29 Die in Fire in New Orleans
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* . Parade Commemorates Monmouth Battle SEE STORY, PAGE 2 The Weather THEDMLY FINAL Partly sunny with chance of showers today Partly cloudy tonight. Tomorrow, partly / EDITION sunny 24 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL. 9,> NO. 250 RED BANK, NJ. MONDAY, JUNE 25,1973 TEN CENTS IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHItlllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimilNIIIIMIIIIUIIIIIMIM 29 Die in Fire in New Orleans NKW ORLEANS (AH) - the lounge's front windows McCrossen. The fire was out opened it. swung out. grabbed Most of the 2V persons killed and then leaping to the street IK minutes later a pipe and slid down. when fire flashed through a Others left the building by Adolph Medina. 32, of San "I turned around and broke second-story cocktail lounge smashing a side window and Antonio. Tex., said flames a couple of other people's in the French Quarter here climbed onto a fire escape A engulfed the bar in a short. falls, but there were one or were trapped by burglar bars "few made their way to anoth- panic-ridden moment after two who just wouldn't jump " on three front windows, au- er fire escape in the rear fire broke out on the front , yumton said: "The bigger thorities said today. The bodies of those who did .stairway. people just couldn't get out Fifteen others were injured not make it lay jammed like "BUI Larsen, a pastor at the • He said. "I was panicked in the fire at The Up Stairs logs against the front win- Metropolitan Community about jumping, but two guys Lounge, which was packed for dows, with four huddled under Church, got caught in the win- urged me to jump and I was the weekly Sunday night beer a charred grand piano. dow, and I just watched him small enough. Some big bust featuring all you could Some of the injured appar- burn He -had one arm out. guy on the ground caught me. eat and drink for $2. ently were hurt in jumping to and I heard him scream: "0 and 1 kept looking back but Officials said they were still the street <;nd! No" my fnend never got out." J. investigating the cause of the Authorities said there was "In the next window beside blaze and would not comment only one woman among the Linn (Juinton. 25. of Hous- him. three people burned to 111 '--.. LH on reports that an angry pa- dead. ton. Tex . said. "The place death while I could only tron had set the fire. Fire headquarters is butjust went up. Kverynne pan- watch " *^m m Some small persons man- three blocks away. I'nits were icked and started running for The bar was at the comer aged to escape by squeezing on the scene in two minutes. (he windows I jumped to the of Charters and Iberville. one through the burglar bars on said Supt William window in the left corner. block off Canal St \ixon, Brezhnev Hail INSIDE THE UPSTAIRS — This is o view inside the windows in the background. The bar is in the .the Upstairs bar after a flash fire that left 29 dead New Orleans French Quarter. Summit Talk Success and 15 miured. Most of the victims were found near i»mn$»— SAN CLEMENTK. Calif countries, he said .his talks has not been one-sided " stalled strategic arms limita- (AP) — President Nixon says with Nixon "really put Soviet- At the signing of the com- tion talks (SALT) in Geneva his week-long meeting with American relations on a new munique, an ebullient Brezh- Brezhnev was asked if talk Soviet leader Leonid 1 Brezh- track " nev said their Ht-plus hours of of a Nixon return trip to Mos- Dean on Stand as Senate nev holds the promise of Secretary of State William dialogue might lead to anoth- cow next winter indicated a "peace for all the people of P Rogers, who accompanied er Nixon visit to Moscow "in feeling that a new SALT pact the world " Brezhnev on the flight in six or eight months' time." could be completed by that Brezhnev agreed, saying "Spirit of 7«." said in an in- The President's previous visit time yesterday that the summit terview that he agreed with was in the spring of W'i We are working in this with-Nixon means "policial the Soviet leader that rela- Both Nixon and the Soviet direction But concretely, un- Unit Resumes Hearings tions have changed fortunately. I cannot tell you detente is being backed up by leader pointed to two major military detente " He said he expects a soft- summit agreements: a non- anything fnr the time aside to hear Dean and for- private session with Senate during his only substantive WASHINGTON (AH) - \t the summit's formal end ening, in Soviet rhetoric, ad- binding accord aimed at being."Brezhnev said mer Attorney General .Inhn investigators, that he bor- meeting with Nixon last year, John W Dean HI. fired by yesterday, the two leaders ding: "In all fairness, it avoiding nuclear war and a Nine agreements were an- rowed I4.MVI in campaign on the day seven men were in- President Nixon as White N Mitchell, whn has been ac- signed a communique dunng should be said that, in the nounced during Brezhnev's money to finance his honey- dicted in the wiretappinc the statement of principles