 26: (0.2–0.3 mm) (fig. 3a). Sclerites of the stolon are a nsmt-Co 1651, Oura sw, near Cape Henoko, Fu- tubular network of fused sclerites (fig. 3d, e). The tami, Oura Bay, Nago City (26.529373, 128.047446), polyps are zooxanthellate. ca. 10m depth, coll. M Obuchi & T Fujii, 4 Mar 2011. Paratype 27: nsmt-Co 1652, Motobu, off Ya- Morphological variation. Polyp density in H. makawa, Motobu Town (26.679389, 127.879222), 15 yukibana is variable, as is also the broadness of the m depth, coll. Y Imahara, 27 Oct 2011. Paratype 28: stolons (0.1–1.1 mm). Tentacles are not all elliptical nsmt-Co 1653, Motobu, off Yamakawa, Motobu in life; some specimens have a more pointed shape Town (26.679389, 127.879222), 15 m depth, coll. Y at the distal part of the tentacle. The number of Imahara, 27 Oct 2011. pseudopinnules ‘paired’ alongside the tentacle rachis varies within a range of 15–31 ‘pairs’. The Description. The holotype colony is attached to a colour of the polyps is also very variable; in excep- sponge, which was fragmented into three pieces tion of paratypes 15, 16 and 25, all specimens have during sampling, although, this species is not al- a clear recognisable sheen. The sheen is thought to ways an epibiont and can be attached to other hard be caused by refraction from the platelet sclerites substrates. Small groups of polyps are attached in the tentacles (Alderslade & McFadden, 2007); by stolons to the sponge tissue (total ~10 polyps). usually green-gold and/or white. Paratypes 15, 16 Polyps are approximately 2–3 mm in diameter ex- and 25 do not lack the minute platelet sclerites but panded and are spaced apart irregularly (from ~0.5 instead have a lower platelet density in the tenta- mm up to ~2 cm) and connected through flat and cles and only have this typical sheen (white) at the ribbon-like stolons that are 1 mm at the widest and far distal part of their tentacles. Live specimens 0.2 mm at the narrowest point. Anthocodiae can were overall brown in colour. retract fully into cylindrical to barrel-shaped caly- ces, which are 1.5–2.5 mm in height and up to 1 mm Etymology. From the Japanese language ‘yukibana’ in width; calyces do not retract into the stolon. Ten- (雪花), meaning ‘snow flower’; denoting the re- tacles have pseudopinnules arranged adjacent to semblance of the sheen of the polyps (including one another along either side of the tentacle rachis tentacles) to the shimmer of snowflakes or snow (~18 pseudo-pairs); when stained with methylene crystals.

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Habitat. Colonies encrust hard substrates with north and west coasts of Iriomote Island in the their stolons. Common substrates are rock, spong- East China Sea. Specimens were collected from es, coral rubble and shells. depths of 10–35 m.

Distribution. Southwestern Japan, southern Ryukyu Islands, around Okinawa Island and the

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