r • • ··- The Ingham County News Ninoty-Eighth Year- No, 52 Ma~on, , Thur5day, December 26, 1957 (7c Per Copy) 2 Sections- 16 Page5 Schools Get State Money Disposal Plant Bid Inr,:llllm puhiJro st·liools Jw•r•lvrorl uimo,,J million rlnlhlJ•s in stato air! to mnlivrori an ml a rlllfc•J Pill huls ho~sed on I he $10,DCJCJ 1 I'IIIH'C• pavrnPill anrl hacl no share :JOO which was below iw lypPS of dill US!') S UH!'rl, of liw $802,G5L. estimate of City Engineer Waiter Zimmer. 13rrldl'rs and llw .tmounts hid !Hason',, shnl't' was :;;:w,nnn. were: Claims Atn·elius Couple Tht•r·t~ wns $IIli,OOO dllft•r·· SUilllllil Cnnsll'tiellon, Irw., Otht•r· r·nunty high sl'lwnl tlls· ~·nc•c• lmt w~·c•n t hcJ Snmmit I•'I'Pri ,1, J)rdlll'l' 7!1, i\IIIPIIIIS 1 It~;:, l11ol..r•t1 rills, hrr1l"l 1 1l I\IWfl 11'11'1 shai'I'S w•w•• :-;tw·k· (Junslt·u!'llnu hltl all!l tlw Lnnslnr:, !ji:J7fi,,11l0. clu•d alI liP sr·r•n•• of o111 :llllllllillhlli tlld '•''\I'll' tills oiiiiJ lliUISc•:; llt•l hritlgt•, $·11i,H:W; 'WIIIlnmslnn, IJiglw~<~L uf thu 8 bids sul11ult· Henlf.:l't Constru••tion Co,, Lun· 1'1 o~sh Ill', II ( 'oid11 Hll'l iw, I '1'11111 '• 1'1'11\'1'1\' \loiS P~Jif'l'll'd 1111111 II $2H,!l:IO; llnll, ~:!l,H~O; Buns· tA•d. sing, $102,21!i, clay. Ills 11'111', l'ir11 1'111'1', 7!1, illl'l r 1 ill•• Agl'ic•ullru·ul, ~ 18,1l:lll; Detl'oit IJnril'rpinnlng Cu., De· Wtls rll',l o\'1'1 I'd llml shP abo sui- Summit Conslr·u!'llon Ill Olu•mns, $17, Ifill: Jlaslt•lf, Is .]Usl ll'rtil, $112,!l81l. f111111 lnitlli••s '1und::y 111 " <'old lr•rr•d 11111'1'11>11 Jllili•s complellng a slmllnl' watPr hospital $1fi.liflll; Lt•sllo•, !filfi,.iOil; untl disposal PPI 1on Cons I 1ucllnn Co, Lnn· ~fi!IPI \\':IS Ld\t'll lo llu• IHISJIIloil plant at Br·ighton, sing, $12:!,000. ,\11, :1111! ~I: s. J111llll'" 111'11 1111 .1 \Vt•hh!'l'l'llle, $12,77:i. 11th lnokr'IJ 1111'. "'"' t'Uis ahoul Councilmen mnde nn clr.e1sion ilUSIIIP~S tl'lp. 1\.t llllC(Illt' l11 1111 Clnl'l< Conslnll'lion Co,, Lan· Ins i11'.1d. Suhul'lwn sdwols in Lansing, at Monday night's speciul ml!el· sing, Hlfl, ISO. l'l'JHII'I of Ill' 1111 l1 C'OIIItl,l s!il'l III '.s Delhi and Mel'idian townships I :111ri ing, Bids wcr·e lUI ned over tn Shmm fH'l< J·:nginl'l'l'inr,: Co., of Ill <'I~. ~It'. Dolhc•••, drivi11~ 1\'I'SI Ioiii 1\IJ'. Mrs. DuiiJI•e Wl'l'l' l'er•clvcd lhcsf! sums: P!Pasanl lifi•llrllg l'l'sidt•nls 11f Auri'IIUS. Gary, Inrha11.t, $1J:J,fliltl. on ('r•niJal roo~d, dfi(Jdll'nll~· L11!r•d C1ovc, $:11,1GO; Mnple Crovc, l~t·eirlrlel< & Comp,tny, Livonia, to mal11 allaii'S Bolli \Vl'll,' lll<'llliJPI',o; of Lynn Bullen, Mrs. William Thorburn, Anne Brady and Judy Lcormd, (Archy's photos.) Mel'idlan No 7, $12,000; Winrfp. Rain Delays pa11y, Bay C1Jy, $!i:JD,75l. hPfoJt• drivin~ onlo < 'ellll'llllldl 1111' i\llt'l'lius Baplisll'hlll'<'h 'l'la•y l1vr•d al •17!1!1 Bu!Ji,pr 1oad. nwr·e, $I1.rwo; Foresl, $fJ,!iOo; Iliaci 'I'IH' Jlo!IJPI' r•:IJ' SIJIII k a I oil' M,tl'hic, $7,830; Cnmmur:ily, $3,- Works Both Ways Along with t l1e hicl business at rh'IVI'n hi' Hollr•rl 1\JJI!r•r, 12, ('old ~II' noiiJI't' 1\'ds " fn1 mer and GOO; Isl1tn1l, $:!,000; and llorsc­ ll1e spcf'lal meel ing, r ouncilmen 11':11!'1'. 'I''Iw 1\llllr•r ''•II \V,IS !H•.iill'd nnpiPllll'llt riPair•r. Til' was also a ill'ook, $2,850. Hospital Job humped inlo anol hcl' prnhlem suulh Both ears 11'1'1!' dr•mrdishl'd lofll c~nd diP nl.ll-i:PJ, \VoJldng nl Ononrlaga ll.ivel'sidc rcecivcrl connr!'tcd willt the disposal Hains last W('(!k prevented bricl< plant Two years ,Jgo W. Davl~ ti1a1 lr.tdP lill'rtll~lwul World War $2,fi00. Mille••· sulci 1:•• dlrl 11111 Sl'l' masons fmm startln~ !heir worlt Posl olfcJ•crl the l'lly 500 !f'el Iff II I 11' r.dsr•d 111111\ anrl from mml Primary 111slr 1ets ,. P c e 1 v e rl till' Jlnlho•p <'Ill' 1111111 it \\'as Clearing HOuse Spreads Yule Cheer on Mason Gencr·.cl hospllal. 'l'ltc land illleC"IIy south of the present dl'll'lopPd " 1emPd,V wlliill was cheelo 1 u • , c·" < • ~el'VJccs. ~ Charlene Clipper sang the solo but not yet delivered. ani drop In Ihe real estate value The broli•ers ,ulmilled L1kmg Chesley Fowler, supcr·intendent of t!Jelr lanrl. for Nordstrom·Myers, Inc., which $1fl.Sil from d ldsh ll'gl!•'ll't of cacll Jll'O"J"'m, Judges Postpone the hospital will have plumbing Saltnrl:~v. l!.td sliP li1•cd until · ' II I I ll II " b u 'I'IH• fo'rlrn "it'V'IIot \\"Is !'lllc•r••rl '1'1 I, I Ill II . II had the sttualron 111 hand. Pal· ;rston WI elcl Je, .. program Wtlh new developments such as and I!C!ating installations, Fowler 1 1 1 explained. h" lhe l;rolli~ls Nm'l'milt•l'7 11H•\'IIf u s ") [S~PlWSr.'1u ' 1 mlv~.a alnc,c enls agreed lo buy n new door or 1111° CVCIY home WJlh a TV sct.Jcicmonstralions of sun batteries Light Decision ,r • ' • lP at~e n ., , lP. ldC i.JCCil sic.;: ·J . . . • I II 1 I In an cffcJt t t att a t n Lansing Bloc!< Co. supplier! the admilll'rl, but Iiles lound no 1111 , . 11 tl 18. me~ lying the .38,000 bricks required. · ·On a ors man )CI n. I) 1fr I c ' \\ 1111 '.tins Ir >It 1" 11l1o Pioii!'Cl' ollll!l!JS1oril'nl ··ociely