de-^ House counsel, was expected cused of giving final approval a televised ceremony outside visits moon last year. lYesident said Haideman had past, the offensive language signed to give new impetus to to testify publicly today that he to the Watergate wiretapping Nixon's oceanside home here Aeeasatlaas told him what a good job believes the President knew last year Mitchell is expected That summary of the talks is about the Watergate cover-up to follow Dean in the witness He also, made accusations l>ean had done It had been against- the. President and for- feared at the time that leti to be released today when Dean's testimony was chair later this week Brezhnev leaves the United Dean has not denied that he mer top aides H R Haldeman Stuart Magruder. the cam- scheduled to kick off what is States Skylab Crew Begins expected to be the Senate Wa- was at the center of a plot to and John D F.hrlichman. ac- paign's No 2 man. might be in- cording to a summary- of testi- dicted with the rest Nixon loaned Brezhnev his tergate committee's longest cover up the wiretapping letliner to fly to Camp David. scandal, as alleged by federal mony Dean gave in closed and most sensational week of Committee snurces say there Md. for an overnight stay be- prosecutors And he report- session more than a week ago hearings is no doubt Dean will lestfy fore the Soviet Communist Five days have been set edly has admitted, during a Dean reportedly said that 17 Days of Reporting^ that Nixon knew of the cover- party chairman's departure up The New York Times re- today for Moscow via Paris SPACE CENTEH. Houston lier in the day with President said he and his crewmates left ported yesterday that Dean Nixon bade htm farewell at (\V) _ Convinced that man Nixon and Soviet leader Leon- the orbiting space station in is "up there to stay." Skylab • id I Brezhnev in San <>- will testify Nixon indicated to nearby V.\ Toro Marine Air good shape for Skylab '!. a Vl-# Leaner Days at Poultry* htm in mid-March this year Stateon t's crew today continues me- mente Calif day flight that is to start July" that he had discussed an offer Before leaving California. dical examinations and begins \t nearby Ellington Mr !7 under the command of Man of executive clemency that Brezhnev taped a television- 17 days of reporting about its Force Base, they held their I. Hean was made to K Howard Hunt, radio speech to the American- record four-week mission wives in lingering embraces "I'm glad to turn it over to Meat Counters Predicted one nf those convicted in the people that was broadcast last Charles Conrad Jr. Dr Jo- and briefly addressed a group Capt Bean and his crew." case evening as he flew east In the seph P Kerwin and Paul I nf about 4)1)1 persons mostly By Ike Associated Press The Cost of Living Council raw grain on the unfrozen said Conrad "*s far as I'm address, also fnr broadcast in. Weitz flew to the space center space workers said Saturday it is in- market and must sell most of Implicates Others concerned he's go for 5« the Soviet I'mon and other last night after meeting ear- Mission commander Conrad F.ggs at II a dozen and lea- vestigating whether the ad- their processed product at for- Dean's private testimony days " ner days at supermarket meat ministration's Kii-day price zen prices — are faring little deeply implicated Haldeman Sang* It Off and poultry counters arc freeze, announced .lune i:< is better Spokesmen for the and F.hrliehnian in the cover- Kerwin the crewman who being forecast by some in- causing food shortages The Los Angeles (Jrain Exchange up Dean said that before the suffered most from the effects dustry spokesmen They say Senate \gnculturc Com- estimated mills were losing $H Watergate raid he told Halde- of space weightlessness, farmers across the country mittee said last week the for every ton of process feed man what had gone on at Firm Says Buses Will Stop shrugged off reports of his are caught in the middle be- price preeze is threatening sold Mills that were paying meeting in Mitchells office, dizziness and nausea which tween the Ni-rtay freeze on re- "drastic shortages" of some t! 41 per bushel fnr soybeans dunni; which wiretapiing was occurred after the astronauts tail fond prices and a free- foods in May I'm paid «s ,o this discussed returned to earth Friday floating feed grain market Government Official* were May Corn jumped from $1 41 He said he told Haldeman If It Doesn't Get Gasoline "I read some statements in "The poultry producer is in not immediately available for to $| 7.i per bushel between rind F.hrlichman what he NKW\KK (MM - \ subur- ations tomorrow if it does not carries i.iwo dailv passengers the paper about my postflight the unworkable position nf comment on the feed grain March and May knew about the matter shortly ban bus company says it is • receive additional supplies on its five routes in suburban condition." the physician said having to pay nut more than pnre situation after the raid He said Khr- Fssex and t'nion Counties " Ml 1 can say is that, if this is Food industry spokesmen running nut nf gasoline and The company.