VOL. 113 - NO. 21 , , MAY 22, 2009 $.30 A COPY Michlewitz Wins Primary Over Passoni, 50-46% Memorial Day by Sal Giarratani Aaron Michlewitz, the ers in the district. The pri- Observance May 25, 2009 former aide to retired mary win makes Michelwitz Speaker Sal DiMasi nar- from the North End, the rowly defeated a win in the Democrat to run against F primary election seeking Republican David Trumbull OR the 3rd Suffolk State Repre- and Independent John Keith THO SE WH O sentative seat. in the June 16, 2009 special Michlewitz had 2,116 votes election. Susan Passoni to 1,945 votes for Susan ran three times for public HAVE SERVED Passoni from the South End. office. She ran twice for Both Lucy Rivera and Brian Boston City Council district Ross trailed far behind. two and once for State The primary turnout was Representative in the third 15 percent of requested vot- Aaron Michlewitz district. NOTRE DAME/OBAMA PROTESTS: Conservatives Take Over the Temper Tantrums by Dan Calabrese A few years back, Calvin handle that fact, you are 1973 — showed up to protest College — which is located surely not ready for the real Obama’s appearance. in my community of Grand world. I hate when conservatives Rapids, Michigan — invited One would hope that if the act like spoiled-brat children. President George W. Bush situation were reversed — if I expect it from liberals. When to be its commencement a Democratic president was conservatives do it, it makes speaker. Upon the president’s asked to speak at a com- my blood boil. These protests acceptance of the invitation, mencement — conservatives are beyond stupid, and surely much of Calvin’s left-wing would behave like grownups. come from many of the same Remember the Heroes Among Us faculty went bananas. Apparently, one would be people who argued during the Scores of them took out an disappointed. Bush years that the president “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to ad in the local newspaper pro- President Obama’s Sunday was entitled to respect, and something bigger than oneself.” testing the notion that a commencement address at to a hearing, even from those — Joseph Campbell, author, professor, philosopher Christian college would invite the University of Notre Dame who didn’t agree with his On this day, May 25, 2009, we honor our past and a president who had invaded quickly turned into a hubbub, point of view. Surely many of present military heroes who so selflessly served our Iraq and done other things with conservative activists these same people chastised country for the preservation of freedom. We take time they didn’t like. When Bush protesting Notre Dame’s in- the left-wing protesters who to reflect on their sacrifice and service for the greater arrived to give the address, vitation to Obama on the demonstrated their intoler- good of the American people. protesters lined the streets premise that Notre Dame, as ance for allowing so much as and refused to let the event a Catholic university, is op- the public expression of a WE DEDICATE THIS DAY TO REMEMBERING go off without everyone know- posed to abortion and embry- point of view different from THE COURAGEOUS MEN AND WOMEN ing how much they disap- onic stem cell research, and their own. WHO PUT FREEDOM FIRST. proved. therefore should not welcome But now that the tables The protests were stupid. a speaker who disagrees — have turned, conservatives The professors acted like even if that speaker is the are acting in the same way. temperamental toddlers. President of the United There appears to be two George W. Bush was the States. lines of thought behind this, News Briefs President of the United Massive protests ensued. and they’re both counterpro- States, and he was deserving Conservative activists — in- ductive. One is driven by a by Sal Giarratani of respect for that reason cluding the never-camera- strain of conservative think- alone. If you didn’t agree with shy Alan Keyes — were ar- ing that finds it necessary to his policies, then fine, you rested, supposedly in defense assail Obama on every con- Democrats Yuk It Up Over GOP Survivor didn’t agree — but no one ever of the unborn. Even Norma ceivable front — no matter Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Michael Steel and promised you that every McCorvey — the erstwhile how far-fetched. He’s a Mus- Rush Limbaugh are among the cast in a new speaker ever booked for an Jane Roe who won the infa- lim. His birth certificate is “Survivor” spoof, titled “Survivor GOP”, created event you might attend would mous case that struck down by the Democratic National Committee, set to agree with you. If you can’t all 50 states’ abortion laws in (Continued on Page 14) the same drumbeats and music from the real- ity TV show. There you see images of leading GOP big shots, deserted beaches and stamped- ing elephants. Yuk, yuk, yuk. Outwit, outplay, Mayor’s Column outlast. Survivor, GOP Edition. Don’t know about by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston you but maybe, the Republicans could come up Seven thousand children are born in iarity with books, and in an ability to with a CSI: Washington D.C. where both foren- Boston each year. Every child is filled interact with other students and with sic science and plenty of monopoly money fuel with unlimited potential, and each fam- adults. In order to tackle the achieve- the murder of the free enterprise system. Catch ily has high hopes and bold dreams for ment gap, we’re embracing the idea that the suspects. Could it be Barney Frank or maybe their future. Through Superintendent educating our children begins at birth. Charlie Rangell or perhaps Liveshot John the Johnson’s Acceleration Agenda, Boston Last year, my administration in part- War Hero Kerry? The Democrats need to stop works hard to help every child succeed nership with United Way of Massachu- playing games up on Capitol Hill. once they are in school, but we also know setts Bay and Merrimack Valley that achievement gaps are present launched a program tasked with prepar- (Continued on Page 14) when students first arrive in kindergar- ten. We see gaps in vocabulary, in famil- (Continued on Page 14)

THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office will be open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009 Raytheon Donates $100,000 to Fisher House Boston Stirpe by Prof. Edmund Turiello Defense Leader Provides Major Boost to Organization that Helps Nostra Wounded Veterans Undergoing Medical Treatment Fisher House Boston announced that News requesting support on behalf of Fisher A weekly column highlighting some of the more interesting aspects of our technology and innovation leader Raytheon House Boston. The PSAs, which began in ancestry...our lineage...our roots. Company (NYSE: RTN) has donated $100,000 early May and will run through July. to the organization. The gift will go directly “Fisher House Boston is honored to accept towards construction of the Fisher House this gift from Raytheon Company. Contri- HORSES THAT EAT PEOPLE Boston project, which broke ground last Oc- butions such as these are critical to our Stories will always be told While becoming familiar tober on the grounds of the Veterans Admin- success,” said Fisher House Boston Chair- about the various circum- with the king’s palace, istration Medical Center in West Roxbury. woman Michelle J. Keating. “We are truly stances under which men Hercules was told that it The Fisher House Foundation helps wounded grateful for the efforts of Raytheon — a global have eaten horsemeat. The was actually Alcestis, wife and ill veterans recover faster by providing leader in defense technology and an excel- story that is told today is re- of King Admetus that had their families with caring and supportive lent corporate citizen.” versed and tells of some died. Also, learning that homes near military and VA medical cen- The Raytheon Company gift of $100,000 is horses that eat people. Thanos, the Greek god of ters at no charge. Fisher House Boston will the largest single donation received by The legend starts with a death was about to carry off be the only such facility in New England. Fisher House Boston to date. man named Diomedes. the woman, Hercules rushed “Fisher House is a special organization Fisher House Boston is under construc- There were at least three to the Queen’s casket, am- that provides important community assis- tion at the VA Medical Center in West famous men in antiquity bushed death and took her tance to our wounded veterans and their Roxbury — a level 2 polytrauma center with that bore this name. The from him by force. families,” said William H. Swanson, Chair- the only spinal chord injury unit in New first Diomedes was a king, After returning Queen man and CEO, Raytheon Company. “Having England. Fisher House Boston will feature and one of the bravest of Alcestis to her grateful hus- supported Fisher House sites in other states 20 suites, a common kitchen, laundry the Grecian chiefs in the band, Hercules and a small across the country, we’re so pleased to wel- facilities, a spacious dining room, and a Trojan War. The second band of followers journeyed come Fisher House to Massachusetts so that living room with a library and toys for chil- Diomedes was a Roman to Thrace. The grooms of we can further honor New England’s service- dren. The capital campaign for Fisher House grammarian who lived dur- Diomedes were quickly over- men and women and their families.” Boston has a goal of $3 million in private ing the 4th century A.D., and powered and the mares In addition to its generous gift, Raytheon donations. the third man, our subject for herded toward the boats. is sponsoring a series of Public Service An- For more information, please visit this article was a king of the Some of the Bistones came nouncements (PSAs) on New England Cable www.FisherHouseBoston.org Bistones, a Thracian people in pursuit, causing Hercules who dwelt near the Aegean to leave the mares in the Sea. This king was a son of care of his young assistant Ares. We remember Ares as Abderus while the pursuers the Greek god of violence, were being repulsed. After brute force and the slaugh- killing King Diomedes and ter of war. It was often said driving off the other Bis- that Diomedes inherited tones, Hercules returned to CONSOLATO GENERALE D’ITALIA many of the violent charac- the boats. One version of the teristics of his father. story tells of the mares at- BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS For his eighth labor, tacking and consuming most Hercules was required to of Abderus, while a second go to Thrace and capture the account claims that Hercules COMUNICATO STAMPA four flesh-eating mares of calmed the voracious beasts Diomedes. The travel route by feeding Diomedes to them. REFERENDUM POPOLARI DEL 21 GIUGNO 2009 took the strong man through The mares were finally Thessaly, where he was brought back to the city of Con Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 30 aprile 2009 e’ stato indetto per il 21 giugno hospitably received by King Tiryns and presented to King 2009 il referendum popolare per l’abrogazione di alcune disposizioni del Testo Unico delle leggi Admetus. The king was in Eurystheus as was required. recanti norme per l’elezione della Camera dei Deputati e del Senato della Repubblica. mourning for his wife, but The horses were freed but I quesiti referendari, disponibili sui siti internet www.governo.it/GovernoInforma/Dossier/ out of respect for Hercules, were attacked and killed by referendum_2009 e www.gazzettaufficiale.it, sono cosi’ denominati: and in order that his guest’s wild animals on Mount Quesito n.1 (scheda verde): “Elezione della Camera dei Deputati – Abrograzione della possibilita’ pleasure would not be less- Olympus as they attempted di collegamento fra liste e di attribuzione del premio di maggioranza ad una coalizione di liste”; ened, Admetus pretended to find their way back to Quesito n. 2 (scheda bianca): “Elezione del Senato della Repubblica – Abrogazione della that the dead person was a Thrace. possibilita’ di collegamento tra liste e di attribuzione del premio di maggioranza ad una coalizione di minor servant in the house- NEXT WEEK: History’s first liste”; hold. panty raid Quesito n. 3 (scheda rossa): “Elezione della Camera dei Deputati – Abrogazione della possibilita’ per uno stesso candidato di presentare la propria candidatura in piu’ di una circoscrizione” All’estero, i cittadini italiani maggiorenni ivi stabilmente residenti, iscritti nelle liste elettorali, possono partecipare alla consultazione referendaria votando PER CORRISPONDENZA. The Making of a Boston Politician A ciascun elettore residente nella circoscrizione consolare di Boston, che non abbia optato per by Sal Giarratani il voto in Italia entro il 10 maggio, questo Consolato Generale inviera’ per posta, entro il 3 giugno, un plico contenente: On Sunday, May 17, I in and out of the place. If - un foglio informativo che spiega come votare; spent the better part of my he missed you coming, - il certificato elettorale; day with Andrew Kenneally, he got you going. Then it - tre schede (una per ciascun quesito referendario); a candidate this year for was on to the 303 Café - una busta piccola, completamente bianca, che dovra’ contenere le schede votate; Boston City Council at where more signatures - una busta gia’ affrancata recante l’indirizzo di questo Ufficio Consolare. Large. There are two vacant were collected. Then it L’elettore, utilizzando la busta gia’ affrancata e seguendo attentamente le istruzioni contenute seats in this year’s election, was through the Ted Will- nel foglio informativo, dovra’ spedire SENZA RITARDO le schede votate, in modo che arrivino quite rare in Boston politics. iams Tunnel, destination presso questo Ufficio entro e non oltre le ore 16.00 (ora locale) di giovedi’ 18 giugno 2009. Several viable candidates Mattapan Square and the Il voto e’ personale e segreto ed e’ fatto divieto di votare piu’ volte e di inoltrare schede per are running for these two Haitian Independence Day conto di altre persone. Chiunque violi le disposizioni in materia elettorale sara’ punito a norma di seats and I believe Andy has parade/celebration where legge. a good chance of snagging he did meetings and greet- L’elettore, che alla data del 7 giugno non avesse ancora ricevuto il plico, potra’ rivolgersi a one of them. He’s Irish and ing with the folks lining Blue questo Consolato Generale per verificare la propria posizione elettorale e chiedere eventualmente Italian. He lives in East Hill Avenue waiting for the un duplicato. Boston. He grew up in West parade to pass by. Questo Consolato Generale - che resta a completa disposizione degli elettori residenti in Maine, Roxbury. What a great politi- Next stop the Irish Famine Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island e Vermont per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione cal resume. Memorial in Downtown riguardante i referendum - puo’ essere contattato ai seguenti recapiti: tel. (ufficio AIRE/Elettorale): On this Sunday, his day Boston in honor of National 617.722.9225; fax: 617.722.9407; e-mail: [email protected]. started out over at Shaw’s Irish Famine Memorial Day Ulteriori informazioni possono essere reperite sul sito internet del Ministero degli Affari Esteri alla pagina: in Liberty Plaza around the in Massachusetts. Here http://www.esteri.it/MAE/doc/20090513_Referendum2009_AIREeTemporanei%20dl%203_09.pdf corner from where he lives. dressed up in mostly green, He and his supporters were everyone seemed to notice Boston, 18 maggio 2009 there collecting signatures from shoppers heading both (Continued on Page 12) Ruggiero - Mazzarella Memorial Home “ur amily erving our amily ith rofessionalism, ignity & espect” We are offering funeral packages during these difficult economic times starting at $3995.* Ample Off Street Parking in Our 3 Parking Lots - Complimentary Valet Parking - Nonsectarian Transportation To & From Visiting Hours For Family & Friends - Si Parla Italiano - Se Habla Espanol Joseph L. Ruggiero - Director & Proprietor 971 Saratoga St., Orient Heights, East Boston 617-569-0990 Visit us at our website: www.RuggieroMH.com *(CASH ADVANCES NOT INCLUDED) POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009 Page 3

Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher and Editor Rosann M. (Fantasia) 5 Prince Street, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 617-227-8929 617-227-8928 FAX 617-227-5307 Donato e-mail: [email protected] Rosann M. (Fantasia) grandmother to Paul III, Website: www.BostonPostGazette.com Donato, of Medford, died Cassandra, Christopher, Nicholas, Zachary and Subscriptions in the United States $30.00 yearly Wednesday, May 13, 2009 in the company of her Parker. She was the Published weekly by loving family at Massa- cherished daughter of Post-Gazette, 5 Prince St., P.O. Box 130135, chusetts General Hospital. Carmella “Millie” Fantasia Boston, MA 02113 She was 65. of Stoneham and the late USPS 1538 – Second-Class Postage paid at Boston, MA Raised in Somerville she Samuel Fantasia. She was POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the was a Medford resident for a dear sister to Susan POST-GAZETTE - P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 the past 43 years. A devoted Brown Savarese of Medford wife, mother and friend to and Marie Piccoli and James V. Donnaruma Caesar L. Donnaruma Phyllis F. Donnaruma her husband Anthony of 1896 to 1953 1953 to 1971 1971 to 1990 many, Rosann was an active member of her Stoneham. Vol. 113 - No. 21 Friday, May 22, 2009 community. She was a Her funeral was held member of the St. Francis from the Dello Russo GUEST EDITORIAL Mother’s Club and Bowling Funeral Home, Medford, League. She was a member of Medford’s followed by a Funeral Mass celebrated in Democratic Ward and City Committee. St. Francis of Assisi Church, Medford and The Media’s View of the She loved to travel and managed the burial at Oak Grove Cemetery, Medford. Italian American Community? many campaigns of her husband, Rep. Contributions may be sent in Rosann’s Paul J. Donato. name to the Brain Aneurysm Founda- by Sal Giarratani In addition to her husband, she leaves tion, 269 Hanover Street, Building 3, Many in the Italian American community were her children Paul J. Donato, Jr., and his Hanover, MA 02339 or to the Kiwanis offended by the front page coverage of a companion Maryann Serfes of Revere, Foundation of New England Inc. funeral at St. Leonard’s Church. Sitting at Contrada’s Kim Burgess and her husband Chris of 118 Union Avenue, P.O. Box 613, having my Saturday morning breakfast, there was the Manchester, NH. Rosann was a loving Framingham, MA 01704. May 9th Boston Herald staring at me. “Mobsters Bawl.”, with an extra large photo of the casket carrying Donato Angiulo down the church stairs to a waiting hearse. Adding insult to injury, Peter Gelzinis jokes about what Boston Casting Holding Open Call Auditions for Feature Film a great funeral the mafia can still throw and wonders how many flower cars will Donato’s brother Jerry get when he dies. Meanwhile, the death of Red Sox great ‘THE FIGHTER’ Dom DiMaggio is “buried” on page 24. Boston Casting, the state’s largest cast- Lowell and surrounding communities. Poking fun at an entire ethnic group is still politi- ing company, is holding an open call audi- The audition is open to everyone 18 years cally incorrect, even at the Herald. I sent off the follow- tion for the new feature film THE FIGHTER and older. No kids for this audition. Every- ing letter to the editor the day after that Herald front starring Mark Wahlberg, on Saturday, May one MUST BRING a headshot and resume page appeared: 30, 2009 from 10 am - 4 pm at the VFW Hall, or a current photo and bio to the audition. TO THE EDITOR, 190 Plain Street, Lowell, MA. The audition is open to union and non-union On Friday, May 8, 2009 Red Sox legend Dominic Boston Casting is looking for people to play actors. DiMaggio, one of the best center fielders to play at the following roles: Directed by David O. Russell (I HEART passed away at 92 years old. He played • Boxers and fighters in their 20’s and 30’s; HUCKABEES), THE FIGHTER is a drama his entire career with the Red Sox and was a 7 time All • Trainers; about Lowell boxing champ “Irish” Micky Star. His obituary was buried on page 24 in the May 9th • Women in their 20’s and 30’s with blonde Ward and his half-brother Dicky, a boxer- Boston Herald. Meanwhile, on the same day at or red hair; turned-trainer who rebounded after nearly DiMaggio’s passing, the family of Donato Angiulo said • Residents 18 years and older from being destroyed by drugs and crime. good-bye at a funeral Mass inside St. Leonard’s Church in Boston’s North End. The front page of the May 9th Boston Herald headlined: Mobster’s Bawl with a front page story by Peter Gelzinis which was about as big a The East Boston Adult Education Center disgrace as any I’ve seen in the Boston Herald going back to the Record American days. Honors Mr. George Macomber & Mrs. Anne Macomber Donato Angiulo has died and all Gelzenis did was joke AT ITS APRIL 25TH, 2009 GRADUATION about what a great funeral the mafia can throw. The subtitle on Page 5 read, “Weakened mob mourns Donato Angiulo.” As an Italian American, I was appalled at the decision of the Boston Herald to run that large Page 1 photo of anyone he writes about but making fun of the dead was so insensitive to his family and to every Italian reader. To Gelzinis, Italian-Americans are apparently nothing more than a collection of gang- sters. Counting flower cars is so venial and question- ing how many flower cars Jerry Angiulo will get at his funeral was plain offensive. Donato is dead and his family mourns. The Herald hurls insults. Dominic DiMaggio dies and the Herald buries him in the back of the paper. A friend of mine called the Herald to complain. When he asked, why DiMaggio didn’t make the front page, he was told, we don’t put dead people on the front page. My friend responded, what do you call the guy inside the casket? CLICK. The Boston Herald owes an apology for the way it handled itself on Saturday, May 9. As a member of many Italian organizations, including the Massachusetts Mr. George Macomber and some of the graduates. Italian American Police Association, I still can’t get over On Saturday, April 25, vocational services it offers knowing much English but this offensive style of reporting. 2009 the East Boston Adult to over 300 immigrants, at this school you are im- Education Center (Comm. refugees and American proving your English, your Ed. Center) dedicated its school drop-outs per week. education and your skills largest classroom to the “The Center represents in order that you may obtain George Macomber Family America at its best. Many of a better job, better housing Foundation for their support you students entered this and a better life, “stated and concern for the Center’s Center with a low educa- continuous educational and tional background or not (Continued on Page 14) R.J. Antonelli and Company Incorporated Accountants and Auditors Top 50 Firms – 2004/2005 Corporations • Trusts • Estates • Individuals • Computer Services • Financial Planning Buying and Selling Businesses • I.R.S. and D.O.R. Representation • Federal and State Taxes 331 Montvale Avenue Rocco J. Antonelli, C.P.A. Citizens Bank Bldg. @I-93 Send letter to: Pamela Donnaruma, Editor, 781-937-9300 Woburn, MA 01801 A The Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 130135, Boston, MA 02113 Since 1948 Page 4 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FinanciallySpeaking THINKING OUT LOUD with Ben Doherty by Sal Giarratani AUTOMOBILES STILL STRUGGLING WE NEED MORE OUTRAGE GM to cut over 1,000 U.S. believes that having fewer, the slowdown on TVs and FROM THE COMMUNITY dealerships, an indication newer and better locations home appliances and re- As I read through a four empower folks to change that it will declare bank- will help them compete. ported a net loss of $444 bil- page supplement from the and seek a better future? ruptcy on June 1st. Chrysler GM’s move in Europe will lion yen down 30% from last Mothers’ Walk for Peace, I How do you address the is closing 780 of its 3,200 help its Opel unit and is year. Panasonics on March was struck by the irony of climate of fear. I passed by dealerships as they void investing $680 million in 31st, cut costs and closed Clementina Chery’s words the scene of the latest death their contracts. Dealers the company. Chrysler is stores for its worst loss in in her commentary (Beloved where police now stood all must wait till bankruptcy investing in Fiat of Italy, history. Community: Why We Walk), around, but police surely for this to take effect. GM is with those of Chrysler. JC Penney & Co., first especially when she stated, aren’t the answer. They are close to a deal with the UAW, In a new talk against quarter earnings fell 79% on “Homicide and street vio- the response to the violence. but bond holders are resist- piracy, Microsoft is making lower sales. For the May 2nd lence are not sensational. The answer must come ing an offer to swap $27 bil- a series of investments in quarter. Penney posted net They are not a phenomena from the people. Community lion in debt for 10% of the the City of Hangzhou, to income of $25 million down of every so many years. They leaders, religious leaders, company. The letters that clamp down on illegitimate from $120 million last year. are woven into the fabric of business leaders, mothers, went out to their 1,000 deal- software. Microsoft is build- Sales fell 5.9% to $3.9 bil- our daily existence and yet fathers, uncles, aunts, ers didn’t mention the ing two new technology cen- lion. Ken Hicks, President, for some reason we continue brothers and sisters. possibilities of bankruptcy. ters where property rights said the company reduced to tolerate it.” The Louis D. Brown Peace They simply state that GM have a greater protection inventories by 15.8% at Her passionate words come Institute’s mission is to doesn’t believe it can have than elsewhere in China. stores open one year. Sepa- on the heels of two horrible “to create and promote an a productive relationship This is a new approach to rately, Dillards Inc., reported incidents of violence On environment of peace and with the selected dealers stop the drain on their rev- 1 st quarter profit fell to May 8, an 18-year-old was unity, where young people and doesn’t believe their enue and prod the govern- .10¢/share or $7.7 mil- killed while walking down a and their families are contractual relationship can ment to stop the drain of lion. Dillards credited ag- Dorchester sidewalk with valued for their peace- last beyond October 1st. GM their revenue and ridding gressive efforts in inven- friends. Three days later in making efforts. declined to expose which shops of pirated software and tory reduction and cash con- Roxbury a short distance We need mothers and dealers were sent the provide technical training servation. away from Dudley Square, a fathers walking for peace on letters, but their dealers and encourage local enter- Oil fell to $56.34/bll., over 15 year old was killed a daily basis. I support the represented 18% of its net- prises to use legitimate worries of weak demand around 7:30 am on his way self empowerment prin- work but produced 7% of its programs. This city is at- and high inventories. The to school. They were the 17th ciples of the Peace Institute sales last year. 500 of them tempting to position as a hub price fell $2.28/bll., as the and 18th murder victims of and the Mothers’ Day Walk. sell fewer than 35 new GM for high-tech industries and weakened dollar ended even 2009 on the sometimes Children are our future. vehicles per year and repre- software outsourcing. with the euro for the week. deadly streets of Boston. They have a right to their sent 63,000 sales people, Panasonics Corp. reported OPEC pledged 4.2 million More mothers to mourn future. Our job should be mechanics, and other per- a steep loss, and warned barrels/day cuts. OPECs their children’s murders. to get them there safely. sonnel. AutoNation, a large of a new year of red ink for cuts have averaged 2.9 mil- I grew up in Roxbury not far Violence breeds hopeless- dealership chain, was in- an industry by price cuts lion barrels/day below the from Dudley Station. The ness but it can also build formed that 6 of its 41 GM on TVs and other gadgets. average of 2008. This should area could always be resolve inside an embattled stores won’t be renewed. Panasonics results come cause a slight decline in sketchy at times. You al- community. Communities These 6 were not generat- one day after Sony Corp., stock piles throughout the ways had to keep your back have to take back their ing any profit. GM expects offered a bleak outlook year end. They are predict- covered too often. I grew up neighborhoods and make many dealers will go out of along with Toshiba Corp. ing oil will average $47/bll., for a short time in Orchard them safe. It is a group business on their own. GM Panasonics couldn’t escape this year and $55/bll., in Park and got street smart effort. We are all connected 2010. Corn prices have early in life. Looking back like the sand on a summer tumbled as weather helped as bad as we thought they beach. Interlocked. One h'REATER"OSTONS!FFORDABLE0RIVATE#EMETERYv price,s and prices settled at were back then, they were day we won’t need any $4.1725/bu., and the future the good old days compared Mothers’ Day Marches for 7E7ELCOMEOUR&AMILIES price fell .11¢/bu. Grain to the killing field I see to- Peace because we will have prices fell across the board day in my old boyhood hood. found it. DURINGTHE and cotton fell $2.76/pound Too much violence, too many I pray with Clementina to $56.30. deaths and little hope for and everyone else to see -EMORIAL$AY7EEKEND The bond market was improvement. How can you that day. /UR'ATESWILLBEOPEN steady with the 10-year U.S. FROMAMTO3PM Treasury yielding 3 1/8% and the 30-year bond at /UR3TAFFWILLBEAVAILABLEFORASSISTANCEIN 4.083. Gold was selling at Gloria Food Store THE!DMINISTRATION"UILDINGEACHMORNING $930.90/oz. King of Cold Cuts It’s time to call your finan- Ask About Our Cold Cut Trays cial advisor or call me at Fresh Cheeses and Fine Italian Products 617-261-7777. 86 Cottage Street #ANTERBURY3TREET Now %RVWRQ   East Boston, MA 02128 "OSTON -! ZZZVWPLFKDHOFHPHWHU\FRP accepting 617-567-6373 credit cards AFFORDABLE HOUSING TELEPHONE OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE NOW ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS COMMUNITY This home includes NORTH END all these ammenities! MEETING • 2 Bedrooms • 1 Full Bathroom Hosted by • Living/Dining Room PRINTING • Refrigerator, Gas Congressman Stove, Dishwasher 5 PRINCE STREET • NORTH END • BOSTON, MA 02113 & Disposal Capuano • Storage Unit in Owned and operated by Pamela Donnaruma, Publisher, Post-Gazette Basement On Thursday May 28th • Off Street Parking from 6:40-7:40 PM, Con- • New carpeting gressman Mike Capuano Quality Printing South Boston • Freshly painted will host a telephone com- 109 West 7th Street 1st Floor • Washer/Dryer munity meeting. Anyone Hookup for all your 2 Bedroom Condo interested in participating • Convenient to $175,000 936 sq. ft. Public Transit may dial 1-877-229-8493 and Commercial and Personal Needs

Open Houses use pin 13034 at the sched- Wednesday May 27, 2009 : 5:00pm - 6:30pm uled time to listen in. Any- Stationery • Business Cards • Menus • Flyers Sunday May 31, 2009 : 10:00am - 11:30am INCOME REQUIREMENTS BY HOUSEHOLD SIZE * one who wishes to ask a Program Books • Wedding and Party Invitations For more information about this property and an application: 1 Person $46,300 question can press *3 after Call The Boston Home Center at 617-635-HOME (4663) or 2 Persons $52,950 Announcements • Business Forms and Documents Visit us on the web at: www.bostonhomecenter.com and 3 Persons $59,550 joining the meeting. click on 1st Home Program 4 Persons $66,150 “I look forward to answer- First time homebuyers only. *Income Requirements may — COMPETITIVE PRICES — Income and asset restrictions apply. Information is subject to change. be subject to change based ing your questions and talk- We are not responsible for errors or omissions. on new HUD Income Limits being issued prior to income ing about the issues that Thomas M. Menino, Mayor - City of Boston certification. Evelyn Friedman, Chief and Director matter to you,” stated Con- 617-227-8929 Department of Neighborhood Development 617-227-8929 gressman Capuano. POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009 Page 5

MY FAVORITE ALL THAT ZAZZ by Mary N. DiZazzo Poems and Quotes Almond Oil — Nourishment for your Skin by Attorney David Saliba Ciao bella, concentrations of vitamin E. sons are traditionally shown We all love the flavor and It’s known to absorb quickly surrounded by a mandorla I have arrived at an advanced age. I qualify and receive a scent of almonds. The health into the skin with benefiting (almond in Italian) which is Social Security check every month. I qualify for Medicare cover- benefits from eating them are properties to sooth, heal, lu- an almond shaped frame. age and receive treatment at the Lahey Clinic. The government numerous. bricate, soften and revitalize. I also would like to take this pays Lahey after a small deduction from my Social Security. My first encounter with the Since its richness in miner- opportunity to thank all my I take pills at regular intervals which I receive at a discount due to Medicare. My pace is slower and occasionally I have flavor was as a child my Nana als, vitamins and proteins it “All That Zazz” followers for angina awareness. would take me to Carruba’s is considered helpful to re- attending my “You Look You know I am not discouraged. I may be old but it doesn’t slush store in Lawrence,and lieve dry skin, chapped lips Marvelous” Beauty Talks at get me down. Here is a poem by General Douglas MacArthur. my favorite flavor was almond and relieve itching due to dry- the North End library. Look- This message is what I live by: — yum, yum! The scent ness. It is an excellent emol- ing forward to another series takes me back to childhood lient in helping the skin to in the Fall. “Age is a quality of mind, and brings a smile to my face balance its loss and absorp- Buona giornata and God If you’ve left your dreams behind, every time. tion of moisture. Almond oil bless the United States of And hope is dead, Almond Oil is extracted from can also be found as a carrier America! If you’ve ceased to look ahead, the dried kernel of the almond oil in various massage oils, — Mary N. And your ambition’s fires are dead, tree and is warm-pressed to face moisturizers, body DiZazzo-Trumbull Then you are old. do so. It is a popular carrier creams, soaps, hair and nail Read prior weeks’ “All That But if for life you keep a zest, oil since it is non-greasy, (cuticle) treatments. Zazz” columns at www.mary And if from life you take the best, spreads easily and is good for The almond carries a fas- 4nails.com. Mary is a third- If love you hold, nourishing the skin. Essen- cination because the human generation cosmetologist and a What difference how the years go by? tial oils are usually mixed eye which is the window of Massachusetts distributor of What difference how the birthdays fly? with it because of its light the soul is almond shaped. In Kosmea brand rose hip oil You are not old”. nature. religious art from European products. She may be con- Mostly known as sweet al- Christian to Indian Hindu tacted at (978) 470-8183 or mond oil, it contains strong and Buddhism the sacred per- [email protected] Communion, Confirmation and Graduation Saint Rita Devotion HEADQUARTERS by Bennett Molinari and Richard Molinari Historically low the call to religious life. remarkable cures. LARGEST SELECTION OF speaking, our She applied for admission to It was during Lent of 1443 CROSSES AND CHAINS best known the monastery of Augustin- that Rita heard the sermons devotions find ian nuns in Cascia, but be- of a holy man, who would be- Reg. $ 149.99 Sale $ 79.99 expression cause she was a widow her come Saint James of All Seiko watches 50% off Regular Price from the ex- request was refused. The Marche. His sermons on ample of pious Order only accepted single Christ’s passion had special We now have CHAMILIA Charm Bracelets persons who women. Despite two more significance for Rita. She re- East Boston Diamond and Gold Exchange are venerated refusals, Rita never stopped turned to the convent greatly for their holi- hoping. She was finally re- moved by what she had 378 Chelsea Street - East Boston, MA 02128 ness. The De- ceived into the monastery heard. Kneeling before a cru- 617-567-GOLD (4653) votion to Saint Rita has been where she spent some 44 cifix, she begged God Bring this ad and receive a Watch Battery for $1.99 a part of Sacred Heart Italian years. to share with her part of His limit one per customer (Expires May 30, 2009) Church for decades. Besides In the convent, Sr. Rita’s pain. A thorn from the cruci- the perpetual novena, there life was marked by great fix was loosened and became are two major celebrations in charity and penances. Her her honor. The first celebra- prayers for others obtained (Continued on Page 14) tion takes place in January SPRING when we commemorate the miracle of the roses; the sec- ond celebration in May when BENNY Leaf & Yard Waste the Universal Church re- members the Saint of Impos- Collection sible Cases. IS LOST Boston Public Works will collect and compost residents’ yard waste Saint Rita [1381-1457] has PLEASE CALL been one of the most popular Saints in the Church for cen- KERRY AT 617-823-5513 Five weeks: April 27 - May 30 on your turies. She is known as the recycling day “Saint of the Impossible” re- ANYTIME! sulting from her remarkable He’s Gray with a White Spot on his Chest Place leaves in large paper leaf bags or open answers to prayers, as well barrels marked “yard waste.” as the events of her own life. For free “yard waste” stickers, call 617-635-4959 Saint Rita was born at Brand New (up to 2 stickers available per household). Rocca Porrena in the Diocese of Spoleto, Italy in 1381. She Homes spent her early life doing Available on Cut branches to 3’ maximum length simple chores and visiting and 1” maximum diameter. the elderly. Often, when her a First Come Tie branches with string. tasks were done, she would First Served visit her parish church and Place leaves and yard waste the Blessed Sacrament. Basis! at the curb by 7am on your Gradually, the idea of becom- recycling day. ing a cloistered religious PRICE REDUCTIONS NO PLASTIC BAGS formed in her mind. Her par- ents would not consider her Leaf and yard waste will not be Roslindale - Hyde Blakemore Condominums desire. In obedience to the Two Bedroom Condos Now priced at $150,000 and $174,000 collected during the two Three Bedroom Condos Now Priced at $220,000 weeks before the will of her parents, Rita was April 27 start date. married at the age of 12. Please hold Rita became a good wife and onto your Purchase now and take advantage of the mother but her husband, First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit equal to leaves until 10% of the home's purchase price. collection Ferdinand, was a man of vio- begins. lent temper. He often mis- treated her and was a bad influence on her two sons. Ferdinand was murdered one evening on his way home Sunday May 31, 2009 from 12:00 - 1:30pm from Cascia. Rita tried in vain to dissuade her twin Sunday June 14, 2009 from 12:00 - 1:30pm sons from attempting to take revenge; she appealed to Household Households below Households heaven to prevent such a Size CDBG Median between 81-100% of Income Median Income crime on their part. They 1 < 46,000 46,001 - 63,150 2 < 52,950 52,951 - 72,150 both died peacefully less than 3 < 59,550 59,551 - 81,200 a year after their father, rec- 4 < 66,150 66,151 - 90,200 Thomas M. Menino, Mayor 5 < 71,450 71,451 - 97,400 onciled to God. 6 < 76,750 76,751 - 104,650 Rita was alone; free to fol- Page 6 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009 Res Publica Freeway by David Trumbull Says ...