~ .' ,/· J\ ' ·~ 't'he ". ,.· ';,_,.·. : ·'{uz~l'"' pink I. •. /_' '~ ~- . ·.. :· .,.· . ' ' -~ ··~- ni tqo :· lnuham County News, Mason, Mich., December 26, 1957 A·4 Party Is Given 1\JJCN A'l'TI~ND DINNER rlnys Levnnrlowsld wlll )mvn to ~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. W, Madison r•omJlnny llclrl· Justice Court SJI~nd 10 clrtY~ In in!!. I;::::==::r!'E .... ------'l'r·u!IIP viol.tllnn tldiPI>i rP For Mrs. Walter mPn lwl !hell• Christmas pnrty (IOl ted sr•tllnrl In .Jtulgr> A•lum~· Holt News Mr~. Dorotlry Wi>i Huh f, HI' I! lot WIII'dr•n; !~!ton Sl of nr-reBicrl on n drunlc driving wllhoul opProllor's llr•PIISP 111111 I l'ilotplotlll, 1\r.nnetll l'nrlwr, ,Tnhn Hofr f's!Jments CJf: cif'cor·ated clmrgl! Sunclny, had Ihe l'illll ge 1e nnrl the fire S[H'carl ove1 nbout an Liinslng plcndcd guilty, IIIJJ lo without tear llccnsP pinto, $2. AUOUT YOUR QUESTION Troop Members BllliVII, lloiJPI'I l'.tge Ulicl C'urlls cnlw, ]Clio und wffcc wotc being drunk nnd Cool> lo rllslutb· ducecl to rcd\lcss clrlvlng when he J\llot'rl, slt'\Vo!lcls set ved. II< I e belote It WIIS brought I!'• !II.tyn,u cl G.IIes, aHslsl· KPI!IlC'Ih Bateman a r r I v c cl Fo1 t Chaffee, Arltnnsas, whcr·c 0 fo1 h:s polrcy than I did. He 'J'Ilr. Culls ll<~rl .t rlispl.t~' o( 111g. Greets Guests home ft om Jangunge school, he will z·clut·n lo .Tnnunry 2 Mai11 Drag also h~s the same covoragos lmndtuo~ft unci tiLl' VIs E Mrs. Rnymonrl Nllllon 1'111<'1 hoJid,tYH wtth his pamnts, Mr. Is slationecl at Mountain Hnmo Ilimp right fi'OIIl I he Chr islmas policy looked just exactly the Aw,urls \Vi'JC' gLV<'II to Holl' Holiday vents lnlnecl fruetgn slurlr•nls wllo rue anrl Mr·s Nellis J3,ttemnn On De· ail' f01 ce base In I rialto. rusl1 l11ln the• ~·~mend invc•ntnr.~ same as mino except for the Blalw, L.u 1y HltXIIIII, 'l'l'tt,Y fo'o1y, jhll'llr:lpal ing In I he "Christmas cernhPI' 27 ho will wed Miss Mnr .TelTY Jones aJTivccl home Sal· lhc. Cloiits stnrlod mi~Ing 111VI'II name of tho insurance com­ Milte ,JonoH, I•'rl'rl 1fi'IV< illJ< k, fl'(f <'In islm.ts r•ummunu•n ,md lim A1lvcnlutc In 'Norld IJndc•Jstancl· llyn Jean Baxlcr of Lflnsing. unlay lo spend lhc hnllr!ays WIIh tory <'OllJlting With Chi istm.ts pany i!rtd his lower ralos, Did Sl.tulfer· anrl 1\ltl\e ~1111111, Holt Ietl•pi!OII fll IH'IV mcmbcr·s IVIIIIJo I ing" 'l'lwu· gucsis tills Y','•ll' on Dale BUJ'gess nJTiverl from his his pm·cnts, Mr·. ancl M1 s. Hcgl· gl fl exdr,mgcs 'I' Inn scl,ty morn I you make a miltako when you r.tts; J\lfi'Prl Olttil, slil'l'l oliiii\V; .t pot II ol IIJr• SLJilrloll' Sl'l\il e on Clutslm.ts l•;vc IVCJe DaVId 8<11 naval assignment nt Boston, nalcl Rice. lie Is slntlonerl al Fl. In g. wrolo hrs policy7 p,Jt Dillon, ill'otl dill! :•old ,uJ ow; < <'lllhl'l 2!J .tl I lull I'rcsh~'lc 1'1 um Kmc•,I, who Is slurlylnr.: ptlh· Mass.tr:husr•tts, Jo'ttcl.ty to spend .t L~onnrcl Wood, . Tile llcnr y For·!! woulrl IHI\ o h 'l'll fi, y Rf'Yilfllrl<, IIoll and gfllril'll i,IJI lluul'!r. llt• aclmini~trnllnn Ill Col'lloll cnl 1 25-day !cava wllh his wife. Upon Rices' son·ln·law and ri

HI Neighbor! The brightest star in your horizon is you ... friendly neighborhood IGA FOOD STORE ... Start the year RIGHT, shop where you can 1 .. :::,:··._::.·-..:'.' .. i'F:t,:/:.;.;\~::·':.::;:•,; :<._:1:)::;~:-~_::..:;f,<;.?/;r:t SAVE every day ... yes shop wheze ,·. . ·... ''_,:' your friends ·shop, and make this a •: .: < HAPPY NEW YEAR all year long.

,· ' , . t • '...... "


303 C0 CIt I 0 j I 2 Cons 49C

JELL-0 CHIFFON Pie Filling 2-29c fkg.

oz. '"v2Pkg. 28c

~1'111.1 ARMOUR* TASTY

Tree I 12 or, 47 ( Can


IGII riiNCY- DEJ.IC:IOUS 2112-Size Pumpkin Cans

MJII{E TBE I.AST ONE c:o FFEE I. I c Sunny Morn 1-Lb Bag moked Hams Whole or Half 5 9 ( LB. IGII QUAJ.ITY LEAN SMOJ

s·ay D Q • Realemon SnMOi

c __ NEW YEAR . 3 ~;~: 75 bi__._VE~R __S~AU...;;._,;S;..;;;...;·A;._;;;..G..;;;;...E ____;.;_Lb·~29~c LD Choice Blade Cuts "b 2· 25c ·;,j·, ., .....,;...-~-- BEEF ROASTS· 39C I ' ,,, , .. _.,_, .• With Our Party Specials ------""!-' '·.fi:-:J·' ,:.,;;; ·:·1 ,·:p ~'t':.1: FRE:s·H PORK ROASTS · ~~~~~c Lh 39c _ · .·· : ·:_,_· ~:D·ecoratiom; ·· ' . . . . 0, W 0 Skinless Bonele!s · . Bro.ccoli Large Bunch ·"·Noisemid,ers·· · .··· Chips CANNED PICNICS .. lh A"'''' 2.95 Par·tv Favors . Beef or Pork 'Lb Brussel Sprouts Cards Free Bag of LIVER 29C Party .Sn~1cl's cHEEz.rwlsr G&"ound . Grade 1 . ' . ··Tomatoes •Tube 2 9c P~(3ying Cards i3-oz pl

Densmore's. .'; \,' .,IGA · Foodl:iner·: :. Phone OR 7-9011 for 'Result' want ads! Ingham Couoty News, A11'1'WfCfAL TlHI~fmiNG-- All!l mmcm MTL!\F.I1-2, sell one Ol \1AY'l'AG I~AUNIJHY NJI!Iprncnl HINCI~ I!JOfl WIH•n tho flr~l Smith j!lil'i 1-'1'01'1/ CJIEV110LE'l' pldwp 1\!0DERN HOME, 2 hPrlJ'noms, WANTED -- Boy .llr nally Free frown HPmr.n, ljiii fJel' servlr·u hnlh. Leonard Wnlllnl', 227fi N snles and scr·vkn. Silsby Irn·j slln was IHJ!It n rwvur r·cnslng December 26, 1957 A-6 wllh ruck:;, In CXI'I'il<'nt <'OIHII· with 1'0111 !urru1ce, I In 5 twres Press papPI' l'o\IIP. Mu•JI ho H riiHI noll!lng In jr1ln. Gl'r!l'ge D Vomon, llnll, phone OX !l2543. 1lcment Cn., ~lt.ttc street, Mason, effort ilns hPPn mulnlnlncd to Ill' IlniTis, Dansville l\1A :1·:1541 4!JW4[l !Inn, low rnilcngc, MJ's, Dwuw of lund, lrH'ntecl un Klnnt•vlllo or• older·, Apply nl WHIP's DI'llll 1honc OR 7·0141, !lwtf sure thnl Smllh silo~ nrc nlwnys Slum l, •phone L.tnslng IV 5-7.321 roar!, wost or US-127, ~----~ ~'i,OOO cu~h srore. :nwtf ntwlf ------· -· lht• lwsl on llw mnr)tPt, l•~nrl:f or· SINCI~ I!JO!) wlwn I he !Irs I Smith or Musrm Oil li-<1071. fi1w2 Of' terms. Jcnl' !nfoJ mnllon mil CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING USED GAS HANGER, $·1!),50, rler rlls~ounts Cull Glenn Ocslcr ~llo wus hull! n nevm· ceasing ------Burt Wnl'llf'l', 7:!0 Wnsl Snuth WANTED- Wornnn will! (nacll­ JUDJNG I!OHSB, hrown nntl Consumers Power· Co Plwnc lo, 12fl'i l~dc•n roM!, Muson, phone cnl ntii'Ring r.xpPrlenr•e to •tlrl RATES AND INFORMATION wh!IP spolte>rl gelrllng, $1'i0. efforl hns lmPn mnmlnlnocl lo he Oft 7·!JG41. 1!lwtf Mason em 7 R'i'12, filwtf slroet, Mnson, OH. 7 il112 or• Oil Phone Leslln ,f[J !J.:J,JfJ:J. fi I w2p sum lhnt Srnllh silos nro always G iiG3G, iiOwt f In mn·r• nf nr{cd lnvnlld, IInttrs I he bPs I on I he mnrkel. E:n1·ly or· 1l :00 p. 111 to 7:00 n. m, Llvn In, Phone Mason OR 7-9011 flO All - He>glsl eJ'I'd I InmpshiJ·r• cler dlsr nunlo Cull Glr•nn Oesler· NOW-BUY AND DRIVE A No mr>nls lo pr1'pam f'xr•cpt ho,u·, YPdl' old. Also :lOO h,!lps le, 12i:!Fi Erlr.n ronrl, Mnson, piHllll' ABEL h!l'llllflliil, C:onrJ Wlli(PS \Vrltll W, W•••llwscluy aff<'l'lloun •h•nll· sPr'OIHI r·ulllnr~ .tlfalfa hny. Jln!'Clld MnMlll Oil 7 H552 ii1wlf Trailers 1 L. Al'llnlrl, HO!J Insurance El:•

Ad· ~,piJil<, •tril!l Nlr•hols ro,HI, !Vl.tsou 1 lhw. Ful'ly wnroo Cu1· r,o, .. - HAMILTON j~LEC'PHIC DRYEH, GOING SOUTII -We have some chnngc llllllrllng, .Jadu;nn, 1\!l!'h, Of{ 7-:3 Hl:J, 52w1 dlflrnllll Wll1'11s In t•1:1'11, Clussi· $12fJ.!l5. Consumm s Pnwe1· Cn real harr,nlns. New nnd uscrl Real Estate I _10~~ llf'll tllsplny Juls Hll' fiPI' lnc·h, 0 IJ'mlers fwm lfi it up. Prices Phone 011 Clll61 DAI!lY COWK - GucJ•nsey, 5 Hay-Feed-Grain rhn!~e- fl_'l~~~~ ~ J·!)G~. _ _1!lwlf USED CAR WANTI~D . • '1<'11 DVI'I W<'ight lll~Jllny ntiVI'I'IIsln~-; on Urst :l yPals ulrl, dliP Cit:-;\ u[ .J.tnuary, stm I at $G95 up. Special 10~8 Mnsun nwn IIIHI wnnH•n who nrr•d $10, AUTOMATIC WASIIER-Gencr sl11~'s frtl IIIHI weighs l,lfJI) Ill", Silver Star, •lfi ft. Innf( x 10 fl 2·10 ACRE lock fnrm, uxtrn well $20 OJ' t•xiJ'.t 1111 nnH•, Pnrl- Jllll:'t's uf t'lussili1•d ndi'i ~nl.211 nl EIPctr!P nulomntlc wnslwr, I ~.:Jo good hnc~vv milker when fresh, BAL!W STRAW nnd lmy, lnrf(e wide, now only $3,D!l5; 1!l'i8 Rognl, fe!Hcd, 2 good modem hous!'s, tlnw, OlmniiP own IHilllh Jlf'l' huh. Jlox nnniiH'I' uris fifk $8!l.50 CcmsumPrs Power Co, Cnll \Vrltt~ $17:i; GLJPIJiscy 1111d Milking wlie·lled hnles. CJ'SPy, fi'l'Sh H WPC!ts, one milt• cast or Easl Lansing on lliO ACHES- Ne.1r \Vllll,tmston, OPf'Oit'I'LJNJ'ill•:,--; l11r lllt'll or BALED MIXI~D HAY, by hnle or very good condition, $12.50 nnd miii\Jilg f(OIId, Yl'd Is old, \Vl'ighs US IG, phone Lanning ED 2-1R17. farm on hlaf'!

