Kentucky Journal of Excellence in College Teaching and Learning 20

Web 2.0 Technologies in Higher Education Teaching: A Practical Introduction

Susan Berg, Wright State University


Web 2.0 tools are websites that are interactive, allowing users not only to read information but also to create products and interact with others. These tools offer new opportunities for designing instruction for heightened student engagement, particularly with “digital natives.” Yet often faculty are unaware of what these tools can do, are uncertain of how to use them, and leery of the time required to design instruction incorporating them. This paper is a very practical introduction to using common Web 2.0 tools including wikis, , and sites. Sample assignments developed and used by the author or described in the literature are described. These assignments are adaptable for use in a variety of disciplines. Wikis are very useful for group work. Blogs can be used effectively for journals and independent studies. Social bookmarking can enhance organization and sharing of professional web resources. Specific tips for setting up and working with the sites are given as well as recommended resources including handouts and videos that introduce the sites. Other types of Web 2.0/social networking sites with promise for use in higher education, such as multimedia production sites, are briefly described and specific sites recommended. Faculty members are encouraged to start with one simple assignment and then expand.

Keywords: Web 2.0 Technologies, Higher Education Teaching, Interactive Websites

The Internet contains a lot of attached to electronic devices (computers, information. In addition, it provides a iPods and phones), constantly connecting platform to connect, create and share. Web and communicating with others through 2.0 tools are websites that are interactive, Facebook and other social networking sites. allowing users not only to read information Kress (2003) identified a change from a but also to generate products and interact “page-based” society to a “screen-based” with others. They offer outstanding new society. We are reading and writing more opportunities for increasing student and more on the screens of our computers or engagement in learning. Yet faculty are other devices, increasingly viewing not just often unaware of what these tools can do, print , but visual art, video, are uncertain of how to use them, and leery sound and even advertising. The 2008 of the time required to design instruction ECAR survey (Salaway & Caruso, 2008) incorporating them. This paper is a very found that undergraduate students reported practical introduction to using Web 2.0 tools spending an average of 19.6 hours online such as wikis, blogs and social bookmarking weekly for work, school, or recreational sites. Sample assignments illustrating how activities. Over 85% of the respondents in these websites can be used in higher this survey reported using social networking education are described, as well as specific sites. Discussion of a shift from the tips for setting up and working with the “information age” to the “interaction age” sites. has begun (Brill & Park, 2008; Milne, 2007). Magolda & Platt (2009) argue that Significance Web 2.0 is about a fundamental shift in the Our world is changing. Speculation relationship between users and data – and about the impact of the arrival of “digital between learners and teachers. Thompson natives” or “millennials” to the college (2007) notes that Web 2.0 has vast potential campus has been underway for some time. but it’s “reach is yet undetermined.” (p. 4) (Carlson, 2005). Faculty members observe He speculates that Web 2.0 may turn out to that students seem to be permanently be a disruptive technology “because of its

Kentucky Journal of Excellence in College Teaching and Learning 21 potential to change the model of higher of these types of websites are wikis, blogs, education from the traditional classroom social bookmarking, and multimedia framework to an asynchronous 24/7 mode.” production tools. With thousands of these (p. 4) He challenges institutions of higher new sites available, this paper will focus on learning to transform themselves from some that have special promise for “Education 1.0” institutions to become heightening student engagement. Sample learning centers that meet the changing student assignments used in my courses as needs and expectations of their students. If well as applications described in the not, he warns, students may go elsewhere. literature illustrate ways that faculty in many Richardson (2009) suggests, “we are falling disciplines can use these tools. Tips to help more in danger of becoming irrelevant in faculty get started are also given. our students’ lives…. In order to prepare our Web 2.0 tools are designed to students for what is without question a enhance collaboration and sharing. They can future filled with networked learning spaces, be used to create authentic assignments with we must first experience those environments larger audiences for student work. Instead of ourselves.” the professor being the only one to view and give feedback on their work, student work Student Engagement and Web 2.0 now can be viewed and commented upon by Brill & Park (2008) examined classmates and members of the larger emerging technologies and their potential community. Projects can be ongoing and for improving student learning through continually revised. Most Web 2.0 tools are heightened student engagement. In their free though it is often possible to purchase review of the literature of student “premium” level memberships if more engagement, they identified interest, effort, control over the products is desired. motivation, and time on task as being well- Examples of premium features might be established learning constructs supporting turning off ads, making the products private, engaged learning. They also identified three or accessing more templates. themes evident across multiple frameworks of engaged learning. The themes are student Getting Started responsibility for and ownership of learning, Taking the first step using any new flexible collaboration in groups, and the use technology often is intimidating to of varied and relevant human and non- instructors. Faculty should be reassured that human resources to support learning. They it isn’t essential to be an expert. It isn’t argued that the emerging technologies of necessary to spend huge amounts of time mobile learning, Augmented Reality, Virtual learning all the features of a particular web Reality, and ubiquitous learning have application. Just figure out the basics and get promise for enhancing student engagement. started. Most Web 2.0 applications have Some instructors have begun to online tutorials that can be used by you and experiment with the use of other emerging your students. Some websites have e-mail technology tools commonly referred to as newsletters that let you know about new Web 2.0 applications. The “2.0” refers to the features and share information about “read/write” web; websites that are innovative applications. Online “help” is interactive, allowing users not only to read typically available and some sites have e- information but also to create, interact, and mail help. When technical problems have evaluate. They clearly support the constructs come up, I’ve asked the class or an and themes of engaged learning. Examples individual student who I have identified as

