
o JO jfjj vy v" s V v v x' v vK O "R F1LITI V1SIT&R I 't 4. X5h Füsa'natjno Senor Si.;o Lopez, former confiden- Lopez was a memberJOof the Filipino Qu'ie chatty person im- A a is his Only (Xö Romance tial secretary and confidant of Gen. commission that came here in 1S98, to perial majesty Kaiser Wilhelm. From Aguinaldo. also representative of his present the case of their country. 18S9, when he ascended the thone, to Current Topics 9 by cocntrymeu at Washington up to the present Although 9, 1SS9, the dav. he madp-- v as early as Jan. it has j ß tiffiy ' ' t j m Alan Adair. when shuts were iirst exchang2d was publicly stated a member of than 700 speeches, all of which have that ß ' ' - - 111 v. 1 Ax j 0, a4x v 0, , 0t 0t , , . 4kv.-- tuvt luv i the senate committee on foreign af- neen printed in full in the official t t. rt. 0. t vh-itin- cans at Manila, is g War- j Fiske fairs had advised the arrest of these journal. According to the court stencg- - The Late Gen. Cary. Another Labor Tcmp'c. ren in Boston. He proposes to write sixty-fiv- JO men, the other members of the deputa- rapher the emperor utters from 275 For e years General Samuel Union labor is building a h.vvl.rM it a bock on j this country. Fiske Warren COO tion, Senor Lopez to syllables a minute, or nearly b Gary, who died in Cincinnati last structure ru the city of Mo'.in ill., (ContiruuM. A woman upside i3 i Sixto and Dr. CHAPTER Ylli had faiieu close hiu. the third Mia of the late Samuel D. five a second. week, stood fig- h the most picturesque out of funds raised by annual fairs 1 -- i ea-t- dark-ha!re- d. Ijosada, Washington and Not the stricte-- j:iri t the a idiuht woman. He Warren, the gre.it pup r manufacturer, j remained in until ure in American politics. His life was Labor day celebrations. During the could to As h-- i up, ' March, cavil at his writing her. rushed forward to help quite and is very wealthy. He cares more and the motive they announc- Kear-sarg- e, Postmaster Albert Barnes of rounded out to its fulfillment with a 'a.st six years fS.OOi) has bren he felt that is, from his heart su lit uricoaciou.s then that the shot that for tennis, outdoor life and coun- - J ed for their leaving was Dr. Losada's eolhctd. the N. H., is believed to be the only completion that is without precedent. Of thii sum $4,CG0 was paid for a d wrote to her: had been tired was meant for him, and try than be does for society. He was illness. He was desirous, it was said, man now surviving whoso father He was a statesman, active in all that My Own Joyce: I am break in.? my that the woman had intercepted it. lie SOs and has travel- self-impos- the demands of statesmanship ed to you th it bad a saw entail resolution tell dim idea. toa. that he. ed e x t e n s i v e ly during all I am leaving England for Austra hi on Hutchinson slipping away somewhere; of that time, and was the abroad. compeer of famous men suc- the Condor, which sails r.xt wtfk. I but he. as well as every one else, was for three Mis. Warren, who cessive generations 1S3G cannot live this lift any longer. D occupied by woman. from to the fallen has joined her hus- and you know I come out at night just to His were the arms that helped her had the distinction of having band iu entertain- met on the field of look at the house that contains you? up. and his were the eyes that recoK-- n political debate ing the one-tim- e more There Is no joy for anything, and I ed Venni.-a- . "My (Jod!" he noted men in the politics of thi cried. secretary cf Agui- country am afraid of breaking down under the And when tLey said "Do you know than any other man who has naldo. was Gret li- lived strain. I must work, I and died in America and enjoyed sweetheart: her?" he answered "Yes, and the shot en Osgood, the el must do something. Lif; is too hard. has killed was for me!" the privilege of being the oldest native her infant d: lighter of Dr. Joyce. I lo to so- - you a;:;nn. born resident of Cincinnati. Death not. wish He carried her to a room near, and and Hamilton If I büw you aeala I should never wheju opened Mi. closed a book in the passing of Mr. he laid her down she her pe- Ocgvod. Sl. is Cary is as in- LABOR you; but I must hear from you to eyes and smiled. "I am S3 happy," she that full of distinguished TCMPLH. lfre tite, v.i in a beauti- cidents any know if yon are well. darrst. I ouirht said, softlv. "Alan, I rever thought as other volume on th sirable site, and $15,090 was raise! by ful figure ex to say to you that you should try and your me again." and shelves or in the archives of the Unit- loan. This will leave 520.000 to b to feel arms round quisitc complexion