WANTE:!J - c .. rpcmcr \\01 k md rejrnrr worl{ IIrmr y Fues, Sr 132 Hayner sl!cet, Mason, phone Mu~on OR 711 'jl 5wtf

pr~sr.rl ,m r:; her 2 I I !,now til rl \If \\Ill meet agarn On tile fu II\ 11 h1 llllllul ~hnre Anrl d 1sp our llr11rls together Nf'\ er In p 111 111\llllll e Mrs Gertrude N1rllo!s M1 tml M1 s ITem; Pc 11 son mel In mrly Mr rntl Mr~ Atlinu Drllcy rnrl f unih Mr lllcl Mrs CJ_yck Balwr IIHI f tmtly Mr .tnd Mrs T.tmes Cll!o!Ino ,md frtmrly Mr am! l\!r s Volume Makes ~Trchols ~nd Buying J.tson and famrly M1ss Ro~o Ann Ntchols 52wl son liHl Ill ntlrcr Extra ~ Lo~b, Prices ff'\ \\hO [llSSI c] 0\\ l) 3 \f'llS 1go December 27 1IJ'i I I odnv rr.c ills s rei mcmortc" Ol um de rr son gone In rest Alii the ilcdr ones who lhml of Possible at Cady h 1111 to tl,r v Ar1 the ones who In !Jest R rdl:, nu cd • Kohler For Rent - Houses mnllrcr hr 1l!lt • s sir ® ------jliHI nephew Crane MOD! RN IIOUSE •n !Jnnsvillc (, looms rnd b tlh Av ulrb!P fir r e Eljer Jnnu.u y l Phone D tnsvrl!c MA (j) 32191 il\\lf Tax Notices American Standard FOR H.F:NI ~ Gerbe1·

!01 11111 111 M.rson mod ern 7 rooms anrl hath unfu1 When anylh ng whalsoever goc~ wrong w1ih nlslwrl 3 blocks tram husmcss diSIJICI A\ llilblr. J l1111UJy 1 ( ill your plumb1ng 111 k1tchcn, bathroom or heat• ncr M tsun OR 7 0701 'J2wtf •ystem, your smartest move 1s lo call us We II wrlh frx WIII1 L 01\ K townshrp taxes c 111 proceed promptncs• and prcc••ton to For Rent - Apts. 26 be pull 11 Whrtc 0 11' town llnll II so that rt lays frxcdl --- -- Wedncstlr:, Dcccmbe1 18, from FOR RENT -F'm ntshccl gr~tl 10 untrl 3 or 1t my home ove1 y Stools flooi apmlmr.nl 1 rooms and rr rdav urrtrl the first of Mtu ch Call Us! Free Stand1n9 Closets bath nutom rile hot water he rt Ch 1111 s G ll!Ss lownshrp I1 en sur Reverse Traps Grade A ut!htrcs pard C rll M<1son OR 7 e1 'i2wl Rog $51 50 mot J llnCs Cor nr I 30'5 West OR 7-1241 Elm s lrcct 52wtf Sorv1ce on lennox $35.50 SMALL APAIHM8N I for rent Furnaces and Most Complete Except for Seat l\ ulthle soon outsrd0 entr 1ncc All Oiher Makesl garage av<~rltble rf desn eel Joy 0 D nrs 21R Cn'l 1\ltplu phone Mason OR 7 3841 'i2w1 FOB. HEN l' - 1\lorrern, 3 room Water Jurnlshcd np1.tmenl wrth prr vale bath nud entr tnce Excellent r :5 Heaters Joe tllCJn 111 Mason busrncss rhs 52-Gal. Electric trlct Cn!l Les!rc TU !) 3'i13 BathtuDs Yea1 Guarantee By Konler s. 5 Ft $102.50 Cast Iron $71.50 Rog $125 50 Reg $90 50 30-Gat Gas Lavatories 5- Ycar Guarantee Wrth All Trim Steel 63.70 $23.50 Rog $33 50 1 FOH REl' 11 - 3 rooms and bath, Cement 2-C::~mpartment unrmnrshcd, spaciotls, private mcely decomted modm n, lots Qf cupbom ds and eioscts, oalt floors, Laundry Tubs LENNOX' heated, launc!Jy pr!v!leges, mod ern !dtchen one small chllcl wei Wrth StMds ana Trrm Oil and Gas come H Jewett, 551 W Maple Mason, phone days Mason on $32.65 HEATING SYSTEMS 7 O'jll mghts Mason OR 7 8391 Rog $49 50 Free Estimates 49wtf 2 BEAUTil'ULLY temodcled tin ALL NEW STOCK fumished apartments, down town M~son 4 rooms and bnth In GaiYanized and Copper (.ach gas heat r cason able In quire at Mason Foodland or call Mason OR 6 4141, Sundays call PIPE and FITTINGS Lansing IV 41742 49wtf All at Reduced Pr1ces! New Stock Coming in Lettm·s 1 Housel Church Council Suggests Church Has Leslie Group Sings ,.Limitation Raise Milk .Producer Wants Federal Order · Hemners of lhc Leslie vllln~w C!OIIIlCil lnslructed lhc vlllngo al· White Gift Rites School Do·ard Seca·etary ~: l•'ii'Hi I WOllid lliw to lfllliW 1'1'('1'1' In lillY Jlill'lic•tliar dairy, .Jaei\snn ili'UII oh.Juelerl In Hny wuy 'l'wenty·fivc Ifouscl Unlterl !OI'IWY, Tom Wnlsh, to drafl Uf!'ill' 111111 lho ptli'(I!IHC nf lhls lei· 'J'he Jllll'jHJHO r>f IIH! hwu·lng •o ltw pi·opm,Prl mnrlwllng nrrlor ~l'l!lllren clntrn, src'J'I•lar~· of l'illi.'W of lhl' C'lll·hnc:lc of funds 'illll prmltl£'or·.s In the Lnnslng :lcrl sc!vet·nl homes In llw com· in l1e 'present act lo llw pcop:o by would affc!r'l a gnml numi•CI' of gag.•rl hy llw rlt•nle&·~ el!l'lalnly llng1• of white! l'an1 ciion, lil'lc1l hy11 Losllc! st•IJCJIJI l>oanl, <•xplnill<'ci llu• Hppmprlalod In sialo nlrl, $B,OOO; milk nml'lwls, Mlt:hignn Mill llllnlly slngint:: for shlll·ins, el· lmlio1, Tlw mnvl! Is necessary 1n wh lc wroug tl ron Illig£'~. l'(liso In s!'lrool lnxl's ll1ls ,\'1!111' 111 souiiH'I'n Mlt!lligan rlnlry farm· rlld l'llliHI! n lol of imllyhoo, '1'110 lcrly people nml frlend::;. cop11 with possible sewer exlnn· while ellrJwl In tile l'itnnc·pl, n lrati~·Jllll'lalion mlmhursenwnls· nrs, I IJC!lir!VO 111111 u gmal many MMPA was t·cprn!Wt)terl hy o1w l'rorluc•uJ's i\H.'inelallnn wm; spr.nk a rPc·enl meellng, ing In IJC!llalf nf 2,0:J9 prmlucm· Mr. nnrl Mr~. Luwrence OcsleJ·Je slnnR nnrl other village needs, 11 ~·nmJ•lelely while imenllng y 2 at· tnlerlalned the group at lhelr wns polnlr!d mtl. wllil golrl mcdalllom; nnrl a large Tiro l'l~porl salci Lr•sl!,'' s:·Ironl,; . C IH' expHIHiPd. IOJ'IH',VH, r one frun1 Naslwllle, mcmhPI'H living In Enton, Ing nrlvcnl wreath with .J whiw will c•nller:l nhnul $Ul,O.Ifl tn JIPI' sllid<•nl; lu 1lwn rut rom lmm, .lilf'ksnn, Livlngslon unci lome nfier !lie cnmllng, Mr, I !'avm"llls IVI!I'C nulliorizerl of I hope nl~o lo c•lf'ar· IIJl an ap· '1'1'1111., 1111rl orw Jrnm Washinglun, canrlle.9, IHXr!s ral:;·•d lcwall~· for all.sdlnnl $110.~;~ In $11:!,1iR; IIH! .June JliiY· WashiPiliJW L'ounllcs, Jesterlc, treasure I' of the IlmJsnl/ seml:tllllllllll lllnounls of $~,000 Jllli'C!III mlsiiiHIIIrslanding due lo D. C. 1 ll<•allu•nvnod Dairy, l•'al'm lplltposP:; llils Y~'ill'. L11s1 ,\'l'al' lhc roil la"l ,\'1!111' lu bn mot fmm this !1c1 folirr lalwn In llw nillll' loin! ll'iJS llpprnxhnall•iy $1i7,(1111l ,\'l':tr's fund,;, lhis amounting to sun1e lrH'al paJterH naming Lan· an aiiCing cnuipletecl this week '!'lie and c•onsollrlallng ff)(]ir npcr·n fm· the clearing ilon:.;e awl ttlher· r•1wr. helwPen $1:!.000 ami $2£i,. llll'lllarv s1·hnnl ~I'OliiHIH; new wrirnls nf lime hc!twccn tlw HIIIIW· lnslllutioJis; warm elolhlng for non; liw lnglla111 c·ounly liiX niio· slof\1'1' i·or illgll sehnnl. J'I!Jllllrs on· lio11s In tho Lannlllg m·c•n, due IP :IIi( of lhc :J reels of tile film, Leo Chmielewski IIJP supply of choapc!J' milk in O\'erseas rl'lief; and 11101'1' lila II c·nlion hnnrcl nllnmll'd !1.!1~ mills II rid; wo1i; of IJ lgh sdwol anrl. 1 Jur nthlc-IIow It Came In Us, $Ifill In l'iiSh for tlw Ml'tllociisl tn mPel hucigf'l IJC<•ds; :JCI· ollJC•r lilings; $:!!ill,OOO' hone] Ernest Hayward 1111 ; fll'''fl. ~mills 1111~ Students Have .viii Ill' flllcrl willi games, special Builds New Barn '1'111' fnllnll'lng IH'illal rllffer l'ilildren's l1nmr. in Dr!ll'flil, C'AIU: rlillonai for Ofll'l'alinn voll'ci la::;l i:-~sne for li1e aclrlilion to the ele· mtcrtalnment and rcfre::;luncnls. A rileo·r·aflcr har·n, :J8 hy liO hy o;es of At'tacl' Plil'l": In Jll'li'Ps pairl lo prnrh&<·er·s padmges, lhe rlr.arlng IHtllsc>, IIJP yen1·; anci propCI'ty valuallon lias IIH'Illili'Y sl'lrnnl pmved insuffl· Hev. Gibbs renr.wed lhe invl· ;1fi rr..el lms ~lf!f'll lnrlil hy thr. Len Yule Holiday · will! ilr!l' paJ'PJJis, Mr. und Mrs. llw I'I'Still. of il IJeart allal'lc till! Lansing marlwl nncl ilf!lW<'<'r mld~ught_i ~1r. birthday of lh(! KinJ:, penpll• Jo:clwanl C;u11phdl. il1! Wits lht• fali11•r r•f Colin ami lltc! L11nsing and l~llnl 11llll'fcr•ls vis and fnmill', Mr. ancl Mrs. Don mnfrd and requires no hral'inJ:: shnuld lnlw not only gifls nf :-;uh· Ml.'is Mnl'i1• LYon:-; is home OwPn I fnyw;Jrci. flu llvc!cl In \Vii· l•'or lhf' flrsl fJ l111llilhs of 1!lfi7 •'oole allCI J'vi1·. and Mrs. l•'loycf throughout ll!e lr.ngliJ of llw stance hill glfls of .~rrvl<'l' nnd of fi'Oill \VIII!iilon m'iirogn, Wiwalon, liamslllll D years illirl al one lime i\1'Pilc• slrippl'l's In L,anslng n· yl