Kentucky Journal of Excellence in College Teaching and Learning 22 having good tech skills to try to solve the Sample wiki projects. In a graduate issue. Students like using the new entry seminar that I teach, the goal is to technologies and are patient with issues that introduce students to some of the leading may arise. Using Web 2.0 tools for class thinkers (“Voices”) in their new field. A assignments seems natural to the digital wiki with a list of Voices was created with generation. Older nontraditional college links to key websites/blogs for each voice. students understand the need to learn to While students examine the websites and utilize the new tools in order to be blogs of all Voices, they are assigned competitive in their new careers. All particular responsibility for certain students appreciate the professional individuals. Students create wikipages with appearance of work products created using basic information about their assigned these new tools. Voices. They also read the pages created by Start by introducing the basics of the their classmates and add comments. An particular type of web 2.0 application (wiki, example of one class’s wiki can be viewed etc.). A good way to do this is to use at one of the short videos in the series “In Plain In a young adult literature (YA) English” from CommonCraft Video. They course, students created a bibliography to be are available on YouTube or for purchase in used by the new Dayton Regional STEM higher quality video from the CommonCraft (Science Technology Engineering and website. Great explanatory handouts are Mathematics) School. I set up the wiki using available as .pdf files from Educause’s “7 the 9th grade social studies curriculum Things You Need to Know” series. In themes. Students in the YA course addition most web 2.0 applications have contributed titles and information about good quality tutorials with specifics about young adult books relating to these themes. how to use their websites. Develop step-by- This project had the added value of resulting step instructions to get students started. in a useful product for the new school to Graduate assistants can be very helpful with draw on for possible assigned or student designing and/or testing these instructions. choice reading. The wiki can be viewed at Web 2.0 Tools, Sample Villano (2008) describes how an Assignments, and Tips educator at Boston College, Jerry Kane, established “Exam Question Workspace.” Wikis Students submit exam questions to a wiki Wikis use software that allows for and respond to questions that have been the easy creation and editing of submitted throughout the semester. Kane interconnected Web pages. They are based warns his students that the answers may not on the concept of the wisdom of the group: be correct and they are responsible for fixing bringing the knowledge and ideas of mistakes. Eighty to 90% of his exam individuals together to create and edit a questions come from this wiki. product. Wikipedia is the classic example of Tips for using wikis. As with most a wiki project. In higher education, wikis are Web 2.0 applications, there are a variety of excellent tools for building online decisions to be made about how your wiki communities and doing collaborative work. will function. While the options are They can be kept private or shared with the numerous and appear bewildering at first world. glance, usually only a few settings are crucial. For example, set up using