forget me, and be hapny with some "Veronica," he said, remorsefully. I ed States government. He was the spent on the building, which wi;i bo masses red- other man, but I cannot. It is tre- would gladly have given my life if this and of intimate personal friend of General two stories high throughout with a mendous selfishn ess on my part: but it had not happened!" dish hair. She William Henry Harrison. Henry Clay, three-stor- y front. On the ground lioer would kill me if you were to look at "I know it." she said, "but think of dressts in abso- Daniel Webster, . will be a store-roo- m and an immense good another roan. Hut it is not for that me for one instant, Alan. You see. 1 lutely taste, hII for conventions. The second Aoot 1 any I am writing, but to tell you am love you. darling. I am dying, so that and with will be divided into meeting rooms, li- leaving. Your own ALAN. it does not matter, and my life made amount of chic. brary, baths, and a smaller hall. To full-fledg- When Joyce received this letter she you unhappy. V.y dying for you 1 She is a ed the use of this building fi.000 worlc-ingme- n cat quite still for a little time. She rrake you and httr happy. It is the society leader, will have access. The !.! oline felt 03 if her heart must break when only way, Alan the only way." much sought after, Industrial association, with which the she thought of Alan. She knew what "Ihit, Veronica " he urged. Uut clever and intci-- f new labor temple originated, was in- his unrest meant: she knew that If it she would not let him speak. stint:. corporated in Its membership were possible that he could lay nia "I don't think I have long. dear. Let Noi very long consists of delegates appointed by each head against her shoulder, and feel her me die like this in ycur arms, my head ago a he accompan- of the ."0 local unions. hand upon his brow, all his troubles upon your shoulder so. You think ied hör husband in would Vanish. Hut this might not be. I'm pretty still, don't yoa What was a trip around the Stage "Robs go Scc cty gain. Never again could they through the I saying? Oh, it will not matter, world. well-know- that Another n society belle has agony again I you of another parting, never except for the boy. Hut know These representatives were three in of returning to his family at Batangas, fought at Bunker Hill. He Is S3 years forsaken the drawing-roo- m for the would they look into each other's eyes she will be good to him. I should number. Agoncillo ; ard Senor left for and Senor Lopez accompanied him to of age. A little while ago he was stage, and is billed to appear in Cl:i-ca- co gee was costing and what it them to have liked to have sen him just once Canada before the clash with the Fi!i- - care for him on the journey. Lopez is made honorary president life of with lyouis ' for James and Kathryn valk the path of duty the on!y way :'giin. You know Hutchinson swore pinoa on that fat.il day, Fob--. 4. 1SD9. of Spanish descent. the Bunker Kill association. Kidder in "A Midsummer Night's for them. Hut she she must look revenged on you. so he would be and Dream." Miss Jane Oaker in private upon his face again. She would go I when he fired followed him: and at life is Miss Dortrhy Peper of St. L "::s. low to Southampton, and then sV.e you I I was threw myslf between. j Vanderbilt at XOorK. She is a reigning beauty and one of the would try and pet a glimpse of his happy, Alan. de.:r. The happiest to It is not easy to understand why society debutantes of isfx. Tb. en- dear face, so that she could see lor moment of my life was when I felt Efjccited such an Mo 3ot&n ado is made over the fact that gagement of Mis Peper brings out an herseif how he looked. that I might die for you." young Mr. Alfred Gwynne not flock to see any Vanderbilt interesting .story. She comes of a She told no one of her project. It "veronica." he s.iid. touched to the Community 'Rent tviih Quarrel the wonder in has elected to go into a railroad office nrf.!thy family, hir:c; O-Oc- the dauc:ht r of was not a wise thing to do, but Lt was heart. "I don't deserve it indeed I r rIcK.inicy's 2Zirit-- numbers. and GEN. SAMUEL F. CARY. learn the business in which he is Christian Peper, Jr., the millionnir-- ' o- - a thing she must do. place. dont!" The other half of the divided house to be an important factor, instead of Tom Corwin. Ulysses S. Grant. Oliver bacco maim; . 