though he didn't fif!tll'n !wavily on 7 ha~lwlH nnrl R free throws, Capital Circuit in tho ~mr·ing, Ho wns a llgnr on Hnrl Cnllrlrlc!l' urldc!d 1:1 nn 0 field hu.d :1 eharu•es ut Um ford lint! lo llnlsh t•ogulnlinn Jlilly tied u( In hnt nuuh1. guml on oni.V nntl the hncl;bonrds, He out·pcrfnrmerl gmt!~ IIIHI n free throw, Hortoi1 Agg·ies Drop Leslie 51-50 ,IB·'lH. nl.l4!111pt, . :·Hulling nul llw llr>nllng min· 1~n Into n slnil. Willi 1\W'I'P.Il Evnrctt.'s Lloyd l>elll'rlHioy, who itrlrlt!rl 7 and 'l'om Cllppor made Glenn Wireman WllS hiJ:h mnll utes of lhn glllnr!, Mrtson nnkhPrl I mgcrs c·rnwllng nil over I hem IH eonsidered one of llw I011 rc· 5. Dunsvllir. hn£1 an uphill hnttir. for Danoville with 15 points, 'l'ho lis first Cnpllnl Cil'eult vitolory of Mnson' wotilrl pass the ball in lire brntndcrs in Ute area, Horton oul· Mason won !he gnmo fl'Om the In Rou9h Overtime Game nil the wny, '!'he 13incithnwlts l'P.sl nf the Dan:;vlilo liCOI'ing WUN tliC season l•'rlrlay night, !waling !J;u•J; of I he enul'l a few fimt!H nml jumped BonrdsJCy for over half fren throw lane, Tlw Bulldogs hit Dansville 1w'r1 to rely on nn went In front 1G·8 In the fit'Hl scnttr:?rerl with fl men tnldnc u. for Dansville, I-Icdglen tossed In quarter. Dansville cnme hat!k in hanrt In II. Lansing- l~vet'£!11 '17··1!i. II was llwn r,nJI tlmr!unt lo organize 11nrl tho rebounds, fm· I G field goal while I~vcrell overtime in order l.o dump Leslie the firHt field goal of tho overtime the second with a rully which Don Coppernoll loppcrl LeijllC Ioso No. !J for l·:vl!rell. Tlw Vi· st•l up llw next sm·lcs nf p;JS!HlH 1\luson's vlutory wus t~srm· snnl< 17, making UJ> tho difference Ji'rlduy night. 'fhe Agglcs finally nnd H.lcs nrlrlecl lhn winner with ln!ll rll!f(•nse f;illr!rlln come up IOtfli O[ 57 fOtliH. !sited with 2 point~ 111 IIH• good. [with a way lo Hlo[l him. In tile final wllrl lllilllllf':i Codt Hntr't! Horton 'ai:;o eume up Don Lllllt! orrtei'NI ills cagc!l's lo' with !lis lop gamn of tlw Hf:!aHon Rams Beat Blues In Overtime Game I!oll l\IIemos hot FLORIDA, SIZE 18 A&P, IN THE SHELL BUTTER 1-LB. on tile trail of Stockbridge and Basketball fans will have an Avocados 2 FOR 29c Roasted Peanuts BAG 39o opportunity to get their fill of l-Iaslett in the Ingham Cotmty cage action Friday, Saturday and lcnguc race, Monday when 8 top cage teams A torrid last quarter mnde Ull representing 4 different league~ for n cold second period whlcll 1-LB. SUPER RIGHT put the Chiefs behind the 8·ball ROLL 69( tee off on each othct· at Lansing civic center. in the first place. After tal;ing a 'l'he Capital Circuit will have 13·11 lead in the first quarter the :~ Holt, St. Mary, Resurrection and Chiefs ran into trouble. In the OUR FIN~ST QUALITY-QUARTERS Mason. carrying Its colors. Oke· ~econd pet•iocl they didn't collect Sunnyfield Butter ~t~: 73c mos and Haslett arc the Inghnm a single field goal. The best they Corned or Roast Beef~~A~Z·39c County league teams, Grand could muster was 4 frcr:? throws. Ledge represents the West Cen· While Okemos was falling to SULTANA tral ancl Jacl\son St. John is the pieces Williamston picked up 1l JANE PARKER Central Michigan Catholic league points and finished the half in representative. front 22·17. ·In the opening night's action Okemos regained its form in 16aOZ. Mnson will start with Haslett at the third q uartcr with a 17·poinl FRUIT CAKES 6 p. m. Friday, The next game spren hut still wasn't out of clan· CAN ·will pit Holt against Jacltson St. ger. The Chiefs impt on r1rlng, Pork 'n Beans though, to win going away. 11/2-LB. John at 7:15. At 8:30 Ol~emos $1.3 9 SULTANA, SMALL.:_SAVE lOc SULTANA ~· j will tal1e on St. Mary and at 9:45 •Joe Luttrell topped the winners ·. 10'f2·0Z • with 15 points. Ted Warner had ,:.:··(~~ QT. Resurrection and Grund Ledge Stuffed Olives REFRIGERATOR JAR 49c Salad Dressing JAR 39c w111 tangle. 13 and John Haga had'·g; . ·,_., 5 5 3-LB. 1.65 5-LB. 3.9 CAllEY C:ROSS C:UT ' PAQE, .. The winners of tile first 2 con· Ch uclt Gu bry wa~ \.)tlgh\ ~1Jian s ANN 22·0Z. for P.olrts. ,,; . 14·0Z •. tests will meet in one of Satut·· Wlllia~~ton V{it~, ~5. REG. 59c Sweet Pickles JAR 29c .Ketchup. 2 BOTS. asc day's gumes and the other win· Dick Rathburn wns next \vlthrl3. ;, ;~ ... ':'"~ ~;·~·q h5 ioN~! s'Lt'ceb'oi! HALves·, · ners wlll play the second game Minc_e_P_ie______... ·,,.. ::i·-.;·::: ..' _E"_c:H~s49c .. _.. i~;~rr~;No · .2 4·0Z. 37c 29·0Z. in Saturday's championship sec· BOTS. ·Cling ·Peaches CAN 29c tlon. Along with the champion· 'Rocks Crush SUPER RIGHT OUR fiNEST QUALITY , ship flights the losers will have .·.··3," ',LB. ·' ·99c 12·0Z, a consolation bracitet. All 8 teams How~ell 50-31. Spry .Shortening ·'CAN··'· · , Luncheon Meal CAN 39c A&P Orange Juice 2 ~~~;· 59c will be ·in action each of the a A&P . r, ·' ' ., ~ nights. · Howell's glory was brief. After 7·0Z. 3 , St. Mary, with only the upset startllng the other teams in the 2 REGULAR BATH Light Meat Tuna CAN 31c Kipper Snacks 2 !~·~:· 25c '·loss to Holt, Is the tournament Capital Circuit last wee!; by beat· Palmolive Soap CAKES 21c CAKE 15c JANE PARKER . WARWICK favorite, though Holt and Jacit· lng Everett the Highlanders fell .son St. John are pushing the Big. flat Thursday night and lost to Partr Rye Bread lOAP 21c Chocolate Covered T~in Mints· ~~x 45o · ·Blues fot· the honor, Holt has only Resurrection 50 .':U. WHITE, DEVILS FOOD, YELLOW, HONEY SPIC:I POPULA~ BRANDS, REGULAR SIZE ,the opening game loss to Wll·. · 'l'Iu! Shamroclis had no trouble Cashmere B,ouquet c1KERf~ic ~~~~ 15c . 20·0Z, 'llamston on· the debit side and at all with Howell. With Gary .Ann Page Cake Mixes PKG. 25c CigareHes CTN, the win over St. Mary offsets that. Fewless hitting the basl;et ft•om GRANULATED · Mason lost to Holt and Okemos most any spot on the floor the DETERGENT LG. GT•. BEVERAGES. :but looked good In, disposing of Shnmrocl's made ·hay .In the first Vel· 33c 77c . ·~· Everett Friday night. . . half.· They scored 18 points to 5 .Prlr:11 in Th/1 Ad Efficlive Through ·· ..,,, Grand Ledge is one of the ~est for Howell in the first period and GRANULATED :3 24·0Z. 29c · ::· ·~ .t91:~~l~e up~ .. :;~. ,-·'- .· . ..: . . , , .. ·.~-.- .;-:. _·- .._...... ·.. ·- . . . _·-~r ·_ .... _ . ::;hnoHng qf Ida w\ftl nl t)Hl hfllnn j(•e nnrl ~1ww Will.'!l. hath. gom\ .. !lny I!Jlrl l111ll!li...l\dllln~ nf Mn· lilllo .dopu~ils, Tho fJile~tlon of PllJ'L Pr~g11 2 . n, In Lllslie DereiTlhCI' 22 WilS Ull Thorn hns lllwn rain IWVet'ltl ~;on have rcrnWdlltserl llw Wll· pnring lnlm·est ort rlepnslls hns Ingham County New$ ·Edito'rial Page Dec, 2fl, Hlfi7 ueclr.lent. duys 1his wccl<, lllllnslon lhentot· nnrl will rn· br!!! ll r•orwlrhJrerl fm· ~omc time, 4 County eleei.lve o!fleat·s were Ganem! Motors planls In Lnn· npun It 11ftt1r new, oqui(Jillf!lll Is bnnl1 offidnls sitlrl. .. sworn In at. r!crcmonles In Mn· sing lnlrl off ~.ooo lhfs· wcok, lnsl;illerl. . son Dccemhet• 20. Holmrl 'l'ltlilul· lriVOSt it;nifllll SIIOIVH IJlitl: Cllazlct• und ill;; J'umlly Down by the ' When ,Jaei< Warren }Jilt'nmns :10 Yrmi'H Al.\·o-lll27 i11g 11s CH!Tlr!l' 011 Houle 1, Duns· Fmnk Spread the Christmas Cheer Stntc IJlghway Cr>mrnlsslnn· ville, litis Wm!k, Ills fnl her, nwe ltls hi111l< In S1nrlY llfn lnHllfiiJWe, which Few a month we have bnsked in goocl wishes and good ,Jcrmld H. I\cywor!lt, Chnrlcs nlrl lo Mason on rmvi)Ig West flO Yent'li A)l'o-lll07 will hot•onH• avnilnhlc only nt will. In ncwspr1pct's nnd mugazines, ovct' mdlo unrl TV, the SYCAMORE H. Stilas nnd Howard A. Me· Ash hnlwcen ,/cffcrson and Lnn· his rltlftlh. ChJ'istmm; story llns hccn retold. It. has all been wondCI'­ Co won. sing strcels. !illss Alia Ward closer! her J•'orgctllnj;l' that there proh· ml)told arthritis ns anyonl'! ulse sclwul al. llw Wnllors Jo'rlriHy Burglars Jool< ahont $'10 from 'l'WC!IliY·Iive llll'llllwrs of Mn· ful; too wondet·ful to lasH out with Uw skeloton of tile Clwisl:­ nhly wns no snow In Er.,lhlr.iwm, CVCI'· mnrle. Nuwr;·Weclt l't!porlcrl 10 Yctu•s Ago-10·17 wi Ill Cltt·istmaH cxtJrcl:ws. the r~rlcn elevator office Snlnr· son hlglt H<'ltool's fresltmnn mns it·ec. 11nri IIHtl. 7fi'Y,, of lhe people In jusf weclt l!JUt dudrll's Wrll'ldng Mt•s. Earl Davldlion and her clscrvcrl their llrsl. surplus, should he eonsut·ved nnd used throughout the year Gury, Inrl., visited Mr. Webh'H Mnsn11 hanks annnurwnrl llwlr lwnw of 'Miss Elltr•l nush, !i pie he moaned Ihe liicl< of II litis lwowlerlgc as to what causes Clu·lslmns In the Unltcrl Stales. 1 lwt•e ut home, and II. r.ould he expol'led overseas. parenls on Chrlslmas, new potky of payi11,:: :! ;;, nn year. man's oldest physienl nl'fllellon They came from , France, miles Holltlwust flf town. 'l'her·o iH not n pi'Oblem in the wor)d I hal. could not be Ill million Amel'btns suffct• and nrc nnw residing In Leslie. . I 1 We'll have enough cold nnrl enslly solved with good wJII. : · from ltl ot• Wh~l:: .c.ures ·il~:so Enrl :PnVIrlson wus serving with ;, d D: .. 'fhc NATO conferrmcc flopped because It was accom­ snow Jwfore ~prlng so we F1·ed was jUst as close· lr1'.(hc r.the'u;'s/afmy in Paris whnn he slwLtlrl enjoy wurm . we11thet· panied IJy ill will Instead or good will. Any confor·cncc will cure us lhe Hodwfcllel··Iiistl· 1 mc't.l)le.wonian·who has become wlwn lt. is offered, Wild crca· Htte for MerliCitl HeHcnrch,;'Wll,o: : I~J~)f},!~;·<, ,. · fail if tile rlel£lgatcs meet amid cxpr·ossod hostility. Any con­ lures do. Snturduy uftcrnoon ferenc£l will fnil and should full where selfislmcss breeds feaJ• Marguret nnrl I cume upon n l~n~w~, Iw_ m~ght .have; be!!n: · r It1g!]'ll1t dan·y farmers have and rlistrust. Any conference will succeed whct•c good will closet. M.tybc, I he. in~tllute. aslm'rl· for an cxpnnded program ml>llit out for a wnll< without never tested Star· Rhcumntle· o'f production tesllng of herds, rwcvuils. l1is swrmler·. WC! saw wllrl rluclr•onrl <'liSt Ch rlsl· \iVyel 11 !Athornl orles Inc. ron· The Milk Controversy WC! fnllowcrl the Sycamore to mas music. trihulerl 650 lh of powdered beyond Tomlinson road, we Some pC!oplc say that sending milk to !he fricnrlshlp train for Hct•e in Ingham county we view milk induslr·y prob­ elwciwrl the Michigan Central and receiving Clll'islmas r~nrcis Europe. lraci<, we followed deer t raelts arc a nuisance. I disagree. ft's lems ft•om the p]'()rl!tcing standpoint. In Detmil: and in all hul could not catch up with the 20 Ycurs Ago-1939 a p Ieasan t means of enmmuni· Lulu! H. Kelly, who has IJig citirs the milk inrlustt·y is viewed J't•om the conRumct· maiwt· of. them. We ClushC!d a cation. virwpoinL Amltlwt·c',; a big rliffer·ence. covey of 3!i quail, we saw many served as teacher, principal and Pmducc1·s ar·e cli,;illl'bccl over· the action of Sect·etnry of ear•rlinals and nlher fcatlll'!red HC!re are soml'! llems gT!!anerl superlnlcndent in Hu~·lctt and friends who winter l1ere. from Christmas carrls at our Olaniun.~. the USS Carpcntl'!r, she's Arteries, nerves antl 1cndons nnclmilk pi'Orlud. Jll'ices continue to decline at the farm level ashore with Mllw and Steve; were .severed. while they go up on store shelves. Consumers are pt·otcsting Memo to Robert Young, board Knox United P l' c s by I 1:! r i a n While Robl'!rt Leonard was clmirman of Central: church at Manitowaning on operating the projl'!ctor at the that milk costs arc unreasonably high. Economists point You ought to replace 28 ties be· Manitoulin island In Lal'c Hu· Mason theatre Saturday night out that it is wasteful to continue high suppot·ts for milk tween Mason and Tomlinson ron, where we stopped lo wor· the film caught fire. A man in when lesR production is aclequate; that it is foolish to expand road immcdia1cly without wait· ship last summer, sent !Jest the audience ·grabbed a lire ex· 3o/o lntP.rest Paid on Savings Accounts give-away progmms and to IJuild new warehouses to handle ing for lhe mergar with ·lhe wishes; the Versile Bahcocl< tinguisher and sprayed cheml· sw·plus milk in bigger volume yem· by year. . ~hildren arC! nil photogenic likC! cals onto the hlaze. Here in Michigan arc 3 groups of producers nil offering their mothcl'. Mrs. Harold Bell is in City remedies for a situation which spt·ings solely from ovet·pro­ Note to photographers: The Other uniqtll'! or cxcl'!ptionally, hospital with flesh torn from cut-stone bridge on the railroad duction or unrlet·consumption. informative greet i 11 g s wcre 1 har shouldet• and with a deep south of Kipp road offet·s pic· thosl'! of Tom and Pat Wallace' gash on her head. Because of MIIMDB" There's no usc ct·ying over spilled milk, runs the old t ure possibilil ies. It also has from Marion, Indiana; Don ancj.. slippery sidewalks, Mrs. Bell FEDERAL DEPOSI'i' INBURANCIJ CORfiORA'II'ION mlagc, but the wailing over milk pt·ices, milk supports and nf'fercrl opportunity for scores Leone Densmore's displaying,~ ·was walking on the pavement of milk production will continue in the state legislature and in or boys and girls to chisel in 1heir dancing rlaug!1tcrs; th'c ... East Ash .. She .was struclt by a congress. Benson's edict to cut the support price may ac­ their initials and names. qne sent by Jvlt·s. Bnlph Adam~ .• car. Harold Wmg of Dansville,· complish what so fa1· has been clucked- the 1nsk of gear­ and Pat with a color picture o'f." th~ driver, was exonerated of By misuse nostrum has suf· ing product ion to consumption, OJ' expanding consumption to their Elm street home; the one\' blame. His. car .slddded on the fered a loss in chir.ractl'!r. Many from Don and Alberta Parks·, pavemen~ !n hts . att!!mpt to full use of production. people associate nostruin with carrying the picture 0 1 theit:i:. uvp(d·str1kn~g the pede~trlan. .MIOHIOAN q uacl