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“protected” permissions – anyone can view easy to create as a peanut butter sandwich”). but only members can edit. This will Links to websites are included in Table 1. prevent individuals outside your class from making changes. “Invite” students using Blogs university e-mail. Remember, a wiki allows Blogs are a familiar Web 2.0 for members to edit each other’s work. If technology to most people. Students and you want to be able to assess individual faculty can share their thoughts with the work, ask students to only add information, wider world or just with their class using not edit what others have written and tell easy-to-use blogging websites. Blogs are them to sign their work using initials or first normally chronological; the latest “post” names. For a more professional product, shows first with links to previous posts. Web consider setting up formatting standards or links, graphics, polls and multimedia can assigning an “art director” for each page to easily be included. Readers can leave make sure things like fonts, font size and comments. There are many ways to use color are consistent. For group assignments, blogs in college teaching. For example, each group can create their own wiki or be blogs are very well suited for independent responsible for their own pages within a studies, ongoing reading assignments and class wiki. These types of assignment make student journals. Students take pride in the better use of the wiki’s collaborative professional appearance of their blog. environment, with students editing each Churchill (2008) explored the other’s work. It is possible to monitor question “in what ways does a blog changes to a wiki using the “recent changes” environment supplement classroom teaching feature. Edits can include comments about and lead to an improved learning what changes were made. Wikis can be set experience?” (p.179) He used an up to automatically notify you when changes experimental blog-based environment with are made. I usually do not enable this post-graduate students. He concluded that, feature not wanting potentially hundreds of through blogs, a teacher “can create an e-mails. However this could be a useful ambience in which students feel themselves feature if you are working on a wiki with a to be important parts of the classroom limited number of colleagues or need to community and that their needs and opinions keep tight control over a product. are recognized and addressed.” (p.183) Sometimes problems do come up. For Sample blog projects. In a Young example, while using Wikispaces, one of my Adult Literature course at Wright State students inadvertently eliminated the University, students are required to read 10 directory so there was no way to get at the teen books. This is an assignment that has pages that other students had developed. She been used for many years. Before web 2.0, was in a panic and I couldn’t figure out how students created a large index card for each to fix the problem. I e-mailed the problem to title including bibliographic information, a their helpdesk and received, within 24 hours, synopsis, reflective comments about the the step-by-step solution in a return e-mail. book and its possible use/appeal to teens. I This same problem came up in another class. read the cards, made a few comments and Now I know to “lock” the directory page. returned them to the students at the end of There are many wiki sites. Some of the most the course. Now each student creates a blog popular include Wikispaces and PBworks and makes weekly posts about their reading. (formerly PBwiki – the “PB” is from “as In addition to the information previously on the index card, students enhance their blog

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Table 1: Web 2.0 Sites Sites Type URL Wikispaces Wiki PBWorks Wiki Blogger Blog Edublog Blog Delicious Social bookmarking Diigo Social bookmarking Productivity tools s/intl/en/tour1.html Zoho Productivity tools VoiceThread Multimedia - home Animoto Multimedia Weebly Website Jimdo Website Mindmeister Concept maps Wordle Word “clouds” Ourstory Timeline Polleverywhere Polling Library Thing Organize library Skype Videoconference SecondLife Virtual world YouTube Video YouTube EDU Video with graphics of the book jacket, links to the reactions. I read the posts before class and author’s website, and interesting links such refer to them during lectures and as video booktrailers (similar to “coming discussions. attractions” at the movies). Students are In internships, students are required required to read each other’s blogs and make to submit weekly journals that are aligned to comments. I also keep a blog and makes the standards of their profession and include weekly comments on student blogs. Critical reflection about their experiences. When this comments from me are done via personal e- is done using a blog, both the university and mail rather than publicly on the blog. Blogs site supervisors can easily make comments. are evaluated using a rubric. Blogging Blogs work very well for software is easy to use and creates a very independent studies. Students can blog about professional looking product. Students work their reading and research and the professor hard on their posts knowing that their peers can see regular progress and make will be reading their work as well as their comments. professor. They learn from each other, Tips for using blogs. Give students gaining information about many more teen instructions for setting up their blogs. books through this method. Sometimes Similar to wikis, there are many ways to students discover that they have read the customize blogs but only a few settings are same book and can dialog about their really important. For example when using

