Existence of D−Pullback Attractor for an Infinite Dimensional Dynamical System

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Existence of D−Pullback Attractor for an Infinite Dimensional Dynamical System DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2021036 DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS SERIES B EXISTENCE OF D−PULLBACK ATTRACTOR FOR AN INFINITE DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICAL SYSTEM Mustapha Yebdri Laboratory of dynamical systems Department of Mathematics,Faculty of sciences University of Tlemcen Tlemcen, BP.119, 13000 Algeria (Communicated by Jos´eA. Langa) Abstract. At the very beginning of the theory of finite dynamical systems, it was discovered that some relatively simple systems, even of ordinary differen- tial equations, can generate very complicated (chaotic) behaviors. Furthermore these systems are extremely sensitive to perturbations, in the sense that trajec- tories with close but different initial data may diverge exponentially. Very of- ten, the trajectories of such chaotic systems are localized, up to some transient process, in some subset of the phase space, the so-called strange attractors. Such subset have a very complicated geometric structure. They accumulate the nontrivial dynamics of the system. For a distributed system, whose time evolution is usually governed by par- tial differential equations (PDEs), the phase space X is (a subset of) an infinite dimensional function space. We will thus speak of infinite dimensional dynam- ical systems. Since the global existence and uniqueness of solutions has been proven for a large class of PDEs arising from different domains as Mechanics and Physics, it is therefore natural to investigate whether the features, in par- ticular the notion of attractor, obtained for dynamical systems generated by systems of ODEs generalizes to systems of PDEs. In this paper we give a positive aftermath by proving the existence of pull- back D-attractor. The key point is to find a bounded family of pullback D- absorbing sets then we apply the decomposition techniques and a method used in previous works to verify the pullback w-D-limit compactness. It is based on the concept of the Kuratowski measure of noncompactness of a bounded set as well as some new estimates of the equicontinuity of the solutions. 1. Introduction. Many phenomena in the applied sciences can be described by a partial differential equations (PDEs) of the form @ @ u(t; x)−∆ u(t; x)−∆u(t; x)+f(u(t; x)) = b(t; u )(x)+g(t; x) in (τ; 1)×Ω; (1) @t @t t where Ω ⊂ RN (N ≥ 3) is a bounded domain with smooth boundary @Ω, compli- mented by initial and boundary conditions 8 < u = 0 on (τ; 1) × @Ω u(τ; x) = u0(x); τ 2 R and x 2 Ω (2) : u(τ + θ; x) = '(θ; x); θ 2 [−r; 0] and x 2 Ω: 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 35B41, 37L30. Key words and phrases. Infinite dimenisional dynamical systems, partial differential equations with delay, asymptotic behavior,pullback attractor, !−limit set. 1 2 MUSTAPHA YEBDRI @u The equation (1) without the term ∆ @t ; is a classical equation with delay. For more details on differential equations with delay we refer the reader to J.K. Hale [10] and J. Wu [20]. The study of the asymptotic behavior of such equations is of hudge importance. It is essential for practical applications to understand and even predict the long time behavior of the solutions of such equations. Assuming that the above Cauchy problem is well-posed we can define a family of solution operators U(t; τ): X ! X ; 0 0 (u ;') 7! U(t; τ)(u ;') = (u(t); ut) U(t; τ); t ≥ τ; τ 2 R; acting on some convenient space X (called the phase space), where u is the weak solution of (1)-(2). It is easy to see that this family of operators satisfies U(τ; τ) = Id; U(t; s) ◦ U(s; τ) = U(t; τ); t ≥ s ≥ τ; τ 2 R; where Id denotes the identity operator. The pair (U(t; τ);X) is called the dynamical system associated with the problem (1)-(2). The qualitative study of finite dimensional dynamical systems goes back to the pioneering works of Poincar´eon the N-body problem in the beginning of the 20th century (see, e.g., [2] and the references therein ). In particular, it was discov- ered, at the very beginning of the theory, that even relatively simple systems even of ordinary differential equations can generate very complicated (chaotic) behav- iors. Furthermore, these systems are extremely sensitive to perturbations, in the sense that trajectories with close, but different, initial data may diverge exponen- tially. Very often, the trajectories of such chaotic systems are localized, up to some transient process, in some subset of the phase space having a very complicated geo- metric structure, which thus accumulates the nontrivial dynamics of the system, the so-called strange attractor (see, e.g.,[1][3][4][9][12]). For a distributed