5ir r of St. Lo'iis. iiul room; "You see," she went on, made O., Veronicn was resting in hr "t The thriving littie city of Niles, was bought or leased by a gentleman giving up his time exclusively to so- P. Morton, John Brough, Thomas A. a graduate of Vüssir. Her parents and boy was Now you so unhappy by living it is the tbe with her. she had t area tons to be rent in twain by a named Flattery, whose business being ciety and its diversions. Numerous Hendricks, Samuel J. Tilden, Horace friends were bitterly opposed to ou!y way." ha.- - in- hr a nurse for him, and she had a pretty question which set the good thriving called for increased storage sons of rich business men have done Greeley, General Benjamin F. Butler, going rpon the stage and used every bouse all she looked An I when the do t r came few mo- fami- - and comforts: but habitants on edge, has divided ! room. In short, the other half and the same thing, and the cu&om is not Henry Ward Beecher, Thaddeus Ste- to see was endeavor prevent her taking tha more haggard than in the old days. ments after Alan could there lies, turned brothers against brothers, Flattery says he is sure this is the so infrequent that it should occasion vens. Reuben E. Fenton (his cousin) step. Put when her pnrents when she eked out a miserable exist- no hope. The bullet had pierced her siw that half in which the 6urprise. There ate many such young and scores of others. He had few their daughter was determined re-- ence by teaching. was side, nnd she was bleeding internally. the? Then there worthy President fellows similarly engaged, and is equals and no superiors as an orator. semi-consciousne- ss; it something to live for. now she had She fell into a state of first saw the light creditable to them they nothlag. but toward midnight she that prefer has become a an active business lazy George Brown, an old negro janitor She tap opened eyes suddenly. life to a social heard, a at the door that her factory. And career. Young Mr. at the Annapolis Naval academy, has made tremble. had "Kiss me, Alan." she said, "and love fo Vanderbilt has her Hutchinson controversy plenty of money is been in the employ of the academy ever been a frequent visitor lately since my boy." the and removed from rages. In another the necessity of any kind of work, since it was founded in 1S43, and ha3 she had been prosperous. His visits i And whilst his lips touched hers her part of the town a but he has wisely chosen to learn the been more or less familiar with all always left her poorer and sadder. She j spirit passed away. little red school-hous- e business in which so much of our naval heroes since that date. He did not mind the money, having a j Joyce, waiting at the docks for a his 13 Is person i - pointed wealth Is invested the only now living who was childish ignorance on the subject: b;;t glimpse of the man die- loved, saw the instead of devoting ouf ts the one in himself to polo, automobiles and golf. connected with the inKitution when it 6he did mind the way he spoke of j great vessel glide out to sea without, ! - which McKinley In this respect was opened. Alan. She prepared herself for battle him. Something must h'i- happened his choice is in sharp when she heard his knock. He came. ' to delay him. she thought! Full of fear learned his A. B. i contrast with that of young William C's. Is ; K. Vanderbilt, in, looking more bloated and excited j and anxiety, she returned heme, wen- This used as who is Just now making Ce F"orivard Movement. carpenter ; than ever. Lately he had drank very j dering what had detained hin?; but shop. himself obnoxious fn the land of Dr. W J. Spaulding. who has just by heavily. Today lie was sober enough j the next day she had a telegram with steady habits his erratic perform- become connected with the forward but he looked more angry than he had these words: "Veronica died last night. ances with automobiles and frequent movement of the People's church, done of Kite. I am coming at one?." And then sne violations of state laws. Probably Chicago, of which Dr. Thomas is pas- young "So that fellow thinks he is going knew that something serious had oc- Alfred does not imagine he is tor, was for many years president of to eliidn r;le:, 1 said, as he carr.o into curred. doing anything remarkable in select- the Wesleyan university. He Is ing the room: "but be makes a mistake!" j Alan came to her, Christen!, grey-hair- d; business for his occupation as a native of and was graduated Veronba turned pal. She knew he! but still Alan. And vh?n he numerous other wealthy men's sons from the Ohio Wesleyan university, wss speaking o! Alan, and that he was j told her the simple, touching story of have done before him. at Delaware, with the degree of Ph. D. threatening hi'i-.