T H f Christ's birth . I \ e . displaying thts. scene .o THE CHURCH FOR ALL . tore that 1s There 1s a s · · · ALL FOR THE CHURCH . 11 'ts beautiful si~phc1ty. . d look-and whe? Tho Church is the m a 1 'ndow and stop an d from thetr the building of char:~eotest foetor on earth lor 11 b the w1 be erase it is a storehouse of s~i~~u~~d ~cod Clti~enship. People wa t • y he tired lines seem to the "hustle and strong Church, neither de vo ues. ~1lhou1 a they go on agam t t they ha·;~e forgotten ace of Christ· can survive. There ore ~~~crocy nor CIVilization 11:1 son Ch 111'1' h or I he N1muerw, First Church of Christ, Sr.len. faces. For the momen ' tions. Instead, the pe every Person should attend soun~ reasons why. Roy Mumau, pn.slor. Sunday tist, corner of Oak and Barnes, and support the Chur l Th semces regularly school, '10 a. m.; preaching, 11.; Mason. Sunday services, 11 a. m., bustle" of holiday pref.~{~ the softly falling snow. . - b be own sake (2) For his ch~id :"Y are: (1) For his NYPS, G:•l:i p. m.; evangelistic Sunday school during the serv­ sake of his communi! I ren s ~alee. (3) For the message, 7:.30; prayer meeting, ice; Wednesday evening meetings mas drifts over them 1 d figures and at that ttlnl Y. ath~ sake of the Church ils~lf~~~i~~~~on. (4). For the · Wr.dnr.~rlay evening, 7. b tifully carve . . after a ' 1S at 8 include testimonies of Chris· and material support Pic 1 needs h1s.morai linn Science heallng; public read· Loolt at those. eat~oesn't it, that Chnstma~ nrst of all where loriy and read Your Bib!~nd~il;~ to church regu. Stol'ldu·illge lllethodisl, Rev. ing room is open at the church Davill W. Hills, minister. Morn. Makes you d and be celebrateln this case, that Ilny_ Book Wednesday anrl Saturday, 2·4 p. real~e, sho~ld ing wor~hip, 10:30 a. m.; church MSunday d · " ...... I sa10h• m.; lesson sermon 1opic Sunday, birth day of our or , lebt·ated-at ·home. Ton dny .....•••••.•.• .Irraiab school, 11:40 a. m.; choir rehear· Decemhet• 20, will be "Chrislian most b.tr thdays are ce . . .. w~1n:y ...... ' John \ sal, Friday, 8 p. m. Science." . · .· . · T! sday .... · ...... Mattl1ow means the Church. Frid~sclay · • · • • • • · • ·• .. Matthew Williamston Fme Ml!thotliRt, .. : ' ... ' :' .' .· :. _.:."·~.~.. :.,>.-::·~.! .. ·.... :.:, S t ~ .. " · """" ... Motthew Community 1Uethol1ist of Dnns·:: '.:·:',\· "; .... ::.·• ·.. ,·,,::.-.,·< a ur ay ... " ...... Isninh Rev. 1 A. D. Hoel\aday, pastor. VIlli! llt:o:l Vunt.own, Rev. Hamid Chureh school, tO a. m.; \Vorship Mondol, pastor. Dnusville, 10 a. service, 11; FMY, 7:30 p. m.; m., church school, G. E. Manning, worship service, 8:'15 p. m.; pray. superintendent; 11:15, church et' meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. service; Vantown, 10 a. m. wor· llolt Nnznrcnc, Rev. William ship; church school, 11, Mrs. Car· Hmt, pastor. Sunday school, 10 roll Glynn, s u peri n tend cnt. a, m.; morning worship, 11; December 29 is student recogni· t ion Sunday. . Ingham Circuit .'1u ~ t h ·o d i s t, NYPS, 6:q5 p. m.; evening evan· Frank: B. Cowicl•, 'mi)Ji~h~r. No•·th· gelistlc service, 7:30; prayer Assembly of God, W. B. Kolen· west, tilot'lling ·worship, 9 a. m.; meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. , m.; evening m., worship service, sermon, ject, A Well, A Tent and An AI· ' · Prayer·:and sermon with Sunday service, 7:30; Mid-week set·v.ice, When Life Begins; 11:15, church tar. Many young people will take school.and nursery. .Atll'ellus Baptist, ~ev. Veder L. school; 6 p.m., Senior High West· Weclnesday, 7:30 p. m.; · choir Bass, pastor.. ~htJrch ,service,'.'lO; part In the morning service. •practice, Thursday, 7:3o·p. m. minster Fellowship; 'l'hursday, Leslie Baptist, Rev. Robert Sunday school~ 11; prayer meet· 7:30 p. m., choh· rchearsol; Fri· Reorg1mized Church or Jesus Worgu'l, pastor. Sunday school, lng, Thurs~ay evening, 7:45; Sun· day, Dccembe'r 27, 6:30 p. m., ChriHt or Latter Day Snlnts, 410 10 a. m.; divine worship, 11:15;· St!H)kbrldge Baptist,-Rev. James day eyenlng service, 7:45. On the family night potluclt dinner with S. Putman strel!t, Williamston. BYJ.i', 6:30 p. m.; evening wor­ E. Lombard, . -pastor. · .Morning first ·. Sunday _of every month Mr. nne! Mrs. Rupert Dunston as Robert Smith, pastor. Sunday, · ship, 7:30; mld·week ·prayer serv· w6rshiJ?, 10:30; church· school, ·movies are shown during the guest: leaders of the program. school, 10 a. m.; morning wor· ice, Wednesday, 7:30 ]>. m., junior Goi·don Keeper,· superintendl,!rJt, e~ening service, · ship, 11. The pastor will speak ·choir practice at 4 p. m. ;. senior 11:30; BYlr, 7:15; evening service, 1\lason UUJ)ti.~t, Clarence Rodd·, ship, the pastor will speal• on the choir practice, 8:30. 8; mid·week service, . Thursday, North Aurelius, Rev. John pastor. Worship s·ervice begins topic, Christ's Mission on Earth. 7:30; choir practice, 8:30. · Pruden, ·pastor. Sunday school, promptly at 10 n. r!l., message by WliUamston Nazarene, Rev. 10:15 a. m.; morning worship. Rev. Walter !Bud) Zimmer, lUuson MetiLodlst, Raymond· L. H. L. Woods, pastor. . Church Jlolt 1\lethodlst, Rev. George 11:15; young peoples meeting, 7 specinl music by the youth choir; Norton, minister. Sundi\Y wor· school, 10 a. m.; worship service, Elliott, minister. Worship hou~s, · p. m.; evening worship, 8; choir 11:15 a. m., Sunday school under ·ship, 10, student recognition · 11; NY'Ps; 7:'30 p.-m.; evangellsm, 10 and 11:15; church school; practice, Wednesday, 7 p. · m.; the superintendent, Paul Rich· service, supervised nursery;·· re· 8 p, m.; .Prayer .meellng, Wednes· 11:10;' MYF, ·6 p.· .. in;;,.~hurch prayer meeting, 8 p. m. ards; 6:30 p. m., Baptist Youth ception for 'college students and day, 8 p.m .. school. Christmas progrlini, Sun· Fellowship; 7:30 p. m., evening servicemen ·at the 'close of the day, 7:30; midnight Christmas Wheatfield. l\lethodlst, Andrew serviee; Wednesday, 6:30 p. m., service; Sunday' ·school,· ··11:15; Eve service beginning at 11 p. ·m. Butt, pastor. Morning worship, 10 youth choir rehearsal; 7:ao p! m., Juniot• High ,. .MYF, ·5; ·Senior ·December 24. · · a.m.; Sunday schCJol, 10:45; home prayer and Bible study. MYF, 6:30; Chi-lstmas pageant prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. :. and Sunday school: open house, m.; chdir practice, Thursday, 8 I.c..~lle Cong••egatlonai·Chrlstlan, Friday, December '27, 7.:30; ·ol.der . p. m.; Youth Fellowsl~ip, 7 p. m. Rev. Samuel B. Wenger, pastor. youth progressive' party; Satur· Sunday, December 8, second Sun· day, Decemt>er'l28;'. chapel prayer · F I t cIa b n r g 1\lethodlst, Rev. day In Advent and the Advent group, Wednesday, 7. . James A. Craig, minister. -~hurcit ·series, sermon sub,ject, "Behold ' ' ' '' •' ', •'- ,I,, • :'"' '~ ' ' '' ' ·service, 9:30 a .. m.; Sunday school, He Comes As the Llght of the . 10:90. ' . World." nver• I hnf tho funn fumlly plun t.Jrnlr fqlur·c jll'(Jgl'lllll together, Wool Growers Get Aid nt I hr! rurnl dlltn:lt illlfl luymnli'H Changes in Farming Offer Challenge •1. H will ho Important lo hnvc 22 Ingham Herds Register l'l!HJloiiHihllllins, il Slll'VCY of Slwep mlsm·s nt'll mlbslng a u Wl'iltcn IIIJrcamcut for (ui fn, yrlll flr'H pmblem~. nnd Jli'Dgl'llll1M . Kcr1plng ahreasl of llw le!'hlln· f\"1!]11111!" f.lw hlll;imlHN In hal· Is dlfflcttlt lo slop-hut slop you thor· an1l Hon pm•ltiersl!lp; (h) hnl. In lrwrensn llrelr lnc·ome from rl!!piellng sclr!nllllo rlr;VIjlnpments - Above 40 Lb in Butterfat liJC llod1 If I hey don't up ply for· logical nnd economic r!hnngrm is nnr•r• while malply, !ems facing fru·m'lll'lll," In 1-'alrelrlld llwalre. higher· oulpul JH'r rnan, JH!r acre ~lll,llflfl lo :r.t·l,OOO pr!J' man nr $011 :!. With lrwt·easerl r!nHis In llw nr.;rPcmcnt;;, said M. H. Avery, crt .Hqnt, 15 rcglstcmd IIolslelns, Emens & Plwlps, 2R J'egi~tei·m[ Fut•mers' Wee!< will he mr nnd pel' head of llvPslod< limn is to $120 pr•r· ilf'l'e Is one gnod guldt! plr!lure II Is mor·u illl[HJr'lanl than county agent. . 1,200 Ill mill<. Holsteins, 1,08{) lh mill<; Pnul on many farms, IIi' said. This I"C· Mir•ltlgan S I u l e university's found today, he explalncrl. ·The Gmt Bt'OH. herrl avemged Sel1ercr, 26 grarle Holsteins, 1,{):111 Herds Are Growing lfllii'I!S gelling r•r·op ~·lelds 111111 enmpus .Junuary 27 to 31. "Talw lhe plight. llf 1111! dalr,Y 48 Jb of fnt. 'I'he herd has 5!i lh ml·ll<; Russell Kl!'ls, 17.mg-ls· 1\lan,v 1\lll'hlga n dairy flll'lllH !11'1! hil(h pr'lllitll!l ion Jll'l' ill'< HI of livc­ 'J'hr! t hrmw of llli' r.venl Is "He­ lllldr•r·goinJ: a revolnllun . .'J'rm In f;u·mm· who Is hl!illg JHJidred lo slod\. Ttr have a :iilllr;fadot'f' lrul Coun'l·ry & Town grad!! Hols'telns. Milk production tr.r·crJ Holsteins, l,nriO ill mrlk; I... was 1,350 lb. Fosler, 20 g-r·arJe Ilolslolns, l,mm sParr•il fm• 'l'omol'l'ow's Agrir'ul­ 1:! I'OW rlair·y IH•r·rls mer rnplr!ly produce acrurrllng to loday's illi'Olllf!, !!XjiCIJSI'S rllll:il' JJf' \VIti! gl'llde A r·equlreuwnls drar1gr• lo Ilr.rds ·averaging •15 111 fat were: lb mtll<; and Ray & W. E. Chl1'11, llll'l!" and Is IHtsl'd on Mldrigan's disapp!!ill'iiiJ(, wlr!lr! mur'r· ;tr•re'\•anw~ o\' bllWJJJ:illl. [ot: l'UJ';il Jll'llgi'I'S!i, l;rrrnr•r.