ECE 425 CLASS NOTES – 2000 DIFFRACTION OPTICS Physical basis • Considers the wave nature of light, unlike geometrical optics • Optical system apertures limit the extent of the wavefronts • Even a “perfect” system, from a geometrical optics viewpoint, will not form a point image of a point source • Such a system is called diffraction-limited Diffraction as a linear system • Without proof here, we state that the impulse response of diffraction is the Fourier transform (squared) of the exit pupil of the optical system (see Gaskill for derivation) 207 DR. ROBERT A. SCHOWENGERDT
[email protected] 520 621-2706 (voice), 520 621-8076 (fax) ECE 425 CLASS NOTES – 2000 • impulse response called the Point Spread Function (PSF) • image of a point source • The transfer function of diffraction is the Fourier transform of the PSF • called the Optical Transfer Function (OTF) Diffraction-Limited PSF • Incoherent light, circular aperture ()2 J1 r' PSF() r' = 2-------------- r' where J1 is the Bessel function of the first kind and the normalized radius r’ is given by, 208 DR. ROBERT A. SCHOWENGERDT
[email protected] 520 621-2706 (voice), 520 621-8076 (fax) ECE 425 CLASS NOTES – 2000 D = aperture diameter πD πr f = focal length r' ==------- r -------- where λf λN N = f-number λ = wavelength of light λf • The first zero occurs at r = 1.22 ------ = 1.22λN , or r'= 1.22π D Compare to the course notes on 2-D Fourier transforms 209 DR. ROBERT A. SCHOWENGERDT
[email protected] 520 621-2706 (voice), 520 621-8076 (fax) ECE 425 CLASS NOTES – 2000 2-D view (contrast-enhanced) “Airy pattern” central bright region, to first- zero ring, is called the “Airy disk” 1 0.8 0.6 PSF 0.4 radial profile 0.2 0 0246810 normalized radius r' 210 DR.