Buy a Poppy for a Disabled Vet You can email your questions to [email protected] to the attention of Freeway. Don’t forget folks, Freeway is not a vet, so please keep the questions light-hearted! Thanks. In Flanders fields the poppies grow Between the crosses, row on row pooch, I get to meet some wonderful people That mark our place: and in the sky and experience the thrill of writing my ar- The larks still bravely singing, fly ticles and being in places that other pooches Scarce heard amid the guns below. wish they could go. One thing I know for sure is that I get to go home with my human com- We are the Dead. Short days ago panion after we take pictures and meet We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, people like Anton and Kayla. I don’t know too Loved, and were loved, and now we lie much about the lobster, but whoever buys In Flanders fields. him I am certain they will enjoy their din- Take up our quarrel with the foe: ner at the ye olde Union Oyster House. I never To you from failing hands we throw had dinner there, but I understand that The Torch: be yours to hold it high! people ALL over the world come to visit and If ye break faith with us who die dine and truly love the food. Maybe they We shall not sleep, though poppies grow should have a special section for pooches as In Flanders fields. I love doing a fun article and here I am we like to dine out. Thank you my friends beside my girl Kayla Munyon and Anton Anton and Kayla for allowing me (Freeway) — John McCrae (1872-1918) Christen, who both work at the famous res- to experience my journey at this famous res- Each year I see fewer and Buddy Poppy you will remind taurant in Boston ye olde Union Oyster House taurant. On this note I want to wish my good fewer men on the street to everyone who sees you of which was established in 1826. Anton is the friend Pattie Burke a “Happy Birthday,” wearing remembrance pop- the meaning of Memorial shucker at the Union Oyster House and has she is the dining room manger at the Union pies on Memorial Day, since Day. been working there for 11 years. He is from Oyster House and does one great job — your 1971 celebrated on the last The American Legion also Switzerland and loves having his picture okay in my book Pattie — you’re my girl, keep Monday in May. One year I sells crepe paper poppies for taken — he is really a great guy — so when- up the great work and I have to believe this couldn’t even find anyone Memorial Day. That is an- ever you visit the Union Oyster House ask is why the establishment has done so well, selling “Buddy Poppies,” the other fine organization wor- for Anton. Can you see the size of this lob- the way those dining rooms run on a perfect paper replica flowers that the thy of your support. ster that weighs in about 8 pounds, it’s only scale on a busy night. That’s all for now … Veterans of Foreign Wars Although the United a few pounds less than I am. I do alright as a Life is good. sell to raise money for dis- States Department of Veter- abled veterans. ans Affairs states “The wear- Local Sailing School Offers FREE SAILING For more than 75 years, ing of poppies in honor of Boston Sailing Center is questions about the Center’s Louisiana Riverboat adja- the VFW’s Buddy Poppy pro- America’s war dead is tradi- holding an afternoon of free learn to sail programs, cent to the North End, the gram has raised millions of tionally done on Memorial sailing on Boston Harbor on year-round sailing member- Center has an active mem- dollars in support of veter- Day, not Veterans Day” Saturday, May 30, 2009 from ships, corporate charters, ber base of more than 400 ans’ welfare and the well many of us do join our 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and more. Selected courses local sailors, and is regarded being of their dependents. friends from the British The public is invited to and membership programs as the premier destination According to the VFW, the Commonwealth nations in celebrate the start of sum- will be discounted for the for sailing in New England. name “Buddy Poppy” is reg- wearing the red poppy of re- mer in New England with occasion. Contact the Center by istered with the U.S. Patent membrance on November free sailing trips on Boston’s The Boston Sailing Center calling (617) 227-4198 or Office. The VFW has made 11th as well. historic waterfront, courtesy has been teaching sailing at log on to the website at that trademark a guarantee This Memorial Day re- of the Boston Sailing Center. all ability levels for over 30 www.bostonsailingcenter.com that all poppies bearing that member those who gave the The Center will be offering years. Based on a converted for more information. name and the VFW label are last full measure of devotion skippered excursions during genuine products of the work to cause of liberty. a special open house cel- of disabled and needy veter- BOSTON RESIDENTS, ebration. Sailors of all abili- ans. No other organization, David Trumbull is the ties are welcomed to join the firm or individual can legally chairman of the Boston Ward SAFELY DISPOSE OF fun. ‘Round-the-harbor sail- use the name “Buddy” Poppy. Three Republican Committee. ing trips will be conducted by When you buy your Buddy Boston’s Ward Three includes HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE, the Center’s award-winning Poppy to wear this Memorial the North End, West End, part teaching staff, aboard sail- UNWANTED TIRES AND PROPANE TANKS Day you will be giving mate- of Beacon Hill, downtown, boats ranging in length from rial aid to a disabled veteran. waterfront, Chinatown, and 23-40 feet. AT TWO UPCOMING DROP-OFF DAYS: And when you wear your part of the South End. No reservations are re- quired: individuals and 1. Saturday, June 6, 2009 2. Saturday, June 27, 2009 groups will sail on a first- 9:00am to 2:00pm 9:00am to 2:00pm LAW OFFICES OF come, first-served basis. Parking lot at University Public Works Yard FRANK J. CIANO The Center’s staff will of Massachusetts 315 Gardner St also be on hand to answer Boston Harbor Campus West Roxbury GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW Morrissey Blvd (near Millenium Park DIVORCE • WILLS • ESTATE PLANNING • TRUSTS Dorchester and Home Depot) CRIMINAL • PERSONAL INJURY • WORKERS COMP. North End Central 617-354-9400 Artery Advisory Si Parla Italiano Committee 230 MSGR. O’BRIEN HIGHWAY • CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02141 to Host Meeting The North End Central Artery Advisory Committee APARTMENTS FOR RENT will host a meeting on the responses to the Massachu- Christopher Columbus Plaza setts Turnpike Authority’s 1 & 2 Bedrooms - $1,999 - $2,575 Request for Proposals on City of Boston Public Works Department will recycle and Central Artery Parcel 9 on safely dispose of residents’ household products containing All utilities included Thursday, May 28th at the hazardous ingredients. Residents may bring up to 50 pounds Located on the waterfront of Boston’s historic North End Mariner’s House, 11 North of products labeled toxic, flammable, reactive, corrosive, or Square, in the North End, For more information please call 617-367-2555 poisonous; such as paint, motor oil, pesticides, solvents, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. glues, bleach or ammonia-based cleaners, weed killers, photo chemicals, pool chemicals, car batteries, and used motor oil. The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributors are NO COMPUTERS, MONITORS, TVs, OR ELECTRONICS not necessarily the same as NO COMMERCIAL WASTE ACCEPTED those of The Post-Gazette, its The City reserves the right to reject materials publisher or editor. Photo sub- missions are accepted by the PROOF OF RESIDENCY REQUIRED Post-Gazette provided they are clear, original photos. There is a Boston Public Works Department $5 charge for each photo sub- Thomas M. Menino, Mayor The Federal Trade Commission mitted. Photos can be submitted Dennis E. Royer, works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception. via e-mail: [email protected]. Chief of Public Works and Transportation If you want your photos re- Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) turned, include a self-addressed, For more information, please call 617-635-4500 or visit or log on to www.ftc.gov. stamped envelope. www.cityofboston.gov/publicworks/recycling POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009 Page 7 The Socially Set by Hilda M. Morrill

(Full disclosure: R.J. is a longtime friend whom we know as “Bob.”) Bob was recently invited to be a guest on The Jordan Rich Show, on WBZ-AM (1030 on the dial) for an hour and ended up staying for the en- tire three-and-a-half hours (midnight to 3:30 a.m.), chatting and taking listener calls (from as close as down- town Boston and as far away as Minneapolis). He was on the show with two other guests, Scott Wahle (formerly with WBZ News, but who does a lot of local shows and singing around town and is an avid theater lover), and Mark Reardon (an attorney from Worcester who is also an Enjoying “The 2009 Literary Lights” at The Boston Park extremely knowledgeable Andrew Bacevich, and his wife Nancy (on right) with Nancy Plaza Hotel are, left to right, Nicole Feret, M.T. Anderson, theater fan). Macmillan at “Literary Lights.” Liz Bicknell and Lois Lowry. The group talked about (Photo by Roger Farrington) (Photo by Roger Farrington) the local theater companies This week we share four to be Pretty, which we didn’t. big and small, the Norton invite us to enjoy “Cocktails Jerome Rosenfeld Concerts more photos from “The 2009 (However, many in the au- Awards, the upcoming fall in the Courtyard at the BPL” in the Courtyard” lineup for Literary Lights Dinner,” dience around us did like it, season in Boston, what’s on Friday, June 26 from 2009. which was featured in last some even giving a standing happening in New York, the 7 p.m. to midnight. The The summer’s popular out- week’s column. Presented ovation.) entertainment economy, event is a benefit for the door music series, held in by the Associates of the Bos- We are reminded that the and their favorite shows. BPL’s Homework Assistance the MFA’s Calderwood Court- ton Public Library, the an- Tony Awards will be pre- Bob also talked about his Program. Suggested dress is yard, features an exciting nual celebration recognizes sented/aired on Sunday, close-to-two decades doing “Courtyard Chic.” group of performers. Con- authors, playwrights, poets June 7 and that many of The PR for the South Shore Guests will enjoy a Grey certs are Wednesday eve- and other significant con- Socially Set will be attending Music Circus (and related a Goose Martini Bar and cock- nings at 7:30 pm as follows: tributors to literature. Tony parties. funny 70’s story about work- tails with hors d’oeuvres by June 24 – Bettye LaVette: ……. We recently enjoyed Not being theater ex- ing with Zero Mostel and the Catered Affair and danc- One of the greatest soul visiting The Big Apple, where perts, hubby and I depend on going with him to a taping of ing to the Hang Ten Band in singers of American music we got to enjoy some great noted theatre critic R.J. Elliot Norton Reviews at Chan- the McKim Courtyard of the kicks off the summer series. food and attend a couple of Donovan to enlighten us via nel 2 followed by a visit to the National Historic Landmark July 1 – Marco Benevento Broadway shows: Billy Elliot, his outstanding Web site Isabella Stewart Gardner building in Copley Square. Trio: Brooklyn-based jazz which we loved; and Reasons www.OnStageBoston.com. Museum). No tickets will be sold at pianist performs from his In an interesting coinci- the door, so you must pur- critically acclaimed new al- dence, the South Shore chase your tickets in ad- bum “Me Not Me.” Music Circus (SSMC) box of- vance. For more information July 8 – Martha Wain- Mattéo Gallo fice was opening the same call 617-247-8980 or email wright: Singer-songwriter weekend he did Jordan’s [email protected]. and daughter of folk legends show, and Paula Gates from ……. The Museum of Fine Loudon Wainwright III and o the Music Circus did a Arts, Boston (MFA) an- o Appraisals phone interview about their nounces the “Elaine and (Continued on Page 13) Sales & Rentals upcoming season. In order to avoid any hint • of conflict of interest, Bob Real Estate emphasized on the air that his days as an entertain- ment PR guy were “long 376 North Street • Boston, MA 02113 ago,” and that he only began (617) 523-2100 • Fax (617) 523-3530 writing about theater after he was no longer working directly in that arena. Aside from his SSMC days, Bob’s other credits in- clude: Writer for AOL’s Digi- tal City Boston, former the- LUCIA ater editor for BostonNOW, arts contributor to the R I S T O R A N T E & B A R Boston Irish Reporter and, of course, editor/publisher of Traditional OnStageBoston.com. Italian Cuisine So, if you want to learn all about the theater scene in Boston and beyond, visit his Donato Frattaroli Web site. You’ll be glad you did. 415 Hanover Street, Boston, MA 02113 ……. The BPL Foundation and the Young Professionals 617.367.2353 of the Boston Public Library — Open for Lunch and Dinner Daily — DIAMONDS Private dining rooms for any occasion ROLEX ESTATE JEWELRY [email protected] Bought & Sold www.luciaboston.com Jewelers Exch. Bldg. Jim (617) 263-7766 Page 8 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009

In Memory of Fulfilling A Mother’s Wish Remembe by Ray Ba Lucy World War II ended in grave, Richard Aylward, Europe on Thursday, May 8, began in October of 1945, a Lombordozzi 1945 and we looked forward month before I was due to to returning to our homes. head back home. I had been Dearest Lucy, For many parents whose in Europe for close to 19 sons were killed in action, months and had participated I miss you so much they had nothing to look in four battles beginning forward to … no one to wel- with Normandy. I was in Love come home. Some parents Munich, Germany when I Heather Langone wrote to their son’s buddies received her letter that asking them to visit their included the name of the son’s grave. I was one of the cemetery located in Soisson, GI’s who received such a France. I immediately made request. “Before you come plans to head for Soisson Domenic D’Angelico home I wish you would visit with a camera I had borrowed December 24, 1996 Ray Barron at Richard F. my son’s grave and say a from one of my buddies. To Aylward’s grave in Soisson, A PRECIOUS ONE FROM US HAS GONE prayer for me.” reach my destination, I had France, October 1945. My journey to her son’s to take a train to Paris to A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled seek the help of the A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. In Commemorazione di American Red Cross to help God in His wisdom has recalled, The boon his love had given Angelo Adriano Centritto me get to Soisson. And through the body slumbers here, The soul is safe in Heaven. Arriving in Paris and tired “If there is to be any comfort at all, from the long train ride, I We Love & Miss You Dad Very Much it would be that we will never, ever, forget you” immediately went to the Red Wife Rose, Daughter Diane & Granddaughters Giuseppe, Silvia, Giacomo, Rossano & Giovanni Cross headquarters for assistance on how to get to Soisson. I was informed they Joanne Vargus Remembering a did not provide transpor- June 21, 2001 tation but I could take a bus Very Special Friend to Soisson. Tired and weary, AFTER GLOW I went to a small bus ter- I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one, Robert T. Sorrentino minal and not knowing I’d like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done. French, I relied on a piece I’d like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, February 7, 1996 - December 5, 2000 of paper with the name of of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days. the town and cemetery. I I’d like the tears of those who grieve, Always in Our Hearts, to dry before of happy memories that I leave when life is done. showed the piece of paper to a woman, who pointed out Love Always, Freeway Simboli Your Daughter Roseann, Mother Rose, Sister Diane & Grandchildren where the bus would leave from. In short, it was a

Mary Scaramella CONFORTO FAMILY In Loving Memory Frank, Caterina, of My Husband Meet You at 5… Joseph, Pips, Gaspar Leo R. Love Me We Love and Miss you. D'ANTONA


In Loving Memory of In Memory of In Loving memory of My Wife Emma Our Loving Parents Luciano and from Graffeo, Sr. Son Richard Lino and Enza Rullo from Angelo DiFrummolo Forever remembered by your Family