~ ill'!' rnlll\ing lwniH of IlL bulk handling nf his mill1," nrosl farms. To mec!l' 111r'flc! 'slnrh: This we.uy to the couch. Rnymond Powoll, 2G g-rmle Ilol· 35 grade Holsteins, 1,050 lh mille Dmwn said. "Jo'lrsl hr. invests In steins, 1,170 !h mill1; Davis & 1-llgi.JIIghts of lhls Yl!ilr's Jo'arm· lr•asl :m ''"1\'s, I'I'Jllrt·t 1\IIehlgiln anls r·r•quln•s i'losr• allcnllorl 111 ,r·~:, \V,cr,>f< Jll''))lr'am in dude a look :11S fal callle prices aren'l PX· frll' morc llllllsirtg for r·ow~. Because m'c!n't I axed by govel'nment not• l'e­ FOR TOP DOLLAR CALL l'iHtngcs to lnoHl' housirrg, rnilldnr.; par·lol', 1110)'(! llir·r! of ils avnilal1le ill some poullry supply minds, the mental inventory may show we should stand large segiment of Mason year-long ]H'onwlion progra111 Theyhmrse~ ilt·raJI(J orlor·lcss,"" oil companies.flavorless, l'ot· larger thoughts, that we should say no il!StBad of yes customers, know the prob­ aimed al creating a new high in lastclcss iinrl lir.;htweigltl. mm·e often ( Dl' yes instead or no), that we should take lem~ of business for they, consumer interest in dairy pmd­ r-:ggs may be either dipped or lime while on earth to see more of it and its people. ucls in 19CiS. too, arc businessmen. They sprayed. Dawson siilrl dipping is A mentHI inventm·y could show that it's time to A Jll'CVil'W o[ liH• 1!1:>~ r·am· more <'ffeetive but spmying Is know the lax problems, the Imigns, slated Ward I fodi~l'. pres­ Pa.''ii'J" nnd costs Jess because less simplify OUl" living as much as possible. It might indi- law of supply rn•1 demand oil is used. cate that we should throw out some of the old neBdless ident of lhe Anu•r·h·an D;rir·y as­ -and what's ,...nrc they sociation of Mielrig;m, was pre­ Tlw iriPa of using oil on eggs WOL'l'ies so we will be ready to accept new ones. It sented bv tlw rnan:rger, Ch;rrles to slow r·;rr·hnn dioxide loss has could show that we should be helping othet·s more -not must endure th£· sobering E. Stone," to llu• board nf rlireelnr.~ hr:Pn llsPd for milny yr!ar·s on eggs necessarily by giving money and material things, but effects of we<~r!.,r c:ondi. at the regular nwcling last 'l'hurs­ placer! in l'old slnrage. Dawson by giving Jove, understanding and fellowship. tions. Yes, it's u pleasure 11 111 lngs "r crJJnpar·allle Jurman eft'ur·t ·.\' aftm· lire t·r•rromony. , hnve In pay llllll'f' for II, rtr'f'OJ'd· Y :jii:J.fiO fm· f'irnke lwgs In Clrlr•agl!, in lite ·resl of IIIC economy." 1~1 fl ern nwmiJr•r·s of t lw mrl h In~( lo Mil'lll>:an Slnte uniYei'Hify Jf the lru:rea:;e gcH•s aiHJVl' Ill'.; Thr ''"l!Jiiro lefl on n :J wecl1s ' 1'1 [I Io J.'Jnrlria. Fellowship nf lhe Pr·esbylerlnn agrleulllll'ill l!f'llllomlsls. lhe 11ric:e dc•cllne Wllllid lm even Allrllll!:r' er·ormmlsl ( frnm Clem. greater·. Hllll llJ.(I'ieliJillraJ C'Jlilr•gel !LSHerl· r•il: "It l'illlllllf lw over-cmpltnslzerl l'vl. Did' Slanllelrl of l•'l. Lc"n· Ingham County News, Mason, Mich., December 26, 1957 · 8-5 'l'hls hoJ.:' Jll'lldrll'tioll 1'111'1'· lhnl lire vnlunlury movement o! trrl Wnnrl, Mn., Is hnmo l.r1 ~pend ~nsL Is n11l.v !Ill t•slinmlr• hut form p;•oplc! lnlo full·llmr! IIIJII· til~ hollrlnys will! his parr•nls. Mr, anrl 1\!rs. Wllllnm II. T~nlon llu•t'f' is a h•tulr•llc•y 1'111' liSIIA .filnn johs Jlmvlcles nuc o! t IJC J(LLicl;r•>:l anrl Jr•ast c·ostly means of Olwmns will spenrJ Clu·J:;Imas I with their son and Inmlly In I EXCAVATING and fOI'I!f'IISI.~ lu hi! n:1 flw l'OII· hy wlric-11 agrieulttll'r! can ndjust MRS. GERALD PULVER of Mason was the f,fJh person to correctly iddntify the mystery farm '1to~i I"n • lVII II "'lr· · 1''lllrl * STONI~ PlUGS HllltmJJ was helow " Oc!oiH'I'., J:r•ason, o[ l!irs hooslr•d f IIIJILDING expect !wavier hugs In inncas· ccen y, 111 a con ·cs e ween Dr. anrl Mrs. G. D. Culver' en· ing numllei'S fur llw IJ!'XI few Cl'JJji pmduet~nn lhls year Of Crrtl~'·te•·'s aeefs.!!.aak an $1300.01) calculaling machine, tcrlnlncrl their children Sunday GHAUINU weclts resulting In weatwt· prices mntehe~ lhc [ll'evwus record high I a laf Ill:» Tlb' and an .89c nbaeus, tile abacus in honor of their 37th wedding lor hc;lvlcr· weight~. cles(ilte t.hc smallcsl total acreage wo~ .easily. It e<~slly exc~llcd In anniversary. Guy King Culver · 1gmwn smce lfll!l. CCC will grant, 13igr,er sirloin ancl T-bnnc I lions nnlmals with larger Jnin addll!o~, sul>lractJOn, dlvlsron and and family nf F'entnn and Capt. Farm Ponds a S)Jceialty! Secretary Ezra Bcnso11 has an·: loans on col'll at H discount on stealts can he lwei b,v scleelivc !ye ar~;::.; won'! bring lile pro· eo~pusale P.roblems! but ~he rna· and Mrs. naymonrl Culver of F'l. ll!lllncccl tl1e recludion In :;uppu!'lll!l;i7·ei'Op gL'mi.'Tam, 111ouglr, ;\ nd ;H'2·Cims! )lCl'lorl: I It Js Impos· ·lnv in· Arbor \vith her ~~Jn. I'hone llolt OX 9-2517 or OX 'J-:~HO L are from HO tu 8:J•;; of parily for• moislure content. T·bone steaks come fmm-imfi. llfll's pt·oriUC'ill~{ a more desirable Sible to add, mullrply, subtract or· :\ ~x. ancl111111 family. mamtfaeturingI milkI ( andI buller·. Califomia vegct;rh:e lll'icos cntes that most of llw variation in Jrorlul't for r·onstuncrs. As huy. tri·JCIs [lrodueed in Tlw n•scan:lwr· said tlmL arc more meaty, the" will lil(H'iw"•nura lllr·. nnd nJ ·s. null 1 111 ~lr~. :-~um • · swna ra sa ler re tun o 1e products equal In six blllio;1 _unc 01 presen Ill ill ,crmg WIH I· musl b~ irlimliriccl and kept in Jr•rt Snhll'!llly·1 1o spend111 1 tlu• Seasons Greetings year. poLrmls of milk, or 5% of the, S h L the breeding lwrrJ. Pmclur:ers will Mr. and !\·Irs. E:cl Oitoman were winter· In Flm·idu. IEHlirnale of liPI XI I)'Par's I winterI lui a! rlairy output.]' ou t eroy Ilave to fIll!. 1 ]WI' 1\ers t 1lUI WI'II ll.1 dau.Lansing . sho)Jpers Jusl Weclne~· ~~··· and 1\Trs. Clifford Sh•r•·n ,f w 1eat crop, marc as wer.' 1'J v rn spile of wet harvcoling ~I 'S ~ 1 ,, 1.t 011 l''tc" low lhem to observe the loin eye· J , . . :\1iehigan CAnter were Fr day USDA, was much larger I han weather this fall, final USDA "I.·" · • ~ area of scler·t animals ~~~ Ihe etc· . Mrs. Paul I• nnkle lms been con. 1 ,;upper guests of Mr. and Mrs1 even privale e:;limaf<'fl inrlic~ttcrJ. r.slimale of eorn proctuelio;1 Wun•lflV rlinner gucsls of Mrs. Is but an echo of a wish ·Jotl." growth. It looks as if change. Guests were Mr. and l\Irs. '' gl! lc of million c!uiri!1g hca.vy use of healing a. nd a! Gregory. enterlauwrl their ht!le gnJnciHon, tlwm al their home later in the son visited relatives at Van town bushel~ o! Slll'ing wheal and our IIg I1 I lllg li11I Is arc I1erc, c pum · h t Ernie Titus is much improvec: Phillip West, over the )Vcel; [.'llCI. evening. Sttnclay. 0 Lllu Your Most Complete Building Center surplus crop won't hr.lp prospects eel ut • afterPatJ'I'r.e his recent sickness.is confined at CJ M.rs.1 p ClementsIY 11 tl attended1 rnA af The nativity scene the Gregory1 1 1 Rl!ft·.igeralionCi11'1Stm·ts Jlarly fie- 'If William~ 1 15 a 011 for a eunlinuation of the aercage AccllrdingI [ to Dick Pfister, ex· , !: .m s.· ar. " ... 1 ~, 10 . .'t. o, Slockbrirlgc. village sc,uarc Js'even j searc I we a • · .' ' • reserve1 part of 1he soil bani<, lens on arm safety speem. If st at homeMr. wilhand the1\·h·s. ehiekenpox. L. P. Williams .>Its .J';IIa.J Bohur.t 1-t·l llilllsd.J~. marc hcaulaful tnan Jasl Jvcar, as lh.e Eatonwith House'lttenclll1" M. und.ry eve whict in all prohabili!y ll'nttld be Michigan State university, heat· . Mr. and Mrs. Halph Glynn and jl few mure figLu:es have bccn/nmg ' ,... 1 18 eoncludcd after next year any· ·rng 1wzan 1s usua 11 y mvo· 1ve a!and tended Mr. liteand Christmu~Mrs. Merion [Jt'ogram {rcc Mr. and Mro. Can·oll Gi.l'nn left added. r•· ------faulty ehimnevs ot· stove pijles. ·.·'riday fm· Floric.la. Mr. •.•nd Mrs. The school children are having• way. J at Gregory B;\(llist churc 11 Sun- 1 G D C J H bb d Secretary Benson has disclaim· He l'l!Commends that these items day night ami wore Juncherm ·:lalp I ~rnn Will remam for a a ~-week vneution. I r. • • u ar ed any ideas o! plans lo help be inspected and necessary re· guests aftcrwanls of Mr. and lCW 111011 .ls. J. Elliml'oocl, who lives un Ihe' VETERINARIAN 1 . f 1.1. 11 pairs and adjustments made. Mr·s, E• !l["ar· l\I,"I'SIJall ar cl famiJv. !1T1' .. and Mrs. G. rnnl Fellows 'J'hom(Jsnn !arm, has been move marglna armers o lC ., . - •• " 1 J I I I I Cl I II Iw. ::;, I 608 S L • St t Janel. lie was lnld 1lwt some peo· blcctncal hazarc~s usuaJJr. re· Mr. and Mrs. Hex Hill mul Mr. all[ 'a.\: lat lrrs mas c nncr quilc ~kl< with pneumonia. • anstng reo ple '"'" ""·'''"' he "" "'"'''"' • "'" !rom ""'l