Kentucky Journal of Excellence in College Teaching and Learning 25, I give students these allows you to virtually highlight and use instructions. Under “Settings” set digital sticky notes with your bookmarking. “Comments” to “Show” and then set “Who The sites are simple to use. Often an icon Can Comment” to “Only members of this can be placed on your browser bar that you blog.” Under the “Permissions” tab, set can click on whenever you want to either “Readers” to “only people I choose.” They a site or go to your bookmarks page. will need to invite their classmates to be Sample uses. Faculty who teach similar members of their blogs using university e- courses can share links to useful website mail addresses that you have supplied them. links by using the Network feature. If you Sometimes I have found issues with the are the only one on campus teaching a permissions not working as expected particular course, you can network with (usually students not understanding that they colleagues across the country (and world). haven’t logged in) and have had to loosen up If you want to collect web links on a the permissions. Set things up so you are particular subject, for example a research “following” all the blogs in order to make it interest or a teaching topic, “subscribe” to easy to access them quickly. The links will bookmarks with the relevant tag. Then the show up on your “dashboard” so you can site will watch everyone's bookmarks saved just click on them to access. It is also with that tag and deliver links to your possible to build-in RSS feeds for subscriptions page. notification of blog postings. Besides Create a student assignment for creating Blogger (owned by Google), another a group webography using a social popular blogging site is Edublogs (see Table bookmarking site. 1). Combining Web 2.0 Tools Social Bookmarking/Tagging Web 2.0 applications can be Another very useful Web 2.0 combined to create custom teaching tools. application for faculty and student use is Higdon and Topaz (2009) describe their social bookmarking or tagging. When a software adaption of Novak’s (1999-2006) useful website is located, faculty typically Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) framework. save it as a “favorite” or “bookmark” the JiTT methodology seeks to increase student site. The problem comes in when using engagement by gathering student responses multiple computers and/or multiple to assigned reading and using that browsers. Where is that bookmark/favorite information to fine-tune lectures and use of anyway – on the laptop, at home? On class time. It has been used in physics and Firefox or Internet Explorer? This problem other disciplines. Higdon and Topaz is solved when the bookmarks are kept on an combine the use of publicly and freely external server on the web using a social available blogs, wikis and RSS feeds to bookmarking site. But the new social gather student responses. The night before a bookmarking sites (e.g. Delicious or Diigo, face-to-face class, students respond briefly see Table 1) do a lot more than just keeping to two discipline-neutral questions. “What your websites in one place. They allow you is the most difficult part of the material we to organize them using “tags” or keywords will discuss in tomorrow’s class?” and that allow you to search your saved links. “What is the most interesting part of the The “social” part of social bookmarking material? or “How does the material connect comes in the way you can share bookmarked to something else you have learned in this links with colleagues or students. Diigo even field or another field?” (Higdon & Topaz,

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2009, p.106) Student responses are graded by world-class thinkers, including Nobel using a rubric to insure that students give Prize winners. YouTube has a special quality responses. The instructor scans the channel (YouTube EDU) with video from students’ responses for common themes and higher education partners including clips problem areas and then uses this information from lectures by well-know scholars on a to adjust classroom instruction. variety of subjects and commencement speeches from individuals including Other Useful Web 2.0 Applications President Obama, Google CEO Eric Every day there are more web 2.0 Schmidt and singer Dolly Parton. tools that can be used in higher education. Collaborate with colleagues using Zoho’s Keeping Current online word processing, spreadsheet and The options can begin to feel presentation tools. When assigning overwhelming. A great way for faculty to multimedia projects to students, have them keep up with the emerging web technologies develop their project using VoiceThread so is to regularly check the Educause Learning that their classmates can comment by typing Initiative’s “7 Things You Need to Know on the keyboard or using a webcam, About…” webpage. It includes concise, microphone or even telephone. Students and jargon-free explanations of what the latest faculty can create websites using Weebly or technology is, how it works and how it Jimdo, or create multimedia presentations relates to teaching and learning. Educause is using their digital photos and Animoto. a nonprofit association with the mission of Video conferences are free using Skype. advancing “higher education through Hold virtual class meetings or join meetings promoting the intelligent use of technology.” or professional development on Second Life. Two excellent guides to using Web Do live audience polling using 2.0 tools in the classroom are books by Polleverywhere. Create “word clouds” or Richardson (2009) and Kist (2010). While visual depictions of the relationship between both titles focus on the K-12 classroom, they words based on their frequency of use with do present very practical examples of ways Wordle. Mindmeister can be used for to use effectively to create deep collaborative brainstorming and planning learning. They also give insight into what projects, creating concept maps or webs. kind of prior experiences and expectations Use OurStory to create collaborative your future students may have as then enter timelines including annotations, photos and college. video. Organize your books and share your The most important thing is not to library with students and colleagues using become overwhelmed by all the options. LibraryThing (and connect with people who, Start with one simple project, using one web according to the website, have “eerily 2.0 website in one course and build from similar tastes”). Locate videos that can be there. The resulting community-building used in class on YouTube. Mixed with the opportunities and heightened student millions of “home movies” there are some engagement will quickly convince you to do very useful “how to” videos and some quite more sophisticated presentations and arguments


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Susan Berg is Assistant Professor, School Library Media Program Educational Leadership, Department Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio.