Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 2004 No. 93 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. INTRODUCTION OF GUEST CHAP- minute and to revise and extend his re- The Reverend John M. O’Neill, Pas- LAIN, FATHER JOHN M. O’NEILL marks.) tor, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic (Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia asked Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, the King of Church, Vienna, Virginia, offered the and was given permission to address Morocco is in Washington to tout the following prayer: the House for 1 minute.) newly signed U.S.-Morocco Free Trade God our Father, praise and honor and Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Mr. Agreement. I am a free trader, but I glory and power forever. Praised be Speaker, I want to thank Father John have serious reservations about this Your Holy Spirit. O’Neill for joining us as guest chaplain plan. Lord God, we come before You this and offering this morning’s prayer. Morocco today illegally occupies a day. Open our hearts and minds to Father O’Neill is the outgoing pastor country in West Africa known as West- Your words and Divine Will today and of Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic ern Sahara. The King’s government has every day. Help us to learn Your de- church in Vienna, Virginia, where he promised people of Western Sahara, the sires for our lives. Encourage us, has served for the past 12 years. Father Sahrawi, a vote to determine their own through the assistance of those here O’Neill received his undergraduate de- future. It has not happened, and it present, our representatives, to always gree and master’s degree in psychology keeps delaying. follow Your lead and to avoid straying from Catholic University of America in A decade after that promise, powerful from Your compassionate love. Washington, D.C. He completed his friends help the Moroccan Government Guide us in our deliberations during theological studies at de Sales School postpone this vote and consolidate con- this session of Congress and counsel us of Theology in Washington, D.C., and trol over the occupied territory. The always to be Your faithful children. was ordained in June of 1973. Father Sahrawis are a peaceful, pro-Western We especially pray, Lord, that You O’Neill served as a guidance director/ and prodemocracy people. Despite liv- guide the leaders of our Nation and ex- teacher at Bishop Ireton High School ing under an illegitimate colonial tend Your loving protection to our men for 10 years and then served as the aca- power, they have established a deep- and women serving in our Armed demic dean and teacher at Paul VI rooted culture of democracy capable of Forces around the world, particularly High School in Fairfax, Virginia, for 2 supporting a viable state. They elect in Afghanistan and Iraq. Grant us the years. their own leaders, many of them peace which is the fruit of justice and Under his guidance as associate pas- women, provide education and equal charity, and may Your peace reign in tor and pastor, Our Lady of Good Coun- rights to all of their citizens, men and our land and throughout the world. sel Catholic Church enriched the spir- women. Amen. itual lives of its parishioners and the The only stability a sovereign demo- cratic Western Sahara disrupts is a sta- f community around it. Father O’Neill’s contributions both tus quo defined by tyranny. We should THE JOURNAL in northern Virginia and throughout keep that in mind when we vote on the The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- the Commonwealth have made him an trade agreement on the House floor. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- invaluable spiritual leader for my con- f stituents. As he moves on to his sab- ceedings and announces to the House TOBACCO FARMERS NEED THE batical in Rome, he will be dearly his approval thereof. PRESIDENT’S HELP Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- missed by all of us. nal stands approved. We thank him for offering today’s (Mr. ETHERIDGE asked and was given permission to address the House f prayer. f for 1 minute and to revise and extend PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE his remarks.) The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Mr. ETHERIDGE. Mr. Speaker, I rise from Texas (Mr. BURGESS) come for- The SPEAKER. The Chair will re- this morning to call on the President ward and lead the House in the Pledge ceive 10 1-minute speeches on each to get off the sidelines and support the of Allegiance. side. tobacco buyout once and for all. Mr. BURGESS led the Pledge of Alle- f Mr. Speaker, across the country fam- giance as follows: ilies are feeling the economic squeeze DO NOT IGNORE WESTERN of higher prices for gasoline, food, and I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the SAHARA United States of America, and to the Repub- college, record job losses, and an uncer- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- tain future. In my State of North Caro- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. mission to address the House for 1 lina and in other rural areas, tobacco b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5333 . VerDate May 21 2004 00:14 Jul 09, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JY7.000 H08PT1 H5334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 8, 2004 farm families are hurting because of sion Accomplished’’ and watch another fectionately called him, has been in- the implosion of the Depression-era 700 Americans lose their lives and not dicted and done the perp walk. He mas- quota system. Farmers desperately change their policy? How much experi- terminded Enron, a corporation that need a tobacco buyout, which this ence does it take to watch 44 million built billions from millions in the House has passed, but the President Americans without health insurance Western United States while his em- continues to fail to support our farm and have no policy for universal care? ployees gloated about sticking it to families. How much experience does it take to Grandma Milly. Every Oregonian is Yesterday the President flew to Ra- watch college costs rise by 26 percent paying 40 percent more for their elec- leigh to raise money for his campaign. and not pass or have any legislation to tricity because of manipulation of the Although he collected $25,000 per plate alleviate the financial pain for middle- market by Enron. in campaign funds, he failed yet again class families when it comes to afford Now the President does not return to stand up for our tobacco farmers and college education for their children? Ken Boy’s calls anymore despite his support the buyout. How much experience does it take to past generosity, but the President Let me state clearly: JOHN KERRY watch $200 billion worth of retirement should do more. The President should supports the tobacco buyout and rural savings evaporate and not have a plan return the $139,500 Ken Lay personally America. JOHN EDWARDS supports the for retirement security? How much ex- contributed to him, the $602,625 that tobacco buyout and rural America. perience does it take to see household Enron gave to President Bush. This is Democrats and Republicans alike in bankruptcies rise by over a third in money stolen from Grandma Milly and this House and the other body are this country and not have a plan to other Western consumers, and the working together to get it done. deal with household bankruptcy? How President should give it to a low-in- We need leadership for a change from much experience does it take to watch come energy assistance fund. It is the President of the United States for health care costs rise by a third and tainted money. Let us put this chapter our small towns and rural commu- not have a plan to deal with the uncon- behind us, but let us have restitution, nities. trollable health care inflation in this Mr. President. f country? f THE EDWARDS AND KERRY LIB- I am not sure we can take this much SUPPORT AMENDMENT TO REDI- ERAL AGENDA IS OUT OF TOUCH experience from the Bush-Cheney ad- RECT $20 MILLION FROM UNITED WITH AMERICA ministration for another 4 years. NATIONS (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina f (Mr. SMITH of Michigan asked and asked and was given permission to ad- THE TOYOTA PRIUS was given permission to address the dress the House for 1 minute and to re- (Mr. BURGESS asked and was given House for 1 minute.) vise and extend his remarks.) Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speak- permission to address the House for 1 Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. er, there is going to be a short time for minute and to revise and extend his re- Speaker, on Tuesday the most liberal debate this afternoon. I am introducing marks.) Member of the Senate chose the fourth an amendment today to take $20 mil- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, Con- most liberal Member of the Senate to lion from the U.N. and redirect it to gress has been unable to pass an energy become his running mate for Presi- come up to what the President re- bill, an energy policy, that would allow dency of the United States.
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