- . I poir Veronica's v!f sacrifice and deith i.ijn He is a man of wide educational exper- "Whnt do yuu mean?" she as! ed ! they wept together. And Joyce re- Silas M. Douglass, the new chief ience, but has given up routine work boldly. . solved then and there to be a good and which threat- justice of the circuit courts of Ohio, c( ' and for the more general and broader mr-,- :n ens to upset the "Do yon to sy that yo'i don't levin? mother to Alan rind Veronica's is an old neighbor of John Sherman. study of humanity. It Is this that has f'f i whole to.vii. 'i'h. know that that previous hus!.iTi! of I oj which vow she nobly kept. In- In Mansfield, O. He did not leave the attracted him to popular educational yours mesms i question is this: to in the Condor on deed, there was nothing stepmotherly farm until he was of age and has been plans mapped out for Dr. Thomas' Friday? 1 dare say he wants to de- - : about Joyce, and she could say truly "In which side of at the bar only seventeen years, though He Is to a man Dorothy ri:n:rt. . - church. said be of - yo-i- go the Lou.--e Wil- iented, and they no a- quite enthusi- strt and to off with that other that she had had nothing but pity for that in that time he has been mayor of the rare insight into the humm mind and aic j 1 i a m McKinley power woman!" poor Veronica, even whilst she was town, city solicitor and circuit judge. with an more astic and will do all in their to almost than human profes-nm- . . wa in was keep the mi.--s in her Al.o: would not do thit," said Vcm- - keeping Alan and herself apart. bora He is 47 years old. knowledge of the anxieties and mental nie;?, quickly. "However h" no William McKinley mrch and Alan lost time in marrying Joyce needs of human beings. His work in suffer, the.y c fhe will do nothing ;igair. "They had suffered so much," born?" It sounds Walter Houston, an old soldier, who Chicago wil be of voluntary character Ttc TOrc.rna.tic J"fß-f- r . wnnsg." I mu- he was no need pro- much like the I 1 t V sud. "there to difd recently in Utica, Wis., left $12,- - unites !! i Ulli 'iiUlll Vi IUI "I and will take the form of lectures dir. say he is a snint!" sr.pHrM long suffeiing." Now, sic cf a en - ii-'- their iideed, reuse!. 000 to the veterans' home at Waupaca, and conversational classes at the new year, that theatrien! in;uia?,fr.- II- - ti tiinson hf 'Well. will have tbir lii'e is the ide:I lif of married Pur to Niles the Wis. He had visited the place dis- gave native playwrights a chance choice of going to heaven quickly, j people, strong love for whos for each quc'tkn is no guised as a poor soldier in order to ought to he silisfi'-- at bst. Judging I've sworn to do ! for him, and this is other is not strong r than their love J o k e. McKinley (Flattery's Hair.) satisfy himself of Its condition and from preliminary announcements and iay l?jit chance!" of duty, and who did not scruple to drew his tirct ...... ' CAUSE OF THE FICHT IN N1LES. management. from the first productions of new veronica listened. Hutchinson had saeritico everything they lovd best brcatli in a little plajs already given the staue is to b spoken like this before, and it trjul for what they knew to be. right. frame house. which stands, or almost monopolized during the coming emu: to nothing; still, it was And as for Veronica's bjy, he Is like pollute stood, on the main street of Niles. But season by American-mad- e dramas. he might be X3he that desperate now. He Joyce's own. Indeed, if anything, she this house, like most otker houses, has Oldest Indian Z?omcin. Practically every one of the novel t by looked it, jfnd if he if me.:r:t miser f poils him more than her own chil- two entrances at front and at rear. The old Indian American writers which was success- to Alan she must warn hint. Not n dren. woman living is Not so very long ago the house ful during th last year h.'.s been dram- hair of Alan's dear head should fall "His mother snv?d your life, dear," in Nancy Jacobs, who by question was divided. Carpenters atized and awaits production by a this man's band. Still, knew she said, once, days, 1 s'e in fitter when lives in C e a r star of greater or less magnitude. The that she must not let Hutchii son sus- Alan expostulated with her, went at the sacred beams and historic "and he county, near Ant- result of the season from a box-otü- ce pect that she w is on the alert. is a dear boy, and he is yours, so you clapboards and sawed tbem asunder lers, In the Choc- standpoint should be a "So he sails on Friday?" she see I have of without the slightest regard for the fair test of the said three the most excellent taw home-nud- e quietly. "From feelings of anybody nation. She is drawing power of dramas. Southampton, is it not; reasons for s:oilins him." interested in 100 years old. Nan- He wrote to wit h me good-by.