Ian Wooten Remembering my Dear Friend You are never forgotten The Honorable Honorable Senator CLEMENTINA LANGONE JOSEPH A. LANGONE, JR. Anthony J. Sarno Always Lovingly Love Remembered by Our Deepest Love Their daughter “We Miss you Tony” Laura Langone Madeline Langone Sarno Madeline and Ned POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009 Page 9 mbering Our Veterans on Memorial Day T Ray Barron his page is dedicated in dilapidated bus occupied by the center of the rows of French officer, who was civilians. There I was, the white crosses and Stars of holding my camera. I asked Memory of our only GI on the bus, seated David. I looked around the him to take pictures of the next to a woman holding a cemetery, thinking I would grave and a few with me by Loved Ones baby in her arms. find a GI there, a caretaker. the side of the grave. I was It was a slow, bumpy ride I discovered I was the only the only living American in to Soisson and when we GI there! Along with the the cemetery on that damp, who have passed on and arrived close to Soisson, one French officer, I began to drizzly late morning and I of the bus tires blew out and walk between the white was getting mad as hell! to those who lost their lives we landed in a ditch on the wooden crosses, searching Suddenly, I began to throw side of the road. We piled off for my buddy’s grave. At last, a fit — a fit of anger! I began the bus and I volunteered to I found a dog-tag nailed on shouting, “I made it! You in the line of duty. carry the woman’s baby. the white cross and his stupid bastards! I made it!” Slowly, we walked to Soisson, name, Richard F. Aylward. I I cried, out of control. Yes, about a mile or so away. stood in front of his grave I was cursing them all Our prayers and thoughts are with those who have Entering the town, I noticed and said, “Buddy, I’m here. for dying. As I rambled on, some French soldiers and I Your mother sends her love.” fought and are now fighting for our Country. showed them the slip of Standing behind me was the (Continued on Page 13) paper. I followed them to a small house where two young French officers were Remembering you is easy, we do it every day. In Loving Memory of seated at a table. One of the Missing you is the heartache, Maria and Armante Anzalone French officers got up from That never goes away. with Much Love from your the table and motioned me to Delia and Family Children and Grandchildren follow him outside to a Jeep. Off we went! It was close to noon and the skies were clouding up. To My In Loving Memory of It was a short drive to the DANIEL M. “Salvi” American cemetery and Aunt Chickie Salvatore David Daniele what I immediately noticed was an American flag in MULLEN June 16, 1976 - August 9, 1984 Love Always, February 6, 1933 - February 12, 2008 Your precious memories are keepsakes, Sadly missed by his wife, with which we will never part, For All the Judean Langone MARIE God has you safely in his keeping, and loyal companion, PRANCER But we have you forever in our hearts. Guys Miss you Mom, Dad and Francesco I Know,

ML In Loving Memory In Loving Memory of My Father In Loving Memory of Henry A. Augusto Phyllis and Caesar Donnaruma MARTINELLI CIPOLLONE WWII Veteran, AVA from January 4, 1924 - November 8, 1988 In Loving Memory of  Your Loving Son Michele Iapicca Carlo Cipollone Sadly missed by and Family from his Wife and Daughters  Always remembered Loving Wife Maria In Loving Memory of In Memory of my Elizabeth Beloved Niece December 25, 2007 Mary Simboli Carney In Loving Memory of February 17, 1955 – August 27, 2005 Remembered by Pasquale and “Forever in my heart” Immacolata Rocco J. Antonelli, Sr. Love Auntie Re Fazzolari From your Children and your Grandchildren To Live In The Hearts Of Others Is Not To Die Diana Maria Fontana 1951-1971 In Loving Memory of Daughter John Torsiello  We Miss You! Maria Meola Fontana Love The Cappuccio 1921-1988 Family Wife  Robert Raymond Meola 1959-1999 Nephew Joseph A. Langone III In Memory of  Our Grandmother in Heaven “JOJO” Susan Dodson Doris T. Fontana with Hugs and Kisses 1931-2007 We always remember the fun times! Andrew and Alessandra Wife You were the Best! Dodson  Nana We Miss You Fondly Madeline and Ned Sarno Raymond J. Fontana Page 10 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009 Bob D ’s B eat by Bob DeCristoforo the John Collins Corner at EDUCATION PLUS City Hall. All great and well The East Boston YMCA deserved tributes to fine is offering Free Computer people, who have, and con- Classes. Classes are limited THE GRUDGE 3 (DVD) the truth will set you free. tinue to make Boston our in size. Call 617-569-9622. Sony Pictures Home Ent. (2 hrs. 50 mins.). shining city on the Hill. It’s In this day computer lit- The question is — How do FLIRTING WITH FORTY time to honor Ray Flynn. eracy is a must. you stop a curse that never (DVD) City Hall Plaza should be re- COLLEGE BOARD: dies? Jake, the sole survi- Sony Pictures Home Ent. named Ray Flynn Plaza ... SUFFOLK STRIKES OUT vor of The Grudge 2, is tor- Jackie (Heather Locklear) let’s get this done! Suffolk University’s Base- tured by chilling visions of is a recently divorced Tribute to nurses at EAST BOSTON T BALL ball Rams season came to Kayako and Toshio that mother of two vacationing Vietnam Memorial in The Eastie T Ball season a quick end, when the have led to his hospital- alone in Hawaii for her 40th Washington, D.C. has begun. Team sponsors Rams were defeated by WPI ization. Jake’s caretaker, birthday. Against her better are City Councilor Sal 7-6 end Eastern Connecticut Dr. Sullivan (Shawnee judgement, she allows the MEMORIAL DAY 2009 LaMattina, State Represen- 13-2 in the first round of Smith) is determined to in- hunky, much younger resi- “... that from these hon- tative Carlo Basile. State the double elimination vestigate his horrifying dent surf instructor (Robert ored dead we take increased Senator Anthony Petrucelli, NCAA D3 Tournament in tales. She explores his Chi- Buckley) to sweep her off her devotion to that cause for East Boston Savings Bank, games played May 13-14 at cago home, finding another feet. What begins as a which they gave the last full Spinelli’s, Paris Street Easten Connecticut. family on the brink of suc- scorching one-night stand measure of devotion — that Community Center, and the Captains for the 2009- cumbing to the curse. It quickly turns into love as we highly resolve that these Kirby Rapino Funeral Home. 2010 Vermont Hockey becomes clear that Jake’s she jets off to Hawaii every dead shall not have died in HAIL AND FAREWELL Team will be Brian Roloff, terrifying stories are true, chance she gets. But with vain — that this nation, un- Father Angelo Schettini Kevan Miller, and Patrick and a mysterious Japanese kids, a disapproving ex-hus- der God, shall have a new has completed his work at Cullity. woman may be the only band and friends, and an birth of freedom — that the St. Leonard, especially with HIGH SCHOOL PREP hope of banishing the spir- ocean separating them, real government of the people, by the Italian Ministry of the NOTEBOOK its forever … unless her love becomes real tricky. the people, for the people, Parish. Father Angelo is re- BC High won the Catholic plan destroys them all. (1 hr. When Jackie loses her bal- shall not perish from the turning to Italy. We thank Conference Baseball Cham- 30 mins.). ance, it takes her lover to earth.” from Lincoln’s him for his time with us. pionship defeated St. John’s THE JEFF FOXWORTHY teach her how to get back on Gettysburg Address, 1863 ROSINA FABBO Pep 4-1. SHOW: THE COMPLETE the board before she misses I was in Washington DC North End Against Drugs Charlestown High School SECOND SEASON (2-DVD) the one wave that will Easter weekend, and one of Salutes Rosina Fabbo for all won the D2 4x100 State Sony Pictures Home Ent. change her life. (1 hr. 27 the many memories that the work she has done on Coaches Relays at Woburn If you’re a redneck, then mins.). will stay in my mind is see- behalf of the Michelina and on Saturday. … you’ll love Jeff Foxworthy FOREVER STRONG (DVD) ing the memorial tributes to Ray Costa Scholarship NEAD ELIOT SCHOOL in his first TV show! The Crane Movie Co. our fallen Heroes, men and program. Through her efforts FUNDRAISER second season is even fun- Best friends and team- women, who gave the ulti- the applications get out, do- Tickets are now available nier and features new cast mates Rick (Sean Faris) and mate sacrifice so that the nors are contacted. and our for the Saturday, June 6th members. Jeff stars as a Lars (Penn Badgley) become words spoken by Lincoln in young people get the oppor- 7pm ‘End of the Year Cel- Southern boy who moves his bitter rivals when Rick’s his Gettysburg Address tunity to receive help in ebration’ Fundraiser at family back to his hometown free-spirited lifestyle lands would be a lot more than just their educational goals. The Tecce’s Restaurant. For in Georgia. His new job has him in juvenile detention. words. Seeing these, as well Fabbo Family even funds tickets call Karen D’Amico him working at the loading There, a concerned counse- as seeing the countless rows one of the Scholarships. We at 617-763-9043 or kdamico@ docks with some macho, no- lor (Sean Astin) and a na- of white crosses at Arlington are fortunate to have Rosina boston.k12.ma.us or Lynn nonsense boys from the tional championship rugby National Cemetery does on the NEAD Board, and we Bova at [email protected] South, providing perfect fod- coach (Gary Cole) recruit make you stop and really are even more fortunate to TIDBITS der for Foxworthy’s insight- Rick for a new team — and think about what they rep- have Rosina and her family - Birthday Best to Marion ful musings. Co-stars in- a new direction. Based on resent. Memorial Day is very as friends. Alfe ... 98 years young! Also clude Haley Joel Osment, actual events surrounding different for me this year. MAY CROWNING to Joyce Stevens and Chris Ann Cusack, Jonathan Lip- the perennial powerhouse God Bless these men and St. John School’s May Scimeca. nicki and Kathryn Zaremba. Highland Rugby program. women. We can never forget Crowning took place at - Congratulations to Two discs with all 23 epi- Forever Strong is a film that what they did. St. Leonard’s Church on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane, who sodes! (8 hrs. 38 mins.). combines heart-stopping, CELIA NUZZO AND this Ascension Thursday. are celebrating their THE LAST TEMPLAR on-the-field-action with a FRANCIS TIRELLA Mariele DiPrizio crowned 20th Wedding Anniversary (DVD) life-changing story of victory. The North End said ‘goodbye’ the Blessed Mother, and - Thank you to all, who Genius Products/RHI (1 hr. 34 mins.). this past week to Celia Francis Shea was the crown re-elected me to the North Entertainment INCENDIARY (DVD) Nuzzo, and Francis ‘Dasher’ bearer. This is a beauti- End Waterfront Neighbor- The Last Templar is an NBC Image Entertainment Tirella, two beautiful giving ful tradition, and highlights hood Council Event miniseries that at- London is rocked by a people, who touched the lives the month of May at every - Thursday, May 21st, is tracted over 9 million view- shocking terrorist bombing of so many, as they went Catholic Church in the Ascension Thursday. ers in its initial airing. in this dramatic thriller about their lives doing so North End. - Keep in your thoughts When a medieval decoding starring Michelle Williams many great things, both big DANIEL D’ELIA, and prayers Frank Romano device points the way to the and Ewan McGregor. Will- and small. Their family was CLASS OF 2009 (John’s dad) and his family long-lost treasure of the iams delivers a riveting everything to each of them. We’ve watched him grow - Celeb Sightings: Ralph Knights Templar, an ar- and heartfelt performance as They were loved, and they up, and grow. We watched Verrocchi, and Joey Vala- chaeologist (Mira Sorvino) a young wife and mother will be missed, but never his baseball career blossom rese at Celtics/Orlando play- and FBI agent (Scott Foley) who suffers a devastating gone. We know they are in a through NEAA Baseball, off game, former Archbishop join forces to find it, never loss in the attack … which better place. Savio Baseball, the Yawkey Williams Athletic Director realizing the Vatican will occurs while she’s meeting RAY FLYNN PLAZA League, and Suffolk Univer- Allen Gallotta and his wife stop at nothing to prevent its her secret lover (McGregor). Many of our Mayors, in- sity, and now we ‘Salute’ and at St. Stephen’s, Phil Orlan- discovery. For at the end of Wracked with guilt and cluding our current Mayor, ‘ Congratulate’ him upon his della taking notes at the a trail littered with hidden trying to piece her shattered Tom Menino, have been Sunday’s graduation from NEWNC elections, and Bar- clues, ancient codes and the life back together, she honored throughout our city Suffolk University. We also bara Peterlin ‘tennis-ing’ in bodies of silenced conspira- becomes embroiled in the — the Tom Menino Pavilion ‘Salute’ and Congratulate Charlestown. tors, lies a secret so shock- police investigation of the at the Boston Medical Cen- his Mom, our Laurie D’Elia. SMILE! ing it will change the face of attack - and discovers that ter, the John B. Hynes Au- We know it was ‘his day’, but history forever. Templar is a the authorities will do any- ditorium, Curley Park, the we know it was ‘her’ day too. pulse-pounding, epic action- thing to cover up the terrify- Kevin White Walkway, and We’re proud of you both. Remember adventure where nothing ing truth behind it. (1 hr. 40 Your is what it seems. And only mins.). Have a professional represent you and your claim against Loved Ones NOBILE INSURANCE the Insurance Company ALBANO F. PONTE, CEP Financial and Estate Planning Richard Settipane Email [email protected] Phone 617-320-0022 PUBLIC INSURANCE ADJUSTER MICHAEL F. NOBILE, CPCU FIRE - BURGLARY - FLOOD ARLINGTON BOSTON And All Other Losses Pertaining to 148A Massachusetts Avenue 251 Hanover Street Your Home or Business. The Post-Gazette Arlington, MA 02474 Boston, MA 02113 One Longfellow Place - Suite 2322 accepts memorials (781) 646-1200 (617) 523-6766 Boston, Massachusetts 02114 throughout the year. Fax (781) 646-1148 MEDFORD Fax (617) 523-0078 39 Salem Street 24 Hour Service Please call Medford, MA 02155 (617) 523-3456 617-227-8929 (781) 395-4200 FAX (617) 723-9212 and ask for Lisa Fax (781) 391-8493 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009 Page 11

