Proceedings P a Tna Flood Conference
PROCEEDINGS 011' THE P A TNA FLOOD CONFERENCE HELD ON The lOth to 12tla November, .l937 IN THE SINHA LIBRARY HALL, PATNA. SUI'ERINTLNDENT, GlWERNMENT PRINTI~C , BIHAR, PATNA. 1938. PROCEEDINGS OP THE PA TNA. FLOOD CON-FERENCE HELD ON The lOth to 12th November, 1937 IN THE SINHA LIBRARY HALL, PATNA. SUrEIHNTENDE!W , GOVERN!otENT PRINTINC, BntAR, PAtNA. 1938~ Priced Publications of the Government of Bihar, can be had from- IN INDIA. The Superintendent, Government Printing, Bihar, Gulzarbagh, P. 0. (1) MEssRs. TnAC!tER SPINK & Co., Calcutta, (2) !\I£ssRs. W. NEWMAN & Co., Calcutta. t3) MEsSRS. 8. K. L.unm & Co., College &treet, C.Ucutta. (4) 1\lr.~Rns. n. CAMBRAY & Co., 6 and 8-2, Hastings Street, Cal~utta. (5) !.h.Fsns. TnoMPSON & Co., Madrna. (6) MESSRS. D. B. TAnAPOREVALA SoNS & Co., 103, Meadow Street, Fort, Post Box No. 18, Bombay. (7) llhssns. M. C. SrnKAR & .soNs, 75, Harrison R~ad, Calcuttlt. (8) Pn.oPtu!Ton or THE NEWAL Kr~nons PnEss, Luclmow. (9) 1\!Essns. !II. N. DunMAN & Co., Bankipore. (10) DABU RAM DAYAL AGARWALA, 184, Katra Road, Allahabad. (11) THE STANDARD LITERATURE Co., LTD., 13-1, Old Court House Street, ('-a)C'tJ!.ta., (12) llfANAGER or THE INDIAN SCHoOL SuPPLY DEI'OT, 309, Dow Bazar Stl"''vt., Calcutta. {13) M~tssns. DllTTERIVORm & Co., LrD., 6, Jlastinga Street, Calcutta, (14) MESSRS. RAM KmsHNA & SoNs, Anarkali 5treet, Lahore, (15) Tm OxFORD BooK AND STATIONERY Co)Jr.~n, Delhi. (16) MESSRS. DAs BROTHERS, Nouzerkatra, Patt•n City. (17) TuE BooK Col!NNY, 4/4(o), College Square, Calcntta.
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