- " birthrights and birthplaces. One ha'f If a majority of the new plays are Hutchinson was never seen again. cy is a big woman. lon-- er y financially successful the "It will be a good-b- hue-arid-c- ry of ti e disrupted was purchased hereafter than h There was a after him, house She is very tall and knows of. Fa Hl the man. "Iyn-- 1 n. but he was never found. Whether he by an amusement man who seemed to United States will be independent of I erect. She is one two pound. Vnonic knew think th:?: people would come to the effete monarchies of Kurope in a that the shot meant for Alan the of the original six Veronica hesila.tr!. Ifo might Iw j Had by houso t! it McKiniey was dramatic way, as it has recently be- been received Veronica no one born in town Indians, a asking for mon.-- in order to kill her could tell. He disappeated. and Joyce from all p:rts of th country and pay come in so many other direction. clan among the husband: but. she had often lern him j and Alan were glad that it should be real ir.oney to see it. He had it moved Before lorn? we may have I'ngland, o Choctaws. She is nmny before, nhe rose slowly and ! so. They bad sullen d so much that to a recreation park in the outskirts DR. W. J. SPAULDING. Germany and France sending over t j . a medicine woman, headquarters - went to the writing table and tool; it they wanted a little peac-- Most of of the village, nad planted near the of the People's church. this country for dramas and farce.- as out. j and treats the I Dr. Spaulding is a well-preserv- ed all, they did not want rev?jge.. It was dancing pavilion, so that when rlc-nicke- rE man they now send for canned beef and suppose ! young people of "I he has made a settlement poor Veronica who had paid the debt, got tired of looking at the oi neaiij iv. wheat. upon you?" he asked, j the tribe with with running and she bad done it gladly, saying that they could trip light fan- the leer. And poor Veronica, house the same mysterious falling into It was "The Only Way." on Edward B. Isett, president of the JohQ C. Wingate of Tttngate. the trap, answered. tastic their ora hooks. The concoctions lal. (The End.) amusement man had placards prepared that First National bank of Altoona, Pa owns the Oflulnal beaver "Yes." were used by her hat that and ilgnboards painted. They were has started for British Columbia and helped to elect two Harrisons Presi- "Then it's all right," he said, and husband. She says the Klondike to went out. to inform the eaer public when it search for gold. He dent. It was made for Mr. Wingate The legitimist Jacobite league of fihe is as strong as Is a hearty old man of 75 and Is worth grandfather. Veronica sprang up from her chair came that thU was the true birth-pl- at when Christian Coon, who Great Britain and Ireland, through she was 20 $250,000. He expects to travel 400 wore to the Instant the hall doir clanged e of McKinley. But public years it the old Harrison rally oa after Registrar Kodwaye Am- the did old. NANCY JACOBS. 100 YEARS OLD. miles by stage pack him. She knew he meant mischief to of the North and mules. the Tippecanoe battlefield. Alan. She kissed her boy many, many erican Cycle of the Order of the Whltt flelif London Temple. catching devices. The new Tabernacle He-electe- d. g Rose, Rojrbury. Mass., Iss red cir- John Hums times before..-givin- him in charge of has a The new teiayle of worship which will be run on A Queer S'urt at Latv. cular to the faithful, asking. Who has the same democratic John Burns' victory at Battersea is "Robert Treat "Paine. his nurse. She was always loth to let had Just been opeued on the site of principles which inspired Mrs. Ida Morris, when referring to best right" (as to the wonder- the reigning sensation of the British Robert Treat Paine, who waa nomi- him out of her sight: today the heir the British Newing-to- n Broker but the Epurgeon's old Tabernacle at ful preacher, and which made flock work-ingme- Henry nated for governor of throne). or George?" his parliamentary elections. The n's Massachusetts almost felt as if she would never look "Robert "Robert" Butts was paid for in full before the greatest Brumley, calls him Is the son of Trlncess Mary Theresa of nonconformist congrega- ballots last week, is a upon him again. At the same time sho the first services tion in the "a mean man." great grandson Modena. now the Princess Louise cf world. returned the labor of felt strangely happy, for it seemed as were held within She was engaged the s:gner of the wen to some- Bavaria, who is styled by tho legitim- leader to the house if at last she able