ing for a Cure™ continues with Elliott Quantz. For more information, please Behar on Friday, July 24th at 8:00 PM. Yamin, who rose to fame with his in- call: 617-227-2155 or visit: www.kings- For tickets call 1-800-745-3000 or log spiring performances on the fifth sea- chpel.org. onto: www.thewilburtheatre.com. son of American Idol. Diagnosed with NOW type 1 diabetes at an early age, he has refused to let the disease stand ART in the way of his dreams. For more Special Events PLAYING info log onto www.joslin.org/ ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER PEABODY ESSEX MUSEUM Giving_to_Joslin_Calendar.asp or call MUSEUM East India Square, Salem, MA 617-732-2531. For tickets call 617-585- 280 The Fenway, Boston, MA POLAR ATTRACTIONS – Now 1260 or visit the box office. UPTOWN & DOWNTOWN AFTER HOURS – Every third Thurs- through June 7, 2009. The Arctic and day of each month from 5:00-9:00 PM. Antarctic inspired contemporary art- After Hours is art, music, cocktails, ists to capture the expansive panora- 925 Commonwealth Avenue contemporary performances, gallery mas, sculptural ice formations and Boston, MA explorations and more. For more in- resilient life thriving at the ends of EARTH, WIND AND FIRE & formation please call: 617-278-5156 the earth. This exhibit encourages CHICAGO - June 16, 2009 at 7:30 PM. or visit: www.gardnermuseum.org. families to experience the Polar Re- To this day, Earth, Wind & Fire gions through artwork and activities remain one of the top globally popu- NORTH END PUBLIC LIBRARY For more info., call 866-745-1876 or lar touring attractions. Influencing 25 Parmenter Street, Boston, MA visit www.pem.org. top artists including Prince, Mary J ANNUAL BOOK SALE - Saturday, Blige, Outkast and many more, May 30, 2009. We are currently ac- PEABODY MUSEUM OF Earth, Wind & Fire’s signature sound cepting donations at the library of ARCHAEOLOGY and distinctive musical styles fuse gently used books, cd’s and dvd’s. 11 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA pop, soul, jazz, rock n’ roll, psyche- Volunteers are needed for sorting A GOOD TYPE – TOURISM AND delic, African roots music and disco and day of. Contact the Friends at SCIENCE IN EARLY JAPANESE with a base in funk. Chicago has [email protected]. PHOTOGRAPHS – Ongoing. This ex- written, recorded and performed GREEN THUMBS - Library Garden hibition presents 46 compelling im- some of the most popular and musi- Group looking for helpers for indoor ages of Japanese photographic prints. cally innovative songs in rock history. and outdoor gardens. Very flexible, For tickets call: 617-496-1027 or visit Billboard Magazine positioned the light work and committment. Find out www.peabody.harvard.edu. band at #13 on their Hot 100 chart’s more at the library on Friday morn- DIGGING VERITAS: THE All-Time Top 100 — a byproduct of ing, April 3 and 17 at 10am. ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORY OF having sold more than 100,000,000 THE INDIAN COLLEGE AND records and having earned 20 top CLARION BEACH RESORT HOTEL STUDENT LIFE AT COLONIAL hits, 5 number one albums, 5 num- RAFFAEL’S NANTASKET ROOM HARVARD – Now through January ber one singles and 5 gold singles. Hull, MA 2010. Through archaeological finds Don’t miss these two great perform- STRICTLY SINATRA MUSIC from Harvard Yard, historical docu- ers under one roof. For tickets log AMERICAN DANCE PARTY – Friday, ments and more, this exhibition onto www.ticketmaster.com or call June 19th starting at 8:00 PM. Ron shows how today’s Harvard student 1-800-745-3000. Della Chiesa will host this awesome can make sense of student life as it evening. was in Colonial Harvard. THE NEW ENGLAND CONSERVA- 3 SWINGIN’ TENORS – Friday, July AVENUE PATRICE LUMUMBA: TORY JORDAN HALL 10th at 8:00 PM. Dance to the 3 PHOTOGRAPHS BY GUY TILLIMAN P!nk has never been afraid to speak her mind, bare her 30 Gainsborough St., Boston, MA Swingin’ Tenors, Jack Alessi, Steve Now through September 8, 2009. st soul, and share her deepest feelings in her songs. As she TURANDOT – Sunday, May 31 at Marvin & Jim Porcella as they salute Guy’s large photographs reveal the casually confers, “I have no choice. It’s what I do.” In- 3:00 PM. This is Puccini’s final mas- Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, the Rat decay and detritus of colonialism in deed, it is what P!nk does. And, her 23 million in album terpiece—the story of an icy Chinese Pack, Bobby Darin and others. For tick- Western and South Africa on a scale princess whose suitors must answer both monumental and slight. For more sales, two Grammy Awards, five MTV Video Music Awards, ets call at: 617-633-5100. three riddles to win her hand. JUMP ‘N’ JIVE REVIEW – Friday, information, call: 617-496-1027 or and eight top 10 hit singles are proof that the tattooed THE FLANDERS RECORDER August 14th at 8:00 PM. Dance to visit: www.peabody.harvard.edu. lady with the heart of a pussycat does what she does QUARTET – The Amorous Flute – Rico Barr and New England’s pre- th well. Very well. But, with her fifth studio album, Funhouse Sunday, June 14 at 12:30 PM. In the miere dance band as they pay tribute INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY 16th century, recorders were often ART P!nk gets even more personal, more exposed, and more to the Rat Pack, Louis Prima, Tony praised as being divine instruments. Bennett, Harry Connick, Jr and 100 Northern Ave., Boston, MA revealing. Coming to Boston check out Music section The remarkable Flanders Recorder others. Tickets are now on sale so DAMIAN ORTEGA – Now through for more details. travel the world with more than 150 call Paul at: 617-633-5100. Come September 7, 2009. Damian is one of instruments in tow. Come and enjoy the leading Mexican artists that draws winner Rachel York leads the parade and enjoy this evening of music and this remarkable afternoon of music. dancing. on his former experience as a politi- THEATER as Dolly to “Make the music weave a AN EVENING OF CHAMBER OP- cal cartoonist to bring humor and spell, and whirl away your worry!” ERA – Saturday, June 13th at 8:00 PM. animation to the sculptural form. For MAME - July 16-25, 2009. Film and BOSTON COLLEGE SHUBERT THEATER Two operas will be presented—John 140 Commonwealth Avenue more info call 617-478-3100 or visit TV star — and former Miss America — Blow’s Venus and Adonis; and Marc- www.icaboston.org. 265 Tremont Street, Boston, MA Lee Meriwether stars as the irrepress- Chestnut Hill, MA JERSEY BOYS – July 23-August 30, Antoine Charpentier: Acteon. They THE BOOK AS ART: Artists’ ible Mame, who reminds us that “We portray the fates of two unfortunate 2009. JERSEY BOYS, winner of the need a little snappy, happy ever af- Books from the National Museum 2006 Grammy® Award for Best Musi- hunters who encounter powerful fe- of Women in the Arts – Now through DANCE ter!” male deities. Come and be entranced. cal Show Album, features hit songs LA CAGE AUX FOLLES - August May 31, 2009. This is a landmark ex- “Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” “Rag BEETHOVEN IN BERLIN – Friday, hibition that is perceived nationally FIRST CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL 13-22, 2009. Based on the same play th June 12 at 5:00 PM. The music pre- Mason & Garden Streets, Doll,” “Oh What a Night” and “Can’t as the hit movie “The Birdcage”, origi- and internationally as one of the most sentation will be Sonatas for Violon- Cambridge, MA Take My Eyes Off You.” “IT WILL RUN nal Broadway cast members Engel and outstanding collections of this inter- cello, Opus 5 with Kristian RENAISSANCE DANCE FOR FOR CENTURIES!” proclaims Time Ross will have you rolling in the aisles, disciplinary art medium in the world. Bezuidenhout on fortepiano and EVERYONE – Third Friday evening Magazine. For more information call and feeling like “The best of times is For more information call: 617-552- Pieter Wispelwey on cello For tickets each month at 7:30 PM; No partner 617-482-9393. For tickets you may now!” For tickets call 781-891-5600 8100 or visit: www.bc.edu/arts. and more information, please call: or experience is needed. For further log onto www.telecharge.com or call or log onto www.reagleplayers.org. 1-800-432-7250. 617-868-BEMF or visit: www.bemf.org. HARVARD SQUARE information, please call: 617-661-3353 Holyoke Street, Cambridge, MA or www.renaissonics.com. SAUGUS CHILDREN'S THEATRE TD BANKNORTH GARDEN THE COLONIAL THEATRE 466 Central St., Saugus, MA. GREATER BOSTON’S BASTILLE Causeway Street, Boston, MA th HOFFA’S 106 Boylston Street, Boston, MA CAPE COD MELODY TENT'S KA- DAY – Sunday, July 12 from 3:00 PM P!NK – Friday, October 2, 2009 at 114 Mount Auburn Street, SPRING AWAKENING – Now LEIDOSCOPE CHILDREN'S THE- until 1:00 AM. This celebration is free 8:00 PM. “This is my most vulnerable Cambridge, MA through May 24, 2009. This new mu- ATRE PRODUCTION OF SLEEPING and open to the public. This 10 Hour album to date,” says P!nk, 29, who HAVANA SATURDAYS – Every sical is the groundbreaking fusion of BEAUTY - Sunday, June 21, 2009. block party features, shady sidewalk has no problem fessing up to the fact weekend starting at 9 PM is a house morality, sexuality and rock and roll The Saugus Children's Theatre is just beer and wine garden; quality food that the split from her husband, party where there will be begin- that has awakened Broadway like no minutes from the North Shore or Bos- and product vendors; live musical motocross star Carey Hart, earlier ner Salsa lessons, then an Upstairs other musical in years. This is a pow- ton. Coming soon, Aladdin, Beauty and entertainment by a DJ and dancing this year is the subject of some songs Dance party at 10 PM with live erful coming of age story, which deals the Beast and more!!! For info visit under twinkling lights. For informa- on Funhouse. Don’t miss her elec- music, and a late night menu until with mature themes, sexual situa- www.KaleidoscopeChildrensTheatre.com tion visit: www.harvardsquare.com or trifying performance. For tickets log closing. As much a social and cul- tions and contains strong language. All shows are at 2pm. For reservations www.sandrines.com. onto www.ticketmaster.com or 1-800- tural event as a dance party, Havana For tickets and times of the perfor- call 1-781-230-EXPO. There is a spe- 745-3000. Saturdays are a great way to party mances, call Ticketmaster at: 617- cial discount for 6 or more! COMEDY CONNECTION WILBUR 931-2787. THEATRE with friends and meet some really THE 246 Tremont Street, Boston, MA cool people. Call 617-354-5300 for THE FOOTHILLS THEATRE 265 Tremont Street, Boston, MA THE COMEDY CONNECTION AT more information or visit the webiste 100 Front Street, Worcester, MA MUSIC CARMEN – November 6th through THE WILBUR PRESENTS Joy at www.HavanaClubSalsa.com. YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE November 17, 2009. Carmen and Don BROWN – Now through June 7th, THE STANFORD CALDERWOOD Jose crash into each other with a 2009. This is a lively musical com- PAVILION BOSTON CENTER FOR passion that’s as much about will as edy for the entire family – come and THE ARTS it is about desire. This opera will be ITALIAN EVENTS & PROGRAMS enjoy it! For more information, tick- 527 Tremont Street, Boston, MA sung in French with French dialogue ets and times of the performances, THE CORONATION OF POPPEA – and projected English translation. ITALIAN RADIO acclaimed one man show “TUTTO please call: 508-754-4018 or log on to June 6, 7, 9, 10, 12 and 14, 2009. Tickets go on sale October 1, 2009. “The Sicilian Corner” 11:00 AM DANTE” inspired by Dante’s Divine www.foothillstheatre.com. This is Monteverdi’s final opera that ARIADNE AUF NAXOS – March 12, to 1:00 PM every Friday with host Tom Comedy. In his latest endeavor, the was first performed at the Teatro 2010 to March 23, 2010. An unseen Zappala and Mike Lomazzo and “The solo show Tutto Dante, BENIGNI EMERSON COLLEGE Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice in producer makes changes to an opera Italian Show” w/Nunzio DiMarca has swept audiences across Italy. Cutler Majestic Theatre 1642 and its theme is the abuse of just before the curtain rises. That’s every Sunday from 10AM to 1PM The show based on Dante’s Divine 219 Tremont Street, Boston, MA power, the strength of lust and the how the clowns get onstage. The com- www.1110wccmam.com Comedy begins with current events “MY MOTHER’S ITALIAN, MY triumph of love. For times tickets, poser is backstage tearing his hair out. “Italia Oggi”(Italy Today) Sundays including Benigni’s memoirs and FATHER’S JEWISH & I’M IN please call: 617-661-1812 or visit: This opera will be sung in German 1PM to 2 PM with host Andrea Urdi transforms from moments of pure THERAPY”- July 23 through August www.bemf.org. with projected English translation. 1460 AM www.1460WXBR.com comedy into a literary masterpiece in 3, 2009 at 7:30 PM and Saturdays at IDOMENEO RE DI CRETA – April “Dolce Vita Radio” DJ Rocco poetry of the Divine Comedy. To pur- 3PM and 7:30 PM and Sunday at 3PM. NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 23, 2010 through May 4, 2010. When Mesiti 11 AM-1 PM Sundays. 90.7 FM chase tickets call Ticketmaster at Steve’s Solomon’s one man show OF MUSIC, JORDAN HALL Idomeneo, King of Crete makes a or online www.djrocco.com 1-800-745-3000 or you may log onto is filled with hilarious stories about 30 Gainsborough St., Boston MA promise to Neptune, god of the sea, “The Nick Franciosa Show” - www.ticketmaster.com. his wacky family and the crazy char- PATTI LABELLE IN SINGING he soon realizes the terrible price it Every Sunday at 12 Noon to 3:00 PM acters he meets on the road whose FOR A CURE™ - June 20, 2009 7PM- will exact, vows and hearts are bro- on radio stations WLYN 1360 AM and RASSEGNA DELLA NUOVA sole purpose is to drive him into 10PM. Singing for a Cure™ begins ken. Longing pours into arias and WAZN 1470 AM. COMMEDIA ITALIANA therapy ... and they have succeeded. with two very special performances. ensembles as only Mozart writes them. “Guido Oliva Italian Hour” 8:00 Presented by Il Comites e la Steve creates voices, dialects and The night begins with Boston’s Rock This opera will be sung in Italian with AM - 9:00 AM every Sunday on WSRO Federazione delle Associazioni In sound effects which make the stories & Roll royalty, Ernie & the Automat- projected English translation. For 650AM Framingham and online at collaborazione con il Consolato and jokes come. For tickets call ics, led by car czar-by-day/rocker-by- more information, call: 617-542-6772 www.wsro.com. Generale d’Italia in Boston. Italian Telecharge: 1-800/233-3123 or log night, Ernie Boch Jr. The six current or visit: www.blo.org. films: NATALE a MIAMI, Friday, May onto www.maj.org. members of the band have sold a com- BERKLEE PERFORMANCE CENTER 22, 2009 at JUVENTUS CLUB, 270 bined 30 million records worldwide KING’S CHAPEL 136 Mass Ave., Boston, MA Broadway, Revere - FICARRA & REAGLE PLAYERS and boast two former original mem- 58 Tremont Street, Boston, MA ROBERTO BENIGNI IN “TUTTO PICONE il 7 e l’8. Tuesday, May 26, 617 Lexington St. Waltham, MA bers of the multi-platinum selling MAY 2009 MID-DAY RECITALS DANTE” - June 6, 2009 at 8:00 PM. 2009 at 7:30 PM at The COMITES, HELLO DOLLY - June 18-26, 2009. band Boston, Barry Goudreau on gui- – Tuesday, May 26th at 12:15 PM – In his first U.S. tour, Roberto Benigni 11 Tileston Street, Boston - Broadway star and Drama Desk Award tar and Sib Hashian on drums. Sing- works of Bach, Telemann and will perform the internationally MANUALE D’AMORE. Page 12 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009

Recipes from the Homeland by Vita Orlando Sinopoli

Sleepy heads! A survey found that the been re- COPYRIGHT, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED French spend more time sleeping and eat- cently inun- POLLO SPEZZATO ALLA SICILIANA ing than do people in any other developed dated by hik- nation. The average Frenchman sleeps ers wearing Cut-up Chicken-Sicilian Style nine hours a day, and whiles away two hours nothing but A three-pound cut-up chicken a day over his meals. socks and 1/4 cup olive oil Carlo Scostumato claims man is the only boots, most of them from neighboring 1 large onion cut in quarters animal that goes to sleep when he’s not Germany, whose national culture en- 5 cloves garlic sleepy, and gets up when he is. courages public nudity as healthy and free- 3 carrots — cut into two-inch pieces Mother Superior Frances Fitzgerald, says, ing. The Appenzell government, though, said 2 medium potatoes — cut in quarters the man who has no secrets from his wife that most residents find the swarms of 1 large green pepper — cut lengthwise into two-inch wedges* probably talks in his sleep. nude hikers “thoroughly disturbing and 2 tablespoons wine or cider vinegar* Citrulo! Italian Prime Minister Silvio irritating.” 1 tablespoon dried oregano Berlusconi and his wife, former actress Let’s not criticize the nudists — remem- 1 fresh tomato chopped (optional) Veronica Lario, traded insults through the ber, they were born that way. 1 cup green peas (canned or frozen) media as their 19-year marriage disinte- Steven Sebestyen claims, one of the few 1 cup mushrooms (optional) grated in full public view. “I can’t stay with good things you can say about home is that 1 cup water someone who cavorts with minors,” said you can always go there without making a Salt Lario, 52, referring to Silvio’s appearance reservation. *Two or three slices of prepared vinegar peppers can be at a girl’s 18th birthday party, at which he Steven’s attractive and astute wife used in place of fresh green pepper slices, wine and/or cider gave the girl an expensive necklace. “My Theresa, thinks there would be far fewer vinegar. marriage is over.” Berlusconi, 72 and a divorces if more people felt at home at Heat oil in a saucepan and slightly brown chicken portions notorious womanizer, insisted that the girl home. in the pan. Add onion and chopped garlic cloves to sauce- was simply the daughter of a friend and Huh? In the classroom, gum chewing is pan and simmer for a short time before adding chopped demanded that his wife apologize publicly. as frowned upon as passing notes and tomato (optional) and half a cup of water. Cover and continue Italian newspapers have been speculat- napping. Teachers hate the smacking, the simmering slowly until broth boils. Add carrots, potatoes, ing how much of Berlusconi’s $6.5 billion popping, the bubble blowing, and the in- oregano and additional water. Cover and cook slowly for media empire Lario will get in a divorce evitable disposal of the gum on the under- about fifteen minutes. Add prepared vinegar peppers or wine settlement. sides of desks. But researchers at Baylor or cider vinegar. Stir and add mushrooms and peas. Stir Back in the news! Former New York City College of Medicine say that kids have a and cook until chicken and vegetables are fork tender (about Mayor Rudy Giuliani skipped the wedding legitimate educational reason to chomp thirty to forty-five minutes, depending on size of chicken ceremony of his ex-roommates, two gay men their Bubble Yum in school. Their study pieces). Salt to taste. who put him up at their home during his found that kids who chewed had a 3 percent This recipe does not require a lot of broth but enough to divorce in 2001. “I danced at his wedding increase in scores on standardized tests, and serve some with the chicken and vegetables. Add additional with (his wife) Judith (Nathan), and it would significantly better math grades than non- water if needed. have been nice if he’d danced at mine,” said gum chewers. Chewing gum, study author Note: This recipe can also be prepared in a baking dish in Howard Koeppel, who married Mark Hsiao Dr. Craig Johnson tells the Los Angeles the oven, or on a grill. Each method of preparation allows for a in Connecticut. Giuliani, who is reportedly Times, appears to improve concentration different flavor. When I prepare this, I remember when my considering running for New York governor, through an unknown mechanism. “There maternal grandmother cooked this dish on our outdoor fire- recently denounced a proposal to legalize gay is research showing an increase in blood place in Wilmington. I walked with her around the area, pick- marriage in that state. “He’s a Republican,” flow in the brain during chewing,” he says. ing up small broken limbs and adding them to the fire. She Koeppel, “and he’s taking a Republican Robyn Waters of Swampscott thinks the told me that this made her feel like she was back in Salemi, stand.” advantage of bubble gum is that children Italy. During the harvesting days she accompanied her hus- The Vatican tried to block the new Da Vinci can’t ask questions while chewing it. band to “la mucarta” (a lot of land a distance from their home Code sequel, Angels & Demons, from film- Hairy situation! Gee, women with exces- where they planted and harvested their vegetables for the year). ing in Italy, said Ron Howard, the film’s sive body hair don’t just have a cosmetic At “la mucarta,” she prepared their meals on the outdoor director. Howard said he met resistance problem — they may have a health problem. fireplace. in trying to shoot several scenes near A Royal College of Obstetricians and Gyne- Catholic churches, and “it was explained cologists report says that from 5 percent to to us that through back channels that 15 percent of women have abnormal hair Vita can be reached at [email protected] the Vatican had exerted some influence.” growth on their face and other body parts, The church, which denounced Da Vinci as and that for many of them, it’s a symptom • Making of a Boston Politician (Continued from Page 2) false and defamatory, said Howard was sim- of a hormonal disorder. In 70 percent to ply trying to drum up publicity for the new 80 percent of those cases, the report says, me first. This was where I ally running for office. I’ve film. the excess hair is due to a condition called ended my campaign trail for done it a few times my- Speaking of churches, the astute Lisa polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS. Left the day but Andrew self and have first hand Cappuccio of East Boston, says, “You can untreated, PCOS causes hormone imbal- Kenneally was far from fin- experience. You are on the never tell what church a man goes to by the ances and can lead to infertility and even- ished. He still had the SoWa go from dawn to dusk, sleep way he acts on weekdays.” tually to bigger health problems, such as Flea Market over on when you can and con- Sweet news! Sweetened drinks make diabetes. Other causes of excess body hair Harrison Avenue in the stantly seeing support, sig- you fat! All sugars aren’t the same. New include thyroid disorders and tumors. “Of- South End before finishing natures and success. End- research finds that drinks sweetened with ten women have spent many years trying the day off with collecting lessly saying, “Hi, I’m high-fructose corn syrup raise cholesterol to cope with their hirsutism before they more signatures at yet an- Andrew Kenneally. I’m run- levels and triglycerides and make people fat. seek professional help.” Dr. Rebecca other supermarket. This ning for City Council at Researchers at the University of California, Swingler tells BBCnews.com. “If they notice time Stop and Shop in Large. I’d like your support. suggest not to let kids consume large quan- a change in the pattern of hair growth or Southie. Over and over again, I say, tities of sweetened soda, fruit juice, and they notice having to wax more often, then Running for office is actu- over and over again! other beverages. they should seek help.” Often, she says, Freelance comedy writers can expect to women with hirsutism can be easily treated 1st Generation earn $75 to $100 for every joke they sell to with hormone therapy, such as taking birth late-night talk show hosts David Letterman control pills. “It’s always worth getting it Italian-American or Jay Leno. investigated,” she says. Tom Analetto of Medford, asks, “Did you Start packing! TourCrafters’ 12-day vaca- Vita Orlando Sinopoli hear Erica is marrying her x-ray special- tion to Italy for a family of four starts at ist? Well, she’s lucky. Nobody else could ever $2,559. Includes rental car, four days in Shares with us see anything in her.” Florence, and seven days in the Tuscan a delightful recollection Joey Antonelli of Somerville, “My girl’s countryside. Offer runs July 13-August 31. of her memories as a child name is Rose-she has a name like a flower Contact: Tourcrafters.com. and a face like a weed.” Some lively show business reminiscing growing up in Joe Ferrino asked his neighbor, “Your with the great musicologist Albert Natale. Boston’s “Little Italy” cousin is quite a football player, isn’t he?” There was only one invited guest in the His neighbor replied, “Yes, they nicknamed audience for the final TV broadcast of Jack and a collection of him Judge, because he was always on the Paar’s prime-time “The Jack Paar Show” in Italian family recipes bench.” 1965. Jack’s dog. Bandleader Kay Kyser Bella Culo of Chestnut Hill was asked, “So formed his first band in 1926. His “Kollege from the homeland. you never let a man kiss you good night?” of Musical Knowledge” began in 1934. He Bella Culo replied, “No, by the time he leaves married singer Georgia Carroll. His theme Great as Gifts me it’s always morning.” song was “Thinking Of You.” Bobby Vinton Not in Boston! Some popular Manhattan may have had a #1 hit with his version of Available thru the web at WWW. FROM MY BAKERY PERCH or order an autographed copy from restaurants are making up for a downturn “There I’ve Said It Again” in 1963, but he Vita Orlando Sinopoli, P.O. Box 906, Wilmington, MA 01887 in business by sneakily charging diners for barely outdid Vaughn Monroe with the Hardcover: $25.00 Softcover: $20.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling bread, the butter to go with it, tap water, tune. Vaughn’s version in 1945 sold over and ice in drinks. two and a half-million records. Versatile Swiss voters in the Alpine state of entertainer Ann Margaret was a runner- Appenzell have outlawed the practice of up at age sixteen on Ted Mack’s Original WWW.BOSTONPOSTGAZETTE.COM hiking in the nude. The tiny state had Amateur Hour. POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009 Page 13

