Arxiv:1904.09188V1 [Astro-Ph.EP] 19 Apr 2019

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Arxiv:1904.09188V1 [Astro-Ph.EP] 19 Apr 2019 DRAFT VERSION APRIL 22, 2019 Typeset using LATEX twocolumn style in AASTeX61 THE digest2 NEO CLASSIFICATION CODE SONIA KEYS,1 PETER VEREŠ,1 MATTHEW J. PAYNE,1 MATTHEW J. HOLMAN,1 ROBERT JEDICKE,2 GARETH V. WILLIAMS,1 TIM SPAHR,3 DAVID J. ASHER ,4 AND CARL HERGENROTHER5 1Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St., MS 51, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 2Institute for Astronomy, 2680 Woodlawn Drive, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA 3NEO Sciences, LLC, 1308 Applebriar Lane, Marlborough, MA 01752, USA 4Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, College Hill, Armagh, BT61 9DG, UK 5Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA Submitted to PASP, Day Month Year ABSTRACT We describe the digest2 software package, a fast, short-arc orbit classifier for small Solar System bodies. The digest2 algorithm has been serving the community for more than 13 years. The code provides a score, D2, which represents a pseudo-probability that a tracklet belongs to a given Solar System orbit type. digest2 is primarily used as a classifier for Near-Earth Object (NEO) candidates, to identify those to be prioritized for follow-up observation. We describe the historical development of digest2 and demonstrate its use on real and synthetic data. We find that digest2 can accurately and precisely distinguish NEOs from non- NEOs. At the time of detection, 14% of NEO tracklets and 98.5% of non-NEOs tracklets have D2 below the critical value of D2 = 65. 94% of our simulated NEOs achieved the maximum D2 = 100 and 99.6% of NEOs achieved D2 ≥ 65 at least once during the simulated 10-year timeframe. We demonstrate that D2 varies as a function of time, rate of motion, magnitude and sky-plane location, and show that NEOs tend to have lower D2 at low Solar elongations close to the ecliptic. We use our findings to recommend future development directions for the digest2 code. Keywords: short-arc orbit determination, asteroids, Near-Earth Object, Minor Planet Center arXiv:1904.09188v1 [astro-ph.EP] 19 Apr 2019 Corresponding author: Peter Vereš [email protected] 2 KEYS ET AL. 1. INTRODUCTION (NEOCP3). These objects are prioritized by the NEO follow- Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), defined as any small Solar up community for additional observations. System body having perihelion less than 1.3au, are of sig- In this manuscript we describe the digest2 code. The code nificant interest for a number of reasons. These include plan- as implemented has been used by the community for a num- etary defense, spacecraft missions, commercial development, ber of years. Our primary goal is to describe and document and investigations into the origin and evolution of the Solar the major elements of digest2 and the practical consequences System. The NEO discovery rate has risen rapidly in recent of its design and implementation. Although we highlight decades, driven by the 1998 Congressional mandate to dis- possible areas of improvement, these are left for future work. cover 90% of NEOs larger than 1 km (the Spaceguard Sur- 2. METHODOLOGY vey Morrison 1992), and the subsequent 2005 Congressional mandate to discover 90% of NEOs larger than 140 m (George The observations from a short-arc tracklet directly con- _ E. Brown, Jr. NEO Survey Act 1). strain the position, (α;δ), and motion, (α;_ δ), of the asteroid Solar System objects are typically identified through their in the sky, but the topocentric radial-distance, ρ, and radial- apparent motion in a series of images spanning minutes to velocity, ρ_, between the asteroid and the observer are essen- hours. Given such a sequence of exposures, it is straight- tially unconstrained. This is the fundamental challenge of forward to identify “tracklets” (Kubica et al. 2007), sets of orbit determination. detections that are consistent with an object with a fixed rate An assumed ρ allows a heliocentric position to be derived of motion. A related term is an arc, which may contain any (see AppendixA), and with the assumption of a topocentric number of tracklets, possibly from different observatories. ρ_, a heliocentric velocity can also be calculated. Milani et al. The time span from first to last observation is termed the arc- (2004) refer to the “admissible region” as being the set of length. (ρ,ρ_) for which the resultant orbit is heliocentrically bound It is straightforward to determine whether a tracklet rep- (elliptical w.r.t. the Sun). resents a known object with a well defined orbit. In that Many authors have addressed the problem of short-arc or- case, the observations coincide with the predicted positions bit determination and constraint (e.g. Väisälä 1939; Mars- for the known object. Otherwise, the tracklet likely repre- den 1985; Bowell 1989; Bowell et al. 1990; Marsden 1991; sents a newly discovered