Anemia in Pigs If you l'lliee 7 or 8 cal vcs on Baby pig anemia is becoming W aylie butead of the old whole an lncrensing problem. It results Forward from not enough iron in the diet. I milk method, you ean save the Aecording to Michigan State uni­ equivalent of an .entire year's versity swine specialists, addition· Top-noicl1 By Mfg. Hom~~ !Inc., Mac5hall, Michigan Togethe~ al iron can be supplied from -production from oae good ,I i i~ mineral soil, I1·on tablets or· iron Protecliolt ••• ,, . Injections, Rock·Botto1n eow. The eoat ia usually leas Quality mater·ials and ·;durabl~~ construction make PERMA­ Rates than hall the money you get BilT ·HOMES 'a·~ · oui;standing buy fot· the most discriminating Into 1958 Wo aim to insure • •• ertrcful drivers only. from tho extra milk. Just tllink home-seeker of to'day' • ,; ; Severa·!_,, PERMABILT HOMES are Snvinga h<~ro have of the exiraa Profits Per Calf­ now under construction in.r1this vicinity., We invite you to in­ helped l

Nel# Court Cases Ingham County News Mason, Mich., TF.OAJ, NO'I H F.Fl 1 f,Ji111AT. NOTJC'rn------UI)OAJ, NOTI(]EA