• The Socially Set (Continued from Page 7)

This is the time of year uncles would go to the cor- Zi’Antonio. Whenever he when the old timers began ner store and buy a gallon of was low on wine, Babbo- to move. Let me qualify “lavandina,” a gallon jug of nonno would ask one of his this by adding, move to the bleach. It was normally used sons or my father to drive cellar. Before the days when to wash the front steps of him to his brother-in-law’s everyone had an air condi- the house. A phenomenon house to replenish his wine Michael Rotenberg and his tioner, most 3 deckers could that usually occurred on supply. My father or uncles wife, “Literary Lights” Larry DiCara and “Literary get rather uncomfortable Saturday mornings. Because would have to check their committee member Karen Lights” committee mem- beginning in May. To live of the dirt and dust accumu- work schedules as these Rotenberg. ber Teresa Spillane. more comfortably, kitchen lated in the cellar during the were considered visits. This (Photo by (Photo by setups were common in winter mainly due to coal meant that my great aunt, Roger Farrington) Roger Farrington) the cellars. As an example, dust, the place would be Zi’Mariuccia, would put out Kate McGarrigle. modern Cajun music. beginning at this time of scrubbed clean come the cheese, cold cuts and bread July 15 – King Sunny Adé Tickets may be purchased the year, Nanna and Babbo- middle of May. to accompany the samples and his African Beats: The online, by phone, or at the nonno would clean up a part On warm spring after- of wine that Zi’Antonio legendary and undisputed MFA. For more information of the cellar that was clos- noons, Nanna could be would place on the table. If king of Nigerian Juju music. call 617-369-3306 or visit est to the back cellar door found cooking Babbononno’s Nanna and my mother were July 22 – Grupo Fantasma: www.mfa.org. and the backyard. There was dinner in the cellar. If the part of the wine purchasing Hailed as the funkiest, fin- All tickets are general ad- a stove, refrigerator or ice- weather wasn’t perfect, we party, my great aunt would est, and hardest-working mission seating. General box, tables and chairs and would eat in the cellar. If we put on a pot of coffee and Latin orchestra to come from admission concert tickets storage spaces for canned could sit outside, we dined al serve it with home-made the United States in the last can be upgraded for al fresco and jarred vegetables that fresco. Another kitchen Italian cookies. decade. dining on the Bravo balcony Nanna would have preserved table and set of odd chairs On a warm afternoon in July 29 – Alex Cuba: Sug- for an additional fee. over the winter. were located on the patio May, Babbononno would arcane-sweet melodies, pop- The Calderwood Courtyard Never people who wasted area of the backyard. These come home from work, take soul hooks, and rock chords opens at 6 p.m. Courtyard anything, my grandparents mismatched pieces of furni- a bath, shave and then subvert commonly held no- seating is limited; low lawn put their summer kitchen ture like the tables and head to the cellar with the tions of what Cuban music chairs and/or blankets are together with equipment chairs that preceded and Boston Post, La Gazetta, (Post- is. recommended. Alcoholic that had once graced the followed them were never Gazette) and Il Progresso. He Aug 5 – The Holmes Broth- beverages may be purchased kitchen area on the floor discarded. When asked, would read over the latest ers & Naomi Shelton and the in the Courtyard; state law they lived on. For instance, Nanna used an old Yankee news with his before-dinner Gospel Queens: Reinventing prohibits the possession or the icebox was replaced by a cliché to identify the situa- glass of wine. When it was the way music is performed, consumption of alcohol pur- Frigidaire refrigerator some- tion, “Waste not, want not.” time to eat, Nanna and my from rock to gospel. chased outside of the MFA. time in the 1930s, but not On his way home from mother would set up the Aug 12 – Kaki King: New All bags are subject to in- discarded. Babbononno and work, Babbononno often table in the backyard and York based musician spection by Museum staff. my uncles carried the old stopped by the pushcart ar- when everyone was sitting, evolved from an acoustic in- All concerts are wheelchair ice box down to the cellar eas in the North End or East they would serve the various strumentalist to a full- accessible. and it was used to chill wine Boston and buy fresh fruit for courses for the main meal fledged, songwriter and vo- Enjoy! and keep perishables from dessert. A little known fact of the day. More often than calist. (Be sure to visit Hilda going bad. Blocks of ice were about Italians is that, they not, my uncles and my fa- Aug 19 – Buika: Unique Morrill’s gardening Web site, added on a weekly basis by usually didn’t eat pastry for ther would have to leave for blend of flamenco, jazz, soul, www.bostongardens.com. the companies that sold coal dessert, most often it was work not long after dinner. and blues; called “luminous In addition to events covered to homeowners during the fresh fruit, unshelled nuts, They were musicians, and ... magnificent ... superb!” and reported by the columnist, winter. Cards were placed and something to wash them in those days before disc Aug 26 – Steve Riley and “The Socially Set” is compiled in livingroom windows down with like an after din- jockeys, worked six nights a the Mamou Playboys: Re- from various other sources with the name of the coal ner drink. Coffee and des- week. This left Nanna, my spect for tradition combined such as news and press re- company in the middle and sert might be served later in mother, Babbononno and me with a forward-looking vi- leases, PRNewswire services, a word written on each of the evening. sitting around the table as sion, setting the standard for etc.) the four edges, ice, coal, I remember Uncle Nick the sun started to set. oil, kerosene. The word that once asked Babbononno if Babbononno would have that was on top of the card was he would like a glass of water after-dinner extra glass of what the tenant wanted with his dinner. My grand- wine and converse with the • Fulfilling A Mother’s Wish (Continued from Page 9) and the deliveries were father looked at his middle rest of us. the French officer wrapped Soisson and how I misplaced made accordingly. son with a puzzled expres- As often happened, a his arms around me and the name and address of The cellar table and sion on his face and said, paesano or two might drop began to move me away the French officer who chairs, as well as the stove, “Mi Figlio, ho sete, no sono by after dinner which gave from the grave. Perhaps he drove me to the cemetery. were once seen in the up- sporco.” (My son, I am Babbononno a reason to sensed I was tempted to Through the years, I have stairs kitchen. At some thirsty, not dirty.) With that have another glass of wine knock down all of the white been tempted to send some point they were replaced by Babbononno reached for the or share a cup of espresso crosses. As we walked away, copies of the photo he took more modern conveniences, bottle that contained the with his friend. During the I paused, turned around of me by the grave to French but like the icebox, never latest sample of homemade next hour or two, my grand- and began to shout, “See newspapers, hoping he thrown out. Coming from red wine and poured some of father and his friend would you later guys!” My eyes would see the photo and humble beginnings, the old the crimson liquid in the straighten out the world’s filled with tears, I cried contact me. timers never threw any- closest glass. Oh, by the way problems, Italian style. No unashamedly. Richard F. Aylward, who thing out, regardless of what the dishes, glasses and one ever stayed beyond The young French officer was 21 years old, was killed it was. Today we call this eating utensils used in the 9:00 p.m. Everyone had to get brought me back to the in action on December 2, concept recycling. In those cellar kitchen were also up early for work the next small house in the village, 1944. Yes, he was my buddy. bygone days, there was no recycled from the upstairs day. poured me a glass of cognac As I sit here writing, I see word for it, but it made sense kitchen. They, too, had seen Weekends were the great- and urged me to drink it. myself walking slowly to keep things that were still better days, but were never est. A Sunday family dinner Talking with another between the rows of white usable. discarded. in the downstairs kitchen or officer, it was decided I crosses and begin to won- Well, Nanna and Babbo- By the time I came in the backyard was an all- should be driven back to der how I managed to nonno would begin their along, Babbononno had day affair with extended fam- Paris. Returning to Paris, survive the war. Well, rest cleanup of the kitchen part stopped making his own ily coming and going during I checked-in at a hotel in peace dear brothers. You of the cellar starting in May. wine. Instead, he would buy the day and early evening. reserved for GI’s and after are not forgotten. For the first few days after his supply from his favorite We kids played in the back taking a hot bath, I crawled Staff Sergeant Richard the cleanup, the cellar win- winemaker, Nanna’s oldest yard and Babbononno and into bed and immediately fell F. Aylward lies in peace dows would remain open due brother and Babbononno’s Nanna would entertain. asleep. among 5,255 of our mili- to the smell of bleach. At a best friend, his brother-in- Wow! What a way to live! Back in Munich, I had tary dead at the Epinal point in time, I or one of my law, whom we all called, GOD BLESS AMERICA the roll of film developed American Cemetery and and mailed the photos to Memorial, situated on a Aylward’s mother. Weeks plateau in the foothills of — FOR YOU WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST — ST. JUDE AND ST. ANTHONY NOVENA passed and then a letter the Vosges Mountains in THE May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved arrived from her thank- Vosges, France. On the throughout the world now and for- ing me for visiting her be- morning of May 12, 1958, ever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for loved son’s grave and urging the permanent American Johnny Christy us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, me to visit her and her fam- Cemetery was established. pray for us. St. Anthony, most loving ily when I returned home. Plot B, Row 5, Grave 13 is protector and wonder worker, pray Returning home, I went to where Richard F. Aylward Orchestra forus.Saythisprayer9timesaday and by the 8th day your prayer will be visit the Aylwards and tears now lies in peace. Hail and answered. It has never been known to began to flow. I was con- farewell, dear brother. fail. Publication must be promised. MUSIC FOR ALL My prayers have been answered. tinuously hugged and kissed Richard F. Aylward was a Favor received. P.G. OCCASIONS 781-648-5678 A.T.P. by the family. I did recount native of Orient Heights, East how I found my way to Boston. Page 14 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009