do i t s walls. Mr. to marry him. she In- ists Mary IV. (of Scotland) and III. Suspicious Woman's Indignation of commons by a declaration of thing for Alan. Spurgeon's widow cays, and he gave dependence. M r . in (of England), whose descent from the A plumber who was sent to the house majority of 254, Alan bad taken his sent the train did not like to see her a diamond ring. Paine is a young much of Eng- male line of the Stuarts Is undeniable, of a stockbroker ten votes more 0) 'eaviig to execute re- without thlnHnn the church that has some Now he has sued man, being on land. It had ceased to be homo to but whose ancestral claims to the pairs was by than they gave the risen from tho ash- taken the butler into the her in the First sunny side 40. him; he thought he might be happier throne were set aside by the act of him in 1895. His of es hus- dining room and was beginning his Municipal court In He very when he was removed from the temp- succession that excluded Catholics of her dead triumph came at is wealthy. temple be- work when the lady of the house en- Brooklyn for a of seeing Joyce, and when he from the crown. "George" 13 the duke band's the end of one of the and liberal con tation gin tered. "John," return of the gem, might now and again hear from her. of York, so that it is evident that "the its history in said she, with a sus- the most bitter tributor to the lifii debt. was large- picious glance which was the nroker Bmley. It campaign - And as he sat. in the corner of his car- legitimist Jacobite league" admits toward the plumber, "re- fights In the his- John Burns. treasur- yLr't ly by pledge of his Ho says - riage he thought he saw a familiar Queen Victoria and the prince of The New Temple. her efforts move the silver from the sideboard and tory of parliamen affection. that les. This is hisHo!)t- Treat Paine, $223.000 he took ring from finger; figure pass. It was Hutchinson's Wales. that the lock it up at once. "Tom," said he to tary campaigns. It provoked the most the his second trial for the governorship of which paid for the edifice was this statement the pretty widow de elouch. but he did not think rauch raised. his apprentice, who accompanied him, remarkable outburst of election en- his state, bring defeated last year by Last winter Mrs. Spurgron, though nies. Roger A. Wolcott. about It He rnllerl his cip OTer his Greek Dekadrachf i, "take my watch and chain and these thusiasm that England haa ever eyes, and pretended to go to sleep; A very ill, sat upon a platferm In the Greek dekadrachm, or medallion coppers home to my missus once. known. Battersea went wild with Joy Henry Solomon, a prominent no unfinished tabernacle while the mem- at mer Herbert Putnam, con- but although he kept his iyea shu: of Syracuse, dating from 405, B. C when it heard Its idol's success pro- chant of Oape Town, librarian of Southampton, It bers of the old congregation passed There seems to be dishonest people who died recent- sleep came to him. sold for $065 at a sale of rare antlqus claimed shortly before midnight ly In his S5th year, gress, who has returned from his risit was He by and left contributions. Tho pro- about this house." was born In SL seemed to him, soon reached. coins In London day. An Joy-craz- to Europe In the other Thousands of shrieking, ed Helena search of books, spent col.'ect-in- g and was present as a child at got out of and began eagle, cession lasted two hours, and within , the train American minted In the flrs ui-ju- $12,000 woinfii ana cnnuren paraaea tn . me oc Napoleon 1821. for volumes needed by the con- his belonging. He was turning year gold coinage America, that time $30.000 was given. Money Sidney Grundy is one of the most iunerai there In of in wai Rtrets till daylight, headed by a brass gressional library. He visited all to go when suddenly he heard the knocked down for $27. was sent from America in generous productive, of dramatic authors. tat Rare Italhn, In band. A torchlight procession was Mme. principal sound of a report and then a woman's German coins brought quantities. Bricks from the old build- one year he has been Richter, the daughter of Mey- cities of Europo and searched French, and known to pro- organized, and John Burns erbeer, composer, was commotion. ing were eold for 2 himself the has presented through dark, dusty second-han- d cry. In an Instant all high prices. cents each, and duce five plays. He Is 62 years old and was borne aloft on the shoulders of her father's piano to the Royal Mu- as first-rlas- s tunds were raised by other odd but began to write at 24. stores, well as among the hls admirers. iUm of Berlin, book dealers.