object. It is then of interest to deter- Tholen & Whiteley 2000; Milani et al. 2004; Milani & mine what type of orbit that object has, and in particular, if Kneževic´ 2005; Oszkiewicz et al. 2009; Spoto et al. 2018, it is a new NEO. Given limited telescopic resources, it is not and discussions therein). Of particular relevance to digest2, possible to re-observe all objects to immediately determine in the late 1980s and early 1990s, R. H. McNaught of the their orbits. It is therefore essential to identify which objects Siding Spring Observatory undertook an extensive effort to are more likely to be NEOs and prioritize those for further determine allowable orbital element ranges and class-specific observation. object probabilities based on two observations and a magni- Although a tracklet does not uniquely determine an orbit, tude (PANGLOSS McNaught 1999). The method proceeded characteristic sky-plane motion can be used to infer a possi- by stepping through a range of possible topocentric distances ble orbit type (e.g. Jedicke 1996). The tool currently used for and angles (between the velocity vector and the line of sight) this is digest22. The digest2 code uses only a single motion which were consistent with the observations and bound to the vector, derived from a tracklet or short arc, to identify all pos- sun. PANGLOSS used a population model to assign weights sible elliptical orbits consistent with that motion. This set of to different orbit classes. The PANGLOSS code provided the possible orbits is then divided into disjoint orbital categories. foundation for the digest2 code described in this manuscript. Given a population model that represents the number of solar We review two related methods for addressing the problem system objects of each type, we can estimate the likelihood of short-arc orbits. The first concerns the technique referred that the tracklet represent a member of each category. to as “statistical ranging” (Virtanen et al. 2001), in which With a suitable threshold, digest2 can serve as an NEO two observations are selected from the tracklet, thus fixing (α;α;δ;_ δ_), and then topocentric ranges at each of the epochs binary classifier. Tracklets with high digest2 scores, D2, are posted on the Near-Earth Object Confirmation Page of the two observations are randomly chosen and a corre- sponding orbit computed from the admissible region that is compatible with the observational tracklet data. This process 1 Section 321 of the NASA Authorization Act of 2005 (Public Law No. is repeated over many random topocentric distances to gen- 109-155) erate a set of compatible orbits. 2 There is no known history of a digest1; this is not version 2 of a pro- gram. Also nothing is known about the origin or meaning of the name. The program name is simply digest2. 3 toconfirm_tabular.html THE digest2 NEO CLASSIFICATION CODE 3 The second method refers to “systematic ranging”. This method was introduced by Chesley(2005) and is described in detail in Farnocchia et al.(2015). In this method, a sys- tematic raster over (ρ,ρ_) space is performed, generating an orbit for each and comparing to all tracklet observations. The RMS of the fit residuals for each (ρ,ρ_) point indicates the quality of the fit, and χ2 probabilities can be used to derive confidence regions in (ρ,ρ_) space. While digest2 is not directly derived from either Virtanen et al.(2001) or Chesley(2005) (and the P ANGLOSS ranging code, from which digest2 is derived, predates both), the di- gest2 code uses the same fundamental approach that is com- mon to both statistical and systematic ranging techniques: sets of bound heliocentric orbits are generated that all satisfy the short-arc observations. 2.1. Historical Development of digest2 As described above, the early origins of the digest2 were the PANGLOSS code developed by R. McNaught. The cur- rent version of digest2 evolved from a FORTRAN 77 code (“223.f”) employed in Jedicke(1996), and then further Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the construction of two-element developed by C. Hergenrother and T. Spahr from the PAN- tracklets within digest2 for short-arcs (< 3hrs: top-left), space- GLOSS code of R. McNaught. It accepted observation files in based data (top-right), and long-arcs (≥ 3hrs: bottom). Detections the MPC’s 80-character format4, encoded the vector solution are plotted as red circles along their underlying path (gray dotted described in section 3.2, employed the parabolic limit de- line); The two-element tracklets constructed by digest2 are the blue scribed in appendixA, and used the model population look- squares and dashed lines. A detailed description of the algorithm up described in section 3.3. used to construct the two-element tracklets is provided in the text of Since the first publication,digest2 has undergone many in- §3.1. cremental improvements. In Appendix B.1, we provide a de- tailed description of the key changes to the digest2.
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