The time has come, the walrus said, • News Briefs (Continued from Page 1) Israel Mad About Swine Flu which is probably the only TO TALK OF MANY THINGS The Swine Flu should be alternative name for it. of shoes and ships and sealing wax of cabbages and kings renamed the “Mexican Flu” J. Pace & Sons Go Seaport by Sal Giarratani according to Israeli Deputy J. Pace & Sons Italian spe- THE WEST END MUSEUM Boston, Chelsea and Everett. Activists met Health Minister Yakov cialty food store on Cross The West End Museum is one of Boston’s at Central Square in Eastie before march- Litzman. The reference to Street in the North End will only true neighborhood museums. It was es- ing up Meridian Street to the bridge to pigs is offensive to BOTH be opening up a new store tablished by residents of the ‘Old West End’ Chelsea where the march stopped at Chelsea Jews and Muslims said over in the Seaport District as a tribute to the neighborhood’s prominent City Hall before ending at Glendale Park in Litzman, “We should be call- later this month. This new past. “The Last Tenement” exhibition, origi- Everett where the main topic of discussion ing this Mexican Flu and not place will be located at 225 nally set up at the Old State House by the was immigrant rights. high- swine flu.” Two Israelis just Northern Avenue, the com- Bostonian Society through a grant by the lighted the march on May 2nd with a large back from Mexico have been pany’s fifth store. Said owner, National Endowment for the Humanities, is photo and news story on the May Day events. hospitalized with what may Joe Pace, “There is nothing permanently housed at its location at 150 The headline announced that hundreds be the Swine Flu. In Mexico, in this neighborhood if Staniford Street, Suite 7. The exhibit docu- marched for immigrant rights. A very posi- 149 people have died so far somebody needs an extra roll ments the history of the West End during tive story for a minor news event. Last month and the virus has nothing to of toilet paper, sopressata, the immigrant era of 1880 to 1958. when thousands across the country were do with being Mexican and cheese or extra virgin olive The museum is also the current home of marching and protesting higher taxes and could stigmatize Mexicans. oil. We have all that.” the West End Community Collaborative, giant bailouts costing trillions in debt, the The current flu strain is With a seating capacity for which is comprised of the West End Com- Globe hardly noticed that movement calling thought to have originated 58 inside and 100 outside, it munity Center, The West End Civic Asso- it like many other media outlets across the in Mexico, but it could hap- will be open for breakfast, ciation and The West End Senior Center. country, nothing more than right-wing in- pen anywhere. If the virus lunch and dinner. Thirty- Under the auspices of the West End Mu- spired protests with a GOP slant. Thousands moved over the border to five cold sandwiches, 30 hot seum, the collaborative members are marched and the story was mar-ginalized. New Mexico, would it be- sandwiches and if you like granted an opportunity to grow and develop Wasn’t news for the liberal news media. come the New Mexican Flu? chicken, broccoli and ziti without the financial burden of most start- When the Boston Globe finally got around The whole thing is so silly they have it. This place up businesses. The collaborative provides to recognizing those nationwide “Tea Par- since Swine Flu just sounds should be a big hit over at needed social services and quality program- ties” on April 16th, it did so with an AP story better than calling it Pig Flu the waterfront. ming, as well as a central location for neigh- out of Kentucky. Boston had its own “Tea borhood activity. Party” but the Boston Globe allowed an AP • Notre Dame/Obama Protests (Continued from Page 1) The West End Museum will continue to story out of Kentucky. Boston had its own fake. He’s a Manchurian choice. You can protest his establish itself as it secures funding. Fu- “Tea Party,” but the Boston Globe allowed an candidate. You name it. If it’s policies all you want. That’s ture exhibits and programming will focus AP reporter from out of state to provide cov- about Obama, and it’s bad, what I do in this column on the rich history of the West End, from its erage of this major event on Tax Day, they believe it. And the worse most of the time. But he is early days of servicing the maritime indus- April 15. Talk about bias. A couple hundred it is, the more convinced the president, and he’s going try, through the technological innovations leftists marched all the way from East Bos- they are. And if you don’t be- to be invited to speak all over of the 1800’s in medicine, manufacturing ton to Everett, I’m surprised the Globe didn’t and transportation. front page this make believe news. Many lieve it — any of it — you’re the place, all the time. And MAY DAY PROTEST MOVES TO EASTIE are asking why the Boston Globe had two obviously trying to turn the he should speak. It’s part of The Boston May Day Coalition (BMDC), a standards. One for liberal marches and one Republican Party into a his job. group of leftist organizations, including the for conservative marches. A march is a bunch of wimps. If conservatives are going Service Employees International Union can- march. When newspapers allow ideological The other strain of thought to act like the victims of celled its annual rally and march to the Bos- bias to interfere with its news coverage, here is the “Abortion is Dif- some moral atrocity every ton Common this year and instead partici- these newspapers have forgotten what they ferent” strain. Those in this time someone gives the pated in a regional rally and march in East are and why they’re here. crowd believe that because president time at the po- abortion is such a grievous dium, no one will take them • Saint Rita Devotion (Continued from Page 5) evil — which I agree it is, by seriously, and no one should. implanted into Rita’s fore- at times giving off a sweet solemnly canonized on the the way — that no action As far as I’m concerned, the head. It left a deep wound fragrance. Much of her body 24th of May 1900. taken in protest of it can ever president is welcome to which did not heal and is still incorrupt, including This year, the liturgical go too far. No one who sup- speak at my conservative caused her much suffering. her forehead where one can feast will be marked at Sa- ports abortion rights should evangelical church any time In 1453, Rita developed a se- see the wound. Today it is in cred Heart Italian Church ever be allowed to speak. No — and I suspect the church vere illness that confined a sealed glass coffin in a with a solemn High Mass on woman seeking an abortion leaders would concur. He her to bed for the rest of her church of St. Augustine in Sunday, May 24th. at 9:00 AM. should escape being assailed would not likely find agree- life. She died on May 22, Cascia, Italy, where pilgrims The feast will be preceded by on the streets by protesters ment with much of what he 1457 at the age of 76. People come to pray and ask for a a triduum of prayers and re- and “counselors.” None of says, but rather than have a flocked to the convent to pay miracle. Legend has it that flections on May 21, 22 and this persuades anyone, of conniption fit over his pres- their respects. Innumerable during her illness, Rita de- 23. During these 3 days the course, but the goal is not to ence, I’d like to think we miracles took place through sired a rose and one was devotion will begin at 6:00 PM persuade or change hearts. would greet him warmly and her intercession and found blooming outside her with the prayer of the Holy It’s to satisfy the anti-abor- respectfully, then work to devotion spread far and wide. window in the depths of win- Rosary, followed by Vespers tion person’s own sense of make the case to as many Her body was preserved in- ter. Thus, the significance of and supplication to Saint moral uprightness. The baby people as we can that our vi- corrupt for several centuries, the rose in Rita’s life. She was Rita. will still be aborted, but you sion is the better one. really protested a lot, so aren’t That’s how grownups act. • Mayor’s Column (Continued from Page 1) you awesome! We could use a little more of ing our youngest children for We’ve learned a lot in a housing enrolled in a com- Barack Obama is the Presi- that within the ranks of con- academic success. The year’s time since launching prehensive set of services dent of the United States. servatism these days. Thrive in 5 initiative is a the program in March 2008, for family stabilization and The voters made the choice © 2009 North Star Writers citywide commitment to uni- and this week I joined the school readiness through and a truly patriotic Ameri- Group. May not be republished versal school readiness, Thrive in 5 leadership coun- our Smart from the Start can would respect that without permission. driven by the science and cil and Mike Durkin of program. In the same period, • East Boston Adult Ed (Continued from Page 3) economics of early child- United Way to receive a one 62 early education and care hood, as well as Boston’s year progress report. This providers became accred- Mr. George Macomber. His underprivileged, the legal shared priority to prevent report tracks the ground ited, and an additional 140 wife, Mrs. Ann Macomber, immigrants and Americans the academic achievement we’ve covered in one year, Boston providers are in the who speaks some Spanish, from every walk of life”, gap and ensure equal oppor- but more importantly, it process of becoming accred- stated: “America is the land stated Dominic Avellani, tunity for all our children. We shows the challenges ahead ited. All told, nearly 750 com- of opportunity and it is a the school Founder and Di- will transform the way we and sets a plan to achieve munity partners have played pleasure to see so many of rector. “The Macomber Fam- support young children and our goals. The report in- an instrumental role in you obtain your GED, learn ily Classroom is the reflec- their families through bet- cludes key indicators that reaching families. Through English, become U.S. Citi- tion of the George Macomber ter coordination of existing Thrive in 5 will track and these networks, we’ve pro- zens, go to college, and more. ideals full of legal immi- services and the creation of report on annually to dem- vided 7,500 children and Today an education is not a grants and American school new and stronger resources onstrate progress toward caregivers with important luxury, but an essential. We drop outs whose goal is to im- where necessary. universal school readiness. child development guides in are all proud of your accom- prove themselves and be- Thrive in 5 is based on a The results of the report eight languages. plishments …” come better Americans.” simple equation. Ready show positive signs in some Our progress is reassur- “The George Macomber Mr. and Mrs. Macomber Families + Ready Educators areas and shortcomings in ing, but there’s more work Family Foundation and congratulated all of the + Ready Systems + Ready others. For example, 95% of to be done. As parents, we other Foundations have graduates with a diploma, a City = Children Ready for early childhood educators have the privilege of being made our Center what it is school pen, a yearbook, and Sustained School Success. communicate directly with our children’s first teachers, today. A school that serves a handshake. Years ago, the Our mission is to ensure parents of children in their and as a community we have over 300 adults and youths school gave Mr. Macomber that every child in Boston programs at least once a a responsibility to come to- per week and over 3,000 a school T-shirt which he by age 5 will be ready to suc- week, but fewer than 40% of gether to create a strong per year,” stated, teacher proudly wore at this special ceed in school, an essential the early education seats in foundation for their educa- Renato Avellani. occasion. The East Boston foundation for success in Boston are in nationally ac- tion starting at birth. Just “Here everyone is treated Adult Education Center, the life. Nurturing early child- credited programs. like graduating from college equal and is given an op- students, the staff and the hood development is a high Still, we’ve made notable isn’t the end of a person’s portunity to improve him- administration are thank- priority in our program- progress in certain areas education, starting kinder- self/herself through a good ful to the George Macomber ming, policy, and resource during Thrive in 5’s initial garten isn’t the beginning. education. family and invite anyone to development, and Thrive year, and I’m encouraged by Thrive in 5’s progress is a The Macomber Construc- visit the Center anytime in 5 establishes a perma- these steps. For example, great step toward ensuring tion Company has built at 119 London Street, East nent commitment to this 160 families, with 300 chil- all of our children reach many Boston Area buildings Boston, MA, telephone num- objective. dren, living in subsidized their potential. and has always hired the ber is 617-567-7873. BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009 Page 15

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court The Trial Court EXTRA Innings Probate and Family Court Department Probate and Family Court Department by Sal Giarratani MIDDLESEX Division MIDDLESEX Division Docket No. MI09D1693DR Docket No. MI09D1707DR Santana: Mets Superstar suspended 50 games does bers. During his years with DIVORCE SUMMONS BY DIVORCE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION PUBLICATION On May 6, Johan Santana call into question all he did the Indians, he batted .313 LUCIANO RAUL BARRAZA CORTES, ALINE FRANCA KHOURY, pitched another great game. in a Red Sox uniform. The and hit homers every 14.7 at Plaintiff Plaintiff This time against the argument always mentioned bats. With the Sox, he hit v. v. Phillies. Another dominant Rice, Manny and Jimmie .312 with homers every 14.4 CECILIA INES DeLAS MERCEDES SAMMY SUHAIL KHOURY, VALLE VASQUEZ, Defendant start, striking out ten in Fox. Rice said “I don’t think at bats. Finally, as in history Defendant To the above named Defendant: seven innings. The Mets anybody spent 15 years in … However, now he’s tied to To the above named Defendant: A Complaint has been presented to scratched out a 1-0 victory. the big leagues like I did … I Bonds, Clemens, A-Rod, A Complaint has been presented to this Court by the Plaintiff, ALINE FRANCA Santana is now 4-1 with a have to be in that category McGwire and Palmeiro, not this Court by the Plaintiff, LUCIANO RAUL KHOURY, seeking a DIVORCE. BARRAZA CORTES, seeking a DIVORCE. An automatic Restraining Order has been 0.91 ERA. with Ted Williams.” Hall of such a great group of base- An automatic Restraining Order has been entered in this matter preventing you from Bronson Not a Superstar Famer Jimmy Rice is right ball guys. entered in this matter preventing you from taking any action which would negatively Bronson Arroyo pitched and his clean career counts With the news on Manny, taking any action which would negatively impact the current financial status of either impact the current financial status of either party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- the worse game of this ca- big time. Look at all the it now means that seven of party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- bate Court Rule 411 for more information. reer giving up nine runs in records set during the Ste- the top ten homerun slug- bate Court Rule 411 for more information. You are required to serve upon Clarissa one inning. He gave up five roids Era. Said Rice, “We gers of the last 25 years have You are required to serve upon Luciano Bronson, Esq. - Attorney for Plaintiff - whose R. Barraza - Plaintiff - whose address is address is Harvard Legal Aid, 23 Everett runs in the first and four didn’t have any of that stuff. been soiled by allegations of 32 Crestview Drive, Malden, MA 02148 your Street, 1st Floor, Cambridge, MA 02138 your more to start the second. Left You went on your ability. We steroid use. Only Ken Griffey answer on or before June 22, 2009. If you answer on or before June 22, 2009. If you the second with no outs. He’s didn’t even have weights or Jr., with 613 homers, Jim fail to do so, the Court will proceed to the fail to do so, the Court will proceed to the hearing and the adjudication of this action. hearing and the adjudication of this action. a 4-2 with a 7.15 ERA to date. videos. We didn’t have Red Thome with 545 homers and You are also required to file a copy of your You are also required to file a copy of your Meanwhile, Pujols … Bull … You just had coffee. Frank Thomas with 521 answer in the Office of this Court at answer in the Office of this Court at Albert Pujols is whacking That was it … that’s what you homers seemed to have sur- CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE. Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First homeruns all over the place. did.” Rice hit 382 homeruns vived the Steroids Era clean. Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE, this Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE, this He’s up to 13 at the moment. and 1,451 RBI placing him in As Red Sox third baseman 11 day of May, 2009. 11 day of May, 2009. One of baseball’s most pro- third place in both depart- Mike Lowell said of Manny, Tara E. DeCristofaro Tara E. DeCristofaro Register of Probate Court Register of Probate Court lific homerun kings of base- ments in Red Sox history. “Another big name guy, I Run date: 5/22/09 Run date: 5/22/09 ball today. Mannywood think it’s just another black Manny, Make Room for Rice Positively Caught? eye for the game.” Who is the best right- Manny tested postive for a LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE handed slugger in Boston Red banned substance in base- LEGAL NOTICE Commonwealth of Massachusetts Sox history? The tag looked ball. Once reportedly during Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts The Trial Court The Trial Court like it belonged to Manny spring training and again Probate and Family Court Department The Trial Court Probate and Family Court Department Ramirez after his 7-plus sea- more recently, leading to his Probate and Family Court Department MIDDLESEX Division MIDDLESEX Division Docket No. MI09D1503DR sons here. But the news that 50 game suspension. A MIDDLESEX Division Docket No. MI09D1391DR Docket No. 253437 DIVORCE SUMMONS BY DIVORCE SUMMONS BY he tested positive for a closer look at his baseball PUBLICATION banned substance and got career shows great num- NOTICE OF FIDUCIARY’S ACCOUNT PUBLICATION To all persons interested in the estate MAMU WEBNEH, LORRAINE BAILEY EPPS, of Amelia T. Jones late of Newton, Massa- Plaintiff Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE chusetts in the County of Middlesex. v. v. You are hereby notified pursuant to TEMMIT HAGOS, RAYMOND EPPS, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Commonwealth of Massachusetts Mass. R. Civ. P. Rule 72 that the 1st and Defendant Defendant The Trial Court The Trial Court 2nd account(s) of US Trust Company, NA, To the above named Defendant: To the above named Defendant: Probate and Family Court Department Probate and Family Court Department Trustee, the 3rd account of State Street Bank A Complaint has been presented to this A Complaint has been presented to this MIDDLESEX Division MIDDLESEX Division and Trust Company as Trustee and the Court by the Plaintiff, MAMU WEBNEH, Court by the Plaintiff, LORRAINE BAILEY Docket No. MI09D1387DR Docket No. MI09D1321DR 4th account of Bank of America, NA, as seeking a DIVORCE. EPPS, seeking a DIVORCE. remaining Trustee - (the fiduciaries) under An Automatic Restraining Order has been DIVORCE SUMMONS BY DIVORCE SUMMONS BY the will of said deceased for the benefit of An Automatic Restraining Order has been PUBLICATION entered in this matter preventing you from entered in this matter preventing you from PUBLICATION Walter Ward Jones and others have been taking any action which would negatively taking any action which would negatively SUNGYUN KANG, ANNET NASSIWA, presented to said Court for allowance. impact the current financial status of either impact the current financial status of either Plaintiff Plaintiff If you desire to preserve your right to file party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- v. v. an objection to said account(s), you or your bate Court Rule 411 for more information. bate Court Rule 411 for more information. MI BOON HYUN, CHARLES L. LUTAAYA, attorney must file a written appearance in You are required to serve upon George You are required to serve upon Lorraine Defendant Defendant said Court at Cambridge on or before the E. Dlott, Esq. - Attorney for Plaintiff - whose 8th day of June, 2009 the return day of this Bailey Epps - plaintiff - whose address is To the above named Defendant: To the above named Defendant: address is 2 Neptune Road, #336, East citation. You may upon written request by 812 Memorial Drive, #1208, Cambridge, A Complaint has been presented to this A Complaint has been presented to this Boston, MA 02128, your answer on or before registered or certified mail to the fiduciaries MA 02139 your answer on or before July 6, Court by the Plaintiff, SUNGYUN KANG, Court by the Plaintiff, ANNET NASSIWA, June 18, 2009. If you fail to do so, the Court or to the attorney for the fiduciaries, obtain 2009. If you fail to do so, the Court will seeking a DIVORCE. seeking a DIVORCE. will proceed to the hearing and the adjudi- without cost a copy of said account(s). If you proceed to the hearing and the adjudica- An Automatic Restraining Order has been An Automatic Restraining Order has been cation of this action. You are also required to desire to object to any item of said account(s), tion of this action. You are also required to entered in this matter preventing you from entered in this matter preventing you from file a copy of your answer in the Office of this you must, in addition to filing a written file a copy of your answer in the office of this taking any action which would negatively taking any action which would negatively Court at CAMBRIDGE. appearance as aforesaid, file within thirty Court at CAMBRIDGE. impact the current financial status of either impact the current financial status of either Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First days after said return day or within such other Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE this time as the Court upon motion may order a Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE this bate Court Rule 411 for more information. bate Court Rule 411 for more information. 7 day of May, 2009. written statement of each such item together 28 day of April, 2009. You are required to serve upon Yeon Kim, You are required to serve upon John J. Tara E. DeCristofaro Tara E. DeCristofaro Esq. - attorney for plaintiff - whose address with the grounds for each objection thereto, Loscocco, Esq - attorney for plaintiff - whose a copy to be served upon the fiduciaries Register of Probate Court Register of Probate Court is 25 Burlington Mall Road, Suite 300, address is Barker, Epstein & Loscocco, Run date: 5/15/09 Burlington, MA 01803, your answer on or pursuant to Mass. R. Civ. P. Rule 5. Run dates: 5/15, 5/22, 5/29/09 10 Winthrop Square, Boston, MA 02110 Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First before July 6, 2009. If you fail to do so, the your answer on or before June 29, 2009. If Court will proceed to the hearing and the Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE this you fail to do so, the Court will proceed to 8th day of May, 2009. adjudication of this action. You are also the hearing and the adjudication of this LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE required to file a copy of your answer in the action. You are also required to file a copy Tara E. DeCristofaro Commonwealth of Massachusetts office of this Court at CAMBRIDGE. of your answer in the office of this Court at Register of Probate Court Commonwealth of Massachusetts Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First The Trial Court The Trial Court CAMBRIDGE. Run date: 5/22/09 Probate and Family Court Department Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE this Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First Probate and Family Court Department 28 day of April, 2009. MIDDLESEX Division MIDDLESEX Division Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE this Docket No. MI09D1523DR Docket No. MI09D1466DR Tara E. DeCristofaro 17 day of April, 2009. Register of Probate Court LEGAL NOTICE DIVORCE SUMMONS BY DIVORCE SUMMONS BY Tara E. DeCristofaro Run dates: 5/15, 5/22, 5/29/09 Register of Probate Court Commonwealth of Massachusetts PUBLICATION PUBLICATION Run dates: 5/8, 5/15, 5/22/09 The Trial Court ROSA MARIA D. DaSILVEIRA, CHARLES KODZO BOKOR, Probate and Family Court Department Plaintiff Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE MIDDLESEX Division v. v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Docket No. MI09D1320DR CHRISTOPHER B. SMITH, ROSHUNDRA TAMIKA JONES, LEGAL NOTICE DIVORCE SUMMONS BY Defendant The Trial Court Defendant Probate and Family Court Department PUBLICATION To the above named Defendant: To the above named Defendant: Commonwealth of Massachusetts MIDDLESEX Division RAHEL HAILU GOLLA AKA A Complaint has been presented to this A Complaint has been presented to this Docket No. 08D4203DV1 The Trial Court Court by the Plaintiff, ROSA MARIA D. Court by the Plaintiff, CHARLES KODZO Probate and Family Court RAHEL HAILU, DaSILVEIRA, seeking a DIVORCE. BOKOR, seeking a DIVORCE. DIVORCE SUMMONS BY Department Plaintiff An Automatic Restraining Order has been An Automatic Restraining Order has been PUBLICATION MIDDLESEX Division v. entered in this matter preventing you from entered in this matter preventing you from RENILDES MIRANDA, Docket No. MI09P1859GD GETACHEW TAYE AKA taking any action which would negatively taking any action which would negatively Plaintiff GETACHEW MULALEM, In the Matter of: Defendant impact the current financial status of either impact the current financial status of either v. MICHAEL PROCACCINI To the above named Defendant: party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- JEFFREY MITCHELL STONE, Of NEWTON, MA bate Court Rule 411 for more information. bate Court Rule 411 for more information. Defendant A Complaint has been presented to You are required to serve upon Rosa You are required to serve upon Charles NOTICE OF PETITION this Court by the Plaintiff, RAHEL HAILU To the above named Defendant: FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN Maria D. DaSilveira - plaintiff - whose address Kodzo Bokor - plaintiff - whose address is A Complaint has been presented to GOLLA AKA RAHEL HAILU, seeking OF MENTALLY ILL PERSON a DIVORCE. is 1214 Salem St., Apt. 02, Malden, MA 02148, 15 Edmands Road, #402, Framingham, MA this Court by the Plaintiff, RENILDES An Automatic Restraining Order has been your answer on or before July 6, 2009. If you 01701 your answer on or before July 6, 2009. MIRANDA, seeking a DIVORCE. To the above name ward, his/her spouse, entered in this matter preventing you from fail to do so, the Court will proceed to the If you fail to do so, the Court will proceed to An Automatic Restraining Order has been and heirs apparent or presumptive, a peti- taking any action which would negatively hearing and the adjudication of this action. the hearing and the adjudication of this entered in this matter preventing you from tion has been filed in the above captioned impact the current financial status of either You are also required to file a copy of your action. You are also required to file a copy of taking any action which would negatively matter alleging that said ward of Newton, party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- answer in the office of this Court at your answer in the office of this Court at impact the current financial status of either MA is a mentally ill person and requesting bate Court Rule 411 for more information. CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE. party. Please refer to the Supplemental Pro- that Karen E Okstein of Canton, MA and You are required to serve upon Stephanie Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First bate Court Rule 411 for more information. Mark J Procaccini of Walpole, MA or Goldenhersh Esq.,- attorney for plaintiff - Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE this Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE this You are required to serve upon some other suitable person be appointed whose address is Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, 30 day of April, 2009. 28 day of April, 2009. Ilene Klein, Esq., attorney for plaintiff - full guardian of the person: and property to 23 Everett Street, 1st Floor, Cambridge, MA Tara E. DeCristofaro Tara E. DeCristofaro whose address is 46 Church Streeet, Boston, serve With Personal Surety. 02138 your answer on or before July 6, 2009. Register of Probate Court Register of Probate Court MA 02116 your answer on or before June IF YOU DESIRE TO OBJECT THERETO, If you fail to do so, the Court will proceed Run dates: 5/15, 5/22, 5/29/09 29, 2009. If you fail to do so, the Court will YOU OR YOUR ATTORNEY MUST FILE Run dates: 5/15, 5/22, 5/29/09 to the hearing and the adjudication of this proceed to the hearing and adjudication of A WRITTEN APPEARANCE IN SAID COURT action. You are also required to file a copy of this action. You are also required to file a AT CAMBRIDGE ON OR BEFORE TEN your answer in the office of this Court at copy of your answer in the office of this Court O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING (10:00 AM) ON CAMBRIDGE. at CAMBRIDGE. JUNE 2, 2009. The Federal Trade Commission Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First Witness, Peter C. DiGangi, Esquire, First WITNESS, Hon. Peter C. DiGangi, Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE this Justice of said Court at CAMBRIDGE this Esquire, First Justice of this Court at works for the consumer to prevent fraud and deception. 28 day of April, 2009. 14th day of April, 2009. CAMBRIDGE this day, May 5, 2009. Tara E. DeCristofaro Call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) Tara E. DeCristofaro Tara E. DeCristofaro Register of Probate Court or log on to . Register of Probate Court Register of Probate www.ftc.gov Run dates: 5/8, 5/15, 5/22/09 Run date: 5/22/09 Run dates: 5/15, 5/22, 5/29/09 Page 16 BOSTON POST-GAZETTE, MAY 22, 2009


