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[email protected] MARENISCO – Today is the official date of closure for the Ojibway Correc- tional Facility in Marenisco. It’s a practical matter for the Michigan Department of Corrections and a personal one for local residents, who learned only last summer of the state’s decision. According to Chris Gautz, public rela- tions representative for MDOC, more than 800 prisoners from OCF already were moved to other prisons as of a few weeks ago. As for about 200 employees, he said, “The vast majority have been transferred.” Gautz told the Daily Globe Thursday about 50 OCF employees are now laid off. “The vast majority of those had the ability to continue to work with the department (in other state prisons), but chose not to,” he said, explaining they had various rea- P.J. Glisson/Daily Globe sons, including having children in local AS OF today, the Ojibway Correctional Facility in Marenisco is closed. A recent view here shows the outside of the facility’s schools, or mortgages, or no desire to leave secure gates. the area. “It’s very understandable,” said Gautz. mute here to see family and friends as Baraga prison is about 100 miles away.) needed credentials to serve prisoners with Richard Bouvette, Marenisco Township much as possible.