I II y I ;,~y 11111 Article cut out - I I

what a shame! Mr•, nnd ·Mrs:· Erlwilrll . Iillrlrl!rl Dansville Mrs. Tmne llr'lllnlll1 111111 Mr•, awl FHA Chapter unci rnmiJy of PontifiC, Mrs, iiclen Mr·. nnrl M't'H, l'onrlln H<~udr, hom ln:ol wen)<, Mr, Hnrislwrn'tl Relatives Meet Mrs . .Tucl~ Bmrm1n unci ~ons wm·e Wurfleler·s of Dansville l"uture Mr·, anrl Mrs, Charles Greenough Slxty.seven relatives of Mr. 1111d Mr, and Mrs, Everett 13nlwr• Rosene Al'lwld, Gl<111 Shnrlund f~nton Haplcls wnrr. 'l'hm·sdny Ilomemalwrs· of Amurlca chnpler d f T " 1 M d' A ll'flli!l! nl"hl servlr·P. will lw leo. Miss Evelyn 'l'ownHenrl nnrl un sons o .wuns ng, . r. an Mt·s, Edgar Scrlpter were enter· and Mr~. ,fohn 'l'homas of Stnell· unci MrH. ,Too H11tchlsnn wor·r! vis!· , ,Tf'I'I'Y had their ranular• meeting ut !he M 0 I' 1 J " d 11 vtsllol'S nf Mr. ancl Mrs, IlolJ[!I't "rlrlrlrrl'lncl al Dansville! Mr!I!JOrllst Wing, lmlh s·lurlents at "' rs. n voss, r., nil ! amy tnlned at n Ci!l'istmrts dinner Sun· l>rlrlge were Stmrluy visitors of tors of Mr. unci Mrs, Hn.v Hurls· BL!SI1, drurehc on New Yr!lll''s t~ve. 'l'hn Mlr~hlgnn Statu unlvcrHity, will sdwol In~! Monday, 'l'ho meeting and M rs. vo 1a L uug1 1 11 11 11a d 11 day ut their home, Mr. Bnlwr·'s mother, Mr·s. lsahnl sPr·vkr! will lwgln at I I :Uil p, m. parlklpale In llw lll'll!Jl'llm. WUH Jlrcsldod over by the pres!· Cl 1r i stmas ee 1c 11ru tl on on s unc 1ny Holntlvos wcre present from Baltor, lVII'. and Mrs. Clifford Mull wll h !lev, Irnmlrl Mondnl In dPnt, .Turi,Y Crnft. 11 t 11e1 110me o f M r, 11n d M I'll, A , Lnlnguburg, Muson, Mm'l'lr:e, Dl· nntl son of Lnnslng were Sunday chlll'gll. The group rlecldorl that the o, Greenough, Rulph GreenolJgh Ingham County News, Mason, Mich., December 26, 1957 B-8 on Sturday, Dct•mnhet· 2!l, Stu· dub would help a needy family called greetings from San Fer. mondale, Lnl1e Odessa, Hanover, evening lunclwon g11ests of Mrs. •------.. Holiday Chapel Lansing, Purma nnrl Detroit, Balter. den! necognltlon Day will be ob· I C ~I t d as II Christmas project. After the nando, Cllllfornla, scrverl at the Mellrnrllst eiu1rch 5 On!W'lUC e meeting Uw tenth grndc girls Mrs. Goldie Ward nnd grand· After dinner Chr·lstmns gifts Mr. and Mrs. l<'Ioycl Phillips of rlurlng 1111! mornln[.( wot·slrlp Herv· A Clu·lslrnas dtltpel service [lt'eocnlerl 11 sldL dnuglrtcrs unrl Mr·. and Mrs. were cxcltangcd nnd tho uftor· Lansing ttlid Ml', nnrl ?lfrs. F'rcd -----·-- -- · · -- ...... · · · ------wns t•nrHiur:lerl 111 Dansville Agrl· Thursdny aft e I'll 0 0 n afJer William Ward and duughtet• were i1oon spent In visiting, Slr.nclmun nncl fnmlly of Webber·· ville were Sunday vlsltrn·s of Mr. Al•lmn"l pann cultural at sclwnl 'l'hurstlay sr:hnol the l•'HA girls had their S:c, Swan Family Puul Mnyv111e arr·Ived home w mnn of lhe dr~'1 'l'ltr• l'lrr·t"lr!l'l · "lor·y ll1r. of thr. j>lli'I.Y, Abbie. Ill. 'J'hl'rn will lm a prlll~llc·r. for ., ,; e · • · • ,, 's " · ·,rtlrn~livcness Mr. and Mrs. VIncent Gillet the Dansville town hall, \v.,. r· 11 ·1 1 I J'r•c 111 1 tlrr• 1'1'1>1<• IJY l\1olr whleh was Sjlonsored hy lhe tenth Mr. and· Mt·s. J. C. Nelson anti Hit Hlllnllll inlc•n•slr•rl In playing 's ' · ·' · • • ,·tnrl fllmlly and Mr. nnd Mrs. VIe were Pl'cscnt I I I • 11111 I 'l I tl1 grade roirls. Fi~t~;Irr~lirllves family hac! Christmas dinner on Werlnr!::;rlay c!vcntng, .Januilry c 'nH!J'son · ' sonJ:s IY I! , trJr·-GIIIcll ami Starr of Novl, Mrs ~r8m Dnnsvllle nn!l Mason, A Sunduy with Mr. anrl Mrs. Won· H MoltoDc•m·s. 'l'lln Mr.llo·Dean; an• Louis YuhHSI( and Sharon, lion· Chi'lstmas dinner was served at dell WIIIers of tlw Sunslrlrw Saii- served at 7:30. vices for Rev, Moore's grilnd· Mr. and Mrs. Aethen Witt ------­ G.IVel1 at Church Ill'S dass of Dansvlll.ii~'I,~Frao~is ·Sloan Phone Collect 559·J or 9·W Williamston, Route 2 · Phone 67l·W ·Flowers Hardware·.· Septic. Tank Trouble~ .. CONS.UMERS We. specialize in cJeaning Rep. Hardware tic .tanks and lines, also !he In· COMPLETE F'LORAL staUatlon of rew tanka and drain Tho Bottlod Gas that ARRANGEMENTS DuPont Paint POWER ftelds. · LASTS LONGER Evinrude Motors ALL work guaranteed Weddings .f• ': . ~ Bocaust·lt's Puro Glass Funerals : Parties Glazing, . EATON COUNTY For Doli~ery Call • COMPANY Delivery Set·vlce . Tools · S~ptiC Jan~, S.ervice Brown I r,· . Radios .. ; . . I;., ' ik t. i 006 Roblilns Roaa ' · Clements Flower Shop · 1 ·f~one· ~·~·!.·•·.:.·~·!:! ... ~ ll·' :. ·.'~~ .. ~. ~:, 1982 Walnut · Ph, OX ·4·179J '•· . ~-' · Holt ..