CORNER TALK by Reinaldo Oliveira, Jr. by Richard Preiss

“IT’S ALL ABOUT FAMILY!” Congratulations to Massachusetts State JUST LIKE THAT. It was Boston it was the second se- Auditor Joseph A. DeNucci, and Barbara over, done, finished. ries in a row where the Canes DeNucci, “It’s a Boy!” Their 14th grandchild Just like that the men of had prevailed in a game seven was born on May 7, 2009. Ladies and gentle- winter — the Bruins and on the road. If that isn’t a man, baby boy Dominic Joseph Busa Celtics — had become the statement about a team’s weighed in at 7 pounds, 13 ounces. “Work- boys of summer. performance in the clutch, ing the Corner of Baby Boy is an all-star Just like that the locker what is? couple in parents, Donna “DeNucci” Busa, room had become a tomb of In the postgame press con- and Eric Busa. Congratulations to you all. gloom where the talk was ference Carolina coach Paul Dominic Joseph Busa will be welcomed not of bright tomorrows but Maurice revealed that his home by his two big brothers, Vincent Busa, of the reflections of spent team had already achieved and Anthony Busa. A great family, that yesterdays. one of its major objectives comes from great roots. Just like that there were when it took the ice for the FIGHTS: tonight May 22nd In “Rage at the smiling coaches and players overtime session. He said River!” promoted by CES Boxing, and — they came from the oppo- that his players agreed that Jimmy Burchfield, at Twin Rivers, Lincoln sition, not the home teams. if they could hold the Bruins Rhode, Island. This is where you should be. Just like that there were to four goals or less they had L-R: Tinker Picot and Pug of the Month Come on down and check out Joey “KO Kid” press conferences where the a good chance of winning. Jack Hurley Spina 24-1-1, 17 KO’s, in battle against, victorious visitors lit up the When they took the ice for the another explosive puncher Tiwon Taylor broke. You have no financial backing. You room with happy statements OT both teams had only two 26-14-1, 19 KO’s. Two big bangers. I think have no method of purchasing your needs. and the talk was of advanc- goals each and the next would we should, “Expect a Knockout?” Also here You fight an opponent with financial back- ing onward, not going home. be the deciding one. tonight there’s James McGirt Jr. 19-2-1, ing, fancy trunks, a colorful robe, a well- The Bruins went first — on Coach Julien alluded to the 9 KO’s, with his father James “Buddy” equipped gym, and plenty to eat. Your oppo- a Thursday night — a tradi- fact that there was a lot of dis- McGirt in his corner, versus TBA. Sean nent has all the luck. You feel you have tional hockey night in Boston. appointment in the locker Eklund (Ward/Eklund Family) of Lowell none. Yet you fight and win. You make your Had they looked past the Hur- room. You could tell by his battles Jose Guzman, Irish Joey McCreedy own luck, and defeat the opponent that you’ve ricanes? Perhaps. After clos- demeanor that it was a per- 10-2-1, 5 KO’s Battles Victor Paz.9-7-1, 1 lost to, countless times to in your mind al- ing out arch-rival Montreal in sonal disappointment for him KO, World Title Challenger Sandy “Lil ready. It really comes down to persevering, a first round, four-game as well. Tyson” Tsagouris 9-1, 4 KO’s, fights TBA. and to preparation, and to “Who you are!” sweep what was not to like. Then just like that it was Three other exciting fights on this fight Through factors that are enhanced through But another team loomed midnight — and the first day card. Call (877)82 RIVER, for tickets. Also boxing. Attributes, that we all have in one ahead. One not in a major of the 2009-2010 Bruins sea- on this same night in Germany, 9 Time manor, shape or form already. Getting back market and thus not reaping son had begun. Amateur Champion, Awesome Aaron Will- up, after being knocked down (in life and in a large amount of publicity. Three days later it was the iams 19-1-1, 13 KO’s, mixes it up with the ring). More importantly is the non-ac- There would be a wait of over Celtics turn. The number 17 former Cuban Amateur Champion Yoan ceptance of defeat. You remain strong willed a week before the two teams looms large in recent Celtics Pablo Hernandez 18-1, 11 KO’s. and rise to the occasion; September 23, 1952 would meet since Carolina lore. Last year the Celtics Pugs Luncheon; Tommy Martini scores in Philadelphia Rocky Marciano versus went seven games with first won Banner 17 — their 17th another KKKKKayo. POW! He does it again. Jersey Joe Walcott, December 31, 1981 in round opponent New Jersey. NBA Championship — by de- Here at the Florian Hall, we welcome, Indiana Danny Long versus Bobby “Ice- Later, after the series had feating the L.A. Lakers in Tinker Picot, Eddy Fitzgerald, Jimmy man” Coolidge, April 7, 1958 in Boston Joe concluded, B’s coach Claude game 6 of the NBA Finals on Connors, Eddie Casey, Tom Conlon, Iron Devlin versus Armand Savoie, March 3, Julien would lament that Causeway Street. The date: Mike Pusateri, Dick Flaherty, Don Green, 1976 in Boston Tony Petronelli versus wait, saying that it served June 17. Leo Gerstel, Leo St. John Alves, Ted Sares, Gaetan Hart. The Rock, Danny Long, Joe the team no good purpose. Then all during this season Dan Couco, Bob Benoit, Ed Elrick, Art Devlin and Tony Petronelli did just that. Regardless, the Canes stole the Celtics dancers formed Boyson, Wilbur “Skeeter” McClure, They all rose to the occasion for victory in a game in Boston and pro- the numeral 17 that glowed Jimmy McGhee, Danny Long, Mickey there challenges. Boxing is a fight skill, un- ceeded to take two games at on the court just before the Finn, Mary Nelson, “Pug of the Month like any other. You only use your hands, in home for a 3-1 series lead. introduction of the players for Jack Hurley,” World Champion Tony this disciplined art I call, “Extreme Boxing!” There are some who feel each home game. DeMarco, John Crowley, Bobby Franklin, which is the ultimate fight sport! Those the B’s played below expecta- Maybe it was just a coinci- Robert LeBlanc, Matt Troiani who is train- in “our Military, our Law Enforcers, our tions. But no team except a dence but exactly 11 months ing his new prospect, Heavyweight Kyle Firefighters, our Medical Rescue Personal, motivated one comes back after the Celtics won their McNeil of West Roxbury, Rick Rudolph, Ed and the many Silent Warriors that uphold from a 3-1 deficit to win 17th championship they would Quigley. Another great time. Many compli- and fight for the Principles of Liberty. They games five and six and force be playing what turned out to ments to Florian Hall Manager Jerry Cahill, all carry a part of the Boxers Will. Remem- a deciding game seven. And be their final game of the Banquet Manager Mary Ellen Strumm, ber that, “Victory, can only be achieved no team except an excep- 2008-2009 season on May 17 waitress Kathy Leroy, and the many oth- when you do something during adversity, tional one takes that game — a full month earlier than ers that serve great food, and offers us ex- rather than doing nothing during fear.” into overtime — indeed into last year. quisite service. Many Thanks, from the Adversity prevailed for, great fighters: almost the second overtime Once Kevin Garnett and PUGS. The next Pugs’ Luncheon will be Rocky Marciano, who threw Suzie Q, and — before yielding. Leon Powe went down with June 16, 2009. defeated Jersey Joe Walcott for the World And yes, there was the ex- injuries — and it was that IBF and IBO World Light Heavyweight Heavyweight Title, and for Tony DeMarco, pectation that the Bruins combination, rather than just Champion Chad Dawson 28-0-0, 17 KO’s for Paul Pender, and for Joe DeNucci when would win game seven. It was Garnett, stressed coach Doc of Connecticut, in a rematch defeated An- he defeated Jackson Brown. here, the team had won two Rivers — then everything tonio Tarver. Bad Chad Dawson had de- I went to the dentist the other day, In Style games in a row and seemed changed. Paul Pierce said he feated Antonio Tarver before on October 11, Smile in New Bedford. Gerald S. Cohen, to have regained momen- still felt that the Celtics were 2008, by way of a 12-round decision, as he D.D.S., was assisted by Malissa (Poirier) tum. The winning goal by the NBA’s best team — when did it again, in Las Vegas. Dawson does have Amaral, C.D.A. A very nice young lady. She’s Scott Walker in overtime was everyone is healthy. Unfortu- good ability. Quick hands, and moves well. the daughter of Paul Poirier of New Bedford. an absolute stunner. It oc- nately, not everyone was and Before the match, they were talking about Paul Poirier rose to high acclaim, at an curred at the other end of the an early dismissal was the the recent Manny Pacquiao versus Ricky early age in Boxing. rink, far from the Bruins result. Hatton title fight. Ricky Hatton, is a very Prayers for Good Health; to Willie Picot bench. The Bruins had injury prob- good fighter. Manny Pacquiao, is just bet- (Tinkers Brother), and for Martha Crowley, For several seconds the lems of their own and once ter. Give credit to the Pacquiao fight team. the wife of RIP Clem Crowley. entire arena became church again scenarios might have Freddie Roach is spectacular! Look at the Happy Boxer Family Birthdays to: quiet — probably the most si- been different if everyone had great name that he’s made for himself, and MAY 20th Joe Devlin, 23rd Marvelous lent during a game that we’ve been able to answer the bell for others. Freddie Roach predicted that Marvin Hagler and RIP Lou Brouillard, ever witnessed on Causeway in the best of health. Pacquiao would stop Hatton within three JUNE 4th. Mark Dias, 6th. Mark DeLuca Sr., Street. Then there was a But it’s a fact of life in the rounds. I could hear in the background 8 th. Paul Cardoza & Randy Luongo, trickle of applause. We’ll pros that what really counts someone saying, as Pacquiao was talking. 10th. Richard Torsney, 11th Hank Tuohy, never know but that may over the long regular season “Because you’ve got the best trainer in 12th. Austin Killeen. have come from the small and post season is not who is the world!” You do have one of the best “The Boxer Family” is the Best; Some of contingent of Carolina fans on hand in September but trainers in the world. A Dedham, and Mas- our Boxer Family are, Auditor Joe DeNucci, that were in attendance. who is available for duty the sachusetts Hero and product of the “Boxing Tinker Picot, The Busa family, Tom Dargin, Then there was a much following spring. If everyone Roach Family,” Freddie Roach. Our prayers Chris Sarno, Jimmy Connors, Doctor louder applause and it was who was healthy in the fall are always with you.” I bet that Freddie Wilbur “Skeeter” McClure, Joe Dias, Sean evident that it was for the had been able to retain that Roach, has a very high IQ. We’re all proud Eklund, Micky Ward, World Champion Bruins — and especially status through the playoffs of you, and behind you. Iron Mike Pusateri, Tony DeMarco, Ring 4 President Mickey goalie Tim Thomas — for a then results might have been a Dedham Fight product, thinks the world Finn, Mary Nelson, Freddie Roach, Danny fine season. different. But 80 plus regular of you. “You’re the Best!” Long, Shirley Wood, Hank Tuohy, Rose If the B’s folded they did so season games followed by the “What I find, important in Boxing ?” You Pender, Tony Petronelli, Joe Devlin, Paul in a way that many other playoffs took their toll. could be losing a fight, and still win in clos- Poirier, etc. We love all our Boxer Family teams wished they could. So the Garden on Cause- ing rounds. You get knocked down. Struggle Members. And give credit to Carolina way Street is silent once to get back up, fight harder, and prevail. The *Upcoming Fights; ESPN2, from Florida — formerly the Hartford Whal- more. Maybe it wasn’t sup- only way to win is to get back up on your Odlanier Solis battles Fres Oquendo. The ers until 1997. When the Hur- posed to end this way but it own two feet! How about this one? You’re Big Boys. The Heavyweights! ricanes won game seven in did. Just like that.