ESPON-TITAN Territorial Impacts of Natural Disasters Applied Research Final Report – Annex 2 Economic Impacts Analysis June 2021 This applied research activity is conducted within the framework of the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme. The ESPON EGTC is the Single Beneficiary of the ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme. The Single Operation within the programme is implemented by the ESPON EGTC and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the EU Member States, the United Kingdom and the Partner States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. This delivery does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the members of the ESPON 2020 Monitoring Committee. Authors Koen Rademaekers, Lisa Korteweg, Foivos Petsinaris, Louis Eklund, Trinomics (The Netherlands) Dóra Fazekas, Jon Stenning, Boglárka Molnár, Cambridge Econometrics (United Kingdom) Olga Ivanova, independent expert (the Netherlands) Acknowledgements We want to thank the interviewees and other contacts that have given us important information to complete the case studies succesfully. Advisory Group Project Support Team: Adriana May, Lombardy Region (Italy), Marcia Van Der Vlugt, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Spatial Development Directorate (the Netherlands) ESPON EGTC: Zintis Hermansons (Project Expert), Caroline Clause (Financial Expert) Information on ESPON and its projects can be found on The web site provides the possibility to download and examine the most recent documents produced by finalised and ongoing ESPON projects. © ESPON, 2020 Printing, reproduction or quotation is authorised provided the source is acknowledged and a copy is forwarded to the ESPON EGTC in Luxembourg. Contact:
[email protected] ISBN : 978-2-919816-06-4 ESPON-TITAN Territorial Impacts of Natural Disasters Table of contents List of Figures ........................................................................................................................