system whose initial state is described by functions depending on the spatial variable, the time evolution is usually governed by a system of partial differential equations (PDEs). In this case, the phase space X is (a subset of) an infinite dimensional function space; typically, X = L2(Ω) or L1(Ω); where Ω is some domain in Rn: We will speak of infinite dimensional dynamical systems. An important difference with ODEs, is that the analytical structure of a PDE is much more complicated. In particular, we do not have a unique solvability result in general. The global existence and uniqueness of solutions has been proven for a large class of PDEs arising from different domains as Mechanics and Physics. It is therefore natural to investigate whether the features mentioned above for dynamical systems generated by systems of ODEs, strange attractors, generalize to systems of PDEs. It is worth emphasizing once more that the phase space is an infinite dimensional function space. However, experiments showed that, similar to the case of finite dimensional dynamical systems, the trajectories are localized, up to some transient process, in a \thin" invariant subset of the phase space having a very complicated geometric structure, which thus accumulates all the essential dynamics of the system. From a mathematical point of view, this led to the notions of attractors (see [1],[5],[8],[12], [16], [17] and the references therein ). There are two important approaches that were developed in order to study the asymptotic behavior of non-autonomous differential equations. First, the theory of uniform attractor, a minimal compact (not invariant) set that forward attracts bounded sets uniformly with respect to the initial time. Second, the theory of EXISTENCE OF D−PULLBACK ATTRACTOR FOR AN IDDS 3 pullback attractor, a family of compact sets which are invariant and pullback (but, in general, not forward) attract bounded sets. These two approaches were treated, at first, as unrelated notions. However, in [6] the authors explore both notions, and using the skew-product semiflow associated to the equation, important relationships between the two notions were proved. It is well known that the compact Sobolev embedding can be applied to obtain the existence of pullback D-attractor as the solution of the equation has higher regularity, e.g., although the initial conditions only belong to a weaker topology space, the solution will belong to a stronger topology space with higher regularity. In [13] the authors proved that If there exists a family of pullback D-absorbing sets for a norm-to-weak continuous process fU(t; τ)g, which is pullback w-D-limit compact, then it has a pullback D-attractor fA(t): t 2 Rg: @u However, since the equation (1) contains the term ∆ @t , the solution has no higher regularity and this is similar to hyperbolic case. In this paper, we prove the existence of pullback D-attractor. It is well known that for the existence of pullback D-attractors, the key point is to find a bounded family of pullback D-absorbing sets then the pullback w-D-limit compactness for the process corresponding to the @u solution of our problem. As noticed before, because of the term ∆ @t ; the pullback w-D-limit compactness for the process can not be proved by the compact Sobolev embedding. The nonlinearity with critical exponent makes also some barriers. The novelty in this paper is how to overcome these difficulties? To answer the question, we apply the decomposition techniques and a method used in [19] to verify the pullback w-D-limit compactness of the process with delay. It is based on the concept of the Kuratowski measure of noncompactness of a bounded set as well as some new estimates of the equicontinuity of the solutions. The organization of the paper is as follows, first we specify the notations and the assumptions used in the paper, next we construct the continuous process. Then we prove the main result, which is the existence of pullback D-attractor. The key point is to find a bounded family of pullback D-absorbing sets then we apply the decomposition techniques and a method used in [19] to verify the pullback w-D-limit compactness, which it is based on the concept of the Kuratowski measure of noncompactness of a bounded set as well as some new estimates of the equicontinuity of the solutions. 2. Notation and assumptions. In this section we introduce notations and as- sumptions concerning problem (1)-(2) 2.1. Definition of a pullback D-attractor. Let (X; d) be a complete metric space. Let us denote P(Y ) the family of all nonempty subsets of X; and suppose D is a nonempty class of parametrized sets Db = fD(t): t 2 Rg ⊂ P(X) : A family Ab = fA(t): t 2 Rg ⊂ P(Y ) is said to be a pullback D-attractor for fU(t; τ)g if 1. A(t) is compact for all t 2 R ; 2.
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